FIJDAY OCTOBSIZ 1. HO. tiid; Oregon daily jouiujal, i c:.xla:;d. .c 3.i - HEATH AND PrygRAI.H 73 lifinP-giiic' .2SlorirIer, Aged' 11 ran,. huaband ot tin. Stall Bader and am "'"of lUUwftM B&r and broth of JV. Arthur Oallea. -Alexander. Lm and Frank Baden- Th .1 det led wi a mntir ol tha, BoflrmakT8 ln- eel. Funeral win be hfld (ram rwklcooa, 608 . Lpshur trt., Saturday, October J, t S;45 V a. m., thento Bt Patrick! chureb, ltua and Ssvier atiwevf at-9-a. m., wlwra requiem mas : wit ; be offered. - krieods- invited. Interment Mt Jetvry cemetery. McEotee A Kiler. U- TactoiB. HOLT-w-Ia thi city. September 90. Agne : Karhart Holt, aged 48 year. wlf of Wallet A.. HIH 88 T Lorejoj trt, mothar of A. Preston. N0ry JL and Agpea EUxabath Unit: ' daughter of -Jlral.' Nancy A. Earhart; atirtar of Mr. Kv T. Alltototi and Mr. Clara K. Koehler of Portland and Hra.. H. F. Gibson of Bettt, Waah. Tha funeral aerrtcee will ba held Sat urday. October 2, at 2:80 p. m., at Finley'e, ; Montgomery at ftth. Friend invited. Con cluding service Rivrv1ew cemetery. WILLIAMS At Cochran, Or., Rapt 27, Floyd U. Williams, aged AS yean, beloved bubend of Nellie, father fit Meynard. Paul and Wuda William. Deceased wa a member of tba - Brotherfcood of Railway Trainmen. Funeral rvice will ba bald at the reaidential funeral : parlor of Dunning A McEntee, Morrison at. at 12th, Saturday, October 2. at 0:80 a. m. Friends invited to attand. Interment Reee City . cemetery, ' , . - . WYATT Oct 1. 1820, , beloved on of Mr. . and Mr. Allen Wyatt. 1885 Delaware are., ; Allen Wyait Jr., age 11 yean. 11 monthe and 14 day, brother of Delia Gladys. Luther and Mr. F. Gordenaen. all of thia city. Tha body la at tba parlura of Chambers Co.. 248-250 Kill- '" ing.worth are. Funeral notice hereafter. UAXHOX In tttia city. September 27, Karl Htpson, gd 0 yearn, nephew of Mr. and Mr. W. -C. Haldeman of 138 Albert afreet Tha remain are at Ftnley's, Montgomery at ' b. ;Notice of funerel heresfter. ' FERA In this eityT Sept. " 8 07 1 9 20.lein ' Pera, aged 48 yean. Remains at Holman'a funeral parlon. Third and balmoa (ta. .Notice oi luneati later. IleCARTT-CaMtn Mcrarty. Multnomah hne- pitai, nept ZT, 73 ver; enronic enaocaroim. I'KDEOflE.V- Anna M. I'edenen, A714 RKth. Kept 29, 80 yaan; cerebral hemoirbaie. 8EMMK-Iiwrenre iJ. Beldon. Bt. Vlnrentl rHMTritat, Hptv 2ft. 4 years: acute appndieiti. yEAOEH Mary K. Yeazer. 804. Guild. Sept 20, 81 year; cbnmic twphritia. COHON Charlra I. t'ohon, Bt. Vincent hos pital, Bapt 80, 4 4 yean; eholelithiasis. HtLLKKH Albert llillker. St. VinoenU hpspi Ul, Hept. 80. 41 year,; cardiac dilation. RAYLOft Mary A. 8aylr. Pacific LoaplUl. Hept 20. 62 yers; cancer. WACHTMAN Esther V. Wachtman. Rood ; Matnaritan luMpitai. Sept 30, 2 mo.; inani tion. MORGAN Mrs. Ann Moraan St Vincent hos pital. Hrpt 80. 70 yean; endocarditis. WEKOEN Ilobert It Weeden. Emanuel hoa pital, Rept 28, 47 yean; typhoid ferar. JOHNHOS Esther E. Johnson. Bt Vincent lumnital. Rent 27. 0 tears: acuta chorea. XX EN HON Kimon Erensnn. 78 E. Wlnchell. Sept. 28. '82 years; carcinoma. CROCHEU IeU Crochell, fJood KamariUn , ' hospital. Refit. '21, 8 years; hemorrhage. McBKIIlK It McRHde. 2020 E. ililsan, Rept 28, 24 years: carbolic acid poisoning. FUNERAL 1)1 RKCT0RS DUNNING a. McENTEE FUNERAL OniECTORS Now . tec led In thaif new reldenttj funeral koma. Morrison at 12th, waat aala. Pbona Broadway 480. Antomatie 518-88. IBJt rUNEItAI. flOMR Or REriNIMMT AND DISTINCTIVE 8KBVICB. Not We nave no brancbea nor any connections I whaurer with any other nndartaktnf firm. ,EDW. iiOLMAN & SON Funeral Directors THIRD AND RAL.MON STREETS Main 007. A 1511. , ldj Assistant . FIHIEY & SOK FUNERAL DIRECTORS MAD 0. MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH. EAST BIDE FTlNETtAI. DIRECTORR : F. S. DUNNING, INC. "The- Family Set tha Price 14 E AMer. Phone Ks- B2 A. D. KenwortSiy & Co7 6802-8804 2D 8T." fl. R., I.ENTS Phone Tabor 8287 Home Phone D-81. CHAMBERS CO. Funeral Directors. AD tb Coareniences of a Rom. Wooiriwi S808. 248-250 EilUngswortb . R. T. BYRNES SSLSST wtminn v. woodlawn 220 - "i'e.n c ntn nd Hwthor ' Mll.LIR A TRACEt. tndrrendent tnneral di ti tor. Prices aa low ai 820, 840. 860. Wbintonjt ETla Majn2l. A-7885. it 'ENTEE A Eli.ERR. Inneral parlocTwrib all too airWacy of a noma Into and KreraU ta. Phones Brodway 2188. Bo A-21SS. B IB iiisir 1 svt necesDrs to W. a. Hamilton. 2"T E PhoD. Tsbor 4818. lmwviko jL rfwwr. ; . : ... Moderat in price. Jrrlncton district Pbon last 84 breeze&Sook7o,2B8.,!ont"et A.R.ZellfierCo. K! nV: JIUo.r' CNDERTAKING CO Mam 4 152 , ukivnvai. 2S21 Oc Cor Third and Clay MON nMENTS Portland Marble Works 266 4th rt.. op City HIL Men Bro "UtSlhG GRAfllTE Co A X7-3RO ST AT MMOfi U I FLORISTS )XS MoAsrlXON PORTLAND MOTEL AAAR.753 emis Accra oucitd S4( MORBiaOM STOajcJ MAS. Smith's F3ower Shop "Portland's Progrewlr Florist Flowers for All Occasions. Mam 7218. T. C. LUKE. Mgr.. 6tb nd Atd.t GEO. BETZ & SON Sine no. - rsKan n,OWKR3 FOR 8TJNKRALS 4 nd all occssions, 687 Williams st. Just call n 4 1 , , n . ... .. -ooaiawq Ian oepn cii. Manager. UAKTIN FORRES CO.. florists. 884 WaTh" i nt on. Main 29. A-12A9. Vlowers tor all occasions artisticallj arranged. CLARK P-UOS.. flort-t. Morrison t. bet 4tl and 6th. Pboo Main 7708. Fine flower and flor! dexima No branch atore. " SN. W. Bsok bid. Miin 6116. 831 Morrison st LOST AWT FOPTTP tl LOST A pocket book containing 860 and room receipt, from Burnside st to Flander and Front at. Paul Johnson, 109 H Front (t. room 6. LOST Ranch of key on Sunday, between 6tb ad Broadway un Washington st Finder will pleas lear key at 208 McKay bldg. and receir rew rd. LOST Thursday mnmlng. near GUdston and t Greenwood iTenues, u)i-aicin's bag. Finder will be suitably rewanlels by lea t mi bag at 1051. Gladstone st. COST Thursday erenlno, 8Tih and Hawthorne. silrar mesh bag. name engrared, containing bill, currency and check; reward. Marshall OJO; 84 7 E. 87th st : LOST One rear mohair aide curtain for 1820 Ford touring. Pleaae call Tabor 4008; re i aod.. LOST -Suit case by working girl, containing clothes, between Graham a, and Ladd'a ad- . dltlon.Bdwy". Rew.rd. ; 1.0ST Teolkit with plionoersph repair parts and tools, near (.rand are. and East Morrison. Finder notify George Burton. Main 8100. Person who took Sherwood spring coaster from 81 Marshall st. will cp serious trouble by rt turning am at out. ' XOBT--Black and brown pnppy. 4 months "old"; t N "ard. Call Est T731. 10$ E. 12tb I.OST Child's far neckpiece, on Fourth st or Huthat off Main, finder plea call Broad ' wj 188. ' tXHV-f-a 880 bill. Sept. 287Ti7nIng. on Oriis Groaaina. isear ua. Kinder call Tabor , LOST AlrAluoi. jUow hir with Whltt 118f vm -Jwet. 1W4. HWAHEWU lt XoLhT 5jdy old wriat watch; fimL call : -1 ; East 6513 for reward. , leOST Oray opoasum neckpiece. Bunder tT hint, CaU .Mar. 1340. liew.rd. -f -CoTsT-e-wTlit watch. Initials B. E.'W. on back'. Mil Bfuwoea niu, newara. iXST Vlubl ttrowB cameo brooch. Finder call Woodlawn 77 for reward. i EOS t Ps if of trouers. between third ami Ash - nd 82d and K. UlUam Woodlawn 6000. LdiT- Monday, platinum bar pin set with""J Oiamonos. rinaer rn be rewmrrten, Uain6441 1.CST Gold baadl umbrella, Oregon City car. V Jaat WedneMlay. Sell. 8460.- steward,. : . Crgi" 11 fllB followlna artlclo war found 00 ears of tha P. L. L aV P. Co.. Rot 27 1 ' 3 sane, ti tin3 ktri. 3 knitea. ootnb. 3 ralr tlorea, 8 paekaff. annlli,' Binria roll, thermos bottla, pair rubber. coat. 2 aniV cm. 3 tntciinc bac, 4 luncb box, 20 un. brellaa. , Owner my obtain property at rim and Aider u. Till!' followrnf rtlcle war found on car of tn p. K., u a P. Co.. Kent 20 : 7 Dtmae. 2 book. 8 ken. atieknin. school Uekata, 8 aintl (Iotm, 8 pack, 2 baas, pip. t ranon Ooxea, 4 sultcus. Owner may abtain property at First and AMef it. THEToriosrinf arllrte wsr found on tb ear of tb P. K. , I., h. P. Co.. Rept 28: 1 pin. 1 charm. 1 Eeeraharo Dencil. 1 atrinc of bead. 1 kty, key and knife, two text book, fi pair. 1 single aloe, 7 liar tsars, firl'i ran. lunoh pax. 3 basket, lady a coat atraw tele- cop. g suiu-ase . 1 rise, a umbrellas. DOT, Part Foa Terrier, answers name of Jlp; black with white etna nsrt ws srmind neck. whit Up of no, whit tip on end of tail, soma whit feet, ira drooped, stand about two I act hig-h. Hu heary leather collar about 2 in. wide, studded with brass collar rlTete. Ameri can Railway Exprasa Co. LOBTV Wednesday, wallet containing money book with mount picture booktnes and agree ment, note and receipt. Finder may .keep money. Not, aareement book and . receipt fore! only U owner. Pleas return. Add rem Wentel Kollroas. Emjiir theatre. 289 ftrand ar. ?RT On hlthwsj between Scamnosa and-8t Helena, lady'a black leather mint, mntainins IJberty bond, currency, keys and receipts with owner' name. Pleaae return to Journal office or owner. Liberal reward. 200 14 th st or Mam 6470. STOLEN An English setter dog, about 0 o'clock Tuesday ertnlng; dot is marked wiOi a heart lup stmt on front ahoulder nd a sonar spot on back. . Liberal reward for the return. Joe Melndl owner. 1668 E. 17th st. i-none Kenwood 1872. CO8T On streetcar between Montgomery Ward k, Co. building and Piedmont carbarn, Sept. 27, a fur neckpiece, taupe color. Finder pmsmv rviurn to i w. avLuinasworui are. ana eXJpNP On Columbia highwsy, leather bag. 10 men my cn mcower 01VK. HELP WANTED MALE 1 EASY WORK FOIi BOYS WITH WHEELS. OOOD PAY. PERMANENT WORK. tS5 per month guaranteed. APPLY DELIVERY SfPKUVlSOR, 76 THIRD St. Collector Wanted Enersetie young aisn not orer 3.r. Mutt hare good appeerancr nd be sble to t,irrt-h best of references; work is downtown. Btraisbt salary. Apply to Mr. Hagan, business ui.ite. Slain floor, Journal bldg il.NE tail sawyer, .86; out of town One janitor. Sti5. )ne truck driver, Cadillac. tine stenographer, 8125. Ei-serrlc men, register with us. Knights of Columbus Employment Service 20.1 ARTISANS nLIMJ. BDWY. 1307. EXPERIENCED LINEN SALESMAN. emploStnrnt bureau' before 10:30. LIPMAN, WOLFE & CO. Apply ROAD WORK AND LUMBER HAULING Wa still hare a few good Job for tlie pur chasers of Kbwel trucks; long-time contracts; several trucks working now, making 840 a day and up; these jobs r In Central Oreggon wher thet is no mud, you cn work the yer around; act quickly. : Apply Mcintosh Motor Uar Co., 23d at Washington. . . THE Meier it Frank company requires the sen ices of boys between the age of 1.1 and 17 for special delirery department Apply employ ment bureau, Suth floor. Meier & Eraok Co. WANTED Wood contract, big or little. Can furnish men or dragaaws, etc. Prompt service guaranteed to alt Phone or writ Portland 1 -hor Agency. 1 1 N. I'd st WANTED Furniture finisher for retail store; Oakland, Cat None but first class need to apply. Gire phone number or how 1 can reach you at once. 0-003, Journal. WANTED traffic clerk " with."mmerri7ex" perience. Apply by letter with references. Clark. Woodward Drug Co., Alder at W. Park, and oblige. ELLIOTT-FISIIE It billing machine operator wanted; permanent position in wholesale millin ery house; man preferred. Apply Lowengart A Co, ADVEUTISINU BOLICITOR For Portland and district; harbor and ship ping publication: state eiperience. references, Mutbe producer. A 118, Journal. A-LARGE company owntnctheir owiT property desires an A-l auto mechanic nn wbn n take charge of shop snd inret a small amount in the business. 0-711, Journal. WANTED Experienced foundry helper and man for nieht work to take out ruin. ..h cut sand. Apply Commercial Iron Works E 7th and Msdwn. ' OFFICE BOY Opportunity-for ad rancemenTln established wholesale line: state are. uhone andreferncei: 0714. Journal. WANTED Young men aa newt agentx on rail- faejT 10th r WANTED Boy with wheel to ran errands and do light office work. Permanent position. Apply Room 7J3. Electric bldg. FURNITURE salesman wanted. Apply Eastern furniture co.. J 84 First st. WANTED Flour nf feed packer. Call at 71 3d st.. near 0k. YOUNG m wanted tor fsctory work. PorV sirun anio., iit .Macadam st WOODCUTTERS wanted;" straight ground: 1 growth, at Tigard, 62 a cord. 853 Yamhill WANTED Deer hunting partner whocan drire MAN wanted to set "up bed daveriporteu Port- 0- Jlacadsm st utopainter at Sol East Oak. " ' HELP WANTED K EM A LE EXPERIENCED LINEN SALESWOMAN. Ap- - - ... u au 1 rja uciure itr:iif LirMAN, W'ULFE A COMPANY. WOMEN cashier for cafeteria and luncb rooms. Do not nhnn A nnlu sio iv..ti. . . i for Mr. Jobnton.TheCoffe Cup Lunch Rooms. nuxt.N wanted for steady inside work. West em Oreeon 11 ml 1. , L -u , . . . a.-Z vili " - ana Iol'5" woman with references to take care 61 Call 469 K. 17th st. N. " ANT girl in need of a friend ppiy to the Sit Tetion Army Rescue Home. Mayfair and Alexander st Phon Main 8450. DM. csr. TWO eirla t 1... . .:rr-. r, - ----- aiiu aorung; kiso 8,.t1flB wrk on mangle. Crystal Laundry, A. jsi alio ninuv. Hm. I i . ... WANTED Woman to work In boarding house ,. "d bo"1 aelf and uusbuid. 412 N. 19th t. Plione Bdw yn TRAT G.pLS w.nted for serving roonT Good BataantanhospiUl. -'3rd nd MarahaU at. HEIj wanted Capable woman tor" lli7o,.l housework. Thone East 1'090. BTRL WANTEiwSslesgirrfCTSfTdr'ink and tobacco. Pals Club. 225 First, cor. Main. KRAZY KAT Lost! and ravnn' fefjKl 'tTm now mush it vwA 1 ( tlZ r : j '.-Vi;;,:-: -;- I ;. . .. . .a.. . . , ..... -. . . rwawrg , i ?agjgsswewaasseeaaeesea iii! i , "easea...'' ' ) Jl h i 11 i ' . ! HELP WAyfEft FEMALB EARN $900 THE FIRST YEAR ; MUCH HIGHER AFTER THAT IF YOU WANT TO EARN m FIRST MOMTI PAYMENT TWICE MONTHLY IF YOU WANT A POSITION WITH GOOD PAY REGULAR INCREASES RAPID- ADVANCEMENT WITH INTKKEHTINO WORK DK8UIABLE ASSOCIATES MEALS AT COST CALL AT ROOM 601. SIXTH FLOOR PARK AND OAK HTKEKT8 TELEPHONE BU1LDLNU PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEliUAPU COMPANY WANTED THREE POWER MACHINE OP ERATORR, EXPERIENCED iilRlH PRE FERRED. 16 TO 25 YEARS OF AGE; SQOI WAGES PAID, BATl KliAY AFTERNOONS OKF. AFl'LY AMES-IIAKltlS-NEVILLE BAG CO.. 15TH AND HO YT STS. M::8 L. V. SCOTT, formerly director of em ployment for women with the federal gor ernment, will assist women to secure employ ment in all lines. Office. 820 Henry bldg., cor. 4in ana . ndwy. 4337. WANTED Second maid of am ail family, beat wages, tea rianaer st. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 88 THE WASHINGTON CRANBERRY GROWEtUi' AMKOt'IATION Needs cranberry pickers in the region of Long Hrach. Herrla are laree and plenutiul and one should make from 82 B0 to 85 per day and better. They can iwe some, esperienced men coopers at $B per day. Details at Women's Public Employment office, 203 Artisans' bldg. BLACKBERRY "picki-r" wanted at Corbett, Or'. families preferred; hoa ing aommmodations excellent; wood and fruit free: dairy product at nominal cost. 1 wails at 208 Artisans bldg. APPljS pickers and !ertencid packers; 'pirk ers bring camp outfit Herbert Williams, White Salmon, Wash. BUSINESS AND TRADE SCHOOLS 96 WHY NOT EARN 3100 A WEEK! PON T RAT IT CAN'T BE DONE OTHER MEN NOT A BIT BETTER THAN YOU ARE DOING IT. THE DIF FERENCE IN THEIR FAVOR IS THEIR SPECIALIZED TRAINING IN GAS ENGINEERING A TRAINING YOU yl 1CKLY CAN OHTAIN AT THE ADCOX AI TO A. AVIATION SCHOOL HOLDER OK THE WORLD'S RECORD FOR GRADUATING THE LARGEST PER CENTAGE OF STUDENTS WHO MAKE (i(K)D IN A BIG WAY -.AND DRAW IOVYN THE BIG PAY 3 EXPERT "TROUBLE SHOOTERS." INVESTI GATE ENROLL PAY NO MONEY UN TIL YOU ARB CONVINCED THAT WE'LL DELIVER THE GOODS IN YOUR OWN PARTICULAR CASE. NOTHINu COULD BE FAIRER THAN THIS (VCI.D IT! OUR BIO 81. IK) CATAL OGUE. NO. 4, IS FREE WRITE FOR IT OR COME IN AND GET A COPY. TO OREGON EX SERVICE MEN OUR -COURSE IS FREE. ADCOX AUTO Ic, AVIATION SCHOOL. UNION AVE. AND WASCO ST.. PORTLANDOR. : FIRST AVLATION SCHfToL , IN THE NORTHWEST. HEMrHn.I8 AUTOMOBILE GAS TRACTOR SCHOOL We teach you to operat and repair all makes of sutos and tractors, starting and lighting sys tems. Rebuilding and repairing of storage bat teries; also course in welding. AU our courses tre thorough end practical. Tb Stte of Ore gon allows es-aervic men 825 per month while sttending school. Dy snd night clashes. HEMPHILL'S TRADE S'H KL 707 Hawthorne are., cor. East 20th. Take Hawthorn car at 2d and Alder. Writ or call for catalog. BUSINESS COLLEGE Largest in tha VL ASSURES EVERY GRADUATE A POSITION. Enroll uy tim of year. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL Phone, call or write for tiee catalog. SbedalrririS in, N iSECrttTTARlALSOEMCE ttvtd ' Ncfp4hsident Instruction, 663idgrSt, totlajid.Orari. A Position for Each Graduate. ALISKY BUILDING. WANTED Men and women to learn the barber trade; receive some pay white Warning; posi tions secured; Oregon ei-servlc men, tb course is free to you; call gt writ for particular and catalogue. UU1JU1 -tlAiUJ. J KB CXU-LEG1C. 384 Burnaid at LEARN TELEGRAPHY Young men and women wanted; call 4S4 Railway Exchange bldg.; plndid opportunity to learn , a well paid profession. Railway ' Tale- graph inttltnta. PORTLAND Barber College teacbe the b.rbet trad in eight week; pay wbil learning; good set of tools given; position secured; tui tion reduced. 88 N. Second st MEN. WOMEN learn barber trade: wagra while learning; position guaranteed. Mgr. 22 year' experience. Oregon Barber College, 233 Madison. ROCKY-MOUNTAIN Teacher' Agency Enroll free. Frank K. Welles, former assiatant state sunt. Mgr.. N. W. bank bldg. Phon Min 8278. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Miss Begin Bucket' print school; individual Instruction. 122 H Grand av. East 427. tREy " ? Applying to Any Clattification. Daily or Sunday One Time -"Dime a tine" j Three Timet Quarter a Line Seven Times Fifty Cajnts a Line Bring or Phone Your "Want Ads to The Journal! MAIN 173 BUSINESS AND TRADE SCHOOLS 98 LEARN AUTOS AND TRACTORS IN LOS ANGELES Learn a big paying trad and enjoy an ideal racation in Sunny Califor nia. The NATIONAL is the oldest school in the country, occupying two large buildings filled witb more equip ment than all other tchool on tb coatt 1 -earn In a short time by prac tical methods under expert Instructors. No previous knowledge necessary. . AVe help student earn their Bring. - W asbUt gruduatea to well paying posi tions, Orer V000 successful gradu ates guarantee your succe. Writ NOW for our illustrated 72 page cata log. It's FREE. NATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL-, 604 8. Ficueroa st WANTED 100 men at onoa to laarn to operat and repair antos and gaa tractors. Apply Hemphill s Anturaobil A Gsi Tractor ScbooL cor. E. 20th and Hawthorn. Writ or call tor free catalog. SALESMEN WANTED 88 IF TOU ARE LOOKING FOR AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY AND ARE WILLING TO PAY THE PRICE IN TIME AND INTELLI GENT EFFORT, ONE OF THE LARGEST. IN SURANCE COMPANIES IN THE WOULD WILL TRAIN YOU IN INSURANCE ftALES MAN8H1P. SYSTEMATIC EDUCATION AND PERSONAL ASSISTANCE. UNLIMITED OP PORTUNITIES FOR MAKING MONEY AND PERSONAL ADVANCEMENT. W-63. Journal. SITUATION". MALE jay The Jobber Plastering, brics. ule. stone, cement work. Re pairing and remodeling. All work receive our peronl attention. Phone Hroadwiy 14 6. POSITION wanted by middleeged man aa packer or watchman; reference ana bona. J y Journal. INTERIOR work a soecUltv. Pamtine an Unt- t ing. Work satisfactory. PBone laoor S B. Newell, 1076 East Mornaon. GENERAL" hauling. 2 tt ton truck, big covered tKvty. job or hour; any distance. Woodlawa 4788. 1'ORITION wanted, saw filer or millwright Thompson, 320 Front it.. PortUnd, Or. SEWERconntions, drain til, cesspools, ce ment work, excavating. Tabor SOUS. TEAMSTER for plowing ou ranch, no milking. B Close. 301 E. kt'tb st. EXPERIENCED firemsn, any boiler, or night- watchman, wanti work. Call Tabor 567R. TOUNG man wnts work afternoon and Satur days. Tabor 4263. PAINTING AND TINTING WOODLAWN 3826. REASONABLE. ROOFS cleaned, repaired and painted. Reason able. Tabor 928. CARPENTER and contractor: jobbing, anything in the building line East 8686. CARPENTER and contractor; Jobbing, anything in the building line. East 8656. WANTED Excavating. general team work. Sellwood 2088. FIRST "class shingler wanU work. Call Marshall 338. Leave address. PLASTERING, chimney and cement work. E. 46th at. Phone Tabor 2658. 108 PLUMBING dun very reasonably by th Job or by hoar at right price. Tabor 1 116. ROOMS tinted the next few days. 88. 84: paint in reasonable. Broadway 4523. OAKY-roofs repaired and painted, reasonable Tabor 8324. TWO high school hoys want work after school and Saturdays. East 4980. CARPENTERING REPAIRING and REMOD ELING. TABOR 234. PArERHANGING, Painting. Timing. Sell. 3083. SITUATIONS FEMALE LACE. SCRIM AND MARQUISETTE CCR TAINS DONE UP LIKE NEW. WILL CALL. East 8518. WANTED by lady. 45, position in widower's home, will leave city. Addres 181 let st. room 28. WHERE are the unfinished pieces of wprk? or the work you can t do or don't like to do. CaU Tabor 353. EXPERIENCED laundress wbTie work for Thursdays snd Fridays. ' Cai East 8787! A RKLIABLE woman wants position as house keeper, hotel or apartment X-110, Journal. UItESS.MAKr50 48 DYEING, cleaning, pressing, dreumskina. remod eling, relining. alteration, pleating, reasonable prices. The Cabine Cleaners II Dyers. 424 Morrison, nesr 11th Main 1825. HEMSTITCHING SPECIAL All next week hemstitching 8 cent yard. Standard Hemstitching and Button bhop, 206 Aiisky bldg. L'KESiMAh.ER 12 years' experieucs; juit re turned from dresrmakers' finishing school b the .ast Mrs. Bates. 1120 Division. Taboi no 12. DRESSMAKING, satisfaction guaranteed Prices reasonable 311 Central bid., lOtii and Al der Main 3408. DRESSMAKING School clothes tailored, suite, coats, dresses, etc. ; alterations reasonable Mrs. K elly. 752 Vancouver ave. 816-06. DRESSMAKING. alteraUona, children's clothes, men's silk shirts; work guaranteed. Mra. Ground. 407 10th t Mam 1789. ALTERATIONS, refitting and making ot ladle garments, resxcnabl prices; work guaranteed. J. Kenbin. Indies' Tailor. 408 Bnsh A 1-aoe bid WANTED Sewing, hat, coata or dresses. WiB go out. Phone Tabor 0428. ; PRES8MAKTNG by the day. Phone East 1201. NURSES 68 ANYONE wishing good home and care in con finement, at reasonable terms, call Tabor 5042: trained maternity nurse in attendance. 332 E. 41st st. 8. TRAINED nurse wishes more patients to care for in her own home. Price reasonable. Co lumbia 715. DAY nursing wanted by efficiant nurse, hospital training. Call East 4488. FURNISHED ROOMS HOTEL OHIO, 266 FRONT. COR. MADISON Housekeeping nd transient room, steam beet hot snd cold water, antomatie .levator; rata 60 cents day up; weekly rta. HARRISON HOTEL OUTSIDE ROOMS 32.50 AND UP. CET downtown for the winter! nice steam - heated rooms at The Empreaa by the week. at Ath and Stark. FURNISHED lower floor adults only, 4 rooms and pantry, bath. furnace, fireplace, tn Waverley Heights. Reliable party; Sell. 13L. ONE housekeeping room adjoining bath; furnace heart. 820. 893 West Park. UPPER famished flat, suitable for 3 or 4 adalta. 81 K. 35th . at Stark. . TWO furnished housekeeping room for rent, 260 Chapman it Main 3893. (Copyright, 1920. by Serrice. FCltNISHv BOOMS ' t HOTEL MEDF0RD 120 5. 6th. toe. GUsan, 3 block Union Sepoi; hot, cold water: stesa beat 78 apt 4 60 week. Print bath 87 week an. LOWER pert of privet residence. 4 pantry and bath. f urniabed. 1130 E. Harri son st., near 88th. FUB5ISHED BOOMS Fill Y ATE FAMILY J WEST BIDE, walking distant, swell furnished room, furnace heat use of drawing room and library; you'll feel st bam bars ; ref. re qnreed. s 3gi izth st. corner Montgomery. Main ej A NICE large front room, suitable for man and wif or 2 gentlemen, 2 block from good ear service ; parti must hav reference. 61 K 26th tt. phon Jt 1045. GO'D basement room running walr, electric light free for man to- fir furnace morning nd evening. 885 11th t. wt side. cor. Mill. Call morning or evening. IRVLNOTON, gentlemen only; 2 nlo warm sleeping room, bath and telephone. Near 2 carlimw. Phone 829-48. SLEEPING roonu. Ilor 2 girls or m 7081. walking disUne. uiiiable m. SOU Beaton st Last CLEAN, beautifully furnished, in private apt, connecting bath, first-elat apt Vn)ts. gen tlemen preferred; references,' Main 6016. ATTRACTIVE modern room in private "family 'or one or two people; convenient for nur-es. 211 N. 23d t. near lxreoy. Marshall 3521. ATTRACTIVELY furnished- suite, bedroom and sitting room. Ldd'. addition : suitable 2 mea or 2 boaineea women. tCtt 1120. NICELY f urnished sleepiniT'fo7 genUemsn. nesr Multnomah club. 887 Mtdlaon. Mar. 18.ft. lW MACUIATELY clean room. het light, pbon, bth. near Broadway and Union. East 6881. BEAUTF0L room in Laareihnrst. Ieeping-po"rcb Urge closets, snitable for tvy. Tsbor 978. FURNISHED room in prfvit "homifor crn- tlemsn. 889 Willums ve'. East 4328. CLEAN room. wlking"ditnce; dinner if de- irei. B roadway 1S 138. 529 Everett t. NKATI.Y furnished room, close in"! no-other roome .enuem.n preierreo. rat 3B07 M' K room, hot water: breakfaat if desired men only. 844 4 4th st PLEASANT front room, uiUble"for 2." R195. Eat PLEASANT sleeping room near Jefferson high school. Wdln. 5838. DEHIHAHLE lower Irert sleeping ror.m, all con Tenfcnr, walking dltanm. 1828. NICELY FURNI8HED room for rent3l2pef i month, walking distance. 808 Camthers i NICK large sleeping rooms. "779 Marshall st ROOMS AND BOARD THE MARTHA WASHINGTON ' 880 10th st For buttnem girls snd tu- yem: reonm rstee Marshall 1281. l.OOM and board for business girls; all modern conveniences; walking distance; 85 per week Ant. 21-974 12 K. 7th st ROOMS ASK BOARD PRIYATE FAMILY ; 78 BOARD and room in private family for elderly couple or couple working or 2 or 8 ladies who would appreciate a lovely home; excellent OSes"' Wlkin duUnc Reed college. 8.U. PLEASANT front room and good board all b-gne privileges, close in on east aid. ' 822 ; a. ' "t ou of Htw'0'fn v. Tbor DESIRABLE""iooin with" board. "mvite"'fanT Ea.ty,7828r 7 "d lrvington ear Urjes. GOOD room ana bosrd for 2 workirir" peopir; home privileges; close in. Main 6283. 444 Vk ROOM and board fox I or 2 children; would prefer children under 0 yer old ; good horn.; or working nun without children. 171 .. 17th. ROOM and board In private fmlly.' prefer" 4 working glrU. Call Wdl 6983 after 5 o'clock. YOUNG girl wouVl like room and boardin country with refineH oeonl i t young folks for 2 weeks. Phone Tabor 2062 PAINTER want housekeeping room In exchange for painting work durin .o. KA T , - " v,.HOr8EKI:EPII(0 ROOMS 8 FTRTriSHED AND t SFrRNTSHEI) CALL MAIN STa . If.roQ "Bt H. K. room, clnan. neat, light and airy. .Nob HOI diatrict; parking pnvilei tor your car, if desired. , 15 DATS FREE STOftAGE Trunk and baggage delivered In downtown district for 25c Phon Broadway 244 J. 8r nnI",h'd housekeeping-room.- 8d "floor SLN'GI.E rooms 310 to f 15 monthly. bathTTnd laundry. 665 Flander FOfnJoE.T' ftkWll room,. psrU furnished 613 Ysmhili. FURNISHED room for rent" 208 N. 28d. n.TJH,i2EKEEPI5t ROOMS FURNISHED AJiD UNFURNISHED . PRIVATE FAMILY M DE8IRARLE housekeeping and sleeping room. stM.ni5n4Sm Ueir r'nk' 226 14Ul 3 FURNISHED housekeeping room.. fm e'eric light, ga. bath. phon. etc! 314 Falling t Wdln. 2785. W ' FOR RENT HOUSES UNFURNI.HHED IS TOMMRCTAjl a5d HOUBEHOLD GOODS. rr-'ii2VI2i?VPACI1NG' SHIPPLNOT Reduced freight rates. row expert service FURNITURE AND PIANO MOYlNO" ARROW TRANSFER CO.. 201-3 TaLL BROADWAT S80 NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC COMPAXT .. ""'.-7 mi I e-.i 1 n BTKKKT. FOUR room furnished house, with garage.-adult Uv'i02. 0ctOber " : M 9 COMPLETELY fnrnihed 4 room modern cot; rem oa. nqwy. 4943. 4-BOOM house gas. city water and light. 616' at Multnomah sUtJon rxcjroci ' FOR BENT a -room hooae. family orchard. an acre of ground. Tbor 1663. FOR RENT 5-room house. Call 'Tabor .inr HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE fOS MALE ti MODERN 5-roomT)unrlow eloa in. full cement basement, built-in. lurnitur for ssle. Pbon East 7548. 7 ROOM house, for rent wafting distance; fur nlture for sale; cheap if taken at once East 2343. T FURNISHED HOUSES 36 FOR RENT Furnished, lower part ofprivte residence, 4 rooms, pantry and bath. 1120 El Harrison St. oer 3$th st 0 iTii Intematirmal Feature Inc.l MODEBS . tumaikad ooUga room 1602. ' . - - FLAT8 TO - BCTT, TryyrKyiKHEP 13 MODERN" 4-room. . 12 th t . bet Coock and BvnHide; aduh nfar. FCKH18HBD FLAT8 8 i-ROOM farniskad fiat with bath, (a. eWe tricity, eery plaant and corrrenieat. oa ear Hoe; adnlta only. 8141 4th ar. . K. aranxjiaT run ke.s-i r 43 FURNISHED apartment. 2 staaaaheated. large ii. . a ut , -1 . s.i. V room 888. Batnraay, FtfRN IHHED . anirtaaeat ; also sleepirg room. 1 873 H E. Oltoan t Tabor J 028. 5S'K and tw H. K. apartment' clean, con venient, walking disUQoe, 496 Davl, aor. 14th. HOTELS WYTOirTiofisr 84 190V First St. tXrnw TsrVw. Fir Nlealr furnished room, hot and cold watat and ttm heal ta each room. Rate $8 week o. ROOM for gentlemat, hot and cold water, steam heat NewhaU hotel. 402 K Waabiagtoa st Pbon K. 8490. TOKES AHP OFFICES ' 11 FOR RENT AU or part of ROilOO ecend floor spr ta new concrete building, uitbl for auto top or paint (bop. Oregon Aut Repair Co., ltn and uusn., ireeawsy lean FOR RENT Desk room in office, with or without desk, us pbon, typewriter. Phone Main 4664. OFFiCE for rent in' connection with beauty parlor us of reception room and phone. Phone Bdwy. 3161. ST OREwtth living room at 93 Union . rent 838 month. Graham. 432 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WAHTEP TO RENT 1 WANTED 2 unfurnished tunny housekeeping rooms by mn and wife, or small iuashlny house ; would buy if deslrabl. C 442, Journal WANTED To' rent small furnished house out side at Portland; reasonable rent. N 80O. Jou rnal. WO RKING! woman deairet home in privat fam ily. light housekMping privilege; reftrenc if dasired. H-B46. Journal. WANT te rent 4 to 6 room unfurnished house; will consider buying later. Woodlawn. 4049. 3 OR 4 ROOM buogalow, S month' advance rent Call Main 1182. MARRIED couple with ohild wib apartment or IMWiwHeeping rooms. M-604 Journal. HOl'E to rent by railroad man; Meady" I-567. Journal. WANTED Furnished or unfurnished hons or ft in Alblna diitrict 562 Wtlliams av. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES (1 MEW BUKGALOW DOUBLE CONSTRUCTION WITH TAB PAPER BETWEEN $3850 TERMS S3850 5 -room modern bunts low between Alberta and Broadway carlines. Living room .with fireplace, bookcase, seat and magaxlne case; paneled dining room with plat rail, Dutrh kitchen. (II built in. h'eakfast nook, table and bench. 2 Urge, airy bedrooms, clothes closets, hath room, full set A-1 plumbing, rnaide and outside entrance to re tnent baernent. washtraya. beautiful electric fix tures, hardwood floors in living nd dining mom, other floors finished imitation oak. AU room nice tinted snd finished In ivory; very Urge front porch; east front: cement walks; real bargain for I38i0 993 E. 28th st. N. Pbon uto. 822-04. , WIIAT IS MOTHER WITHOUT A HOMET Are you paying rent and don't know when you will be asked to mora or where you win. find another T Solve the problem by call ing on us. We hsve what you want on rea sonable term. Look here. 8400, with 8200 down and 810 a month buys a good little one room - house, 12x24, on lot 50x10(1), In an ex cellent district Repair might oot 850. Thi Is only 3 block from car. Tb lot alon 1 worth the money. 31601). $1000 down, balanft $10 a month, 6 per cent buy a good five room pise, te red house, sidewalks in. only 8 block to car. We hav many other good buy. Call at 5828 72d it S. E. Phone Tabor 24 75. CARLE REALTY to. NON-RESIDENT AM BACRIKICINU SWIH8 CHALET BCV fJAUlW. located on a sishtly piece of around of nearly V acre witn tine trult trees, lawn and shrubbery. A beautiful view of the rlty and snow capped mountains. 7 rooms, double sleev ing porch. TWO FIREPLACES, HtT W A 1 . HEAT. HARDWOOD FLOORS, ALL ROOMS ARE EXTRA LARGE: GARAGE COST $700. Iocted close to car on the slope of Mt Tsbor. It would coat 812,000 to replace this property to day. Gire me a cash offer of 17000 and it i yours. Phon 216-4 8.. after 6 p. In., for ap pointment STRTCTC?MODERN 5 ROOM BUNGALOW $4100 31000 down; an exceptional price for chi excellent befuei hardwood floor, fireplace, built-in buffet, bookesaea, Dutch kitchen, full cement bsment waah trays, .rood lift; 011 comer lot 1089 E. 29th st N. Alberta car to 29th st Auto. 819-22. , 27"0?r" " HOUSE. LOT AND FURNITURE 5 room hems, electric lights, bath, full bae mrnt hous about 6 years old. cor. hat 60x101). fruit tree. All tha furniture in house goes with it. and it la good furniture. In Woodstock, 2 block to pared street snd ccrline. J. 1 OKDER. 4 Grand re. N.. near E. Ankenr. BARGAIN FOR POULTRY MAN ! " A nice UtU home on lot 80x120, modern chicken house, 14x84. enclosed scratching pen, 141.13: fruit tree and garden. Thi i real bargain at $1700. R. H. OOVFREY, RITTER. LOWE A CO., 201-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. VACANT BUNGALOW A double eonatructeel A - room bungalow 4 black from Williams ave. car hn. whit, enamel bathroom with fin fixture. Dutch kitchen: full concrete basement with waan tray and (tor connected with hot ind cold water; elec tricity "nd g. Price $3500, term if de sired. CaU E4447 or Wdln. 4179. DEAL WITH OWNER" $5500 Just completed 8 room houa and sleeping porch, elogantly finished in old ivory, handsome buffet Dutch kitchen, fireplace, cor ner lot. all paved, oetween Hawthorn and Sunnyaide. near ear; $1500 will baadl. Open today. Ttbor 8436. FOR SALE 4 shingled house, 2 ehieken bouses, small orchard, city water, telepbona, electric light and a. 3 lota Soil 00, ir,o (roauge, at 1298 E. 16th at N.. Woodlawu dtv tnct Price $2700, part rak Owner at plac. Woodlawn ear to 15th st, 5 Vi block louth. A TTRA C TTT C 5-r. bursiwbirdwor"ffor; full basement concrete floor, laundry traye, all modem built-lns. On block to car line, 2 blks. to school Cor. lot 50x100; $4280. Som cash, bL same aa rant Phon Aut 223-71. FOR SALE Nesr Wlnut Park, a 7 -room house, double constructed, lot 70x100, paved st and sewer paid, near 8 earitne snd 2 schools. By ownr. Wdln. 5306. HOUSE 4 rooms, electric tight. 60x100 lot; berri, fruit trees, chick so yard; Ford gsrsgs; 81600; easy Una. 1311 E. 23d N.. corner Jsrrett Alberta ear. WALKING DISTANCE HAWTHORNE VACANT 6 rooms, furnace, fireplace; corner lot; 17th rt; $4 500 Terms. Marshall 1022. CLOSE IN $4500 Owner must sell 7 room bom in fin con dition; garage: lot 60x125; near Union av. Purniture if desired. East 6978. ROSE CITT PARK I have several 3 and 6-room mode pa bunga low clone to Rose City car; price ngflt East 8038. 4-ROOM-CALITORSiA BCNOALOW Brand new, strictly modem, lull basement garage, on paved street and carline; terms. Owner 1540 Albina av. ; KSTATfi LEHOtSES FOR A 61 & RE TOP " k 8TR ANOTER TST POTttLANDJ ARE TOU LOOKING FOR A HOME I 1000 Pbotograp at Haotra for 61. NOWHEVE will you find SlTH A REMARK ABLE DISPLAY OF HOME RAUGAIN8. The r t values m the rHtyl EVERY KIND OF HOME AT EVERY PRICE. We protect your I every biter-t WE PI T YOU IN IMMEDIATE TOUCH WITH THE HOME YOU ARK LOOK ING FOR. DEAL . WITH AN OLD ESTABLISHED FIRM. 25 salesmen with auto at your aervioe. Open evening and Sunday. LOOK AT THIS IRVING TON 5500 DOWN nvtifntiriern. a ninst delightful BUNGALOW TTpi HOME. Cheenr firenlsee. nneld din ing room with; built-in buffet, whit I hitch kitchen, splendid I umse. PAVED STREET LIENS PAID. THIS WILL OO TODAY. 81600 8500 down; 4 room BUNGALOW COTTAGE In Iftwthom di trict; whit enamel plumbing, electricltv. ga; only 8no down. E. 85th. W hsv aver 100 bomea in HAWTHORNE. FRANKLIN HIGH TH8TRICT 3400 IWTON 83150 CLEVER 5 room . BUNGALOW, so neat and cosy I Plreplacs. beat white enamel plumbing, electricity, gas. full lot; 41st av. IT'S WORTH THE MONEY. SELLWOOD BUNGALOW RARGAIN 82500 TYPICAL. JUST-1. IKE-NEW SELL WOOD BUNGALOW of 4 light sunny rooms, built-in labor-saving eonvenienere, white enamel plumbing, electricity, gas. TERMS. East 6th st We bar 60 mors homes in this district. READ THEM AND FROFIT! 31J00 tr0 down; coay 3 room ALBERTA vMfTTAGK; electricity. ga. fmlt EASIEST MONTHLY PAYMENTS. E. 8L'd. W hsv 80 homes in ALBERTA. IT LOOKS I.IKE HOME 32825 HERE IS AN H room. weU built home on come lot, IOOiIOO; fireplace in llrlhg room, dining room with built-in buftet, white enamel plumbing, elec tricity, gas. 77th ave. THIS 13 UN Dt. PLICATED ALUE. MT. SCOTT'S BIOGEST -82850 3500 down! PRICE CUT FOR QUICK SALE! And it'll go. too; 6 room, delightful bungalow; 3 sunny bedrooms, white ensmcl plumbing, .elec tricity, gas, lOOslOtt, with GAUAlDC. OWNER'S 1-OSS WILL BE YOUR GAIN. MUST BE BOLD! 55th av. Th above are only a few of th over 1000 home bsrgsins we have tor sale. Photographs of every one in our jrevt duplay room. In i Impossible to advertise them all. 25 courteoita salesmen with eutomoblle ready at all times, day and evening, to show yon property. Often i w hsve many a 20 home listed with u in a single dy. SEE FRANK L. McGUERE TO BUY YOUR HOME ABIXGTON BLDG. MAIN 1068. 3d st bet Wash, and Stark. MT. TABOR BARC4.IN Modern 4 room house, locate- it Mt Tabor. near the rk, 1790 Belmont st. near E. 6!lh- st Thia is the nest buy in Portland 01 nrmse and lot of this size. Big lot Has 6 bearing fruit' tree and berries. Th property is vacant so you can move right la. Price $2660 00 term. ' Look thi hous over, thru call and see th owner. M CI-lftE A SCHMAUCH CO., aU8 Railway Exchange Bldg. CLOSBIN EAST SirK Very well built 8 -room house, thoroughly modem, hardwood floor, laundry tray, etc., double constructed throughout Thia fat on a leved street in a first das district I' rtc. 83000. 81000 cash. mm j a srmww 782 Cham, of Com. IN WOODSTOCK We have a 5 room plastered bungalow, in food condition, on lovely corner lot. an raved street end car line; good garden, fruit and flower. This is th beet buy in the district Price only 3 1900; pay what you can down. RALPH HARRIS CO . 827 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main BS24. 8KLLWOOIVS EXCLUSIVE DISTRICT Muet attractive 6 mom modern bouse, fin ished in old ivory, tapestry paper, excellent condition: extra larg living room with fire place, paved atreet garage. Thia ia a beautiful home. Please do not answer unless you mesa business and have 38000 cash, balance to suit For inspection take Sellwood car. 644 Maiden are. 17500 jit. TABOR, wast tlope; view of city; ft r. and garage; elegant home. $6500 Hose City. 7-r. and garage, modern. $rrO0 Piedmont, n r., modem. 65800 New bungalow, ti-r.. modem. $'.1000 Leurelhvntt. 9 r.. etrirtly modem. HARLES HINGLER A CO., 225 jHenry bldg. MODERN 0 room house, with hall, bath, fire place, built-in bookcase, window set. buffet and kitchen convenience. Urge front porch, full cement basement, fruit flower nd berri.; 1 block from ear, 1 block from school. See house and owner at 748 E. 7th st (Evanstoni. Prion Main 2776. 34250 ROSE CTfY BUNGALOW 34260 Piv rooms, strictly modera, h. w, floor, Dutch .kitchen, buffet, full cement basement gas. heat fireplace, garage, paved K. paid; 1 block ear; half ch. ' 626 C. of C. bldg. Maln6127. 82200 LAURET.W(oYe-6 ROOMS" and haUiroom, well cottage; plumbing, electricity, gaa, fine garage, fruit, choic eomer location, block of car: 8000 down. Take Mt. Scott car to Lurelwood. see 6f48 Foeter rd. FlVEroom bungalow, 1 block from Hawthorn car, near school, hardwood floors, fireplace, all built-in, finished throughout In ivory, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, laundry trays. Tins Phon Tabor 1176.. FOR SALE by owner, modern A room houa, witb built-ins; good furnace, full cement bate-n-ent. garage; lot 50x100, 1 block to pavement. 64600; M-V car. 25 E. 7 In st. N. $900 FURNISHED HOUSEBOAT- $W0 Neat 5-r.. larg. porches ; save high rent charge; garden lot. Ft. Nvd St. Cbafl Ringl.r. 225 Henry bldg.. Broadway 6633. COURT ORDERS 6 ROOM s7)LD Almoet new double construe tad. Sell ; full cement basement waah trays, paved ; (treet, 63000. term; teas for, cash. Mar. 1022. $8500. WALKING DISTRICT 8300. Sis room modern; must elt to close sn ea ts te: East 17th at Ankeny. Main 6127. East 1864. 6 ROOM modern horn. 50x100 lot. fruit tree. herrie. large garage, in Hawthorn district. Call owner, Sunday or evenings, Tabor 831. riVE room. house. Mt Scott cYT fine" lot 40x 100: fruit tree; llSdo, $250 cash, baltoc like rent. Seejowner. 61J8 87th ave. S. E. 1 Vk BLOCKS from Rose "City "ciar. comer lot 100x100, has fruit trees, 2 -room house and fuel abed on it. Chesp for cash. Pbuoe 312-06, By Herriman REAL pi REAL FSTATW FOR SALE HOLStfl' Ml Tab6r. No. 610 7 Price S25(M5, $1000 Cash Hr r haea 6 od z-etory T-reea houe, and So 100 rati an kind ! fruit , and fearrie. A real hoaa for tha mea with a fan. Call g ait If JW0 pect ta get ra oa tai bargain. Richmond District -' V -. "r V No. 4211 f Price $3000, $1000 Cash 6 -room boo, Urge front porca, living . ,. end dining room fair slaa,-1 bedroom down- -stair i4 3 up; full bssexnent furn, modern bathrooa and Itrg kttahen. Aha 4-room eotuge In eery good shap. . Rak " rne. live in the otbr. Som buy tot only . 68000; 60100 aorneg lot go with tba ' two hoUM. : Albina Price $2900, $700 Cash k -room bungalow, front porch, recevtioa ball. Hving nd dining, mom, 2 good bed V rooms, kilehen nd psntry, full set of , whlu enamel plnmbing. full baaemtnt and attic floored. Very good sit lot goes with thi. snd w count it a vary food buy at thit piio. " St. Johns No. 6119 Price $3150, $500 Cash The best buy on tb Peninsula. 8 -room stucco bungalow, Urg front perch, dlnla - knd living rocm, whlU enamel klltben. , screened in back porch, modera bath, an4 2 good tight bedrooms, full eotwrat base ment, sleo flrile. Thi 1 on of tha -prettiest little bungalows In this district . and the low price 0I 88160 we figure U a bsrgin. and with thi goes a, 78100 kr. We r open evenings and Sunday aaf- -will show there any tim. v PACIFIC AGENCY, INC. 614 20 BwetUnd bldg. UarthtU 3088 er Marshall 1265. VACANT BRAND NEW BUNOAI1W 61 ALBERTA St. AIJIKRTA CAR $4600. I.ltxral terms, luet eompletad, strlet y modem 0-rnom bungalow, large g lasted sleep In porch, nerdwood floor, flrtplao,. Dutch kitchen. ll bult-ln effect. Hnn elosets, French . doors, double constructed throughout; full base ment 1 cemented I , plumbing and elect rt work inmpWto Pved ftreet Bd pid fqt Dee! d.rect with owner end builder. Other ar asking fsnd for simllsr home See this today. Owner on premise 1 lo 8 dally, or pben East 6616 during day for ppolntment BARGAINS Splendid 8 room hem. Irtlngton; Mrdwnral floors, modern, cheap; magnificent 6 room bun galow, lrvington; choir flower: very Tnodern. Fln 7 room buoglow; East Irvinglog; iia, modern. . ' , Good 8 roon? bunt alow, lrvington HtlghUi modem. Excellent 8 room bungalow, Alameda Park lot cheap. Nndy t room bangtla. R. C - r.DBOwrai garage to all. East 273, Herdmtn. MontavJ.Sa Bungalow 32600 5 rooms nrl bilh, living mom, dining room, hutch kitchen and 2 bedrooms; firenlsee. built' in buffet and linen closets; full isd basement with et.tton.ry web trays, electric light nd gas iarg attic with eatra ram; chicken hou-e and run large enough for 100 chickens; Jot 60 by 114; some fruit trees and gsrde; terms $1000 eesh.s.balsnc monthly payment. By owner Csll et 2104 Hlo st.. nr 64th irt. nVE ROOMS $300 CASH well built 6 room bungalow cotuga, 1th. fnildt firenlacs. cas. built-in kltcbrn. Mi merit . full 60x100 lot. with chicken hous.. ; Thii is n xnptlonI buy. ToUl pric 121001 I 38u0 cash. $11 moathly. ! 738 Chtm. af Com. J f HOUfife HUNTERS TAKE NOTICE IN M OODLA WN ADDITION W bv for sale 10 room bouaa, built for two ' families; 2 hatha, lavatories and toilet, full cement basement with laundry traye, eemsn steps and walks armind hou. Thi it not a run down lunk heap but ia In perfect condition. Would onet to build today 86000, but owner want to go on farm and will asll for 6400W, oa . good term. STEWART It BUCE, 815 NorUiwMtera, Bank Bldg, t IRV1NOTON $rECLiT moms snd sleeping porch la the eery beat part of addition Center entrance hall. Urg. Hving room, with music room adjoining; 3 fine, large bedrooms oa second floor with bnllt rnv in closet; 2 larg finished room on third floor. . Built by day labor snd for a home. Her,! a snap. Pries 610.6O0. Som term. See j. A. McCartr. 270 Vk 8 lark st Main 1700. Kvea. Tabor 6087. rW-fc-T'stDE COTTAGESTMah'fi $500 CASH , I On 4 room cottag. gas, bath, bametit, 2: bedroom; one 3 mum cottage, rented for $8, on K.lly st.. nesr Porter, 12 minute' rid down; . . ...... . . aoosn tm ,1.. . .. -. . . ' . " " , . IIMfl . . . . U U .... MH WW ,11 lipill i $500 ca h and $80 per month. A home and som Income, Shown by tmointftirnt only. C.RU8SI k BENNETT, 818-821 Board uf Trade. Main 7452.. g-ltOOM heua SIkvO. term. pavvd atraat nloa, ' 4-room bungalow, $2200. 7 room hous on paved gtraat, otvly 12900. term.. 4-room hous $1600. J. K IXiWB, 1765 Derby St Automatic 82661. I lEAfc MTTII OWNER . $5200 Just completed. 8 room houa ind ' aleeplnc porch, elegantly finished In aid Ivwry, bantlsoai. buffet, Dutch kitchen, flreplsoe, cor-' ner lot. all paved, between Hawthorn s rid Sunnyaide. nesr csr; $1600 will haacU.i Uvea todsy. Tsbor 84 $6. BROOKLYN CARSHOP EMPtiYkft ' " Do you wsnt brand new 6 room bunca low t inis u oanay; moo.rn in v. Ium east of shops: all improvement TT way; tn and ' paid: built right, priced right See OWNER, Root. 8. Co Jr., 884 Vk ; Hawthorn avr Eaa i o ; ras. r-aat men ; . ' HOUSE PLANS ' "Dhrtlnctlv 11 oases." beautifully fllatrt4 book of over hundred design, $1. Blue print nd specif lrtlons, $10. DISTINCTIVE HOMES CO.. y24Nortbwestern Bank bldg. BY OWNER Ros City Prk hnm. . mod em lious. Iiardwood floor throughout, gar. eg.; full cement basement Bear 44th and Sandy; 35600. Vk caab. No agenta, Tabor 9696. : - FOR 8 ALE 8u room, sleeping parch, bath! pantry, baarment, water heating system ; all , In perfect conditioo,' improvement paid) winter foeL Msy accept small bunaalew part karmeat down 666 K. 65tn et- S. Richmond mt. iBviNGTOM rrf-v Modtrn bungalow, beat locaUon good twad tion, 8 rooms, sleeping porch, two bth. gang.: real bargain; 36760; no agent. Pfeoa Laat ' 4167. i. i. v..a $1400 FURNISHED 2 room boa, with slassA ' in porch, doubt eoostnacted, lot 60100. ' . sbed 16x60. 40 ehieken. 4 eords of wood: a f -deal with owner. Call Tabor 8386, morning. 'J - 100x200 8 ROOMS: il3SO Sellwood plastered hoa, excellent oonditkm. Owner must sell, leaving city. $1000 ah. bat ' '' easy. Marshall 1023. ' . r j YOUR own terms; quirk action get till i-roora ' v - ' modern bom; nric $1800; owner, 8220 7th t Pbon Manual 26 1 1 1, then 4T12. s, I : a Splendid Bff 1 ' : 5-room house, garage building, lot 6xtl6.' fruit, berries, close-ia, 3SU. 226 E. 67th t BEAUTIFirrnglow, trlctly modem, cloa U keniwood school, corner lot, oav trma,.i -Est H036. I ' . y UK ALH - Haul house, 2 11,1 it i uvuee iimi ana sufe 2uiiv. eownarweali ' for 6 1 600. By owner, 6109 66th va i FURNISHED 6 room hnuebot larg porehaC ' garden lot: ft. Nevada st, overlook river. C Ringler. 325 Henry bldg.. Broadway k2,s 1 6 RftOMS and alaeping porch, " modern B. C'.k ' Park corner lot, block to ear, for lm th6 ent. laoor zxuw. : 8T750 8 ROOM modern house, B. Uaia; lm--'' .v provevnenu, nam eunacea na pasat a Bar-; j gslti. Ttbor 366. vnlng 665. .. . ' ! 5 ROOM houee and (ng. SOxiOOjut; boo , In good condition; bargain. East 10th lad.'', Grant Phone Last 821. - - ' ' IRT IN Of ON bom for sal by owner ; eight';1 ! room, and finished third floor.: fiB ond tloa. Pric $9000. rhoa East Tn. , t . ! ', ALMOST new 4-fwovn house, T 8 x'l 00"m." prtra ; -. reaaemable. afiaht traAa for iuUimaIiiU. aoit-l ; RPewell Valley roawt . HAWTHORN KP snap 33960. 6804 cash; new,, ''-, " mod. 5-r bunnlow, nr school. Tabor 8083. i -' oHMjM modern bungalow, t31j0; 1613 aah. 1 Tabor 604. ,'. I. :'-'. FL K rooi low and I re let for mtm by owner on outn street, aetiwooa . iB. . .;; , t'OK HALE 4-room bi)u, 17'rituWppi $' " -' Sdin. SwT. -; T ROOM house, east side location.- uaiuraishevi ' 4 606 56th at. 8. E. East 696Q. - h - ;: SulEliS "6 room bankiTow: Wlilamett ,. Height Call owner, Min 6484. - -ROOM bouaa, modern, fruit tad " betri, f -' DioOO- terms. Call Taker 3T.i 7 ROSE CfFY PARK i Vk -etory beuaa. good to-' cation. Owner, Tabor 87. y ' SMALL house for si,5"4"37 4i4' 6'e. 1 B. (Owminuea aa Fitewirg Pag) i 5,1.:- f t; -