The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 27, 1920, Page 1, Image 1

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I wrtng ' ' rCx J v ' 2 ! w fcj ? v )
and his bsseball for ...Pp vl W t aVX: xTSe'S .'
II. pages of The Journal. Baseball's the a " L av -SL r'H , "X" VR FUESj&'ifeidW , "T-V":, - V
I I Ihlng right now andjrou need the Journal rSaais ' OsCJ Lx ylPKfiOKK V0 ! 1 1 V-T
II ' tn keen abraaat of the procession. II . a ' --iaL JT-- ft r-J wG?TNSa "s
It' All Her and ie All 7Yu ?
THE WEATHERTpnlsht and Tuesday,
occasional rain : southerly winds.
Maximum temperatures Sunday : '
Portland ....... M New Orleans..',. M B ' '
mlrntrf at eaeendCJssi Matter
pMtatttc. 1 rortlaad. Ortsoe,
, " r, , n . .- ., . i ...
Nine Speeches Scheduled for To
day; Brewery Stock Owned by
Harding Draws Firej Churches
Are Asked to Support League.
Lincoln. Nab., BepL 27. (U. P.)
Governor Cox arrived here at 4
o'clock and headed a long parade of
Democrats to the auditorium, where
he spoke. He will leave for Omaha
at 6 o'clock.
By Herbert W. Walker
En Route 'With Governor Cox,
Rorth Platte, Neb.. Sept. 27. Gov
ernor James M. Cox, following a bit
ter denunciation at Cheyenne of
Wayne B. Wheeler, counsel for the
Anti-Saloon league, today began his
stump invasion of Nebraska, home
state of .William Jennings Bryan.
Ha waa scheduled to make nine
apeeches. Interest centered on whether
he would make any reference to the po
sition of Brytn In the campaign. His
main speeches' were to be made at Lin1
cold, Bryan's home, and at Omaha.
In his attack on Wheeler, Cox claimed
the anti-Saloon league counsel Is
"mere chattel of Republican headquar
ters." Referring to the statement or Sen
ator Hardlna's secretary that the Repub
lioan candidate still owns some Msrlon
brewery stock which he purchased sev
eral years ago. Cox said:
"How can Mr. Wheeler explain to eon
- aclentloua members of his organisation
his .support for. the presidency of. the
united States of a Brewer wno is apoio
glsing Yor his holdings? '
The DemotTatleV presidential candl
date'a statement was prompted by
press dispatch quoting Wheeler as say
In he had submitted Questions to both
residential nominees and that Senator
Harding had responded but Governor
Cox had not
Governor Cox . asserted ha had been
asked whether he wss for or agalnat any
proposal to changs the Volstead law,
while the question directed to his Ra
nuhlinn oDDonent was confined ta
whether or not he-stood khla. reao4sSM
vote 0t trie-eighteenth amendment . and
the Volstead act
The governor charged that In the face
Of Utla dlfjsrenc In the chartcter of the
questions It Is ''perfectly clear" that the
queatioii submitted to Senator Harding
was prepared as a protection rather than
as an attempt to ascertain his views,' ,
"If Mr. Wheeler IS an honest man."
Governor Cox asked, "why does he not
present the records of both Senator
Harding and myself on the liquor ques
tion and then submit to ua the .same
question, with sn agreement to print
(Concluded en Ptce Two, Cohuna Six)
Portland's Pacific Coast league
home schedule Is over. Judge Wil
liam ; McCredle. president of te
'Beavers, received word from Presl
dent W. M. McCarthy of the Coast
league, ' Btaung ma; me romana
series this week with the Seattle
Ralnlers had been transferred to the
Sound metropolis.
The transfer of the series waa made
at the request of the Seattle club offi
The MoCredles were, perfectly wining
ti have the series transferred to Seattle
as It will aid them In making up the
loss on last week's series with Salt Lake
cere. . "
The Beavers plan to fight the Ralnlers
to a standstill. Portland haa won a
majority, of the games played with the
Ralnlers this season.
Challenged; to Duel,
Negro Uses Rifle
With Deadly Effect
Kansas City. Mo.. Sept 17. (L N. a)
One negro Is dead today and a sec
ond Is In Jail as a result of a "twenti
eth century" duel. Frank Thompson,
the negro arrested, shot an unidentified
man because the latter Invited him "to
duel" T
"He came to my house and said X
had to duel him," Thompson told ths
Police. "He even gave me $10 to get
iny run out of a pawnshop. But I
fooled him; I shot him with my rifle."
r . ... ...
levy & Sons Cannot
Meet Obligations
New York. Sept CT.-(U. P.)-M.
L, B0nt Orleans, members
of the New York coffee and sugar ex
change, were unable to meet their ob
ligations, members of the exchange
were notified today.
Australian Premier -Falls
Off Horse; Hurt
Sydney. N. S. W.. Sent 17. m. P.v
Hon. William Hughes, prime minister
S uie commonwealth or Australia. . felt
off a ' fractious horse yesterday ' and
i was reported PV,UW ;
rpOPEKA, KAN, Sept. 27- (1.
N. 8.) Crapltf and the ballot
have fallen oat here. It was an
nounced t$day that Topeka girls
over 21 - cannot marry between
October 23 and November 9 and
retain their franchise In the No
vember elections. Miss Ktta Co
till, city clerk, dealt this blow to
"The registration books vrlll be
closed. October 23, explained
Mist CotM. The law prohibits
married women giving their
maiden names when they go to
the polls to vote."
Chicago, Sept. 27. (I. N. S.)
The White Sox remained in the pen
nant race this afternoon when they
took the final game of the season at
Comlskey park from the Detroit
Tigers by a score of 2 to 0. Dick
Kerr, the midget Sox left-hander,
tamed the Bengals and shut them
George Dauss, the Tiger veteran, was
Invincible and allowed but one hit until
the sixth inning. In that canto he hit
Weaver with a pitched ball and E.
Collins got a single. Joe Jackson also
singled and Weaver scored. Eddie Col
lins brought in the second run when
Cobb's throw to 3ush squirted off the
shortstop's shins.
Three hits were all that Dauss al
lowed the Sox, but ,two of them were
bunched with an error and ,won the
Ietntt Chirac"
Tonne, l-b. Heboid, cf.
Ruah, m. Wrr, Sb.
Cobb, cf. K. CoUina, 2b.
Vnch, If. Jackson. It.
Heilman. 1 b. Htrank. rf.
tlacuad. rf. Collin. J., lb.
nntlli, Sb. Hubert, m.
Atmmith, e. Hchalk. e.
Dauai. it. Kerr, p.
DetroitYoung out, Schalk to J. Col
lins. Bush filed to Jackson. Cobb Tied
to Jackson. No runs, no hits, 'no errors.
Chicago, Uebold out. Young to-Hell
maiu. Weaver Dopned to Young, B.
Collins, , out. ' Toung to Heilman. No ;
runs, pa hits, ho errors. . 1
lxtroit veacfi out. e. coiuna to J.
Collins. Heilman singled to center.
Plagatead singled to left Pinelll hit
nto- a double play. B. Coliiaa to J. Col
lins. Ne rune, two bits, no errors.
Chicago Jackson oat to Heilman un
assisted. 8 trunk filed to Veach. J. Col
lins filed to Cobb. No runs, no hits, no
Detroit AInsmlth outRlsberg to Col
lins. Dauss out, Rlsberg to J. Collins.
Teung lined out to Liebold. No runs,
no hits, no errors.
Chicago Rlsberg out to Heilman. un
assisted. Schalk out. Bush to Heilman.
Kerr singled to' left. Liebold filed o
Flagstead. No rune, one hit, no errors.
fourth nririiro i
Detroit Bush fanned. Cobb singled
through short. Veach forced Cobb. K.
Collins to Rlsberg. Heilman filed to
Jackson. No runs, 1 hit. ne errora.
Chicago Weaver filed to Cobb. E.
Collins lined to Veach. Jackson fouled
to Pinelll. No runs, no hits, no errors.
Detroit Flagstead out, Weaver to J.
Collins. Pinelll out, Rlsberg to J. Col
lins. AInsmlth singled to right. Dauss
singled through pitcher's box. AInsmlth
taking second. Young filed to Jackson.
No runa. 2 hits, no errors.
Chicago Strunk walked. J. Collins
fouled to Heilman. Rlsberg forged
Strunk. Heilman to Bush. Schalk forced
Rlsberg, Bush to Young. No runs, no
nits, no errors.
sixth ix5iira
Detroit Cobb out Weaver to J. Col
Una Bush filed to Jackson. Veach
singled to left Heilman forced Veach,
Weaver to E. Collins. No runs, one hit.
no errors.
Chicago Liebold filed to Veach.
Weaver bit by pitched balL E. Collins
singled to right. Weaver taking second.
Kerr out. Bush to Heitanan. Jackson
singled to center, scoring- Weaver. E.
Collins also scored when Cobb's throw
bounced off Bush's shins; Jackson re
mained at first. Strunk filed to Vetch.
Two runs, two hits, one error.
8ETKXTH nurnro
Detroit Flagstead ' filed to Liebold.
Pinelll out E. Collins to J. Collins.
AInsmlth fouled to Schalk. No runs, no
hits, no errors. .
Chicago J. Collins filed to Veach.
Rlsberg lined to Flagstead. Schalk out
Pinelll to Heilman. . No runs, no hits, no
EIQHTH ijrimro
' Detroit Hale batted for Dauss and
fanned. Young out Weaver to J. Col
lina. Bush walked. Cobb fanned. No
runs, no hits, no errors.
Chicago Ayres replaced Dauaa for
Detroit. Kerr popped to Pinelll. Lie
bold filed to Veach. Weaver singled to
left. Weaver stole second and went to
third on Ainsmith's wild throw. K. Col
lins fanned. No runa, one hit one error.
Detroit Veach -rolled out E. Collins
to J. Collins. Heilman filed to Liebold.
Flagstead lifted to Strunk. No runa. no
hits, no errors.
Totals R. H. E.
Chicago 2 4 0
0 2
Brooklyn Is Winner
In National League
Nsw. York. Sept 17. Brooklyn won
the- National league baseball cham
pionship today ' when Boston beat the
Giants, t to X. In the second game of
their double header. ,
Harding and Wife
; . Beach Baltimore
Baltimore. MdV 8ept -(U. P.)
Senator and Mr Harding arrived at
Union station ahortly after t o'clock and
Were greeted by a large crowd. They
went to the Southern hotel in an auto
mobile parade, where they held an In
formal reception. l, .
Ousting of Zimmerman, Chase,
Magee for Alleged Gambling
Believed by League Head to
Have Ended .Questionable Play.
Chicago, Sept. 27. (U. P.)
Crookedness in National league base
ball games has been eliminated. In
the opinion of John Heydler, presi
dent, here to testify before the
grand Jury investigating gambling on
"Heine Zimmerman, Hal Chase and
Lee Magee were thrown out of the Na
tional league because of gambling,'
Heydler said.
Although it had been generally known
that Zimmerman. Chase and Magee
were banished because of alleged crook
edness, - this was the first official an
nouncement of the fact.
"This cleansed the game In the Na
tional league and as far as I know the
only scandal in the American league is
connected with the 1919 world series,"
Heydler - said.
"The action taken In the Zimmerman
case Beared the others who might other
wise have been inclined to play crooked
baseball and they are not willing to take
any chances now
Heydler said the New York Giants
club deserved a great deal of credit for
the swift and decisive action taken in
the cases of Chase and Zimmerman.
Heydier said he had the affidavits of Benton and Charles Herxog re
garding alleged gambling.
"It merely comes down to a question
of one man's word against another's,"
Heydler said. "However, published re
ports of Benton's statements differ from
the affidavit which he made."
Declaring the investigation was de
veloping a lot of silly angles Which be
cloud the main Issue," Heydler urged the
grand Jury to stick to the main Issue-
investigation of alleged crookedness in
Heydler said the National league has
taken particular pains to Investigate
carefully eve-y report of crookedness.
but found all except one false.
If Judge Mac Donald "and tae grand
Jurr ran da anvthlnar to hetn baseball.
tea w wswcuaii uit. sacjuivi asass
The grand jury, on meeting tomorrow.
will continue its scrutiny of the ltl
world's series, in which several White
Sox players were reported to have sold
out to gamblers.
August Herrman, former chairman of
the national commission, and president
of the Cincinnati Reds, was today re
quested by State's Attorney Hoyne to ap
pear next Friday. Hoyne asked Herr
mann to bring affidavits which he might
have relative to the matters under inves
tigation. Ray Schalk, catcher for the White Sox,
will appear tomorrow morning, when the
grand jury resumes its probe. Schalk.
whose integrity haa never, been ques
tioned, will be able to tell the Inside-story
of the plot, according to reports.
Schalk has never denied fighting with
two members of the White Sox clique
which lslleged to have sold out to the
gamblers during the 1919 world series.
Reports circulated after the series were
that Schalk, angered by a play made
during the game by one of the men
under suspicion, demanded an explana
tion, and an encounter followed.
Schalk Is recognized as probably one
of the cleanest players in the game,
and officials are counting strongly on
his testimony to build up their case.
A Bubpena was also issued today "for
Dr. R. B. Prettyman, a Chicago den
tist. Prettyman was employed by sev
eral Sox players to repair their teeth.
Conversations which he is alleged to
have had with them will be gone, into.
it was said.
Another baseball inquiry waa atarted
by federal authorities today. llnited
States Attorney Charles F. Clyno an
nounced hlr intention of Investigating
baseball pools. Postal inspectors were
asked to locate L. J. McDaniel' at In
dianapolis. Clyno wants him as a wit
ness. McDsniel is said; o know the
names of aevsral men who operate
Aberdeen. Wash., Sept. 27. (I. N.
S.) The body of Policeman Nicholas
Keresly was found yesterday in a
lonely place four miles from this
city. He had 'been shot three times.
Keresly was a new officer and waa
after bootleggers. Certain parties
had led him to believe they could
locate a still for him, and while on the
way to the place it is the supposition
he was killed by them. He had been
missing a week. Keresly waa 28
years old. He has a brother in Win
nipeg. ;
I. W. W. Efforts in -Mexico
Are Failure
Mexico City. Sept 27. U. P.) AJ
leged efforts of I. W. W. represents
tives to engage Mexican labor la gen
eral strike on ths American, continent
October 1 were a failure, according to
the evidence today. Demonstrations
here and In other Mexlcaaclties yes
terday were orderly, and the only ac
tion taken .was tbe adoption of a series
Of resolut&Sns relating to living costs
and working eonditioas. . , r s ' ; .
say mm
Sugar Is Down
Of 75 Cents;
Refineries Cnt
Sugar is down again!
Refiners have notified the Port
land trade of a further drop of 75
cents per 100 pounds in the price
effective at once upon all shipments.
This means that the decline in prices
Will become effective in Portland
upon the arrival of the cheaper
priced stock, which will probably
be the latter part of the week.
The new wholesale price on cane
granulated sugar of the best quality
will be' $15.55 per hundred pounds,
which means not above $17.55 to the
consumer, although some merchants are
now cutting their margin , on sugar to
$1 per hundred pounds, which would
mean $16.55 to the consumer.
In the meantime both' the consumer
and the dealer are buying sugar in a
limited way, as there Is every expecta
tion of further price losses.
Chicago, Sept. 27. (L N. S.) Chicago
grocers today added their contribution
to the recent glad tidings of reduced
prices In many lines of merchandise and
food. Prices of nearly all foods have
dropped from 15 to 20 per cent since
Monday last, according to many gro
cers. The following prices were quoted to
day at many groceries :
Potatoes, 4Sc a peck ; sugar, 15c a
pound ; tomatoes, 5c a pound ; cabbage.
2c a pound ; eggs, 50c a dozen ; butter,
54c a pound; grapes. 28c' 4V4-pound bas
ket ; peaches, $2.75 a bushel ; coffee, 38c
a pound.
The reduction appeared to be general
on the North, South and West sides of
Chicago and many grocers predicted an
even lower level for foodstuff prices be
fore the week end.
St. Louis. Sept 27. (I. N. S.)
Cleveland retained Its lead In the
American league ths afternoon by
defeatng St Lous, 8 to 4.
jamioon. If.
tieriMT. as.
Vramby, 2b.
Rpeaker. cf.
Smith, rf.
Qardnier, rf.
jGhantan. lb.
Bevell, n.
OerUon, 2b.
Birler, Ik
Jaeobaon, cf. .
Hmtta, K.
Tobin, Tf.
Admud, Sb.
Reveraid. e.
Mat la, p. lurid . p.
I'sipires Hiidrbnnd and Moris ritJ
Cleveland Jamieson filed to Jacob-
Son. . Wamby filed to E. Smith. Speak
er out Oedeon to Sisler. No runs, no
hits, no errora
8L Louis Gerber out Sewell to
Johnston. Gedeon popped to Wamby.
Sisler filed to Speaker. No runs, Tio
hits, no errora
Cleveland Smith DOPPed to Sisler.
Gardner grounded to Gedeon. Johnson
flied to Earl Smith. No runs, no bits,
nn errors.
St. Louis Jacobson popped to Malls.
Smith filed to Speaker. Tobln popped
to Mails. No runs, no hits, no errors.
Cleveland Sewell safe on Gerbers er
ror. o Neil men to am tin ana seweii.
who had advanced to second, was tagged
out by Gedeon when be returned to first.
Mails out, ueoeon to sisier. jno runs.
Mn hits. One Error.
fit. Louis Austin flied to Speaker.
Severeid singled to rl-rht. Davis singled
to right Gerber sidled to left, filling
the bases, ieoeon poppea to wamDy.
Sisler singled to left scoring Severeid
and Davis. Gerber going to third. It was
Sisler's ,246th hit of the season. Jacob
son out. Garder to Johnston. Two runs.
Four hits. No errors.
FOURTH lyjcixo
Cleveland Jamieson singled to righ t.
(Concluded on Pice Three, Column Four)
Hotel Fire Measure
Intended to Reduce
Hazards Is Shelved
The much discussed hotel fire ordi
nance was brought up for final read
ing this afternoon at the city council
and again shelved, at least until
Wednesday. Frank Grant representing
certain hotel men, suggested to the coun
cil that the ordinance might be uncon
stitutional and aaked that the measure
be referred to the city attorney for an
Grant held the hotels in question had
been built in accordance with the exist
ing city laws, and said he -doubted if
the city had a constitutional right to
pass an ordinance forcing the remodel
tng of these structures.
The city . council referred the matter
to City Attorney La Roche, but Mayor
Baker said he believed the move only
a -subterfuge- to bold up paasage of
the law.
"We have a duty to face in providing
protection for human life, and the soon
er we meet it the better,' the mayor
said. Baker ordered La Roche to lay
other matters aside .and have a report
back jmri. this ordinance at the council
meeting On . Wednesday.
Death ;Is Narrowly
Missed by Woman
Jn Fall. Before Car
v SaaaSBBBSBaaSaj-iS t- ' ' -
Aft inch from death. Mri. Emma Bur
roughs, ft years old. fall In front of a
streetcar at TwenUetA and Clinton
streets Sunday night .The car was
halted Just as the fender touched her
head. Inflicting a scalp wound.
' Mrs. Burroughs was crossing the ear
tracks whan .she fall headlong across the
rails. r . - -
8ha was taken to Oood Samaritan bos
pital. ,' ' .
Legal Move Made to Transfer
Hedderly Case From State to
U. S. Courts, in Defense of
Men Held for Manslaughter.
Vigorous defense of the three rev
enue agents indicted by the Multno
nth county grand Jury on a charge
of involuntary manslaughter, follow
ing the killing of Robert W. Hed
derly, is to be made by the United
States attorney's office.
United States Attorney Humphreys se
cured an order for a writ of habeas
corpus cum causa from Federal Judge
Wolverton transferring the entire case.
grand jury Indictments and all. from the
circuit court of Multnomah county to the
United States district court for Oregon.
This also means that the sheriff must
surrender the ball money posted by the
federal agents to the clerk of the fed
eral court
The order was taken from the court
this morning by Humphreys upon
instruction from Washington. The gov
ernment has decided to defend its of
ficers and denies in the petition that
either of the three officers killed Hed
derly. The petition also states that the
officers were "acting under color or
their office ; to-wit, attempting to ar
rest Robert W. Hodden' at the time
the shooting occurred.
The federal officers Involved are W.
R. Woods, James J. Biggins and Delason
C. Smith.
While this proceeding was going on.
Portland's "league of bootleggers." al
leged to be behind the prosecution of
Policemen Morris and Jackson, was the
bone of contention in argumen before
Mayor Baker. Bamett Goldstein hurled
defiance at counsel for the patrolmen,
when. In an opening statement, hg said
"The melodramatic Insinuation of
Elton Watklns that I am paid by
league of bootleggers Is a subterfuge to
befog the real Issues of the case. There
is no league of bootleggers, the charge
may be likened to the cry of fraraeup
and .'plot' by guilty parties when caught
with the goods."
watklns retorted with, "I can prove
$700 haa been raised since September 10
for the prosecution of this case alone.
I will prove that when the time cornea
Mrs. Alma Hedderly, aged mother t
me man wno waa arnica, asaea permis
sion of thes mayor to clear the matter.
In a statement she said :
"There is no league of bootleggers.
want to see justice meted out to slayers
of mr boy. tor their were hastily., He
trod paths that neither I nor any other ol
the family would travel. His associates
were true friends. They have gotten up
a little pot; they have helped his wife
and myself in time of distress, but they
know it will be paid back. These law
yers call my boy a bootlegger; that la
the name of the boys who sell whiskey
but they call those who buy the stuff
lawyers, doctors and bankers.
. Luiu rtappiKKo. maia in tne name o
Dr. and Mrs. Rosenberg, told of standing
near Hedderly's car at the time of his
attempted arrest She detailed how Wil
liam Woods, federal operative, hand.
cuffed her to George Lewis, Hedderly
alleged accomplice, but later released
her when he found she waa merely
The case was resumed at 3 o'clock thi
afternoon, after an all morning session.
Boston, Sept 27. (I. N. S.) Fol
lowing the action of three Boston
trust companies In stopping with
drawal of savings deposits today,
Governor Coolldge hurriedly sum
moned state officials to a conference
to consider the threatening banking
situation. The Institutions, which
under the clause stopped pay
ments on Savings accounts, were the
Tremont Trust' company, the Fidelity
Trust company and the Dorchester
Trust company.
Police were called out to restore
order, following runs on the banks
by depositors.
tDeath From Ether
Deprives Warrant
Server of His Pay
Oroville. Cal., Sept 27. (U. P.) A. H.
Locey. county auditor of Butte county,
died at a hotel In Dixon. CaX, at 11:45
a. m. today, according to a telephone
message to county officials from Dixon.
Looey wss taken, to EHxon early to
day, after being found at a railroad
crossing near here, suffering from an
overdose of ether.
Ligfctning Sets Mine
Afire; 3 Men Saved
Springfield. IU- Sept. 27. (L N. a)
Three miners were rescued and damage
of $10,000 entailed when lightning struck
and set fire to a fan-house of the Lin
coln Park Coal company's mine here at
midnight last. The blase spread to the
escape shaft before being subdued. The
miners working - in ths shaft were
brought out uninjured - ,
950 Cattle, 1272 Hogs and 1050
Sheep in Barns; More Coming;
Polo and Automobile Contests
Are on Program This Afternoon
Salem, Sept. 27. With rain clouds
and the sun battling for weathet
supremacy and the forecast for fair
weather, the gates of the Oregon
state fair opened here Monday morn-
ing for the fifty-ninth time, with
the rreatMt ,rrv of .xhihit- vr
tne greatest array of exhiDlta ever l
presemea at a lair in Oregon.
Estimates late Sunday night placed
the cattle entries at a total of 1960, with
1272 hogs and 1050 sheep in the live
stock bams, and entries still arriving.
In spite of a slippery track, after two
weeks of almost incessant rains, the
participants in the auto polo contests
and the automobile races are "raring"
to go, and the program will be staged
according to schedule Monday after
noon, unless more rain falls.
Four events are on the speed program
for the afternoon. The first Is a fire
mile race, with four drivers entered.
Four cars are also lined up for the three
mile event. The third event will be an
attempt to break the established time
records, with a purse of 1100 up for the
driver who can lower the present track
record and a purse of $350 for the driver
who can break the present state record.
The fourth event la a Is mile endur
ance run, in two preliminary heats of
three miles each and a final heat of 10
Entered In this event are some of the
country's best known daredevils, Includ
lng Toots Reynolds, driving an Essex
L Hoffman, driving a Case ; Frank Ho
rey, in an Essex ; Jules Ellingboe, in an
ElMngboe special, and F. Myers, driving
a Wisconsin special.
In the agricultural pavilion IS coun
ties, representing every section of Ore
gon, are putting the finishing touches to
their displays. Never before was such
an array and variety of farm, garden
and orchard products set before visitors
to an Ore go ir fair.
From ;the coast lections "Coos. Tina
mook and Lincoln counties are here with
the pick of the products of their respec
tive domains. From Eastern Oregon
Malheur and Union counties have sent
their choicest grain and fruits. South
ern Oregon la represented in the booths
of Jackson and Douglas counties. Was.
co. Morrow and Hood River counties rep
resent the great central section of the
state. The Willamette valley section in
eludes Marlon and Lane counties, each
with a double booth ; Benton county,
(Concluded on Psss Two. Cohnaa Tbrae)
Carrying last minute news to the
thousands of guests who will be at
the Oregon State Fair at Salem this
afternoon. The Journal airplane ex
press left Lewis & Clark field, Port
land, at 12: IS, immediately upon
receipt of its consignment of after
noon editons.
Pilot Fred DuPuy, who carried The
Journal to Pendleton Saturday, where
20.000 persons in the Round-Up stands
saw his arrival high In the atr, piloted
an Oregon. Washington eV " Idaho Air
plane Oriole land plane to Salem today.
It reached the fair grounds at 1 o'clock.
and the papers were given to waiting
carrle ra
Each afternoon during state fair week
the ultimate in news delivery service
will serve Salem visitors. It is prob
able, according to word from the land
ing field, that a different pilot will
make the flight each day.
The Journal's speedy delivery to Pen
dleton became an Interesting feature of
the annual Round-Up, and each day
eager readers awaited the arrival of
the airplane. Hours ahead of other
Portland papers. The Journal waa de
livered at the gates of the Round-Up
park to be received and circulated In
the crowded stands by newsboys.
Heart Disease Is
Assigned as Cause
Of Shipman's Death
-After several hours of investigation,
police and coroner came to the conclu
sion that E. E. Shipman, 7S5 Kelly street
who waa found dying on the sidewalk at
Front and Montgomery streets early to
day, had been stricken with heart dis
ease. The discovery of a fracture of the
akutl led to the earlier opinion that he
may have been slugged or hit-by an au
tomobile. . .
Shipman was taken to the emergency
hospital, where be died without regain
ing consciousness. Deputy Coroner Leo
Goetacb believes the skull fracture was
occasioned by his fall toe ths sidewalk,
Shipman was an employe of the Oregon
Electric railway. A wife and family sur
vives. .. .
Second Hand Cars
Slashed in Chicago
Chicago, Sept 27 U. P.) Prices on
second-hand automobiles were slashed
hers today by many dealers. The bot
tom has fallen out. of the use car mar
ket . one dealer stated. Reductions
range from $250 to 91000, according to
H. 1a Harris, a member of the firm
of vHarrls Rogers.. :.. 1 . .
Bold Must Go
To Prison for
Espionage Act,
Flea Is Denied
Pljeas for leniency from Federal
Judge Wolverton by counsel for V.
W. Bold of Bonanza. Or., were with
out avail in the federal court this
morning, when Assistant United
States Attorney Hall 8. Lusk sought
to have Bold committed to McNeil's
island penitentiary for- violation of
the espionage law. (
Bold waa convicted In the federal court
and sentenced to- la months in prison.
The circuit court of appeals upheld the
decision and has returned Its manaate.
Cnunawi for Bold has made a request
for pardon from the president but the
petitions have not been answered, he
told the court Lusk told the Judge the
attorney general had aoviseo mm not u
make any recommendations until Bold
d at JeMt ,rved tho paroie time in
which is six months.
r. ....... .
Bold is S3 years or age una en kii
llshman. During the war he became a
n,,iaanr in the Klamath Falls country
by always taking the German side In,
the war. The testimony wnicn orougnv
his conviction was mat ne mm w
a vaunt- man from enlisting in tne army.
Bold waa said to have defended the sink
ing of the Lusltania and other Oerman
atrocities. Testimony showed he had
declared the war to be a "Hen man's
war ana a poor mans ngnv
that the United 8tates would 'go oroae
and never pay 2 per cent of her debt."
United States Marshal Alexander will
commission a deputy to take Bold to
the penitentiary this afternoon.
Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 27. (I. N,
8.) Babe Ruth ran his home-run
total to 63 here this afternoon when
he hit home runa in the first and
sixth innings of the game with Phlla
delphia? Rommel was ths victim of
both circuit clouts. In neither case
did the four.ply blows score a runner
ahead of Ruth.
Eugene Girls Held
In Connection With
Passing Bad Checks
San Francisco. Sent'2.--A desire for
pretty clothes led to the arrest here
today of 17-year-old Esther Douglas
and her 15-year-okJ sister-in-law. vir
ginla Douglas, who are wanted tn Eu
gene, Or., on a cnarge oi passing
fictitious check in Eugene.
Edwin Sink, a soldier stationed
Fort McDowell, and who Is engaged to
Esther Douglas, was also arrested on
a charge of passing a fictitious check
In Eugene.
The rirls admitted passing the spurt
ous checks, but Sink said the check he
is accused of paaslng was given him by
a man whose whereabouts he does not
now know.
Eugene, Ore.. Sept 27. Esther Douglas,
sister of Sherman Douglas, and Vir'
ginia, his IS year old wife, under arrest
at Fort McDowell, are charged with for
gery In collusion vith hermaa Douglas.
now in Jail here waiting trial on a stat
utory charge as well as forgery. It is
shown that m'hile Douglas was confined
in Jail the two women managed to pass
worthless checks to the amount of about
70 on local business houses in purchas
ing goods. Following this they passea
a forged check for 230 using the name
and account of Douglas own istner.
Ths husband and brother, Sherman
Douglas, waa arrested in Klamath Falls
some weeks ago after driving a Dorrowea
automobile over the mountains to Bend
and taking with him a15 year old girl
from Springfield.
Park-to-Park Party
Will Be Welcomed
Tuesday Afternoon
Portland's welcome to the national
park-to-park highway official party
will be tendered at the Interstate
bridge at Vancouver it I p. m, Tues
day, where the visitors wiU be met by
the reception committee.
A telegram received by the Portland
Chamber of Commerce today announced
the expected arrival and stated the
party would be at Chehalls tonight.
After the reception at tho Interstate
bridge Tuesday ths party , will be es
corted to the Imperial - hotel, which
will be its headquarters during the so
journ In Portland.
A banquet Tuesday night at the
Chamber of Commerce, a drive over
the Columbia highway with lunch at
Hood River and dinner at the Portland
Automobile club as guests of President
Kinney of the Oregon Motor associa
tion, will feature the entertainment pro
vided for the visitors. , -;
Weyerhaeusers Buy -
Big Tract of timber
Klamath Falls, Sept 27. Timber lands
totaling 40.000 acres, owned by the Hop
kins estate of WlUiamaport Pa., have
been purchased ' by the ' Weyerhaeuser
company. Thirty-three thousand acres
are In Klamath county and 7000 in Jack
son county. More than, a billion feet Is
involved at a price of nearly 12,500,000.
The sale is believed to be part of the
program of Weyerhaeuser, Long-Bell and
Oshkosh timber companies, owners of
9 per cent of the timber on the west
side of Klamath river, to block up bold
Ings preparatory to erection of mammoth
mills In the near futare to manufacture
lumber. - v .1 1 . v n-f -''
emporary Injunction Which Was
Granted Distributors Is Dis
solved; Contract Validity to Be
Considered Later.
Circuit Judge McCourt this morn
ing denied the application for a tem
porary Injunction and vacated, ths
restraining order that was Issued
several weeks ago In the action of
the Oregon Dairymen's Cooperative
league against the Portland milk
distributors. The league sought an
Injunction restraining ths distrib
utors from interfering with the con
tract arrangements between the "
eague and Its members or trying to
induce members to violate such con
tracts. In his opinion, the Judge pointed out
that the plaintiff charged that it was
threatened with Irreparable damage by
the action of the defendanta. The milk
distributors contended that the market-
ng agreements between the league and
its members unreasonably restrain trade
and are, therefore, contrary to public
policy and void. ,
The contention of serious damage was
not sustained by the Judge, who said
that the testimony showed that "not one
of the more than 2000 contracts had been
violated as a result of the defendants'
efforts, but on the contrary, league
members on the whole have become
stronger In their attachment to the -or
Before Issuing an injunction." said
McCourt "the court ought to be fully
satisfied that some right is about to be
destroyed or Irreparably Injured." r ,
It Is not necessary at this stage of -
the case," said the court "to determine
the validity of plaintiffs marketing
agreements. The purpose of ths court
in this opinion is to declare the rules
of law applicable to such agreements
ana to reserve mat aecision until the
final hesrlng of the caW. '
Judge McCourt has had this matter
under consideration sinoe early In Au
gust when the hearing on the applica
tion of the league was held In : his
court At that time several days were
consumed In taking of testimony, the
league attorneys undertaking to show -
that the milk distributors of Portland -were
trying to break up the organise- '
tion of milk producers snd to get pro-
ducers to sell to them directly Instead
of marketing their product through the
league. The distributors contended that , '
they were strictly within their rights
tn undertaking to secure deliveries - of
milk from producers, regardless el ths
activities of the league, and . that there
was no Illegal Interference of business
through their acts, but that the league
Itself set up an attempt Improperly to
restrain trade.
Chicago, Sept. ilOJ. P.) Ths
first game of ths world's series will
be played October S In tho city win
ning the American league pehnant
Chicago or Cleveland ths national
baseball commission, meeting, here
today, decided. ;
Three games will' be played In the
American league city.
The series will then be transferred to
the National league city, where four
games win te played unless 1 one club
wins the series. - -
If an eighth game Is necessary, the
clubs will then go to the American
league city, and If a ninth is required
it win be played in the National leaguo
city. , , . -: v
there is no catch or come
back and the bonbons are
Thomsen's you know what
they are ,wortlu.;'; r ..'
now, folks, tit up close'
. next Thursday 'and Frf.
s : The Journal " will .. jive
away free-' -
one-half pound box of de
licious chocolate bonbons '
. to each person who brings
a "Want" ad to The Journal .
to be run on
Sunday, Oct' 3- vV;':--
. with the cash to pay for ;
, no matter how small the
. advertisement o: ; ' ; .
you get the candy---i A
. if 'you comit- :!
on Thursday; f V.ul
or - Friday ?$? i
afrd the money???, -7 '
- .