. THE'' OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND,' OREGON. FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 24, 1920. 21 Messenger Boys without bicycles 'Artraa) par. 1110 pay atooth. Pvn-anent work. irftx DruncKT gupEBYisoa .... .' ! TalrJ St WANTED . WIDE A - WAKE BOT Moat b ftf II year of aaa, amMtinu. win ing to work hard and thoroughly waable. Tan will work tn the advertl in danartment of The Journal and base splendid opuorturuty to kara adv-rtHne;. Good salary. U yoo think you eta enaiify M Mr. Aledr, maia Hour. Journal bids. UAVfED liriali toy l" older '"r Intaato bouse. I'er .snsnt position and loud ebanee lor future. AU own handwrit ing. O-tflf, Journal. HtflC WANTED FEM ALE s EARN $14 PER WEEK TO START 5.5.50 PER WEEK AT END OF SECOND WEEK $900 FIRST YEAR RCQtrtAA INCRtAUKi Til E3E AFTER ArPLT NOW room sixth rioon rAftK AMI OAK STRKETS TXPUON BL'IUUINU THT? TAriKIO TEf-rmONK 1Kb TElyl'.O HATH COatrAMT TflE OLDS. WORTMAM A KINO STORE ra qtrira tlx aarviraa wf thnnmchla asanncd aalapiwoa9n for knit undcrwaar dait. Apply aupariniendaat offiea,. 1:11 Ui 10:10 a. m. f KXrnRnCNCBD arwora for aam'a tailoring da y vartmafiC Apply employment bonau bofora lo:ox. UPMAN. WOLrE A CO. WAMTRIV I HOWB MAmTNB OrtrRATORB. I TO 1 TRARS OF AiK. ATM.T AMES ' hAliniS-REVlU-t, 1TH AND HOTT SIS. J THK OLDS. WORT MAN A KINO STORK ra qnlrci tha aerricae of axiwriancod eaahiarM; muul ba familiar with National n-a.ii.ter Mm. Arr.ly aperiDUndvt' office, 0:16 to 10:30 a. m. . THR OI.PR. WORTH A! A KINO STORK re tnlraa tha arrriraa tthoroufhly r ipariamad ' aaiaawoman ror alia aapartinanr. Apply aupcrtn teadoole offiea. :! to 10:0 a. m. WASTKD Two ml ipaiinni, attracaWe irla lor waitranca: ailarj $60 per mo. and beard Ii rat an, and 170 par no. and board aeeond. bio. Geid rhaaoa far farther adrancrmant to alrla h apply Ihamaeitei ; aiparlanfte unneeaaaAry. Apply The lUzalwood, 383 WaAhington it. tfUr B a. m. CIRIJ WANTFD TO WORK TM CRACKKK AND t'I?pT FACTORY. APPI.T TRL'- IMJ RIHCVIT CO., EAbT bTU AM) DAVIS aVT KEETS. . . 74 ORAXRERRT pinkara wantrrl at onoa to to to Iona Boaon. WaMi. nrtlcndid orrorlnntty " - ' n nuu Bf. at tno Midi tiroe m from S3.S0 ta tS par day. Suitable lodalnn fur- in Mrxl. Fur d. lfl are Ml UUbert. Wftman't Pteiaiofl of the Public EmDlOTaant Serrioa. 20k 1 litlma' kUi SOLICITORS (m.a or w tneuraaos aociety; must men) tor fr.t.rn.1 be erfHing to work hard and Be nut of eity if required; comtwna tlaa modaat ta start. No tiine servrn wanted. Recamntewdsticna required. Boom 608, Arti-, eon amlM'ng Mr. Hudson. A WOMAN to assi-t m bouaework or Iruit m.k: wage. e, Addraea Mrs. Art Caritt, Route 1. Caaaaa. Wash. WTS tWi Subarrlptioa eoliettera for atandard Best eammisalona. St.ad work Apfdy anr It to 9 P. m. Baoaj 111 Piatt hldg. LADIES to 'work is motion aietuTea. Special tralnlag to btp yow Qualify If neeeaaary. Ap ary 12 Chamber of Commerce blag. RELlABLlt woenaa, atiddle aged preferred, for gaewtal hcemek wiping tn email heme, a adulta ta lamuy. leu avast aeej, alter a a, aa. W A NTID Malpars ht hard ndy sod cream aewt. of aaadr factory. Rneeell at OUbert Cm, K. 14th and HoOaday. Roe City ear Una. WANTED OirU 18 years or over ta work la candy factory. Rsbm.11 A Gilbert Co.. E. 240 aad HoliaAay. Bo City oar. W ANTEgGood plain, neat cook, wages 630. Phone Mar 1114. Ill Bitena YUU drtra, Portia ad Height. WANTED A maid tor nooaework in family of three; ao ctuktrert Pbona aaormiDga Maia , 37). ... . YoTjNu girl to aaaisi with work ia new, mod era home: no faraaca, an oonranieaces; good wagaa. pheae Marshall 4116. WANTED Good girl foe restaurant who askoerata.B th wnrkr. mi till WlNTKD flood aewer far finishing ia drese making shop. Apply 322 Vt AV Broadway. GlRiJl wanted at one. Columbia Paper Bog tC. 36th ad Holladay, .ftft? aerrlag room. Good Samaritan boapiial,26d aad Marshall. Tl I KeaTar'1 U - 6acral bouaeworkT HBLr W ANTED 1 ALB " FEMALE 13 Jer--JU"" -!nd v-Praaeat oraniaaon of ita kind; bright future for those wa qualify. Call kef or. 9a! as 4 5 TlOBrldmt bldgT ' . Jl?U.: '"roiahad house and VF A Wl" T aaw-k, w. .,. PAT1E. l OrTICAL CO.! 7 iffVSZ RWf. - - ' v- i morgan p 6aa rarwrienced packers; pick- kHM M-ll White Salaseai, Waah. ssaroen nuiiaaaa. cBXNliEtrfY7Fl?tl!;Rl wtT STTf. BCSINEHS ABP TBAPE SCHOOLS 94 POBTLAKD Bgrbar College teacW nri - L k- ' hlle 14 mine; lilN," WOafJb Wars Urber trade: wage whii; saaraiaat ac4tlowa guaranread. Mgr. 26 yeere' aapeneaeo. Oreawa Barber Co Ilea, 363 aiadiasa. kOCtyoT'NTAIN""TscheraT AgencyEnron ffra. Fraak K. Wellea, furmer amlaiant state , UftK. W. bank bide, rbone Maia 8276. BFBtXESA A1TP TRADE ECHOOLB M BUSrNEBB OOIXEOS Largest in tha Wnt ASflCHKS KVERY OKAliOATE , t A PpaiTlOK. . Enroll suj Oat of year. DAT SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL Pfaeae. celt at write to tree an nan ootalog. - - i . SbedalzmSf in i i ' -J v fcCHOOL Or DRESSMAKING' A'- Ks-j-t.iii, vemgninu We eta accommodate a fw more student In netlera drafting, noveltlea, dnmtktn' art, drexa aaakiag. oskr harmony, practical design! n. drap na. Enrollment upea till Oct la Completa ex an of ail given abort fa only 182 with terms Jt desired. Roont S4 to 47. Selling-Hirch bldg. phono Main 8218. r5 &3sTn A Position for Earn Graduate, ALI8KT BUILDLNQ. TiH! DudTey School of Amnaailea wishes to annouac. tbo aptnlaf of their new cUmm in aviation, tneluding pilot' and -mechanical court. Wendiy. Sept. 20. Avail yourself of thn opportunity to lot into this profiublo pro faaslto at one. vpl; 824 Morass buikUng Dudley Aircraft company. VAXTElen and womrn to lear tha barber trade; receive aoraa pay while learning; pol Bona eecused; Oregon ex-service am, tbo eauraa ia fraa to yon I call or write for particular tad catalogue, hi OLE B BABBEB COLLAR K. 24 Burnuue st CLERKS, over 17. for postal mail imiw, 3133 month. IUininatioiu 8p'unnbrr-4ct(ir. Uipcrianca annacnaary. For frao parurulan, writ J. tonant I former riri Mrrira xara.. 1ni-ri. ana Mnbl bM.. Wa'hinatnn, i !. WANTEl 100 ma0 at one to team to oparau and rapair at and aaa tratun Apuif Maaaiihill a Aatoraobila A Uaa Tractor SebooL cor. rl SOth and ilawtborna. Wiiia or aail tor (ft datilnf. . ' ' LEA&MTELKUHAFrif Tonna men and woaaoa wanted; call 44 Railway icbaeta bid. ; aplcadid . opotmanlty to Warn a orali paid pfafaauon. Uaafway Tala- (ranh Irwi'wta. "LaHT HUK t UMMalKC'IAt. Sl MOOL Hiaa Kcctna Hurkal'i prifat arbooi; indiidual matrudton. Tik tirand ava bat 437. WANTKn-AUKITS THE COIXINUE automatic iibiiftor, rcti firr, ciaea more mileage powrr. lau carbon and roolcr encine; goea on any car; aiffftta wanUd and territory lor.aele. Collinze Co., I 'i t;liian at. WANTED State agent to eel direct to Ford dcaien; yon bay no gonrjat hut muot ahow diathbution ability within 80 day to bold con tract, Write tba D. K. W. Ufa. Co.. 815 23 Mary t. . Loa Angrlce. HA I,F.H-Ky WASTED 8 KS WANTED -'Men and women can able of intelligently reprerenerng dignitied educational proposition throughout the West Thia ia a eommiwioo protHattlon, hi if you ha ten t confidence in your oeui ability, dnn t apply. ir you hare eonlidenee. ability and personality there ia a good intoteand pleaaant work. t;ie fall peraonal information, age and tiperienoa in flrat letter. 8-327. Journal. Sale.hmen Wanted. Saleemen to aeli beat known truck on the market. Wa ran make Immediate drlirery: parte to auprily every need In the Northwest. We want huatlers. BKOlKiriTON MOTOR TBPCK CO., 825-827 Glisan St, tlty. FORO aalaeaaan wanted: apletMiid opportunity lor lire wire: Kordt now ba:k to pre-ir rriree; position permanent. Kobin.n-Smith Co., authorized Ford dealera, 6th and Madinon. UITrATIO M AI.E lAYtHSTJoBbiit riaaterlng, brivk. tile, atone, cement work. Re pairing and remodeling. Ail work receiree our peraonal attention. Phone Brnodwty 146. PAINTING, paperlianging and tinting, ail work guaranteed aatblactory. O. K. Hnderatrom, 1176 rowe.I Valley Hoad. Tabor 01 It 4, BbjWEB connection, eeaapoola. aeptic taakt. buu -ee ral'-eii. concrete fouoUaUuiM, excatat ing. Tabor S008. EXPERIENCED all around anto painUr. Can take charge of then to or out of city. Addreae W. M. JLlia S40i it-.S. JANITOR work,' office cleaning, 4 or 5 o'clock till midnight hour. F-la9, Journal, or pbona kUinJftW; PAINTIN ANT) TfSTlNG REASONABLE. WOODLAWN 8826. CARPENTER and" enntractor; .nhbint, anything in the building line. Eat 6636. fAPEMUANtilMU. unting and painUua. wocd S6S0. . . BOOfS cleaned, repaired and painted. Reaaoa- able. Tabor 0211. ALT- KINDS of hair work dona by machinery From II to $3 Sell. 8828 a'AlNTlNfr. tinting. parerint; good work, reaeon- able. Sllwood lsHW. ?Olj furnith'the raint and tint. I will put it on for a reasonable day 'a wage. - Eaat 87P8. WANTED Excavating. BHIwood geDeral team work me do yonr tinting, faction. Rdwy. 6009. $ room. 8 a tii- rU' RKY VP and clean your ronmv Tinting!, 6, 4. Quick errice Brlwy. g.MS. l'i.l!MBlN( done verj reaoahly by tha job or by hoar at right price. Tabor 1116. WANTED flood girl for reetaurant work, one who nnderatanda tha work. Main 713S. PPKNTtinNU. BeAlBiNfr"infrRM0I ICI.INO. TAROR 234. CEMENT work, floora, walk', drirewaya and ga regw rea-xinahle. -all Tabor 6070. BOOKS rchlneled. repaired and painted. Call iato 817-87. WITPATIONf TKM Al.g 4 RKI.IABLE youns ld. employed prownl Urae in offioe, wiehea other work aeveral hours per day. Can deal with public Phone Mala 371. iftcrnooni. r. . . "rTL- ' M7 it-H.MH Aia, mini wiiie " any kind. .JP'Tl 'aT, N ' 5. LL L- - 1 in or out of city. Phone LACE. SCRIM AND . MAROriSBTTK CT K TAINS DONE UP LIU a, BW. WILI CALl. Bast 8311 CAPABLE, ambitious, economical widow, wishes housekeeping. P 846, Joninal. " IJIDT wants no-ltion si hnatkeeper In Dome; good cook. 649 Commercial at. PBF.SSMAKtXt 40 DTEIN'G, cleaning, preaatng, dreanaaking. racaodV aline, rellning, altars tin na, pleating, reasonable prirea. the CAbinet Cmanora at Dyera. 424 Morrlaon, near 11th. Mala 1836. L'UES.HilAa.ER 12 yeara' experience; just re tumed from drearqnaken' finishing school ia the Beat, Mrs. Bates, 1120 Dtvauoa, Tabor aoia. DUESSMAKrG School cloth .a tailored, aoira, coats, dresses, ec ; alteratioas reasons bio. Mr. Krlly, 753 Tancourer are. 111-00. ALTERATIONS, refitting and saaking of ladle' earaaenta. reasonable price ; work raanauei. J Renbiw. Ted its' Tailor. 406 Bn-h A Ij-e bXe 5FRSEH 10 PRACTICAL nurae dosirw mining of any kind or pnaetit ast 7111. ton in doctor' of lit . or aa aaatrtro. FURNISHED BOOMS t HOTEL OHIO. 266 FRONT. COIL MAD1SOM Housekeeping and transient rooms, stoam Boat, hot and raid water, automat, elevator; rata 60 eant day up; weekly ratea. JjJyrGlnws School K?S cey-ase KRAZY KAT V 13.2 By HeiTiiiian '. ! - . : . : 1 ' . . ' . . . - . "'".'"'..'-:. -...--. r--.. .---- . v - - : - j. . ; . -. ey -.'..' , ... l - S " 1 - - - v- . T- . . v;. -: : -L ; ' -, V ' 's - . r , .: 'Cr.;:v: 'v:ii-.;.::,: ; MATWE7A HAIX 207 14TH ST. Hot and cold water, ateaaa beat eery room, aim ta. ideal loeaUoa; get located foe- win tea; a lev left. HOTEL MEDFORD 120 X. Itb, cor. Chaaa, t wloska OaJoa pot; hot, cold water: "team beet . tSa, P 60 week. Prietto bath $7 week Op. depot fjTEAN Oepim rooou (or rant by day, week or . mot.th; nnder new management. Stark Boom u. n.M. m est (4 attapfc sc.. comer Prk. . - ONE deeping room wltb garage. la. 8248. Ill UumIL , FCllSISHJED BOOMS rBITATIt FAMILY 71 BEATTimXY fnrn'thed room fnd glaed in aleeping porch, with board, for man and wife employed or two men. In etrietly modern home. Home priTilcfea. 1093 E. . i'landara. Aut. ZzS-za. fipDEKN Bleeping room, P minutea' walk to Meier A Kranka, for boainaaa neopl or couple employed: Tacant Saturday; rent ISS per raonlb- 6S2 Ererett at. ' yiUEtT fornisberl modern aJcore mite in pmata lamuy, aaitable for it gentlemen or man end wife. Claea In. 6S4 H KrereU. eor. 16 th. - JflCKLT furniahed ateoea auita. modern, enit able for two 'gentlemen or man and wife ; clone In, 5H Krerett. cor-'ldth. TV US ISIfED room in rood, home, Oct. 1. gentle- a a a r a A a .. - n 41 A ak m i . man. 544 E. MadMon. Auto. 212-06. NICELY fumirhed. ateam heated room. T520. Walking diatanca. nrirata home. BbrERNwI fnmUbed room, walking tltatanca. Plum Beat 407. SSI Haaaalo at. BOOMS A5P BOAH P U THK MARTHA WASHINGTON SSO lOtb K. fee bii'iaw girta and etn nVnta; reeffnh' ratee Mar-hail HI. ROOMS AH1 BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY . 7t TWO FRONT rooms, all cnaeeniences, tn quiet neighborhood, walking distance, within two hlorks of two earlinea; breakfast and dinner giren If wanted; reaaonablc prices. r."(i. V. Burnett, 681 East Conch at. Pbona East 8500 after p. m. ail day Sunday. - LADY will board two boys or girli and giT- be-t of cart Wi prtraU bomr. ManhiU 8023 Everett -t. 8 blof from chocl. BOOM snd board for cnnple employed. Would care lor children during abseaoa of mother. Ant 312 44. 292 Craliam are. KOoS and board, refined family. e lniriv home, 1 or 2 gentlemen. tast ;MH. nou J Hgrriaon. Tabor4J37. FrnNISIIED'room and'board in private family rnr ronpie or two gentlemen; gooa aistncu 1148 Ilanthorne. Tabor 74 14; TWO NICELY f ami hed.' clean rooms: breakfast if deaired. Tabor 23. WILL care for a "child la- my home. Tabor 8713. W'ANTKI) Children to board. tU per aaooih. Martha MoeBer, Rout l.Canby. Or ROOM and hoard lnpriTati family. Eat"2809 HOl'SEKEEPIXU ROOMS 8 rrBiHr.D a?ii r?rri bxisheti cTTT VIEW HOTEL Hood, clean honaekeeping room, suitable for couple; also sleeiiing room. 293 Vk Union are., 1 block aonth of Hawthorne. nOT'KE KV.PING ROOMS FL'BSIfcHF.D AND I'UFrRNIHHED PBIVATF. FAULLY 7J CALL MAIN 8816 If vou want a H. K. room, clean, neat, light i and airy, Nb Hill dlatrict; parking privilege for I ynur car, if dextred. THREE neatly furnished housekeeping room. reasonable. 1 H block from -M-V SUrt car. 2031 E. Bumxtde. Tabor 4830. No children. 0K)DT-iiglit housekeeping rooms, 618. 0 per month: free phone, lights, bath and tarbage. 621 Kellv ,t, onr. Whitaker Mir S236. 'i"WO or tliree unf urruibed hou'ekerpins r.m: adults. 666 K. mark . war J 0 tli FOR RENT Two rooms and kitchenette, 630. 400 Rom at. Eeat 710 TWO fensekeeping rooms, 1 block from Sunny aide car. Phone Tabor 302. TWO housekeeping rooms, rant 120. 61it at. Call East 6388. HOTELS 31 JTATTON HOTEL 190 H First St.. Corner Ttylor. Nicely furnished rooms, hot and cold water and steam beat ia each room. Rate 63 week up. ATTRACTIVE rates to permanent guests. Sea our accommodations. New Perkins Hotel, Fifth and Warhington. ROOMS WANTED , 8 HOUSEKEEPING room wanted in exchange for painting work in spare time. P 838, Journal. FOIl REIf T HOl'fSES I N FI'RMHHF.D It rfTORAGE COMSIKRCtAf. AND HOUSEHOLD OfXJDR. WOV1NO. TACKIMU. SJHirPJNO. Reduced freight rata. Eur expert service rill Broadway 703, Manning Wsrba A Trar.fer Co ' TWO room shack on 45th and Killingsworth. 1 8 a month Including water; 4 blocks t paved street. Inquire 8. il- comer of 4 2d and Killingsworth. FVRNITCRE AND PIANO MOVING ARROW TRANSFER CO.. 201-3 Phone Main 6207. 7-ROOM modern house for rent, 130; furni ture for rtle cheap. (ome BAturday. Sept. 25. 66 River Road. Mtlwaukie. 6 ROOM cottage. 53d are. and 50th St.. rent 416 ner month. Call Main 2506 or Broad way 4975. call Broadway 68o NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC COMPANY. WASHINGTON AT TENTH STREET. FOR BEST 4-rooro cottage on Chester si nrsr Hood and Sheridan. 5 ROOMS, unfarnlsbed, all imprortuMnU. Main 8306. 211 Curry st. hOL'aVEH FOR KEN TFL'BN I'l l RF. FOR H AI.E 60 FOR RENT 8 room ft ; furniture for sale cheap. Pbona Mar. 1076. KCRNISHED HOC8F.S 66 BEATTinXLT furnished 6 room bungalow, sun parlor, mniic room, breakfast joom. 2 bed rooms double garage, nice garden, hot water heated: 8100 per month: wi'l want lease; owner leaving city. Call Tabor 1660. MOnkfiM furnished 6-rwom bunaalow 650 per mo. Want respemdble couple who appreciates and will care for gnod home. No children. Call 950 East Glrsan alter 0 p. at FOR RENT A 5 n-m bungalow. 2 lots, furnished or partly fnrni hed. 1821 K. 11th N., citr 6 ROOMED furnished cottage. Adults. East - 1 5Q2. SMALL furnished cottage; gas, bath. 680 Pet- lifrove st COTTAGES, apartmenta. niahod. 383 Gibba. e.l.-l f-r. FLATS TO BEST. CSFrKyiSHEP II tXAT for rent, furniture for sale, pieces. Owner going East. 6C1 Clackamas st. W. A. car. FFRNISHEn FLATS 66 LARGE 6 mom upper flat, iurnUhed, walking distance, 65. 371 E Salmon it 3Ro6m furnished fiat. 635: also garag. S04 Vntojar jjt. Wdln. 1B39. APARTMENTS FOR REXT 295 17T1I st.. cor. Colombia at., room 3. J room fnmi-hed apartmeata, 610. 3 room famished apartments. 111. ' 832 MUwaukie sv. VERT desirable furniabed or partly furnished apartment, Irrirnrton district, on car line; adults only. 018 E. 13th St. N. Auto. 320-47. UOOM and bath. Use of apertment, west aide. Very davtrabla. Maia 2076. 11 FOR RENT Ptrt of offlea reset, with w wttbottt tak: nee of telephone and typewriter, or wul ge good layout u rmbUe atenorraptier. 312 ttail way Esrhangr RVlg. Call froaa 8 a." m. to 12. Pbon Main MT. tr ANTE TV TO RiSJfT "WANTED TO REJff" Tonne coo pie. no children, deaire 8 . 4 or room ntirnrniened hotue ax flat, by Oct. t ; most plumbing and. bath; beat rcferettcea. Kagt 4T00. A REWARD of tS will be paid to party clnng information concerning i or room bouse for rent; not ever 115; win tea; Roan Citr or Park Bona pert erred. Tabor Hii. WflkiTED -6 room fwrnUbed hotue by October 1. Will pay to 646. Bunnyajde or Bawtborad preferred. At ref. and care. P-S46, JonrnaL WASTED "fO BENT .? From 2 lota ay ta 1 acre.. -with A ar e room hogee. What bean yya Phone Tabor 6866. BEAL ESTATE BTJSI5E88 PROPEBTT 61 ROSE CITY PARK BUSINESS PROPERTY $!2,GG0- Snap S12,0C0 Rentals amount to 69. SO per month, which would be' a net income of S per cent on tha in vestment and 1222 a year extra for taxra. in auraace and upkeep. Thia property, ia located on Sandy blvd. ; street improrementa all in and raid. It would coat 615.O00 today ta duplicate ttus building ; it has a splendid hot water heat ing ayetara apd is in first class condition. ANY REASONABLE TERMS. Owner Leaving City See A. N. Mikkelsen Co. 52d and Sandy Blvd. OWNER Irtrini city will mVe aacrifioe on income prcperty when net 15 per cent an- nnaUy. 66000 will handle. Thone Tabor T756. Bl SINEISS HOME-INVESTMEN T property tor talc; B rocm hov-e, lot 85x111; fruit, berries, raraee bide. Call 22S E. 87th at Bl'SINLiiM Dlock on corner: etorea and living rooms, all rented; term. Woodlawn 2062; or 007 Kiruy t. WENT SIDE wsteriront truh trackage a ad paved strut. Owner, 1421 N. W. Bank bnilding FOR iAf.E HOrSKS 61 A VERT GOOD BDY 6I0O0 CASH 6 room bungalow with hardwood floors; hot air heat Ita of built-ina. Very well built; lots of fruit and berries. Price 64000. Term-. See Mr. Cempbell. with Frank McUrillh, 324 Uenry bld;f. $3000 8.r00 CASH For only 350(1 ca-.li wa can mil you thi ex qui ite brown bungalow of 7 rooms, with lull htwm-nt It bu an especially pretty lhUb kitchen and all the sppointmenU are unu-uauy g)rd. There are two bedrooms and bath on firt floor. Roautiftil lot with iruit, berhe And Ciosiars. Phone Main 6624. 13250 6 room bungalow in Fultna district: has fine fircplsce, rldeboard and lots of built ins; large banemeqt and garage. Will nuke re y t, m. See Mr i smubcl). with Frank McCnIU.. 324 Henry bid-. BrNCALOW fflvCRIIlCE. 62600 61220 CASH. BAL. 810 MONTH AND 6 INT. 5 rooma and finished attic in first clan condi tion Inside and out, cement basement, 50x100 lt. paved street and sewer paid, 1 block to car, 17 tninntea by st. car to West Bide. Call Owner, Tabor 669. ROSE CITY PARK HOME 5 rooms, bath, den. sleeping porch, full ce ment hasemant, fireplace, garage, fruit trees, full SOil 00 lot. facing east. I block south Sandy blvd.; price 64600. H cash. 661 E (17th st. N. ALBERTA 12850, terms. 6 rooms, fireplace, .bookcase, buffet, built-in kitchen, bath, full basement, block to car. JohnaonDodson Co. 633 N. W Bank bide. Main 3767. 1200 DOWN. 1200 Will lef ymi move in today. 6 rooms wish beth. toilet, lights sod 'garage; lot 40iI(IO fect with alley; ir.i:e 41500. C K. Kennedy. Tabor 4611. 11430 2 V BI.KS. ROSE CITY PARK CAR Cosy 4 room bungalow, electricity, nice fix tures, gss, plumbing, small basement, woodshed, csnrr. fine corner let. nice lawn rosea and cardan ; good kxation; cement aidewajka. Tabor 6 ,TS 9 6no Down, gsoo Wfll buy a 4 room house wtih 2 lots, fruit and berries, cKiaa to car. E. Kennedy, Lents. Tabor 4811. BRAND NKW DOWN TO DATE Rose City Park, modern bungalow; 3 rorsmi, attic floored, built-ina. fireplace, hardwood floor. Al cem'-nt basement, good lot, only 61500 I"rico 851)50, eay terms on balance. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCHANGE BY OWNER Two new modern double con structed fire-room bungalows, centrally lo cated; hlrh grounds, full lots, tereral lines can. Near schools. 430 and 431 Wygsnt, cor. Wy- gant Open all day. OCR HOME with white woodwork, fireplace. furnace, corner lot; hoase light and airy; immediate possession, Hawthorne district, on car and school, a snap at 14500; muat be gcM immediately, l'hofie ltdwy. 3600. 81650 TERMS 1 own and offer X room bungalow, lota -OOxlOO. eonser alley, gar age, hath, electric, gas and arwera. oa E. 224 and Insley ire; 100 feet to pared treat Wll B Santa. 890 Williams av. East 1208. BEAUTIFUL Irrington bouse, splendid corner 100x100, double garage. fin shrubbery, bot water heating system, improvements tn -and paid for; ba rgaisufn oaay terms. SeUwood 2 633. WTr. BR. 6HOP9 4 -room cottage, welffuT nished. oa and coal range, fin bath, laundry trays, garage. Cor lot. pared st all for 62700; 300 cash. 650 a month. Owner, East . SMALL 3 -room cottage near Peninsula park, 1 block from ear; bath, electric lighta gas. Price 81100. 3500 cash. bsL in small monthly payment. Phone Woodiawn 2461. $39508 BOOM strictly modern double con structed bungalow, fireplace, builtina, 3 toilets, full cement basement, furnace, flu condition. Owner. 691 E. SOth N. Tabor 943. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT For gala by ewwer, 0 room modern bunsow. 360 E. 4 2d. Tabor 6075. FOR SALE A good 7-room and raraee near in. Call attar i p. n. or phone East 7619. 359 ley st FOR SALE By owner, 9 housekeeping robau. Good furniture; rocm permanently full; down town location. 255 5th st SEE owner at 654 Taroma are.. Sl.ioo. on easy term, four-room remodeled and painted house, now vacant 823O0 BOOM house in 11th st, Sellwood. and 100100 lot Catl Miller I evenings I Swllwood 1714. IRVINGTON bungalow, cor. lot, 2 fireplace, furnace, C moms and sleeping porch, 84300 32000 cash. Phone owner, E. 466. EOR SALE 6 room modern hossae. S lots. 3 chicken 5C14. nam. all Mod fruit Tabu RTORKH AW orrtcmn REAL ESTATE FOR MALE MOfSES 61 J. A. Wickman Co. flhortewt Way Horn. Years of stady of eatal cawdiUoBa, a thowoah kawledaw of district a, familiarity with valuaa sad ariicndid orgsnizarioa enable us ta frjvi yon tha sMxtaajia eereira rn heme buying. 2ALKS IN IS OATS. Theea aaica sr. not daw ta Axpert Jaaamas. ehip, bat to tha elaaa of homes at farad. We empty , ahow jow tba property aa4 let yoa aeli yourself. Aataa at your euinca. IS700 Here ia an abaolnt barrala. Owwet - maat raisr aeay by- th flrat and has . rodnead thia homo to Was tnjua he said for same one year ago. S rooma aad sleeping norrh down, one rootm axd attie up. All kinds of built-ina. full cameat hasemant, ate. Terms. 83300--Here is a eloae home. oau 1 block to car: paved street, full cement base ment. waah trays: 7 rooms and bath, fxreplaeo. Ton wvmld never oapect to boy this home for ao little money. 123006 rooou, 4 and bath down, 2 up: fan cement basement, wash traya. street not pared, but sewer in and connected with bouse: newly sainted and decorated throaurhaut; only 1 block to carl 6S50T rasa, balance U monthly, inclndiaa tnteren. 153 SO Rose City Park home, bungalow ttyle, 5 rooma and bath, with breakfast nook, attic. fireplace, full eaanent 'base ment. Wash traya. buffet, hardwood foora; finished ia enamel throughout; .terms. LACBrftTJR8T HOME. I7S0O Let us ahow you thia strictly modern home, with beautiful built-in, fire- rilace, fnrnaue. buffet. iMirrh kitchen, ill cement basement, wash trays, hard wood floors tnrougnout. The bed rooms in this home are aa nice aa the being room ; all light, large, airy rooms. Oarage,, street imp. ia and paid; teinu to salt. Call and iact our pbotoa of tha best borne buya. J. A. Wickman Co. "Shortest Way Home." 264 Stark St. Main 1094 and 668. HAVE YOU GOT $150? Can You Pay S25 Monthly For a 4 Room Home? I eated right near the eariine. on the East Side, we have a 4 room houe. It i a inch r,f a place, gund big lot 50H0O. some fruit on it, at me bernct, lot of raw butba; ent of the lUtle pUcee yon would like to own. If yon are living na sn apartment or a few roorav fer 625 to 635 a mmth. get away from it and let ua bow you this It Ule cottage waiting for you. INTERSTATE HOMKHITK CO. 106 hi Sd JL 4on AbinaWn blrlg. - Pbona Main 28-". $3750 House for $2750 $150 Down. $25 Monthly Seven Large Rooms Located nrsr the corner of OStb and Ulnan its. This 7 room house, fair condition, on a plot of land 100 feet front by 100 feet deep, covered with a few shade trees: good garden, good neighborhood ; block to car line; a place which will suit 1000 pepole If they knew where it waa. Get to us qjick and bring your payment down. INTERSTATE HOMESITE CO.. Room 409 Abm.-ton Bldg.. 106 Si Third St Office Open Sunday 1U .a. m. to 2 p. m BrandNew Bungalow $4600. Liberal Terms 681 ALBERTA ST.. ALBERTA CAR Vacant, Just completed; ttrictly modern, dou ble constructed; 6 rooma and large glassed sleep ing porch; hardwood floors, elegant firrpiaca, all builtina, Dutch kitchen, reception hall, den, plumbing and electricity complete: finished ia Ivory snd white enamel; full basement (cement td) ; fine neighborhood: paved street, paid. Deal directly with owner and builder. Ojn for in erection to 6 dairy, or phone klaat 0510 during day far appointment ROSE CITY PARK NIFTY Bl'NGAIJJW 64900. BARGAIN IF THERE EVER WAS ONE. Tou will appreciate the real value here. IJving roam extends the entire width of the hnu-s, large plate glaas windows, hardwood floors, fire place, massive buffet Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook ; finished in rich old ivory and White throughout. Street and sewer paid. Someone is going to get a big bargain and it might as well be you. A. 0. Teepe Co. 270 Stark St near 4th. Main 3092. Branch Office, 60th and Sandy. Alberta District No. 471 Price $2900, Cash $1 4 room bungalow, full cement basement, large lot 80x100. This outfit to suit the man with the eo fur a large lot fhone alar ill 1265. A FTNB little home in SOth st, 4 rooms and eleepine porch, house in very fine condition, Vt acre all in cultivation, fine orchard, plenty of berries, new garage, chicken houe. alt modern converriaaees; price 83500, 810OO cash, balance easy psymeni. A. W. Lambert & Son 120 Grand are. East 640. AN EXCEPTIONAL BUY To C!o- an Estate 6 room modern residence, 1 block to street ear, Waverieigh HeigbU, in perfett condition. Thia ba tones to tn estate and must be told at once at the eery low price ef 14200; only 81200 down, balanca terma. Let. I s Show You. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Teon Bldg. FIAWTHOBNE SWELL BT?IGALOW. Fine 5 -room bungalow, old ivory finish throughout, papered with latest design paper, oak floors, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, Dutob kitchen, cement basement, trays; a nifty home: laved street, Urn ail pail; on E. 87th, south of Hawthorne: price 346O0. about 81000 cash, l'UoSo at office. GRCSSI at BENNETT, 818-321 Board of Trade. Mala 7152. AN EXCEPTIONAL BUY 12101 6 room plastered house,, sewer connec-oeis, city water, ieath, gaa and electric tights, en herd aurfaos etreet H block to car. lot 45x113. 6100O cash 620 monthly. Fred W. German Co. Realtors 782 ( hasnber of Commerce MODERN bungali ing norc-h. ksrgi a 3 large rooms, fine sleep- large floored attic, basement with wash trays, oeaaent fruit room, furmsca, buffet. Dutch kitchen, 30x100 lot, with gangs ; not far oat; 33730. 3190 down, terms: Wa for cask. Owner, 763 K. 8 2d. SelL 1169. Mo aganta. 90x100 LOT. frail tree, ah rubbery, plenty of" gardea eaaoe, good lawn, chicken house. 6 rooxn bunaraiow fat fine oaodition, eleetrie lighta, gaa, fail pi nibbing, cement basement and laundry traya; price only 88100. 81700 cash. Johnson-Dodson Co. 33 N. W. Rank bldg. Main 8717. ROSE CTTT PARK Six room hiatal, fine attic, alecrlag porch, hardwood floors, Uriag, dtning rooma aad f. ball 1430 Akmeda. Tshnr 6604 AI-AMEOA PARK 6 room asodern boose on comer lot 60x100, with furrnrre, fireplace, art buitt-ias, hardwood floor downstairs. For sale by owner. Pbon Wdln. 4446. - - FTvE acre rich, level land, close in; little down. Tittle asonth: 8 room house, snap. A mat bargain, house lease for 8120 year. 292 Leurrabee at REAL ESTATE FOB MALE HOCHEI 61 X Gem of a Bungalow Beautifal Willamette Heights New, completely . modern and eery attractive f roe every x standpoint, ia tbia wocowrfnl hula home. Hard- , wood floora, tireplaca, air, eon Ten lent kitchen, new GAACO 1TBNACE. new aaraa M.RTTRIO RANGE., hvtaatane oua electno hot water he ting sya teas, all i which co-t lluttak. to ta au! JfST THINK OF IT1 No fuel of any kind aeeeaaary. either foe -heating or cooking, wator aoolad pantry aheteea, 3 alee bedrooms bath and dandy big Inclosed sleeping porch; room in attic for two additional room, lot 60x1X5 fe-t The new froaa thia "GEM OF A HOME" I simply match lees. The bom eaviroaanent k tha boat. qectioa by appointment. Sea 1. VT. Croaaley, manager High-Claw Home Dept. And. oh, y-, the price h only 66506. IT'S ONE OF THE BKSOF..HT BABGALVS WE'VE EVER OFFERED. N FRANK L. McOUIRE To Buy Tour Dtstinctiv. Home. Abingtou bide. Main 1068. Bihr-Carey Corporation Realtors Main 7487 See our lis ting before yea select your borne. It ts Urge and well choaan. That we has desirable buy is shoWn by the fact that last Tuesday we aold 7 houses to- persons who had been shopping for weeks, E. BCRNSIEIE NEAR 30TH 0 Iioosni 35ww SubaUntial 6 room bona with 3 large bed rooms upstair. Full oemtat basement, laundry trajs, furnace, fireplace, I block to car, 8 to hicn achooL Pavement and aewer la and paid for. Very reasonable down fieymeat. BihrCarey Corporation 211 Railway Kxchang bldg., ' 3d and Stark its. MAIN 7487. Open Ertninfi. Peninsula $2550 This bnrgalow house is eery aubitantially built. It h a emnt basement, laundry trays, fireplace, 2 fine bedrooms downstairs, with ad ditiunal room upstair for more rorrrat; full lot, 1 block from car. A very aall dowa payment will take thia place, BihrCarey Corporation 211 Railway Exchange bids.. ?a -and stark sta. 487. Open Evening. MAIN FOR ALE $37i $3700 BY OWNER Must sell my 6 room house ay onoa ; lot 60x 10(f, fruit trees, new garage, ccmerete driveway, nice location; house In beat of condition; full cement basement, laundry trayv, fruit room. Thia place will go quick at my jrlc: you can handle for 6 1 200 down, balance easy terms. Mr. Dodsen, rhnne day Rdwy. 8278, alter 0:30 p. m, Bdwy 8347. 933 Minnesota ave. Near Walnut Park Here 6 fine home on pared street, about 3 blocks from 2 earlinea. Has large reception hall, living room, den, dining room, kitchen, break fast nook. 4 bedrooms and bath; also garage. Price 15500. Might (crept some small trad but must have good cash payment along with it. LAWYER TITLE A TRUST CO. 285 Stark St Marshall 1898. Creston on the Hill Price $3250, $800 Cash 3 room bungalow, with large attic, room for three rooms up-tain, 30x100 lot If you are in th market for emoetliiiig in thia tftrict call on us, rt will pay you. PACIFIC AQENCY, INC. 314-520 Swetlaad Bldg. Marshall S989 Marshall 1265-. A MODERN' hum. In Wn-llwn f fully furni he), lot 76x129 with alley: there ia also a good family cow and enough chickens for family use; excellent toil, and son-, or chard; thia place roust be seen to be appre ciated; price 83750, with very liberal terms. A. W. Lambert & Son 120 Urand are. Hawthorne District No. 500 PRICE 83200 1700 CASH n fonm house. 3 good bed room i, paneled, dining mum and buffet, full baviement fur nace and 56x100 lot, 2 blocks from car and not far from Franklin high. Might be a good buy, betier look It up. Pboua Marball 1263. A GOOD BUT Near Re-Mi Colleea ' I room home; hot water beat, hardwood floors; house in Tory fine ermdltion ; owner leaving tvm, wilt sell famished or unfur nished. Price 86SOO. good tmas. 8c Mr. CsmvpeU, with Frank McCrUUa, 824 Henry bldg. tTROOM HOUSE 70x200 LOT 13500. " I iood S-roma oe. eioctrsetty. eaa. firepl w. Imokcaaea. buff,- eesnsmt baaemaut. bath, gar age, lots of (round, peer 3 lota; cement walk and tTadiat paid; 4 blocks to car; bandy to school; Bear E. 6 2d ami Gllaaa. Price a aaap, 63500; about 81000 cash aad 833 per asonth. Including interest; shown by aniieinUaant only. GRCSSI A BENNETT. 318-321 Board of Trade. - Main T453. $4300-41000 CASH 5roum.bnnga1eW style house with good sleep ing porch, hardwood floors, built-in bonkaaar. buffet, fireplace, full eemeat basement, 10x100 lot. soma fruit. Can act immediate rna.caaliai Johnson-Dodson Co. Oil K. W. Bank bklg, Main 1717. CUT LIVINC. COST EASY TERMS tfOO FURNISHED 8 B. COTTAGE 8900 CHAS. BIXsiLER. 328 HENRY BLDG. BOSK CTfTH0fE SNAP. T rooma, aliiadng pore. douMa rahsmbirur, ex cellent basement, furnace, 60x100 lot, fine laws, afc rubbery, ate. Ftvirig. everything paid; iaamediat pameasloai; 1 block car. west of 4 2d .. 86A00. 62O0O cash, worth 1 T.'0 more, Jacob Haas. -B26 C. of C M in 127. FOR SALE 4 -mom hens with attic, lot 50x 100. 14 hearing fruit tree, lot of small fruH: a bargate for eaah. 624 E. 86th a. 8- Mt. Tabor car. Tabor 6510. nreOrTTTTTAT ANKENY Six rooms, taodera. good condition, big vara, within walking distance: must sell. Jacob Ps Main 6127. East 1864. DON'T buy a boms until you aee this; 9 rooma, U modem, nsssr Hawthorn car, close in. Aut 617-79, REAL ESTATE FOB SALB HOCKES 41 T ARE Ton A RTRAVOER TN PORTLAND! DO YOU OONTKMrUATK BUYING A BOlklSi DO TOO KNOW VALIE8 ASD DISTRHTTSf THK McC.UIRR SYSTEM THE 8T8TKM OF BFAL SERVICE -PETS YOU IN Immediate touch with tha HOME TOD ARK IXHIKINU FORI 1000 PHOTOGRAPHS OF PERHONALLT -. APPRAISED HOMES FOR HALE. FRANK L. MoOCIRE FRANK I. MrtiriRK LAROEST HOME SKLI F.RS OX THK PACIFIC WAST Peal with aa OLD KH.1ABI E FIRM? i.tt t)e GRKATKIT VICTGRB DlKPLAT ROOM IN THK WEST I 1OO0 photos raphs of INSPECTED AND APPBA18KD HOMKM FOR BALK. Every district. EVERY PRICE! If nn aeaary. we will help you make ywttc down way meutl WK WILL SELL MORE HOMES than any other office ta the CNITKD STATES, be raaae the MeGuIre SYSTEM hi the OR1HIMAX. Sl'I'ERIOR, SCIENTIFIC, modern method of home aelllng. Ji6 experienced, courteous m lea rn a st rmir serviee. OPEN EVENINGS AND BrNDATS. HCNDRED OF REMARKABLE BARUALNSt You'll Want to Live in This 14990 A HAWTHORNE, HARMONIOVS AND I KKAiTlrlL r rooms witn built INS AND CHEEKY FIREPLACE: ercrything to make ou feet you're - tv -"'T-i": L,!H,"I'!!S, i E. 8Mb," TERMS. TIIT-RE n GOOD VALUE HERE. Can't w aUuw )ou thuf Holladay Irvington See This One! I4S00 ON RROADWAT. near 20th, It thia splendidly constructed borne of 8 airy rooms; living room with cheery fire place: attractive dtning . room with , leaded glass buffet; nice Dutch kitchen ; SLEEPING PORtTf; fuU cement ha-e-ment with furnace : IT'S REAL VALUE. TERMS 'convenient to you na be arranged I A Rose City You'll Want $3700 NEW ART SHINGLED ROSE CITY BUNGALOW; 3 rooms; built-in btif ,fet; IDEAL WHITE DUTCH KITCH EN; best plumbing fixtures; all IM PROVEMENTS IN AND PAID Foil! E. nOlh, netr Stanton. REAL VAM'U 1 THE FEATURE OF THIS COZY HOME! Me our list of UOoi. CITIES BEFORE YOU BUY! Waverly Richmond Snap 1 3 V j 0 EASIEST TERMS. ry tih-tntil, .ractical 8 room Bl'NG ALOW-TYPE HOMB: 4 large, airy sleepint rooms; wbit enamel plumbing; electricity; gas; 60 by 200 lot nitli A HUN ft ANCE 01' FRUIT AND BERIMF.S. Holcate st OWNER LEAVING CITt; MIST SELL! LOOK AT thie Now ! We hare Co HOMES in Oil district. Just Read ThisI $400 Down . 13080 ONLY 1400 down it this EXCEP TIONAL BARGAIN In a 6 room sub stantially built, comfortable home; best white enamel plumbing; elect nrice, gaa; full cement basement ; PAVED STREET PAID: 1 hlk. to Wrrw. av. car on Rodney. IT'LL GO TODAY I Hot Water Heating System 11800 SPLENDID RARGAIN IN a 6 room ARTISTIC BUNOALOW-typr home AlMoINING LAIHELHi;H8 ,- fin' corner on Irving: HOT WATER HEAT- 1NU PLANT1 GARAGE: TERMS; 1 blk. to car. THIS IS WORTH THE MONEY 1 A PRE-WAR PRICE! Read About This Alberta 82850 HERE IS a typical 5 room MODERN AI.Iir.llTA bungalow with large airy rooms and built-in LAROH-SAVINij CONVENIENCES: DUTCH KITCHEN; , whit enamel plumbing; elex-trtctty, ' gas; GARAGE. E. 13th, 1 hlk. to nr, JUST 1500 dowry. ENTIRE BALANCE LEBS THAN KENT I Sellwood Home Bargain (THERE'S FIFTY MORE. I 32400 EASY TERMS; 3 room eubatanHal home; white enamel plumbing; elec tricity, gas; paved at. paid: right on rarlin. TTUrt 18 REAL VALUE AN! YOU'LL AGREE WHEN YUU fcKE! MUwaukie at. HOMEPEEKERR! IF YOU'RE WANTiNO THS BEHT THERE IS TO BP HAD FOR TOFK TIME AND YOUR MONEY, and you want SAT ISFACTION in your eeareh for a home. Bee FRANK L. Mc QUIRE 1000 HOME BARGAINS rOTt SALE. Arlington Bldg. Msin 1068, 3d, Bet, Wish, and Stark. MOVE BIGHT IN 8 room asodern bungalow, oa paved street, 1 bV-rk to school and carlhte. tn Wav.-rleieb I Its. This k decided soap at 83160 s 1300 cash. 20 monthly, with tat at 0 per cat . yggfi gRaA!aj 713 Chamber af Commerce I BOOM HOME- MON'TAfnlT 0.v-vr Ut K VERY BEST BUYS E-t Side, 1 story hnose, in Al sham. lot BCrxlOO.witb. alley; 6 large fruit trews, flowers fine lawn, ecm-nt walks, hard aurface, 1 block ti, Gltmn oar, near achooL fric 82630. 8425 cask, balanca 123 niimth, including iitterest To are tMi mean you will buy. SMITlf-WAGONEB CO.. STOCK EXCHANGE HOUSE PLANS "DrrHnctive Homes." beautifully fllort rated book ef over e hundred rlasigna, 81. Blue pnsu and speeifiratsnns, 810. DISTINCTIVE HOMES CO - 924 North wesurn Bank bid.. Cut Living Cost Easy Terms 1900 FTJBNISHED I B OOTTAOrS 3900 CHAS. B1NGLKR, 826 HeOry Bldg. FOR SALE 5 -room modern-boa, with larr attic, lot 115 fort deep, 47 feet wide. 6 cherry trees eat asm; houa a ly painted ' some terms Call aad aaa asm; 2S00. 4701 Oth t S. E ' FOR 'SALE By owner, new. saaderw buneaiow. 6 rooma and bath, 13-16 bardwimd , floora! buirtin effecta, full cement hawement, fiirnac. ftreplac; lot 3xl00; east view; built be ds labor. Terms or cash. Tabor 3919 84000 SEVEN room modern .nl.k.; :' good condition, lot 91x200 ft; fruit. bmM L I ",.! o-i'-im mm. aewera. Dot me Chalker, 4709 E. lag ,., city SOME OWNER"' - ' B-roora modem bohgalow on Bns Cite. war. Bm. Thia is a good buy. IrMarcTn swat Bugs. i - awjfai. a-arx caan, pari levaae. REAL ESTATE FOB SALE MOffsF.S irvlnfton Orto of . Mf il. imU M.a . home in this ultra dtatinctiTa district, b) offered at 15000 under actual aahw. Tba price is bat 61o MM, erd ealy 640 rash wiU haodai. HklRK'S THH lKCRIPTIO.N: No. f9 ttis kiyoa at,, near 15th. . A great bring roam, re- , crptioB hall, tpleatdid dining roam and kiMhea ' with conrewient built-ina; bardwnd- floor dowa aUirs, 6 nkw , besliouwa, 2 flrepiarwa, furnace, -tarce 6Uks la which blllisid moat or aereaau' quarter may b Installed.' fall roncv; base ment, laundry room, ate. Fin. gsrag.. beaanV fnl 66x00 lot with beanUfnl ahadc troaa, thrubbery. etc. This rarely beautiful, roomy home aoulil net be dujillraled today for 120.00.11. ' t It I home in the most refined environment. T MUST UK SOU ULICKI.Y and la offered . at a l-ioe that WILL 8 El J, IT QUICKLY I Whoever gets it at llO.OOO wlU'Jme aa at of at leant 616.00U. It a vacant, ready to now Into, and ran be Impacted at any time by see ing fpr J. W. Cnnaley, manager High-Claaa Home Dent if not eotd by Sunday, Reptember -26, th. house -wilt be open to Inaneuiioa pa v that dr. FRANK X. McOUIRE V To Buy Tour Distinct! t Uoara. Ablligton DullJiBf, Main 1061. ROSE CITY PARE BUNGALOW ' Brand new 3 room buagtlow. with 3 large rooma, finished in gttic. Thia beautKul koaui , Is tnodcm lu every detail, finished tn old Ivory and white, tba floors duwostaira all oak. eacetet ' kiicliea; has fin rem ant baennt. stationary. tub, furnace, fireieare and all hulll-ln. Let at sliuw you till iilet-e. Prh-e only 10000. aa ternM vf 630UV cah. balsoos Uke rent. SEE A. K. N1KKELSEN CO., 02d SL gad Btndy Blvd. - ,. tsve- s substantial 6 Run. House $250 Down Three lam bedrooms wltb - fine el tin- stairs; good aired living room, dining kitchen, eciotnl bast mem; I block from oar. Till, ia a real snap, price only 13600, Bihr-Carey Corporation 211 Railaay V.eehence bldg., 3d and ell ark ts. MAIN, 7-487, Opto Evening, South Mt. Tabor. ' . For the Newlyweds No. 435 Price $3600. $500 Cash New 4 room bungalow and sleeping porch, 60x100 corner lot, hard-mod floors and firenlace, uent'-nt basement and eat fat-lag; 2 bl'vks from the car. We vail this a very .niity and convenient home. Call early as tills wont la..t Mar-hell 3D0. WEST MOFNT TABOR , 6 ROOM Bl'NG ALOW $4100 i . . . - - . 1. 1 r ii , nitu bungalow. - Living room aatoda eotir . width of bousw . liardwoed floora, lrepice,j buffet, Imtnh kitcUen, bretkfa-t Book, cemimt basement, . furnace, etc. Yea never Would ex-H-ct to buy such a home aa thia for ao litlie mooey. . A. Q. Teepe Co. 270 Stark St. near 4th. Maia 1031. Branch Office. 3Qth and Bandy. HOME IN PORTLAND 7 room modern borne, 3 short block from ear, 5 lota, bearing orchard, plenty of fruit, good aotl; hou-e has duubi plumbing, rtment. basement, wide porch n 3 sides, firaflaa, gang; price for. house and 8 lots 8501)0,, or 3 lot and house I400U. 1 lot anil bouse 33(100. CaU for apartment A. W. Lambert & Son 120 Grand are., oor. If. Alder. East 140, riOTaTFoXnrMDiffl.Kii"" ' , room plastered cottage, city water, git, bath neT toilet lull basement, atatlonarv tubs. et 60100 lot, f bearing fruit trees. 3 block from wuoaiawn ear. rnc iuuu, oo oaao, 52u monthly. 739 Cham, of Cnwrmeroe 1650 CASH HAWTHORNE 1 ' . . If you are looking for a home In Hawthorne see this quick. 1 .1 vine room, dining . room, kitchen, pantry, bath and 3 bedmomv wmnt basement, garage, near ear aad school, Th price is only 83130 Bnd owner ask only' 050 cash. DoaY delay. See thl today. .Comic & Kohlman 2Q6 Chamber of fommerce Bldg. M. 86o ftllOOM BIINOALOW" . '81260 Splendid bungalow with fireplace, buffat, Dutch kitchen, cement baaamant, furnace, laundry trays, ate. Full lot Truly 6 barjalo. IM W show you. A. Q. Teepe Co. 270 Stark St near 4fh. Mtia 1013. Branch Offioe, 6tftb and Sandy. Hawthorne Car 54500 , . 6 rooms and Ma attie, floor finished . for dancing; 6 rooms and bath oa lower floor, full eemmt basement, wash Unjm, Fox (urnafe, BOi 100 lot, garage; street paved and paid. Where oa you beat this for 14600 If you eaa pay 11000 dowa you'll certainly gat a nice home for a low price. Coast A Boatman, M 6580. 20S Cbemhor of Commerce bldg. Excellent, strictly modern b room typical ban. aw tow. double eosruad. Al ewndltlosi; vary conveniently arranged; furtiaew. ftreplw. all built-ina, fin plumbing, w tnileu, full c Bieot baaement, fruit room, Igwadrr ruom, trgyt, nine lawn and alirnbbary; a real boaie . See tt ami judge for youraelf; must ho cold quiaaiy. Tabor 6560. '83000 38lioTrA8H ' V AsTAxY ' - " 6 room, on and an. half story, vary pretty bungalow, with bath and on bedroom oa first Loot, full basement All newly aVcortted and painted, ia-dd and out; pretty reeeptioa ball; beamed owl ling in riving room. This hauee t vacant and h one af eur beat bay. Uajpb Har ri Co., 827 Chsmber of Comource bldg. Phuoa . Main 6624. ROOM BUNGALOW t anOn - I Nicely loeatod, 1 block fron Baady. Tbk fa an attractive buacalow. facta, east. . u. teepe o 270 Stark St near 4 th. if aia 1033. Branca Offiea. 40t aad Saady. -; TJWTira. "ii3 A MAkfTtf - -room eottaga, lighta. toUeC fine lot, pae4 . street, 3 b Socks to Alberta car. Tba Price as oalr 11290. Tbm ia a food buy fSrah t" and beat th rant man. ,Phn V. itta call 201 Chamber of Commeree bWg. " WALKINO rlistsnoe . to Je(.rn hiait acboel " " v ,vr .. now rs IS with furnace, flmplaee, buffet, bullt ia Utobea! 1 -mint ipi errewai iaraL 418 BeaeUwa av. Woodtawa t J40 FOR RA1JS 7-room bouaa. raB nt baas- eloa In t, modem imp rave meat, barn. on vv.uiamt ava. eaniao, 65000, anioa. aeuuv. arm II jujy. , .like rent. Beth ht, Z hone Sell, 1410. - . mswt now a. eaiaac Uke 641 E. 13th at Phone ALMOST new 4 room house,' 14 ar 100 tali wrkl mum.3ai I ti a .. T - . . a -vwaw a a-aau, -a.cH a-twj mm WHwwUDUA,. P-wU Valley road. -TV f-BOOM house, 4 bedrooms, U J strset, aewer. tanaa. Owmar kvo. BoDwood Mr. PAN Da' Bw Btwdera 3 -room bungslvw, ! fmii - , tee, remest baaamant; 12800. , I80 rw ..,. - qnirad. 3060 Holladay av., r. E. 334 a. ' . ROOMboo ea paved ' krWeewwfc rwS" Owner, 300 Maidca afav beilwood ear. Qu .- poaseaekip. -- -t .-. - CANDY bom in South Portlatxl. 6 room. moC. era, I abort blocks to car, $3600; part cash, -part lerma. F-jB 8038. fcEjJWOOD 100al1R-i220 '." room modern hosts a. Owaer mt nhaag bvarjoa. 1 1000 eaah. Marshall I2. , 1 1 200 LOT8ox 100, good $-reom ,u Q - ; baaa-saaitt, awwaa twnwvatiwO,,' GbaUwe, 470B- -K. 4 tat at, eity. y t " . . j - . ON T room boua for asJ. ar will (ran'' for - farm or a am ail house and lot 3l4o , Va-v-orth. Wdlu. 4663. ; , . elsoo MorJERjrT"room bUt.'A09''r 7i i at. near iiaalkora. $300 , Baigact aaayi Seli. 2793. -. . w KKW S room bouse on 60x107 w lot; prieo T 600O, revnv.- St. Jams eur. .1546 Maernwyi ';;';-' flOOO FOB a i oom eooaee; 3100 dowa, b's anca 616 Pe month. I40 fnoee , " AWTaoUSK.sn.il. $(, .I0 doaa. N.J - 6 mom aaojem; nenr achwol. Tsbor poR 1 j .. . - Mt( KRfi 6 goom tw " s k.w WlUametta) ? , Heiabta. , CaB ewaat, M. f.404. , -' ALBKUTA 4 oom modern I ungslrw. .fiooied - .trie. 021 60 ; terml nQl. N. . i. rjbotl 'mom 'medera Bi. 422 E. 67U, - $300 cash, Msfc . .Bell d 78 , ' t "JlOantlnued ea FeHowlnf psawi , t