THB ORECSOIt y SUNDAY: JOURNAliVRTtAMD, 17, IBM. , I lri ' 1 I nit - 1 . . I n. :i ' ( ,' ; ; ' il r ;!: I'.tt:' Police Quartet On Program This Afternoon TVTITH a wetl-bejanced bffl. Including musical organisations well known In Portland, ths Mynd popular Sun day concert at. The Auditorium by ths city of Portland thla afternoon promise to be a 'success. Tha city has aban . dond tha plan of Staging organ recitala and thla year each Sunday afternoon , brings a varied program of muelo at low admlcalon price. The Centenary Methodist church choir, oompoMd of 23 voices, directed by Rob ert Louis Barron, -will be one of the features. Mra. Edward Drake will ac company the choir on the organ. Another feature which la attracting a large measure of attention Is the po lice bureau quartet, an organisation which a as made a hit at every Appear ance. Thla quartet la composed of police of ficers who can sine, a number of the officers having; sung on "big time" vaudeville circuits. Mrs. Gladys Morgan Farmer will play several selections on The Auditorium pipe organ. - The program follows : U) Toccata in D Kinder (hi Andantino In D flat...... Lamer 4iUrij Mown Fanner, Orrtnitt. ) "Tt HaMtu an Telling", Haydn B "Fear Not, U Israel" Bpicker Centenary Methodist uieopal Church Choir, (e) Holoa by Meaere. Walter and lease. Mia McMaatar and Mra. Mountain. (d) ' Unfold Ta Portala" Ooaaod Cnoir. , Police Bureau Qoartet In Popular Srlertitsune: Berteant B. L. Crane. Officer L. K. Culttaa, Chief of Police Jenkins. Motorcycle Officer ' Oeorce tobnaoa. Kay gtarl men, eocomimniit. (a) "Chant liioour" Gillette (b) Oerotte from "afifnoa" Thomaa Auditorium pipe organ. Glada Morrva Fanner, organist. The Portland center of the Untver , alty of Oregon la offering a course of special Interest In music, this coming year. , These courses will be under the supervision of Dr. John J. Lauidsbury, ' dean of the school of music of the uni versity, and William C. Boyer, super visor of muile for the public schools of Portland. Dr. Landsbury will personally eon duct three classes, all to be held on Fri day, each week. The class at 10 o'clock will be a study of classical, romantlo and modern pianoforte literature. The clasa at 11 will be of particular Inter est to those who have had considerable experience In music and the wish to re new, this Interest. Time will be devoted to the technical, formal and harmonical aspects of the different schools of music, with some attention to history and criticism. Dr. Landebury's class Friday evening; at 7:15 will be open only to students prepared to do actual creative work. Dr. Landsbury's classes will be held In room A at the Central library. Mr. Boyer will have classes In public school methods for primary and ad vanced grades, which will be held Tues days at 7 :ll and t :15 at the First Pres byterian church house. The university office 652 courthouse will be glad to answer : any questions relative to the work and to furnish bul letins upon request. e e Students of Columbia college oonserv .atory of muslo at Milton gave their "first recital of the season Tuesday eve - inn. The following program was given: "Melody of Love.". Gerlta Miller; read ing. "The Judgment Day," Gilbert Thomaa; "The Doll'a bream." Wilma Howard ; vocal solo, Richard Harper ; violin solo. Rose Lelbrand ; "The Way side Rose, Linnle Carney ; reading;, se lected, Francis Peterson ; "Thi Goblin's 'Frolic," Mildred Melby : violin solo, Ollye Spear ; "The Joyous Farmer," Wayne Chastaln ; vocal solo, Kula Hobbs ; reading. Edwin Coe : piano quar tet, Misses Hobbs, Williams, McEwan and Wright e Mrs. Byron Epperson has been elected president of 1he Centralla Music club this year ; Kugehe Alvord, vice-president, and Miss Marlon Kingman, aecretary treasurer. Miss Anna Ethlynd Read, who so ably directed the club last year, has been unanimously elected director, Mrs. Eugene Alvord accompanist and Miss Amy Hllborn. assistant accompan ist. The club plans to put on a concert this year ahlch win equal and perhaps excel the splendid concert given last year. Meetings are held every Monday evening In the W. C. T. U. temple. The musicale given at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Haak. October II, was a big success. The program con sisted of solos by Mra Klotae Anita Cook, soprano ; H. Kllngenfeld, violinist, and Lucien E, Becker, organist and pianist e The Schubert club, J. William Belcher, director, began rehearsals . last week. Mr, - Belcher la planning ' on using the Schubert club, also the Centaal Presbyterian church chotr. at one of the organ recitals in The Auditorium the latter part of October. e alias Georgia Rich presented one of her pupils. Miss Ethel Knopf, in a highly successful piano recital on Octo ber in the Christian church, St Johns. Miss Knopf played an exacting pro- If 16 ARTISTS RIVOL 12:30 NOON TODAY SPECIAL DE LUXE CONCERT BY AUGMENTED RIVOLI ORCHESTRA . SALVATORE SANTAELLA, CONDUCTOR 4 Overture, "William Tell" Rossini ; (s) "Spanish Dance No. IV") (b) "Bolero" .. . .)M. MoskowSky Selection from "Sweetheart!". Victor Herbert Waltz, "Artist. Life" ,..J. Strauss "Romance" ..' ........A. Rubinstefa "Tannhiuser" March ...R, Wagner CONCERT NUMBER, DURING THIS WEEK V Afternoons and Evenings , Overture. "William Tell". . ; .; . . , Rossini Mi:!ii!ili!i;ii;1i'li;i'l"li)i!iVi!i':ii:Hih uaiiiii'j.r:!1 ' . - i . i u i ; ETHEL. KNOPF, talented piano student, : who was presented in recital at St Johns by Miss Georgia .Rich. gram showina; excellent training throughout Her playing waa techni cally clean and brilliant and showed musical understanding and interpretative power. She acquitted herself especially well In the Rachmaninoff and Ravina and Wollenhaupt numbers, and In re sponse to enthusiastic applauae gave Scharwenka's Polish dance. -The church was crowded and Miss Knopf's friends and well wishers showered her with flowers. John Oliver, violinist, waa an able assistant. His two groups of solos were beautifully rendered. The program waa from Bach, 'Mendelssohn, Friml, Wollet, Rachmaninoff, Ravina, Wollen haupt The Monday Musical club held open house Tuesday, October 6. The mem bers and guests of the club were out in numbers to enjoy this first of the social events of the club this season. Under the direction of Miss Fay Rudduck, vo calist who Is chairman of the program committee for the year, the studio was tranaformed into a bower of autumn beauty. Autumn foliage, palms and flowers were used profusely. . Assisting Mlsa Rudduck In receiving were Mrs. Herman Heppner, honorary president of the club ; Mrs. 3, Thomaa Leonard, acting president ; Mrs. Antolne Glebisch, Mrs. Percy W. Lewis. Mrs. F. W. You ney, Mrs. Harvey Altnow and Mrs. B. B. Banning. At the punch bowl were Mra Adelaide Lomax, Mrs. Lambert Beard and Mrs. W. Franklin Looker. The Columbia trio, consisting of Hiss Jessie McRae, piano ; Mlsa Virginia Knight, cello, and Miss - Kathleen Jor dan, violin, played throughout the eve ning. There will be a broad field of toplca presented and discussed at the music teachers' convention In Salem, Novem ber 21 and 27. Tha list prepared by the program committee Includes "Modern Harmony," 'The Oregon Credit System," "Standardisation- of Music Teachers," "Musical Analysis-and other subjects of Interest to musicians. Besides the regular sessions there will be two lunch eons and a banquet with distinguished speakers and selections by prominent musicians. e At the regulaa . bi-weekly luncheon of the Musicians' club Monday, October 17, at 12 :15, in the Crystal room of the Benson hotel, a special program will be presented. Ralph R. Duniway and Elton Watkins will give a rapid outline of the "Vital Issues of the Coming Election." The business session will be short, end ing at 12 :B0. Fifteen minutes will be al lowed each speaker. Both are well known in law and political circles, have met in debate and discussion and a treat is in store for all those attending. Luncheon will begin at 12 ;15 sharp. An invitation has been extended to the Chehalis Ladles' quartet, which has pleased bo many music lovers of that section, to sing before the St. Cecilia club at an afternoon gathering in Ta coma Friday afternoon, October 22. Members of the quartet are Miss Zella Melcher. first soprano,; Mrs. Frank Lipscomb, second soprano : Miss Agnes Harwas, first alto, and Miss Eva Hager, second alto. e e A school of grand opera, for the pur pose of giving opera with artist students In a New York theatre has Just been formed. The general director Is Mario Salvini, who will have charge voice, diction and Interpretation. LUCIEN E. BECKER Fellow American Guild of Organists. Available for Organ Recitals, Organ Openings, etc. Sunday afternoons or evenings for any church. Auto. 320-29. OEOAN RECITAL at Hood River, Or. Riverside Congregational Charek TOSTIOUT AT 7tte P. M. rnwsL 11,11 1 m.-amit:-'-ms. isajaniaii i 'WIWiTii irsi ) I - ' 1 y f '' I"? '&'ltf' i v? "'' "A i n y,'" t it t Z?--i-.?;-:-'--:. . ', " ' V. I if 'itfy?'Li w 4r 1 I jsatlU HT aawsaaiseisiagl fcifcaai 'simri' -.m-miamtm The Roy Marion Wheeler System of Music Instruction FEES FOR MORNING PIANCKLESSONS Certified Teachers of Theory! LILA MAE JEWELL, MARY STEVENS MAST1N, VIRGIL EDWIN ISHAM COURSES ConJufcUd under direction of the SCHUMANN SOCIETY. For particulars phon Main 7461 WHEELER MUSIC 302 Goodnough Building, Third Floor, Fifth Phon Main 7467 Virgil Edwin Iaham, Secretary. Mail address is P. N SJutls taaohaa mot eeulaltel the art of aavelopiwrrt D'ltWWtXI . f Music Education After s moat laeeasrful lesson of prirtte end normal teaching tad leeturinc la New Tart, Chleate and Beattle. Mr. Cad; bat returned to Portland and win reeelTt a limited number of trtTata traptla la 'lanaferU Taehnleus and tntarpretaUo!, and pf(n privaU sad elaaa eouraea in Harmony, Oounurpolnt and tha An and Sclanoa at Taeahlna. Tha Princtptaa and praetieaa andrr Lytna thm TacKntaiue and U aduimUoDaJ proecaaaa of Moaia-Kdueation tmamattnmUy neoarusfd aa TtUU, appaal to iataUicent itudnta, and are thoaa upon which tba really interpratatlTa pianisu bar bullded thttr art BUidlo, afuaic-KducaUoQ School, 714 Data itreaU Pbona Main St. Maria La, aaeraurr. -y Galbreath Studio 860 BELMONT STREET EVELENE CALBREATH. B. M. Mezzo Soprano snd teacher of voice. Euro pean study, 1907-8-9. New York study, 1911-19. This is to certify that Miss Evelene Cal breith is eminently qualified to teach the Arens' Vocal Method. Phone Tabor 2477 MITYLENE FRAKER STITES CONTRALTO Hat retaraed from summer season of study with Oscar Seagle, Kew York. AVAILABLE FOR CONCERT AND ORATORIO Stadlo, 0 Bash k Lane Bldg Residence, 44 Ererett St. Phone Broadway aOeS Vocal and Grand Opera Studio AntbeaUe Italian Method of BEL CANTO From Very Beglanlag to Grand Opera Btpertolre Signor CORRUCCINI r Seres Seasons Musical Director and Conductor tor the Portland Opera Association Sea Basil Laic Balldlna;. Residence l'boae SeUwood ISIS. LOUIS AMBR0SCH Teacher of the Art and STUDIO m KILERR BEGINJTEBS AlfD ADVAXCED PUPILS ACCEPTED MARIE A. S. SOULE, Mus. Bac PIANO, HARMONY, THEORY. Pmn of Albert Boaa Panona. Metropolitan Dnllao Now. York OiLr: . Xavar Beharwenka. Barlin; Klarler HaQ. London, Ensland; and. Poat Oradoata unieaco Moauai uouaae. Tircu Piano School, New Xork City. SSI THINTggNTH FRANCK Cwaolln) Authorised representaUve of Sevclk (Prague) and Musln of the Royal Belrlan School. EICHENLAUB From Beginning to Concert Appearance STUDIO 8FITE WASHINGTON AND WEST PARK COLUMBIA BUILDING MINN ETTA CONTRALTO. .TEACHER OF SINGING Papfl .of Chaa. W. Clark, Haraan Da Vrw. Harbart 1 s yaara a Tooal taacact in .nicato. roruiira ana ouo. truiuiM lncinaa prwaannnaii aoloiata and concert nincer. STUDIOS tl 0-1 1-1 S TILPORD BLDO., BETWEEN TENTH AND ELEVENTH ON MORRISON ITntlT. rnvat HAROLD Violin STUDIO SI8.S flLFOKD BLDO. GEORGIA RICH ;piano - 403 Tilford Building Phone Woodlawri 2092 ' 20 minutes y Hour One Hour Monday .... $ .40 $ .SO $1.00. Tuetday .... .62 .80 1.50 Wednesday . 7S4 Ot5 6(f Personal Individual Lessons i Piaao Iaatraetloa By Mr. Wheeler, master : (I S.50 per lesson Lessons (ao minutes)......., $ 5.50 for two lessons By Mr. Isham, assistant to Mr. Wheeler: , Half-hour lesson, once a weekj....$ 5.50 per month One hour lesson, once a week..". . . 110.00 per month HELEN CALBREATH, B. M. Pianist and teacher of piano. Pupil of Maurice A r on son (GodoVsky Method) and Al berto Jonas. European study, 1907-8-9. Pedagogy and piano pupil of Alberto Jonas, Berlin. 1912. AVAILABLE for CONCERTS , m S. S. and M. T. Carlines to E. 28th Technic of Violin Playing MAX2T Mil Bnetwaafol Pirplla: IOrOa Cotlatta winner Prix da Roma, Paria Cohaerratolre) ; Baatrlea WU Kn, Ethel Barkatala Warner (aeeredltad taachsr) , Roy Goodman. Uordon Bonle wall-known ooa oart pianiat) . Beraiaa HUais (11S-1)9). ST. .MARSHALL Bg0 BEATRICE (Piano) Authorized representative of Xaver Scharwenka. MAIN 111 MAGERS Miller. A cradnate of Chicago Moaical Coileee; BuavT. lvi. B AYLEY Teacher PHONE EAST 111 FOB APPOINTMENT STUDIO and Yamhill Streets O. Box 660, Portland, Oregon. DUNNING SYSTEM Impreaea Mutto atuay for B(flnnra LAURA JONES RAWLINSON NORMAL TIACHtR DWNNINO SOHOOL a KVKMtrr st. eon. itth. bdwy. sacs Kajhryn Sharkey Violm Teacher and Soloist HISIDKNOKt TSS K. OOUCH PHONIt EAST 78S7 Papll of HareM ayley J. ROSS FARGO TIN OR SOLOIST TWIIIRLg BITH ISRAEL FIRST UNITARIAN OHURCH Art of Singing VniOtO 449 THIRD T. MAIN 2S83 ADA LOSH ROSE Dramatic Art 10 EILIRS ILDO. STUDIO RHONE MAIN SSSS RKSIDKNOS VHONK MAIN eM. OREGON CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC Tha O. C. H. la a achool of nnile with- a ataff of teaehtra for bacinnera. intenatdiatea, adraoord or . diploma graduates, and baring grada degree enarm is piaao, oic, nalin, harp, mandolin, guiur, thaory, harmony, ate. l"or farther Inlor matlntk call or addreaa 4. M. INWARDS, ' L. H. EDWARDS, . Mawaear Dtractar iraaaar mmiUM, isavj Faurtit St. '- 1 '-"T ! 11 WILLIAM WALLACE GRAHAM Violin Soloist and Teacher Bonn by Apaoiataaeat Onlr studio tOD Hollg St. gaat B7M CARL DENTON Conductor Portland Symphony Orchestra Rose Coursen-Reed v VOCAL TEACHER StS Bask, A Lane Bldg. PH0ITE Mala 1U Saxophones Martin Martin Band lostr meots . are of gaps rior worth. Ask any mnsl cian of reputa tion and be will tell you that the "Old" Mar tin line is first diss. XL Martin Lie Is Complete) Cornets, Trumpets, Saxophones and erery thing for the modern Band. MELODY "C SAXOPHONE Y fiRJOHNSONPlAHOfo: 14t Sixth, Barf. AJsW a-J MstriaW MUSIC, PIANOS,-VI ! AOrurcTOAi ' VtWl alrfU I iVLU SBJTD FOB) 1257 Fourth St. Portland' Big Music Start Music School PIANO and VOICE Main 3744 409-410 Journal OHARLIS DlgRKg NEATRICI DIERKg PIANO OOACHINN eONOgRT, JttRf RTOIRg ' AND INaSMBLK H.ATIN RtSIDENOK STUDIOS 266 North Twenty-sixth Street TELEPHONE MAIN SS24. A. LILLIAN DATESHAN PIANO DUNNING SYSTEM of Improred Mule Stadr for Bagtancn Btadle S4S lath St. Rhone Main 4SI0, Ida May Cook TEACHER OF PIANO ' CONCERT ACCOMPANIST. , IIS COLUMBIA BLDO. gad flip. ANYONE CAN LtARN RAG and JAZZ Plana Ptarln. We teach adult aeslnnara aevo lar melodies with full ben In 10 leaaona. Ae vaneaat couraa for pJarera. Rhea Mala 11SS far fraa book lac PARKER SCHOOL, S14 Ellara BWa. J. WILLIAM BELCHER TENOB TEACHEK OF VOICE Director of Muslo at Cqftral Presby terian Churclf lOt-ilS COLUMBIA BLDO. TVeit Park and Waahlsgroa street! Fhose Mala S MRS. DORA A. DANFORTH Teacher of Piano and Voice Studk) SOB Ratment. Pti ana Tahae SS4S. MRS. ANNA L'HOMMEDIEU MOORE "" PIANO Emphasis oa Tnoroagh Msslcal Fonadatlon for Beginners Lessons at Stadlo or at Pupil's Home Marshall tISS Sfl Mill St. LOTA STONE ARTISTIC WHISTLING Teaching and Concert OPEN far BNOAQEMKNTB a PARTIES, ETC. See Capital A a. Woodlaam 1111. Mrs. Jean Warren Carrick Miss Amy Warren PIANO DUNNINQ SYSTEM Papfl Claaaaa Begin en Scptraibar IS Normal Oaaa for Taaebcra in Oetobaf Studla COS Buah A Lane Bids. Raaldenoe t77 . Madlaoti, Phone Taoor 44SS, Rachel Paulson Piano and Harmony STUDIOS RESIDCNOCJ OS-4 Buah Lane gldo. 41t WlllamatU Blfd. Phone Wood lawn B41. Webber Academy of Music (Established 1835) Wanted Good amateur muaiHaua for Webber's String- Orchestra. Violin, cello, baas, mandolin, guitar snd banjo play era. Must be food readers. It! Feirtk St, Hala 1868 The Art of Pdblic Speaking May Loaism Wilson, Instructor la Dramatle Art. Klorattoa. Toiaa BoUdlna and Poiaa; Prlvata and Olaaa Inatrnotkav NlfM Olaaaaa Raw FonrUna. RHONE BROADWAY SS04 STUDIO: . SSS RITTO0K ILK, HELEN HARPER COSCEBT TIOLIVXST AID TEACHEK, - Pupil of Frank O. Klchenlaub' Bes. Stadlo, SSS XeaUworta ATeaae. rhoae SUwoo4 ISaS. JOSEPH A. FINLEY VOCAL TEACHER S17.18-1S Tilford BalleUsc Broadway VII CTROLAS, BAND and fXiiTDiTMrrvrre I IVWlllLdl 1 a?. I CATAXOiJTJXS ' Cal t4h9 ( ) ALAIR V. V Dlreetar Vscal Taaeher et Art Dramatlque VOICE, PIANO, VIOLIN, DRAMATIC ART FRENCH ITALIAN Children's Classes, Student Recitals, Ensemble Practice FOR TERMS ADDRESS SEC, 234 I0TH, OR PHONE MAIN 7398 MAtnoafera the PreDaratorr course ffour Years -with of Naalea, TANBCCCIlfl Bad COBTESI JL &t MWl High or MUaa, prior to 12 seasons as principal tenor or Grand Opera companies (IUllan and English) of international reputation. Prominent among which may be mentioned : Milan Grand Italian Opera Co., Ferrari Grand Italian Opera Co., Clara Louise Kellogg Grand English Opera Co., Kmma Abbott Grand Opera Co., Conrled Opera Co., Strakosch Grand Kngltah Opera Co., Carl . Rosa Opera Co., Kmma Thursby Concert Co., Union Square Co. (Lillian Kussell). Stadlo, SS 5o. Uta St. Bdwy. tits HEAR GENEVIEVE GILBERT DRAMATIC SOFKAHO PIINICTQ EDITH THOMAS BAEBER, MART STEVE9S MARTIN, LILA riAlilOlO MAE JEWELL, VIRQIL EDWIN, ISHAM. ac j ac sc LECTURE-ETTEt HLo Orattelai The Maa, Uls Ideals, Ula Work," with a plaao solo as coaeelyed by Oraitela. Ill sc a)i PI allVfi WUCCI CD dramatic student of Marie B. Van Velsor. wljl gtTS a ULAUlO finCCLCn reading arranged from Longfellow's "Spanish Student" jt a i Glrea aader the direction of tha Sehomase Society, Roy Marloa Wheeler, Director. Central Library, Room A, Tuesday Night Pabiie Iarlted So Charge aad No Collection Partlealars, Phoae Mala 1481 LILLIAN JtrPRIYS RITRI, PlanM. 40S and 40S-1S TILPORD BLOB. 407 MORRISON STREET. MRS. PETRI haa had nine yaara of ECROPEAN itudr tnd aiparieaea fiha apcelalltea la afOTKRN MKTHODS of TKC UNIQUE Bt'ILDLNG; bar combining of tha IaehtUskr band" podtton and tb Ooaowakr arm-watsht and taUxatloa slTaa araatar aeopa for iooa-oolorlaa Uiaa ithr method uaad aicluaiTel. ' MEMOKIZINO taufht tbroaga actantlfle analTtia of nuatcal eonatroorJoa. m Claaus now formlm in tha ALCHIX HASIfONT, oo-rlUn the aar traiaing and kayboanf rork witb free hannoniaatlea of malodiea. , MR. PETRI haa had aaraa rara of Suropaan atildy and arparianca, thraa of thaaa, alnatna In GRAND OPERA. Ha aanc In Church afcd Concert tn and around New Tora for many jmr. i Ha uea the Ol.l ITALIAN UKTHOD of TONS PRODUCTION, founded on tha" pure vowel id the diaphramat)c breath -rapport, aamring extended rants and bi-sut of tone, threosti relaxation. Coaching in Chnrch, Concert snd Operatic liepertelre. t RESIOENOK PHONE OONBRESS HOTEL, MAR. S0S0 DORA DEAN McCUTCHEON TEACHER OF PIANO THEORY, HARMONY AND TECHNIC A New and Scientific System for Beginners and Teachers S81 Fifth Htreet, Cor. Montgomery Phone Mala SS1S ESTELLA G&ADTJATE C058ERVAT0RT0F -TEACHER OF PIANO MODERATE Betldeaee Stadlei SSS Heyt 8L, CorBer PHYLLIS WOLFE PRIMA DONNA SOPRANO TEACHING, COACHIitO, CONCERTS TOCAL STUDIO, S-l TILFORD BUILDING RESIDENCE, WASHINGTON HOTEL Genevieve! Gilbert Dramatic Soprano Recommended by Sergei Klibansky, Master of Vocal Art, New Tork City. Students accepted Mondays and Thursdays. St? Tilford Bldf. Teles Trial by Ayaoiataisst Phoae Mar. t7SS. t School of Drama and Expression Marie B. Van Velsor Stage, Platform, Mowing Picture, Story Telling. Dramatic Heading, Coaching and Physical Culture. hpecial attention given to acquiring vocabulary and ex temporaneous speaking. SSS Bath Laae BsUdiag Broadway aad Alder Mala tilt PERL RILEY 0WRE Plaaist aad Teacher Pupil of August Mfthe-Dorgiom Omaha, Neb. Residence Studio, 421 Koselawn Ave Woodiaan 6186 THE WaALKER DANCING SCHOOL ISt 4th St. Near WasbJagtes . Ball Room and Stage Oanclna Also Teach Elocution and Dramatic Art Classes for Children la Blaglag aad ... Vaaelag , - COLONIAL ORCHESTRA . i .;. SECOND SEASON- . "Raw Meaabsra SoUclUd ,t . C. ARTHUR HAULENBECK Conductor Vwliniat and Teacher 17 EILCRS ORtOON MUSIO HOUSE ., , PMONB MAIN 4S8S . i. Mniiaue Conservatoire c - ArlUtlea- TENOR - Voice Production ElesMiUry Stares to ABT1STIC fllflSH. IKSTBUCTIOKS BARED Olf THE OLD ITALIAN HCHOOL OF Front Ton Placmant)FuacUmeBtals of lh Nasal Raeonanca) OVERTONE and Diaphragmatic (Doap) Breathing. lUliaa Soar DleUon With F. Paolo ToiU of Loaooa. tha world-famous mastera ACAFATt . of Floreaee. FKANCESCO LAMPKRTI KATHRYN SHARKEY TIOLIKISTE RAUL RtTRI, Tenae. SOMMER MUSIC. ZURICH, SWITZERLAND . IMPROVED SYSTEM CHARGES tlatv! PhOBS Mala Hit, REPAIRING, TUNING ETC. Bush & Lane Piano Co. Builder of Standard Guaranteed Pianos 'f TUNINO AND REPAIRING BT EXPERT P ACTOR Y MEN n Broadway at Aldei MAIN SIT Aad ' ReawMn Pianos and Piarar Plane. Prteeere. aoneais f esaart iooSnennaii BAND AND ORCHESTRA TNSTRUV XENTS PHONOGRAPHS PIANOS All work done in our own shop and sat- Isf action ruarsnusd. Gold and UliTsr PlaUng. . - f . j . r SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO. Ml FOURTH ST, PHONE MAIN SiSI f It r- - . a