The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 26, 1920, Page 7, Image 7

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. V - ,
Government Said, to Minimize
Seriousness of Situation, but
Wholesale Killings Stand Out.
Tribute Voiced in Verse
By Percy Karl
(UnlUd Nw BUff Ooro.pondent)
London. Sept. 25. Anarchy, which
hu . no lonsr threatened to engulf
Ireland, Is one step nearer. If any
thing were needed to bring the
chaotic conditions which have ex-
luted for nwny months throughout
the Island to a crUia, It was only
the reprisals of government troops
against 81nn( Keiners, reports of
which are nov, stirring all England.
The government "s Inclined to mini
mise the;serkune of act such, as tjiat
at Balbrlggan. treating .them as "lncl
. I.. r . . . .
onii, or aa . laoiaiea , instances . or. re
vonKfl on the part of a few men who
have been maddened by the sight of their
murdered comrades. Officials will not
believe that there Is any organization, or
any deliberation about reprisals, and are
quoted as declaring that all these reports
nave oeen greatly exaeerated. ; a
int so-called "blaek and tan" troons.
composed for the most part of former
aoiaiars, ex-oriictala, aviators and dare
devil war heroes, were recruited In Eng
land. ' This is the force which has
ured largely in the reprisals during the
last two weexs.
In 10 days 22 policemen and soldiers
have been killed, and 18 Sinn Falners
have Wet death, according- to the official
reports. In the meantime scores have
been wounded on both sides.
In a specially prepared statement for
the United News, the Irish office admits
that reprUals have taken place, but de
claree that were the offenders have been
detected they have been severely dalt
"Rprtsals," the report says, "have
taken place In only a few Instances.
They are not the result of forethought
or preparation, but o anger caused by
the sight of these men's murdered com
rades. .
"In no case have the police or troops
taken part In an outbreak without' the
direct Incitement created by an outrage
upon one of their number.
"We do not wish to underestimate the
' seriousness of the reprisals. But many
murders have been committed with ths
connivance of civilians who do not them
selves take an active part In the work.
It is therefore suggested that the knowl
edge that this is so has further incited
the police to do damage to the premises
of civilians. ,y,
"Reports that'" women and children
have been driven, out from their homes
are without foundation."
In the meantime there la an apparent
wave of indignation through Bngland at
the destruction of Balbrlggan and the
reprisals In general ' Newspapers are
printing lurid tales of the sacking of that
town, and calling upon the government
to crush such Acts, 'li '
The Evening News! f Of ; "Instance, de
scribes the affair as "never exceeded In
horror by any Incident in the unhappy
history of Ireland." ... .. .
Similarly, the Westminster Gazette
says :
"Unless the government takes stern
and convincing steps, these reprisals
which are. beginning to horrify the world
even more than the crimes provoking
them, will surpass anything that has
gone before. No steps appear to have
been taken to prevent the recurrence of.
the first attack. The government cannot
disclaim responsibility for the behavior
or Its own organised bodies."
Mystery has been added to the murder
of County Councillor Lynch of Lim
erick, who was ahot down in his room at
a hotel in the heart of Dublin, by. re
fusal of the police to allow anyone to
sen the body. One report la that there
Is a large wound, possibly made by a
bayonet thrust.'
Nobody In the hotel has yet been
found 'who would say he heard any
shots fired during Tuesday night, when
the murder took place. The night por
ter told the authorities that "the police"
had first given him information that
Lynch had been shot. It Is believed
that Lynch's death is another In the
series of. reprisals by police. ,
A communique issued Wednesday
night in Dublin clairpsi that the con
stabulary went ;to,th hotels to arrest
Lynch, who was" a leading Sinn Felner,
and that when they entered the bed
room Lynch fired at them. A con
stablthen shot Lynch through the head.
Fire 'Damage $100,000
Stonehanv Mass., Sept. 25. (I. N. S.)
The Byname busine si block was de
stroyed by fire of undetermined origin
today. The loss 'was estimated ... at;.V: -; y -:,.-
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One Old Tramper Bays It; Makes
Him 'Heart Sick to See
. Trail Spoiled.
"If someone should whitewash his
Initials in large letters over the
cliffs at Shepherd's Bell or some
other point on the Columbia high
way, the public wouldn't stand for
It a minute," . declares Vincent
Stroup, a member of the forest
service and an active Mazama, in
speaking of the despoliation of Larch
"Yet the pinnacle of Larch mountain
is no less a public institution than the
cliffs along the highway, and public
sentiment should not tolerate its being
whitewashed with initials.
Similar protests and expressions of
opinion are being made by members of
outing organisations and persons with
a love for the outdoors and Oregon
scenery, and much censure is being
brought to bear upon those who prac
tice destruction on Larch mountain by
tearing down the cabins and felling big
trees, those who disfigure the pinnacle
with whitewash and the trees by carving
initials and those who leave campfires
burning and dirty camps and trails.
"Larch mountain used to be one of my
favorite haunts." said one man, "but
this summer It Just made me heart-sick
to go up there. Somebody has got to do
something if there is to be anything
left on the mountain and if the trail
Is to be a fit path to follow."
- i n " '.. ifTrv-i -i -r- .'.iK .,. 'ir ''i- -i- 'f '- -i""' 'ala TifPrn"" ... ,n ,
Judge Martin L. Pipes, veteran Portland attorney.
Judge Martin L.rPlpes was sentenced
to "thirty years more in the hearts of
his friends" by a distinguished jury
drawn from the bench and bar of the
state which packed the grillroom of the
Hotel Portland on Tuesday last to join
with" him In the celebration of his sev
entieth birthday. .
The Judge's birthday party was a
spontaneous demonstration of the high
esteem and respect in which he is held.,
by the lawyers And. Jurists of the state
with whom and before -whoni he has fol-:
lowed the practice -of hi 'profession in
Oregon for forty years or more. No
member of the Oregon bar has stood
higher In the love and esteem of his
associates, not because of the Innate
courtesy and gentleness of the man
alone, but because of the high standard
he has set for himself in the practice of
his profession and the deep learning
and broad vision he has brought to it.
D. Soils Cohen served as toastmaster
upon the occasion of the birthday lunch
eon. He has long been known and rec
ognized as an orator, the golden tones
and silver cadences of whose periods
could lull the most hardened banqueter
Into satisfied repose, but it has not been
.generally known that he Is a poet as
well. He demonstrated .this fact When
he recited an original poem as a pro
logue to the introduction of the speak
ers at the luncheon and because It was
so apt and .so generally appreciated by
Judge Pipes and his friends gathered on
that occasion, it Is reproduced below
for the perusal of the Judge's friends
everywhere :
AOE3 past lived a man, Martin Luther, whose name
Still travels the years on the trolley of fame
And innocent Infants who enter the world
"Willy-nilly." on all Its vicissitudes hurled
Have been doomed-by fond parents to carry through life
Though they shun and avoid theological strife
That pond'rous cognomen, to smother their hopes
In a diet of worms and digestion of popes.
But once in a while, as the ages glide by
There comes to the world in its yearly supply
Of doctors in posse law, physics, divine
One destined by Fortune so brightly to shine
As to shed added luster on any front name
That a chesty parental may pridefully claim ;
And right here, and now, we have one of the types:
'Tie a stand-off between Papas Luther and Pipes.
He came to the t5outhUinfyjall nature combined
To nurture in sweetness his heart, soul and mind ;
The songs of the woodland, the river's glad flow,
The dreams of the nooks where the lotu.Oeaves grow.
The warmth tit the sun and the bloom ofhe earth
Were as spirits of poesy gracing his birth ;
While the soft, balmy winds through the mlnt-julep trees
Gave the tones of his voice their mellifluous breeze.
Through sunshine and shadow, through life's smiles and tears.
Hp's been looplng-the-loop now for seventy years:
At the bar of that milestone (how few bars are left
hi this land of its liberties sadly bereft.
Tilts country with foresight and hindsight perverted,
I'.v Minerva and Bacchus together deserted)
At the bar of this milestone he's halted at last
To be tried on the brief of his lovable past.
The Jury's complacent, the bench will be mild.
And we'll ail say "Amen" when the Verdict is filed ;
For the sentence will be, when the argument ends.
Give him
Thirty years more in the Hearts of his Friends.
1 mmm 1 ill i
Ifs So Easy to Wash the
Laun-Dry-Ette Way
"Let th Electric Maid Do Your Work
Additional Census
Figures Presented
By Federal Bureau
Washington, Sept. 25. (I. N. S.)
Preliminary population figures were an
nounced today by the census bureau as
follows :
Jackson county, Including Kansas City,
Mo 1920 population, 367,846 ; increase
since 1910, 84,324. or 29.7 per cent
Forest Park, 111., 1920 population, 10,
768 ; increase since 191Q, 4174, or 63.3 per
cent. . ,, .
Paragould. Ark., 1920 population, 6306 ;
Increase since 1910, 1058, or 20.2 per
Yuma, Colo.. 1920 population, 1177; in
crease since 1910, 844, or 253.6 per cent
Pratt. Kan.. 1920 population, 6111 ; in
crease Btnce 1910, 1809, or 54.8 per cent.
Gifts That Last
Diamonds to Keep
or to Give
THE man who buys a gem for himself,
usually buys a diamond; when he
buys for someone else, iiVis certain to be
a diamond!
Aror.son diamonds are standard
, in - quality, yet priced below
normal We share with our
patrons our pre-eminent facili
ties for buying diamonds below
' , importers? prices. - .'. .'
DiamottfsJfrffiUens 'bf dollars to
thousands of dollars .
.Washington at Broadway
Within the stately structures of
steel, concrete and soft-toned
marbles, here built above the riv
er's shore, are resting places' that
will outlive centuries.
Vault Entombment Rives to our
sleeping ones repose unsullied by
the frank brutalities of earth and
extends protection against dese
cration either by man or the ele
ments. We have a booklet
beautifully illvu
trated with views of
the grounds, which
will be mailed to
you upon, request.
III ere Are Omlr T Better TTnyi .
Taalt EitanlraMit Creautlom.
Unsurpassed Values
in the. Finest
and New Fall
Particularly do we call
yor attention to the ex
tremely fine qualities and
the exceedingly low prices
quoted at this wonderful
gathering of the new
season's Silk and Woolen
Dress Goods. Purchases
can safely be made here
with the assurance of com
plete satisfaction in style,
quality and durability, al
though you pay consider-
aoiy less tnan tne same
quality fabrics are sold for
elsewhere. '
Goetz Satins
at $30 Yard
A high class Dress Silk in 36
inch width and shown in all
desirable colors, including black
comes in a fine heavy weave
and beautiful brilliant finish.
Goetz Taffetas
at $2 JO Yard
Another celebrated Goetz
Silk shown in taffeta weave and
every new and staple plain
shade for street wear; also black
a yard wide silk exceedingly
40 Inch Tricolettes
at $3.49 Yard
One of the most favored of
all the new fabrics comes In
the correct plain shades and
black a dependable silk, con
siderably underpriced.
Just Received the New SUk
Come in All Colors
All Wool Tricotine
at $4J95 Yard
A 56 Inch all wool fabric es
pecially desirable for fall and
winter wear comes In a rich
navy blue, in. perfect weave,
and a decided -bargain at the
above price.
42 Inch Granite Cloth
at US 8 Yard
This popular material comes
in navy, taupe, black, Copenha
gen, brown, green, gray, scar
let, cardinal, etc. It is all wool
and 42 inches wide and espe
cially underpriced
Attractively Low
Price and Unlimited
Assortments of
for Fall Sewing
Worthy savings and
pleasing selections await
those prudent women who
visit our popular lace sec
tion at this time. Promptly
we are prepared to supply
your needs for the fall
season in all sorts of desir
able laces. Here are four
special offerings:
Lot One Choice at
5c Yard
A big range of French val
edges and insertions in both the
. round and diamond mesh, also
English torchon, imitation cluny
ana met match in sets.
Lot Two Choice at
10c Yard
Fine vals. imitation crochet
and colonial laces, linen tor.
cttons, narrow venise, imitation
cluny and filet.
Lot Three Choice at
25c Yard
The popular imitation cro
chet and filet cluny in 4 ana
inch widths, both bands and
edges. Normandie Val edges
and bands, 4 and 5 inch widths.
Lot Four Choice at
95c Yard
Venise point laces, the pop
ular imitation venise points for
collars of very good quality,
"The Stor That Underset Because It Sells for Cash
Another' Special Showing of
Pho'ehix Silk Hosiery
The most satisfactory of all high-grade Silk Stockings and the most moderately
priced. All staple' and new shades, both plain and novelties, are in this special
snowing: "
For fineness of texture perfection In fit correct modeling and long service we recommend
Phoenix Silk Hose First you will find them to be satisfactory in every respect and quality for qual
ity priced lower than any other silk hose that we know about.
An Unlimited Selection to Choose From
Phoenix Silk Hose for Women
PAIR for Phoenix Silk
Hose with lisle heel,
toe and garter top, seamless foot
and fashioned back.
PAIR f o r Phoenix
Silk Fiber Hose with
lisle heels, toe and sole. Seam
less, swith new clocking effect.
$9 1 il PAIR f r Phoeftlx
P41U pUre Silk Hose, mock
seam back and seamless foot with
lisle heel, sole, toe. carter top.
PAIR for Phoenix
Pure Silk Hose, with
lisle rib top and lisle heel, toe
and garter top.
PAIR for Phoenix
Pure Silk Full-fash
ioned Hose with lisle heel, sole,
toe and garter top.
PAIR for Phoenix
Full-fashioned Hose,
all silk except 4-inch garter top
PAIR for Phoenix
Outsize Pure Silk
Hose, seamless and with lisle heel,
toe and garter top.
PAIR for Phoenix Out
size Pure Silk Hose,
mock seam, back, seamless foot,
and lists heel, toe and garter top.
QQ 1 C PAIR f o r Phoenix
DtJlJ Outsize Pure S'lk
Full-fashioned Hose, with lisle
heel, toe and garter top.
PAIR for Phoenix
Full-fashioned All-Silk
Hose, with lisle-lined garter top
and lisle sole.
Phoenix Silk Half Hose for Men
at $1JS; at $U5 and at $3J5 Pair
Crepe de Chine
$8.95 to $15
A special showing at this
price range of lace and embroid
ered trimmed styles in flesh and
Turkish Towels
at $1.19
Delicate Plaid and Plain Pat
terns, prettily stamped to em
broider at less than the price of
plain towels.
Underwear for
Union Suits $2.98
Heavy weleht woot-mixed
derby ribbed form-fitting Union
Suits in all sizes 4 to 46, on
sale at $2.98.
Let This Sale Assist You in Securing a
Handsome Fall Suit
At air Attractive Low Price
Choice From the Most Fashionable Materials
Serges Tricotines Check Velours Plain Velours
.Here -are Suits in the very latest fashiorfs- atlraictiveV
becoming, stylish and smart and wnat is more to tne
point, especially low priced. Both straight line and rip
ple effects, beautifully tailored, shown in the above
materials in the most popular colors in sizes 16 to 44.
See these Monday or Tuesday and (JJ1Q AA
choose from the entire assortment at tDTcOUl
Sale of Aluminum Preserving
Kettles and fr-i OQ
Percolators at jj JL .O s
A well known and reliable make of Aluminum Ware espe
cially underpriced for this sale, Both 8 and 10-quart Preserv
ing Kettles and 6-cup Coffee Percolators of good J"t QQ
weight. This sal st only DXOi7
200 Household
Brooms at 69c
A good medium size Broom, made
with smooth varnished handle and four
rows of stitching. )
A Bargain at Ut
The Most Fashionable Models In
Rengo Belt
Reducing Corsets
$3.95 Pair
In This
Great Sale at.
Sizes 19-20.21-22-23-24-25-26 only. We were over generous In our
purchases and have too many of these excellent selling middle sizes in stock,
hence this special and unusual price reduction. You know the quality
of these wonderful corsets,1 you know the special double watch spring
boning the double weight coutii and extra reinforcements, the three Inch
width steei-elastic back and front reducing features. You have all heard
the praises for these remarkable models, the smart fitting qualities, the
indisputable high rank and popularity among the trade. You know of our
Gilt Edge Guarantee on each and every personal sale. Models Nos. 319-317-323-221-219
and M. M. all go without restriction, slies 19-20-21-22-23-24-25-26.
We also include nine of our highest price R. & G., Merito
and Calma. Back and Front lace models In the best grade, Silk Brocades.
Save from 33 1-3 to 70 per cent. Do not delay. None ex- dQ QP
changed. Choice from all this sale at tDOUU
72x82-Inch Cotton Blankets $3.48 Pair
They Come in White, Tan and Gray
Heavy White ,
at 50c Yard
4 36 Inches Wide
A very fine quality.
3 Yds. for $1.00
Plain Colors and
Fancy Styles.
All Our
Percales on Sale
3 Yds. for $1.00
Both Light" and
Dark Colors . f
Zephyr Ginghams, Plain Colors and Plaid Styles at, Yard. 651
Stote Clotet
at 6 1 30 P.M. '
'Saturdays '
at 6 P. ill.
Our Storm
Now Opens
at 9 A.M.
both white ana creamy
; The Most in ValueThe Best in Quality