THD OHECOIi DAILY JOURNAL, , , PORTLAND. OREGON 13 LOAD MONTAGUE IN ORIENTAL PORT Arrangements were practically completed this morning for the load ing of the steamship Montague for the Orient with the sailing date set for November 15. She will proceed to the- Orient with general cargo for the Pacific Steamship company (Ad miral, line) and will be one of the four vessels operated on the regular run by that company. It ia tha intention of the operators of the Admiral line to send one steamship each month to the Orient and to main tain a regular schedule between Port land, Japan. North China and Manila. Cheaper rates and short offerings of cargo have reduced the trans-Pacific fleet to the fewest poexlble ships. A. P. Haines, general manager of thw Admiral line steamships, will be in Port land Tuesday and will make definite ar rangements regarding the Oriental traf fic from Portland. Haines will maintain a schedule from Portland but does not look for any great volume of business until1 after March of next year. Tonnage under the British flag are seeking cargoes from the Orient to the Pacific States and are coming eastward via 'Suez and the Straits Settlements. Hlnce August the majority of grain shipped from the coast has been in Brit lnh bottom?. CREW OF ASTORIA N MAY BE PREFERRED CREDITORS Petitions of intervention were filed today In the federal court in the steamer AStorlan cases. This means that the even libellants who have filed suits against the boat will have to appear In court at the same time and present their claims at once. The court clerk has been informed that three more suits will be filed, bringing the total number of libel lants to 10. It is said by court attaches that the only preferred creditors will probably be the boat crew, who are su ing to recover wages. THE KDXA AT RAYMOND FOR CARGO OF LUMBER Chehalls, "Wash.. Oct. 25. The Edna, the first steel lumber schooner to enter Willapa harbor for several years, has arrived at Raymond, where a cargo of umber will be loaded for Southern walifornla. ' The s5hooner has had a romantic ca reer, particularly during the war, when xhe was captured by English battle ships off the coast of Brazil while carrying nitrates from Chill to Swe den. She figured prominently In one of Peter B. Kyne's "Cappy Ricks" itories of the sea. Positions of Vessels Radio reports from North Head give the positions of the following vessels at J p. m. October 24 : M. S. Ozmo, from Seattle for San Francisco. 635 miles from San Francisco. Kverett. from Kverett for San Pedro, 2!)fi miles south of Kverett. Ernest H. Meyer, from Grays Harbor 'or San Pedro, barbound inside Grays -I arbor. Hartwood. from Grays Harbor for San Francisco, barbound inside Grays .Harbor. News of the Port Daparturas October 26 At Us, American eteamer. for San Francisco, Mllaat. Arrival! Ootober 24 Atlas. American eteamer. from San Francisco, il. MARINE ALMANAC WwUHr at River's Mouth North Head. Oct. 25. Conditions at the mouth of the river at noon: Weather, cleat, liiht (og: wind south, 2 mllea; channel ob scured Tides at Astoria Tuesday High Water Low Waier . 11:43 a. m.. 0.2 feet B:4 a. m., 1.0 feetT I 6:82 p. m . 0.0 feet DAILY RIVER HEADINGS 8 a. m.. Pacific Time. STATIC j - JJaj fj,; U JS tAi 3 Umatilla 25 6.4 I 0 I 0.00 Albany 20 4.4 -0.3 O.00 Salem 20 3.2 -0.4 0.00 Oregon City ... 12 5.2 -0.8 0.00 Portland 15 5.2 1 0 0.00 RIVER FORECAST The Willamette river at Portland will remain nearly stationary during the next two or three days except aa affected by the tide. at neighboring: PORTS San Francisco. Oct. 25. Arrived at 2 a. m., steamer Oleum, from Portland; arrived at 7 a. m., steamer W. F. Herrin, from Portland. t:ooa Bay. Oct. 25. Hailed at 9 a. m.. steamer City of Topeka, from San Francisco for Portland. Tacoma, Oct. 25. Arrived aieamer Waban. from Portland for Callao. Ban Pedro, Oct. 25. Sailed, .steamer J. A. Moffett, towing barge 85, for Portland. Ban Francisco, Oct. 24.- Arrived, steamer west Ielip, from New York for Portland; aalled at noon, steamer West CahoUa, for Portland. Honolulu, Oct. 24. Arrived, steamer City of Reno, from San Pedro and Portland. Astoria. Oct. 24 Sailed at midnight, steam er Waban, for Callao via Tacoma; sailed at mid night, steamer West Keats, for North China porta; arrived at 8 and left up at 4 a. m., steamer Atlas, from San Francisco. Baa Francisco, Oct 25. (I. N. 8. Ar rived 24th Cnimak, Stewart Point. 2:10 a. a ; San Jacinto, Ventura, 4:05 a. m. ; Lurlim, Honolulu. 4:15 a. m. ; Sea Foam, Mendocino, 5:30 g. m. ; Caspar, Caspar. 9:20 a. at; Ray monds Loa Angeles, 13 noon; Phoenix, Green wood, 2 :05 p. m. ; Oeorgina Bolph, Valparaiso, 2:10 p. m.: ayfair. Eureka, 8:45 p. as.; C A. Smith, Coca Bay. 10:10 p.. m. Sailed 24th Coquelle. Fort Bragg. 9:10 a. at; Bee, Honolulu. 10:25 a. m. ; Wast Ca hokia. Portland, 12 noon; San Jacinto. Grays Harbor, 1 :20 p. m. : Weatnost, Crescent City, 2 SB p. m ; Helen P. Drew. Greenwood. S.15 p. m. ; Argyll, Port Sail Luis. S a. m. Seattle, Oct. 25. (I. N. S.) Sailed S. 8. Northwestern, for Southwestern via South eastern Alanss. o a m. Arrived. 24th S. S. Ketchikan, from Nome via Southwestern and Southeastern Alaaka. 8 a. m. Sailed. 24th 8- A. Orato'- ,or "Ited Kingdom, via Nanalmo and Ban Francuco. 8 :20 p. m, ; Queen, for San "". pu rTancuoo, noon; Horace A. Bax ter, for San Franciaco. 1:80 p. m.; Prince (.eorge. for Prince Rupert. Arrived. 23d U. S. survey S. S. Explorer, from Alaaka, at 9:80 Beward. Oct, 23. (L N. 8 ) galled S. 8. Alameda, south bound, midnlgM Ketchikan. Oct 24. (I. N.' 8.) flailed S. B. Admiral Evans, northbound. 1 a. an.: Cordova, southbound. 7 p. m. Hongkong. Oct- 20. (I. jj. 8.) Arrtvwd B. EMre from Seattle: Mt. Eagle, from Vancouver. Sailad, Oct 21J-S. 5. Vest Jet sup, for Seattle. Manila Oct 20. (I. N. 8.) Sailed B. B. Tajima Mara, for Seattle. j Yokohama. Oct 19. (1. N. g.) Sailed 8- 4. TimLW' ,or "" d ToT Victoria. Oct 35. (I. N. S ) PaaaedTt S. Roaalia Mahooey. for HawaiiaiEi Port Townaend. Oct. 24. (INS 1 4 "m V' B' B- -Nsptun. for navy yard, ttallinaham. Oct 28. ft; w t -..., Schooner Mary B. Foster, fog Hoootulu. ia tow tug Oregon, at midnight ' " Aaacortea. Oct. 24. (I. N .8 ) Arrived STUi irom uanotan aea. eod- Mukllteo. st 34 (I. V at . tanSaWo fo, Point Walla. Oct 24. (L N. 8.) Sailed 8- S..E1 8aantndo. for San Pedra. 1 n Taooma. Oct 28(1. N. a.) Arrivad o. o. naoan, irom roruano, a. m. Admiral Hchley. from Seattle. 6 a. bl; Quadra, tram ; British Colambia. at T a. m. Oct 2 4 . arriwS ,- tJmker. from Vancouver; Staawood, from tten rrajtdaoo, na BeatUa. : HEW TODAY 50x100 FT. LOTS ROSE CITY PARK $10 DOWN $8PerMonth . Sale Just Started $590 PER LOT THE FINEST , RESIDENCE DISTRICT IN THE NORTHWEST AND THE BEST VALUE FOR THE MONEY This is the last, opportunity to buy lots in beautiful ROSE CITY PARK on prices and terms like these. THIS IS A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY SO ACT QUICKLY Salesmen with autos to show you the property. J.L.HARTMANCO. 8 Chamber of Commerce Building, Fourth and Stark Sts. Main 208 IMPROVED WHEAT LAND For Exchange I have some choice Canada wheat land in high state of cultivation. Some with stock and equipment. To exchange for Portland prop erty, Valley farms. Prefer Salem district or Hood River Valley. Mail full description. C. M. DERR COE A. McKENNA & CO. 82 Fourth St. Min 4522 OWNER'S SACRIFICE! Forced to sell half block East Side Terminal track age between Morrison and Hawthorne 25,000. Phone Broadway 2964 ladtes I era yevr eM tare, ruaa and wevtan cloUtlne). Lot Ha maa new ruaa for you. The oldest and Beat equipped factory ia the Northwest, fluff and rag rues woven all sizes. Carpeta cleaned, etc. ror Mail Orvera tend far Booklet . Oregon Fluff Rug Co. Porrnerir otalila) Rut Ce. Fluff Rua Maate Prom Old Daiaeli Rat Ruaa Woven AH Sixes Carpet Ctaemlna, Sldr, ReflttUrM We Call and Deliver 1 MS-IBM K. t)tara t. Taber 71 Portland Rug Co. Under New Manaeamwnt R mvmn a specialty " CARRtT CLKANINQ, SIZINQ. RIFITTIRC WI OALL AND OKLIVIR IST2-1S74 K. 17TH ST- SSLLWOOO SSXt KRAZY KAT HEW TODAY YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF TO INVESTIGATE SECTIONAL Houses and Garages They are flnt quality all the way tbrousk and you set them at ORtAT SAVINS) BUILT III d-roOT SCOTIOMS (RIOTED IN PORTLAND OR SHIPPED ANYWHERE Redimade Building Sales Co. PORTLAND. OREGON sea lcwis BLoa. phone bdwy. asss ESD CC TOTjm OLD CABFETS (Wo OaU and Oattvavl Old Ruaa and Wenaen Otaahlnt Wa Staka RovaeaaaH. Hand-Vovaa FLUFF RUGS Reem SHa Phff Ruaa Woven S1T4IS Rsa Ruaa Wevan, AH Slrae Olotnes . OleavHns and Dyolng Panovated. Mate Over. Mas to Order FaaUfcart BbtaU4 CaVTBSt CtSASlSV It Ruaa Steamed Oleaned. S14S WESTERN PLUPP RUS) OO. 4 UnkM Ave N. Eaet SS1S. er East 7SM alMtMM Waat PrS ad TasaklA At 10 A. M. Tomorrow MEETING NOTICES 41 Big Masquerade Ball For the Puiyic Given by Anchor Council No. T46. Security Benefit Asso ciation. Everybody in Port land aavited. if a member or aot. Largest masque ball of the eeamn. 26 expensive prixaa. W. O. W. hall. 128 11th street, Tuesday night. Oct 26. Come, brine your friends and be sura to masque. We will guarantee you the time of your life. Fun tor ell. Admission 85 cents. GRAND BENEFIT MASK BALL GIVEN BT KIRK PATRICK COUNCIL. 2227. SECURITY BENE FIT ASSOCIATION Coma and help provide for the homo and hospital, a worthy cause, at the Swiss hall. Id and Jefferson, next nous union music. 16 fine prises: Just the place for you to have a good time. . Admission a Sc. including war tax. WILLAMETTR TRIBE NO. . Improved Order .f Bed Meau aaeeta tonicht (Monday) at Au ditorium ban. 208 Third at, Yhuton welcome. R, U MoDONALD, C of R ALASKA FISHERMEN'S UNION NOTICE A meeting of the members of the Alaska Fishermen union win be bald in the Sailors' Union hall. 88 Third at. Portland, Or., at 8 o'clock p. m . Wednesday, Oct 27, 1920. Members In good standing are requested to be present and have their books or receipts alone. H. M. LORNTBEN, Agent CAN TON PORTLAND :.o. P. M.. 1 O. O. F., will visit Ellison En campment No. 1 Tueaday evening, Oc tober 26. Che Taller in faticue uni form. By order of the commandant M. BRIGGS, Commandant F. P. H. MILLS, Clerk. A STATED conclave of Wash ington commandery No. 15, K. T.. will bo bald Tuesday eve ning, Oct. 26. 1920. at 7:80 p. m.. Washington Masonic hall. Business of importance. A larce attendance ia desired. G. P. EI8MAN, Recorder. SUNNT8IDE LODGE No 163. A. F. and A. M Special communi cation thia Tueaday, October 26, 7 p. m Temple, Thirty-ninth and Hawthorne avensse. Work in E. A. degree. By order of W. M. JAMES S. GAY JR.. Secretary. HARMONY LODGE No. 12. A. F. and A. M. Special communica tion this (Monday) evening at 7 o'clock. Work in the V. C. decree. VWting brethren welcome. W. M. DE UN, Secretary. NORTH PORTLAND LODGE No. 2S0, I. O. O. F.. will meet at Kenton. Monday evening as usual ; a lively session ia anticipated Yiaiting brothers era cordially welcomed. WILLIAM HODSON, K. G. S. C. BLAIR, Chairman of Committee. IYANHOE LODGE No. 1. K. or P.. meets every Tueaday night at 8 o'clock, fifth floor Pythian building, 88 Yamhill street. Opea meeting and entertainment All Pythians ELMER L. ENGLISH, C. C. MASTER MASONS cordially invited to attend Oul Res see Grotto' first dance of the sea son next Thunday evoaing. October 28. Pythian bide.. West Park aad Yamhill sta. COMMITTEE. DANCE, Liberty Assembly, United Artisans. Regular bi-monthly dance, Wednesday, Oct 2T. W. O. W. halt E. th aad Alder. Heit kempera' 6-pieoe u nioa ore hestra. Admission 81c EMBLEM JEWELRY a specialty, battona. piaZ r harms Jaeger Bros.. 181-188 6th at I R S ) 1OT Welcome, V"1 " ' . -;' . -f ... " . - - ' . ' ... 'Vital $trtistizs marriages. Btrtbs. Dcotfix MJABRIAGE LICENSES Aboer Hoaaina. local. le Tamtdll at, and Luna B. Beraner, lecal. SI E. Ttk at. Koraun B. Campbell, lecal. ITT 2 E. 13th at., and Dorothy II. Scocein. 18. 17T2 E. 13th t. . Gould C. Smith, local. 14H Macadam Bd.. and Daily Bailey, lecal, 1604 H Uacadasa Bd. Paul G. Toancea, 4. ISO Va Uorriaoa St.. and Ella P. Ocraaky. 24. S0 aforriaon at. Gaorse Xldna, lecal. Taooma, W'sjh.. and Ethel C. Bowden. lecal. Imperial hotel. Charles A. Cants. 26. Walla Walla. Wash., and Evada Henderson. 18. city. I B. Sandblast. 82, 600 Jeffenon st. and Helen Uerrimaa, 24, 609 E. Taylor. Spillman Wilson, legal. 1828 E- Flanders, and Lavina Oldfield. lecal. 1809 Pacific at- Daniel B. Harrincton, 81. 1207 Division at., and Elizabeth Owen, 29. 1286 Sandy Blvd. Ray R. Ritchie, lecal. Beppner. Or., and Nora A. 8 haw, lecal. 141 Lowntlale t . Keorce W. Kurtz. 23, 882 Missouri are., and Bertha Hummell, 22. 882 Missouri are. BIRTHS NAVARRA To Mr. and Mrs. T. Navarra. 887 Clinton, Sept. 21. a son. DeBEIXIS To Mr. and Mrs. J. DeBellis. 633 4th. Oct. 8. a son. DCDGEON To Mr. and Mrs. T. A Dudceoiu 607 Borthwick. Oct 12, a dauchter. KERNAN To Mr. and Mrs. Jeo. A. Kernan, 879 Borthwick. Oct 17, a son. GVSTAFSON To Mr. and Mr. F. I- Gna- tafson, 1087 Williams are.. Oct. 21. a vn. ARNOLD To Mr. and Mm. S. U Arnold. 2040 Willamette bird., Oct 7. a dauchter. SLY To Mr. and Mrs. Roma C. Sly. 1344 Den- ver, Oct 1 7 , a son. HABDESTT To Mr. and Mrs. A A. Hardeaty, 2281 Hassalo. Oct. 13. a dauchter. McKEE To Mr. and Mrs. C. A. McKee. 896 25th, Oct. 13, a danchter. DEATHS A3TD FCTfERALS SILCOfKS In this city. Oct 2. 1920. Fred H. Silcocks. accd 84 years, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Silcocks. brother of Mrs. W. J. Bulcer and Miat May Silcocks. all ST this city. Private funeral services will be held at the Portland Crematorium, 14 th and Bybee sts.. at 8 p. m. tomorrow (Tuesday). Oct 2. 1920. Remains at Holman'a funeral parlors. Third and Halmon sts. J08SELTX Oct 24, at the family residence, 712 IveJoy it.. Sydney A. Joeaclyn, aced 89 years, husband of Kate E. Josselyn, father of Mrs. C. L. Fitch and Mrs. John W. Wilson of Ripon. Wis., B. S. and T W. Josselyn of this city The remains are at Finley's, Montgomery at 5th. Notice of funeral hereafter. PACKARD In this city. Oct. 24. Raymond C. Packard, aged 38 years, late of the Hotel Rainier, brother of W. A. Packard of Portland. The funeral services will be held Wednesday, Oct. 27, at 10:80 o'clock a. m., at Finley's. Montgomery at 5th. Friends invited. Conclud ing service, Portland Crematorium BARBER In this city. Oct 22. Mortimer U Barber, aged 63 yeara, husband of Mrs. Han nah Barber and father of Mrs. N. X. Kirby. Mr. H. Scovell. Mrs. S. C. Curry. Hugh. Leslie and Earl Barber. Remains will be forwarded by McEntee A Ellers to Nehalem, Or., where in- terment will take place. MOAK The funeral service of the late Wil lism James Moar. aged 14 yeara. will be conducted tomorrow (Tuesday) at 10:30 a. m., in the Damascus Dnnkard church. Friends in vited. Interment Damascus cemeVry. A. D. Kenworthy A Co., directors. CARRIGAN In this city, Edward Carngsn, aged 71 years, late o( 896 First st. Serv icea will be held today (Monday) from the mortuary chapel of A. D. Kenworthy A Co.. 5802-4 92d st. 8 E., in Lents. Interment Mt Scott Park cemetery. CIXS80N InVsTncouver. With., October 23. Claude Cloason, aced 23 years. Remains were forwarded to Potlatch. Idaho, October 24. by A. R. ZeUer Co.. 592 Williams ave. C RANDALL In this city, Oct 23. Richard Crandall, aeed 36 years, late of Linnton. Or. The remains are at Finley's, Montgomery at 5th. Notice of funeral hereafter. BARBOUR In thia city. October 24. Floyd C. Barbour, aged 63 years. Remains are at the funeral parlors of A. D. Kenworthy A Co., 6802 04 92d st S. E . in Lenta. SCHROEDER In thia city. Magaret Schroeder, aged 24 years. Remains are at the funeral parlors of A. D. Kenworthy A Co.. 5802-4 92d st S. E , in Lenta. Notice of funeral later KRUSE George G. Kruse. Good Samaritan hospital. Oct 19, 55 yeara; lethargic encepn aliais COUNTISS Martha J. Countiss, 255 N. 19th, Oct. 21, 71 years jaundice. FUNERAL DIRECTORS EDW. H OILMAN & SON Funeral Directors THIRD AND SALMON STREETS Main 507, A 1511. Lady Assistant f. FIMLEY & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS Main 9. MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH EAST SIDE FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. S. DUNNING, INC. "The Family Beta the Price" 414 E. Alder. PLone East 52. A. D. Kenworthy & Co. 5802-5804 92D ST. S. E. LENTS Phone Tabor 6267. Homi Phone IV 81 CHAMBERS CO. Funeral Directors, All the Conveniences of a noma. Wood Is wn S306. 248-280 Kinincsworth sts. M'ENTEE A EILERS. funeral parlors with all the privacy of a home, 16th and Everett sts. Phonea Broadway 21S3. Home A-2183. R.T.BYRNES New residence es tablishment. 901 Williams ave. Woodlawn 220. East 781 O I I caV1r. Un- Lmh B-1888 IT 1L.. iCrCll Aarfatant CNDaVTAKERS. E. 11th and Hawthoraa. MILLER A TRACEY. independent funeral di rectors. Prices aa low as S20, 840. i0. Washington at Ella. Main 2691, A-T885. DOWNING A M NEMAR A homelike place. Moderate in prices. Ixrinctoa district. Phone East 64. R. W. GABLE A CO.. SuceeesoB to W. H. Hamilton. 1973 E. Gliaan. Phonte Tabor 431S. A ff Tolloo.r'r. 592 WUliami avenue". rsiiyiawviiwi vu Phona East 1088. Qirairt UNDERTAKING CO. Main 4152 CJVCWC3 A-2321. Corner Third and Clay. E.AAn,AJS.?in.o1UTab. 1258. B-2546 Ul asvA.awa.ajiiivfvyilVl 1047 Belmont at MOIftTMEHTS Portland Marble Works 96 4th at. op. City Haiy Ken Broa. - reKfAFSlNG GRANITE Co rii-67-3PO ST. AT MADlSOfl 0 J FLORISTS GEO. BETZ t& SON FRESH FLOWERS FOR FUNERALS tad all occasions, 697 Williams are. Just call Woodlawa 15131 Joseph Beta. Manager. MARTIN A FORBES CO.. florists. 354 Wuh inctoa. Main 269. A-1369. Flowera for all occasions artiaocauy arranced. Chappeirs&a 2MM Ppnnlpc ftTJbalThop rCOpieS ; j Alder. Marshall 6922 (Copyright, 1(20. by Service. VXORISTS i I I I a , , 1 1 1 i ll. - arr A. . Aw a.aeoaiaioM AVsL7l VZW CJT PommjMO atom, WT nUstZaaW AAac.T53 fx f j0m rtmmmt. Accvh oaaacrva JLrJ JTl7 - , m aoarsaoa' oaewaav St avaJWC aSPdTCaavSTQWsrE M.a.T And Floral Deeigna. 2a Large Hothosuaa. No Branch Storaa. 20 Yeara aa Mnrrison et. bet 4th and 5th. Telephone Main 7709. Smith's Flower Shop "Portland's Progressive Florist" Flowers for All Occasions Main 721 5. T. C. LUXE. Mgr.. 6th and Alder. LOST AMP, fOC5P n LOST Jn Globe theatre. Saturday afternoon. by a . working woman, reddish brown purse containing two 85 bills, flva 81 bills and about 31 in chance and 4 yards pink ribbon: also card with name on back. Reward. Phone Main 8409. Mrs. S. Minnard. LOST Saturday afternoon, handbag with small j purse containing (2 bill and small change. Mrs. H. W. Bore hers, 201 13th at Phone Marshall 1048. LOST 1 pair of black fur top gauntlet driving gloves, on Columbia 8 lough road, Sunday. Re turn to Dr. Curry, 202 Htock Exchange and re- ceive reward. Main 6322. BILL BOOK lo-l, contains two 8100 bills' and 890. 2 baggage checks. Northern Electric chef's diploma. Call Hood hotel. 6th and Ever ett sta.. Jack O'Brien. LOST Between Eagle Creek and Bonneville. blue dunnage bag, full of camp beds. Re- warrl. Phone East 4856 or "Main 2432. LOST Open face gold watch with chain and gold knife attached: suitable reward for re turn to D. Morgan. 840 Williams ave. East 3014. LOST Eversharp -pencil, between new post office and Ankeny. Initials "B-E-P." Phone East 1696. Reward. LOST Friday morning, strand pearls. 3d and Grand to 3d and Yamhill. Reward. Phone Marshall 2308. LOST English aetur (female). Park Rose dis trict Black and white with Un markings over eyes. Eat 3022. Reward. LOST Overcoat at 1st aod Holladay sts. Party finding same kindly return to 288 Weidler st Phone East 1567 and receive reward. L08T Diamond ring, Tuevlay evening, Monta villa car or between E. 14th and Ankeny and E 15th and Pine. East 2707. Liberal reward. FOUND One brown fur neckpiece. Sunday eve., Oct. 17. Owner pleaje call Woodlawn 1038. LOST Near 6th and Ankeny, lady's tortoise shell spectacles; reward. Tabor 2595. LOST Army discharge papers with leather fold- er Notify Ea-t 6022. Apt IB. LST English setter (female) . white with lemon ears. roont zasi av:.. newara. E08T Airedale dog with long tail, Bdwy. near Yamhill. Reward. Main 4788. LOST On Milwaukie are., battery for motor cycle. Tabor 7884. FUR LOST. If found phone Main 4861. HELP WASTED MALE BOYS AND YOUNG MEN I'etween aces of 20 and 35 with wheels can earn $115 per month in telegraph delivery work. Proapecta good for advancement to those oe siring to learn telegraph business. Apply Delivery Supervisor. 76 Third st WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO. BRIGHT, intelligent young man. 16 yeara old. wanted for advertising department of The Journal. Apply to Mr. Wieder. WANTED A man to represent a large insur ance company; guaranteed salary and com mission. Must be a resident of Vancouver, Wash. Address 285 S. Journal. Van., Wash. I K K and shovel laborers wanted. Portland Gas A Coke Co. i 241 Flanders st Apply between 3 snd 5 p. m. RAYMOND THOMPSON, please send address to Ed P. Thompson. 3106 Belleriew ave. East St. Lotus. 111. EXPERIENCED-office bepfnrnishfod by Busf neaa Men'a Clearing Housa, 1016 ' Wilcox bldg. Main 7496. WANTED First class buahelman, steady job all year round to right man. Bauer A Bauer. Corvallia. Or. HELP WASTED FEMALE Interesting Worth-While Work for Young Womaa TELEPHONE , OPERATORS EARN 160 FIRST MONTH 8900 FIRST YEAR Regular Increases Rapid Advancement Refined and Healthful Surroundings AFPLT NOW Room 601. Sixth Floor Park and Oak Stneta Telephone Building 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE A TELEGRAPH COMPANY Opportunity For Married Women The Journal has an offer to make to mairiwt women living in Certain suburban sections wnereoy they can earn considerable extra money during apare time. Just now we are interested only in women living in Montavilla, Sellwood, Lents, Alberta and Snnnyside. Only women of unquestionable character, good appearance and at least high school education will be considered. Prefer those having had some previous business experience, but will consider inexperienced peo ple if they qualify otherwise. Work ia pleasant and a genuine opportunity to earn money. Apply curing forenoon Ask foT Mr. Ray. bueinew office, main floor. Journal building. GIRL wanted to do housework and help car for 14-monthe-old baby; must be willing ta etay ia nighta; good home for right party. Maia 2992. WANTED Experienced first -cUas floor maid. city references required. Mra. J. N. Tsai. Phone Main 2849. ANT girl In need of a friend apply to the Sal varJoa Army Rescue Home, May fair and Alexander sts Phono Mam 8450. DM. car WANTED Elderly lady to helpthlight housework in home 'in auburba; t in family; no washing. Call Milwaukee 81-J. WAMED Girl for light work in family of four adulta; no Sunday work and oan co home ar. n eaen menu rnone at 0420. SCHOOL GIRL or other girl to assist with housework. Phone Main S571 after 6 n m. ELDERLY woman to work for board and room amall wagea, at 840 Front at International Feature lac) ' HELP WAKTEP FEMALE I kZB U T. SCOTT. fonMriy director of earn-ploy-scot for aiasia with the , iedetal caw evaaaeat. win aasart mats ta eeeaiw caaplop sneak ia an Use. Office, 829 Henry bids., aac 4th and Oak. Bdwy. 4537. BUSINESS MEN. If your need la trained, efficient office help, ran Broadway 4490. Clerical Help Service. 431 Artisans' bkig. WANTED -Expert. need machine operators oa ahirta. Apply at once ia person. 811 Pine st. -patahra. Bhirek A Son. LADY To work in boarding bouse; board for self and bn'band. Phone 'Broadway 2906. HELP WASTE MISC. 49 WANTED t oner. men to learn vulcanising and retreading. Call 432 Hawthorn ave. BUSINESS AND TRADE SCHOOLS WHY NOT EARN 1100 A WEEK? DON'T SAY IT CAJTT BK PONE OTHER MEN NOT A BIT BETTER THAN YOU ARE DOING IT. THE DIF FERENCE IN THElll FAVOR IS TREIK SPECIALIZED TRAINING IN GAS ENGINEERING A TRAINING YOU QUICKLY CAN OBTAIN AT THE ADCOX AUTO A AVIATION SCHOOL HOLDER OF THE WORLD'S RECORD . FOR GRADUATING THE LAKGE8T PER CENTAGE OF STUDENTS WHO MAKE GOOD IN A BIG WAY AND DRAW DOWN THE BIG PAY AS EXPERT "TROUBLE SHOOTERS." INVESTI GATE ENROLL PAY NO MONEY UN TIL YOU ARE CONVINCED THAT WE'LL DELIVER THE GOODS IN YOUR OWN PARTICULAR CAKE. NOTHING COULD BE FAIRER THAN THIS COULD IT? OUR BIG 81 00 CATA1 OGUE, NO. 4. IS FREE WRITE FOR IT OR COME IN AND GET A COPY. TO OREGON EX SERVICE MEN OUR COURSE IS FREE. ADCOX AUTO A AVIATION SCHOOL, UNION AVE AND WASCO ST.. PORTLAND. OR. FDJST AVIATION SCHOOL IN THE NORTHWEST. DON'T MISS THIS OFFER We are giving a special 25 discount to stu denu enrolling for auto and tractor coune be fore November I. Our studeuia are taught by practical experience ui building, repairing and trouble shooting on all makes of gas engines, their ignition stcm, starting and lighting sys tems, including generators, starling motors and the building, charging and care of storage bat teries, and a ipecial course in oxy-a"ivlene wrhl ing. Day and night claaies. HEMPHILL S TRADE SCHOOLS. 707 Hawthorne ave., corner E. 20th. Take Mt Scott car at 2d and Aider. Write or call for Ine catalogue. Lean Avfatiea y v f Complete ground w- r I ' struction school of 1 11 mechsnics Pyscti- --&Sgd i fl "ring Pilnt s ncens upon gradu ation. All Course, taught by former government instruc tors. FIRST AND ONLY EXCLUSIVE aeronauti cal school in 4he Sorthweet required. DUDREY AIRCRAFT CO.. 624 Morgan bldg.. Portland, Oregon. Sbcaafzin& in, SEOOWabaEMCE steuviNon-lhsideivL Instruction- .mes ScKonl ' 6fe3'va?iera, Pbrtiand .Orpon. Am BUSINESS COLLEGE Largest in the Waat ASSURES EVERY GRADUATE A POSITION. Enroll any time of year. DAT SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL Phone, call or write for free success catalog. A Position for Each Graduate. AL1SKT BUILDING. WANTED Men and women iu learn tha barber trade; receive some pay while learning; posi tions secured: Oregon ex-aervice men. the course ia free to you; call or write for particulars and catalogue. MOLEB BARBER COLLEGE. Z84 Burrraide at. LEARN TELEGRAPHY : Young men and women wanted; calf 434 Railway Exchange bldg. ; splendid opportunity to learn a-well paid prof esaioa. Railway Te la graph Institute. Night classes, s. WANTED 100 man at once to learn to operate and repair autoa and gas trartora. Apply Hemphill's Automobile A Gaa Tractor School, cor. E. 20th and Hawthoraa. Write or call for free catalog. PORTLAND Barber College teaches tha barber trade in eight weeks; pays while learning; good aet of tools given; positions secured; tui tioa reduced. 88 N. Second. MEN. WOMEN learn barber trada; wagea while learning; position guaranteed. Mgr. 22 years' experience. Oregon Barber College. 288 Madlaun. ROCKY MOUNTAIN Teachers' AcencyT- Enroll free. Frank K. Welles, former assistant rata sunt.. Mgr.N. W. bank bide. Phone Main 8276. EAST 8IDE COMMERCIAL 8CHOOL Misa Reciaa Buckel'a privste school; individual instruction. 122 hi Grand a va. Eaat 427. OREGON law school. Allaky bide.. 2d and Mor. W. E. Richardson, see. Main 977. vVATT AGEXTS 1500 PER MONTH and up by atenU handling Hart oil burner in exclusive territory propoai. tlon. Let us explain It to you. 66 Sixth st. salesman; wajsted 88 IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR AN T7NTTSUAL OPPORTUNITY AND ARE WILLING TO PAY THE PRICE IN TIME AND INTELLI GENT EFFORT, ONE OF THE LARGEST IN SURANCE COMPANIES IN THE WORLD WILL TRAIN YOU IN INSURANCE SALES MANSHIP SYSTEMATIC EDUCATION AND PERSONAL ASSISTANCE. UNLIMITED OP PORTUNITIES FOR MAKING MONEY AND PERSONAL ADVANCEMENT. W-63. Journal. A MAN of cood standing and appearance, here is an opportunity to ct a position where your eervtoea are appreciated, where you are given every assistance and instructions and treated right, in a taat-growing institution. Call 404 Spalding bldg., after 9:30 a. m. Aak for Mr. Stranaban. SITUATIONS MALE FOB CEMENT WORK PHONE WOODLAWN 6483. CARPENTER and contractor; Jobbing, anything mil Jul pi Sk 1 m AT r W xa mm- CARPENTERING, REPAIRING and REMODPCsKGE. pleasant room with heating. 816. 461 ELLNG. TABOR 234. FOR a first class pacr hanger phone Broad way 198S. ROOMS tinted. 38-84. ApartmenU and hotels. Quick attention. Bdwy. 3623. WANTED Excavating, genera! team work. Sellwood 2088. ' EXPERT tree pruner, ready for btuioeit Frank R. Itartin. 104 E. I8th at. ROOFS reshingled a apacialty pbona Eaat 1201. Baaachamp, ATTTT A Tinirav A I. K i la IT POSSIBLE that in Portia ad thare la not a DOaitima for a vouna aaaa with detect! ra anaring who has fifteen yeara experience ta ac counting and general ; of neo work. .Excellent references. Addreaa Pi O. Bog 863 or phoas Woodlawn 1563. YOUNG married sua T wishes permanent em ploymeal. preferably in office er as rales man. Soma bookkeeping and typing ei)r ienoe. T-881. Journal. EXPERIENCED feed packer snd" sewer. Have done some flour packing and trucking. Would like to have a steady job. Inquire Nl M. D., Maia 7910. WANTED By elderly man. to heat up furnace or boiler ia small factory, rooming house or hotel. Is married: no children. A W. Care- tena, 282 Argyle st, Kentor sta. HAVETwo trncks, 2 Hand"S-ton. Want a long hauling contract. What have you? If m terested call Aut 217-14 WANTED Part time bookkeeping "work ; per - maaent and intelligent aervicea assured. Call Main 4229 or P 240. Journal. JAPANESE wants position as restaurant dishwasher or hotel housework, day or Bight -450, Journal. A YOUNG man wants a position as bookkeeper. so experience. tall before 2 or after 5 p m. I'hone 33ft 44. JAY THE-JOBBER Plaster. briTkT cement work, repairing and remodeling 41st st. and! Sandy bird. Phone Auto. 319 70. COMPETENT bookkeeper wishes set of books' to keep ppare time; reerea)ces furnhhed. D 771. JournsL PAINTING. " TINTING, PAPERING; GOOD WORK. REASONABLE. SELLWOOD 1890. ROOM.S timed 3 and (4 Good work ana satisfaction Plione Main 66HH. SllINi;T KH.S When you want shingling don call Wdln. 3206. PAPERING, painting, tinting; low rates. Broadway 3138. Phona TINTINC 3326. and painting reasonable. Woodlawn CARPENTER New or repair work.: eetimatee cheerfully given. Hlaco, Msln !B3 PAPERHANGING. Painting. Tinting Sell 3063. SITUATIONS FEMALE WIDOW would like to get a small rooming house to take care of: free rent only required for services. Have four children. Write to 372 East 6th st. LAPE SCRIM AND MARQUISETTE CUlT TAIN8. DRAPERIES, BLANKETS: DONE UP LIKE NEW. WILL CALL . East 6618. COMPTOMETBTt operator, can handle some typing. Have had two years' clerical experi ence. Mar. 141. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work. 0034. Tsbor 2 WAITRESSES want work in logging camp. liie Kat 1779. SALESWOMAN of serrral years' ' nperlence needs a position at once. X-131, Journal. SITUATIONS WASTED MALE AND FEMALE t MAN and wife want position in out of Uwn hotel, man as first class cook, wife a first c!aa chamber maid: both thoroughly competent, with no children. Write or phone Hotel Bsrr, 142 N. 6t)i st Broadway 2337. DRESSMAKING 48 HEMSTITCHING SPECIAL All next wk hemstitching 8 crnta yard. Standard Hemstitching and Button Shjp. 200 Alisky bldg UfEINO, cleaning, preasing. dressmaking, re modeling, relining, alterations. pleating: reasonable prices The Cabinet Cleaners A Dyrre. 424 Morrison, near 1 1th. Maia 1825. I rA Y VO ITVrV sT i00 St.. Ail 329 08. Druemsklng, designing, remodelling, roata re lined, skirts and danoing frocks. Special prices for short time onl FALL SUITS, enats. dresses, etc.; making of old suiU into dreasea; alteration. Mra. avail. 752 Vancouver ave.. Automatic 816-08. DRESSMAKING. aatisfacUon" guaranteed Prices reasonable. 811 Central bldg., 10th aad Al der. Main 8408. CAN take care of a few more customers in dressmaking. Woodlawn 6752. mornings, for appointment. DRESSMAKER 12 years' experience; lust re turned from dresffmskera' finishing school ta East Mra.Batoe. 1120Dlvision. Tabor6012. ALTERATIONS, refitting and making of ladlW It r-mm nl, tHtntithli tlHc ' Work Sllfl rSntMOL J. Reubia. Ladiea' Tailor, 408 Buah A Lane bldg. ANYTHING for baby made to order, plain or embroidrred. Auto. 222-28. j DRESSMAKING Phone Bdwy. 108. NURSES PATIENTS wanted for private maternity home, beat of referencea. Eaat 7349. 697 Union avenue north. . ' XERlKNCED nuree. beat of references. Call Main 1072 PRA CTICAL nurse, day or night work. Phone Eaat7211. C. 8-MATERNITY homT Tabor 8223. FlRNINnv;D ROOMS HOTEL MEDFORD 120 N. 6th corner Gliaan, 2 blocks Calon depot; hot, coA water; steam baa. 76o up. 34.60 week Private bath 37 week up. HOTEL OHIO, 266 FRONT. COR. MADISoli Housekeeping and transient rooms, ataam beat hot and cold water, automatic elevator, rata. 60 cents a day up ; weakly ra tea. Ti DAYS' FREE STORAGE Trunks and baggage delivered in downtown district for 25c. Sunday service. Bdwy. 2446. BASEMENT housekeeping rooms, suitable tor bachelor. 868 6th st Phona Main 5662. NEW ROYAL HOTEL, 108H 4th. Rooms by day or week, steam heat. Harrison Hotel fgjn FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY ST. JOHNS Attractive room sriiS sfi con veniences, with family of two, oav fine street overlooking mountain- for elderly lady or gen tleman or young child. Iaquire of telephone Columbia 1027. TWO large, light ?urnacaheatarf. wall furnished sleeping rooms, one with private oement ga rage' if desired: suitable for two -people; cloaa in; rent reasonable. 438 Woodward avaveow. E. 7th. FOR RENT Large, nicely funrisbed room. or or two lsdies. Home privileges. 340 San Rafael st East side. Between Union ava. and Rodney at FRONT room with private entrance for two men or couple employed. Meals If wished. Wood lawn 1 205 257 12TH I-arge modern front room, t clothes closets, 2 beds, suitable for 2 or 3 ; running yater. walking distance, gentlemen only. LARGE room for gentleman; heat, phona, bath, adults; home cooking near; walking dis tance. 34. 669 E. Main Eaat 1360. 187 12TH ST. A large modern front room, ground floor, and garage, walking distance; gentlemen only. FURNISHED room for a lady and a child. Will care for child while lady Is working. 1686 Hodge st FURN IHHED room. bath, llglil. furnace heat laundry privilege, walking dlataaca; modern home. Marshall 94 3. l i i(i .ti furnish 4 rmm with oorch : break fast if desired; walking distance. 343 13th at- Pbovw Marshall ttotereneaa. 1 PLEASANT sleeping room for cattlemen; closo in; good location, una iu. sjaii ni-. VIUVtHHrn mom in privata family; hotna nrlri eaea: Nob Mi l QBirm. maia I nriinji- . i .... . . NICE room, walking distance, reaaoaabl. 46 . Lurretia at near Wash. Marahsll 2865. 2 PARfXT furnished upstairs rooms for rent, cheap. Call evenings. 603 E. Market st NICE furnished room for 3 gentlemen ; f heat Woodlawn 8698. FURNISHED room In good location. Phona Tabor 7225. WARM, clean room, modern convenleacea. tie men preferred. Broadway 2374. By Herriman II THE MARTHA WASHTJtflT02t " 1 ; S80 10th st For tueineae : girls aal ' Htm detrta; reasonable rates. Marshall 111. ftObsTTmrboardTfor bavtneaa girTT; all aaoden : conveniences: walking distance:-(3 par week. Auto. 21-974. 12 E. 7th at ROOMS snd 'hoard "in privet, family. CaTTTl v4 r.. gum eoutu, near a. f. anopa, THE VUCTsil Rooms with or wHrmut board. VT8S John-ow. bet. 2 id and 1M. Main 796. BOOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY It ROOMS AK BOABD GtMID home for young girt people wllhmrt ; , children. 112 month. Woodvtock ear. 58S7 03d ave. S. E. ROOM "and boa rd I nmofrn home, rtasonablal ; ; ' home privileges Broadway 8764. ., - - 11113, HOl'XEKKKPIMO ROOMS , .rv rrRxisHEn Attn rNFiiHNiwHgr ! SINGLE housrkee:iing room, $8 ft asoatC 44 E 7th st, v. SINGLE huuekeeilng rnorn, $10 a month. 3il f" 12th at. Marsliall 4280. ' V.; nOUNEKKF.PIMl ROOMS "KL'RNlSiHFD AAD I HU HNISHID PRIVATE F AMI LY I)ftRF.NT 2 roomn(urnisrisd, ur"aTr, 17 no children under 8. Addrast 689 MIlleT are., Sellwood. 4 1: IJtlftT housekeeping roims partly furnUtwd, (12 For psiticulars phone Wdln. 21SS. "ear Keaton FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, all modem conveniences. 148 E. 72d st No. Tsbor 47 HOUSEKEEPING rooms one block from ear .' line. 64 1 EMsdtson st VO nice, light housekeeping rooms. faroisCe - ." or unfurnhhed. 298 Cook sve. ; COUPLE may keep house, line modern homes Phono Sellwood 886. V RTfAT furnished housekeeping rooms. 6Sl"VfIP v; liams ave. FOR RENT HOUSES . It rNFITRJNlHEI Down and $15 Monthly For a S2000 Home Reduced From $2600 For Quick Sale room bungalow, fine large front porch, S tots 120x100. right on carline ; Jsrge woodshed and chicken house and run; 21 bearing fruit trees, raspberries; 6 ricks of wood; 28 chickens and good garden, all goes. I am leaving town and want to sell Deal with' ma direct Ma agenta. W E CHANDLER. 6203 95th at 6. E. Mt Scott oar Ui 95th, house on right cornet. " STORAGE v COMMERCIAL AND HOUSEHOLD GOODt, MOVING, PACKING. SHIPPING, Reduced freight rate. For export eerviru call Broadway 708. Manning Warehouse 4s Transfer Co. LARGE lrv Ington hone, suitable for family hotel or private sanitarium; quiet ooiaer, 100x100; double garage. Will sacrifice. Call Sellwood 2688. FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING ARROW TRANSFER CO.. 201-S Phone Main 820T. FURNITURE of 5 room housa for sale; pari buying can rent house very reasonable. 971 E. Alder. ' FREE 8TOR AGE FREE ; Cartage rates reasonable. Pony Kxpraaa, 131 Second at. Main 4262. FOR MKN'T- iiood 7room"Timise. iiUmH ti. at. N., barn ennnectrn can be uaeti tor garage. : r. I. Miller, oorner E. Gliaan and SOth st K. CALL B tXOk DW A Y 880 NORTHWESTERN ELFCTRIO COMPANY WASHINGTON AT TENTH STREET , -5 Rf)OMS,"modernr fnr rent and "funtilur 7or " sale, by owner. Thia Is a real home, elnaa - in. Call Broadway 89V 431 Stork at A ROOM house, full baaement, good oondition, yard, waat side. Phone Bdwy. 4489; keys at -7 4 6t'aughnat. ' ' VACANT 9-ronm Queea Ann house, rent, lease, ;. aell easy paymeata; bargain. Owner, 498 Comngerclal. corner of Page. j SI1J5NDID modern 6 room house, double ga- ' rage, east aide, rent to adults'. V 970, Jour nal. " OLD house for rent, 112 per month. 1074) '' Holgate at N 5 FURNISHED HOUSES $300 Down and $15 Monthly For a $2000 Home . Reduced From $2600 For Quick Sale room bungalow, fine large front porch, ft . loU 120x100. right on carline; large woodshed ind chicken house and run; 21 bearing fruit trees, raspberries; 6 ricks of wood; 28 cnlrkene and good garden, all goes. I am leaving town and want to sea Deal with ma direct Ra agenta. W. E. CHANDLER, 6203 Odth at. . K. Mt Soott ear to 95th, bouse on right comer. ONE 2 room sj-t . with steam heat 203 Sun ton at Woodlawn 4086. SROOM fuTtii.hed'houM. Mar. 8708 or Ijl Idaho at. 5 ROOM furnlahedcotUge for rent Mar. 3 J0 " FLATS TO KENT, ITNFrHNIWHEP It F6ft RENf tniurnlsEed. S room lower flat 671 E. Ash, near 18th. FURNISHED FLATS - M LOWER 4 and 2 room furaiahad flate, garaga. 884 H 1st at S near Curry. APARTMENTS FOR KENT it LARGE light front 2 room apartment, eoavenUot ;. to Kenton, Vaaoouver. St Johna industries, 20 min. to town. , Adolta. 822. 60. LombarA t. at Alhlna ave. Wdln. 2642. FURNISHED 3 room apartment at 4H4 Vashlngtoei. Phono Broadway 141. , v STSHMAR K Cleaa. modarnt ataam beatesi ... rooms, $8.60 per wwk up. 666 H Waah. at, HOTELS 64 DAYTON HOfEE T" 190 First St. Omar Taylor. . Rlcaly furnlabed raoaa, hot and sold tvatat aad staaas heat ta each raoav Eataa vacs ap. Mr A N TE 17-TQ R E NT rTs-apoXafRr F. tanant wants or' 6 furnished mndara nungainw ny niovemoar a . or 16. References. Call East 6204. ' JAPANESE wants 20 to 40 acrea cleared' "laaj aultable for' garden tmrk, not more thai I o miles from Portland. Inquire 247 Taylor. WANTED By young' couple. furSeheeTTiouaa- keeping rooms or amall housa, furnished; lunat r reaaonaMa :no children. Phona Tabot 1666. WANTED 4 or 6 room house, eoneenteat ti grade achool; reasonable. Tabor 9062. 4-6 ROOM modern bungalow. Pboae Mala ; 6222. Evenings. Eaat 228. WANTED To rant, a storage garage, 40-al . apaca or larger. Eaat 4340. . REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES Sixty-sixth St. S. E. 7 Rooms $2150 Thia house Is oa a lot 80(100, wtlklat diatsnre to Franklin high achool; 4) large upstairs bedrooms ; beat of plumbing. Thia house ta doable constructed. 6 yeara alA and may be had for 8260 down. Bihr-Carey Corporation 211 Railway Exch. Bldg. STARK AND THIRD ITS. MAIN 7487. OPEN SUNDAY. m 8300 DOWN ROSE CITY PARK New I room bungalow, old (vary finish, bsrd waed floors, fireplace, also larae at e, 60x100 ft corner lot; will sell on straight ewsttraet, tract, aa a 660 tax B'ertgacee to aasuma; monthly payment. eroding interest Price iau. way re on can bar Ilk this. ' J 7U HARTMAN COMPANr. 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main AOS. ttln eaah. Will bring la 870 par Separata entrances, 2 aU prambiag. all Isa provemeats ra, aad paid. C. W. MJaian r. Hotel Alder. Mala 5276. 6 ROOM eottace. 483 E. 7th at, 12600, S204 : dowa, 828 per month. Owaer, Tabor 630 f6tt reaL'rargainI W 6kt. CILC MARSHALL 1664. MBS. BERRY. " FROOM" bungalow. 200"x250 Ut 660O."' OalF 35500. part casn. atara ax. BY OWNER At a bargain, t-room buogalow, furnace; near Frank Ua high school. Tabor 834. MODERN 6 room bungalow, hot watar haai, gac rags and fruit treea Phona 826-08. T5k SALIC nmall ho-a I..7 ill As 8. E. .. ' 4 OWt tt4Vsa' aa Pal law ina) Fatal . , , I