THE OREGON "SUNDAY $ JOURNAL; PORTLAND, SUNDAY ! MORNING. October: 10,'. mo. 10 4- .' 1 - Plumbing Supplies ' PATH ROOM OUTFITS COMPLETE - - AT SPECIAL LOW PRICES ' BATH TUBS i - "J LOW-DOWN TOILETS CORKEB OQ FLAT BACK BABINS (complete) PIPE AND FITTINGS. '.rj Get our price, before yon tot your ooo- "tract W alto bar torn slightly daH -vfoods, e V .,' A. L. Howard 210 Id Bt Wire Frames for. Lamp Shades kjany pleasing design to select from. Mndley, 227 tt Bttrfc, 2d Poor, William FOR BALE A high grade French mr baby curiae, artil lery ball bearing wheels. reverJble body. A-l onuditkMi, $50. Tabor 4295. Call 8undy be fore 8 o'elork 1188 E. Main tt rOR SALE Thrifty strawberry plants, tha new Ettorsborg and Wellington MsrveL, ao 4rMely advertised; aim IfanhaU: All from new beds; aat now for spring amp. Pnon Columbia 860. FOR BALE Serge triooiette, evening, atar Toll and gingham dresses, suits, hiu. sport- ekirt, alia aweatar. UU. hats, shoes, itppan. Wan (4 to 40. Call Main 6041. Apartment 506. tally morning, for appointment II EN '8 naw ,hoa, 88 : crutches, gaa plate, bid". ' spring, waebtng machine, pool tabla. guitar, or zenana for vegetables, poultry, total, etectrio lamp, electric heater. East 8088. JFqB SALE Small stock of trimmed, hate, ostrich (aathara and fancy ornaments, moat sold Thursday, Friday and Satarday. 215 Grand are. N. Kat 4668. I0R BALE 1 Varnia Martin bed and sprint. 310;il aaniury couch. 37; 1 steel tool box, 12 1 1 rear Mat OwJaad auto, 10. Erenlngs, 09 Albina art. FOR BALE Boy's new overcoat, as 14 yeara. '" and new suit. 18 year. Write P-2S8. Journal, firing yonr telephone number ana v addresa. COAL heatar. a dandy, $15. Cook stov No. ; B, with coil, 115. S burner coal oil. New ! Perfection, 810. Toilet complete, like new.: miwooa hud 0ABSI.VET8. hardwood frame, aanitary nursery chain with pan, kindergarten chain and ta bles, rockera and doll ohaln. Tabar 5898. fOR SALEPaixUy anawl, about 125 yean old. yk yaraa long py u lucnea wia. vim 143 K. Webtter at Telephone Wood lawn 1099. FOR BALK Woman', coney muff, melon ahape, - fawn color, absolutely new; worth 815; will ell for 88. Mrs Lace. 484 W. Main at. IF yob hare hauling of any description call m up flrtt and get my price.. Woodlawn 2589. B Preacott it. lOR BALI? New and aeoond-band aboweaMi FllU-UaUra BUUWVna, Jam I. Manball bank and office fUturea. life Co., 452 Uoyt it. tiOOU bicycle with almost new tire. $12. Also hand garden eultirator. 82. L. Roth. 4 5th- and Alberta. Telephone Woodlawn 8284. y aTtDlT ian, milk bottle, new aluminum teav : . kettle, . uphoUtered koathrr rocker, child '" olelboard. BeU.l 9 7. - ' FOR BALE Oold Dollar strawberry planta, 51 i' par 100, post paid 2d zone. C. Lean, Bat- tie Ground. Wash- It. 1. Boa 43. V, 8'OU BALK Player piano, in good condition, plenty good music, l'rice rsaaonablt. tt-177, Journal. tOMBLNATION waahstand and wringer. 85: -, boy'a strong wagon, 84.60; small oil store for ennktng, 81. 50 485 K. 0th st. S. VVINTKH coat with fur collar, serge dress, me- diusa alae, brown fox fun, etc., cheap. Apt. 8. 866 10th st N. HKATIXU store, scales, tent, fruit Jan, clothes wringer, Iron bed, etc.. cheap today. 870 Eaet Ererett at , XADY'B coat, aixe 88 or 40. bolirta cloth; . up to date, beautiful garment. Call Auto- ' tnatio 216-78, forenoons. .HEW 10-cup 'electric percolator; mechanic's . - drawtng aeL Metronome, SI 4 East Waahlng- ' NEW drag-saw, pully atUched; hare sold tim- ' bar, no use for aaw. Will sell ebeap. Tom .'.Cte Cowing. 1 Box 840, Kite A, roruana. I , APPLES, pears, quince, petite E. 11th and I -'- Columbia boojeiard. Woodlawn 1768 Opposite Humane. FOR BALE Reasonable, a tan cdat, K length; Sunday or evening weekday. 64 ;ila st. OH SALE Nice Charter Oak 0-hole rang. i with water coils. Price $40. No dealers need Inquire. Woodlawn 4745. -t"0RD TANKS Two of them, with atrapa for ; v attaching to running board. Will sail oh sap. nans Main 820. . fOR SALE Fin player piano, wtth cabinet ' and rolls, cheap. Call 3-214$. range, gas water heater and kitchen heater; also bicycle. rVllwood 8607. - FOR SALE Magnetic eleotrie blanketa. 1897 8th at N. ifONEIt'S accordion, nearly new, only $50. i- 848 E. 87th atreet . LICENSED electrician will aare you money on electneal wiring and anppliea. BelL 58. K TO GET TOCB OLDriiHOES FTXEB CALL EAST 906. jUIOES HALFSOLED, best material; eaU and fTdeUrer; no extra cost Phone East 906. EXPEBT boxing and shipping automobilsa. "" t Marshall Mfg. Co.. 452 Hoyt it ' FOR SALE Leman'a air pump, suitable for aerrioa station. Call 320-58. l?CUMBER8. 2e lb.. Chaeleston-Swift sta., 4 t " blocks north Bt Johns car line. BROWN ailrertone coat, sis 36, $16; Domeatio - i wamtm iwiwir 15. KmL fM20 FOLDING bed for sale cheap. &47 Morrison at Phone Broadway 2512 ' : ' SfJRGI3 baby buggy, in . good condition, for r aal. Tabor 8898. JiEW upholstered rocker, imitation Spanish leather, 825. 225 E. Broadway. A BEAUTIFUL mink muff for sale, like new, cheap. Main 6476. S-BURNER Perfection oil range, $15. 6615 - 67th st 8. E. CABINET Victrola and recorda for sale, $60. . CaU AntomaUo 224-18. FOR BALE or trade, 1 8 volumes Ch adman's Uw Ubrary. 684 E. 12th at ; FOR SALE A gaa range, $26; almost saw. 478 KUUngsworth. Call after Sunday. FEW Slack taffeta gown, draped skirt, 88; cheap. A-14 6, Journal. ;$!TCniN table, fireplace screen, other things. " OR-1 H. P. Baa engine for stationary use, t In any ahape, cheap for cash. R-154, Journal. 'BEAUTIFUL rertian lamb coatee, latest sty. 7 Price $50. worth 8150. Marshall 67 45. FOUR Ufa insurance peliciea, a good buy for .. someone. 360 H Williams are. SALE Practically new post card siae Beneca looai. cteuwooq 8414. fcTUART- kitchen rmngt for sale, as good as naw, - i i ,Aa ni.,..' .A v a rvutmaot. io tibia, .b, atniun. TOR SALE Practically new heating stove, pip and board. Tabor 5663. VOR BALE Small Charter Oak wood heater, like w new, ii. ao saauory ave. EATING stor la good condition. Win burn Drujum, coai or woou. stain oiao fUITION to tnjiaftr at Behnke-Walker.t Broad way 1564. x ix)R SALE 3 hole gaa stove with or without oven. Phone Woodlawn 2928. SOT'S overcoat eg 18. practically new. f, 'Beginner a violin. f-at 8928. TXR BALE: White enamel bed. springs, mat- , trees and flresser. 70U H Wmby at tADIES' black plush coat far trim, aixe 88. " 188 13U at Phone Main 8264. WANTED Nursery chaur. good condition. Broad way 8260. GOOD beater for sale: in beat of condition. No . ori: $12. 470 W. I'nion are. . FOR SALE 13 ' wavy medium browa braids. - own naw. laoor ia. 465 BABT buggy for sale tor $23. 1085 Water at. A)XE wood beating alor. as good as Phon S117-76. fix BK.eoet beautiful white chine he lia, aixe 2 er 5S0 Rhone. Bellwood car. f ANAMA beater coal grate, kitchen Ubla, haU - mirror, rug xia. osu itnoo. sauwood car. CTMKNTTlaundry tray, rcteey-814 X. Wash- s tngtoa at, w snip, rsu or water. VACUUM deanen rented. $1 per day delivered, r Broadway 2878 days. Tabor 6789 evenings. iiAND PRESS 64x10 tnchaa with type and ' aqutrmient in gooq condition. isaat 6178. iOLDINti baby buggy for sals, vary good oosv onion. 1228 E. lTth st N. 100 Mehy Cremona PbonoaraDh. Beauty. $175. cash. Phone Tabor 8378. FR SALE White grape. lOOl Francis anL ,- Belt aTB. CULL APPLES 75 cents per sack white they ewui exra jncaiey ave., on roster road. Jl'TCHiN RANGE, wood or aoal; water coils in; e. iv c ibm as. ct. i-non. ajsat Ta, FOR SALE 25-83 Winchester rifle, belt and knife. $25. 898 Braaew at Aut 819-53. CREAM wkker baby earriare, 110; nng with toil, $S highchair. $1.50. Woodlawn 46I. TACTJTJM daanera for rawt 81 a day; daUvmd aujwuer. worn. Itta, luiassiu xMwy. Sim. FOB SALE -Civil eineer! ol&$to o- " eixw cost, ivig iiofmra tt WAGON for aala. m& Svtb. tC FOR 8ALE-MISCEI.XAyEOrg A CANNON BALL! SMOKE! .AND SILENCE ONCE AGAIN While a few diatorbed people) are boom ing aha at bringing doera priee. w want you to know we've always been practicing this economy at all times. Our abundant stork purchased before the war ALWAYS insures yoo: EVERT STAR ON TWI.NKLE3 HEBE. TOCB DOLLAR MR. CARPENTER: Our Price 13.00 1.85 1.00 J 90 2.45 1.45 2.25 .25 No. 6 Iron Jack plane.. Automatic hand drill . . Comb. 12 in. square. . High grade hand axe.. Ratchet braces Masdole claw hammers Wooden Jack plan. . .. Carpenter aprona Reg. 85.25 .Reg. 1.00. .Reg. 2.05 Aleg. 8.25 .Reg. 8.75 .Keg, . ' .Reg. 8 25 .Reg. .75 MR. SPORTSMAN: Double barrel used shotgun. A-l 813.60 Doable barrel new shotgun, a buy... 2 8. SO Single barrel, in armor steel 11.25 Winchester pump run, wed 29.50 Winchester bamiBeiless sliotgun. Reg ular 882.50. Our price 65.00 Winchester tak down pump gun. Keg- uler 852.50. Our price 45.00 25-85 garage high power 82.50 25-20 Winchester with peep tight. . 13.50 Hunting rests, regular S7.50 3.00 Leather shotgun cae. rcg. 814 SO.. 7.60 Peters ahotann shells, a box 1.00 MR. HOMEBUILDER: SttxSH plated butts, a pair 8 8 Morttaa looks, regular 81.45 03 Oarden barrows, regular 58.25.... 6.25 Deep tray concrete barrows, steel, regular 115.50. Our price 11.00 NAILS NAILS NAILS NAILS MR. W00DCH0PPER: Rood wedgea. a lb $ .189 Croas-eut saws, new guaranteed, a ft . .95 Hand made used axes $1.25 to 2.00 Rusted falling axes, new, reg. 62.75.. 1.50 Drag saw. guaranteed to be in tint class running order 115.00 Guaranteed mauls, a lb .30 MR. TRAPPER: N.whouse, Victor, Jump, Kangaroo and Triumph traps in all sixea. We hare the trap,. w hate the price. Why not figure with youf CIDER MrLLS Juat the thing. New. Only 824.50. IF IT'S ANYTHING IN HARDWARE, WE HAVE IT. EVKRT STAR ON TWINKLES I1ERE. TOUR DOLLAR LEVIN HARDWARE ' & FURNITURE CO. 221 Front street Main 9072. Handsome Victrola Mahogany cabinet gold-trimmed $200 Vic trola and 75 records for 8135. Tabor 2299. FOR SALE Strawberry plants. Gold Dollar and the famous Etterburg, best canning berry known, heavy producers, strong, rigorous plants. $5 1000. Can fill large order. Fred Larren, 1610 CoL bird. Order early for (ail planting for a good crop. ANDEL'S "NEW MARINE ENGINEERS' GUIDE"; Calvin Swingles' "Questiona nad Answen to Marine and Stationary Engineers": power plant library ( McGraw-Hill 1 , 8 vols. Eve nings only, including Sunday. Mn. Rice, room 8. 295 17th at.; west side. FOR SALE; Gold Dollar strawberry planta, $1 per hundred; 65 per thousand; big healthy plants. Order early for fall planting and xet a crop next season. Addssss Mrs. Ketchum, 1600 CoL bird., city. Phone Col. 728. GOOD will of 11 yeara' wood taw business. Machines earning from $25 to $35 per day. Call A. B. C. Fuel Co.. 429 Hawthorne are. VERAX Insecticide kills roaches, moths and all Insects. Vsrax Chemical Co., 354 Yamhill at TtL Marshall 6110. GRAT coat aixa 38-40; size 36 navy broad cloth suit and rlrem; giri'a velvet hat, very reasonable. 687 Hoyt st FINE Chicago cottage organ only $30. 810 down, 85 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. PLUMBING, stores and furnaces repaired; gas fittings, coils made and connected. 7 Grand ave. N. East 6560. WILL sacrifice I. C. 8. course in Sapnish, in cluding phonograph, record, text books and instruction. C-558, Journal. WILL EXCHANGE phonograph for 16 inch D. C. oscillating fan. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 850 Alder. CRAPES for sale at Maddocks, 38th and Steels are. B. K. Woodstock ear. 8 blocks wast of 53d ave. and 41st st SIRLOCO pipelesa furnacea for sale, 369.45 and $185. For further information address 329 Benton at, Portland, Or. Phone East 4567. BUSINESS CARDS C fl "g ROSE C1TT PRINTFKT JJ1.X3 Tea must bring this ad. tiO Stn at WILL aell to any person holding union card 825 tint mortgage Liberty temDle bond. Discount 25 per cent Main 5644. AiSEAtrriFtrL white baby carriage, has been used only 8 months; will aell for 815. 848 lit it 8. Portland. LEAKT auto tops waterproofed and made like new for 88.50. with a money-back guarantee. East 8677. 851 E. Oak at B. 6 BURNER gaa range, aa good as new; must be seen to be axtpreciated. Call at 457 B. 26th st S. SILOCO PipJees Furnace, 869.45 and 8135. Show room at 164 E. Broadway near bridn. For information phone East 4 567. Open Bnndays. NEW 2 -bone potato digger; price $20. 1st Dew nous north of Division, James Bas- muasen. , CONCORD grapes, apples and pean for sals; bring your boxes. 1 mile esat Milwaukee, Or., between 87th and 40th on King st. Phone 84-J. FOR SALE New Home sewing machine, good condition. Automatic 313-68. 1001 E. 31st N. WICKER lounge, tapestry upholstered; also fins refrigerator and other oddments for sale at once. Automatic 617-78. , ONE stand bees, three empty hires: drum rood v for Boy Scout Tabor 7929. FERTILIZER Good horse or cow manure. Tsbor 2704. WOODSAW in fine coi onSitii on for sale. Call Tabor 406. FOR SALE Stevens Special Winchester rifle; single shot $15. Tabor 9322. $16- HUTS adding machine: adda 7 figurea. 618 Corbett bMg. Mar. 657. FOR SALE Wood or coal heater. Wdln. 2579. 960 Mississippi. HEATING stov and pip, for wood. $12.' 855 a,. zu norm. FOR BALE Vaughn drag aaw. in A-l conditioo. oui iq at. city. FOR SALEWickar bah carris.. hamln ELECTRIC heater for sale, good condition, rea sonable. C-664. Journal. FOR SALE Burjy to? and fine comb., reaaon- vi pries. r.atl isia FOR SALE Tatted yoke, mad to order. Mart shall 614. ORDERS taken lor crochet and embroidery. Evenings. Tabor 2971. FOR BALE Heatar,' wood. sJlistiroiif good condition. 312. 14 51 East Hoyt st WOOD and coal heater for. sale or trade for gas range. East 3765. w frORJBAUJ -Good range with coil, cheap. ;320 SECOND-HAND sack for sal.. 206 Jefferson st Main 2620. fiOVING picture machine for sal, chaaa 628 Fifth at.. Portland. Or. BEAUTIFU OU II l IIIS US alan . n. urusa ana trompone. reaao liable. East 7278. WICKER baby buggy, with auto top ajad "rs vwraibl body. Tabor 8466. VtoDFALL applea. $1 sack; ' others $1 and 31.60 ppg. Tabor 8232. 246 E.- 91st at xutJilNOTON and Baick 8. bet offer take. w.wi. uuc winuow. ivi salmon. ONE gaX-strok Bowser gasoline puaap and 250 gal tank, almost new. 889 Ha lacy at row SALE Blu. wolf fur set 810. Tabor COASTER wagon wheela for aal cheap! 829 U rS00"8TABT"lTAB ihiniiM for"talertnd"lwo dcon. Tabor me. . - FOR SaTTe Am wpbolstered conch, good condf tion. Phon. Marshall 8471. two computing scale. 603 E. 16th ST COOK rang, wood or ooal. no anil tAiu ITNS -najJuiuv:4i4. -M fc. iii H.1 FOB BALE MISCXLLAyEOTJS If NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC W bare moved from our old location, 100 Second st, to our new location Third St., Cor. Stark GOVERNMENT MERCHANDISE AT BARGAIN PRICES . Heavy, Unlonmade Overalls. Ot Jackets, each $2 25 Army khaki or blue Coveralls 8.95 Heavy Union Suit , 1.95 Mnnson army laxta Shoes 4.95 Army hobnsil Shoes 6.25 Army Roast Beef. 2 pound cans, per can. . .36 Army Khaki Blankets Army Shirts. Knapsacks Army Rain Clothing Rubber Boots Them good are all new and the beet grade Itetuil and Wholesale ARMY AND NAVY, 94 3D ST. CORNER STARK One Block north Washington St NEW LINE NATIONAL CA8H REGISTERS 5c and Penny Keys. OAK AND MAHOGANY FINISH PRICES: . US $110 $150 Full line of aecond-hand and rebuilt National registers, fully guaranteed by THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO. Liberal Allowance, for Old Registers. J. K. 1IUMMA. SALES AGENT Broadway 1816. 890 SUrk St BUY ADAMS FIRE PROOF STOVE BLACKING; WILL NOT BURN OFF. ASK YOUR GROCER OR HARLV Buy, Sell AND EXCHANGE rash regiaten. showcase, 'ountaina, scale, store fixtures. I. BOXER. Mar. 2438. 113 2d St CEDAt CHESTS Direct from fsrtorv tn mnr tinffia. 1 enm and Port Orford cedar; oHd copper trimmings. isiesi uei;". v write tor catalogue. J. W. HIGGINS 4k SON 1918-16-18 E. GL1SAN. TABOR 808 WE SAVE TOC MONET House wiring, lighting fix tures, electrical repairing, anp pliea. Third 8treet Electric Store, 224 Vt Third street near Salmon. Main 6055. 75 DROP-HEAD andtgubinrt sewing m chines, every kind; all guaranteed; 315 to 83 5; all tha latest new Binge rs; cssh or terms. Machines rented $3 a month. Singer Store. Moos hldg., 1S8 Fourth st. Main 68837 FURNITURE repaired, upholstered, like new; msttreases remade, mirrors reeilvered, furni ture bought, aold and exchanged at Webster's Furniture Repair shop, H05 Hawthorn. Tabor 8325. CONCOHD and Sweetwater grapes; bring your baskets, get them fresh from vine; 1 blocks east Courtney station, Oregon City carline, south side of road. Phone Oak Grove 2 9-J, Iuris E. Reese. BUT. SELL. RENT OR TRADB Shotguns or Rifles NEWMAN'S GUN STORE. 128 First st Main 4495. Tabor 67S8. BUT electric fixtures now. One light chain fix ture, 31.60; 4 lhrht fixture, wired ready to hang, $6; semi indirect bowls, $6 and up. Reliable Elec. (tore, Union and BaswU. Eut 8886. Open evenings. CONCORD and Sweetwater grape. 8c lb. (4 tons), large or small lots; Bartlett pears, 31 box; quinces, 4e lb.; windfall apples, 50c box, $1 sack,, othen 75c, $1 box. Bring containers. 6020 85th st (Lents). Mt Scott car. Independent Printers We are atill doing promptly "printing for less" at 11 No. 6th st Commonwealth bldg. Smith, printers. Brosdway 2986. Electric Motors Bought sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works. 413 Buru aide, corner 10th. Broadway 6674. A HAT full of mouth organa. Take choice. 1.06ech. Each one worth more than twice. ThfiM ae f'n. Maw v,. clewing out all odd lines. Oregon Ellen oiuaic ttouse, 287 H Waahington tt AUTOMOBILES, MOTORCYCLES, LAUNCHES n-tint wlii b xoiind ojodar tbc-w liifcri.t ciMBKW flK(!AANlAV A l.-a -M . -Miiui warn tnoura dsu, orrtncT, uii-wr. nw, iov 4V W Oil LaSlloni Plain u U.k-. . i . - . . 1 rwr. r.n .1 " " - -w FOK SALE PoUtoe, $2 per 100 lb tck: carrotv SI. B0 twr isr-v- ru k c i ra ... . " ' a- - - wvDsa, a t W V fd i Just esst of barracka on Fourth Plain ou. i. pox au, Vancouver. Wash. - ' ' . ..... 'JLJ oyjLICja See the new period models in Edison. Bruns wick and Columbia. Priced from 8350 to $750 Special terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 850 FOR SALE New galvanixed iron tank 80x 80x48 inches, made of 18 gauge iron, rem- i"" ana pip connections, aza. 1584 K 12th st N. Woodlswn 1485. SU.HOCO PipeleHa Furnsce. S60.45 and XI ar, Superior to any, regardless of price. Quicker ..muimiiuu, iargr raoiauon. riv year guaran tee. Woodlawn 2103. ....w.v.u.v w, gun rtAU W. 4 foot alab, 16 inch alab and blocks for sal. DOUAllHai ivif. .22 SPECIAL rifle for 38; Anaco camera. 86 A. a. gas range. 812; gas water coils, $20; FOR SALE Wharton and Conoord grapea. East v. ALiiwauaiv, avui ana sung atreet road. x umie v i -treorga i. isenson. 3-HORSEPOWER Stover stationary gaa engine with msjrnatA hnma k . mu. . unn , - - ""., v . v w . nwir lawn ,121, VLIXA-NIZER for sal at a bargain if sold at once. t nion JJepot Garage Co., 835 loyt. vuiurr oroauwij, SAFES, new and aecond-hand. some with tmrg lar chest, at reasonsbla prices. Pacific Seals s nuppiy -o.. a a front st Mdwy. 1968 WILL EXCHANGE ca.h and fine phonograph . uuuiij lor goou roru. xtyatt Taiaing Ma chine Co., 850 Aider. ATTRACTIVE atylea In ladW slightly aora .una, syvm, uata ana itua. . aw47 rnurman st. aiain Von I. R??.?, ?.?.UL45! 8HOB REPAIR DJCl vtxiix, lisir navii. itKK DHUa, CO tin WAamitiTUx. bt., NEAR 30TH. Dentistry fS? Without Pain. Lsteet Nerve Blocking Method. 1 PAIR hip -rubber boots, size 8 or 9, used a lew timet, tun new, price 35.50, at 266 H Broadway between Hadimn and Jefferson ate, MAN'S overcoat almost w. Lady's shoes, al ' moat naw. Lady's coats and aoita. 85 Ura- ham ave., near Union, 8ECOND-HAND Royal hot air tnrnaca for aala . cuean. jaonograaa uu lo.. jsth and Iova- joy su SPLENDID Cleveland tnotorcycU only $95. $50 down, $15 a month. Hyatt Talking Ma- came uo, 85U AHer. FUR SALE 14 leather eeat black opera chairs, also electric bath cabinet 868-870 E. Mar- rton st FOR SALE: First class tteel heating stove for sale, with pip and line 885 Main at Phone ZZ4-e). . BANRE, six -hoi. "Perfect" atodel B; alao "Fir-fly" heater No. . 221. . Tabor 6366. Main 4866 - FURNACE vernanlint, w.ter - eoiia insteiled. -Onaa eleanea. f Kaat 6648V -v,'..." w-dM3 FOB BALE MISCELLANEOUS 18 GENUINE Ua S. ARMY GOODS Wool Blankets, O. D., from $4 to 56.50. U. S. Army Gray Wool piankets, $4 to $6.50. Wool Blankets, new 0. D., $6.75. Coats or Breeches, of wool, $1 to $5. U. S. Army Coats or Breeches, cotton, $1 to $1.50. New Army Shirts, 0. D., wool, sizes 15 to 19, $4.50 to $6. Reclaimed Shirts, 0. D., wool, sizes from 14 to 19, $2.5 to $4. 14x14 Wall Tents, 16 oz., 0. D., $45. U. S. Army Steel Cots, - $4.50. U. S. Army Spiral Put tees, $1 to $1.50. U. S. Army Belts, new, 35c. U. S. Army Overcoats, $6 to $12. U. S. Army Mackin- aws, $5 to $10. Shelter Half Tents, $1.50 to $2.50. New Coveralls, $4. New Socks, 75c. U. S. Army Hats, 50c. We absolutely guar antee these goods in good shape, and have been, renovated. Complete Sine of new and reclaimed army goods. Wholesale and retail. Largest dealers in army goods on the Pa cific coast. Insured mail orders solicited. HORENSTEIN & MESliER . 250 2d, near Madison NARCISSI (Pleasant Eye) btilba. 25c dox. : sinrla Daffodil bulbs. 35c dot: Canterbury bell plants, 5e to 15c ch; wheelbarrow, $1.25; sanitary couch. $4.50; stand. $1.75. 982 E. 39th st GOOD wsterpower washer, with wringer, $20; excellent gaa range, ai; oaii-ocarius iaw mower, 84 : gooa nose, e 3 aifo garaen mn, portable chicken house and hen with chick. Phone 223-1 u WHAT am 5 offered for sn imported bom- nanaieo.. siiT.r-mountca r rcocji .uiu Mn-V Wnrtli ISS- Inftt th. nmtection for a professional mam U-272, Journal. FOR SALE An almost new wood or coal range, white enamel and nickel tnmmea; not water and wanning oven, $50. Call Wdln. 3333, mornings. MONARCH typewriter, $20, leather upholstered rocker, 520 ; tapeetry upnoisterea rocaer, ia; bixh-grad rubber sporting boots, size 8, $10; tub, jsn, etc.; no dealers. 4Stf uiay. Apt 17. FOR SALE One 3 -burner Vulcan gaa range, on steel kitchen heater with coil and gaa attachment, both practically new, 320 each. 6203 25th ave. 8. E. Tabor 490. FOR SALE Extra fine bar fixture at a bar gain. 170 Fourth st Call Monday after noon. FIVE heavy wool undershirts, size 44; not new but rood. 87.50. One mackinaw. aixe 44; worn only few times. 812. Main nuai. SINGER sewing machine, drop bead, perfect condition, $25; heavy oak high chair. $2.50. East 7195. 12-OAUGE double barrel high grade shotgun. Cost $125 when guns were cheap. Sell for 847.50. including rod ana sneua, Ttaor 7UZ FOR SALE Ladies' spparel. coats, suits, rain coats, shoes, etc. Sunday 10 to 12, evenings after 6. 302- Chapman st WILL sell black broadcloth auit to fit 86 aixe chest, or trade for rug 8x12. 1859-CUau- tauaua bird. WINCHESTER 30-80, Oct barrel rifle. Brand new. Will sacrifice. 462. Journal. leare pnooe na u a- LEAVING town, must sell chest of tools, com' bination range, sewing machine, dishes, rugs, etc. Auto. 55-416. LADY'S tailored suit, never worn, midnight blue. 40-42. 312- Sellwood Z18U. KITCHEN hestar with water coils and pip. (23 lain io FOR SALE Architectural tools and drafting board. Call evenings T to v. 43V 9 JLnott MAN NING burner for sale, good ahape. 074, Journal. OVERCOAT. aixe about 44, for sale cheap. Ia- quire 262 6th at, apt 2. Main 7167. FOB SALE -Electric cleaner, also vai sweeper, 33. Woodlawn 820. BROWN fur and one pair of feather pillows. 82.50. At 821 BStn. FOR SALE Two hoi. gaa plate. Good condi tion. V-062. Journal. GOOD heating stov., wood or ooal, $15. "851 Fargo st FOR SALE Lady's blue serge suit Phone East 4856. FOR SALE On and two hone electric motors; one truck. Star Transfer. Wood bum, Or. FOR SALE Pneumatic dress Tabor 8189. form. $7.50. GOOD 6 hole range, water coil, splendid baker; worsted quilts. Will sell cheap. Main 1112. FOR SALE Raincoat, six 88, splendid con dition. Phon Marshall 4400. Apt 309. DOUBLE-BARREL shotgun, 16 gauge; 22 Win chester, Simplex electric stove, .p xayioT. ONE dark brown hair twitch for sal. 6 E. 6 2d tt N 20 QUARTS Royal Ann eharriea for aala. 411 Cook, near Union. GRAY wicker baby carriage, in fin condition; reasonable. Sellwood 916. COMPLETE set grate No. U American Ra diator furnace. Good condition. way as 1 1 1000 TOUXG Panr plants. Pettygrove at 21-22. GRAPES for sale, low price. 1118 Steele ay. FOB SALE Fin diamond ring. Y597Joraal. F0RBALE Good trunk. Emerald. Bdwy. $851. TOMATOES to alJ Tabor 584- : . , rfOR SALE WTSCETLAXEOCS It .BOLAN WRECKING & CONSTRUCTION CO. 460 BELMONT ST. Porrw-r V. 1.fh St U. S. GOVERNMENT MATERIAL 5,000,000 Ft. Lumber for sale. Everything from 2x3 to 12x12 4 million ft 4x6. 4x12 and 12x12. like new. at 319.00 F. O B. flooring, raiic, ' shalap, -1-inch boards. 8. I. S., Electric wire, all aixe,, Conduit pipe, 5 miles plow steel wire cubic from H -inch to t Si, -inch. Purchased frcm I". S. Shipping Board. We will sell at about price We inve a large onantHy of Plumbing Supplies roofing paper fhintJe. doors, window and h, pipe and fittine. chicken wire, , irvkie finUh, SO work benches, fire hose, all tiisea, 300 mirrors, mil sis. in fzrt, cTeryxhinB to put op your bulking witii. Prompt Delivery WftECKING '& GORsntucnoR col. Office, E. Hth and&Belmont ate. Yard, E. 8th and MorTiaon sta. Phone Ea-t 6110. PIPE PIPE PIPE Bathtubs Toilets Toilets Sinks Sinks Lavatories Lavatories Range Boilers Range Boilers Washtrays Washtrays All Kinds of Fittings If you need any of these articles, tee us be fore you buy, as we can save you money. Esti mates given free of charge. We also have some slightly d.m.ccd goods. NORTHWESTERN PIPE COMPANY Cell alain 5631. 1S7 Front St. bet- Yamhill and Taylor. PLUMBING SUPPLIES ' We Offer the Following Merchandise From 5 to 20 Below Wholrale: BATHTUBS BATHTUBS 5 -fe Knamel Tub $34.00 6 -ft Enamel Tub 40.00 TOILETS TOILETS Low Copp.r-tank Toilets 830.00 LAVATORIES LAVATORIES Wash Basin, . comp 8 IT. 50 WATER BOILERS WATER BOILERS 30 gal. riveted range boiler $16,00 Double Copper Coil Water Heater. TS.OO 4-in. Extra Heavy Soil Pipe, per ft .90 Estimatee for Material (With or Without Installation) Free. Out of Town Orders Filled Promptly. Me'sher Plumbing Supply Company 248 3d St., between Main and Madison. Main 5277. PIPE PIPE ' PIPE Galvanized and black pipe, new and aecond- hand. from 4 inch to 10 inch pipe. ANY KIND OF PLUMBING SUPPLIES LESS 5 PER CENT WHOLESALE PRICE Received carload Toilets. Low Tanks. Special price, $28.50. PORTLAND PIPE SHOP 269-71 FRONT 8T. Main a 3 1 DARK green winter coat, good as new; too small for owner: ta 18 years: $12: also 1 dark gray wool overcoat for boy 1 3 or- 1 4 years. tine condition, 312. Fhone Tabor 4655 Sunday lrom IU to 1, or any time week days. FOR SALE A 6 -hoi. polished steel range. white enamel splasher, nearly new. Will sell st s bargain if taken this week. Alao coal heater in first-class condition. 5213 55th ave. S. JS. Phone SeUwood 3202. PRUNE trees, pears, peaches, cherries, grapes, filberts, strawberry planta, gooseberry plant, currants, reasonable. Order at one. Wood stock Nursery, 5803 Woodstock ave., Porltand, Phone Sel lwood 2382. STRAWBERRY plants. 50,000 first year Mar shall, for immediate delivery, fall planting. Order at once ; reasonable. Woodstock Nursery, 5803 Woodstock ave., Portland. Phone Sell wood 2332. LADY'S black fur coat, aixe 88, elegant con dition; must be seen to be appreciated; latest style. Price $75 cash. 545 Lexington ave. SeUwood 2232. FINK malleable range, with coil: sell new 8140, will take 'less than half. 191 4th at. Moos bldg. GASOLINE pump and tank for sale. For par ticulars write J. R. Jackson, 102 K. 18th st, ctiy. FARM light plant and water pressure system for tale. For particulars write J. R. Jack ton. 102 E. 18th tt. city. HAVE 2 railroad tickets from Portland to Seat tle and from Seattle to Kansas City, on Union Pacific Call Broadway 1087. SWEET corn, ripe and green tomatoes; 1 U miles east of M on ta villa, on Baa Line road. Box S25A. FOR billiard and pool tables, store fixture, cash registers and ahow cases on easy payment, see W. J. Quixley, 366 Hawthorne ave. East 123. ONE Charter Oak heater and pipe, baby buggy and clothes wringer for aal. SeUwood 685. 1026 E. Kelly. NEW 2 -horse potato digger: price $20. 1st new house on 72d it, north of Division. James Raamuasen. BARN for 14 cows, milk depot with concrete floor, built-in refrigerator and boiler; rent or sale. Tabor 9313. FOR CONCORD GRAPE PLANTS Call Woodlawn 1343. or write. M. NICKELS, 102 W. Blandena St 0X0 Kerosene gaa burner for range, complete with tank. Good bicVcle. new tires. Woodlawn 4418. GOOD heater, burns wood or coal, price 310. 186 K. Buffalo st Mississippi car. SWEET cider and vinegar, 40c gallon; cooking apples, pears, quinces. Woodlawn 5072. ERMINE fur. or will exchange for Mack fox. 352 Tsmhill. Marshall 1886. GASOLINE woodsaw to first class condition tor eale cheap. 1981 Going st alE ATER. zinc mat. 1 ioint pipe and elbow for $12.50; all in good ahape. Main 931. LADIES" used apparel and fun; bargains. Mar shall 3215. GOING away, want to sell my A. O. C. White Leghorn bens. SeUwood 2332. NICE iron bed, spring and cotton mattress. $24. Tabor 9205. TWO 6-foot floor ahowcase with plate glass tops. 188 Madison st Phono 6652. PIANO and tewing machine, cheap. 362 Chap man St. FOR SALE Child's small wagon, in good run ning order. 846 Columbia st BARBER chair for aal cheap, $12. 36 E. otn at.. near Halsey. FOR SALE 2 wavy medium brown braids. "vb nair. Tenor ja. STEEL ranga, 6 holea, almost new; A-l condT- uon . reaaonapte. ox c 1 zin tt BASSINETTE and baby jumper cheap! Call East- o.te, or au c. 12m sx. COOD oak invalid's chair. Price 325. TZ nor eoi4. FOR SALE Plush covered couch, cheap. Woodlawn 6282. Call TAFFETA dress, sis 38. beaded over btouse. draped skirt ; new. R-685, Journal. UNIVERSAL heater, hot blast coal burner, fin condition. Woodlawn 4001. STRAWBERRY plants.-$5 per 1000. John layers , Hocnecter. waan. FOR SALE Bixbol kitehen gain. CaU 21621. range; bar- FOR SALE Top buggy, with pole and brake. Good condition. 840. 217 E. 82 N. Tab. 5781 ALL KINDS of carpenters' tools, 2 eoncrat mixers, i East OiO. So 1 81 Wood heating stov. Woodlawn 4276. 1016 Kt 72 St N. HEATING stove, baby's nursery chair, also-'S ourner gas plate and srvess. OoL OU. FOR SAUS New1 Hose sewing sue bin. and gas -range at 449 Lexington ave. Price 318 each. WOULD like to rurchaa a or t ty Under late model sedan. V-23S. Jenrnal. FOR SALS Garden aaaanun. Tabor 6634. ' ' FOB SALE XISCELLAWEOTJ8 It SPECIAL PRICES OH NEW AND E SECOND HAND FABkt MACHINEBT. f .; On 14-ia. Beck Island sulky, all extras ..-4 83.00 On 14-ia. Oliver sulky plow, new 95.00 On two wheel into trailer ..... One backing galley feed cutter. . . . Oh Feed mill One' Hay fork On new 14-ia. 4 bottom tractor plow . . T 276.00 On New 14 in. 41 bottom P. A O. tractor plow 275.00 On 12-20 Bull tractor, good.... 350.00 On 10 h. p. gas engine, mounted. 275.00 On 2 V4 h. p. Foo gaa angin... 75.00 On 3 h. p. Economy gaa engtn. . 60.00 On Acme harrow, 12 blades S5.00 One 12-in. Rock Island prairie breaker 25.00 One Iron Age potato planter 100.00 On 2 4 -in. Htudcbaker wagon fear $5.00 One Tongue truck fox disc 7.00 One No. 2 pitcher pump ' 2.00 Two hand grist mills, each 6.00 One lot steel hay track, per foot. . .25 One hay carrier for steel track. .. 7.50 One set jingle buggy harness .... ' 16.00 One set aingle express harness... 16.00 On ladies' side saddle, good 15.00 One top buggy 85.00 WE WILL BUT AND CSED IMPLEMENTS BELL TOUR P. E. ESBENSHADE 800-866 E. Morrison St AN exceptionally fine toned antique classic model violin, undoubtedly equal in tone quality to the very rarest tor which 8100O or more would be paid: left on sale with us by sn old lady for 8100. either cash or 830 Liberty bond and $50 cash. ALSO USED high grade violin, with case and bow, well worth 87A, can be had for 385: just the thing for a talented boy or girl to start Several other lued violins. $15. 318. 822. Free lesvtna for beginners. First floor. Eilera Music bldg., 287 H Waahington st HOW MCCH DO YOU WEIGH! We have 5ust installed in front of our store a new automatic Telio weighing scale. Weish yourself weekly. Absolutely free. On next Sat urday the first five persons weighing 162 pounds win each receive a new $1 record of your choice free. Watch each Sunda) con test. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 850 AMer. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM New and 2d band, sold for less; no agents employed. Complete line of parts for s 11 mak,ea. Machine repaired and rented. Main 9431. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM 190 Third, near Taylor st Br SEW. SEW. SEW, SEW. Pnon Sellwood 1071. NO AGENTS EMPLOYED. Sewing machine cleaned, timed, admitted, re paired, bought, told, rented, supplies and attecn- menu, power and mfg machines; motors, snaiung sad table, inetalled: everything in needlea. Phone Sellwood 1471. SINGER ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINES We tak your machine In exchange, balance eaeh er easy payments. Phosie for datnorartiw- Machinee rented. Expert repairing, any MORRISON ST. SINGER 8TORB. $82 Morrison. Marsha II 721. FOR BALE -Meaqcite grass seed, hulled eeed 16c ner lb.: unhnlled seed, free from straw and trash. 8c per lb., f. o. b. Alpine. Or. Write for price on ton lots. Ssmpl on request Cash or check with order. W. K McOskey. Monroe, Or. EDISON CYLINDER PHONOGRAPH Edison Ooera Pbonocranh. ' fin wooden born and 100 indestructible records, only 385; 310 dewp. 35 monthly. Cost 3126. Hyatt Talk lng Machine Co.. 850 Alder, lill'K picked apple at 81 per box and up. Also sweet butter and late pears at reasonable price. Quinces, 6 lbs. for 25 cents. No boxes furnished. Corner 4 2d and Simpson tt Call Sunday, Oct 10. M. Bredemeier. NEW WICKER PHONOGRAPH See tiie new wicker phonograph. All fin ishes to match your furniture. 8150. 8185 8215. Terms, 325 down, balance monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 850 Alder SAFES Fire and burglar proof safe, new and second hand, at right price, bought, aold and xenauged. fesjr terms 11 desired. NORRIS SAFE LOCK CO.. 105 Second St Main 2043. EXCEPTIONALLY fine toned, genuine Willard piano, beautiful rase. Would cost new about 8550 Price $283. $25 down, balance monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 850 Alder. NEW SYSTEM NEW OFFICE Honest, conscientious dentistry. DR. FRED HELLISH, 108H Fourth, Between Waahington and Stark. FOR SALE Shovels, picks, grub hoes, lumbei chains, rooter plowa, backers snd one 1 -horse wagon; all bargains. Pnon BcUwood 11MB 764 E. 34th st HOT WATER TANKb 8o-aai.$7: 40-gaL. $9 Test tad guaranteed stove and furnace eoila. Gta heaters installed. Expert plumbing repairing East Sid. Welding Shop. 203 Adams st .8616 SCALES Slightly used, modem, 30-lb. eleetruv compute to 60c lb. Cost t-u, pne iiu. Several 2 -lb. computing candy scales at $5 each. Lee Kemp. Bdwy. 697 9. CD1CLE EXCHANGE. We buy. sell snd exchsnge ladies' and chil dren's clothing. 415 Fleidnar bldg., 10th and Weshingtcn. Bdwy. 220. SOFT drink fixtures for aala. bar and back-bar, with 3 mirrors, showeasea, tobacco and candy cases; must be sold at once. Pal's. Club. 239 1st, comer Main. ' FALL PEARS. $1 box; pick them. 458 Beech. FURNITURE WANTED 74 HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED W. want yoor used furniture, rags, carpets, stoves and all boos bold goods snd will pay the big heel eaah prices. TOP MARKET PRICKS W also buy and tell hard war. tools, sporting good, teats, bicycl. tf pew i iters, adding machines and store and office furniture. Whan yon bar anything to buy, sail or trade CALL MAIN 9073 LEVIN HARDWARE FURNITURE CO. Z21-32S-229 front St BE WISE CALL MAIN 8951. We Buy Everything iri Furniture WE PAT THE PRICK Freeman's Fsinh Store 200-202-204 FTB8T, 8. E. COR. TAYLOR. Owl Furniture Co. MORRISON W want your used furniture, stoves, carpets and pianos', ere psy the highest cssh .prices. -166 and 168 First st Csll Main 4627.J SPOT CASH FOR USED FTTHNITCRE Main 8878 UNITED FURNITURE STORK Jig FIRST STREET East Side 2d Hand Store Pays highest cash price for used household roods. 271 Russell. Phone East 63ST. T.gT ... .Sv. vou an estimate on your furniture. Reblt Furniture Co.. 203 205 2d. Main. GOOD pric paid for good furniture. 322-824 Washinaton- Bdwy. 8695. WANTED Medium size baby bed, wood, white or light colored. r-z, journal. WE BCYused furniture. For best remit phono Automatic 217-71 or rst zauo. WHO hss a Peake'a fireplace radiator for sale? Kenwood 16i)4. WANTED Baby's bed, in good condition. Phone Tsbor 7728. SWAPS ti FINE VIOLIN and 'leather cast for typewriter. Main 931. TO TRADE Amateur printing press for type writer. Address. Jt-oie. journal. WANTED Good shotgun. Will exchange choice poultry for same. Investigate. Tsbor 890. WILLTRADE a 7 pas. Stoddard-Daytoo for a wwodaaw. Wdln. 555. FURNITURE to trade; rang with coil, $16.50. 774 Interstate ave. Main 4 450. PRINTING, letterheads, bill and envelop, in exchange for dental work. Z-578. JournaL WANTED Piano. Will trade on light tour ing ear. 400 Rose at. East 7508. CHILD'S shoes, aire 11, worn twice, for gaa paste. Tabor 8868. LOT in San Francisco's industrial district to trad for automobile. Main 8763. OLD oar, in good running order, for bed dav enport, good rug, combination range or wnati 414 Skidmore at 80 ACRES fin stump land to swap for what? Alw Tlior twin motorcycle for drrner or what have yonT Columbia 393. KICK lot La Platteville. Wfcv, for car. trad or Tabor mo BUFF or Brown Ighora hem, for coed hettio, wtovw. ; 6480 3d at. i. E . , T I . TWO lina lota lot piano ot Victrola, .170 6th '. -A a .... i '3 a' 33- SWAFS tLEAR tiU to' 40 acre ' near Goiaaaviai, Wash., ta trail for lot. in auburba. or what hav youf Tabor SOBS. FOR TRADE Dodge touring, for lot or house and lot or eauity. B. Buriey. 119$ E. 88U it N. FOR" aal or trade: 2 delivery wagon. I stands bee. 1 7-nassencer Stoddard-Daitoo. Wood- lawn BBS. WANTED to buy or trade for a good phono aranh: have all kinds rood books. Phon Msin 4816. WILL EXCHANGE brand new electric iron for electric heater or library table. 302 JIM st, Bdwy. 4 293. ' , WILL TRADE a slip cover for a Dodge roadster for a pair of chains for 82x8 ft. 118 Simp son. HAVE $400 in 12 acres of unimproved land. want to trade ssmc for Ford or tnvroe touring or delivery. F-231, Journal. WANTED MtSCEfcLA5EOrr $12.50 to $25 For Second-Hand SUITS OR OVERCOATS METKR THE TAILOK Pays aaotw tor cloth in and shoes. W eH any or evening, anywhere in the city. Call Mar shall 1129 ot 258 Madison st, near Third st UP TO $35 FOB MEN'S 8C1TS.AND OVERCOATS W Pay Any Price for kirn Clnthat OREGON CLEANERS & TAILORS 117 2d St. N. W Cor. Wash Mate 8844 WANTED People ot fell. ad te know that Day that hicbast rash eric tor eeronrl hai bouaehold gooila No amount too large ot toa small, rrompc attention. N. M SKATER. Phone East 2203. 148 Rnseefl st 87.50 TO 323 for men's used suite and over coats, call Coldbaun the Tailor, for good results. Will pay more and all it is worth for your east off clothing. Phone Main T88. 167 First ft. near Morrison WANTED An air cooipreuer, new or second hand: abo second hand oil or paint barrsls. f a in XT1 f . . n Kill IJ f C: 1 , Board of Trade bldg. b WEH connect. ns and cess pooL H. klllllon at tton Tabor 66S2. Za E. 79th st S. Call ixiwarn 6 and 8 a. m. or 6 and 8 p. m. WANT to buy old building for wrecking, con dition no object Write Fred Lorrea, 1610 Col. blvd., city. SECOND-HAND rug. about 9x12; must b in good condition and harealn for aah ST-a7n Journal. SMALL 4-room houe to wreck. Also one suit able for garage. 808 East Conch. Kundav ar week days. WANTED Second-hand breakfast tabla gaa range. Must be barxain. Phone Main 506. WANTED Furnltur to crate, crockery am china and Elaiunrare to Dark, evenines after q o clock, sell. 2689; all work guaranteed. WANTED Irge tize second-bani tnt't over. coat Light or medium weight Cbarlea. P. O. Box 829. WANTED Good aeoondhand feed cutter. De- aenbe the same and aive lowest Price. Ad- dress, H. H. Staub, 1027 Belmont, Portland, Or. WANTED Wooden decoy ducks, rhon Mar, 1000 TO GET YOITH OLD 8HOES FIXED CALL EAST 908. WANTED An experienced well differ. CaU 257 tt Dailey tt. or phono 120-80. WANTED Old-house, remodeled, in exchang for acre at Woodstock. P-261. JournaL GOOD PIANO, cheap for caah; no junk. Y-873 Journal. WIIX BUY old guns or antique weapons. 635 t. 59tb at. N. WANTED Good gaa range and water heater. Mars nail 268. WANTED Elton's Side Light! Wm. Aller. phone CoL 658. on History WANTED Small heating stov. 7794- Phon East WANTED An Eastman kodak. Give price and size. ti-stt2, journal. WANTED Second-hand typewriter. Moat be cheap. Call Eat 6921. E. A. Gusty. WANT first class typewriter for high trad old violin, or wnst nave yonr Kant 5778. WANTED Rifles, shotgun, ram.ras. lei Hochfield, 85 3d. Phone Main 8581, WANTED AU kinds second-hand furniture and junk. Call East 8923. WANTED to buy a large, trunk; must be cheap. Alain D644. WANT SHOTGUN OR RIFLE, PAY CASH 19 r iK.31 oi, MAI 4495. TABOR 6793 WANTED Cheap sidecar for Barley. 714 W awtn st. Vancouver. Waan. WANT wardrobe trunk, will buy or exchange furniture for it Automatic 817-73 SAFE Want small safe. Glvt lowest pric and phon. K-466. JournaL ' WANTED Old paper and magaalnea; heat mar- ket price paid. Phon Automatic 82 0-48. WANTED Set of drawing tools. Tsbor-6132" WANTED A 22 pistol. B-64. Journal WANT good electric pedeBtajTlamp. TaboTlSYl" PERSONAL tt GLASSES at a saving. solicit yonr patronage on the beats of capable service. Tbouaanda of satisfied pa trons. Chaa. W. Ooodxaaa. opiomatrlit, 20t Momson it Main 2124. PYORRHEA What is it? What causes it? Is it pre ventable 1 Can it be cured? Examinations free. C. SMITH I-ONG, Dentist 810 Bush A Lane bldg. INFORMATION Ask about anything you with to know. Prompt replies: confidential Charges according to service desired, $1 up. Write. Western Informstion Bureau. 404 tt Waahing tou st , Portland. Or. JAY the jobber. Plaster, brick and cement work. Ia changing his address to 41st st snd Sandy boulevard. Phone Automatic 319-70. DR. GEORGE RUBENSTEIN, tb veteran optician, it an expert in fitting eyeglasses, snd charge to very reasonable. Broken lonaat quickly duplicated. 226 Morrison st 81 Gets both feet fixed upst Dr. Baton's tb CHIROPODIST tnd ARCH SPECIALIST wh doesn't hurt you. 8 yra. bar. Exam. fra. Glob Theatre bldg.. 11th and Wash. Bdwy. 3824. LEARN beauty culture, night senoei, 7 to 9 o'clock: 6 expert special teachers: work day time, learn good trade evenings. SaniterT Beauty Parlors. MsrshslI 1702. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: I will not be responsible for any bills contracted by my wife. Mollis Becker MoUit Krteger. JOHN BECKER. WANTED For edoption, baby girl, 10 or 14 months old. Write Mrs. Jo Wurtx. 1009 E. 17th N. IF YOU sr. unabl to tak. th required physical exercise, try a body or vibrator Bl stage. Will call at your bom. Tabor 7101. STEAM BATHS, CHIROPRACTIC MASSAGE Dr. Margaret Haynie. 2d floor 8 wetland block. Main 1765, I Arty patients preferred. ORDERS taken for No-Bon corsets; Sunnysid. between 45tb-S7th st. Call Tabor 8141. 1103 K. Taylor at YOUNCTTady will do manicuring, aliampooing. Marcel waving and facial treatments at your horn. East 34 1 8. VIT'cTXET magnetic treatments, electrical treatments snd massage. Dr. Genevieve l.ocke, 4 4 7 Morgan bldg. ; SUPERFLUOUS hair, mole, warts removed by. 10 needle method; trial free. Joss Flnlay, 514' Bosh A Lane bldg. Main 6366. STEAM and chemical hatha. Maasaga by gradu- at bldg.. masseur tn sleet rid ty. 610 Bacbsnsn Marshall 2104. SUPERFLUOUS hair, manicuring, foe and scalp treatments, MsrthsU 119L Apt, $18 Royal mu bldg. BATHS, violet ray, and msssag. Dr. Elna Boreoaen. 608 Panama bldg. ala.B 6086. Lawyer SeUiat bldg Main 4999. TIT-O-SET magnetic treatment Violet ray. Body aaassage. 450 Morgan bldg. Main 7579. WILDOW4Mlk Johnson would Hke to eoaa- mnnicat with you. Call T. M. C A MRS. WALTER G. METER, formerly Condon. Or., plea call Main 6842. aa soon st can. CLIFFORD Hotel Beauty Parlors. 129-E. 6th st. ground floor; first class work. East 602. PRTmEDIT'BALM, formerly eaUed Halm of Figs. 844 K. 33d. Sell. 2213 mornings. SHOES HALFSOLED. beat meterisJ; call snd deliver; no extra cmt Phone Eet 906. GENTLEMAN going to Louisiana wiU attend any bu -Inesa en ronte. It-OBO, JournaL WANTED A small child to care for. lieal- dfBce. 1214 E. 15th N BEST shoe reriring. Pennsylvania .Shoe Hos pital. 470 N. I'nion av. PARISfAN lady teach" Frenee v., andBat CaU ere. Main 4933. . MRXWYLmra7l Mrs. K. Cobb. Main 806?: SOT1CER tt NOTICE Examination for the degree of certified pub Be accountant will be held at the Public library , 10th and Yamhill eto., Portland. r., rm Tues day and Wednesday. Nov. 16 and 17, from 9 s. m to 5 p. m. , , . Questions will be asked is Theory of Account, Practical Accounting, Auditing and Commercial Law C adulate are reaneoted to send their ap plication, to tb secretary ot sne and awt Inter than Nov. i, aceompsnWd by th tlaUtory foa of $2$. . : -. - - - t -(!,-: " ARTHUR BEBRIDCE. Seo ' . - - 619 Woreeete block. Portland Or. - - t. ', ' TO WHOM IT MAY-CONCERN My erif. if '. ate - Bvemhaav (Jsesie. McCoy) baa Wft mt j. ! and 1 will , be iwaponsibl for any bllia 7 her. Signed. F. H. Evernhaaa. contracted by PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS MMCTORY j M3U$' 6UUK LEWIS STKNCERoiriuy-fV" ..1 MeeTtxoa at Tb. lo buy barber chair, and euppjiea. Stock ml turaUnr always an bead t right prices. --; ssUSWK book wKtsi DAVIS A HOLMAN, tNCTTo9 2d st. hisnli book mtmif.crtirera A ilH3 klairi 8 CAT AND DO HOSPITAL ROSi!" CIttETERINARtH(AriTATrTno7 A. ia - am ureni; poui pi.0Da; tj aad aielht $tff.c; thr TtnnartAna. OARPST CL AN INO. FLUFF RUGS From Old Carpets Bag Ouga, aB Bis Mall Orders Prompt, Send for Booklet 9x12 Ruga, Steam or Dry Cleaned. $1.68. FLUFF RUG CO 64-68 Union Av. N. Last 8AI6. Kait T8S. OKWHIT bVOHK ceaneot work, aeneral bolklia. aA ALL else repair work. Bate res sons e4 Phone t'J --J9 OMIROPODI8T DR. SOPIE ZUMBOCK, chiropodist, msntcurlof, htmnooinl, facial matatft. 4 0(j luleigk Mdg l'ln,ne Main 8294. I)6-Tt5l;RK;t "hurt f SeeT)7l!ll7ei"-r-gy. M allien r 87 SBd1 manicuring. 60S ltaleigh bid. DR. McMAUON. TooiT ehlroDTsotie !. Portland. 1910 V S9A n . . 7 Thront- pronounce it superior treatment Na eamouflagea, ioet hous stunts or profiteering Hr"?.0. "justmenti mad easy, enioysbla, beneficial and curstiv. Ttamt: InititH trett. meats reasonably and ill eaaet rfully ad. '"f Patient requiring extended time. 81" adjustment. 316 Phone, call. writ. DR. E. B. ANQELL 198 21sl St. 1 block south of Wa.hln.rfn. ' MsrshslI 2818. Chiropractic, electric ll.hi i.i ..a shower baths, massage. larlv all.Brt.nt FREE EXAMINATION FOB LIMITED TIMSV CHIROPRACTIC, stesai bath and masaagalToth floor kmadeit hLH is. sssraoau siai. Da. uura a. Uownlng. Open evenings. OOLLKOTIOItn DOE8N T Tom, Dick or Harry pay yout See viereca, coiiecuona. Ueaum bldg. NETH A CO. Worcester bldg. Msin 1796. "N couocnont. no charg. Esttblishsd 1900. OOAL AND WOOD BOXWOOD rnvr4 lmmdistly by Fulton Wood OA. 1861 Macadam. Phon Main 417S. WOOD FOR 8ALI3 Dry and green. 4 -ft alab; abn 16-lneh slab and block, mixed. Phon Woodlawn 6312 after 6:80 p. m. GOOD 16-ineb slsb wood. $4 50 a load. Surely" i bargain. Delivered anywbere. Call ma. Soil wood 1709. BLOCK and alab wood mixed in 2 it load tote delivered immediately. Special uric. Call East 2041 BLOCK- and alabwood. also boxwood, price In 8 load lota Wdln. 4103. OtRTtSTS Dentistry W. KEENE. tt Wtthintton st Witbout Pain. Latost Nrv Blocking Hat hod. DUOATtONAL DRAMATIC TRAINING FOR CHILDREN MRS. LUCILE L. CASE, 808 Columbia bldg. Tel. Mar 279. DANOINQ SUMMERS Dancing Academy. Private lessons. day and evening. All latest step and axl steps taught by pmfestiimsl teachers. The beat school in tb city. Mr. snd Mrs. Hummers, b5 tt 5vb tt. Manchester bldg. Dence every TLorsdai; good music, good floors, ij try body welcome Bdwy. 3690. " WALKER'S DANCING SfHOOCBsIlmooi and stage dancing; private and class lessons; elt sees for children in singing and dancing. Sv dance every Saturday night 129 4th st. r.tsr Wannington, an floor MISS DOROTHi KAHMUS8E.S Hall; aesthetic danomt. 610 Eilera bldg room snd Veh.', between 4th and nth. Msin 1128. atUBIO 6CMOOL9 AMD T1A0MSB6 A FIRST CLASS teacher piano tnd i.Mce, newcomer, with excellent credentiala, will tak a few pupils at reduced rate for introductioa. t 947. Journal. MRS ANNA-MOORE, experienced piano teschrr; trained at Boston and Detroit conervaturirs; special training given beginners; lessons In stu dio or pupil's home. Marshall 3103. 391 Mill. PstOFBSSOK f . Tt LAWSON Twenty" yesrsT experience, piano leaaous at your bom. $L Phone TsHor 7695 MISS MATTINGLY'S PrtvaU Seboot Short- band and Typewriting; tedividuai Irtstrnstse. 269 14th. ar .'rffereon. Msin 8698. MBS J. M LOVEJ0T, Inatrwctor of popolaf rtgtlm and elsasic. Tsbor 6815. L. CARROLL DAY. leacber of vole and ataoa' 14S lktfa af Broadway 2856. WANTED Ladiaa. know can cleaa youj white Milan or crepe bat 628 Divtsissv HATS cleaned, blocked: ahoet dyed. Worg guaranteed nam Sadia, 180 tt 3d st HATS cleaned, blocked, dye reasonsbl and tatiafactory. Royal Hat Works, 223 1st st PATtMT ATTORNirS UOLDBEKO. 020 Worceetef bl4g. Main Sfta. LT YOU own an auto, that's your bus! net. Painting auto, is my bnatneea. All work guaranteed, ctbop K. 10th and Buraaid garage.. C. W. Nice. i. H. CLIFTON, painting, paparing, tinting. 134 N. 17th st Brosdway 4414 Woodlawn 3126, LkpitKibAiMJ. hous paiDria. tintins. napoo banging. Tabor 62 IT. PAINT TUK great roof rest or. r and preserver to th celebrated WTT-'irOT ROOF PAINT Although very low priced tber It noa better. Agent, wanted in every town and city in Ore- an, Washington, Idaho and Nortbera California, 'ortltnd sgtate, K A 11. boot Painters. Tsbor 7514; Boy Plney. Main 6820; Nickel Co, Nutting Co., and otbsrv Reference Hundreds of satisfied customers. ROOF Sa.CC Hi 11' Co. Board of Trad atkta. Maw 67a. ktei 5644. PlUMBINa AND BTtABt 8UPPLIBS PLUMB1N0 rrk don quickly and efficiently at i price; new Installations specialty! work la xaaaahip giisrsnl 1 i'hoo Aast 1964. Pilsitll at MERKO METAL WORKS F L U M B I N G SUPPLIES AT W UuLKKALl PRICKS. 8TAHK-DAV1S CO.. 168 4tk tt, THE M. L. KLINE CO., 84 86 87 19 Front st Printmg fTlarTMWTNiioDs 887 Washington. Broadway 484, A-l 24. floor- RKPAimna DON'T ehanos your roof repairing ta the hand of Snexperier.ceu persona, it s us uosi im ports nl part of tb bout. Oar prices art at reeunebf as th cbaapeef W are manufac turers, lnvesugauea wviiaai. vail sjp lor a uat of authorized agenu in Portland. Th Cele brated Wtbfuut Mtg. C.. 226 Beard of Trad bldg. Main 87 lj tt., Main 5644. WE PAINT and tapair new and old roof. . a. roof p. inters. Main 6470. 803 katb st, WUI paint any color. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. Packing Moving Storage Money leaned on Keceipta kteduccd Freight Itatee IN THE HLART of THE C1TT COB. 4TU AND PLK STS. itUWY. 3711 Oregon Transfer Co. Eatabaabed 18T8 Tranefer and Forwarding Afoot STORAGE FREE TRACKAGE Of fie and Storage, 474 Glieea 13tb tnd Glistn Broadway 1181. A-l 16. aLw a Va pick TUB WiSTu5UiicitoTS KXDS SfKClALloT Btoreca. awckina abip. tang and twoeing; bora and aato van; apaciaf rate to all notnta. a a PICK TRANSFER STORAGE CO. td and Pin Sta. Beodway 696. A-199S.V Storage and Transfer Clay S. Morse, I ncv ; 12TH AMD GLISAN, SROADWAT I4TS. i HElfilfT R ATEsT ' I shipped oast and aotrth. . Transfer Cm 9th n4 fi -;v lomw fOA ;- ' .' Iwk4 M.BMeaT ware Hvrt . Phnw H roadway 70S. CUT-PRICE ttaMf. oacking. etc. . Edward. U Furariturs Co. Mala 127, A-292S. Btotw 6Ut and 4ak. . .- , - -. 'lit- . .1