- FRIDAY. OCTOBER 8, i ItZO. THE OREGON ? DAILY5 JOU- RNAL. PORTLAND, OREGON. 0 '1 i f M REAL EMTATE V SALE HOUSES 1 HARRIS HITS THE HKiH COsf OK HOME8--Her in a list of home priced in meat the demand for lower rWmg cost. W will verify every vtatrment made here, if you trill fo.otil with as awl see these. THIS Toon bungalow in Wooclirtock, on carline; 14000, worth f 100; lot 100x100. THIS 7 room bungalow In Peninsula. 1H blocks from ear; 82760. worth 33530; garage, full baMment. THIS 8 room borne In Albert, pavtd street; full cement basement: furnace, flre pU. hardwood floors; $4000. worth 8S40O. THIS room bangal-w In Bow City; fumaci, flrplre, hardwood noon, ft rage. ted street. $5400. worth $9650. THIS 7 room bungalow In Alberta. 2 Mock from car; beautiful grounds, $3000, worth $3800. THIS 5 room-bungelow In ML Scott; ftveplac. buffet, furnished; $3000, worth IIUO, corner lot, THIS room artistle bom In Alberta; cement basement, fumaea. paved auett; 82800, worth I39S0. THIS 5 room cottage In South Port land; Jjath and gas;, paved street; lot 22x 110; 31500. worth 82100. Wa can arranga splendid terms on ill of the buys, and woold ba glad to Ulk mat ter over with jrou- This special sale U jrour opportunity. ACT NOW. RALPH HARRIS CO. 827 Chambrr of. Commerce bUlg. Main 6624. Proposition For 32 Acres Real Soil Everything Thrown In Only $20 Down fmly ft mile from Hillsborn. about 20 miles from Portland. Th best llltl. ranch. A fin living for a man who loves vegetable or chicken raising, who wenU to e the fruit grow and make you big money. Tha aoil will grow for you tha biggest and beat tha market haa for sale. Thla la tha plara.and everything on tha place thrown in: A good Imuae. rout $2000 to build, a barm 40x60. chirken houaa 18x30, - good wells, nice orchard, 100 trswb. rrw plant, w in cultivation. 4 rows and 2 calves. 1 team mulea and home, buggy, wagons, l ton of bay, 1 tons tomipa. all the farming implement, no land in vicinity ran be bought for lew titan $200 per acre; will give possession in 48 hour. The stock and fixture worth over ' "" Everything Included for $5000; only $2000 down, balanra $2000 for 4 yeara at 6 per cent tntareet INTERSTATE HOMESITE O. . 409 Ablngton bldg.. 106 V4 3d at. BEST BUYS IN THE CITY B room modern bungalow. 2 bits. Dutch kiteh tn, beam ceiling in dining room Variety of bear -it g fruit tree, berric and grapes, t hicken louse and run. 3 block, to carline. -7o0, 500 ea.'b. balance term. AI-SO One 'acre in city. 5 room house. $2750, 1300 cash, or will take We1' t car as first pay ment. Wa have 2 house. 2 lot with each that wa can tall for $100 down apiece. Can at 40(1 Hawthorne are., near Grand are., before 6 o m. MR NEWCOMER. WE HAVE a bk; rar;ain for vor Near WoodBwk car we hare an 8-room bungalow tyle home with 5 roiam down and 3 on upper floor; fireplace, built-in buffet and bonkcane; a big. full cement bancanent. wauli try. BOxlOO lot. btrnn and aome fruit trees; any carpenter will tell yott the taouw couldn't be built for $5000; owner must ell thl week, ofrem for $1150, with $1430 down, balance eay bran. See a photo of this fine homa at our office. COMTK A KOHLMAN. M 65.10. 208 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ' 6iit yorR noMK now MT. SCOTT DISTRICT $3100 I toon bungalow, full at.tiex bment, wuh tram, hath and toilet, iu and i electric lighta; 1 block to car; irt f caah. $3000 H room rottage, basement, electric . lighU. gaa. bufllt-ina: BOxlOO lot: lde- walk, in, rlo to car line; part caali, $3.100 room cottl&e, banement. ga, electric ' light.; lot 100x100; 2 block, to na tion. $2400 S Voom cottage, bxacmenit, electric light. ea, fruit and berries; 2 blocks to car: $B00 raah. s Office at B0 18 72rl St.. Flrland Station. Phone, Tabor 0142. MODERN IKVINCON PA RK BITNOAI.OW 8 room, and wsw'ing toom. on BOxlOO lot: ImproTement iaid; on E. 3 1st at. N., 1 V block, from car; beat of whit enamel plumb ing, hardwood floor.. Dutch kitchen, full cement banem.nr, cement floor.. laundry tray., fruit room with lot of .herring; double rontructed throughout; pipelnw furnace, fine garage with ramcnt drireway and floor, rant facing. Prop- arty In Al .hape. Prica $R900; large rah Cayment. Nelaon. John Ferguson, Crerlinger ldg. WAVERI.E1GH HEIGHTS DISTRICT $3150 6 rfoom houaa, recently renorated. good fur- Mea. corner lot. 60x100: large. aMonea. near- trig fn.lt tree, clone in; 1 block to car. $ 00 eaah, $10 monthly. 782 Chamber of Commere. MVST "BELL $3200 S room bungalow, in elegant condition; large bathroom, good bath fixture., electricity, g.. full . basement ; R cord wood ; new 1 1 x 1 7 '4 garage, chicken houae; -lot 47Hxll7. near car line, arhool and hard .urfaced itreet, $1700 ruh. balance at $20 month at 8 per rent. Would ronaider IVidze touring car for part of my equity. 2040 K. Couch t. Call evkmsc.s makhhall sns $3BB0 H AWT HOUSE UAROA1N $2B0 MORE THAN WORTH THE M0.NE1T Six room., four down, two up, one bedroon. and bath ttrxt floor; gnod baoement.plumOinB. electric light, gaa; fine 40x100 lot. an uv manta in and paid : a .nap. on ray term. r ning. Marahall B063; day. Main 7987. Mattel. c William.. S20 Chamber of Commerce. ONLY $3800 " A dandy modern 8 mom bnngalow, with aleep Ing porch, recepwrm baH. double-con.tructcd .11 through, cement basement, wash traya; haa alley, half block from Alberta car; $1200 caah, baL $23 month, 6 nrr rent PHOTO IN orncK RICHARDS REED. 808 McKay bldg. Cheaper Than Rent Easy Terms $900, fumiahed B r. cottas houaeboat, on garden lot, overlook rirr Nerada at, city water, electric light, large porch.. CHA8. UNOLEK. 225 Henry bldg. HOME8EEKER8. ATTENTION if you own your lot and nan aecura tha money, we will build you a B room bungalow frcinyt2300 to $3B00. Plan, and specifica tion fumiahed. Pbona Woodlawn 6348, cra ning. EAST-sSIDE 20TH ST. ' Modern 8 room houxe with large attic, hard wood floor, firepUce ami all modern conren trncea, 2 block, fmm carline. Will alao aell furniture. A bargain Phone East ID 17, owner for particular, and appointmcn t. ' BARGAIN 5 room bangalow, hot water heat- ing ayatem. built-in buffet and bookcaa. 'kiteben and bathroom white euamel, liring room, dining room and bedroom, newly papered, ga rage, fruit tree.; lota of shrubbery. Pbont own.r, $28-08. ilODKHN 8-room cottage in7-good condittonT fractional lot, near 8th and Sherman, weat aide; $$00 cah. balance monthly. 1A1.UA.KT nuns, 1102 Spalding Bldg. THIS IS A REAL BUY 20th street, eke to 2 carline and clne to 1 Kara school. fi room modern house, all im " proreraent. in and paid, l'rice ia only $3000 $700 cash, balanca to snlt. Ea.t 8038. ft ROOM hcaua and two lota in Montarilla. on v ' 79tav at., houae in good condition and street red. $2800. $200 down. Owner. ltxon. 212-43. , BY OWNER, new, modern, double constructed B room bungalow, fall lot, high ground; near school and cars. 420 Wygaat, near 7th. Open for Inspection. HOMES Attractira location and price. Hotels that are money makers. TeU your needs to lira. Berry. Marshall 1684. . .. k MODERN six room bangalow near ML Tabot parte Host sell at one a I am fearing tot .the) East; eaay terms. Q-718, Journal , . BOSK CiTY FARK houae. 7 rooms, modern cuBrraleucea. Corner lot, block to ear; va cant; pries) low. Owner, Tabor 2200. I .' iTOB BALE by owner, $ room modem koue , full baaement, Urge . lot. garage, lawn, roses, fruit tree. Mont rill. 242 E. gist at. N. , " UOSE CITT PARK, modern 1 V story home. 1 ' ood tocatlon, $4000. Owner, Tabor 87. room , bungalow. WUlamatt Helgbta Call owner. Main 644- ' . 450-MODERN 2-flat bnilding, corner. Bear High. Woodlawn 865. t' SEAL EHTATB FOR SALE HOUSES 1 Large Two Story House 15 Spacious Rooms Lot 200x200 Feet, Cost Owner $15,000 Will Sell for $7000 Only $500 Down Then $50 Monthly Splendidly Arranged Hospital Sanatorium Shirtwaist Factory Dyeing, Cleaning Wks. Laundry Why Pay Rent In the City Qo to 82d St. E. and Glisan St. Pay Your Rent There Yours in 5 Years Interstate Homesite Co. 1064 3d N. Tel. Main 285 WALKING DISTANCE Six Rooms ONLY $4000' Vacant 17th at. East Hide; A I condition, furnace, fireplace, corner lot- Owner must at 11. 1rrm. Phone Marvh.lt 1022. . KOR SALK LOTS If FINE bnilding lot on Clinton at., near 48d at", Richmond district: $500. term, or Liberty hum! . .1. H. HcMihun, 260O Ea.t 43d at. Tabor S381. LOTS, on carline, for sale or trade (or beach M, with hotbia on. Can 4 98 E. 20th sU f r particular.. VCXR SALE By owner. BOilOO, 2-.tnry 7 -room houae. all clear; fruit, gaa, electricity, good full baaemrnt. Srllwood 618. KOT'R lota at bargain. Slat and E. Alder. Tabor 74S. 1028 JC.Alder. ROSE City Park lot $575. on 58th near Sandy Road. Tabor6441. CORNER lot. in Laurelhurat. forale"or trade. R-693. Journal. ALAMEDA PARK corner lot, 20th PreacoU at. Ired. paid. $050. Tabor 6441. ACREAGE RENT FREE Waiting for You On One re Mor than on half of tlte city of Portland ar Bleepinc in rented hornet, iajnnf any old price, for any old thine. It may be for a month, iioiwiMy two. you don't know how Ions. The little dab of furniture you hafe now. with not In? r mo tine, will look like thirty cents. Your ahoptnate and your neighbor $Tmg you the aar caatic laugh beranne you lack the backbone to try and own something. The only friend ymi have ia the nut who pays rent. LiMenl V hare aolTed the problem for you. Here it uf briefly toUl: Have You Got $30? Iff Not, Borrow Tome to our office Friday, Saturday. Sun day or Monday the Quicker you get there the better you will be pleaded. Jump into our automobile fit 19 a. m. or 'J p. m. each day and let us bring you where thin arre ia a place which you ha?e been looking after for year. Oniy 20 Minutes by Auto Or Electric Car Within 4 blocka. City watrr and gas there. Stores and gkhaols in the nrinity. A Plot off Land 1150x22(0) Feet Rich an the Garden of Kden yon ran raiae anything that grow. We can prove it will make you a living by raising loganberries, straw berries and chickens. Buy a Load off Second-hand Lumber $50 to $75, beat it to the hardware itore. get s couple of hammers, a square and a saw, a krg of nail, and alw some good friend who haa a strong arm. Between you two you Can BuiBd a Two Room Mouse in 24 Hours A plare where, temixjrarily, you cn Jive under your own roof and upon your own land, and hand that rent money. $25 o $50, to the man who will let you have This Acre off Land for $780, by Paying $30 Down Then $15 Monthly Inside of 3 years it ia your, all iid for. Tou ran do it. If you pay the rent now, can't you put it on the land? Wiii You Let Us Show You How? Coma to the office TODAY or TOMORROW at 10 a. ra. or 2 p. m. and take an auto -ride to look thla good thing orer. You will .clinch It. It is whst you want. Being a deposit I Interstate Homesite Co. 108 Vi Third Street. -40 Abington BWg. Phone Main 28S. 50f Half Acre for $390" Pay $20 Down Then '$10 Monthly Within -0 cnimite of center of city, wy cwr line. nd only 4 block, from it. ia Oil hlf aero, all soil, 7 feet front by 220 feet deep, with gaa and city water in front, snd a good bard rock road. Build a little bouse or aback : raise chicken and atrawberriea snd you will make $10O0 a year. Yho...wanta this? Free auto ride at 10 a. m. and 2 p. m.. Friday. Sstufrlsy and Sunday and Monday, from our office. Phone Main 2R.Y INTERSTATE HOMESITE. 108 H 3d SL -iH ACRES. 1 block from Base Una road, on fine graveled road. 41 blocks from car. cloat to city; gas, city water; elec tric light! within 8 blocks; 160 apple trees, A cherries. 1H rows raspberries 800 ft long. 2 rows loganberries. 3 rows curranta, 1 row blackcaps. All in emit, bearing. Price $3000. including apple crop; $1000 cash. Also 1 acre adjoining this on tha pavement for $1200, with city water. Might consider city house of ft rooms. Person ally inspected. J0HS FERGUSON, Uerlinger Bldg. 8 ACRES, tocated at Red Electric sta tion, 1 H miles from courthouse, 4 acre under cultirition, 1 acre strawberries, 1 acre black caps, 1 acre red raspberries. 4 room house, barn, chicken house. Cloa to school: creek through place. Closa to Capitol highway. Price $2300. $600 cain. Inspected by Nelson, with JOHN FERGUSON. Uerlinger Bldg. CHICKENS-CHICKENS-CHICKENS Fi acres of level land, all in cultivation 4 room house, in good condition; good chicken houaa and run: about 73 chickens, garden tools, etc. This is located sat a good gravel road. 1 to miles from the electric rine, 6 miles from Vsnconver. Price $2000. $1200 cash. ge auto a 732 Chamber of Commerca. FOR SALE BY OWNER 5. acres, best of soil, all kind of fruit and barriea; 6 room double constructed honaa, Dutch kitchen, built-in dining room, fireplace, stflrUy modern: would sost $6500 to build; large barn and chickan houses ; adjoining city limits of Forest Gror. Or. Will take bouse in Port land up to $8000 or $4000 valua. Price $8500. P. M. Madden, HiHaboro. Or. CHOICE PROPERTY ' Lots of from 1 to 4 acres, next to Irrington Park district; nch soil, fina vww. good neigh borhood. ... J. O. ELROD. Owner. 517 Corbett bldg. Main 173 4 1-6 ACRES. 12 miles PortlaodTlfTS.' roadV all e lea red: room houae, furnished, gaa, barn, well, acre potatoes, acre clover, garden. II cords wood. Eaiy term. Ownar, A-141. Journal. . . j- KKW Sfc ton acta truck. Will diacovpt good , r.r oarh or trade for improved acreage. Call at 90 Poweil Valley road. Scllwood 717. FOR BALE or trade for farm. 1 acre, gnod houae. r r " mwtAMl . n aA i 70th avi. V Rl Portland. Ot. " '"V"' ' HZAL ESTATE. - ; ' ACHKAOK $7 BRECK'S LoGAftrtERRT ACREAOB llr. CoBKtmtin InvcMor: I ha option on lb asoat productiva soil that baa out doors, cloa. to carline, and when Ton sea. tt. you'll dv liafat to "start soaaethiaa" to inc: incrtau food awpply. Whether you want one aera or 100 acres, I'll contract to set oat loganberry Tinea, giv same expert cultivation a on my ewa acreage, keeping ground in park-like con dition till aezt July (or longer if desired). f have boucbt 4 acres of this groMKi right hers to Portland where seasonal help can always be ob tained to harvest the berries. BRECK'S HIC.H ORADE PORTLAND-MADE LOGASBERBT JTICB (advertised by Kealy Dreeaser as "the original Juice and still the beat,") waa pressed the past aeaion froot berries averaging $280 per too at my Rose City factory. My long experience aa fruit grower, nurseryman and mf on Atlantic coast (Vineland, N. J., 1H86 to 19141 And past 6 years In Portland, qualify me for above proposition. Tnis is no "wildcat" stock-selling achrme, but nane, aaf boaioena proposition offered by a tnan of moral and financial responsibility. Look me up to BrgAitreet'i V1 control your own money and my fund don't get mixed up with yours: but YOU CAN PROFIT BT MT EX PERIENCE AND SKILL ALONU LINE ABOVE DESCRIBED. Mt I n no time for trlflers. but will cordially appreciate an interview with the having means to Invest, any day. by appointment (except Sun day). It's dn a little team work in growing tha berries. In a year or two. I may invite you to Join me in building a big factory to replace my small unit now in onerstion. F. A. BRECK. Fruit rjrower snd Juice Msnfr. since 1886. SM E. 42d st. N. Tabor 207R. "Acre ffor $780 $30 Down Cash Oniy $15 Monthly . The best sere of land on earth, level and will grow anything; within 5 blocks , of carline. on a hard macadam road, city water, and ga at the property: csn running from 5:30 a. m. to llj0 fm. If you are paying rent, why not hail his proiioaition now and get ready for next spring, to have a place of your own. You don t know where you are at now. paying rent, or row long it will be before you muit move, atsl you have always thought of getting out in the open, where you can raise your vegetables and berries, plsnt your fniit trees. Why not see this proposition now. Our suto leave 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. Kridy. Baturdsy. Sundsy and Mon day each day from our office. Make appoint ment now. Phone Msin 2R5. INTEBKTATE HONUSSITE. 1 Ott fc3d ,. 80 ACRES. 23 plowed, running-water (springs). 12 miles Portland: would divide; aell very cheap; make offer. Callor address 012 Wood ward ave. M'BrRBA ACRF.AGE 76 WE STILL have a few of thoae Llnjneman Junction tracts; better secure yours be fore it is too late. Theae are the most sttrsctive 5-scr tract in this vicinity; no gravel, beat of anil, just off Powell Vsiley Toad; electric lielita and telephone Gas will be in before loot. i'tione for ap pointment to A. W. Lambert & Son UO GRAND VE. , EAST 840. Suburhan HO Acres Columbia River View i-i mile from 8txvenon. Wash. ; 6 room low. and outbuilding : fenced; fii.e level land; ideal for berriea. trood achools and near min eral tpringa. $2000. $S00 rash. A. W. ESTES 005 Chsmber of Commerce. Auto. 514-63 10 ACRES, "close-to Portlsndca?h or terms. Main 4485. or write R-700. Journal. SrBrRBAX HOMES 2 NICE St BfRBAN HOME 5 acrea, half mile Irom station, on grav eled road, near Cspitnl higbwsy. 10 miles from center of city, 4 acre under cultiva tion, 1 acre standing timOe. 71! fruit trcea bearing: lot of bciries; 5 room bungalow, with het of plumbing, wstcr pressure sys tem, aeptic tank. Javsoline engine; fine chick en hoifc'e, brooder hou.e, fruit house. Plare in fine condition and beat of aoil. Price $570O; large eah payment- Might consid er well located Portland home of 5 ronisi Personally inspected. Photos st office. JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDG. FOR SALE FARMS 17 ONE OF THE BEST FARM BUYS IN WESTERN WASHINGTON. Only 60 miles down the Columbia from Portland. 1 V4 miles from host transportation, 10 miles from H. It. in a thickly settled commu nity, with nice farms joining; consists of 000 screa. all fenced and cross-fenced; 2 sets of buildings, orchard at each; some 60 or 70. acres under plow, lot more easily cleared; 80 acres pf virgin timber balance in eood pasture: most all tillable when cleared. With thia goes 35 head of cattle, 23 of which are cows, registered Durhsm Hull, good teams, sll kinds of machin ery snd tools, everything complete for $32 per sere; one third down snd long time on balsnce at 4 rer cent; will take a hou.-e In Portland to $5000, some cash and time on balance. STEWART A BUCK. . 31 5 Northwestern Bnk Bid:. Do You Want a Home? Can You Spare $1100? Here is your chance. 20 acres of fine land, 7 miles fmm Gaston, Oregon, and only $20 per acre. Small creek, reveral springs, some fir and cedar timber and some bru-h land ; easy cleared : no rock or gravel We don't like the word "snap." but you can't beat this buy in the state. I.et us take you out oundav. A. W. Estes 003 Chamber of Commerce. Auto. 514-63. EQUIPPED 8TOCK RANCH $50rio 1 Rll rfao nf CFrwari Hlrl .wi.il nwo,.Mll- .11 tillable. 10 acres In ruItiTttion. food creek and nririfT fi nw.m hniix Kant rhtea-asi t.nn.u and other outb.iiJdinrn. in good condition, on rum route ana Bona gnrei mad. l"nce in cludn 1 tram. 2 cows 50 chicken, wagon, huffs' v ntriltia'Bitnr svmnll irnli tr t-innn Ionc time on the balance. 732 Chamber of Commerce FOR SA1E A real fsrm good "tuff; 00 seres, sll leve?. 52 in cultivation: 1 mile to smsll town, H mile to achool. 1 mile to R. R station, in Molalla district; 50 bus lie Is oat and 40 bashal wheat per acre thi year; great potato land in fact, will grow roost anything in paying quantities; 6 room bouse, barn 32x50; family orchard: all up In good shape, no junk. .Price $11,000: $5000 cash. O. A. Krnse. with 8. O. DILLMAN. 214 7th BL, Oregon City, Or. Wear 8. P. Depot. CONSIDER PORTLAND HOUSE 80 acrea, 8 mile from Rex, in Tarn hill county, 55 acrea under cultivation, 75 acrea can be cultivated, beat of ami. This place ia well stocked with good milch cows, 8 bones, lot of machinery, feed, seed and th land nearly all ready to be seeded for the 1921 crop. Will consider Portland houae up to $5000. some cash and mortgage at 5 per cent for 10 years. This ia a money maker. Inspected by Nelson, with JOHN FERGUSON. Uerlinger Bldg. 14-1-2 . mile f Partm wssnasma fi w 1 l . wa '...j-, 7i ircaii , ma.u house a.nd turn wll tnrino . iz .n uw , v v U1IIO M rsV.lSTSVJI on good macadam road. Price $3500; one UK down. o. A. Itruv, with 8. 0. DILLMAN, 214 7th St. Oregon City, Or. Near S. P. Depot. $37oS0 PER ACRE 270 acres; 70 acre in cultivation, balance in pasture and good timber. This is all good land, on a good road. 3 hk mile from R. R. sta tion, in a good farming district. All under good fence. S. O. DILLMAN, 214 Seventh St., Oregon City, Or. Near S. P. Depot. 40 ACRES. 28 in high state of cultivation, balance wooded pasture. Good A room bouse large barn, family orchard, splendid water, farm implements, 2 tt mile sooth of Battleground, on hard surface road, good grade and accredited high school at Battleground, school truck psiai. place. Price $8000. $4000 down, balance to sait purchaser. Owner. T. t. Owens, Battle ground. Wash THIS IS A REAL BARGAIN 25 acres, practically all in cultivation; fjr bona and large barn, good orchard ; all farm implementa, on main road. Price $8250; aery easy term. WASHINGTON COCNTT REALTY CO. HUlsboro. Or. 25 ACRE COAST FARM $0000 " 10 room bouse, barn, orchard, well, creek, prioas; on mala county road, near the ocean. 8 beach resort, town and river. Owner, room 18, 165 H 4th. Main 72S2. BIG snap. ISO acre farm, for $2000; fin dairy and stock farm: good soil: 5 room new Ivhm.- pari rn cult, balance good pasture, 3 mile to ywa ana n. ts. tarna. sua a a. REAL ESTATE FOR ft ALE FARMS 1? COVIK TO LEBANON. IN LINN. , FOR FARM RA EGA INS. 'S. 134 100 acre farm. 60 ia cultivation, balanra paatwre . and timber: fair building, family or chard; horses, cow, hogs, chickens, wagoa, buggy, farm implements; 20 tons hay in bam; winters fuel in shed. Only $60 an acre, half cult. No. 144 100 acre, only $760 cash down; abowt ZO acres cleared; moat all tillable when cleared; 800,000 ft saw timber and 2000 cordt wood. 200 cords contracted (or at $3 per cord ia the timber. You can pay for thia plaee with the timber aa yon, take it off. then yoor land will be worth more than the price you pay. Only $5500; term $750 cash. No. 149 400 acre stork ranch. 43 under plow. !M open nature, balance commercial timber; rich bhv-k loam soil; 2 set rood buildings; family orchard, full farm equipment; 8 good horses, 3 rood cows, 2 heifea, 100 ewes, SO goats, hogs and chicken; 85 tons hay in barn; fuel cut for 2 yeara. Price for everything only $40 an acre, half cash. Thiei a fine atork ranch and only 0 miles from Lebanon; close to school. ONLT $3500 For thia dandy 40 acre farm, 22 under plow and ready for seeding., balance ash swale; pas ture tillable when cleared; fair building, well snd creek; 2 horse. 8 cows, 1 brood sow, 65 chicken. 30 bu. wheat. 85 bo. oats, 13 tons hay, wagon, buggy snd farm implements: gravel road, 7 miles Lebanon, t to school; $2000 cash. If these do not interest you, write for cur list Come and are 3 train daily. GIBSON at ALVIN, "THE I .AND MEN" OFFICE AT HOTEL LEBANON. LEBANON, OREGON. FULLY EQUIPPED DAIRY 160 acres, tto acres in high state of eultiva t'.on. 20 acrea more almost ready for the plow, balance in open, seeded down pasture; timbev for domestic ue; well fenced, mostly woven wire; 1 acre of Italian prunes, large family orchard In fnli bearing, large grape arbor, atrawberriea and small f tilts of all kind, good 7 room bouse, ce ment walks frr.m front and rear, new woven wire fence around house, large shade trees, abundance cf shrubbery and fltywers. dairy with cement floor, garae, granary, too), house, wood shed, large dairy bam, fully equipped with modern ct nvenirnee". new 100 ton silo, 12 dairy cowa, 2 heifers, 8 horses, mower, rake, disc, barrow, 2 plowM, atl harrow, cultivator, large De lval reparator, 2 set of harness, 5 pigs, fuD biood oliorthom bull, all smalltools, fine crop of oats and vetch. 8 acres of sunflowers for ensilage, 2 seres of notatoea, 3 acres of corn, 4 miles from town, on good suto road with all rural sd'su tage. Price $20,000, half cah. THOMPSON. SWAN A I. EE 3d and Msin it., Vancouver. Wgah. 20 ACRES $400 Unimproved, running creek, ideal for berries, poultry, etc: $1 fare Portland. Claude Cole, 4 26 I.umbermens bldg. FOR REST FARMS 14 1 1 ACRES, joining city, half block from sta 0 tlon, good road; all under cultivation: lota of fruit; good plaMered 5 room bungalow; barn, chicken houae, garage, silo; best of soU; rent $38 per month, payable quarterly. JOHN FERGUSON. Granger bide. FARM. 320 acres. 180 in cultivation: rent $750 year. 3 year lease; stork, crop, implement, hay and grain for sale. Chsrlea E. Frey. Sher wood. Or.. R. 5. O. E. to Mulloy sts. KENT 320 acre Canadian farm, adjoins town. Claude Cole. 426 Lumbermen, bids. FARMS WANTFl) REST OR BUT 18 WANTED, at once, farm of 100 to 200 acrea for dairy: prefer along Columbia river; caab rent and quick action. F. L. EDDT, RITTER. LOWE A CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. HOMESTEADS LARGEST exclusive homestead dealer on Pa cific cot. Close In timber and farm tract. Send $1 lot reduced copy of government map, showing homestead land. II. J. Anderson, 531 Railway Exchange Bldg., Portland. . CAN-LOCATE you on a good homestead. Port land or Roeeburg district, farriajfcig or tim ber tract. Also have some good relinqiiiah mrnu. See Mr. Helm, 317 Board ot Trade bldg. TIMBER SI NOTICE of sal of government timber. Gen eral Land Office. Washington, D. C August 28. 1020. Notice is hereby given that, sub- Lject to tha condition and limitations of the r . , r, . j n i . . . nio - j , Ct OT June V, ivia iov aiai., ao, idu rfuov 4, 1920. public 241, and the instructions of the secretary of tha interior dated September 13, 1917. and June 22, 1820, the timber on the tollowing lands will be sold October 18, 1920, at 10 o'clock a. m.. at public auction at the United Sts tea land office at Koseburg. Ore gon, to tne Dlgnesi Dioaer, at no. lea Ulan ids ' appraised vslu a bbown by thi notice, 1 i to be subject to the spproval of tha secretary i of the interior. The purchase price, with In additional sum cf one-fifth of 1 per cent thereof, being commission allowed, must be I deposited at time of sale, money to be returned ' if sale is not approved, otherwise patent will j Issue for the timber, which must be removed 1 within ten years. Bids will be received from ! citiaena of the United State, associations of , aucb citixens and corporation organised under ' th laws of tb United 8 fates or any state, ter ritory or district thereof only. Upon applica tion of a qualified purchaser, the timber cs -legal subdivision will be offered separately betoea being included in any offer of a larger unit T. 21 8 R. 1 W.. sec. 83. SE 14 SEW. fir 1125 M. ; cedar. 25 M.. none of which ahall be sold for less than $1.50 per M. T. 18 8.. H. 6 W . aec 3. NE NIC "4. fir 480 M; NW 14 NEK. fir 475 M.. none of which shall be sold for less than $2 per al. , (Signed) : CI -AT TALLMAN, Commissioner General Land Office. WILL sell H aec timber in Wasco Co., under W. I. ditch Co. Good mill location. Write Al Jolinson, Colburn, Idaho. FOR SALE OK EXCHANGE RE A L ESTATE 8 FOR SALE or trade. 5 room, strictly modern house on 84x135 'lot. new chicken house for 250 hens with runs, fruit trees, raspberries, goose and black berries; currant bushes and grape. Nice lawn and roses. Price $3000, on terms or accept acreage. 4803 79th sL 8. E., corner 48th ave. FOR SALE or trade, 5 room, strictly modern house on 84il35 lot, new chirken house for 250 hens wtih runs, fruit trees, raspberries, goose and black berries, currant bushes and grape. Nice lawn and rosea. Price $3000 on term or accept acreage. 4803 79th st. 8. E. comer 4Rth ave. TWO lots in Portsmouth addition, street im provements paid. Will aell on reasonable terms to suit or will trade. P. O. Box 2027. city. NEW'BUNGALCiw $3750. TERMS BROADWAY 620. AUTO S27-4S. EM'HAi;-REAL I'.RTATK xl Jiere is a Money Maker For You Hve got other busine that calls me off the farm. Have sold all stock and farm ma chinery, so now the farm is for sale, and this place is going to be sold at once as I have got to move and f can't move until the place ia sold. The place consists of K0 acres, 15 miles from Vancouver, Wash., 3 miles from Pacific highway and close to Battle Ground, Wash. : 00 acres river bottom, 30 acrea in cultivation; 0 room house, small barn and(other outbuildings, family orchard, good spring, creek and river runs through place. Price $7500, and I will take in trade vacant lot or house equity or large tour ing car up to $2500 or $3000. and 81500 or $2000eash, rest on time. For further information telephone Marshall 2A82. ask for Mr. Dollar, or address me at Battle Ground, Wash., Iioute 2i or better still, come out Sunday, a I will be on the farm all day WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE? W have several first class farm properties to exchange for Portland residence or income propeiMr. Our exchange department ia at your erricS. See Mr. Stephen. 732 Chamber of Commerce. AUTO AS FIRST PAYMENT 1018 Maxwell sedan, in first class condition, good paint, good Urea; price $1 20f" Will exchange for first payment on Portland rei- . m w n a a. U-. aence up to iavuv. oe i. ,jr,..t . "AtTO' 73Z (jnamoer or tjommerce. FOR SALE $1000 will take Ford touring ear; acme terms and soma eaah; nice 6 room cot tage, electric light, baaement on paved street, near good carline and paved street, grocery (tore, drug store, furniture store, meat market: all within 2 block; connected to sewer, all paid. See P. U MILLER l7Vk E. Gliean st. 120 ACRES yellow pine estimsted 1.500.000 feet, creek through land, to John Day river. Wheeler county. Exchange for smell bnnealow or northeast corner. After T p. aa. Main 3836. LOT-1257100, Irvington Park, clear, fin lor tiuo, exchange for suburban acreag or houaa equity. Wdln. 3114. ONE. 2 or 8 dose in west aide lota for horses, cows or anything that can be used on a farm. 824 Railway Exchange. EQUITY In a S room boose. Will take car tha will stand inspection, or phonogrsph and chick - ens, balance cash, phone Tabot 4334. EQUITY in a room house.' WfH take ear that would stand inspection or phonograph and chicken, balance cash. Tabor 2626. - V RE A Li STATE WAkTKII MKAI. E-TATE It 8 HACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANTED W do Dot car ho ofct and dilapidated they are ear where they are. W. oaa aell than if your price ia right sod yassr ten easy; ais keen ashamin at yemr iirika ' 782 Chamber of Cmaanvi. WANTED 8MALC HOrSES" Have ready buyer, for boo) and shacks from 81200 to 200. If yea have torn I can sell them at once. Owner, only. Pbona Marahall 829 and 1 will call and aa you. . F. L. BLANCHARD. 401-2 Bwetland Bklg. BRING THEMTN W have buyers for improved acreage close to Portland. If you want to aell. list your place with us. . . "a ALTuat 732 Cham, of Com. WANT 7 room modern house, not over $70041. Have house in St. Johns clear, and balance eastu. Phone Bdwy. 678. or Marshall 181. Mr. RoawelL NOB HILL homes are our specialty; we live in the district and know it LJ-t yours with us. Strong ft Co.. Main 2387, 684 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WANTED Small houses and shacks, with one or more lot, easy terms; also small farms. Main 8860. Garland. 201 Sd st CHICKEN RANCH, storked and equipped pre fered ; must be good place, priceca right. Send full particulars. Box 6, Maple wood. "Or. WANTED Lor in vicinity of 7 2d it and 5th ave. Must be cheap 'or ceah. No agents. L-582, Journal. WANTED Small house and lot on terms, near toara H. J Asher. 564 Irving. BOOMING HOCMF.8. APARTMENTS AXD HOTELS FOR SAI.F. it SEVERAL good buys in apartments and rooming - houses. Bee Miss Holmsn. 512 Selling bldg. Main 4903. 13 ROOMS unusually well furnished. Thi will please ou if you wsnt a nice home with ir.corae. Owner. 846 College St. SIX room good furniture; can rent part. Close in. cheap rent. 544 4th st WANTED, rooming house, 12 to 23 rooms; pay cash. Main 3669. Garland. 201 3d. BUSINESS OBPOBTFJHT1ES FULLY equipped meat market for lease, in retail location, in heart of public market. $150 per month; might sell. Owner haa other inter ests out of city; immediate poefcession. Z 453. Journal. FOR SALE Old established garage business. located in concrete building, 43 miles from Portland, on Pacific highway: best eournned ga rage for handling repair busin-s of any be- tween Vancouver and Centralis: fin line of toi. and an up to dale stock of repairs, part tires nd accessories. Ford service station. ' Price all complete. $5000. Call, write or wire War ren s Garage, Kalema, Wish. A GOOD BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY" " On account of sickness will sell my stock of frroceries and confectionery, all equipment, huild ng and lot 50x200, with all street improve ments and paving paid, for $3500. This is a good proportion for man and wife. P. M. MADDEN. Heidel Bids. Uillsboro, Or. WIDOW having a fine chicken and berry ranch right in town, deal res tp meet person or couple who thoroughly anderstand this line of work snd willing to inve.it some money. A real snap far the right party, but no tnflers need anwer. F-233, Journal. OVER SO PAID OTHERS-IN8AFEBUrr NESS. IF YOU HAVE A LITTLE IDLE MONEY IT COHTfl NOTHING TO INVESTI GATE AS OTHERS ABE DOING. 008 Mc KAY BLDG. $1250 GROCERY and confectionery, a busy corner, living apt., elegant front; doing a good business; must sell: am leaving the city; $7 5U cash, 350 per month. Owner. 748 Thurman at Phone Broadway 2390. PARTNER wantedT-am just putting in small general repair shop; want man H interest with me. Experience unnecessary. C-555. Jour nal. (TON T ROLLING interest irT" fine going met al manufactory with good business assured for long time at 25 per cent less than stork value; i","uu wm nanaie. ..-DM, Journal. WANTED Persons with small means to be come interested in a good thing. For full explanation call at Room 223 Lumber Exchange piag.. irom v a. m. until o p. rn. MEAT MARKET ' Money maker, not much competition; old es tablished place, on eavt side; cheap rent Price 3 'Q Phone Wdln 808. bit 1 nnd 3:80 p. m. Printing for Less Ryder Pt. Co. Main 5536. 192 3d st WANTED Reliable, ambitious young nun" in vestment required; no risk. Address B 61. journal. HA( IIIMST wants partner; experience not necessary but mut, work and invest $2000 investigate this. C-550. Journal. BRECK'S LOGANBERRY ACREAGE Read about it under "For Sale Acreage.' Call Tbor 2678 or Main 6173. WOULD like to hear from party wiihing to ro in pannersnip in dairy; 83000 cash needed Phone Woodlawn 142 7. BY OWNER Up-to-date fumihings of 7- room flat; lovely home with income. Main 3483. GOOD location fruit aland for sale with lease. 171 4th st; near Tsmlilll public market H. E. HOWARD, licenced automobile auctioneer. 1'hone Main 4 88. . UP-TO-DATE confectionery, busiest weat side; terms to right party. B-46. Journal. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 8 WAITED onrecrionery business. Address Neil Smith. 6714 45th are. 8. E.. Portland, Or., giving location, rent and cash price. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE tj CITY LOANS NO COMMISSION On Improved property, or for improvement purposes. The beet and easiest method of paying a loan fat our monthly pajment plan. $32.26 per month for 86 month, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or 815.17 per month for 16 month pay a soon oi fivuv ana miereax. Loan of other amount in hum prupuiUi Repayment Privilssrea. EQUITABLE SAVINGS sV LOAN ASSH. 242 Stark SL. Portland. Or. I HAVE THE MONEY READY No waiting; several clients after me to place their money for them. If you want a loan in any amount up to 86000 at 6 and 7 interest, come and see m now, while I have this money avauaoie. gran a. wuuama, quo rename bldg. tisrpii. wtswa W. loan our own money on real aetata, lit and 2d mortgage, contra eta, livestock, notes, automobile, etc. F. E. Bowman sV Co., 210 v.nmoev oi vommerce. main auzfi. 3300. $400, $500, $600. $750. $1000, $126oT $1500 and up. Lowest rates, quick action. Pay off $100 or more at any interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co., 631 Chamber of Com merce. bldg. Main 1370. NO DELA1 NO DELAY $1000 $15w0 82000 $3000 AND UP W Loan Our Money on Real Estate. F. H. DE8HON. 615 CHAM. OF COM. BUILDING loan on city and suburban property" money advanced a work progrina . w 41 Beck. 815 td 218 Failing bklg. Mala 8407! $800, $400, $500. tVsO. $1000 and Bp at lowest rate; quick action. Fred W. Ger- msn ao,. m y,namner or commerce bldg. MONEY TO LOAN $SwO. $300. $700 $1000 81500. 82000, on city Improved property at 7 per cent J L. Wells Co.. 603 Gaaco bid. FARM loan without red tape, deliy or pub licity. Amounts to suit Willamette V alley Mortgage Loan company, Aurora, Or. $500-32000 7 . dwelling houses; no com. or delay. Ward. 407 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, and 7 per cent Sototnon A Co.. 408 Selling bldg. MONEY to loan. See Lawvers Till a. Tna company. 886 Stark at., aear 4th. H-i'o. 1UUU. other aaaounls at 7 per cent N -.mission Ward 407 Spalding bldg. SEE OREGON INT. V MORTGAGE CO., i Chamber of Commerce. 4tb at Stark. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. SALARIES $1 PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASJ'Xt. Pbntt Broadway 918. $4 Stark St. Near 18th. Loan on diaaaonda, watches. Ysetroks, raaa-ss. kodak, ahotgnaw. furniture, misricl laiiin and anything of vajxw. ESTABLISHED BT THE PEOPLE OF PORTLAND TO PROTECT THE BORROWER, CARRIE MYERS-HERMAN. VV10SKY TO LOA CHATTELS. ' - MALARIF.S DO YOU NEEDMONEY'x LOAXS MADE Off AUTOMOBILES fTTRIOTTj R BLPIANOB, HOUSEHOLD OOOPfJ. REAL ESTATE, BONDS OK ANITHINQ OF VALUE. SECURITY CBUAIXY Li FT IN YOL'H POSSESSION. ALSO SALARY LOANS TO SALARIED PBOPLsS ON THKIW, NOT ICS WITHOUT . 8ETTRITY. IT YOUR PAY MENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OR ON rURNPrCRE OR AUTOMOBILE CON TRACTS ARE TOO LARGE W WILL PAT THEM CP, ADVANCE TOO HORB MONEY IF NECESSARY, AND TOO CAN REPAY CS jw SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE. LEGAL RATES. NO DELAY. BUSINESS BYstlCTLY CONFIDENTIAL. PORTLAND LOAN CO. (LICENSED) 106-10T DKKPM BLIsU . ID AKD WASH. SALARY LOANS WB LOAN MONET CHATTELS on short notice to salaried or working men on their own not. Weekly, semi-monthly or monthly paymeneta. Each transaction strictly confidential NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSEE ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY W also kosn on household furniture, plane, etc, without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO. v (LICENSED) 21 8 FA ILI.NU BLDG. MONET loaned on piano.. furnitureandoher securities. W. A. Hathaway, 208 Waahing ton bldg. LIVESTOCK LOANS Our own gaoney loaned on catties sheep, bog, etc. F. E. Bowman A Co-t 210 Chamber of Commerce. Main 8026 LOANN WANTED SEE OREGON INT. gt MORTGAGE CO., Chamber of Commerce. 22J FINANCIAL $1 WE BUY first and second mortgage and saUara' rontracta, r. E. BOV'M AN CO., 210 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. HORSKH. VEHICLES. ETC. 18 JUST ARRIVED Carload of chunks " weighing from 1400 lbs. to 1700 lbs. I have any kind of a bone that you are looking for. young snd sound, from $50 up. I am ready to aril. They are all well broke. We guarantee them aa represented. Have all kinds of tl, fresnoa. slips, plows, chain, drill hsmmers, wheelbar rows and harrows. Have all kindi of harness snd wagons and logging tools. Have a good 6-year-old Jack for ssle or exchange. I will exchange any of these horses that ara adver tised. Phil Suetter, 283 Front t.. Crown Stable. FOR" SALE 1 tero. weietvfShOO lbs. with harness: 1 tram, weights 3200 Ibv with hsrnesa 1 grading plow, 12 horse Fresno; I S hore Fresno; 2 slip scrapers: 1 14-in. Olivsr plow; 1 new harrow; 1 set double buggy hamesa; 1 set single buggy harness; 2 wood rarks; 1 dump wagon: 3 V inch wagon with roller: I heavy camel back express wagon; chains, stretchers, ate. Call 6404 52d st. 8. E. W.Scar FOR 8ALE 5 teams of good block y horses and mares, weighing from 1300 to 1500, all young, good workers, guaranteed aa represented. Will try them to your satisfaction : also farm wagons and harness. 240 E. 8th. J. S. William son. I TEAM of young mares. 1100 lbs each, with ! good harness and farm wagon; 1 mare has ' 6-weeks-old colt. $175 for all. Take Mt 8-ott cai to Tremont station, 4 blocks south to H.Stn ave., 1 block west to 71.-t at, S. W. corner. Mrs. Ramsey. SPAN of blocky ranch mares with stickling coit. 2800 lbs., well broke: wagons, buggies snd hsrnesa; also 4 head of other light ranch horaea weighing about 1100 lb-.; 2 family cows for sal. or trade for horse. Woodysrd stables, cor. E. 0th and Hawthorne. East 6106. FOR SALE Term "of-niceblcrk7'nBT(l'iiria 7 years old: weight 2800 lbs.; with a good set of harness and farm wagon and a few other well matched teams; all hor.-iee guaranteed aa rep resented. 427 E. Clay t. 6th. Geo. Mil lismon. TEAM '6 and 7 yesrs old, mare; nearly new breeching harness; 3 in. wide tire farm wagon, $225. for all Pair of mares, weight 2000. A I workers, single and double and ride, $70. 4 20 Hawthorne .re. A GOOD pair of 2500 lb. work mules, one 1000 lb. mule; will take rattle or horaea in exchange; a few cheap horses $25 up; 2 good saddle horses. 2 good 3 H wagona, buggies, har ness and saddle. 802 Front at. FOR SALE At bargain, young chunky team, weighing 2700good harness and wagon; hve moved to town and have got to sell them at once. Call at 233 Gibbs, South Portland car. Mr". Richmond. TEAM weighing 2500, harness snd farm wagon t gentle and good worker. $135. Wood'tock car to 54th t, 5 blocks north to hcttse in fit trees. EIGHT head of ffood work horses, weight from 1000 to 1500 lbs.; all good workers snd gentle. Price from $45 to $.V Call at 800 Powell Valley road, cor. 84th at ONE Wilks pony 4 .years old gentto for boy or girl; got to sell. Also one young big cow. One block south S. P. depot. Milwiukie. Henry Smith. Oregon City car. WILL SELtTorTrade "few"h"oraeeTi4(0to- 1600 lbs., or rent to responsible party. 428 Schuyler st East 4080. 12 HEAD home Just "out of hard" work7 1 800 to 1500 lbs.. $30 to $00. Lyons Stable. Union svc. , cor. East Sslmon. WANT small lunch room that man and wife can handle. Northwest Hotel Newa, Broker age dept.. 714 Couch bldg. 2800 POUND team, harneea and wagon; no further use for them; will aell cheap. Atlas Woodyard, 327 Front HORSES for hire, sale or exchange. Atlas Woodyard. 827 Front st HOUSES for rent, double and single. 540 Front DEAD hordes taken quickly, cows. Phone Tenor 4203. Call for dead TEAM horses, saddle pony, saddle horse for rent. Wagons and harness for ssle,.,, 88 Front st. ONE team geldings,-wt about "S0b6lb.T har ness and heavy Ibr. wagon. Phone SelL 2441. LIVESTOCK Si TWO Jersey cows, 1 giving 3 gallons, other will give 5 gallon fresh, in Dec.; heifer cslf 2 month old, 1 acre corn, shocked 1-3 acre cow beet- Call 241 V, Washington , near 2d. The Oyster Fry. Wagner. DUROC hog bargain, for 10 days. Weaned i"s e, wiui p&pct. regrsiereci. ) iu crated free. Bred gilt to farrow this month .mi rrt condition, price $20; Farms. Amity. Or. crated. Bnadeland 15 FRESH cow. 3 to 6 gallons, 10 HoUtein heifer calves, 1 Hoistein bull. 1 brood sow with 5 pig", 5 shoats. Take Vancouver car to Columbia boulevard, go 1 Mock north. 1919 FORD roadster, in tint class running condition; will sell it cheap or trade for live stock. Csll at 990 Powell Valley road. Phone Bellamod 7 1 7. RAM bargains yearling Lincoln and Cots-wold ram., average shear 20 lbs. Big rams in rare condition, price $20, crated. - Bhadland Farm, Amity, Or. FOR SALE Young, gentl milch cow wfth calf, Hoistein. and 1 Jersey 4 gal. cow at a bargain. M. Barron. Multnomah. Or., 1 block north of P. O. FOUR extra good cows for sale, reasonable, or trad for horses. Call at 990 Powell Valley road. BEST PRICES PAID For livestock snd poultry.' Main 7863 FOR SALE 8 thoroughbred New Zealand Red does and fine buck, also hutches and feed. 320. East 5825. SIX cows for sale, fresh, good milkers; Hoi stein. Jersey snd Durham. 968 Powell Valley road at 32d st; take Woodstock car. WANT a 5 gsl. Jersey cow, tubercuUr tested; not over 6 years and gentle. Woodlawn 4413. THREE family cows for sale eheap. enport tt. Portland Height. 465 Dav- ROKKMONT herd bucks for service. Toggenburga 295 E. 69th st N. Tabor 5459. TWO Toggenburg milk goaU for sale. 1288 E 7th North. REASONABLE Duroo pigs. 825. Public Market Crawford, stall LARGE young fresh dairy cow; 1 family Jersey. $60. 761 E. Ash. TOGGENBERG tod Sanaan foaU for tale. 914 8. IsBcatur at, St Johns. DURHAM lietfer. fresh 3 week, lit gaL. tub. tested. 827 Front st A DANDY' young fresh Jerrey eow. Will take good horse in exchange. 802 Front sc NICE gentle family cow for seat cheap, or ex change. $87 Water at. weat side. POI'LTRT AJfP RABBITM 87 DOUBLE quick oat p router, 100 to 200 chicken size, $10; good srais sacks He. . Tabor 4888. 496 79th st It. I. R CHICKENS for nlel'laat year hatch and thi year hatch ; thoroughbred. Take R. C. car. 880 K. 73d at. N. 50 VERY fin Barred Rock pullet, over $ month old, choice $1.60 each. J. : R. Ma- ruire. 787 Oregon at., Portland. BABREI) BOCK pulleta, O. A. C, $1 to $1.85. Colombia llI. WHEAT, $4 FCRATCB. $4.23 CDPn CACKLE MASH UCCU Woodlawn 4344 I-WANT Whit Lelhorn pullets. Call Wdla. 3878. 1 648 Mjsstssrppl ave. FOR SALE Rhode Island Bed pullet and cockerel. Tabor 8814. . 1$0 W. L HENS. O. A. G. atrein. East 484. yOtLTKT AXP RABBIT ' 17 BARGAIN sanitary, , self - clisnW rabbit hutches (Gilmoro plan), 160 erarka, feed cuttet and Uilmora Isaeone everything about rabbiti; opportunity rat a lifetime; com and aee, S. See veil, on Bertroehe place. R. 2, .Boa 151. Beavevton. Or.. 1 mile north of BeeaviUe. 20O YOUNG Whit leghorn hens, guaranteed Hoganlsed stock. $1.25 each; R. L Red, Barred Rock and Whit leghorn pullets, $1.25 and. op. J. R. Magnlr. 787 Oregon at., Portia nd, WRITE, wire or phone w your want tnTlteM. p tie ts or cockerel, stating variety you wish; aatisfartion guaranteed. A. T. MoCauley 600 E. Davi. Phone East 404. WHITE LEGHORNS 50 hens with roceter or cockerel ; price $24. Call Tabor 40. 4 I $8 76th st. ft. R 830 1 TEAR old single comb Whit Leghorn bens and pulleu; O. A. C. rtram. Kat 404. DOG, BIRDA, PETS. ETC 4 FOR stALR Beautiful snowy white Pomeranian Kpita puppiea; price $8 and $10. tall East snou, FOR 8AI.K China canary bird and cage. tlO. Call East 448N FANCY puintv pup. H months old, subject to - register. Call Portland Seed Ctv GENUINE St. Andrrasbnrg rollers and females. 1103 K. Clinton st Tsbor 5367. BOSTON for service. Fee $10. 6667 82d st Tabor 4883. Toss stuck. BEST 8t Andreasburg rollurs. East 600. 224 E. 2d N. FOR 8ALE Choice jroun- Harta Mountain "inf ers, $3 each. 894 Simpson st TlTAINEDPohiter dog foral7T27 KeUy st AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES! TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO. 1020 Chandler, Dispatch model, overuse cord Urea, with ex tra $1850 1020 Chandler, seven-pas., nearly new, run leas than 50(1 miles, guaranteed same a new car. . 1850 1018 Chandler, 7-pass.. A 1 me chanical condition, first-class - tire equipment 12 30 ' 1018 Chandler, 4-iass. , Chummy. A-l mechanical condition, wire wheel. Look si lhi. one. . . . 1200 1017 Chandler, 7 (was., rebuilt throughout. newly painted; wire whrel. new tire 1130 1016 ('handler, 7 -pas., A-l condi tion, good tires, wonderful performer 850 1017 Hud -on Super Six, cord tires, 2 extra, A 1 mechanical con dition 1260 1018 Oakland Six. 5 pa.., A 1 con dition. riainted. good tiro. . 700 1018 Maxwell Touring, A-l condi tion, good tires, with extra . 006 1018 Maxwell roadster. A-l condi- . tlon, good tire with extra . . 600 1917 Saxon Six touring, good con- - dition, good tire. with exrra. 1918 Overland, good mechanical condition, good tire 400 Ford roadMer, new engine, electric j light and starter 473 Easy Terms. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO.. 314 Alder St. Washington at 19th. Broadway 494. Main 3125. New Chevrolet Branch FIELD'S MOTOR CAR CO Grand Avenue and East Burnside Phone Ear.t 4U0 NEW CHEVROLETS ALL MODELS USED CARS ALL .MODEIJ Parts and Service USED-CAR BARGAINS Chevrolet sedan: in excellent shape. .$in.M) Stearns Knight ; l.'iOO Chevrolet touring 54. Chevrolet touring ,. 55(1 Chevrolet touring .............. H25 Chevrolet special 010 Oldimobile eight 1150 1 1 1X1 Ford roadster 435 ' FIEIJIS MOTOR CAR CO., East Side Branch East 490. VnANSON'S USED CAR EXCHANGE 1016 Ford Touring, good shspe . . . . $251 1015 Ford Panel delivery 250 1917 Ford Touring, extras ....i. 875 1917 Ford Roadrter. extnu 873 1918 Ford Touring, snap 400 1919 Ford Touring, liks new 4 75 11120 lird Touring, stsrter ...... 5S0 1018 Ford Sedan, overhauled, repaired 60(1 1020 Ford Coupe, extras 73 1917 Maxwell Touring 325 1915 Vrlie Touring 325 1817 Overland Touring 400 1917 Hrriup Booth roadster. W W.. .. 1917 Oakland Roadster BOO 1016 Oakland Touring 473 30 Cars to Pick From. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. East 4376 UNION AVE. AND BELMONT ST. RARE BARGAINS 1 MAXWELL 1 AUBURN 2 CHEVROLET DELIVERIES 1 - TON ltEPlBi-IC THICK $250 to $550 TALBOT & CASEY, Inc. East 8118. Grand Ave. and Ka.t Ankeny. LIVERY MEN AND FOR HIKE MEN. TAKE NOTICE I At the public auction Ale of automobiles to be held at the Ilubtn Motor Car company. 182 N. ltroadway. 8a 16 relay, October . at 10 m. khsrti. I -hall offer to the Tiightat bidder -one intoa limousine, 7 passenger II E. HOWARD $07-82 I ic ned Auctioneer. 1 920 COLUMBIaASIX" Practically new car. In perfert condition; spot 1 ht, hiimtier. no glare len-o. Will take -mailer car, preferably a Dodge in trade. Price $1800. Wdln. 1284.- Studefoaker Touring Make me an offer. 1019 Sttidrbsker. Will give easy terms. Jake's Used Car Exchange. a is . iitn, nriposfie weinnara orewery. ; ... 7 n..Tr,.. . : Q, , . - . ' 191.7 BUICK Ligbt SU touring In fine shsne throughout Good tires. Motor runs ltki new. Will aaerifice for $750. Terms, or will trade forsmaller cr. Call Tbor 8868. BEST car in city at the price, my 85-4 Ovev Und; beat of rare; nap If taken at once; need money. Main 6208. Take diamond a part 86(1 12th ft 1918 FORD sedan, mechanically- perfect, good rubber and lot of exlraa. for tale by owner. $680; terms. Call394 J2thst CASK 4, new paint, new battery $ 1 00 novrru Price $325 for quick sale. Mr. Howard. Bdwy. 1858; MAX WEI J, tonrlng. 1917, A I cfwdTbr7god tire. Reaf bargain at $375. 80 Grand av. N., near Burnside. CASH for all makes of ears; condition no-object; want 6 Fords for auto acbooL 414 Glisan, corner of 10th. FORD delivery, 1916; good condition; a real bargain at $400. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. CASH paid for old can, condition no obyect; parts for all makes of cars, Oregon Auto r.srnange. eae r tanuers, nr. inn. UOwy. BeOa MAXWELL touring, 1918. fin condition; good tires; real bargain at $725. 80 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. 1918 FORD, fair condition, good tlr.-," $100; $200 cash, bat 6 mo. Call week days, 604 4 54 th ave. S. E. FORD delivery, late 1917; private owner bargain for $350 cash. 6087 Powell Valley mad. Phone Tabor 7343. CHEVROLET touring. 1918; fin- cmMitioii", good tires; a snap at 1425; terra. 30 (.rawj ave. N.. near Burnside 1917 LATE Vena touring, haa run sbouT" 8000 miles-; new ton and other eilra.. an til las. trade or terhia. East 5552. KUCH BROS., auto painting. Bent painting and lowest prices. 823 Williams ave. Wdln. 4583. 1919 CHEVROLET touring, new batteries. spotlight. A-l condition. Owner will sacrifice for $823 eaah. 415 GhSao 1919 FORD delivery."' in perron condition: must sell, cash or terms 672 Alberta at Woodlawn 4S4. KADI at SIMON TON CO.. used ear, repair ing, atorage. 415 Glisn. Hdwy 4 092. FORD COUPE, excellent eondiUon. $225 down will handle. Mr. Howard. Bdwy. 1858. iTT7-CHEVROlJST"roadUr."2 btUrie, $200. 418 Glisan. 1913 CADILLAC 8, lo good condition; $1350" Can Main ,911- CASOLINE 28c per gallon; oil and graaaaa. Ptonesr Paint no- ia rxrwt ax. FORD sedan. 1019, 360O, or will exchange for touring or roadster 101 1 1 th tt N. T91FOBD touring $2fl5"eah. 548 fTt st LATE model Ford wanted. 8750 lot in Penin sula dot Tabor 3519. 19206RD touring with (tarter. 7 p. m. Sell 644. Call after EMAU, delivery car, eery economical on lira and gaa. 8148. 835 Thurmsn at ,. Fl3 oash buys thla Ford car. 838 Tbnrman. LI - PASS, ear to highest bidder. . Sea. 261$. AUTOMOBILES A5TJ ACCESSOSIES U AT THE COVEY MOTOR CAB , COMPANY. i PLANT . A .Hid it ever nccor to you that tha tmonnt sjv bnslnea done monthly or yearly by a used car ' : dealer mwht serv .. k to the truthful Ju- . l linn o tlie queationa you have no doubt asked yourself many times. !!WherVh" ' h" iy rarf . ".w J'1 'd a dependable dealer? M Mho Is it Uist will hcrtiestly attend to the necessary rebuilding mnA refinuhing of such care as they offer for aalef" A great volume of uvd car buainesg, kind render, rul ia e. i not only the answer lo luch queations, but the added information. That years of eon rientloua. honest effort have been neceeaary to build ui ..k . ... T.Vr.ithr. r,l'1"i high Idrafof UV$ H IM-iiiidijc ni rsr salvage. Tliat a great duterminstion undoubtedly stimo- late snch action a It ncc -s ary t., produce re built snd refiniehed m.iUir ..r. m .um-afuUy aa to obtain this gruat volume of bu ine a Th surceafnl management and sale of .... popular new oars dumand that we not only main tain a great volume of used car busineMi, hut thst w contlnuou.ly increase iu On ciniiu lump Into It today and out tomorrow. DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR CARS Ilvbullt, reflnl.hed and rcswnsbly priced. 1010 Touring . . 1!18 Touring 1 Ml 7 Touring . 10 IB Touring 1 020 ltoad .tr . 1 Ultl Ruadder . 1 100 t 050 .....$ 75 700 $123(1 .....$ 700 1010 Chevrolet, delivery; f(n ahane , $ 5 SO 11 1 7 Maxwell, delivery: pectelly price) $ 373, 1914 (Irerlaii.l o.,ll.erv .ti.l'.. 1 a ml New 2 Jon Gralism Bros, truck, ( a. hilar engine; i-pcnaiiy priced tlSjOO 1020 1'lirrmleL touring; prerticelly n. driven but 1000 miles H00 11.18 Chevrolet, touring, excellent ahai $ tlllu 1018 Ford, sedan; electric starter; just out of paint shop 773 1917 Ford, touring; epcrislly priced . I 373 MM 3 Ford, touring. IU 1 7 radiator; .! haio g 300 HilO OvtrUnd 00, touring; Scully priced 1 nAw V'M M"well. touring: apertally prirerl 3 303 1"1T Reo, ruaditer; beauty; specially priced 1 78 1018 Bulrk 6, rebuilt; rtlly priced $ DOw ItlS Cadillac, old reliable, for arrvire car 1 400 1918 ('handler, touring; fine looking car; worth $1600, specially priced $1230 1020 Chandler IAtatch, driven but 2100 miles, wa this year's show car $2000 1020 Chandler In.-patch ; wire wheels', cord tires; motomrlrr. bumper. , . , driven only ahout 3000 miles. $1800 1919 A ppcrson, " touring; fully equipped "d in best powihle condition $3000 xv 1 siar, seosn; left for aale. Thia la certainly a wonderful buy ..... $21 oo '' rransiin. touring; little need be said "fling inch a car ....12100 1018 Studchaker 6. new. pmt. new top. fine ahpe: serially priced. $ 873 Studebakrr. roadster. 4 cylinder $ $75' CAIULL4C8 Price on new Ctdillae motor rars hav ad vanced only in proportion to ll,e generally ad kiiou'lrdg, d improvement in the car. There ha been no urh thing an rxrea profit Ihe great determination to perfect their product lis, I sh-orbed each advance long belur a waa made. The public tafwrll airare of tha fsct thst price reductions on the psrt of certain manufacturer re being m.rle, oely with a view of Influ encing quirk deliveries to take care of over pro duction and intlstcd prices rather than because of li wcr cost of production. In buying one tsf these nfskea, new or used, yen will never actually know when you have re ceived your money a worth. While on th. other land, no aurh doubt i, ever raised regarding the value of a Cadillac. Our prernt sf&k of used Cadillaca repre sent t.ie grsatert actual motor oar value on th ulomoblle market today. We Are Otn Sunday COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANY Vahingon st st 21-t Msin 6244. CHEVROLET a vti FORD OWNERS FORD overhauled 820 00 Hesr ssle overhauled 6.00 Valve ground, carbon removed 8 00 Magneto recharged 6.00 Wa hand-lap ptton. scrap bearing., etc 4, which insure, a perfect running motor (lenulne Ford paru only ued. Ail work guaranteed THE REASON The Ford engine atarla hard and the lighta r dim i. bec.uae th MAUNETO i weak Hav It RECHARGED by EXPERTS. Universal Auto Repair 210 Jeffer.on t Main 7644 4m CHEVROLET let me demonatrate till. c.r to you. Thia c.r has been newly iwinted and rebuilt. Pries) only $325. Will tak $100 down and giv ea.y terma on balance. Jake's Used Car Kt change. 2H N. tlth, opposite Wrlnhard brewery. TOPS EM ALL OREGON AUTO TOP COMPANY 14th and Couch Sta, Bdwy. 4 408 THE SMITH ROTARY BRUSH Wsah yoyr car with It Main 1194 lOl'O HI P TOURING 6 cord tiiw, one new wl:h tire cover, annh bers, txitlight bumper, motometer; run 6000 miles; ctr looks like new; $1700; no trad. Owner. X-12H, Journal Dodge Overhaul $35 All work guaranteed. 2 10 JEFFERSON ST. MAIN 7 644. ESSEX touring, 1018; beat of condition ; good tlrea, one aiiare; u-wd privately; $1425, terma. Crm.Mer Ford In trade. 80 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. Al'TO intlng at pr wa7pricesT Fiirili-Minted $10, other car In proportion. All work guaranteed Liberty Paint Shop, 009 Jefferson, corner Stout, opposite The Journal garag. WILL SELL-chesp or "trade for-livestock or farm tool., late 1918 Chevrolet, in first class mechanical condition Phone 811 wood 717 or call at 990Pnwell Valley rot.l OVERLAND Um ring car." model 90 "for sal cheap. Price lias been reduced $16.1; perfect condition. Indirection Inrltcd. Term, if desired. Phone East 7 1 86 T9 CHEVROLET TOURING In excellent condition, Ursa snd paint goodl will put to any test snd sell cheap. Woodiatra 1287 or WtKidlswn 4441. FfiRji tJruring. 1917. bet of condition; good tire; resl hsrgatnat $850 80 Grand eve N-, nesv,Hurnlde. KKO SIX. in excellent condition, SllTettowa rordx and mi re. A bargain at $950. Ta bor mil . 7 I'ASS, 1917 llialmera for ssle or trade for smaller car. Ford 1910 for sals or trad. 1M1 Chapmen st $100" DOWN "will handle any of tha following touring car: Maxwell, Saxon, Chevrolet snd Mitchell, all in good running order. Bdwy. 86U6. 1920 TOURING cat, telling"pTVaTl 1 9007will sacrifice for $1250 or tak. smaller car ra trsde. East 4383. WANTED i"-"ton truck or light""oto ' in aa change for city lot; will giv or take differ ence. V-868, JournaL OAKLAND Six. excellent mechanical condition! 5 ! Urea, bumper. look like new. Need cs.h. $1050 quick Hle. East 0962. FOR 8ALr--ChTrolet 'car, $500 ; good" rubber, spotlight, new batteries, privately used. 78 W. Preacott st LEAVING town: most sell 1920 Ford light de livery. reasonable price. Bollermaksrs dub. Main 6460. Bchwsrts. OVEllLAND temrini; good condition. Mast tell. A snap at 8828, term. 80 Grand av. N.. rear WurnstU. 7o0 '16 FORD, practically good a 'new; - W71 ,ot whiter. 86 E. 20th t. i18T PASS. Paige, excellent mechanical eo- dition, 31400. CaU Woodlawn 9A7. OAKLAND. 1920, fuily"lorn1trpeer5iWifi Mil or trade for amatter ear. Wdln. 2710. SFlCK 4 roadster, hi good condition. ' Call Tabor 8888. OVERLAND 88, food condition, to be sacrificed . 4 or eaah. 88-J, Milwiukie. F9188UPER"8IX Hndaon8Tob. Wilt Uk , small car in exchange. Call owner. East 349. ; fSTS-HUPP."7ully quipped. Sell wood 314. loir ' good crjodltiow. 191 FORD towrina Al condTtioo. extra: $878. TffiVf Woodlawn M2J48Mlwicria-a: - J 1920 FORboui. like new. Spar tire a " I other eatraa. Tahoe 7-5 - : - ' other extra. Tabor 723. (Continued ""fellowlna Fact) , 1 -x..