FRIDAY, . OCTOBER Iff, . 1920. - THE OREGON - DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON. -'j AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 44 Prices Slaughtered Today wa start the first ent-prie sal In oar history, W hsv decided, to take our Iom MOW and get back to pre-wr prices. We start wh 2 aatoasebilea, all coodttiotied and ready ft Salivary. Tba nmba will dwindle fast. Ooma sarly. Bring thia Ht with yon. Try them. oat tnegougniy betor Buying. Trad your p no- tat ear hi e-n better era. Easy terms. Open evenings ana Bunaey. Msk Iieanae. Wm. Now. 1916 OwUwI , $400 $250 11 T Maxwell .. 17418 475 sold 1918 8xon 86824 6.10 450 Ifta Masw.Il 44040 600 40 1017 Buick 4 . 8810 800 475 S Chevrolet ...... 16098 650 S00 1918 Overland 6...... . . . . 750 575 1920 roritniek 8788 R00 57$ 120 Chevrolet 71 728 B75 1918 Ren 6 41187 800 fold J9I7 Velie 4000 8B0 700 101T Veil. 67420 950 7UO 1817 Veil 56812 S0 70O lftIT .TOw 72078 25 700 1917 v.ii nr.o 700 1916 Velie 842! 1100 975 1918 Old 8 54141 1.V.O 1100 JtlO Velie 81988 17.1 1150 110 Veil. 67600 1275 1175 1919 Velie 47231 135 oM 1919 Veil. 41335 1400 1200 1820 Essex 74728 1700 1800 D. C; Warren Motor Car Co. 58 N. 23d st Msin 780. REAL BARGAINS IN U8ED CARS Packard twin like new. 1020 Old mobile iii, good shape Nash, 7 pass., like new. Liberty, 1019, a bjrgsln. Buick. 1010. with new paint. Dodge touring; new finish. Nub, Conpf, run 8700 pile. ' Chalmers, 1018; In dandy shape; 8450. Hudson Super. 7 paM. ; wire wheel. Packard 4, 7 paaa. ; a bargain, 14 SO. Ruiek bif 6, model 55. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO. Tenth and Burruide t. OAKLAND delivery, will carry 1500 lba. with safety ; Urea all good, motor and fear all in toed ihape; 8150. Al ALTO WORKS TAINTING CO. 52 Alder at- ' M. B. FISCH Radiator, fender, bodies, hood, tanks repaired ' and remodeled. Auto sheet metal work a ape rislty. 105 107 N. Kith t. Phone Broadway 2200. SCCCKSSHI. TIRK REPAIRINU Require full knowledge of tire construction and proper .equipment for each repair; we have bothl Hrtng u tbat tire or tube nd w will fti It rtfht; prices rtaaonable; new and ned tire far lew; liberal allowance on old tire. Vulcan Tire Shop. 41 Or and ate., corner Pine. Kat 4888. FORD TOURING I,ete 1917. model, in fine shape and mire Inoka good. Price only 8375. Will take 8125 down and give 10 month to pay balance. Jake l seu ( r r.tchange. 2 . 1 Ith. Bdwy. JI214. M. .-'T ell my Chevrolet 4 90 roadster at one. ThJ car I ruahawd new August, 1919, and have run it 8000 mile on parement only. Just overhauled enl i fa fine mechanical condition. 8 (nod tirea, paint looks like new, should be seen to be appreciated; sacrifice at 8550; some lertn If desired. I'bone Tabor 1819 after 6 p. m. 49 CHEVROLET Let me demonstrate thi car to yon. Thi ear has been newly painted nd rebuilt. Pries only 8825. Will take 8100 down and give easy term on balance. Jske'a Used Car Ex rhsnge, 28 N. 11th. oppoirtt Weinhrd brewery. ONE Oldsmobil 8800 On Peat-lea 400 On Overland 550 Ob Chevrolet 850 . On Mitchell 875 All in tint clses condition, at 781 Vint street Msin 5260. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE Oakland Ught 6, Ilk new 8650 Model 88 Overland touring 4 9.1 Model 83 Overland delivery 2U5 ' . Will take ford In exchange. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO. East 8770 - Grand re. and Hawthorn. LATE 1918 BUICK 8 TOURING Perfect mechanioal shape, now paint, new bat tery. 6 tirea, 2 new; 31000, If taken at once (pen Sunday and evenings. 345 Union ave. N. Eat 58. FORDS Painted $2(0) Universal Auto Repair 210 JEFFERSON CHErR(5T.ET louring. 1918; good mechanical condition; good tires; mut sell. ,A snap at 9400; some terms. 30 Grand are., near Burn side. 15 TO 32 Orif ON AM, USED CABS 22 oar to be sacrificed Bee our prices on thia pge P. C. WARREN MOTOR CA R CO. FOItDS FORDS FORDS Roadster and ton rings; a dosen to select from. AU in good condition: lowest price. 34 5 Union ave. N. East 56. 1919 CHEVROLET touring, in perfect mechan ical condition and looks as good a It runs. Price low. with terms. Open Hunday and eve ning. 345 Union av. north. East 56. " 1 5 TO82 OFF "ON ALL-USED C A RS 22 cart to he sacrificed See our prices on thiapage P. C. WARREN MOTOR ARCO. 6 CELL 12 volt Presto Light battery, good a new; Dodge or Maxwell car, cheap for $25. 424 Belmont- Eaat 191. ' OVERLAND touring; good condition. Mut sell. A snap at 8323; terms. 80 Grand ave. N.. near Burmude i 1919 FORD roadster: must sell. Make me an offer. Olen Hunday and evening. Columbia Auto Sale. 345 Union avenue north. East 36. t'HEVR7LIEf touring T918; fine condition. good tire: a snap at $423, terms. 30 Grand ive. N.. near Rumside. 19Trt OVERLAND-parcel dUvery, new battery. starter, good tire. $300; will trade. Esst 4376. FORD touring. 1917. best of condition; good tttes; real bsrgsln at $350. 30 Grand av. S, near Bumside. CASH tor all make of cart; condition no ob ject; want 6 Fords for auto school. 414 Ulissn, corner of 10th. MAX WEI J, touring. 1917. A-l condition: good tires. Real baraaiu at 8875. 30 Grand ave. K.. near Bumside. FORD touring. 1916; good tire; fine condition; a snap at $325 30 Grand are. N., near Burnsid KI8SEUKAR Six, mecnanically perfect, 8800. or will trade for mller car. Call after P. m.. 854 Sandy boulevard, or Eaat 2210. CH EVROLET eha.wis," 1 9 1ST nuke a goodbugT 8223, lamia. 30 Grund sve N. near Burn side. MA.WVKI.L rouring, 1919. fine condition; u.ted privately; a nap it $N2; ome teams. 30 tSrand sve. ai near Bumside. FOItli deUvery. T916; good" condition; a real bargain at 8400. 80 Grand are. N.. near Rurnmda. PAIGE . 1917 touring; wire wheels, one extra. Real bargata at $950. 30 Grand ave. N. near Burnsid. $193 REO bug. sacrificed by owner; electric hghta and stsrter. Kast 4988 182&"rORn touring, starter, fin shape- bar gain; tsrml East 4 876. FORD ebai. perfect condition, new Urea $273 cash. -As sin 4733 after 6:30 p. m. 1918 FORD touring, all new tires, excellent motor, 3383. 444 3rd. Main 6493. TOUR auto repaired " at your home, reliable service. rami isoor l -vo. KADE A SIMONTON CO.. used cars, repair Ing, storage. 418 Oltsan. Bdwy. 4592. GASOLINE 28 per gallon; oils and' Pioneer Paint Co.. 186 First st 191$ Hudson super 6, lots of extras; bargain; op Sao, and eve. 848 Union ave. N. Eaat 66. $400 '16 Ford ear. Practically good as new. 700 K. Stark. ': ' - - . 1916 BI'ICK 6. touring; good condition. $750" a i as. 1919 MAXWELL, $550., Broadway 274.7 aPTOMOBItEg AyP'ACCTSSOBlBS 4 USED ADTOMOBltEi MfW WIB Ba Leww. Boy now wbila tha (tack to tare and the election I beat. The need atttomohO prloaa are recnlatad by tha price of new atttomobilea. Automobile manufacturers bars announced their policy on dew antomobfles guaranteeing tta prie to remain tbawsams until July 1, 1921. BARGAIN 111 Hay Sol $12.1.00 And Up. We hare reduced every need automobile to a pries that will eeQ them croick. Coma and (St one. 25 used automobiles; models up to 1920, of the different makes. Terms, on third cash, balance in 10 monthly instalbacnta. payable at our office. Ton are assured of fair dealing. WILLYS OVERLAND PACIFIC CO.. Broadway grid Dans street V LATE MODEL, Ford bug with a lot of class, practical all new tirea, new top. fids curtains ana windshield. This is a snap at $4 SO, small payment down. Al AUTO WORKS A PAINTING CO. 638 Alder t. TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 81 TRUCKS I TRUCKS! OUR PRICES HAVE NOW REACHED THE LOWE8T LEVEL NOW IS THE TIME TO BUT -WHILE THESE REDUCTIONS ARE IN EFFECT. EVEBX PRICK HAS BEEN CUT. DODGE Delivery Was 81100 now $ 900 REPUBLIC Express 2000 lbs. capacity. Was . ...$1000 bow $ 800 REPUBLIC. 1- ton Was . ...... $1500 now $1100 GMC. 2 ton Wa $1250 now $1000 REO Speed Wagon Wss $1000 bow $ 82$ REO 2-ton lAs $850 now $ 630 REPUBLIC 8M ton Us $3000 now 82500 THESE ARE ONLY 9A FEW OP. OUR STOCK. WE HAVE ANY 8I7.K OR MAKE YOU WANT. A NO THE PRICES ARE ALL REDUCED AS ABOVE. L05G. EASY TERMS. Qranning & Treece 842 ALDER ST. COR. 17TR PHONE BDWY. 1723. SAY, MAN ! WE REBUILT ONE OK THESE TRUCKS for you. and when ml say rebuilt we mean just what we ay. Rebuilt doe not mesn just grinding valves and tuning up engine, but putting in shape by installing new 1'arts where needed and making ready to tarn money on the investment. 3-ton Saner, new block, piston rings, connecting rod In fact, everything new. including tires. . Tbe Sauer truck is second to none. Now get this! 1918 Chevrolet delivery, new paint, new tirea, enknne overhauled. This has always had good care and has been gone over thoroughly. Here is s Dodge Bros, roadster. They have. not. cut the price, but we have. If yon have use for a Itodge roadster make us an offer in reason and you will have a car. Here is one for the party who does not have much money but needs something that will give good service and at a cheap price. 1-ton Federal for $4O0. and ready to work. Tou can't find a used Mack in town? We are fortunate in obtaining a used one and our good fortune is yours. 2-ton, worm drive, at a yrire that is right. MACK-LNTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRUCK CORPORATION. 10th and Davis St. Broadway 690. BARGAIN SALE GUARANTEED FOR 90 DAYS One 1 ton Denby $1060 One 1 H -ton Denby 500 One SH-ton O. M. C 2000 One 4-ton Ienby Idump body) 800. One 2-ton Denby (demonstrator) 2.100 Several new touring car cheap. Do not fail to see these truck. Will trsd for touring esrs or anything of vlvt. DENBY MOTOR TRI'CK CO. OF-N. W. TENTH AND DAVIS ST8. BDWY. 8848. 1 TON TRUCK in the best shape, solid tires in rear, pneumatic in front; top and side curtains and everything com plete: $310 down, bal. $2.1 month. A t AUTO WORKS A PAINTING CO.. .12 5 Alder St. S Mi -TON truck equipped with gravel body and hoist; truck now working and a good gravel hauling job for 1921 goes with truck 5 $2000 will handle and reasonable terms on balance. 902 Broadway bldg. Phone Main 7784. REPUBLIC lton trackTrun very little: fine body nd cab. This is one of the best buys in the Northwest. Wm. L. Hughson Co., 60 N: Brosdway at Davis. Stt TON ACME truck, only run 8 months; will guarantee first-clas condition ; cost ns $.1200; will sell for $3600. See owner, at 990 Powell Valley road. Phone Sellwood 717. FORD 1 ton truck. 1918; truck adjustment, gear drive; tires almost new. Real bargain at $700. 80 Grand ve. N., near Rumside. STAKE body, all hardwood, well ironed, 2 H to 5 ton. Palace Garage1, 12th and Stark. Broadway 1572. FORI) ton truck. Must sell at once. 1920 modeL No. 1 condition. 294 1st and Co lumbia. Telephone Main 8553. 1 920 "FORD-1 -Umrackwithsolid tires; good express body and cab; machine in excellent condition, rnics low; terms easy. Call East 6089. WANTED 1 4 or 2 ton truck; wUrTrsde a late 7 pass. car. in fine condition. Eagle Garage. Automatic Lents 2011. TWO Ford panel deliveries. Just overhauled and Tainted: price reasonable. Laffaw Motor Cr Co., 47 NortB-9th st Brosdway 118. FORI truck, gear drive, with open snd closed bodies; tires almost new. A snap at $625. on .rana ave. near Hurnside. 1 TON Federal, bargain for rash. Pslac C- rage. litn and Stark. Bdwy. 1572. FOR SALE OR TRADE Two-ton truck, in good condition. Tabor 4780. WANTED 2 ton truck sttschment Essie Gsrage1 Automatic Lents 2011. Fierce-arrow d'eTSverVT-!!-good oonditioo, for sale or trade. Ea.t 3497. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 WILL exchange 8 seres. 8 H mile from Brosdway and Washington. 5 acres in clover, balance msll grove, for a late model ear. Ta bor 2442. BRING your cars to Jake s Used Car Exchsnse and get qnick sction. 28 N. 11th st Bdwy. 8 214, opposite Weinhsrdt Brewing. WANTED--Buick Little v7oY Chandler Dis patch; have Kenton lot. 100x100, cost $1050. Mail. 1547 Boston ave. WANT Ford roadster or touring, good shape. for fine lot on 48th. south of Division; im provements In. W. C. Utile, Yamhill, Or. WILL trade some good work-horses7nd some fresh cows for a light automobile or lot. Call at 990 Powell Valley road. WILL trsde new Ford bug body for tourimr body. Woodlawn 4706. ATJT08 FOR HIRE $8 AUTOS RENTED WITIJOUT DRIVERS New 1920 Model Car Reasonable Rates FEARING A ROBNETT CITY CARACR rlS212th stvbetWssh. and Alder. Bdwy. 840. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS OVERLANDS HUDSONS LOWN8DALE OARAGE BROADWAY2408. 18THAND WASH. ALTHOF A BENNETT, CARS FORHIRK WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE, THIRD AND TAYLOR, MAIN 1687. AUTOS FOR HIRE WITH OR WITHOUT DRIVER8. U SULLIVAN, FASHION GA RAGE. MAR. 232. 10th at Yamhill. A-1286. ATJTO REPAIR SHOPS 88 Don't Throw away your eld Fort block. hecauM w Chang, them to starter type, everiiaal yonr en gine. Install genuine Ford auk. starter for $188. at Burkes garage, 5403 72d at 8. K. L.e 6IA6 tit . A "v ve repair au mage of ear. FECIAL- tat. om over heeling sulol stork guavr- w"w.;:rwi swsi, .'.-:. .. ." - .- :. . - SS FORD OWNERS FORD overhauled .i .$20 Rear asks overhauled .. .v. ............ 8 $ Valves, ground, carbon removed $ 8 Magnets recharged 8 6 W hand-lap pistons, scraps bearings, ate., which Insures a perfect running motor. Genome Ford parts only used. All work guaranteed. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO.. 280 Front St. Corner Jefferson. AUTO RADIATOR Repairing by specialist. An Work guaranteed, Geo. Wetle, 9th and Hawthorne. Eaat 164. MOTORCYCLES. BICYCLES ii USED MOTORCYCLES OF ALL MAKES EAST 8IDE MOTORCYCLE CO. 44 Grand Ave. Eieelsior. Henderson and Cleveland Afenry. 1920 HARLEY-DAVLDSON motorcycle and side ear; practically new. -Wonld accept cheaper machine aa part payment; easy terms on balance. Broadway 8606. WANTED bicycle ; a rued bicycle frame. Phone Tabor 1770 or call 1111 Division it LATJKCHE! AND BOATS 64 CLEARANCE SALK In order to make room, we sell an kinds of boat at a bargain; 23 boat to pick from; $100 and up. W. IL Sc E. Von Der-Wertii, foot of E. Morrison st. ' WANTED A family houseboat, in good condi tion; state size and price in first letter. Will pay cash. X-128, Journal. PLA-jrOH, ORGANS. MUSICAL INSTRUMENT! $4 PJANO BARGAINS Every used piano at a price you cannot com pare elsewhere. Shop around, then see our piano bargains. Guaranteed. Terms Decker Broa. A snap.... Fisher, rood practice piano Kingsbury, walnut case Singer, plain mahogany . $233 175 825 285 250 275 825 230 nolle rman, oak ease Weser Bros, cabinet grand. Smith V Bamaa. plain oak, Hinxe. almost new Hallst A Davis, big bargain and other. See tbem. BEIBERUNG-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 128 Fourth Bt Bet Washington and Alder St USED TALKING MACHINES at unusually low price. All in good condition. Small machine, 8 records $ 15 Small Victor, 6 records 20 Smsll Columbia, 6 records 25 Small Victor, 6 records 85 Edison Cabinet, 12 records 85 L'nola Cabinet. 12 reeoreU 60 Stradivara Cabinet. 20 records ,. 65 Victor Cabinet, 19 record 100 Columbia Cabinet. 10 record 110 Columbia Cabinet, 12 nccrds 120 $5 to $10 Cash $3 to $7 Monthly, fiebwaa Piano Co.. '.01 10th cor. Stark. 'Open Saturday Evenings PRICES DROP You Savs From $20 to $50. We are closing our retail store snd must sell regradless of coat our larger stock of new and used Cremona, Stradivara. Edisons. Columbia and Pathe pbonoitraphs. PERRY MUSIC CO. 427 Washington St USED PIANO BARGAINS Sherman Clay Piano, upright 8250: Holmes A Son. 88 note player, modern, mahogany, $.100; Wheel ock, mat) os., large size, $2.10. Several good used organs, $10, $15, $25; Kimball piano, fine condition. $350. Lipman. Wolfe & Co., 7th floor. FULL CASH VALUEPAID rOR -aphs & Records NEWMAN S RECORD EXCHANGE. 128 Pint st Main 4495. Tabor 6798. PIANOS WANTED Highest CASH paid or TRADE FOR NEW VICTROLA and recoris. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co.. 123-127 4th at. Main 8586. PHONCKFBAPHS st Teal-bargains! Don't pass this up Investigste snd be surprised now we do it Open evenings only. 164 K. Broadway. KIMBALL make piano, plain oak cae, good as new. $275. Terms given. Seiberling- i.ucas Muaio Co.. 125 4th st. Bet. Wawh. and Alder st. SOPRANO low pitch saxophone, brass, straight model, genuine Buffet, from France, $35. Woodlawn 3360. HALLET A DAVIS. $250. This is-a real bar gain. Terms given. Seiberling-Lucas Miwtc Co., 125 4th st. FISHER, plain case, good practice instrument. $175 Terms given, 8eiberJing-Lncaa Music Co , 125 4th st KENT s phorjpgrsph: no fakt. bert. 384 Yamhill st. Ilarvld S. Gil- PIANO wanted for beginner. Pay cash from private parties, Marshall 1532. ORGANS $20.and up. See them. Seiberlinc-Lucss Music Co. 125 4th st. MOLLENHAUER A BACH upright grand piano, . mshngany case, $200 cash, at 1378 E. Glisan. WASHBURN guitar; bargain; fine old rich toned instrument. Automatic 313-64. flANO wanted! Pay cash. Main" 8586. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS WANTED 84 WANTED A piano to use for its storage. East 8600. TYPEWRITERS 77 ALL makes sold, rented and exchanged. Terms if desired. ' Send for retail price Whole sal Typewriter Co., 321 Washington St.. N. W. Cor. 6th. FOR RENT Typewriter. $4 per month, three months $10; special students' rates. Reming ton Typewriter company; 88 Broadway. Phone Broadway 621. ALL MAKES of typewriters rented, repaired and sold on monthly payment plan. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 04 5th at Main 8668. REMINGTON No. Artisans bldg. 10, cheap for cash. 431 HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE ti FURNITURE of a private home for ssle: living, dining, den snd bedroom. 450 E. 22d N Phone Esst 7911. BEAUTIFUL oak dining table, old English fin ish.. 3 chairs. 1 high chair. $40. East 4242. XVTO REPAIR SHOP BRINGING UP FATHER HOW DO OU OO MR JILC5 A TRAMP THROUGH r e. r-v , ) atVlrT,s "ittJlETh-DrVT ysmri j y WELL-WHAT 1 WANT TO KNOW lb THl-b - Do THE DARK-HAIRED MEN rAARRV FRbT- na ' rW 1 I III I f- -v HOUSEHOLD GOOD TOR SALS U .HRE SIM From the Elton Court fire. High class fur niture and rngs, now perfectly cleaned and re finished; worth your while looking over. Bed room sets of oak. mahogany and- bird's maple: bras bed, spring and m s I Ureases ; also Brussels and asm mater carpet ; all at a great savin. We have a few mora heaters lrosa the Portland Stove Works firs, - HEATERS A complete line of wood and coal heater from $3.00 and up. Ranges and Cookstoves New or used, special for tba week. Continuous post beds at $8.75, white of Venus Martin. Turn-Turn springs af $3.60. New ivory enameled wood bed. chiffonier and dressing table, rich Adams design, all for $72.50. We have many bargains to offer you. 165-167 First st Near Morrison. COAL and wood range. ..... .$15.00 up Cook stoves 10.00 up, Gss stoves 10.00 up Gas water heaters. ............ 9.00 ua Floor covering, yard ........ .75 up Kitchen queens 8.00 up Kitchen cabinets 12.00 up Dining room extension tables...' 7.00 np Dining room chairs 1.50 up Living room rockers.......... 4.00 bp Library table 6.00 up Simmon bed 12.00 up Cotton felt mat truss as 8.00 np Steel springs $.00 np Coil springs 8.00 up Dresser 9.00 up PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE. 208-210 First St. FOR SALE Oak library table, range, halltree, gas plate, oak rocker, 9x12 rug, lawn mower, ire cream table and tree chairs. All good stuff. Call at 1900 East Glisan st MV car. HOL'SKHOLD goods for sale; oak sideboard. hall tree, 9x12 rug. set of silverware, Rog ers 1947, umbrella rack, kitchen u tensile, bedding, etc. East 3868. - 129 E. 3d N. WILL TAKE your old piano for new talking machine and records; even trade or will pay cash difference. Schwan Piano Co.. 101 10th cor. Stark. BEDROOM FURNITURE REFLNISHED Oak, ub and fir dressers msde over in white or ivory; gusranteed finish superior to new. 1137 Minnesota. Wdln 1557. FOR SALE Furniture of 6 room house; good; will sell all or by the piece. Call Msin 4166, or evenings call at 427 Harrison, st FOR SAI-E Oak extension dining room table and asbestos cover; also small center table. Phone Marshall 3923. 8TEEL RANGE, kitchen treasure, library table and other furniture. J. J. Fisher, Tabor 82. GOOD LOOKING and comfortable daveaport; price $20. 5723 85th st S. E. SANITARY couch, pad and covering; good condition, $15. Phone Tabor 8719. FURNITURE for sale or trade; cabinet, cheap; range, bed set Main 4450. FOR1 SALE Double bed mattress' snd springs: slso dresser and table. Phone Sell. 1290. A tapestry set. coat $250. for $130. 4 6th st N. 612 E. FOR SALE MTRCELLAIYEOC8 19 NEW SYSTEM NEW OFFICE Honest. Conscientious Dentistry. DR. FRED MELLISH. 108 V4 Fourth. Between Washington and Stark. FOR SALE-Large cedsr chest and trunk. Mor ris chair, stand, tables, bedetead. various other article: good condition. 255 Cherry st, flat 2. ONE Buck's hot blast heater, with water" coil; hests water liks furnace; will trade for range. Woodlawn 4706; FOR SALE Piano, chairs, stove, bed and table. Call Hat, p. m. and Bun. 862 Chapman st $13 BUYS adding machine: add 7 figures! 318 Corbett bldg. Msr. 867. LADIES' used apparel and furs; bargains. Mar shall 8215. FOR SALE New Home sewing machine and gas range at 4ifi Lexington ave. Price $15 each. A TICKET to Central Iowa by way of Coun cil Bluffs, cheap. Phone "East 7911. ISTTs".'i FED REP. $135; furniture, etc. Broadway 3137. HEATING stove- for wood, coal or briquets, practically new. bargain. Phone Wdln. 3740. COOK range, wood, coal, water coil 305 3d st GOOD washing machine, ball bearing, cheap. Tabor 4 757. GASOLINE woodsaw in first class condition for ssle chesp. 981 Going st PEKFI'.CT little diamond. $40. afiartment 28. 87 N. 15th st.. 10x16 PORTA RLE garage, call after 8 p. m. Automatic 319-33. CEMENT laundry trsys. Factory 814 E. Wash- ington st. We ship, rail or water. AUTO TENT 7 S x7 H . vermin proof, with lioor. $3. 19(9 t. utisan. BEST dry-i onions76ibsT 25c7 Pettygrove si 2122. SAFE Medium size fireproof ssfe. East 6T! NICE-folding bed, reasonable. Wdln. 36087 GRAPES for ssle. 1115 Steele s venue (Copyright, 920, by Service. VU21 ME COUtitS- THE . 5 I SHOULD tiA NOT- 1 1 FOB BATJB IfflSCELLAjYEOTJS it NEW LINE NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS $e and Penny Keys OAK AND MAHOGANY FINISH PRICES: $7$ $110 $150 FuH tine of second -band and rebuilt National regifter fully guaranteed by THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO. Liberal Allowance for Old Registers. . 1. B. MUMMA, BALES AGENT Broadway 1818, S90 Stark st, LET US WASH YOUR RUGS" WITH THE HAMILTON BEACH CARP ET WASHER WITHOUT REMOV ING FROM THE FLOOR. WORKJ CUABAKTEEIi; axis RUG. 83: 2 RUGS $5. PHONB OFFICE ANY TIME. WOODLAWN 1259. SINGER ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINES We take your machine in exchange, beiance cash or asy payments. Phone for demoeaitra tion. Machine rented. Expert repairina. any make. MORRISON" ST. SINGER STORE. 882 Morrison. Marshall 721. WE SAVE YOU MONEY House wiring, lighting fix tures, electrical repairing, sup plies. Third Street Electric Store, 224 V, Third street, near Salmon. Main 5053. e- . RANGE FOR RESTAURANT : CHARTER OAK 80-inch even. A bargain for cash. E. 1194. 75 DROP-HEAD and cabinet sewing ma chines, every kind; all gusranteed; 815 to $33; all the latest new Singers: cash or terms. Machines rented $3 a month. Singer Store, Moose bldg.. 193 Fourth st. Main 6883. BUT, SELL, RENT OR TRADE Shotguns, or Rifles NEWMAN'S GUN STORE. 128 First t Mais 4495. Tabor 6798. Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works, 418 Bum side. earner 10th. Broadway 8674. FURNITURE repaired, "upholstered, like new; mattresses remade, mirrors reailvered. furni ture bought sold and exchanged at Webster's Furniture Repair Shop, 1105 Hawthorn. Tabor SS20. BUT electric fixture now. One lieht'ehaiw fix' ture. $1.50; 4 light fixture, wired ready to hang, $6; semi indirect bowls. $ and up Reliable Elec. store. Union and Russell. East sooo. open evenings. BUY electric fixtures now wholesale price o-ugni cnain i noire, $3; liotpoini electric . . . i luiiiiiuia, ioc s&eiiaoie Electric. Union and Rusaeli. Eaat 3686. Open evenings. GOOSEBERRY plants, Oregon Champion, snd currant nnsnea. Order now. Supply limited. Price reasonable. Woodstock Nursery 5803 Woodstock ave., Portland. Phone Sellwood 2332. FOR SALE Potato, $2 per 100 lb sack ; carrots, $1.50 per sack; cabbage, $1.50 per rwt. ' Just eaat of barracks on Fourth Plain load. R. 2. Box $0. Vancouver, Wash. LADIES. ATTENTION: Slightly used wearing apparel at the Vogue Apparel Exchange. 403 Aliaky bldg- Main 3132. PRUNE trees, Italian, fine stock, reasonable. Order immediately for Tall delivery. Woodstock Nuratry. 5803 Woodstock ave. Sellwood 1 2S2 BIRR A PI-LrntUm..'; "ZZTa 1.--- - iZ costs at less than wholesale cost: $10 and $7. Sizes 36-38 and 34-86 1AK BODY Brussels stair aniniall carpet slightly worn, $15; good collapsible baby buggy. $8 113 E. 49th su ATTRACTIVE style in ; ladW " lightly worn coat, suits, gown. Kate and furs. 1047 Thurmsn st. Msin 9567. CONCORD grapes for gale: bring your' boxes; 1 mile east Milwaukee. Or., between -37th and 40th U. on King st Phone 84J. FOR SALE Practically ni wood heating Uv with pipe and board, $18. 611 E. 50th N Tabor 5663. UNIVERSAL combination range, practically new. including water coils. Phone Msin 927 or call 329 College st - RURBER HEELS 45e; SHOE RETAIRINil WHILE YOU WAIT. TAHR SHOE CO , 633 WASHINGTON ST.. NEAR 20TH Dentistry DR. A. W. KEENE 35 1W Washington St. Without Psin. f Atest Nerve Blocking Method. tfiTMT) BUSINESS CARDS P f OWUt ROSE CITY PRLNTERY P il es&a You moat bring this ad. 1 20 5th st. SAFES, new and secondhand, some with-burglar chest, at reasonable prices. Pacific Scale A Supply Co.. 48 Front st Bdwy. 1966. BOOKS on prophecy and other-Bible subjects. Go pal tracts, pamphlets and charts; printing. OregoriBook A Tract Dept. 165 Vi 4th st RUGS washed on your floor with-Hamilton Beach elect carpet washer. Also kvacuuin cleaning done. East 4045. FOR SALE Large heating stove, burns -coal or briquets: good heater, slmost new. Apply 1336 Mallory ave. Tel. Woodlawn 8825. FOR SALE Oak extension dining room table and asbestos cover; also smsll center table. Marshall 3923 or Broadway 829 5 . FOR KENT Electric vicuunTcleaner. 24 hour day, $1: delivered anywhere. Wdln. 1259. SWSET Hder and vinegar 40e a gallon; apples, peas snd quinces. Woodlawn 5072. VACUUM cleaners for rent $1 a day: delivered anywhere. Wdln. 3495, formerly Bdwy. 238. FOR SALE Choice variety strawberry "plants reasonable. Call Col 3. ster 5 p. m. KINDLING WOOD. $4 per cord; htavy edgings; iwa. erna-nsnd brick. Tag. 420 POTATOES and onions by the ack. We deliver :ait 404. FOB SALE Garden manure. Tabor 6634. International Feature Inc.) DO -OU KNONey MR.JI v.o C&TSXLEMErs THAT .r.-, 1 1 love WITH rttii ritK PROPOtsEO - n it-1 - t , Iff : sw-jrTMi ta fQ"S ,92 Y IMTX FEATURC SCUVrSC IMC FOR BALE MISCELLAKEOrS II BUY ADAMS: FIRE- PROOF STOVE BLACKING; WILL NOT BURN OFF. aASK YOUR GROCER OR HARD WARE DEALER. Sewing Machine 9 Emporium I M. 1 I UIJ 1 . i.uw iuu Mu 1, wiu au ammm, bo agents employed. Complete Una or parts for all make. Machines re paired and rented, 190 Third TAYLOR ST. EDISON CYLINDER PHONOGRAPH Edison Opera Phonograph, fin woodea born and 100 tndeetrnetibia records, eashv 886: 810 dewe, $3 monthly. Cost $128. Hjtatt Talk ing .Msrnln Co., 830 Alder. OFFICE equipment of every description frotsrl government and . shipyards, new shipment of high-trade ateel filinc cabinet. IX C Wat, 81 N. 6th st. Brosdway 2739. LADIES' EXCLCSIVB-USED 'APP ABEL, SHOP. Buy of us and cut the H. C. t. . 1132 E. Glisan St. Tabor 2825. SOFT drink fixture for sale, bar and back-bar, with 8 mirrors, showcases, tobacco and candy caaas; must be sold at once. Pal's Club, 285 1st, corner Main. Independent Printers We are still doing promptly "printing for less" at 11 No. 6th st Commonwealth bldg. Smith, printers. Broadway 2986. SAFES 4r and burglar proof sare, aew and secondhand, st right price, bought, sold and exchanged. Easy terms if desired. NORKIS SAFE A LOCK CO., 103 Second St Main 2045. FOR SALE Brand new McCaskey safe account system, never Deem used: wm sell at a bar gain for quick turn; reason for selling we can- not uee in onr Dusineas. DESCHUTES GARAGE CO.. BEND. OR. FOR SALE $12. 1 brown valour coat, sise $8- 40: half lined, splendid Quality, good condi tion; also 1 brown Kersey coat, large plush col lar ana cum, sue SB-SB. youthful lines, glQ, onsrawij isvs, 1BV rt. IBtn. AUTOMOBILES. MOTORCYCLES, LAUNCHES or boats are seperate classifications. A large listing will be found under Urns, different classi fies ti on. 3 160 to $25 pheaS3 Guaranteed We Rent and Repair 172 aVgyst, near YsmhilK Main 1845 CIRCLE EXCHANGE We troy, sell snd exchange ladies' and chil dren's clothing. 415 KUedner bldg., 10th a Washington. Bdwy. 220. FOR SALE A besutif -ii Hudson seal muff, nsw. lined snd roll edge of tsupe silk crepe, latest shape. Broadway 1806. 150 N. 18th. FOR billiard and pool tables, store fixtures, cash registers and show cases on easy payments, see w. J. Quia ley. see, nawtnorne ave. tuaat ia ONE Charter Oak heater and pipes, baby buggy and clothe wringer for sale, tseuwooa obo 1(026 K. Kelly. 8IBI.OCO pipeless furnaces for sale, 86A.43 and el a, r or mrxner imormauon saarrw Benton st. Portland. Or. Pbon East 4567. LEAKY anto tops Waterproofed and made like new lor, witn a mouey-oaca issnuwa. East- 8677. 851 K. Oak st FOR SALE Electric vacuum cleaner, with an attachments, cost aiea; wui sen naii price. Terms if desired. Main 064 or Maui 671. GOOD BUY 1 or 2 new late model drag saws, with clutch. Owner. G. H. Williams. 959 E. 25th st. N. Auto. 822-42. cnNOORD snd Niaaara ararjea 7c a Dound. 72d st., first bouse north off Division st Tabor 1847. I HAVE three freeh cows fog ssle, for dairy or family use. want a ligrii delivery wagon wiu top. 4 55 Davenport st FORCONCORD CRAPE PLANTS call Wdln. 1343 or write M. Nickels, 192 W. Blsndena st ; . A U8ED Cane tractor; ha just been overhauled; would make dandy wood saw. Can be bought for song. 2O02d Ft NEW half" gray human hair witch. I486 Omaha st FOR SALE a completed-Arsso heater. Phone Msr. 3023. 500 FT. of lumber, some ceiling. 2x4. 4x4 12 ft long. .386 S E. Morrison. Apt 2. Z COMBINATION gaa and electric fixtures for sale cheap W'dln. 5716. " VACUUM elesner rented, $1 per day, delivered. K road way 2872 day. Tabor 5786 evenings. SAFE Fireproof safs, 29x18x18. in good order. L-570, Journal. . BEAUflFUL imported pearl opera glasses, sac rifice for $30. Esst 6962. FOR 8ALE, by owner, high oven gas rang as good as new, cheap, at z. iza imt. FORTsaLE CcS'Tnd wood range, also 3 -burner gss pi'- Call 431 Ktllingsworth av. ...i , t mi n r and ouicuer I is Lures tor Main 1105. WHERE styfeii charm sml prices please. STANTON MILLINERY. 310 Selling Bldg. PRACTICALLY new heating stove, large ie. for 324. Inquire 323 "d st. FOR strawberrey plant write H. O. Lane. Wil lamina. Or. HOFFMAN press machine for sale. Broadway Dye A Cleaning Works: East 625. VACUUM cleaners sold, rented, repaired, ex changed, bought- Rsy Bentley. Main 4907. RHOONDHAND tenta and covers for aale. Pa cific Tent A Awning Co.. 1 N. First at. CASH-REGISTER. FLOOR CASKS And other fixtures. 242 Salmon. Main 842. UNCALLED FOR tailor made suits. $12.50 Bp. Taylor, the tailo r. 28 9 V Bnrnside st SNAPS ' in uncalled for fine tailored" suits, MODERN TAILORS. 89 N. Sixth st 2 J 4l5"Fleid"neTTlBCl7E EXCHANGE Broadway 220 rer'lLadie' Slightly Worn Clothe. 10th at Wart. LARi;K mirror or sale. 4x6 ft-, sell for $30. Broadway 3390. By George McManus - i KAjVE ARE NE" then whv do rou SAY THEY are: CftAZV? .1 ITf ALWVfS THE LICHT-HEOED t-jrit.'sj: IE s -i ' FOR BALE MlSCElLArTEOTja II Buy, Sell AND UCHANGB cash registers, ah owes as. fountains, sealas, a t o r fixtures. L BOXER. Mar. 2488. 113 2d st Direr from factory to yeaxr Keen. TsBBessa) and Pert Orford oedar : solid copper trimming, latest designs. Write for catalogue. J. W. HIGGLNS A BON 1912-16-18 E. GLISAN. TABOR 80. SEW. SEW. SBW, 6S7W. Phone SeUwoed 1071. ' ! NO AGENTS EMPLOYED. " Rawing machines cleaned, timed, adjusted, re paired, banght aoid. rested, supplies and attach ment, power and mfg. machines; motors, shaft ing and tables installed: everything in needle. rnon seuwooa iuti. FOR SALE eequiU gram seed, hulled seed 16 per lb.; onhnlled seed, free frog straw and traah. Be per lb., L . b. Alpine, Or. Writ tor prices oa ton arts. Bampl est reqnest. Cask or check with urr. W. JB. McCkseAey. Monro, Or. FIRST year' strawberry plants; Gold Dollar and 6 Oregon,; $7 par 1009; also Burbank potato, upland, $2 IS; tnedrun sisa, $1.80 8 sack; delivered. J. Suhr. B. A, Box 402. Port- lana. WHY an everlasting aggravation by a leaky roof T Whv not a Remanent and comfortable root I We repair, rubber-bond and rejuvenate all kinds of leaky roofs. Work guaranteed. Msin 6860. HOT WAtER-TANK8 SO-gal. $774 UT Tested and guaranteed a tor and fnrnaos coua. Gaa beaters installed. Expert plumbing repairing. East Sid Welding Bhop303 Adams st, K. 8316. LICENSED Independent electrician wire 8 rooms for $12, 5 rooms $20. All bow ma terial used snd guaranteed to paaa inapeation. Woodlawn 8791 PLUMBING, stoves and furnaos repaired jigas fittings, cofla mad and aoxUMcted, f Grand sve. m. East noso. FURNITURE WAHTED 14 HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED W. want your -used furniture, rngs, carpets, stoves and all house hold goods and will pay tha highest cash price. TOP MARKET PRICES W alao buy and sell hardware, tools, sporting goods, tsnts. bicycles, typewriters, adding machine and store and office furniture. When you hav anything to buy. sell or trad CALL MAIN 9072 LEVIN HARDARE A FURNITURE CO. 221-223-22A Front Bt BE WISE CALL MAIN 8951 We Buy Everything in Furniture WE FAY THE PRICE 3 200-302-204 FIRST. B. E. COR. TAYLOR. Owl Furniture Co. MORRISON We want your used furniture, stoves, carpet and pianos: we pay the nigneai eaan price. 166 and 168 First St Call Msin4 8 27. SPOT CASH FOR UKF.D FTT RN IUU RE Main 8878 UNITED FURNITURE STORE 178 FIRST STREET. East Side 2d Hand Store Pays highest cash price for need household .oo.l. 271 Russell. Phone East 6387. WE BUT nsed furniture. For best results phone Automatic 217-71 or nsr zsoa. i rr 1,. t. nn . n Mtim.t. on eonr fumitu iteuaDi mrniture o. , suo-joo iB . . . . . MMM . I. WANTED Medium sise baby bed."" or lieht colored F-284. Journal. wood, white WANTED Baby' bed, in iTood condfttonTThon Taor 7728. SWAPS at 1919 FORD roadster In good shape tor sals cheap or trade for cow. - Call 990 Powell Valley road. Phone Belt 717. CHOICE lots at 6 2d "and Division for 1st suto. Tabor 9389. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS ( - - SJ2.50to25 For Second-Hand SUITS OR OVERCOATS MEYER THE TAILOR Pays more for clothing snd shoes. We call day or evening, anywhere In the city. Call Mar shsll 1229 or 2f8 Msdtnon st.. nesr Third st UP TO $35: FOR MEN S SUIT8 AND OVERCOATS We Py Any Price for Men' Clothe OREGON CLEANERS A TAILORS 117 2d t. N. W. Cor. Wash. Mala 9$44. WANTED- Peopl. of Portland to know thetI pay the highest cash price for aenond hand household goods. No amount too larg or too small. Prompt attention. N. M. BEATER, Phon Esst 2208. 14 3 RnsseU Bt. $7.50 TO $25 for men's used suits snd" over coats, call Goldbaum th Tailor, for good reaufta. Will pay more and all It la worth for your cast off clothing. Phon Main 738. 167 Klr-t st . near Morrison. WANTED Aa air compresser, new or second" hand: also second hand oil or paint barrel. Main 571, Main 6644. Roof Security Co., 226 Basra ol Trade bldg. SEWER connections and ceea pools. R. Million A Bon. Tabor 6652. 25 E. 79th st 8. Call between 6 snd 8 s. m.. or 6 and 8 p. m. WANTEIi Furniture to crate, crockery snd chins snd glassware to park, evening after 6 o'clock. Sell. 2669 : all work guaranteed. WANTED Wooden decoy ducka. Phon Mar. 1000. WANTED Itlfle; shotguns, cameras, lenses. Hiirhfield, 86 3d. Phone JMinS58I. WANTED All kind sroood hand furnlturTlnd' junk. Call East $928. WANT SHOTGUN OR RIFLE. PAY CASH" 128 FIRST BT. MAIN 4495. TABOR 6793. RADIANT OAS HEATER wanted. Calf 317 81. PERSONAL GLASSES at a saving. "I solicit your pstronsgs on the bssis of capable service. Thousands of satisfied e trons. Chas, W. Goodman. optometrist, 209 Morrison St. Main 2 124; ) A Y the jobber. PlasUr, brick and cement Work. Is changing his address to 41st st and Sandy boulevard. Phone A u torn tie 819-70. DR. GEORGE RUBENBTEIN. tha veteran optician, i an expert in luting eyeglasses, and charges so very reasons ble. Broken tomes quickly duplicated. 226 Morrison st "Mr BCIENTIFICALLY" T K8 TED " r" with modern instruments; g ! flUed from $2.50 np. A E. HURWITZ, Optometrist 228 1st st $1 GETS both feet fixed up st Dr. E ton's th CHIROIHiDIST and ARCH SPECIALIST who doesn't hurt you, 8 yra. here. Exam. fro. Globe -ineatre piag.. Ills and Waab. Bdwy. 292. BODY MASSAGE VIOLET RAY TREATMENTS Vit-o-net magnetic bath. Irr. Harriet Shep berd. 450 Morgan bldg- Main 7679. WILL th gentleraaa reporting suto accident night of Sept. 30 to Wilson's garage. Grays Cnuseing. pleaae phone Eat 1378, ANY person knowing tbe present add re of L. J, B. Weaver, formerly of Delias. Or., and PwrUand. will be rewarded by addressing P. O. Bex. 88. IT-O-NET augnetie treatments, electrical treatments and massage. 1st. Genavirv Locke. 447 Morgan bldg. BTjPERFLUOCS HAIR, moles, warts removed by , 10 needle method; trial free. J net Fiatey. 814 Bush A Len bldg. Main 6868. WANTED To adopt in good nomas 8 healthy children 1 boy 5 V year. 2 girl aged 8 and 10 years. X-117, J carnal. STEAM and chemical hatha. Maasag by grado at. maaseur In electricity. $10- Buchanan bldg. Marshall 2154. SUPEHFLUOOiriiair. manicuring, fses and scalp treatments. Marshall 1191. Apt. 316 Royal WANTED For adovtioo, baby girt. 8 or 14" months. W-83, Journal. j BATHS, violet ray. ami naaaag. Dr." Hna SorenseB. 508 Panama bldg. Main 8088. I nnrtra. Coram lutio. FREE. All Ja ;J2 Sailing bldg. Mala 4998. STUDY PorUand School of W, (Inc.) 711 Bwwtkaad bldg. Main 7786. WHERE . style chsrm and prloaa pMi . STANTON MILLINERY. 310 Belling Bldg WlLDOW Mlks Johxuon would like U snnieai wtu yoo. Call X. M. Ii A, - CEDAR ( do tytCULAR NO. 459 Sealed proposal will b. . , rwoeived at of floe at gMeral pwrchaaing agent, Alaakan Engineering UommksskaB. 633 Beti Street Terminal. Bttl. Wash., not later thaa 11 a. .. Ootooev MS. 1090. lor fitevi Whine m,' oeries and rovtion. . Copies of this circular may 0. obtained upon appuoation at this of floe; from Alaakan KBainaerin Com miion, 301 Peatoffio building. Portland, Or., and Alaska Engineering Commiaaion SOT (inatnwi Hma. . Su Franciaro, Calif . C. B, Dole, naaral par- ' enaatng agent. BUSINESS DIRECTORY LW71 8"tl-f5 Ell Barber-Supply ' Co", 'Ifttti and Morrfaon Ma. Th place to' buy barber bAVIS A HOLMAN. lNCT092t St.' nk oopa manufacturers. A 3 183, Main 1$S. ear swn nn - - - uj pnonea; oay asM nigh servtra; three vetmlhariana. 0ARPIT OLtAIHRO ELUFF RUOl v From Old Carpets Rag Rugs, all Siaee Msil Order Prompt . . Send for Booklet. 0x12 Rug. Steam or Dry Cleaned. $1.80 64-68 Union Av. N. enurr xtiiu t U , Eait 66K 16, East 768 A OIMKNT WORK ALL Cl I mi gamant work. eanr.l KnlUlBe 3 repair work. Rates reasonable. Phone $21-39. CMIHOPODIOT ' R. SOPHIE tUMSoVSt. chiropodist manlewr. tnT hjMnrinli - iA sr. a - -singil aaa-OaXg miWkB, aTaweU eigh bldg. Phone Main 8S94. , OMmOfJ880TOW8 , DKMcMAHON 100 chiropractic ayatam: Portland. 1910 to 1930. Best known. ThroBn nrvipka-t tt i bi-.. a . tat. rarnouflages, jos boua atunU or pmfltaerinf adjuncu. Adjustment mad easy, snjorable. beneficial and euraUve. Term: initial trast- sdjusunenujll -l'hM.8aU. writs. DK. efi. B. ANGELL 195 3 let at. 1 block south of Wssiungtaes. n, Marshall 2816. m , , ... , IVJ just lis uii, mine raj xiq 1'?.' if, massag. Lady attendant rtiKK EXAMINATION FOR LIMITED TIME. "Vo.v Sir- hatha and meeaas, 10t floor Broadway bid. Marshall $187. IT. Laura E. Downing. Open evening. OOLLKCTIOHB NETH A CO.. Worneslar bldg. Msin l790."lsa collections, no charge. Established 1900. OOAL JO WOOD BOXWOOD Delivered Immediately by Fulton Wood fV. 1261 Macadam. Phon MaJ.n4178. Wood for bale " Dry and green. 4 ft slab; alao 16-incb slab and block, mixed. Phone Woodlawn 681U, after 8 80 p. m. GSOD 16 Inch lab wood. $4.60 a load- Surely B.jwoy'lVn69. Trtd 'U BlXiCK snd slab wood mixed in 2 V4 lo4 W delivered immediately. Special price. Call Flaat 20 1 . lLOfK nd slab wood. Jim OZSC 8reial OINTIJTB Dentistry &iiSSSSiT- Without Pain. Latent Nerve Blocking Metnost BOUOATIONAL DRAMATINr- TRAINING FOR CHILDREN1" MRS. LUCILE L. CASE 806 Columbi Rldg. TL Mar. 2789, D8W0 IN a BUMMERS Dancing Academy! PrivaU laasona, day and evening. AU lateat step and is( gtep taught by profinnal teacher, Th best school lit' th city. Mr. and Mrs. Hummers. 83 V 6th at. Msncheater bldg. Dsno .vary Thursday; good masie, good floors. a. vary body weloome. Bdwy. 8390. MISS DOROTHY" HA8MUSHF.N- Ballroom and seathetJo dsncing. $10 - Eller bldg., Wah.( between 4th and 6th. Main 1128. - MUSI0 S0HOOLS AND TEA0HBR8 A FIRST LASS teacher of piano and voice. newcomer, with excellent credentials, will tsk a lew pupils st reduced Taat for istrodas- tion. G-94 7.Joumsl. MRS. ANNA MOORE, teacher of -piano, erf phasis on thorough musical foundation. Lamnn st studio or pupils' bom. Marshall 8108. 891 Mill st . PRfirBsSOR T. I. LA WSON Twenty rear experience, piano lesson at your home, $1. Phone Tabor 7695. MISS MATTINOLY'S Privst. School. ITwi, hnd snd Typewriting: individual Instruction, 269 14th, nesr Jefferson Main 8888. CTi'ARROfX DAVTteacner of voice and pUsmI 148 13th st. Broadway 2555. HAT OLtANERS AND DYIR8 WANTED Idiea, know we ran clean your white Milan r crepe ht. 628 Division. , HATS cleaned, blocked; shoes dyeiC Work guaranteed Sam Madia. 130 3d st HATS (leaned, blocked, dyed, ressnnsbl and sstisfsftory. Royal Hat Works. 228 1st s. P ATI NT ATTOWNKYB GOLDBERG, 620 WorcasUr" bldg" Main SlJKV IF YOU own sn suto. that s your bosin Painting suto i my business. AR work -guaranteed. Shop E. 10th and Burnsid garage. C. W. Nine. PAINTING. pprhaoging. tinting, all ; wevk guaranteed. O. E. Huderstrom, 1178 Powsll Vslley road. Tabor 9188. - 5. H. CLIFTSn, painting; pp.rlng, tTntlng." 114 N. 17th t Brodway 4414. Woodlwn 8126. DEPENDABLE hones minting. tinting, paper- Banging. lapor osif. JOHN C C0NTI8K. 133 IffSi at N 8w8. PAINTS THI? "great roof restorer nd preserver it the . V celebrated WEBFOOT ROOF PAINT x Although very low pneed there i none better. Agent wanted In every town and oily in Ore gon. Waahingtoa. Idaho snd Northern California. Portland agents, R.j H.Roof Painter. Ttbor -7314; Roy Plney, Main 6820; Nick. I Co.. Nutting Cow, and others. Reference Hundreds of satisfied customers. ROOF SECURITY OU, : Board of Trad Bldg, Main 871. Kea. Mala 5644. - ; ftU"9W9 AND TEAM riTTINtt PLUMBING Work don quickly and efficiently at reason- . able price-, aew initallationa specialty: wprk. . msnship guaranteed. Phone East 1994. 11 Russell st . MZREO MKT Af. Won ST t l v m ft i srHrxttttrWAY-wmttjnn& PRICES. BTARK-DA VIS CO.. 188 4th t, THE M. L7KLINE CO.. 84 8M79 JontU rlNTINa.jNIIAVINO, BINDINtt PHnt intr K w baltrs a voTTZt r IHl tlllg nd Osk. Main 163. 611-63. TH83 IRWIN-HODSON'WMPASy 387 WashlngtoB. Brosdwsy 484. A-128. WOOP WBPAININO lN'tehnoe your roof repairing la the band of inerperienced persona, it's th most im portant part of the house. Our prtees ass) aa . reasonable as -the cheapest. We are manufao- turers. Investigation Invited. Call up for a list . of authorised agent in Portland. Th IXe brated Webfoot Mfg. Co., 226 Board of Trad Bldg. Main 871; Ke,. Main 8644. WE PAINT and repair new" and old toot B. A B. roof painters. - Mala 6470. 202 14th at, Will paint any ootor. .. TNAttatPaTft AND 6TORADK SECUBITT STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. Peeking Moving Storage Reduced Freight Rates Money Loaned on Warebonse Reoerpt - . IN THE HEART OF TH CITY ' 68 4TH 8T-, CORNER OF PWJ4 PHONE BROADWAY 8718. Oregon Transfer Co.s , EsUblished 1870 Transfer and Forwarding A sent -: ' STORAGE FREE TRACKAGE Offioe and Btoreg. 474 Gllaan ' 18th and Glieao. Broadway 1281. A-l 169. ALWATs'""rtCKTH"B! BlSTOTfrKritTi (AX1DS SPECIALIST Btoraga, packing, ship, ping and moving ; horse and uto vans; special rates to sll points. - ' , . CO, PICK TRANSFER A STORAGB OO. 2d and Pin Bts. Broadway 896. A-19 96. Storage andTransfer, 'Clay S. Morse, Inc. 12TH AND OUBAI. BROADWAY 8470, ""CUT FREIGHT RATES On hooashold good snipped east eJ ouh. Manning Warehoose A Trsnsfsr CBh ft a4 M07U Phon roadway 10. ., . ,j , V