The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 26, 1920, Page 17, Image 17

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Buy Your
Hoover Electric
t ThU Store
and Get
1000 Free
Sale of M. J. B. Coffee
Model Grocery, 4th Floor
Reliable Merchandise of the Northwest
Olds, Wortman & King
The Standard Store Reliable Methods
Afency for
Cottar d,
Bien Jolie and
La Camilla
Model, for All
Type of Figure
Electric Heaters $11
Dept. Third Floor
No dirt or dust. Idfal heat for bed room or bath room. Can be
attached to any ordinary light socket. Every home (PI "I fifl
should have one of these. See demonstration. PriceJ at wllUU
J. B. Coffee, 1 -lb.
Special Monday
. M. I.
5-lb. cans.
B. Coffee, (go OA
Special at DOU
B. Cotltt
e' N1 J. 1 Take advantage of this chance
at D-L'J- to buy at wholesale prices.
3 -lb cans.
News of Monday's Important Offerings at the Standard Store
8P f
Women's Suits
$39.50 to $275
We've catered to the taste preference of every woman In this community. That
is why you'll find here the very suits that you would have chosen had the stocks of
the biggest store in America been at your disposal. We've anticipated every style
which you could express. And now we leave it to you to come and inspect these
garments which forecast with absolute certainty the modes of the Fall and Winter
season. Suits of Evora, Duvet de Laine, Yalama, SUvertone, Chiffon Velvet . Velour
and other desirable fabrics. Fall Suits range in price from $39.50 "P 5275.00
Women's New Fall Coats
Naturally, the one item for outer apparel you
expect to find most pronouncedly featured these
days is warm, stylish Coats. Bearing this in
mind we have assembled here for your Inspec
tion the most complete and attractive showing
of Winter Coats to be found in the city. Bolivia,
Lusterole, Corduval, SUvertone, Velour. Duvetyn
and dozens of other fabrics. Belted and loose
wrappy models with large co'lars of fur or
self material. All new and popular colors.
The prices range from $35.00 to $450.00
Misses' Coats
Special showing of Misses' and Children's
Winter Coats in smart, becoming styles and
newest fabrics. Coats of Cheviot, Melton,
Velour, Bolivia, Silvertone, Tinseitone, Cordu
roy, Velvet and Mixtures. Many have fur
collars. Prices range from $13.75 to $45.00
Women's Fall Dresses
$23.75 to $150
Second Floor Select your new Fall Dress at this store, where assortments are large
and styles down to the minute) Our stock is now at its best with a profuse showing
of the new frocks made up. in Satin, Crepe Meteor, Charmeuse, Trlcolette, Georgette
Crepe, Velvet, Trltdtlne and Serge. Many beautiful embroidered models, also the
braided and beaded effects. Short, medium and long sleeves. At $23.75 to $150.00
New Fall Dress Skirts
Many beautiful styles in the new Plaid Skirts are now on display in the Garment
Store. Tailored and plaited effects. All the latest colorings. At $18.75 to $27.50
Women's Fall Waists
, and Blouses
Second Floor IMPORTED BLOUSES in beaded and all-over em
broidered effects. The most attractive styles we have ever shown.
Also many exquisite models trimmed with real filet laces, braids
and tucks. White and all colors. Prices range $5.75 to $79.75
NEW FALL WAISTS of Crepe de Chjne and Pongee. New plaited
models with high or low necks. Also new Lingerie Waists trimmed
with hand-made filet and hemstitching. Priced $5.50 to $13.95
New Angora Scarfs
Excellent showing of new Angora Scarfs in numerous styles. Some
with belt and pockets. Trimmed with fringe. Plain colors, stripes,
plaids and checks. The prices range from $7.95 to $20.00
Garment Store, 2nd Floor
$5 Chiffon Taffetas $3.98 Yard
$4 Black Taffetas $2.98 Yard
Main Floor Famous "Haskell" quality Silks from our own I Black Taffeta of high luster and beautiful soft finish.
regular siock. ims sale takes in our entire line fl0 no Especially adapted for dresses and skirts. Full
of 5. plain and changeable Chiffon Taffeta, yard
36 in. wide and our standard $4 quality. Ya
S $2.98
Look over this list of special of
ferings for the home and take ad
vantage of the low prices this week.
Sale of Bath
Main Floor 300 dozen of our best
quality Bath Towels to go at re
duced prices for Housekeepers'
Week. 85c to 1.75 Towels very
specially priced 65c to $1.50 each
Bleached Sheets of splendid qual
ity. Full 3 yards in (JQ QA
length. Special, each dUJ
Hemstitched Pillow Cases, HKg
size 45x36 inches, special at I
Bleached Pillow Tubing, 45 inches
wide. Mill End pieces. Cfl
Priced very special, yard tJXJx
Main Floor Good heavy quality
Outing Flannel with blue bird de
sign. For night gowns, PA
pajamas, etc. Special, yard OwC
Extra heavy Outings in stripes,
checks and small plaids, 2 grades.
Specially priced 35c and 45c yard
Indian Head
38c Yard
Main Floor Mill ends of Bleached
Indian Head special:y priced for this
week. Excellent quality. QQ
36 inches wide. A yard OOC
Cotton Batts
Main Floors-Wool finish Comforter
Batts thiv Is our finest quality.
Full ' comforter sizes. (jt HJZ
Very specially priced at DX 4 O
OWK Flour
4U Floor OWK Excellence Flour
a favorite in hundreds of Port
land's best homes. Priced
special Monday, 49-Ib. si
sk. $3.25
Women's Kid Gloves
in a Notable Sale
Monday morning we launch a sensational sale of Women's Kid Gloves involving thou
sands of pairs of fresh, new stock Just inby express. Newest and most popular styles
and colors. Long, short and slip-on sjyfes. Gloves for street, dress and opera wear.
CLERMONT real French Kid Gloves with two shell pearl clasps
and two-tone welted wrist. Full pique stitched. 5' rows of em
broidery on back. Assorted colors. Special for Monday, pair
MARGOT Real French Kid Gloves In full piqu styles with two,
pearl clasps and fancy stitching. White, black, colors. A pair
BERKLY Real French Lambskin Gloves. One pearl clasp, em
broidered backs. Beautiful medium weight street glove. A pair
LORRAINE Real French Kid Gloves in overseam style with 3
row pointings on back. 2 clasps. Very dressy, light weight
glove for street wear. Black, white and colors. Special, a pair
2-CLASP KID SUEDE Gloves with welted wrist, full pique
stitched, heavy crochet embroidered backs, two-tone effects. Pair
ELYSEE Real Kid Gloves in 2-clasp style, overseam aewn, 4
r . . I ; A 1 I . All - L. I J - - r-!
rows oi contrasting emcruiucry on um. am newest Miaucs. yam j
Slip-On Gloves
Main Floor VALOIS Real Kid Slip-on
Gloves. Full wrist with pearl clasp.
Fancy embroidered backs in two-tone
effects. Stylish brown Jr ?JT
shades. Special priced, pair DOX)0
Long Kid Gloves, $6.95 and $7.95
Main Floor Women's Long Kid Gloves in Reynier and Chateau makes. These are best
quality real kid glace and kid suede. Two great special lots in the sale. Shop early.
LOT t 12 Button Kid arfd
Suede Gloves. Special, p
air S6.95
Suede Gloves
216 Button Kid and On OK
Special, pair D I UU
Our Celebrated
Portland Maid Silk Hose
Portland Maid Silk Hosiery has always maintained its high standard of quality
regardless of fluctuations in price. This is one reason why Portland Maid is the'
favorite with the great majority of our customers. Monday we are going to
place on sale 2000 pairs of these splendid stockings at the lowest price we have
been able to quote in a long time. Full assortment of all sizes in OX CXL
black, white and colors. This price is for Monday only. Special, pair 5a-iUtJ
Hosiery Department
Main Floor
Sale of Curtains
and Draperies
3rd Floor $2.7 5 Voile Curtains with
fancy medallion edges. J0 QC
Specially criced Mondav WtttUt)
13.00 Voile Curtains,
priced special, a ps
13.50 Voile Curtains, j0 QfT
priced special, a pair WM0J
5S $2.60
IS $3.40
M.oo Voile Curtain:
priced special, a
Regular $5.00 Plain Net Curtains
with lace edges. Very Off
specially priced at pair 007tJ
New Curtains make cheery win
dows! Buy tbem now and save.
Draperies by the Yard
Art Cretonnes in new and pretty
designs. Regular $1.25 CQp
grade. Specially prfced, a pair Oily
$2.50 Double Faced Terry Cloth
in many patterns, 36 PO flA
inches wide. Special, yd.
50 Inch Colored Drapery materials
in verdure striped and tapestry ef
fects. Regular. $3 grade. J0 JC
Priced special Monday, yd. DfrJ
$1.25 Colored Madras, 36 QQ
inch. Special Monday, yard tOL
$5 Dress Flouncings $3.95
Flouncings at $9.95
Main Floor 3 6-Inch Dress Flouncings in
embroidered metal designs on white and
colored silk net. 12 diflerent styles and
colors to select from, including the new
Rosette shade. Regular $5.00 I0 QC
values. Special Monday, yard vdUU
Main Floor New wide French Flounc
ing white with silver and pastel shades
black with antique and novelty color
ings white with gold and floral designs.
Especially adapted for evening gowns.
Moderately priced at $9.95. the yard.
Portland's Largest Showing of Electric Lamps
I! l: IV . HUM iTTVk I ' V&JA ClluVfa
'Hi! mmm,
-Dept. 3rd Floor
Our Fall display of Electric Lamps is now complete,
offering to the people of Portland the largest assort
ment of high-grade Lamps in the Northwest. Lamps
in all styles for every purpose. Your inspection invited.
Table Lamps $7.95
22 Inch Polychrome Table Lamps with Jr? Qpf
tungsten globe. Priced special Monday at 3 aO
Mahogany Table Lamps, 18 inches high, with 6 ft.
of silk cord and bulb. Handsome design. Q?
Assorted styles. Priced special Monday at wUi I U
Metal Table Lamps with attractive art glass shades.
Extra values at $10, $12, $15, $17.50, $20.00
Desk Lamps $3.48
r P fjr iltll
Candle Sticks
$1 Each
3rd. Floov-Mahogany and Poly
chrome finish wood Candle Sticks in
assorted styles and sizes. T- ((
Extra values Monday, each 3jLUU
"Miller" Desk or- Office Lamps '.n several different
finishes. Can be adjusted to any desired angle. Hand
some in appearance. Equipped with tung- JJQ AQ
sten globe. Priced very special Monday at DOftO
Many other styles in Desk Lamps on display.
Floor Lamps
Mahogany Floor Lamps with sev
eral styles. Two lights. Q- V
Priced very special at D10U
Polychrome Floor Lamps in many
styles. Equipped with (POO f?A
two lights. Special at U.OU
Other Floor Lamps up to $110
Silk Shades
18 Inch Silk Shades with heavy
fringe and-braid band. tfJQTlC
Priced very special at tuaD
24 Inch Fringed Silk fi?f O Pn
Shades asst'd colors DXaSaUU
Large assortment of parchment
and silk shades for lamps and candles.
Boudoir Lamps
Boudoir Portable Lamps in a large
assortment of styles and sizes.
Equipped with silk cord and tungsten
globe. Several different finishes to
select from. Extraordinary values at
3.65. 4.95. S5.9S 3rd Floor.
Lac Dept. Odd pieces and short
lengths in Georgette Crepes good
selection of colors for dresses,
waists, etc. Regular 2- JQ
$2.25 values. The yard Aa4
Georgette Crepes
$2.48 to $3.50
Dressmakers and others who
have Georgettes to buy will find
here the largest and best selection
in the city. And not only that, but,
every yard it of standard quality
from the best makers. All Georg
ettes .have been transferred from
the Silk Dept. to Lace Dept All
the newest plain colors and fancies.
Prices 'range $2.48 to $3.50 yrd
Lace Department
Main Folor
Jewel Gas
Detroit Jewel Gas Ranges have extra
large cooking top and white porcelain
equipment which makes then sanitary
and beautiful. Shown tn a great variety
of styles. Jewels "They Bake Better."
Easy Terms,
t6.S0 first payment and 2.00 per
week will send a Jewel Gas Range to your
house at once. Stove Dept., Third Floor.
One Minute
A One Minute -Electric Washer will fet your
work out tnd on the line by 0 a. m. Ask any
owner of a One Minute and she will verify this
statement. ' Special demonstration given every
day In Housewares Store, on the Third FJobr.
(P Down and
DeJ $2 Week
Will send a One Minute to your home. - Call
Marshall "4800 and do away with the drudgery.
We are also Portland igenti for "1900T Cat
ract, "Gainaday, andBlg 3" ; Electric Washer.
'iVv :i'''u'- '-,:v'.. - ..T"v";.V'--:
Any make' old on easy payment "plan.
1 " 1 . . . . . . VHHMBMMMBiaVMBaMHMMHHV -BB ,
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