The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 25, 1920, Page 1, Image 1

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lf$ All Here and It's All True
THE WEATHER Tonight and Sunday,
occasional ratn ; southerly winds.
.Maximum Temperature Friday :
rortland 60 New Orleans. ... M
Bnlse M New York 1
Los Angelas .... 7S St. Paul .........
The World's Series
' , " '
wfll fx of more than usual Interest trf
Voumal readers ttila year because King
Lardner Is colng to report U games.
'Muff aaid. ;
UftT , VTV ; Tr 171 EDtarad u ae-ClMi Matter
PICTURES of this year's epic of the West, taken Thursday, when 15,000 spectators thronged
the stands to enjoy sports of the days when the ranges dominated the inland empire and
fences were few and far between. Above, C. L. Gibson, riding "Domino" in the bucking
contests of Thursday; below, Tommy Douglas, famous Round-Up clown, making sport with
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Chicago, Sept. 25. (U. P.)
Masked bandits early today robbed
the malt cars of an Illinois Central
flyer as the train was approaching
(Chicago and escaped with the con
tents of six registered mail sacks.
Tht loot was variously estimated be
tween 1 10.000 and 180.000. A check was
being mads to determine the exact
Tne same train was robbed six months
sgo by Leroy Walton, who was killed
In a revolver battle with police after
they had tracked him to a fashionable
apartment building. He obtained JSS,-ooo.-
The bandits . forced the train to slow
down on a block signal at Tucker, 111.
They hid between two mall cars. When
a mail clerk started from one car to
th othtr the masked men forced him
back into the first car. Five clerks were
bound hand and foot. They were forced
to lay helpless on the floor Of the car
while the two robbers investigated the
Near the outskirts of Chicago the train
was forced to slow down and the men
leaped off. Tollce were notified short
ly after and rifle squads were scattered
through the district. ,
Two clerks in the holdup were on the
train looted by Walton. They believe the
panaits belonged to ths same gang.
Three of the registered mail sacks
Rtolen were from Memphis, one from
ew urieans, one from St. Louis and ons
from Champalen. 111.
"Sometimes these sacks contain as
much as $200,000. but we don't know
what was in them this time," officials
Two suspects were taken Into custody
early today. Police refused to reveal their
namea. One man was taken when be
Olive Thomas' Body
Arrives in New York
New York, Sept. 25. (U. P.) The
Doay oi uiive inomas. American motion
picture actress, who died from mercurial
poisoning in Paris., arrived here today
on the Cunard liner Mauretanla. Jack
Ptckford. her husband, and Owen Mmn.
former husband of Mary ..Ptckford, .ac-;
vampsunisa uia ootgr, t
. :: ix:::.:;::.
c.o - :- Vr''0 V': l I
' ' V 1 . J 1
Round-Up Record Promised
Epic of West Draws to, Close
Pendleton, Sept. 25. Throngs
flocked into Pendleton Saturday
morning to see the finals of the great
Western drama at Round-Up park
in the afternoon, promising a new
atendance record. The parade
started at 10:30 and lasted until near
the noon hour, led by Sheriff "Jinks"
Taylor, bearing the stars and stripes.
The directors of the Round-Up. bear
Ins; banners of brilliant colors, followed.
Thtt mounted cowboy band, cowboys
and cowgirls on their spirited steeds,
numbering nearly 800, blew op the town
as they paused through the streets with
their six shooters popping at the feet
of the spectators.
Familiar sayings, of the range were
shouted back and borth, "Ride him,
cowboy," "Let 'er buck," "Scratch 'em
Pete," "Ride 'em slick." The tender
foot stood in awe.
Wagons that crossed the plains and
the famous Round-Up saddles were
shown. Five hundred Indians in their
native costumes, gorgeous In their
grandeur, were of greater importance
than any other part of the parade.
Thrills are promised In the afternoon.
Winners of the first two days drew for
last entries. Ten will take in the buck
ing, bulldogging and steer roping con
tests with 24 in the wild horse race.
These finals will be for the champion
ships of the world and will determine
the winners of larpe purses and other
prlxes of great value.
With 20.000 persons in the grand
stand, the horses turned into the arena
Friday were wilder than on the
previous day. and the riding and rac
ing were more spirited. Time and time
again sections of the crowd were
brought up standing by some particu
larly daring feat in the arena before
In the steer roping for the champion
ship of the world, Wllkins Williams'
pony started to .buck, giving the rider no
chance te rope his steer. K. J. Burkes
roped his in 4Z 3-6 ; waiter Stirling.
27 3-5 : Roy Bell. S3 3-5. Toney Vey's
ropes simply would not stick over the
lonar horns of his steer. Ed McCarty
was not satisfied in roping his steer
slone. but carried away a big portion
of the fence around the arena. He tied
his steer in 5L
Joe Hayes' steer had slippery horns ;
he gave up the contest after a turn
around the track and two throws. E. J.
Graham sent his steer to the pens after
his rope refused to stay put over the
Longhorn. Bill Klngham. the last roper,
made a pretty play with the ropes on
his steer in 39 1-5. Walter Stirling made
the beat time. 27 3-5.
Tension was lessened during the cow
boy and cowgirl grand mounted march,
followed by the spectacular Indian pa
rade. There was trick riding by Mabel
Dublin, Sept. 25. (U. P.) An
attempt on the life of Major General
Strickland was made in Cork last
night, according to advices received
by the military authorities here to
day. -
While Strickland was motoring
through the crowded streets, nine Sinn
Fein assassins opened fire on him with
revolvers. The chauffeur of Strick
land's automobile was slightly wounded,
and other bullets struck the motor.
Strickland was untouched.
The Sinn Feiners escaped in the con
tusion. .
Cox Is Indorsed by
Farm-Labor Head
Greeley, Colo.. Sept 25. (I. N. S.)
James M. Collins, Farmer-Labor can
didate for governor, who won the
Democratic nomination for that office
In the recent primaries, today indorsed
Governor .James . ii. . Cox., for the preai-1
, ' ' , ' y
with his sted racing past the grand
stand. Trick and fancy roping by Sam
J. Garrett, Tom Grimes. Kid Mex and
Jess Farrow was followed by the Indian
ponv race.
Kitty Cannutt rode Brown Jug in the
cowgirl's bucking contest and Lorena
Trlckey rode Rawlins Kid.
The pony express resulted as follows:
Roy Kivett, Irving. 2 :0 3-5. two days
4 :16 4-D. Kennedy 2 :06 4-6, total in two
days 4:19; Walters 2:11 1-5. total in two
days 4 :21 1-5 ; Darreil Cannon, riding
the Drumhellers string, wss disqualified
Strickland, Sam Garrett. Harry waiters,
Lorena Frlnkey. Bob Burke, Kitty Ca
nutt and Tom rouKiaa.
Harry Valters latroduced s new fea
ture by going entirely below his horse
when his horse crossed the arena instead
of going around the track.
The Indian war bonnet race was won
by Isaac Wak.
Results in the Indian ponies: Gus
Conoyer. first; .Jess Farrow, second:
David Penny, third.
Contestants in the bucking contest for
the championship of the world, competing
for the (500 saddle and $450 cash, had
harder buckera to ride Friday than
Charles Runyon rode Whistling Annie.
Davt Myers was left In the center of
the arena after three bucks from I. B.
Iam. Bill McAdoo gave a shake and
disposed of John Maggert. You Tell
'Em, a new horse from Walla Walla,
was another prise bucker. giving Don
Rrownell a short but airy flight out of
me umits or eartn Charles Johnson was
thrown from Corkscrew. S. W. Terry
made a good ride on the famous No
Name, winning bucker of last year. J.
H. Strickland rode Speedball. Yakima
Cannutt, last year's champion in the
bucking contest, rode Lena Norman.
Cowan rode Pomeroy. Jack Marr made
a good ride on Tom. Hippy Burmister
maae a cooa nae on me snorting, buck
ing, raring Rim Rock. Bill Kingham
rode Casey Jones.
Lorena Trlckey won the cowgirls pony
race with Grace Givens second and
Donna Card third.
Indian pony relay Bob Burke. 2 :1S
2-15, two day time, 4:42 1-5; Jesse Far
row, 2 :22. two day time, 3 :48 3-5 ; Adolph
Farrow, 2:37 3-5. two day time, 5 :13 4-15.
The cowboy standing race was won by
James Taylor. Kenneth Kennedy was
second ; Walter Sterling, third.
In the cowboys' relay race for the
championship of the world the second
day's results are: Scoop Martin, on
Walter's string, 4 :08, two days, 8 :24
2-6 ; Kenneth Kennedy, on Joe Cantrell's.
4:29 3-5; two days. 9:01 2-5; Darreil
Cannon, on Drumheller's. 4 :05 1-5. two
days, 8:14 4-5; Bob Liehe. on Irving's
string, disqualified when horse went
Cannon and Martin were quick on
changes, making a large gap between
them and the other two riders. Th
following riders are in the wild horse
race T. R. Nelson, Roy Kivett. Irwin
(Concluded aa Pace Two, Cotnmn Six)
Monday morning will find butter
prices 3 cents a pound lowjsr at both
wholesale and retail in Portland, aa
a result of heavy rains, which will
Increase the pasturage and in conse
quence the output of milk and cream,
and also butter.
The new wholesale price will be
63 cents a pound, which means 68
to 70 cents at retail.
Huf fmaji Fined $25
For Traffic laxity
I. R. Huffman. 1545 Fremont street
waa fined $25 in municipal court on a
charge of falling to give right of way.
Huffman was driving a machine east
on Hawthorne avenue September 18
and when he turned north in toy. Tenth
street he failed to gWe riant of way to
SheU Ingle, motorcycle patrolman. Iafle
was injugea sugnuy.
Grimes, Brooklyn's Pitching Ace,
Battered From .Mound; Mam
aux, Who Relieved Him, Fares
Little Better; Fight at Gate.
Final score:
Now York . . .
11. II. E.
8 15 a
0 4 2
Ebbetts Field. Brooklyn. Sept.
25. The Giants won th first game
of the series with Brooklyn here this
afternoon, 8 to 0, batting Burleigh
Grimes, Brooklyn pitching ace, from
the box and continuing a hard at
tack on Mamaux, who relieved him.
Barnes held the Dodgers to four
hits. The Giants outclassed the
Dodgers in every department.
The series opened with a roar
when Brooklyn fans stormed the
entrance, swept aside the thin police
barricade and fought with each other
to gain admission.
Twenty-eight thousand bugs squetsed
through the turnstiles before the gates
were closed and 10,000 more pounded in
vain on the portals.
It was a regular world's series crowd
and the best free-for-all fight in Brook
lyn since Squire Ebbets opened its Klat
bush baseball palace several years ago.
Among those barred out today were
John J. McGraw, manager of the Giants;
Judge Francis X. McQuade, treasurer
of the New York club ; John O'Brien,
the secretary, and George Grant, presi
dent of the Boslin club.
Owing to insufficient police protection,
the press gate was closed soon after two
o'clock to prevent the fans from rushing
it. Newspaper men and baseball officials
wbo applied after that hour were unable
to get in until nearly game time, when
the police finally recognized press cre
The Jam at the main entrance was
terrific. At 2:30 the massed spectators
broke down the Iron latticework gates
to the rotunda. The steel sliding doors,
however, were closed, and the perspir
ing enthusiasts in the front ranks were
flattened .against the .heavy doors by
the pressure of those crowding in from
the street. The hot sun added to the
discomfort of the crowd and many
women were taken out In a fainting
condition. Police reserves finally ar
rived and cleared out this crowd, after
which lines were established again
until the sale of seats was stopped.
McGraw, McQuade, Grant and a party
of friends arrived at 2 :30, and. after
circling the park three times and
knocking on every door, they were
(Concluded on Pe Two, Column Four)
One of the most sensational air
plane flights ever made in the
Northwest featured the delivery of
Journals to Pendleton Friday, when
Pilot rYed Dupuy of the Oregon,
Washington & Idaho Airplane com
pany covered the 230 miles to the
Rotfnd-Up city in one hour and 50
minutes. The feat waa accomplished
under terrific difficulties, a dense
fog and much rain filling the Co
lumbia river gorge, which made it
necessary for Dupuy to fly low over
the river.' He was in an Oriole land
plane and manipulated it so that
he protected himself against a pos
sible forced landing.
Leaving Lewis and Clark field at
12 :S5, Dupuy ascended 1000 feet and
made a circle of the field. He started
on his eastward flight at 1 o'clock and
made a no-stop trip. When he struck
the storms In the Columbia river gorge,
he descended to 500 feet and nosed his
way on to The Dalles, arriving there at
1 :45. He kept going, finding the weath
er clearer and reached Pendleton 65
minutes later.
After circling over the Round -Up
field, Dupuy made a landing at 2 :55.
After unloading the papers, going over
his engine and "gassing up," Dupuy
started on his return trip at i o'clock.
He found bad headwind and considerable
fog. so alighted at the aviation field at
Granddalles, Wash., at 6:10.
After spending the night at Grand
dalles, he started again at 8 :40 this
morning and reached the home field at
s :6b.
"Under conditions such as this," de
clared Victor Vernon, manager of the
airplane company, "abundant demonstra
tion is made of the feasibility of com
mercial flying. The weather could hardly
have been worse and yet the plane made
one of the best records so far recorded
for a flight of that distance."
Pilot Jack Clemence was scheduled to
take The Journals to Pendleton this
afternoon. He had been assigned to the
flight Friday, but at the last minute the
switch was made to enable Clemence
to recover from a cold.
Ponzi Crash Pulls
Down Another Bank
Boston. Sept 25. (L, N. S.) The
Cosmopolitan Trust company, on Devon
shire street, was cloud today by order
of State Bank Commissioner Allen. This
is the 'fourth Boston -bank V, be. closed
since the Charles Ponzi crash
City Found to Be Responsible
Through Lax Methods in Forc
ing Extra Expense on Contrac
tor; Delays Partly to Blame.
More than $65,000 was set today
by a special committee aa the sum
the city should pay Hans Pederson,
contractor, who built The Audi
torium. Pedejrson claimed he had
lost, through delay attributable to
the city, $77,307.85. He asked this
amount of the council. That body,
after much negotiation, named the
committee to sift the mater and rec
ommend "a fair sum of settlement,
if any."
The committee's report, which was
filed with the city auditor shortly after
noon, places blame on acts of the city
and declares it their belief that Peder
son is entitled to $65,493.16. The re
lort will be read at Wednesday's meet
ing of the council and offered as the
basis of settlement with Pederson.
The committee, composed of W. Y.
Masters, Richard Martin Jr. and W. C.
North, found the city at fault in its "lax
methods" of dealing with the contractor,
of putting upon his shoulders burdens
directly traceable to their delay, particu
larly in steel contracts and labor pro
visiops. The actual award to Pederson
was $58,745.61, which, with interest al
lowed over a period of two years while
the matter was In controversy, brings
the total award to the sum set as more
than $65,000.
The committee found that the con
tractor, through a trusted employe,
originally made a bid which was In
error. His certified check accompanied
that bid, and they decided today that
when the error was called to the at-
tention of city officials they "promised
he would not be made an ultimate loser
through these errors."
Mayor Baker appointed a committee
consisting of W. K. Woodward. O. K.
Hartung, F. T. Griffith. Marshall N.
Dana and E. B. McNaughton on No
vember 29, 1S19. to probe these errors,
and that committee found the errors
to be in existence. The committee re
porting today coincides with the former
committee in this respect.
On April 14 this year the present
committee was appointed. They stated
yesterday they had held 23 meetings
and heard the testimony of a number
of witnesses before reaching their con
clusions. They found that the actual
cost of erection was $63,398.77 more
than the contract price: that all money
received by Pederson actually went Into
the construction of the building ; that
because the city made certain changes
its plans, the contractor was forced
to lose money, and that he was assured
"this would be O. K."
Five thousand dollars was allowed on
the stone contract because the city
forced the contractor to use idle labor
then here in cutting and squaring the
stone on the ground. If this had been
done at the quarry, they pointed out.
the contractor would have saved con
siderable money.
Delays which occasioned much of the
loss, at a time when prices were soar
ing In all commodities and particularly
in steel, were brought about through
the employment of a New York archi
tect, whose local agents were put
through long delays In getlng opinions
from, during the time these prices were
They found also that Pedersoi was
"continually" underpaid by the city,
when his drafts were presented to the
auditor. His failure to obtain use of
the money due him, they said, also
caused a loss.
Pederson is allowed $5676.75 for his
loss in steel prices ; $7580 for haultng
and setting terra cotta ; $5417.76 for in
surance, $1100 for elevators and $2500
for deductions for decorating the au
ditorium celling. Ilr should have
cost had building progressed properly,
$57,650, the committee said, but actually
cost $88,207.27.
Repprt of the committee was unani
mous. Not to submit an alternative
measure to the port bill In connec
tion with the consolidation bill, to
be voted on at the November elec
tion,' was the unanimous vote of the
members of the Port of Portland
commission at a postponed meeting
held this morning.
An additional resolution adopted was
that, the Port of Portland demandsjnore
attention to the depth of water between
Portland and the sea than to the imme
diate needs of the 13 mile stretch to the
mouth of the Willamette. While the
local work is of vast Importance the 100
mile channel is of greater for the needs
of shippers.
Burns Are Fatal to
Mrs. L. A. Sutherlin
Oakland. Or.. Sept 25. Mrs. Lucy A.
Sutherlin. a pioneer of 151 and helpless
from paralysis, was fatally burned
Thursday, dying Friday. Mrs. Sutherlin
and ' her youngest son lived together.
During bis absence from the house her
clothes caught fire while aha was sitting
near a stove. Her screams attracted
neighbors, who extinguished -the flamea.
She. leave six children, all ssova..
Apparent Apathy of Empire State
Arouses Leaders of Both Par
ties to Concentrate Efforts
for Final Drive in Campaign.
By Iuis Scibold
Copjriiht 1920 ttj Tha Prean Publithioz Co.
Hew Tort World.
New York, Sept. 25. Roll ca'.l
would probably disclose the fact that
the most important men in the Dem
ocratic and Republican national or
ganizations have been concentrated
in New York for a week. Taking
advantage of the apathetic condi
tions which have so far resisted the
attempts of the professionals, ttv
rival leaders have directed their at
tention to preparations for the storm
that Is expected to mark the final
phases of the campaign.
The leaders of both parties cite par
allela between the existing political con
ditions and those that characterised two
previous campaigns. The Republicans go
pack to 1892 for their analogy. They
assert that the Democrats are now con
fronted with the same conditions as the
Republicsns were in 1892. when a vast
percentage or Republicans refused to
vote for Benjamin Harrison.
The Democrats find comfort In the les
son of 1908, when Taft defeated Bryan
in the final stage of the campaign. When
Taft left his "front porch" the surface
indications showed him to be beaten
Bryan had successfully attacked the In
junction decisions of the Republican
candidate and attracted to his support a
substantial support of the labor and
radical groups. Yet Taft won easily,
meeting the issue.
The Republican leaders now assembled
at New York believe that the result of
j 92 to be reversed. The Democrats
I cling optimistically to the hope that Cox
! far duplicate the Taft achievement of
A" Bls and portents to which pro-
' fessionals attach Importance unerrtngly
I favor ,h Republicans at the present
stage of the campaign. There is no
(Concluded en Pac Two, Column Two)
Los Angeles Cat., Sept. 25. (U.
P.) Captain William Barrett, hus
band of Alice Gordon Drexel, daugh
ter of John R. Drexel, Philadelphia
multi-millionaire, was being sought
by federal agents here today after
a federal warrant for arrest for the
alleged theft of Jewels worth $125,
000 from Mrs. John D. Sprockets Jr.,
in London, was issued here.
The warrant was Issued through
United States Commissioner Long. Au
thority for his arrest, asked by the
British embassy in Washington, was
received here shortly before noon to
day. Teal Project Seeks
Besumption; State
Assistance Asked
Salem, Or., Sept 25. In an attempt
to resume operations on the Teal irri
gation district in Umatilla county, rep
resentatives of the project appeared
before the Btate irrigation securities
commission Friday with a request for
state guarantee .of Interest payments
on a $930.00 Obond issue which has al
ready been certified to by the state.
Bonds in the sum of $1,100,000 have
been voted by the district and $329,000
nas aireaay been ezpenaea on tne proj
The commission took the request
under advisement
Mrs. J. E. Noonan Is
Given Hasty Divorce
According to J. E. Noonan. former
clerk in the Portland offices of the
O-W. R. A N. company, Mrs. Margaret
Simpson Noonan was granted a divorce
from him in Tacoma Monday, a few
hours after papers in the suit were
served on him. He said Mrs. Noonan
charged non-support and incompatibil
ity, in spite of the fact that they were
living together In Tacoma the Friday
preceding the divorce and were together
in Tacoma the day before.
County Appropriates
$15,000 for Exhibits
An appropriation of $15,000 has been
made by the Multnomah county com
missioners for the aid of fairs and ex
hibitions to be held during the remain
ing months of 1920. The appropriations
include 81SO0 for the poultry show,
$4600 for th manufacturers' and land
products show, $2SO0 for the -county
fair. $4500 for the Pacific international
livestock exposition, aad $1000 for the
Pacific national dairy, show.
President Millerand
Greeted by Wilson
Washington. 1 Sept 15- (L
President Wilson today sent a telegram
Lof congratulation to President lUUerand
ON 0
Mother s Tears
And Tots' Sad
Plight Fail to
Stay Law's Arm
Salem, Sept. 25. Three little tots.
ranging In age from a toddler of 17
months to a husky lad of S yearn,
tumbled about the outer offices of
the executive offices in the) Capitol
building here Frldav afternoon in
blissful Ignorance of the fact that
their father had Just besa returned
to the state prison.
Kight years ago William Theodore
Herold escaped from prison here, after
serving six months of a sentence of from
one to five years for larency.
About a year after his escape, under
the name of George Morris, he met and
married the girl who. Friday pleaded
with Governor Olcott for the parole of
Herold, backing her plea with a petition
signed by more thaa 100 of the cltisens
of the little town of Jerome. Idaho,
where Herold has lived for the past
three years, and who were ready to
vouch for him as a "good and useful
citizen of the community."
It was not until a year and a half
after the Veddlng that Mrs. Morris
knew that her husband was a former
inmate of the Oregon state prison, ac
cording to the story she told the gov
ernor Friday. But the fact that he was
a good husband and father and was
"making good" as a citizen was suffi
cient to overcome, in her estimation, the
record of his past an the little family
lived happily and prospered, after a
fashion In the little Idaho town until
the stern hand of the law reached out
to claim the bread-winner of the family
as its own for the unexpired time of
his minimum sentence.
Left to her own resources, and almost
destitute, with the husband and father
in the toils and three children dependent
upon her. Mrs. Morris faces a cheerless
six months of waiting for her husband
to fulfill the law's decree.
Final soorr: It. If.
Chicago &
Cleveland 1 5
Cleveland, Sept. 25. (I. N. S.)
The American league pennant race
remained a two-cornered affair when
the White gox'defeated Cleveland by
a score of 5 to 1 here this afternoon.
The victory gave the series to the
White Sox, two games to one.
By winning today the Sox gained the
ground lost yesterday and are now
barely a half game behind the pace
making Indians.
Claude Williams, left hander. was the
lad who turned back the eager Tribes
men and sent 32.000 fans, the biggest
crowd that ever saw a baseball game
in Cleveland, home with a bitter defeat
to think about Despite the frantic ex
hortations of the crowd the Indians could
not damage Williams' shoots to any ap
preciable extent.
Stanley Coveleekie fell victim to the
White Sox's prowess in the flrst in
ning, when, after two were 'out, the
Chlcagoans scored runs. A gala in the
fourth, three singles. Including a aou-
ble, gave the sox another pair of runs.
Joe Jackson mad it five when ne
drove a homer over the right-field wall.
Cleveland's lone run came in the
second inning on a double by Sewell
and a pair of sacrifice flies.
Ground rules were In effect again to
day and the superheated fans swarmed,
12,000 strong, out on the outfield, there
being about 1100 thronged alongside the
left field foul line, with 6000 back of the
ropes in deep left and center and aa
many more packed in right field. Every
available foot of space was Jammed.
During batting practice Kid Gleason's
men hit all their baseballs into the
overflow, which encroached upon the
outfield, reaching to within five feet of
the customary stamping ground of the
right fielders and Immediately at the
heels of the left fielders. After exhaust
ing their stock of horsehldes the Sox
borrowed fromthe Cleveland bench. Play
was started at 2 :J0 to permit them to
catch an early trsln for St Louis, where
they open a four game series tomorrow.
It was announced the game would be
called at 6 o'clock. Lineup:
Stnink. rf. ' 1.
Waer. Sh. Wambacanas, 2b.
E. rollinn. 1'b. Kpeakar, rf.
Jackaon. If. Smith, rf.
Kelarh. cf. (iardner, 8b
i. Colliu. lb. Jnhnaton. lb.
Biaberg, av Kewell. aj.
BVhals. e. O'Neil. e.
William, p. CoTrlkw, p.
tnptraa ChiD sad Owana.
Chicago 8 trunk bounced out Wambv
to Johnston. Weaver grounded out to
Johnston. El Collins singled to center.
Jackson doubled to ' left K. Collins
stopped at third. Felsch fouled one,,
and on the next ball grounded to Gard
ner, whose throw was tow, the ball
bounded from Johnston's mitts aa Col
lins scored, and Jackson stopped at
third. J. Collins slashed to KewelL The
latter's throw went to Johnston on the
bound and the latter fumbled. Jackson
scoring. Felsch taking third and J. Col
lins second. Rlsberg out. Wamby to
Johnston. Two runs. Two hits,; Two
Cleveland Evans popped 'weakly to
Weaver. Felsch stepped to right cen
ter for Wamby's liner. Speaker fanned.
No runs. No hits. No errors.
Chicago Schalk fouled off two, then
bounded out eeweu CO jonnsion. Wil
liams out Gardner to Johnston. Strunk
fouled two. then went out Wamby to
Johnston. No runs..- No hits. . No er-
Cleveland Smith fouled out to Schalk.
tCesoladae ea rase Twa, Cats five)
5 Passengers, Die
in Airplane urasn
London. ' Sept" JS. L" N. &-Ftve
persons were killed when a large paa-
senger ' airplane 'crashed to earth- near
Xlayes, JtlddJeeex. today-
"Senate Voted Sympathy for Ire
land, but When Ballots Were
Counted, Harding's Was Found
Absent," Is Cox Declaration,
Hy Harry L. ltofrrra
En Route With Governor Cox,
Denver, Sept. 25. (I. N. 8.) Gov.
ernor James M. Cox indicated today,
before beginning a day of campaign
ing in Northern Colorado and Wy
omlng." that he la preparing to
charge that German leaders in this
country are backing Senator Hard
ing, in the hope of obtaining "easier
peace terms for Germany."
"Have you noticed," he asked, "that
the leader of the pro-Oermans In New
York Is going to support Senator Hard
ing because he believes the Republican
candidate stands for a separate peaoe
with Germany? He thinks when this is
made Germany will be able to obtain
easier peace terma"
Governor Cox did not name the "leader
of the pro-Germans" to whom he re '
friTed. From those close to the Demo
cratic candidate. It was learned that an
investigation Is being made of reports
received by him that the Republican
leaders have lined up the German press
In this country back of Senator Harding
by claiming that the Republican candi
date Intends to "scrap the League of Na
tions." Governor Cox was to speak today at
Greeley, Colo., and at Ijiramle and
Cheyenne, Wyo. His srhidule calls for
spending Sunday at Cheyenne.
While at Denver, Governor Cox replied
to Senator Harding's recent statement
on the. Irish question.
"Senator Harding nays It la not a ques
tion for official America, but he says
we voted an expression of sympathy for
Ireland," the governor aald. "Ths sen
ate did vote such an expression of sym--pathy,
but the senator dodged the roll
call." Cox was cheered In his address here
last night when he declared that the
"name of Wood row Wilson will be re
peated by the school children long after
the name of Henry Cabot Lodge is burled
in oblivion."
Mention of Lodge's name brought
hisses. '
London, Sept. 25. (I. N. 8.)
Twelve persona have been killed
and 160 wounded In riots at Turin,
said a Central Newsdlspatch from
Rome today. '
Serious disorders have broken out at
Pola, according to other advices to Rome
quoting the newspaper Messagefo.
At Trieste, where many persons were
recently killed and wounded in fighting
between Nationalists and Socialists, a
party of Nationalists stormed a ship
and threw overboard pictures of Lenin
and Trotsky. This was followed by an
outbreak of fighting in which a seaman
was shot.
It Is reported from Genoa. Turin, Rome
and Naples that 90 per cent of the work
ers have voted In favor of acceptance of
the employers In the dispute between
the metal workers and the factory
V "
Mandate of China
Severs Eomanoff t
Diplomatic Status
Pekin, China, Bept 24.U. P.) A
presidential mandate waa Issued by the
Chinese government today canceling
recognition of the diplomatie and con
sular appointees of the Itomanoff gov
ernment of Russia.o
The effect of the order was to close
the Russian legation which has been -kept
open here by representatives of the
former exar's government, and also to
close all consulates In China owing
allegiance to the Romanoffs.
An announcement by the foreign of-
flee explained that China will safeguard 1 -Russian
Interests and the friendship of
Russia was desired, but that In recent
years "Russia has been in a state of .
chaos and disquietude because of fac
tionalism." The foreign office said If '
was "unlikely" that China would take
immediate action to establish diploma Us ,
relations with the present Russian gov-
ernment ' . !
Telegraph Companies
Are Ruled A g ains t
rr"- "-. , - .
Washington. Sept . (I. N. S
Present regulations of telegraph com
panies limiting liability for negligence
in transmitting messages to the amount
bald for ' sending the telegram were .
today termed "unreasonable" by eaanv
lnere for the Interstate, commerce cons
mission In recommending , a decision la'
Japanese Exodus ls "
For Winter. Vacation
. ! .
Toklo, Bept J3.-C P.) Secretary
Ozewa of the Imperial Valley Canta
loupe association of California declared,
today that the 50 Japense reported ,
leaving Loe Angeles" , oa the steamer
Canada Maru are merely coming - to
Janaa for a winter vacation and will re-
J tors to the United the sarin.