The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 31, 1920, Page 20, Image 20

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The League of Nations ia the well consid
ered effort of the whole group of nation
who were oppoeed to Germany to eecure
themielT-aa and the rest of mankind against a
repetition of the war. Wood row Wilaou.
( : pvIVEST yourself of side Issues in
-S the campaign. For a moment,
' forget the .trivialities and the mum
J mery of the politicians. As a sov
' erelgn citizens of the republic do your
ovsm thinking. You ought to do it for
the sake of your family. Your chil
dren will be on the earth a long
i it i i m a n ft ar vaii or a ffnnA
: jL ua.a,a j vr u evil".,
There Is otic overwhelming predom-
Inonl kcnn Ivan An r rv ..rat "" T f to
an issue of whether to go Into a
iFjlan which the best thinkers of the
: 5 1 world say will end war, and save
your 6on from being called into future
jjj battles and, doubtlese, from being laid
, ii'away in future Flanders fields.
J As a reasonable cttizen you will
'have some interest In what a news
' 55 paper that you have long read said
ti about the plan to end war, at a time
it when the Issue was discussed on its
merits, unconfused by political clap
jtrap. On September 28, 1919, the
Oregonian said editorially:
The prevailing; sentiment of the Arher
' ; lean people is expressed in the resolu
Hons of a number of members of the
faculty of the University of Oreijon
calllna; upon the senate for speedy ratl
JJ flcatlon of the treaty with Germany,
.jj Regardless of the faults of the treaty the
H resolutions speak undeniable truth in
r J aaytng:
r "That whether the treaty of peace with
I Germany and the League of Nations
1 covenant are in all respects Ideal or not.
1 The statesmen of the allied nations
l! labored long: on the treaty and IF ALL
' ITS PRTTicci unrnii! to ptit THirin
league covenant contains provisions for
t aits own amendment and for withdrawal
of anv nation if it rinea not work tn tha
j aaUaf action of that nation. The league
t win d me means ot correcting; any ln-
" Justices In the terms dictated to Ger
i. many. Then the choice now Is between
immediate amendment, further delaying;
f peace, and Immediate peace WITH FULL
CRATS ; it is a question for tha united
action of the American nation In con
junction with other nations to settle re
lations with Germady and to form a
league for preservation of peace with
Justice. It Is a question of ending; the
suspense in which the world Is held,
and which Is already frittering; away the
fruits of victory
The vord should go out from the peo
ple to the senate to stop talking; and
ratify. If reservations which would not
delay actual peace are needed 'to quiet
the qualms of some senators, make them,
but ratify, for WHILE THE SENATE
. You know the above was a candid
4 :
sincere statement by the Oregonian
iWou kuov that there is no guile, no
Intent to deceive, in that article. You
. J know, or should know, If you have
t read the league covenant, that what
fA. f A A I a . a
uie uregonian saia is me truin
ft' YouJmow Ahat Mr. Harding's elec
J tion would mean no league. You
1 know that. Governor ' Cox' election
would mean a permanent and sue
cessful league.
I ' Knowing this, what will be your
e "state of mind, how will you face your
eon, if you vote for Harding and that
son Is later tailed to put on a unl-
i form and go to war?
"": Certain people have passed the
5 word around that the , city council
X has authority to levy the three
By Henry Van Dyke, Author and Economist
(Mr. Van Dyke was ambassador to The Netherlands when the war broke out In
. isia mwuf u'thi conflict a.t close raJtare.)
THIS is not an ordinary election. On one point, the main point, the plain
point, the two candidates differ absolutely. Governor Cox frankly favor
going Into the League of Nations, with such action as will make it clear mat
the obligations assumed by the United States do not Involve abdication of
sovereignty or change In the constitution. Senator Harding, after many doubt
ful utterances, says forthright: " not want to clarify these obligations
I want to turn my back on them. It is not Interpretation but rejection that
I am seeking." Surely this is plain enough. Why muddle the issuewlth far
fetched explanations? Cox Is for the
has a right to do. Harding is against
tions. The question for you is Blmply
vote to count?
Go straight to the facts. Read the covenant of the league carefully.
Inquire what the league is, how it came Into being, what It is now doing,
what advantages it offers tcf us and to
It represents the cause of a secure peace for which the allies fought In
the war, and for the sake of which the United States Joined them. On this
point note what Theodore Roosevelt wrote in 1915, in favor of such a league
with power in It:
The nations should agree on certain
oh a. trrrtttirtat. ivtwjbity.
their number in the possession of these rights. It will mean that at last
a lens; stride has been taken In the efforts to nut the collective strength of civil
iced mankind behind the collective purpose of mankind to secure the peace of
righteousness, the peace of Justice, among tne nations or tne eario.
It is not truthful to speak of "President Wilson's league," though he
rightly had a hand In making the plan
ing and shaping It General Smuts, Lord
the leading statesmen and Jurists of the
as Ex-President Taft, Mr. Oscar Straus,
gestions and amendments, three-fourths of which were followed In the final
draft of the covenant The result was so satisfactory that Tl men of the
highest standing in the Republican party in New York sent a memorial, in
June. 1019, to the senate. Baying:
The undersigned urge that the treaty containing the peace covenant be promptly
ratified by the senate without attempting to embarrass It by amendment, thus
delaying the conclusion of peace and the establishment of a great agency for its
tuture preservation. '
If you read the covenant you will
"super-state," nor anything like it. It
war, to maintain armies or navies, or
is not an International government,
simply a limited partnership of free nauons, who agree, for the sake of peace
to do two things, one negative, the other positive. First, they promise not
to make war without a previous submission of their case to arbitration or
conciliation. Second, they agree to suspend diplomatic and economic relations
w!th any nation that breaks this pledge
If this should fall (which is highly improbable) further action may be
recommended ONLY BY THE UNANIMOUS VOTE of the council, and the
recommendation can have no force unless the various nations approve and
adopt it according to their own constitutions. That gives a DOUBLE VETO
power to every nation In the council. Who ever heard of a super-sovereignty
like that?
What about Article X? Is it not dangerous and likely to lead to war? Read
it. It is no more dangerous than a steel cable is to aa elevator. It no more
leads to war than a fire extinguisher promotes fire. It does not deny the
rights of revolution. It only condemns. EXTERNAL AGGRESSION. As Mr.
Taft has said, it Is an application o the principle of the Monroe Doctrine to
the world. Has the Monroe Doctrine promoted war or prevented it? Article
X does not say that all national boundaries are forever fixed and unchange
able. It says only that the way to change them is not by wars of conquest
Arbitration is the way, and for that the covenant makes provision.
But what about Great Britain having six votes in the league to America's
one? Nothing, except the trifling circumstance that it is Lot true. In the
council, which is the body of action, Britain has one vote and the United
States has one vote, and both have the power of veto by refusing to make
an r.ction unanimous. In the assembly a mere deliberative body Canada,
Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and India are members. But so are
Panama, Haiti, Cuba, Salvador and Guatemala; In fact, there are already 42
members, and 15 applicants for membership. The only countries of consider
able "size which are out are Mexico, Turkey, Soviet Russia and the United
States. Rather poor company, don't you think so?
The league has the explicit power to amend its own covenant. Every
member has the definite right of withdrawal. It is not a trap, nor a prison.
It is a voluntary and hopeful experiment in the way of peace. "The very
intent and structure of . the league," sak' Mr. Hoover, "is to prevent war."
But does not Senator Harding say
tor Johnson rejoice that it is "scrapped?" Yes, they say so, but their saying
is curiously contrary to the facts. The league has already taken measures
to avert two threatened wars by arbitrating the boundary disputes between
Sweden and Finland, Poland and Lithuania. It has arranged for the publica
tion of all treaties in order to avoid
general survey of armaments, in order to submit plans for their gradual re
duction. It has brought together conferences of experts to study the problems
of labor and finance. It is successfully administering the Saar Valley and
the port of Danzig under the treaty And it has succeeded in doing what
the United States has wanted for years, formulating, hrough a commission
of which Senator Root was a member, an acceptable plan for a permanent
court of international justice. Does this look like the work of a "moribund"
body? Who can say how much more it could do if the United States were
a member?
But why not take this new court and
do it. The court is the creation of the
The United States can have nothing to say about the appointment of the
court except as a member of the league.
Well, then, why not give up this
son and Borah dislike it so much, and take up the idea of an "association,"
or whatever-you-may-call-it, which Senator Harding says he had in his back
yard at Marion? Because, like the dog in the fablel you will be dropping a
real bone to grab at a shadow. Mr.
The only practicable method of framing and securing an association to mlnl-
ml ix war
- - ties in Duuaing on
of Nations.
Mr. Taft writes in the Yale Review:
Can we Suppose that the thirtv or mora nutlnne will rnnunt tn ahanAnn tVi
league, and begin de novo the formation
No, that would be a supposition
placency. We need the league as much as the league needs us. We may go
in with a definite statement of our understanding of its obligations. We may
amend it after we get in. But to stay
(2) to increase our armaments, with
uncertainty of finance and the disturbance of trade, (4) to prolong the un
rest of the world, and (5) to leave the
war into which we shall be drawn as
If you want your vote to count
be a world-friend as well as a world
Nations is the best foundation to build
among the nations, then your course
going in.
tax voted last year whether it is re
authorized this year or not. Eleven
mills will not be levied unless 11
mills is voted by the people. . The
council so pledged itself last year.
The argument of the opponents
of the League of Nations are not
basedon facts but merely Intended
to fool the voters just as the argu
ments of a shrewd lawyer are in
tended to bemuddle the Jury.
A purported denial of his close
business association with Swift A
Co., Candidate Stanfleld says. "I am
not a partner in Swift A Co. or any
of its subordinate establishments."
This is not an explanation but an
evasion. It is not a denial but a
Nobody said Mr. Stanfleld was a
"partner" of Swift & Co. Swift" A Co.
are not passing out "partnerships' so
promiscuously as that fjiey have too
good a thing. Everybody knew with
out his denying it that Mr. Stanfleld
is not a "partner" in the mighty
swiri a. Co., member of the Bis Five
packers, masters of the meat packing
industry of America if not of the
world, and more powerful on the floor
of congress than the aitolnJstrative
league, interpreted as the United btates
the league, with or without Interpreta
this Which way do you want your
the world.
rlfhta which should not be questioned,
e e e ah should miarantee each of
for It. But others had a hand In draft
Robert Cecil, Clemenceau, many of
world. Eminent Republicans, such
Mr. Root and Mr. Hughes made ug
6ee at once that the league is not a
has no power to levy taxes, to declare
to compel action by its members. It
for it has no governing powers. It is
or acts contrary to this principle
that it is already "moribund," and Sena
secret diplomacy. It has begun a
let the league go? Because you can't
league and dependent on it for cower.
particular league, since Senators John
Hoover said on September 18, 1920 :
tne foundation or tne existing Leag-ue
of something else.
inflated with the flatulency of self-com
out means (1) to forsake our friends,
corresponding taxes, (3) to continue the
gates unguarded against another general
inevitably as we were in 1917.
for peace, if you think America should
power. If you think the League of
on for order, tranquillity and justice
is clear. Vote for the man who favors
department of the United States gov
ernment Itself.
The vital thing in his connection
with Swift & Co. Mr. Stanfleld does
not deny. He cannot deny it. He
cannot deny that Swift A Co. are his
friends and that he is the friend of
Swift & Co. He cannot deny that he
and the Swifts have had the most in
timate business ' relations in Oregon
for years.
He cannot deny that the close con
nection between him and Swift A Co
has long been common knowledge
kamong stockmen throughout Eastern
. He cannot deny that Swift A Co
are bitterly opposing Chamberlain and
quietly but effectively supporting Mr
- He does not deny that when Swift A
Co. attempted to teh Senator Cham
berlain how to vote on the Kenyon
bill for regulating the packing Indus
try. Senator Chamberlain replied pub
licly, rebuking them, or deny that the
Chamberlain rebuke Is one of the
Swift & Co. motives for desiring the
defeat of Senator Chamberlain in the
election of Mr., Stanfleld.
He does not deny that Swift A Co,
and the other BUT Five packers now
control congress and that they want
to; increase that control in order to
resist, such "measures .as the Kenyon
bUL ' -" , ,
He doo -not deny that every stock-
mart in Oregon and every farmer in
Oregon is a sufferer because of the
power of the Big Five packerj to, fix
priees , to producers and that every
consumer suffers likewise from the
power of the Big Five packers to fix
prices to consumers;
Mr. Stanfield's explanation is neither
a denial nor an explanation. It is an
evasion. t
Why not elect. Swift & Co. to the
senate from Oregon?
The zoning ordinance has the sup
port of prominent and thoughtful
men who have' large property inter
ests at stake. It has the support
of the city planning commission
Many important cities have zoning;
ordinances and find that enforce
ment of the measures protects prop
erty and guides municipal growth.
Portland should have a zoning ordi
nance. The zoning ordinance on the
municipal ballot for next Tuesday's
election should be adopted.
AS there been one to attack the
record of Governor Cox as gover
nor of Ohio during this campaign?
Have yoL heard one word in criticism
of his administration of the affairs
of the state of Ohio?
The measure on -the ballot to re
authorize the three-mill tax levy for
the city of Portland has been in
dorsed by the Central Labor coun
cil, the legislative committee of the
Chamber of Commerce, 20 ministers.
the Portland Clearing House asso
ciation, and the presidents' council
of Portland civic clubs. Those
bodies say Portland cannot afford
to go back to the 1914 status. They
say city service cannot be cut ono
third, as it would be in case the tax
were refused.
SMALL bore politicians tell you that
you "want a change." Do you?
Have you seen a "tramp" during the
past four years?
What has become of the 100,000
"Weary Willies" of 1913?
Is there anyone you know looking
for a 12-a-day job?
Where are the 1,000,000 idle men of
Republican times?
Are your poorhouses and jails filled
with paupers ? , -
Where are the "bread lines" we.fsaw
pictured in the newspapers?"'
Does anybody want to abolish the
eight-hour working day?
How much did you receive for 12
hours of labor in 1912?
Has property depreciated under the
Wilson administration . "
How does the price of farm property
compare in 1920 with 1912?
Where are those farm mortgages or
those "good old days"?
What are stock, grain and cotton
worth, compared with 1912?
How many automobiles have"been
bought during the last seven years?
How many people do you know who.
bought phonographs In .1912?
Did the average family of 1912 In
dulge in the luxuries of today?
In spite of H. C. of L., are you not
more prosperous xnan seven years
What has increased bank deposits
over $17,000,000,000 in seven years?
What has quadrupled exports from
two to eight billion dollars?
Has any merchant you linow gone
into bankruptcy in the -last seven
years ?
Have you heard of a panic since
the "Black Friday" of 1907?
Who paid the $15,000,000,000 that
panic cost this country?
Have you forgotten the men who
brought on that panic?
Would you like to have tnem con
trol our finances again?
Do ydu want to scrap the panic-
proof federal reserve banking sys
Do you want to deprive our farmers
of the farm loan system?
Do you want to abolish the postal
savings bank?
Do you want to repeal the Wilson
parcel post system?
Do you want to return to the hor
rors of child labor in factories?
Do you want to repeal the corrupt
practice law of vote buying?
Don't you think we ought to do our
own thinking this .year?
Just as the constitution of the
United States grew out of the prac
tical experience of the American
people with the problems of gov
ernment during the Revolution and
under the confederation, so this cov
enant gr.w out of the situation that
plunged the worll into war. It is
the attempt of men who had per
sonal experience of that situation to
prevent its recurrence.
IF THE three-mill tax measure is de
feated the eity council will be com
pelled to conduct municipal service in
1921 with a sum $1,900,000 less than
that at their disposal this year. It
would mean a 30 per cent reduction
in every department, in every service,
and In every activity of. municipal
. It would mean that the eity council
could buy less with the funds at hand
than they, could in 1914.
It would mean thaj the park sites
recently "purchased could, not be de
veloped. It would mean, one third of the parks
closed. ,, 'r ,'. r .
, . It would mean .the . police'- depart-
ment would be cut "to 70 per cent of
its. 'present personnel. -
It would mean the fire department
would be cut to 70 per cent of its
present personnel.
It would mean that 30 per cent of
the arc lights must be eliminated.
It would mean tnat paving mainte
nance must be cut to 70 per cent of
the present operations.
Portland Is already the least taxed
city, per capita, of its .size on the Pa
cific coast The three-mill levy is a
measure in the interest of the city
of Portland. It has been indorsed by
the Central Labor council, the legis
lative committee of the Chamber of
Commerce, the Portland Clearing
House association, 20 ministers and
the presidents' council of the civic
clubs. It is a measure for Portland
that Rortlanders should pass.
OREGON has had no better legis
lator than Senator Walter Pierce.
He is able, and he has stood
squarely with those whom he was
chosen to represent.
Th6 biggest constructive measure
for farming communitic: is the market
road law, and it is a Pierce measure
A farmer himself. Senator Pierce kept
in mind the interests and welfare of
the farmers when he served at Salem.
The soldiers' educational law Is a
Pierce measure. Four thousand ex
service men are benefiting from it
It is a great measure in the gratitude
of those who served and sacrificed..
Senator Pierce invariably stands
against the Jobs and schemes that
politicians are always trying to slip
through the legislative body. A big
taxpayer himself, he is safe and sound
to the core on all matters of taxa
tion. He is a candidate for re-elec
tion in Uniou and Wallowa, and, be
cause of the true and tried service
he has rendered, he ought to be
Noted Worker for Establishing the
Rights of Women and the Rights
of Humanity in General,
Declares Entrance
Is Imperative.
From tha Woman Citixea,
I am a firm believer in the League
of Nations. When the covenant came
from the peace commission I confess to
disappointment over some of fts pro
visions, but I, having had considerable
experience in efforts to get many minds,
including those of differing races and
rationalities, to come to agreement, un-
aereuoa Detter man many tnat no
covenant .can be made quite satisfactory
to any one. person or nation, since its
composition, rrivat come by compromise
of many, different views. To me it was
a wonderful achievement that any sort
of League of "Nations eventuated from
the war.
I believe In the league ? Because
war is an 'atrocity which should be
eliminated from a world calling itself
civilized. 2: Because men are too bel
ligerent to make an end of war without
the aid of some abolishing agency. 3.
Because an proposals ever offered for
the avoidance of war have been tried
and have failed except one-a League
of Nations; therefore, let it be tried.
4. . Because the covenant of the league
proposes a" union of all the world for
the definite purpose of making an end
of war. 6. Because It provides for the
substitution tof "arbitration for the kill
ing of men aa a more civilised method
for settling "International differences.
6. Because it provides for an interna
tional court which may Interpret Inter
national law and to which International
questions, may be referred. 7. Because
it provides for the reduction of armies
and navies to the smallest force neces
sary for the maintenance of national
safety. S. Because it provides for the
abolition of compulsory military train
ing. 9. Because it provides for an eco
nomic, boycott to bring:! recalcitrant na
tions to terms, with force used only as
the last resort. 10. Because it provides
for the abolition of secret treaties, which
have been one potent cause of war.
11. Because it imposes an obstacle
against the spread of Imperialism, or
grabbing territory of rival nations, as
Germany and Austria stole Schleswlg-
Holsteln from Denmark, and England
seized portions of South Africa from the
Dutch, and thus removes the chief cause
for wars of aggression. 12, Because It
provides for the protection of small na
tions never before able to maintain their
Independence. 13. Because it offers pro
tection to such unhappy peoples as the
Armenians, whose tragic sufferings- for
generations at the hand of the brutal
Turk have wrung the heart of the
world ; yet the entire civilised world
declared itself powerless to interfere.
14. Because it makes such appeals aa
that of the Irish a world responsibUlty
and brings all the sentiment In all na
tions favorable to a new order to bear
on the problem.
Objections to the league hare seemed
to me either groundless fears, or capable
of fairly easy correction. Our constltu
lion Is the supreme law of this land, and
nothing but a new constitution, pre
sented by a federal constitutional con
vention, duly called and properly ratified
by all the states, can supersede it- To
say that a president and senate by any
compact made can subvert the consti
tution Is tha veriest rubbish. The presi
dent derives all his power from the
constitution, and he can get none from
any other source unless congress gives
him emergency powers, as it did during
the war. The president can never declare
war nor order war because the League
of Nations calls upon him to do so;
congress alone (both houses) has that
The League of Nations is designated
as an equal partnership among the na
tions of the world for the sole purpose
of ending war. The United States win
yield no more than 4S other nations
have already yielded when becoming a
member, and If any nation believes It is
giving too high a price for the benefit
It receives, the covenant provides that
It may withdraw after two years' notice.
I believe this article (Article X) not
only to be ithout danger to the wel
fare of any nation, but the backbone
of the whole covenant, and tha fears
awakened by It constitute, to my mind,
a manufactured; case. In view of the
fact that a nation violating the covenant
by threatening Invasion of another
country would arouse world-wide con
demnation and be visited by a world
wide economic boycott before force
would be applied, that article is worth
leaving tn the covenant until its opera
tion has been .tested. To take it out
removes a strong demand for united
action which would make the ambitious
By H. Wellesley Fletctier
HALT I ere you break the solemn, sacred trust
And by one mighty stroke or thoughtless thrust
Dispel the gleam of hope for Brotherhood;
For now you stand where faithless Judas stood.
When Christ expounded brother love to Man,
He stood alone; and from that day began
A better world. Yet now there springs anew
That same lppeal this time direct to you.
Americai the day, the hour has come,
Unheralded by trumpet or by dram.
Speakl And by your word announce the eve
Of war's demise humanity's reprieve.
Alone you stand, enriched by strife and pain;
The very blood you shed has been your gain 1
You stand aloft, supreme, the greatest power.
Would you deny the World he'r promised dower?
The sword of Fate hangs by a slender thread
Above the whole World's unprotected "head; -Your
vote the thread, your word the threat'nlng sword
Let not your act be evermore deplored.
And if your heart's untouched by others' pain.
Beware, lest by your act your son Is slain!
Think well. The time is short. You stand before
The League of Nations or another war!
Random Observations About Town
Henry B. Qrandall, Insurance man of
Dallas, Or., arrived and registered Sat
urday at the Imperial. Politics has
Dallas in Its' grip, he declared, and
business is suspended until after Tues
day's results are known. -
There will be a decrease, even if
slight, in plows and farming Implements
within the next 90 days." believes C. M.
Kessler. plow manufacturer of Moline,
111., who registered Saturday at the
Multnomah hotel. He is In Portland
on a business trip. "Half the population
of our city Is engaged in the manufac
ture of plows." he declared. "Along
with the general trend that seems in
evitable, plows and farming implements
must drop."
Henry F. Mcintosh, railroad con
tractor of Seattle, arrived at the Benson
hotel Saturday. He Is returning from
the East.
John B. Rohrback, a' bond broker of
San Francisco, is at the Portland. He
is here to purchase a block of Portland's
By Anhe Shannon Monroe.
Senator Harding says we must "pro
tect maternity": then his platform re
fuses to indorse the proposed federal
maternity bill, the only measure up .for
protecting maternity.
He says little ' children should be
shielded ; he then opposes a mandate
for Armenia, which would save tnou
sands of Innocent little lives, on lhe
ground that "we have no property in
terests there.
He advocates the "common welfare."
but considered, SI wheat good enough
for the "common farmer.
He advocates "pubHa health." and
voted- to put the American saloon in
the Philippines.
He says. "I have sympathy for Ire
land." and fights the League or iations,
which provides for a court where Ire
land's problems could te met wunoui
passion, saving thousands of fine Irish
He Is for intervention In Mexico, De-
cause we have property there.
He foueht Governor Cox in unio,
claiming It was '"socialistic" to give the
state a new consUtutlon and new laws
that would put It in the foreiront or
well organized and well governed com
When Colonel Roosevelt was alive and
trying to clean up his party, Senator
. . i 11-.., i,u "HltmkeriiarH" and ins cancu mm m
a. "skunk." Now Colonel Roosevelt Is
dead and helpless. Harding says he was
a great man. Which sentiment Despeaas
the true Harding 7 wnicn uung uoes
he really believe?
Tsdar he defiles the great president
or rather, himself by his foolish, un
enlightened utterances. Will he be quot
ing him when trie great presiaent. is
safely In his grave, trying to give the
Impression that he was wun nis grwi
nps? Who today admits having an
ancestor who was In that mad-dog fight
that tore at the vitals of the great Lin
coln? Who tomorrow will admit having
been a party to the mad-dog fight waged;
by vlsionless politicians of today against
a greater even than Lincoln? Who
of all this mess or vitriolic venom uiai
has been going about done up In human
little ratty bodies, poisoning every at
mosphere it breathesi who of all this
poisonous mess but will turn tall and
slink off into hiding tomorrow, when
the battle Is over, when the vuiion is
leaders of any government hesitate be- j
fore challenging the enure world to war.
a a
The vote of the council of the league
to make war must be unanimous, and
the member from the United States
could therefore veto It If Instructions
from congress should so request him.
In that case there would oe no war.
The league is no longer a proposal :
It is a going concern.
a I
At the threshold of this world cove
nant, formed to carry out the noblest
aim conceivable by man, our republic.
the only eligible nation ouia u
agreement, stands if raid. The United
States stood by splendidly until the
fighting was over. It fulfilled every
obligation and answered every calL
Then suddenly it seemed to lose that
fine national morale. Without a warn
ing this amaslng standard was raised:
"Safety for America First; Safety for
the World Second." As a nation, we
withdrew from our place of leadership
In the world, and put ourselves In the
position of refusing to cooperate with
other nations to, end war.
These are the facts. Surely we should
ratify. The 'responsibility of taking ef
fectivo action now is far more impera
tive than any call upon us during the
rrcaa tba Woman CUtaao"
Well known to many suffragists
throughout the country is Dr., Esther
Pohl -Lovejoy, who has been nominated
for congress from Oregon. A pioneer
Westerner. Dr. Lovejoy is pictured by
one of ber newspaper biographers, Ar
thur L. Crookham. as follows: "An
adventurous tomboylsh girlhood, when
she led her companions in felling a giant
cedar and hollowing a 'dugout,' was
succeeded by a struggle for an education,
dropping out of medical school at the
University of Oregon to sell blouses tn
a department store. Then she hung out
her shingle, married Dr. Emit Pohl and
with him Joined the gold rasa to Alaska.
"In the late '90s Alaska was no sum
mer resort, and a trip over Chl$oot Pass,
municipal bonds for his house in the
C. B. McDanlel. prominent business
man of Houston. Texas, is at the Mult
poms h. He arrived Saturday. .Mr. Mo
Danlel brings word, that George W.
Dixon, former newspaper man of Port
land, who edited the Pacific Hotel News,
is now convention manager of the
Houston Chamber of Commerce and Is
doing much- to build that city.
H. B. Ludlow, a fanner of Wallowa
county, registered yesterday at the
Imperial hotel. 'The rains destroyed
nearly ha.f the crops of Wallowa and
Union counties," b. declared. "The
early wetness this year was bad, but
we all feel that we can make up for It
later." . , '
. "
B. F. Itintselman of Ketchikan and
Mr. and Mrs. P. A- Grimes of Manila
Alaska and the tropics entered the
dpors of the Multnomah hotel yesterday
at an Identical moment- Portland is
the first stop of the three tourists since
leaving on their respective Journeys.
clear and all America, freed of the
smoke screen of hatred and Jealousy,
reads that name, justified by a Cox vic
tory that name written in Immortal
letters of pure light, the name of Wood
row Wilson, man of vision, man of
heart, man of action the greatest of
all Americans. For our .former martyr
presidents gave their lives as the result
of domestic embroilments ; the great
Wilson gives his in a vaster cause, hu
manity's and the whole wide world's.
Grandchildren of these poison-bags
about today under the name of party
politicians, emitting their deadly hate
vapors, will never say proudly. "My
grandfather fought the great Wilson
and. helped to put him in his grave."
These grandfathers wtii become unmen
tionables. And these grandchildren will
be Inheritors of the good of Wilson's
having lived and died for us, equally
with the chMdren of patriots. This is
as It Bhonfa be ; little children must
not be made to suffer the stigma.
In my reportorial "listening-in" ca
pacity yesterday, I heard a Republican
Oregonian explaining the local situation
to a group of outsiders. He said :
"Yes, Oregon is hopelessly Republican,
but. damn 'em, they won't vote the
ttcket !"
Lord love 'em. they won't ! They won't
vote the country out of the control ot
far-seeing vision, of plan for a future
of constructive, progressive legislation
that is gradually giving all men equal
opportunity in fact. They won't vote
it into the control of the moulding hands
of our recent enemy, the Hun, and of
the newly arrived and unasslmTlated
foreigners the only voters to whom
Hardincr makes a true appeal. They
njay be Republicans, but they are Amer
icans first, and they will punish their
party, grand with traditions of great
ness, for stooping so low. They have
white souls, not white livers ; they are
peculiarly lacking In the yellow streak
a a a
The straw vote, the placing of bets.
the wild speculations on returns these
are the work of straw men. stable as
straw in a whirlwind. While the Re
publican party manipulators have been
busy with such chaff, the true Amer
icans have beenthlnklng. praying, liv
in and looking ahead seriously. They
will rive their. answer on Tuesday, and
it will be In the nature of a command :
"The Huns shall bot pass!"
driving dog teams and mushing through
wearisome miles of snow-swathed trails.
is all that Rex Beach pictures It. At
Skagway She and her husband found a
meningitis epidemic, which they attacked
courageously, commandeeringthe largest
dance hall and gambling dive for a hos
"After the death of her husband on
their return to Portland she was ap
pointed to the staff of the city health
board, made good, and at the unanimous
request of the health commission was
made chief of the city health depart
ment Directing a sanitary clean-up
of the city, writing the city's first pure
milk ordinance and wiping out a threat'
ened bubonic epidemic by a rat-killing
campaign along the water front and
leading In. the fight for the adoption
of woman suffrage, in 1912 these occu
pled her fullest attention. Then she
married George A. Lovejoy."
Dr. Lovejoy went overseas with the
Red Or ass, returning with the honorary
rank of lieutenant. Her hospital work
abroad led to her election as president
of the International Association of Medl
cal Womn. .
from U OuUook .
What would happen if the women
voted and then the supreme eourt de
clared that the amendment was invalid?
Quizzing the Sphinx
O. C. R. in Hartford Post
Warm Gamaliel, what of tha Leacna?
Tosr moarofnl chattar prodaeaa fatlma.
Take s vaeatioa and atop now and then
mjnrlf nwrtraa troaa Artie I X.
Start oat afraafc on a diffarant tar;
Maybe yos'll neat ronrsaU on tha war back.
Vihj not 'latest a baah laane of your ewa or
Km if. doing air, yon pull a boas or two.
Inrltins Prearia is.
Bolanarik Knaaia In, ,
Turkey and Mexico . thcyll lead it tone or two.
If you get tired of all tbi intrtrtM,
Try rcaarrectlnc tba radaral leaf.
Toa'r sauln tfala asaia.
Actios Ska Ptaaagan.
Off asain. oa scats, out ec&in, la again,
Now the aatut . ..- -!'
Kline Koot - " .".
Has a sew aatf-atartTag league aDbatitats.
WanM OajBaMaL Aam't fa ao . "
Back The Haras eowt," or etas straight Hals
.The Oregon Country
KorUivaat Happening tn Britf Form lot tha
Bttaf Reader .
The btar mill of tha Alnait Itlvrr T .um
ber company at Glenbrook will begin
shipping lumber next week, -
Burglars" entered the store of 3. W.
Merritt at Gold Hill and escaped with
S600 worth of shoes and furuisluug ,
The Coast Range Lumber company's
mill near Eugene has reoponed after a
layoff or a month. Nearly 2UU men are
employed. .
The Issuance of S7000 In bonds bv the
city of Koseburg to purchase an avia
tion field has been blocked by a roier-
endum petition. .
A dental clinic has been opened in the
Astoria public schools, the iIuiUhu al
ternating to give time in examining the
teeth of school children. .
In less than 10 months of this year.
I Salem's building record showed an In
crease oi more man auu iht cent wnn
compared with figures fur the entire
year of 1919,
Harney county has under construction
one of the largest irrigation projects
ever undertaken, which, when i-ompu'tcd,
will have placed 240.000 acres under a
system of irrigation.
The Oregon Growers' Cooiierative as
sociation announces that it has enough
prune orders on hand to ket-i its plants
in operation at full capacity until the
latter part of November.
The Oregon Cooperative Growers' as
sociation announces that Hn books dln
close a balance of $203.4ti9.K7. practically
all of which represents mt'lpta from
fresh fruits sold during the last few
Because of a general complaint that
his conduct was Improper about the
school, Virgil Egbert, director of .ith
letics In the Salem high scMol, hnx re
ceived notice that his service are no
longer wanted.
An Astoria Chinaman s taken sick
In the depot waiting room h few days
ago, and whet most sertoualy ill was
examined by. officers, who found a roll
of greenbacks upon his perxon totaling
more than $5000.
The new Union State bank at Odnna
opened for business this week.
Frank Smith and Gust Nelson were
killed when a Great Northern train run
into a handcar carrying a section crew
near Spokane.
The Royal Developing company ha
begun thei developing of the mining
claims oh Red Mountain, north of
-The Great Northern rnilroad Is sur
veying a tunnel through the Cascade
which would probably he 25 miles from
east o west portals if bored.
The Spokane Falls Gas Light com
pany has asked the public service com
mission to grant an Increase in gaa rates
approximating 47 per cent.
One thousand acres of grain are still
standing unharvesled in the Pullman vi
cinity, harvesting operations being held
up on account of incleitrent weather.
Commander O. L. Moyes of the.tjalva
tlon Army was fatally Mnjured in T
coma when the automobile tn which he
. . . 1 1 1 .i .
ntta iiuiii cuiliueo wiui a iirvci ;.! .
Edward Stephens, a Spokane aervlcs
man who died overseas, was- the first
service man to be burled in the new
American Legion cemetery at Spokane.
George Fisher, aged 34, was instantly
killed at Spokane when an iron pipe
which he was carrying over hlg shoulder
came In contact with a high tension wire.
One hundred additional refrigerator
cars for use on the Northern Pacific
In moving fruit from tne Spokane terri
tory were received in Spokane this week.
The Standard Oil company will ttart
drilling its second well In the Grays
Harbor field before December 13. The
new well will be sunk at I'ttclflc Beach.
James Fannon, who wbm convicted of
grand larceny at I'roHaer In December,
1818, and who hnn been ii fugitive since,
was . captured this week nl McArlliur,
Adolph li. Mxtzen of Tucoma. aged 31,
accused of writing letlerH threatening
death to several prominent families in
Tacoma, Is under arrest by federu"V au
thorities. The city council of Aberdeen has
added several thousand dollars to the
reward offered for the apprehension of
the person who killed Police Officer Ka
lisky two weeks ago.
Fifteen Inches of snow has fallen at
For the first time since last June
there Is not a home in MoscJw quar
antined with smallpox:..
The Clearwater Ranch , company lot
250 sheep at Uenexee when Uno were
turned Into a stubble field and foun
dered on wheat. ;
Senator Nugent has received word
from Washington that the president has
no power to place embargo on the Im
portation of Canadian wheat.
The Odd Fellows' lodge of IewlFton
has received word that an annual grand
campment for Idaho will be held in
that city in OoCBber, 1921.
Oliver Kudder, a 15-yean-old youth,
was shot and killed while working near
Sandpolnt. It is not known 'whether his
death was by SUlclde or accident.
D. Redding, his wife, and Miss Cross
and Miss Hoban were seriously Injured
when an automobile In which they were
riding plunged 200 feet down an em
bankment at Wallace.
Uncle Jeff Snow Says:
The skeers folks tries to throw Into
us when some nlshatlve measure don't
suit 'em most ginerly alius turns out
to be somewhat piled up and over-shook
at us if the measure passes, and then
agin, on the average, a good many of
'em don't pass. What a lot of good
money was wasted a few year ago tryln'
to skser the Oregon folks over the lia
bility law that carried ever county and
made the mill folks and others git the
compensation lasv. All our little farms
was to be confiscated by our hired men
fall In' on pitchforks. Ma has framed a
skeer throwed at ua by some awful re
spectable anti-women suffrage folks In
the state pamphlet in 1912- And the
way them there llcker deslers did skeer.
us over hops when the prohl measures
was up!
Statement of Receipts and of
Certain Expenditures of
Portland for 1920.
In the financial administration of
Portland certain funds must We
maintained. The total of such fixed
charges for this year is 1610,536.49.
The amounts are shown as follows :
Amount rmlard by Uution lor
tba pajraMDt of tateraat ui
feneral bond for tha year
ending Xot. Jo, 1920 1423.S19.63
Sinking fond for Die ratesio-
tion of taneial bond for tha
year eodiiig Mot. SO, l'j2V. 13S,SSfl.6
FVeme a raUaf and piion
food for the relief of sick or '
eeneaaed firemen and their
widow and children for tJia
yaar-anding Wo. SO, 120. Sl.33S.14
FMhwaaaa'a ratief and pens) no
fond, raiatd by taxation tor
-. th suae rmrprxe aa the flra-
mb)' relief fund, for tha
.rear attains Not. SO, 4920. 31.S39.14
Total .'. . 36ie.k3.49
The estimated receipts of the city
on account of the general fund for
the year' ending November 10, 1921,
Is as follows :
Bight nulla ekartar UsuUUoo. .2.4.oe
Three aulk. apacial M T.Zjte
Mtaoallanooisl taeaipta
: ' 'T ' - . " - 13.713.230
The total expense for the city
daring " next year Is estimated at
4.7.40S i. ,063.43l for personal
service and "L02Z,". is obvious
that with the adoption of the I-mtU
tax .."'on the Tuesday ballot : radical
pruning; will stlU be necessary. r .