8 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTL AND, SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 26, 1920. 1 ... 1 BEAT, ESTATE fc JC f : k A Slit P. K A L FKTATK U Exchange for City Property or Auto , acre, all good level land. I1 in cul tivation. Vary good plaateved boOM. hm, chicken house, etn. Iasrge orrbrd. lxirsted miles ffom Vancouver on two (nnd roads. 4 nil' from carline and ad joining school. lrtr 8000. The R. S. Thompson Co. 410 Washington t.. Vancouver, Wash. Big House, IJ.g Bargain Worth $115,000 Now S7500 5500 Down, 550 Monthly 16 'large room, suitable for two familie. hospital or nitriuin. on a plot of Und 200 , fret front by 2n feet 'P, lot, fronting 1 tin new park at 82d street, it the end of Glln t. ear line. Kdy to mou Id; owner leaving for California. HID exchange for mller houee worth 32300 or amell acreage at earn price INTERSTATE HOMESITE CO., Rose 40 Abingtnn Dl.it . 108 Third Bt VERY attrartle 0 mom modern house In hih i-la.ua east aide residstlc district; hardwood floor. furnace, rae Will ex rlisnge fur amaller bouse and accept mort gage hvk for difference. Dektirn & Jordan 323 4 Clumber of Commerce Bldg. 4th and Stark HU. Mala 2233. ACREAGE FOR HOUSE AND MIT 4 seres, 11 mile from courthouse, all In cul tivation: house partly furnished; barn, chicken house, milk house; ' wells; all fenced: 1 arra nine family orchard: 4 good milk cows, aome chicken. Price. 345O0. Will rxchsnge for house and lot in Portland. He Mr. Stephens. 8 Br lto p a 732 ( Chamber of Commerce. SAT.E or exchange, 80 acres. 8 mile weat of , Weiser, 70 acre now under Irrigation, 1 mile to Jonatlian railroad itiUun; get 3 crop of hay per year; "S mile to good acliool : 5 room piaatered house; good well; Iota of barn room. Trice 117,500 without equipment and tock. Want 10 or 12 acrea with good improvements and good soil, near school; can make term on difference. Owner, T. A. Doe, route 1, box 142, Weiser, Idaho, or boi 37, Vancouver, Wuh MODERN home with 4 lots, furnace, fireplace. eement basement, barn, chicken house, all kind' of fruit and berries; block from car, near school. Also 28 acre of fine land near depot at Sherwood, Or , to exchange for 20 or AO-acre improved farm near electric line and highway, not orr 10 mile from 1'ortland. Owner M 948. Journal. FOR SALE OR TR ADR t hare acreage located at Cornell"., on Ore fon Electrio and S. P. railroads. Tared high way, near achool; 7 room house, bam. 4 rhiekeu houeea and runs; family orchard, oak shade trees, city water, electric light; a beautiful borne. Bee owner. Nelson. 183 Hi 1 stjtt fedfJlTT of" 87O0in 7 room house." fii8 baae- ment, aome fuel in; good rugs, alao furniture; abundance or fruit, garden tools, w machine, . machine. Will .conaider acreage, not over 8200 or 3300: can pay 325 month. B ir ; mnt be close to achool. with timber and ruuning water. Write M 40. Journal. WHEAT FARM 533 ACRES In good district. KiBlrm Washington; 400 in cultivation; all necesary buildings; good water; clone to achool; 1 mile from railroad station. Trice 1 16. .100; trade for farm near Portland. LUF.DDEMANN COMPANY. 1118 Chamber of Commerce. GOOD BI NOAiroW Near 24th and Prescott; full baeement. con crete garage, full lot; want to exchange for mail farm, on food road, nrar Portland. Will lull me tf place la worth the money. J. C. COHB1N '0.. 80-6 7 Iwia bldg. FtR 8AI.K, or" trade" tor a farm by owner, 3 and 4 room houee on 19th and Ilolladay, near O W. It St N. road. 11800 for both. t.'iOO e h. 25 per month. Tor information, 1904 Halmnn at. OOOD ator bfdg. and" ft room residence, on 100x 100 corner, paved at., 1 Mk. from carline. Trad for tmail raitch ou paved road, near Tort land. ' J R WOI-KP. 4 1 9 nEMRT Bf.rwi. W VCfTB KT.f . or trade for Lo Angeles property. auto or track, my equity clone In weit aid Portland home, or vacant lot. Might aaaume. Illva particulan. , Phon K. Bernard. Portlacd. Or., general delivery. WANT to tradeTir $ 800 equity in a fin ira p roved lot for a good equity In house and lot and aaaume ; price not over 13000. Mar shall 11S9. ;o TO-T(M6b WANT 15 It II HOC8K. WEST SIDE. TRADE IN $1700 EQl'ITY IN BUNGALOW 'AM) 11000 CAHII. MAIN 4803. ,,5iEW 8 ton Ac'me truck Will diacount a great deal for cah or will trade for farm. , CaU at 09U Powell Valley road. LAUOK-choic comer lot (or an equity or pay ti ment on home. Owner, Hellwood 1000. WILL, give 180 acrea aa flrxt payment on small '' bouaa, o for gotxl auto. Kaat 551. I20 ACRE Imnroied farm, running water, 20 ore, Venarrl, 929 Chamber of Commerce. t. f)ESIRABf.EIot to exohange-for-autifc Value lot (600. Owner. Mam 8372. WASTED KB Ali ESTATE tl WANTED AT ONCE . , Hare client for home in Itone City or other food district. Will pay I up to $5500 for R or moom bungalow: $2000 raalt. and large monthly payment. Mint be able to are quick ,pnaaaaJon. Call Main 802 and we will iorpect at eno. , sGKa T. MOORE CO. 1007 Teon bldg. VANTEIi AT ONCE C Wa have several clienLi who want S and 4 room houeea with bath, located close in. from V$12 to 82500; will consider run-down prop erty if priced right. CaU Maiu 802. We mean buaineaa GEO. T. MOORE CO 1007 Teon bldg., I tiAVB 3 parue wanting 40 acrea, not too far from Portland, on good road; quick , eotjoo. 1 priced right F. L. EPDT. RITTEH. LOWE CO., 201-8-B-7 Board of Trade old WE CAN SELL TOL'R HOME Hl'SDriKDS SOI. Il, I'l.IKNTS WAITINO Q. C. Q0LDENBERQ ABINGTON Rl.ix;. MAIN 4803. "35 Tear in Portland." $S00 IS READY for first iyment to owner for a & rm. bungalow, modem, basement, etc. Garage deaind but not essential. Alberta. Ken ton, Richmond, Uellwood. Snnnyside. Value wanted for $2000 to $3000. phone Sunday and ' Monday between 10 end 12. Bdwy. 2588. WANTED, LAND Want to buy I mm" 5 to 30 acre of choice aandy loam, or sandy land, near watr. clone to transportation, must be rMtly under cnltlvatton. and cheap for cah Addreaa p. Q nx 828. Carlton, Ore. BARGAINS WANTED I want bargaina in house, both large and email. My buainea is aelllng East Side property. J. 1. OEDER, Grand Aver .., near E. Ankeny St T.-IILl rTom SOU to 11UO acraa of r.w uitable for farming, stock raising; mut have i f- "tr,,m bargain. Inquire at irr-a neaiiy .o ion vv. rark t.. 1'ortland. KOCITT WANfi'.n If you need money for your equity and want in tii quip, come in ana see n BMITII W AGONER CO.. STOCK EXCHANGE. VANTEI From Ut Fo aarrs of good wm1"1 rUm in Wl,h prin or 'tream, west of i maawiB nrrr, give price, location and descriu, tion. 0-858. Journal. WILL'saay auot caah for a anuin i,.r. bo1?' 01 b'UX-Jow for pculation oniy. liar. 748. WA.NJ Kenton bungalow of 5 rooma. around tood patnrnt down. Thorn Mam S68S. fi6fc8K WANTED -roora bungalow in rood district. will turn m my 7-paaaengrr Paige wr aw iuv oia aw urst paymeot jg Uura- ;oe at rnone Broadway au. 1820 STL'DE BAKER, like new, a firat mortgag. .- well secured $2500, balance caah, for A room well located hooae, not orer 16000. 1421 N ' MT. Bank bldg. WANTEti A 5 or 8 mom home in good din . trict, from $3000 to $4000; can pay $500 sxh tr.d $30 monthly. Mitt have fireplace. Cs-80. Journal. WANf from owner, the beet S room modern home, with fruit tne and berries that 83509 sash will buy. 80 N. V. 7th it. Tabor 8372. WANT LOT In od district for $900 equity ia 4 room bom near Lenta; $1500, rents for $18. Richards. $28 Main KY WANTKD TO BUY Good .sawoaat hand fatal cutter. Givw towen prioo and description. Add raw p-844. Jonrnsl WANT to buy or 1 room liouae, prefer witn ' garage; eentnslly located, esvat aide; near good carline. Will pay oaeh. F184, Journal i rWAN't a bargain In"a7 Ifrartfonal" lot. with at without noowe, sonth ot Montgomery street. , betwoan 8th and 20th at. H-TN. JournaL M'ANTEfs To b" bom nr lot from onaer, ia TrsnkMa bigh dSatrict Tabor 8240. "SvA3iTH Gstod building lot Call Main 2233. REAL ESTATE WASTfclr -MK.AI, K TATK Our Office Will Sell More Homes Than Any Real Estate Office in America Juet think! 137 home eoM'ln Atuput: 121 hornet the first 25 dmya. In September: 908 to data this year. IKc;E8T HOMK SELLERS ON THE TACiriC COAHT. Is jroura for aJe I.IHT W ITH t"8 NOW. W tpend thousands of dollars advartlalnav and are in touch with the ma jority of home buyer. We'll inspect, appariaw and photograph within 24 houn after UrtaiL 25 exiwrienced aalevmen with autoa to work oat Its italc. Call or write. FRANK L. McGUIRE To Sell Your Hume. Ablngtnn Ridg. Main 1088 H II H H H H II H II ROSE CITT PARK DISTRICT Caah co'tomeri for lota (tnaide or aornera) between 87th and Bint sta.. not over 3 blocks from Handy blvd. Phone or mad ua at once. Lot and block numbers, alao price. J. La HAHTJIAN COMTAXT 8 Chamber of Comtnerea 11'1. Alain 20, ll H H II H II II II WantTrowners 3 or 4 Room Houses, $1200, $1500, $2500 W have three buyer for the above homes and can aril them in 48 houn cn payment of 1150 to 1200 down, then 120 monthly at 7 per cent interest. Rend us the houee at oaee and w win fur r.lsli yuu the buyer. Interstate Homesite Co. Telephone Main 285. 108 Third St. 1110.850 IN SALES during September. It might aa well have been your home. Who knows but wbat it will jut suit tome buyer we have wait ing. WE WANT 100 HOMES O EAST TERMS If your home in atrictly modem we can use it regardlees of term. W ILt only homea we are aura we an cll and no more than we can g.vo our careful attention. Your listing will not be pigeonholed. LIST WITH I S TOR RESULTS J A. WICKMAN CO "Shortcut Way Home" 284 Stark at. Main 1094 and 583 WE WANT CLOSE IN FARMS AND ACREAGE If you want to sell it coata nothing to let u know. TemonaJ inspection and individual at tention. J. C. CORRIN CO., 305-6 7 Iwis bldg. KOOMINO HOITSEH, APAUT.MESTS ASP 1IOTE1.H FOR MALE M SEE THIS MOBERR BUCK HOTEL 30 rooms, steam heat. 5-year-old bldg. on Washington St., juat like new. Finest furnish ings, clean as can be. Clears about 8350 per month. Easy for one person. $8300. Two year lease. Low. WORKING MAN'S HOTEL 62 rooms, brick, stove heat, all profit Al ways full; turns away trade dally. Part h. k.. bat. sleeping. Clear 1400 per month. With Uiia you are sure of succea. 84000. with 8250U down; sold on a guarantee. NICE LITTLE HOME CLOSE IN 12 mom. moAtly b. k., food turn., clean, uaed partly a, home. ANOTHER NIFTY TLACE 12 room, leuae; furnace heat, wry I! furn., aome h. k. Will sell for $2250 when dolled. $1800. terms; dead easy to run. NEAR THE AUDITORIUM 22 rooms, stove heat, medium furniture., all h k. filled to the roof; it's a good buy at $2000; clear f 140. Sec ine quick, NORTHWKBT HEAT 28 rooma. lea-H, loamt rent in Portla-nd, 8 minutes old pottoffrce. Tart h. k., balance sleep ing; by the week; netting over $325 per niontii. and the price is right. 84300. terms. I HAVE OTHERS LOOK TTIEM OVER J. ETGENE HEIV;ES. 201 W. PARK Best CommercSal Hotel in Good Oregon. Town 38 rooms. 0 w,th private bath, leas has two year to run. low rent. Price includes some good furniture. 'Jiowe of Dodge or Ktndrbaker auto and some cowa. Property ia in good condition and ia doing a busineen of arour.d $100 daily. This ia a real money maker for a good live hotel mail. Price ia only $2500. Come in and kt tu give yon mora detail. MetzgerParker Co. 289 Oak it Broadway 5355. HOTEL MAN LOOK AT THIS CHANCE 22 room hou e ou Columbia highway between Portland and Hood River; every possible con venience; 0 acres of ground all in cultivation txeept one acre, which it fine grove, trnly place for hotel now built on Columbia nver high way and can give immediate poaaeaaion. $22,506 will take thia exceptional place. Never been on market before. See H G. Terry, 1S9 Broad way. Main 0400, for full particular and photo graph of house and grounds. 10 ROOMS and aleeping porch, all houe kecping, everything clean and in splendid condition, good rugs and beds; reasonable rvnt with 2 years' leas. You will like this if you appreciate a clean, attractive place. Mrs. Alhaugh, with John Ferguson, Uer linger bldg. 12 ROOMS. eloM In. everything high class, running wa ter In moat of rooms, large, beautifully furnished rooms, good lease. If you want an attractive borne with good in come you need go no further. Mrs, Al ba ugh, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. 20 ROOMS, close In. on goocTrorner. clean and nest A good money maker with large comfortable apartment for owner. Tbi will go at a bargain as owner is sick nd most get away. Mr Albaugh, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. GOOD HOTEL. 68 room hotel In transient district, frame, stove beat, clean, good furniture and beds; net 8330;, 35000 cash will han dle, balance monthly payments. Mr. Al baugh, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. Price 28 rooms, rent 380. with lease; good loca tion. A real buy. Call for owner. Main Tail. Monday. 82 ROOMS. 12 b. k. rooms, 17 sleeping mm snd "8 room for owner. Wall and furniture clean snd good. Nets $lfiO, $2500 cash. Mrs. Albaugh, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. ATTRACTIVE HOME 1 2 rooms, clowe in. everything high class. Running water in most o the rooma. Large,1' beautifully furnished room. Good lei.se. If yon wint an attractive home with good income this will plrae ycu. Mrs. Albaugh, with John Fergu son. Gerlinger bldg. 21 rooms, mostly housekeeping; rent $60; furnace beat; fumitnre snd carpets good condi tion. Call for owner. Main 7931. Monday. BARGAIN 3 1 000 Wast aide, clearing $90 net, rant $40; 18 room of good furniture. i. A. LANE. 229 Henry Bldg. ' 10 ROOMS, tingle h. k.; alao S and S room uttew; good, cloao In location and very reasonable price, Mrs. Albaugh, with John Fertnison, Gerlinger bldg. WORKING MAN'S HOTEL Mora than. 70 rooms, running water, fin beating plant, splendid Income. This pLaee haa not been on market for yean and price ia moat conservative. Son term. Mrs. Al baugh, with John Ferguson Gerlinger bldg. 24 ROOMS la good factory district. 1 bath. I toileta, gas heaters; rant only 878 ; pries $1600. with vary good term. Mr. siWngh, with John Ferguson, OerlingeT bldg. REAL EST" ATE BONDS , Js'ntsry Bonus-1 Fire Inaurawcw "lasnnnrai of Every Kind" BMITH-WAGONER CO.. ttTOCK. STXHASGS. WI8LT axis flaU; 2-flat ball dings on H fawt by 100 feet at 8. E. oonrar rat 10th and CJay "vsws otft.a-avs.sg.n, w., 81 litU at a a n aikil. WEST SIDE, clearing 380; rent $38. 81900, oaouv oaan, vajaoog montnly. nenry ouig HEADOr ARTEK FOR ftOOMTXti"' BoCstl .. J n. it. uwiatna, xvi iuira Bt, . BOOMI5D HOUSES. APARTMEKTS AND HOTKl.fJ FOR SALE tl CLASS A HOTEL One of the most up-to-date hotel in Portland. eUictly aaodern and fur nished with the very ben of everything that (oes to make it lint class; loca tion ia ideal ; 14 year lees. It will require $40,000 ia do buavneee. WASHINGTON ST. HOTEL .If you want a modern corner, brick hotel, with beautiful lobby, that will net yoei about 8 1 000 per mo. aee me. Haa 8 year lease. Can be bandied with $14 000. 78 ROOM HOTEL Modem fireproof bids . transient lo cation, fine lobby, long lease, rent ttlOO per mo.; the carpets and fumi rure are first claju. f 15.000 will do bueineaa. 40 ROOMS 40 Strictly modem, hricA bldg ; ele gant furniture and carpet ; long lease, fair rent; good transient bual Deu. It take 16300. K. KIERDON. RITTEH. LOWE A CO. 201 3 5 7 Board of Trade bid. BUSINESS OPFORTCMTIES 10 Specially liberal proposition. FREE GOLD" (CALIFORNIA) MINING PROPERTY. A "REAL MINE." $50,000 ORE BLOCKED OCT. BETTER THAN $ 25 PER TON. $30 000. NEAR NEW KUIIPMENT PAID FOR READY FOR HKUVK'K. NEED ONLY 810.000 TO COMPLETE MiWElt TUNNEL AND UPRAISE INTO HIGHGRADK ORE. CONFIDENT WILL TROVE THIS A MILLION DOLLAR MINE. 7000 FEET OF TUNNEL IS GOOD ORDER. TIMRKK. WATER AND POWER CONDITIONS IDEAL. AN 0PT0R TCNITY OF A LIFETIME. LIRERAL OFFER FOR IMMEDIATE ASSISTANCE, NO DEBTS. NOT SELL ING STOCK. ADDRESS OWNER, A 121, JOCRNAL. PLANNING to form company to take over retail aale in Portland and vicinity of well known commodity which 1ls been actively represented ana very profitably sold here lor iiz yean. Prod- net is standard, well advertised, firmly established and of ff-Kxl reputation. Eaumated sales coming year 8330.000. Require 85.000 cash capital with or without services on urofit sharine h ia Th it an exceptional opportunity to inteat ia u established profitable business, lie tails upon ap plication. L-557. Journal. A CABItaET SHOP MUST BE SOLD HAS Ot'TGHOWN OWNER ALL NEW MACHINERY SOME SMALL TOOLS SMALL MONEY WILL HANDLE BIG INCOME ON INVESTMENT Neilan & Parkhiil 219 umbennena bldg., 5th and Stark sts. RESTAURANT. Iyirated on the Eat Side in fine businesa district and doing a businesa oi 873 a day. Owner leaving for Alaska and must aell. Price 82500. Equipment first rlaas and ia one of the cleanest restaurants in Portland. Investigate Ui ia. METZGER-PARKER COMPANY S.69 Otk St. Bdwy 5355 LARGE manufacturing corporation wants capable man- to open branch oftice and manage aale nicn. $300 to $2000 necessary ; handle your own money. Exclusive. rilito ; patented article; money making novibilities unlimited. Will y evpcne to Baltimore if you qualify. Addrrie Mr. Clemmer. aalwrnanagcr, 603 N. EuUw st , Baltimore. Md. FOR QUirk KESt LTiT'LIST YOUR HOTKlZ APARTMENT OR ROOMING HOUSES REAL ESTATE AND OTHER BUSINESS 0T- I llal l A 1 1 lS WITH CS. ir you nave If you want A Bargain We TRY US REALTT CO. low Hariri t A SPLENDID opportunity for the right man; I am selling my interest in a well established manufacturing plant, manufacturing a full line of mattroaes. springs, tables, etc.; in the paat the capital haa been doubled every 2 years; the transaction require kbcut $38,000. T-571, Journal. RHOMS. all hourrkerpinc. 3flOO. terms; jw rent; extra good furniture; White Temple dis trict; clear $200 per month; you ran get your money's worth here besides better than 50 per cent on the inve-tmrnt. TBY US REALTT CO . L?"'- rrk Rtz STEAM beatrd moderrT 82-room brick apartment house with god furniture and a nice, clean place, with net income of $2i0 per month, for $5000; goo,! terms Tit Y CS REALTY CO. 16! W. Park St. (iROt'ERY and confectionery. A first class plac" for man and wife. Concrete building, good living rooms with hath and gas. Kent ouly $1". Only grocery in good growing district. Clean stock and fixtures. End of Errul Heights car Hne. Sellwood 3297. GtXID btore building and lot for sale by owner; in thriving town. 30 mile from Portland. Be your own landlord; why pay rent when you can buy a grid location like this for 81000. on tcrmvr J. R Wolff. 41 Henry bldg IF YOU are mechanically inclin.'d I have a goral btislneaa pmition I want to sell the entire patent right or will take trade on land of good city rr'Hrt.y; have a working machine that gjes wifhtho patent right. Cull Ant 21H-13. W ANTE D Portland mf gr witi established, growing husiness, wants silent tartner with 35000. Will guarantee good interest and se curity for your investment; all the reference and Information you want. P-841, Journal. 33 ROOMS $5500; brick "hotel, low rent. 2 year lea-e, in a good location, srith income of 8400 per month over all expends TRY US REALTT CO. 189 W. Ttrk St. 12 ROOMS. Prt h. k.; 81000, terms, Reason- anie rent wiui lease, rumiture good. A nice looking homey place In White Temple district TRY Uf REALTY CO., 189 W. Park st. 10 ROOMS $1200; low rent; good furniture; a nice house and a substantial net income; riaht downtown. TRY-US REALTY CO.. 189 W. Park at 8 MILLION FT. lat growth fir Umber in Lane county, 1 14 miles from R. It. and sawmill. $10,000, including 160 acre good land. TRY-US REALTY CO., 109 W. Prk t FOR SAIJ5 Going grocery stock, at R63 V, Randy blvd. near 2Rth st. Stock and fixtures will invoice about 82000. Splendid location. Have good lenso on building. Must go Eat regjion foreolIing. Apply to ownerat th ftore. 10 GOOD cows, fl horse. brn nd" feed "for all winter, fine location, good place for small dairy or a sales stable ; will sell this above very reasonably, or trade for a farm close in. Ad dress O .128. Journal. IF YOU are willuig to work and have 310.000 to invest in an established mfg. btfineas. in vestigate this. A fine proposition for the right party. T-5 72. Journal. WANTED A partner for 180 acres of A-l jx tato and garden lxnd. Must have 82000 8.11 E Everett East 8703. Call Sunday or after 5:30. THE nicest lunch, anda fountain and candy store in Portland: right downtown; long lease -will sell at very attractive figure. Other busi ness Interests require my time. L-561, Journal. 1 GOOD gen I mdse. store forle7fc7ingover 82000 bnsineas per month; situated at Lon don. Or.. 12 mile aouth of Cottage Grove, Or. Address W. A. Heck. FOR quick action, owner going 1 ea-t Store building on large lot; going confectionery and light groceries, stock and fixtures, sanitary soda fountain; modem living rooms, on car line, all GROCERY and fixtures for sstai; corner store, doing cash and carry bnsineas) will invoice ; good reason for selling. 160 Urand are. south. CaU East 3074. CONFECTIONERY .In theatr bldg.. equipped to make candy; also cigars, tobacco and soft drinks, etc.; good location; invoice. See owner it 808 Thurman st. Printing for Less Ryder Ptjj Co. Main S586. 192 8d it PARTNER for portable sawmill to saw small patches of timber, or will sell outright.- aoma cash necessary. Phone Tabor 8069. SMALL restaurant for sale cheap, lust the thing for man and wife or two ladies. Call 162 Grand ave., cor. Belmont. I'Ott 8ALE One Acorn 3 cavity -mrcaniser. See it at Union Depot Garage, corner Broadway and Hoyt WANTED A-l auto painter to take rharga of hop, on war, can invest a small amount in the bn-tneaw. R-702. Journal. BRINGS GOOD INCOME 1 l-room house and large lot: walking distaac, we-t k1. Main 4258. Mrs. Ryan. FOR SALE Lady barber ahop. 3150; sawmill town. CaU 258 Everett at in good L1GH grade gold mina; sell or trad. Columbia 66, evwvrfng. White 261 YAUHILL street, amaU dairy and trooery store, with lease, for sale. OTrM- Umi for rant 8J0. 342 Front FOR SALE Wood working slunrTuM loeatioB ehasp rent 131 Union ava. AUTO 1 REPAIR" SHOP FOB "SALat " CfiKAT. CALL 424 BELMONT ST. FOR SALE Dalieataaawn snd lisht woing good businesa. Tabor 7113. STORK FOB gALE. tnd living rooms. 1900 E. Glavan at Tsbor 8610. GKOC KKI Mo,, for .. Rant 81 T a month. Good location. . 11$ 824 st Jt. .Tabor 8810. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 8 A GOLD MINING INVESTMENT TU.NTTY A- SEAL MINE NOW OPPOR- LIBERAL PROPOSITION FOR EARLT ASSISTANCE One or more parties, with capital wan tad to loin operating a FREE GOLD QL'AKTZ MINE. located gold mining district. Trinity county. I at Ml ,000 ton now aasay better thaw $12 groea. Mine fully equipped (over $30,000 ralne in equipment and building.) 8000 feet tunnel, 10 ttamp mill, air compressor. Cyanide plant, water and electric power. Conditions ideal for ail year work. now on operating property' (not selling stock). Write for full particular. J. C. BreiUL owner. P. O. Box 222. Porthtnd. ' H H H H H H H H H WOOD AND FUEL YARD NEEDED 171 TAKKROSE Easy to itart, lots of wood for the. cutting, toak. ash Cottonwood I. See Mr. Wilson. PAKKRoriE branch office, end of Parkro&e ear liua. on Sndy blvd. Tabor 2904. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. H H H H H H H H H GENERAL STORK located about 4 0 miloa from Port land in a good thrifty town; tickneat is the reason for selling; stock ot about 85000 or will invoice. DAIRY LUNCH If you are in the market for aome thir.g in this line. I would be pleaded to have you call, aa I have bargain. F RIERDON BITTER, LOWE CO. 201 3 5 7 Board of Trade bldg. Cleaning, Pressing E-tbli-sbmee)t in suburban town. I'leuty of work tor two men. Doing businei of $173 per week. All good machinery, in cluding motor, extractor, dut wheel. . waeher and Hoffman presa. Address P. O. Box 143, Oregon City, Or. for 8'JOO, worth $4000. Must act quick. 502 Spalding bldg.. phone Main 370S. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 88 ORGANIZE your busmen as a declaration of trust and guartnteo its legality; furnish 10 expert salesmen free who sell stock on coromi-s-ion. Save taxes, fees, penalties, reports to blue-rky commiwion. Advice and literature free. Nctional Organization Co., 123 W. MadL-un, Chicago. RESPONSIBLE wholle dealer winted for our lamou Budweiser malt yrup in rase of 24 tins of 2 M lbs. Apply Budweiser Malt Product Corporation. 608 W. 49th at. New York. MONET TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 7 CITT LOANS NO COMMISSION On improved property, "or for improvement purposes The best and easiest method of paying a loaa is our monthly payment plan. 832.28 per month for 38 months, or 821.24 per month for 60 months, or 815.17 per month for 9ti months pays loan oi giuou and interest Loans oi other amount In same proportion. Repayment Privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS at LOAN ASS'.N. 242 Stark St., Portland. Or. LIBERAL IX) ASS We loan our own money on real estate. 1st nd 2d mortgages, contracts, livestock, notes, automobiles, etc. P. E. Bowman ac Co.. 210 Chamber of Commerce. Mam 8028. NO I'ELAl NO DELAY $1000 $1500 $2000 $3000 AND UP We Losn Our Money on Real Eatate. F. it DESnON. 615 CHAM. OF COM. BUILDING loans on city and suburban property, money advanced ai work progresses. V. . Beck. 215 a-d 21 U Failing bldg. MainS407. $300. $400. TTio; 3750. $1000 and up at lowest rates; quirk ction. Fred W. Ger man Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce bldg. J IN EY TOI X) A N 3 ! woT " 1 3 O O ." 8 7 00 73" 10OO. 31500, $2000, on city Improved property. at 7 per ent. J L. Well Co ,60S Gasco bldg. M O N E Y TO I -O AN in a snosinta of 3 1 0 O ti g.'iOOO on city property. A. 11 BELL. Rooms 10 and 11. MilOtey bldg. MOKTCJAGE LOANS. 0 and 7 per cent Louis Solomon & Co . 408 Selling hldg. MONEY to loan. See Lawyers'" Title A Trust company. 285 Stark st., near 4th. 1- "mi. 31OO0. other amounts at 7 per cent No -iroiqrion Ward 407 Spalding bldg. 83O0. 32000 and less amounts at 7; no com. Ward. 407 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS up to $(5000, 6 and 1. Fred S. Williams. 506 Panama bldg ll.OOO OR LESS to loan at 7 per cent int No bonus. C. O. Wetland, 115 E. Simpson. BEE OREGON INV. ic MORTGAGE CO.. 22$ Chamber of Commerce. 4tb at Stark. $2000 TO LoXN onlsrtrrtgiTgc-7V A. R. Johnson. 833 N. W. Bank bkut Main 37S7. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES $7 DO YOU NEEDMONEY? LOANS MADE ON - AUTOMOBILES FURNITURE, PIANO8. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. REAL ESTATE, BONDS OR ANYTHING OF VALUE SECURITY USUALLY LEFT LN YOU It POSSESSION. ALSO SALARY LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON THEIR NOTES WITHOUT SECURITY. IF YOUR PAY MENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OR ON FURNITURE OR AUTOMOBILE CON TRACTS ARE TOO LARGE WE WILL PAY THEM UP. ADVANCE YOO MORE MONEY IF NECESSARY, AND YOU CAN BEPAY US IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE. LEGAL RATES. No DEXJIT. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. PORTLAND LOaAN CO. t LICENSED) 808 807 DEKUM BLDG.. 8D AND WASH- SALARY LOANS WE LOAN MONEY CHATTELS on short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes. Weekly, semi-monthly nr monthly paymenets. Each transaction strictly confidentisL NO MORTGAGE NO lVDOBSER ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also loan on household furniture. manoa etc, without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO. t LICENSED) 218 FAILING BLDG. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASS N. Phone Broadway 910. 304 Stark St.. Near 10th. Loans on diamonds, watchea. Victrolas, piano, kodaks, shotguns, furniture, muxiral inatrumanu and anything of vslua ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE OF PORTLAND TO PROTECT THE BORROWER. CARBIE MYERS-HERMAN. Msnsger. LIYE8TOCK LOANS Our own money loaned on cattle, ahewp, bogs. ete. . F. E. Bowman at so.. 2iu tiutntxr oi coraroeree. Mam 8020 QUICK MONET to salaried people, without endorsers or security. investigation confi dential. 816 Cham, of Com. bldg. LOAS8 WASTED $8 WANTED 318.000 loan on Willamette valley farm. Phone East 1719, or write L. W. Krebs, 664 Williams ave. $1000 or $1500 on excellent collateral for building purposes. s- journal. SEE OREGON INT. A MORTGAGE CO., 222 Chamber of Commerce, riHACIAt, 81 WE BUT first and second mortgage tnd seller' contracts. F. T. BOWMAN at CO.. (10 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. H OB8E S. VEH1C LE S,, ETC. fWO 2200U. teams. One 2800 lb. team. Sin gle hone. Harness and farm wagon. Wast aids. 298 17th at, cor. Columbia at, room i. HORSE for i. t year old, 1000 lb.. $50. Tabor 8816. HORSE, harms and buggy, cheap for $45. 8T Water st. W. 8. 2200-LB. span mares and harness; $125 takes thera 87 Water it. W. 8. $73 TAKES HOO-lb. mare, hameaa and light farm wagon- 887 Water ft, W. 8. HOUSES for tint, Double and ungla Front 848 DEAD hones vaka quickly, cowa Phono TaNar 4208. Cash lor dead TEAM for sale. 6221 72d it Tabor 1142. GENTLE aaddl bpr. euitabl for lady or iasP Uemaa. Fa honsSWdlat 9. 1. U. S. STABLES Just received carload of borse and .mares, weight 1800 to 1900 lb., 4 to 7 yean old; heavy boned, blorky built; aome well matched teems- If in the market for a good bore call and examine this stock. AU hones guaranteed a reprtaenud. 365 Union ate S., cor. Stereo street G. D. WILLIAMSON A GLASS SPAN of home. 2500 lbs . and hameaa; good worker; $90; also lighter ranch team. 6 and T years old. no reasonable offer refused; all kinds of wagons, double and aingle harness and buggies, Woodyird Sable, rorner E Wtb at Hawthorne. Phone East 6 108. FOR SAI.K at bargain. My young team weigh ing 2500, with good harness and wagon; also Belgian mare, t year old, weighing 1350, with single farm wagon and harness; must sell thn slock at once. Take South Portland ear. 238 Gibba Mrs. Richmond. PAIU brack mules, age 7 and 8. wt 23t)0; good workers, with harness and farm wagon. Sell cheap. Take Mt, Scott car to 57th ave.. 4 blocks west, 8715. Don t call Sunday. Tabor 8834 DANDY pair of small mules cheap, or will ex change. Have several good, cheap hone from ?'-'5 up All kinds of wagon", buggies, harneaa and saddles. 302 Front fct 5 HEAD of good vtrk horses, weight from 1100 to 1600 lbs., all good workers and grntla; price from 143 to $85. Call at 990 Powell Woodstock car to 34th. 5 bl cks north. TEAM mules weighing 2000, harness and wagon, gentle and good workers. $223; bay mare weighing 1000 lb . harne-u and top buggy. $55. 3428 04th st. Woodstock car. FOR SALE cheap. 2800 lb. black team, geld ings, 8 nd 0 years old. with hameaa. 7-d and Harrison at, firat new house north of Di vision. Jamea Rassmusaen. $30 FOR good sound gentle horse, suitable for delivery or express. Ixw pnee for quick sale, because I wsnt money for school. laour, 145 Hamilton are. 0 HEAD of horea. 1 1 .'.0 to 1450 pound. Singi and double harncsa snd farm wagon. WM ride, 295 17th St., corner Columbia at., room 5. FOU iT-YKAR-OIJ) mare, welPbroke for farm work, double. Sell cheap or trade lor any thing I can il. 142 E 81st st. N. 2900-lb. TEAM. puller; $300. box tG3 harness and wagon; best of John Roberta' Uainier, Or.. Wl: HAVE for sale 18 bead of good hones, weighing from 1200 to 1800 lbs. AU vtoek guaranteed true to work. E. 9tu and Flanders. TEAM, wagon. wooLaw. n fine ccrtditicn; bar gain for quick sale, fall Tabor 408 or write Box 284, Lenta, Or , R. 3. WE have for aale 10 head of hone, weighing from 1300 to 1800 lbs. All stock guaranteed true to work. E. 9th und Flanders. WANTED- Good team, harness and buggy in exchange for Ford touring car. A 1 con dition H. F. Rector, Hubbard. Or FOR SALE All kindi of farm wagons, buggies, single and double harness. 1907 E. Stark t cor 7tth st MTESTOCK Ji AT STUD Hofers Trump No., 1603. p-ire Saanen; sire. Andrews llofer 177 (imported) : dam ti o.ts.. twin sister 7 qts., first kidding; proven ire of true milrhers; his daughter are wonders; seeing is believing. J. B. Clark. 949 E. 64th st. N. FOR-SERVTCE Clifford No-3SM. reaistered Toggenburg buck; perfect color and markings; hornleae, with all hornless ancestors; grand-iie is Allesandro 1101, famous $1500 buck. His dam. s 7 qusrtjs doe. Fec.gnde". $4; pure. $8. Inquire 302 Hamilton are.. Portland. Or. FOR SIRVICE Richard Van, So 4 293 A M O. R. A. Hornleea Toggenburg buck, het ! in Northwest: alo milk froat. for aale. bred with a 1 His buck. Phone Sellwood 1S12. 795 Krnil- worth ave. oodjtock car. 20 COWS. freh snd coming freh. Hol-teln. Durham and Jersey. 3 to nl. ; 10 UrNfm heifer calves. 1 full blooded Hytrin bull. 1 brood sow $30. 5 pigs $7 each. Take Van couver cr to Columbia bird . go 1 block nottii. FOR SALE Five registered Jersey bull; quility fellow. 6 to 10 months old; from $100 to $300 eeh; also females. R. D. Sanfurd, Ash land. Ore; 4 EXTRA good young cows, milking from 3 to 4 "si gallons a day. Call at 090 Powell Valley road Woodstock car to 3 4th. 5 blocks north. YOUNG tested grade Guernsey cow. giving good flow at present, will freshen in December when milk Is scarce. Call 5 28 Patton road. Marshall 4880. FOR service, purebred American Tnenberff buck: prices right: service asiaranteed Will call for and deliver your goat. Call Local 612J. C413 53d arc.S K BEST PR ICES-PA ID For livestock and poultry. Main 7382. FOR SALE 1 Jersey family cow. or will trade for chickens; also 1 Jervey UoUtein cow. friah 5 weeks. 202 E 4. Ith st. SEVERAL-good, fresh family and dairy cows. Ed Raumann, Cleveland ase.. Powell Valley, Gresliam. Or. i HEAD-of fresh dairy and family cows. Dur- ham-Holstein and Jersey; from 3 to 5 gallons; price reasonable. lit", Milwaukic are. FOR-SALE- 3 frh cows, calves by side: alio 1 to freli,-n in 2 or 3 days. 1987 E , Stark st. cor. 78th. I'OIl SALE Gentle young cow. freh. with calf. part Jer-cy and lloUtein. 1 block N of Lovcjoy store at Multnomah, Ore M. Barron $83 TAKESall 3 Toggenberg milch goats: 2 billy. Well bred. 1H jrs. 3iD N. 1 !Ui at., cor. Thurman. IFYOU are-inlie market for fresh family or dairy rows, Jersey, Guernsey, Holsteiu, phone Tabor 8428. ARN'AUD atation, on Esracid line. For saJ. 1 team,' weight 3200, 1 saddle pony and fresh cow. YOUNG Jersey riolstein family cow. eentle, will give 3 gallons a day. 4 203 Finiaon St., near 4 2d St., Wondlawn 5102 VERY fine mature Toggenburg buck for sale cheap. 1850 Wilbur st, Woodlawn 4014 FOR SALF 2 first class dairy cows, fresh, 4 and 5 gal. each perday Sellwood 3733. GOATS "Mn7K "F)R-SALE. 302 HAMILTON AE . PORTLAND. OR FINE Jersey hoifcr for aale, 10 weeks old. Call at 8003 53d ave. GOOD frerh cow. Alice Clumbers, Foster rd., 4 mile east Lents Junction. FOR SALE or exchange, cow. Main 7814. bona for a good EXTRA fine pigs for ssle. 1 mile south of Tre mont station in 72d st. a. E. Inquir. meat market. Metger. DUROC JERSEY ptgs, reasonable. Crawford, Stall 3 2 5. Public M srket FOR -SALE Pigs 8 weeks old, lso collie, c.iw and watch dog. 4100 08th ave.,cor. 41t BEST dairy for sale: sickness reason. Phone Wood! a wn 5 3 89 . 973 E. 20th N. COW and calf-, weeks old. $80; mut sell; no bam. 729 Liberty st Woodlswn csr to 2 2d. FOR SALE 3 good cows, cheap. I'Lone labor 2913. GOOD COW. trade part payment on Ford car. 819 E. John St.. St Johns. FINE young Holstcin cow. Mu-t be seen to be appreciated. 619 E. John t, St Johns. 2 COOl) family cowa for sale or exchange for anything I can use. 8S7 Water st. V. KOlt SALE Big Jersey cow. Marshall"! 1 32. TEAM and 3 fresh cow for sale. Tabor 2264. POULTRY AND "RABBITS 37 300 ENGLISH Whit Leghorn hens, best lay ing strain ; 31 each. Owner. 272 3d at., L. Stark. WHEAT. $4.50 lCEIPiru CACKLE MA8H 8CKATCR 34.25 1" iUflLal Woodlawn 43 . EXTRA fancy young A neon cockerels. Shep pardi strain, 3- '( each. Mrs. J do. Lencox, TUmapo sta.. Lents, Oregon. 150 W L. PULLETS, O C. atrain, commene 4 806 4 7th ave. S. E. ing to lay; 81.50. Phone Sellwood 1218. FOR SALE Babbits. -790 Clinton street 8unday morning. Call FOR SALE lOioda Island Red hens, 1 laying. 3904 64th st. . E. WHITE LEGHORN hens snd pallets for 701 Oswego st Phone Col. 1199. EI.EMISH giant rabbits. 4 does and on buck. 310. Tabor 7147. THOROUGHBRED Flemish Giant rabbit. $2.50 each. Tabor $221. 50 1 -TEAR-OLD tested Tancred White Leghorn hen. 31.28. Tabcr 8704. 100 YEARLING B. L Beds bends and pullet. East 404. 8 11ENS. 4U rabbits, cheap. 8. E. Phone Sell. 874. 6019 53d ave. WHITE LEGHORN puUtU 6348 84th st 8- E. Tabor 6sU. SC'O 1 YEAR old aiiigl comb White Leghorn ben nd pullets; O. A. C. strain. Esat 404. fWANT White Leghorn pullets. Wdln. 8878. 184 5 MtseiaerPTii are. AT 6PBOCTEB. good for 600 chickens, at half price. 4803 7th t 8. E. . PIT GAME cockerels, S anon I ha oad. 32 each 194 E. 2 2d it X. WHITE LEGHORN'S lor ssle. 142 E. 81st et N. 150 "WHITE LEGHORN puIUu, Tabor 8324. 6329 2nd st 5c each. SOME fin Barred Bock puileta for sale, alao K. I. Reds and Whit Leghorn. Main 8232. FOB SALE-TubbiU, Belgian haiea, cheap. 1423 Milwaukia ave. f WANT VVblte Leghorn puileta. $$7S. 1843 Mississippi are. Woodlawn HORSES. VEHICLE!, ETC. $7 BLACK Minorca bens and cockerels. White I Leg horn hen and cockerel, all purebred saovk: several pair Mu-rovy aqnawktea ducks, fine for city keep; they maka no not, require very litU room, good layer. 1438 East SUx at N., near s oodlawn achooL i a iri r t nr wint.ttv rnwiiT Dealer ia higti grad laying and breeding stock. Writ us if w haven't what row want, a know who has. J. B. Maaroirw, 787 Oracoa st. Port Is nd. - WHITE LE;ilORN swby chicks from heavy laytnc lloamniaed stock. Safe arrival of full count live, strong chicks guaranteed. Price Hat and interesting literature oa application. The Pioneer Hatchery. 448 3th t. Petahima, Cat PULLETS FOB SALE I hav about 160 pullets from Boblnsoa tnp nested stock that will start hying about Oct 1. For information call Brpdwy 2834. REGISTERED Blu H.bbon Flemiah do, also young bucks and dor. Tour own price in reason. CaU Sunday 421 48th avs. 8. E. Woodstock ear. ON ACCOUNT of death In family I am forced to dispose of New Zealand Bed rabbits at what I can get for them. tVll 194 E. 73d at N. or phc-tve Tabor 8023.W FOR SALE Flemish Oiant and New fcealand Red rabbits, bucks and does, all sixes and aes. 142 Aimworth sva. Take St Johns car. Phone Wdln. 2 84 8. CHlCKE NhW8K75 x 0 feet, well built, with good roof and floor alao covered runway can be moved on truck Price low. Call 422 I . u au . I. B. N. D. & F. A wiU hold uueationa. meeting Tueaday. Sept 28, at 8 V. m. in room E, Central library. Mary L. Stevens, secretary treasurer. WANTED 500 Flemiah Gianta no eulla pedigreed or utilities, orer 12 lba. Y-578. Journal. SCRATCH $4.23 facklemaah W oodlawn 4344. FEED WHEAT 84.60 OaU. Barley, Corn, Etc. 200 WTIITE LF.C.H0R.N pullets. 8 to 4 H old; 75c to $1.75 each. 1782 Division st Tabor 1030. GOLDEN SEABRIGHT bantama. New Zealand rabbits and guinea pigs at bargain prices. Tabor 5993. 1 0 81st st. RABBITS N Z Roils. Flemish Giants; bred doe $3 00 83 50. Phone SelL 149. 539 I,eo are. UNE Fcbniary cockerels from first premium and trapnested stock. Auto. 211-48. 1SS3 E Grant near 50th FRESH ground bone for the chicken for sale at Beerll Market. 882 E. Gliaan. t'boDes F-sst 1 !8 and Eaet 83 8 5; 25 YOUNG Brown Leghorn hens, heavy laying stock. $1 S3 each. J. R. Maguire. 787 Ore gon st. . Portlsnd. 25 YOUNG Brown Leghorn liens, heavy laying stock, $1.85 each. J. R. Maguire, 787 Ore- gon st , Portland. , I'O H service. Big Boy, Flemirh Giant, ateel rrey; pedigTeed; said to be the largest buck ia Or- goti $10. 245Halsey.t. WHITE Leghorn pullets, lsnng sg and younger. for aale. 31 and g-- Hulaid Farm, BUver ton. Or FOR SALE or trade, trio pedigreed New Zea land Reds for chickens. Whit. Leghorn pre ferred 1499 Itenver are. FOR SAI.K Black Minorca cockerels. J. V. McConnell strain Mrs. Powell, Bt. 6. Box 308, Vancouver. Wash. WANTED Modern portable chicken hou-'. A C. style. Sell. 8780. O. DOGS. niRDS, FKTS. ETC. 48 ROSE CITY CATTERY L,yH Four R-citerd Studs at -jr BI VDrirflT rAMnaw. iJJpg) - Jt "l aasv (waiiHci JOV. . I IV1 U r. I Dliri r tj Four fhatjWl lilwr mal r-lj Vlllans 4Tn. ienarllata Am.. VttSS- livery. ,rajj 1248 E. Morriaon SELNSATION PILOT II at atad- Weiaht 11 lbs. A. K. C l'02O2 I1ie.t little male Boston Terrier out of CHAMPION STOCK in Portland. Sre him. Small pet stork boarded Puppie for sale. MRS. WILLIAM J. SMITH Phone Tabor 3158. 130 E. 30th st 8. near Morrison st. FOR SALE Good shooting dogs, pointers and .Urr. Dogs that litre tvrn shot ou r. Yon run have shooting from very start ever my dogs At stud. Pointer Hal Proctor, feaa 828. Reals Ki-nneK the home of pointers and st-ttera. Rose City car to 70th. 5 blka. south. Box 31. R. 1, IV rtland. Ore. ' FOR SALE Llewellyn and Airdale cross, made pup, 1 jt. old. Just right to train to bunt. $10. Male Puppie. Boston and Bulldog cross, very pretty. $10. PJione80-J. Mllwaukie. REGISTERED male Uewell7nter7niDonth old. broke in field snd to retrieve: you csn see him wdrk in field; beeutiuliy marked, vary best breeding, $75. Call Main 504 or address 0-325.Journal. PET STOCK snd supplies. We sre headquartrr in the N. W. for birds and cages, dog, cats, rabbits, csvirs, etc. Food, remedies, etc Call or write. Pet dock catalogue on request. Rout ledge Seed A Floral Co., 145 2d st. Portlnd. GENUINE St Andreahurg rollrra, cabinet trained. Males 820, females 82 50. Female free with every singer. Mrs. KesUer, Gresuam, Or. Phone 4x2. FOR SALE Female Cocker Spaniel pup. 7 mo. . old. at Aloha atation. 2 blocks due north depot, price 810. O. W. Cactrell, 565 Wil liams ave. FOR SALE 1 pedi-reed Persian female and kitten ; color, brown tebby; abo 1 blue I't r sian female moti to hve kitten. Call at 14 23 Ionora st, corner Belriew ave., Woodlawn car. tj-MONTH-OLD A i renal, male nun. pedigreed. 7 0 5 Kentlworth are. Woodstock car. Phone Sellwood 1812. HIGH CLASS police dog puppies that will please you; inspection invited. Speedway Kennels, Tabor 5083. SHEPHERD pups, 6 months. $7.50; Colli frmale. 3 months, 32.50; Harts Mountain pure yellow singer, $7.50. 754 Albina ave. FANCY Fox Terrier. 6 month old. $10; Pointer pupa, subject to register, $25 and $33 each. 1294 Eaat 8th rt. N. FOR SALE Eng'.i-di and Llewellyn Setters; come and aee them. Chaa. A. Evans, 813 First st. Newberg. Or. REGISTERED Orange and Silver Persians at stud: kittens from best stock. Main 5460. Hillsdale. Or., box 22 THOROUGHBRED Scotch collie puppies, seven weeks old. Males, $15; females, $10. 183 Morgan st Wdln. 4411. BIRDS Nice canary bird 37.50. Mrs. JL Bellingham, 14B9 Denver ave. BROWN and white pit bull pup, a months old. Tabor 9305. FOB SALE Toy female white sill poodla, cheap. 940 Pacific at East 2768. BEAUTIFUL singers and Flander. afternoon. brass cages. 664 ONE Airedsls dug cheap. Inquire at 1021 34th st S. E. BEAUTIFUL Collie pup, 8 months old. cheap. Tabor 1110 BEAUTIFUL silver Persian kitten7maie $10. Portland Cat Kennels. Tabor 7501. FOR SALE Trainetl pointer log and decoys. Call at 743 E. 74th N. GENUINE St. Andreaaburg trained alngan snd females. 1103 E. Clinton st. Tabor 8367. 10 YOUNG St Tabor r.782. Andreaaberg singer. Phcne tlGU-CLASS Irish Water Spsniei dogs for sal. P. M. Boose. 8!ierwnod. Or. S'l AN1HEASBUKG rollers and cagaa. 745 . 70th N R. car. ST. ANDRE A3BCBSS from $5 50 Tabor 7308. to $10. CA lN ARIES for aale or trade for what hav youl 44 7 E. 9th st TRAINED etter and pointer; also young dngai Kennela cor. 03d and E. Stark. Tabor 123. FOR SALE Fox terrier pup and mother. 1119 K. Harrison st Tabor 1T64. BEAUTIFUL SINGERS for aal. CaU Main 468. ALASKAN SPITZ poppies Call Tabor 8194. AUTOMOBILES A5D ACCESSORIES 41 LATE model Ford roadster at a greatly reduced price. Do not pas this buy up sand regret it afterward. Good tire, engine runt fin and la good aliape throoabout, 8850; terms. A-l AUTO WORK8 A FAINTING CO.. 52 5 Alder St. CLASSY FORD BUG JUST PAINTED ' Top. fender, demountable rims, 4 new tiros, 1 extra tire, platcgla.s back, bigh tension Bosch magneto. Zenith carburetor. In A-l condition. Call Sunday, 1 p. m. to 6 p. m., for demonstra tion. Woodlawn 4211. 17 Chevrolet Roadster At the low price of $898 with 3150 down, baianrw easy. Tbi ear has new tires, on extra; refitushed and looks and runs a good aa now. Coma and try it 505 Alder St RED FRONT USED CAB CO. 1918 LIBERTY 6 touring," in finest kind of shape; just repainted and every detail looked over by someone who know. We can give yuu a gu ran tea on tbi car that will be of great intercut to you; a buy you can't afford to pas up. Small payment down, balance easy. A-l AUTO WORKS V PAINTING CO.. $21 Aider St i POULTRY AHB RABBITS AUTOMOBILES AWP ACCESSORIES it AUTOMOBILE, good eomlition. niaka fine bug". 812 8. Tabor 8877. 42IO Bth at. toutheaat 8595 DANDT 1 91 8 FORD SEDAN Must sell todsy. Term. Sellwood 65U LATK model Ford touring, excellent condition, many extras. EaM 299L 1918 FORU bug, daudy buy, unns. tabor 2853. BT PRIVATE owner. Bnk-k 8 ptawaitr. 1918. $475. terms. Tabor 8527. overitauled. good condition, To"r sals cheap. 1871 U Wash. Taboe 4i7. FORI) sedan for sal by owner at sacrifice. Ju-t bem repaintMl. Mechanical condition food. Call Wdln. 8073 between 8 and 7 p. m. CUtSINO OCT our need cara. SneriU E X term: fine ear at low price. 851 Burnside. Broadway 1434. 1920 1XRD sedan. ekwrner will sacrifice for 8723. I am leaving the city and must acU. R-703. Journal. WANT Ford or Chevrolet Hav 60x100 city lot Prirw 84 OO caei, or trade on car. Giva difference In cash. Tabor 2875. MUST 6 sold st ouco by owner. 1918 Oak land. A 1 condition. Franklin -raraire, 183 Division. See Frank Ive'li, Tsbof 5803. 1916 FORD deL, good W and new tire; a genuine bargain, aa I hav two and ua for only one. 780 Mississippi ave FIRST' roavtnable raT h offe r Uki Chandler touring car. CtU Mar. 1882. ATter 8 p. m ca.ll Ea-st 2882. 1917 OAKLAND SIX. engine hist, overhauled. new tiro all around, new battery, $800, terms Phone W oodlawn 710. HAVE the greatest bargain In utos to show jrott Call me aU day Sunday. Main 4028. Marshall 2780. 1B0 DOIH.E tourina. run 3 months. B goid ovenu.e tires and oilier eitnu, cn h bougiu Cheap. McKay. IVanci Motor Car Co.. t;rnd ave. and Hawtbc e. Eat 8770. WANTED Will take light cur as part payment on rtore building with 5 room flat, located On A lOerXS Sirei , llin, auriaL-v aniw C. Tapfer. Mllwaukie, Or. Phone 47 J. 1917 OAKLAND SIX. new tire all around, row battery, engine Jtlit overhauled. Will con sider a good pump shotgun for t.rt. " $ttt)0. W oodlawn 710. MUST sell my Willra ix touring car and my Didgw roadster. You do not have to liav all cash. The cra must bo soTil maka ma an ot- fer. TI F Kimble. K. 2868. WANT Ford touring oar. prefer late model; must be in good shapa and a bargain for rash. 7f3i Mist avs. Wdln. ll!0l or Wdfn. JL'Tfcy FORD RUG. NEW TOP AND WINDSHIELD. A GOOD BUY ' FOR WINTER. EXCEL LENT CAR. PRICE $425. TERMS. 421 FELMONT. EAST 101. BY OWNER. 1919 Oakland 8 touring ear. Has $250 worth of extra equipment, new battery; in excellent mechanical condition: looks and runs like new. llice 31250. Call Marshall 3iUHS. 1913 FORD TOURING NEW HOOD AND RADIATOR. NEW TOP. SEAT COVERS NEW HEAD I-AMP AND MAGNETO. ALL OVER HA CI. ED. PRICE 3350. 424 BEL MONT. EAST 18.1 CHANDLER Never abuscil. used by private owner only. Some barsnln at $800- Phone owner, Marshall 1281. Main 4 420. Tors KM ALL OREGON AUTO TOP COMPANY 14th nnd Couch St. Bdwy. 4408. 3100 TO 3200 7 can, aome with startcr.i Must be sol at this ridiculou-iy low figure. They include Ovrr lnr.ds, Chevrolet. American and Studebakers, eir. Hero a your chance. tall Freeman, .ast &o. 84 5 Union are. N. FOUR'Tyllnder Jaton bng. $S0 Fine run" ning order, t'rna O. K.. 3 extras, new. Will trade for an ld Ford touring. Th. appear ance of yonr car no object to me. Ask w r Gill, care Electric Service Auto Co., 801 Oak st May. 1764. 1918 OVERLAND, mWI 9(1, with all good tires and a real bargsin for the man who wants a good little lightweight car. The prlee of this car is very small and w. will take Uie low payment dowrr of $200, balance easy. A-l ALTO W0UK.H A FAINTING CO.. 525 Alder St. Ford Touring 325 $150 DOWN Late model, in fact haa 1019 hood and rati ator cn. it haa been refintshed and look and runs first clana. Come and look at a Ford bar gain. 605 Alder street. Red Front l'ed Car Co. SUCCESSFUL TIRE REPAIRING Requires a full knowledge of tire ronstnrrtinn hd proper equipment for each repair: we he both! Bring u that tire or tube and we w:lt fix it right; prices reasonable; new and Used tirea for less; liberal allowance on old tire. Vulcan Tire Shop, 41 Grand ave., corner Pine. East 4890. Busck.Roadfter THIS ONE IS READY AND WILL PLEASE YOU. ALSO THE PRICE. HAS CORD TIKES, NEW ALL AROUND. One extra tire and tube tire cover mounted: baa seat covers and full lea'her top; looks and run just as good aa the day it left the show room. Ixw price, of course, and take $350 down, balance monthly. 505 Alder t, lied Front Used lr Co. H8 ChevroSet Roadster This one is the real goods and we will show you more for your money than you can get any place in this city. Our price on this one is $485 with 3150 down, balance caey monthly payments. Take Ford in trade at right price. 505 Alder St RED FRONT USED CAR CO. Saxon Six Touring This is the late model and this one ha been gone over and had everything done to it that could be done. Newest covers, new top, new finish, tires and fine motor. la firt cuu: low price of $550. with $150 down, balance monthly payments. Take ca rirf trade. 505 Alder st. Red Front Used Car Co. USED CARS WILLYS-KNIGHT wire wheel, cord tirea. driven only 8000 miles $1850 HUDSON SUPER-SIX. top condition. .. $1300 NASH SIX, A 1 condition $1100 BUICK 4, 1918 3 60O CHESSMAN-STATER MOTORS CO. 82 North Brnadwsy. Broadway 4 238. Overland, 18 Mode! Tbi light dependable four la the real goods and thia on has been refiaiahed and the color is dark maroon with cream wheel and black fenders making very tyllsh Job, on that you will be proud to own, red top non-skid Flak tirea, 1 extra; spotlight and full set tools: low prioa of $850 with $250 down, balance eaey. Come and see this hirgnin. Open Sundays. A05 Alder f., lied Front Used Car Co. AUTO PAINTING. "HIGH-CLASS SERVICE " N. W. COB. 14TH AND COUCH 8T8. ENAMELING, REFINI8H1NG. REBUILDING. ETC.; THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED FOB FIRST CLASS WORK; ESTABLISHED NEAR TEN TKAU8; REASONABLE PRICES ; CALL AUTO PAINTING A EN AMELING IX).. PLANT, BROADWAY 4408; OFFICE MAIN 1138. STORAGE (LIMI TED SPACE AVAILABLE! WEST SIDE, SAFE, DRY STORAGE (IDLE CARS) , $0 PER MONTH. IXIW INSURANCE HATES. Guaranteed Cars 1920 D.rfge coupe; wire whecLs and cord lire. 1910 Bui.k. 1920 Old 8. 1918 Chandler 11)18 Stitdebaker. 1B20 Templar roadster. 825-.0. 1920 Templar 4 passenger, 82000. A few 82x4 cord tire at wholesale. WHAT MOTOR "CAR CO., Open Sunday. 34 N. 11th. Broadway 8247. D. C. WABItKN MOTOR CAfTlxT 58 North 1 3d Street. VEL1E AND PEERLESS DIS TRIBUTORS Some choice offerings in used Vellea. Ktr.b one thoroughly overhauled in our ahop. Some have new paint and new top. Ox bar car taken in trade, balance easy terms. 119 Velie. driven nnder $000 miles. 1910 Velie. like new. cord tire. 1918 Telle, maroon; a beauty. 1917 Veli, new top, new paint. 191T,Vell. new paint, lood tip. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAY Motto: "Every purchaser a booster." FOLLOW HENRY snd BUT A GOOD CAR CHEAP Special bndt Ford roadster. Old price $900; new prioa $750. Ford bug. OH prioa $400; new price $275. 191$ Buick touring. Old price $1280; new price $1100. Special built Ford roadster. Old prte $900; new prioa $750. 1918 model 90 Overland. A-l conditio. Old price. $760; new price 3550. 1918 Birlck road'ter ; 7 good tires, 10 tubes, chains, spotlight ; A -1 condition. Old price $900; new price 8800. roM'MRIA AIT0 BALKS 845 Union Ave. N. Eaet 58. Op taunday and Evstvinc. a AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 41 FORD touting starter Ivim J bl.k, good tires and extras, cheap. TaIor KKll. 1919 FORD, alnvx? nc 4 l.rand new Urea; mut sell it right away and tUrii. 0t K. 4 2d N.. near Kimit .1 i 1017 HIPMOR1LE. Al ronTTtti,.,,, 3 new tne and new paint, , he,,, fr ,.h. 4955 PAIGE SIX. 1917 touring: r,. extra: real bargain at 8101m. re N nesr Butns.de. wheals, owe 30 Urand WANTElV8 firat rUaa a.it., "."i,n,. ,r bo csiteriencesl and hav,- fir-t ance. Hdwy, 8247. !(4 N. mt, Mu.t r fer- FORD delivery witn oiieh tody. fiarVuValmY " very beat of condition, tuuat sell; a b.iirain" at 8475, with terms. 30 Grand aie ,N near Burnside MAXW ELL mad. ter. good ttro. l, i, motor in A-l whapt-. ntns am" t Owner leaving utc. Car cm. Ir ' fitta.s, 1 Itne. At Kiirnsi mrnge i;-f l,y j t, FoR "sa!.; Old Nation!: w. itl,1 . -, a . w nao iiu il..,n J 1 ,", per month; car stored t Portland Gara, , i, and Tayhir. H. E John.0,1, E,.,t 87;,j. ' ESSEX touring. 1 9 1 best'of "condition e--A tire, on si a re; used Iinvt..). H7:,. i,, Conaider Vnrd 111 trad. 30 l.nn.l n' near Burnside. 19' CHEVROLET" To'urtlNG In first rUas condition; tires g , run only, rnutemciii; $575 cash. Vsdln. K'a7 nr Wdln. AitMTTstHrT'STriTTi The hitiknig criK-rrt, owning 1 1 1 -c cr hi crd.T, ,1 us t,, (rl ll,,.,n ,r what they Lata saintthrm. Ka le & h m ntnn in. 415 Gli an. 1920 KURD sedan n,) i;r.M 5 pass. Overland; neither , ne ll-id , 1, r HHIId inile-r ar.al Sr- day time '"T. I'nolie latter T 7 ;t 1 1 i j ..- ,, , . running.' ,,k.1 n,7,.'r , , ( ,,,,,,, 7"8tl. . 1 . '.IV. r . $r,ll, g,.,al P.Ttlai.d m ,, Wrerk i"r HaMlliornr lU.-t jiiis MAXwT.LL tnnnin ii ! Ur.n merhan "1 1 1 r..., an. a real IhUii... ,a,v leal conflitlnij, w.t), anap at 4.10 ; r,n , ,, A 1 ALTO WMl'l.s A 52 5 Aider PAIN I'l.Ni M I'll, 11(18 WIN TON mailt, i. me, i. ,lt, , ,., shupe This car i.. a gt.,.,t inn t nr.oii; rill take small car in in tra.i. l 'ntr t. Auto oaies i o . mo laic n ave n. rili Oi ii NunJaye nn ereiiings. 101S FORD minister, in A I shape thn.i.gl . ,t Thia car was pnerd at 841.' f. , n-.w at Si; , and will give jou turn, . a i auto works a painting co 525 Aider St. 1020" FORD "KKDAN ; ' if ERE IS A BARGAIM' J-Oft ANYONE W HO CONTEMPI.A I'FS BUYING A NEW CAR ; Tills c s AllSu UUTEI.Y NEW. FULLY EOI ll'I'EH. '.i'5. TAltoit 803 IT REVOLVES! THE SMITH HOT s. Ii V llltl fSIt Wash your nr with i' Mam ll4 W11J. TltAIlK -ul:H This 10 Maxwell touring haa ., orrl.re 31x4 ttre. poUlgtit, bumper, ir, n. t . I in the very best running order; muiiM imlt F'.rd. 1 I one Tabor 781 7 4 90 niKflToLET Wt overhauled this car from at.hi to stem. Prn-e 835(1; $123 down. ba!sn-e ca-r ,lal,c a V sed Csr Exchange. 28 N 11th. Ililwv .12 14. Oien evenings. Oppoiile We'iiihard hn-werv WEAVER TIRE COMPANY " FEDERAL TIRES OREGON VULCAN IKING CO.. TIRE REPAIRING. 833 335 lliirnsid at Broadway. NOW jou ran afford a Ford hue. with lop an! windshield. jtoimI ruhher, tid lull fine; must sell: 8 175 will tuy it. IC'H,.yn Apln -I k , HriadHay 4 152, bet. 7 and 10 a. fu. and 7 and 10 p. m ONE of the hct HmNons iti tl,. atate, com nleta'ly euliippcl. aix rl tirea, new, tan buini ers, culiut, clock, pl:ite c!ajM, spotlight and even thing. Sm i-rrice and ri'iilacemrnUi a on In w cars. Big bargain. Terixw. Call Main 41128 l 5Tm PAi' ;'k -i TI 7-pasenger toiintig, fully ctuiinied. siiothirht nd biimiMTs and cutout. Clear view uiml al.ir Ul. new tire, ami lube, a liny t 1 1 .H easy trims. Tlunl fltrrri .an,, 81-88 N ill )lr,dwa 4918. 1917 rotil' Tot' RING !.ooks good, runs good, nrvs paint, Trv g'ol tires. Price $450; 1 1 ,0 down. t-!,ti , HI months. Jake's Used Car Exchange, '2 s N 11th. Rdivy. 3214. Oiien evt-nin.a. iijori!e Wrinhard brewery TU E F EN BE R MAN J. E. DURHAM, wliu l;iki tlx- k mi. . mil while you wait, also r-lrs radiali and bodies !irada 3 -'14. 30 N. Mil, .u. near Kurnaidi'. .. FORD "BUG . Here is the chance of jour life, lnys. Tli.a car haa a 1u alve inotoi. a i-,,! i .way lo.L , with loji and windshield, simmiuI wIh.-U I'ti.e only 3 4 7.1. Will give eany term- .lake l!a,-,l Car Exchange, 28 N. 11th Hwy 3.11. I ip liosit Weinriard brewery. open Virmtif 1017 HUDSON Huiier Sn touring In llic fin,l kind of rvltapc. icitli ,, ia oi rllra,. practtcaliv all new tire arid a real automobile l,.r -intii Iiaymeiit down or email car iti trutle, lialatice eay A 1 AUTO WORKS A PAINTING CO, 52 5 Aider St. Butek Four Roadster Hire ia the kind thut -i net. Till one is first class evetj extras. Come and tr it e s Low trice of 311115 .ili S-'.MI 1 505 AMcr st. It-d Frn.t U-e, c c lor ale 1 Iisk SKtnn show yiHi. tiai. riui. ,r l I HAVE a grei.. hsraaui tot ..u m a lit 20 demonstrator; I hai- lak,n II, is .ir off th dealer's liajids t n a tta.lr, an.t ' o let yu hav it at an astoiiUMtifl)' loo pin,, a lea u r if ul car and in daudv rniiililion. Call me at ishor 60.13 for particulars. II jou 14, an'l rid In It. you will buy tt even a iiietnicnt All IIOH 117,1 I SI l VICE STtTION GATES TARES ci-t l.slf as much VUU'AMZING TTIERMOID TIKES MILLTB 1lan,n Tir Service ?4TH AND THURMAN MAP $53$. 15.000 esrrled In stock. Our spring oM with a written guarantee We gt'e you errse. 84 North Fifteenth at '2 Hudson Coupe Till Is without doubt the finest car that haa ever been offered for sale from a used car company in this city; It is the iju!ar 4 pas. opera roujie; has cord tires, 2 brand new one tliat ha8 never been used are mounted and have tire covers to tnatrli; doul,le lira rack In rear; has everything that came with the car when it leaves the factory and many thing added. Can I insisted at 'or, Alder t Red Front Used Car Co. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE I ill 8 Ford rodter, fin hpe. term. $$0. 1017 Ford touring car, fine sLai. terras. Its Stndebaker, will Uke in trads Ford ew truck, $050. Brnd new 490 Chevrolet, will sacrifice ami taka a Ford in trade Don t f-.il look tbawe up. Ne owner at Eairl Cinsr. Int, or oail Automallc, Ients 20 11 9UG DUDIES. 898 CP Bug IlMllra. liadiatora, readers ll.KKl.1 Mad ana He paired Tops Trimming and Uptaolrterinf lit: Rt ESS AUTO WORKS 12th and Everett Sta. Stop and Consider An exceptional buy. I need caah. Health make me offer for sale a high cUa cyL, I jmm. spi rt model riadster, all overhauled, rrew wlteela and rum 84x4 H . new body, a perma nent spnngtield model, .top and all latest as-ceV tones, and a new Stroinberg' carburetor. I will paint first class any color th buyer likes. Too buy your own tirea. I will finish to an it. ' I must lose on tills $2500 car. An suto rasa made litis job for himself but must sell at once, quick. Bring Oie cah or a part tf you mean bisainsaaa. thia price will buy rt. or would taka some caah said lighter car or would con sider a de lies tessen, restaurant or share in good Inuinea or any deal where I could rai a few hundred caah. Addreas A. cars Oregon Journal office, Vancouver, Wash. CHEVROLET AND FORD OWNERS RD overhauled 320.00 r axle overhauled 8.00 vet ground, carbon removed 9 00 joe to recharged 6.0) VV hnd-lap patton. srnm bearings, etc.. ir.li Insures a perfect running motor. Genuine Vf rd parts only wed. All work guaranteed. 1MB. BtASOS Ford engine suit haul and the lights are) The Ft f.im 1 because the MAGNETO i weak Hav ik 1ECUAUGED by EXFKK'18. Universal Auto Repair 219 Iftrtoti it, Mgia itii. CO J ' 1 ' --S. aa. s 4