THE OREGON DAILY JOU RNAL, PORTLAND, - OREGON. , 17 COMPETING CENTERS SEALING ; THEIR POTATOES PGR LESS " "EflttedbT MOTOR GROUP MAKES BIG GAIN "Soiffi COUNTRY CREAMERY BEING CONSIGNED GENERAL STRENGTH PREMIUM IS PAID today raltd at pr ent( hick per oont; mw. C per eaaL Tim money -wa atasdy. . Rates worn pac coat, Ta saarkat law nritas say cantil paper waa" rtfady. BbtrRng wtahanr waa easy with buiineae in banter.' trills fet, $$. for tleassnd. WHEAT, SUPPLIES SHOWING IN SPUDS IN THE EARLY TRADE FOR TOPPY SVflNE rcv .tv FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19. 1920. FARMERS HOLDING ADDED WEAKNESS WMkntii continues general tn the but ter trade throughout the country. East ern and California price! have ihown further softness but the local trade la fairly steady. Notwithstanding all th talk of the Isck of cooperation among rUUni in putting butter price where they belong, th fact remain that ih trouble tn ths butter market hat bn fi nor -reaching than ran be placed at the door of the nil-! abused nulllT. , In tha firm -place, tha market for butter ha been nior or hua artlflrU) In character ever tine to ra selling sesaon started. Ic specu ittiv interests hate manipulate! tha prie Sof tha frwth product to ault their pocket and thia Baa resultswd in dlsaatrr tima and time again. Just at tha moment much roitwvty rremery la being- consigned to the Ipcal trade. Those desiring pcil lofnrmatian regarding sny market should write the Market Editor, Ore- oa Journal, inclneing tump for repiyv a r.uii BIDS AHK KIJM.NO HIGHER Hid for acta are ruling up to 68c a doien for current reoeipu tn the local market, demand from outside point now being fcean. I -oca I trade la just about tedy becauae of the offer in of to much culled slc. .ftWIKft CH EKSK 11 CJOIMO TO EAST Portland haa more Imported Swiss chees than ny other city In the country. Waatern eitle with a null eupplle are ordering th imported stork-from thia city, according to announcement made by tha Portland Cheese company. l O.ICORU GRAPES "Kl'LISitt "' HIGH Because of unfavorable weather condition. Concord grape r ruling about 2c a pound higher here at 910c a pound for bulk pack age). Uualrty rontinuea vers favorable. APPLE MOVEMKWT QUITK GOOD Quite good apple movement to retailer tt shown ta the local market, with the bulk of the sale -around 3 i.50 ie& 1 .741 per bot. Recclpta are heavily Increased, with liberal conaigiimcnU from leading district. VF.A1, MARKET SHOWING WEAKER Weaker tone I showing In the market for country killed calve, with the bulk of the ale around 22c, although tome email buaineaa wat shown at 22 V 23c a rkiund Hog generally at 23c for tops. BRIEF NOTES OF PROUt'CK TRADE Huckleberries iteady at 18c generally. Cranberry movement food at IS a box fir superior local qdality. Pear market dragging with Boae at 13.00 0 3 50 and Cornice at a aimllar range. Plem ah Beauty bard to mora around (2.00(9 2.26 for beat. Chicken trade llow for lightweight Itock at former price. hcarcity ot local oniona ahown with InnbllHf to dig. WEATHER NOTICE r'Olt 8IIIPPERH The weather bureau advises: Protect ship, menu during the next 36 hour against tha f 1 lnwing mlfiimuin temperature : Going nor'.h, 40 degree; northeast, orar H., P. at S. R. K . 32 degree ; east to Baker, 28 degrees, and aouth to Ashland, 32 degrees. Minimum temperattr at Iortland Saturday about 42 degree. WHOLESALE PRICES IN PORTLAND Tbaee are price retailer pay wholesaler, ex cept a otherwtee noted: Dairy Product BLTTSjU-Selling price, boa lota: Cream ery, prim, parrlimeut wrapped, 69e lb,; prima f irata, 67o lb. ; ftrata. 50o lb. ; smaller lou at an advance. Jobbing prices: Cubes, extra, 56e; dairy butter, buying price, 40c per lb. BUTTEKFAT Portland delivery basis. 58c, A grade; Boc, B grade; country atatiaas. 60 B4a oar lb. OLEOMARGARINE Beat brand. 40c; ordi nary, 83 e; Daisrs, 3be; nutnufgtrine. 1 lb. ctrUns, 32o par lb. CHKKHsl Selling prir. Tillamook, fresh Oregon, fancy triplets, tSa per lb.; Toung Asaarioa. 8 So. Prtcaa to jobber, f. o. b. TOlsmook. cream brick, 40g42c Sailing price: Block Swiss. 48 49c; Umburger. 40 41lo per lb. - . .- EUiltt Buying nrioa: Current rectipt. 81 8c; oUrdled, selling price, 06(1 etc; aelaeL t)8T0o per doien. I.IVK fbUL'JKr Aelllng price: Heavy hena. 227o par lb.; light hens. 15)17opet lb. ; atirlnga, 26f)2c; old roosters. 13a14o lb.; tetkevs, lie. ( ) ; ducks, a&e5c per lb. Peaah VawaiaMaa. and euH fRESH rilt'lT Urangrt. 88.60t.B0 per oua; uananaa, II !t syao lb.; lemuna, go. 00 ()3.80 crate: graneduit. 85.00 4(0.00: caata- l.upee, .802.T6: Malaga grtpes, la Ha per r. ; -ivtaayi . (; asaiaga, lug; peaches, a. vutsyii.xa per aoxj pears, AI'fl.K.S New aL.!iftakM9K IKIEO rKUITS lMtst, liromedarie., IT 60; Isrda. $4.60 per bos; figs, 83.50 4.00. O.V10.NS Selling price to mailers: Local. 2 2K; asaoclatioa. aelllng price, car, 81.60: krlic, 2!c per lb.; green oniooa. tin per uoavn euncnes; onion ecu. 1X0 10. lt)TATUj.s tteUir. pricai Oregon fancy, 12.00 f 2.2$; awn. 6 Ho per lb. HE.KK1AS ttucklet cranberriea, local, I6.0U. I. at HuoklabMria, 1VH 918 . ; BUNCH VKOETABUC8 TarBlrj. aae ner i'irn ounoen; carnrta, ouc; oeeis, OOo doaen tiuncuet; lettuce, 81.00 crt; cucumbers, fl SO sack; tomatoes, 60c 11.26; ecg plant, 10c; broccoli, 31.6002.00: beU peppers. 6JTo lb.; celery. 60a 9 31.00 dot.: string beans, 4 60a lb ; green oorn, 80 $VbB per doten. Me and Praelslona COUNTRY MKAT8 Helling price: Country hogs. 23c per lb. for top blockers; heavy, litfflrk-; veal, 22c; lieary Teal, 10Jlio par lb. ekIOKKD MEATS Ham. 42 9 48c per lb.; breakfast bacon, agnatic; picnics, 27c par lb.; eitUse roll. 86c ner lb. LARD Kettle rendered, 30 Ha lb.; Uerce ws, eompouna, xuc. Plah and Bhailflsh PREHH FISH Salmon, freer. Chinook. 14 8) IB. Ik . I I ..... . t . . . . umnuwt, imy. prr id. ;. stur geon, I ); black cod, 10Vlla lb.; kippered salmon. 82. HO per 10-ib. basket; kiaipered cod. ( raaor ciaeas, ) oraba, ga.uugtf.oo ID. per gallon, 18.00; dooen ; ling cod, 0 0 Bo UTBTlKS tastern. 01mpia, 8a. 60. la HLOAR NoBBlnal nrtM. rri.. , 1. Cube, 313.86; fruit and berry. 812.00: I rel low. 111.40; granuiaud, 112.00; extra C,; goiuen v, au.ou. Honey New. 37.00 m s oo -.. KICK Japan atyle. No. 1, 11c; New Orleans bead. I: Blue Hose, llu Aim. , aALTCoarse, half ground, 100c, (17.25 par ton; 60s, 318.75; table dairy 30a. (27.23; bale. (3.60 4.00; fancy table and dairy, 384.50: lump rock, (28.50 par ton. BEANS aalaa by Jobber. Small white. 4 lb : Urge wuita, 6Ve; pink, 7 He lb.; limaa, 10c: bayou, liar red. 8 He; Oregon beans, buying price, Bomioal. TVHEAT PRICES Hard white .... Soft wait White elaa Hard winter ... Northern spring Red Walla RISE Bid. Rl. ...MM It .... MS .... 1.17 . ... .1 .... . , . . t.ti 13 18 8o le NORTHWEST GRAIN RECEIPTS (Reported by Portland Merchant Exchange.) I . i Care- Wheat. Bsrley. Flour. OaU. Uay. Portland. Eri.JL 0 I 0 1 9 Year ago. i 3d ... 36 S ' Reason to data. -6447 A3 10 20ft 434 Year ago:.. 8833 10T 1034 243 097 T tennis, Thurt. 49 ... 6 Year ago . . . 20 7 Reason to date. 1272 2 270 68 St2 Year ago... 2152 52 .... 01 881 Seattle, Thurs. 49 1 7 Year ago ... HI 2 9 5 2 Seaeon to data 16611 100 110 99 T0 Tear ago... 2047 123 245 241 607 Wheat started weaker and lower In the eastern trade, but showed advanced prices soon after. Iocally the situation is quiet. There is a. general disposition among growers to await a settled condi tion before offering their supplies for sale. y While, few Pacific Northwest wheat growers are hi the combine to hold wheat for IS a bushel at tidewater point, the fact that soma are do ing ao ia having tta effect upon the telling movement in Oregon. Idaho and Washington at thia time. The holding movement ia aireeter in i luano than In either Oregon or washing ton.. ine strengifi in tha oata and barley trad ot lata haa influenced more general selling ia that line, this being especially true of oat in the Willamette valley. foreign purchase of wheat and flour are In creasing and liberal aalaa are lurecaat during tb remainder of SB month. FLOUR Selling pries, mill door. TaUnt. 811. HO. Montana aprlng wheat. 812.10; Willam ette valley brand, 89.00; local straight. (9.00; bakers' local, 31 1.20 0 1 1.45; graham. 810.80; whole wheat, 310.40. Price for city deliveriea 15c extra; suburban, 20c extra. HAY Buying price, nominal: iWillametta timothy, fancy. (37.00 28.00 per ton; cloear, 822 60; cheat. 324.00; straw, fl 1.00 1 1.50; grain. 823.00 9 24.00; alfalfa. 823 60 24.00 per ton. CHAIN SACKS Nominal. Nd. 1. Calcutta, 10 lu He: domestic. 11a in ear lot. 1st amount higher. MII.I.STt'r T8 Mill ran at mill, sacked, 863.00 64 00. OATSi--Per ten, buying price; Feed, 844.00 4 3.00. BAULEY Buying prtc-. Feed. (43.00; milling. $48. On. HRKD Buying price. Nominal; no demand. Red clover, recleaned ( ) per lb.; alsika. ( ) ; eetch, ( ) . FEED8TTJFFS F. O. B mill: Rolled bar ley. $55 00; alfalfa meal, $36.00; cocoanut meal. (50.00; any bean meal. $68.00; linseed meal. 881.00; cracked com, 864.00: com. 861.00 ton; scratch feed. 875.00 Merchants' iiicbsnge bids: WHEAT Dried Fralt aad Bean New York. Oct. IS. U. N. S.) Beans: Market, weak. Marrow, choice, 310; pea. choice, tj 76. Dried fruits Market, steady Apricots, ettra choir to fancy, 30(Ae; applet, evaporated, prime to fancy, 8 18c;apmnet, (Ot to 60s, U ft 23c; 00a to 100. H 12 Vie: peach, aitra choice to fancy, 18 931 He; seeded rtltint, choice to taucy, 23 V 23c. Claim QnalHy Jrralt Eugene. Oct 13. C. E. Stewart, frnlt In MHotor for Une county, ufea that while ther haa been widespread damaga to Uie orcbarda of oun,l by the freexe. and a oonaaqueot shortage of fruit, tl.a -fruit thus far marketed nas been shown to be at good duality the ap ple being especially fine. Tho prune pack of the association cam to a clot last week., with ,i.r? t 0T" - 000 ono Sound for lho three plant in Lane county. Sew tork Rotter and Egs New .York. Oct. 13. u. n. 8 ) Market Irregular. .Creamery ettrae, 5962e- first' 48 59e; higher teoring. o a a He- Sat. dairy tuba. 4359: renov.tid tn 50. Cheese Market, unsettled. State whole milk .neetala. 2HJ29e; fancy. 25i7He. vWta 2ln, whol milk, fancy Young Americaa 23 St Kxga-Market. irregulsr. Nearh arhit fapey. 81.08 1.05; nearby brown fZ, V' J4c; extra. 70 71c; flrsu. 68 c Kew Tor. London silver -,.,Ntr. l.?- )-co- , Hncnangeci at 99V4e foreign. 2Hc lower at 8Hc. London. Oct. 1 5. 1 1, ji o I ., 44 lower bar today at 88 d7' ilw ' ,T '- ' Nw Tork. Oct. 18. TJ. p.) Sugar- flaw W.i"1.- f.ul.tad7 311.00 f MMaeaaoUs-Dalath rtai Dnmth. flet 1 . (!. M. B. riax 0to- ber (290: November. (2.93; Dembtr. (8.T; trie. 32.31 1 arrive, setae. . Minneapolis. Oct. 18.- (L N. 8.) Fit -f 43 S H J? J.3I H ; arrif, mt. 3 . whole ton. Hard white . . . . Soft white White club . . , Hard winter . . . Northern Spring Red Walla No. No. 2 white 2 gray Brewing Peed . . FEED OATS BARLBY No. No. OORN Eastern fbulk) .... local bulk) Oct. 220 215 217 210 210 205 .4400 .4200 .4300 .4400 .4500 .4550 Nor. 220 215 217 210 210 203 4400 4200 4600 4400 4400 4450 December Wheat 11 1-2 Cents Higher At the Jplqsing . fi " S : Chicaso. Oct. 15. (I. N. S.) Decem ber wheat opened down. 2c at $2.06 and cloned up ll'jc. March wheat declined 4c at the opening of (2.03 and closed at an advance of 9V4c. December corn opened at Sfiic, '4c, ajid closed up 2V4C. May corn vanced tc at the Opening of 90;c closed 2c higher. December oats opened late at 56c, changed, and closed up 1h,c. May opened late, unchanged, at 60VbC closed up lHc ofr ad- and un oals and Chicago range, by United Prees: WHEAT Open. High. Low. Close. Dec 508 821 205H 217H Mch 203 213 2004 212H CORN Dec. 834 90 894 V4 May 90 93 H 904 92 f4 OATH IW 68 674 55 T4 67 H May 60 Vt 62 60 H 61 H PORK Oct Nominal 2500 Not Nominal 2S00 LA fin Oct 2045 2062 2042 20J? Not 2017 2082 2012 2023 RIBS ' Oct 1703 103 1700 1700 Btb Dec 164H 170 163H 16l4 May 157 161 156 161 BARLEY Dee 96 100 H 85 H 100 May 98 H 100 V, 99 100 H Growing; weaknesa is characteristic in the potato trade throughout the United States at this time. Locally the situation may be said to be of extremely nominal character, due to the unfavorable weath er, which made It practically impossible to dig tubers, as weU as the fact that competitive points for outside business have been, and are still, underselling shippers of this district. All doubt aa to the heerinew of tb potato crop of th. Pacific Northwest, aa wall aa ia tha country generally, baa vanished, and tha trade is simply awaiting general digging opera tion tn tee the exact extant of tha production. Primary market of the country show: Preaqua Isle, Main HaoUnge increasing; moderate wire Inquiry; demand moderate; mar ket stead j. Carload, f. a. b. usual terra:. Bulk Irish Cobbler, Greecn Mountain, field run. partly graded, mostly 81.80. Warebowe. eath to growers, bulk, par bbl measure, Irish Cob blers, Greaa Mountain, fiatd ran, partly ended. 32.50 2 75. mostly a round (2.60. Waupaca, Wis. Carload, f. e. b. tuntl terms ; moderate wire inquiry! demand glow; market weaker; price lower. Backed, Round Whit, CS No. 1, $1.60 j 1.65. Soma rolled unsold. Warehouse, cash to grower; baolwga moderate to heavy ; demand moderate: market weaker. Bulk Round White L'S No. 1, at Wannaea, 31.10 1 25, mostly 31.25. At other Wisconsin points 81.00 1.40. moUy around 1.25j MrHd Rapids. Mich. light win Inquiry; de mand light; market weak. Carload f. o. b. usual terms, Cadillac' rata: Sacked, Round White IS No. 1. few tales (1.83 S 1.90. Warehouxe, cash to growers; hauling mode rate. Bulk, Round Whites, No. 1. $1.30 1.60, few higher. Cadillac section, mostly win inquiry; demand moderate: market weak. Carloads f. o. b. usual terms: Sacked Round Whites, C8 No. 1, 81.70 91.80. mostly 81.80. Rochester, H. Y, Hauling increasing; de mand, slow ; market dull. Carloads f. o. b. uailkl terms; few sale. Bulk. Round White TJ. 8. No. 1 mostly $1 90 1.95. Minneapolis, Minn. Oood wire inquiry: de mand good; market slightly Weaker: carloads f. o. b. usual terms. Sacked. Round White. field run, parUy ended. (1.33 01.78, moaUyi (1.60pl.70; sacked. Early Ohio. (1.709 I. 7 : carload f. o. b.. cash track, sscked. Round White, field run. partly graded. (1 40 1.45,, carloads, f. o. b. usual terms. Red River Vauey district, sacked. Red River Ohios, field run, partly graded. (1.76 1.80. Idaho Faua. Idaho Hauling light; demand tight; market dull; wagonloada, cash to grow ers. Sacked Rural, CS No. 1. (1.00; sacked. Busaeu, 81.15; loading mostly in boxcars. Greeley, Colo. Hauling light; moderate wire inquiry; demand limited; market dull; carloada f. o. b. usual term: Sacked, Pearla, Rural. L'S No. 1 and partly graded. 31.13 01.36. mostly $1.23. -Some grower storing onTarm. Some buyers holding off. Car shortage tome loading in bsxeara. Alliance, Neb. Partly cloudy; hauling mod erate; some growers storing; light wire inquiry; demand light. Wagonload. ch to grower; market weak. Bulk, Bliss Triumph, Early Ohio, field run, partly graded, 81.00 1.23, mostly II. 001.13. Carload f. o. b. usual term; market dull; few tales. Bulk, Blls Triumphs, Early Ohio.. No. 1. S1.401.55. Carload f. o. b. . cash track, eery few sale 81.85. Sew Tork, Oct. 13 I. If. S.1 Tbe stock xnarkal eloaed eteadr teday. Tke pace 1 beeomlag too fast for seme traders aad roflt-UklBg toward the rVose canted reactions ayto two point. Baldwin reacted over on poiat to 118. Steel common reacted V to 88. Mexican retroleam. yielded near ly two polots to 111. Paa-Aerieaa Petroleam fell one point to H. Texas Pacific was again la sasnly, falling foar points to 19V&. Beading dropped to (IV4, and the second preferred yielded three points te 38. Government noade aaehaaged, rail way and other bond strong. - Sales today 743.3M shares, boat 17rStMM Furnished by Ovarbeck a Cook Oo., Board of Trad building: SsJee. bTOCK. C0TT05 MARKET MAKES SHARP INITIAL DECLINE New York, Oct. 15. (I. if. 8.) A weak market with initial derlinee of 15 to 65 point was th response in cotton at the opening today, to lower cable, fine weather in tha belt and further selling by the aouth. At the decline there waa a good demand for the trade and Liverpool, -which, ahortly after the call, rallied priree 25 point from the loweat. Regarding the threatened trike of Eiiglith eol minrni. (-pinion differed aa cablet were received here, tiring unofficial assurance that tb walk out would be postponed. The action of the mar ket in Liverpool probably confirmed, such re- Eorts. and after the call a cable waa received ere that the strike would proceed. Following a slight rally the market tarned easy again near the close under December liqui dation. The final tone waa eaey. with prices net unchanged to 60 point lower. Spot cotton waa quiet. 30 point lower, at 22c. No sales. January February . March . . . April May June July August . .. September October . November December Open. High. Low. Clo. 1915 1990 1910 1960 1940 1905 1068 1900 1980 101.5 1915 1915 1920 1905 19H5 1000 1928 .... 1922 1922 1910 18115 1930 1890 1895 1850 1870 1850 2031 2052 2021 2010 2005 2005 2045 1990 2000 Liverpool Cotton Easier Liverpool. Oct. 15. (I. N. 8.) Spot cot Ion opened irregular. Price were easier. Sales, 4000 bale. Aran. mid, fair, 2037; good mid., 1792: fully mid.. 1667: mid.. 1517: low. ; 1137; good ordinary, 817; ordinary, 717. r utures, steady. - DAIRT PRODUCTS OF THE COAST San s-fnCNsleoa Mark San Francisco, Oct. 15. -U. P.) Batter Extra. 60c; prime first. 59o- Keg Extrts, 85c; dirties. No. 1, 70c tn pullet. 47c; undendaed pullets, 69 He. Cheese California flats, fancy. 30c; firsts, 24 He; thirds, lSc Seattle Market Seattle. Oct IS. (I. N 0.) Butter dropped 2 cent on the Seattle market today, making the wholesale plica for city creamery in bricks 68 eenta and oubea 87 cent. Canadian creamerir sre offering Regina butter at 64 He, duty paid. f. o. b. Seattle, In carload lots. Lggt continue firm. Lot Angeles Market 1, Angeles, Oct 13. (I. N. S.) ButUr. 84e. Egg Extr. 78c: case count, 73c: pallet, 62c; peewee, 49c. Poultry rnchanged. POTATOES COAST East US. c. ALONG THE Seattle Market Seattle, Oct. 15. (TJ. P. ) Potatoes : era Washington, Netted Gems, 2c; local, San Pranclaca Market San Fnnuisco Oct. 13. (U. P.) Potatoes Rjrer.whlta. 62.402.60; Salinas, 34.25 4.50: sweets 24 3 c Onions Yellow and white, 90c 31.00; Aus tralian brown. 81.00 1.25. Lot Angeles Market Los Angrlea, Oct. 15. (I. N. 8.) Potato Stockton Burbankt, best, 32.25 2 75- noor r, 82.00. ... No 1 Minneapolis Cash Grain Minneapolis, out. 18. -Cash wheat lrk ortaatn. 82.ZS92.S3H; No. 2. $2.28 H W..OWT: o. . (2.1BH 02.23 H: No. 1 Northern,, (2.25 H 2.28 H t No. 2. " v -. svw uitiua, sy- b- A O BSI7 . O sk ' ran. . (2.13 U 2.18 H : No. 3.(2.08? gfg No. 1 Dark Montana. (2.18 3.28 H ; No 1 Hard Montana, (2.182.18H. Corn No. 3 mixed, 38090a. Oau, No. 2 mixed. 314 0 62 He. Barley Choice , to fancy. 91 92c ut e; i No. 2 rye. (1. 72H. Apple teklag Hampered White Salmon, Wash.. Oot. 15. Th in- nt rain of the last few weeks h ha mo red tho apple picking. The harveeuni of th applea along the Whit. Salmon will soon be sompiatad. Many orchards higher ap in tb Mt. Brook district ar just beginning nicking while "tb crop this year 1 not aa heavy aa last season, th apple are of fine six and exception al quality. . - -. j - Xew Tork Potato Market New Tot. Oct. 18. ft N. 8.) Potatoes San Francisco Grain Market San Frtneiaco. Oct. 13. V. P.) Barli ew reed ner MntaJ. l?n&a is. .k. U(2.10.20: ' ' "w- "T' - ChleaM Potato Market , , h Chleagd. Oct IB (L . tL Potatoee i?rpM' " Mn; (lnbt aad Ohio, (l.0 PRICES AMERICAN HTE8T0CK Ohlcaoe Haa (1S.O0 Chicago. Oct. 15. (L N. S.J Hog Receipt 16.OO0; active. Bulk, (16.06; top (18.00; heavyweight, 310.00 015.95; medium weight, J16 60(316.00; light weight. 616.26 018.00; light light'. 314.750 15.65; heavy picking tows, smooth, (14 85 014.85; picking tows, rough, 314. 0015. 83; pigs, 314. 00 18.50. Cattle Beceipt. 6000; dull. Beef steer. Medium and heavyweight. $17.00 0 18.40; choiee ?Da Dnme. I12.UUH1B.7B- ntMlim mnA MMd .811 00011.75; tight weight. 314.30 018.26; good and choice, 38.25 014.25; butcher cattle, heifer, 35.50 018.23; cowa, 38.25 11.00; ball 83.26 010.78; oannera aad cutters, cow and heifers, 33.73 0 5.00: canner steers. 84.60 0 6.78; veal ealTaa (light and handyweiaht). 813.50 18.00 J feeder steers, $7.5011.75i stocger steer. si.ouay9.BO; itockef eowt ana heifen. 84.30 08.00; western rang cattle, beat steers, 39.00 0 9.75. Sheep Receipt. 7000; (toady. Lamb 84 ib. down, 310.00 018.00; lambs, cull and common $7.50 010.00; yearling wether. 88.25 10.30; ewes. 84. 7508.00; wea-Cull and com mom, (2.28 4.30; breeding (Was. (3.00 9 8 60; feeder lambs, (10.50 012.30. Omaha Mat S14.TS BoutB Omaha, Oct. 15. (I. N. 8.) Hogs xieceipia, ouvv; active, strong to 10c nilber. Bulk. 313. 90014.80; top, 314.73. UatU ileottpta. 2400. Steers, tteedy; bull. tvmm. hwv; tiDcafrs ana ieeoert auil. Bueep neceipts. 70UO; steady for top lambs at 312.00; feeders, strong; top feeding lambs. Denver Hog (13.10 Denver, Colo., Oct 15. (U. p.) CaUle Receipt, 1400; steady. Steer, 87.50010.25 cowa and heifer. $5.50 7.35 ;. stoekars and laeaera, i.ko m u.oo, xauves, $7.SO012.OO. Hogs ReeeipU, 200; 15c to 25c higher. iop, ( ouu, iia.ousiu.I8. Sheep - Receipts, 650': steady (11.50 0 12.00; ewea, $4.2306.10; Sll.DV tgfi 1..SV. Kamaa CKy Host $1 60 Kansas City. Oct. 18. (I. N. 8.) Gatth Receipt 1200; steady. Steert, 810. 00 18.73; eowt and belters. 35.00 013.00: atocken and feeders, 88.00014.00; calves, 810-00015.50 Hoe Receipt 8000; active, 15 0 25c higher. Bulk, 814.60015.40; top, (15.40; heavies, (14.30015 30; light. 314.75015.40; me dium, (14.73015.40. -No sheep. No Seattla Hog Market Seattle. Oct. 15. (L N. 8.) Hogs. none. Cattle Receipts. 102; stewdy. Prime steers. $9.50 010.00: common to good, 86.00 07.50; medium to choice, 88.0009.00; beet cows and heifers, 37.23 0 7.75; medium to choice, 86.00 0 7.00; common to good, 34.50 06.00; calvea, 37.00 015.00: bulla, (4.0005.00. Sheep None. Lamb. teedert. 9 69 HI 98 HI 83 H 12"), I 131 25 H 85 I 40 .132 2 5001 Alaska old I Alaska Juneau . SOOiAlha-Cbalmen l400AJaer. Bosch 79 I 7ttvOiamer. Can C0....I 34 8600IAjner. Car k. Fody. 133 Amer. Cot Oil 600Amer. Drag Synd.. jAmer. Jupreaa. . . . . 1200IAA. lid. t Leather! . nvuAmet. inu. corp. 3100Amer. Linseed.... 0500Amr. Loco Amer. Malt OOOiAm. Ship a Com Amer. bmelter . . . . OOOOiAmer. Steel fsdy . . auuiAmer. uugar. . . 8000Am. Sumatra . lAm. Tel. A Tel. SOojAm. Tobacco . . 14oOAm. Wool 8900 Anaconda . . . . Associated Oil . 2 1001 Atchison . . . . . 2800AtlacUc Coast Line 100 Siouiualdwin Lco. . . 400) do pfd. lBUOiBalt. at Ohio . . 400Belh. Motor . . . 00Bth Steel "B" . I Booth k'i&h 1200;B. it. T 8O0)ButU C. 2.. . . Canadian 1'ac. . . 8100Ccnt. Leather . , 660UChandler Motor . bOUChicago & N. W 2100lCugo. Gt. W .... Chili Cop llOo'chino 9700C. M. St. P 2900JC. O 6 100 (Colo. F. a I.... 600Con. Gaa 4O0UContl. Candy . . . 4700Cora Prod. . . . . I do pid 8500C. R. 1. a P 2900Crucible 4ooiD. a a. o. . . flUOlttndlcoU Johnson 3 200 1 Erie 19 H I Gn. Elec, 12800Gen. Motor Great Nor. Ore. . . j .6400 do ptd. 1 IUUII Steel 400Uouaton OU Illlinoia Cent. . . . 14 00 1 inspiration 1 lut. Agr. Corp., c lint. Hare 0100lnc Mer. Marine. lint. Nickel 1500lnt. Paper 4 7 00 1 Invincible Oil 3600, K. C. Southern.. . 3700,KennecoU 15 00; Lack Steel I tuuienign vauey 8UUI- at M 19700,Mex. Pet 300Miami 300 Middle SUtee 2000M.. K.. A T 800MonL Power 2000M. A 8U L 400Nt. Biacuit 600NL Lead 400Nevad Con. . . . 4900New Haven . . . . 500;Norfolk & W. . . 9500l.No. Pac jN. Y. Air Brake. 10800IN. I, Central.. Pac. Gas a Klec. 10200Pan Am. Pet. 2900Penna. OOOiPeo. Uts SO0Pure Oil 3800lPierce Oil 1600 Pitt, a West Vt,. 500 Preased 8teel.Cj;. . 400 Hay Coat. .... Reading 800 Replogle Steel . . . 5r400IHepublio L 4 8. 2600 Ilep. Motors 9900Royal Dutch Oil.. 600,Ry. Steel Springs. 5000 Sears Roebuck .. 800 Sbattuck, Ant. . . 6000 Sinclair . . 800 Slow Shef 9800iSouthern Pacific. . SSOOISouthern Ky 3800 Studebaker . Swift a Co. 700 Tenn. Cop. a Chem. 9300 Texaa Oil 18000 Texaa Pacific 1800 Tob. Product 1000 Tran font. Oil 900 Union Oil Del 8300 Union Pacific 8400 V. S. Ind. Alcohol. 2900, C. 8. Rub 34UOOIU. S. Btwl 6100 Utah Copper 800 Virg. Cbem 400 Vivandou. High. I Low. I 1 h I 1 1 TH a St 1 2 a 84H 32) 84 73H1 78 T sz 1 lik 184H1S5H I 24 H 141 10H 78 I 68HI 97 HI 18 .17 Hi 60 H 69 HI 8-5 OS I 78 H 69 97 H 18 H 17 H 09 H SS 48 H 4V 71H 6H 18 H OH 104Til03HllOH 1 90 4 88 HI 38 10 99 I 99 H lsa-Hltso uso 75H 7S4 73 60 H 49 Hi 50 96 I 96 I 96 90 1 88Hi 88 H I 97 I 98 H llHt114 111 5 98 H 1 97 t 9T 49t 48 I I i 72 HI 71 H I " i i i i 1 6V1 6l 127 HI126HJ26H 48 HI 41 HI 42 87HI 84 j 85 HZ H I H 12 Hi 12 H 1SS, 11H 24 1 24 44H 424j 48 6841 t74 33 .... ) S4f4 87 H e0H 87 1 1 10 I 4 j 84 H . I 1100 I 39 i 39 ,,180 1I8OH 2 H 1 2 14 I 2 V 67 H 05 VI 06 i9H 19 1 140 18H 1S 18H 84HI 84H 84H 9H( Ht i SH ). . . .. 50 1U(H ivu iu 93 I 344 1 94 43)4i 43 H 48 H zuhi zl . . . ,110 17Hi 18 18 I 18H 75 Hi 75 H 33H 30H 32H .oh 1 zani 20 22 H 22 H i 22 H 63 HI 65 , 66 55 HI 64 Hi 54 H 108 1197 ,107 H 1193 1187 H191H I 18H 18H 1SH 13 '4 I SHl 21 i8H 18H 76 1200 1000 700 400 6900 3600 Wabaah Well Fargo Western Pac. . . . Western Union . Whit Motor . . . Willy Overland. . W. A L. E Oil. .1 14 H I 5H . -I I 65 H . . 20 HI 18 H 20 . . 107 H 1107 107 .. 75H1 75 i 73H 11 I 104 10H -A 83 HI 34 H 84 S .. 101 HI100H 100 H . . 92 I 80 W 904 ..... 96 . . . 83 H 81 k 82 H 58H 91 88 S 91 H 48H 43H 48H 39 H 39 H 89 H 39 H 39 39 14H 134 14H 86 H 98 98 97 14H 14 14 101 99 H 99 H 81 H 81 MO H 79 7o 78 34 4 33 '4 34 H 80 76 H 80 964 96 HI 934 113 112 112H 8 8 8 82 81 4 32 67 66 HI 60 IOIHiIOO ,100 H 82Hi 814 31 H 69 t 87H 574 1 106 is. OH 9H H 50 H 49 H 60 H 23H 19H 19H 67 67 674 12 11H 114 21 W 23 26 128 127 127 83 83 85 H 79 77 77H 89 OS SB H 67 56 63 60 33 69 12 11 11 12 12 12h . r 67 36H . 83 83 83 . 47 46 43 . 11 11 11 . 18 13 13 .Total atock aalee for the day were 812. SOu oaravj. Liberty Bond Baleg Furnished by Overbeck A Cooke Co.. ot Trade building : Liberty, 8 I Liberty, 1st 4. . . , Liberty, 2d 4..., Liberty, lit 4., Liberty, 2d 4. . . Liberty. 3d 4 Hs. . Liberty, 4th 4 Hs. , Victory. 4s Victory, 3t Hiah. 9244 8SSO 8920 8944 9088 8946 9622 918 Low. 9220 S900 89J6 8920 9080 8918 9606 604 HOGS SELL AT $17.34 A half load of extra good trogs sold at $17.33 daring the morning at Xertn Port land. ' SHORT TERM -YOTE8 Quota trbnt furnieaed by Clark Kendall me. Am. Am. Am. Am. Am. Am. Am, Re-extra Chicago Dairy Prodiee Chicago. Oct. IS. (I. N. S.) Butt oerlpta 48l: creamery extraa. 54 He; imui, vi.BKi ijkiiiii hock, aztwaae. Xcsa RaoaipU 4691: miscetlaneoeus,' 49 0 63c; ordinary first. 610 54c; firsts, 57 0 38o; ebeeks, 30 039c; dirties. 380 043c. Che Twin, new, 25c; daities, 26 26 He; Toting Americas, 26 He; long born. 36 o; brick, 27e. Liv Poultry Turkey. 40c: chicken. 18 0 14 ; spring. 24c; rooeten. 19c; geew. 23c: ducks. 24c New Tork Wool and Hides New Tor. Oct 15. ML J. S.) Wool Market wall Domeatic fleee XX Ohio, 860 60; doratlc pulled, scoured tests. 4Oe0 81 18 oaKJe' Tuu- scoured baaia, 60c Kj1STrMAtt.,"U- etaera S3 28e: bfandad Steer. 19. - . Hew Tork Metal Market New Tor-. Oct 18 (I. It. S.) Copper. t; trt. October, November sad TJocettber. af fered 17. ! ,itttPai, ?,r,,r, .0: October, of. fervd 7.53; Novembtr sad Doeeaoar, ofr4 7.30. - : t .-. - analfar.,, ataaufeg tint atiil nikM ; T.f Novembac aad December, offend fiJ. , $12.30 Security. Am. Cot. Oil 6s. . T. A T. 0 ., T. A T. .. Thread 6s . . Tob. 7s Tob. 7 Tob. 7s Tob. 7s Anglo Am. Oil 7 H Armour Cone. 7 . Belgian Gov. 7 H s Belgian Gov. 6s. . Belgian Got. 6s . . Beth. Steel 7s . . . Beth. Steel 7t . . . British Gov. Ea British QoV. 5s. Indian 5 Hs Canadian Got. 6 H Cudaby Packing 7s.. Irter. R. T. 7a. Japanese Got. 4H. Kenneeott Cop. 7s. . Ugg. Myora Tob. 6s Moiln Plow 7t . . . kloline Plow 7s . . . iloiine Plow 7a . . . kloline Plow 7 . . . Hor. Pac. Eq. 7a. . . Pac. Ga 7s Swift s U. S. Rubber 7a Maturity. 9. 2,24 10, 1.22 2, 1,24 12. 1,28 11. 1.20 .11, .21 11. 1.22 .11. 1.23 . 4. 1.25 . 7.15.30 . 6, 1,45 . 1, 1.21 . 1. 1.25 . 7,15,22 . 7.15,23 .11. 1.21 .11. 1,22 . 8. 1.21 8, 1,29 7,15,23 9, 1,21 7.10,25 1,30 12. 9. 9. 9, 9. 1.21 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 . 5.10.22 . 5. 1.25 . 8.13,21 .12. 1,23 Bid 91 94 92 93 99 90 99 99 99 95 97 99 91 97 8 98 93 97 93 97 70 " 74 92 97 98 96 91 90 90 06 H 97 92 Board Close. 9284 8920 8920 8970 8936 9068 8936 9606 9606 A Co., Asked. 92 95 $2 95 100 100 H 98 99 100 95H 98 99 92 98 H 96 08 3 98 93 08 H 72 74 08 98 99 90 3 95 97"- 08 93 Hogg- mled for Friday i Portland lie higher Chicago Omaha Kaagas City Denver .Active l$e higher .UtSe higher .Itvise higher $17.66 1344 14.73 13.41 1S.1I Friday .... Week ago . 1 weeks ago 4 wsefca ago Year ago . . 3 year ago 3 yar ago 4 yean ago PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN Hogs. Cattt. Calve. . "2 2ft . 403 18 69 10 . 165 . 808 730 504 77 134 40 71 47 314 3 15 12 Sbeep. 206 183 263 64 213 210 343 230 Hog sold at morning, cattle .$lT00flT.$0 . 16.30 0 1T.00 . 1350017.00 . 18.00013.60 . 12 00 016 00 .00 10 00 10 a premium during the were steady; while the top on lambs was reduced 50c Receipts for the day totaled seven cars. Swine ware in small supply with a total ot 422 head for th Friday morning trad at North Portland. One lot of select quality ammaia went at 817.63 or 16o above tha general tap list. Ibe entlr swine market ruled strong. ejenenl hoa market nag: Prim mixed Medium mixed Smooth heavy Rough heavy Pigs Cattl Hold Steady Friday's caule market at North Portland waa F.ady with only one load reported foe the day. Tetal run was but 28 head. No price changes were Jioled. General cattle range: Choiee grata steers I Oood to ehote steers Medium to good steers Fair to good steer Common to fair steen Choir cow and heifer Good to choice cows and heifen.-. Medium to good cows and heifen Cannen Bull Choice dairy calvea Heavy calves Belt light calves Medium light ealTaa ......... Bast feeder Fair to good feeders Lambt Sp Down As forecast In Thursday's paper, the lamb market is generally lower. Extrvene top here lor lambs is now no higher than (10 and it takes very exceptional quality to bring that. Genenl sheep and lamb nnge: East cf mountain lambt $ Willamette valley lamb Feeder lambt Cull lamb Yearling ; Wther 00 8.00- 7.00 6.23 7. 50 4.78 3.73 4.78 4 00 8.00 7.00 0 6.23 0 $.75 0 4.73 0 8.78 0 4.78 0 1.75 0 3.00 0 18.00 013.00 7.00 0 9.00 ii. 00 013. 00 S.00 0 11.00 7.00 0 7.60 6.00 0 7.00 00 010.00 8.00 0 9 00 8.00 0 6.00 0 6 00 0 6.00 0 Ewes .,. . 2.25 0 Thursday Afternoon Sat STEERS SO 8.50 7.50 6.80 6 00 No. At. Lb. Prie I No. At. Lbs. Prte 11.. 1032 ( 8.00 23 1008 $ 7.75 1 790 5.00 6.,.. 796 6.00 12.... 941 8.00 1.... 840 4.00 1.... 960 7.75 14 1010 8.25 2 905 7.75 2 986 7.28 1 1030 6.50 8 935 7.25 1 980 . 8.50 21 $23 6.75 COWS 2.... 1023 8 6.50 8 40 8 7.60 1 . . . . 970 6 00 1 1200 6.76 1 890 3.50 1 890 4.00 1 1120 5 50 1 800 6.60 2 1015 7.00 2 1025" 6.00 1 880 4 25 1 1120 5.60 3.... 1030 7.00 2.... 1880 3.30 2 1350 6.75 10 1027 7.25 2.... 1000 5.00 1 916 4.00 6 846 4.00 1 730 4.00 12 ... . 672 5.50 1 940 8.30 I 630 3.50 8. . . . 798 3.60 1.... 050 5 50 1 1015 5 50 ,2. . . . 945 6 75 1 760 6 76 2 710 6.75 6.... 858 7.50 II 866 7.50 CALJTtS 1.... 140 812.00 1 140 814.00 BOLLS I 1070 8 6..M) I 2 1400 8 3.30 1 1190 9.30 I 1 1030 6.50 HOGS 2 225 817 50 I 1 320 314 50 3 246 17.23 f 1 270 16 75 10 321 16.00 I 61 194 17 50 1.... 400 15 50 f 8 179 17.50 1 500 14.50 1.... 210 17.25 17 184 17.50 1 280 14.30 8 196 17 50 I 6 140 17.40 14 166 17.40 1 8 193 17.40 1...'. 520 l.VtIO 10.... 164 17.50 20 212 17.50 9 163 17.25 1 360 15.50 1 5.... 208 17.50 11 168 17.50 ! 8 103 17 50 7 168 17.50 J I.AMBS 12 86 3 8.50 I 34 62 8 8.25 4.... 57 6.00 2,... 60 4.00 80 70 8.30 210 66 8.50 206 65 8.59 3 56 8.30 6.... 88 8.50 68.... 69 10.09 6 66 10 40 I 17.... 72 10.90 EWES 46 114 8 6 00 I 21 101 8 5 00 14 128 5.30 YEARLINGS 82.... 82 8 7.00 I 13 86 8 6.00 8 108 7.00 I 26 101 7.00 $.... 93 6.00 I BUCKS 1 140 8 5.00 By Broadan Wall New Tork. Oct. 16. The old re liable federal reserve bank redis count rate was dr&fged out of hid lng Thursday and made to perform active ' service. Thia time, how.ever, it was used on the constructive in stead of destructive side of the stock market, demonstrating that it if a poor rumor In Wall street than can not be worked both ways. Prac tically no attention was paid to the high call money rate. Chandler waa the leader of the motor group and attracted much attention by a rise of nearly seven points. Prac tically all of the gain was maintained up to the close. Studebaker also came in for some 'prominence and gained nearly three points. Friday Morning HOGS No. Av. Lbs. Price. No. Av. Lot. Prie. 8 136 317:00 78 200 17.50 11.... 800 15.50 3 280' 16.60 11.... 265 16.60 77 219 17.50 6 228 15.65 68. . . . 188 17.45 5 74 13.60 4 175 17.60 4 272 17.2$ LAMBS 27 59 3 7.00 I 8-.... 75 8.00 I 69 ... 8.1 8 50 6.... 74 7.00 I 114.... 42 7.60 MIXED SHEEP 28.. . . 103 3 7.00 COWS 1 ... 060 8 5.26 I 10.... 877 8 3 25 3 043 8.50 I 14.... 929 20 2 813 6.00 I 3 1010 4.00 1 680 3.00 Foreign Exchange Market New Tork. Oct. 18. (U. P.) The foreign exchange market opened slightly lower today Price were: Iemand eterUng, $3.47. off He franca. .0651. off .0002; lire, .0391, off .0001: mark. .0142, oft .0003.1 The market closed steady Price wer: Ster ling demand, 88.44: lire. .0892; cahiea. .0393; francs, .0649; marks. .014. Beanos Arret Wheat Buenoe Ayres. Argentina, Oct. IS. Wheat elated firm at 3199. Saa Francisco Poaitry Market Sea Francisoo. Oct. 18. (U. P.) BroOsrs, 6$ I 65c; lanw bene, 87 040; boat duck. 27 4r 3vC - fatal Stores Market .New Terk-Oct. IB. (L N. R.) Turpsn Ui Savannah. 31.13; Hsw Trk7 $l.i cwrb oaTaaaaa. Stv.aztt: Ma York. FOREIGN EXCHANGE Correcteed daily by the foreign nartment of the United State Opening nominal ntes on -bank Dnft Check. London Pounda RATES exchange de- National bank, transactions : Cable Transfers. sterling . . . . $ ParieH-Fvanoa Hamburg-Bremen Jiark Genoa Lin Copenhagen Kroner .... Chrtstjtnla" , Kroner .... Stockholm Kroner .... Hongkong Currency . . Japan Yen . . Shanghai Taelt 97.50 3.47 6.61 1.48 3.91 13.75 13.33 19.55 70 50 51 25 I 3.47 6.53 1.4& 3 92 13.80 13.40 19.60 71.00 31.30 98.00 Pr Talue. .$ 4.866 19.80 28 81 19.30 36.79 24.79 26.79 49.84 Moaey aad Exchange New Tork. Oct IB. (L N. 8.1 Call mono on the floor of th New Tork stock xcbang PACIFIC COAST BANK STATEMENT Psvnlaa Rank 8 .8,143.856.12 Holiday- Holiday 11,216.899.37 11,846.494.19 7.90892.99 s i Spot an Monday Tuesday . Wednesday Thursday Friday .. 8, 68. 927.62 8.756.804 24 7,138.028.65 Bank 2,874.171.00 1,100.883.00 8.002,205.00 1.946.514.00 Clearing Friday . . . Balances Friday . . . . , SosUr Banks Clearings Friday Balance Friday T ace m Bank Clearing Friday Balance Friday San Fraawiie Bank Clearing Friday 331.300.000.00 ' Le Ant Banks Clearing Friday . . . $15,151,033.00 19.t29.90 1SI.778.S0 Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Grain, Eta. 118 111 Board of Trade BalMlag Overbeck&CookeCo. DIRECT PWVATE WIRES TO LL EXHANGES ypiattn Calsti BaarA at Trade OmtpaadBata at Lagaa Bryan" Umf .i- ., . .;; I(t Tart : , One of America's ' Greatest Copper Producers Anaconda Copper Mining Co. 9-Year 7 Secured Gold Bonds Price 96.25 yield "JSatyo 'Den. $100 $500 $1000 In addition to its hug mining operations, the company oper ates an immense smelter and. also manufactares copper wira and other articles of copper. For five years its average an nual earnings Have been. $26,- 000.000. DEPOSIT j I Voir Cheeking and I , Savlags Fnnds at This I BANK BROADWAY AND OAK Increasing the Income From Your Property MANY office, hotel, apartment and other classes of building are actually operated at a loss. By this we mean that the cost of operation and maintenance is more than the Income. If you are not quite sure how the Income can be in creased or the outgo re duced, consult an organisa tion which atfieclallBes In solving such problems. We man age aad develop property. Strong 6 Macllauhtorv soonMrtCcetvi fiwoJkwtiU000' II New Issue We offer our allotment of: Sears, Roebuck & Company 1 to 3-year 7 Gold Notes ' to prield 7-60 t7.85 Company pays 2 Normal Income Tax. : 4 ; $100 $500 $1000 Wire orders "collect'; MsmsUn$ Whsot In the Kstnowtoei Olstrlet. W orrwr Babject t htst Sal and Chans ta Vrtc I )(The Untold Portion City EDMONTONi Province of Alberta General Obligation 6 Cold Notes Yield nig! Exempt From All Domi Government Taxation NEW WHEAT RECORD IN SIGHT Thia rear's wheat nron of th sUmonton district ha been ret I mated it 48.000,000 bnehela. It i xpted to surpass th reoord-bteaktng yield of tb year 1913. BMJmased yield for other grains are aa follow: Oata. 112,000,004 bushel, running about 40 bushels per acre; barley, 8,000,000 baaktl, averaging near SO huahela ta th act, and rye, vanett, wiui an average ywia ot zo susnet an rr. Rdmontoa Is th clearing boosa for th wealth Sawrvat'titad in thl great srsln pro duction. Just aa tha grain is sent to, and through her warehouses, to will tb profits rind their way to Edmonton's commercial tblllimnU and banks. Prie Subiaet te Insroass Without Nolle. datv a etrTtnatM 1, isae MtXurili s Followt: Due Sept. 1. 1 922 . . . . Prioe 94.82 Due Sept. 1. 1928 ... .Price 92.45 Oatvtwilrsatmri 8100, SB00 and $1040 Principal and smt-ennaal interest LMsjrh 1 and BepUmber 1), payable In 1'. 8. Oold Coin in New York and at th ofrksa ot Morn Brother. Inc. -FINAttOIAL eTATSSHHT" Urns Value Municipal Property (not Including Publio UtiliUes) , Net Debontur Debt Revenue from Public I'tillties (above eoat of operation) . valuation 8 8 6 ,606 .7 1 3.00 11,8S, 876.00 Net Local Improvement Debt (rate payors' hare) , ' ' I ' 8,48 78 8,04 In addition to being General Obligation Noiti, these are secured by long-ttmm debenture totaling $2,594,420. Ltoallty Approved by IWaloM, Malene A Long, Twrofiie, Osnada. TKLIPHONI O TILiaiUPH ORDERS AT OUR IXPINBK MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. f i "The Premier Vnnlelpal Bond Hons. I "1 Snn Franelseo, Estabtlahd Orer n Quarter Ceatnry. nentti. Wash. CfL . , Capital One Million Dollars. r...i' m. NnUorBaak Portln.d. Or. Morrl. Bldg, IIMl SUfk. tfffi tf$7 f Bldg. Broadway 1131. KUlott 884$.. ' " . I..... . J 1 QlNK. 1 WmQwn and Offer Subject i to Prior bale: $50,000 Province of Ontario, Canada 6 Bonds Dated October J, 1920 Due October 1, 1923 PRICE 97.34 ANDINTEREST Yielding 7 Per Cent $25,000 Province of Alberta. Canada ixA Bonds; Dated Dec. 1, 1918 Due Dec. 1, 1923 PRICE 92.35 AND INTEREST Yielding 7S Per Cent $15,000 Province of Alberta. -Canada iy2 Bonds Dated Feb. 1, 1914 Due Feb. 1, 1924 PRICE 91.95 AND. INTEREST Yielding 725 Per Cent Full descriptive circulars on above issues furnished on application BOND DEPARTMENT Ladd & Tilton Bank Oldest in the Northwest til m w m w m Btvawa at m m m if a i 3 0 iiiiiiiiiiiiiniiMiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1 We Offer Oar Allotment of the " , ' ' 1 $50,000,000 ! 7 Gold Notes of J Sears, Roebuck & Company E e rV3S.XX Mais UJb 30StrrvWUIgJJ4 BAMK BLOB. Dated October 1 S. 1 920 Due Serially. DWOMINATIQMS. 91000. SS00. $100 This issue is a direct obligation of the Company and represent, its only funded debt. Average annual net earnings for past four r years ending December Jl, I9t9. before Federal Taxes. havevbeen $20,900,000 Or approximately eta times interest charges this . 'Issue. ' ' v ' i . fif.: Maturity October 15. It21 . . . . , . , October IB, 122. .:. . t . . . October IS, lt23....... , Prlaa' ....... s,f.20 ....... ..72 ,' atSp I YUU 7.SI 7.70 7.60 jjPevopbaux 5t(5mpohy t , 87 SIXTH STREET lavas boon t Sonsls CremOtf Floor WelU-Farge Bttfldiaf'- w BROADWAY 1042 . rTiiiiiiiiiu'iitiiiiiiiiiiHiiiifiiiiiiinuitiiiiiuiiiiiniiniiiiiiiiituiiiiimiii