V - SATURDAY OCTOBER 1920. THE OREGON DAILY JOU RNAt, PORTLAND, OREGON 15 v FOB gAXB MlBCBLATCeOPS It - SPECIAL PRICES OX NEW . AND SECOND HAND FARM : , MACHINERT. ' On. 14-in. Bock Island Mtlkr. "ia A extra ( 85.00 On 14-ln. OUm sulky plow, dw 09.00 (m two wheel auto trailer 'On hocking galley feed cotter. , . Od Feed mill ........... On Hay fork ......... . On new 14 -In. 4 bottom tractor plow . . 378.00 One Krw 14-ln. 4 bottom P. A O. tractor plow . 276 00 On. 12-20 Bull tractor, good ... . R60 00 On 10 b. p. u engine, mounted. 275.00 On 3H h. p. Fori U engine. . . 75.00 On 2 b. p. Economy u engine 00.00 Una Aim barrow, 12 blade.... 13.00 - One 12-in. Itock bland prair1 breaker i . . 28.00 On Iron Ac potato planter 100.00 On 2 -In. Studebeker wagon (ear 35 00 On Tongue truck lor diac 7.00 On No. 3 pitcher pump 2.00 Two band grist mtlLi, each .00 On lot tl hay track, per foot. . 2S On bay carrier for steel track. .. 7. 50 On art single buggy harness . ... . 15.00 On Mt single expFess harnea. . . 15.00 On ladle' aid aaddl. good 25 2!? One top buggy 15.00 WK WII.I, BTJT ANT) SELL TOCR USED IMPLEMENTS. P. E. ESBEN5HADE 860-886 E. Morriaon St. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM Nw and 2d band. sold for te; no sgem mplryd. Complete line of parts for all make. Machine repaired and rented. Mshi 9481, SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM 100 Third, near Taylor at SEW, SEW. SEW, HEW. Pbon Hellwond 1071. NO AGENTS EMPLOYED. Wtn anartttnM hImumI HmmI AlnWlJtA. V- Plred, bought, old. rented, euppUa and attach ment, power ami mix machines: motora. t tufting and tables Installed; everything In gsredle. - Phone Bellwood 1071. SINGER ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINES We take your macrons In exchange, balance cub or aty payment. Pbon for dmontre Uoo. Machines rented. Expert repairing, any make. MORBIBON ST. SINGER STORE. 152 Morriaon. Marahall 721. FOR RALE Mesqulte grass seed. hulld eei 1 8c par lb. ; an balled eeed, f re from etrew tnd trash, to per lb., f. o. b. Alpine. Or. Write for prices on ton lota. Sample dh request. Caah or check with order. VV. E. McCloskey, Monroe, Oi. EDISON CYLINDER PHONOGRAPH Edtaon Opera Phonograph, fin wooden born and 10O tndeitnictibl record, only 435; (10 dewr. (5 monthly. Con (126. Hystt Talk Ins Msrhine I'ip.. 810 Airier. Kll'i; picked apple sf? SI per box and up. Also swset butter and late pear at reasonable price. Quince.' B. lbs. for 25 cent. No bole furnithed. Comer". 4 2d and Himpesn su Cae Sunday. Oct. 10. II. Bredemeter. rJIBLOfO PIPELKS8 FI'tlNACE, $00.50, (18,r. Suiierior to any, reeardle of price. Quicker circulation, la rjer radiation. Fire year guarantee. I. T. Woodruff, looai agent. . Wood law" 2103. SAFES Fir and burglar proof afc. new and econd band, at eight price, bought, old and exchanged. Kty urms It deal red. .NORHIS HAFK it LOCK CO.. 105 Second Bu Main 2045. OFFICE equipment of etery deacriptlon from gorernment and shipyard, naw aulpment of high-grade atael filing cabinet. D. C Wax, 81 N. ftth it. B rod way 278 0 NEW SYSTEM NEW OFFICE Honent, conftctentiotia dentistry. US FREO HELLISH. 1 08 H Fourth, Between Washington and Blatfc. i'Oll KALE Shorels. pieks, grub hoes, lumber chain, rooter plows, backer and one 1-hors wagon; all bargains. Pbon beUwood 1198. 74 E. 84tli it. HofWAtKR TANKS 80-aL,(T: 40-gaL. (0. Teete and guaranteed ttoea and furnace coll. Gaa beater itutalled. Expert plumbing repairing. Esst Side Welding Bbop. 308, Adam rt. E. 8510. SCALES Slightfy used, modern, 30-lb. electric. computes to Uc lb. Coet $200, price (170. Serenl 2-lb. computing candy scales at $5 a.), le Kemp, Bdw. S70. . CIRCLE- EXCHANGE. W buy. sell and exchange ladle' and chil dren a clothing 415 Fleidvtr bldg , lOtb and Washington. Bdwy. 2t(t. J . SOFT dnnk fixture for sale, bar and back-bar, with a mirrors, ahowea-ea. tobacco and candy cases; must be sold at one. Pal't Club, 235 1st., corner Main, LEfn&S wash your rug with, tb Hamilton -Beach carpet waahex without remorng( from tify floor. Work guaranteed clean and unitary. hills moth-, anrl germ. Wdln. 12f.l. Viffl an amlastlni afirtrttion by a Wakr roof? Why not a permanent and comfortabl roof? We repair, rubber-bond and rein renat all kireia of leaky roofs. Work guaranteed. Main 5580 LICENSED independent eiecvncln wire 3 rooms for $12, 5 room $20. All new tna 'vUriai used and guaranteed to pasa Inspection. WoodUwn 8791. ; 316.50 to $25 'VffitjlBiffiSg Gaaranteed We Rent and Repair. 17S d st.. Bsr TimhlU. Main 1845. FOR SALE Electric vacuum cleaner, with all attachment. . -Cot $165 ; will sell half price. Term if desired. Main 6944 or Main 6T1 GOOD BUY 1 or 2 new late model drag saws, with clutch. Owner. G. H. Williams, 959 E. 25th st. N. Auto, 822-42. KITTTlEN range, good baker; heating oven above; wood or coal; water coils included. l'nr $25. Wuodlawn 3548. WILL eU to"" any prrsnn boldlnf union card (ill first mortgage Liberty teniple bond. I'lsconnt 25 per cent. Maig 5X44. SIBLCNfO pipelest fnrnaoeafor-sale, (A9.45 and $185. For further information addresa 829 Reuton it., Portland, Or. Phrine F.ast 4 597. 500 BUSINESS CARDS rRINTtJtT $1.25 ROSE CITT Tea must bring this sd. M0 6th at. LEAKT auto tops waterproofed and mad Ilka new for $8.50, with a money-back guarantee. F.et 8877. 351 E. Oak at. A. B 8 BUitNKK ga range. a gond as naw: must be sern to be appreciated. Call at 457 K. 2th sL 8. , SlliCO Plnlfa Furnace. $59 45 and $185. Show room at 184 K. Broadway near bridge. For information phone Kaat 4!Vfl7. Open Hiindaye. NEW ahorse potato digger; price (20. 1st new house north nt Division, James Res in tissen. CONCORD grapes, apple and pears for sale ; bring your box. 1 mil. eaat Milwaukie, Or., between 87th and 40th on King St. Phone 84-J. pfT'SiBlNG. stove and turnres repaired; gas fittings, eotls msde and eonneHed. 7 Grand are N. Kaat 65o. ' K'lLL sacrifice I. C. S. rours In Sapnish. ln cludlng phonograph, reoonls, text books sod Instruction. C-85S, Journal. GRAPES for sale at Maddneks. 8ith and Steel r. S. E. Woodstock cr. 8 block went of 53d eve. and 4 let st. A8E AtfTtTUL tfblt bshy carriage, haa been used only 8 months; will set) for $15. 848 1st at. S. Portland. J FOR-fKALE New Home sewing machine good condition. Automatic $18-68. 1001 E. 3 1 t N. WICKER loans, ts pen try upholstered: alio I fin. refrigerator and other oddmeau for sale ,st one. Automatic 51 T-T J. r.NE stand hen, three empty hlvea; drum good fnr Boy Kcout. Tabor 7920. . FERTILIZER ' Good horse twr cow manure. Tabor 2704. WTS." HOME-EXCHANGE can aeil ladles' and children's slightly worn apparel. Mar. 8315. w00D8AW""tn tin "condition or sale "Call Tabor 40 rV FOR SALIC 12 win medium brown braids, i own JiairTbqr 7934. $65 BABY bugsyfor"aTlor $25. ilUlr Water st. . ONE wood heating slure. Phone 817-75. aa good . as gnw. BARY coat, beautiful white cuiochella, six 3 or 8, 530 Rhone. Sellwood car. PANAMA heater coal grate, kitchen table, hall mlrmr. rug 9x12. 880 Rhone. Sellwood jar. CEMENTlanndry trays. Fsotory814tWaaiH ington at. We ship, rail or water. VACUUM aiaaners rented, $1 per day delivered. Broadway 2872 daars, Tabor 57 8 6 evenings. COT.ITMR"lA plaater wajlboafd. none better quick delivery. 419 Henry bldg. jlroadwav 1901. HAND PRESS VxlO Inch, with type end equipment In gvod condition. Eaat 8178 FOILING baby buggy for sale, very good oon dition. 1225 K. 17th rt. N. s NEW $800 Mahy Cremona Phonograph, a Beauty, 81 7 5 . cuh. Phone Tabor 9373. 'rJ.,8Vfr"Wn,t tTt"- 106VriranrjtaXre'. pell. BsTb. CULL APPLES 75 cents per aack while the last, aoutb end Buckley av.t off Poster road. KITCHEN RANGE. woodTor' coal ; water olis In $25. 70 E. 18th .LJirjPbrr,57e,: FOR" 8Al.r2 .5"TVV I nc heater " rlflr bStaid knife. $28. 898 Br4t. Aat. 819-68. 4 CREAM wicker baby earrf geTTY 0 .- range with coil. $lh bihctair.8.0.Voodlawn 4038. VACTJTJM eieanera forrnC$l a" day; deUvwrad anywhera. Wdln. 349b. formerly Bdwy. a(t FOR SALE Civil - engineer's outfit for anal sixth cost- 1015 Ttbbette st. . . . T5oO fOTJNQ panay plknt. pTttygrove at. 2T2T. : 'eTTeTyai 'l-i.' ' " UJ'J'".. 1 v.nai g.j Tor aaie. ;ow price, ill BUl av. FOR BAtE-MTWCBLLAITEOPS 12 NEW I, INK -NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS to and Penny Key. OAK AMP MAHOGANY FINISH PRICES: 17 . 1110 $150 roll Hm of aooond-hand and rebuilt National registers, fully guaranteed by THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO. Liberal Allowance for Old Register. J. K. ML'MMA. SALES AGENT Broadway 18) S, StO Stark St BUY ADAMS FIRE PROOF STOVE BLACKING; WILL NOT BURN OFF. ASK YOUR GROCER Ofe HARD WARE DEALER. Buy, Sell AND EXCHANGE rb register, bea, fountain. seal. tU)T fixture. L BOXER. Mar. 2455. Ill 2d St CEDAR CHESTS Direct from factory to yonr bom. Teoneese and Pert Orford cedar: aeUd copper trimming, latest detiav. Writ for cstelosro. J. W. HIQGINS A SON 1412-18-16 E. OLI8AN. TABOR S0 WE RAVE TOO MONET boa wiring. lighting fix ture, electrical npalrlng. u pile. Third Strewt Electri Stora.. 224 Third atrMt. Mar 75 DROP-HEAD and cabrnet aewing - chin, rrery kind; aU guaranwwa; n to S ail to la teat new Sinter; cash r term. Machine rented (l a month. Singer Stor. Moo bldg.. 1S kourth t. Main nsaa KTBMITURE rapalnd, npbotatared. Ilk w; mattrae remade, mirror reallterad, furni ture . bsugbt, aold and exchanged at webeter rurnltur Repair Shoo. 1105 Hawthorn. Tabor (825 - CONCORD and Sweetwater grpea; bring your basket, get them freah from ine; 1 block cite earlin. aoutb id of road, i'hon Oak Grota 28-J, Lwia E. Reee. BUT. SElXTBENf OR TRAD Shotguns or Rifles NEWMAN'S GUN STORE. 12 Flrat t- Main 4495. Tabor S798. BUT electric fixture now. On light chain fix ture, 41.50; 4 light fixture, wired ready to hang. $; teml Indirect bowl. and up. Krliable Klec. htore. Union and. RuaMR Eat AHHR tlnen eveliinc CONCORD and bweetwster nin Cc lb, (4 innil tare rvr amall liWa: Bsrtlett Dara. 81 box; culnoet. 4c lb.; windfall appls, BOo box. (1 sack, other 75c. $1 box. Bring container. 5020 86th t. (Lenta). Mt. Scott ear. SWAPS 21 OLD cer, in good running order, for bed dae : enrjort. eood rue combination range or what! V4H Skldmore t. 80 ACRES fin stomp land to swap for whatf Alio Thor twin moUircyele for dreeaer or what hare you 7 Columbia 898. NICE lot In PlatteTlll. Wto., for car, teuck r piano. Tabor 1118, , BUFF or Brown Igborn hens, for good heating store A4 30 63d at. S. K. FCBN ITCRE WANTED 74 HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED W want four used fnraitur. atoea and all house- rag, carpets. bold goods and will pay th. tugheM eash price. TOP MARKET PRICES W alio buy and aU hardwara, tools, sporting good, teata, btcycJa. typewritera, adding machine and tor. and office fnraitur. Whwa yow bar anything to buy aeil or trad. CAU, UAUi 9073 LEVIN HARDWARE A FURNITURE CO. I 231 23-325 front Su BE WISE CALL MAIN 3951. We Buy Everything in Furniture WE PAT THE PRICE Freeman's Fuol Store 200-202-204 FIRST, S. E. COR. TATLOR. Owl Furniture Co. MORRISON W want yonr used furniture, stoves, csrpet ana pisnos; we pay to nignest ctso price. 166 and 188 First at Call Main 4027. SPOT CASH FOR USED FCRNlfCRE Main 8878 UNITED FURNITURE STORE i FIRST STREET East Side 2d Hand Store Pays highest cub price fnr used bouse held goods. 271 Russell. Phon Eaat 4387. LET ua give you an eatiaaat. on your furniture. R.Uabl. rurnltur Co., 303-205 2d. Main. GOOD price paid (or good faralture. 522-524 Washington. Bdwy. 8485. WANTED Medium sis baby bed. wood, white or light colored. F-234. Journal WBTBflf used'furnitur. tfoTbeit teaulu phoae Automatic 217-71 or East 2405. WANTED MISCELLAKKOtS , $120 to $25 For Second-Hand SUITS OR OVERCOATS METER THE TAILOR Pay more for clothing ami ahoee. W eaO day r evening, anywhere la th. city. Call Mar sh s 11 li29 or 258 Madison St.. near Third st UP TO $35.00 FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS W. Pay Any Price for Men's Clothe OREGON CLEANERS A TAILORS 117 2d at. N. W. Cot. Wash. 'Mala 3844 WAN TEl People of' PoriJaad to knew that 1 pay tb bicbest cash price fat swasad band house bold good. No. amount too large or to. emaU Prompt attentloa. N. M. S EATER, ;, 148 Rnsaen st WE MCSi bav BOO men 'a nud suits, coats and pant. aU Bwi Call ua lor dm or saarL we pay caah. from (10 up. A pbon call will bring ue with tub. 1(7 lit .u. near Morrison. Mam 788. after 7 p. m. tail Wdla. n201. WANTKD An air oompreseer, nw or second nana; auo second hand oil or paint barrels. Main 571, Main 5644 Board of Trad bldg. Roof Security Co , 328 SEWER connections and cess pool R, Million A Son Tabor 6652. 25 E. 79th at. S. CJ astween 8 and 8 a. m. or and 8 o aa WANT to buy - old building for wrecking, coa dJUon no .?bJcV Write "rd Lornn. 1610 iUS I'l vy . lilt J. WANT first class typewriter for high grade eld vvoun, or uawJ yow r a,at 07T9. . WANTED KUlea. ahotauaa, camera, ki nocnrieia. no a a. rnone stain 8581 WANTED All kind second-hand furniture and junk. Cell Eet 3928. WANTED to buy a large. trunk; must be chean Main 5844. p" WANf-SHutQljN OR RIFLE, PAt CAlH. 128 FIK8T ST. MAIN 4495. TABOR 4798 WANT wardrobe trunk, wilt bay or exchange furniture for ft. Automatic -Al 7-7 a SAFE Want email safe. Give lowest price and poone. . &-1SB, journal. W. ft. HOME XX CHANGE can mpM your alighdy worn apparel and furs. Marshall 8215. ' fE MOW AIi VIT-O-NET ! magneto Ueatmente, traatmenM and maasag. Dr. 33 electrical Gale4e l-oca... 44 7 Morgan bldg. molea, wart removed by, 10 awedle method; trial free. Joait Fialey. 14 Baab A Ua Mt. Main 3388. sTsiH and chemical baths. , Maaaage by gradu- ttaa Tn awaeriii aalatx bldg.. Marahan 9154. 510 .Bucaajaaa I t7lWt-r oBasaUattow FREE. AH 1"Wyyr 8Hlf bldg, Mara 4998 W8pNf magnetic treatmeot. Violet ray ?yw .pay morgan mag. Main 7T. W2I W MlkTobSonWooJd TiF.to-eoaa- in rou. tui i. at. C A. cU, y- rww-sig siaia si, as soon ts can. PERSOITAL GLASSES at a earing. I solicit yow patronage mm th basis of cap hi errie. Thnnaaaia of aatlafiad pe troa. Cha. W. Ooodanaa. temetrist, 30 Morrisoa at Mais Slt4. JAT, tb Jobber. Piaster, brick and cement -work. la changing hia addraa to 41st st, and Sandy bo titer art. Pbon Automatie IV-70. UK GEORGE RUB EN STEIN, tb orsUcian. as an cxnert in fittiBC a and charge ao rery raaaonabla. Broken linasi ulckly dupUcatad. 134 Morriaos at. $1 Get both feet fixed op at Dr. Eaton' th CHIROPODIST and ARCH BPaXLvLiaT who deeen't burt yon, 8 yra. bar. Exam. free. Glob Theatre ldg, II tn and Waao. gdwy, xS4 SOPERrLUOL'i hair, macicunag, (ao and scalp treatmente. Marshall 1191. Apt, SIS Royal Aunt-: btdg BATHS, riolet ray, and maaaage. Dr. Elna Sorenaen. 508 Panama bids. bleu. 5084 WOTlCEfs 14 f It'U Op 6kEo0s- DEPARTMENT OP STATE Salem. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that by au thority of Chapter 187, General Law of Oregon, 1915, tb following State Warrant iaeued for a period of more than 7 year prior to July 1. 192,0, will b declared vbid and payment therton refitted by th State Treasurer of Oregon, un it presented for payment at tb offkw of tb State Treasurer, Salem, Oregon, within 00 day from tb 28th day ot September, 1920. tb date of th Drat publication of this notice; GENERAL FUND Warrant No. 88. date Issued. Jan. 1. 1918, la whoa favor. Jamas Monk; amount, (loo. Warrant No. 8234: date Issued. Mar. 18. 1918; Tn whoa farog. Arthur W. Valley; amount. 82.10. IN TE8T1MONT WHEREOF, I bar here unto set my hand and caused the teal of tb State of Oregon to be hereto affixed this 24th day of September, 1920. SAM KOZER. Secretary of State. (Seal of theState of Oregon). NOTICE Examination for tb degree of certified pub lic accountant will be held at th Tublic library, 10th and Yamhill ate., Portland, Or., on Tues day and Wednesday, No. 16 and 17, from a. m. to 5 p. m. Questions will b asked in Theory "of Accounts, Practical Accounting, Auditing and Commercial Law. Candidate are requested to send their ap pllcatione to tb seeretery at once and not later than Nor. 8. accompanied by the statutory fee of (25. ARTHUR BERRIDGE, Sec.. 019 Worcester block, Portland Or. TO WHOM IT MAT CONCERN My wife. Jea sie Erernham (Jessie McCoy) has left my hr-me and I will not be responsible for any bills contracted by her. Signed. F. H. Erernliam. PROFESSIONAL ARB BUSINESS DIRECTORY LEWIS SfENOER Barber Supply Co., 10th and Morrison sta, Toe place to buy berber chairs and supplies. Stock ot furniture always on bead st right prices. LANK BOOK MAKERS DAVIS HOLM AN, INC. 108 2d at., blaal book manufacturer. A 81 S3 Mala 188 OAT AHP POO HOSPITAL K08E CITT VETERINaTB? HOSPITAL, Inc. S. 7th and Grant; both phones; day and night serric; thr veterinarians. FLUFF RUGS From Old Carpets Rag Bugs, all Sizes Mail Order Prompt. Sand tor Booklet. 4x18 Ruga. Steam or Dry Cleaned. $1.50. rLUfT BUG CO. 54-88 Onion Ave. N. Eat 6518. East 7055 OtMCSIT WORK ALL clat.es cement work, centra! bonding and repair work. Rate reasonable. Pnonr 8 2 1-2 CHIROPODIST DR SOP1E ZUMBOC'K chiropodist, manicuring. shampooing, facial maaaag. 408 Ualeigk bldg pbon Main C294. CHIROPRACTORS DR. McMAHON, 100 a. .i. . ririiiira, miu io mzu. Best known. Throng pro Bounce It superior treatment. Ne camouflage, joss boue. atunte or profiteering adjurerta. Adjustments made easy, enjoyable, beneficial and curative. Teams: Initial treat ments rtvotiable. and all case carefully ad justed. Parents reauiring extended time. 81 Bujuauaieota io. roeot, ca writ. DR. E. B. ANQELL 105 31st St, t block south of Washington. Msrshsll 2818. Chiron rm otic, elect no lteht KatKa mini . .a hewer baths, nvsus. Lady attendant. r KKIC EXAMINATION YOW LIMITED TIME. rR. K. B. AN G ELL, 194 21it St.. 1 blk soutk of Weak MtrshaU 3818. ChiroprscUc. elec tric, shower and mineral baths, Maasega Lady attendant CHIROPRACTIC eteaaa batkw and maaaag. lot floor Broadway bid. Marshall 8187. Or. Laura . Downing. Open evenings. OOLLtCTIOItw KETH CO.. Worceater bldg. Main 1796. collections, no charge. Eetebliabed 1900. COAL AND WOOD WOOD FOR SALE Tin anrf wrmm' A-tt alar, alkn 1 S.liuh l.k and block, mixed. Phone Wood lawn 6312. after B 80 p. m. f50OD J 8 Inch slab wood, $4. SO a load. Surely a bargtia. Delivered anywhere. Call me. Sell wood 1769. BLOCK and slab wood mixed in 3 H load iota delivered immediately. Special price. Call East 2041 BLOCK and sUbwood7lo bogwood. prioa la 3 load lota. Wdln. 4103. Special BRINGING UP FATHER THE CUX THAfT INVEMTED COLLARS MObY HAVE eEEM AL.L- NECK AM' NO r 1 -j 1 BRMNj- - flfifi 4 A 1'U.TELL HETR MOTrtER leyt THE IDEA Or WErSR- IN' Ai LOW tSECK d' DerS'b UIKE THAT- t r JJ . ' N - -i'w vr- -.' . : . - v. c i:. , - 1 ; f . - -J.- s"" ' '-tS.. "J" :' . -' - " 'J- ' - : .' :: ' '-'-.I u i4- v . -xrJ" .i- -. . ..-.-: .... ' "' i; ' f ,' ;. t ' T- ProfoMloiijd aUkd Baadnesa Dilatory COAL AND wVOOD BOXWOOD DIRTISTS Dentistry DR. A. W. KEENE, 851tk Wsshinetosi at Without Pain. Latest Nerve Blocking Method. EDUCATIONAL DRAMATIC TRAINING tot CHttbBE.V" MRS. LUC1LB L. CASE, 308 Cohmbta bldg. TaL Mar 3789 OANCINO aUMklKRS Danclrai Academy. Private ksaaonaT day and evrning. All ktteat tep and lass atepe taught by ftrtitaeeional teachers. Tb. beat school in tb city. Mr. and Urn. Summer. bSfe 5th at.. Manchester bldg. Dance every Tborsdai good music, good floors. Every bed J Mleoni. Bdwy. 3690. WALKER'S DANCING SCHOOL Ballroom and stag dancing; private and elaaa laaaona elaasee for chihlrwn tn ainging and n---t a eial dsncc every Saturday night. 129 4tb at. ir wasnington, aa iioor M1S8 DOROTHY HAS MUSS EN Ballroom sn3 a Bathetic dancing, 810 Ellen bldg. Wash., between 4th and 6th. Main 1128. MUSId 30HOOL3 AND T8A0H8R9 A FIK8T GLASS teacher piano and fmcT newcomer, with excellent credential, will take a few pupil at redaced rate for Introduction. G 947. Journal. MRS. ANNA MOORE, experienced piano teacher: trained at Boston and Detroit conservatories: special training given beginners; lessons tn stu- dio or pupil's noma Marshall 8108. 891 Mill. PROFESSOR T. at WSON TvTtmy yart experience, piano ieasoas at yur bom, 4L Pbon 1 Nr 7895 MISS MATTINGLY'S Prrvate ScbooL SW band and Typcwrttinr; ledividual imtewatiow. 269 14th. near .'efferson. Stain 889- """"" MHH. mi. M. LOVEJOY, instructor of popular miuui ami ciaatio. aapor ansa. L. CARROLL DAY. taehr f voic 14 18th at. Broadway 2555. HAT OLIANCR AND OVERS VV ANTED I .diet, snow wa can cJaaa yout wlute Milan or crepe net 52.'. Divauen. HA l a clMBed, Blocaed; atloes dyed. Wore guaranteed Sam Badia. 10 h. a t HATS cleaned, blocked, dyed, reaaonabl- and satisfactory. Royal Hat Works. 228 1st at. OPTOasTRI8T A HQ OPTICIANS , - AX AS SciawN l'iii'ICaVLLk 'x ETaui smmmm "itfa modern inatrunMOt. aitiiit flttd from $2.50 ujl " A- a. HUKWITE. OpiometrLt. 825 lit at. PATENT ATTORNEYS 'ULoBLm,, ou tVmceater biU. atain aJTIT PAIHTINgj. TINTINtt. PAPERHANttlWA J- M. CLlsTvf., painung, paiwrina, untina. 144 ... mmm mm. wvumf tiit. woooiawa 212a. f SVAUAAiLa, Uous l"'-"-- uaiUU. uaoaa. lung log. labor 6217: PAINTS I'ME great roof rtaiorcr aud prerv.r la LOa celcorated WEI "OOI KOOF IALNT Although rrry low pneed there is non btter A genu, wanted m every town and cia in Ore gou. Vvasuington . loano aud Northern California. lorUana .seui K. H. lioot fanner! VSZi 10H, UU l-iney. asain aU; .ickel Co Nutuiig Co.. and otbeii. Iteierence aundreUa I'Sr'.";""!;""- KO' aiCtKliY GOT 4-WO--AWCAlw OPPk7aAl FJLUMtJliNU ' Work don Qiucauy and elUcianUy at raaaoa. (bl price ; mw luateiiauoua icialt: wuia. MERKO METAL WORKS JfLMLztA '-7 a-roai .l" RINTINO. KNaRAwiwo, AlWOIWa Printing iUkv liiWLN-HuDboN HAl-lhrfj tt CO., las oli i lam lttt L'lialPAN V 387 Washing tea. Broadway 44. A-13 5. attfWki aaaai.,H DON'T chance your roof repairing in the hand of inexperienced persona, u u the iaau im portant part of the houa. Our price are a-i reaaonabl aa the cheapest. We are manufac turers. Investigation United. Call up lur a list ot aulhonze-i agent, in Portland. The Coie btauxl Webfuot All. Co.. 22 xtoatd ot Xrad. Diua. aaam 011: lie.. Main 004 raiM and repair ihv and old roola at. A H. roof painter. Mala 4470. 202 14th k Wul pamt any color. TRANSFER AWO STORAOS SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. Packing Moving Storage Money Loaned on Receipt. Reduced Freight Rate. IN THE HEAR'!' OF THE CITY COR. 4TH AN1 PLNE UTS. BDWY. 3715 Oregon Transfer Co. Established 1874 Transfer and i'orwardine-Axant STORAGE FREE ThACafarUB Office and Storage, 474 Gliaan 18th and Glisan. Broadway 1281. A-1169 ALWAYS PICA THE BEST UolSEiaOl.U GOODS SPECIALIST Storage, packing abip plng and moving; norae and aula vaaa; epacial rate to all point. (' rt l ! IU TUIVIPVU a. et-rsmm . m. (2a and Pin, bta. w. w. - -..". .... mm oiuaavia vvl. sr.aaway as. A-1896. .Storage and Transfer Clay S. Morse, Inc. 12TH AND GLISAN BROADWAY 4479. CUT FREIGHT BATES On household goods shipped east and aoerta. Meaning Warehouse A Transfer Co 9th and Uert Pbon Broadway 70S. (Copyright, i920. by Service. S7 More than on half of- th. city of Portland are sleeping in rented homes, paying any old price, for any -old thine. It may be for - month, poaetbl? two. yon don't know bow long. Tb lifts dab of furniture yon have now, with another moving, will look nke thirty cents. Tear sbopmate and yonr neighbor giving yow the sar castic laugh because yon lack the backbone to try and own something. The only friend you bav, I. the nut who. pay rent. Lirt.-I , e have solved th problem for you. Her tt st. onetiy tow: Have You Got $30? If Not, Borrow It! Come to our office Friday. Saturday, San day or Monday th quicker yon get there the better you will be pleated. Jump Into our automobile at 1 0 a. m. or 2 p. an. each day and let us bring yon where this acre Is a place which yon neve been looking after for year. Only 20 Minutes by Auto Or Electric Car Within 4 blocks. City water and (At there. Stores and school In the vicinity. A Plot of Land 150x220 Feet Rich as the Garden of Bden yon can raise anything that growa. We can prove it will make you a living by raising loganberries, straw berries and chickens. Buy a Load of Second-hand Lumber $50 to $75, beat it to th hardware store, get a couple of hammers, a square and a saw, a keg of nails and also some good friend who haa a atrong arm. Between you two you Can Build a Two Room House in 24 Hours A place where, temporarily, you rn lire under your own roof and upon your own Und, and hand thu rnt money. $25 to SftO, to tb man who will let you hart This Acre of Land for . $780, by Paying $30 Down Then $115 Monthly Inside of 8 years it Is yours, all paid for. You can do it. If you pay the rent now, can't you put it on the lend? Will You Let Us Show You How? Come to the office TOD AT or TOMORROW at 10 a. m. or 2 p. m. and take an auto ride to look thin good thing over. Tou will clinch it- It is what you want. Bring a deposit 1 Interstate Homesite Co. 106 Si Third Streets 409 Abington Bldg. Phone Main 285. $500 Half Acre for $390 Pay $20 Down Then $J0 Monthly Within 20 minute of center of city, by car line, nd only 4 blocks from it, is this half acre, all soil, 75 feet front by 220 feet deep with gaa and city water in front, and a good hard rock road. Build a little house or shack; raise chickens and aerawberriea and yon will make $1000 a year. Who want this? Free auto rid. at 10 a. m. and 2 p. m., Friday. Saturday and Sunday and Monday, from our office. Phone Main 285. INTERSTATE HOMESITE. 108 H Sd 81 , FOR SALE -18 acres of well improved land. good 6-room hou and big barn, good or-. chard. 1 mile to city limits, for wnlch I will exchange good city property 2 milea from Mon tavilla. 12 H acre 4 Biles from MonteviUa, 3 acres cleared, 5 acres of beautiful timber. 5 acres all chopped and logs drawn; 80 rod from hard rar 'faced road; hi mile to car line; price 48500; $1800 down, balance on terms. 5 acre on Section til road, 2 miles from city limits, all in cultivation; Bull Run water tn front of place: price (2BO0; (1000 cash, terms ' to suit. O. P. POTTS. 1980 E. Stark. Tabor 800. CHICK ENS-CHICKEN'S-CHICKENS S acres of level land, all in eulUvatiM 4 room house, in good condition; good chicken house and run: about 75 chicken, garden tools, etc Thla la located on a good gravel road. 1 H mile from the electric line. 8 mile from Vancouver. Pric $2000. $1200 cash. 782 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SAME BT OWNER 5 acres, beet of aoU. all kind! or fruit and berries; 6 room double eonatmcted bout. Dutch kitchen, built-in dining room, fireplace, strictly modern; would cost $5500 to build; large barn and chicken houaae; adjoining .city limits of Forest Grove. Or. Will take bouse in Port land np to $8000 or $4000 vlu. Pric $6500. P. M Madden. Hiltebora, Or 4 1-6 ACRES. 13 miles Portland, H. 8. roads, til cleared; $ room bouse, furnished, gat, barn, well, sere not toe, sore clover, garden, 8 cord wood. Easy terms. Owner. A-141. 80 ACRES. 23 plowed, running water (springs) 12 milea , Portland; would divide; tell very cheep; make offer. JL i.i , m , mm- a very Call or address 912 Wood- ward ave International Feature Ine.) ACREAGE - RENT FR3SE Waiting for You On One Acre OAUCHTE1R-XOU OON'T MEAN TO TELL ME tOU ARC CO.N- IN THE PARLOR ORE:3EO i t n -i 4 m-z -J CERTANLV DACXX how oare: -too come n the parlor without tour. coat ON - MOW HWX TIMES HAVE I TOL-O YOU NOT TO CONE IN HERE ONLE YOU DRESEO- II Sk I aV Vj A TTRA CTIVE FARM AND A C RE AGE OFFERINGS tAND EXCHANGES ACKEAGB I BRECK'S1 LOG ANBERRTTCREAGE Mr. Conacrwatlv lnvatr : I have option on th most wrodnctlv soil that Ua wit door, doe to earl tea, and when yow see It, you'll de light to "start c seething" to lucres available faoT-supply. Wbethwr yew want on acre or 100 acre. tH contract te t oat loganberry vinea, glv. aasa expert cultivation aa en say own acreage, keeping ground la park-Ilk coa- dltvon nil next July lor icnger it aeatregi I bare bought 4 acre of thla grwund right here In Portland when teeeonal he to can alwaya be 00- tsrned to barvwat the berriea. BRECK'S HIGH GRADE PORTLAND-MADE LOGANBERRY JUICE (advertised by rtealy-DrMaaer a "th orllUal tvios and still taw beat.") was pressed tZZ bTrri- svr7ngPM84 per ton at my nose city factory. ssy ion experience aa fruit grower, nurseryman and rafg on Atlantic coast V in land. N. J.. 1888 to 1914) and past 4 year tn Portland, qualify me for above proportion. Tni k no "wildcat" atock-aelling eeheme, bnt a eaBev safe bnalnea propoairjen offered by a anan of moral and financial responsibility. Look m up in Bradstreet'a Tow control your own money and my funds don't tet mixed no with yours; bnt TOO CAN PR0r"IT BT Ml EX PERIENCE AND SKILL ALON0 USE ABOVE DESCRIBED. fee ma time for trlflera. but Will cordially appreciate an Interview with those having means to Invest, any day, by appointment (except Sun day). 4 Let's do a little team work in growing The berries. In a year or two. I may invite yon to join me in building a big factory to replace my small unit now In operation. F. A. BRECK, Fruit Grower and Juice Manfr. sine 1883. 884 E. 42d . N. Tabor 3678. Acre for $780 $30 Down Cash Only $15 Monthly Th beat aer of land on earth, level and will grow anything; within 5 blocks of carline, op a hard mscadam road, city water, and gas at the property; cars running from 5:80 a. m. to 11:30 p. m. If you are paying rent, why not nail this proposition bow and get ready for next spring, to bare a pixVe your own. Too do t know where you ere at now, paying rent, or r.ow long It will be before yon muirt move, are you have always thought of getting out In the open, where you can raise your vegetables end berries, plant yonr fruit tree. Why not see .this proposition now. Our auto leave 10 a. m. and 3 p. m. Friday, Saturday. Sunday and Mon day eaoh day from oar office. Make appoint ment now. Phone Main 285. INTERSTATE HOMESITE. 108 V 3d st. 89 ACRES. 40 cultivation, baL pasture and timber: 3 good springs, creek; 4 room house; open fireplace, Dutch kitchen, water tn bouse ; good bam, outbuilding-, family orchard and amall fruit; 8 tons liay, 5 fine milch cows, mower, rake, diac, plows, wgoffT 'l smsll toots; clow to school, eitec. factory, 84 200. terms O W Mlllenhip. Alder hotel. Main 5275. 80 ACRES, pat cultivation, balance pastdre and. timber; plenty of outrange, springs sou crass ; good 5 room house, barn, outbuildings; close to school and eheeae factory; ante read up to place, 81500; term. C. W. Mlllerabip. Aider hotel. Main 5275. iiuuii. w evii i eiaft . $2400 FOR 3Vk teres with a fin 4 roojs bun galow, 2 miles from Mllwaakl; good terms. F. L. Blanchard 401-2 Swetltnd Bldg. Phon Marshsll 829. $100 BUYS 20 sere nerTkmnia. Wash., un improved, unincumbered; mutt raise money quick. Woodlawn 5015. $25 DOWN, $10 par. $25 per acre: 10 -acre good land overlooking Columbia river. 909 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 8485. FOR SALE Well improved, 5 acre tract. Ore. gon City line. For particulsrs call Aut. 221-20. FOR HALE or trade for farm. 1 acre. good 1705 house, garage, woodahed. By owner, 8 70th ave. 8. E.. Portland. Or. grBTJttBAy. ACREAGE 74 WE STILL have a few of thaw Ltnnetnan Junction tracts ; better eecare yours be fore it Is too late. The, are the moat attractive 6 -acre tract tn this vicinity; no grsrel. best of soil, Just off Powell Valley road; electrlo light and telephone. Gas will be ia before long. Phon lor ap pointment to A. W. Lambert & Son 120 AD AVJS. EAST 840. Suburban 10 Acres Columbia River Vtew Vm mil. 'rem Stevenson. Wteh. ; 8 room Looaw and outbuilding 1 fenced : fin level land; ideal for berriea. Good srhoole and near min eral springs. $3000, $800 cash.. A. W, E8TES 908 Chamber of Commero. Auto. 414-43 10 ACRES, close to Portland, cash r. terms. Msin 4485. or write R-700, Journal. 81'BCRBAX HOMKS ft 1 ACRE, modern house, elos. to school, en hard surface road ; alao 8 acre with houa and barn on good arl road; torn caah and th rest like rent. Inquire at 92d tt. and Woodstock ave. 8. E. Tabor 1418. HOC8E with 8 acre of good toil: eaat o! lanta at Betrose Mat! on. L Oldenburg. FOR SALE FARMS 17 SCBCRBAN HOME 5 seres, on earlin. U cleared. 6-rooa bouw, ban, 3 poultry .horn. 2 acre bearing prunes, M mil to store, church, school and community ball. Price only $8000: one-third caah N. W. Merrifleld. 810 Washington st, Ttnootivtr. Wash. By George McManus J srr htrt ftx-nnxt tirm. b. " - a4wKjgrV .i i III III 17 s DON'T PASS) THIS CP SA4 acre of extra choice deep soil that doe not set lumpy, it ts fr candy eiay loam, very productive ; located on paeifie highway In Use Canbf district. Ton know that means toil. I am offering this at 88000 for a short time. 81300 will handle. 131 aorta of extra good eoil, 83 neater plow, 10 in bops, 40 open peetsrd, balance) elsolce timber: tin 8 room plastered, house, with gas light, cellar, woodshed tail of wood, big barn, bop hone fully equipped. 8 horse, 2 asm 2 heif.ra, brood sow 10 beat. 100 chicken", complete set of farm machinery, 400 bushel or oata, 100 bush el of wheat, 8 tore of corn. 4 teres spuds, barn full of bay, clover teed. This splen did farm te located near Cnby. the beat farming section te th Willamette valley. Hivlendid soil for any pntpoee. Owner ha been hart caanot farm any snore; mora right in, die crops all mid for you. Price $30,006. term. 180 cr farm near Molslls, 120 under cultivation, balaac brush and timber; fine vrtuty of fruit; good bout and barn. Price 114,000, with the equipment, which consists of new Vi tractor and 3 bottom plow, walking plow, harrows, 700 bushel oata, 30 tone hay. team, wagon and har ness, livestock, etc.. $14,600, terms. The Meialla vrnllsy is rioh as cream and has everything to help yott make money. O. E. niBTTAG. Gladstone, Or. Phone Oregon City 289-J. Oregon City Carline. come T6 LebAJJo. W lTnTT FOR FARM BARGAINS. No. 184 100 acre farm, 00 la cultivation, balaaee pasture and timber; fair buildings, family or chard; horses, cow. -hogs, chickens, wagon, buggy, lira Implements; 20 ten hay in barn: winter's fuel in abed. Only 860 an acre, half caah. Ne. 144 100 cra, only 8760 caah down; about 30 acres cleared: most all tillable when cleared; 800,000 ft. aaw timber and 2000 cords wood, 200 cords contracted for at 88 per cord in the timber. Tou can pay for this place with th timber as you take it off, then your land will be worth more than the price you pay. Only $5600; terma $760 cash. No. 149 400 acr stock ranch. 46 under plow. 260 open pature, balance commercial timber: cash black loam eoll; 2 sets good buildings: family orchard, full farm equipment; 3 good bones. 3 good cows. 3 heifers. 100 ewe. 30 gost. hogs sad chickens; 34 tons bay In barn; fuel cut for 2 years. Pric for everything only 340 tn sore, half cash. This is a fin stock ranch and only 9 mil from Lebanon: close to erboeL ONLY 13500 For this dandy 40 acre farm. 32 undtr plow and ready for seeding, balance ash swale; pas ture tillable when catered ; fair hulMinge. well and creek; 2 horses, 8 cows. 1 brood sow, 85 chickens, 80 bu. wheat, 45 bu. oats. IS tons hsy, wagon, buggy and farm lmplementt; grave I road. 7 miles Lebanon, Vt to school: 82000 cash. If these do not interest you, write for our ltt Come end see 8 trslns daily. OIBS0N A ALVIN. "THE LAND MEN'1 OFFICE AT HOTEL LEBANON. LEBANON. OREGON. THIS PLACE OF NEARLY 40 ACRES AlX stocked and equipped, only 16 mil from Port land on good bard automobile road. 21 acre la cultivation, 10 acres alas bad, eoat good timber for wood; 2 acres family orchard. 4 room houa. large barn, lota of outbuilding, ohioken bouse, 120x40 feet, new; 4 seres potatoes, 8 acres field corn, 3 acre mangle beets and kale: 80 bushels wheat, some oats, 18 tens bay, eoate straw, good team horses, harnaas, wagon and racks, plow, harrow, mower, rake, cultivator, gas wood saw, all otbsr small tools and ma chinery; 0. L C. brood tow, 7 big fat bogs. 2 good cows, 130 chickens, running water, good family garden; will giv poasaaslon t one. Price $8780; 38860 caah. balance long Urn at 6 . Thia farm la all right. - STEWART A BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank bldg. W oodlawn 1051. DECiSeDLT A SNAP 42 acre farm. All under eultrvaUoo located partly inside city limits of flresham. the corner of Powell Valley or Mount Hood loop and Andrews roadT Five room hous with city wa ter. Urn barn and garagt, alio with city water and In A-I condition. All building bav ton and cement foundation. Thtt ' farm is admirably suited for berriea. It lies level and high enough to a not to be wet. .Beat eoll In the state. For subdivision it can't be beat. Klthrr into one or two-trr tract or lota. The location is Ideal for home. It nan be bought in 22 or 20 acre or th 42 acres together. If Interested look this up quickly because the pric ft fsr below all land price la this neigh borhood and must be sold in a short time. For further particulars phone or write Karl J. Hagberg, Jl. A , Ores bam. Phone 1446. 79 -ACRES 8 mUes out of Oregon City; large ne bouse, small barn; 6 acres clear, wall watered and a good place for stock: on took reed, 3 Vt miles te R. R. Pric $8600: term. $1000 down. 80 ACRES 8 milt st of Oregon ' City. 1 mil from R. &.; 40 acres clear; amall house, large new barn; In good state of eultlvaUoa. Price 810, 000; terms. $4000 down. J 8. JONES with 8. O. DIIAJ4AN, 314 Seventh 8t, Oregon City, Or. Near 8. P Depot. FOR SALE A real ftrm good stuff; 60 acre, all lev.. 12 In cultivation; 1 mile to amall Iowa, ft mile t school 1 mil to R. R. station, In Molaila district; 50 bushels osts and 40 bushels wheat per acre this year; great potato land In fact, will grew most anything Sn paying quantities; 4 room bouse, barn XU50; family orchard; til up In good shspe, no Junk. Price 811.000: $5000 cash. O. A. Km, with 8. O. DILLMAN. 214 7th St., Oregon City, Ot. Near 8. P. riepot. 14 2 miles from Oregon City, Vs 'dear; smsll houa and barn, well, spring; M mils to school on good macadam road. Pric 48600; one half down. O. A. Erase, with B. O. DILLMAN, 214 7th St., Oregon Clt, Or, - Near 8. P. Depot. 10 ACRES All got Und, 7 in cultivation; building, on good road, near stor and school 31750) 8800 caah Thia is eptendld for berriea and etna II fruit. Locanberrte will produce 61000 per acr on this land. S. 0. DILLMAN, Seventh St., Rear Elevator and S. P. Depot, Oregon City. Oregon. 1 $37.50 PER ACRE . 270 acres; 79 aoret In coitivaflou, balanc in pasture and good timber. Tbi it all good land, on a toed road, 8 miles from R. R. sta tion, in a good farming district. All under good fence. S. O. DILLMAN, 214 Seventh St, Oregon City, Or. Near S P. Depot 40 ACRES, 28 In hiah etate ot oulttvatiotv, balaoe wooded pasture. Good 6 room boo. Urge bam, family orchard, splendid water, farm Implements, 2 H milea aoutb ot Battleground, on hard surface road, good grade and accredited kdgh school at Battleground, school trssck iir-v piae. Price 88000. 34000 down, balaae. to suit purchaser. Owner. T. D, IT as is. Battle ground. Wash. 14 ACRES. Clark Co. Beat hoc or chicken much la rich soli; creek; beautiful location PMd road; 2 mOes wot from atewl bridge. reasons); part term Phone 989-J. Ad dress Mrs. G. W. Louden. Vancouver, Route 3. Box 45. 35 ACRE COAST FARM 86000 10 rooan boa, bam. arc hard, wall, creak, spring; on main county road, near th ocean, 8 beach resorts, town and river. Owner, room 18. 166 H 4th. Mam 7232. BIG samp. 160 aot farm, for 42000: fin. dairy end stock,farm; goad soil; 6 roam new houa.; part ia enlU, balance good paatnre, 2 mil to town and S. B. Qtrland. 20134. rORSALt 80 acre, located about 5 mil aaat of I Center. Waah. Call Tabor 484, or address S30T 6 let ave. S. 9. TOU RETT FARMS 14 FARM! 320 acres? 100 in eultivstioa; rent $730 year. 8 -year lease; stock, crop, implements, bay and grals for sal. Chart E, Frey, Bba. wooq. trr., tt. o. o. it. to ainuoy eta BENT 820-aere Canadian farm, tdiouis tirwu. t;iaooe ooj. xb lambermew bldg. FARM (4 WANTED BENT OB BUT 38 WANTED, at once, farm of 106 to 554 acre for dairy; prefer along Columbia river; cash rent and quick sctioa. F L. EDDI. RITTER. LOWS A CO 201-8-4-7 Board of Trade bldg. JAPANESE want 49 to 60 acre ursaer plow for garden truck, oa paved road, about 10 BUlea out; 3 4 fwan lewaw, 347 Taylor. FOB SALE FARMS " HOMEHTFAPB - - ' 4? LARGEST exclusive ' hofttesteed' dealer aa Pa- eifto eoaal Otoe In timber and (arm traeta, Bead 31 fos reduced copy of govern meat ana, shewing homestead land. i U. J. Anderson, 681 Railway Exchange Bldg., . Portland. j i i ,i CAN LOCATE you on a ood "rtomaetVad. Port- land or Hoaeburg dlatrtet, fsrwrlng or tint her tracts. Alee nave eome good relln,uls mente, gee Mr. Helm. 347 Board of Trtde bldg, TIMBER M NOTICE of sal. of government umbas. UeiT- era! bead Offte. Washington. D. C. Awguas 88, 1930. Netic fa hereby given that, eub rct to the condition and limitation varf tb act of June 9, 1916 (39 slat., 318. tnd Job. 4. 1930. public 241, and the Instruction of the secretary of th Interior dated September 14, 1917. end June 33s 130. the time aa the tallowing land will be told October 13, 1830, st 10 o'clock a. m., at publlo auction at the United State land office et Boaeburg. Or. , go, to the higbeet bidder, at aot lee tkaa tb pp raised value a bowa by thai netle. sal to be eubject to the tpprovtl ot tb secretary of the Interior. The purchsse price, with ta additional tugs ef ene-ftftb of 1 per swat thereof, being cosamtaston allowed, muat b deposited t Um'f sal, money to be returned If l tt not approved, otberwla potent wis issue for the timber, which must be removed within ten yesn. Bids will be received fres e1UaBs of the Called 1110. tseociatioaa of . such 'citisent sad corporations organised under th laws of the United Ststee or sny state, ter ritory or district thereof only. I'poa spsUe tlon of t qualified purchaser, th Umber em w legal sabdirUioa win be offered separately beto. being Included la any offer of a larger unit. T. 31 L. R. 1 W. eeo. 83. SB SKH. fir 1134 M. i cwdar, 36 M.. non of wbtrh shall he sold for leea than 81.50 per M. T. 16 8.. It. 4 " t wr , aioaW AW u-j), (II 1W B4i fsn U) NE 14, flr 476 M..vnon ot which shell be told for lees than 13 per M. W, tc 8. NE . NE Si, fir 460 M; NW (Signed) : CLAT TALI. MA Ft. MAN ttr Commissioner General Land Itfic. WILL U c timber in Waeco Co., uader W L ditch Co. Good mill looatioa. Write Al Johaton Coiborn, Idaho. FOR SALE OK KXCHAK0E BKAL ESTATE 34 HERE'S A TRADE BARGAIN Seven room modern bouae, 5 lots, orch ard, berriea, new fireplace, two thirds base ment, double plumblnc. Price la 85000, but will take in smaller hous In trade or will subdivide to suit. Art quickly if you want a bargain. A. W. Lambert & Son 120 GRAND AVE. FOR SALE or trtde, 6 room, ttriotry modern house on 84x135 lot. new chicken bout for 360 hens tith rnna. fruit trees, raspbsrries, goose and Mack berries: currant buhe and grape Nice lawn and rose. Price $giH0, on terma or accept arrears 4808 79th aL 8. K,, corner 4 8th svs. FOR (TALE or trade for city property, 2 acre. rich eoll. clou In; house, good well, 2 chicken house, l barn, 07 hearing fruit trees, straw berries, black and raspberries, ogsnherrlee, loose berries, currant nd grapes: schrjolltous close: gss la houa. electric light, phone and city water available, 1000 Francia ave. WU. 867W. TWO lota in Portsmouth addition, afreet Im provement paid. Will sell on reasonable term tojult or will trade. P. O. Box 2027. city 71 ACRES for sale or trade, Waehougal, Wash": rcnall hous and good ham; 1 team. 1 cow and 8 heifers. N 8 12, Journal. FOR tele or trads;8-reom hous. full lot, psved ireei. snany inin irrea, near iiveriooa.. l'llone Woodlawn 61 in )S or 987 Minneaota sv. "NsTVV bcWalOw' " 8750, TERMS. BROADWAY 438. AUTO 827 43, r.XfHAKGE RBVL KWTAT 1 41 Here is a Money Maker For You Have got other business that rails me off the farm.- Have sold all a toe a and farm ma chin ry. so new th farm I for sale, and this place is going to be sold tt once tt I hare got to move tnd I rtn't mnv until the place it gold. The place consist of 80 acres. IB miles from Vancouver. Waah., 3 milea from Pacific highway and cloae to Battle Oronnd, Waah. ; 60 acre river bottom, 30 acre In cultivation: 0 room hetiM, small barn yid other outbuildings, fgmUr orchard, good spring, creek and rivtr nmi through place Pries 87600, and I will teks In trad vacant lota or hosts equity or large tamr Ing ear up tov3S60o or 68004, and $1800 or 32000 cash, rwat on Urn. For further information telephone Marshall 2882, ask for Mr. Dollar, or address me tt Btttle Ground, Waah . Ilnute 2: or better still, com out Sunday, aa I will b on tb farm all day. WHAT HATE TOU TO TRADE? T Ws have several first claas firm p rope rt tes ta exchange for Portland residence or income property. Our exchange department I at your service. See Mr. Stephen. 783 Chamber of Foramem.. ; F0n SALE 11800 will tet Ford touring ear; some term and soma oath; nice 6 room edi ts ga, Urtrio light, basement on paved street, near good earlin and paved alrrwt, grocery- atnrt. drug a tore, furniture More, meat market; all within 2 blocks; connected to sewer, aU paid. Bee P. U MILLER 1047 Vt E. Glisan st. Olt SALE or trad fnr city property, 2 acres rich soli, elos la; houa., good wall, 2 chick est houses, 1 barn, 67 bearing fruit tree, strawber ries, black and raspberries, loganberries, gooe ber riea, enrranta and grape ; scrumlbout close; ga in hoaae, electrlo light, phon. and elty water available. 1000 rtancia av. 8 II wood r76. 40 ACBKA near Eugene, 3 creeks, 8-aore or chard, 30 irre rultlvttetl, all can be euJUvtl ed; almost lev.l; fair building; 1 mile to star; high and dlatrirt aehool and Pacific highway. 50 Kerb r at. Kaat 6 88 120 ACRES yIkw pine eatJmated I 469750 r feet, creek through land, to John Day riveN Wheeler county. 'Exchange for small bungalow or northeast oorncr. After 7 p m. Main 8884. LOT 125x1007 1rrinton"Irk, elearT fine lAoi-'. tion, exohang for tuburbaa acrasg or hous equity. Wdln. 3114. 10 ACUKJt unimproved ; oily limits: em paved road, for modern hoiaae. 1421 !. W. Bank bldg. WILL ACCEPT auto a first pment en 2-fial hous Al proposition. Will bring in 370 per nrniin. on. v waan. noom so. WIU, exchange Ford touring rar. 81710, aa first payment on small how., oaten terms; Haw- thorne dfatrirt. Tabor 8325. : " 5,E, 2 or $ cloee'iB west side Iota fr horse) cows or anything that ca be used ea . farm. 324 Railway Exchange. WAWTE1V--RKAI, FWTATFi 31 shacks aniTsualX BoMiTWXtmiiT' We do not car ban ld and dilapidated they are or where they are. W can sell them if your prioe le right and your term ay; ail keen salesmen at jour serrica. 9 -B T" 782 Chamber of Commerce. Have ready buyer for hous and . aharka from 6J200 to 42600. If you ha rcb 1 can sell them tt once. Owner only. Phot . MtrshaU 829 tnd 1 will call and aa you. r. L. BLANCHARD, 401-3 8 wetland Bldg. fciTfa'TiiKMii " . W. have buyer for improved sere re dose . Portland. If you want to sell, list your plage) with ua, J 732 Cham, of Cobs. Wan T room ssedern house, not ever 87000. Have , boue. In St, Johns clear, sad balawea . in, Pbon Bdwy. 678. or Marshall 181. Mr. wn- . .... il -. ; NOB HILL home r our specialty; w lie In ,' the diatrict end know it. i.kvt your with Us. , -Strong A Co.. Main 2587, 684 Chamber of Commerce bldg. . V?ANfB)-l 6-room house on one Moor, 2 ber room; in good condition. Pbon: C. C. DUTALU " 610-04, 642 Vt Wtltems Ave. ' - VVlNttiS Small houses snd shacks, with one or more lota, easy leims; also small tana. Main 369. Garland, 201 9d st WHY WORRY T I can sell or trade anything, anywhar. C W. Mfflershlp . Alder hotel. lUIn 6275. ZmFZil- fiA.VcH. risked snd equipped pre- fered; must be good placer priced right Send fall particulars. Box 6. Maplewood, Or. . , WANTED Lot la vle'inlty of"72d at. and th sv. Must be cheep for cash. Mo steals, 1382, Journal. WAttl Small bout and lot-on UnwaV tsawr towm, H. J. Asher. 444 IrrUs.