THE: OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER' 31, 1820. I 4 I 1 11 SI S4 ,36 ; u SI 31 1 28 I u SS 14 ai T SI at 44 41 4, 41 44 i Locat ion of Pbllinff Places in Multnomah ITerewfth la published a list of the Multnomah county polling places- for the . keneral election Tuesday, November i. The polls wUl be open Iron - to t p. nu' Voters are urged to register their ballots as early In the day as possible : 'Asters. TBamss at,. Between 834 and IS HOgbf at. Tames grooerr, JSth end Thnnasa ets. Grocery. H. W. eerner 25th ui Up bar ets, BsmdmoI chureh, B. E. eor. tSta na Bsrisr st. ' , Uararse, fS5 Vsngha tt, between 224 snd 8rd at. Orocrr, 851 N, 38rd It, 67 WlUoa t, nrar 21it et Herts echoed, SIM sod Raleigh Ms. 687 ( H., ketweea ITth sad lath SI J. 6th si.. HknHtnt Motor Co. 14 5 t tin to 100 t 11 , til North rup it., eorser 16th at. 10B S, C corner 17 th snd Nortbrqp its, Obsrch. S. W. eoraer 17 IS ssd Msr .ball Ma 30 N. 31t tt, DM fettrgrore at PsrrUb bouse, tt Marks church, 211 K. Btt at. - 104 IOB 106 II 89H Overtop at, Between 3 SIS end Cor Mil Toed. ' II H Hill mlUtUry sesdenr, Ml Msnbsll it. II . Kniine hmue. 24 th snd Johnaon its. 107 10TH 108 100 If Tsetorr Motor Car Co.. 703 Kearney L, bet. Slit snd SZ1 ata. 110 1 51 N. 8 ltd it. bit, Irring snd Tlort sta flMK, B. C. eonier 2 3rd snd Irring aW. 111 Hartford aparUnanU. 21tt ssd r lander. ata. v.. mn Slat and Irrlne .Is. 112 113 114 115 lie 117 lis lis ISO 123 121 OUaan it, between 20th snd 21it eta. rhnreh. W. W. eor. 18th snd Hoyt its. ttarage, N. 15. eor. ltlth ind Irring its Bu.rn.nt. 120 N. 18th it. corner Oil. Beeement. Wellington Court, N. W. eor. 16 th snd Krerett te. CmIm hnina Sll C Milan at Iftindee garage. Broadway snd Slanders t 21 1. Irt st Unt.1 Philln 97 Bnrniid. tt W. I,. Uugnaon Co., Broadway snd De ris ft. Hnriw.ll ssrise. SI N. 14th st 121 Pariah hone. 67 H. 19 1 9th .ta,, sesr Ds- 131 12tt 127 131 129 180 181 Ifi 188 in St Washington It, bet Trinity sad 30U it . . . t ' 4 A 11 naa Waahln.ton it Winn Motor Osr Co.. II N. 2Srd it 86 Vi TJsfts spartmenta. 70S Deria it i e rimmmmm AOS fWaall mad. 108 14th at, Detwees vraaningun sou Bumiida at. Walten Tire ihop, Btsrk ft Wllkenaon Tire .hop, 304 Pins it v.nirt mm bono. 2nd and Oak ata Loyal Legion beadanaitera, 8rd snd Btsrk 244 Washington it. between 2nd sad ISStt Ird-iU. lit Prb m- 188 W. O. W. Temple. 11th It, between Al 187 Aa and Waahinffton .la 188 189 44 Va 444 44 Watbington it. Pslsos boUL 41 Baeise nonae, Wsihiagtoa it. 140 41 Cvny Motor Car Co., Slat and Wsab- lngton ais. 4H Honsjrnnn'i fangs. 200 flt CUir at 47 Baasaant, 590 Salmon, tt. corner Ni 141 142 148 48 49 49 tt' Knaanf.ld gang., 221 Vtata ee. 180 Ixwiudals at. between Taylor sad Yamhill ata. 171 17 th at, eorn.r Yamhill at M. at ebanh. 12th and Taylor ata. 171 W. Park .t. baaem.nt T. M. C. A., 8th snd Taylo'r ata. 247 Taylor at. bet. 2d and 8d ata. 240 Salmon it, between 2nd and Ira Beat entrance conrthouas. Oaraga. 88S Taylor at, near 10th at White Tempi., 12th snd Taylor it. 219 14th it, near Jefferson it 144 145 na 51 as s 84 BB aa 61 BB 48tt SS 40 at 43 88 s. 86 SS 146 ISO Gsisga. 209 18th at , ail Chapman at, corner Main at flower mtaaion, 10th and Madiaon ata. Lsdd achonl, 10th and Jetleraoo ata. sal antnuice to city hall. UoUl Leases, I'd t, near Main ft 211 . Clay at, near Snd .t 147 let It, sear Market at Market at, entrance to The Soaitonnm. ana aK at nar Clav at r lie it rat Chriatlan church. Park sad Corom- bla ita. nhnivh. Waat Park and Jefferson Its. ?o f. I HVi irmmr at i T0V4 288 1 2th at, near J.ff.raon at 71 SStls jexiaraon at., near isui av 71 H Whttsey apartmanU. Ill 14th at TS B'nal B'rith olub bids.. 18th it. Market at TS 74 71 78 281 17th it, comer Jefferson ft Oarage. 19th and Msrkat its. Knsin. house, Montgomery st, Lewnwlale it - 4t Uontaomery it, comer 11th 428 Ilarriaon at, near 12th at Tftt Saattuek acbnul, rare ana nail are. PubUO ncneoi or uinunsroa, eui Rarriaon ata and Tt Engine houae, 4th snd Montgomery ata. 71 tt Oarage. CoUege at, b College it, between Srd sad etn .ta. 80 81 82 88 it 18 89 90 91 93 ibn. SSI lit wt.. corner Mill at 46 l.t at. between 11a U and Lincoln Cotton Irof Co., lit and Bh.rman tu. Gsrsie, 808 College it Garage. 416 Weil rtrk it 664 Broadway at 648 Viata. sesr Spring it Kngin. houae, 20th and Spring ata. Btrohrckei'a farsge, 788 Patton road. 863 l.t at, naar Sheridan it Failing achool. Front and Porter ata. 281 Hooker at. near'Sth at 418 Gibba at. eorn.r 11th it Voters! Remember! You Have a Remedy! ? ' t l ' s ' t',T i J Jt THOMAS A. HAYES ladapandevt Candidate for U. S. Sanator Work for him and vote for him. Woodrow Wllaon stys: "When ever you ret somebody with In fluence to do something thst some body else without influence can not do, that is jrraft.M "The best (hint you ctn do with tnythlni thtt Is crooked is to tift it up so thst people can see it is crooked.' Thesl definitions sound rood. Anyway, facts sre stubborn things. x It Is a fid that CoL Disaue of Spruce Production extrsvsj sftce Jet hufe cost, plus contracts to senator (Pltd Adv the LeagTie of Katlona ; ; - - uuuruian, suut orvavuwajr ouiMunf, Jroruanu. 179 180 181 183 183 184 188 1IT 188 roarth Preivrtoris sbsrsh, 1st iriBu ru ses Corbet st llolman school. Corbett snd Bancroft its. 1004 Corbet st. near Beymoar at PuHsn school, lit sad Mile ata. 168T Macadam t, near Wersda ft lass Vunlui at 'uii Ttakota at 190 191. 192 198 It 128 CaastiUs at, between S. 11th snd 18th at Back room. 1748 E. 18th at, near Msr. 194 194 wo w. comer E. 18t ass Temno am. 191 198. 197 sgias houae, X. ltth and Tenia Community boose, B. 15th snd Bpoksno 1171 B. ltth st, between Miller snd 198 Jjextngtoa .ta. Oarsg.. 1101 E. lltb at ISItt 199 (Sanui iniu nilJi Mil afUwankie at 1187 Milwaukee it. bet Booth tad Ba- 200 Oarage, 1.184 Milwsalrie at. eor. BUie. Daniwsy aeheol, Baatst VawUra photo ahoD E 87th. ar. Teniae. 4424 WootUtock, bet K. 44th sad 41th. Cbarak. M. W. car, X. 4ta and Wssd- atoek. 39S Church, N, W. gor. E. 41st snd Woed- atoeg. 5U10 E. 41 tt a. B.( eor. 60th sat. 6fll Wooditook, eor. K. SSth. kft.a v ftA - Kith im Wnninir. hal IC T7th and Woodatock. Millard Are. n.l Co., E. 7 2d, bet 62d are. and Whitman. Green', residence. E. 74th, near PeweJL 6980 K. 8 2d, oor. Woods toe a. nine V. O'.'rt iwr Wandalock. Ceffmaa garage. 1118 E. 92d nr. Weed- Lenu VoL Hoes Co.. 18th sea. sear B. bad at Orange ban, B. S2d assr Foater. Bnrkei garage. E. 72d. near 66th are. 122 U 4707 Poater. eor. E. 87th. 194 lata E 70th bet 40th and 87th tree. W. O. W. hall. K. ooin it, oet iu ml aiul foatae Iurelwood M. 8. ehurch. E. ISd. Bear roater. N e. M V. 48th and 87th are. 8. E. Old So. Mt Tabor school. E. 66th and IHiUm. . , 1608 Dirbion. eor. E. 60th. N. K. eor. roater sad 4th. 6414 roster. 6828 IToeter, near B. 64th. Garsm. B. B. eor, B. B2d snd 41th ST. Creaton school, B. 41th snd Powell 1421 E. 10th. near Powell. u MeMsbona hall. E. 4Sd and LMriaion. Uarage, s4T B. 19th, bet Tagfsrt ssd Wandward. N. W. eor. E. 88th snd Diriaioa. Store. 881 E. 87th. near Mail. 186 tt Engine houae. Francta snd Greenwood. 886 uisnaiose. 720 Pow.ll, ear. B. 21t CUnton Kelly school. B. 27 th and rrsnklln. Oeraee. 497 E. 88th. bet Clinton ssd UiTiaion, . 140 tt Garan, 101T CUston, bet Greeawood and K 84th. 808 CUnton, bet E. Zlth and zotn. 713 Clinton, aear E. 2 1st Baaement 634 Powell, near Mil wa Okie. 884 Milwsukie, cor. Rhine. Gregory ball. 581 Center, nr. Mllwaukis. Brooklyn school. Milwsukie snd Freder ick at. 831 Milwaukic. cor. Beacon. Church, S. W. oor. E. 10th sad Grant Kngin. honae, B. 7 th snd Stephen. S74 Hawthorne, cor, Union srs. 463 Hawthorne, eor. E. 8th. Church. E. 16th snd sad Poplar. 145tt 147 148 141. 149Vk Joott s4 luot 61 711 LhrUion. cor. X. 20th. llltt Usrifs, N. W. per. E. 84th ind Diriaioa. 163 Gsrage. 802 B. 824. er. Market 163 tt Oaras. S9T B. 94th. near Hawthorne. 163 1024 Hawthorne, bet. E. SSth and 89th. 154 Oaraga, 1041 K. Uneois. sesr Mar tnerits srs. 164 tt Oarage, 1144 B. Lincoln, naar B. 88th. 166. , U. p. ehurch, E, STth sad Clay. tt' Bichmond sobool, E. Slat mond sol booi. snd E. Bher- (nan ita. iro Gi B. W. eor. B. 47th end Haw-1 eras. thorn ar. 118 tt 847 X. 50th, bet R. Mill snd Stephens. 167 Church. E. 1 2d and E. Lincoln, lttt 1803 Diriaion. aaar K. 00th. 168 468 Hawthorne, eor. B. 8th. ire 160 161 183 114 Union sre. N. 120 Grand sre.. eor. B. Alder. Engine beuae. E. d end K. Pine. IK B! a.K IJ Wl mwtA E Oak. " wm, rmm mm, mmm i Bait Bids Librsry. E. llth snd X. AMr. l8 164 165 166 ier 169 169 170 Garage, E. 18th snd Hawthorn.. mi s. steal ob. eor. nu 17th. B, W. cor. X. 14 U tad Mor-I ..., fiaoa ata. Waabington High school, X. 14th sad HUrk ata. Oarage, N. B. eor. B. ltth and B. Alder. B. B. cor. B. 20th snd E. Morrison. 705 Hawthorne, near E. ZOtn. 170 tt Baaement, 718 B. Main at, cor. B. 24th. iut, no n aai mtii w , ws. wm. on elmoat, bet K. 27th end 28tb. 171 846 eli 172 Church, i, E, 2Bth and E. Stark. i73 988 Belmont T4 Back room, B. eor. a. Bed. W. corner a. 84th and B. Tit lor ata. 17 Qtrsfs, B. Sltit bet, X. UtlB tad Mad iaoB its. 175 tt Gsrage, 8. B. osr. Glean era. snd E. Salmon at 1T6 ' Friends church, E- llth and Main. 177 Easine nouas. B. 86th snd Belmont 178 1041 Belmont, bet E. 84ih and 85th. I'.Stt Gang.. 104 B. Wssbington. oor. E. I SSth at T Chamberlain's henchmen tnd to clients of his law firm. It is t fact thst Col. DIsque gave 1100.00 to an expensive sutomobile . for Senator Chamberlain. It is t fact that rnnklin T. Griffith, President of the Portland Railway. Lifht & Power Company, gave Jioo.OQ to buy Senator Chamberlain tn auto- tomobile. it is a fact that Senator Chamberlain voted for the water power bill which hands over to the traction mat-nates the water power of the country for all time. t Has Mr. Griffith heJpeeJ you buy aa automobile? It is a fact that in 1914, over the vigorous protest of Postmaster Myers, the Post OfficelDepartment, through John C Koons, now First Assistant Postmaster Genersl, en tered into a "Political" lease (for temporary quarters while the new Post Office was being built). This lease cost the fovernment 123.000 more tnart would had Postmaster Myers' advice been followed. The inspectors secured but one bid tnd the specifications of the lease were not fulfilled by the lessors. It is t fact that one of the lessors who drew down the fat rentals. coniriPuted 100.00 to the lux urious automobile for Senator Cbamperlain. Yea, verily the ways of invisible government are most devious but there is a remedy which you can appiy on November a. - VOTE FOR HAYES Ratification CommlUee, J. D. Brown. 7 Rear tan. Ill a IStk. .... BalaaaeiC Asrsge, li Belmont St. between 434 saa S4, 1208 E Itsdismi ft, twesa 4 0tk sad 4ist . , 1859 Bawtaorse sre., eerner SL 48th. Glaneos aebool, E. 49th end Belmoat OsrsgsvS2S E. 5 2d. naar K. Belasen. Bail, B. 40th. between Belmont snd E. atark. -trtt SL 3orSjea, titan as St B9th and B. 70th. . 1981 E. Btark, catt of B. 7th. ' J020 JC Stark, between ft. 10111 and 2St 240 Let Enrine hen B. 834 and Beasids. 1978 E. Btark. near a7stn. 8004 K. cnaaa, coraer 1920 B. Oliaan. near E. 8!. sots. - 70Ut Cnnreh. B. T4th, betewe K. Heyt sad K. Ullnas. 2001 E. Oliaan. near B. 80th. Glsnksren school. B. 81st snd Sehnylsr. Bhos then. resaont between 72d and It Bhos Tld. Jenks B, BL office, E. 88th sad Beady blS. tt Oarage. 885 f. 84th st 247 248 KUekttst and Hiak) Uyon. 59? 99 B. Obaa 1778 K. TOth. Glissn, between B. 89th sad aft Tabor school. E. 80th. near B. Ash. Oarage.. 1111 E. Buynsids, eoraer B. 8th7 1830 B. Clisan, eoraer B. 47th.. Buikanf, M. W. corner E. 1 2d snd E. GUasn. Boae CUy Park M. E. church. B. .8th 200 tt Kngtee boaae. E. 61th and Sandf bird. 201 Preabytsrlsn ehurch, E. 43th snd Han cock. 201 Garage. 8. TUlsnwek. B. eoraer X. 47th Waat end of Lsmrelhare offiee, B. SSth ana s. unaen. 20214 Laurelharat crab. 1128 B. Aakenr. 308 867 Bandy bird., bet, E. 28th sad 39th. 304 Chnreh. N. W. eor. K. 26th and B. Kyerett 208 2 tt E. 28th, near E. Ankeny. 206 Kern school, E. 27th snd E. Conch. 207 Uaram, 767 E. Bdrnatde 107 tt uarage, Aakenr. N. W. cor. E. 224 sad B. ean w i.w. ihl SOt Oarage. M. B. eor. B. 18th ssd X. Saktar. 309 tt Oexage, B. B. ear. E. 14tb and B. Derta. 210 Webeter't ft rag., E. 11th snd X. rian- 211 Bnckassa schoeL X. 13th snd B. Bum iida. 211 tt Oarage, 12 X. 13 th. sear X. Ankeny, 212 460 X. Buraaids. 218 Talbot ds Caaey. 1 Grand srs., cor. X. ABSeny. 314 61 Unioa sre.. bet X. Coach sad X. Dana. 216 Garage. N. E. eor. X. Slat sad Oreeon. 316 Garage. 808 Clackgmsa, bet 24th sad 16 tt Gsrage, T18 Multnomah, eor. B. Slit 17 Garage. E. 10th snd Hsessio. S. W. eor. Engine honss, Grand in. and Mult, no man. Maxwell Motor Co.. E. 8d and Oregon. ECroaby, eor. Hollsdsy. Lrrssee. near Broadway. , 366 McMillan, oor. Boss. " gaaement. 484 Larrsbee, eor. Dnnont Ida. 819 Williama are., cor. MeMillen. 328 tt 838 Union srs. N., aear Weidler. 324 Garage. B. 8th, bet Weidler and Bdrry. 226 Garage, B. W. eor. X. 14th snd Bdwy. 226 Gsrage, B. E, eor. X. 16th and Weidler. 226 tt Garaee. N. W. eor. 1 7th and Tbompaon. 8S7 uarac. s4 n roadway, bet a- lta snd Slat 228 Bsaemsnt. Jf. X. eor. X. 22d snd Tills mook. 2S9 Engine houa., K. 24th. Bear Tillamook zzstt 230 230tt 231 Hill Boas, grocery, E. 89th and Sandy nouiersra gsrage, E. 42d and Bandy. 67th at. garage, N. X. cor. X. 17th snd Sandy bird. 889 1418 Sandy bird., near 6. 62d. th sad Thomp- 282 tt Gsrage, ti. W. cor. E. 4 eon. 233 Garsge. B. W. eor. X. 41at snd Knott SAVE THE UNDERSIGNED URGENTLY RECOMMEND APPROVAL of the BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE (No. 500 on the November 2 Ballot) passed by the City Council March 17, 1920, as necessary to the welfare, conven ience and prosperity of Portland. Vote for it to SAVE YOUR HOMES! ' Protect your home and home neighborhoods; Offer safe districts in which industries may be located without fear of protest and with every facility to do busi ness; Stabilize and protect property values and investments; Prevent undue congestion of population; Insure better sanitary conditions; We are satisfied that this Zone Ordinance was fairly drawn up by representatives of all parts of the city,after.a year's study. And it provides a method for promptly amending zone boundaries where growth f the' city re-' quires it, or changes are advisable, after consultation with property owners wflhin 200 feet. ' Portland is the greatest city of homes and contented workers on the Pacific Coast. SAVE YOUR HOMES NOW. SIGNED : W. B. Ayer A. P. Flegel C. C. Colt E. B. MacNaughton J, C. AinaworUt A. C. Newill F. 8. Scrttsmler Chan. F. Berg B. F. Boynton Wilfrid P. Jones C. W. Johnson P. H. Kneland John McCourt C. W. aUeUco B. F. Irvine Mrs. R. E. Bondurant Marshall Dan A. U Mills Mrs. T. T. Munaar Paul C Murphy Dean Vincent R. F. Bryan Harold Junsxk Ai U Veaalc H. t. Stephenson EUla F. Lawrence (Adverttsemtnt S8B 2S4 tt Irrtngton tcaooi. B. 14tkj and SI7 714 Tajoa sa..Jt ennVIrw. zst m ssn union st. 288 Oaraaa. 64 Thocepaew, eoc. SL 13ns. ZiS tt Oarege, av w. sok, c ,vva ana 2 4TB TJnlsa sa. W., osr. Ifasnne, 440 Cnioa . bet Tillsassek snd 29 ttl ILL tZrtTZSVZt as- 242 040 Wimsms asn,. bet Morrkj sad ! ae. 248 702 WmUats, act Cook snd Ir. 44 Central M. JB. ennros, vanooarar ana aTareo. S48 til Wilasse srs., bet Knott and Ors nsas. 346 148 Taaieoaror are., hot BsnaaB and 113 BnaseiL esc. BeeUwiek. 13S BaaaeU, bat, MaaaaalpfA sea, ass) Albtna are. S40 Bearer achool, Mlaaaafia are. snd Merris, 249 646 Mkeastlirl are., near Morris 360 S4I Capitol are,. Mar Sharer. 161 44 KiluBassmrth. naar Desrsf. 361 tt Gersea, 116 WtH.aa.tto bird., bet Pesy re ans oar. 262 04 aUUlngaworth. bet Midttgaa sad ICUv imwjmt, 318 tt Bagiao awnss. WUsssetts Wrd. rattoa. SIS M. W. oor. Mlialulpfl and BWemoe. 264 BIB MiaalasW ass., near Bhsrer. 214 T88 hlissmapnt arew-bot. Beech and 361 T70 MiansBlppl era,, assr Beech. mmM mm m Kllli. .ma . . V , . . mm iiii. immm mmm mM 211 tt Oaras. Buarer. Bat tttmsserciaj Idata-bt 2IT t66 Albina. bet Preaoott sad Blsndens. 267 tt Chunk N. E. cot Skidsaore snd Van- eoaver. S58 Library. Sittinssworth and Commercial. Sit TT4 WiUissni are. hot Beeeh snd Fre mont 360 961 Union are. H.. assr Preauett. 811 Eneine nones, Cnioa srs. bet Alberta sad Golns. S83 630 Union are, V. bet FaUnf sad . anarer. 268 866 Union are. If., ser. BJharer. 363 tt Oarage. 188 B. 0th M ser. Maaea. 364 998 Unioa srs. M., bet Going i Wygsnt 264 tt 1089 E. 11th K Bear Alberts. 365 696 tt Preeoott, ear. E. llth. 266 694 Alberta, eor. Vernon. 266 tt 473 Alberts, bet B. ltth and lttK 361 Term achool. B. S8d snd W yeast 268 869 E. 89th M.. nioar Mssen. 261 tt Oowlay'i hsU, 0. W. en. X. 31th and Alberta. 269 Garage, B. 184 and AJberta, 26911 114 & 0th H.. near KillinfSSrotta, 2T0 Kennedy achool. X. Bid and Jsrrett Conoordis cciiefo, X. 28th and Hoi ma a. Gsrage. N. W. eor. X. lltfe sad KUllngewortB. . 273 661 Alberts, eor. B. 17th. -273 tt W. cor. B. 3 Id and Alberts. 211 Garage, JO60 B. 14th N., Bear AJberta. 371 tt til Alberta, bet, B. 13th snd X. llth. ii vnaren, cor. k. in sa saBena. 3TB Confectiacwry, H. B. eor. Union 3 ales are. end KiUinsssrortb. S7B 444 DSis, nsag B. Tth. 277 B. E. eor. Deksm snd Darhsat 278 Easine hooaa, Ihuham near Dafcass. 379 Woodlawa aeboot Union are. and Bryant 27 tt Garage. 1816 Union M-, oor. Halm. a. 210 Chnreh, B. B, oor. CwreUad snd JsrreU. 2S0H 1U8 Voett, bft KUlisarworU ind Jaaenp. 281 117 lUlUagrwwrth, bet Albias sad Berth. wick. . 282 lie KlQingsverth bet Klssbawpni sad Albina. 282 tt Ockley Orosa ssaesl, Psttoa sad Alas- worth ares. 283 Kenton slab, Raaa.Il snd Greenwich. 211 tt 161 Lombard, soar Albina. 284 1741 Derby, bet Willis and MeCleUand. ?8S la Osrses, W. cos. B. 4d snd XKrHtat. 84 OmiZ K. W, so, B. 34tk and Knott. 38B Carsgs, K. M. ess. SL 234 sad Knott 311 Geres. K. B. eor. B. 4t sad Brssee, SS Oange; 40 B, iOUi, set. Braast & THIS ORDINANCE WILL: s O. M. Hartwisj B. W. Bleeman W. E. Klmsey E. A. Chaytrn D. Nicksrson T. o. Lowry Wallaoa McCamant J. H. Dundora C. P. Barette Robert H. Strong? Theo SpUId Harry L. lUffaty C. M. Hooper Geo. Wooer Dr. C B. Marks H. A. Ely Richard W. Vontatua J. P. NewaU F. O. Wheeler A, B. Doyie Homer 8. Gothler It. M. Lepper A. W. Iambert Wflaon Bsneflel T. J. Row D. H. Trowbridce Walter H. Evana Charles A. Rica L. E. Latouretta M. B. Meacham Robert F. Kiselinf; Im Shank A. la Fraley Nettie Freeman C. M. Fraley C. H. Freeman J. H. Free M. H. Canf Henry JEricksen F. 6. Doembecker F. P. Drinker Mrs. a W. Durham J. W. Edlttsen ' Thoa. Autaen Phil. B. Spraarua W. & Bayer O. Q. Gilstrap O. W. Painter E. J. Barry J. H. C. Horenssn Art M. O led en Joseph Prudhomme The Building Trades Coundl, Central Labor Council, City Civic Bodies and Neighborhood Meetings in All PtirU mm i(0)M---taiii paid for by Property Owners' CommKteea from the TS nelarhborhooda of the city. PI re hsU, paTtlaad Wrd.. near Ore. Thiessa raraea, S3 Fortlsnd bird. . 316 81414 B9tt Killinowarth, seer CempeeO. " - tST Osrses, Hi W. aOlUngrworth at uresiy. - 38TH IBS W. Kmrngawortb aost Osy. ' 881 1117 PrBieaaSa sear Lombard. T . II tt Z4 Wilnt Bldr, aaar Pewinmls. . 80 468 Isaubsrd nwar Weshbarn. Cbnreh, S. E. aor. Tfk sad Lemnarq. OSS LaMMkawal anew liafcn. ze 891 I! IIS'i Portsmonth sre. masr bonuaca, Lombard eor. Porbnaenth, Lombard near Oatia fraach bloek. 94 Osrse. 1001 B. KeOosa near Bnitbaaan Cite HsU. at Johns. 814 West CstUn. 60S H. Beneca at ear, Pimeadee. . library, .Chsrieston snd Kellogg. Bids.. Widwsy and raamnden. Nasolsi Gsrsss. Colnmbis blaa. snd Derby. Part roe. ConiratsHenil chnjct, Park- 41 its 296 tt 267 98 19 100 sot 103 m t Grange hall, KneseDrille. is nesier eehoolhi Ik'iM hall. Gilbert ata Una. Farn. worth atore. Gilbert atstioa. Oitf HsU, Fsirriew. hall. Rockwood. 08 06 SOT sot 809 Plaaaaat Valley srsngo hall. Bycamon atation. Murpby'g hall, Greaham. uonaon notn. ureansss. 09 tt City HsU, Graahsaa. 110 Maaeaie ball. Ttoutdale. 811 Elliott'i hall. Powell Valley. 811 tt Denny ' hall, Plesssst Home. SI IT k inn hivh achoeL Cortiatt 818 UbrwyTarldal VeU Lumber Co.. Bridal Veil. Bridal Ten Lomber Co. office. Palmer. Wsrrendsls atore, Warreodala. Bchoolhouse, Bsnriss ialand Holbtook K-heolhoaae, Holbroog. llTtt Fire hail. Whitwoed court Fire hall, Lianton. Frank Johnaon's houae. tt of tatareeettea of Skyline Germ an town road. . Bylran sehoothouas, Bylraa. Fairdale acboolhouee. Hilladale schoolhouae. mlla north bird, i l1 820 321 833 Ryan Plsas clubhouse. 822 tt Multnomah station. Manlewood elubheuae. Wsat Portland acbooUiauae. 329 135 tt S26 226 337 Rirerdsjs acBOouiouae. Rallina Ttow eroeerv. tatereactten Pals- tina HOI mad and Boone. Ferry road. Brmtwood hsll, oor. Oxnt snd Mat- "ewa. . . 668T 83d st " Errol Heigfati elBbbiwnj s ' , v TWO of the most homclika hotels in Portland, locited In the hosrt of the sbonplnf tad thes tre district All Oregon Electric trains itop st the Sewtrd Hotel, the House of Cheer. Excellent dln Inc room in connection. The Hotel Cornellui, the House of Welcome, s outt two short blc.ks from the Sewtrd. Our brown busset meet ill trtins. Rates $1.80 and op W. C, Culbarteon, Prep. Vote SOO X N. V. Carpenter C. a Hall F. I KnitTht 3. V. Wilson A. J. Rose Homer D. Anreli J. A. Currey H. D. Mercer N. K. Corper E. R. Belton Chaa. F. Beeba Win A. MacRae Louia Lane; L. A. Lewis H. C. Wortman Ralph W. Hoyt L. B. Stearns H. J. Bte!nbah Mm. T. at. Warren . Harrison Q. Piatt C. E. Haak Dr. Frank 8. Post Dan Flood H. W. Prettyman Dr. Raymond K. Watklna Vote SOO , X Overseas" Veteran -OaKX' (1V- . ' 'VLS V ;i:J:t:::.x.5v m P. J. SIMMONS For Sheriff of Multnomah County BALLOT elected, I will maintain ficiency and courtesy in all the departments. (Paid Adv.) awatgS taasr Simplify the problem of street traffic regulations; Render possible great economies in the paving of city streets through a decrease in the width of roadways where sixes and number of buildings are limited; . t Insure the permanenceof character of districts once estab lished, encourage orderly enlargement of business, apart ment or industrial zones, while preventing the-, scattering and intrusion of inappropriate uses of buildings, which de teriorate property; and, finally, Mra, la A. Quig-ley Mra J. F. Chapman Charles C Hindman O. Iurraard Dr. Arthur W. Chance 3. B. Ettlnrer Frank Marty Ida Krauae A. J. Stewart H. J. Blaeeins; RuaseU H. Stephens Dr. A. Lafdlaw Ira F. Powers Wm. A. Carter Fred H. Strong; Mra E. U Schwab Dr. 8. P. Tarouaie E. M. Flssmussen Robert Krohn E. J. Jaea-er La la, Levin if W. F. Sanders Miss Q. C Swanaon H. S. Aaron H. T. Blakeelee I R. Wheeler Jos. Jacobbergrer ' Lloyd J. Wentworth Arthur M. Churchill J. P. Jaeger Wm. F. Woodward Emery Olmatead John L. Ethertdg-e lA. CoL E. C Bammonf Dr. T. Wynne Watta , T. J. Seufert C. E. Dant W. L. Richey W. J. Hofmann W. M. Kapua T. J. Mahoney , , Everett A. Johnson --. E. A. Robinson' ' . - S. P. Lockwood - - O. N. Versteet; Dr. H. M. Henderschott Ralph RobiSaon W. Keeler , Dr. F. M. SirochecTcar , R. R. Thatcher . -... ' A. BeraT J. W. Bnrke James B. Kerr Club, Civic League and Many Other of the City Have Indorsed Zoning Will IProtet;: i! Yes C. C Colt, Chairman, Room mi r .1 " ' ' - ' for 23 Months' f NO. 82 the highest standard of ef W. o. Pares II Charles Mastich L. C, Wilkinson W. A. Palmer W. H. Fowler X C Jensen 8. Hatchleon Silas L. Jones 8. H. Labbee T. L. Thomas - Warren A. Ward V. A. Crum Ouy; T. Ketoheson C. I. Parcher C. M. Baker . Mrs. Roy Houabaua-h Sada B. French . William Ohm Mra. Nelson Giles lra. Glen Pierce Mra. EX E. Stone Dr. fX Rlnt-hoffer Mra. Irvln Baldwin Harry M. Huff C M. Thompaon Dr. R. 8. Stearns E ua; one Brookipgw UOt Northwestera Bank Bids. J For Con gress aaw Esther PoU Love joy and Her Work STATEMENT HO. i To the a Believers in True Democracy X The snlrlt t life Im the siilrlt of Sacrifice even unlo death. ' Thst spirit la Btirrlngr In the earth "today. Millions have manifested the spirit of hlsrh sacrifiolal servlct during ths last four years. It Is this spirit thst prompted Esther Pohl Lovejoy to volunteer for service. 6he realised that war csrrM mis ery In Ita wake, not only to the a ri tual flfhtsrs, but to the io)d men. to the women snd to the children. She followed In the wake of the wcr nnd helped to five relief. Hers wss the constructive part, to mend, to hesl the wounds cf wsr, to out in wnpre necesaitv had torn down. She fought for restoration of ltfe, of happiness snd peace. Her name is Known wherever measures for the relief of devastated regions are discussed. TTer volunteer aervice and her serv. ewsnsBBasawsaaaasi ' ; ' : Your Candidate lea With the Rod Cross extended during; the entire war nnd for several monthB aftar. . n account of hen ability aha w made the head er the American Woanan'a Hoeoital - Service for the relief Of war sufferers. This service la now being carried on and Will be carried, on until those little children, whose fathers and mothers were lost during; the wsr, are old enough to care for themselvea. Hsr experience, her hopes and her Idaala ara lnoornorafed In her writ' ina-a. The royalties from these writ ings ara now being given for war relief work. Esther Pohl Lovejoy comes before' the voters of Multnomah County and seeks permission to throw her ener gies Into the reconstructive problems confronting this nation. Ahu stands shoulder to shoulder wfth the) re turned war veterans who ara striving to make these United States a real democracy. Men and Women of Multnomah County when von east vour vote, vote for one who has shown by her whole life and hsr yssrs of service In wsr work that aha holda fast to the tdsat of this democracy. (To Be Continued)' VOTE 43 X ESTHERPOHL 301 m w Pald Adv. by Oregon Popular Oov ernment League,' U. A. Ureen. Hea) sv as