THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, FUKTL.ANIJ, aunuiiT MUKPilWU, SEPTEMBER 26. 1920. AUTOMOBILES AWD ACCE890BTESJ AUTOMOBILES AI ACCE8BOBIE8 44 AUTOMOBILES A1TD ACCE8SOBIES 44 AUTOMOBILES A1D ACCESOBIES 44 AUTOMOnM E MO 4fTESS0BIES 4t AUTOMOBILES AWD ACCESSOBIES 44 AUTOMOBILES ATTP ACCEHOBlErMj '"-150 used .ford AUTOMOBILES AXP ACCESSOBIES 44 IN FACT THfT ARB BKtNG ALMOST GIVEN AWAY Now. 1 1 .Ml" $J73 $115 $-'?3 $35 J 91 6 mitn, touring 1919 FORD, toaritig 101 FORD, light delivery... S:w' riiec'l $225 hit roRD bug. uioroughir nyerhsaUd "frr,? 11 FORD, rosdrternelirery . 1918 FORD, medster , , With nstnrsl w.d wheels and demountable rim; -No" glare lent; wishbone llW"n...,. ml ix1 .Meld cleaner . - FORI), tonrtng iii'i 1918 FORD, during 1?.k jOin FORD, touring J'' JO IT FORI', touring J 'J J918 FORD. r.dlrr 1916 FORD, delivery ,. Jj JI17 FORI. r.l't-r-'i'I J7n J918 FORD, touring rl-. 1C1H FORI). mrt Irui-li chassis $350 1017 Fold), light delivery 265 Jftlli FORI), roadster $525 I1 1 I'dlil', louring ......... $295 KlltlJ. sedan With Ford rtarter, de airrhwn'abUt rims, epeedn- neter, large steering wheel, m-itor driven born and with bin support $9.10 1917 Iiillli, rnedsler With external brakes, ry rlrne water pump; inUn sifler $285 1918 FORD, touring With speedometer and Hoard, ahock alieorhera. in temifier, anti-rattlers, sniMe Iron truss rod, foot aecchr ior, tool Nil, No-glste It n, i electric Uil light and wish bone supirt $045 1B20 l Olil". awUn W ith Ford starter, demount able tlmi, sieedometer, brand no spire tire mount . ed foot accelerator and ' eihaust whistle 1975 1119 FOUD, roadster With speedometer and board, (para Ura carrier, foot accelerator, pedal di, elec.trlo tail liflU ef.r.O 191 FORK, delivery $333 1914-1019 KORl, truck chas-is 4 With food rubber, It If chassis and 1019 motor block $323 191T FORD BUG, brand Dew body $3110 1914 FORI), roadster $325 1818 tflHD, touring With Gray a Davie tart- er; natural Wood wheels, de- ( mountabla rims, speedometer and board, spare tire, spare tiro currier, llaaeler ahock absorbers, . bacuura gasoline feed, two epot light, danh Hirht. mufricr cot rmt, ie1 al ada, tool box. wish bona iiipport, antl-raltlen, wind fthild wiper, elertrlo aide and tail light, atnrage bat- trry, whistle- $650 1920 KOHI), touring With Ford .starter, epeedom- etrr, demountable r I m a, hoik abaorbrra, auto cloik, dash liillit, gptt lieht. tire carrier and wUh bone anp- port $78B W0 FORD, oimpe With Ford atarter and de moutxtalile rime. Tliia ier it , alin i't new Spec'l 1020 KOHL), tour,ini With Ford sUrter. de mountable rlrriK. spare time nv untint, aiierilomcter. rlu k erintieri. 1'rrry Klwrinj wh.-c lock. it Hclit, danli liglit. foot accelerator, 1 edei pads and wih bone $4.'.0 5 $3 '.1 5 $4 S MS 30 $335 $3 HO $1'5 $275 -l2! $47.1 $J15 $795 $2ti3 $46 $s:.o $4A3 $'JUS $25 $7fi $2i3 $350 $H4.' $775 nptwirt $795 $U45 EASY TEEMS IF YOU WANT A I'SKD FOR H JO TO A I SHi Ftlltli UlilSK UoSvcrsali. Car Exchange is i-i Foitn.s Kxfi,i;im.- lirar:!! ivp .nnd K. Ysmiiili t.t. Ofcn Stimlais ami Krcnitiira iahck sto' K ;i;nt ini: kqhu parts C Go BLEASBALE Term5No Brokerage We have on hand at a!! tomes a commirslcte Oine off a ji i n r stfflnuanl makes 01 cmrs. FORD tmiring $ 300 MAXHFM, chaivis. 1918 375 MAXWF.LL touring, 1817 $ 375 FORD delivery $ 400 MTITDKRAKKR touring $ .51) i llKVUOI.KT roadnter S 4L-3 sn Hi;HAKER. 7 473 .MAXWELL,. 1918 roadster $ CM ' IIF.VROI.KT. 1911) touring f.73 FORD coupe $ ',7 3 Ium;k touring ...$ M75 OVFUIND, modol 90 $ Tun OVKRLAND. model 4. 1020 05o LIKIiRT.Y SIX $ 075 OAKLAND. 1919 $1100 COMMONWEALTH, 1920 $1373 MONROK 1020 ..$1475 CHANDLKR $11150 COLE "8" $1025 Many other cars to ce lect from. Open Sundays evennngs. Go BLEASMIE 530 ALDER ST. wy. 11852. $3m PULLMAN STUDEBAKER SEDAN A wonderful opportunity to buy a Stude baker sedan. In perfect condition. Haa fira ard Ursa and msny extras. A specially built body tn Pullman styla. .8 cats con vert ih;. Into hevl. twlally adapted for touritif. ThU car was left her for of to seil. the present owner hsvlng rnircnad brand new King "8 ' llmooiltn with or ders to sell the Studebsker atany price. In order to move this car at once we hava ap praiacd it at $1200 with the privilege of paying $300 cash and the balance in 10 equal installments. Here is a real oppor tunity. Coma lo and tea tin car at 128 North Broadwa. op p. new poatotfice. AT THE COVET MOTOrt CAB COM PA SX 1'fUNT Recalls we hire rfialerfaH rtdilced oar prie nn nwd motor cars la ne reason for one to beiicra flat tberw haa been 'any reflation on our part toward tin rebuilding and refinMimg of tnee can ao aa to pre sent the highest poaaibja salin. It a jiter aa neeeaaar for . n to Bell ii'ed ears at tills time1 of year aa any other, otir buoinem l no loner a seasonable one. It ia otilte tpe. Tliia being U ia and coupled with the known fsct that neH pco ple buy their earn in the si,rinc awd sum mer, we find it neceary at this time of year to niaka our prices mi attract) that a rnnsrrrativ buyer vaitl immediately take advantage of our offcringa. NOW 18 THE TIME TO BUT TOTJB CAR. Buy now on eay terms and bar It paid for by sprint. Buy otily the be-t from a dealer who bold jpur confidence. norx;E brothkrb motor cabs ncbmlt. Refintshed and Reconably Priced. 1H Touring $1150 1918 Touring , 1917 Touring . lftlo Touring . J 01 ftondtcr 1916 Iloaditcr 975 925 730 973 750 1919 rnKtlOt.KT JVIiriry. in fine sliale 600 1917 MAXWKM. lellry. ucielly priced 325 1914 OVKHfANI Oclieery specially Priced 300 New 3 ton 'irahfim Brrw. truck, C'aI- Wbc cnjr'ne. np-vinllr priced 1200 191 ('HF.VHOI.ET Touring, in ex cellent -hape 600 1918 FORD SEDAN, electric rUrt er. Jiit out of paint ahon f00 1017 FORD Touring, specially priced 400 1915 ford Tminug. 1U17 radUtor, corwl s)iHie 300 Foltl) III i;. fine almpe. .well design 400 1919 OVERLAND 90 Touring, spe- ci.-.llv prtc 650 1917 MAXWLI.I, Touring. iiiecUlly priced 350 1917 HKO Itoadatf'r. -beauty, iiritl- It priced 750 1911 liL'O Tuiring, excellent me dia meal condition, slanting wind ilrl'i, 1 man trap, plato luck, furtJiiiM open with door, specially priced 4 00 19 HI Ill'IC'K 6, rebuilt, ai)cjilly Priced 950 1913 CADll-l-AC. old reliable, for nrrice ear 400 1918 rilANDI.F.R Touring. fine W iring car. wcrtli $1600, specially Priced 1250 19L'(t fUAVDLKR Diiatch. driven hut SIIKI milc. was this year's sliow car 2000 1918 PAIE Hnlan. left for sala; t!iis ia certainly a wonderful buy. . 2100 10IH COLK S. real snappy looklnit and excellent alnpe. spceTily priced 975 1919 FrtAXKI.IN Touring, little iK-fid be said regarding uch a car. 2100 1918 STI DlCBAtU 6. new paint, new U)P, fine shape, specially tried .io STl'DKRAKKR Koad'ter, 4 cylinder 450 CA DILI-ACS Owing to the evident readjustment of mnnfa'-turinf and hiping conditions, we have every reason to believe fiut the acuta shoruge in Cadillac Muti r Cur will be soon relieved. No ss to dipow of our most excellent stock of rehMilt and reftni-hed cam prepar atory to mihinir more Iradii on new buJ we have matrrtally reduced the prlrta on these cars. You are due to receive nn" of the grcnt surprises of -your life r. lien you carefully insiert the cars, which repiesent thn utmost in this romian's refiufslilng ability, and realize that ihey may be purchased at so low a figure. It Is possible that Diese price will be maintained only while our preent stock renianu intact. COVET MOTOR CAR CO. 21ST AND WASH. MAIN' 244. SOME AMICE to USED CAR BUYERS ffil cnr.!".':,! .c1 It ii true that thi:4 has been tlie experience i "' Kri-f rnjny u-il car purchasers but not : The fact h. rr dki-exds. wos whkke I Hit; Ilt'Y YOl'l! I SKD CAR. A big having ; csti usually le ma'ie in buying a ucd car if a bttle discretion i uaed as to where you buy it. The fet way is to place Tour confidence in a well known and reliable dealer who sells a popular and successful uwke of new car. The used cars sold by such firms can be depended npon for several reason They will not take in s u-ed car to sell a;ain that U beyond giving nlisfactory service to a future buyer. They f'.rure that iird car buyer. wiil noon be nrw car purcha-ers, and ni?li to retain their confi dence. Anonc the legitimate rir dealers of Portland, oue of the lwt known and ssfest places lo buy a dependable used car is at the COOK & CILL CO., who are distributors of the highly popular "lAKiF. H." Many good u ed Paiges and other cars of rood makes in late models are beinu M;ld by this firm for their mU,njer. who are buying new Paiges. j YOU WILL MAKE I NO MISTAKE If von buy a nenewed Paise 0. A renewed Paiee car will give you all the satisfaction and strvice that you can get in any new car. in I omiariton to the differcnee in nrice Vw f. i r"--. Paiges cost 2300, renewed ones are $1200 I 1 for litis, and $1.".00 fcr 1919 models. Thee i cars are renewed in every sense of the word I I norouehly (tint superficially) overhauled, and i bilih grade paint jobs. Other bargains may be had at all time. For comidete list of cars, write, call or telephone to I i- Argo. manager or l.jea Car Dept. COOK & GILL CO., Inc. 11th and llurnide sts.. Portland. Or. Select One off the Following Used Cars, Guaranteed as -resented Stephens, model 86, blue; like new. Model 84 Stephens, blue ; perfect. Stephens, model S3, coupe; just new. Htephcns. model SS.edan; run 7O00 milea. 1917 Cadillac S, cord Urea, new paint and top. 4 90 Chevrolet, very cheap. 1918 Olila 8 raoemaker, new paint 1918 Rtndebaker Six, bargain. T pass.; a real Molina Knight chummy, roadster, Ttrj cheap. Cadillac bug. $100 down will handle. IvJi;( roadster at $ barjiia. We will accept cheaper ears aa part pay ment on any of the above can and (jra terms on balance. Ha tra .Eton Auto Co. 91 N. 6IXTH ST. COR. EVEKETT. Broadway $808. OPEN SUNDAYS 'a-D EVENINGS. WE BEAT HENRY TO IT Last Sunday We Announced a Reduction in Used And All Other Late Model Used Cars Visit Our 28 Per Celt Off SALE Our prices have passed the bargain stagethey are at the Give Away stage THE TIME TO BUY IS NOW LISTEN TO THESE PRICES Paige Light Six Was .SI 075 Now Less 20 per ct. $860 Oakland Light Six - Was $800 Now Less 20 per ct. S640 Chandler Chummy Was 512.50 Now Less 20 per ct. $i!000 Studebaker Six Was $700 Now Less 20 per ct. $560 1920 VeSie Most New Was $1900 Now Less 20 per ct. $1620 Mitchell Light Six Was $1075 Now Less 20 per ct. $860 Maxwells Chevrolets OverSands Fords 20 Per Cent Off THE TIME TO BUY IS NOW en Sundays and Evenings THE USED CAR. EXCHANGE ITSth' and Washington Streets 1920 Oakland Sedan Has been used a short time as demonstrator. Equipped with many extras. 1920 Oakland Touring $1350 Was used for demonstrating. Mechanically perfect, Tery good tires, paint like new. 919 Oakland Touring , $11250 Ati ebf-ccUUy good buy. New tires, many extras; motcr in beat of rondition. WiHaimcltc-Oakland Ca I'.roadway at Flanders Phone Brrdwsy 41S4 CHANCE To get a ued truck at way under the mar ket price. lion t fail to see the wonderful bargains we are ofering. 2TON WHITE Overhauled in our thop. New giant tires. Jut the truck for hauling your potato crop to market T0N GMC MODEL 16 This truck is now being overlmuled. Bet ter look it over, the price ia right It s a good truck to do hurry-up hauling at tha farm. -TON REPUBLIC Only run a few mile. Will be sold at a sacrifice price. DODGE DELIVERY Mske us an offer. THE MITE COMPANY PARK AND COLCU. PORTLAND, ORE. A mew rax t costs you more than a nsed one, but a used truck ymrchaacd from us give you value received for every dollar invested, the original purchaser having absorbed the first depreciation. We offer the follow ing : 1H-TON RF.PUBLIC. good condition. 1 TON FEDERAL, Just the track fcr tiio berry man. 2-TON MACK, special long wheel base. 2 TON UNITED BEPCBLIC. mechan- ital condition perfecL 4-TON KISSEL KAR dump. Stt-TON MACK with dump. 1915 DODGE ROADSTER, new paint and the very thing. In good shape. 490 CHEVROLET, completely cver hafiled, sew paint Job, haa express, body and new tires. 2 -TON haiiled. GARFORD, thoroughly erer Mack International Motor Tiuck Corporation at Davis St. Bdwy. 69! Twin States Motor Car Company TWO STORES Alder at Sixteenth 605 Washington We have a large stock of nsed cars ready to go. Soma renewed Chandlers, in the different models, at remarkably low prices. Every car in our stock is of standard make and before being offered for aale is thoroughly gone over, and in aome instances com pletely rebuilt 1920 Chandler touring, like' new. 1920 Chandler Dispatch, like new. 1918 Chandler Dispatch, renewed. 1918 Chandler touring, renewed. 1918 Chandler Aummy roadster, newed. 1918 Chandler touring. 1918 Chandler roadster. 1917 Chandler touring. 1918 Chandler touring 191 T Hudson touring, 6 cord tires. 1918 Oakland touring. 1918 Maxwell touring, extras. 1918 Maxwell roader, extras. 1917 Saxon 6, touring. 1916 Overland touring. If you are in the market, a visit to our salesroom will convince c of the values of cars listed above. Very rtaionable teisus if desired. No brokerage. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Twin States Motor Car Company Aider and Sixteenth 605 Washington St. Main 5125. Bdwy. 494 G.M.C. ton, repainted, over hauled, large expresa body. cab. windshield, curtains, lights; CflrPEirM a wonderful bargain at piii4'0' 2H ton (TSp- i. beat for UCi Ions, coidwood or freight, hauled and guaranteed. rig that can t be fat runs with U"- $1450 1 Va ton PtO-a 5 W!th 2 ton springs. lreiier4Il Easily handle two cords of wood or similar $1250 load 1 4 good White a i t h bod) $1250 ton CI IP M C Ixioks and runs like a new Ui.iVa,.W- truck; overhauled, re- painted and guaranteed; a fsiese;rr!i million dollar value lor Two 1 ton solids, one mi tics. Republics. One on Of the eight nsed trucks we sold during the past week, five were purchased by old customers. Sixteen years in business and we are still going trong. Wentwortb & IrrrfE, Inc. 200 SECOND ST.. COR. TAYLOR. HAYS CUTS THE HEART OUT OF USED CAR.PRICES TURNING THE WHOLE PLACE INSIDE OUT WITH 8ENSAT10NAL REDUCTIONS. READ CAKEFT IA.T THE FOLLOWING LIST OF PRICES. THEN COME GET YOl KS. COME ON HORSEBACK. COME ON FOOI. COME ANYWAY YOU CAN BIT COMii Ji ONCE, FUK THEY WON'T LAST LONG AT iiiEfcrJ MAGNETIC PRICES: CHALMERS bliAl-E ... TOURING. IN A-l g 275 575 600 225 475 ' TOUK1NG. ALL NEW DODGE TIKES 1920 roriD TOCRLvcr, lots of e EXTRAS APrERSON TOURING. LOTS OF Vf s CHEVROLET TOURING, JTJ8T C OVERHAULED , HUDSON SUPER SIX. IN FIRST- C fl 1 CLASS CONDITION OVERLAND TOURINO. A WON- C sw LEUFUL BUY EAST TERMS TO ALL . T. R. HAYS 189 E. 6th St. Cor. E. Taylor St. - rf. rfj, foaley9s Used Car Center 86 !0th St., bet. Stark and Oak Sts. The most talked of Used Car 'firm In the. state. The largest Excluiive Used Csr firm on the Coa-t The only Csed Car firm that gi'ea you a written guarantee with every car. The Used Car flrrn that overhauls or rebuilds every "ear and makes it run. and look like new. The T'sed Csr firm that Is owned and mansced by two of the best known and well liked men in the auto mobile business. Twelve years in the business in Portland. The T'sed Car firm flint Is com plimented by every one evsiering their place of business as having the finest assortment of just new cars, that was ever placed on a salesroom floor. Tha I'sed Car firm that never advertises Bargains. sWe do not have to as long as we are nnder our com Ititors frim $50 to $200 The t'sed Car firm tliat is not run ning their business on borrowed capital, and still we pay rash for cars and hsndle our own psiwr, and sell cars on long terms and small payment down. The I'sed Car firm that has a five yi'g'r lease on one of the locations in the city. We Are Here to Stay JUST NEW CARS We have in stock at greatly reduced prices . 1920 Chevrolet roadster, special, brand new, extra tire, simt light. 5 wire wheels $1250 1919 Chevrolet touring. 93 ft new 650 1919 Chevrolet roadster Baby Grand, l.ka new 800 1910 Raby Grand touring, nr one man top. new tires, new.y painted 600 1913 Buick 4, 5-pass rebuilt, new tires 600 1917 Buick 6 roadster, looks like Dew 930 1918 Ford sedan, run beautiful 600 1918 Ford touring Just like new 400 1919 Chevrolet light delivery.. 600 1919 Essex: roadster. 5 cord tires 1400 1920 Dixie Flyer, 6 pass, 98 new 1300 1920 Chandler chummy road atcr, brand new " 1800 1917 Hupmobile touring, runs and looks like new 1100 1918 National C, 7 -pass , 5 cord tirre 1400 1916 Chalmers 6 coupe," Ju.-t perfect 1000 1919 Reo 5 -pass . 98 brand new 1100 1919 Overland 6. 5 wire wheels . 1000 1918 Mitchell Baby 8ix. looks new 1000 1916 Coie 8. 7 -pass., runs fine 800 1914 Chalmers Master Six. 7 pass. 600 1913 Franklin 6, new tires.. BOO NEW BUYS AREIVINO EVERT DAT OPEN 6 UN DAYS AND EVENINGS If we have not the car you want we can get it for you, and give you our written guarantee with it Buy a car from us and save several hundred dollars. They will be backed by a firm that has rei ntaLmn that money cannot buy. The firm that can shake your hand years after they sell you a car. Gmley's Used Car Center 86 IQth St., bet. Stark and Oak Sts. PHONE BDWY. 1424 Cnley A Arbuckle. Prop CUT PWCES USE1- CiRS It is n t iictv.jr tor ti, to put on a cut price sale on our used cars for tha rea son that oar price are RIGHT and have been right all season. If ytm will com pare our stock with others you will find a marked difference in the rslue of our cars over others. Moat of our can have been overhauled in our own shop and some hat been repainted, all of tliem are more than wurth the price we ask. Here to a rtial' list of the stock, which is chang ing from day to day. 1019 Oakland 5-pasa.. 6-cyl 1919 Chevrolet, C pass, 4-cyL 1918 Hupmobile, 2-paaa., 4 cl. Overland, model 75, 5 -pass , 4 cL Overlyid. model 85, S paas.. 4 cyl. Willy s Knight. 5 pass.. 4-cyL 1918 Oakland, S paas.. 6 cyl. 1919 Oakland. 6 peas. ,6-cyL 1017 Mitchell, 6-pasa., 6-cyl. 1017 Mitchell. 7 pees., 1918 Mitchell, 5 pass., 1919 Mitchell. S paas., 6-cyl 6yl. 6 cyl 101f) Mitchell, 5-paas 6 cyl. Jordan Sport Marine, 4 pass. -cyL Jordan Silhouette, 7 puss.. 6-cl., with Tvea tell wheel. 5 cord Urea and uiauy other extras. We bvndlr all of our own paper and make no brokerage charges un miles. Terms within reason. litcleli Lewis k Stavcr Company Broadway sml Everett Vranson's Used Car Exchange Compare THEBE PRICES WITH OTHERS NEE Ot'U LINE l'ORD touring, lata body, ffi -yJB hood and fenders; 8 new Urea k e sJ FORD touring, 1916 motor, overhauled, new top, almost 295 FORD touring, 1917; a good f-(f one; won t L.-t long FORD touring. 1917. 3 14 wheels all aroundi one sawn vj 4jJ)(JJ FORD bug. 1917. wire wheels; s mn. 0 almost new tires, top si? J' FORD touring. late 1919, starter Ule; cord tirea, like T 525 FORD tourtns. 1919. starter. C demountable Jims, extras. ... sp FORD truck. 1920; driven a,'"9'lK 8000 miles; lik. new t "UX? FORD ecden. 1918. completely g Affrjin) overhauled and repaired; extras i' U''U' FORD coupe. 1920, 5 good ff tires: lots of exirss sf CW FORD coupe. 1920. $123 worth extras; only run $000 800 OVERLAND tourinit. 1916. model 83. good shape; 5 good S 125 $ 325 -tirei VEL1E touring, 1916. motor overhauled; good tiree. RCHIPrs - BOOTH roadster. .'baU' w1re h"U: ,oodS 550 $ $ OAKLAND roadster. 1917. median, perfect, good rubber BUICK rosd-ter, 1017, 4 overhauled, new tires . tu $ 725 DODGE touring. 1916. some AK motor: 8 new tires J f STUDEBAKER 6. 7 pass.. $ 750 1918. overhauled snd repainted VF.LIE tnnring. 1917. $125 top. CTJArjn) hasn't been used for over a year s7 -sJ'sJ' HUP bug. 4 sedan, over- $1200 haiiled. rerielnted. new tires. OPEN KVrNTNG AND SUNDAYS. HI'IXK K8T 4876 r.NION'AVK. AND BELMONT ST. A. M. Beaver rMotor Co. J 9 1 8 Ford Coupe, In eicfllent eondltioa. Ural payment as small as $225, bal. eery aaay tenna. 1 920 MaftSolira Sport Model. Wire wheels, enra- Pk tely cuutppesl. eery reasonable) tor quick sale, Owner nnable to kuep up parmensa and wiiling to sacrifice. 1917 SaTon Six. (550 la' very cheeo for this nr. Has good tires, and fa in fair running suspe. Overland touring, tn ideal family car. It fa in good running ilup. and will gift yon loti of saOsfactlon. If yon want i stage ear, or one to accnoi ma de, te a large family. It win pay you to our CTialmeta Master Six. The price fa low and terms eeey. 1918 Msrwen. As fir u we ra tell H runt like new. Just painted. Coed loo gnd yery good urea. Bee loss onei , . llft Columbia tourtnf.1 All good tin, new paint and top. . A snisibty good oar let Use .price of a poor orse. . . , ,.. SerenJ deT&oavjtrs,tors at A alight IwducUom. A. 2VL Reaves: Motor Co, Aider at 12t aa. ..Bdwy. 18 USED CAR BARGAIN: Teas should see these can to appreciate their value: 191 MAXWELL, 8 good tlrea.,.,1 $$i; 1918 DODGE, eord area f 909 1918 MAXWELL, 6 peas., sew pelatl 790 1920 DORT, pea... Uke new 81900 1917 OAKLAND eedan, aew paint,. t $ 1919 ELGIN. paav, like ne.... tOw 1919 CHEVROLET, extra eqaipea't$ 78 BABY GRAND CHKVBOH7T I Tt$ MITCHKIA. 6 cyl, I eord Urea,.,, I tOw 1919 OVERLAND 90. S new tirea.. 1920 CHEVROLET, extra epmt. . 978 117 DORT EATNES. I pass., good tires. 100 Also sntae elKhUy used Oldimoblle ear that we are prepared to give splendid bargains on. FORD, 1 ton. worm drive I ftO GMC, 1 too 70 STUDEBAKER, self starter I 400 PANHARD, 1 tow t T REO. S ton I I0 CADILIAC, delivery t. 6f Bmsdway and Couch Phone Braedwsy 2270 IE EXTRA BUYS - . Overland 7 9. roadafer ,...$2t Hudson 4 400 ! Chevrolet . . Overland , 40 ., 410 t50 sxwell Chevrolet , ! J 700 840 1000 uo 190 1600 2000 1130 ,v...w..J0 Reo 4 Dort llukk Big KU alge Cole 8 .....' Cole 8 Hupmobile coupe Cole 8. 4 peas. Aero Marmon . TRUCKS Lippert-Btewart Ford delivery ,12 S0 . 460 . 410 . 430 Overland Truck Studebaker . . . Overlsnd Northwest Auto Co. 118th and Alder Sts. Broadway 14(50 CADILLAC "8". TOURING CAR! At $1850 A bUb-cnda) CadUlae, tUht eyttsder. T-csaaaangar tsTorlog ear. giuraattwd U , -snsehanlnslly Berfeet. 0 geweeMit of thai dsmtfa of the owner, we are aeked to k-s .y poao of tt at eooe. Thfa oar. feu oord , exsnxpmeat and auny extras. Al wssoderfsd ,. f ia an excepUooallr kigb grade er -I a lew price. IUv Sreni etawsi s tto UiMatt is 10 axjuJ xruiJlaeiifa Ukea tbji , oar. A snail ear wtU be la a. Bo, on diapUy at !? Bortkf trade. Broadwmy, opp. new isaatofflce. . r . el; X OPEN SUNDAYS. K, 4092. V. t -