THE -OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 31, 1SS). iT"-. ... . - - '. .. . - .- . . i Baritone to Sing -m' Opera f Br J. I WalUa A MONO ths principal In "The Fore of Destiny." to be presented by the - Portland Opera Association at The Au ditorium Friday and Saturday nights, ?eoember I and 4, la Otto Wedemeyer, ell known Portland baritone and vocal teacher, who before locating- In Portland .:" toured . In both grand and light opera with aome of the foremost companies of i a itrw years 'ao. ? Mr. Wedemeyer will sing the role of on Caso dl Vargas, which affords much opportunity for,actlnr as well as sins ih. "Th Force of Destiny" Is one of 'Qniseppe Verdi's beet works and while ti has Its full measure of the tragic events that form the basis of grand opera. It also contains many amusing Incidents to form the desirable contrast. J The story Is that Donna Lenora has a lorer In the person of Don Alvaro, .with whom she Is on the point of elop ing from the house of her father, the Marquis of Calatrava. When the latter enters. a scene ensues and the marquis ' Is slain by the accidental discharge of ; Don Alvaro's pistol. Lenora, after the death of her father, believing that Alvaro has deserted her, : flees, and, disguised In male attire, be comes a recluse living In a cavern, the privacy of which Is secured to her by ? Father Guardlano, the prior superior ; of a religious community. Her brother, Don Carlos di Vargas, becomes Imbued with the belief that It is his paramount duty to hunt the world through until he finds Lenora and her lover, and by " their deaths to avenge his father and . the dishonor on the name he bears. .r Don Carlos and Don Alvaro, under : assumed names and unknown to each ether, being In the camp of the Italian - and Spanlnh armies, Alvaro is the . means of saving the life of Don Carlos V from assassins, and they vow lasting -friendship. Soon after this Alvaro Is : Wounded in battle. It Is supposed mor tally. Don Carlos finds in the wound ed man's possession a portrait of Le-'- aora, which confirms him In his sus ; jicion that his new friend is none either than Alvaro. Alvaro, under Abe name of Father RafarUo. becomes a friar In the re- ' llgtous order situated In the Immediate vicinity of the cavern In which Lenora Is secluded. Don Carlos again finds and compels him to fight Carlos falls this time, mortally wounded. Lenora enters from her cavern and the three recognize each other. Don Carlos calls upon his sister to embrace him before be dies, seises this opportunity to stab her and then expires. Lenora Implores the forgiveness of heaven for Alvaro, Who, humbled in heart by her earnest accents, throws himself penitent at her . feet, and the curtain falls on the death of Lenora. " The Society of Oregon Composers will meet Wednesday evening, November 1. at 517 Bush A Lane building; Mrs. Lena Chambers will speak on "Chil dren's Pieces for Piano." Mrs J. Har vey Johnson will present a ladies quar tet. Luclen Becker will play a piano . solo, and Miss Gertrude Lakeflsh will play a fantasia for piano by Kmll Enna. ' A committee has been appointed to take LOEWS HIPPODROME STARTING TODAY She dUni bebnk amcn&IEFIKED peopUtktusncnd;mGHd they the crisis cf another uJbmajtU See THE MISFIT WIFE .ALICE and an exceptional, east antL renew ycurJvutK Lrtctid. 5 TSA yAUDEVILLE Election Retiarhs Tiiesday Night OTTO WEDEMEYER, baritone, who will be one of the principals in the production of' Verdi's "The Force of Destiny." fj tu entire charge of the publication of the state song recently adopted, ine mem bers are: Emll Enna, Mrs. J. Harvey Johnson. Luclen E. Becker, Mrs. Lena Chambers, Daniel H. Wilson, Charles Swenson and George D. Ingram. The rtr-oMont hu arjoointed the following; as members of the board of directors for the year : Luclen E. Becker, E. O. Splti ner. Miss Annabelle Wagstaff. Mrs. Lena Chambers and Daniel H. Wilson. r TTmii v.nna. will be the soloist at the Jenny Llnd celebration to be held at Llnnea hall on October 30. ine ai fair Is under the management of the sinrlnr r!lub Columbia, the Society Lln nea and Court Scandla, F. of A. At a recent meeting of the Willamette chapter of D.. R-. Mrs. Reatha Fowler Mlller was soloist. Her accompanist was Mrs. W. B. Wolcqtt. The hostess for the chapter was Mrs. Wilbur P. Beid, at her residence at "Green Gables." Mrs. Miller has been appointed a member of the White Temple quartet- She is a prominent contralto soloist as well as a teacher of piano. George E. McElroy, former member of the Portland Symphony orchestra, has gone to Seattle to play In the first chair section of the Seattle Symphony orches . q. i. , mii nf W. E. McElroy of Portland. The Seattle orchestra has a memoersmp ui i. LAKE in. human, nature !! 7METR0 I ausre I production adaptsd jro r pUy bu JULIE TTRTtW LrAiliNEJL Apollo Club Has Engaged Three Soloists TIE opening concert of the Apollo club's 1920-21 season win occur No vember 10 at The Analtorlum. The season's program, as announced to associate members this week, win Include the usual three concerts, an of which will be given at The Audi torium. Three artists of Interest and importance have been engaged. They are: Charles Bulotti, tenor; Anna Case, soprano, and Lotta Madden (Lotta Othlck). Bulottl. who will make his Initial Portland appearance at the opening concert. Is a young Callfornian with a clear, resonant tenor voice. Most flow fhg tributes have been bestowed upon him by his critics. Anna Case, whose name and fame are bright and shining lights of the musical world, will appear at the sec ond concert, February 12. Miss Case stands as emphatic evidence of the high attainment of American musical art Lotta Madden, better known to Port' landers as Lotta Othlck, is a native of the Pacific Northwest. Earlier members of the Apollo club will well remember her ap pearance at a former concert and the extremely favorable Impression created through her beautiful voice, dramatic Intensity and graciousness. Portland musical patrons will welcome the op portunity of hearing this gifted artist her first return since her New "York debut For this season associate members seats will be assigned and tickets mailed without necessity for standing In line at box office. William H. Boyer, for 12 years the Apollo club's conductor, continues In that capacity this season. It Is very largely due to his persistent striving for high ideals that the club has made Its advancement in Its musical offer ings. The personnel of the active membership remains about the same as last year. A few members have been lost through removal from the city Roscoe Bell. Huston M. Reeves and William Paul among them. Several new and excellent voices have been w' this week iil 5 lE I K'' ilW m llfftS ' '5 I Sif ! A TXBKIFIC 8TOEM-A mXLUBQ FIOHT FOR LIFE A BE 8CTJB FITE j I " - I ' (M 1 tWmawr. fflirK.'srv A 'js' t, llc3A Hr4ia4) jilUILrf A a r JjJeHi FHHu4Vn teaes' silzjtck aitt then a martzlotjs stokt, u astklous- ya) (II iKfft I wkeo.ek.. I FOX I PR1ZMA jJlWr Tr. x SALVATORE SANTAELLA V&yW ,svk3 'Qf V" x'F ' ' J I SPECIAL CONCTRT 12:30 f jf ntll . program7 . 'l(r lWviW 4in 1 Aida Fanttlsle a Verdi rt9g 2&X l U'XSL- - ' . , TTl JjfJ iJCZyS Czardas from Billet "CoppeIia"..L. Delibe's J? VV I ks ' A -l,.;. - Z&Zy' Sp" $ Selection, "The Weddinf Trip" ( t fi N f s J . T 'is , I life Toreador and Andalouse. . . . A. Rubinstein 3 rXS $T I 1 . "( I 1 JfJ I r Wt,ta- "Tcsoro Mio" .... Becucci ; -gprfe Tiff, SrZ ' ' i 1 Vs ' h V Overture, "Poet and PeasanfF. V. Snppe , Ca? ftiVx V&' X - VS IT vfJT ' Concert Nurnler Oaring TbU Week , J Sr li " YfS t "it Aitsmoons and Eviin. 7 Yl, Xffi''SZr- Wi Spanish Waltz, "Santiago"..... A. Corbin 'Jr-& ' . i- , " " u a o , - --m u , .. , , . ammlimiimimi added to xnaintala the TS - provided la tne club's by-laws. - , . . .- -: . - The Monday Musical dub will be host at a luncheon tomorrow at the Hotel Portland. Mrs. W. Franklyn Looker, chairman of the entertainment commit tee, has arranged this in honor of the State Mvslo Teacher association. Miss Fsy Rodduck, chairman of the program committee, has a fine musical program prepared. Members and others wishing to attend are requested to make their reservations by calling Mrs. Looker. Tabor 2524, or Mrs. B. B. Banning, Tabor Z77G, Mrs. J. Thomas Leonard, the newly elected president of the club, will pre side. Music teachers especially are in vited. , The dub chorus, with Mrs. Rose Coar sen Reed director, meets every Monday at 1 o'clock: at the club studio. The French department has again taken up serious work with Mme. Emll Closset Their hours are Thursday from 10 :10 to 12:10. Miss Martha B. Reynolds' class in mu sical analysis and form meets at her studio. This is a class of conscientious students of music who are working to ward state cert If lea tea Mrs. H. T. Donlvan Is chairman of the dancing department this year. Miss Marie Gammle has again been chosen to teach this class. The classes will be held In Miss Gammie's studio In the Ell ers building and will meet Wednesday from 11 :0 to 12 :S0. Those who have not registered are requested to call Mrs. Donlvan, Main 7558. Mrs. J. R. Hollister has been success ful in organising an entirely new. depart ment This will be known as the in termediate department and takes In young girls and youths of high school age. They will meet each Monday from 3 :15 to 4 :15 in the club studio. 148 Thir teenth street .Next Monday Luclen Becker will give a lecture-recital on so nata form. Gloria Christ has been given the work of briefing a constitution ; Ger trude Doyle, secretary, has charge of the publicity ; Bertha Kiasner is in charge of the membership and the pro grams will be handled by Elsa Leick and Lois Springer. The juniors meet each Saturday at 1 o'clock. The Portland Oratorio society Is stead ily growing. Most of the music for the Thanksgiving program, November 25, has arrived and Is studied at rehearsals. Alto, tenor and bass sections have been much strengthened by the addition of a number of good voices and readers. A campaign is on for 400 associate members to assure a fund of $3000 so that the financial success of the year may be assured. With only six more regular rehearsals on the November 25 program, at which concert Mabel Riegel-, MRS. -J. THOMAS LEONARD, new pres ident of the Monday Musical Club of Portland. V . 11 i man, prima donna of the Chicago Grand Opera company, will be the soloist, it will be necessary for all singers desir ous of jointng the chorus to enter at once. The rehearsals are held every Tuesday evening at 8 :15 in Library hall. Central library building. Tenth street between Yamhill and Taylor. This is the ninth season of this society. i ' -' av.IAV.V.v. .v.-.- v. :: fa Mrs. Schwab To Appear in Song Recital TUSl MacDoweU dub win meet Tues day afternoon, November t, at the Hotel Multnomah, when a program of extraordinary Interest win be given. The dub will present May Dearborn Schwab la recital, and much interest Is belns manifested in this event This will be the first time that Mrs. Schwab has been beard In full recital program since her return from New York, where she has had many years of active musical work and the advantage of association and work with eminent coaches, includ ing Kurt Schlndler. Frank La Forge and Robert Gaynor. Her voice 'Is a lyric soprano, of remarkable purity of tone, and she will be heard to ad van tare on Tuesday In a number of charming songs. Her nrorram will be: "Cossets dl Plagarmr (Scarlatti) : -vol cne sa- pete" (Mosart): "Se tu M'amL ie Sos- plre" (Pergolesi) "Chanson Norvegl enne" (Fourdrain) ; "O! si les Fleurs" (Masslaet) ; "Chanson Indone" (Rlmsky Korsakofr) : "A Little Lane" (Marion Bauer); "Wild Geese" (Rogers) ; "Corals" (Treharne) ; Tanchonetu" (Kathleen Clarke) ; "I Heard a Cry" (Fisher) ; "When Your Dear Hands" (La Forge). Harold Hurlbut of Portland, who has been studying and singing In Paris, la now In Italy, being located In Rome after studying for a time In Milan. Mr. Hurlbut writes that opportunities for study are unusually fine In SJurope, as the rate of exchange has reduced Italian money to one fifth its value, Great singers who receive 1000 lire a week find their salary actually worth only 42 American dollars. They are, there fore, glad to add to their earnings by teaching, and many a great artist Is accepting pupils by day and thrilling operatic audiences by night. Many things make living conditions extremely difficult, in Europe, and while enjoying; his advantages. Mr. Hurlbut states, he la homesick for America and will be overjoyed to see Oregon again. An "Ensemble Sonata" evening- at Reed college Tuesday was one of the best attended and most heartily enjoyed of the season's musical programs. H. Kltngenfield, prominent violinist who has recently made Portland his home, was heard In violin numbers, and Luclen EI Becker, well known Portland mu sician, assisted, and gave two piano solos ERWIN MUTCH; bari tone, who will ting at complimentary concert next Wednesday night ' ir ii 0 v7 ' if il which were well received. The concert which was Mr. Kllnren feld's second appearance In Portland, was attended by many Portland music lovers as well as Reed students and faculty. The evening's principal num bers were Grelg's Sonata F Major, and Beethoven's Sonata op. 12. A minuet of the seventeenth century, played by Mr. Kllngenfeld as an encore, was excellent In Its tripping rhythm and dainty melody. Baritone Will Be Presented On Wednesday J. JSRWTN MUTCH, baritone, will make his Initial bow to Portland musical circles at a complimentary concert at the ' Hellig theatre next Wednesday evening. Mr. Mutch, who Is an exponent of Oscar Beagle, has had wide success In the concert stage throughout the East Besides numerous concert and recital appearance., ln and about New York. Mr. Mutch has appeared with success three times with the New York Sym phony orchestra under the direction of Walter Damrosch. He came to Portland this fall to accept the position of head of the vocal depart ment of the EUlson-Wnite Conservatory of Music He A baritone soloist at Trin ity Episcopal church. The program for Wednesday evenlnc will comprise groups of Italian and French songs, a group of folk songs, in cluding a number of negro spirituals, the operatic rla "Erl tu" from the "Bal Masque" and a number of recent songs by American composers. Among the latter of especial Interest to Portland era will be two numbers by the late Tom Dobson and a new Irish song writ ten by Edwin Schneider for John McCor maclc This will be the first hearing of this number on the Pacific coast Dur ing the late war ) Mr. Mutch was sta tioned at a camp In the Far South and had occasion to become acquainted with the darkey and his music. This experi ence has helped him In his Interpreta tion of the negro melodies as arranged for concert work by H. T. Burleigh. The concert ts an invitational one and a long list of society matrons are acting as patronesses for the affair. Miss Louise Huntly will be Mr. Mutch's ac companist. Mrs. W. H. Chatten. contralto of the First Methodist church: Miss Alice J us ton. contralto of the Wilbur Method ist church ; Mrs. Helen From me Schedler, soprano or the Rose City Presbyterian church, and Miss Nina Dressier, con tralto of the First Congregational church, are among the artist students Mrs. Rose Couraen-Reed is to present at The Auditorium early this season. The young women of the First Meth odist church, assisted by friends, will give the concert at the Men's Resort Saturday, November . These young women are very popular at this place for the recent concerts they put on. 1