The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 31, 1920, Page 16, Image 16

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Other Meier & Frank Advertisement Will Be Found on Back Page, This Section
Portland '.
er fir ices
We Are Glad to Have Started This But Will Be Gladder Still to Have More Stores Follow Our Lead
i ?" """"fT?""-ssssesjessssssi SB1
NowV the Tune!
If You Want to
Save on Blankets,
Comforts, Pillows
BeddlT Storit announces five special
grCups of its regular Stocks at the following
special 'prices '
$6.00 Blankets. $4.50
Cotton blankets with Wool finish -in white?
gray or tan with, colored borders. ; Size
66x80 inches.
$7.50 Blankets: $5.50
IlcaVy, fleecy cotton blankets, for double
beds. ; Blue, pink, tan and gray plaids.
$11:50 Blankets $8. 95
Part-wool bfankets in nvhjte, gray or
plaids. All have colored borders, some with
bound edges. -Double-bed size.,
$6.50 Comforters $5.85
Warm ones covered with silkpline. They
have plain borders of blue, rose, Javcnder
and tan.
$2.25 Pillows $1.75
Standard size 21x27 inches, entirely filled
with feathers. Covered with substantial
blue and white figured art ticking.
Meier & Frank's : Second Floor.
(Mall Orders Filled.)
Thousands of Yards
Standard Quality
Below Regular
Wholesale Cost
19c, 27c, 34c, 41c
case of good light .weight outing cloth
27 inches wide, white only, for diapers
and night wear, very much re- "1
duced to, yard X.Js
cases of heavy twilled outing, well
fleeced surface, white only, 27 . inches
wide, for diapers, night clothes. 07
Very much reduced to, yard.,., w I t
ease' of Pansy outing cloth, white only,
extra weight, well fleeced, 32 in
wide, 3
eight, well fleeced, 32 in. Q f A
yards $1, yard Otc!.'
case of Daisy outing cloth, sub-standard,
white only, 3G inches wide,
very much reduced to, yard....
-Meier ft Frank's : Second Floor.
(Mall Orders Filled.)
1st Qrand PHn, NUrjort PttUckBTO Hawthorn Ave. ISO cash to tie child tn-
ini the bmt croup of dramcd dolw eontittint of not len than S tlolU.
24 Oran4 Prtz Jtu Kotlocfe. 765 V tidier 8U SIS in cub to tb child eaUrins
tb Meond beat crovp of Jrwii dolla eonsistinc of not leas than S dolla.
M Orand Prlu, Ollfla Shapoard, 617 Johnson 8L 610 In cash to tba child eaterins
tha third beat (too0 of dmaad doll conaiatinc of not leu than 5 dolla.
data A, 1t Prtxa, Clark Thompaon, 647 Gaotcnbein St. 12.a0 mrchndia toy
order, to the child entering tha beat dreaaad character baby doll with abort drew.
doll to b 13 inches or oTac
Claaa A. Sd Prlxa larah Starr', 177 E. 17th St. $7 50 merchandiaa toy order to tha
child anteruig tha aecond beat i rested chaxactor baby doll with abort draaa. doU to
ba ia inches or.orer. '
dasa B, 1st Prtrs, Ludlla Thompson, 471 E. 17th fit- N. tlO merehaadiae toy order
to tha child enterinc the beat dressed character baby doll with abort draaa, doU to
be 8 to 14 inches.
Class , Z4 sViia, Barbara Mlarahalt, 628 Lanrel St. S3 mer;handise toy order to the
child entering the aecond beat dressed character baby doll with abort dress, doll to
be 8 to 14 inches.
Claaa B, Honorable: Mention. Htton plnnlnt, 883 E. 45th St
Claaa O, 1st Prlxa Jean Kottook. 765 V idler St. $10 merchandiM toy order to tha
child entering the best dressed infant doll in long clothes 1 5 inches or over.
Claaa C, 2d rixs. Osraldlna Monmastsr, 819 E. Madison 56 merchandise toy order
to the child entering the second best dressed Infant doil in long clothes J 5 In. or oer.
Claaa O. 1st Prize, Marion Denton, 688 Vista Avenue $7.50 merchandise toy order
to .the child entering the best infant doll in long clothes 8 to 14 inches.
Class O, 2d Prize, Imogen Want worth, 800 Hancock St. 63 merchandise toy order
-to the child entering the aecond best infant doll in long clothes 8 to 14 inches.
Class E, 1st Priza. Lois Floyd, 695 Patton Koed 815 merehaadiae toy order to tha
child entering the best dressed doll 24 inches or orer.
Class E, 2d Prize, Margharlta Ann Hay, 546 Broadway $10 merchandise toy order
to tha child entering the second best dressed doll 24 Inches or over.
Class E, Sd Priza, Catherine Meyer, 784 E. Yamhill Bt. $5 merchandise toy order
to the child entering the third best dressed doU 24 inches or over.
Class E, Honorable Mention, L suits Mam In, 696 Irring St.
Class r, 1st Prize, Genet let Rhode!, 914 First St. $15 zaercbandiaa toy order to
tb child entering the best dressed doll 17 to 23 inches.
Class f, 2d Priza, Oartha Arsnraa, bt. Francis Apt. .$ 1 0 merchandise toy order to
th child entering the second beat dressed doll 17 to 23 inches.
Class F, Sd Priza, Opal Juna Dunn, Oregon City $5 merchandise toy order to the
child entering the third beat dressed doll 17 to 23 inches.
Claaa Q, 1st Prize, Maraherita Anna Hay, 640 Broadwsj $10 merchandise toy order
to the child entering the best dressed doll 9 to 16 inches.
Olasa O, 2d Prize, Allc Lorraine Sahll, 688 E. 80th 8t N. $5 merehaadiae toy
order to the child entering the second best dressed doll 9 to 16 Inches.
CHass H, 1st Priza, Mary Durham, 132 E. 12th 8t. $5 merchandise toy order to th
child entering the best dressed doll 6 to 7 inches.
Class H, 2d Prlz, Virginia Ring lor, 132 E. 12th St $2.50 merchandise toy ordtr
to the child entering the second best dressed doU 5 to 7 inches.
Class I, 1st Priza, Mary Drinker, 497 E. 16th N. $5 merchandise toy -order to th
child entering the best dressed doll 4 inches or tinder.
Class 4, 1st Priza, Mary Krynan, 12 E. 7th 8C $T.60 merchandise toy order to th
child entering the best, doll impersonating a character.
Class J, 2d Priza, Eleanor Rlnglsr, Ia.ttrelh.urst $5 merchandiM toy order to tha
child entering the second best doll impersonating a character.
Class K, 4tt Priza. Mary Ferris, 894 N. 20th $10 merchandise toy order to th
- child entering the most original and comical doll.
Class K, 2d Prize, Catherine Kennedy, 1187 E. Tamhill $5 merchandise toy order
. to the child entering the second most original and comical doll.
Class K, Sd Prize, Laura Carr, 420 E. 47th N. $2.50 merchandiM toy order to tha
child entering the third most original and comical doll. .
Class L, 1st Priza, Jan C. Fried lander, 735 Flanders $7.50 merchandise toy order
to the child entering the best trounoeaa with doll and clothes.
Class M Priza, Peogy Riley, 61 Lucre tia $7.60 merchandise toy order to the child
entering the daintiest doll bed with doll.
C'lats N, 1st Priza, Mary Durham, 132 K. 12th St. $7.50 merchandiM toy order to
tha child entering the best dressed kewpie doll, any size.
Class N, 2d Priza Maivln. Friendly, 666 Lovejoy St $5 merchandise toy order to
th child entering the second best dressed kewpie doll, sny size.
Class N, 3d Priza. Bet Una Roberts, 747 Gliasn 8t $2.60 merchandise toy order to
' the child entering the third best dressed kewpie doll, any vtze.
Class O Prize, Elizabeth Fahrnbachar, 1093 Belmont St $5 merchandiM toy order
to tba child entering (ha bast dressed boy doll.
Second Floor
Baby Shop
that baby may liku these new dolls
of sottjj' Btocklnette suid pretty
bisque.... 91.25 to 93.50
Also every baby likes a silk vest
because they are so nmootb and
pleasant to the skin. Bize 1 only..
Regularly $2.50, now .... 1.49
Kleineit's fiffy tiants in white and
natural, protect baby's clothes. .49e?
Quilted robes for baby's bed are
in pink and white, regularly $3.96.
now .5
Lap pads are nicely quilted by
the Japanese; were $1.50 and $l.a,
now 98
Wrappers of white outing flannel
trimmed with crochet or bound with
pink and white, were 11.68, now 98e?
Meier & Frank's : Second Floor.
(Mail Orders Filled.) '
Gifts of Art
It seems as though every woman
were learning to embroider, to knit,
to paint lamp shades or to do
something to make distinctive gifts
for her friends.
New luncheon sets stamped for
embroidery In new shades are of white
or cream art cloth. Kach set consists
of a 36-inch cover and four napkins
to match. Priced 91.19
Towels stamped for French knots,
laxy daisy and other embroidery, some
with borders or hemstitched or croch
et, regularly C6c to KSc, now.... 59
Women's night gowns of honey
moon nainsook k tamped for embroid
ery, regularly 12.60, are 91.89
Meier eV Frank's : Second Floor.
. (Mail Orders Filled.)
All Our $5 and $6
Costume Velveteens
Readers can sec for themselves just how larec a saVine
there is on each yard of these beautiful costume velveteens
which many people call velvet. 'They make rich-looking
suits, dresses and blouses for women and misses and
Charming coats for children.
$3.59 for $5 costume vel
veteen 36 inches wide. Navy,
myrtle, plum, wine, Copen
hagen, medium and seal
brown and black.
At $4..r,9 regularly $C, our
finest costume velveteen 48
inches wide in navy, medium
and seal brown, taupe, myr
tie and black.
November Sale of
$2.50 and $3 SILKS
It is one of the promising signs of approaching normalcy
.1 . ,i O 1" 1 t v. ... . J
mat inese iieicr cc rranK regular quality silks have come
down so decidedly.
All-silk satin messaline in brown, taupe, gobelin, navy,
garnet ana otner snaacs lor street ana evening dresses.
. Rich black chiffon taffeta is also in the lot.
Als5 fancy striped and plaid taffeta silks.
35 and 36-Inch Widths
Meier & Frank's : Second Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
. . . SAVE . . .
Muslin, Cambric, Nainsook, 15c
2000 yards of muslin, cambric and nainsooks, air thirty-six inch
wiae. Mill leiicths to three vards each, at 15c vard.
Standard Percale 19c
Our 3 5c trade of standard percale 36 inches wide. Lirht and dark
colors in stripes, dots and checks, specially priced 19c yard.
25c and 35c Curtain Scrim 15c
Curtain scrim In white and cream, also colored dots and fizures.
Plain and taped edges, 36 inches wide, specially priced 15c yard.
35c Comfort Covering 25c
Pretty floral and conventional designs in cotton challis and standard
sukoiine. rara wide, specially priced 25c yard.
324nch. Gingham 29c
Quality that sold earlier in the season at 50c vard. 5000 vards of
these sunaard 32-incn ginghams in a large variety of plaids, checks
and plain colors.
32-Inch Romper Cloth 25c
This rrade Sold earlier at 45c vard.- About loon vardt in this
final clearaway at 25c yard. 32-inch romper cloth in light and dark
Mostlv strined effects. Excellent material fnr
aren s domes, men's and boys sbtrts, etc. Lengths range from
to 10 yards.
$1J50 Marathon Sheets $1
1200 jcood quality Marathon muslin sheets made witiTneat
welded center seam. Size 72x90. Specially nriced $1. -
50c Pillow Cases, 3 for $1
Excellent Gold Seal muslin nil low furi with wM -. hmc
42x36. Specially rriced at 3 for Iti. r
$2 JO Bed Spreads $1.98
Heavy crochet bedspreads, neatly hemmed. Si
.50'quality, now specially priced at ?l.9S.
ize 74x84. Regular
$125 Cotton Baits 98c
Full size stitched cotton batts for comfort
weighs 3 pounds. Specially priced 98c.
$5S5 Blankets $4.49
Genuine Nashua wool-nan finished cotton hianVeu Firf n.ii;f
- w Mwnuir,
run cecr size, white env uitK nnrA ur.-r
7 iiuw j.'cuuy priteu a.n.
$7.95 Blankets $5.95
Large wool finished cotton blankets in rtrettv nlairf. ninV-s hln
ICravS. lavenders. Size fiArXn. : !nm c.kl'. ,i:u . '
I -. - " w - - ww...w . IWl yj outUI llilUCI-
Blankets Nearly Half Price
Now $2J50 to $12J50
Nearly all-wool blankets in heavy" eray and Vicuna tin
with colored borders. Single and full double-bed size and weit-hinr
2 to 10 DOUnds each. SeronrW inH emnl. -i i . .
in k if M , T , " . """j wu purs
... ... tyj rfuuosi nan meir early season rates
2.50 to 112.50.
Crib Blankets $1.49
.Warm. fWcv friri'hlsnVete Ati, m... . .
ciii "e., ,ii " , "'."X "u U1UC "sures ana cnecks.
I Size 36x48 Specially rmced 11.49.
V ' H25c Huck Towel 1Qr
Stiiidard huck towels In ri1oin,i,i.H .-k. . c:- .a A..
priced 19cT? ""T""-' -specially
. 39c Huck Towels 29c '
Pin hts-rilv mrrriA li.mtft.l.j u.. .i x . . . . 4 " '
.--' L" V " c- o , . u "utlt oweis. piam white with
I fancv woven border, sin- iotii r:.i.. -n. . ...
oriced29c ..&.uujr now specially
w ...
Meier Frank' ;
Lower Prlo Store, Baaement tUlcony. (MtU Ortersfyli'lSli
J r
Beautiful Table
For Thanksgiving
This typically American national Thanksgiving Day al
ways seems to demand something new with which to deck
the table spread for the Thanksgiving feast.
Each set is complete with one cloth and a half doxen napkins of fine
Irish linen beautifully fresh and in attractive patterns. All round
designs. f
2x2 yard cloths with C napkins, reeularly 24, now..... S19.50
2x2 yard cloths with 6 napkins, regrularly $43, now $37.50
2x2H yard cloths with 6 napkins, retrularly S47, now 941. OO
Fine Irish linen in circular designs, all fresh and ready for Thanks
giving. 2x2 . yard cloths, regularly 123, now.... f 20.50
2x2V4 yard cloths, regularly J2S, now $24.50
Remainder of our stock of fine linens. Prices are very far below
today's market. All are of beautiful quality especially designed for
dinner parties, borne are only one of a kind.
24x3 yard cloths, now f22 and mSS
2x34 yard cloths, now...-.
ZVsxG yard cloths, now , $40
Mercerized cotton cloths for everyday use. Kinds which can be
sent to steam laundries. All circular designs copied from the finer
70x70 inch cloths, regrularly 13.60, now BZ.98
4uxu men cioua, regTuiariy .au, now e?S.7a
Meier &. Frank's : Linen Shop, Second Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
1 i 7
Kerr's Best Flour
The highest grade patent flour' milled, of
such uniformly good quality that particular
home bakers enjoy using it for bread, cakes
and pastries.
Whole Wheat Floar, contains all
the nourishment and goodness of
the wheat berry. 4 lb, sacks
12.69, No. sack i5
Graham Floar, especially suitable
for those who require coarser
bread. 49 lb. sacks S2.65. No. 9.
Backs ...65s?
PaBrak Floir, Kerr's best, makes
light delicate hot cakes. No.
sacks 76c, carton 30
Boiled Osts. Kerr's correctly milled,
large clean bright flakes, freshly
packed. No. 9 ska. 86c," carton 30et
Baklag Powder, Royal. ZVt lb. cans
IL35. the 12 oz. cans 35
BaUsff Powder, Schilling's best. 2Vt
lb. cans S 1.05, 1 lb. cans -45a
Baklag Molasses, for ginger bread.
No. 10 cans 11.05, No. 5 cans 554
Harihsaallow Creme, prepared cake
icing, jars or cans 35
Oregoa Preserves, Phes fruit and
apple. No. S cans 91.95
Phes Jams, loganberry, cherry or
peach. No. 2 cans. ...... ,...694?
Frslt Jelly, Poppy in economical
cans. No. 10 siie 12.19, No.
iae 91. lO
17 Bears Royal White Soap 1
One of J'ortlancrs best known brands, that has given perfect satis
faction for many years.
9aptks Soap, -Easy Day," contains
the. proper amount of nkptha to
wash easily -without injuring tha
fabrics. 1 bars - 39e
Soap Clip 20 Mule Team brand,
especially suitable' for use in
washing machines, carton... 30e
Castile Soap, superior domestic. No.
V lone bars 390
Fairy Soap, tha convenient oval
floating, a cakes ........... .254)
Wathlnr Powder, - Citrus, larg
PkiTS., 2 tor 69c, pkg. 30e
Sea Foam, washing powder with
naptha, larg pkg. 284)
Clotaea Blear. a, E. M. of great me
rit, bottle ....3fla
Cleaalnr Powder, Sunbrite, sifting
iop cans, a.cans zsc, z cans. .J.O
Gloaa Starek, Tiger, gtves perfect
lustre. No. 1 cartons, 3 for.. .25
Accurate telephone service by
grocery saleswomen from I A. M.
to :46 P. M.
Meier ec Prank's: Nintb. Floor.
Better Speech Week
November 1st to 8th
"If we must have war let it be against corrupt English," says Robert
Gilley of the Portland Public Schools. Why not buy a good diction
ary this Better Speech Week and start a campaign of proper pro
nunciation, larger vocabulary, correct spelling. " ;
Webster's New International Dic
tionary with full seal binding,
India Paper, indexed, price 3U.
Webster's New International Dic
tionary with sheepskin binding,
indexed, price S18.
Webster's New International Dic
tionary with buckram binding,
indexed, price J 16.
Webster's Collegiate Dictionary with
art canvas binding, price S4.
Webster's Collegiate Dictionary with
seal binding, price' J7.50.
New Standard' dictionary with
buckram binding, price 1 16.
The Desk Standard Dictionary with
limp morocco binding, price 15.
Desk Standard Dictionary with
imitation leather binding, indexed,
price S2.75.
Desk standard Dictionary with
cloth binding, price S2.50.
Meier & Frank's: Book Shop. Fifth Floor.
(Mall Orders Filled.)
The Universal
Combination Range
Gives an Abundance
of Hot Water
It keeps the kitchen cheerily warm in winter with a coal or wood
fire. When desired, however, that fire can be allowed to go out and
cooking can be done entirely by gas. Or while the coal fire is still
burning, baking can be done in the oven by gas if one needs a quick
heat The Universal Combination Range heats plenty of hot water
ind it is one of the best bakers known.
. Its gas self-starter
does away with the
need of kindling. Mr.
-Newly wed will like
that part of it.
The turn of a sim
ple lever automatically
adjusts the oven for
use with coal, wood or
gas. No parts to
These convenient
Universal Combination
Ranges are beautifully
finished In peacock
blue or pearl gray uni
vit porcelain which
will not chip or scar.
Can be washed like a
china dish.
limited Number of f
Crown Heaters Reduced
$24, $28, $32
Wide basket grates make them specially desirable for coal or
briquettes and they can be used for wood as well. Their large
mica ioors giye a cheerful view of the fire inside.; Attractive,
easily cleaned heaters. .
Make Your Own Tenni in Reason
-Meier at Frank's: Sixth Floor. tMail Orders i Filled.)
I - SB. . HJ
lit- """"smsBasaaBaaaaasasBssjBl ... 1 I . .
' aaamasssaasMi l-eas.ssasssssssssss ' " ' aP ss.s..s.-.iiiam..s.essssmm. f -s . sssiassssssassaams.aas.amsassassas Ql
Inaugurating the November "
Opportunity for Dressmakers.
Gift Makers and Brides
Imported and " domestic laces specially purchased and of
fered below their market values or else reduced from our own
stocks. Thousands and thousands of yards of nearly all kinds
and widths. Even some real laces are included.
15c and 18c Laces
Yd. 12c
French and lound mesh plat
valenciennes, cotton, cluny and
Imitation raaltese lace edges and
insertions, J4 to .1 inches wide.
15c to 50c Laces
Yd. 12c to 42c
Imitation filet crochet lace
largely used for camisoles.
25c Laces
Yd. 18c
Plat valenciennes, shadow, imi
tation cluny, duchesse and filet
edges and bands in white and
85c and $1 Laces
Yd. 69c
Invitation venise bands and
shadow lace flouncings in white
and cream color, used for petti
coats and camisoles. -
10c to 50c Laces
Yd. 7c to 42c
Oiir entire stcrk of French two
thread and plat valenciennes, also
imitation point de Paris and Calais
edfes, insertions, headings and
gajfloons. y to o inches wide.
$1.25 and $1.75 Laces
Yd. 98c
Net top bands and flouncings In
white and ecru. Also novelty
bands and flouncings with gold
and silver and colored novelty
bands with metal. 5 to 1 7-inch
$3.50 to $5.50 Laces
Yd. $2.98
Novelty metil flouncings, 30
and 36 inches wide, combinations
of silver and gold on black, white,
red, Copenhagen and flame colored
silk net. bands of metal embroid
ered net at the same price. Also
36-inch metalline in evening tones
embroidered with metal.
Real Hand Made Laces
Quarter Less
For the November bride are
real laces mads by hand. Duch
esse, rose poiit, Honiton, Car
rickmacross and princess lace
edges, flouncings and bands.
They are 2 to 27 inches wide.
They were $1 50 to $30, now
2.63 to $22 50.
Also for the November bride
and for those making gifts are
hand - made valenciennes and
binche at a quarter 'lestj were
65c to 6.50 yard, now 48c to
Real Irish crochet lace, Inser
tion and beading, 'A to 4 inches
wide, also a quarter less; were
25c to 9, now 19c to 6.75.
Hand-made torchon and cluny
lace edges and insertions, 'i to
6 inches wide, for lingerie and
art needlework, now a quarter
less. Were 25c to 8.50, now
19c to 6.38.
$2.50 to $3 Silk Net
Yd. $1.98
Diaphanous tissues for dancing
frocks or for bridesmaids. Lovely
when used, as scarfs and sashes.
All fully two yards wide. Maize,
flame, rose, Copenhagen, royal
blue, jade and other wanted
Meier St Frank's : , Lace
$1.75 and $2.25 Metalline
Yd. $1.55
38-inch metal'ire, which is ued
largely for the bodices of rrty
frocks and for girdles. Silver,
gold, rose, green and lavender.
Elhop, Main Floor. (Mall Orders Killed. )
Limited Number of
Indian and Motor
Robes Reduced
Regular $12.50 fleecy Oregon wool robes In gaily colored Indian
designs, suitable for couch and bed coverings and auto- t?Q CA
mobile use, special tDJJ.fJV
Regular 16.50 automobile robes with fringed and fiJI "J Kfl
bound edges, special ...... ..... nDM.XOV
A few slightly damaged robes at
interesting reductions.
Meier ft Frank's : Lureaa-e Bhop. Sixth Floor.
;,.-.--.- s': . , . v- . -AMaU Urdera Filled.)
; t