The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 26, 1920, Page 1, Image 1

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    . ' LEAGUERS L , l"f'lS fl T S-i Ss ' i ? iih 'VkiiirUiiwnx, r.. ' r '
Klag l.araatr batting aversgs la the Ml- - 4 L i f lV I I) I I C l 1 J blt TitH heBWW VS. , 'v INI I I S L. K r y ? CHV h0"T , sestkwesierly ; r-jj
taiga leagae ritals Uat ef Babe Rsti la f" I T vT Ix Vl l (3ii5RIX JC VV'sl tTi VT TlVAV; wladt. -
tk ktwixil world. Botk ( lb l ( V NTS' N.r XVV . VirfHFlj??yJ" N. JL yC3Xgv.A VX VX VV . I Orfa aad WaiklBftoa Hniir, ; r '
. Iar will eorer taa wtrlOMHn for V . V Jr v . Vr-4" ' FLJFsT'o-Jowm imuMvMlS - 'i - J riMr nodrU oa(hwtt '):"
Governor's Curiosity U Firqd . by
Mysterious Missive From Hard
ing f) Johnson About League
Cox Wishes Glimpse of Epistle in
Which Harding Would Scrap
League for Johnson Support.
By Herbert V. Walker
Cheyenne, Wyo., Sept. 25. (U
P.) Governor Cox here tonight
chaJleneed Senator Harding to
answer whether or not he had writ
ten a "mysterious letter" to Senator
Johnson of California in which he
made a "direct and absolute prom-
le" that if elected he will "scrap
the leafu.
Cox demanded that Harding answer
the question i '
"Did you or did you not write
ator Johnson saying; that his Interpre
tation of your speech of acceptance waa
"In short did you not, by letter, jive
to Senator Johnson, for the purpose of
holding; his support throughout the cam
paign, a direct and absolute promise
that you were acalnst the league as
senator Johnson was against the
"Senator Johnson," continued Cox
"aid he was going to support Harding
because Hardlrfg Intended to scrap the
league. What do you mean by scaap
ping a Kord car? Nothing more than
throwing It In the junk heap.
"This all bears on a very vital publ!c
question. If such a letter Is In exlirt
ence. It ought to be given ta lie pesple
It would certainly form a, fcterestlng
part of the literature of th)jsVlpt,"-1(m-"
This campaign move of Cojg-V'as
Indicated, waa part of his plan ToVke
It more difficult for Harding to declare-
later . for the , league with reservation.
Such action, according; to lnforroatLw
received oa the Cox train, will be uriJd
y. KlMiM' nest. - 1 -
(iuvernor Cox, making his last cam
pnign speech In the Rocky mounta.n
iiihI t'aclfle coast regions here tonight.
nHsertsd that "Uie Kreat West stands
for th league of Natlona and is ntt
willing to sell the soul of America for
a mess of - political pottage."
This belief, he said, was baaed on the
reception given bis stand for entrance ol
the United States into the league. In 2CK
c ties and towns smce his big. swing
nround the circuit began September 2
To date be has' trsveled approximately
H0O0 miles and he will leave tornorrow
night for the Middle West and East,
which he expects to stump In the, same
vigorous manner until election day.
Cox today spoke at Cheyenne' and La
ramie. Wyo., and at Brighton and Gree
ley. Col. He talked on the route on the
xoldier bonus question and aald he be
lieved It better to reclaim western lands
Hud offer every veteran a farm and
home. Questioned as to his position on
a mandate for Armenia, he aald :
"The Democratic convention voted
Balnt a mandate for Armenia and I
stand upon that platform."
He also Indicated that In the near fu
ture he will charge that Oerman leaders
and the press are backing Harding In
the hope of obtaining easier peace terms
for Germany through "scrapping" of the
Governor Cox was up at 6 o'clock
this morning at Denver to visit tuber
cular patients at Fitssimmona hospital
where nearly 200 soldiers, many of
them victims of gaa, are being treated.
"If a strajr vote were taken among
soldiers In hoslptals, they would be
overwhelmingly for the league," he
"There is no doubt where the great
west stands on the paramount 1st
of this campaign.
"Idealism of war max have' Jumped
in some parts of the world' and In
Home parts of America, but the people
of the West have not soon forgotten
what the war was about They know
Hint the pledge given their boys as
Uicy were - marching away was that
they were fighting a war to end war.
Thcv know ihat the war Is over and
that Hie only reason the treaty has
not hfen ratified is because a band of
ronniirators In the senate has moved
hcavf-n Hnd earth "to destroy it for
nartiaan uiaue and political appetite.
The people of the West resent the fact
tliat for .party advantage our national
honor has heen dragged In the mjre.
They know that without the league, to
limit armaments their vast arid re
Ktons will remain barren lands, whereas
for the price of one battleship two mil
lion arree can be reclaimed. They know
that the Industrial and commercial situs
lion Is uncertain because there la little
or no market In Europe for America'
surplus goods not because there lsno
I'emand. but because they know that Eu
rope Is financially, socially and politi
cally nanxrupt because ahe has no credit.
They know that only the powers of the
earth, working together, can atablUse so-
irty -antf thus stabilize exchange and
make production of values once more
worm wniie."
Cox quoted ex-President Taft and the
report of the American Bar association
as saying that Article X did not create
a super-government or give anyone the
right to can American troops to war.
J. M. Collins, who. on the Non-Dartisan
fcague platform, won the Democratic
gubernatorial nomination In Colorado by
r large majority, accompanied Cox about
60 miles tdsy.
"Governor cox deserves your support
and I urge you to vote for him." Col
lins said in a brief talk from the rear
platform of Cox's train at Brighton, CoL
Gasoline Bill -5
In 18 Months
"Joy Juice" Expenditures for the
State Indicated in Taxes
on MotorFuel Oils.
Salem, Sept. 25. The fumes from
more than $11,000,000 worth of
gasoline figured at an average price
of 30 cents a gallon have blended
wth the Oregon ozone during the
18 months ending August 30. last..
according to. figures complied by the
secretary of state's office here in
connection with the collection of
state taxes on motor fuel oils.
The table shows a total of 60,944.368.5
gallons of gasoline Consumed in Oregon
during the 18-month period, which, fig
ured at 10 cents a gallon, brings the
total expenditure for thia "joy Juice"
by Oregon motorists urito the tremend
oua total of S18.283.30ils.
The peak load of gvsoline sales in
Oregon, the summary shows, waa
reached in August this year, when sales
totalled 6.289.389 gallons, with January,
1920. showing the lowest sales with a
total of only 2.092.719 gallons.
8tate taxes on the aggregate sales for
the 18 months amount to $645,083.48 the
summary shows, this amount being cred
ited to the state's good roads fund.
Bokhara Captured
dj soviet Army m
Drive Toward India
London. Sept. 25. With the ultimate
declared intention of Invading India,
Russian aovlet forces have opened war
on a large acale in the Kaat, says a
dispatch to the Dally Express from Al
lahabad, and after a battle lasting sev
eral days have captured Bokhara. Bok
hara Is the capital of the province of
the same name In Turkestan, north of
the Afghanistan border.
General Kuropatkln. noted Russian
leader In the Russo-Japanese war, ia
reported at the head of the Bolshevik
The Amir of Bokhara he I fled to the
Afghanistan frontier. Hl forces of
fered a stiff resistance, biv were "over
whelmed. Munsey Announces
Changes in Papers
. Nasi Ysrk, 8ept4 $3-(U, P.) The Sun
and New Tork Herald will become the
New York Herald and the Evening Sun
will become the Sun on October 1, Frank
A. Munsey, owner of both newspapers,
announced tonight.
News Index
Today' 8ndy Journal U Complete in
, BecUon 2. I'll 4.
Antreliy in Ireland Nrr election 1, Pas 7.
Plane C rathe, Women KUld Section 1,
Pass .
Dan ton Myterj Bfflin Section 1. Put 4.
' . National
Exes Profit Tax Brake on Baiinee
Section 1, I'age S.
Jacob SrAiff Die Section 1. Pag 1.
League Strong in Vtah Section 1. Pag 1.
Testimony Center on Vet' PaperV-SecStan 1,
Pag I-
Republican Chief Attack Meiico Section 1.
Page 8.
Cox Question Harding About Johnson Letter
Section 1. Pag 1.
Harding Decrieo Vllon' Waste Section 1.
Pag 2.
Johnson Back Harding' League Stand
Section 1. Pag 2. .
All Ready for SUti Fair Section 1. Page 8.
U. of 0. Draw Student BecUon 1, Page 11.
New Fraternities at Willamette Section 1.
Pag 11.
Journal Plan to Visit SUte.Fair SecUon 1,
Oregon City Han Utssing Section 1. Peg 12.
Oregon Uasoltne Bill Big Section 1. Page 1.
Smith Champion Buckaroo Section 1, Page 1.
Portland Woman 8eeking Her Family
Section 1, Page 3.
Price to Drop Gradually Section 1, Page 1.
air. McBnd Take Life Section 1, Page 1.
Judge Pipe Honored Section 1, Page 7.
Hugh Wiley Visits Portland Section 1.
Page 0.
Cs-Serrice Men Warned "Section 1. Page 8.
Charles Hegele Die Section 1. Page 10.
Politic Lack "Pep" SecUon 1, Pag 13.
Gordon in Mayoralty Race ejection 1. Page 13.
Veteran Approve AnU-Jap Measures election 1.
Page 4.
Veteran of (1st in Reunion Section 1,
Pag 8
AlternaUre Port Measure Denied Section 1,
Page 4.
Senator Mulkey Discusses Port Bill Section 1.
Psg 4.
uifnesa New
Heat, &tte and Building SecUon 8, Page 1.
Finance Section 1. Page 14.
Marine Section 1. Pag 14.
Markets Section S. Page 13.
Section 2, Page 6-7-8.
Section S. Pas 1-4. 1
On the Finer side
The Week in 8ocily Section S. Pages t-.
Women' Club Affair Sects 4. Pag .
Fraternal Section 3, fag 8.
DraWe ssd Photoplay Section I, pages 1-2 16,
The Realm of Music Section a. Page l-l.
Bins Lardner's Letter Seetioa 4. Page 8.
ChrtaUan Sclsnee Wctur SeeUoa 2, Pag I.
NoTcaber'a Ballot Revieeed Section 2, Pag S.
Aosertcaa Laies Tot Sectiosr 2, Pag S.
' ; Mataxine
Shepnerd DeU (tutorial) Sectioa 7. Paget.
Hope Diamond MysUry-Msy Tone Sectioa 7.
Page 2. '
Spirit BetnaBC Goes Wroog SecUon 7. Pag 3.
Palaes of Medta, the Sorceress Section I.
Pag 4.
flelence Iefnd. Pi Section 7, Page 5.
run Dramas Toe Ncrer Se Section 7. Pagf S.
KealUt. Besuly and Moat Sectioa 7. rate 7.
Witchery Tea Gowns Sectioa 7. Page.
SooUoa , Past 1-4.
Senate Hearing Turns on Buying
of Publicity Bureau by Repub
licans and Paper by Democrats
Dupont, G. 0. P. National Com
mitteeman, Delaware, Admits
Purchasing Advertising Agency
By Li. C. Martin
Washington, Sept. 25. U. P.)
Testimony at the closing session of
the senate committee Investigating
campaign expenditures today was to
the effect that prominent Democrats
had helped buy a soldier newspaper
and that prominent Republicans had
helped buy an advertising agency.
It was not shown that either the pa
per or the agency was being used for
political purposes, this being denied.
The committee asked Richard H.
Waldo concerning the testimony of J.
Lu Hefiernan. who said Waldo, repre
senting the "Duponts." hsd tried to get
hold of the "Stars and Stripes." Waldo
said Herrernan had told him Bernard
Baruch put up $7000 and Secretary of
Agriculture Meredith $2500 to help buy
me paper, or which lietfernan is an
official, and that W. D. Jamieson
lemocratic finance director, had "as
sessed" Baruch and Meredith for these
Earlier in the day Mrs. E. M. Paries
Jamieson s secretary, aald she shad
bought control of the paper and that
Jamieson had loaned her S4000 to make
the purchase. She had borrowed $34,000
additional, she said, but refused to tell
from whom.
Waldo an id In his opinion the paper
was not being used as a political organ
and Mrs. Parks declared she had in
sisted that it be kept out of politics.
T. Coleman Dupont, Republican na
tional committeeman from Delaware,
testified that he. William Boyce Thomp
son, chairman of the ways and means
committee of the Republican national
committee, and some others had bought
an advertising agency, which placed ad
vertisements in foreign language news
papers.!.' He denied this was part of a
plan to control the editorial policy of
foreign- language papers so that they
would support Harding and Coolidge.
Guy Mason, Washington representa
tive of" the League to Enforce Peace,
said he helped get a 147,500 contribution
from Bernard Baruch and the league
had tried to get a large aum from Henry
Ford, but got nolhlag.
E. E. Britten, private secretary to
Secretary of the Navy Daniels, said
Daniels paid his own way to the Demo
cratic convention at San Francisco.
In connection with Baruch's alleged
contribution to the League ta Enforce
Peace, committee members called atten
tion to the fact that testimony has
shown contributions, pledgea or invest
ments by Baruch of more than $100,000.
Other contributions of Baruch were $25,
000 for production of a moving picture
entitled "Uncle Sam of Freedom Ridge,"
an additional $12,500 which, it was testi
fied, Baruch has obligated himself for
in connection with . the picture, $12,500
for distribution to newspapers of "Uncle
Sam. of Freedom Ridge" in story form.
$5000 to the Democratic national com
mittee and $7000 to the Stars and
Realization of Treaty
Versailles Is Promise
of Millerand.
By Henry Wood
I United Pre Staff Correspondent)
Paris, Sept. 25. (U. P.) Full
realization of the promises of the
treaty of Versailjea, but Jealous
watchfulness that no nation is
harmed thereby, will be one of the
alms of the new French reglrtu.
President Millerand told the cham
ber of deputies toda;-. ,
Millerand and his premier, George
Leygues. were given a vote of confi
denoe by the chamber prior to his
"France is attached permanently to a
republican regime," Millerand said.
"Universal suffrage is the master, but
to execute the voters will la necessarily
a free executive power, under control of
parliament, with an Independent ju
"A confusion of powers is the germ
of all tyranny. - Tou will choose for
yourselves the opportune hour for modi
fying the constitution to grant the presi
dent, more authority.
"Before that. It Is necessary to secure
In full .accord the allies' full execution
of the Versailles treaty. Our diplomacy
will do Its utmost to that end. But like
wise, she will watch-Jealously to see that
no injury .ever Is done the rights of
newly -born nations or those re-born
through our victory."
Millerand praised the French army
and navy and asserted the colonies and
protectorates had repaid France -for
their care.
"There must be a reduction In mili
tary service," Millerand said, asserting
there must be a national defense eco
nomically as wejl as militarily.
"All social conceptions have the right
to express themselves." the president
said. "However, none of them has the
right to impose itself violently upon the
others. Liberty within the law that
will remain France's watchword."
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" I Hill "I""" 1 1 I 1 "'nil 'II k iar- -i it ii i rr i urn rr . rTT"
Portland Merchants See No Pros
pect of Sensational Decline in
Costs . of Food and Clothing.
Food and clothing prices are not
crashing to earth." There is go
ing to be a gradual but fractional
cut in the price of life's staple com
modities, but that reduction will not
mean dollars and cents, "off the
jumjj," to the consumers.
sucn is tne consensus oi opinion among
the merchants of Portland, who yester
day were quick, to give what, waa. termed
an accufat urrey of th- situation, to
''offset the propaganda' of outnlde In
stitutions." x- V a'-' -' s.
All forecast of reductona, in food.
clothing and furniture la made for some
time next sprag. It is made very plain
by dealers that stocks now on hand
cannot be "slashed." as some would
have the consumer believe.
They state they are paying today aa
much for the majority of goods aa tbey
did a year ago, with but very few ex
ceptions. -
Luxuries, such as silk, have met their
fate. Department store heads pointed to
a decline, . daring the past 0 days, of
between do cents ana -91.&0 per' yara in
silk goods sold over retail counters.
Woolens, fine linen and cottons, chiefly
In hosiery and underwear, are not "drop
ping to earth, nor will there be a
marked decline this year, they stated.
The element of labor, both m the
handling of the' product, its manufac
ture and the raw material, is the chief
cause of high prices, they stated, but
in placing the charge at labor's door
they raise the question of whether it
would be proper to attempt any reduc
tion on that score, for some time.
The declines of the past few days, on
certain commodities, they declare to be
but the "lopping off of profiteering
This "peak price" must be the first
to be eliminated, they stated, for a nor
mal stage can be reached only when the
most abnormal ills are cured.
Shoes may be reduced $1 to $1.50 per
pair, on an average, for next spring,
but not for this season, declared J. L.
Caldwell, secretary-treasurer of the Ore
gon Shoe Dealers' association.
"The only reductions in footwear have
(Concluded os Pace Three. Column Three)
Home Brewers Are
Warned to Beware
Of Botulism Poison
Sacramento, Cal... Sept 25. (U. P.)
Beware, home brewers, of botulism, the
recently discovered poison.
Dr. F. F. Gundrum. vice president of
the state board of health, announced
today that he had completed an Inves
tigation of deaths caused by drinking
home brew and he is convinced that
botulism is to blame. '
"Fermentation of sugary things by
yeast produces only alcohol," says r.
Gundrum. "Alcohol doesn't kill you.
You can't produce wood alcohol except
from wood, and If your recipe . doesn't
call for match sticks or shavings, you
won't get wood alcohol.
"Botulism is the only 'poison produced
from fruit or vegetable mixtures."
Botulism has been found to exist Id
carelessly packed olives and home
canned preserves.
MacSwiney Weaker,
Guard Is Incrjeased
At Brixton Prison
London. Sept. 25. (U. P.) Lord
Mayor MacSwiney was ?very weak" to
night, the Sinn Fein bulletins said. Au
thorities, fearing supporters of Mac
Swiney would be urged to some dem
onstration by the near approach of
death, took the precaution today of
adding to the Brixton prison guards.
With 40 policemen to the shift and
the shifts changed frexruerrtly; the-prison
was practically surrounded by uni
formed men.
rrrrrr'iTiiir"rr 'i'itiii n i iim
Cantrell drove the winning coach
League Is Strong in :Utah
t 91 . t.'a.
Cox Favored, Says Lawrence
By David Lawrence
(Copyright. 1930. by Th Journal)
Ogcen, Utah. Sept. 25. Woodrow
Wilsv..i will get In the state of Utah
the solemn referendum of the
League of Natlona, which he so
earnestly desires, and what is more,
the verdict will be favorable to the
league, for no matter what reasons
other states may have for casting
their electoral votes for parding or
Cox, the fundamental reasons why
Utah is going Democratic this year
is her fervent interest in the League
of Nations as a step in the direction
of preventing war.
Utah contains a community that
takes principles rather seriously. When
former President Tft came to the tab
rnaclt here and the people crowded In
to bear him appeal for the League of
Nations. Utah - was impressed ; - 'when
President Wilson . filled the tabernacle
and-'preached the doctrines of the
league, Utah was affirmed in its con
viction. When' Governor Cox came Were,
a religious fervor prevailed in the big
tabernacle as her . too, spoke for the
League of Nations, besides a year ago
Former Oregon Officer Disap
pears as British Embassy Asks
for His Arrest for Theft.
Los Angeles, Sept. 25. (U. P.)
Three days ago local police were
questioning Captain William Barrett,
reported wanted in London for the
allege 1 theft of 1125,000 in jewels,
but they could not arrest him, for
they had no warrant.
Tonight the situation was reversed.
They have a warrant but they could
not find Barrett.
The warrant waa issued this after
noon by United " States Commissioner
Stephen Long at the request of the Brit
ish embassy. It charges Barrett with
the theft of 1123,000 worth of jewels
from Mrs. John D. Spreckels Jr., daughter-in-law
of . John D. Spreckels, sugar
king. Barrett's wife was a daughter of
the millionaire Drexell family of Phila
delphia. ' -
Tonight H. L. Gelsler, attorney for
Barrett here, declared he has not beard
from his client since he' secured Bar
rett's release . from "technical arrest"
several days ago. None of Barrett's
friends, as far aa could be learned, knew
the former army flyer's whereabouts.
dAimurrs record from
. Washington. Set 25. The war de
partment gave the following as the war
record of Captain' William A. Barrett,
who- married Miss Drexel of Philadel
phia : 1
"Born November 3, 3 889. Kesidence
Portland, Or.' At Naval academy from
Oregon and graduated there 1910. served
at midshipman on Maryland six months
resigned navy January 13, 1911 ; com
missioned first lieutenant signal corps
September 27, 1917: promoted to captain
in air service October 24. 11S : nerved
overseas and was honorably discharged
from the air service at Garden City, L.
L. March 19. 1919 : nearest relative Mrs.
Albert Ordway. Stoneleigh court, wasn
inrtrm. D. C."
The burea uof Information says there
is nothing against Barrett In the rec
ords. His occupation before the world
war waa given u
"consulting engineer
Robbers Loot Home
of Robert T. Curren
Burglars looted the home of Robert T.
Curren. 42t Wasco- street, between 7 :S0
and 1:50 o'clock Saturday night, while
Curren was attending church. Jewelry
to the value ( $300 and llsa in .coin
were taken. The robber waa still la the
house when Curren returned, but made
a getaway with tne ptunoer.
Among the articles - taken -were a
lady's Elgin watch, a diamond ring, re
volver and a struts; of pearls.
iiiitt rrr--- m- inn-i nr i
in close finish over H. W. B.
the conference of the Mormon church
expressed itself almost unanimously for
the league.
Having taken such a position, the Utah
people are more or less at u loss to
understand those, who, for political rea
sons, have abandoned the League of
Nations for the time being.
They will vote for Cox because Sen-
ator Harding has apparently taken the
position of Senator Johnson, of Cali
fornia of opposing the league;
There is an active campaign here
against the league, but it has not made
much of an impression. The president
of the Mormon church presided at Gov
ernor Cox'a meeting, but is reported to
be in favor of the reelection of Senator
Smoot, Republican.
The senator has been for the league
with reservations and has not changed
lils position to that of Senator Johiuron.
Jf he la Teelecled, eems'eiy. at
this writing, it will be because the fVople
of Utah recognise that be has done
things for them and is a leader In his
party and therefore la a position to do
more things for them. .
Milton Welling, also a Mormon, Is the
(Concluded ea Par Three. Column Poor)
Mrs, Ivy McBride Drinks Poison
With Fatal Effect at
Neighbor's Home.
Unable to bear up under alleged
domestic bickerings that were said
to have characterized much of her
married life, Mrs. Ivy McBride.' East
Ninety-third and Qlisan . streets.
took poison Saturday night on the
front porch of a neighbor's home.
Death came before a physician could
According .to the story -told by airs.
aimnie buut, zuzv nast Ullstn. an
elderly woman to whom Mrs. McBride
and ner husband, R. McBride, a sales
man for the Modern Appliance company,
had been in. the habit of going for coun
sel, the young people had frequent quar
rels over Inconsequential matters during
tneir year and a half of married life. On
aeveral ocean tons, she said, each had
gone to her for sympathy and advice.. .
Saturday, evening. Instead of going
home as usual from hisworlc the husband
baa gone to'ifrtv Starrs home While he
wm -talking: with Mrs, Starr's family
Mrs. McBride appeared.
' A. quarrel followed and Mrs. McBride
hurriedly . left the house. Sfcs went to
the Fowler Drug store at East Seventy
ninth and Gllsan streets, where she pur
chased the poison, giving a pretext for
Its use. ';.'
8he then returned to the Starr home
and, ascending the porch steps, took the
poison. Fowler was calld and admin
istered an antidote, though the woman
fought him.
The young husband was distracted by
the wife's act and could tell Emergency
hospital doctors and police investigators
but little. He said, however, that the
little quarrels- had been numerous, seem
ing to start- from nothing, and always
hitherto ending in i full reconciliation.
Aa his wife left the Starr home, he
told a hospital attendant,' she had Kald:
"Well, let's a-o home." . To which he
had replied: "Sit down and wait till
you cool off."
. Then she left the house alone.
The body was taken to the morgue.
An inquest is improbable. Coroner Calk
Ins ' declaring the cass , plainly one , of
Seattle Railway Is
Losing Says Mayor
Seattle, Sept 25.--tt?. P.rDesptte the
increase in carfares, the municipal rail
way system la steadily losing money, ac
cording to a statement issued today by
Mayor Hugh M. CaldwelL Caldwell de
clared that a definite s program ' would
have to be adopted shortly to keep the
railway iroio gomg still further 1a the
red.". . - - '' -.
Head of Kuhn, Loeb oV Co. and
One of Best-Known Financiers
Succumbs to Heart Trouble.
New York. Sept. 25. (U. P.)
Jacob Henry Schlff. banker and
financier, died at 6:30 o'clock to
night. Heart trouble was the causes of
Schiff's death, according to a state
ment by at en ding physicians.
Schlff swlfe and daughter, Mrs. Felix
M. Warburg; and his son, Mortcp I. were
at the .beflsldar:." ; WJth tJo- brothers who
live in Frankfort-on-the-Maln, Germany,
they were- bis only immediate relatives.
Ne . funeral arrangements had beer)
made tonight '
Business associates said Scltiff un-
doubtedly left a will, but no effort was
made to determine that tonight
Schlff, who was one of America's beat
known financiers, was 7? years of age.
He was born In Frankfort. Oermanv.
aad came to New York at the clone of
the Civil war, when he was II years
age. xnroughcut his long1 life la
New York he was known for his nhll
anthroplc and charitable work.
schlff waa a member of the banking
firm of Kuhn. Loeb V Co. Ha
director of the National City bank of
New York, the Central Trust company,
the Western Union Telegraph company,
the Wells-Fargo Express company and
other Institutions.
Jacob Henry- Schlff. flnnrir- mrA
philanthropist, was born In Frankfort-on-the-Main.
Germany.' in 1147, as the
son of Jewish parents in moderately
prosperous circumstances. His father
came from a highly respected family
and many of bis ancestors had been
rabbis. Young Jacob received a ammi
school education In his native city an
aiter leaving ecnooi entered as clerk in
the Rothschild banking house at Frank
fort. At the age ef is he came to Amer
ica and began his career in New York
as a bank clerk.,
Jacob H. Schlff was barely of age when
he became junior partner of the modet
banktng and brokerage firm of Budge,
(Conclsded on Pus Two. Column On)
Eleven Large Gas
Bags Take Air in
National Contest
Birmingham, Ala. Sept 23. (U. P.)
Eleven giant gas bags entered in the
International balloon race -took the dr
here this afternoon In an. even Xi-mile
wind, and' tonight were sailing In a
north-northwesterjy direction. which
should take thm over Memphis, Trnn..
about sunrise Sunday morning.
The event, besides Ming the national
race.- constitutes the. annual ,army-navy
race and the elimination event for the
International balloon race, which starts
here next month. The thrse bet baas
will compete with foreigners In October.
special government weather experts
declare the balloons should reach the
Great; Lakes region Monday morning.
passing over tne st Louis vicinity Run-
day, and the Chance) are favorable.
they say, -for the aeronauts to land In
Canada approximately north of Buf
Tax; Payments. Must
Be, Rushed to Avoid
One Per Cent Peri
Taies w ill have to be paid at the rate
of IS26.40t.l2 per day for the next eight
tax-paying days If a delinqulncy last is
to be avoided. After October i a penally
of t r cent a month will be charged on
delinquent taxes,, and jn November 6 a
flat penalty of per cent Is attached, t
The total tax rtU for 'Multnomah
county for 1919. which Is the tax now be
ing paid, was $12,0v7.7$J.lo, The records
Saturday, showed 15.01 1.27 L&Q of this
amount still unpaid. The total of un
collected . taxes Is far heavier than at
Uie sajne date last year." . t
1texsiv1ith is
'20 chipion:
Montana Rider. Mounted on Sara
Jackson, Makes Spectacular
Showing on Bucking Demonr
Great Yakima Canutt, Twice Win
ner, Takes Third Thirty Thou
sand Spectators See Big Show.
Pendleton. Sept. 25. Tex Smith
of Miles City, Mont., riding 8am
Jackson, won the crown of cham
pion buckaroo of 1920.
Thirty thousand throats -ware
made hoarse as wild shouts greeted .
the new king of the wild horse
tamers. The. great Yakima' Canutt,
winner of two waa
forced to pontent himself with third
place, J. H. Strickland, also a former
champion, taking second honors.
Smith made a beautiful ride 0" the
bucking, pawing nameaaks of C. 8. Jack
son of Portland, Pendleton pioneer and
publisher of The Journal. The pretty
shining black cayuas tried all tricks of
the range to unseat Smith without ef
fect. CHAMPION" Wilt 141
The champion pocketed $4 SO In cash
and will ride with a 1300 saddle as a
result of his prowess. Strickland, riding
No Name, won the $200 purse and a
Stetson hat. Canutt was awarded $100
and a sterling silver hat.
Smith rode clean, having many whirls.
Canutt.' wearing a salmon pink shirt,
made a spectacular ride with his som
brero high over his head and chaps flap
ping. He rode Bill McAdoo. Onoe he
dispersed crowds of cowboys sitting on
the fence about the arena when his
horse bucked In the race track, giving
Yak a touch of high life. .
Roy Bell pulled leather, on U-Telr'Em.
While attempting to saddle a wild
horse, Wlnnsmucca Jack, an Indian
rider, was kicked in the head by the
animal, dying in a few moments. His
was the seuind fatal accident in Round-
Up history,
In the semi-finals the" contestants had
soma real twisting brutes to ride, Tx ,
Smith made a good ride on John Day.
Hippy Burmlster found rough bumps
n .the back of John Day. but rode
hlrtt clean. ' Harry Prultt rode Black
Diamond. Buck Lucas rode I-B-Dam.
John Makgert pulled and fell from
Fighting Crow. Roy Bell rode Desola-,
Hon. Bill Klngham's first 'horse, Cor
bett fell before he mounted, Red Pep
per, a substitute, piled. I. W. Terry
rode Rim Rock, Roy Bell rode clean
on Desolation. Yakima Csnutt, in a
salmon pink shirt, instead of navy blue, .
made a spectacular ride on- suck U-B-
Dam. Charles Johnson rode Boise Kid.
Norman Cowan rods Leatherneck. Bob
JIall rode Cork Screw.
Final results at the Rouad-Up Satur
day afternoon were:
Cowboys' pony race, won by Roy
Klvett with Kid Mex, second; Darrcll
Csnnon, third.
Squaw race Margaret White was win
ner, with Agnes Williams a close second
and Molly Minthorn, thtrd. ,
Joe Cantrell's stage coach held the In
side track from the start and won a
close race from th team driven by H.
W. B. Smith, winner of Friday.
Cowgirls' relay race for the champion
ship of the world, won by Mabel. Strick
land, on Drumheller'e string, prise 1620
puree ; second. Donna Card. on Harry
Walter's string, $316 : .third. Lorena '
"Trlckey, riding C. B. Irwin's string.
$207.60. Lorena Trlckey was in the lead
Friday, and on the first lap, hut lost on
the first change when the horse ran
away from her before she had mounted,
causing her to make an extra change.
Indian race for thoroughbreds, won
by Jess Farrow; Dave Penny, . second J
David Minthorn, third. Purse,. $S0 each .
Steer bulldoggers for the champion
ship of the world had soma tough birds-
to throw, taking many chances with the
longhorns fresh from the ranges, with
necks of tough leather.
Jesse Staple) lost his steer. Yakima '
Cannut threw his In good time .13, three '
(Csnernsed jm Pass Twelr. Cols ran On)
y Candy Offer for- -
Sunday Journal y ,
Want Ad Users:
. Here la good news for all the ;
boys and girls In Portland, large
and small and grown-ups, too
The Journal t.ging tw giva '
away one half pound boxes of
Thomson assorted chocolates
with want adi. Here Is tha
plan: . Each advertiser . who .
brings a want ad to The Jour
nal on Thursday or Friday of -this
week -for The Sunday Jour
jial of October 3, aft d pay for
j It at time of Insertion, will re- .
ceive on of these boxea of can
dy free." Only one boi will be
given to a ctistooier.Vna can,dy
" will b given'1 f or r paid" ads In
The Sunday ..'Journal nly t
another page of today's Sunday
f Journal' wBl, bo found ,'av. full''
f page announcement, telling all
about thia "offer,'- - - tXv :
Remember your want ad for
, Tln Sunday - Journal, en ast'.b s
,rou,hto the lotfice on Thurs
, day or Vrldaf entitle ou to -
Asv box of candy. -:
1 1
, ,r ; .. V ,v '.'' ' .
'. I