V THE OREGON SUNDAY . JOUWJAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY HORNING. OCTOBER 3. IC23. 11 FOR ALjE-M'lygI.tAWEOrt-lt . CQHSTMCnON CO, U, 3. GOVERNMENT - .MATERIAL . . 5,000,000 Ft Lumber , for late. . Everything free , 2x8 to 1 2(13 . 4 millioe ft. 4x6. 4x12 end 1212. like new, st 416.60 r. O B. , flooring, revile, ' i i ehtpUp, 1 I -Inch board. S I. 8., ElCtric wire, all sizes, t Conduit pip, I " I mU plow ateel wire cable from Va-tocri to I inch Purehaaed Iron '. 8 Shipping Board. We will sell rt about '4 price. W here larger' "lantity at Plumbing Supplies ' - roofing pan, i (tllRgles. door. i window and h, pip and fittiag.. , chicken vnrr. iiid finish, 0 work bench, tire hn. all aise. AO mirror, all i, ten (wt, etprythioa to Pt W sour building with. Prompt Delivery CONSTRUCTION CO. Office, E. 8 th and Belmont ato. Yard, K Htb and Morrison ate. 1'hnn. East 4110. new tcm NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS Be and Penny 'Keys. OAK AND MAUtHiAHJ FINISH PUKES: ITS - $110 61.60 run 11m of second-hand anil rebuilt Netloael register, fully gnsranteed by .SHE NATIONAL. CASH REGISTER CO. . I Liberal Allowance for Old Register. . J. IX. MUMMA. BALES' AGENT roadway 1410, 800 Stark St BUY ADAMS FIRE PROOF STOVE BLACKING; WILL NOT BURN. OFF. ASK YOUR GROCER OR HARD WARE DEALER. Buy, Sell AND EXCHAMGS raah reftaUra. abowcaaaa, founUioa, acalaa, atora futuraa. I. BOXES, M.r. B438. 118 gd Bt. D)tm from factory to yonr noma, lannraaaa tnd Port OrfoH radar; aolid copper Mimiuiot. ileat daaiccv Writa for catalosua. J. W. H1GGLNS SO! 19Hln1B E. GT.1SAX. TABOR BOB HEWING MACHTWB EMPOBICM New and 2d bapd, told for la; bo agenti am ployed. Conapteta of parta for all tnakea. Machinaa rapairti and rented. Main 9431. SEWING atACHJ. BMPOR1UM 100 Third, sear Taylor at. SEW. BET, SEW, SEW. Pbon. Srllwood 1071. NO AGENTS -Kal PILOTED. -Sawlnt Dtaclunra alfaoad, tianed, adjaatad re paired, buiiGhc, Fold, rented, ntppliea and atUcb menta, power and mff maciiinea; motora, ibatuof od tablea in ild; arrrytlilna in naadlaa. . Thona gaUwtMd 1071 independent Printers Wa are arill doing promptly "printing for leu" at 11 No. 6th at. Commonwealth bids Smith, printers Ilroadway 2986. Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented aad repaired. Walker Klectrte Worka. 413 Burn aide, corner 10th. Broadway f7 4. ICUUiUH CYLINDER -nONOUtAFU Edison Opera rhonograpli, fine wooden born and 100 Indestructible recprda. only $85; $10 dc-wr. $.1 monthly. Coat $126. Hystt Talk- ln Maenlne a3n.. 0 Alder. BUT, -SELL." RENT OR TRADE Shotguns or Rifles NEWMAN'S GUN STORE, 128 Firat at Main 4495. Tabor 6798. MAN'S bicycle, $14; -Kitchen Queen, 33.50; gaa Plata, $.'.50; 2 chairs, $2; bamboo screen grid curtain. $2; new garbaga ran, $3 50; air . tight heater. $1.50. Want a rug god camera, to. Main 6208. FOR SALE New galvanized iron tank 3 Ox 30x4 8 Inches, made of 18 gauge iron, rein forced rim and pipe connections, $28. 1684 E. 12th t N. W Podia wn 1486. efibT WATER TANKS 80-gai.,8T; 40 gal., $0. Tcsteal and guaranteed atore end furneee ceils. Gas beater installed. Expert plumbing repairing. East hide Welding Shop. 208 Ada me st at 8616. OFFICE equipment of arery' description from government end shipyards, new shipment of high-grade steel filing eabineta. D. U Wax. 81 X. 6th at Bdwy. 2738. SOFTdriiik fUtoreaf "or aale, bar and back mirrora, elegant fikturaa, a tobaoea case, aaady case and cigar case; must, be sold at ones. Pals Club. 235 let St.. eornef Main. 6"NB hydraulic giant and about 204) ft 6-iaci pipe, also camp, equipment for 60-maa camp. Call H. L. Hutrtilnaon garage, end of Park itaag car line. - CIBCLBT ETCCTIANCK. ' We buy, sell and exchange lathee and chtV dren's clothing. 413 Fleidner bldg.. 16th and Washington. Bdwy. 220. ilBLOCO FfPELESS FURNACE. $186. the best lor results, lhiplicata tha guarantee cf any fornace. L T, Woodruff, Woodlawn 2103. 1291 Mallorr. NEW SYSTEM NEW OFFICE s Honest, cotwrientinua dentistry. DR. FRED MELLISH. .108 H Fourth. Between Washington and Btarfc. 100.000 BRICK, lumber, glass store front wiodowi, iliding doon, common doors and lath. On Job at 1B0S 'hi. BtATk. ar Wdln. 5714. a fur 6 p. m. " caj) lar chest, at reasonable riricea. Pacific Scale a Supply Co., 48 Front at Bdwy. 1966. ATTRACTIVE styles in ladies' slightly worn costs, tuita, gowns, hata and furs. 1047 Tburman at Main 0667. BOBBER HEELS 46e; SHOE REPAIRING WHILE TO( WAIT. TARR BHOB IX)., 683 WASHINGTON ST., WEAK 20TH. sU'CSl a.SSa.ry , $51 h Wsahlutoo st Without Pais. Latest Nerve Blocking Mtbon LADIES. ATTENTION BugMly naed wearing apparel at Vogua Shop, ivo aiina y Ding wain BiaX. tJtfSfi BTjsiNESS CARD CI 0ym a? ROSE CITT PRI.NTFKT 91ed Tea must bring this ad. 10 nth at KEW, lancy handmade quilt and comforts. Good selection to pick from 'at sacrifice. Call 80 10th at Phone Marshall 2048. FOR SALE Small notion atore v . , , IViiU,i mwim jemy arnui viuriuiuiy i or oreaamacar, sura ana 4 living rooms furnished, rent $16. Phone Alalo 8144. FINE wood beater for living room. . beautiful mahogany aauaie cabinet Small siae, platinum - fcPP! " beater. Bdwy. 4314. WOOD"" 4-ft cord, 16-in. block and alab. for ssle. BROADWAY 2I9. ToH&UTT"smlf tnming lath and tools, saw - arbor, aaws. emery wheel and chisel and alsoew H -horsepower motor. E-9S7, Journal, FOR SAI.E At" big rednetiorZrLaSaUebuinee inTn,slOB ccurM' Jt eompleu with ail lessons. Terms or cash. T-681. JonrnsL i KEW HOME aewine mTJTir-.Trsf Han. drOD head all iH,.W.ki. , . n - , as JS'-sv u: ax v sjuiiui .M, CaU r rii" " to sale, completely new, price Ksa.jt.HjN Hotel Arthur, room 202. Tus 6 p. ta. BALE Lady black fur coat, .Allegheny r auaTr-ana cuffs: in elenant ennaitinn- ? 876 eesh. gs Lsxinatoa ae. FOR SA-LE 338 Nerrr Fl ee-al and wood heiter,' weed 2 months, $22. 56. 6330 63d st S. U.j cor. 634 are., Woodtpek car. C"6oTraliopA20i gilpaiaUnrTni'Bs' " in 350t Winchester rifle. $6. . Call 1662 E. 23d -and Tetiino. KITCHEN table and chairs, I rosier. wood 1T65. S80 Lafayettet FOR SALE Diamond rim rin. ' 3100; wiH act-ent Liberty bond. - T-677., JonrnaL ,( ITs" a uua n lneubator, used ouo. 180 eapac Maia 7811. , . ' ity. $40. FOB ALE-MtSCELLAirCr)rg 1 Plumbing. Supplies . r. BATHROOM OUTFITS COMPLETE v" j " AT BPlUL LQW FRJCE . ' BATfrTUBS '. r ' ixm-now TOH-ETS - CORNER OR FLAT BACA BASlNa eoaaplet, rve AND jFlt TING '....'..'-. ' .. , Get ear price Mora yoa Wt yimt coo tract We alae have son slightly demagad good. . A. L. Howard , t M Bt LAMP SHADES ARTI8TI0 WISE FRAMES FOR LAMP SHADES ' WIRE FRAMES If ron 4ont at what yon want eon ta and wiH mek It for you. William R. Lindley, 227 tt- Btarh, between 1st and 24 PAEIOR billiard tabla fcaao yaur Uda bona niahta; let them Mctaia tlaair uala at Dllliardi In yonr ti bona under roar obaerra- Uoo, 8x9 ft. eombinatioa billiard Ubla, 14 axoeUent Dalla. 4 ctm. chalk, bottle, tfoa. arx Riarfceri, eonpleta 880 caah. deUrerad In tba city. Tbl price about 1-8 seat new. Table eea p lotaea compactly into nu apaaa. , av apacv at ooz uutrixm are, wain, aeao. NEW pkrioYi umiKfji " . See tba new Period Model in Edison, Bnrna wick and CotvaabU. Priced from f 860 to 8760 cvpecial terau. iiyMt TalfeilX ttaabiae Co.. " Amer. rlnWRIt PLANTS FOR SALE If you want flowera from aprinc to fall, pUat perenniala now; rxtra choice plaata for aale; pricea reaaenablei. Call lOSf Saoata at.. Laural- nurm. Taooe BZ3. 1 LAHGK atoT. hasd truck. 2 ahoweaaea, 1 atep ladder. 1 12S-aat aalcaeaaurina ait tank. 1 .Bowter goliD pump and Uak, a)lnoat new, Eaat 142. KsU ilillaey at A HIGH and Fyraeh crar ReedBa.bv aarriaca. A rail ery ball baaria wbeela, jvreraible bod. A-r rendition. Pnooa Tabor 420S. Call 1188 K. Ham at . fdtbVIO Iron board. 75c: twa 8-saI caaoUna canrt, 12.80; Co ft cotton beee, 84; Ie. braaa tanuniere, a l oo ; R oup alutainuaa pereoJatac, new. 2. Tabor . FOR SALE-t-Ealipse rante with ooil" wooc! neater, Dotn in f 004 conoiuon. vrmcnaater amp ahotran. new, 12 gaue. 204 K. bZi m-v car. $50 HOK.N'LESS Columbia, takan aa part paa ment on new Colombia, anly $35. Easy terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.f 850 Alder. FOR SALE Portable chicken bouse and aeren 1 -year-old leghorn bens. 80 ft, wire, cheap. Call B4 Morrison at, Wert Side. BABT bueiy. wicker. witb"leatherette top, in fine ooDdiUoa. 10. 14 E. 88d at, eor. . Bytur. ML'ST rarau buildls. Will aachflca about TO .aaoond hand bad-prin$ for CU MiMa- day, 1757 Derby at ' FOR 8ALK InwUfj wheel chair, $16: rubber tires and ta rood order. 1701 E. Stark at Phone Tabor 4887. GOOp 4 hole r&iige and coil; also ba.wianette ataad and fold ins baby bUACy. cheap. 85 Eaat 24tbat. eor. Pine. FOR SALE-Cheap, 8 niealy bound volumes Shakeapeare'a works. Call, at Apartment 1, 428 Columbia, corner 11th and Columbia. O. A. C. CAPET" aiift sixeTil, and capTln aood condition. $3. 29 E. Gliaao, Sunday or after 8. FOB SALE tUtm and fraea tomatoes, com apd sweet cider. 1 Vx muea eaat of Montarilla and Baae Line road. Boar 628. Brtn container. 6IU1HX) ppeleaa furnaces for aale, $68.45 and 1135. Far further inlnrtaation address $28 Be ii tin at, Portland. Or. Phone East 4587. FOR SAL&-3 3135 silk gabardine auit else 36. bleak lined with white silk, worn twice. Price $25.Pbone Main 4316; FOUR carpets, 25 to80 yards eaeh; 80 cents yard. Lincoln apartments. 4 th and Lin coln. KITCHEN table $2. raouiui sweeper $3. army I blankets, other articles. storing away. Call i at once. 660 68d st N. E. Boae City car. GF.NTLEMAX'S fur ooat. large . siae. fun length, like new; snap at 680. CaU East 1138 Moiuiay. 15 GATJS. A RI3 T O medium motor oil, 5 gala. $2.75; bring cab; selling car. Auto. 228-4$ mornings. HEATING afore. 80-Ib. scale, sloth ea wringer. tent canraa. bottled catsup, iron bed, etc 870 East crerea ft. today. $46 HOWARD heating itora. like new, $32.56, including board and pipes; burns wood ar ens I. Ayes. 80 6 th st Broadwa y 2309. FOR SALE Reliable gas range, 4 -burner, with low oren; alo gaa iron, $16. E. 8191. 302 H Hollsday are. WILL excliangc new phonograph for Inside ear- I pcuter work, ilyatt Talkmg Machine Co., sao Alder. FOR SAtE-One gas Iron, $2.66. T single gaa fixtures, l uouuia, li.ao. Taaor nuaj. 1 S14 E. sfadLMB at. LADY'S gray relret coat, alaa 88, $10; aew purple crepe de china draaa, sixa 86, $10. Et2 920 i EW KILL kitchen heater with water coil, $15; Jsger earuum sweeper, 85; electric toaster, 3t. Can 261 E. 70th st M corner Haaaale. 100 ACRES, fine farm, 14 mileT'PortlaaaT; good road, $125 acre; 20 acroa cleared, bai gmxl Umber pasture. Ericksen. Main 1643. NEW lO-cup electric percolator, mechanical drawing set Metronome. 814 E. Washing ton, 8 a. go. to 5 p. m. USED" aUam radiators, 88-ia. high, twos, , threes and fours. Broadway'' 8878. ilNGLHbarref 13 gauge shotgun, choke bored. for $3.75. Fsucett 104 4th at Main 7484. CHEAP seed fur aajs, 3a lb. Harold Nixon. Iteateytoa, Or. AN 8 link er more Paark's gaa radiator. Call Tabor 1 287. LICENSED electrician will aave you money ea electrical wiring and supplies. Sell. 68. TW(5"TaFlrar"a Phong Tabor 284. or 8-825, JeurnaL CROWN ateel range, good aa new; Underwood typewriter. No. 5. Tabor 707$. HfiATEB, wood and eoaj, duplex grate, span tront; usea 4 montns, gzz. wain, si 14 PRIZE Eclinee heating atove. lik new, at bargain. Tabor 4768. 238 E. 89th st WhTtKLBARBOW tor sale. 1486 Omaha .. city. ONE briquet stove, gswd condition; wood heater. Call Crom as Chambers. FOR SAfj5 Ten gallon filled aaaas HasoHne oiL Night. Tabor 1242. JiCOBEAK oak rockar, like new; fireplaoe est Aato. 215-80. , A MAN'S bicycle, pox handlebars, good eondT Uon. Phone Msia 6208. 6 GET t6t)fe of BflfflSS rKlB ' CALL EA.ST 906. 0XE 4 light else, fixture and art glass dome. 687 K. tn st fOR SALE Wood and coal senahinatioti aaj Sqaare dining room table. 859 E. 74th '. AMERJCAiY meat cutter for sale niasoaabie. CaUI21)8 1st .at Main 4467. SMALX atock patent medicine and stock food. 7Sc on 81. Eaat 6143. 659 Haleey at ELECT UK) heater for sale! Cylinder style. Will beat large room. Cheap. Tgbor 994. 1-OItTABi.B gas avea. fog sale cheap. Tabor 2SH. FOR SALC 1 heating store, 1 burner. Main 2286. range. 1 oij FOB BALf: Very nioa baby's bed, raaaonahla Can Tabor 1748. SMALL organ in good ooaditiogi foe salg cheap. 151 Meade st , i s WILLARJD battery, new. 17$ Am. Br., Cadillac type, $4 5. 295 Hawthorne. East 6770. FOR SALE 12-inch metal clothe wringer, $7 raiue, tor a. S4S li tin st a. tt DOT7BL& barrel 16 gaagw ahotgua; Wuichaator .it autoruauo. 249 Taylor at Icksmita. AXMINSTER rug for sal. 8xl0s71fairaen"- dition. Tabor 7687. FOR SALE Practically new postcard afata - Kodak. Phone Sell. 8414. -ERT rich looking navy blue Triootise draaa. 8 voile dr ONE ,-h. p. motor, 11C volu. 2.7 $40, Ftong 214-82 evenings. d. a. iOB. SALE -Cook stove in good condition. vooa or cimi. vrnooiawn tzsa BARBER chair for aale cheap, st. near Helsey. 868 B. 65th DKAW'lNtJ set and new windows aui table for garasea. E. 4465. WHAT am I offered for Winchester 22 g. re peating nne, almost newt U-7T6. Journal. FOR SALE Air tight heater aad pipe, f 2.86'. 833 H Wiinama are. WANTED Te aeU 2 beautiful medhua brown braidv ewa hair. Call 342U ith at 8. E. CHA8. ROttiEN -Expresa and Basgaga; fast d- nvery a epeciairy. asarenau aaii. WOOD or coal heater for sale, $7.60 if takes at once. . Call at 44 K. both. Bear E. Stark. 12-OAUGE ahorgun. leather case; will trade tor corona ar casn. - Main 934. FOB BALK 38x4 6-la. drafting UbU. Very enewp.- ifo j u wXNTKD-firerybody to yead both gidaa; yoi eaa t vote inieuigenuy ocnerwisa. IIXATXNG stove, cooaT gtove, 4 piece bedroom ex. I'to sk. main aw rWANT to buy S0014 'good secooa 'hsojricg or tile. 233 SUrk or phone Msia 2863 LARGE oil painting. few other picturaa, and two hvrye gold Iran BABx" b-w, folding eteel frame, leather top, gray finish. $16. Mam 8916. , rsi TI "vn, eomnlctc, 82$ ""Tabor fioo". BEAVER plush coatee, can Auto. 223-827 FOB gArBMTSCEttAKEOtt 1 OSK Sincer canary, 1 airuaht" beater, 1 wash bowl a4 pltcbaya. J bu11 ateaper trnak, 1 8-foot 1 4U-foot. 11 22-inch, 2 2T-lncb aef dnplez window tbadea, tTOcbated eorda 4md rises; oak table, 24(24 tscAaa. S4 E. OliaaJt. - ,aSt bttoests Text and hutmcOon cbarta redafst School Conmereial Teaianinc for sale. 8V Call Bon- day asiore 12. 1341 K, I at. near 44t i'Dii SALE Lady's broan "walret auit aUa 1 IIS. . Vervet coat with fur collar, cue 1, tS. Lalrd-Scholer aboaa, sue 4B IS. . WdUt 414. HEEWOOD baby brnaa. rrenck day. practjcaSy wrw, $88 baby's U ire bed as4 Mttreaa 811; ewudf, (aamin browk statuah Uatfcar $45. aoe prvauwaa. W1CKEB library table with apesially made ex- teaebns dioinf . tap. elreaeinc table. aaianiaB rocker, alecUie beater, braAfat tabla kitcban ntonaila. Main 84. . COMPLETE Unfile library of twenty reiuaaaa. also (lie Tel antoaafibile awctoeeriaa. Excellent coadiuotl. appoiotaaaait, Pbooe W41. 16&8 tat ONE7 kitchen eabinet $12; 1 area bed. sprit and " aaattreaa 8141. ladt'a beaatttful band knit white wool tweeter 813, 8 eraebel yafce caaaVsptea. CaU at 408 E. Sad and Haaeack N aONPEUaABTEN cbiira' and "ubles, baMinatET. nunen furnitura. for leas than wholesale; at) near, food. Tabor 688, C. A, Kern, tlStt, 7th at OR BALE 1 alecUie waabinc rnaoblna' $7T, 1 edjaateUe dreea form $10. 1 davenport 815, 1 Kuud water beater. P boa Mar. 88. HOHOOLGrRLS coat, niiaaea' bat. biack'aatln paunpa, suits; yuat inan'f to piaca auit Select Your Hollies Now Phone Woodlswn 085. B A KGADf MoleeAua aearf. ceorteUe dinner , (own, worn ones, sell for half price. Call a. m. and p. m. Automatic $28-66. LKES8 iHarcaat' ntw. tin 88. 2 pair trouaera, waist 10. Umlh Ji7 tat. ball ptica, CaU 104 4th at EBTTIT jera, pints, ejoarU, pallona, new trip p4et alaminura cooker and teakeUle. one un hobtefed, OT.ratuffed, leather rocker. Cell. 1807. COAL. baaUr, fine aosoa, $18; 4-hol eeoc store with oit 818; barner ail- to. $ 1 i toilet ooaapkta. good as new, $40. SelL 1108. mcKEL puvted gasoline beatrl iron $r, name aa new, rarulpr priaa $7. 4Z5 E. p2d at m. - 'VMS' FOR SALE Small heatar with water coil $12.60. No. 7 BemuietoB typewriter $10 Main 437S. COMB IXATION washauud and wringer, $5, our- tain atretcbera. babr crauUuoboaMh $8; mall ell store, $1 485 K. 9ta U. tE('OMHA.ND ass nuuee and air-tight beater for aale: also tank wader pump. Phone East 3801 evening. FOB SALE A I oak writing desk, sectional bookca-te, kitchen cabinet 1740 Staaton eor. flSth. two blocks south Sandy bird. FOR SiLE Ford side curtains for touring car, like new. $8. 80x8 Vi tire cbalns. used twice, $3. 107w B. l$th at N. BIG GAR ramie $35, good heater $15. cross-cut saw 85. or trade for auaa'a auit, si as 38 or potatoes. East 8048. 4x7 ft. Brunswick Home pool and billiard table; demountable cushiona, complete playing outfit, dandy shape. 875. Wdln. 6716. PLAY billiards and pool In your home. 4x8 table, weight 90 lbs., can be placed on table. Tabor 1228 Ban, a. m. STOCK, fixtures and email bldg-l candy, gro orrice, tebaeeo, etc All must go. 666 Hood at. foot Line In. btondiy. FOB 6ALERangi', Meaning efl burner. 8 hole gas pUita gad 2 hole gas erea; all in good condition; $35. Last 8703. GOOD biryela for sale; fimt-claas condition; Banger make. 611 Montgomery st Main 7749. Ixl2 FLVFF rug. bit and miss. $20; aerer used. yOO E. Front near 30th. CfflLD'S unfinished coat, 8 to 12. A big bar- gain. Phone Kast 7474 WANTED Second-hand bicycle, fit for girl of r-l oiao FORTbALE Invalid wheel chair, in good con dition; 16. Sellwood 2408. FOB SALE Small heating tova and pip for sale, lanor vol. tVABDB0BE trunk lor gals at J431 Grand ar. it. ivuia. giyg, AFPLES." peart, quince, all pricea. Columbia bird. Wdln. 1768. 11th and GAS range. 4 burners, also water aaaL rS. Everett at r6R SALE- Uural " Special amnga. $58 E. 6th at N. FOB SALE Baby boggy. CaU SeUwood 172 or call 619 K. 26th at UK ED folding sulky with top, like new, $19- 1070 E. 13th stJf. SHOE .HALKSOLfcD. beat' material; call and dauver; na extra eoet Phone kt 9H1. NEW gray Omaha aa hair switch ; reasonable. I486 HOT POINT electric range. A t eauditJoa. sale cheap. WoeUa.wn 1030. for $15 LARGE, open front wood heater, water coils, pine, pad. Tabor 0887. SALE fin, t of dishes. 2 7x4 U Wilton rug, a Uo kodak- 401 t 12th at HEATER for sale. 24 inch fire box; bum wood only; A-l condition. 810 Missouri are. COOK range, 6 holea, wood and coal, 305 V, 3d at. Uoyal. WANTED Buyer for Cleveland CaU 214 12th during noon hour. motorcycle. PBETTT, ehochet silk bonnet all kinds of crocheting and knitting done. Auto. 21196. UNDERWOOD typewriter, No. B. excellent con dition. $60. Mallctt (Monday). Bdwy. 1599. MAN'S SUIT, sice 46, good condition; bargain kt ll.IUr. 8981. j 1 HEADLIGHT neater $8, 1 wood heater And pip. $12. Tabor 9321 or Tabor 6199. $80 ESTATE Journal. gaa range for $80. L-368, &OOD 16x16 tent, tepo style, cbesD. "win: "fsbor 6724 or 1004 Commercial st F&R SALE 6 burner gas range, $20. ill 00. 6AK GABIiANO coal beater, $4. $644 54th ava. S. E. - KANGE, with warming closet and reservoir or for coll. 738 H Michigan are. BEAUTIFUL GRAY wicker baby oarriaew at a bargain. SeUwood9l6. FOB SALE Eastman Kodak. Can a Tohien, progress, ure. LOCKS and key bought and sold. Bam Gold enberg. locksmith. 849 Taylor at GOOD range, waUr coil, also home mad cxaa forters. cheap. Main 1112. WlLL aell lady's wool black serge auit aad two wool eaat. Ma is hall 8200, apt A. VIOLET RAT machine in good condition. 5086. - Main FOR SALf5-S well Caloric flreles cooker. with kettles, complete $10. 617 E. 10th N. FEARS $1. apple box. Pick them now, right for preserve and canning. 453 Beech it NEW black taffeta gown. 88' bust S-838. journal. FOB SALE -Hetpouit electric cleaner, alee vac- uum sweeper. Woodlswn 826. FOR SALE Moogrcd wood noga with gas t- tacneai, eneap. za 1st. SIX-HOLS Aaz steel range ; good shape; bar- gain. 48 63d st M. K. FOR SALE Wood and coal range with coil $20. 258 E. 82d st FOR SALE Silvertnne coat rise 88-40, rea- aonable. Phone MamhaU 2965. BLACK oarf. reasonably priced. 70 F. 18th N. Phone East 5799. BEAUTIFUL oak dressing table, cost $$5. No reasonable offer refused- East 7279. FOR SALE Peerloae meat slicer, good condi- tica, priaa $110. Phone Auto. 323-21. firFfE7or sale. 30-J0 Marlin, Lyman sight 317. 2 tmalUr arm. $12 each. Tabor y.ltt. FOB BALE Very cheep, good American mink collar and muff. Auto. 214-24. WHAT will vou nay for Chevrolet, starting motor, sltnoat new? v-94 6 Journal TWO girls' winter coat. sUea 10 and 14. CaB Main 1698 aftev9 a. m. WINDFALL apple $rack. other $1 and 1.59 bog. Tabor 8285. 245 E9 1 t st FOR SALE On. twin coliapsibl-go-cart " F. H. Frenta, MobUla. Or. HEATING stove. Good as new. $15 MO E. 29th at S. Beit 1468. FOB SALS Haywood vnlcaaiaer. almost aew, at a bargain. Phone Tabor 7328. UNIVERSAL hot blast heating stove tot acal. first else aondltion. Woodlswn 4661. OAK cabiaet,' Mafeati heater, ladles' ahoee, sise 6. Tabor 222i. ' FOB SALE Two hole garbage burner with hot water coils, 8 IS. Call Tabor 488 WANTED A Science "Health, must P la good order. Auto. 218-80. fOR BALE One portable forge in goad eon- aiuon.- imi cermMt n. FOB SALE Nw leather raurring caae, ' Call after fi p. 1087 E. Grant WHITE enamel dreswjr. hod, mJ trees and aprlng. 706 Qaimby at' Bdwy. 8684. FOR SALE Wood or coal heating atov osJLW" 2862. WANT buyer for fine full dress gait and Tnieda eot. Prfaot; $20. - - FOB SALE Infant bed jumper, buggy, cheap! 1 o noyt av ' eat arae. KEW HOME aewing machine, good conditloeZ Aato 81 $-6$. 1001 E. Slat st, W. gdODBteycla frame for gala, """Tabor1 TB5.' WOOlTHEATER, almost new. Apply"8TEri4t5T GAS range $1S. . Woodiawa 606a7T" - FOB gAtBwy IBCBLLAHEOCS; H . HOW" MUCH IXT TOO WEIGH f We bare hut inntalied ta front of war store A new Autonwtia Toledo Weighing Scale. V Weigh yooaaeti weekly. Aasoiateiy tree. next baturday tha list 6 peaaon weighing 184 pouada will each, receirta near $1 recead st their choice Free. Watch -each Sunday tor eew tast Hyatt Talking Maeaina Co.. 356 Alder. "WP AVT6D MONET House wiring, Bghting fix tures, electrical repairing, sup plies. Third Street Electric Store ..224 Third street, bear ; balauak hUfaa . r.n w.B?iBTRp;EwrNe si ACHnicB VI $ take your maehine in exchatiga, balance easy eeraMOta. rnena sac Uon. - Macbinea raw tea. Jkapart M0BRI8ON ST. PINGBB 0TOBB, 382 Morrison. MarahaU T$V PETITE PBOKES For sale at it fb. Comer iM and Suapaoa sea., partbeast corner of orchard. Also -windfall and picked spplea at rsaaonable price; no boxes fur nished. In aot rail before ahioday altarnoon. Sept 18. U. Bredeancier. . FOR SAU-Meaquite graaa wed. hulled seed 16c per Mb. ; un bulled seed, free from straw and trash, $c per tt., f. a. b. Alpine. Or. Wnte for pricea on ton lota. Sample on request Cash or check with order. W. K- McCkMkey. Monroe, Or. ' 7A DJIOP-HEAO and cabinet sewing bv rhinea, caery kind: all guaranteed; 81$ ta 38b: ail the latex new Singent cash or terms, alarhinea rented 38 a moaMb. Singer Store. Uupsa bldg-, 168 ywrtt t Main 6$1. 6AFEaU-siie and bnrglaa proof aafea, aew and secewd band, at nght prices, bouxbt. sold aad exchanged. Ks y tint! ti atasared. NOBR1S HAFK Jk LOCft CO., 103 geeond St. r Main 2043. FL' KNIT UK si KLsured. pbebuered, Uka new; Mttnuaa remade, anirrora reaiirered. farnt ture bought, auld and eachanjad at W abater's Furnitur Ltpair Shop, 11U5 HawLborna- Tabjr 182$. LET I S wgsb your nage with tha Hamilton IJeacu carit washer without reaaoelng from the floor. Work guaranteed clean and sanitary. Wdln. 1258. FINE Columbia Grafonols Taken In exehanga for largo Gaafonoia and $30 worth reeord. Cost $140. Price $100. $15 down, 810 month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 660 Abler. WHJT aa everlasting aggravation by g leaky roof t Wbr not a rwrmgnent and comfortable roof f We repair, ruhber-bond and rajuvengt all kind of leaky roots. york guaranteed. Main baoo. LICENSED liideWndsnt iM--iu wir 8 rooms for $12. 4 room $20. All nw m Uriel used and guaranteed ta paaa lnapeclioa, Woodlawn 8 7 . EXCEPTIONALLY fin toned genuine Witlard Piano, beautiful case. Would cost new about $550. Price $285. $25 down, balance monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., it SO Alder. AUTOMOBILES. MOTORCYCLES, LAUNCH K8 or boats are separata claasifieatione. A large listing will b found ander these different elasat- f icstions. $16.50 to $25 "fSDxS Guaranteed-4We Bent and Repair. .172 3d at., near Yamhill Main 1646. FOR SALE cheap. S dark brown human hair switches, aio hair combings. Phone Tabor 4874 or gall Sandy gad Craig road. Park Boae district. FTBST-CLAAS Edison Horn Machine and 10(7 good records, "only $18.60; $7.60 down, $3 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. AfPLES Fancy Kings. $1.50 per box: bring graded, $1.25 and box. Cochran Cider Plant. 11U8 Hawthorne, near 87th. FOR SALE 6 volt lighting battery. See nlght watrhmaa from 0 to 10 p. pi. at Lent Garage, 8913 Foster road. API'LKS Windfall! 60s hex. 81 sack. good, sweet, also cooking 75c to $1.50 box: chicken fries 40c each. 6020 85th st Mt Scott car. FOR SAL&BaTtTeh pears for canning $1,35 Ier box. 308 II Washing-ten at, between 1 and 4 p. m. Sunday. GENUINE Hudson seal scarf, nearly new, pur chased from L'ngar's fur shop a year ago; very reasonable. Auto. 32105. WILL exohange new Phonograph for 1-Sth or 1-4 h. p. a. c. motor. Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co., 350 Alder. LADIES. ATTENTION I Slightly used wring gpparel at Vogue Ap parel Exchange, 40$ AUtky bldg. Main 1182. WILL exchange Phonograph for )6-in. D. C. osculating can. xiyatt xanting alarnin vja. 850 Alder. CIRCLE EXCHANGE. BDWY." iW. Bummage sal. Oct. 4-5-6 7. at 415 Fleidner bldg.. 10th and Wash. BUGS washed on your floor with Hamilton Bescb elect, carpet washer. Also vacuus cleaning done. East 4046. 12 GAUGE, single, take-down gun, pittoi grip, hard shooter and almost new, $10. 70S E. Everett at. GOOD Bridge-Beach heating iters with hot water coil. 834 Tillamook st MANNTN NO oil burner, first class condition, half Call MLaln 5495. LATEST model Winchester pump gun. Sell wood 8285. SIMPLEX electric rang; perfect working order, and th price is right. Woodlswn 80S. rTRTNSWirX phonogrsnK cost $2507Tiko new; 50 records; $lf0 caaA. .Marshall 1612. FUEL problem solved: Std. kerown gas maker rang, neater, lurnacea, 1 yrgna X s.. b.au. DO YOU like honey! Have a few hives of bees at a bargain. Columbia 936. SAFE Fireproof safe. 29x16x18. in good order. L-6 TO. Journal. U. S. SPRING FIELD Krag; perfect condition. . 6200 41st at Si E. Phone Sellwood 2981 LARGE bearing loganberry plants $0 for 76c 973 Mmissippi sve. Call alter 4 p. VfObnSAWT in fine condition, for sale. CaB Tabor 406. FOB SALE OR RENT Revolving eteam ahovel on traction eheala. 236 Stark. Main 2308. ALMOST new ateel range $50; A-l coDdition, 31 E. 12th t. Call cvenlngii. FALL BUTTER peani for aale. $2 and up an apple box. 69th and Division at. Tab. 3630. VACUUM ckaners for" rent $1 a dayi delivered anywhere. Wdln. 8186, formerly Bdwy. 258. fUITION to transfer at Behnke-Walker. CaB Bdwy. 1664. PENINSULA range with water coOe; sanitary coucP, davenport style, gati. Taber a 104. GOOD 6-hole steel range. See Milne. 63d St. between 66th and Tth area. RANGE with coils, pipes. 820; S-bumer gaa piate, a. viv &. svvereu. FOR SALS 6-hole Monarch range, new eondW tton, reasonable, oov ration are. Wdln. 1140. WANT SHOTGUN OB RIFLE. PAT CASH. 128 FDiST BT. MAIN 4496. TABOB 6793. STRAWBERRY plante for sate. $1 par 100. 658 87th Bt, S. E. Sail 896. CALtKDfor tailor mad gait. 812.50 up. Taylor. tb tailor. 289 Burnaide at FOB tAJ.aV Cash register, safe, adding mj- enine, shew case. 48 1st St., near Ash. WILL exchange pew puuniigraiih for Pool Tabic. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 850 Alder. CASH KatUIATKat. ITLOOJt CASEa And other futures. 243 Salmon. Maia 848. VACUUM cleaner sold, rented, repaired, ex changed, JxHlght. Ray Bentiey. Main 4907. 0R SALE Coal and wood range, also 8-baraat gas plate. CaU 431 avillingsworth are. LUNCH wagon, near Sellweod car barns. Can 697 Bherrtt are., after 6 p. m. VULCAN 1ZER for sale at a bargain. Will giv some terms. 8-336, Journal. 22 HIGH power rifle. 1 shotgun. 76 7. 74th N.. or phone 312-06. FOR SALE 8-burner Vulcaa gag tlvK. "Til condition. 901 Cattle ava. CANTERBrRT- BELL pUnts. Bet theaa in . fa Ohalker. 4709 & 61st at FOB SALE- Crabapples, 4 cents per lb.; tomsr toe 8 cent. 956 E. 89th at BeUwood 824. HAND pre, Hxl0 inches, with type aad equipment In, good condition. East 6178. FOR SALE 10x18 ft portable caraaa. Bar- gain. THREE Main 1621 or Taber 4178. banter gasoline atove, with ores Wdln. 2928. or without OHIO vacuum cleaner sold, repaired; fen tad 81 a day. delivered anywhere. Wdln. 1269. FOB 8A LB Good kitehfn atov and Woes) heater. CaU Wdln. 6348. tents and covers for aalaT" cific Tent V Awning Co., 1 N. First at FOB SALE Air hlajit heater- na I avia wi ter. Call Tabor 2 3 86, A WHITE rotary tewing anaehing at a bargain CaU East 111. V FOB SALE Ladies' oh goat, sue $6 er ll iiaor ate. FOR SALE White sewing machine, aim set new Sellwood 1874. EYES tested rree; speetuie gverantead. DC Bekling. 245 H Alder st Main 1692. CPMENT laundry trays. Factory 814 's. Wasb- ington at Wa ahip. rail or water. FOB SALE Hall-Borchert adjustable drm foxxn $12.50. 1336 E. rUlmonT Tabor 661$. SNAPS in uncalled foiTfiae 'uiiored salt. as a iu iBKauas ids naf laiiorea MODERN TAILOB8. 89 W. Sixth st VACUUM cleanVrs "rested. $1 "per day dehversd. Broadway 2872 day. Tabor 67 $6 event nga. DRY box wood $5.50 a load. Phoaa Wood" lawn 954. AN Y THING for the baby made ta oVder. plain or embroidered. Ante. 222-28. ' LADY'S dovetyn drees. blaiVviv.y aaift. TjT, style; bargain. MarahaU $215. v. ' OLD- sweet toned viola, in fime Strmdivar model. H-542. JettrnaL fWO 82x4 card and 1 fabric" at USSaSilSi bumpers at wholesale. Bdwy. $241. ELL'S SILK draaa. sua $8. 'i Last 663T FjB KALMlBCLLAfyt. 1$ GENUINE 'U. &ARMY GO0D3 T Wool BInnHets, 0. D.f trotn 54 wo, U, . Army Gray Wool t5lankets, M to $o.$J. Wool Blankets, new O. Dn $6.75. Coats or Breeches, of wool, $1 to $S. U. S7Anny Coats or. Breeches, cotton, $1 to $1.50. New Army Shirts, O, D., wool, sizes 15 to 19, $3,50 to $4, 14x14 Wall Tents, 11 6 oz., 0, D.t $45, U. S. Army Steel Cots, $4.50 U. S. Army Spiral Put tees, $1 to $1.50. U. S. Army Belts, new, 35c. U. S. Army Overcoats, $6 to $12. lJ, S. Army Mackln aws, $5 to $10. Shelter Half Tents, $150 to $2.50. New Coveralls, $4. J New Socks, 75c. U. S. Army Hats, 50c. We absolutely guar antee these goods in good shape, and have not been renovated. Complete line of new and reclaimed army Wholesale and retail. Largest dealers in army goods on the Pa cific coast. Insured solicited. mail orders Horensteln & Mesher 250 2d, -near Madison EXTRA SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT s Moved to 94 Third SL, corner Stark, one block north of Washington St. We will be glad to be at your service, and save you money as in the past. 94 Third St, Cor. Stark One Block North of Washington SEWING MACHINES CLEM-DP SALE Starts Monday. cads Saturday t make rocea for carload new machine bow on the road from factory. NEW MACHINES, SLIGHTLY DAMAGED Price. Bmla Now. 8 National Rotary $$7 2 National Two-spool ..... 87 878 78 4 I 4 Singer No. 66 . 88; 60 I Electric Ma chin 88 78 Singer Ha 66, Cabinet ..120 95 ?wut xtotary 67 70 . New Horn 88 72 B0 second hand machine of all makes any style front 310 to 860. Several just aa . good a new: term a low a $1 flaw, pay- mailt and 81 per week. All price sub ject to 10 discount for easa. Every aoa- chiaa guaranteed to aew perfect and taksa car of eueurding to ptie aadar aar eer ice guarantse. Besmember wa sell all new machine for Ma nployed. Sewing Machine 1 Emporium 180 $4 St, near Taylor. Maia 04 8 L, 8PEOAL EDISON TEBMS W hav received a aaipamnt f th Crdscendala. which ar exact dunUeatea af aaa in Ediswat Toa Tests. Theae are aeiced' at $805 and wa aaa teak lag ftaacwJ Tsrma of 825 down aad 81 gnoatbly. Over twa year to pay whil enjoying- tha new Ediaop. HyaU Tajhtag Machine Co.. 864 Alder. FOBS SALE Oaad argwat; sta l$-l$ yer. - 64.84 1 aaad aa. taa7 T. bhvek. Knetiah last, $2.84, ahs brown acaffar shoe, sise 3. early aew. $8.64. Caff Automatic 228-08. GENTLEMAN B aeUteii $60. Call MarahaU 6984. yOB jBALBHCEtlArtOrg 18 rt-UMBINGSUPPLIES . W QUn bw Nkwiat Mevchandwa Jereea ; 4 fMow, Wlv.ls-: , : i. ':-. . BATHTUBS -r BATHTUBS h Eaamal Twb . . 88 00 ; 6 Wt Eaaenad fwb v .. . . 46 i TOILETS TOILETS , lam rwaw-tssik Tailetg . , $800 . LAVATORIES UYATOsUF Wash Baaia, cewin. . . . $17 $0 w ater toilers water boilers 80 gel. riveted vaaga boiler. f 16.90 ttoabi Coprwr Ooil Water Heater. 'iB.OO 4-tn. Kxtra Heavy Coil Pipe, per ft . Estimates for klatensl (With or Without . ioeuiwKioa) FtP. ; Oat of Town Orders Filled Promptly. Mesher Plumbing Supply Company 248 Sd St, between Maia aad Udioa. AUia f 273. 8 ELECTRIC aewing macbin. ' snotoaa. your choice 81. MORRISON ST, SINGER STORE at2 Morrison at Mar. 721. FOR RALE White enameled stiraer body - riage and go-cart, reasonabte. eVerl. 1T4I. 1 1B FURNITURE WANTED 74 ocseaoLB ooopb WANTED W rnt year Rura. a roes, ateae '. fwrastora. as hold nwas aad wilt pay the high TOP MARKET MICXS Wa aiae amy aad awn bar war. taoia, sporting gosda, tests, atcp typewriter, addmg msrniae to gad office furnltur. iVbea ya aara gaytbiag to buy, sell ar trad) CALL MAIN 64)73 LEVIN RABDWABB rtlRNITUB- CCt 831-SZ8-228 Fraat aa BE WISE CALL MAIN $9$1. We Buy Everything in Furniture WE PAY THE PRICK- a "owe 200-202-204 FIRST, S. C COB. TAYLOB. Ca.wt4-a.A KEAB VWII UIIIUUIwWU, MOBKISOM W want four weed furniture, atove. earpau aaa Plane; we par .ta lilctieat caah price. 166 and 16$ First at Cell Maia 4627. S1"0T CASH FOR USED FT'BNITURE Main 8878 v UNITED FURNITURE STORE .18 FIRST STREET WE WANT t. baiy a good Heed piani fur eerh irom private nome. wo orslerH. w Wit, ttatiji make and best pete to farst letter. K-dO'l, J"eJn'V, Pnet !fa Hnnrl 3wrtaex -"" pay meuest caaa prio tor need household food. 871 Rusaeli. Phon East 6387. WANTED A aoMifartabl. uu-to date bad d.v- enport; 1520. must b reaanniiil for caah. Ka.t WANT TO BUY slUrhOy re1 "davenport" and dining ohaira. Newell. 1044th. Main 7434. tET us giv you an estimate on yoqr furniture. Reliable Furniture Co.. 263-203 J2d, Msia. Gfwvli prjee paid for good furnitura. 622 524 W'ashiDxtton. Bdwy. 8695. WK BUT oeed furnMure. Far best reeulU ptone Automatic 217-71 or Eaat 2405. . WAP ii WANTED To exchange uew cabinet grafonols. aad record for equivalent value ia wardrobe trunk, and suitcase ar travelling bags. Auto matic piioaa $17-73. 40 ACRB farm" in rark"enan"ty t wiUtraa. equity for car, truck, or seal cheap for caah; 4 month-old Pointer pup for 12 or 16 gauge boigun It 949, JoaroaL FOR RAOfTor trade, a plario" la good "condition Stadjriar pbontsrrsDli. records, for two Jersey cows or Ford tiwek. 76 E. 28th st B. WILL trad a fine Overland X"4. 5""ias. csr, foy a good diamond or furniture and aouia cash; ear like new. Main 6208. FOR SALE or trade, a Stifdebaser 7" model 16, in good condition, for stock. E. 2btb st. WILL TRADE man' 1 i7we,nunUnY Elgin watch for ladiea- wriat wateb or paxa., 873 giaaaes. la pot azag. 160-ACRE improved farm in Saakatchewan canaaa; swap for a -ton tmok auto, house er basines. 69 Albina ar WILL swap .22 short Savag 'T repeating WiU sell. TtfV. 611 good a new. for bierrla ur Amhent at Stohna car. WANTED To xcbsaga acraag for g light alirlitly uaad ur; chance. N-296, Journal. or city lot this i your LATE 1918 T'hevroUt in flnt claa mechanicj) condition: wilt sell cheap or trerle for Itve otook ar farm tenia. 990 Powell Taller roaiL WILL trndT'S very good loU In Brigtiton. Or.. for auto. Ford Sedan DreferraiL AAAraas 'H L. Portland hotel. CHOICE lots at 42d and Division tor auto. Tabor 9389 SWA1' Via lot. Plattevilla, 7 Wis., for light car. track ay resno. Tabor 1114. NEWBUJ Kody to trade tor Feed tixaring body. Wdln. 470. PHONOGRAPH wanted la eichVnge" f of" vlUn rnone saar. leva TWO Belgiaa rabbits cheap or exehanga for vegetables or fruit 1 rorter WILL give music lemons ia egehiag for baqa work. Tsbor 8810. 1840 Division st RARE violin for cablne? talking maehiaa aarauwi V EUXTR IO mirroacope for sawn mower aad he. wooniawn 103U. EXCHANGE work for d aking aad plain sewing. T-644. Journal. WAKTED IIISCBLLABEOTTS 8 B ICY CLE wanted, " must b reaaonabla. YtSar 2288. kt'EgUTTT ia two west aid lots a first pay- smens on eaat viae noma aero, gip-gg. DIAMOND wanted. 1 k. ar tharaaboote; pay all cash. J-91. Journal. WASTED Borullid8ingr sawing mschina CaU Sunday or after 8 eranings. East 6418. WANTED Used linoteuas. in good oyditkm for email room, atate price, ai-autt, Jeurnai. WANTED SmaU hegtinj iter, rtawotvtbla. Call Tabor 8372. WAN TED Boy'a vetocrpade. rubber 1GS. v. at. Harrison. VanderbUt at WiU, fil cash for rue lOilZ, ta Uon. 1868 ChtutaaqiiA bld. good aoadT WANTED To buy a wardrobe trunk. i-?iT: journal. WANTED Tour old clothes for poor people, Raferaaaa furnished. East 7084. WAVTED Enameled bath tab fat cash. E 448. JoxuhaL BLACK leather couch. haB mirror and Price mas be rasaoaLilil. M-606. Journal. WANTED A good aaad four-buror gu rang. Phone Wdln. 6108. DOG that will retrieve dacka. Addle sith fnO partlCTxtera. M-402, Journal t WILL bay you Silver King atock if prioHfc right Y 360, JoaraaL WAN TED i first Ham gtiWrB oak bufi. te.Mj ears vYANTEJ To buy good ukalale at gwssoaable - - aT BAA la.i.1 V-WYV, rtaaB,ggMtwa WANTED Cd aaaUtary wash tray: H-841, Jaw mat. VfANT top for OrarUnd Country Club 90. Eaat 112. WANTED Black hair aoBihilngs, must be leg. Phone Main $4t rWANTto bay 8604 good ttrmi land Mek or Ule. ZI stark or pbon stain 2868. RELIABLE family anil atore pUne'er Thrtrola for (ta.! of M rm will ha miwmm. U.la SlOl AN TED Read baby buggy. "trouer" pre- lerrwa. -yvaui. aaaa. WA N TED 2nd band sat of Harvard Cksaics. Pasaaa state eeaditioa aad prio. K-462, JownaaL VANTTCD -A goad bosna far tortote-sbaU aat. irrras, - viain. . laniai.. w in. xawueer, aai vvmaie SO GET YOUR OLD imoea Fixor CALL EAST go WAkitb i pair box in box gle; , aatwt 4-ea. glswea. D-772, JoumaX WANT the aa of a bt turkey for ?vauhta. Will aot btrrt hha. H-187. Journal. arlE P. gaa angina for' gtationary wa. Is any abap; ebaap for aaah. " R-164, Jonmal W ANTED A girl's -baad bicycler" Waod- aswa BZeT. - WANTED Twin baby carriage or sulky, yaw onabla, Bog 894. Boagcurg. Or. I WANT to" kwy a carload et bora manure; will 23$ Start, or Maia 984$. WiNTXD ta rarchaea 6 Bead Carat typewriter! Maia $18$. WA)TEI Poach for nnin$. 470 ."ST. Vnioa A. OLD finite beugbt at 240 Coach "ir I FIRST claa J20 oX ahoLguo. Apply 640 2d. oin$ " $.2.50 to $25 &i : ' - For Secondhand SUITS OR OVERCOATS METER THE TAILOR Pay pr rJaang, aad sheas. W rail Amy rest ana. anywncr ha it. Call ball USB or 61 alaiTMoe at near Tbiea , UP TO $35.00 FOR MEN'S) SUITS AND OVERCOATS W Pay A ay Price (or Men's Ckntbe, OREGON CLEANERS A . TAILORS 117 16 t.. W. W. Cor. Wast Maia $844. WANTED PeapJa of Pel 14 ta $noi Out" tar iiuii baad lae airaeat rmak mbkmu gwsca, raseafX twtsoa. N. U. iEATEB, Eaat 1268 18 KaeaeQ L Wg MUST a e. 6O0 gaea'e oaedTiita, eaat aad awnts. aB aiawa. tail a la aae ea aaona. w gay casa, f rem $iw up. 10 up. A pawn aH wiU being v Ha cash. 11 1st t. Beat If' Maia 768, aitev T a m. rail Wdlv 20i WAVTKD To bay ar fair, a a u hoist I Bt wiesrh. I eaa b found at Baker A Mow 'a li.w gaeaga t t, ret nam 1'Uoan Umsbam 44. Call WANTED By Jack at Jill. i and womea to try our tnaivtoual raad ps-ttry. Jack V YamhOI st seat Piaa aad hum- JiU RaetaaraBt,, 858 kEWKR aunaectaun. aad ea pvai. R. MiJUea Sua Taboy $683. 26 E. 79tb t B Cat) Hiween 6 ml 8 a m. i.r 6 nd Br. am. WANTED $ ssrk Prid of Mulbnomah poU toe. 874 B. 80th st. Portlaad. er telei.Wo Sellwood 1630. WAWTED--Good gas raiiga or Tariiitvn in ctuag (ur .paiaiiag aad daoonting. Mat UU x64 WANTED On or two of fie or da k chair. I Tic must be right No dealer. Call Maia 2892. Traffic detwrtment rgmert. ten, Horfafleld, 88. $d Phon Main 8581; WASTED All kinds eeooad handTurailur aad lunt Call East 328. &AF8VVt taiaU safe. Giv pnea pboa. K-460. JoBrnaL. WANTED Subscriber for the tted1cr7C AT- area ttaKb K. Uougb, 102 K. 7th et a norta. W. 8. HOME EXCHANGE can lV your slightly worn apparel and fur. Marshall 8215. WA NTfcD A "sind hand " engip. 7 ar 8 hnrae. 8. Aidenburg, Oresham, Or., Bog 701. 2 I .A Til KB, in first elsaa condltlen, Il-inob or larger. Xl?85. Jurn' XBCM'Tni8 cords "fir wood, must be rcaaonalii. tea no ton isr out Call Woodlawn 1 001 WA NT ED AwaJtli- iron. " llT'Tiborario' rFKBOSAL glAISes t a eavtag. aolirit yoat patrcaait an th basts of rausbl setvia. Tuoosaad of satisfied pa trons CUa. W. tkiod man. optometrist 209 Morrison at Main XIZ4. ' AT TOUK HOMB " " Eveninga Only. By Appointment Manacuring 3&a. ; bhampooaug 60a, Carta ra Lite. Tabor 4204. ssr "DOCTOR who nan cur rheumatism call win pay $100 caa ti yoa if you can mak m .. U' U mil 1. 1 t 1.11 I'littl.m ut am .if walk who U rww aurreilng rrvm riteu ! mattim w bad JUST arrived. ah cftu l aUuu. The old country fish and 'chip. jwt twear evened a rneatb and doing a fin ! business. The boys all say j got acroaa tba' pond. 191 i it is just like they 2d st, nut ,t ooor to I Wuson a auction nuns. I'VORUHKA TREATMEN'Ta Ct las today because we teach you to help yourself. Won derful results follow th truth. C. bMITIl IXING, Dentist. 810 itih A lai ldi. 17u7GEo"BG EBl C B E5 STEIN , tha veterTs opticln. is a expert in fitting yeglaaaea, and charge ao very reaswiiatil. tiromea lease guirkly duplicsted 226 Morriaon st. 11 Gets both fe fixed tin at Ir Estea's th CHIBOPODIST and ARCH 8PEC1AIAST i he doesn't hurt you. 8 yr. nera Exam. free. Glob Thestr bldgl 1th sad W ash, ltdwy 862. MEN anif women Frwe lrlrtreatmept yoiir'owa home for dandruff, falling hair, baidneas, with ev pryiairatiqyi. Leaves hair wlcaa. (;naranta result. W-62, JimrnaL . TTkaUN beauty culture, nifht rcuool, T to 0 o'clock: 6 expert apaclal teaehera; work day time, learn good trad evening. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. MarahaU 702; . MBS! t" i. W' Ell HE It annonc h U pot th pvraon th lias barn raprescnted and has no ralativas other than son, daughter and grand children in this ewautry. TM an "elderly lady." I write a plain hand and, rcail dirtincUy. WWl do Writing and read ing to inralidi a ud hut-in far rasaonabi, aom penaatioa. N-299 J&urnal. DlT nkviviEVE LiK.'KE; d. P. L Vit O Nt mas-net Is baths, electrical treatment and bod y majraxa 4 47 Morgi n bUlg Mam 0 A NUBSErgoing east between Oct iSand 26. will undertake cats of child or elderly per ron for railroad Jlar; Call Tabor 43U8. :'ER.vAffe RatoredtoHuiunny.'' Teo- tures Tuva, armings. Colleotkm. 481 Cosnt ber of Commerce. W;ANTKIA giMl pi bright arid pretty chili tor adontUin of 4 iidrrn. a bey 6 S and a girl 1 on account of sHikHaaa. G-W40, Journal. ICI'EBFlCorS bilr. moles, wrtt Kuovn 10 needle metliod; trial Ire. - Joi FlnUy. 514 Bush A Lane bldg- Main 6864. . bL'PKUFIAIUUS bur, maincucuia; lace and eca'P Ueatmant. MarahaU 118L Apt 81 Uursl A nek. b bldg. 1 Conatiltetiea fill All aa, -awyer$ig suing Mdg. Mk v VlT-O-NETf mtguetic treatment Violei riy! Body mssMge. 450 Morgan bldg. Main JT679. WlLDO'W Mlk Johnson" would Hx to eom- monicate with yon. Call Y. M. C. A. BATTI8. violet ray, and mssaag. Dr. Elna Sorenaen, 608 Panambldg. Maia 6086. ilMEljrAEM, formerly ifid Balm el Figs. 844 E. $d. SeU. 2218 morning. WANTED Care of chlldrea after 4 p. nZ East 7862. WANf EI To know whrraabout Cook. U-640, of TO Crnkhw or Archl Journal. KHuES HALFboilD, best material; call aad deliver; no extra ot Phone Eaat 0 06. KOTICKB 86 Trnr- sv a tic war nt nv Title AGEMKNT, CIRCLItTlON. ETC., WsV WUIRED BT THE ACT OF C0NURKM OF AUGUST 84. 1912. 'Of Oregon Sanday Journal, pubUshad every Sunday at Purtlaad, Orevoa, for October 1, 1820. Stgt of Oregon, Ceuaty of Mullacmah) Befora m. a nfitarv nublwi In a nd for tb (tat and county aforesaid, prrsuoaUy aw"ared C. B. Jackson, who, baring baaa duly sworn ouriHng to law. deposes and say that Be at toe publisher af tb Oreaoa Sunday Journal and that tbe lutluwing b, to Ui best bi kiwwlad ami t !). a tru statement of tbc awaarsbiii, kaaa agement ate., of the aforesaid publwalloa for Mi date shown ia tha abov caption, rrqairad by Ilia Act uf August 24, 1912, embodied la set Uen 443. Postal Laws and ltecuiatueu, wwtt: 1. That tb Utmes gnd addreaaea of th pub IMier. editor, Binagin$ adituf and btuin laan ager re: Publkber. C. S. Jackson. Pertland, Or. Editor, B. r. Irvine. Portland, Ur. Managing editor, D, J. Sterling. Portland. Or. Aascjciata publiaher, p. la JackauB, PiwUaoJ, Of. 8. That the owner gra: C. 8, Jackson. Portland, Or. Bates Ileal Estate A Inf. Co., Portia Od, Or. Maria C. Jacksoa, Portlaad, Or. I'uiiip U Jacksoa, Portland, Or. J.N. Teal, Pertland, Or. D. J. Sterling, Parti nd. Or. Gordon Voorutes, M4tord. Or. b. m. Gordon, Astoria. Or. Alary a t Cohen, Pendleton, Or. 8. That th known bon4iiodrs, mortgage, and ether security balder owning r bplding 1 per sent pr taon of total amount of bonds, mort gagaa, er ether securities are: C. at. Jaokaaa. 4. That tba two puaawpb Best abvve, air ing th aaaaaa of the owner, ataaahuaaec. aad aecarity hoidera, if any, avxitain not only tb lit of stockholders and security header as they appear upon the awoke mt the eompany out also, in eaa wber War stockholder or aecurMy bold er appear upon th book of th eemiauy a trtvite er in any otlwr fiduciary relation, th nam of th penon or earporataea - for whom arb tnutee I acting, b glvea; Uo that the mid twe twracranh coatata statemanta easbiaa- irtg afuant's full knowledge and battsf a a th ctreumtanoB aaa Mnditlon unaer wnlcb atock. holders and security boidsrs who da not appear pea the book of th oumpany aa trust a bold stock and ascarKi in a eapaclty ether that at bona fid owner; god thi afliact ha ao innn to believe that any ether persoa, aao elation, er eorporatioa baa any iatarast direct or Indirect ia the said atock bead, ar other securities than aa e stated by aim. 6. That tha s versa e aumbe el cwDie of eaeh bra af thia publication sued aw distributed, tinvuga the ataii or utharwwe, to paid aub rtbnr during tha sig moaxh aracadlng th gate shewn abvr b 18.128. r C S. JACKSON, Publisher. Bwera to aad Mbacrlbad bafore ta thi 1st day of October. 1620. , ISaa!) ' BERT C RUE. My essmmunjoa expire Sept. 1, 1834 ACCOUNTANTS JULIUS R BLACKrpwbnV aeeaantent Aadltor, tas aerric. Conga ad bWg Sd aal Btarfc. rhea Aiaia 7648. . W ATF. D W rSCrTLI . A KB mV mm I , awai iii .aajejai. w - oo Ri3FESSI0MlHAHD BUSINESS DffiECTuRY BABIf R8 BUP-LtrS Lewi STENStRVbTrppiy bo.. it"r aierrwon era. rrs pase to bnr barber cbait i pier to pay barb at tarestar alwaya and awrmhea, at rig lit pries. i! M.BNR 40I IIKflt6 HOLkTSTTN tTT. ui 'atl' Mmi$ asaaufacturera 4-8163. Mll$3 mm CAT AND ) MOBaWTAa. "v ' - 7WTETKnLNARTH0SPrTlTrTnr Tth and Grant; both phtmj . day and rvlo; three tnnarins. - flOKE tght OAHP6T etKAatlNa FLUFF RVS , . From Old Carpets i- Bas Bug ,n ma--Mu Oraar- ttempi, . B"d io Booklet. ;v ys giiiga, rtrare ar in-, iut aa SI l-aa iiii.f .w. ' , . 4-6B OrAna Av N. tJal f 16. Cast f$g$. OBBisajT worn ' aTT at work, geuatat butldln repair awyrk. ft tea reasmiabl Paene $ JI-29 at NIWOPClDtgT : ., hit . trOPlK KL'MBltcl. chirepoiuVt.' snaitlrurtiu. oitamimoang. tarisi maaaaga 498 , atlh bldg l-lirase Mam 6294. - - DO TOUR feet hurif He. Dr.'" Ktbef A.'Sa kilgb b cry. peaii'tiring nd manirttriug. 60$ Kataii bldg. aiur. ar. 0MIWOTflA0TOgt . . DUo. -VclI "TT1 ""4eUe Vae. PJtlBd. IbfO l 1920' Beit know! Throng pruaiainc tl superior trrgtaent . N eaaenfUg. lew atunu ar pn-fiteerlng adiwneta. Adiuslaasata aurf. . ;.-ki. benarieial and euraur. Tama; i'nitaU iveat- apem. rawni. aae u raae ear I uily ad- - rHu reaiuiriti ril 4jutsBeu 616 Pbiin. call. (teaoka I Una, ft write. DR. E. B. ANQELL,7,k 19$ 2 1st Ht, 1 block south of WWigtotV . . Mtrhall 2$l. nilroneactlo. alurtre feht hatha aJnaNl aaA Ihnaer bath. mer. tail, attendant. FltEK tOXAkllXATtOM rtm LIMITED TIMH faTTTTt. ASGffLir$$ 2lTl"C' blkTicalS of Wa,i lUashaU 2818 CWremracU, tire. trie, ah,wr and mineral bath. Maaaaga Lady a as v. CHI BOPATcTTtV; k.ia. tJ .a." IA.C . isuor raroaawa Ma fkmr Broadwa bids Mawaall 6l8tT ' lm tanr g. fiownmg. ()jin evening. OPtttCTIOWb K1 II A uu. Wercaalir bkUT" il'siii 7p."! h , enlleetton. na rharg. rjitabllabed lUg COAt AND) MIHR BOXWOOD rvrtfered l.mdlt.ly p.v Fulton Wee4 1261 Macadam Pluiae llain 4178. wood por'balB ''-'' " , Iiry and gr.cn. 4 ft .lab; Uo 14-Inch altb and block, mixed. Phone W'uudlawa 8812 after 6 80 p. ni. . : tJoOUfrincinib wuodTTTT 0 a tnl Bureir bargain. Dlired nywhr. CaU ma. bslT wood 170$. BIWK and alab wood mixed iiT8 li" UidToU d1 bBBwdiauly. apactal pricaa, Call BLUtai aud price in $ slsbwned also BWIWOod, Wdln. 4168. apa load lata. 08BJTI4T8 Dentistry Without Pln. L DR A. W. KEENK. 851 H WnahlngtoB at' test Nr Blocking BBUOATIONAt. DrUaflfltTTB A I VI N"T6b" MKS. LUCILB L CASK, 844 Columbia bldg. Tal. Mtr. 8748. FKTtiiFtoVgtit "brVFaaiil Tadir7 rpin nd Saturday. Main 4 933. PAWCINQ hUMMKUK Vaneing -Academy." Prlrat tasaon. day aad vaing. All Is tart Men nd isaa step tswgbt by prnfessional traeher. Tba' bast V .tiuoi in me city. sir. and aim. Burn mars. iJ 6lb st, Msncbesler bMg. Da ere every ILuradai; good eauac, good Lours. ErgnrbMiy J .etcoree. Bdwy. 861)0. . THE DANCE SfUDIOT 809 pekoe bid.. ivaaningioB t Third MtbA 7- hour leaeons, day, evening, 9:80 a. m. to 9 p. ra. Coorae ieaavn pcuitly priced. Claa ason- Frt. T:8o p. pa. Mi. Ireland. ' VVAfrtAgCiMT . nd Stags danrsng: tirivam aaA lui lu.,.., eJcasr for children in singing and dancing. ciai aaoe very nsrumay nigut Auasky blog aaraar go) gad Morrtaen ata ' scHooys awo t4acmsb4 A FIRST CLASS tesrurr a piano ud newoomer, taith exeelieut traauals, wall uk a lew pupil t reduced rie lor luUoductiua. u 94 7 Journl PKOFIMaiiB t7 Lk WgfiafT ifitTtiZ? xpbrience, piano le.au u t your hvaivj$t. Plwne 'I rr 7U95 MISS MATTlNtiLYS irat7Bcboor IbXrtT band and Typewnuag; udivulual inssraeUtia, ' 36 14th, atar .'rltervon. AUia 8698, . MR), i. at LOVAJol, Insiructev of nupauar tagtiui od cisaaiu. labor a. . L lATOiuIX DAK, teacher oi "voice and plan 14a I iu at. Broadway 1145. " VIoLInT," piano, msndulin, gu)tsrbsni iaiatra lion - kul Kenhack 409 1 aiuhut MU4IOIAM4 HKitE vmcTke "THE MELODY FOUR' TURNERS COLORED iVL PLATER.. Open Iw ail kind of ugiaate. Mar. 449, Kveuinga, 66-28. MAT 0t6AM(B, Hfp 0V8N4 WANTED Ladle, aaww can ntaa a yea ajaMiln or eiepe nt 42. lMvisiaa. llAId Vlasoadi, ' blutsed; abue aeu. Wof guar merit haw bsuia, 18M$d t ' -. - IlAfS claaaej. biocIdT ud, rraaunsbte and aatlsfacwry. Rayal Hat- Wurka, 824 let t HAT OtIANINa . "" HA I B 'cleaned uif biockd .rOBTTltTBtl a JA668U4 Tl BoDY M Ann AO It 4lT MUJ, MAIN bBB. iiLcHAii'Ai 4PTOJATBI6T6 ABJO OPTI0IAM4 AAj alA,.Tllr ll'AI 1-1 ' lltl 1.M ' Vvvra fl.tai tro-Tl.J .p.""-"' a. a Ht atWITX. tjptemetrtot. tag let aX. " IrULDBkilUi, 20 Warceeter Biag. Maia" fiTZ TiajTIWw, PAPtWMAHgliaja IFxOl3oa7 auto, that your "bualaaaa, bba at E. Pataung auto 1 m luta ana uumskle uraaa Fbeaa k 43$. u. w. r P- t--'"Vi, painuug. ipriig, tinting. Is, i. 17th t ktrudwy.4414. Woodlawn 31k. ; I TJ1. .. " ' 1 " 1 .AU,AfLa, iiaasa pcapriuii, tutuaa, pap baugiug labor 68 It rAIWTB TSkT great rout raatorer aad preaervag , vtkbraied WEB FOOT ROOF PAINT t; "' Although very low pnuad there none ewUey . Agvaua wantaa la aury town and ttr in link gau, Waanutcvaa, luaAu aud Nertaasa tlalilsma. Pordaad agoaite, U. mU. jtopf psinurra. Tauor 7514; Ruy plney, mUi 0820 A'Kiki tj. Nuuiug Co.. and etbsra. ti. . . , j satisfied cuatumvra. itOtie BkUllllk CutT 44. PbVWlWw AUD STKABl 4VPPtlt4 LUintSlNU TTork done suscJUy ad etffciatntly a abl prices; saw uistaiiauau apaulaltyi awtuauip ivaiamaeu. uupe JCaat $M4, Wera MERKO ats-TAf. until ' " ' p t u ai u i a u aci pLiEs a wuuClSiyk PKCA4. iAHK-IMVUlto., IBS 4Mlm! TUX M. U KLlNt CU.t BaTOtfYsWr YRai 1st WLVeiODatuM tXtMPAE Y 687 Vtsaiiiagioa. lareedwty 484. A-lt$. ROOr RtPAIMlN DOrf T tinc yeur goof repairing in the haou of lBkprkaaed paraoua, it a the most inc.. portant part ef the boua. Oar prloaa are aa gaaeoaabas a the ahrapeat W ar aaaf turera. Uvswtagatioa aufated. Call Up to a list el authorised eaeate Pertiaaa. Tb Cm- -bisted Wblot saig. Cu., 2a Boacd gd Tasug ' bMa Maia $71 1 at., klaia 666. . WE PAINT and repair aew sad old ravta aV s H. teoi caiaurs. Mala 4476. SOS 14th aa. wiu pa mt aay Oregon Transfer Co y IMabushed 1 874 ' - X ;,' . Traasdar aad ForwMttng Agent ' ' 8 l'OllAUE" FREE THACKAUt 1 ' , Otlto aad Storage, 474 GJiaaa 1314 ml Gusen. Mruawy 1 1 6 1 . A-11 64. Always . pick the " best ' MouaEiioTj . OOUDw BPECULUf Bluraga, paekuig aUio ptag and bum tug; gorat aad agto sai apaoaf rate to ll pmnuL C U. PICK -IKAA'SFEB A STOR ACEt'O. Id and Pin BHa, Mvadwy . A-l 996. . storage arid Transfer Clay S. Morse. Inc. HTH AND GLISAN. jlBrrAftWAT 6470 cfFBiaGTATli Oa- hmrsenold goad blppad aaet gad ootS. Maarom Wrrwwa t raiasfar Ox. '8tA ud Moyt mow Hroaawgy iva. . Cl-tpTflCnf Morag. peeling. . '. Xdwat 4 A-2828. 4i Faralture Co. Msia 1921 6Ua 1