THE OKKUUNuS OCTOBER ' 3l1820. 10 WOrtfE-JOlD O001 TOH HALB 68 1 ' ' ': sells roa LESS . ; Iran, beds 1.78 1 25 -2.60 9.O0 2.7 5 1.80 7.50 2.80 4.00 4 50 12.50 0.00 17.50 0 00 ' cnatn Kockr .: stove . . . . . plate Bed springs . . . . '' lx tension tables Mattresses - Kitchen Treasure " Be lid oak leather teat dining chain . 4 -burn r im stove.-. . , .. " , . Hotel drawer, ivory Small llu library table v - Coal or wood nut Kill rug. . . Owl FEraltijre Co, J , SELLS FOR. LESS , -166-168 First Street """" 76 Feet South el Morrison. Fine Big Oar Sand Com bination Range . All eastlron. Big oven, separate gas ovan. thermometer on door. Complete. et op snd con nected with five-foot bot water coil at til x tnmely low prlca of 678. tq terms. Wt charge no interest. GevErtz Baniitare Co. The Big Store - ALL UNDER 1 HOOP. SO BRANCH STORES 1185 First St. REMEMBER, 2 DOORS FROM TAMBILL W8 'ARE orerttorked In ed dnmn that we - will sacrifice to make room c prices uiat will' aurpri-e you OTITEB FOE CO. 173 First it , , FOB WALE MISCELLANEOUS 1 8lR"T0;eTTff(rEWLN " MA'aiLNKs v Wi take sour machine in exchange, baianea eneB or - easy payments, Pbon (or demonstra tion. Machine rented. Expert repairing, any AW. MORRISON ST. SINGER STORE, -, 881 Morrison. Marahall 721. WE SAVE YOU MONEY House wiring, lighting fix tarn, electrical repairing, up plie. Third Street Elect Store. 224 tt Third timet, near Bslmon. Main suoo. BUT, 8ELL7rTENT OH-TltADBj Shotguns or Rifles I. : h ' NEWMAN'S GUN BTOBE. I28 Flnt It. Main 4405. Tabor 67BS. NEW PERIOD MODELS '' See the new Period modele In Edison, Brnna : vjrkjt and Columlila. Priced from $350 to $750. braclal term. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., MO Aide Electric Motors Bought, told, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works, 418- Bunt- tide, corner 10th. Broadway 0B74. NEW PERIOD MODELS lUee the now Period mode la in Kriiton, Bm na rk and Columbia. Priced from 1350 to 7o(). octal term. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 850 irter. OB BALE rntatoea. $2 per hundred, upland. want water aoaked: on Baae llne road: turn north on road to Troutdale, 40 rods; Benaon Hotel farm road. Phone Ciresham 154, William nierL - V UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER tfnderwood typewriter, Np. 0, guaranteed same a new. .'-comr rliioon. etn. l'rire iu down, 3 monthly. ; Hyatt Talking Machine Co. 850 Alder. ' rvn BALE Wood aw on Ford truck, 0 n. p. elrnaiute.MnrM engine, only uaed thia aea ton.. Price fiiOO. - Start working name day tarn Buy. l'bone Mean 7(542 or call at 853 .Jeekeon it. : , CIRCLE EXCHANGE ''We buy, sell and exchange ladlae and chil dren's clothing. 415 Filed nar bldg., lOLb and Washington. Bdwy. 220. GOOSEBERRY planu, Oregon Champion, and currant bushes. Order now. Supply limited. Price reasonable Woodstock Nursery, 6803 Woodstock at., Portland. Phone Sellwrod 2332. KRTWBWRfplnti. 7 tarietie; plant a few sores of Cuthbert raspberries. One grower nil da 81500 per sere. Woodstock nursery. Phone Bel I wood """'t'w LADY'S brown ool suit, size 44. short stout. SAO: cost g7.l! worn nnre ! hahv hMt nn wheels, 14; wvathered oak hat rack, 15. 687 E. tb. 8ellwood33S0. CJU?-H. Ot L. Apples, 75c box and up; pears, onions, qulnres, beans, cabbage, 11,25 sack; squash, 82 100 lbs.; cucumbers, potatoea. Douglass farm, 4 mile south of Trouldale. BEAUTIFUL crosa-fox fur aet (collar aVd"euffsT. perfect condition ; or will exchange for ahort ptuah coat or long cloth coat, size 38 or 40, must be id perfect condition. East 8981, 101 Adams. f ' 8IBLOCO PLPKLESS FURNACE 7(89.43 and 3135. Phone East 4367. Show room 184 E. Broadway, near Bridge. Open re- nJngt and Sunday). - APi'LES FOR SALE " V.F1ne eating winter apples, 60c and np; bring box, Hing Lee, Tualatin, Or., first house touth og ecnoot. -BABY buggy and sulkey, in good condition. ' Will sell cheap if both taken. Both hare rpbber tires. Phone StUwood 1607. 1111 Woodward are. XtOTJD gas water heater. $12.30; 3 Rubeni : shirt, first aise, $2.80; 7 pain white wool efeekings. $2; $8 box camera (or $4. Auto. i0H SALE Perfection oil heater 2MS, eleo- trie vacuum cleaner $10. Edison phonograph With 40 roll 814, pillows, electric table lamps, dl-iles, tools, many things. 454 Salmon St. lOB SAT.K 800 square feet of good lmn ; bar 810. IS windows, 32x36, $5. 660 East v Kelly st., near E. 12 th. ;t STRAWBERRY PLANTS New Oregon, $4 per 1000; Marvel $10 per lOOO. -Wdln. 1717. LOGANBERRY tips and plant (or sale spring delivery, order immediately. End of Wood , ftect carline. Woodstock Nursery. Sea 2332. T3 fertilizer" -Bolted horse or cow manure delivered any where In city. Tabor 2704. If -rv 1 ; ; ; wvs wuoa or ooai neater, si moat new; ; reasonable. Tabor 6249. 812 E. 47th at. 8V 'ear Hawthorn ave. SOFT DRINK FIXTURES i Bar and back bar. showcases, tobaeea eodjr eaaea. Pl' club, 283 1st sU, eor. Main. RUBBER HEELS 45c; SHOE REPAIRING WHILE YOU WAIT. TABR SHOE (JO . , 688 WASHLNGTON ST., NEAR 20TH. UNIVERSAL heater glmost new; gmall gai heater and fluff rue 2x9 Main 6484. or 74- Everett st. LJ.T ua Wah your rugs with the Hamilton- x Reach electric carpet washer without rsiuov. IngWrom the floor, Wdln. 1280. MB1NG. tovo and furnace renairad- n. ,ttings, coils mad and connected. '7 Grand n. avast aoou , 5VO genuine Alaska white fox furs. $90. Call 288-82 or 167 Randall st. near 27th and Bandy. " , XR billiard and pool tables, store fixtures, cash . faadater and show rase on easy payments, eee W. J. Quigley. 366 Hawthorne ave. East 123 Leaky auto top waterproofed and made Uk . xww for 63.50, with money-back guarantee. eve eoii. ooi is. uaa at. KJ GS washed on your floor with Hamilton . Beach elect, carpet washer. Alao vacuum rleaplng done. East 4043. Dentistry PR. A. W. KEENE 851 Washington RL Without pain. La Latest Nerve Blocking Method. EJjrYDSTRINCESSbby carriage, xcaii't be told from new; $30. ivory color C434 89th gm 9. BW Ll AUTirUL mirror, double bevel, SlHxS7tt , hardwood frame; $23. Z 563. Journal. tWttOl'HKAD Sinser sewing machine; good eon- "Olllon. TIMr T27II. (vitCONDHAND Unu and eovers for sale IV rifle Tent g Awning Co.. I N. rirst st, kpR SALE Brown S-trand real hair switch, lor will trad. 6314 03d it. S. E. BLACK Knox sailor, never worn, cheap. East 8469. LADDER and carpenter's workbench 5S good .ewidlUnn: cheap. East 8469 i0& SALE Uoaea. 200 Caroline Tettouta from ,'rTivato garden. Bee Mr. O'Brien. 233 Stark. t CALLED FOR uQor made suits, 812.60 up. Taylor, the tailor, 289 H Bqrxwide ex. $ii BUYS adding machine! adda 7 figures. oia wnett Ding. ajar. dj. VACUUM eieanera lor rent. II t day: deUvered aerwbere, Wdla. 8496. formerly- Bdwy. 258. riy- ztawy. TOR SALE One 12ft.. 1 4-tt... 1 8-ft. coonter. . vesse. 1 f t. cigar floor case. 608 Hawthorne. tEVERAL 24 Inch silk lamp shade at $7.50 .apiece, Sell. 8404. " " foil BALE a pool table, ia first chug eoodi- ' Hon ; cheap. 80 Vl ' Park. i-YKS tested free; spectacles guaranteed. Dr. Belding. 245 H Alder St. Main 1692. GKI, WINTER SUIT. WDLN. 866. fiARDEN nnnre' for sale. Tabor 6684. SLIGHTLY worn suit, coat, hat, fur and dreasea big hanmln. Mar 8216; .;.- - 1 OR SALE On Blurgia culky. Tabor; T103. l FOB. WALE MIBCELLAKEOTJg It ETERYTHINC1 WB HATE MUST OO BE FORE THE NEW TEAR. SEYERAL HUN DRED Tons or pipe or all kinds. FROM H INCH TO 20 INCHES. PUR CHASED FROM PORTLAND AND NEARBY SHIPYARDS. FAR BELOW MARKET VALUE. AND NOW GOING AT THE BARxeST MAR GIN OF PROFIT. WB CAM DELIVER ANY AMOUNT AT ONCE IN ANY BIZE. I.OTS OF INSULATED WIRE OF ALL KINDS, AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT OF ALL KINDS; 17 SPOOLS OF COPPER TELE MOTOR CHAIN, IN 60 POUND SPOOLS. GOING AT AMAZING PRICES, j ALL KINDH OF BELTING. BOTH LEATH ER AND RUBBER. MANILA ROPE. CABLES OK A LI KINDS AND SIZES. CONVEYOR BELTn, CHAINS, BOOM UHAIB. UU."- VETOR CHAINS, SPROCKET CHAINS. PUL- OF ALL KINDS, BLOCKS OF ALL KINDS. SHOVELS, SCOOPS. PICKS, AXES, MA CHINISTS" AND SLEDGE HAMMERS. BOLTS OF ALL KINDS, RIVETS. BAR IRON; BEAM. CHANNEL PLATE AND aflLE lKU.t. WECOND HAND HAND TRUCKS, PLAT FORM SCALES, PUMP AND SCREW JACKS, WOOD JACKS. PIPE VISES. GENUINE ARMSTRONG AND TULJSUU STOCKS AND DIES. . YALE A TOWN K. AND KtiDlU HUtr TIPLK-GEAB CHAIN BIXCKS. FROM H TON TO S TONS, IS THE DUPLEX ASD TRIPLEX STYLES. KTBK EXTINOUIBMEK8, r!HB BUDt, FIRE NOZZLES AND CONNECTIONS. GAS ENGINES AND P1P1S tUllinu A- CHINES.. ALL KINDS OF SECOND-HAND DOORS AND WLNDOWS. AND WINDOW GLASS. SEVERAL THOUSAND KAtH Bin AND SECOND-HAND FIRE BRICKS. GALVANIZED CUT NAILS IN ALL BlAta. ZIDELL - BERENSON COMPANY. 208 FRONT STREET. X MARSHALL 132. PIPE PIPE PIPE Gas Water Heaters, double copper coils. SIS 3gal. Range Boilers, guaranteed new... SI 5 Bathtubs Bathtubs Toilets Sinks Sinks Lavatories Lavatories Range Boilers Range Boilers Washtrays Washtrays All Kinds off Fittings If you need' any of these article, eee ui be fore you buy, as we ran tare you money. Esti mate given free of charge. We alao hare eome (lightly damaged goorin. NORTHWESTERN PHPE COMPANY Call Main 5631. lr!7 Front 8U, bet. Yamhill und Taylor. ies BATHROOM OUTFITS COMPLETE AT SPECIAL LOW PRICES BATH TUBS LOW-DOWN TOILETS CORNER OR FLAT BACK BASINS (complete) PIPE AND riTTLNUS Get eur price before you let your con tract. We also hare soma slightly damaged good. L. Howard 230 3d St BUT your draperies, Teloura, tapestries, etc., now and sare One third to one half. 454 Washington CORNER THIRTEENTH POTATOES PRUN ES Order your winter supply now direct from the grower and tare the broker' and retailer' protiL Tjraer now belore tney adranee. Potatoes $2 per 100 pounds, delivered. Prunes 5c Per pound. MRS. .J. W. MrKIBBEN. ONE beautiful blue silk graduation dress, size 86; cost $35, only worn once, $15: also one heavy brown coat, size 36, for 80; 1 set of Iceland white fox furs, for $10. On canary bird singer and female and cage, 85. Tabor 2649. WORKWOMAN'S orercoat. aood condition, ord- mnanr site: also nearly new storm shoe-, site 8. Stephenson Court apartments, corner 16th and Mill sts.. west side. Mr. Rice. Sunday and evening. APPLES" -Jonathans. Suitzenberzs. Winesana, 81.50 box: 8 boxes for $7. Mail orders promptly attended to. Cut the high cost of apple b calling White, Palace Grocery, Bdwy 2103. FOR SALE One Manning cowl oil burner (double) complete, with 10 gallon tank and connections. - Will install same and guarantee a good s new, $25. W-69, Journal. SIBLOCO P1PELESS FURNACES $60. 45 and $135. For information, phone East 4567. Showroom, 164 E. Broadway, near bridge. Open Sunday and evenings. NEARLY new overpoet for 10-year-old boy. $10 1711 E. 17th L 8. Also 1 pair $9 pump, worn twice,, sue 3 Vi or 4. FOR SALE Ivory bed, best double coil sprinxs chiffonier and mattres; fell ungle piece or sec. oeuwooa zoaz. FOR SALE Newspaper from U parts of the u. H. and t anada, at uth and Morrison. Pacific l;oaat News Co. HIP Uq) red rubber boots, sUe 8; short oil slick er. size 38, and rain hat $8 for all; slightly worn. ilea a. aatn st, w. LITTLE boylf-black velvet suit. 2 or 4 years, aa. i . i : i , -,r o, aoau crucuev uuiau scan. eiu. i Marshall iir.a v FOR SALE Charter Oak ranee. 6-hol ateei too: also small heater: both in ariori rnnfii uon; cneap. Telephone woocuawn 3284. FOR RALE On dozen opera chairs, cheat). American Furniture Hospital, 368 E. Morrison. CHEAP FOR CASH Universal combination ranee and mechanical drawing set. 554-16. BABY carriage, genuine Heywood 4 Wakefield reed carriage; worth $35; will tell for $20 do cmon ave. 8 AN FRANCISCO USED APPAREL Smart coat, evenine town, dreasea furs. Tabor 2825. tXR BALE Cheap. Hudson seal fur coaL beaver collar and cuffa. latest style, practically new, sue eu, lengtn. lau 778 Johnson GABINET MAR-RRS ATTRN'flriv One demountable cabinet bench for sal nbean ija.ii ooe ji. into su, or iwwy. 3133 BATTERY motor with switches and wiring. Wdln, 2897 NO. 7 cook stove, perfect condition. 1031 E. 2th et. N near Aiberta. 6MA fALL wood heatex with coil and pipe, $15, 320 Ivy t. BABY '8 whit enameled crib, drop aid, witS sum nose maitress. aiarsnail 1103. odaiiix rtuvaxibK typewriter, man a over' coat 40. plate camera. 810 each. E. 8388. g OR SALE Home-made raapbcrrg jam and jvuiea. v saarguenie ave. ELECTRIC washing machine, 350; adjustable ares lorm, giu. rnon Mar. 365. HAN'S dark gray overcoat, siae about 88; $8 oeiiwooa squi. SIBERIAN squirrel skin scarf, new, reasonable iv to a oniy. as Kuseell bldg. FOR SALE Girl's plain French mad wool suit, almost new, reasonable. .Phone 216-21 HEATER Ruby No. 17. wood, coal, like new, io. Alter 6 una y. East 3765. FOR SALE Gas plate to attach on rang reasonable. Phone 216-21. TWO 6-foot holly trees. 2 nice Virginia, creepers, all for 8S. 1555 Division. $30 LEATHER brief case $10. Phon Mar- nair noun. Apt D. LADY'S tailored suit, new, midnight blue; vmi; eo-ea; gis. Benwood 2180. WOOD and coal range for aale cneap. 4024 nam sr. . xv. FOR SALE Marshall strawberry plants, $10 prr juujs. aiain-ioil. FOR SALE 2 men s suits, six 40. 249 Tay lor it GOOD cook stole. 2002 Hawthorne. burns wood or coal. $20 Ht Tabor 88th st. ear. 2 FORD TANKS ready to strap to runnin poarq. a each, l'bone Main 826. CROCHETING and knitting made to order, fa- oor i.3. IXR SALE Dree suit, excellent condition, size oo or iu. vvuin. xov. FOR sale or trade, wood heating ttove, for po- FOR SALE Baby buggy. 2195. Phone Woodlawa BABY BUGGY for aale; good condition. Cleveland ave. 57 OAKLAND Banner heating stove, coal or woodl " rttt y. tnone East 7804 FOR SALE A man' Invalid bicycle. Inquire g i tea i(sa. TOR SALE 4-cyl. aoto motor, suitable for mowrooes, cneap. xvast 4180. HEATING 8 TO V E f aale7Tabor 4704 JK8ALK 100 grain aacka. Tabor 8868-MOUNTEDk- tooth, fob, 295 Morrison. ! GOOD heeW for "wood. , 12. 85"Br42d"; FOB - BAL MISCELLAyEOTja It . 1 LOST! Last lost only one He died. 28 TEARS OF HONEST DEALINGS IN SURES EVERT PURCHASE LEVI . CI These are Just a few of the hundred of bargains that we are offering at BIO REDUCTIONS No. 14 Grtnit. Dish Pans. Special.. 55o All Grxnite Bucket 65o Used Ranges, a complete line, from 320 up New Range Specials Only 2 left New polished top. 6-hole wood and coal range. The regular price of thia range is 365.00. Our prirc only $47.75 V Rockers Rockers Imitation Leather Rockers, full covered. Reg. $22.50. Special $16.75 Genuine .Spanish Leather Rockers. New, only a' few. Reg. 849.00. Spe cial 836.50 Solid wood seat Rockers. Special . .8 5.96 A good used line of Rocker from 32.60 up. Chairs Chairs We have a large selection of good used dining chairs that are bound to meet with your approval. Our prices are cut down 25 per cent on all thene: Full Box Seat Oak Diner (new). Reg. 35.60. Special 84 25 Regular 83.50 Chain (new). Special thi week, only 32.45 New Chairs, slightly damaged by smoke and water. Special 81.65 Copper Coiled Qas Water Heaters Only a few for special this week only. Reg. $30.00. Our price $21.50 Rugs Rugs A word to the wise is sufficient 9x12 A i minster Rugs. Reg. $63.00. This week $44.50 9x12 Wool xnd Fibre Rugs. Reg. $25.00. This week $19.50 8-3x10-6 Axminater Rugs. Reg. $60.00. This week 339.50 7-6x9 Wool end Fibre Rugs. Reg. $18 00. This week $12.93 Good used rugs in all ize as large as 12x16 at prices worth investigating. We hare a large variety of both good and cheap rugs' - in the oaect at prices from $5.00 up. Floor Covering All patterns of $1.00 floor covering this week only 78c per tq. yd. Hundred of other articles in furniture, dishes, stoves, etc, at special prices. Every Star on Your Dollar Twinkles Here LEVI MfltJl Main 9072 22135 FRONT STREET Corner Salmon COAST MACHINE REPAIR CO. Sewing machine expert: family and tailor ma chine repaired and adjusted. Sewing machine agent sre not mechanica. WE ARE!- Lock and key work; hand shoe repairing; repair work of all kinds. We call for and deliver. Phone Marshall 1745. 158 Front St Corner Morrison St GAS water heater with pip connections, com bination gas and eoal range, cream separator, Jersey cow; moving away; sell reaaonsbl. South end Buckley ave.. 1-3 mile south of Foster road. Tabor 3807. Victor Grteger. ONE Remington typewriter, 1 heavy bras cus pidor. 2 hung box. 1 filing cabinet, 1 setter file. WOODLAWN 2588. APPLES Good, sound Bellflower and Green ings, $1.60 per box. Bring containers. Cor. of 71st st sod Powell Valley road. APPLES Cooking and winter apples ; moving away: south end of Buckley ave.. 1-3 sail south of Foster road. Chaa. A. urieger. SAFES, new and secoadhand, aoms with burglar chest, at reasonable prices. PaelfM Seal Supply Co.. 48 Front st Bdwy. 19S8. APPLES, fall pears, parsley plants, llth-Coium ma bird., opposite Humane Society. Wdln. 1763. FOR SALE Child wagon wheel. 829 Sal mnn st YOUNG LADY'S winter coat for sale, like new. Sell. 654. almost COUNTRY telephone box, almost new, 310. 274 Margin. East 474. BUERCHER gold-plated C-melody saxaphons, 6190 cash. Phone Automatic 814-85. GOOD coal and wood range tor aale. 810. Wood taw 7t. ioa William ave. HARVARD CLASSICS for aale. Have Be been used. Price $30. C-1847. KITCHEN range, good condition, with coils. cneap. ispor rov. i xwivon. POTATOES. 82.10 and 32-23 delivered. 88 E. Everett st. East 6708. NOTICE to merchants: Job lot of. born aaa flags for sale, cheap. 94 Third t 2 CTL. Molln tractor, plow. disk, harrow. (300, or crane. x-t . FARMERS, I can B-64, Journal. t you $223 oa Beer Moline tractor. E-450. Journal. FIRST class wood beating ttevs for sal. Tabor 687. Call ATpPLKS!. $1.30 a box. Brine boaea. block. t of city limits. Stark t. LATEST improved Vulcan gaa heater ia perfect nape, as.ou. g-ooiw vtoia, 2979, iAElIAEE & PWAK CI FOB SALE KISCBLLAKEOTJS 18 GENUINE U. S. ARMY GOODS SPECIAL THIS WEEK 0. D. Wool Blankets, $2.50 to $5.00 U. S. Army Gray Wool Blankets, $3 to $4.50. Coats or Breeches, of wool, $1 to $5. U. S. Army Coats or Breeches, cotton, SI to $11.50. New Army Shirts, 0. D., wool, sizes 15 to 19, $4 to $5. Reclaimed 'Shirts, O. D., wool, sizes from 14 to 19, $2 to $4. 14x14 wall tent. 16 ox.. O. $43. TJ. S. Amy steel cot. $4.50. U. S. Army spiral puttee. $1 to 81. 50. U. 8. Army belts, new, 35 c. U. S. Army overcoats, $6 to $12. TJ. S. Army mackinaws, $5 to $10. Shelter half tents, 3150 to 12 3" New coverall. $4. New socks, 75& U. S. Army hats, 50c. We absolutely guarantee these good in good shape, end hav been renovated. Complete line of new and reclaimed army goods. Wholesale and retail. Largest dealers in army goods on the Psrific coast Insured mail orders solicited. HORENSTEIN & MESHER 250 2d, near Madison COPPERCOILED GAS WATER HEATER This Is an Opportunity off a Lifetime ONE ONLY NO. 50 TRIPLE NIL RUUD GAS WATER n EATER. IN F1RST OI.ASS CONDITION. WITH TH18 HEATER WE HAVE THE ORIGINAL, TANK WITH A CAPACITY OF 40 OAL I1NS THIS HEATER AUTOMATICAL LY REGULATES THE HEAT OP THE WATER. IT MUST BE SEEN TO BB APPRECIATED I-XR VALUE. DURA BILITY AND CONVENIENCE. THE PRICE NEW WOULD BE ABOUT $125. OUR PRICE ONLY $50, OOMPIJCTE WITH TANK AND STAND AND ALSO A GUARANTEE THAT IT IS IN FIRST CLASS CONDITION. SUITABLE FOR RESTAURANT. HOTBI.S. ROOMING HOUSES. BARBER SHOPS, ETC. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO. Main 9072. COR. SALMON. 221 FRONT 8T. For Sale at a Bargain One Roll Top Desk. Derby finish. 33x42. on sanitary bate, 3 doors on right side and center door $32 50 One filing Cabinet. 26x40, 3 lane filing doors on lower part, 12 upper doors. Derby finish $67.50 We consider them a very good buy for anyone who needs thia office furniture. 174 FIRST ST. N. E. COR YAMHILL. Drapery Remnants from Meier & Frank's warehoTifw. Stock damaged by water, at 2 Tic oa dollar. 454 WASHINGTON CORNER THIRTEENTH HOW MUCH DO YOU WEIGHT We have iust installed in front of our ttore a rew automatio Toledo weighing scale. Weigh vrmraelf weekly. Absolutely free. On next Sat urday the first five persons weighing 142 pounds will each receive a new 1 record. 01 your cnoice free. Watch each Sunday contest. Hyatt Talk ing Machine Co.. 850 Alder. Sewing Machines. We have tbe largest stock of used Sewing Machines in the city. Com pare prices. We rent and repair. 172 3d, near TamhflL TWO NEW TIRES Two new tires taken in on deal, size 84x4 H , which is oversize for 33x4. Would cost $9JJ. Price $55. $15 down, $10 monthly to re sponsible party. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. ONE Beeman garden tractor, used 2 months. Price $200. One Fairbanks-Morse centri fugal pump. 3-in.. about 24 -ft. of 4-in. suction nil.. On. Rvmn & Jsckson foot valve for same. George J. King, caxe Steamer America, Portland, Or. NEW WICKER PHONOGRAPH 8ee the new Wicker Phonograph in all fin ishes to match yur furniture. $160, $18.', 8216. Terms. $25 down, balance monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 850 Alder. FOR SALE Gold plated triple spring phono graph motor. Plays six records one winding. A bargain for someone building his own cabinet. New $18. Main 2660. FOR SALE Hunting outfit, consisting of coat size 44. pants 40, cap 7 " ; one pair nip boot. ixe 9, nearly new. Call room 421 Clif ford hotel, bet 9 and 11 a. m. today. NEAR Seal coafee. almost new. 40 bust 33 length; also beautiful band made lace yoke. Phone Aut 215-29. Call Monday and Wednes day 1724 E. 16th st. FOft SALE White Mountain ice cream freezer. 2 -quart size; copper bottom washboiler: stoneware cereal jan; 6 dozen quart Economy jars. Apartment 32. The Alton ia. VULCAN gaa range, good as new, 4 hole burner, 8 ovens, ventilated houl. 456 E. 18th N. East 5852. 8PLKNDID tone Chicaao Music company piano, ' only $285. $25 down. $10 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. FOR SALE New and second-hand showcases, bank and office fixtures. James L Marshall Mfg. Co.. 452 Uoyt it. 6REGON strawberry plants for sale. C. W. Raaach. Lents station. Portland, rr.. Box 201, Rt 8. or 82d, 6 blocks south of Kenton station. FUMELESS GAS RADIATOR $50 Bado Fumeless ga radiator $25; fine condition. V-240, Journal. TWO pool tables, balls and cues, at a bargain, write Secretary Stevenson, Aerie No. 1744. Stevenson, W ash. FOR SALE $30' heating stove, used 16 months, $10. 8300 49th ave. 8. E. Good as new. EXPERT boxing and shipping automobile. James I. Marshall Mfg. Co.. 452 Hoyt at RUUD water beater for sale, 320. 1023 E. 20th st W. GOOD used spnrrete blocks for sale or trad; cheap. Woodlawn 4349. FOR strswberrey plants write H. O. lamina. Or. WU- J range, E. Mar rug. library table. Cheap. 603 arket st HUBBARD squashes and pis pumpkin, Tabor FOB SALK pool, 287 First t. U W'$ DUI4UA M.LTK- aTCall. WRECKAGE wood .a&ai cheap. labor 864$. FOB SALE XISCFLLAJTEOT-S 1 COHSTMICTIOH CO. 460 Belmont st Cor. E 8th St ' U. S. GOVERNMENT MATERIAL FOR SALE We sre offering to the public the following list of bldg. material, at price that will afford the laboring xoan that long lost opportunity of building. We pure heard from U. B. snipping board 6.000.000 feet of lumber, This include sll kinds of dimension lumber from 2x4s to 12x12s, along with Flooring, Rustic Siding. Shiplap, Ceiling, 1-inch sheathing, rough and dressed. Window sash. Doors. lr.iide finish. Shingles. Itodfing paper. Plumbing fixtures. Pipe and fittings. Electrical material, Plow steel wire cable. Mirrors. We are selline sll the above items at about half price. Bring us a copy or mail us a list of any material that you might need in tue building bne and our estimate will show you how pre-wsr prices ned to look on paper. SPECIAL OFFER One million feet 4x6. 4x12 and 12x12 from 12 to 60 ft lengths, like new, $15 M.. f. o. b. Everything in the building line, new and 2d band. Prompt delivery. BOLM WRECKING & ISTRDCnON 460 Belmont it . Cor. Emt 8th fit Phon East 6110. Rl'KCIAI. EDISON TERMS We have iut received a shipment of the EdiKon Chippendale, which are exact duplicates of those nsed in Edison tone testa. These sre priced t $205 and we are making special terms of $25 down and $10 a month. Over two years to pay while enjoying the new Edison. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 850 Alder st A FINE. usedT hich grade violin, with case and bow, well worth $75. Can be had for $35. Juft the thing for a talented boy or girl to start. Several other used violins, $15, -$18. 22 Free lessons for beginners. First floor. Eilers Music bldg . 287 W ashington it 75 DROP-HEAD and cabinet sewing ms chines, every kind: sll guaranteed; $13 to $33; all the latest new Singers; cash or terms. Machines rented $3 a month. Singer 8tore. Moose bldg . 193 I'ourUl st Main 6883. rOr, SAIJS 6 window sah, 8x12; 18 light (nearly new) for worth of glass; 3 -burner gas nlate. sanitary eouch. child's rocker, nearly new One Minute electric washer, ironing board. Owner nun-resident. 100 E. 69th st N-. M. V. car. A HAT full of mouth organs. Take choice. $1.06 each. Each one worth more than twice. These are fine new instruments, but we are closing out all odd lines. Oregon Eilers Mipoc House, 287 V4 Washington at SAFES Fire and bnrgiar proof safes, new and secondhand, at right price, bought, sold and exchanged. Eajy terms u desired. NORRIS SAFE A LOCK CO., 105 Second St Main 2045. Independent Printers We are still doing promptly "printing for leas at 1 1 No. 6th st Commoowealtn OKU. Smith, printers. Broadway 2980. BIG BARGAINS Slightly need desks, chairs and book also 6th. bookkeeper's desk. D. C. Wax. 31 N. bdwy. 2730. A 1 INE Aeolian player piano, rich mahogany ca cost new $850. eold for account family moved away. Price $305; terms. Bench and 25 music rolls Included. See Oregon Ellen Music House. 28 7 H Washington st LLAVK your draperies made and hung at our siiecial low prices High chus furniture .up hokterv. : F. Fallon, 561-061 Milwaukie at Sell. 3404. HOT WATER TANKS 80-gaL. $7 ; 40-gat. $9. Tested and guaranteed stove end furnace coils. Gas heaters installed. Expert plumbing repairing. East Side Welding Shop, 203 Adams tt E. 8516. LICENSED independent electrician wires $ new ma room for $12, 5 roomt $20. terial used and guaranteed to paas inspection. Woodlawn 3791. LADIES' EXCLUSIVE USED APPAREL SHOP. Buy of us and cut the H. C. L. 1 132 E Glisan Bt Tabor 2825. AUTOMOBILES. MOTORCYCLES, LAUNCHES or boats are aeperate classifications. A large nsUng will be found under these different elaaaa fiesuons. LADIES GENTLEMEN ATTENTION Bring in your used suits, coats, gowns, hats, furs, fancy work, bric-a-brac and let ua sell them f.-r vo.i im Adam" t East 8981. COMPTOMETER Very latest type 10. bank comptometer, cost $350. Price $225. $35 down. $15 monthly. Hyatt Tslking Machine Co.. 850 Aider. NEW SYSTEM NEW OFFICII Honest, Conscientious Dentistry. DR. FRED MELL1SH. 108 H Fourth. Between Washington and Stark. FINE Columbia Grafonola. Taken in exchange for large Grafonola and $20 worth of records. Cost $140. Price $100. $15 down, $10 a month. Hyatt TaUiing Machine Co.. 350 Alder. VVHlTan everlasting ageravaUon by a leaky roof? Why not a permanent and comfortable roof I We repair, rubber-bond , and rejuvenate all kinds o! leaky roofs. Work guaranteed. Main 5660. LADIES. ATTENTION. Slightly used wearing apparel at the Vogue Apparel Exchange. 403 Aliaky bldg. Main 31 32. POWER 0B HAN'D pre for cider; win takg the place of hydraulic; cost $500, will take $200. Address Araoler. 801 Front st. Portland. AWIiES' original rainy day bats, an: iy style, half bats remod- price, styusn. serviceable. Old eled. Lowest prices. 155 13th tt POTATOES and apples at wholesale prices. Get your winter's supply Portland Fruit Co., 153 Front st. near Morrison bridge. EPLENDID-Clew lanamotorcyele "only $95. $50 down. $15 a month. Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co., 850 Alder. COLUMBIA WALLBOARD, the joinUee plaster wall. Can't buckle, burn, swell or shrink. Ohsfeldt, 419 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 1901. WICKER baby carriage, efter Sunday. 1122 lawn 921. good condition. Call Missouri ave. Wood- BOOKS on prophecy and other Bible subject. Gospel tracts, pamphlets and ensrts: printing Oregon Book 4k Tract Dept. lSSii tn st FOR SALE 1 old ivory. 1 mahogany, 1 lamp, $11. Eastman Studio scales, $3 floor cur- tains, etc. 454 Salmon St. ENCYCLOPEDIA BRlTTANICA, nth edition, 29 volumes, cloth binding, $50. Bdwy. 894. 431 Stark. $125 DAYTON meat slicing machine; alao $30 eheese cutter; both good as new; sell for half. Phone 519-13. FOR SALE Electric fan, alternating current, 5 speeds, used one week, new; price $34.65. WiU take $26. Tabor 4245 bet 9 and 11 a. m. FOR SALE New 2 hone potato digger, first new house on 72d tt. north ol Division, J. RAsmusstn. 500 BUSINESS CARDS 5fl 'IS ROSE CITY PRINTERT P eaViy You must bring this ad. 120 5 -h it OVERCOAT for young man, good condition, "aSe 36 or 38, only $10. Call East 8038. SAFES Two office safes, one large, one small. in good order, cheap. E-466. Journal. LADIES'.' girls' Halloween costume, coat suit, hat, shoes, various srticlea. East 3501. BARGAIN"oTtwith" furcollar and cuff. $15. Broadway 385JL DRY old growth fir cordwood. Phone Bdwy. 2199. Delivered any place in city. CEMENT laundry traya. Factory 314 S. Wash ington t W. ihix, rtil or water. QUARTERSAWED oak aanitary flat top desk and chair. 808 Selling bldg. FOR SAXE Cash reaister. safe, adding -"M-t. show case. 43 Girst st, Nesr Ash CASH REGISTER. FLOOR CASES And other fixture. 242 Salmon. Main 842. HALLOWEEN pmpkins, acjusshes and popcorn. 1892 Bam Line road, at 73d tt., Tsbor 9033. FOR SALE Everbearing progressive strawberry plants. R. 5. Box 14. HUlsboro, Or. ONE large Peninsula range, just like new. 20 buck. 85 E. Church st. FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners, 24 hour day $1, delivered. Wdln. 1259. NEW 30-cal. galvanized range boilers, each $12. Simon's store, 1st and 2d st Alder. LICENSED electrician will save you money oa electrical wiring and supplies. Sell. 68. VACUUM cleaners sold, rented, t Mired, ex changed, bought Bay Rentier. Mam 4xH7. COMBINATION price $7.50. wood and eoal heating stove; Tabor 6752. IDEAL gas rang, tide oven, $25; copper coil gas waterbeater, 12.i,U. Call East 4852. TWO National Cash Krtpat era for sale. Call 6SO Milwaukie at. WOOD sad coal heater nearly new. Aut, 317-06 POTATOES and onion by thai sack; w deliver. rax eue. I GIBING houses outside of city bauiu; mriU"se I ' JVM mOVICJe. 1 BIKTT t I d. BANGE, star, for $8. .4-37 2d st. 8. E. FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 AHENTION TO ME PUBLIC MERfflAHBISE AT BARGAIN PRICES TJ. S. genuine O. D. reclaimed blankets at. $4.83 Good black dram shoes $4.93 Army Hob-nailed ahoes $8.25 Army field ihoea ..$6.93 Khaki wool sleeveless sweaters 82.257 Extra, special Heavy double navy blankets a pair 3.B"5 Heavy wool sot 85e, 45c and SOe. Heavy blue bib overalls, a pair 62 25 Heavy blue and khaki coveralls, the suit. .33.83 Officers' long rubber coats, guaranteed not to crack $8.50 Officers' khaki raincoats, with cap on the back, worth $25. only $12.50 U. S. INSPECTED BACON, 12 ft. can.. $3.25 ARMY BOAST BEET, 2 lb. can 30c CORNED BEEF, 1 lb. can, net 4 5c CORNED BEEF HASH, 2 lb, can, net. ..40c THOU8ANDS OF OTHER BARGAINS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. THESE GOODS ARE ALL NEW AND THE BEST GRADE. Retail and Wholesale Army and Navy Store 3D AND STARK OPPOSITE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE lil.DG. FOR " SALE 0R TRADE 1 You Better Look Them Over Ga Heater. Electric Heater, Oil Heater. Range, Check Writer, Remington No. 10 Type writer. Oliver No. 9, 5-gallon Coffee Urn. Harley Dsvison Motorcycle, Largs Heater. Brass Fire place, set Gasoline Lamp. Rubber Boots, lot of Klcnerson Aluminum Holler Skates, Shotgun, Rifle and Bevel Plate Mirror. 1000 Usefful Articles to Trade HEWilAiTS EXCHANGE Main 4495. Tabor 6798. 128 First St PLUMBING SUPPLIES BATHTUBS BATHTUBS 6 -ft Enamel Tub $34.00 6tt-ft Ensmel Tub 40.00 TOII-aSTS TOILETS Low Copper-tank Toilet $29.00 LAVATORIES LAVATORIES Wash Basin, comp $17.80 WATER BOILERS WATER BOILERS 80 gal.: riveted range boiler.... $16.50 Double Copper Ceil Water Heater. 17. 50 4-in. Extra Heavy Coil Pip, per ft .90 Cement two part Traya complete . $18.50 Estimates for Material (With or Without Installation) Cheerfully Furnished. Out of Town Orders Filled Promptly. Mesher Plumbing Supply Company 248 3d St, between Main and Madlaoa, Main 6277. Sewing Machine . Emporium New end 2d hand machine sold 'or less; no agent employed. Com- Elete line of parts for sll makes. Ischines repaired and rented. 190 Third TAYLOR ST. The Sibloco Pipeless Furnace, $69.45$ 135. None superior regardless of price. It baa been installed and will be shown with pleasure at the following places: J. T. Woodruff. 1291 Msllory; R. S. Williams, 906 E. Glisan; H. 8. Wiidemnth, 1834 E. Glisan; G. W. Eggman, 703 Milwaukie. Woodlawn 2103. Woodstock Nursery Strawberry plants, Etterberg. Magoons, Mar shall!. Wilsons. Improved O regent nd Trebles; gooseberry plant and currant bushes: prune trees. grafted filbert end English walnut tree; Cuth bert red raspberries, blackcaps. Iocs n berry plants (tips) ; cherry, pear, apple, plum and peach trees; prices reasonable. 6803 Woodstock ave. Phone Sellwood 2332. Buy, Sell AND EXCHANGE cash registers, showcase, fountain, scales, s t o r lixturea L BOXER, Mar. 2488 113 2d t CEDAR CHESTS Direct from factory to your home, Tennessee and Port Orforf cedar; solid copper Trunnunga, latest designs. Write for catalogue 1 w vrinr:TN'9 A SON 1912-18-18 E. GLISAN. TABOB 808. FOR SALE OR TRADE 4 and 1 tt -ton ice machine. 14 ft abowcaae. 1 meat block. 4 nickel plat racks. 8 banging scale. 14 ton butcher paper. 1000 wax cartons. 800 Fourth St Msin BS98. 101U CHANDLER KNAP Beautiful 1919 Chandler, splendid mechanical condition, fine tire, two extras with tubes, spot light, bumper, etc. FT1C nu. ovu now and 18 month to Pay balance. Would consider 1920 Ford as part payment Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co., 850 Alder. BUY electric fixtures, now wholesale 8 -light chain fixture 33, Hotpoint electric irons $7.23, $1 flashlights 75c Reliable Elec tric. Union at Russell, East 8686. Open eve nings, 390 BUYS wood turning lathe, saw arbor and aw, complete set chisels end tools. Call at Capitol Hill, on Oregon Electric line, two block south and 1 west of station, or writs 620 East Star tt DIAMOND EAR RINGS Worth 890; will sell for 855. 249 Tsylor st FCBNITTJBE WASTED 74 CALL MARSHALL 587 A. & S. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE Before you ell your furniture. and call ua. Your cavil will bring our buyer at once. We pay the top price for used furniture, carpets, run, etc; everything in household goods. We slso buy office furniture. All calls attended to the same day. CALL MARSHALL 687 A. & S. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORES 205-207 FIRST STREET BETWEEN TAYLOR AND SALMON BE WISE CALL MAC 8951 We Buy Everything in Furniture WB FAT THE PRICK s Store 880-292-804 FTftST. g. B. COR TATLOR. SPOT CASH FOR BKED FURNxTUBB ..: at o owo iviain ooo - ESITED rCRNITITRl! ST0B1 . 17$ rOUX 8TEEET. MAIN 9431 74 Owl Furniture Co. MORRISON We want nor uaeu furniture, etovee, carpels tad pianoa; we pay the hi heat eaaB prices. , 166 and 168 First St Call atsm oxi. VfE BUT uaed furniture. For beat results phon Aototnatic 817-71 er East 8408. A LET u give you an estimate on -your furniture. Reliable Furniture Co.. 208-206 2d. Main GOOD price paid tor good furniture, 823-524 Washington. - Broadway 8685. SWAPS tt Plumbers, Attention! Wasted To exchange automobile work for about 838 worth of plumbing work, guaran teed; good references. Young' Auto Shop, 787 Washington. Main 6652. NEW COLUMBIA Grafonola for painting and WHJLAMS RECORD SHOP, 853 Alder Stret WILL TRADE bar mare, weight about 000: '- work or drive anywhere; extra good rider; fot iz-ineb plow, two section narrow, or will sell. Phone Oak Grove 174-M. I' EXCHANGED my position in life for Si months over tb sea. Now I want to et ching mj service for yours nd your sheriff I'll be. No. 82 X P. J. Bimmons. (Psid adv.) PAIR of lady's calf akin ahoes, large size, worn a few times. Will swap for apples, by box or bag. Tabor 8880. WILL exchange good gas range, with high oven and boiler, for good wood range. Apply 84 8. Union ave. N- UAVE diamond worth $330. Want Buit-k 4 or light 6 or Dodge, will pay difference. Slain 6476. WILL trade for good fresh cows and some work horses for a light automobile or lot Call at 900 PowclJ Valley road. NEW overstuffed Davenport and $120 Bruns wick photograph for Ford, diamond or what? Richards, Main 7609. Leave number. MOTORCYCLE Twin, equipped, value $100, Trade on dragsaw. bug, Victrola or what hav you? CX-522, Journal. TRADE National Cash Register for 4 -foot floor showcase. ( til 680 Mllwaukl L 5.PAS8. Auburn, trsde for hones or lot fcast 8539. 10 ACRES Florida Woodlawn 1427. land. What hav you WANTED Ordinary mattress, beating stove, Eastman kodak. Cash or trade. 454 Salmon WANTED MISCELLANEOUS $12.50 to 25 For SecondHand SUITS OR OVERCOATS MEYER THE TAILOR Pays mors for clothing nd shoes. W call day or evening, anywhere in the city. Call -Mar shall 1229 or 233 Madison St.. nesr Third st UP TO $35.00 FOR MEN S SUITS AND OVERCOATS We Pay Any Price for Men' Clothe OREGON CLEANERS at TAILORS 117 2d at, N. W. Cor. Wash. Main 9844. WANTED People of Portland to know tbaF) pay the highest rash price for second band household good. No amount too largs or too am ail Prompt attention. N. M. 8 EATER, Phon East 2208. 148- Russell Bt $7.60 TO $25 for men's used salt sod over- oat, call Goldbaum the Tailor, for good results. Will pay mors and all It ia worth for your cast off clothing. 1'boo. Main 738. 167 First iL, near Morrison. WANTED "ALL YOUR VOTES FOR"sTiERIFF 23 month over in Frnce. Nothing too good for th boys that wore uncle Sam's pasta No. 82 X P. J. Simmons. (Paid Adv.) WANTED to buy 2 horsepower electric motor, small power drill prens and emery wiieei also welding and cutting apparatus. J. Laindigan, 406 Vancouver ave. Last 6039. WANTED USED HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND JUNK. EAST SIDE SECONDHAND STOIUK. 271 RUSSELL. PHONE EAST 6387. SEWER connections and cess pools. R, Million A Son. Tabor 6652. 25 E. 79tb st H. Call between 6 and 8 a. m.. or 6 and 8 p. m. WANT to buy sn electric mest grinder. It must be in good shape. R. 8. Moyer, 417 Hancock at' WANTED To buy a band saw, about 20-inch, in good condition; also small chuck. Phone Woodlawn 8212. AUTOMATIC ribbed barrel Winchester ahotgun Muit be in good condition. Phone labor 1072 evening, or Main 2003 during day. WANTElt 32 or 88 Colt or Savage auto matic. Must be in good condition, .cneap for cah. F-224, Journal. WANTED Furniture to crate, crockery n china and glasswsre to psck, evenings after 6 o clock. Bell. 2669: all work guarsnteea. WANTED Used wndow earth. Small lights. Tabor 890. N WANTED Some friend of Y. W. C. A, to give or loan 2 desks. Call Main 481. WANTED Rifles, ahotguna. cameras, lens. Hnchfield. 83 3d. Phone Main 8581 WANT to buy good secondhand furnace. Phone Kaht 7076. WANTED All kmds second-hand furniture and junk. Call East 3923. WANTED T. buy one donkey logging outfit. size about 9x10. AX-153. Journal. f-WANT cedar poles, 25 to 80ft in length. Tabor 4213. SAFE Want email office aale; and phone. F-240, Journal. give aise. price WANTED Piano for storage; no children. Gut Erickson. 028 E. 7th st N. tt OR 1 H. P. gas engine for stgtionsry use. in sny shape, cheap for cash. R-154. Journal. ELECTRIC motor. 1-6 horsepower, single phase. second hand. 865 3 5th t Mr Hintth; WANTED A secondhand Macinaw for boy 14. Call Columbia 548. WANTED Second-hand portable garage. D-67, Journal. WANTED 2d hand girl's bicycle. Give make and pnee. 1-110, Journal. WANTED Wood burning hettint gtorg, with wster coil. Tabor 2729. WANTED--Invalid'a wheel chair. Wdln. 854 3. PERSONAL 82 the tragedFof fat the misery of aches and pains Co trie down to the bot springs of Portland and get rid of these troubles. Water, light, heat, electricity, massage, scientifically applied. Theae are the remedies, with a sans and aemihl diet, that will reduce the rarpln fL , Alao eliminst the toxic poisons from the system, and at the same time build up vitality and, energy. Consul tation tree. Monday. Wednesday and Friday women only; woman assistant Tuesdsv. Tburs- dy and Saturday men only. Brown Hydropathic Institute, Steven bldg., downstair. Main 8630. i6u can't afford bad teeth, when broken health, pain and disease are the prices you must pay for them. . We will positively how you the cause and pre vention of i'yorrheo. Decay and Soft. Crumbly teeth, "while your work is being done.' C. Smith Long end J. E, Stevenson (Dentist), 310 Bush A Lane Bldg. CLASSES at a aaving. 1 solicit your patronage on the basis of capable service. Thousands of Istisfied pa trons Chaa. W. Goodman. optometrist, 209 Morrison St. Msin 2124. $1 GETS bothreet fixed up st Dr. Eaton's the .m in i m v t . I o T , . Ti i ' I J a E-f a t ui. 11 1 ll'll Ml'lO 1 IN A 1. ni r,v'AL4a I wuv doesn't hurt you, 9 yrs. here. Exsm free. Globe Theatre bldg-i 11th sod Wssb. Bdwy. 2824. DR. GEORGE RUBENSTEIN. the veteran optician, is go expert in fitting yeflssses, end rnsrges an eery ressonibl. Broken tons quickly duplicated. 226 Morrieoa at 35 REWARD will be paid by Dr. paid by Dr. 1. Griswoid. first person (ending him llelix. Dr.. to the tb correct iddrea of Emerson Griswoid, 2 r year old, whose home is Camp Point, 111.!' PROFESSIONAL masseur, attending medical col lege, will give home or hospital treatment in exchange for congenial home; . useful, - pleasant, entertaining. J-loii, Journal. ANYONE knowing the whereabout of , Tfllie Hogle will be rewarded by writing fl-&4 &, JourneL DO your feet hurt? See Dr. Ethel A. Sarcy, pedicuring and niaaicuring. 606 Raleigh bldg, Marshall 3376. SUPERFLUOUS H AIR, moats, warts removed by 10 tseedle method ; trial tn. Jou. Finley. 814 Busb A Lane bldg. Main 6368. WOMAN, 83 years old going to Michigan, would set as nurse to children or invalid in .return for fare one way. B-75.' Journal. V1T O NET BATH, MASSAGE 447 MOR GAN BLDG. MAIN 895. DR. GENE- IEVE LOCKE. j WILL John Johnson, son of deceased Malt Ida A. Johnson, write regarding Ocean park prop erty. K 468. Journal. WANTED To adopt in good homes. 8 healthy children. 1 boy 6 tt yrs. ; 2 girls, aged 8 and 10 years. X-127, Journal. PRIM EDA BALM, formerly called Balm of Fig. 844- E. 884. Bell. 2218 roomings. I f varaA. Coneultstion FREE. All c LaWyCr ua Belling bldg. Mail 4 case 993. WHERE styles charm, and' prices plea a STANTON MTLUK&KY, Z1B Belling Blag, WANTED For doptioo, baby flrlTiood bom N 823. Journal. BATHS, violet ray, tnd Bofenacn. 608 Panama maasag. Dr. El bldg. Msin 8066. ROTICEH C6 LOST HEIR , -An estate in DontDhaa county. Kansas, hss been left to- Spencer Lyon or hi heirs. Writ to is. J. RatrHifte, adanalstrator, care tf A b Perry, Troy. Kan. - , - --, - . I WILL wot be reeporaible for ay bill eon tntctcd by ay tni B. Dicu, - f FtrB-rTITTJBB - 'WAWTEIV do 9 SEALED bids for athletic supplies will be re1 .J" ' 'he office of R. H. Thorn,- eefaooi CierK and nualnaM an. mm im . r XOT1CES Ptu"d. Or., until 4 p. m. November 8. 1920. v u J1? J OP01 a regular meeting eg the board to b held In room 804 counhonaa. at - i p. m , November 4, 1920. - , Certified check fer ten 1 101 n. tt. ' ' amount of. the bid. payable to R. It Thomas, ecnool clerk and business manager; tnuat ac company each proposal. The board 'of directors : I"' bt to reject any or sll bids er V to divide the award. Specifications may be oh- -t.-tained at the office of tbe undersigned. vcujocr so, ivzy. , , . B. H. THOMAS. School Clerk and Business Manager. BUSINESS DIRECTORY BARBER!' aussuif-a LEWIS SfENGER Barber Supply c ioTh and Morrison sts. Th. plsce to buy barb, chain and supplies. Stock of furniture slwav on nana at right price. BICYCLES walden'S Cycler if 408 lt.otl.orn. - High grade bicycles. suppliea.and repairing. BLANK BOOK MtllRt DAVIS A HOLM AX, INC.. 109 SdstTbTaS bP&k nnufcturr A 818 3. Mln 188. CARPET CtCANINO FLUFF RUGS From Old Carpets Bag Bugs, all Sizes Mai Order Prompt, Send for Booklet 9x12 Rugs, Steam or Dry Cleaned. 81.60 ri.Ltr rcu m 84-68 Union Ave. fi. East 0316. Eaut 7638. CEMENT WORK ALL Classes cement work, genersl building aai EWOT"r "a reaonbla Phone 821-29. CHIROPRACTORS MrJMAHON. Inn -i,i.7.r.-" 'Z2ZT Portland, lmn t i a-.o it... w Throngs pronounce It mnpin, tM.iin,Ht n camouflage, joss house slums or nrufiiaarins adjuncts Adjustments made easy, enjoyable, beneficial and curttiro Trims: Initial treat ment; ressonsble. nd sll caw crelnlly ad justed. Patients r.niiirim, ...j . ai adju.trr.ent. $13. Phone, call, write DR. E. B. ANGELL 195 2 lit st, 1 block (nuth of Washington, Marshall 2S16. Chiropractic, electric Unlit h.ih. l bower hatha, maasaae. Ladv attendant FREE EXAMINATION FOR LIMITED TTMB. CHIROPRACTIC, steam bath nd masag7 10th floor Broadway bldg Marshall 8187. Dr.. Laura K. liowntng. Ojien eveninxa. COLLECTIONS NETH 4k CO.. Worcester bldg. MainT79"6. N collection, no cbirg. Established 1900. COAL AND WOOD ' BOXWOOD Delivered Immediately by Fulton Wood Ob- 1281 Macadam. Phon Main 4178. WOOD FOR SALE Orden taken for heavv b rid Be timben. cut 4 feat a I n n nt delivered. phone East 664 1 . GOOD 16 InclTsii bwtiodT $T50"a load. Surely"' a bargain, f Delivered .nvwh.r. ivti Sellwood 176tt BLOCK and slab wood. Special price In load lots. Oregon Fuel Co.. Wdln. 4102. BLOCKfand slab, tn 2 tt lid lota";" tpecfaf prlciaT Est 2041" GTJKE'N 16 fit ara'bwoxi for ssle. delivered ui any part of the city. Call Wdln 623.H. DENT18T8 Dentistry ffiST Without Pain. I ataet Nerve Blocking Msttiofl. EDUCATIONAL SPANISH and shorthand taught by lady, 4 1 i Piatt bldg. Dictation In UpahUh or English, Main 2202. DANOINO "Studio, sob ivkum bi.i , THE DANCE Washington at Third. Private hour or half hour lesson, day, vrnitiL'. 9 .30 a. m to 9 p. Course lesson specially priced. Class ilun., Fri.. 7:80 p. m. Miss IreUnd. SUMMERS Iiancing Academy Privst. IrssotisT day and evening. All latrst. U'ps ulioirn. Dance every Matnniay night Manche-rrr hall, 85 tt 6th. near Nurk. Itroa.lwsy 8S!I0 MISS-DOROTH Y RAS'MUSSEN Ballroom nd esthetic dtnrlng. 61M- Eilers bldg. Wash.. between 4tb tnd :th. Main 112.1 MU6IO ICHOOLS ANO THCHIM MRS" ANNA7 MOOHE, leather o.f iano, em phasis on thorough Inulral foundation. I,easnn st studio or pupils' home. Marshall 3103. 891 Mill st PROFESSOR T. K rUwsuN Twenty yesri'' experience, pisno Icssuns st your bums. $1. Phone TaborjfflV.V L. CARROLL DAY, teacher ni voire and pinr 148 13th St. Brosdw.y 2ft55. VOICE coarhing. piano, violin mandolin, guitar, banjo studio, 40!) Yamhill HAT CLEANERS AND DVER8 HATS cleaned. " blocked. ile.i, reaxmable anrl satisfactory. Royal Hat Works. lat st LAND80APINO IACI1.1C f.ANDSCAPE ;AKflUN EHS. Sliecialtsts In cresting and taking sre of parks, lawns, gardcni. r iokencs. foiinlalns, etc : shrubs, jierentnsls and l.ulbn. old manure snd fertilizer. Phone Soliwood Ui0.". 4508 45th svenue S. E. GENERAL land .-! work; gm.l ork : oo-l erf ice. all up Woodlawn U41 Kat Portland i.ndscap- ing Co ' OPTOIETII$T m EYES scientifically tested with mod crn Inst riauinti ; xlassee fitted at a sevSi ksthib: sti.slartirm guaranteed A. E. HUKWITZ, Optometrnt, 225 lt st " PATENT ATTORN E V$ tiOLDRERG, 020 Worrsterbld Main 282K! PAINTIWQ, TINTINQ, PAPEHMANOINO pXlNTIN'i, sperlisngiug, tinting, work guaran teed O. E. Hudentrom. 1176 Powell Valley road. Tbor 91 33. J. H. CLIFTON, paintlngrpaperlng. tmtlng! 1S4 N. 1 7th at Broadway44 1 4 Woodlawn 2126. . JOH N C CON LIS K 183 16th st N. Brodwy 294 5. DEPENDABLE hours painUug. banging. labor 8217. tinting, 'paper- PLUMBINO AND STEAM PITTING PLUMBING. Work don quickly snd affictrntly at able prices; new Installations specialty; wora ssaaahip guaranteed. Phone East 1954. 101 Russell st MERKO METAL WORKS. P L U M.B I N G HUPPLiKS AT WHoLeAALS PRICES. STAKE DAVIS CO , 188 4UitC THE M. L. ElInE CO . 84 b6 hi 89 Front SU ,rHINTINO, CNORAVINO, BINDINQ HOUSE PAINTISfJi DECORATING' OF AI.L KINDS, SIGNS; 26 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. TABOR 266. Printing r. w. baltes snd Otk. Main 1 "rnt in;iN.HiD80NC6Mi'ANY 397 Waahington. Broadway 434. A 126 BEST MOMS GLEN HAVEN rest "bom. Diet nl rest cur. maaaage and electric treatments. ,1 -'3 fc. 28lk tt East 4222. ROOF BEPAISINa JXN'T CHANCE your roof repairing In the bands of inexpertrnced persons, it's the mt Important part of the bouse. Our pries sre reasonable. Investigation invited. Main 671, Residence, Main 064 4. Roof Security Co. LEAKY-ItCXiFS rejiaired . and painted, reason able. Tabor 8324: TrTANgPg AND 9TORAOE SECURITY STORAGE V TRANSFER OU Packing Moving Storage Reduced Freight Kite Honey leaned on Warehotu. Iteeerpts UN THE HEART UF Tllat CITY 68 4Tri ST., CORNER UF PINE PUON8 BRUADWAY 8716. Oregon Transfer Co Established 1870 Transfer and Forwarding Agents STORAGE FREE TltAUAl, Office aod Stongs, 474 Gllaan 18th and Glisair. Broadway 1261. - A ll 69. ALWAYS PICK' TUE BEST HOUSEHOLD GOOD SPECIALIST Store., paokiag, chip ping end moving; hone and auto vans; speciat rates to all points. C. O. PICK TRANSFER A STORAGE (X). 24 and -Fin Bt Broadway 696. A-1996. Storage and. Transfer Clay S.. Morse, Inc. 12TH AND GL1SAS. BROADWAY 8470 CLTHriUClGHirKATES" On house bold goods shipped cast and soutn, , Manning Wacebouee ek Transfer Co.. via sad -' Hoyt Phone Broadway 7Q, : . CtT-PRIOti ttorsg. pact id,' etc. Edward Fnrnitare Co. kUU,lU27. A 2826. ' lori . 8th and Oak. - . - . ' ; W ANTED Moving and transferring.' by bouf of iob Call automU 820-48. , f,llNOsnd furnibire moving, crsimg aod lol .. lug. . Broadww 2415, . -- " ' , H- J " , ' " t " 1 4,