The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 26, 1920, Page 40, Image 40

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MISS DOROTHY .GREENE, daughter "of , Mr. and' Mrs.
-ThorrWG. Greene who left the city recently to attend
Stanford -university. Miss Greene makes her home in
Piedmont at 337 -Jrtsup-street.
f id 4u T
Hiiiiii.iIiwwiiw.imiiiihwiiwiw grjrgj nmn i m
Annual Ball of
Afifi Patrol to
Be Big Affair
A MUCH anticipated affair l the an
nual ball to be Riven by the Afifi
patrol and Shrine club of Vancouver,
Wash., which, will be held at. the Mult
nomah hotel Wednesday evening:, Oc
tober 20. The dance will be formal and
the guest will Include Shriners only.
During the Imperial ceremonial at Port
land thla Bummer the Vancouver Aflfl
patrol was formed from members of
the Vancouver Shrine club.. The ball U
the first annual event to be given by this
organization and Is anticipated as an
affair of unusual Interest.
... .
MJss Laura Hamblet. whose marriage
to Fred Breske will be an event of Ote
tobcr 2, has been the recipient of many
social attentions since the announcement
of her engagement. Last Friday Miss.
Mabel Weed was hostess at a luncheon
of eight covers, followed by a bridal
shower for Miss Hamblet. Wednesday
Mrs. Claude V. Bowman presided .at a
luncheon at the Priscllla tearoom, Meier
& Frank's, for Miss Hamblet, which was
followed by an Orpheum party for which
Miss Kdla Wallln was hostess. Friday
Mrs. Thomas Emory entertained with
a tea for Miss Hamblet.
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Hyland and
her daughter. Miss Constance Hyland,
have taken a house at 60 East Twelfth
street for the winter months. Mrs.
Hyland and her daughter have recently
returned from an extended visit in Chile
and Bolivia with Mr. and Mrs. Luis
A belli (Crystal Hyland).
Miss Broughton
Honor Guest at
Several .Affairs
whose marriage te Allan C. Hop
kins will be an event of Monday evening,
waa the guest - of honor Wednesday at
a luncheon for which Mrs. Harold
Broughton was hostess at her home at
St. Helens. Guests for the occasion in
cluded Mrs. George Broughton, Mrs.
Walter Durham. Mrs. J. F. Hopkins,
Miss Marian Heed. Miss Ruth Cushlng.
Miss Florence Knapp. The party motored
out to St Helena for the affair. Thurs
day afternoon Mrs. Ormond Rankin pre
sided at a tea for Miss Broughton and
Friday evening1 Miss Florence Kna,pp
was hostess for a dinner lor Miss
Broughton and her fiance at her at
tractive home in Willamette boulevard.
Guests for the affair included the mem
ber of the bridal party.
The wedding will take place at the
First Congregation church at 8 o'clock,
Dr. William T. McEWeen officiating.
Miss Broughton has chosen for her
bridal attendants Miss Marian Read,
who will be maid of honor, and Miss
Florence Knapp and Miss Ruth Cushlng,
who will attend her as bridesmaids.
Charles Lembke, who was In service
with the bridegroom during the war
period, will come from Albuquerque,
N. M.. to be his attendant.
The ushers will be William Simmons,
Arthur Lee, Frank Davis and Major
Edward C. Simmons.
An event of interest among G. A. R.
people was a surprise party given for
Commander C. W. Gausline of General
H. B. Compeon post No. 22, O. A. R.,
last week. About 40 friends of the com
mander, laden with good things to eat.
assembled at his home, 1602 Olin street,
Tuesday afternoon, on the eightieth an
niversary of his birth. The guests ranged
In age from the great granddaughter of
the commander, who is not quite a year
old, to a comrade who has passed the
eighty-ninth milestone. Gifts were pre
sented, after which dinner was served.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Squire announce
the birth of a son, who arrived Septem
ber 1C. The baby will be called Edward
Noonan. Mrs. Squire before her mar
riage was Miss Mlzae Noonan. She is a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Noonan of
Miss Gertrude Moule, who has been
the guest of her aunts, Mrs. John Ross
Dickson and Mrs. L. Ward White, for
several weeks, left Wednesday for her
home in Phoenix, Ariz. Miss - Moule
was extensively entertained during her
visit In Portland.
Mrs. William E. Nelson will entertain
the Rose Social club at her home, 692
East Irving street, Friday. The mem
bers of Oregon Rose camp. Royal Neigh
bors of America, are invited to be
General and' Mrs. Benjamin Alvord and
their son, who have been guests at the
Dome of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Al
vord, left for their home in San Fran
cisco last week.
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Gilman have left
Portland for the east. They will spend
a short time in New York and Wash
ington, D. C. They expect to be absent
about five months.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer L. Moller of Hood
River were week end guests of Mrs.
Moller's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
G. Oberteuffer, at the Wilmar apartments.
Miss Jean Mackenzie has returned tot Columbia Beach. Sept. 25. Mr. and
Portland from Vancouver, B. C, where , Mrs. H. H. Ingalls and Mrs. Tryer,
she has been the guest of friends for
several weeks.
prominent business people of Portland
and A. D. Dodge, superintendent of the
Indian reservations and two Indian
schools at Neah Bay, Wash., have been
spending several days at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. George EffJer of Columbia
Beach. -Many motor trip -were made
during their visit, but owing to the In
clement weather several Jaunts had to
be abandoned. Sunday last they
motored to Plavel. Saturday last Mr.
and Mrs. .Milton York, accompanied by
Miss Jennie Browning of Portland, called
at Columbia. Beach en route for Seaside.
They bad Just crossed from Long Beach,
Wash. Mrs. York Is the daughter of
Mr. and Mm Joseph' Stevenson, who
lived at Fort Clatsop over 40 years ago.
The party motored as far as McGowan
last Friday, from Long Beach, and
made the crossing to Astoria the same
evening In -a terrific storm. Their car
was placed on a scow and towed by a
small lug.
The women's auxiliary of the Brother
hood of Locomotive Engineers was en
tertained last Friday afternoon with a
progressive luncheon at the homes of
the officers of the organisation. The
hostesses for the occasion were Mrs. A.
E. Curtis, Mrs. O. Edlund and Mrs. W.
A. Anderson. The members gathered
at the home of Mrs. A. E. Curtis and
the luncheon progressed to the homes
of those named. Throuchout the'after
noon plans for the future welfare of
the organization were outlined. There
were 43 members present. The next
regular meeting of the orgcnizatlon will
be held in the club rooms of the Alisky
building, Monday.
Kelso, Wash., Sept 25. Miss Bernice
Ely and Captain T. Dinsmore Upton
were married at Muskegon. Mich., Sep
tember IS. The bride grew to woman
hood in Kelso, graduating from Kelso
high school. Her father was the late
W. P. and her mother is Mrs. Mellle
Ely Roach of Eugene, Or. She attended
the universities of Washington and Ore
gon and BeUlngham normal, graduating
from the latter. She was a teacher in
the local public schools, entering news
paper work at Puyallup and finally becoming-
associated with the Ellison
White Chautauqua circuit, on which
Captain Upton was a lecturer. They
will make a wedding trip to Australia.
Misses Bettie and Susie Michael were
hostesses at a pretty shower Monday In
honor of Miss Pearle Leibo, a popular
young bride-elect. The color scheme of
red was tastefully carried, out in the
decorations of autumn foliage, flowers
and gaily colored lights. Music and
dancing were the features of the eve
ning. A supper was served at a late
hour. Over a score of young folks were
present. Miss Leibo'a marriage to
Maurice M. Brown of Patterson, N". J..
will be an event of this afternoon. The
wedding will be solemnized in the rose
parlors of the Benson hotel, the Rev.
R. Abrahamson officiating.
Milton. Sept. 25. Miss Helen Marie
Dakln, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. H.
Dakln or North Milton ana uiuara u.
York, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse York,
were married September 22 in Pendleton.
The marriage took place In the Christian
church and the Rev. Bussabacker was
the officiating clergyman. A wedding
supper was served at the bride s home
Mr. and Mrs. York left for a honeymoon
trip to Portland. After their return they
will make their home in Milton.
Miss Madge Calkins of Eugene and
Miss Elolse White of this city have been
visitors for a brief period in Island City,
where they are guests at the home of
Miss Leta Kiddle. The three young
women will enter the University of Ore
gon this year.
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Hubaeh are
receiving congratulations on the arrival
of a daughter, born September 4, which
they are to call Dorothy Barbara. Mrs
Hubach will be remembered as Dorothy
Bess Terry-
Miss Alice Waldron of this city, who
recently returned from Boston, has as
sumed her duties in Salem as school
librarian and is making her home with
the family of Justice Charles A. Xohns.
Scout Young auxiliary No. 3, United
Spanish War Veterans, will give a card
party at its rooms, 623 Courthouse, Tues
day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock.
Month-End Millinery, Fur and
Umbrella Sale
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
One of the well-known Wonder Millinery events
that is attended in great numbers by economical women
that know style.
100 Charming 1 O C A
Trimmed Hats M1Z.DU
The charm of the new Autumn Millinery is ex
pressed in these too bjts at $12.50.
The cleverly fashioned semi-tailored and dress hats, whether it be
. , ' the large hat with a touch of brighter color in the facing or trim
ming, Qr the smaller, close-fitting hat effectively irimmed with the much-demanded ostrich feathers
All colon tUrbm WUb thC Smart ,Ct Pi" A', are SiIk VC'Vet' SOmC Panne and Lyon$ c,"t-
250 Tailored Hats $6.95
How to
Save $50
At Our Month-End
Sale in the
Fur Department
This opportunity . is yours on fur
coats. If you are thinking of a
lur.c5aVyour chance Is now. Just
to introduce our fur coats, -we have
selected 50 coats from our stock
IV?"' ln Price from ,200 to
:.T And the one you select
will cost you ISO less than the
original price which is lower! than
can be bought elsewhere. Don't
miss this opportuntiy. . .
Reductions on all fur pieces.
of Hatters' Plu.h and Zibilene
Faced With V.lret
We have selected these 250
hats from our regular stock and
the price was formerly 7.50 to
A Very Special Misses' and
Children's Item.
Beaver Hats$4.95
Large, medium and small with
ribbon trim. All colors.
50 Rain Sticks Only
Month-End Sale Price $10
.These umbrellas are 112.50, 13.S0 and 15:00, and you must
?U in PortUndv so why not carry. out JAU is beautiful
which originally was much "ii-v:
higher priced, and because of
our month-end ii . win
- - " 1
you but lio.oo?
;w A11 handles, tips and fer
rules are bakelite.
Myles Ward Are
Quietly Wedded
rpHE marriage of Miss Verna Brady
JL - and Myles Ward of Seattle waa qui
etly solemn I sed Saturday evening at
S :J0 o'clock at the Eldredge apartments,
the home of the bride, the Rev. F. E.
DuBols officiating". The bride Is a
Washington high school girl and a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Brady
of this city. Mr. Ward ia a Delta Sigma
Delta man and has been attending col
lece at the University of Oregon. At"
the wedding little Jean, a niece of the
bride, was ' flower .girl. Mrs. Davie
played the wedding march and Allison
Enrlght sang the bridal hymn. Miss
Dorothy Gllfillam and Miss Alice Cady
were bridesmaids. The bridegroom's at
tendant was Perclval Davis. Following
a honeymoon at the beach, Mr. and Mrs.
Ward will make their home In Portland.
Miss Maude Decker and Rosmus A.
"Wetxr were united in marriage at the
home of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Heath. One Hundred and
Nineteenth street and Base Line road.
Wednesday evening. The wedding ser
vice waa read by Rev. John Parsons be-
fpre an assembly of close friends and
relatives of the bridal party. Miss Mar
garet Austin acted as bridesmaid and
Albert Johnson was best man. Jaunlta
Burdick was flower girl and Helen
Decker carried the ring. Charles Heath
gave the bride in marriage. The. wed
ding march from "Lohrengrin" was
played by Mrs. Charles Decker. Mrs.
Ralph Burdick sang "I Love You Truly."
The bride's gown was beaded white
georgette trimmed with silver lace, and
the full wedding veil u worn. The
bouquet was of white rosebuds. ' The
bridesmaid's gown was pink georgette
and she carried a bouquet of pink roses.
Supper was served following the cere
mony. Mr. Weber served in France with
the A. E. F. Mr. and Mrs. Weber will
reside at their suburban home on the
Canyon road near Portland.
Miss Frances C. Tousey. daughter of
Mrs. Sarah Tousey and of the late'J. K.
Tousey, was united in mariage- with J.
Howard Higgins of Fossil at the bride's
home, the Rev. H. H. Farnham officiat
ing. In the presence of a company of
relatives and friends. The bridal chorus
from "Lohengrin" was played by Miss
Flora Mae Rose, who sang during the
ceremony, "I Love You Truly.' Follow
ing the ceremony was a reception at
tended by about 50 guests. Refresh
ments were served, those assisting being
Miss Jessie Laird, Miss Erma Brown,
Miss Evelyn Stannard. Mrs. Joe Cunz,
Mrs: O'Rourke and Mrs. Nina Peabody
of Tacoma. The bride is a graduate of
the Jefferson high school and of the
state normal school at Monmouth and
has been teaching in the Portland pub
lic schools. The bridegroom was in serv
ice overseas in the world war.
Freewater, Sept. 25. Mrs. Lloyd
Thomas was the hostess last evening at
a "500' party. There were five tables.
Mrs. Earle Rowe won honors at cards. .
Recent visitors at Mount Hood Lodge
were Mr. and Mrs. Wells Gilbert and
children, who motored up for the week-end.
Winslow Mead circle No. 7., L. of G.
A. R., will serve lunch Monday at room
525 courthouse. Loretta Rogers Wil
liams will be honor guest.
The Daughters of Isabella held a so
cial meeting Tuesday evening in honor
of Grand Regent Genevieve Ryan and
Vly Grand Regent Mr. W. J. Kelly In
the Cathedral. haU. , Approximately. W.
members were present and guests) .of
tit evening war the Rev, Joseph Hee
sacker of St. Marys, Beaverten, the Rev.
P. Lelpsig of Sheridan, Mr.-and Mia 8.
J. Gorman and Messrs. 'P. J. Hanley.'B.
Coffey and A. B. Cain. Choice baskets
of flowers made up in the, court colors
were presented as tokens of apprecia
tion for the splendid work at ih Beach
House to Mrs. Kelly and Miss Ryan and
s. few words of thanks were spoken by
each. Mr. Gorman, who has donated a
large tract of land' on the ' Columbia
river highway to the Catholic organisa
tions of Portland, during a short talk,
made formal presentation of av site 4o
be used as a summer home by the
Daughters of Isabella. As a mark of
appreciation, a charming basket of -flow,
era and honorary membership In the
order were presented Mrs. Oorman. Mrs.
Gorman will be the first honorary mem
ber In the history of the court. A few
remarks were mads by Fathers Hee
sacker and Leipzig on the splendid work
of the court and Father Heesacker. ex
pressed his thanks ln the names of , the
sisters and orphans at Beavefton s for
the gymnasium apparatus given' .the
boys last Christmas. Mr. Hanley. who
has done much to assist the daughters
In carrying out the jr work, assured the
court that .the ' Knights of . Columbus
would be in back of them In. every un
dertaking and furthermore said that, the
Daughters of Isabella would be the only
organisation privileged to ' use their
council chamber in - the new. ouuoing.
Other features of the evening's program
were violin selections by Frances
Sehneiderjost, vocal solo by Aurella
Frans. and a piano solo by Martha Van
Hoomissen. .
Mr. and Mrs.' Horace Armtahaw, ac
companied by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Arml
i.haw have returned after a five month'
tour abroad, during which they visited
With relatives In. England and. toured
France. Holland and Belgium. They
also spent a -week in New York as
guests of their sister, Mrs. Raymond
Miss Dorothy Feenaughty, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. W. o. reenaugnty ei
Rose City Park, left the city Saturday
for Crlcago where 'aha will attend the
Stafrett school for girls. Mise Fee
naughty is one of Portland's charming
daughters . and has a wide circle of
friends In the city. This is her second
year at the Starrett school. (
George Wright post No, 1. G. A. R.,
and Relief corps No. 2 will Join In cele
brating the birthday anniversaries of
their members which came In April,
May, June, July, August and September
with a dinner at o'clock at 615 court
house, Wednesday.
A Portland boy who left the city last
week for Eugene to enter the state uni
versity waa Wilbur Carl, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Goorga Carl of 1125 Alblna avenue.
This will be his junior year at the unl4
versitry. f
Musical Circles
jpARDS are out for a reception to be
V given Monday flight honoring Mr.
and Mrs. Frans H. Arena, at the home
of the Misses Helen, and Evelene Cal
breath at H0 Belmont street. Dr. and
Mra.,,J.'F. .Calbreath. parents of the
hostess, and Mrs. Irwin Griffith. ' will
assist Im the receiving line.
The affair Is of wide interest ln social
and musical circles and win assemble
more than 100 friends of the guests of
honor, . who ar each ' year in the
city- for a brief visit , between ' seasons.
Mr. Arena is tne house guest of Dr. and
Mrs. Calbreath intli October 18. with
Mrs,' Arens.he will return to his home
es j,
In .New York city, later to resume his
work with his students. , y
. At the supper hour those who will pre
side In the dining room will be' Mrs. A.
S. Kerry, Mrs. John F. Duly, Mrs. Homer
Ooehler. Mrs. Charles II. Tlndale, Mrs.
Hugh Williamson and Miss Clarlsum
Wiley. : Assisting about the rooms will
. . . . Ml, . , i m
Rtnehart, Miss Katherlne Short, and
Miss Florence Johnson. The hour are
from to 11 o'clock.
Miss Nana Seeley of this city Is a vis
itor In Medford at the home of Miss II
Walker and will also visit Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Orover at Ashland.
i . T
Mrs. James H. Cellars of Astoria ifhd
Mrs. Carlton Allen and Miss Zoe Allen
are Visiters In the city at the home of
Mr, and Mrs. George B. Cellers.
r "r.
Mr, and Mrs. Frank A. Vincent of n
North' Twenty-third street announce the
birth ota on born to them September 11.
Misi Truth Terry left for Eugene Fri
day to enter ,tho University of Oregon.
Is "
if ii mm '
" ,
' Sales "
. .. .
The entire satisfaction of every customer
is the ' firsts service of this institution.
Our definition of satisfaction is at all
times to see that prices are right
Same in
Mrs. Mary Reel will be hostess at the
next sewing meeting of George Wright
Relief Corps No. 2 Friday from 18 to S
o'clock at her home. SO East Thirty-first
Mrs. R. B. Rogers.' who is the guest
of Mrs. George McPherson at Waverley
Country dub, was hostess for a luncheon
at the clubhouse Friday with covers laid
for 1 gnesta.-;.;'
Miss Ella Saarl of Laurelhurst has
left the city for Boston, where she will
enter the Mount Ida school for girls.
Mrs. B..E. Duncan of Idaho is a guest
at the home of her sister, Mrs. A. H. Mo
Curtain in Laurelhurst
Very Much in Style
Navy, Blue Hose Silk
$1.50 a Pair
Knight Shoe Company
Down Stairs Dept.
342 Morrison, Near Broadway
Eastern Fashions Reflect High Quality,
Variety and Moderate Price
But Perhaps Credit
Interests You Most
Authentic styles, dependable quality,
courteous service, and pleasing atmosphere
have built up our business backed by
"cheerful credit." Not content to make
it easy for you to : BUY, we also make it
easy for you to PAY. Any man or woman
who respects his obligation (and years of
experience have taught lis that almost
everyone is truly honest) is given credit
at the Eastern. Charges for the rest of
the month go on November bills.
There's Nothing
About These Suits
Real individuality is what the
well dressed woman wants in
her suit that's why so many
come here to buy it. Youth
itself speaks in the trim, slim
lines of the varied models
displayed here. Ripple backs,
straight - line , effects, ,up-to-the-ears
convertible collars
(in the better suits they're of
luxurious fur), embroidery,
buttons and novel touches,
lend charm and "character. A
splendid group at $75.
Captivating Is the
Display of Hats at $15
The tailored, woman will rejoice in
a distinctive' assortment of sailors
of hatters' plush, beaVer and velvet.
For dress-up duvetynand velvet
announce their readiness with
feathers, wings, ribbons, gay em
broideries and metal ornaments.
You'll enjoy trying, them on!
Washington Street at Tenth
The Gray-Tile Corner
Dresses That Are
Smartness Plus
never were one-piece trocVs
so delightfully chic, no mat
ter whether one chooses a
straight-line navy tricotine
with low waist eff ect and
modish embroidery or a sleek
black satin, its panels or
pleated t u n ic.accenting its
newness. Our selection com
prises so many v lovely mate
rials, so many col or7 and
styles that you really should
see them to appreciate the
variety. ' Yon should see-the
assortment at $49.50.