THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY- MORNING," SEPTEMBER . g& 1921 r - i i " i I ' ....... ,:,.,r:r' 1 y V , : 4 500 .i v ONE -HALF ROUND BOXES ... . v V Free With Sunday Journal Want Ads Next Thursday and Friday This Beautiful Box of Delicious Candy Retails for Seventy-Five Cents 11 11 1 him 11 1 inn pin mi 111 imm. 'Mini I IP 11 1 11 in w "M 11 - 1 - rnniTi n 1 1 I ' 1 ) 1 vto:::tf,-VM MW: M Mi Mb' - ' k J t-Vr , v ' w . . If , Rf, t MS? JK. J . ::'ie ...:::--:-.;;-:-: .s , a.? r..-:..? 1L 4.1 j " Tmmh i- iiwimhr "TlViiimrr ftfn inn mi rrnlfli rtniiniiw nwiniiwi i tit 1 Actual size of box. Made here in Portland. Every piece a luscious, dainty morsel of exquisite goodness. This fine present given you when you bring in your Sunday want-ads, Thursday or Friday. Bring In Your Want Ads for THE SUNDAY JOURNAL on Thursday or Fri day and Get a Half-Pound Box of this Delicious Candy FREE! The only conditions are that your vvant-ad must be paid for at time of insertion, it must run Sunday, October 3rd, and it must be brought to The Journal business office on Thursday or Friday of this week. , No matter how small your want-ad you get a box of this delicious, but only one box will be given to each customer. RATE FOR JOURNAL WANT ADS, Including Special Premium of One-Half Pound Box oi Thomson's Assorted Chocolates to Each Advertiser Who Pays Cash Only - 0 6 M Y fa COME EARLY! BE HERE THURSDAYl V: : t