L A rtrfn fluff tA p'Pp v . - w y A P- , Gordon, $ m CF$ iM XrJU ---i t "Ny Xv Jiyr' ' (M: A L, X: 1, - ; - A: J JT2fim " P1J- h'tf' , r - rjr- ' ' f 1 If -vli V N.ir mw4J ttt ; v P'' 'Pl 'y 'ji-v, - ttfiKfr& I v X 7 i - ' i t ,f .. I 1 vv 'fafii lfl 4 4 7; - i I ' r i Mf-f- ffftj U-''tib:.i$4y h-'- I " 'V7c ''twhst -kit ; -k ti A ( - J?.? .ut fP fHy ( .t.j. "upA , tiWw k I. ,v 7 iS, , iCf 1 " '7A - . ' TWT -V"l W7 I t: , U . Il 8 1 v 0P K ILx&SZrrriir-iTZL' " S ' A Pleasing Combination of Net and Silver. Taffeu, Shadow Lace 7'and TaffeU Flower Embroidery Comprise This Gown. 1 -7 .1:1 f lk V'KvV I - 'M-".' vmM?' ;7iP ' W Lace, Silk Ruffles and Turquoise Embroidery Trim TWi Dance Gown. By Lady Duff-Gordon ("Lucile") PARIS. October 15. OVELTY is manifest in the trimmings of the new dance dresses. You see it in the apparently incongruous min- STllng of two or three kinds of trimmings on one sown. The blending oMhem Is a triumph over odds. Ordinarily yott would not expect to see a gown trimmed with both silk rufflei and turquoise embroidery- Yet In tbe gown displayed on the middle Jlgure you see them tastefully arranged. The effect would be heary were the ruffles large or the embroidery weighty, But the irregular, wave-like arrangement of the double row of narrow silk ruffles passing around the skirt and extending nearly to the waist on one side is so light tjhat Its result is purely decorative. The motif of the turquoise ornaments is the butterfly, itself a creature of lightness and of airy quality Were this embroidery arranged in heavy bandings it would in combination with the rafflles form a too ponderous garniture. The narrow, lengthwise bandings are,. like the butterflies, of so light a character that they, too, serve merely as what artists term "accents." The surpllce-like crossing tt of the light silk and dark chiffon that comprise the gown is effec tive, as Is the butterfly effect of the side drapery of embroidered tulle. - ' . . ' The lower left-hand picture shows another curious mingling of trimmings that in' their ensemble effect is good. The gown Is of taffeta In self colors. . It is lavishly embrolderad tn self color and in silver.. The skirt parts In front over a foundation robe of ribbon and of shadow lace. It is embellished with stuffed taffeta flowers. A note that adds greater dignity to the sown is the turned-back facing of the skirt where it parts-over the lace under robe. ; The: third. illustration shows a pleasing combination' of set and silver.. , The drapery' of the bodice and, skirt are defined" by a narv row silver banding. . Silver embroidery heavily encrusts the bodice, sd the panniers. 7- i, J &1 j ; ' . , - - - . ..-v v " r ' , - - ,