5 SECTION? TWO SECX)ND MAIN NEWS EIGHT PAGES EDITORIAL' PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 31, 1920. ll SEE ALSO SPECIAL ADVERTISEMENT OF HOUSEWARES, PAGE 3, SECTION 2 i '..IT ' DOUBLE TRADING STAMPS MONDAY WITH CASH PURCHASES IN ALL DEPTS. OF THE STORE MM: T "Carter Week:" Special showing of the famous Carter Knit Underwear for Women and: Children all this week. Complete stock in til styles and weights. Wool, cotton, cotton and wool, silk .and wool, sjttc and cotton. Underwear of the very finest quality manufactured. Every garment is thoroughly sterilized before boxing. Inspection invited. Better English Week "Good English best, so speak with zest" it The Standard Store of the Northwest lds9Wortman&King 'Entire Block Morrison, Tenth, West Park and Alder Streets PLACE YOUR ORDER AT ONCE FOR HOLIDAY GREETING " CARDS SAMPLES ON DISPLAY AT STATIONERY COUNTER Sale of Boys' Clothing Entire Stock Reduced All Boys' Suits, Overcoats, Mackinaw and Furnishings are now selling at reduced prices. Parents will do well to come to this store for the youngsters' wearables. S. & H. Trading Stamps given. Portland's Greatest Sale of Silks! 0 10,000 Yards $3.50 to $9.00 Grades at afFn Lower Prices on Women's Suits Drastic reductions on hundreds of Women's and Misses' Suits beginning Monday, morning. Every garment is from our own regular stock. Styls and fabrics the very latest. Don't overlook this great opportunity to buy a beautiful Suit at a big saving. : ' ; f J Women's $59.75 Suits mm Seend Floor In this group we include Suits of wool lerge, tricotine, wool velour, silvertone and yalama cloth. ; This season's most attractive styles. Novelty belted models with flare peplums semi-box, straight line and tailored effects. Trimmed with fancy stitch ing, embroidery tucks and plaits. Plain or fancy silk linings, full assortment of all the most desirsfcle colors for fall and winter wear. Sizes 16 to 44. Suits worth up to 59.75 $34.00 Women's $79.50 Suits my Second Floor You will be delighted with the many charming styles in this group of Suits. Tailored, semi-box and belted effects in the season's smartest models for street and dress wear. Velvet, wool velour, tricotine and yalama materials. Many beauti ful embroidered styles in the showing; also fancy stitched effects. Gray, Pekin, navy, partridge, brown bisque and other shades. Values in this Cf Q flil lot up to 79.50. Priced special suit D7UU Women's $98.50 Suits Soeond FIor This group embraces a large number of high class Suits made up in velvet, velour, silvertone and tricotine materials. Dressy styles with large shawl col lars of Near Seal, Nutria'or Australian Opossum. Others are trimmed with-fur panels," embroidery, fancy stitching, buttons, braids,. etc. Good selection of desirable colors, including reindeer, brown, green, blue, also CCQ (( black. Sizes 16 to 44. Formerly to 98.50 OOl7UU High-Class Novelty Suits Reduced Second Floor This sale takes in a great many of our finest Suits. Many exclusive models. Suits of Evora, Silvertone, Duvet de Laine, Peach Bloom and Trico tine in the latest colorings.. Embroidered, stitched and fur trimmed. Tailored and fancy models shown. Sale Prices Women's $110.00 Suits Special at $ 81.98 Women's $115.00 Suit Special at 8 85.85 Women's $120.00 Suits Special at $ , 89.45 Women's $125.00 Suits Special at $ 92.89 Women's $137.50 Suits Special at $102.98 Women's $150.00 Suits Special at $111.89 Women's $157.50 Suits Special at $117.79 Women's $178.00 Suits Special at $132.95 Women's $185.00 Suits Special at $137.95 Women's $190.00 Suits Special at $141.93 Women's $225.00 Suits Special at $167:89 Women's $240.00 Suits Special at $179.89 Women's $250.00 Suits Special at $186.89 Women's $275.00 Suits Special at $205.74 Women's $285.00 Suits Special at $212.99 Garment Store, Second Floor i Women's House Dresses $2.39 Center Circle, Main Floor Assorted lot of Women's House Dresses and slip-over Aprons specially priced for Monday's selling. The dresses are made up in good quality ginghams and percales in stripes, checks, plaids and figures. Large selection of colors, including pink, gray, lavender, blue and a few dark shades. With or without collars. Round, square or V necks. d0 QQ Front or side fastenings. Extraordinary values 5i0 Reduced Prices on Hundreds of Women's and Misses' Dresses I'MIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIHllii'ljYV Latest Styles In Neckwear At Reasonable Prices Main Floor There is a distinctive difference between the Neckwear we sell and the neckwean of many other stores. It is a difference that is coming to be more clearly discerned by the fastidious women of this city and vicinity. Our present showing of Neckwear is replete with the season's newest novelties In collars and sets ranging in price from IU5 up to 10.00. Stop at the Neckwear Counter .and see these attractive offerings . .. T Net and Lace. ColUfs and Sets in Paris shade ai95ci $1.25 andup to $2.25 Lace rontings $3.95 Yard Main Floor New lice Jron'tlars In many tttractjTe styles. " yA of a yard b osttalrf enourh for a garment These. re nf trrA .,tt. ..f..i mt JPesent momenr. . Pf,Ced special for Monday's selling at yard $3.95 ; . iNeckwear JJepartment, Main Floor : , 36 Inch Radium Silk Nets $4 Grades $2.95 Lace Dept., Main Floor Extra special offering for Monday's selling. New 36 Inch Radium Spot Nets also floral and diamond allover patterns. Black, niw . - maawws latlbl 113. U i Drown, snaniung, American Beauty shades. Exquisite material for party ( Qr Special, the yardPrftJ frocks, blouses, etc. Nets in this lot worth up to $4. Metal-Finish Cloth $6.50 $5 Flpuncings at $3.95 Main Floor Heavy Satin-finish Metal lic Cloth 36 inches wide. Beautiful fabric for gowns and dresses. Shown in silver, steel, blue and. silver, orange and silver, American beauty df and silver. Special at, yard D00U Main lFlooi Metal or Laine Silk Net Flouncings in white and various colors. Full 36 inches wide. Importer's House Samples. Only a limited quantity of these. Regular 5.00 values. JQ np Priced very special at, yard tDOD $1.25 Lace Fronts 88c nPrPCe.Fronts with ct1" I Mmin Floor New Net Flouncinrs in lars to match in white, ecra or cream. Brussels. Hexaron and aw SJ? Attractive new styles. Fronts QQJ Black, brown and nav vr ..Hh well worth 1.25 Monday effects. 15, $6 and $8.95 a yard. Sliced Pineapple 40c a Can Model Grocery, Fourth Floor Del Monte or Preferred Stock' I Royal White Soap, tS ket for SUced Pineapple, $4.75 a A(n only $1.00 and 2 CAKES FREE, dozen priced special at, can Wv O-Joy Dessert no ejgs required. NOT IN YEARS have we had such good values In Silks to offer the women of Portland and we have planned to make this the most Important Silk Event of the entire teason. Over 10,000 yards In the offering none worth less than 3.50 most of them are 5 to 9 grades. Plain and Fancy Silks in the Newest Weaves CREPE METEOR in black, white, seal, navy, taupe, pink and blue. Priced special, a yard CREPE DE CHINE in black, white, brown, pekin, navy, taupe, plum, pink and flesh. Yd. SATIN DE CHINE In a full assortment of all colors for street and evening. Special at, yard CHIFFON TAFFETA in all the wanted light and dark colors also changeables. The yard WASH SATINS in flesh and white special, yard $2.98 COSTUME VELVETS street shades, 24 inch $2.98 CHARMEUSE to midnight, beaver. $21 $29b $2.98 $2.98 Cray, burgundy and sky. (IJO QQ 40 inches wide special at D.70 CHEPE SOUEL in pekin blue, sil ver, rose, champagne, deer QQ and light blue. The yard tD.aO $2.98 STRIPED SATIN and GEORGETTE In navy, pekin, rose, or chid, turquoise and cerise PRINTED RADIUM and FOULARDS in. a wide range of design PO QQ and colors. Special, yard DuUO BROCADED CREPE in gray and brown. The yard SPORT SILKS in a few odd colors and designs BLACK SILKS Satins, -Taffetas, Meteors, Crepes, Peau de Cygne the yard $2.98 $2.98 Mescalines, $2.98 Regular $3.50 to $9.00 Silks Special $2.98 Yard Shoe Sale! Main Floor Monday we shall feature extraordi nary reductions on Women's High and Low Shoes. Season's best styles and reliable makes. A big chance to savel $17.00 Shoes At $10.00 Women's Laced Boots of dull calf with covered full Louis heels. Very dressy. Famous -Kelly make, (in 117.00 Boots priced special at D1U 114.50 Black Kid Laced Boots with medium pointed toes, welt sole (J-j f) ind military heeL Special, pr. DXU 116.00 Laced Boot of "Kelly" black surpass kid. Hand turned soles, - A military heels. Special, pair )AU $16.00 Dark Tan Calf Boots (MA with Cuban heels. Special, pr, tDAv $16.50 Black Kid Laced Boots with leather Louis heels , and welt I- A soles. Priced special at, a pair DxU $16 Brown Kid Laced Boots Ol A with cloth tops special, pair tDJLU Low Shoes At $9.00 113.50 Brown or Black Kid Oxf. $9 $14 Brown or Black Suede Oxf. $9 $13 Tan Calf Brogue Oxfords at $9 Thanksgiving Linen Sale! ALL PURE LINEN TABLE CLOTHS, Table Damasks and Napkins on sale beginning Monday morning at J4 to 1-3 off regular prices. Now is the time to supply your Thinksgtring needs. Linen Department, Main Floor. Pure Linen Damask Cloths At Great Reductions $14 Linen Pattern 2x2 yards several de rPure Linen Damask Cloths size 2x2 yards. Regular $10 pr A grade. Reduced to only OU.til Pure Linen Damask Cloths sire 2x2 yi yards. Regular flrr rrpr $12.50 grade special at -Napkins to match above Q? QP cloths. $10 grade nowtDU.OO ODD DOZENS PURE LINEN NAPKINS only a limited quan tity in this lot Worth $8.50 to $10 priced specialmt, dozen Cloths size Is several de- CIA KA signs. Priced special 0XUJU 118.50 Pat'n Cloths, size 2x2 V yards. Now $31 Pattern Cloths, size 2x3 yards. Now Napkins to match, $18.45 dot. $13.90 $23,254 $5.00 Hemstitched Linen Sets Hemstitched Pure Linen Sets with napkins to match. Size of cloths 2x2 yards. Regular $75.00 d5C Sets priced very special at DUJ Hemstitched Pure Linen Sets with napkins to match. Size of cloths 2x2 yards. Regular $95 070 Sets priced very special at D i $4 Linen Damask $2.95 Yard 1 Pure Linen Table Damask of Splendid 'weight. Choice of several beautiful patterns. Reg- (JJO AT ular $4 grade now, yd. OAi7tl ur entire stock of hand- embroidered Oriental Linens, on sale at 25 off the regular prices. Buy now for your fift giving. Special Sale of High-Class Rugs li A Great Opportunity to Buy Rugs at a Big Savings Here's good news for anyone having need for new floor coveringsl Monday morning we place on sale several thousands of dollars worth of high-class Rugs at savings ranging up to a full half. It is in many respects the greatest sale of its kind we have ever announced and should appeal to every thrifty shopper within reach of this store. Early choosing is -desirable as in some Instances quantities are (limited. - S. & H. Green Trading Stamps given with purchases. 9x12 Ft. Rugs at Half Price Royal Bengal Rugs several that have been used in demonstrations. Regular price $27S, d1 QJT CA Priced special at only fDLOiOU Rug Department, Third Floor 9x12 ft Chenille Rugs In mul berry, taupe, gray and blue. Fine quality. Regular $125 0 Cft value now special at OUUU SMALL SIZE BENGAL RUGS WE ARE NOW- OFFERING AT HALF PRICE. Other Rugs dt Reduced Prices $168.50 WILTON RUGS size 9x12 feet priced special at $150.00 $159.75 WILTON RUGS size 9x12 feet priced special at $127.50 $135.00 WILTON RUGS size 9x12' feet priced special at $ 97.50 S59.50 75 Azmioster Rnrs, size 9x12 feet special $67.50 Axmln. Rugs, QfTfT FA size 9xt 2 feet pecial D5OU $65 Velvet Rugs 3.3x10.6, $57.50 f 37.50 Brussels Rugs, fiOQ Cft size 9x12 feet special duOU 40.00 Vehret Ruga, flJQO fTA size 6x9 ft special at DO.OU ISO Velvet Rats 7.6x9 at $39.50 Fiber Rugs Reduced -$3.00 Fiber Rugs, size A pT 27xS4 inches. Special at t9'p $3.50 noer Rugs, size 30x60 Inches. Special at -$5.00 Fiber Rugs, size 36x72 inches. Special at $12. Fiber Rugs, size 4.6x7.6. SpMial at only $15 Fiber Rugs, size O r A 6x9 feet Special at tiJXAeOV All Navajo Rugs At 20 Off '.) $2.75 $4.2! $9.9i