The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 19, 1920, Page 9, Image 9

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Travclst to all point, of tb. Dmtad State at
broad tboald taks aataatas of axpariaaeae tn
toraattkm and aarriea offand thtouaa Tba Or.
oas Journal laioraatioa and TiT Bureau, la
pataoapj chats of Don. B. BmitA. Hall road
tickets and tr.mhin sedUea ananaad. tf or
al auban. ktaL Salons
bunutioa laa mard-
CoiumbU Casual and Sbetst l-athar btpia,
Portland, October S3 to 2.
Multnomah County Sunday School aaaocia
Uon aontntion, Not.mbn 12. . u
Waaura Walnot aatodaUoa. PortUnd. Mo
rtratwt 13 to IS. , M
Onaon BUU Bat aaaoeiatloe. Portland, Mo
vrmkar 1 to 17.
Paetfla InUreatlonil LtTcatoek ExpoatUoa.
Portland, N otcbi br 1 to 20.
lea Cream Supply liana contention. Port
land, Novambcr 14 to 2o. .
Orecon and South Idabo Educational onion,
Tba Lallan, Uaecnbar to 4.
Ore on Stat UoUl Man, Sugroa, December
Waiters Winter ho. Oreeon Poultry and
Pat Stock aaaocUtion, Tba Auditorium. Pv-
land, I)cmbrr 18 to 1. .
BUU Ttaeben' naaociatlon, Portland. Da
eanber. .
T. P. A., atate naaociatlon. Portland. Dertm
br SI
R.tail Hardware and Implement dealera, Port
land. January zrato z.
Oregon Hrtall Merchant.' awoclaUon,
, (laid. Vebraarj.
Padfie Cot oeiet of Orthodoniata,
try 19 to 18.
Brotherhood of American Yeoman, atate com
lae. Kucene, April. 1921. .
Forester of America, grand court, Portland.
Kay 23 to 23, .
alilkary Order oi the Loyal Legion. Portland.
inigh'ta of Colnmbua, tat council. Portland,
i. O. U. W.. grand lodge, April, third Tuee-
. . . r-. . . a i -tnai
Portland and Vicinity Tonight fair, with
froat in early morning; Wedneaday probably
rain; aouthwcaterly winda.
Oregon and Waaliing ton Tonight fair, ooldrr
eaat portion: Wedneaday probably rain weat. fair
eaaf portion; heary to killing froat In morning;
moderate aouthweaterly wind.
A trough of low areaaure extendi from the
Canadian prorince to the aouthern Bpeky moun
tain, atatea, wilh canten of depreaalon rer Mani
toba and Uuh. High preeaura areraila gener
ally eaat of the MiatMppi river and the barom
eter ie relatlTcly high off the north Pacific
coaat. Bain or enow haa fallen In the Pacific
coaat atatea and Hocky mountain region, and
tain haa occurred in the Ulaaiaalppi valley. The
treateat precipitation reported vaa 1.34 inche
at Oklahoma City, Okla., and 1.04 Inehea at
Rom bur a. Or. Tbe weather ia eomewhat cooler
in the aoutbern pUUan atatea: elaewhere chance,
in temperature hare- been unimportant. Killing
froat oocurred at Boiae, Idaho, thia morning.
Relatlr sntaidit at Portland: Noon ye
tarday, 69 per cent; 6 p. m. yeaterday, 73 per
cent; 5 a. m. today, 93 per cent
Precipitation aince January 1: Total. 28 87
, inehea; normal. 29.83 inehea; deficiency. 2.96
inehea. THANK CIli.AU.
' H h h
Maker, Or 40 80 .08
, Boiae, Idaho 4H 80 .32
Roaton, MTaaa. 62 56 O
Bnffalo. N. Y 70 B4 O
Chicago, 111 68 86 0
Deuter, Colo. .., 70 41 0
! Itoinan.. Iowa 76 64 .02
Kraano, Cal 62 46 .12
ia)reaton. Texaa 80 76 .36
Helena, Mont 46 34 .01
Honolulu, T. II. 82 0
Huron, B D 78 68 0
Juneau. Alaaka 42 .... 0
Kanaaa City, Mo 72 64 .04
Log Angela., CaL 84 A2 .44
Manhfield. Or 48 82 .02
Medford, Or. 48 36 .28
Memphia. Tenn 82 66 0
Miaaoula, Mont. 88 84 0
New Orleana. La. 84 70 0
New York. N. X 64 58 0
Nome, Alaaka . . 84 .... 0
North Head, Waah 64 44 .01
North Platte, Neb 74 50 0
Oklahoma City. Okla 70 60 1.84
Phoenix, Aria 76 50 0
Pittaborg, I'a 70 64 Q
Pocatello, Idaho 48 30 .48
Portland.. Or. 52 39 .09
Prince Hupert, B. C 62 36 0
Uoaeburg, Or 48 42 1.04
Aacramento, Cal 60 46 .14
St. Ixrais. Mo . 80 62 0
Ht. Paul. Minn 70 60 .36
Salt Ike City. Utah 56 82 .40
Ban Diego. Cal . 6 68 .16
Ban Pranriaro. Cal 62 50 .10
Beattle. Waah. . f 46 42 .08
Sheridan, Wyo 4 8 44 0
Bltka. Alaaka 60 0
Bpokane, Waah 54 86 0
Tacoma. Wash 48 42 0
TatooeTi Island, Waah 54 4 6 0
Tnnopah, Ne 60 24 .06
Valdea. Alaaka 30 20
Vancourer, B. C 52 84 .01
Walla Walla. Waab ,48 86 .72
Wellington. V. U 70 60 .02
Yakima, Waah 54 8S .10
'Afternoon, report of preceding day.
Hack Hunter Fined J. C. Braley of
Portland was arrested at St. Helens
Sunday by William Brown and H. E.
Meads, deputy game wardens, for hav
ing more than his limit of ducks and
was fined 25 following a trial at St.
Helens Monday. His ducks were confis
cated. J. B. Jones of Salem was ar
rested at St Helens by the same warden
for hunting without a license. The case
was dismissed when it was found that
Jones was entitled to. a pioneer license.
Swaa Island Project Indorsed After
listening to a debate on the Swan Island
project supported by FUC. Knapp and
opposed by Dr. J. B. 5lgler, members
of the Foreign Commerce club of Port
land, went unanimously on record in
favor of the port consolidation meas
ure at their regular dinner meeting at
the Chamber of Commerce dining room
Monday eveening. George M. Vinton told
of bis observations in foreign countries.
lajared by Street Car While crossing
Hawthorne avenue at ,East Seventh
street late Monday night T. F.- Sum
mers. 77 years of age, was struck by a
Mount Scott street car. Summers was
taken to St Vincents hospital, where is
was found his head Is badly lacerated
and his left arm Injured. His condition
is not serious. Summers resides at 373
ast Seventh street
To Be port Insane Warrants for the
deportation of three inmates of the
state bospltal for the insane at Salem
have been Issued by R. P. Bonham,
head of the United States Immigration
bureau, following a trip to Salem. One
of the men ia a native of Ireland, who
came this year to the United States,
another came last year from Canada,
and the third has been here two years
and is a native of Chile.
The Kext Regular Kxamlaatloa by the
Oregon State Board of Dental Kxamtn
ers will be held In Portland commenc
ing at 1:30 p. m. on November 18, 1920.
For further Information address Dr.
F. W. HolUster, president 683 East
Broadway, or Dr. W. D. McMillan, sec
retary. 407 Oregonian building. Port
land, Or. Adv.
Fred Toont Injnred A cleat fastened
to the. roof of one of he shedyat the
ways of the Columbia River Shipbuild
ing plant broke loose Monday afternoon
and struck Fred Yount a laborer, on
the head. At St. Vincents hospital he
is reported to have a fractured skull.
Yount la 17. years of age and resides at
441 Harney street
rortlaad-ITswberg Basses leave Fourth
and Alder dally. S :0. 9 :S0, 11 a. nx. and
1. 1:30, 4:15, 6:30, :J0 p. rn.; Saturtay
and Sunday, 11 p. m. Phone Main
Adv. 1
Fare to Be Blsetssed Ths Good Gov
ernment commutes of the Montayilla
district has called a public meeting for
tonight at the MontavlUa school house
where The t Cent Fare Question" will be
discussed. Speakers listed are Dan Kel-
Chopi Boer sad Noodles A Specialty
-. jy , ItlAaORasU.K PRICKS , .-, .-v '
:! s: oKN t.e ..- H. to 1 v m.
: 81 i Second Strewt, Cor. Oak
lahr. candJdAU for matyor, and Will D.
Bennett, candidate for public service
commissioner. Other candidates mar ap
pear if they choose, the committee says.
The meeting la set for 8 p. m.
Tblef Falls' Throng)! Celling; The
home of Mrs. C. E. Thomas. 2618 Fifty
eighth street southeast, was looted of
320 Monday noon by a Uuef who nar
rowly escaped with a sound body. He
had evidently gone to ransack the at
tic and fell through the ceiling. Mrs.
Thomas told the police she returned
home to find the ceiling of her bed
room caved in: Edgar A. Ellis, 175
Second street, was robbed of $100 In
currency and some change while be
slept Sunday night The thief is said
by the police to have gained entrance
through a window which opens to a fire
Ad Club Cosiest The Ad club an
nounces Its Wednesday noon meeting at
the Benson hotel with two question
marks. The club member is left to In
fer that a contest is in the wind and,
indeed, the printed program helps bear
the suggestion out, for it states that the
fifth meeting of a series is to be devoted
to prise winners only.
Hood Elver Stags leaves St Charles
hotel dally at 8:15 a. m., 10:30 a. m.
and 2:45 p. m. Stage tor Bridal Veil
leaves 4 p. m. lieaves Hood River for
Portland at 8 :30 a. m- 11 a. m. and
2 :45 p. m. For further information
phone Shepard's Auto Bus Line, Inc.,
Marshall 43S1-Adv.
Salem -Hill City Stage Line Connects
O. E. train No. 6 Salem, arrive Mill
City 1 p. m. Also connects O. K. train
No. 9 Salem, arrive Mill City 7 p. m.
Joseph Hamman, proprietor, Salem.
Phone 44. Adv.
A Newly Opened Flower Shop on
Fourth street between Alder and Mor
rison, with a 20 years' experienced Euro
pean florist in charge, will specialize in
design work for every occasion. Alex
anders. Adv.
Tuesday eveneriga from 8 to 10 for
women only at the Brown Hydropathic
Institute, Stevens' Building, downstairs.
Also Monday, Wednesday aid Friday.
Those famous treatments. Adv.
Portland Camp No. 197, W. O. W will
give an entertainment and smoker Wed
nesday (tomorrow) night 128 11th st
Members and friends invited. Adv.
Steamer Iraida ror St Helena and
Rainier, dally at 2 :30 p. m., foot of Alder
street Sundays, St Helens only, 1 :30
p. m. Adv.
Colombia Platter Wallboard. Can't
burn, buckle, swell or shrink. 419 Henry
building. Adv.
Dr. Edith I. Phillips correct glasses.
450-451 Plttock bik. Bdwy. 1305. Adv.
ice Should Be Sufficient for Men'
Holts," Declare Housewives.
That 160 for a splendid, tailor-made
suit from a wide assortment of materials
including cheviots, tweeds, serges, wors
teds and cashmeres is "true economy
and all that a man should pay" was
the declaration of- many wives who vis
ited the Brownsville Woolen Mills with
their husbands during the past week.
Furthermore the husbands too. quite
agreed with their wives, after having
examined these splendid, high grade
wooiens. to make a long story short,
the largest custom tailors on the Pacific
coast. The Brownsville Wooren Mills at
Third and Morrison are offering made-to-measure
tin its from a choice assort
ment of materials at $60. Values here
are up to ISO. Adv.
Cards of Thanks
We desire to express our sincere
thanks and gratitude to our many
friends for their sympathy and kind
ness shown us In our recent bereave
ment; also for the many beautiful flow
ers. (Signed) Mr. and Mrs. Nels A.
We wish to thank our many friends
for the flowers they sent and also for the
other expressions of sympathy extended
at the death of our mother, Mary E.
McFarlaftd. Signed by the children,
Gertrude' Dethia, Bertha, Helen Alta,
Frank an Samuel. Adv.
Child Welfare
The Democratic platform urges co
operation with states for the protection
of child life, the prohibition of child
labor and appropriations for the chil
dren's bureau and women's bureau in
the department of labor.' a
announces the opening of her danc
ing pavilion-
At 129 Fourth St.
Ladies free on openine nieht Everv-
abody welcome. Good floor, union
Acheson's Opening Offer
I have purchased the stock of woolens (about $9000) of Mr. E. E.
Stone at 92 Broadway, opposite the Oregon hotel, and will Just say that
In all my experience in the cloth business I never have seem so magnificent
a lot of woolens under one roof. 1 refer to quality substantial, fine, heavy,
pure wool worsted. The blue serse in this stock bolts- of It will compel
your enthusiastic admiration as well as curiosity to know how it comes to
be here these times when fine heavy serge is hard to find. Then fine,
heavy Bankers' grray worsted is also here but more anon. I'll turn to my
opening offer ; that's what hundreds of people are curious about, as most
people know any cloth I sell is good stuff. Well, I was a good while up
there on Alder street and now to LET YOTJ ALL X5TOW WHERE I AM.
opening up this Ladies' and Men's Suit snd Coat tailored-to-order store,
. I am going to make the most unusual offer I have ever made and more
remarkable different far and away beyond anything In the way of sales
offers ever made In the world yes, world our earth I can not say
universe, for I don't know beyond this eartli for in other spheres there
may be economic systems in vogue whereby clothing does not cost anything.
NOW BRACK TOUR8ELF and believe your own eyes, be you woman or
man and then get In here next Wednesday (tomorrow) of as soon after
as possible and get your name down as one of the customers who will get
the advantage of this offer. I have said to my knowledge my offer has
never been made In our world earth however, I have thought of it before
but I never was In a financial condition to do It nor have I ever had the
combinations of circumstances and conditions which exist at this time
which are favorable. Therefore I will first say that I absolutely believe
that the better instincts and virtues prevail In humanity and "everyone is
worthy of trust or confidence insofar as you trust them. Therefore, In the
end in this proposition I absolutely and unqualifiedly without strings or
ME for the clothing you now buy of me Are you 8TILL BBEATHINGI
then read on. Presuming you are one of the, economical, prudent customers
who will take advantage of this OPENING PUBLICITY offer as follows:
You "elect your suit, coat or garments, ladies' or men's. When it is
rmisied satisfactory to you you pay for it, same as you always have
none. I thn give you my note drawing 6 per cent interest, due 12 months
r rateV for "5 per oent of whatever priced garment you have parehased.
That Is. if your suit cost 1100, you get a note for 175. I wiU have. received
as mine to keep 25 per cent, or on a $100 suit $25, which is quite a little
less than the. cloth costs in a $100 suit.
Twelve months after date my note made payable to you will be due
at three days' demand. You have worn the suit you know what it Is
good or bad you know then if good cloth Is any cheaper you have made
up your mind about me and my work. Tou then know what the suit is
and has been worth to you. You are master of the situation absolutely
assured Of being , able to protect yourself as to what your clothes cost
yes; you can then do as you see fit allow me whatever you want to for
the suit on my note SOMETHING OR NOTHING. Ill pay the aota er
balance. You can allow me on .my note from nothmg up to full face value
of the note if you want to. That is entirely optional with you. YOU THUS
Besides the saving to you
Will get first-class materials.
for I
otherwise. ARE YOU STILL BREATHING! Then cmA nn fnr f h. ml
ia detail. Of course this offer, from its very nature, is limited ; therefore,
you can register your name and have your suit made any time before
February 1,. next. This way you can make payments along that should
help you to get in on this, for I want all classes to get a whack on this.
Now if any man or woman reading this and expects to get any clothing
within a year and don't get In on this opening offer, all I can say is that
there Is something wrong with his reasoning faculties. Store will open at
8:30 A. M.. Wednesday, and this offer will eoBtlaaa until IhoUer eaeagbV
as I have et a limit aa to the number I can accept and I reserve the right
to withdraw the offer any day or hour so don't delay.
ft Broadway :
King Motor Car
Leaders Here , to -Add
Service Plan
Edward A. Scheu, general salesmaa
ager of the King Motor Car company.
Detroit and C K. Carper, Middle West
ern service manager for tbe King, are
In Portland to Investigate methods of
handling service along the lines laid out
by the Rubin Motor Car company, local
distributors. Rabin some time ago In
augurated a scheme of (2 weeks' free
service for purchasers of cars from his
firm, and it is With an Idea of making
this system -nation-wide that the fac
tory officials are visiting in Portland.
Scheu will leave tonight for Detroit but
Carper will remain about two weeks.
R. L. Huntley With
Inspection Party
R. L. Huntley, chief engineer of the
Union Pacific system. Is a member of
the Union Pacific inspection party
scheduled to arrive Jiere Thursday
morning, according tar advice received
by the local offices' today. The party
is headed by Carl Gray, president; E.
K. Calvin, vice president in charge of
operation, and H. M. Adams, vice
president In charge of traffic. The spe
cial train accommodating the officials
is in Eastern Oregon today, being met
at Huntington Monday by officials of
the O-W. R. A N.
Stolen Automobiles Recovered
The local police received word from
Seattle Tuesday morning that an au
tomobile reported stolen here more
than a week ago was recovered there.
Two men are said to be -under arrest
The machine belonged to H. P. Jelsma
of Vancouver, but was stolen In Port
land and the Portland bureau of auto
investigation was. notified. Seattle po
lice claim that four different sets of
Oregon license plates were in the ma
chine. Baptists Postpone Meeting
Owing to the death of James Failing,
a deacon of the First Baptist church,
the women's society of the church will
postpone its meeting, to have been held
Wednesday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. C. P. Josse, 972 Belmont street
The meeting will be held Thursday aft
ernoon at the same place.
Insure longer service
from your clothes by
regularly having them
Joy-service is faultless
service at a lower cost to
Dry Cleaning $125
Pressing 45c
104 Fourth Street
Bet. Washingtoa asd Stark.
Near E. Morrison
Star East tith
St Johns
In dollars, there Is the assurancs that vnn .
cannot afford nn.fhla nffer in mmtu nut
Opposite Oragoa Hotel.
Sewer Assessment .
Halts City Buying
Woodstock Acreage
Negotiations of the city for the pur
chase of 14 M acres in Woodstock from
the Willamette university were, dropped
today. Tbe halt was occasioned by dis
covery of a 14000 sewer assessment
against the property, which the city
refused to pay.
Some time ago Commissioner Pier en
tered into an agreement to buy the
property for $13,691. When the ab
stract of title was checked, the recent
sewer assessment was discovered. Re
fusal of the owners to pay this sum
ended negotiations.
Oratorio Society Concert
A program has been arranged for
Wednesday evening, at 8:15 at the
White Temple. Professor J. A. Finley
will conduct a chorus of picked voices
from the Portland Oratorio society In
concert numbers. Miss Phyllis Wolfe,
soprano ;. Robert Louis Barrdn. violin
ist and Danae Livesay, pianist, will
You will like living
in this cozy three room home.
See it today ! .
Erected on your lot
for toor nn
any place in city.
Develop Your
Our(Mill Made Home-Builders'
Service will build your home
according to your own ideas-,
quickly, scientifically and at a
minimum of cost.
You pay only for the material
and labor. We will furnish your
plans and specifications free of
' Manufacturers and Building Contractors
S02 Title Trust Bids.
On Fourth St, Bat. Stark and Oak
tain 4724
Mid-Week Grocery Bargains
In addition to the marvelous values which we have been
eivirip; for Saturday and Monday, we have added a list of
the list and compare prices with what you have been paying.
SUGAR 5 LBS. 58c, 10 LBS. $1M5, SACK $11.50
M. J. B. COFFEE-1 LB. 45c, 3 LBS. $1.29, 5 LBS. $2.10
8 POUNDS $1.92
Va Gal.$i:09 Gal. .$2.08
Pt 31c Qt :59c
i '
Crimson Rambler Syrup
Cane and Maple, 2 lbs 72
5 lbs. 81.25; 10 lbs.... S2.25
No. 2ft Bonnie Treacle 72
No. 5 Bonnie. Treacle SI. 25
No. 10 Bonnie Treacle $2.25
No. 2 Butter Bcotch 72
No. 6 Butter Bcotch 1.25
No. 10 Butter Scotch 2.25
3 Cans Sl.OO
6 cans . .
3 Cans t.. Sl.OO
6 Cans 81.98
Dosen 83.95
Case i735
Royal Baking Powder
12 os. 331 S lbs S2.15
Oat of Towa Orders Promptly Filled at These Prices Up te Mosdsy,
October Si. 1S20. Orders of IZ.M or Over Dellrerei Free.
No Phoae Orders. No C. O. D.
No Mail Ordera of Leas Thaa $. Accepted.
The Swedish Delicatessen
and Grocery Store
225 Yamhill N. W. Corner First and Yamhill
( udfljti Mgv
U-l n l r
specials ipr weanesaay
Pure Lard, 2 Lbs. 55c
2 LBS. FOR $1.25
Boned and Rolled
25c lb.
20c lb.
Cascade Market' Economy Market
3rd and Yamhill 4th and Yamhill
Faculty ; fleads Will
Aid in Directing of
Reed Administration
Pending the election of a president at
Reed college. Drs. A. A. Knowlton and
F., X Griffin, senior members of the
faculty, will act with the board of
regents as an administrative group. The
appointment of the two faculty men is
the result of a recent meeting of the
Reed regents. This administrative group,
beaded by William Mead Ladd of the
regents, has general supervision over all
Reed activities, 'and Is distinct from the
faculty administrative committee which
is composed of Drs. Knowlton and Grif
fin. Dr. G. C. Bassef and Clement Aker
man. Hot Lake Arrivals
Hot Lake. Oct 19. Arrivals at Hot
Lake sanatorium Saturday were: Mrs
E. B. Conklin. Ontario : Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Bailey. Caldwell, Idaho; G. A.
Jones, Uraatilla; D. B. Hanson, Port
land ; Mrs. J. C. Downing and son,
Hermiston ; W. H. Bowman, Pendleton ;
Frank Blazier, British Columbia; Andy
Larson, Greenhorn.
'Home Idea'
All the material for your
house is delivered complete from
our local Ready-Cut House Fac
tory, including built-in features,
hardware, jaints. shingles, plas
ter," etc.
See us personally and give us
an idea of what you want. We
will give you an estimate on
your Home, Built Complete. f
We also manufacture a com
Tlete line of Ready-Cut and Sec
tional Houses and Garages.
Write or Phone for Catalog
and Pries List
Crown Flour
Sack, 49 lb. $0.00
2 Cans -25 Cans TO
Dozen ..81.44 Case ...85.75
2 Cans... .25 Dozen. . 81.35
Case .85.26
Can 11 6 Cans O
Dosen .-81.2Q Case . -84.70
1 Lb.... 59c Roll.. $1.18
Our Flag Brand
Sugar Corn
Cans , eg
11 Old Dutch Cleanser 81.00
12 Bars Ivory Uoap 81. OO
17 .Bars 'W. W. Soap Sl.OO
17 Bars Van H. B. Soap... 81. OO
ra&raa j
nr i i
The entire rceoarcee of this ftore are being
exerted to the' ntmaat in the endeavor to plaee
befora yea every ravin advantage eecored
thnwgh oar policy of bayin and Belling tor
raah. and the rorutantl? rhaneinf market con
dition!. Ton will alwajra find our prieea as low
aa. if not lower then, at an store ia the eity.
1 Lowest Rrices-Guaranteed --With Every
S ' i '
Pleasing and Attractive Styles In
Trimmings and Fabrics
for Evening Wear
In Our Fancy Goods Section1
S Plain and Novelty Georgettes Silk Allover Laces-
5 Metaline Cloth Ombre Georgettes Silk Demi Flouno
ings. Etc. All First Quality Fabrics at Prices Surpris-
S ingly Low We Invite Your-Jmmediate Inspection and
2 Selection While the Assortment Is At Its Best.
E Plain and Novelty Georgette Crepes
I At $1.29 Yard
Beautiful high-grade Silk Georgette Crepes ins,39-inch width,
shown in all wanted staple and ne.w fall shades; also in a limited
but choice variety of handsome printed effects.
New Ombre Georgette Crepes
At $2.75 Yd.
E Just received a full assortment of beautiful shades
E in this extremely popular fabric especially adapted
5 for negligee and evening gowns.
Silk-Demi Flouncings at $129 Yd.
Imported Silk Chantillv. and Maline Flouneines in
22 to-inch widths, in black, white and real, dainty
fabrics for evening and dancing frocks at an espe
cially low price.
New Trimmings for Evening Garments j
Unsurpassed Varieties Unmatchable Values
A fine showing oMhe newest imported and domestic trimming for pretty evening gown Snd dancing S;
frocks at prices much less than elsewhere. Light and dark iridescent spangle bands in all widths, narrow S ,
and wide Jet bands, metal ribbons, colonial bead bands, novelty flouncings with bands to match silk, bead 55
and spangle medallions and dozens of other wanted trimmings- ' 5
Those Cleverly Tailored and Beautifully Trimmed 2
Dresses You Have Admired j
Our Store
Now Opens
at 9 A.M.
for best coloring of the
Gas Co. s
Washing Machine Ads.
will be announced in tomor
row's papers.
The Committee meets today p
select the six best ones.
'U 2.'
, ts, v wm y,
The Same Kindly are AFTER.
Lady Assistant
All Associates 'Are Experts In
Their Departments
Independent Funeral Directors
Phonest Main 2691 578-85
Washington SU Between 20th
: : r end 21st. West Side
"The Store That
Undersells Because
It Sells for Cash"
Are in This Sale at an (JJI Q 'TPI I
Important Price Reduction tDrrO I 3 5
For Choice From the Most Fashionable Styles in Tricotines-E
Serges Satins and Mignonette 5
There are quite a variety of styles in this special gathering and unddpricing of Dresses 5
and each one is of special mejit in style feature and low pricing. We are showing ':
tricotina, satin and mingonette dresses in black, navy and broavn in sizes 16 to 44; alsoSS
satin and serge dresses in sizes 42 to S2i in models especially designed to slenderize
the stout figure. At this sale you can purchase a fine dress out of the ordinary In quality s
and attractiveness at an extremely low price. 5
Dainty Crepe de Chine Waists
Reduced to
At this special price you have choice from the best styles with low neck, and Iftng sleeves
flesh and white and all sizes from 36 to 44 'every waist an unusual value at $4.85..
The Most in ValueThe Best in
Reducing the H. C.ofL.
We ere offering a list of specials for Wednesday and Thursday which',
make grocery prices look exceedingly low. Glance over the item
and compare values.
Wednesday and Thursday Specials
Pint .,..29c
Ofriart. ..54c
Gal... $2.00
2 lbs 49c
4 lbs 96c
1 lb.. ...19c 3 lbs. ...55c
3 cans Minnesota Corn. .. .50c
13 cans Peas 50c
2 cans Otter Clams -35c
3 cams V. C. Pork and Beans 50c
Del Monte Catsup 25c
v. a soup ioc
Santa Cruz Sardines, oval cans,
3 for 50c
Imported Sardines In Olire Oil,
,per can 25c
- T
Small ..35c Medium ..65c
Large $1.25
Small . .40c Medium . .75c
-Gal. $1.60 Gil. ..$2.95.
No. 1 size, 2 for..;... 75c
Pr lb. .40c
Java Coffee ?o.
' , 291 YAMHILL STREET , ' -'M'
Watch this paper Friday for Saturday Special ' . "
Ne Mail Orders teas than $28.00. No deliveries Uss than $25.00.
. . : . No Phono Call or C. O. D.'a y-j '
. - . J " J . -.. - . v. ..
Our aoore and 'more st e tiled sad esuert v g
era are constantly and keenly watching evtrf -: .
change Is the ho!eaal,tneraet. (fulckly taking I.
foil advantage at every epportaaity te place 3
before yon the lint word In price lowenns. ; 3 -Therefore,
BO Better what your need night be
don't Bake s single purchase Mtore you have ;,
to veeti gated ym prteea. - . c :. 53
Change in Market 1
i ii p S3. ;
the New Fall
. New Silk Allover 1-aces 3
At $2.95 Yd. ;
A complete assortment of those .much wanted 5
Fadlum Silk and Fancy Allover Laces In 36-inch 5
width. They come in black, brown and navy. g jjj
36 Inch Metaline Cloth ai $159 Yard J
Unlimited choice in this special showing of 36- s
inch Metaline Cloth. Comes in gold, sliver-steel. -
antique, pink, turquoise and many other wanted s
shades. . S
Store Closes
at 5:30 P. M.
at 6 P.M.
t lb.... 47c 3 lbs.... $1.35
5 lbs $2.20 .
1 lb... .37c 3 lbs... $1.10
y ib.... 28c t ib..... 50c r
No. 10 Pastry Flour 75c if
No. 10 Wheatola 75c
No. 10 Rolled Oats 75c
No. 10 Graham riour ...80c'
No. 10 irhole Wheats . .,80c
No. 10 Rye Flour ..85c
No. 10 Yellow Corn Meal 60c
No. 10 Pancake Flour . .85c '
2 lbs. Fancy White Fifs. .25c
2 lbs. Fancy Dried Apples 25c
l lb. Italian Prunes 20c
Sunmald Raisins 30c
. Currants .............. 30ef
Royal BakPowder, large can 33c
2Se K. C. Bak. Powder. ... . .2Qc
1 lb. Calumet Powder. .... .28c