The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 31, 1920, Page 19, Image 19

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    AY UORNING, OCTOBER 31, .1820. ! : . 3 '
-5, S
t 1 1
Prcy Xupper Says Harney Re
gion Settlers Oppose Measure;
Cites Burns Civic Club Yote.
, By lercy W. Capper
- B&lem. Or., Oct. ,30. The public
la entitled to know the facta about
Malheur lake and the probable ef
fect of the Roosevelt bird refuge
. measure. tV. X Flnley takes excep
tlon to my statement that the lands
are now In control of the state land
board. The state land board, com
posed of the governor, secretary of
tat and- state treasurer, cays: "This
-bill arbitrarily takes this land from
the school children and gives it away
to the federal government- without
'a Just and due return to the school
If these are state, lands, they are in
control of the state land board. If they
are government lands, as Mr. Finley
wou)d seem to indicate, then the Boose
velt bird refuge measore is useless.
i The present measure, "according to
Flnley, la the result of a compromise be
tween William Hanley and other irriga
tion .Interests of Burns and the Swift
Corbett tntreets of Portland, and the pro
ponents of the measure, and this has
been strongly urged m a reason for the
passage of the measure. When we take
into consideration the fact that the orig
inal measure proposed to give to the fed
eral government ail waters tributary to
Malheur, lake, including Silvies and Bllt
sen rivers, upon which Mr. Hanley and
. the Swlft-Corbett Interests must depend
for any further development of their
holdings, it is not surprising that thee
Interests found it necessary for the pro
tection of their property to agree, to the
compromise measure.
The vote of the Burns Commercial
club, 21 to 1 against the measure, would
indicate that the section moat vitally in
terested fully appreciates the detrimental
effect that the measure would have upon
the development of Harney valley.
The 47.000 acres, a large part of which
Is suitable for agricultural purposes,
should be retained for the benefit of the
Oregon school fund, particularly when
part of the lake can be diked off and
maintained as a bird refuge and the re
' mainder disposed of so as to net several
hundred thousand dollars to the school
fund. The matter should be handled on
a sound business basis for the best inter
ests of the people of the state of Oregon,
and in my opinion this can only be ac
complished through defeat of the pro
posed mesa tare.
William L. Flnley, secretary of
the Roosevelt Bird Refuge associ
ation, has forwarded the following
communication in support of the
initiative measure now on the ballot,
ceding Malheur lake and 40.000
acres of valuable land bel6aglng to
the irreducible school fund of the
state to the federal government as
a perpetual breeding ground and
refuge for wild birds:
"Theodore Roosevelt Issued a special
executive order. No. 929, on August 18.
1908, creating 'Malheur Lake reservation
For the use of the department of agri
culture as a preserve and breeding
ground for native birds.' Since that
time the federal government has had
full charge over the lands and waters
within this reservation, and has em
ployed a warden to protect the birds
that live there. For several years cer
tain promoters have been trying to get
the state of Oregon to gain possession
of this reservation through the courts
so the lake can be drained and the
?lkaU land sold to unsuspecting
"The points at issue in the Roosevelt
bird relufe measure are very plain.
This bill clears the title and the state
does not start a long legal battle with
the federal government It this measure
passes, settlers and land owners will
hold exactly the same water rights as
they now have. The bill does, not inter
fere with irrigation and honest develop
ment in Harney county, but it does
block the promoters' scheme of draining
the lake.
"Roosevelt's Judgment in this matter
was sound; he was greatly interested
In all irrigation problems and also Just
as much Interested in the conservation
of wild Ufa His opinion was that Mal
heur lake was worth more to Oregon
as the greatest wild fowl refuge in the
United States than It would be drained
and destroyed by promoters.
"Theodore Roosevelt was an American
of action and keenforesight His policy
of conservation saved great natural re
sources of our country from special in
terests. It is universally acknowledged
that be deserves honor from the people
of America.
"In a conversation I had with Theo
dore Roosevelt in The Outlook office in
New York concerning Malheur lake
reservation. I said: It will be one of
the greatest memorials to your far
sightedness when both you and I are
gone." He leaned over jn his char
acteristic way and Said: "Bully! I had
rather have it than a hundred stone
"Here is the greatest living memorial
to this great American. Shall we de
stroy it or preserve it?
"Can anything be more appropriate
than at the time that we are celebrating
the birthday of Theodore Roosevelt for
the people of Oregon to vote in favor
of the Roosevelt bird 'refuge measure
I If X YES making permanent the
greatest wild fowl nursery in the United
States, a feature which is unique and
can be capitalised like Crater lake and
the Columbia river highway. I believe
our voters will honor Oregon and Theo
dore Roosevelt"
"Burns. Oct 29. To the Editor 6f The
Journal Every community has its own
plans and hopes for its own future, ana
every community has its own struggles,!
unknown to, outsiders, in carrying out
those plana Now I ask you to imagine
a situation in your own community par
allel with that over hpre in Harney coun
ty ; the big balance of the state planning
to put over on us by popular vote a
measure to take away from us the
waters of Malheur lake.
"The proponents of this bill propose to
cede Malheur lake to the federal govern
ment to be' held with all its waters in
perpetuity as a wild game reserve, the
federal government to control the water
rights, and to be the sole administrators
of these rights now vested in the state
of Oregon. They are making an emo
tional campaign .with moving pictures of
wild bird life. Further, these emotional
ists ask that the bird reserve be set
aside as a memorial to Theodore Roose
velt, forgetting that he loved babies as
well as wild-life, and if the lines were
drawn between the two. would undoubt
edly stand by the babies.
"To the school funds alone this grant
Is worth several hundred thousand dol
lars: to ranchers' families it Is worth
vers1 much more ; as taxable property to
the state, it would be a source of perpet
ual and ever-increasing income: to the
residents of Harney county Malheur lake
represents the very heart and core of Its
plan for development and irrigation.
"The whole thing resolves itself into a
question of birds or babies." The entire
population of Harney county, a popula
tion hired in here by the presence of
lakes and water for future irrigation
purposes begs and prays of you to vote
No. 117 No!
"William Hanley, Chairman."
Insists Local Post
Misrepresented oir
Vaccination Stand
That misrepresentation was employed
by the Public School Protective league
In a leaflet assertion that the American
Legion has indorsed the anti-compulsory
vaccinatlon lew Is asserted In a state
ment by James A. Bain, vice com
mander of the Portland poet of the
American Legion. His statement reads:
There has been called to my attention
a pamphlet published by the Public
School Protective league on behalf of
- the amendment prohibiting' compulsory
vaccination, wherein it states that the
amendment Is indorsed by the American
Legion. . This Is entirely misleading
tn so far as it purports to be an expres
sion of opinion of the American Lesion
--as. a body throughout the state of Ore-
. gon.
The indorsement as therein presented
was secured from the La Grande, Ore
gon, post which is but one of 89 posts
lrt the state of Oregon, and has a mem
bership off 300 out of a total member
ship in the state of 14.000.
The post in the city of Portland where
these pamphlets are being circulated
has taken no action upon this matter,
and none- of the other 88 posts in this
state has taken any action in regard to
am indorsement i uus amenoment. As
a matter of fact, the indorsement of this
amendment by the La Orande post is
contrary to the regulations of the de-
parrmeni oi uregon relating to posts
giving publicity to questions of policy
without first securing the consent of the
state executive committee, and when one
reads this Indorsement as of the Ameri
can Legion It must be borne in mind
that the La Grande post represents but
a. very small per cent of the membership
In the state of -Oregon and In no wise
represents the indorsement of the Amer
ican Legion in Multnomah county or in
, any ether part of the state.
" Pamphlet Demand Met
, Owing-, to the Increased demand for
the boos: 'Appeal to Christiana" by Her
bert Powell Lee. a fresh supply of this
election nanmhlet has . twwn nrrfmi
Ministers may secure copies free at 825
Morgan boiMing; . - L - , ,
Proposed Ordinance Analyzed and
Benefits Claimed by Segrega
tion Are ShoWn.
In a statement issued Saturday
the city planning commission urges
the enactment of the zoning ordi
nance which appears as 600-501 on
the municipal ballot. The state
ment bears the signatures of J. C.
Ainsworth, B. W. Sleeman, A. E.
Doyle, Ira F. Powers, A. F. Flegel,
E. B. MacNaughton, City Engineer
O. Laurgaard, City Attorney W. P.
La Roche, and reads as follows: .
Portland's great asset Is that 86 per
cent of all buildings are single family
homes. The sone ordinance protects
the small home owner' -and is an en
couragement to building.
It provides over 6000 acres of safe
districts in which industries may be lo
cated without fear of protest and with
every facility to do businesa These are
situated in several parts of the city
naturally arranged for Industry, along
the river on both sides, through Sulli
van's gulch and along the Columbia.
Existing industries -today only cover
135B acres.
Existing hotels, apartments and flats
cover todav 250 bloaks. The sone ordi
nance establishes 1250 blocks in apart
ment house zones, located conveniently
in all parts of the city, as well as per
mitting them als6 in 800 additional
blocks of business sone. (This allows
for apartment houses enough to take
care of 1.500.000 people).
From reports of property owners made
to us in their neighborhood meetings it
Is more than ever evident that the pro
tection to be gained from the early
passage of such a sone ordinance will
be very great
Measured in dollars and cents we esti
mate roughly that it will prevent de
preciation of rents, property values and
taxable returns to the city amounting to
many hundreds of thousands of dollars
in the next five years.
Measured tn human health, comfort,
convenience and safety gained, there Is
little favorable comparison possible for
the present haphasard, uncertain and
mixed up conditions now existing in
certain parts of Portland, and possible
ail over the city unless a zone ordinance
is adopted.
An easy method of amendment of the
sone boundaries is provided, whenever
changed conditions justify it. after con
sultation with the property owners
within 200: feet'. Any property owner
can by request set such an amendment
in motion.
The members of. the city planning
commission pledge themselves to sup
port all reasonable amendments as they
come up snd to see that they are
promptly and fairly acted upon.
Forester Is Back
In Portland After
Alaska Inspection
B. F. Heinsleman of the forest service,
who has been spending several months
in Alaska on a study of Sitka spruce in
relation to the extension of the paper
pulp Industry into the Far North, bss
returned to the Portland office of the
forest service.
Heinsleman made studies as to suit
able stands for paper pulp, water power,
transportation and other features Inci
dental to paper pulp factories in the
Tongass and Chugach national forest.
Two paper pulp mills have already corn
pleted arrangement for operating on a
large scale la the Tongass.
Double Trading Stamps Monday With Cash Purchases in All Departments
$7.00 Tea Kettles
At $5.95
Third Floor Aluminum Tea Kettles (n panel
or Colonial style. Polish finish, wide base.
5 quart size. Regular 7 Kettles, JP AP
special In the November Sale at pOUO
The Standard Store of the Northwest
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
Bread Toasters
At 35c
Third Floor .Cone shape Bread Toaster o(
sheet steeL Upright style toasts four slices
of bread at one time. Regular SOc
grade. Special for November Sale at OOl
A Pre-Holiday Event
Of Great Importance
Monday morning we inaugurate the Great November Sale of Housewares with a notable list of
offerings in needed articles for the home. Special low prices on Kitchen Utensils, Roasters,
Food Choppers, Electric Goods, Dinnerware, Glassware, Lamps, Silverware and other lines. We
have put forth our best efforts to make this the greatest sale of its kind we have yet an
nounced. No matter what you may need in housewares it will pay you to do your shopping here.
Sale of Turkey
Third Floor Oval shape Sheet Steel
Roasters. Self-basting. Bottom and cover
made of seamless .material. These Roast
ers fit nicely Into any. ordinary oven.
-T-i 5-inch iae Regular 2.00 4Q
grade. November Sale price eDAefa-O
17 54-inch size Reg. 2.75 QQ
grade. November Sale price tJJLmUO
Third Floor Seamless Aluminum Roast
ers as sketched above. Oval shape with
elevated bottom, which prevents burning.
16-inch size Regular 5.00 dQ QQ
grade. November Sale price 50.O
Lisk Enameled
Third Floor Lisk dark Enameled Roast
ers with removable trays. Self basting,
seamless and very sanitary utensils.
Complete line of all styles and sizes.
1 3-inch Lisk Roasters priced at $3.75
l7J$-inch Lisk Roasteis priced J 14.50
19-inch Lisk Roasters priced at J 15.00
19-inch Lisk Roasters priced $5.50
Fatf3BBBsssWsVs' JJ"Ba
$5 Toasters $3.98
Third Floor Electric Toaster and Stove as
sketched. Boils, fries and toasts to perfection..
Well made. Kegujar 5.00 appli
ance. Priced special on sale
Upright Electric Toaster and Q QQ
Warmer. 4. So value. Special at eBOeOO
"i; $3.98
Aluminum Pans $1.68
Third Floor Sheet Aluminum Fry Pans with
wood grip handles. Double lip. Q
9-inch si2e- November Sale price tDA.Oo
10-inch Cast Aluminum Fry Pans $3.48
10-inch Sheet Steel Fry Pans special at 38c
Great Sale, of White Enamelware
Another big event in the Housewares Store that will command the attention of every
housewife who needs new Kitchen Utensils. "Seconds" of a high grade line better
than firsts from many factories. Triple coated pure white enamel. Regular prices are
quoted on firsts for your, guidance in ascertaining what wonderful bargains these are.
Choice at 29c
1 Ot- Pudding Pans 70c values.
H Pt Drinking Cups 5 5c vals.
8, 9, 10-inch Pe Pans firsts in
these sell at from 50c to 80c each.
14 Qt. Dairy Pans 70c values.
Deep Soup Plates "- 60c values.
9-inch Dinner Plates 60c values.
X PL Straight Mugs 70c vals.
Soup Ladles regular 5oc values.
Choice at 48c
2A Qt Pudding Pans 90c vals.
t yi Qt Stew Pans 90c values.
2Yi Qt Bake Pans 1.10 values.
1 Qt Dippers regulars sell at t.
; 2 Qt. Dairy Pans 80c values.
1 16 Qt. Sauce Pans 90c val.
Qt. Dairy Pans values.
2lA Qt Stew Pans 1.25 values.
Choice at 98c
6 Qt Preserve Kettles, 1.75 vals.
4 Qt Lip. Sauce Pans, 1.45 vals.
3 Qt Cov. Sauce Pans, 2.25 vals.
3 Qt. Snal. Sauce Pans, 1.50 vals.
3 Qt. Two-handled Baking Pans.
6 Qt. Dairy Pan, good 1.70 vals.
2 Qt. Cov. Buckets, 1.70 vals.
3 Qt Lip. Sauce Pans, 1.30 vals.
3 Qt size Convex Kettle, cover.
Choice at $1.48
4 Qt Cov. Sauce Pans, 2.40 vsls.
2 Qt. Coffee Pots. 2.95 vals.
4 Qt Covered Seamless Buckets.
6 Qt Convex Sauce Pots, 3 vals.
6 Qt. Straight Kettle and cover.
6 Qt. Straight S. Pot and cover.
Qt. Convex S. Pots, 2.40 vals.
Choice at $158
12 Qt. Preserve Kettles, 2.95 val.
6 Qt. Convex S. Pans, 3.00 vats.
6 Qt Straight S. Pans, 3.00 vals.
8 Qt. Straight S. Pots, 3.70 vals.
3 Qt. Coffee Pots, 3.25" vals.
3 Qt Seamless T. Pots, 3.25 vat
1 Qt Double Boilers, 3.20 vals.
12 Qt. Oval Dishpans, J.35 vals.
Choice at $2.48
to Qt. Convex Kettles and covers.
10 Qt. Sauce Pots, vals.
2 Qt. Seamless Double Boilers.
4 Ot Tea Kettles, 4.2 5 vals.
1 y Qt. Seamless Rice Boilers.
10 Qt. Convex S.Pots, 4.10 vals.
Pudding Molds at 68c
Third Floor Pudding and Jelly Molds in a
large assortment of styles and sizes. Bread or
Pudding Molds 68c Jelly Molds 25c 35c.
45c Melon Molds, 2 pint size, priced 98c
$2.50 Food Choppers
$1.98 ;
Third Floor The well known J"
. i i t t j r '
Made of best of materials.
Eliminates waste, cuts down .
food bills, saves time and '
work. Equipped with three
cutting .knives for meats.
vegetables, etc. Regular
2.50 size. Priced
special on sale
I fc. SS
2 $1.98
Electric Irons $5.50
Third Floor Superior quality Electric
Irons, complete with cord and rest attach
ment Full Nickel finish. QpT CA
Regular 6.50 value, -n sale tDOsOlf
Family Scales, Special $225
3d Floor
A very handy ar
ticle to have in the
borne. Black japan
ned steel case.
Straight dial. Weighs
24 pounds by ounces.
Regular 2.75 values.
Special at $25
November Sale of China and Glassware
Starts Monday Morning
TWO FULL CAgLOADS OF DINNERWARE have just arrived, in time
for our customers to replenish their needs for Thanksgiving. We now
show practically complete lines of American and English dinnerware pat
terns in the old numbers and many new ones. Now is the time to match
up your sets or buy a new one for the holiday season. For years this
store has enjbyed the reputation of having the largest and best selected
stock of Dinnerware in the Pacific Northwest Come in and get
acquainted. No trouble to show goods. A few specials follow:
Dinner Sets Underoriced
6 PIECE Dinner Sets of light
46 PIECE Dinner Sets of Am
erican china. Dainty conventional
broken border decoration. 20
value. Priced spe- A fTfT
ciil at, the set fDliO
46 PIECE Dinner Sets in new
floral pattern with gold line edge
on each piece. 15 Q QQ
value. Priced at, set, fDUmVO
weight American china. . New
combination pink and blue flora
and conventional pattern. These
are very attractive sets and we
consider them good Qf O Ffl
18 values. Special vluU
Other Attractive Offerings
in JJinner sets
39 pc. White, Gold sets $11.90
50 pc. White, Gold sets $17.60
Dinner sets in attractive floral
pattern, 39 pc. sets only $11.30
50 pc. sets are priced $16.90
Dinner Sets, No. no5, with red
edge. 39 pc. sets only $18.20
So pesets priced only $29.55
No. 7io5-p-Neat border decor
ation, 39 pc. dinner sets $15.00
50 pc. Sets priced at $22.50
Dinner Sets with coin gold bands.
39 p&. sets priced at $14.55
50 pc. sets priced at $21.65
We have over one hundred open
stock patterns to select from.
Sale of Plates at 50c
DINNER PLATES, Salad Plates,
Dessert and bread and Butter
Plates. French and Nippon china.
Choice of several decora
tions. On sale at, each
Thin Nippon Cups and Saucers
with dainty t order decorations
and neat gold handles. A few
bouillon cups included in HfZg
the lot Priced special at OV
Table Glassware 25c
Serving Trays Only $1.48
3d Floor
Mahogany Finish Serving
Trays wood frames and glass
bottoms. SUe 11x17 fl" AO
Inches. Priced special iDA
BREAD BOARD and Knife Set,
decorated maple board, (PI ' QQ
knife to match, price D170
Mahoganf Nut Sets Special $1.68
Dover Egg Beaters, improved
double dasher style. Oood(QC
Mahogany Nut Set bowl, six
nui pic its ana n-ji cracit- u- ry
ers. Special at, a set D JUUO
3 Piece Kitchen Sets
3d Floor
White Japanned Ware of good
quality. Set consists of one 7
lb. sugar canister, one 3 lb. cof
fee canister and one 1 lb. tea
canister. Priced spe- AO
da! tomorrow at, set DJLTtO
I 45c value. Priced specu
Priced Special at $1.48
$3.50 Percolators $2.59
6 Cup Size
Only a limited number of Ihese early choos
ing Is to your advantage. High-grade aluminum
Percolators similar to sketch Seamless body,
fire protected ebony handles with high polish
finish. 6 cup size. Splendid 3.50 ffO rQ
value. Priced special tomorrow at Dhi0)
$5 Casseroles in Nickel
Frames $3.98
26-Piece Chest of Silver $11.95
Water Tumblers, Grape Juice
Tumblers, Iced Tea Tumblers,
Goblets, Sherbets, etc., of thin
crystal. Some plain, some are
etched. Values up to OC
60c Priced pecial tiMuK
Water Tumblers of thin blown
engraved crystal. A splendid op
portunity to lay In a supply of
these at a very low - Oi
price. On sale at, each JL2!
Lamps for the Home
Showing of
Never has there -been such showing of Lamps In Portland as you will find
on our Third Floor. Lamps for every purpose in styles to suit every
taste and fancy. Your inspection of the assortment is cordially invited.
New Floor Lamps
$12.50, $17.50
Third Floor Mahogany finish Floor
Lamp Standards in a choice assort
ment of newand pretty designs. (Shades
extra.) Special $12-50 and $17.50
Other Floor Lamps $20 to $150
Rich Silk Shades
24 Inch Silk Shades for floor lamps.
Choice of various colors and color com
binations. Very attractive are the
shapes. Special $120 and $14.50
Table LamrJs
Third FIoer-r-Mahogany finish Table
Lamps in several rood styles. - Extra
good values at $5.00 and $6.00
(Shades not Included at above price.)
POLYCHROME Table Lamps in as
sorted finishes of gold and other color"
ings. Special tine offered at $7.48
Shades extra. On ' sale Third Floor.
Metal Table
Third Floor Metal Table Lamps with art
glass shades in latest finishes to match
standards. $10.00, $15.00, $17.50
New Silk
' Shades
Large selection of beau
tiful new Silk Shades for
table lamps. Many new
patterns just received.
Regular 13.30 value. Priced special at $9.95
Tungsten Lights at 33c
Third Flow No telephone or C O. C orders accept-
ed and globes will be sold at this price only in original
T. A. . . v a a
canons containing live giooes. new siock. 33 n
Choice, of 25 or 40 watt sizes. Special each OOL
Third FUer Community Par
Plate Silverware in the new
"Vernon" pattern. Bright finish
and very dainty. Put up in
neat wooden hest as sketched.
Each Set
Six Modeled Handled Table
Knives, six Flat Handled Table
Forks, six Tea Spoons, six Table
Spoons, one Sugar Spoon and one
Butter Knife. Set f f AP
and chest, specfa! at BJ.JL.cJ
War tax not included in sale price.
4-Piece Tea Sets at $12.95
Third Floor Sheffield Silver-plated Tea Sets, with ntat thread border
and bright finish. Teapot, sugar bowl, spoon bolder and creamer.
Spoon holder and creamer are gold lined. SPECIAL, A SET, $12.95
Sheffield Vegetable Dishes $14.95
Sheffield Double Vegetable Dish,
copper base and heavily silver
plated. Detachable handle. Plain
polish or butter fin- A QP
Ishes. Priced special
Sheffield SUverplated Bread
Trays in bright or butter finishes.
Thread Jjorder. These are 12
inches long. Fine for-fiQ AP
at u;
gifts. Priced special
Pyrex Pie Dishes at $4.95
the .Silverwae DepartmenL Special
sllverplated pierced
strictly high-grade ware. Better get a couple of
gift giving, on sale in ff4 nc
ai for November sale at IV.tJ
Pyrex Heat-proof Pie Dishes with
This . is strictly nign-gi
these for your owa use oi for
111 i i i .i i i
- til I