1 ' 3; CITY EDITION Sport Newt Amplified man than ever The Sunday Journal's porting news will be in Sec tions and 1. Reviews of the week's activi ties and latest telegraphic reports "hot off the bat" You get It all In The Sun day Journal. CITY EDITION ie$ All Her and ' All Trv THE WEATHER Tonight and Sunday, fair : northeasterly winds. Minimum temperatures Friday: Portland 41 New Orleans ... M Boise 28 New York SI Los Angeles .... 4 St. Paul 34 VOL. XIX. NO. 201. Entered u Second CUm. Mtttar Poetofflce. Portland. Oracoa PORTLAND OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 30, 1920. SIXTEEN PAGES PRICE TWO CENTSJTaJSrTiCrAVfi 1ST WOULD SUFFER 1ST IN HARDING No League, Separate Peace, Pen rose Tariff and Bank Control Back on Wall Street, Sure to Follow Election of Senator. By Carl Smith Washington. Oct. 30. (WASH INGTON BUREAU OF THE JOUR NAL.) The campaign Is winding up with the usual maze of clalma and prognostications put forth by rival managers. These guesses do not fool many people because they are manifestly padded. At this time they revolve principally around Ohio and Indiana, because with them, the border states, the South and the uncertain Western states. Cox can win without New York. The situation as to Ohio and Indiana seems to be that the Democrats are afraid they will not carry them, and the Republicans are afraid they will. On all sides there Is agreement that Cox has made a wonderful campaign after a late start and with campaign funds massed against him. The Hard ing people have had money for any en terprise that suited their fancy, while the Democrats had not enough for the most ordinary expenses of organization and publicity. Governor Cox has over come much of this handicap by his per sonal appeal and Individual energy. It Is conceded that he has made votes wherever he has gone. DI88E5SI05 AW SPLIT If the progressive West so much de sires a change that It votes for a reac tionary candidate It will get that kind of a change. Then .the country will be in for four years of bickering and dis sension with the Republicans split two ways on the league and two ways again on reaction. This approaching feud within the , party, temporarily held In check during the campaign, is causing Republican leaders much uneasiness. ' They see no dayUght beyond. Governor Cox. In his notable speech at Indianapolis Thursday night, pictured some of the consequences of a Harding victory and stated the case for the Pro gressives of the country. With' Harding elected. Johnson and B.rabfi win have president who has scrapped the League of Nations. Taft and Root will have a president who only wants to fix up the league a bit. The farmers will have a president who opposed the farm loan act and de nounced them for avarice. Labor will have a president who voted for a rigid anti-strike clause in the railroad bill. Penrose will have a president- who agrees with his kind of a tariff bill. FOB SEPARATE PEACE Pro-Germans will have a president to promote a separate peace with Germany. Popular government advocates will have a president who dislikes primaries, and likens the Initiative to a revolution. Profiteers will have a president who was "not much in favor of any part" of the food control bill. Soldiers of the late war will have a president who was actively fighting land settlement legislation one year ago. Sympathizers with Irish freedom will have a president who promises In ad vance that he will have no official con cern for Ireland. Commerlcal Interests will have a presi dent who voted against establishing the shipping board. The big packers will have a president opposed to the "paralysing arm" of fed eral control. The Wall street financial group will have a president surrounded by the men who opposed the federal reserve act. Prohibitionists will have a president self-declared against prohibition, who voted to extend the saloon to the Philip pines. The composite of all this Is what the country at large will have If the progressive West gives consent. Irish City Wrecked By Mysterious Shock London. Oct 30. (I. N. S.). Tremen dous damage was caused by numerous shocks of mysterious origin In County Tipperary early today, according to a Dublin dispatch. The town of Temple nore was wrecked. Stanfield Is Swift's Best Bet K K K tt st H tt at ' Chamberlain Trust's Enemy By Ralph Watson . Swift &. Co. sent its salesmen out over the state of Oregon in Augusr with specific instructions to sell at least one case of Argentine cornsd beef, grown on the Swift & Co. ranches in Argentina, and canned in Swift & Co.'s plant in Argentina, to every Swift & Co. customer in the state of Oregon. When Louis F. Swift, presidept of Swift A Co., attempted to influence Sen ator George 5. Chamberlain and the rest of the senators of the United States senate, during the fall of 1919, to kill the Kenyon bill providing for the regula tion of the practices of Swift Jk Co. and the rest of the beef barons of the Big Five combination. It is more probable that he had in mind, among many other things, the vast herds and extensive holdings of Swift A Co. in Argentina, and the profits that come to Swift ft Co. from selling the products of its Argen tine packing houses and cattle ranches in competition with American beef, at opportune times, j, ' Swift Co. owns) big ranches In Ar gentina, immense herds of cattle and Man Who Won G. 0. P. Prize i For Platform Turns to Cox Washington. Oct. 30. (WASH INGTON BUREAU OF THE JOUR NAL..) The author of the best Re publican platform, best according to judges selected by the Republican national committee, has repudiated Harding and declared for Cox for president. It will be remembered that the na tional committee before the national con vention offred three prizes for' the best platform and the Judges awarded the $6000 first prize to Carl Smith Joslyn of Springfield. Mass. His proposd plat form was afterward distributed widely by the Republican committee. The Judges were Nicholas Murray Butler, candidate for president; ex-Senator Albert J. Bev- eridge of Indiana and David Jayne Hill. former ambassador to Germany. Mr. Joslyn announces that he Is for ; Cox in the present campaign because j the League of Nations is an issue that transcends "all questions of domestic 1 policy and all controversies of partisan advantage." because this Is a work which will endure for generations. "The covenant of the League of Na tions must In some form be ratified," says the author of the best Republican platform. "It is the one great hope for the future peace of the world. Gov ernor Cox is whole-heartedly for It Sen ator Harding Is utterly against It. Not a man or woman In America should hesitate because of the hold of party traditions to declare himself in favor of this supreme moral endeavor of the ages. Party loyalty is too mean a vlr ture to be upheld at the sacrifice of vital principle." GOLFlAffiFT WITH 50 ABOARD New York, Oct. 30. (I. N. S.) The naval communication service here was anxiously waiting for word early today about tlie fate of the steamer Rambler, plying between Key West and Havana, which is re ported drifting southwest of Santi ago, Cuba, with SO passengers Aboard and no water. A Cuban gun boat which had gone to the vessel's rescue failed to find any trace of her. Mine Sweeper Sent Washington. Oct SO. (I. N. S.) The sea-going mine sweeper Tanager has been sent from Guantanamo, Cuba, to the vicinity of Cape Cruze in search of the steamship Rambler, according to a dispatch from the commandant at Guantanamo to the navy department today. Lane Jury Acquits Elliott of Murder; Self Defense Plea Eugene, Oct. 30. The Jury in the W. R. Elliott murder case spent about two hours in deliberation Friday night and brought in a verdict of acquittal. Three ballots were taken. Elliott was charged with the murder of Vivien Dunten. a neighbor, and pleaded self defense. Dunten was stabbed to death in a fight. The jury was unanimous against sec ond degree murder and stood 11 to 1 against manslaughter on the second ballot, agreeing on the third. Colonel M. N. Falls In City to Inspect Student Training Making the semi-annual Inspection tour of S. A. T. C, headquarters in the Northwest, Colonel M. N. Falls, per sonal representative of General Hunter T. Liggett, commander of the Western army division, was in Portland this morning. Colonel Falls will visit Oregon Agricultural college and was to com plete Inspection of Hill Military acad emy today. packing plants. It controls its business from the grass roots to the consuming market It costs much less to grow beef, herd it. kill it and can It in Ar gentina than in America. It is easier and cheaper to ship eer In cans than on the hoof in cars. So. after a large stock of Swift Co.'s Argentine beef had been shipped to Swift Co.'s storehouses In Chicago, It was good business for Swift & Co. to instruct its Oregon salesmen to unload Its Argentine product on the Oregon market and "bear" the price of Oregon beef offered in competition with it. The Kenyon bill, which Senator Cham berlain was supporting, and which Swift & Co. was opposing in 1919, provid ed machinery to regulate such practices. It was not enacted by congress. Swift Co. and the other member of the Big Five saw to that WOULD BREAK HOLD But the Kenyon bill, or some other bill for the same purpose, will come before the next congress. The people of Amer ica want Swift Co. to be regulat ed, together .with all of the other mem bers of the haf rvimhin k. strangle hotd of the Big Five taken off i (Coaoludea fas TwOohnaa tevsaj - HARDING AID CONTINUES TO BREAK AWAY Disaffection May Crystallize Into Surprising Victory for Cox and Roosevelt, Declares Expert N. Y. Political Writer. By Louis Selbold (Copyrifht, 1920, by Prom PubUihinf Co.) Nw York World.) New Tork, Oct. 30. So pro nounced has been the shift in politi cal conditions throughout the coun try that Democrats are encouraged to believe the trend away from ! Harding may assume proportions by I Tuesday to accomplish his defeat. The betting, straw votes and ex- I pert Judgment, however, point to his election. The Republican managers produce figures to indicate a minimum of 290 votes for him or 24 more than necessary, but these figures are those of three weeks ago, before the "breaks" began to go against the Republican party and to mark the turn of popular opinion toward Cox and Roosevelt. Blundering by the Republican management at a stage when It seemed they could not lose and a surprising recrudescence of popular interest and approval of the league of Nations, are the two funda mental causes for Improved Democratic chances. DE8 MOINES SPEECH CAUSE The turn to Cox came with the Dee Moines speech of Senator Harding. The discomfiture of Harding was aggravated by the success that attended the efforts of President Wilson and Governor Cox to arouse the "moral conscience" of the country to the support of the League of Nations, plus splendid teamwork of party organizations. The Democratic managers declare that the movement away from the Hardlng Coolidge ticket has assumed the propor tions of a crusade. The Republican managers, while admitting that which is obvious to impartial observers, de clare they have not lost anything like (Concluded on Pat Two. Colo ma Fin) LEAGUE COUNCIL REVERSES ROOT Washington, Oct. 3C (WASH INGTON BUREAU OF THE JOUR NAL.) From Brussels comes strik ing news. The council of the League of Nations has approved the Root plan for an internat.onl court un der the league except thi pi o vision for compulsory arbitration of ques tions of legal right. The compulsory provision was laid aside for further examination because It goes further than the league covenant, under which both parties to a dispute must consent to arbitrate before it can be submitted. Thus from the league council at first hand comes affirmative ruling that the league Is founded upon freedom of ac tion by its members and refutation of any claim that it forms a super state. Root himself has admitted that his court plan takes a step ahead of covenant and,-urges its adoption by the league assembly next month. The Brus sels dispatch reveals that the league council will not recommend it to the assembly because the council doubts the wisdom of going beyond the league covenant. ROOT MEET'S HIMSELF Root thus appears in the peculiar po sition of opposing one part of the league covenant. Article X, on the ground that the obligation goes too far, then pro posing an amendment to another part which the league council opposed be cause his plan goes too far in binding nations to compulsory action. If further confirmation of the league council's views were needed, it is sup plied by another dispatch quoting Italy's representative, Temasso Tittonl, as say ing that he hopes coercive powers wlir yet be granted to the league. The makers of the covenant at Paris did not go that far, preferring to rely upon good faith and voluntary action. The strange part is that politicians represent the present league as a super government which would prevent free dom of action by this country. Under the league covenant, as brought back by President Wilson with the ap proval of Taft, there Is no provision for compulsory settlement of disputes. There are provisions against going to Avar until investigation has been made by the league and reports submitted. Root and his associates agreed unanimously that the world court should include a com pulsory clause. SOYEREIGHTT TOPIC Those who oppose the league on the ground that it limits the sovereignty of the United States, by which Is meant that the "right" of a nation to go to war without warning and for any reason is denied, will no ooubt have a new shower of anathemas for Root, who actually pro poses to force the United States along with an other nations, of course to submit disputes Involving the interpre tation of treaties, for example, to a world court composed principally of "foreign ers." A dispute with Japan over Immigra tion, involving alleged violation of the gentlemen s agreement" would be question of that character. The violation of Belgian neutrality by Germany was In violation of a treaty. " Commercial relations between nattooa generally are governed by treaty, and a large number of political question, including boun daries, stand on the same looting. Senator Johnson in New York the other day was asked how he would square the attitude of Root with the attitude ef Senator Harding. "Tou will have to square it yourself." said Johnsjp. .. . , , Highway to Be Opened All Way To Astoria on Thursday Next Salem, Oct. 30. Paving of the en tire Columbia river highway between ! Portland and Astoria will be com pleted next Thursday, according to an announcement made at ths of fices of the state highway com missioner here today. This piece of road now being paved Is in the vicinity of Wauna and the work covers a distance of approximately 7000 feet. After next Thursday travelers may go over the road between Portland and Astoria without detour. It also was announced that the so called Canyon road between Portland and Beaverton has been opened to traffic With the completion of the Lower Columbia river highway motorists will be enabled to drive from Hood River to Astoria, a distance of 174 miles, with out leaving pavement. E TOTAL Values of foreign exports from Portland for the month of October reach a grand total of $7,826,157 for , wheat, flour, lumber and general cargo. Values are divided thus: Wheat,' tuKci- ',,,i ii'ni n'oo F.iir tJi , receive sufficient' wheat on the part of i exporters will tide the valuations of more than 13,000.000 over until Novem ber. October should have run well over $10,000,000. September exports run $6,500,049, August dropped low, but July, the first month of the cereal year, piled up values amounting to $8,510,121. Heavy values and shipments for July were due to the clean-up of flour for the grain corpora- tlon. Europe is now demanding raw product and is doing a large part of the grinding. The bank figures show clearings amounting to $180,838,789.20 for October, compared with $181,477,797.26 for the same month last year, a falling off of $639,008.06. For the last week of the month clearings were $38,716,492.66, com pared with $87,304,052.20 for the corre amrmi. smammmm-"na $1,412,440.16. Building permits issued at the city hall for the month indicate that Portland is keeping pace with the rest of the coun try in new construction. Total permits issued during the month Just closed number 904, -valued at $665,905, compared with 1074 permits valued at $802,860 Is sued during September and 883 permits calling for the expenditure of $1,422,005 Issued during October of last year. Realty sales continue brisk. Demurrers Filed In Case Against Ex-Bank Officials Medford, Or.. Oct 20. William H. Johnson president and R. D. Hines. vice-president were ararigned In circuit court Saturday on indictments found against them by the grand jury in con nection with the wrecking of the Jack sonville bank. Their attorneys. A. E. Reames and Herbert K. Hanna, filed de murrers, alleging that the indictments did not conform to the law and that the facts as stated In the Indictments did not constitute a crime. Gus Newbury, attorney, entered a de murrer to the indictments against Myr tle Blakely, county treasurer, on the same grounds. Arguments on te de murrer will be. heard by Judge Calkins Thursday. President Appears Broken and Crushed, Holt Tells Audience Springfield, Mass.. Oct 30 (I. N. S.) "He appeared a broken, crushed man. He spoke in a low voice. I did not hear a word he said, and I think none of the others did, so overcome were we by his personal appearance." This statement from Hamilton Holt who headed the pro-league delegation of Republicans and Independents to President Wilson Wednesday, furnished a dramatic conclusion to the League of Nations meeting here last night Mr. Holt had concluded his address and the audience had started to leave when a man asked Mr. Holt to tell of the visit to the president Fair, Cold Weather Forecast for West On Day of Election Washington. Oct 20. (U. .P.) Elec tion day weather will be unsettled over much of the eastern half of the coun try, according to the weekly weather forecast of the United States weather bureau today. There is a possibility of snow In the region of the Great Lakes and upper Mississippi and Missouri valleys. Over the wetem half of the country the weather on Tuesday promises to be fair and cold. Lithuanians Rally To Drive Out Poles London, Oct JO. (V. P.) Lithuania it rallying to the colon to repel Polish Invasion. With Vilan, the ancient capi tal. In the hands of Polish invaders under General Zeltgowakl, and Koyno threatened, the old men and students alike were reported Joining the army. OCTOBER XPORS WOMAN S VOTE Service Men, Mothers and Others Combine in Great Movement for Peace, Chicago Audience Told; Woman's Advice Needed. Chicago, Oct. 30. (U. P.) The president, Cox said, thinks only of "fulfilling the promise to the moth ers of Americr that we fouht to end war." After, stating that the only way suggested to maintain world wide peace Is through the League of Nations, the governor said: "I am certain that if President Wilson knew definitely that that promise would be kept he would be perfectly willing to conclude his par ticipation in all public affairs, either officially or privately." By Harry L. Rogers Chicago. Oct. 30. (1. Nr. S. The women of America, the service men and the "intellectual elements" are combin ing in a great movement in support of the League of Nations and the Demo- thls Kreat ..tlda, wave "of popularp. proval." Governor James M. Cox told a Btanding-room-only audience of women at Woods' theater here today. A new day has dawned for women. the governor said. Nations of the world, J"18'1 by falBf Botions ,f chivalry, have u nuiucu 1 11 cvwiiiiiiu auvi njiikicai dependence, thus depriving themselves "of the tremendous advantag of wom an's advice and cooperation in govern ment." SOCIAL JUSTICE ECES8ART "We have turned a corner In history." the candidate continued. "Things can never be the flame. What goes by the name of social welfare la very Import - ant, but social justice Is indispensable. The women will insist upon It and the nations cannot afford to deprive them selves of their co-operations. I believe that women are the torch-bearers of civilisation, the pioneers of progress. I have always believed it, and what is more, I have proved my faith by my work." Governor Cox then recited the accom- FOR LEAGUE, DECLARES COX M itfiJntg afttt nregregaivigt move j meat in Ohio, paying a tribute to the women of the state for assistance in that fight . 'The ardent support of the women of our state was expressed in definite terms in the fight for a new constitution," he said. "This constitution made it pos sible for us in Ohio to render definite service to humanity. The support of the women made It possible for us to put more than half a hundred laws on our statute books In the Interest of social Justice and human betterment" Prom inent among these laws. Cox said, were the mothers' pension act child labor laws, workmen's compensation laws and prison reform legislation. WHAT HAS BEES DONE A Democratic administration. Cox pointed out, had created a national woman's bureau, had "set up such standards as the eight hour day. the Saturday half holiday, the limitation of night work, while the federal ahlld labor law and a minimum wage law were en acted by congress while It was still Democratic." Governor Cox left Chicago for Gary. Ind., immediately after the noon speech to women. He expects to make a num ber of rear platforip addresses and a more extensive speech at both Oary and Evanston. 111., returning here In time (Coocladed on Pace Two, Column Tbre) L BY WELSH MINERS London. Oct. 30. (I. N. S.) All proposals for a settlement of the coal strike were rejected 'by an over whelming vote at a conference at Cardiff today of South Wales miners, notably those from Lancashire and Cheshire. $4,000,000 Barde Bid on Hog Island Yard Is Rejected Washington. Oct 10. (I. N. & Only one bid was received for the Hog Island shipyards at Philadelphia by the United States shipping board today. The bid was immediately rejected by Admiral Benson, chairman of the board. The bid was submitted by Barde Bro thers, 114 Liberty street New York, a steel company. The bid offered $4,000 000 for the shipyard. The Barde Brothers of New York are sons of M. Barde of Portland, and un der the corporate name of the Barde In dustrial company, bid also on the West ern surplus of the shipbuilding mate rials when the first tenders were made last month. The bids on western ma terials, recently rejected pending further investigation of charges of collusion and graft in management of the supply and sales division, did not include a tender by the Barde interests. Report Korea Plans Big Outbreak Sunday Toklo, Oct 20. (U. P.) Reports that Korean revolutionists were planning a nation-wide outbreak- on the occasion of. the mikado's birthday, October It. reached officials herejoday, . mm REFUSED PLANE FLIES TO GRIDIRON. AT CORVALUS Aviation Feat Thrills Thousands Gathered to Witness football Classic; Copies of Journal Distributed in Grandstand. Today's Use-apt California Pes. Oregoi-Aggies (S) McFaddea (17) Crewell .) Cbrlstentea ....(!) Htewart (18) Clark (11) Hwan (1) Rose (10) H. MeKeana () Hodlar Mailer (8) HeMIllaa (ft). Craamer (U). Latham (12)... .REL . RTL. , . RGL. . ..?... Majors (I) LGR. Dean (IS) LTB. Berks? (tl) LEK. Erb. (7) Q. . . Toomey (It) HHL Sprott (II). LHR....(17 Katbtrrer Tflibett (4) (I) Weeds Habituates California! Hall (14). Cllae (1), Steveas (. eads Toaej (14) and Darsei (18), tarkleii Galla gher (28), renter Hlgson li), quarter back; Vaa Zant (80), Rowe (111 and Deeds (8), halfbacks, and Msbltt (It), fallback. Oregon Aggies Palgh (I), gnard: Seeler (12). halfback: Harold MrKenaa (14), halfback; Hommen (ft),; bnlfbacki MeCart (tl), tackle; Heydea (ti). center; Johnston (24), gnard. Officials Referee, Georgs M. Taracll , , nnajiut t nipirr, i. iiiHuen own (Stanford) head linesman, tieorg A. Anderson of Portland, and field jadge, A. V. Woodward of Tacoma. Time of qaarters, li minutes each. After an uninterrupted flight' through sunny skies, auspicious weather for the most important foot- j ball contest in the Northwest today. Pilot Archie Roth, flying The Jour nal airplane delivery special this afternoon, alighted in a field adjoin ing the Oregon Agricultural college gridiron Just before timekeepers sounded the signal that opened the game between O. A. C. and the Uni versity of California. yito.the great new' O. A. C. grand stand and the bleachers that surround the new athletic field went Carrier boys with copies of the first afternoon edi tion of The Journal first time in history that any newspaper has been delivered in Benton county by airplane. The Oriole plane arose from Lewis and Clarke field at 1 p. m., bearing bundles of The Journal Just off the prnea, and carried. -Fred, L. Carlton;, manager of the Multnomah Amknror Athletic Chin, a a passenger.' Carlton was the club's official representative at the game. The Oriole arrived at Corval 11s at 1 :53 p. m., less than an hour later and within sight of the several thou sand persons who saw the contest, al leged in a field between the gridiron and the college armory. Unusual interest has attached to the game this afternoon because of the splen did early season showing of the state college players and the enviable record brought north by the California institu tion. Early this morning scores of Portland fans departed for Corvallls for the day. California's team of 23 players arrived at CorvalHs Friday and today received their final grooming. They are under the protecting wing of Coach Andy Smith and are said to be in splendid condition to meet the college team, which, though it la said to be somewhat weakened by the injury of one or two of its best men. 1 CENTS REDUCTION Butter prices will be 2 cents a pound lower in the Portland mar kets Monday morning and the price of butterfat or cream will drop the same amount. The new wholesale price of best cream ery butter in parchment wrappers will be 53 cents a pound, which means not more than 60 cents a pound at retail to the consumer. Creameries will charge the usual pre mium of 1 cent for butter packed In cartons. The lower price of butter is due to secret cutting by some of the creameries. Reports indicate some creameries are putting out storage butter under their best brands. Consumers can protect themselves against paying a high price for storage butter, by seeing that the Oregon state brand mark in triangle Is printed on the wrapper. Only fresh but ter can legally carry this label. Window Display to Quicken Interest in Rose Planting Plan Stimulating Interest rn the planting of roses, the Roseway committee today completed arrangements for a window display contest in the downtown section to be held November 2, I and 4. I Trophies have been offered by various firms of the city for the three beat windows. The cups are on display at Jaeger Brothers store. "Get a slip from your neighbor and grow a slip of your own," slogan of the Roaeway committee, will be seen in every window during the contest Football Results Harvard 24, Virginia 0. aYle 21. Colgate 7. Syracuse 0, Holycross t. Princeton 10. West Virginia 2. Cornell 24. Rutgers 0. Stevens 14. Rensselaer 0. Penn "State 28. Pennsylvania 0. Ohio 7. Chicago 6. Noter Dame 27. - Army- 17. Columbia 20. Williams 14, Amherst 30, Hamilton 7. ON BUTTER MONDAY CRIPPLES OF WAR APPEAL FOR LEAGUE (TVTK FEEL assured that the women of Oregon will not forget," are the appealing words on a postal card received by The Journal from disabled soldiers, representing eery state In the Union and every division that served In France and Siberia, now at the United States recon struction hospital at Arrowhead Springs, California. The card carries this message to the people of Oregon: "Dear Frlenda of Oregon State: The Co i - Roosevelt club at this hospital, representing possibly every state In the Union and every division which served In Franco and Siberia, and representing every political faith, baa by mntual consent combined to urge yon to forget party af filiations and work and vote for (Soverjior Cox and the League of Nations, In order that our 80,000 comrades will not .have died In vain, and thar wars will be made remote If not Impossible. "Vote for Cox. "KARL HARK INS, "Chairman." FARMERS' CREDIT By Floyd Macgrlff Cincinnati, Ohio, Oct. 30. (I; N. S.) Senator Warren G. Harding will bring his campaign officially at an end tonight in a final speech at Columbus, summarizing his position on questions of domestic and foreign policy. Brief speeches were scheduled for the Republican candidate this afternoon at Middletown. Dayton and 8prtngfleld. The senator's Cincinnati speech, de voted mainly to an Indictment of the Democrat! administration for the mounting cost of government and enor mous Increase In the number of gov ernment employes, struck a note in de claring for a credit system to protect crop .growers. He said that farmers should not be forced to dump the products of their toll on an oversupplied market but should be enabled to hold them, through proper extension of credits, until the markets normally could absorb them. Senator Harding, answering an ex- soldier, made tt clear that he favored a bonus for veterans of the world war, but he declared even not members of the American Legion would wlah to take such a bonus at a time when the finan clal condition of the country could not stand such an added drain, and insisted that only by a return to Republican principles of economics would the coun try be In a position to do anything for the ez-noldiers. Miss Thelma Hunt's Condition Is Grave XIIss Thelma Hunt, who was seriously injured early Thursday morning when a motorcycle collided with a motor truck on the Columbia river highway, was still unconscious at St. Vincents, hospital this afternoon. Her skull Is fractured and her condition Is reported to be grave. Man, Fearing Banks, Hides $1300; Thief Makes Way With It Mike Pokas, Bellevue hotel, afraid of banks, hid 11200 In little crevices In his room. Today he reported to the police that during the night someone entered the room and looted it of the entire 11300. Pokas told the police that he had the money for some time and was in the habit of putting It In "little nooks and corners" so no one would steal It Flax Producers See Chance in Portland Oeorge H. Street, general manager of the Flax Producta corporation of Bal timore and New York, accompanied by Robert Crawford of Salem, are making surveys of Industrial conditions In Portland today and the possibilities for founding a fhix Industry in this city. American Woman Is Armenian Consul Toklo, Oct 29. IV.' P.) Mrs. Diana A pear, American business woman re siding in Tokio, has become the first woman consul in diplomatic history. She has been appointed Armenian conaul in Toklo. Japanese Meiji Fete Opens in Gala Style Toklo, Oct M. (U. P.)- Toklo , .was In holiday dress in preparation for three days of festivities to mark the open ing of the MeiJl shrine, commemorating the late emperor. The shrine cost 20, 000,000. yen. . HARDING INDORSES WET STREET. RUSHING CAR, SIX CRIPPLES G. Tuukkamen, Driving 7 Work ers, Smashes Into Auto Driven by W. R. Fenton at Shaver St. and Montana Ave., Early Today Five persons were perhaps fatally injured and one other seriously In Jured at 7:35 this morning when two autoi.ioblles crashed together at Shaver Street and Montana avenue. The seriously Injured are : Charles Oustafson, 25, (3 Fremont street, fractured skull. ChRrles Kolru, 22, 62 Fremont street, possible fracture of skull and contusions on the head. Carl Caranen, 62. 63 Fremont street, fractured skull. Abraham Klrnunes, 35, 62 Fremont street. Internal Injuries. Mrs. Lucy Lovegren, 20, 790 Patton avenue, unconscious, severe laceration on the head, cuts and bruises to-the en tire body. Badly Injured : Km II Haau. 45, 41 Failing street left shoulder and bark lacerated and bruised. All of the victims of the accident were taken to St. Vincents hospital. CAB KI LL OP WORKERS One machine was driven by W. R. Fen ton, 800 Interstate avenue. It was going east on Hhaver street, and was well past the middle of the Intersection of the streets when the other machine, driven by George Tuukkamen, 63 Fremont street, who was carrying a party of sev en men to work, speeded Into the inter section, going north on Montana avenue. Tuukkamen s machine crashed Into Fenton's car, striking the right rear wheel, spinning Fenton's car completely around and throwing it Into the curbing, 60 feet from the point of contact. TuUk kamen's machine, allready skidding be fore the crash, spun around on the two left wheels and Jammed backward into the angle of the curb at the northeast corner, turning upside down and pin ning the party of men under It Mrs. Lovegren, who was the only pas senger in Fenton's car, was thrown tc ' the ground. It was necessary for pedes trians to assist In raising Tuukkamen's car and righting It before the Injured men could be freed. . Both machines were badly wrecked. Both right wheals on Fenton's machine were broken. The top of Ttlukkamen'i machine was com pletely demolished. Tl CKKAMf5 ABRESTKD Tuukkamen was arrested by Motorcy cle Patrolmen S. T. Tully and Stiles on a charge of reckless driving. He is be lng held without ball until a further In vestigation of the accident and Its oonse quences. Although Tuukkamen was entitled to the Intersection under traffic regulations If he had approached the intersection simultaneously with the other machine, his skid marks Indicated that he was going at a furious rate and rushed Into the other machine after its rear wheels I Concluded on rag Two, Colomn Pour) PRISONERS NETTED Paris. Oct. 30. (I. N. 8.) Cap ture by sgyiet troops of 2 .,000 pris-' oners, three guns and 64 machine guns on the front opposing Genera.! Wrangel's forces was announced in today's official soviet communique, received herj y wireless from Moscow. REDS CLAIM 11 00 The Journal Offers Complete Election Returns Service Let The Journal supply you with election returns Tuesday evening. Beginning at 6 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, or as soon thereafter as darkness permits, and continu ing throughout the evening. The Journal will flash returns from all over the country on a screen across Broadway from The Jour nal building. Watch The Journal tower, too. In the event that the early re turns Indioate the olectlon of Cox the entire tower will be Il luminated. If the returns Indi cate the election of Harding the peak of the tower and the row of lights above the clock only will be illuminated. Weather conditions permitting, a Journal plane, chartered from the Oregon, Washington dc Idaho Airplane company, will fly over the city Tuesday evening as soon as returns from the presidential election Indicate a choice. In the event that ' Cox appears to be elected the plane will discharge red rockets; if the trend of the vote is for Harding the plane will play a white light File this explanation of signal for reference and watch The Journal plane and the Illumina tion of The Journal tower; Tues day evening. See the screen op-, pbslte The Journal building tor detailed' return!. . r . ; .Fll ... fc. . l T t.jt -i t I -'!"'' v:'V' . ,., . i, , ,. M, i w. . v ... ?