The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 31, 1920, Page 35, Image 35

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Ponlaaid . Flooring Mills Company
' Invade New , Field -Farmer Are
Inclined to Hold Wheat Awhile.
at ago.
Hard whit 205 30
Soft whit 1S5 208
WbJU club LL1LL..... 200 202
Wheat prices showed little change for
the week In the Portland trade, although
wide fluctuation continued In the East
ern market. Foreign market closely
followed Chicago during the period.
There win little activity in the baytng of
wheal at primary potato of Die i"cifio North
Went Anting the week. Kanneri were Inclined
Inhold -in the bop of Influencing price Ho
ward. Flour market waa generally depressed at the
lower price. On frstur outstanding in the
flour traits wee the 1 of a eareo of flour by
the Portland Irtotirlng Mill to Argentina par
ties. The el will toad t Portland and the
eargo I understood to be fir Brazilian con
(umptioit. Thi is the first time known that the
1'arlflo Caul ha told flour to go to Brazil, ten
ors! bnaine, heretofore, bain aoiiiud os from
the AUantto 6ut whenever the South Amer
ican were In the market
Oata nd barter market were firmer tad gen
erally hifher for the week, while mlltotuffa and
hay were quiet around previous qaotatipna.
Hoarding the erratic tone of the wheat and
flour trade, Modern Miller of Chicago, in late
lame, aaya:
A visitor to the Modern MlUer pffio thia
Week eaye thet he ha loat confidence in hi own
ludgmeat of marketing condition and te going
to get a better method and buy and sell by the
Out, board. ?
Thi J the tt of nind of moat miller,
who find an mean of determining from day to
day the wp and down of the wheat market,
of can forecast buying or ellln (pet.
The twist and tarn, and the freak in the
Jinn situation make men lose confidence in any
udgroent they may form.
A the thing itandt now price to down
with heary export sales of wheat. The world'
situation is disregarded. The problem u o
guess when a rhort line of wheat is to be taken
ou jd when it i1 covered. It is a pit market,
and the sentiment of a pit market influence.
Millers are invited to weigh such market
factor a "will the farmer bold hi wheatr"
and "will the bean overplay their handy" At
it looks now the farmers and the speculative
wheat bouse am going to fight it ont Farm
ers in the Southwest this week went oa record
for a determined stand for IB wheat.
The wheat bear discounted the Board of
Trad investigation and didn't change , their
policy, or their belief in lower price, and the
market lagged, proof of course that the com
modity trend 1 lower. It appear that the
farmer and the pit traders are both determined
and suing to flgbt it out Will the farmers
tamped or will the shorts ell themselves into
a bole! The manufacture of sentiment I go
ing on merrily and farmer are complaining of
prospective losses and th certainty of let ere
Sf to gain favorable! sentiment, while the bears
are showing that all commodities an going lower
and appealing to the sympathy of -oonsnmera.
How is a miller or a flour buyer going to do
burin on such n uncertain futureT Trade
disruption took a further sour turn this week
anT domestic flour dried tip. The market was
terrificaUy erratic. U the fUmt buyer profiting
by this so-called lower trend? Let each on
take account of his iodivdual position In the wait
ing game.
That i why miller who could in the past
fairly well determine a policy for operation, can
now hare their Judgment challenged every other
..JT-OTjR Selling price, .mill door. Patent,
(11.40; Montana spring wheat, $11.70: Willam
ette valley brand, 19.80; local trighl. $9.60:
bakers' local, $10. 800 11. OS; graham. 9 40;
whole wheat, 39.80. Price for eity deliveries
15c extra; suburban. 90s extra.
. HAV -Buying price, nominal. Willamette
timothy, fancy, 128. 00080. 0U per ton! clover,
$20.00; cheat, $28.00: straw. Ill All. SO:
grain. 125.00; alfalfa, 124.00 per ton
(i HA I.N 8ACKB Nominal. Na 1. dalenMa .
10(10e: domestic.
i lo in car lota, ls
amounts higher.
M H.LST fs'FS Mill
run at mill, sacked.
OATS -Per ton, buying price: Feed, 147.00
0 4..OO.
BAkLF.Y Buying price: Peed. $47.00;
millln. 47 OO W 47.M0.
IJKEn Burin? pric. Nominal: Bo demand.
Red clover, recleaned ) par In. alaik.
( ); vetch, ( ).
I'fc 1)8 T I ' KK8 -P, O. B. mill.: Boiled btr
ley. $55.00; alfalfa meal. $36.00; eoeoanut
meal. t-IO.OOi aoy bean meal, $88.00 i linseed
Mneal. (Nl 00; cracked eorn. (60.00; whole
euro, ti 7.00 ten; scratch feed, $74.00 tun.
ROLLED OATS 8elllng price. $11.00 bbl.
Merchants' Exchange bid.:
Hard white 203
Soft white 108
Whit club 200
Hard Winter 1(5
Northern Spring 103
Bed Walla 180
No. 2 white 4 650
No. 2 gray .4400
Brewing 4750
Seed i430
No. 3 Eastern (bulk) . .4T7B
No. 3 local (bulk) .t .. .4650
Nov. Dee.
205 205
195 195
205 205
195 195
19B 195
190 190
4700 4700
4400 4400
4750 4700
4700 4700
4400 4200
4275 4410
a ' .
settle Martet
Seattle. Oct 80. (U. p.) Batter LeeeJ
ereamery. cube. 62e; bricks, 6 So.
fresh ranch. 80e: pallets. 62.
Cheese Triplet. 82 33c.
Milk $2.2S.
Let anfelea Wertet
Lo Arwelea. Oct. 80. (L N. 8.) Butter.
t7c per lb.
Kxtraa, 77c; case count, 7Se; pnllete,
tTo; peewee, 5lc
Poultry Unchanged.
Seattle Market
Seattle, Oct 30. (IT. p.) PoUtoea. per
ton Yakima Gem. 140.00 s 4 5.00; local, $38.
La Annates Mraket
Log Angeles, Oct 30.. il. N. &) Pota
tcae ton Burbanka, mostly $2.25 0 2 50;
poorer. $2.00, . .
an PrancHee Market
Sad Francieo, Oct. 80. (U. P.)' Potato
River white, $1.7$ 2.15; Satin, $3.00;
eweeta, 3c.
Onions Yellow and white, $1.00 01. 15; Au
trailaa brown, $1.00 1.2.
Chicago Dairy rrodnre
-Chkgo Oct 30. (I. N. 8.) BntUr Se
e4pu, e808 twb. Creamery extra, 60c; firsts.
4 6 w 58c; packing !, 29 82c.
Kit Ueceltils, 2745 case. Current re
cripta, 49(5Cr; ordinary firsts, 51 (a; 58c:
rmta, R8)i60c: extras, 6268c; checks. 80 0
30r: dirties 88 043c.
i'heeae Twins, new 22 0 22 Her die,
22H 028c; Ymmg Americas. 2823He; Ion
borm. 22H028c; brick, 20021c.
Live poultry Turkeys, 88ci chicken, 19
27c; springs, 20c; roosters, 22c: geese. 25c;
duck, 28c.
Dried Fralt and Bean
New York, Oct. 30. (I. N. 8.)
weak. Marrow, choice, $9.80; pea
$3.50 0 6.10.
Dried Krui Market steady flfSO. Ap
ricota. etra choice to fancy. 80 0 3e; apples,
evaporated, iirime to fancy, 8 0 13e: prone. 80
V, '!-llv w2?,-: prwne. 60 to l0i.
lSi?Se: 1Jhf- em enofca to fancy,
"IS0 25c: ""aim, oboice to. f.ncy.
We Want at once 1$ to 26 car of fancy Potatoes. If you have something near
nice, write ua. It 1 a spot cash proposition.
Ef y Jl? t"h"dl; relib rnfbrmatfon arxwt th Turkey market? i
ifor ThariiJv.rT wl" . opinion on what price they will sell
77 Tnaksgiving? Write us. In the meantime we guarantee net, PorUand:
"ITF?iETS " , HE88D TUsUaETS, faaey, BBe per IK
Et. 1IS
Situation Kxtremeljr Weak Witn a
Big Supply Offered by Country.
Freah Kgg Q noted at' Advance. :
A drop of te a pnand will he ebowa la
both batter aad Batterfat Jtoaday wom-
lag. , " .
Trad in the butter market contAiued
aomewhat demorallaed during; the week.
No open price change waa made In q nota
tion and prints in ' parchment wrapper
continued to be quoted at $5c, althougrh
only two of the leading seller here
maintained that price. Because of th
great influx of country creamery butter,
together with the arrival of foreign but
ter, the trade was In a bad way. Most
of th. creameries quoted print extras at
53964c a pound, in fact It was any old
price to -meet competition.
Egg Price Are Higher
While recently there ha bee s sen cms
break in the prio of freen egg in Qi Eastern
trade, the local situation was very firm daring
the ix days' trading. Thl waa the result of a
very short supply of really fresh stack, there be
ing fhuufficient of this quality available to fill
local requtrment.
Chicken Price Setter
Tn the chicken trade there wa oonaideraMs
Improvement in the demand for th week. This
was reflected in prices during the period. Prae
rically everything in the ehicken an snowed an
advanced quotation. Receipt veer somewhat
mailer than during recent weeks and this ap
pear to have stimulated the demand.
Turkey all!n High
Limited receipt of turkey were shown in the
Front street trade for the week. Dressed stock
of good quslity sold around 52 0 54c pound
generslly, although a very scant varum of busi
ness was don aa high aa 5c a pound. lave
bird were also in email supply with general
le tt 40 045a t pound, areorrjlnf te qtullty.
Present drmsnd in the turkey trade is con
fined principally to Alaskan want.
Veals Showing Advance
There was a sudden improvement in the de
mand and price on veal In the local trade early
In th week. Receipt were materially kne than
during recent week and retailer showed more
disposition to purchase even at the higher fig
ures. Dressed Hoc Follow Lire
Pries of eoontry killed bog followed the
price of the livestock downward during th
week, although relatively anetaking the price of
country killed atnff is today higher than the
stockyards basis. Receipts along the street dur
ing th week were heavy.
Potato Market Quiet
Willie effort are being made to force higher
prices for p outer tn the ittim section, the
local trad continue of iktreniely dull char
acter. Receipts here are more than sufficient
to take care of current demand and there is
practically no shipping business because, com
peting point are sellrng for less than the Ore
gon territory.
Onion Market Lifeless
Practically no business was done in local
onions during the week.- The Portland trade
continues congeeted with California suppliet
which are selling to the retailer at lower prices
than growers of Oregon bare been asking whole
saler ar country point.
Cheese Situation Weak
' Drop of 8e a pound in the selling price of
cheese by the Tillamook association daring the
week caused further demoralisation of a trade
that was already in the gutter. Demand during
the week was nnuaually small and limited to
daily requirements.
Apple Trad Remains Qood
While the activity in the apple market was
somewhat less pronounced than during the prevv-
ou.i two weeks, the local market snowed an ex
cedent tone during th week. . Demand eon
tinned mostly In the cheaper-priced stock uch
a leas around f 1.50 a box, although baker that
oxa sroana z.2o sola wen , lor jry tsb
Thee ar prices retailer pay wholesalers, ex
cept s otherwise noted:
Dairy prwduct
BUTTER Selling price, box loU: Cream
ery, extra, parchment wrapped, 63 05Se per ib.
Jobbing prices: Cube, extra. 48 051c; dairy,
buying price, 40c per lb.
BUTTERFAT Portland delivery baste, SSe
A grade; 60o, B grade; country station. 480
49o per lb.
OLEOMARGARINE Bert brand, 81e; erdi-
nsry. bshcj baser, suet nutmarganne, I lb.
caitoc, 82c.
CHEESE Selling price. Tillamook. fresh
Oregon, fancy triplets, 31o per lb.; Toung Amer
icas, 82e lb. Price to Jobber, f. o. b. Tilla
mook, triplets. 28c: Young America. 29c Sell-
in price: Block Swiss, 48 049c; hm burger. 40
tt4 2c per lb.
RUGS Buying price: Current receipts, 66
068c; candied, selling price. 72 0 74e; (elect.
77 0 78c per dostn.
LIVE POULTRY Selling price: Heavy
hen. SOo per lb.; light hens, 2O0 22e
per io.: spring, iignt, zsiase; aeavy, 290
24c; old roosterv 12 014c lb.; turkeys, live,
43 045c; dressed, 52 0 83c; ducks, 5a
Freeh Vegetable and Fruit
FRESH FRUIT Oranges, 89.00010.00 pet
box; bananas, II 0 18 e lb.; lemon. $3.60
&B.75 aerate; grapefruit, riortd, .O0
8.75: peaches, $2.00 02.50 per bos; pears,
12.7; Malaga grapea, is we per io.j Toasya,
14 0150 lb.
APPLES Nw. 41.28 01.00.
DRIED FRUITS Dates. Dromedaries, gT.ZS:
Fards. 4. Ber box: fixa. (3.60 44.00.
ONIONS Selling price to retailer: Local,
$2.00; association, selling price, car, $1.60;
California onions, $1.25 01.75; garlic, 30o per
lb.; green onions, 45o per doxen benches; osoon
Kta, 12c per la.
POTATOES Selling price: Oregoa fancy.
$1.7302.00; sweeU. 4S4Hc per lb.
BKRRIE.S Huckleberries, 20c lb.; eranber
rica, local. $5.00 box; eastern, $8.5009.50 bbl
VEU1lTABI.ES Turnius. 12.75 ner sack:
earroU, $2.00; beets. $2.00; lettuce, $1.80 per
erst; encumbers, ack; tomatoes, Call
fcrnio, $1.78 0 2.2 rag; egg plant, 10c; bn
cell. it. 000 3.00; bell peppers, 10c lb.; celery,
50 0 85c do.; string bean. 4 0 So pel lb.;
green corn, $O0 86e per doxen,
aU and Provbloni
COUNTRY MEATS Selling price: Count rj
hog. 21a per lb. for top blocker; heavy,
14glc; veal. 20r: bevy vci, 10Q12o
per lb.
SMOKED MEATS Ham. 42 0 46 per lb.;
breakfast bacon, 83 0 56c; pfenioa, 87e per to.;
cottage roll, 35c per lb.
LARD Kettle rendered. 29 He lb.; tierce
basis, compound, 20 H c
Fish and Shtllflsh
FRESH FISH Salmon, fresh Chinook, 14 0
16c per lb.; halibut, fresh, 24c per lb.; stur
geon, t 1 : black cod. 10 011c lb.; kippared
salmon, $2.60 per 16-lb. basket; kippered cod,
$2.83; raaor clams. ( ): arabs, $2.7508.75
doaen - ling rod, 0 8o per lb.
OYSTERS Eastern, per gallon. SB 00
Olympia. $3.50.
SDGAR Nominal price. refinery basil i
Cube. 14 8.".; fruit and berry, $13.00; D yet
low, $12.40: granulated. $13.00: extra C
$11.80; golden C, $12.50. ?
HONEY New, $7.00 0 8.00 cue.
RICE Japan style. No. 1, lie; New Orleans
bead. ): Bine. Rose, 114 0114 n,.
SALT Coarse, half ground. 100, $17.25
fief ere see t ; Stat Baak f Portlaad
Unfair Practices in Creamery
Industry Are Menace to Trade
f By Hyataa H. Cake
TJnf air trade nraetieea will no lonaer ba tolerated In the creamery buaineaa
and he allied industries if the federal trade
industry haw been permeated with unfair
v J
if i
th facta are Just th ravers. Where there la only sluggish competition or no com
petition at all. the creameries pay sufficiently lea to make up for the deficiency
caused by the overpayment at competing points.
Overtesting of cream or fat ia said to be far more prevalent in Oregon than
underteating, because of th competition for supplies. Thl ha been declared
Illegal and unfair competition by the federal trade commission and suitable action
is being taken In a number of case where this violation of the act 1 shown.
Dairymen who believe their cream testa are under estimated should lose no time
in looking up the books of the home creamery. An examination of the cream
receipt books of several creameries by th market editor of The Journal shows
th&X-ftilly 90 per cent of th cream tests are overread and only about 10 per cent
British Control
Of Flour
It is announced (Statutory Rules and
Orders, Ministry, of Food, No. 1888) that
on and after September IS, 1)20, the
maximunr-wholesale price of home-milled
flour, not being self-raising flour or pro
prietary flour, in the United Kingdom
shall be at the rate of 16s per 280 pounds.
When flour is sold by wholesale other
than at the price fixed for the, unit of
280 pound the price shall be as follow :
Per sack or package containing 240
pounds, maximum price 73s d ; 224
pounds, maximum price Sits lOd ; 140
pounds, maximum price 43s; 120 pounds,
maximum price, 28s lQttd ; 112 pounds,
maximum price 34s 5d 98 pounds, max
imum price 83a lHd ; 70 pounds, maxi
mum price 21s 6d ; 56 pounds, maximum
price, 17s 3d. (At normal exchange the
Bhllling is equivalent to 24.3 cents, the
English penny to 2 cent American cur
rency.) The foregoing maximum prices for flour re
fixed on the basis of settlement in 28 days from
the date of in voire and are subject te discount
for prompt payment. Where the flour is sold
divided into .packets for retail sale higher whole
sale prices may be charged by or under the aa
thority of the food controller. , -
The maximum wholesale price for Imported
flour, on and after the same date, i fixed at
the rate of 88a. 3d- per 280 pound ex (tore,
Foreign Butter Competition
Not Likely to Grow Worse Here
Foreign butter is creatine. much scare
among creamery and dairy interests of
this coiintry but It is now believed that
the worst of the competition from this
soruce, is over.
Foreign butter is costing more to land
here than prevailing prices for the home
product, therefore most of the former
stock is being held in storage in hope of
eventually striking a better price.
The movement of Netherlands better to the
United States, which assumed considerable vol
ume in th earlier part of the year, according to
George E. Anderson, United State consul gen
eral at Rotterdam, who write that th move
ment has ceased for the time being, the com
bination 61 lower prices in the United State
and increased demand ia Th Netherlands nd
nearby countries making farther sales difficult
at present. During the fire six month of the
current year the export of butter from The
Netherlands were valued, at normal exchange, at
313,868,200, as compared with export ia the
corresywnding period of 1919, valued at 39,
139.200. Of the exports in th first aix months
of 1920 toe United State took 895 metric
tons (one metric ton equal 2204.6 pound),
More Than 2000
Depositors With
Savings Combine
There are now more than 2000 depos
itors with the Union Savings and Loan
association and the last dividend on
the Investment fund credited to them
totaled 10 per cent, according to a re
port made by R. J. Klrkwood, general
manager, at a wild duck dinner recent
ly given to officers, salesmen and their
friends at the Multnomah hotel.
"The splendid growth of the institu
tion," said Klrkwood, "has shown what
immense power there ia in small saving
combined, both as a constructive force
In a comunity and as a builder of small
Individual savlngB into large ones. Thl
institution is built and operated for the
interests of every depositor because
each depositor is a member and shares
with the other in the profits. Co-operative
thrift is the only means of giving
individual small saving equal chance
with the large ones for full profits."
Others who addressed the gathering
were C. L. Stidd. and R. F. Hanks, sec
retary of the institution.
Saa Franelteo Poaltry Market
Ran Francisco. Oct 80. (U. P. Broiler
55 0 60c; Iarg hens. 38 0 38c; best docks. 37
0 80c.
San Fraaeloeo Grata Market
San mncmee, Oct. 80. W: P.) Barley
New feed, per cental, $2.05 02.11; iWpping,
Cbieago Potato Market
j Cbkwge. Oct 3. (L N. 8.) Potatoes
Receipts, 10 1 oars. Minnesota, Dakota. Ohio.
Wisconsin, $1.90 0 2.15.
per ton; 60s, $18 75; table dairy SO. $2T 23;
bale. $3.6004 00; fancy table and dairy.
$34.59: tamp rock, $26.50 per ton.
BEANS 8 le by Jobbers. Small white,
6e lb.; Iarg whit. cs pink, 7 per lb.; Urn,
10c; bayou. e; red. 7 He; Oregon beans,
buying price, nominal
CANNED HII.K Camsticw. $.0; Bevden,
$6.00; A Hot, $5.90 ; East. $11.50; Lib by.
$.: llownt Vernon. $8.90 per eaa.
COFFEJB Boasted. 204Oo in asckt at
SODA CRACKERS In balk. 18c per lb
NUTS Walnut. 83 040 per lb.; alasorid.
37 H 028; filbert. S2e ta sack lot; pea
nut. 14 H 015c; peoane, 2e: Brasfia, SSe,
lUyPE SisaL dark. 13 He; whit, 20 16.
tsndard msnila. 2Hc
UNSEED OIL Raw. bom.. $1.84 gal ; ketV
ti boiled, bbl.. Il l; raw. eases, 11.49 1
boiled, eases, $1.81 (silo a,
OOAb OIL Peart eg water white, in drama
or eras barrel, 17 He gallon; cases. 80e pay
GASOLINE Iron barrel. 29 0 3OUe; ease.
41 c.
WHIT LEAD Toa lot 15; 100 fta
15 He per lb;
TURPENTINE Taaka, $1.81; eaaea, 1.6;
lw case lota, le lea.
Hop Wool and Hide
HOPS Nominal. 1920 erop. 44 049c rk.
HIDES Beet eatfakina, 13o; kip. 8c; green
Sddea, 6c JPet lb.
MOHAR LonsT. 2$c: ahertr ISa lb.
r TALLOW AND GREASE Kev 1 sallow. Ti
Be. a. . -
commission ha a Its say. The creamery
competition for many years, resulting
in una irot urny iu use) puitermsser uieiuoeircs, uu ui ur in
dustry In general.
One of the unfair practice used much In this stats, and
one that la costing the bulk of the dairymen much money, ia
the payment of different prices for butterfat by creameries In
various sections. While there ia a tat law which would
seemingly put a stop to this practice, creamery men aay that
th law'ia a dead letter so far as general enforcement ia con
cerned. w
Some of the creamery men claim they -hare been refused
permission by state officials to pay different prices for fat at
various points and that they ar handicapped In their busi
ness on this account because others ar openly doing o. In
fact, one big valley ereamery openly put out a car in which
It makes a pricev at country points where competition is keen
Just about aa high as it pay at ita plant
- While seemingly this would mean that the dairyman Is
eettin: more money for his fat by this method than otherwise.
Names Price
in Kingdom
net cash for settlement within 28 day from
date of Invoice, o subject to discount of Is. per
280 pounds for settlement within 7 dy. or L
per 280 pound within 14 dan, or 4d. per 280
pounds within 21 days, Th maximum price for
damaged imported flotir (old ander any condi
tions shall be at th rat ef 66a. d. per 280
Rewutsition ef Flour
Floor ReqniaiUsn Order No. 2, 1920 (Statu
tory Rule and Order 1920, No. 1691) in
surance in th following paragraphs th requisi
tion ef all stock ef flour ia the possession of
retail dealers and bikers :
(a) Th food controller gives notice that he
hereby take poaaeeaion of all flour (including
self-raising or proprietary flour) which ia. at the
close of business on October 16, 1920, in th
united Kingdom and W ta possession, custody
or control of any person selling flour by retail
or of any manufacturer of bread for sale and
which waa in th possession, custody or control
of or in course -of transit to sweh person at th
close of business on September 18. 1920.
(b) Thi order shall not apply to any flonr
in the possession, custody or control of sny per
son who has lawfully taken delivery of the same
for a precluded pnrpose in accordance with the
terms of a license granted by or under the au
thority of the food controller for the purpose
Por the purposes of thi order flonr metn
any wheat meal or wheaten flonr, or any flour
containing flour milled from wheat.
Order 1690, of similar wording, requisitioned
trie stocK ot flour m tn possession or factors,
packers and other wholesale dealers aa of Sep-
trmDer is, i-'o.
valued tt ll.083.20O. There were practically
tin tWvws,-a nl W,.4 - It, X7-K.t
v .frnsu f LJUkleTJa 18UXO UC .w r LIICC lam IltU W
the United St&taa in th mnrespoiMiiii period of
isut. jrar mius no eipon iwrfj ptjtMima I or ie-
trm! years vreimB thereto.
Tmsksll lH-aw MvTtai tt ( liUMaavna nwnslti 4-i assi u.-.
vwfsw vuunwuisj lsv leasts l la isjuuuuu, tTtJn-
sumption tbu far during th current jeer ha
iauunieu vu i x per cent or tn output; in tn
full year 1919 it was 67.6 per cent: in 1918,
.l per cent; in 11T. S6.8 per cent, and in
191 only 49.6 per cent Production ia 120
ha been t th rate of 47,100 metric ton and
conimjpption at the rate of 83,800 too for tat
entire year.
-"' ... 1 1 um ,b .iravnca consul gen
eral at Anckland. New Zealand, dated October
, iciwiwi iwiisws regaruug in exports of
New Zealand butter:
It i reported that on September 25. 1920
150 ton were exported from Auckland; on Octo
ber 12, 1920, 800 ton will be dispatched from
Wellington and 600 ton will leaf Auckland on
October 21, 1920.
It is reported that 2000 ton ef this sesxon'i
N.w Zealand butter hav been (old for expor
tation to the United State without restriction
soon as refrieeratn mm mm
.That portion of the butter remaining after th
.w. inuimisQ win OA exported aa
oon as cargo space can be procured.
Wool Trading Is
Still Quiet and
Desultory in Boston
Boston. Oct 80. Sow th wool' trade ii
wtini to the election to giv the sentimental
and practical boost to the market that is so
fnnch HMikil Hint . v. . - . .
. r! bebeve that a auddenV, aeces i
u' uuj'm win louow in election, but they
look for greater confidence to be followed later
by a renewed demand lor both wool and sooda.
In this market trading continue to be of s
quiet and desultory character. Condi tmna ar
certainly no better now than they were s week
ago. Possibly values ar a trifle easier, all de
pending on whether the holder ar anxion to
sell. Manufacturer continue to look the mar
ket over, but without making purchase of im
portance. Some Montana fin clothing ba been
sold daring th week around 31 te $1.10 clean
oemgned wooL A littl low quarter blood ter
ritory ba changed banda at 20c. which ia
thought to be a good price, though not extreme
if the wool bowed a littl ef the better edge.
Sale also ar reported to hav been made of
email lorn of foreign wool, but particulars ar
not forthcoming.
Receipt for the week were: tomeetJe, 770,
300 pound; foreign, 108,000 pound.
Ohio Ho $1.1
Chieago VAOct 80. (L N, 8.) Hogs Re
ceipts. 8000. 10 015c higher. Bulk, $12,80 0
13.00; tops. $13.15; heavyweight, $12.50 a
H00; medium weight, $12.80011.15; light
weight, $12.60 018.10; light lights, $12,500
13.85; heavy packing sew, smooth. gia.lS
l?li,FiRt..7T' oun 5H85012.15;
pig $13.25 013.50.
Cattle Rmipta, 200.
Sheep Receipt. 2060.
Denver Hoe 12J1
Deneer, Colo., Oct. 80. (U. P.) Cattle
Receipts, 1500; strong. Steers, $8,00 0
10.50; cows and betters, $9.00 07.75; stacker
and feeders, $7.5009.50; calve. $1.0
12. iff 0
Hog Receipts, 100; steady. Top. $12.50.
Sheep Receipt, 23.600; strong. Lambs,
$u:2il85: tr.
' Baattl Hog $14.7S
JSmtOt Oct. 80. (I. N. S.) Hon Re
ceipt. 22 ; lower. Prime light. $14,23 0
14.78; medium to choice, $13.25 014.25;
rough be vies, $10.25 0 1 58; rmoeth be vie.
$12.23 012.7! nig.. $12.00 0 18.00.
Cattle Receipt. 40; weak. Prim steers.
$9.50 0 10.00; common to good. 8S.OO0 7.5O;
medtnm te) choice, $8.0009.00; best now and
heifer. $.S0 0 7.00; medium to dmc.
NjrtlaneJ ark
Thi Wert
6,768,928.87 I
6,131.881.05 "
6.878.778 18
Mf.nday ....
Tuesday . . .
Wednesday. .
Thursday ..
Friday ....
Tear Ago.
Week ..
....$37,716,491.66 $37,804,02 0
...$180.g38,789 20 $181,477,787.3
peavi Banks
Saturday $ 2,228,12.0
Saturday 164404.00
Theonia Bank
Batarday 654.8340
Betarday 124.798.0
9wJ Bank
Saturday .... .44,7$00
Sacurday 872,686.00
- Baa Pranelat Bank
Satarday .$2400,000.00
Baiurday $12,458,981
Nw Tork. Oct 10, (I- N. S- Th
stock market closed Irregular today.
sealing were lifeless in the futaJ hour.
Steel common rose to a closing of 8$.
naiawtn arter railing te ros to
112. U. a Rubber dropped over 4
points to "IK, followed by a rally to
71. Central Leather yielded over 1
point to 40. Royal Dutch continued
weak, closing at 71, a loss ef nearly 1
point. Stars-Roebuck dropped 2 pints
to 107, while United Fruit, after fall
ing to 211. rose over I point. South
ern Pacific ros 1 to 101. American
Smelting rose 1 point to $0 and Mexi
can Petroleum declined over 1 point to
Government bond ncBRd; railway and
other bends- strong.
Total sales of stocks today were 199.40
bare; bead. $6,401,000.
Total pair stock for the week wet
2,759,000 shsras; bonds, $79,964.000.
New York. Oct. 8. (L K. Th atech
market open with vigorous bwyin la ssaay
Hrae today, but for a time th steel iasaet
were, oomparatively neglected, interest being cen
tered in various etber greup. ehratheni Paaifie
continued to bold the market leadership, being
traded in oa a large seal and swain; with
a gain of 1 point at 102. After reacting te
101 the stock later reeved up te above 102.
I'nited Fruit wa also prominent, advancing
$H to 223, and Atlantic Gulf and West Indie
rose 1 point to 148.
Marine oommon ros to 19 Tt. Asso
ciated Oil advanced 2 H point to 107 H. the
buying betna baaed on remark that th company
will he need as a balder and operator of South
ern Pacific oil lands. Mexican Petroleum made
a gain of H to 199 H and then reacted to
191. Pan-American Petroleum rose , to
89 Tt. Royal Dutch continued rider p rear re,
selling down 1H to 714. V. S. Rubber wa
also under pressure becanee of the trad condi
tions reflected in the price announced yester
day and dropped 8 points to 7 i H . Steel com
mon sold off H to ST Ik and then moved to
88. Baldwin advanced to 118 H.
Furnished by Overbeck h Cook Co.,
o: Trade building :
Sties. STOCK. I High. Low. I Bid.
600 Alaska Gold I Th TH TH
Alaska Juneau 14
400 Allia-Chelmers 33 32 H 32
100 1m. Ca Cs 83 tt 88 t
100 Am. Car A Fndy. . ., 134a
900 Am. Cotton Oil 27 28 21 '
..... Am. Express 181
300 Am. IntL Corp 73 H 72 H 72 H
Am. Linseed 66
400 Am. Loco 94
2300 Am. Smelter.' 60 H 59 H 60
SOO Am. Steel Fndy 37 H 37 37
Am. Sugsr 106
100 Am. Samatra 85 Vk
200 Am, Tel. A Tel... 100 99 99
200 Am. Tobacco 126 126 12
- 700 Am. Wool 70 70 70
300 Am. Zinc 16
1400 Anaeond 60 50 60
1000 Aasd. Oil 109 106 109
700 Atchison 87 86 86
S00 Atlantic Coast Ida. 96 96 96
4500 Baldwin Looo. . . . 119 112 112
1500 Bslto. A- Ohio 44 44 44
500 Beth. Motor 4 4 4
800 Booth Fish 6 0 6
1600 B. R. T -r 18
Butte C. a 1 7 6 8
100 Butte a Sap 15
Caddo Oil 18 18 18
1200 Canadian Pta. ... 123 124 124
800 Cen. Leather 40 40 40
2100 Cut A N. W 80
100 Chili Cop. 13
800 Chino 25
90ft a, M. A St. P.. 41 41 41
600 C. A 0 66
800 Cot Ou AElee.. 59 58 64
1100 Columbia Graph. . 19 19 1
100 Corn Prod. 88
Ceaden Oil 36
800 C, It LAP... 87 36 36
600 Crucible 124 123 123
Cuban-Am. Sugar 89
100 Dome Mine 11
700 Erie 17 17 17
Fed. Min. A Smelt 9
200 Oaaton Williams . . 4 1
300 General Electric... 139 136 189
400 General Motors ... 17 16 16
Granby i 28
Great Northern Ore 89
800OTeat Northern pfd. 86 86 86
60 Oreene Cananea .. 27 27 7
lOOIOulf 8. Steel 4 5
300iHotMton Oil 106
lOOiminoi. Central ... 63 t-3 93
800HrMpiraUon 42 42 42
100 lnt AST. Corp. o 18
1001 Interbors 5 4 4
200IUterxUte .Calahan. 7 7 7
1400 Int 'Harvester 105 105 108
lSOO'Int, Merc. Marin. . 19 19 1
1000!Int Nickel 17 17 17
ISO Int Paper 65 64 65
BOO Invincible Oil 83 8 33
2500 Island OU 5 6
BOO K. C Southern ... 24 24 24
200 Lehigh Valley 58 52 68
206 Li A N 105
100 Miami 18
1100 Middle State Oil.. 14 14 14
1200Hidvle Steel 87 87 87
500 M. K. A T 4 4 4
1000 Mo. Pacific 27 26 26
.. . . M. St P. A 8. 8. M 82
tO.0 M. A St L 18 18 18
no Nat. Analin 5 58 6
200 Nevada Con 11 11 11
- 600 New Haven 82 82 82
200 Norfolk A West. . . 99 98
: 1306 Nor. Pacific 88 87 87
(N. Y. Central.... 81 80 80
:; BOOIOkla. Prod. Bef.. 4 4 3
7 00 1 Pacific Dev 22 21 22
, IPae. Ga A Eleo 82
2300Paa Am. Pet 84 88 88
People' Gas 42
2200'Per MtratU 25 25 23
400 Pure Oil 89 29 30
P. Steel Oar
SOOFunman 110 10 11
80 Ray Con 14
2100 Reading 95 95
800!Rep. LAS 76 74 74
mOOIRoval Dutch Oil.. 72 71 71
Shettnck, Aris 7
8200:sinclair 32 31 83
1900 Southern Pacific... 103 11 12
2800 Southern Ry 80 80 3
20 Stromberg Carb 08 68 6
210 Studebaker 57 66 57
Swift A Co 105 105 105
2100 Texas Oil 51 51 51
900 Texaa Pacific 26 25 25
700 Tran. Cootl. Oil... 12 11 11
1300 Union Oil Del 28 29 28
Union Pacific 125 124 124
C00 United AUoy 7 87 87
13300 U. 8. Rub 76 71 71
U. S. Smelting 64
3700 U. a. Steel 88 87 88
200 Utah Copper 58
700 Va. Cheat 65 63 64
90 Vanadium Steel . . . 8 3 SS
tVfvandow 1 18
300 Wabash ...... 11 11 11
Well Fargo 64
Western Pac 86
300 Western Union .... 90 89 80
2400 Wfflys-Overlsnd ... 10 1 10
200 Wisconsin Central 40
Total sale Stocks,
19.400 shares; bond.
Weekly sales Stock,
bonds. $70.94.000.
2.759.900 ehere;
corroir 26 POINTS lovteb
New York. Oct 30. (L !f. 8.) The cotton
market opened weak today St decline of 40 to
(.4 point Trader general selling due to bad re
ports from manufacturing renter and an absence
oi killing froet tn the South. Trading wa
active, with yriereamd offering o raUiea and
with the prise after th start ruled barely
ready. Private predictions were for treat to
tight for th central and eastern belt.
Late in the morning local and foreign aenisaf
applied the demand from New Orleans and soan
of tae apot houves. Th cloaa waa firm, 85
print lower to 2 points higher.
Spot cotton wa qniet here today, SO point
lewwr at 22c No sal.
Open. High. Tw. Close.
206 2045 200 2028
1980 2015 1960 2007
19S0 199S 1950 1085
191 1958 -1918 1948
2090 2110 2063 2098
January . . . ,
March . . , .
Ltecember . . .
Liberty Bead Sale
Furnished by Overbeck
of Trad building:
Uberty, 3f
Liberty. 1st 4a..
Liberty, 2d 4
Liberty. 1st 4t
Liberty, 2d 4 s
Liberty. Sd 4
Liberty, 4th 4 Ha
Victory. 4
Tfctory, 8t
A Cooke Co., Board
High, LoV
9338 9310
8860 883
880 8960
8854 8883
9048 9082
6862 8844
9622 9608
,9620 9614
Hew Tork Potate Market
New York, Oct. SO. (L H. 8.) Petstee
(ta balk, barrel or bag) ktsraet firm. Nearby
whit. $2.704.60; fiowtfcerne, $1.8003.60.
New Terk Wheat Market
Kew Tee. Oct. 80. Cask, No. 3 hard and
He. 3-ed, 2.$4, a. tit track te expert.
Edited bf
Serrere horn Ib Asotin bxrvra at North
lyrtJavdtU Slightly Off for
Sttmi Slice y Steady.
Hnoa, rattle.. Calv 8beT.
TMb week.... 203 83 tlW 4671
Week .... 486 8328 294 $664
Two week aso 2324 3733 ,133 3764
Fear week saw $37 ; 1657 1 4687
-Year aaw. , . . . 2308 t 264 238 2742.
Two yearn ago. 26 979 18 1411
Three yea 6743 29 13 .678
Fear yan age 4432 14$i 39$ 3419
Total livestock receipt at Portlaad for
the week wer 137 car coxnptvred with
177 last week. 129 two weeks ago. 110
four week ago, 142 a year ago. 164 two
years ago and 154) car three year ago.
Hog wer weaker and lower, catfJ ruled
weaker and sheep were teady.
In the be alleys there we s ram of 23
bead for th week at North: Portland eompare
wtth 4363 week ago and 220 head a yea
ago. Price lost $1.10 daring the week I th
local tradine, TV. era wee no arrival her on
th esosing day of the period, therefor price
ware no isersn.
lerel htm swaek SMMI
Prime mixed $14.6014.8
Smooth heavy ia n t i.f
Rough heavy 10.00 13.50
v-.ncv Hi 12.60 013.26
Feeder nigs 10.0012.50
Ceute Market Lewer
Lees of about '26e wae shewn la the mwrket
price oa oatrr in sn rsorui rvrwsu mtcrjm .u.
in vseea. isin wmm iikuwm, -- i
the supply a oampared wtth the pretrms weekvl
rsavv none nil nwumu . . . " . .
there were praeucauy no top avarssmo sunn
quotation were aoaroviy given e .
General can) MB: M mm
Choice ateer ,.t ?!
Good to eh esc steer..
4 76
a I
Mecunm to eoea sveeve. .
Fair to goo eteer.
Commow t fair steer
Choice eow and heifer. ......
Good to choice cows sad heifer.
Medium to good cow and heifers
till 4 60
4 BOA 9.60
8 50 4.60
9.6 8.60
Fair to meatu
Choieo dairy ealves
8 00 0 .oe
ti'oelll 00
Heary Carre . . . . . . . .
Best light ealte.
Medium light ealro.
Beet feeders
Fait to good feeders
arawm Trade Hot
7.00 0 9 00
1.00 01$ 00
4.00 011.
t.eof 7
.00 0-7
mi I kai, . ,,-eMd tut aenaral etiee
ehanea for the week at North Portland. Arrival
were somewhat mere liberal than daring th.
. . k . -' tmmAm I. . ft..
precoums weea. n u . V,
cUned to show a stow tone, arrivals generally
cleaned np at epsetotlon listed.
uenerai snwr e mmmom -
East of awuataia lamb. ..... 9
"f..::::::: Ull ill
5 221 S S2
tvtlltmette rauey
Feeder lacae
EweT ..:::.:::::.:...:... 9O0 at
Dlfpeaitlon of Lltcsteet
KollrmitMi wa the disposition ef livestock at
North PorUand foe the week:
liellvered to ue. jasvws. nnn oummv.
Adams Pk. Co. . .
Bennett Meat
Barton A Co. . ...
HOG MARKET 5 1 .50
:: SI
"i ii
r. ili
29 79
Ray Fairchild . . , . . 80
Frye A Co
M. J. Gill 83
Henry Pkg. Co.. . . 112
T. R, Howftt. .... 18$
United Meat 23
F. L. Smith 223
Schleeaer Bra. 17
Sterratt Pk 68
Swift A Co 117
MisceBarieoa 138
Oregon Feeder . . . 1205
Ohicaga Wheat Is
Little Changed in
The Closing Trade
Chicago. Oct. 80. I. N. 8-) Wheat
weakened at the last and closed lower,
while corn and oats displayed Independ
ent strength, being sharply higher at
th finish. Trad In ail rrains was
generally small .throughout the session,
with plenty of week-end eveninar-up in
Resting price for wheat wer at de
clines of e to lo for both th De
cember and Marcti delivertem. October
corn waa 2c hlghwr, December lo to e
advance, and May e te lo up. De
cember oat wer c to higher, and
May c to c pp.
Provisions closed lower. )
Clricao, Oct 80. (I. N. 8.1 Buying of
wheat wa scattered and th vorttme of bsrines
small at the opening today. December wheat
wss e to lc lower aad March unchanged to
e higher.
Corn started steady, with December ;c higher
and May c op. fiouae with eutera eonneo
tione beught.
A moderate trad marked the opening ia oats.
Price were e to e Wiktf. '
Provision wer shad higher. With th
aaerfcet ojoiet aad Steady.
Chtcaeyo range of pricea , aa furnished by the
Dee. 208 310 .208 208
Mar. 208 204 '202 203
Deo. 84 86 S3 S 84
May 89 90 89 90
Dee 64 66 04 66
May 60 60 69 .60
Oct 2820 2896 2299 2900
Nov 2290 2300 2240 2260
Jaa 2400 2400 246 2450
Oct 1906 1909 "94 1903
Nov. 187
Jan. 140 140 1630 1630
Oct ...... 1400
... 170 173 170
... 168 160 167
Deo. 94 97 96
Cash wbea-Ho." 3 reC'$2.14 ;"Ko." t
Ca.h barley, 99 0106.
Natal Store Bark!
Bow York. Oct, 80. (L M. 8.) Tnrpea
UnSaTeanah. $1.15; New York. $1.24.
..K"in Bavaaoah. $11.2$; New York,
912.95. ,
Overbeck &
Ccoke Go.
Stocks. Bonds -Cotton,
Grilin, Btc.
Ittn Cliloago awatuw- wi Trtrd
afTewTot.dnt of Logan Srpaa
tkcago Nw York
214-811 BwaurA of Trad BaBdlag
General Insurance
McCarfTLTs Bates & lively
ro BwUdsng Ml. tCS, A-Z9U
Broccoli Growers to.
f Investigate Seed
l.nBa1x.MtV. ' lVw A e-. m.- U - "- -----
we at vi. w w. w vrmWn fj IVWflB W
ftoasjia ountjr will meet la thi erty am week
foe a petMtr of lawxwcrloa of th field of
BHweeoa es site valley. Taw pwrpea ol this
to ta different field H to d cumin which
ilnis e Ka .j..1 . k. . w
------- -- - ' - irviu srws
th bet tdapted ta ntlg tectioe of IA county.
m - -- , n . ...... ,
rme, am weu anvoncwa I or ini sesson Of
t reer. tlie awt rii during the past
m mm .ewi mvm wrusows a
obt. there will be a vry peolifie ctop thtt
. The eed that ha been ttsed for the last
two rear has amity bee grow In Dwagla
mnlv SmmI J.rf . i. , ,
derwloped by loeal arowera, and tbay ar of
, j vmm xne ssapovxesi eea,.
that rery little wn ported brwaeoll aeed baa bn
own ta the ooonty during that period. A larger
tnan aa vr he planted waa pat
It this year, sad the outsut should mmaLmd
formet yoara ....
4w Trk Wwl aad Hldg'
Mew) Turk. ' Ort ! .U M a 1 rll
weaker. Uowiestlo newe. XX Ohio, 830Oai
deaaestat pnUed. Mowre bahL 90 80; doasea
tw, Tesaa ewnd awes, Oc 0 $1.00. ,
Hide Neaalnal. NtUv Meera, l2$e
raawwa esoara, ii..
-? Mdfrd Pralt BhlpateaU
MedfffVd. Or . Oet l-f'e tn the sweeeot
time 770 wrloode of pear had been ehipped
from Idedferd (of . the aweoaa, whlcb I only
the ear less than were shipped out from here
last rear. There ar mill 12 ear mere of peer
to be thippod. go fay only 4$ carload of ap
ple bar been shipped, bat the axml goa it
not yet la fall swine
3s Exempt From Ail Dominion Gowrnmtnt
' t
Select Canadian Issues
Yidding 7V4 to 9
Province of
Geaeral Obllgatlo Bead
Pritt 96.68
Yield 7.25
Dated Oct 1,1230. DuOot 1,
i93. DnomlnaUon $1000.
Provinem of Alberta
6 General Obligation Gold Notes
Dat4d SBtBibr 1, lttl Da stmbtf 1, lttt
PRICE 94.82 r TO YIELD 9
Principal and seminnu$l Interest p$yible In U. S. Gold Cola
in Ne'Si, York City ind it th offices of Morris Brothers, Inc.
Over m
Th Prmltr Manlrlpal Bad Ho"
Pertlaad, Or. Morri Baildiag
99.11 Stark. Broadway 9161
Other Offleet at Meattle, Taeoaia,
WailL, aat Saa Franelteo, CaL
g Telephone or Telegraph
New Issues
We own ind offer the unsold portion of
City of Casper
Wyoming? - j" .
DATED September 1, 1920f MATURE Serially,
Principal and semi-annual interest (March 1 end BepL 1)
payable at the office of the City Treasurer, Casper, Wyo., J, ;.'
or through the offices of Freeman, Smith A Camp Co. '
Denomination 9500
$28,000 September 1, 1922
28.000 M mz
28,000 " 1924
28,000 - 1925
28,000 1924
Population, 1920 contag, 11447
tesgality approved by Teal, Minor A Wtnfree, Port
land, Oregon. Kxempt from all Federal income .
taxes. Lgal Investment for Oregon savings banks.
Price 97-50 j-
Income Tax Exempt. Wire orders
pian. auk
I e-l
'W- -swJ -111
Second FuOrCvt Main 646
Opportunity for Oregon Investor
Offering $150,000 of
Cremona Phonograph Co-
CAPITAL STOCK- $350,000 . ;
COMMON $140y000 PREFERRED $210,000
Offciiaf. tb BI pertioB tbet to prior al4 aa efferlag of fllMM
oi it uapiiai nvora
Th Preferred Stock 1 1 camalatlv aad parUelpatiag
Baeked ky atattlal kailaet anea. Iadrd by a Chamber f
aeerew attar cmref al aad theresgb lavtig atloa. Larg plaat B
' pratloa. Par vala MM per ghare, sold la kleekg t salt.
There I No Promotion or Wattsred Stock
Subscribe Through ' ,
Creni.a PtagrapK Companj v!
. BdWy.2605 4 ; ' '
Call lor Prospectus ' . . 518 Dekum Uuildi'ns
' Oiehana. Wah , Oct 30. A a result of
two meeting held In Elm and U enteiana, : a
meeting for perfectln th organlsattoo or a
Gray Harbor ronnty aesociatlna ol berry grow
art will be bld t Nataop on Monday. The tl
organiaer from Pullman will be prwent, wiil ,
Ceuaty Horttmlrtiriat l'ayn. Cnantf sAsent Mur
dock and XU. Mmw of the aioateaaaw 1'acalng ,
Thu HMi.t. V i, riim.f tvi aoll and '
verytliia that at reeded toy the , euejcewdul ,
raking f berrle nd tmall fruit, gad hop
by organisation and work t become a 1-.
metis lot U horrlee a the Puyallu yUy.
- - e i -. . .-
". MlaaeapolU Cali OralB "' v 4
MinepoW. Oct. 90 Cash Wbt No. f
Aark Borthern. $2.0 0 2.13 t No. v 8, "
$239 02.19 l No. 8. 31.98 03.08 I
ni nati no,
$1.98 09.08: No. 8, $1.8$0V$I
No. 2 northern. $2.03; Ne. 8. $17 4W
U sTk IX . k-H w it.., xhaaanrl a sawvtaa ta as V I a Baa gaYf
6.V a I T" w, v. siiwiaan we iejwiivivtai W "T Tf
9 till I No. 1 hard Montana. -$2.06 ta
enau. u. i numn fj mu skf nii..
i'orn No. 4 yllo. 88 08e; No. B. 80 '., 4
84c; No. 8 mixed. 80 0 86c; No. 4. 78 0 84e. .
Oat .Ho. 9 white. 61 0 69 I Be. fC
5O041e; Ko., 4806Oe,
Barley Choice to fancy. 96 0 $6ci mowaal
to good, 86 0 92s. r . r -ry-rrJFr-..
. Kye jo. a ry. -. t . .. ,
Flax $2.74 03.76, . -
- r. ' '
Farelga Exrhaag Mark.
vi .w.. a n . i r l w i tneele aa.
change opened ted.v. Storting 93 44 . wa-
alia need frene, .088, ap .O003 Ure .0974,
pticliangeil ; mark .0130, unchanged j Osnadla ,
dillara .044. anehsnged. . . -
The tnartet loa rower. . rwriins
is . .0680. off .0008: lire. .0970.
asi . l. ntia mtt Ohni) Use aahlaa
.971: Canadian dollar .044. -.--.'
Province of I
BriUsh' Columbia
i Geaeral ObllgaUoa Boad
Price 96.55
Yield 730
Dated Oct 25, mil. Du Oct.
25, 1923. Denominations 1600
and $iouo.
gl, g an 6
Xiuioa ,
1 ,f
Orderg at Our Expense
Beptember 1, J927
141 f
tJZ&M to 7-5i:oo'vT,,4
"collect." Cash or Partial Payment'
lor circular j vs.
' 1 1 . 1 - Z)-- -orr
I .V-i " S?