THE OREGON . DAILY ' JOU RNAL, PORTLAND, - OREGON. MONDAY, v NOVEMBER 1, 1S20. t i ft Ji COX SURE WEST WILL CAST VOTE ON SIDE OF PEACE By James M. Cox , , , (Written Eiptdally fer TJstonal Srrl Dayton, Ohio, Nov. 1. I am con vinced that the reawakened con science of America will express itself In certain terms November ifc and that a rebuke will be administered to those who in conspiracy, have endeavored to win a presidential election at the ' cost of national: honor, at the cost of world civillza-; tloh and at the cost of" world pros perity. Vi'v'Vv..''' When I started this campaign In I mid-August I mad the prediction " that before the middle of October the line of the enemy weuld . broken. The reactionary forces $1- , ready have, been forced back, frarrt . the first trench and have crossed.' . ; the second, trench; they will cross the third trench so fast they won't jwe the fourth trench - when they- come to it. .. ' ' L , J' COHFCSIOK 18 FOUHD - In the West I found a: universal sentiment for the League of Na tions, but 1 found also a confusion ' and doubt as to domestic - issues .under a continuation of a so-called ; Democratic administration, f j -i The overwrought emotions, of, war j had been deftly played upon-; by j designing politicians, so that n the , depression which followed thfl fall- ure of a Republican , congress to Fl pass laws for a readJUstmeniT and ' '. the failure of the senate"; to. rattfy the. treaty , of ; peace it was, readily believed, as the reactionary plotters hoped It would be, that the admin-' istration itself was to blame. When we broke through the con spiracy 'of silence and th people were enabled to know the facta, a njew understanding' came to be and . resentment was emphatic toward the conspiratora j f, BEER YICTOBX 19 WEST . .: My Information and my . belief likewise now is that the I cause of peace will carry most, if sot all, of -.' the Western states. ! 1- In the industrial Middle West, much to my surprise, the! cause of the league of Nations seems to be the sole matter of Interest; notwith standing In this section, j which is , decidedly progressive, the records of , both presidential candidates ' as to -progress "and reaction jare well known. I believe we will cfrry every ' 'Middle Western state. ' , : 4 v 1 found the tide in full in Western -states and . the .current running -.strong. My observation and advice" is that most of the states will cut their votajs f or the cause of peace by . our; entrance into . the . .League ; of Nations. '.'-....,! ;-. South of the Ohio river every state ! will render an overwhelming favor able decision and every: so-called border state will do likewise, i In V opinion the campaign or , non-partisanship in behalf . of a ' sacred Icause has Jto aroused the 1 ' American people that our. victory will bea sweeping one. t have had . experience in - political campaigns, but in allmy life I have never seen' ' indications so strong. j f ,:. The reactionary cry has finally '-' settled to the original psychological slogan, iWe want the chjangc," but themselves ' ! the people 'have asked : this question : " change -from what to what?" and have decided to let the best they ever knew alone. HOUSE WILL TO I DEMOCRAT C.SAYS CHAIRMAN FLOOD Washington, Nov. li Represen tative Hal D. Flood at .Virginia, chairman of the Democratic con gressional committee. Issued a state ment. Saturday night in which he claimed that the Democrats will re gain control of the house. Thia prediction,- he said, is based on authen tic Information from every congres sional district In the country. Flood says: "There isj absolutely no doubt ln my mind that the Democrats will gain con gressmen in Massachusetts. Connecticut, Ohio, Indiana, ' Oklahoma, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Montana, Missouri, "West Virginia, Maryland, Kentucky, Minne sota and Virginia.' TO OVEBTjtJBIT a. Q. T. ' ' j We will win i a , sufficient number to overturn the ' present Republican majority. The. voters of the Ninth Virginia district will retire Represen tative C Baeeom Slemp, the only Re publican member from that state, "The campaign of . education con ducted, by the Democrats has had its effect and the1, men1 - and women in these Commonwealths are going to sup-, port the Democratic candidates as a rebuke to the tactics practiced by the Republicans. " "They are determined to turn back to Democratic control f legislative branches of our government" Senator Nathaniel - B. Dial oC South i Carolina" said : 1 ' i swnro to cox ' "Owing to the lack of funds and or ganisation, the Democrats were alow, in getting started on their campaign, but the , decided awing . to Governor Cox and the Democratic ticket within the past six weeks convinces me ' the Democrats will be victorious. The great majority of the American people want the League f Nations, with or without reservations. Failure of the senate to ratify the treaty has cost farmers, business men, laboring men ' and consumers hundreds of mil lions - of dollars. . The ' people realise that, and will elect a Democratic sen ate to support Cox. and enough Demo cratic congressmen to make a large gain fer 4fee house. 'i Wilson WiU Sleep, Not Await Keturns Bj DniUd Newt.) Washington, Nov. L Election returns will be received at the White House by telegraph and Secretary" .Tumulty "and a number of officials will be in the executive office to receive them. Presi dent Wilson will be furnished with the earlier returns, but will retire at the customary hour, and wait until the following day Xor the verdict on the League of Nations, according to the pres. ent plan. This has been the president's usual custom in elections, even when he was in good health. -. - Daylight Saving in Chicago f (By rnited News) ' Chicago. NovT 1. At 2 o'clock Sim day morning Chicago clocks did a right, about face to 1 o'clock, and everybody proceeded to forget about' daylight sav ing. , ll' 4 sfisiaa1A - k ! : ii i i for November Beautiful new number, that will be wanted by Vietrola owners the country over. World-famed artists have contributed a wealths df new selections delightful to hear, and even the lighter forms of music are rendered by artists of more than usual ability. Any Victor dealer will gladly play any of these numbers for you. " ' Number Sue Frier By tba Waters of Mlnnetonka -a Fraaeas Alda 64908 10 J1.2S Trovatoro Strid U amp I (Fierce Flames are Soariat) Gabriella. BMuuocii 64875 10 1.25 Ever of Tkew I'm Foodly Dreaamlat Sophie Braalav 648S3 10 1 Ar Granada (TsGrsaada) j - . Enrico Caraso 88623 Nocturoa (Grier-Elaaa) VklSd Misdia Varna 74643 5 t ClavalitOS (Carnatioai) When Year Ship Comas la Fedora Amor ti vieta dJ aaa amar VToIis Ajnallta GalB-Curd 64904 OrvOIa Harrold 64909 (Mr Lore Cera pels Thy Love) v Edward Johasoa $4905 Price KreeaW 64890 Jobo McCormack 64900 Sarg d Rarhmaninoff 74645 Ranato Zaaelli 64907 Lambert Unnlivi LMnbartMorphyi43199 Oliva KCae-Elaie Baker 1 : ? Baker) 45200 Chanson ladoaa (From "Stake") Thank Go4 for a Cardea Prahida in'G Major (Ktchmtniitoff) Plane Zaaa Zaaa, piceela kfaigara (Zam. Little Gypsy)- Waiting for the Son to Com Oat I Cannot Sleep Without Droammf of Yn Drowsy Baby I la the Afterglow vfaiipenarres iro. rani w niraim mi tmoassaaor wcnostrai Th Japanaso Sandmaa Fox Trot mrroo i v Paul Wlutmaa aJid His Aabaa.ador OrtAeat J My Littl Bimbo Down on th Baaaboo bio Ailoon Stanley) Th Broadway Biota jj Ailoon Stanley j 18691 TirodofM -- ' " Henry Burr) Td Lot to Fall Asleep and Wake Up fat My Mammy's Arm Peerless Quart18692 111 Be With You in Apple Bloaaoa Time CharUs HarrisoaV TripoU fOa the Shores f Tripoli) j Looiso Ternll-William Robyn I18693 Avaloo Medley Fox Trot Paml WhUemaa and His Ambaaaador Orcbostra ) Boat Etot Medley On Stop Paul Whitexaan and Hia Ambaaaador Orchaitra j 35701 10 10 12 12 10 10 10 10 10 12 10 I j 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.75 L.25 10 1.00 10 1.00 10 .85 10 JS5 10 J6S 10 -8S 12 1J5 vHear these new Victor Records to-day at any Victor dealer's. He Vill gladly give you an illustrated booklet describing' them. New. Victor Records on sale at all dealers on the 1st of each month. Victrolas in great variety from $25 to $1500. j . - " ; 1 ' ' - j ' -- w ... . . j o : M ramttnoaxop This trademark and the trademarked word Vktrola" identify all oar prodocts. Look, onder the lid 1 Look en the libel! VICTOR TALKING MACHINE CO. Camden, N. J. icto TaMoEig MacMsne Go; Cazriden, New Jersey Which Is the Best for Oregon, This BIRD or This Vote 317 g'k'oeo.x,)0 -?esapi ' i I. i i K K Si 4- J. i, N-S S3 4 ? 4 -A - '-' -T'itSff 'Of tt 'X- - ; ' ' . .' , . Do we live in the age of the Golden Rule, or don't we? v . - How would you like to have some sentimental theorist go into your community and pick on your richest possession your cranberry marshes berry fields, hop fields, orchard landsand propose to hand them over to tne rederai uovernment tor a playground for wild life just because you were so isolated it was easy to take it away from you? . . , r r . . ' xx . i . Haven't we had just about enough withdrawals of our natural resources from Oregon?- -"., N Theorists yrho never did any pioneering in their lives have conceived the. impractical idea of presenting Malheur Lake, in the very heart of one of Oregon's greatest valleys, to the Federal Government for a bird refuge. v'"',- ".: ; 'V '-7 , . " .v.- :! : ' We have had land troubles, water troubles, settler troubles, cowboy troubles, gunmen, coyotes, rabbits, crick ets and grasshoppers: and now comes along the sentimental theorist, and he's the worst of alL , Guess we people over in Harney have got some rights" in this country! Bill No, 217 robs the school fund of thousands of dollars. It robs ranches of hundreds of homes on the soil. It robs Central Oregon of a rich producing area. It robs the tax rolls. This is not an emergency measure if in doubt vote No. - Oregon' engineer are against it! Oregon's attorney-general is against it! Oregon' state Land Board is against it! The Kiwani society is against it ! The Central Oregon people are against it! All who -understand it are against it! Everybody who loves BABIES better than BIRDS is against it! Vote 317 X NO! Paid ear. D7 HAB5ET TAIIET JEEIQATIOX COMPAJJT, by TVILLIAM nAKLET,. Cfeftlrmaa. Who .hall Rnn Affairs After T O Nafciom Must Decide Tomorrow II G I - Republican Party , Saved 22 billions as soon as Republican congress took office in May, 1818U ' 'J . : - Qiecked extravagant demands of Democratic admin istration for money; 'Vigorously supported war and started preparation reconstruction. Took the lead in reducing war-time expenditures. After the armistice, Republican congress passed reso-"iu-;nn rMvalinor extraordinarv ' war-time powers of . president. (This was pocket-vetoed.) C Passed National Budget system bilL (This also was J vetoed.) ',i ' ' . r - - v Pledges restoration of protectlve tarifL . Will introduce economies in running national govern ment, thereby reducing taxation. r.. Restored railroads to private ownership, saving a loss of almost a billion a year. . ; X- t ; Will enact new legislation to protect agriculture and labor. Democratic Party 1 v Wasted billions in conduct of war. ' ' - : : ' ' .!V j - " V !- - . tignung piane reacnea tne tront. . ' v : '.. : ; ' - -.;.- Unprepared for war; unprepared for peace. It has failed to make peace for two years after the armistice, Has kept war-time expenditures going up to date. -except those which the Republican congress has been able to cut down. i - ...... . i V: w-, ii." . Vetoed the National Budget system which would have put the nation's affairs in business-like shape. Failed utterly to lower the high, cost of living. Shot- up higher. . ,'- ., - . . Failedto prevent dumping of cheap foreign products: on our marKets. :. .. Failed to make proper legislation for agricultural in terests ot the country. ' .: Made government jobs for 320,000 extra employes who are still holding office, two years after the armi stice. ,y V J ' VS. You Gan Assure Saner Constructive, Businesslike Conduct of the National Government Only by Voting for the Republican Nominees for President and Vice-President, Harding and Coolidge; Stanfield for Senator, and McArthur, Hawley and Sinriott for Congress.' ' REPUBLICAN STATE CENTRAL. COMMITTEE V Thomas H. Tongue, Chairman. " f 640 Morgan Building " Portland, Oregon '1 4 , ...