Tils dlEGOII SUNDAY JOURNAL. FOHTLAND, LUZJDAY LIOrJHKG. CCTCCZH CI. 1121 mm to be ment is the punishment for England because of Its treatment of the dead. The first attempt of i the "British sol diery to interfere with the solemnity attending the lying In state of the re mains occurred when the troops 'tors he mourning draperies from the ideor of the city hall. , , The iodv. rlati In tt iinirnna "lit MaaaachuaatSi S elaataac) .... It HvkajaafMa aKtioa ......... 1 . . IMaaiaeU pie swaslua IS - Hiiaalppi-.(No eleotioa) ....... .. .10 1. Mlaaoarl BreahenrUce Laag (Ds. .. 18 SmMaaai.- (So eieetieal . . , , 4 NtfcaaAa (Jf aiecUea) ..... 8 Nevada C B. BeaderaoM (D) . . . .. - S New Hamihjra G. H. Xoaaa (R) 4 New Jrmcy 14 ... Kew Hraico . . New York Jaraea Wadorta (Hi .43 . . No. Carrfisa lm . Ommi D) .. 32 N-. Dakota E. r. Ladd (5i-P) . . OMo -ma p. WilHa (R) 14 ( klatwxaa 8jU fVrria (D) , . . . .. 10 preton tt. E. Cbaatwriaia (D).. 8 . i-ennaylraaia- Botea Praroae (R). IS PJod Wa 1 Caroline 2UaoJt Smith (D).. .. K" Paltota Pt!r Xorbeek (K) . . B Tenunata , .. 11' Ttxas . . . ,t f(J ttU Be 11 moot (tl) 4 Vermont W. P. Wiuiafham (B) . 4 Virflnia CartFT OVw I 12 V'wbinston Waaley U Jamm (R) T WTt Virsiaia. .. . Wieconain Paul a Reinach (D) . . IS Wyomtot S Tetal electoral ota ...... SS6 103 Per ehotee lit electoral collate see. Hardinc'a majority in electoral collrfe Hi, . Total Dnaoentle smten electrd 20. Total Republican aenatora elected IS and See Maawrtiaaiu' TW. wouki leave tbe TJsltad Sutas dtrldae aa t ia today. . y ment It will be U senate and then by net (mora than one vote. I U Mtotai UtkM. Bobtfi a. BeiMltf f ate. mmMs U preteUa mmIU of tbe pmidesti! aw) fteeeMial eleetioM next Tweak, hk osayny lS rtory ptin)ng vhereta changes u; be "UrtM he kX MHIt eMea Mold aJtMr Btwtio io mai atatM. .Ta naa et tlx Jtttem "K" br IT m "N-r after Ut asttM et sMMtete -MeiMtM waetbet the sieatsM an lUpablicaa, Daoeimt er Koa-partiua Lmtm.) brigadier general of the Irish repu llcaa army, guarded by fellow oflfccr. . and heaped about with wreathe w flowers, continue to be , tie wed - by DEMOCRATS IS 295 Funeral It Postponed as Protest Against Seizure " of Body By British. Officials. Strong military guard is maintained) by the government, although there has been no sign of disturbance. ELECT Fleeter! mir aut . Bewttf. For For Banltnc. Cm, Cork. Oct. 80. In protest at the action of the British government seixlhg the body of Lord Mayor MacSwiney at Holyhead in fcrder to prevent its .shipment to Jbublin, where ft. had been planned 'to have the remains lie In state for 24 "hours, the funeral et 'the lord mayor has been postponed until Monday. n added day of extreme tension throughout the- British empire and 'an added day of anxiety for the. govern MWM rear. L'wWvaod ID) . 13 . awing to hlantand against the eatra-, TBom lurnn (D) .... Arfsooa Marcus A. Smith D) . . ArkaiKaa-T. M. Carre? &t . . . t lifori Janwa I PaHan tD) t!ctorad S. D. Mchoiaea (ft)... Ovacetieat a. ' baaarsaa (D( . . . Itelawara (Na tlprtioe) raerid nuaeas Fiatcbar (D ... . Ceoigia Tom Vfataon D) S-mlll levy, saddling approximately in 00, 000 onto ihem, ' the taxpayers throughout Portland are turning to : Herbert Oordon as the only candidate who can lead them out of the financial wlldernesn.' Reports from nil point. ex ceptlng the north end, indicate this. ( paid advertleement-jOordon-tor-M ayor club: Ralph Coan. pres.; U. C. Stout, secy.) 1 . I ' ' " In th twelfth century Ireland con stated Of five kingdoms Ulster, Iaolns ter, Meath, Connaught and Munster besides numerous petty prlnclpalltlea . a a awrence at Saiiia -Time Notes That Variation' of 30 LVotes WiltetBgHajding Election A3 14 '.'1 LJ loaao rrank B. Coedinc ().., lilmota WilMaai IT- M-Ki! Ai 4 as 13 It 10 li dha Thonaa Taasart (D) . . . L A. B. Cuatnilta (R) Charlea CarUa (R) , . . , . v ;By lavld Xawrrenk .v (Copyright, 10SO, by The Jomal) ' ThU u i Ur acaona -ef a cria , or articlca Kaatnefcf J. C. W. Baekhaa (D) lnMaaa Edw. Broaaaard (0).. . llaina (!o atoetiea) IS 10 jr,r.W.rr'"HSiJ foracmuoc tha (raid T nrt Tnudar alartoral , cot for praaidaot an4 Uwlyzlnc the altuatkin in If earh teturM- irtcu'cti6a of If result 4s itL dowbltliOSoM irearly return? indicate ctectiOu. of Hardind, - BURIED MQNDA JMSdayflaraMfe3aatfligaimMiiaHqafff VOTES Jlf 1 ! ,A w It -f-l ttM lMt two Month. ' ' Chicago Oct. 30. Two method f calculation mar be used la at tempting to forecast an election- cither table endeavoring to predict the actual figures, which la mor or lesa guesswork, for nobody know exactly; how the million of Voters drill vote, or a table containing the Irreducible minimum of electoral rotes by which 'Harding or Cos will fee elected. Obviously It sin, possiblo to make , auch 4 etafly of tie various states as to ponvlnco the Investigators that a com bination of certain states will insure lctory or defeat, ' as the case may be. Ifour years ago, this correspondent pre vented a table showing the Irreducible minimum ot-wtw for WUaon.. Kvrr thing else was 'conceded to Hughes for the sake of ths calculation and it was the object of the (table to show that .Wilson had just enough to win. EOCBATIO HOPI8 -':'; k New. irrespective of what viH flnal Official table will show tm the day after lection, curiosity for the moment centers pa the certainty or 4incrtalrjty"f;iect Jng Cox or Harding. .WW4 other words, will he the next president? That Question will be answered in the two- tables presented In this dispatch. In nrder to bring out convincingly the con-e-luslon Co which this, writer; has come, lie gives a table showing the matimum wf expectations, hopes and possibilities f the Democrats; . m It is a picture, pt Democratic optimism. Should' that taMa break down by 30 leetorlat votes, (JovernOf Cox will have Jtost the election, for the tablie of Demo fratic hopes gives Cox 295 and Harding 16. Here Is the best Information ob tainable on bow the Democrats on the inside, who teink Cox has a chance, .jMuse their ronoiuslons ; ut. - ' , Cot. 'Stlabama 13 araona Election Returns Will Be Comprehensive tt K St St St at It It It It It It . St St St It The Journal Offers Three-Fold Service S. & H. Green Trmdine Stamps ' Early Tuesday evening definite in formation should be availably concern ing th trend of the presidential election. The Journal is prepared to flash this information at the earliest moment and in a variety of ways. Firstly, The Journal, a la Its custom. will flash election return on a screen across Broadway from The Journal building. This service will begin at 6 o'clock Tuesday evening OP as" soon thereafter as darkness permits, and will be continued throughout the evening. Complete reports from four telegraphic news associations will supply the latest information from all parts of the coun try, and The Journal's own election re truns service will cover the state and city elections. Secondly, the illumination of The Journal tower will be used to flash the trend of the choice for president to the outlying districts. In the event that the early returns Indicate), the election et Cex, the entire tower will be illuminated. If the trend of the early count Is fayorable to Harding, the peak of the tower and the row of lights above tae clock only will be illuminated. If at 10:30 o'clock the result la in doubt,, the ball on top of the tower only will be illuminated. The accompanying chart indicated this arrangement. . Thirdly, weather conditions permit ting, a Journal airplane, chartered from the O. W. I. Airplane company, will circle over the eity as soon as results from the presidential election warrant. In the event that the returns Indicate the eleetlon of Cox, red rockets will he discharged. If Harding appears to be elected, white light will be displayed. This Journal service is yours and you are invited to take advantage of it. s 0 13 7 o fl 14 0 0 in 0 e j 3 10 n I 0 .0- 0 VlMMiri in Hardtni. n Vlrkan.a ralifornia fcnlorado Connartfeiit flaara . . tkrlda ... f leortia . . . Idaho . . . . lllnoie . , . , ndiaas ' .i. Inwa . . . . kmtarky , , . f jooiaiana .... Maine Maryland ttaanechoMttea Sliehican ... Minnesota . . . tliMiaitippt Sinn tana Aebrenka Nevada : flew Hampshire Jiew Jrnwy . . . New XoTk North 'arnlina , North Dakota . nhiu 4 0 s 4 14 8 I 0 13 0 24 Oklahoma 10 o 0 o H 5 12 "40 o . ...... Flreaon ponnnylTknla Rhode lalaml . f5""!1! 't'smhns gouth Dakota Jnnelee . . . Tenaa t'Uh Vermont Vlralnla 1 anhlntton ................ 7 Wlansnals .. . 0 It eat Virginia 8 VyyomlBf O ToUto 295 J VOTES KECES8AUV 0 a o 0 4 29 0 IS 10 0 0 a 0 10 19 12 0 0 8 0 0 - 0 43. 0 n n , 0 ' 9 89 a e e 0 0 0 4 0 0 13 J 230 f 261 Is necessary tc a choice. Bo the ! figure 76 should be kept in mind the- lrredaclble minimum. Ipy examining the foregoing table of Democratic aspira tions. Should 30 votes be subtracted from the suggested total of 295 for Cox. It would leave the Democratic nominee ith 265 votes and his opponent with all the rest, or 26i, which- would elect Harding, HOW IT MIGHT BREAK '"The big question Is. therefore, Is the Democratic table bullet-proof ? Can 30 votes be subtracted from, it with any degree of certainty? The writer f.nds no difficulty in presenting any of three combinations of states sure to go lie publican which total more than 30 votes and which would break (Sown the Democratic chance of victory. These states are Ohio 24, New Jersey It and California' 13, or a total of 51. If that combination Were not convincing then a ' combination of Ohio 54 and New Jersey 14, or a total of 18. would elect Harding. Even if Ohio were conceded to the Democrats for the purpose of this calculation, the combination of Cali fornia 13 and New Jersey 14 arid Con necticut 7, or a total of 34 votes for Harding, would upset the Democratic total of 2SI. HARDING'S ELECTION fREDICTED The conclusion to which thia scor respondent has come after several weeks of personal investigation Is that the drift, toward . Cox in last 10 days has' out down materially the Re publican majority, but la not sufficient to overcome at the last minute th'a two year start in organization and cam paigning which the Republicans have had. Consequently the writer is con vinced that Senator Harding will be elected president of the United States next Tuesday. MAT SB SOME SURPRISES As for the actual figures, there may be some surprises. The claims of both the Democrats and Republican chairmen are naturally the most optimistic in their respective parties and are based upon reports from local political lead era. The writer's own judgment of the situation is based upon telegraphic com munication with persons In the West in whom he can - place reliance. 'Their views were given confidentially and with the understanding that no names would be used. It is as close to Inside informa- sult of the election will not be as close as the irreducible minimum outlined above, but the totals and the states will look something like the following when all the votes are counted : Statae Arizona, . Arkanaaa California Cenneetisat . Delaware ... Florida Oeorjia .... Idaho Illinois ..... Indiana .... Iowa Kaneaa .... ftenrnclry .. . onisiana Maine Maryland . . . MawachusetU Michigan . Minnesota Misaiwtippi . MiMonri Montana . . . Nebraska . . Nada f Out of 631 electoral vptes a majorityrion on the several states as one can get In a political campaign. Therefore, it looks to the writer as if the actual re- Few Hamnahire ew Jerey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon - I'ennjylTania ........... Rhode Island . Month Carvlina Month Dakota Tenneaaee Texaa lUh Vermont Virginia Washington Wiaconain West Virginia Wyominc . . Totals Inasmuch as tonly 266 are necessary $1 win, the foregoing table shows how comparatively easy will be Senator Harding's victory. SWING TO COX MASKED The result would have been even more overwhelming except that the Democrats pulled themselves together in the last three weeks of the campaign. Indeed, many of the leaders have told me pri vately that If they had two weeks more they could overcome Harding's lead. Un questionably large lumps of Irish voters are going back to the Democratic party and there Is some talk of Germans re turning to party lines', but In both cases the defections have been too big and the Cot. Ilardinc 12 0 3 0 0 o 13 --0 0 7 0 3 0 14 0 0 4 O Si It 1 S 0 13 0 10 13 0 10 0 0 fl R 0 o 18 o 18 o li 10 0 18 0 4 e 0 8 3 . o 0 4 0 14 3 0 0 4S 12 0 O 5 o 24 10 0 . . 0 . e 0 88 o e e O 6 , 12 0 0 0 4 0 O 4 12 0 , 0 T 0 13 0 8 O 8 , 102 880 5000 PAIRS OF NEW WINTER AT PRE-WAR n WOMENS SHOES PRICES! Women's Dark "Br own, $7.50 Brogue 4 Oxford $4.98 h bVw All Rises -- Women's, dark brown j Brogue ox fords, fancy perforated wing top extenalon soles, military heela The model now in demand by young ladies to wear with Wool hose. Ladies' Field Mouse and Gray Shoes $5.98 Made of soft dark and light shades of field mouse and gray. Gray kid, 8 lnch tops, -medium short toe. Uexlble , a. to ta tha,-4; ; ti A C 't,,v,t a was .98 $5.98 aauitajy Aieew aaaasssk. - WOMEN'S HIGH DRESS SHOES $6.85 AA te ER Widths. $6,85 Women's Black and Brown High Lace Shoes, some styles run Military heels; omers sign V r e n c h heela uy your fall shoe supply now. All sixes, 2 to . $8 to $12 Eyelet Ties In black or Crown calf or kid., In alt of the sew styles and lasts. Military, Kidney or French heels. AH sizes to 8, Values to to. now on sale at Til W aaaatv. $3.98 $4.98 Btrt sow J"fiajnrie, In White Kid and Brown uede. Neat and snaonv af f rt .312' values priced at.. wOalO Mail Orders Filled Subject to Return Do Not Be MWedr We Hare Moved Bat. Weak. and Aidet on 4th Sf, M tr J Locattba IVC Waafc," and Alder t - MAIL ORDERS PROMPT! .Y pit t cn AT ABOVE PRICES UNTIL LOTS ARE SOLD " urtw SATURDAY UNTIL 8i30 J 1 a Women' Black and Brown Shoe, Military Heels $5.98 New models In black and brown kid and calf vamps : medium tees and military heels, exten sion soles. All sizes 2 to 8. in all widths. Si 1 1 "'Ill'SaUsi ' f $5.98 MILITARY HEEL OXFORDS-BLACK AND BROWN Wonderful values from SB.BO to 18.00 in Ladles Brown Mahogany or Black. Kid or CalfskUi, military or low heela ia narrow, medium or broad toe. All on sale at this . give away prtoa . $3.93 $4.98 r 3 -aw. f ALL SIZES LADIES' $11 "HIKERS" $6.95 Brews or Smoked Berte a . Women's Jilgh-cut one-buckle tops In dark brown, - and smokeA horse oolor. Kikv heavy sewed" soles, real sturdy boots. r . Alt Sizes, S to 8 ' , m. I $6.95 prejudices of to Ions standing to be re mowd by the speeches of Governor Cox. The antipathy in both cases is not so much against Cox as President Wilson. BEND GIVES GOV ER COX 195 IN FORECAST t Continued From Pase One.) dlana, Seldon P. Spencer in Missouri, Reed Smoot in Utah. I. L. Lenroot in Wisconsin and Wesley I Jones in Washington, are having spirited contests in the effort to get back. FEW votes WOULD change In listing In the accompanying table what appear to be the probable out comes In the various contests, it must be kept In mind that In Colorado, Con necticut, Oklahoma, Missouri, California Kentuck and Maryland particularly, the races are neck and neck today. A swing of a few thousand votes to one side or the other In some Instances a few hundred would change the whole lineup. Colorado has Its regular Democratic senator combatting with another Dem ocratic candidate for the office while the republicans also have two tickets In the field. Because the Democratic split is expected Ho be greater than the Republican split, that contest la given to the Republicans. In Missouri the contest Is -extremely close. The national ticket is in doubt there and even If Cox carries the state, there are evidences that Senator Spencer will be reelected. Oklahoma may prove the "mysterious stranger" of this year's election. Demo cratic leaders are very much worried that the state will go for Harding. Much Republican money has been ef fectively used in the state. If it goes for Harding, Scott Ferris, the Demo cratic senatorial candidate, may not pull through. BI1AXDEGEE IS DOUBTFUL The suffragist and pro-leaguers as saults upon Senators Brandegee and Moses in Connecticut and Kew Hamp shire are such as to make Brandegee's reelection extremely doubtful and Moses' somewhat leas so. Cox is looked to carry Beckham through in Kentucky. Professor Ladd, without doubt, will be elected from North Dakota. He is a Non-partisan leaguer, but "satisfac tory" to the Republicans. How he would stand with the Republicans in ques tions of peace and other issues is not known. The Democratic chance In Washing totjk is based upon opposition out there to the Jones shipping bill, fathered by Senator Jones, now running for reelec tion, and which was held to be detrl- nental to Northwestern porta CHAMBERLAIN IS CERTAIN Reed Smoot is expected to be re elected whether Utah-goes for Harding or Cox. He 'will lead the national ticket in that state. The reelection of Senators Phelan of California and Cham berlain of Oregon, both Democrats, is predicted on the basis of their personal popularity and only an overwhelming landslide for Harding in those states would bo likely to carry through the Republican senatorial asplranta. In Peter Norbock, governor of South Dakota, the senate seems likely to get an interesting type from that section. Norbeck was diagnosed by the late Theodore Roosevelt as one of the great progressives of the country. He is for a League of Nations, has sponsored some of the most progressive laws In his state and promises to be Quite a figure in the senate If present indica tions pointing to his election Tuesday are fulfilled. Wisconsin affords one of the fiercest contests of the campaign. LalTollette's candidate, James Thompson, la oppos ing Senator Lenroet on the Republican ticket, while Paul Reinsert, the Demo cratic candidate, ' Is sawing wood ef fectively while the rift grows wider within his opposition. Whoever is elect ed will slide through by the narrowest sort of margin. Senator Cummins should win In Iowa on the Harding sweep of that state. WOMAN'S VOTE tnrCXRTAIJT Unless the women's 'vote does things Unexpected nd it Is understood ' the senatorial contests where the women's vote will be felt more sharply in the final result than In the presidential con-tesW-tha outlook would indicate th Re- IpubUeans will continue ta have only a pare margin in xne maxx senate, proo ably not In excess of two or three, which would mean only a trifling gain. From the Democratic standpoint tt might be said that if the election gives that party rwaiijMiiiiiimniiimii.iiciiiiiiiiiiffliflntiiiuiiifflffliwMiiuiiiiJii j imm S3"L y awjjjiaiiii 1 - I ALDER STEEETAT-WEST PARK. S. & H. Green Trading Stamps I WOOD-LARK BUILDING 1 Alder at West Park wiOTiOTiia;iiiwi)tiHwsTewi,!uwuiiiiii'iWiMHiaimimnima Concerning Continental Wardrobe Trunks There art three major elements which enter into the construction. They are Appearance, Convenience and Vear The top drawer is with divided compartments anil the handy combination drawers with hat form.' There are eight hanger frames, laundry bag, shoe carrier, making a perfect interior arrangement. Trunk complete, regular price $65.00- (Kl K A For this week only........ fDOmOXj Fine Ivory Pyralin Toilet Ware Every Ivory Pyralin arti cle is made of solid stock, American made from its very birth. Every aT t i c 1 e has been given a graining and fin ish so perfect that it could seem to come only from the centuries-old tusks of some elephant, Monogram Engravings Beautify and Are Easily Applied On All Pyralin Aricles Jiii " : Leather Department Ladies' Hand Bags Umitetf Narnber X. P-Ii, Asorud...:....N2 rice Vanity Party Cases Regular; price 19. So dQ r A to 10.00. Now otJyeDOeeJV Large and Medium Sized Laclies Leather Hand Bags leather and silk lined. Regular prices $7.00, i.00r 10.00. . Now CA only , DDaV 1,1 1 ', Beautiful Engraved Christmas Cards We are $ h o w 1 n g a - grand assortment of tbese ever welcome and appropriate mes sages of Rood cheer. Let us show you our wonderful assortment and have you place your order while the selection is complete. StaUonery Dept., Main Floor. Our Entire Stock Ladies' and Gentlemen $ Silk Umbrellas Fancy Handles, all colors and styles, to suit your wants, 1 5 OFF This Week Only Fountain P-E-N-S Let us surest "SHEAFFER'S, ; CONKLIN'S, MOORE'S or WATERMAN'S Fountain Pen" for that Christmas prent. Hundreds of points to choose from Price $2.50 and Up We have a complete line of "EVERSHARP" Pencils. Price $1.00 and Up Wonderful Watches For Men and Women For this season's showing I have been fortunate in securing an unusual stock of beautiful as well as high grade American and Swiss Watches. FOR MEiV Walthaftt, "Colonial A." in green gold case. "Thin Model" Elgins $35.00 to $100.00. Howard, in the new green Tjold filled case. Gruen, Longine, International and the Majestic Swiss movements in the very latest cases. FOR WOMEN- Exquisitely jeweled bracelet and chate lain Watches, very smart new models in gold and gold filled cases from $20.00 to $700.00. See my Special $50.00 and $100.00' Diamond Rings they have no equal. s Largs t Diamond Dealer ia Oregon. 334 Washington Slv Oppc Owl Drnj Co, gjlllttdlt lll1Mlltllll,fal..,lillltlUi,'l.lllnl,l.,lIIIIU,IIUi..., ihoaUl k Y:,Klf C. A. Sunday Afternoon a- 3:30o'aock TWO GREAT SPEAKERS A. M. BRUNER f CHICAGO Shop and Factory Specialist HON. GEORGE FOWLDS Formerly Minister of Education, New Zealand SPECIAL MUSIC BY ORCHESTRA ALL MEN wtCCOME Control of way dlrlaion of tho fortm j ' jr rr -svr-' j. . How Good Is '(Qood Enough "7 DR. X. 6. AUSPLTJlfD, HOB. Always as the le Too Often the Expression Is But a Camouflage for "Bad Enough. The man who leaves a iob half doneor completes a job in a slip-shod, half-hearted maimer frequently excuses him self with the statement that it is "good enough." The Cheat who sells you shoddy material argues with his conscience that it is "good enough" for the money you paid., The Dentist who uses base metals, in place of gold, or grinds a tooth down until it is worthless so it will fit a crown (instead of making the crown to fit the tooth), may con fer his work "good enough," but it is NOT GOOD ENpUGH FOR A PATIENT OF MINE. Mr quality his stood the test Thousands have found it perma nent How else could I personally guarantee it for 1$ years? Quality dentistry does not always mean extremely high fees. My low fees aft within reach of all; merely a fair profit on irour work. REMEMBER OtirMottoi Cvery patient matt he ab selitely eeUtlleeV Fleih-Colersa riatee freoa.. lereelaia Crows from...... tt'K Oel4 Crewee from.... SS-K Oslo Bridgework front sin.oo I f'.oo I 6.oo Electro Pamlesb Dentists ; : IN THE TWO-STORY BUILDING 'Corner. Sixth and Washington St., Portland, Or. 'sdUgeW8M JMt-ila - t - -