THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, " PORTLAND, OREGON. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER Ji l$2k i ELECTED . ' ' William M. Kapua. ' president o the Northwest Ou & Electric Equip ment company of Portland, was elected president of the Paclflo Gas association Thursday afternoon wlth-H urn GAS ASSOCIATION j out & dissenting vote. His election marks' a radical change in the or ranltatlon, as this Is the first time In the 27 rears of its history that ' this office has been conferred upon a man residing- outside California. This was also the first convention held 'outside the southern atate. As a result of this convention the aa , sociation has agreed to eon. north to .Portland or Puget Sound one , every three years. Henry Bostwick, manager of the Ban Francisco district of the Pacific Gas A and" Electric company, was elevated from secretary to, vice-president He has been secretary, or assistant for II years. W. Irt. Henderson, engineer of gas dlstrl button of the San Francisco district for the Pacific Ou and Electric company, was elected secretary-treasurer. TWO PORTLAND MBIT OJC BOARS Two Portland men were also chosen on the board of director. They are Our W. Talbot, president of the Pacific Power and Ltcht company and Portland Oas and "Coke company, and Hilmar Pabst, general manager of the Portland - Oas and Coke company. Other dlrec tors are : John A. Brltton, vloe-presl dent and general manager of the Pa clftc Oas ahd Electric company of gan Francisco; W. B. CUne, president of v Los Angeles Oas and-Electric corpora tlon: H. R. Beshford, manufacturers' , agent, San Francisco ; L. H. Newbert. manager Alameda county diatrict of Pacific Oas and Electric company. Oak land, and F. R. Bain, president South ern Counties Oas company, Loe Angeles. The 1921 convention will be at Sacra men to. Today at 10 o'clock ISO men and worn en attending the convention left the Ho tel Multnomah for a trip over Columbia y river highway. Returning, they will be 1 , served dinner lat Crown Point chalet, 1t0 be followed by dancing. Tb final official act of the conven tion' before adjournment was a vote of thanks to Portland gas men for the fa ! moul Portland hospitality shown. -J XKVVXh BANQUET HELD .'.. About ISO men attended the annual banquet Thursday night, when the re tiring president, A. B. Day of Los An-.- t geles, presented the incoming president with the association's diamond badge. W. M. Henderson was also presented . with a gold medal for having read a noteworthy paper. Quy W.; Talbot was toantmaater. Addresses were given by V Mayor Baker and several gas men. Wal ter Jenkins and ths Rosarian quartet ' furnished the music The women en joyed a complimentary dinner and the ater party at the Hellig. The association voted to intereat more young men In the gaa industry that the future of the bualness might be made secure. The men also voted a revolving fund of $10 te provide data during the year as new developments or discover i ies occur. . , Kapus has been in the gas business In f Portland for 25 years. He was for Ji merly connected with the Portland Gas . and Coke company, but about 10 years t ago organised the Northwest Oaa and .'Electric Equipment company, of 'which Ji he la now president. He has been a t member of the Paclflo Oas association for II years. Kapus was Instrumental in bringing the 1920 convention to Port r land. , ,. "I ' i TAKES PlACEjyOUND-OP (Centmwd Fteia Psae Oet) Fields. Booop Martin.. Chuck Jennings, iT Jnmes Tsylor, Bmokey Moore, Bob , . Clark, Buffalo BradyJerry andl rommy Dougisa ftOV&yXh SPECIAL ABBITE ' The Oregon Journal special bearing 'enthusiast from Portland, arrived, at t :4V o'clock, htte but happy. The Jour y pal plane, with news of the Round-Up a end home news for the Portland con- tingent. Is due late In the afternoon. Un- less the pilot Is careful as he files over 5 the arena of the Kound-Up park he may ( meet with an unfortunate cowboy hurt ; ling through the air, taking; a nose dive X from the back of a bucking broncho. f Bands are greeting ' the incoming t train luring the gtieste to the events of '. the day through crowded streets.; wild i with excited cow punchers and - popping guns. ' Wilder and wilder grows tha crowd with the Intoxicating atmosphere f the wild West. Thus will it eonorrue until the laat day of the week arrives and the Round-Up adjoufna. . SHOWERS CATJSE DELAY J The early morning showers slightly . delayed the crowd for the opening day 4' of the Round-Up. Fifteen thousand EXTRA SHOW Quality First Notwit hatand in g that te rent kinds olhoee supporters we believe mmm ttas won sucK an enviable tepata taoa for oft? v and servtccot given so muck tliisfidion to motheni and children as the HOSE SUPPORTER Why) Becawse the webbing o( fresh ftva rubber (eels better and wears longer. Because it is the only hose supporter quipped with that exclusive feature the All Rubbeur . Ohlonff' V i Button TtfMk TVeAU Rubber, Oblong Butte . Prevents duppsig ' .aadRathpN I ' - ELECTED GAS ASSOCIATION OFFICERS . " .4. V i v . - ' " -it . .. ?'. :m , , ' V MS'. ;:: 1 lYora left W. M. Ilcnderaon of Jk Electric Equipment company, persons were present for the first num ber of the program. Ed Marshall. Pendleton.. R. S. Dixon. Klamath, and Tom Boyle, Pendleton, the Judges arrived In the arena shortly after 2 o"clock, and with the opening of the gates by President II. W. Collins bucking horses from the stables dashed Into the arena. The spectacular bucking of bulls, steers and burros brought great cheers from the crowd. Tommy Douglas, riding a marigold yellow horse, took a flight of several yards towsrd heavan. The calls from the crowd ot "Come to eartn" Drougm Tom down with a thud. i The burros, indifferent to direction and rules, are allowing nothing to remain on their backs longer than three seconds. The cowboys' pony race waa won by Eugene N. Osborn. The winning horse Is to be eliminated each dav, and a purse of 160 will be divided, with $50 for each day. James Taylor was second ana jess Harrow third. The squaw race, with a purse of $150. ISO each day, proved a thrilling event The first two were close for first Agnes Williams fell from he horse. In the- stagecoach race, Joe Can tr ell was first. Bill Riding second. The purse Is (60 each day, divided 140 and $20. ' The cow girls' relay race for cham pionship of the world was won by Lora Trlckey, riding the C. B. Irwin strtne;. 4 :1 2-5 ; Donna Cawi, riding Harry Wal ter's string, 4 1-5 ; Kitty Cannutt, rid ing Joe CantreU's string, did not appear : Mabel Strickland, riding Oeorge Drum heller's string, quick on change and a favorite with the crowd. 4 :1 1-5. Puree, 11000, first $500 and $20 hand purse, sec ond $300 and a manicure set. third $200 and a waist The three day .race is two miles esch day, etch TTder hsvrng four horses in charge of two assistants, one to hold and one to catc the horse, changing" each half mile. During the thoroughbred Indian race, a picture of the early Indian day. an airplane piloted by Francia Love per formed daring feats In the air. STEER BL'LLDOGGIHG FAST Jim Harrow, popular Indian, won the Indian race, with Red Shirt second and Tan Shirt third. In steer bulldogging. Frank McCar roll made 6 4-5, and Jess Staple made his throw in 19 4-5. Walter Sterling had a tough necked steer, giving him a fight for a time. He made 53 2-5. Norman Cowan, having lost his steer until it passed the grand stand, found a safe place near the fence of the arena. A real-leather neck delayed him In making hla throw, the time being 2 1-6 minutes. Iiuolan Williams. Indian, was not en- eoaraged by shouts from cowboys when his steef passed around the arena. Don Brownell was thrown from his horse but made an effort to make the throw -In the limited time of 1:45 Yakima Cannutt, alt around champion last year, made the best throw in 21 1-15 and is making a good start toward the title this year. ' Hasel Cowan also made a good throw In 2 1-6. tying with McCarroll. W. O. Seldel made IS 1-5. Joe Hayes' steer was bulldogged In front of the grand stand and was favored by spectators in the grandstand; time, 19. fcOJDITIONS 15 BCtLDOOGIXO Condltlone in' the bulldogging are: Steer to be given 0 feet, bulldoggmr to furnish own horse end haser, Con testant must throw steer with bare hands and not touch teeth to lips. ' Steer mast be thrown flat on ground on his tide and must be held with one hand released. An entrance fee-of SIS will be divided Into prise money for the' three days at 50, SO and Z0 per cent. - . Steer roping contest for the cham pionship of the world offers a purse of $1200 First $15$, given by Hamley & Co., and presented by Pendleton Com merclal club; second $450 and jewelry, third $200 and auto robs. Conditions: Rope and hog tie, three feet crossed Steer Is to be roped, thrown and tied there are many dif .' tr- - 'rierrwi Casein. - pastes ... Mtehr;. San Francisco, secretary; William M. Portland, president; Henry Boat wick BUC1 ELEANOfL Dr SPAIN ZANDER, ""H. THE carefree) life of the cowboy Of the wild and fearless band; As the sailor rides tha ocean, He rides o'er rugged Jand. As the sailor loves the billows. The toss of the restless deep. The cowboy loves the whirlwind And the feel of the horse's leap; The, buck and plunge of the bronco, Whose feet were never shod. The plung and snort of a demon O'er brown, unbroken sod. Oh, here's to. the swisb of the lariat And the "sun-browned Buckaroo, ' Who rides the range at daybreak And smells the dust and dew! with one-half minute or contestant is to withdraw at signal from the Judges. The steer caught by both horns, half head or neck. An 'entrance fee of $25 Is to be divided into day money for the three days, 50, 30 and 20 per cent; In the contest J. H. Strickland made 22 1-5; Dan Clark. 46 4-5; Roy Kevett Irwin. 29 4-5 ; Frank Roach, h ; Sam J. Garrett, no time ; Charles Johnson, 1:17 1-5 -r Alex Plersol, 57 t-5; Bob Burke, 45; Oeorge Fletcher, no time. HOLD GBASD MARCH Two hundred cowboys and cowgirls in the mounted march, headed by the Round-Up band, were followed by the spectacular Indian parad. Five hun dred Indians in their gorgeous, native costume valued at many thousands of dollars, passed with papooses strapped on their backs. They marched by the grandstand Into the center of the arena. forming a wonderful panorama of color! with the background of Eastern Oregon wheat fields, green sfter the rains, and the tepees against the evergreens along the Umatilla river. In trick riding, Lorena Trlckey, Harry Walters, Sam Garrett and KJtty Caji nutt showed daring feats in front of the grandstanp, while the Indians gave war aancta in tne center or tne aren. Sam Garrett. Tom Douglas, Willis Wllllama, ,-Bob" Burke and "Kid'' Mex gave exhibitions in trick and fancy riding. , ISDIAIT poW RACE The Indian pony race via 'the four teenth event, open- to . all Indians. Har row was first and Dave Penny second. In the cowgirls' bucktng contest. Blue Blazes wth Kitty Cannutt did little bucking. Lorena Trlckey and Bonnie McCarroll both held their mounts. The pony express race for the cham pionship of the world Is a three mile race, one mile each day. The four con testants Thursday made changes in rec ord time. A purse of $500 is offered. First, $250 and bridle ; second, $150 and kqdak ; third, $100.- Each rider has two ponies In charge of two assistants, first pony to go first and third quarter: Second pony to go second and fourth quartera. The same horses are to be used each day, barring accidents. Best time Is for the three days. Thursday's winners were Harry Wal ters, 2 :10 : Roy Darwin. 2 :10 1-5 : Ken neth Kennedy, 2:121-6; Darrell Cannon, 2 :10 2-5 ; Scoop Martin was disqualified. COWGIRLS' P05T RACfe Eight Indians contested m the Indian war bonnet race, Cowgirls pony race, purse $150. Each day. ft rat, $25 ; second. $13 : third. $10 contestants riding with cowboy saddles weighing not less than 25 pounds and not permitted to wear Jockey caps, winning horse being eliminated, each day.- Lorenna Trlckey, first; Donna Card, second;., Kitty Cannutt. third Cowboys' bucking contest for chain pionshlp of the world results Thursday Gilbert Pagano was thrown from Leath erneck. Red Prultt, on the famous CuU desac, mad a good stand toward stick. Ing, but old "Culdy" threw him down and then stepped on, him. "Tex Smith mad a fair ride tm Lightning Creek, slashing through mud and air until ume waa called. Roy HelL on the fam. oos Mrs. WIggs, had a short but peppy rid. Buck Hocas made a good ride on 8am Jackson, the latter being the nameaake a- jacKson of The Oregon Journal. Earner Mitchell on U-Be-Dam. was given a great laugh from the crowd when he left some feet behind his mount 5ter. W8" ln,the Coats rod Black. Diamond. Buffalo Brad on BUI Hart changed hands and pulled. Monkey Rench gave great trouble in being pre pared for the contest, but - waa easily ridden by Bob Hall- - - COWBOY RE1AT BACK -CI Gibson, orf Domiribv rod wkh nine aucKing. Th purs is for 700 First. $450 ana . s. -' - Kapus, president of Northwest Gas of San Francisco, vice president. $500 saddle; second, $200 and Stetson nat ; third, $100 and sterling sliver belt.. Cowboy relay race for championship of worm rurse, iiuoo cash. Riders having iour norses. two assistants, rider to sad die and unsaddle, mount and dlamount unassisted, changing horses each half mue. Barrel! Cannon, riding Drumhellera string, made 2:9 4-6; Bob Lleheriding. t;. a. irwin 8 string, and Scoop Martin riding Harry Walter's string, t :1S 2-6; nennetn Kenneajr, z :3i -&, on Joe Can. tral's string. Contestants in the wild horse race for the $225 and Jackpot to be divided each day are : Sergeant Hllds. James Taylor. Scoop Martin. Tom Rwlng, Orvil Banks. L W. Terry, Harry Walters. Hippy Bur mister, Dan Dlx. Frank Cable, Charles Runyan. Pete Nichols, Ed McCarty. Bill mngnam, iranK Swaggart. C. A. Cam eron, Vernon Ward, Eddie F. Sheridan. H.IDISG WILD ONES Unbroken horses from the nun aenverea m front of the grandstand. The rider saddles and rides his mount once around the track with halter only. One assistant can help saddle, but cannot lend any other assistance. The wild horse race depics better than any other event the real Ufa pf the cowboys in catering ana breaking wild horses. it was won by .Frank Swaggart. Tne Indian pony race was won hv j esse narrow, z :zz. Cowboy standing race Walter Ster ling, 1:3, "HAYS DECEIVING PE0PO0X SAYS ' (Couttuned pnna Pas Osel convinced that he will carry a majority oi inese states. BOTH SIDES TO BE HEARD "I am going back East," he said, "to tell people of the effort that Is being made to keep truth from the DeoDle of the West It Isn't fair ta them. They deserve to bear both sides and they are going to. The governor left here at 8:40 for Pueblo, where he speaks early this afternoon. He leaves Immediately afterward for Colorado Springs and Denver, where the principal speech ot th day is scheduled for this evening. By Herbert W. Wallir Las Vegas. N. M-, Sept. 24. (U. I Touching upon Mexican questions for the first time. Governor Cox said that he was not sure that Mexico "would want to enter Senator Harding's pro posed International association of the United States, Germany and Russia, th only other nations of sise outside ths League of Nations." "Things have been Improving recently down there," Cox raid. In anticipation of a reported effort by'Ellhu Root to have Senator Harding stand for th league with reservations, Cox declared that issue is now clear. "Senator Johnson." said Cox, "states that Senator Harding proposes to scrap the league.. I favor going in with res ervations that reassure, clarify and protect every American Interest and which do not emasculate the covenant My election means the league with America in it and defeat of Cox of Ohio means that th people are not la favor of going In." cox was aaked whether submission of such an Issue to a "solemn referen dum" L would not set a precedent In American history.' "I am never afraid to submit any common-sens proposal to th people," he replied. - "It baa been submitted to the senate, and the senate oeiiea numamty ana th nuhll will. We r . mtimltHnv i pi over th heads of th senate.- t V t d'. . - - I- - TIME OFKEAR As a result of heavy shower the last 10 days, rainfall so far this month is nearly twice as heavy as the normal rainfall for the month pf September, according to weather bureau records. The normal average for Septembejr over a period of years Is 1.S4 inches and at B o'clock this morning the total pre cipitation since September 1 was I.S6 Inches. This, however, is not a record break ing amount of rainfall so far for the month, and unless there is considerably I more in the next week, the record for the month will not be exceeded. In Sep tember, 1911, a record rainfall of 5.19 inches waa registered. The deficiency that his existed jjnder the normal average rainfall since Janu ary 1 la slowly being cut down. Friday morning Portland still needed 4s inches of rain to make the total fall nor mal for this time of year. The rainfall Thursday was fairly gen eral over Oregon and Washington and extended the entire length of the coast In 24 hours ending at 5 a. m.. .20 of an inch of rain fell, and most of this was registered in those few minutes before o'clock Thursday afternoon when it seemed as though the town was about to float away. Willamette river is making a sudden rise which is expected to- continue through Sunday. The river, under the influence of near flood conditions from Santlam river, shot up 2.3 feet at Salem in the 24 hours ending at $ a. m. and in the same period at Portland theVrtae was 8 of a foot. Meteorologist E. Lt Wells of the weather bureau believes the river will come up another foot in Portland by Sunday. IS BELIEF OF POUCE (Centhraed Pnm Pate One) suitcase, already packed, was found In his home. Examination today of the "tomb' In which Denton's body was found showed it was a crude affair built Of rough boards in a dark corner of the basement. The body waa under about three tona of loose dirt Mrs. J. C. Denton, divorced wife of the dead man, and Frances Denton, their 1S-vr-oM taue-htr. will reach here to night to claim the body afid take charge of Denton's affairs. Another report being Investigated was that a Hollywood woman is now drlvi ing an automobile belonging to Denton. Judge R. M. Avery, Denton s attorneyv Instituted a search for the missing man some time ago, after attorneys for hla daughter had made inquiries regarding hi whereabouts. FAMILY CLAIMS BODY Frances Denton, the 15-year-old heiress of the murdered man, and her mother, Mrs. J. C. Denton, and his mother, were today en route to Los Angeles from Phoenix, Ariz., to take charge of Den ton's affairs and to assist in the inves tigation of the crime. The beautiful home where Denton was slain was bought by him last May when he came to Los Angeles with his sec ond wife, formerly Dolly Winters, whom he married in Bouse, Aris. Immediately after their arrival here, the couple went to a local hotel to live. The police- in vestigators were told that Mrs. Denton died latvr, following a short illness. Denton waa a well known mining pro moter and speculator in mining stocks. His estate consists of mining and other stock and property in Los Angeles and Arizona. LED MTSTEBIOrS LIFE According to relatives, Denton once disappeared for 10 years before he was first married and not even bis mother knew his whereabouts. It was later learned that he had spent the time in mysterious wanderings about New Mex ican mining cam pa Little Importance waa attached to Den ton's disappearance in June because bualness associates and relatives knew he was accustomed to making protract ed tripa without notifying them. Pbllce said today they discovered Den ton's bankbooks, two watches snd some personal papers in tne possession of a Los Angeles woman. Thkj woman, police said, told them that a diamond ring 0 DENTON WAS POISONED which detective believed had been Den ton's had bean pawned for $300. ; v DEXTOVS 6PAKISH AFFINITY WARNED, SAYS MRS. PEEXE Denver. Colo. Sept 24. (U. P.) De claring ' that aha; knew -nothing, of the circumstances surrounding tha mysteri ous death of J.' C Denton, Los An geles capitalist, who body was found la th basement of hi home, Mrs. JL C pta atrijiv. vminr woman, today aid ah waa willing to go to Los An geles tO BtlP C1W P l BirW7i possible. y , Denton, it is alleged, disappearea am ust jr and . authorities believ ha waa murdered and buried m nir own oas ment Mrs. Peete rented Denton's house i r v. iiiniM three wnn mum w su " - , , months ago. She told newspaper inert that Denton waa frtenaiy wiu nr i- t. r hi ear. -but that the rex was nothing wrong 4 about their relation Denton, aha asserteo, na i- fair witn several women. - - Refora eh rave UO th SOUS last month to return to Denver she had sev eral loads of earth put In uie basemen at TWntnn'a raanest. It We Under this dirt Denton's body was found. Mrs. Peete declared the air was xo o " for flower beds. HELPED HIM PACK Th last she saw of Denton? sh told police here, was when she helped pack a few belongings for him. He left the same day on sotne business trip. Den ton had warned her, she declared, to keep th basement locked, aa Jie had liquor stored there. The first ah knew of Den ton' S death was when newspaper men told her a"t her rooming nous ner last nigni. jars. Peete has been here about five weeks with her invalid husband. Service today that she would leave for Los Angeles Saturday to give the dis trict attorney's office there all Informa tion she possessed and assist in any way In .clearing up th mystery sur rounding Denton's death. Mrs. Peete said she received a mys terious telephone warning June tell ing her to keep all persons out of the cellar of the Denton house. Prom that time on, she said, she, always went to the cellar with plumbers and gas in spectors when they visited the house ts Dlreetloa Jesses Yob Herberg. Elaine Hammerstein "WHISPERS" A Sweet Story ot Gripping Interest Duty an! low meet in a trnggla ' for supremacy Also ftaathln. Comedy ' TEIf SIGHT WITHOUT A BAR ROOM, With the NasKhlss Bathing Beaatlea, 5ew Pletare Satardsy ELSIE FERGUSON LADY ROSE'S DAUGHTER WINTHROP J Today r Only ..S " 4ev ' PERHAPS YOU, TOO Have been paying ,a tailor $125 to $175 for good clothes, and doubtless they are good clothes and priced as low as tSc tailor can afford to charge. Custom clothes arc cut Custom-tailored clothes are hand-tailored at all important points v , Ours arel Custom-tailored clothes are supposed to have a certain individual style . , - '; .- ' ' . Ours hare! Good custom clothes cost at present $125 to $175. Drop in and let tts prove to yon that we can save yon $40 to $50 on your suit or overcoat. Why not come today? ... - . -WINTHROP HAMMOND " CORRECT APP AREL, FOR MEM .127 SlxOt Sferewt Successors to Buffura & Pendleton ' " that nothing-was disturbed. v Tae telephone warning, airs. Peete said, in- aicaiea uiai mucn vajuaoi liquor was stored In tha basement Mrs. Peete ex esvasssvea -us viwmvss, fcJiiei , w m came from th woman known a Den- ton rspanlh affinity,",, -v ' s . This Spanish woman, described as at tractive, came often to Denton's home, Mrs. Peete said today on learning that Loa Annies Bollo were hnntina for th Spanish girl. -V ' HAD KXT TO uOtls V Tbl woman bad a key to the house and euni there frequently. Mrs. Peete declared. "I felt uneasy, for during my absence from th house on several oc casions I found vide no that someone had been there while I was away.? , Mrs. Peete said Denton gave her th house free from rent on the condition that aha was to take car of it, show prospective buyer through It aad make a sal. Denton offered her all over $23, 000 'aha received for Jil home. In case sh sold it. she declared.' These were th only "business arrangements" sh bad with him, Mrs. Peete stated. ."There waa a door to the basement that had been nailed up." Mrs. Peete said. This Spanish woman told me not to open It as Mr. Denton had soma whls ky In there. Sh s)ivld m to stay out of the basement" So far as any will was concerned. Mrs. Peete atated Denton, made his will juat before she- net htm in May and that it left practically everything to his daugh ter. France Denton of Phoenix Aria LAST TIMES TODAY- WALLACE REID J'. - In -"WHAT5(YOUR HURRY UaroldMeGraftvs STARTING SATURDAY ADDED ATTRACTION HAMMOND CO. one suit at a time a i va ii H Tl UK " 1.a lr- 'I 1 Ftrcy Caffee Aoqnlttcd " Percy Caffee, t charged with having . been, connected with the theft of 9 sacks of sugar frm th Coffee Cup res taurant laat spring, was found not guilty by a jury in circuit Judga "Cava naugh's court Thursday, , Eat less sweets; eat more "Red Rock" Cottage Cheese nourithlnt, tath fylng, Invigorttlaf. YouHllike "Red Rock" 'thasfolldrcasi; Norman Mrry' . "BABE" RUTH Ours arc ! CO. Estib&shed 1S84 - Tt Hav ' . - . '- :...