The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 31, 1920, Page 13, Image 13

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Voting Second Choice for Mayor
Yerytikel ta : Become Vote
Against First Choice,
The ett ballot tfceatei the erroneous-
Impression that a voter must
vote hietb-st. -second n4 third
chbtcei tor the office Mayor," de
clares ChariM C. Htndman, treasur
er of . the Mayor Baker reelection
committees Proper instructions
should be placed on the ballot to
trtftke It clear to the VOtef that he
la not obliged to vote a second and
third choice for such, office If he
does not car to.
A second choice vote mar defeat bis
first choice candidate, and In view Of
that fact It Is only fair that the voter
.should be Informed that he can "single
Shoot' his candidate for maror and thus
help to insure the election of the man
whom he really wants elected. To vote
a second choice Is to vote against his
first choice candidate If no candidate re
ceive a maJoritr of first choice votes.
To 'single ah oof actually iriTas his first
Choice candidate two votes upon the
count of second choice votes.
'"Walter H, Evans, dletrtet . attorney.
and W. P. La Roche? city attorney, In
form, me without the least hesitation
that a ballot bearing only a first choice
vote for mayor la a perfectly good bal
lot. '
."Before the next city election occurs
I think that Steps should be taken to
clearly inform the voter by proper In
struction on the ballot that he need ex
press only a. first choice vote for a can.
dklata for eity effloe If he eo desires,"
a " .
IVeewater Obirpto Wed
rriMfwater. Or., Oct MMraV 'Marga
ret wheeler wag married Thursday at
Walla Walla to Cecil Propeck of Pro-
peck Bona ef thsa etty,
THrditS lUsedfltoii
PendietotC Oct. to. Charge are being
made la Pendleton that signatures upon
the petition circulated by W. Z. Ban
croft, father, of Emmett Bancroft, alias
Kelt Hart, self-confessed slayer of Sher
iff Til Taylor, ask In clemency from the
death, sentence, were obtained by sym
pathisers" threatening to boycott mer
chants of the city If their did not alga
-.w. T. Bancroft, father of the sen
tenced man, and" a I Mitchell. Ban
croft's step-brother, secured S7t signers
In Pendleton to the petition which they
took to Salem, but local citizens charge
that many of the petitioners are under
age and that others , were secured by
threats. l'C :"
One sympathiser le. reported to have
approached both laundries in the city,
demanding that they, sign the petition
before she would patronise them. On
their refusal to sign she la said to have
capitulated. - . .
Will .Demonstrate ?
Gearless Drive at
Oregon City Today
Demonstration of the Oregon gearless
differenual. a new automaton applltnc
patented and manufactured by Port
land man, will be given at the west
end of the suspension bridge at Oregon
City this afternoon from li to S o'clock.
The mechanism is being manufactured
by ,the Oregon Gearless - Differential
company, a new corporation with head
Quarters at East Seventh and Mala
streets. Officers of the concern are J.
W. Linn, president, and, J. I Hadley,
secretary. .. .
The principal feature of the new dif
ferentlal is its ability to drive both rear
wheels of a car in exact unison. The
device may be attached to any make ot
automobile, according to the manufac
New Zealand la planning to produca
salt from sea water with its easily avail.
eM hydroestetrte power.
Eager hearts and
imtramed fingers
Many a person is an accomplished musician IN
spirit. Many a person, whose fingers are un
trained to the piano keyboard, Would dearly
lo ve to control the expression and cadence of a
piece of music.
For these eager hearts and untrained fingers,
the Player Piano is the ideal instrument.
Enjoy tne pleasure of making music!
Let the music roll carry the air. You, whether
trained to the keyboard of a piano or not, can
govern the spirit, the tempo, the expression..
Popular dance numbers, folk sonj; classics
anything you wish from the whole world of
musicis at your beck and calL
Eager hearts and untrained fingers! May we
open the world of music to you? "
Player Pianos from $695
Convenient payment terms
Sherman May & Co.
Sixth and Morrison Streets
Opposite PoMoffics
"Try It Out Yourself"
8ay 3 the Good Judge
And you will find how
much more satisfaction a
little of this Real Tobacco
gives you than you ever
got from a big chew o! the
ordinary kind.
The good, rich, real to
bacco taste lasts, so long
you .don't need a " fresh
chew nearly as often. So
it costs you less, H ,
Any man who uses the
Real Tobacco Chew will
tell you that.
Put in tva styles
W-B GUT is a long fine-cut tobaccV" v
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
History Is Great. Repeater
Remember "Cinch" of 1 91 6
Pertinent . reading, at this Urn is
the evebef ore-election forecast ot
the : Orcfonlaa ' Isv the presidential
contest of ltlf ,-The coclc-aureness
ot the forecast of eo?reX i& favor
of the Republican nominee, Hoehet
waa set forth as the lea4nc' article
in the Oregonian of Sunday. Novem
ber 5,' just preceding the casting of
ballots that proved the Republican
forecasts eo moiwkh
f Sgns indicate Hashes vltt "in' read
the top-head, and subhead anaoanced
Trevailin: senthnent tn 41 stateaNaB
aiyxed." Preoeedlng ' tfte figaree the
statement was madi These reports
were prepared by -unprejudiced political
experts whose forecasts of election re
suits have proved reliable ia the past."
Then followed the forecast which de
clared i "Analysis of the reports shows
that Hughes appears te be .assured
of 270 Votes: that he probably will
receive 121 votes, and that he may re
ceive tn votes. WUaoa Is sure of tat
Votes, probably will receive 1(8 votes
and may receive iOT votea."
The detailed figures showed the Ore
gonian's forecast for Hughes to be 170
electoral votes eure, lit sure and prob
able, and ttl cure and probable and pos
stole. ; j : ' i . - ,
The 11 states "in which the 270 votes
for Hughes were counted as sure were
given as follows ty- ;
.California It, Idaho 4. Iowa IS. Indi
ana , Kansas 10, Maine , Uaseachu
setta) It. Mtchigu 15, Minnesota It, New
Hampshire 4. New Jersey 14, New Mex
ico t. New York 45. North Dakota B.
Oregon , Rhode Island $, Pennsylvania
It, South Dakota 6, Utah 4, 'Vermont 4,
Wyoming I.
The same forecast gave five states
with $4 votes probable for Hughes, these
being: Connecticut 7 -Delaware t. Ohio
14, Washington 7, Wisconsin, It, and it
declared a good prospect for Hughes in
Colorado,' Maryland, Montana, Nevada
and Arisona. s
Thirteen states with ISO electoral
votes were conceded to , Wilson t Ala
bama It, Arisona I. Arkansas . Florida
a, Georgia 14, tieulstana 10, Mississippi
10,. North ' Carolina It, Oklahoma 10,
South Carolina 0, Tennessee It, Texas
20. Virginia It. .
Five states with tt votes were listed
as probable for Wilson: .Colorado 0.
Maryland. 't, Montana 4, Nebraska t, Ne
vada . - v '
The main trouble with the results as
compared with the forecast r wes that
Hughes did hot receive enough votes.
-Shortly after the election .that swept
Wilson back into the presidential cheir,
the Orvgoalaa 'stated that a'strliw bal-.
lot conducted without a 'system has no
more value than an Individual opinion.
GOKDOir roa ltsi.tixa
"A vote for Herbert Gordon tor ntayoi
of Portland anda vote atalnst the '
J-mlU levy asked for by the present sd
ministration means that you help elect "
a man who will save hundreds of thou
sands of dollars a yea. to .the cllltens.
Reports from all aectlona, except the
north end. Indieate thls4Patd edver
tlsement Gordon-tor Mayor club J Ralph
Coan. prea.) C. C Stout secy.) - -
0UR own opinion is
that annual repair
costs on the
are less than
car in
those of any
the world
It is also one
IT 1 1 H TJ aT: vAI ef! TV -af" "II
of the
-out of several
-so noted for fine
performance and low-cost
over a long life that it
always commands a hi
price when re-s
ies which
the Hup
it costs,
no motor car is ever wo
it costs.
s - -
Uth and Oak at Burnside Sts
c i.
Is. ?
f : i" 4s1 f