The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 24, 1920, Page 1, Image 1

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; Sunday Journal Comic
This Is Um superior fun sheet of them
alt "Bringing UP rather.- -Kataeajaro-
mer Kids, - "Little Jtmnry- and "Mr.
Dubb." Bee them la new antics next
Banday. -.
te All Her. and It's All Tram
THR WEATHER TnnHrht and Saturday,
rain t aoothrrly wlmta .
Mulmum Tam praturB Thursday ; s
Ctitcag-e ...... 4 Nw Orleaaa.... 0
Loa Ancelea.....' 70 New York.. 78
rortland ....... 0 Bt. Paul 11 "
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Scan be
Channel Work Funds Can Be Had
From Special Taxes, Says Mul-
keyj Voters Can Meet Dredg
ing Needs, if State Bill Fails.
The Port of Portland commission
need not Subject tha fata of next
year's' channel work to the success
or failure of the general port bill
on the November state ballot. On
the same ballot the commission. If
It acta before September 27, can aub-
mlt an alternate measure, says ex
-Senator Frederick. W. Mulkey, for
mer chairman of the commission of
publio docks.
The opinion gives legml confirmation
to an editorial suggestion In The Jour
nal Friday. It la, however, contested
by a statement from James B. Kerr.
The general port bill 'proposes that
the port oommisel on b authorised to
Uu more than 136.000.000 In bonds;
that the commlsRlon'i powers to ruffl
clently broadened to buy Swan Island
Mock' bottom and Oullda take district
and rail terminal and nubile Industrial
sites, and that In the event the city by I
cnartcr amendment arranges to ex
change title to Ita publio docks for re
funding bonds, the port and dock com
missions, can be merged.
The commission ' has announced that
If the bill falls it will have only $38.-
000 for dredging next year.
Sentiment has been growing that es
sential port work should not be defeat
ed by the possible defeat of the general
port bill, and that tha port commission
owes it to tha- port district to submit
an alternate measure.
Frank M. Warren, chairman of the
Port of Portland commission, said this
morning that before September 27 he
will givt the port commission opportu
nity to decide whether or not it de
sires to adopt a resolution submitting
an alternate measure.
"We will -heed $1,500,000 if , the gen
eral port bill fails, and that seems -a j
large amount 1 to r ask from a current 1
tajr levy when our receipts from taxa- I Above to register at tha special registra
tion are- now only about . $6J,00 a tlon . booths, ss all such registrations
ysar. said $w.iaAi,.lkt to be rechecked at the courthouse.
. s-r j.i -a . i
"U mlht be desirable
special election after the
election, or. even to took to 'the leal
lature. We can submit the extra tax
measure if we deem It proper."
Senator Mulkey's opinion is as fol
"If the Port of Portland Is desirous of
(Coaehoded cm Pace Clgh Cohuaa Fin)
Detroit, Sept. 24. (I. N. S.)
Three were killed and seven serious
ly Injured in a rear-end collision
between a construction tear and a
gravel train near Ortonvllle on the
Flint division of the Detroit Union
Two Men Shocked
By Broken Power
.Wire, One Burned
Eugene. Sept 24. J. R. Wllburn, while
riding his bicycle along Fourth avenue,
rode over a live power wire. The shock
hurled him from his wheel and his body
fell across the wire. He lay for some
minutes with the current passing
through his body.
A passing Jitney driver noticed the
lifeless form and stopped to Investigate.
In attempting to turn Wllburn over he
waa knocked down by the current With
the aid ,of two other men he finally
piied the unconscious man from tha wire
and hurried him to tha Mercy hospital.
Wllburn. on regaining consciousness,
was driven ao frantic with pain that at
tendants were compelled to put hand
cuffs on him. His recovery Is expected,
though he Is seriously burned.
Clothing Prices to Gome Down
. 'It " H ' a
Plants Reported Overstocked
By Lee Ellmaker
Washington. Sept. 34. i. N. a)
A general decline In commodity
prices was forecast today y Secie-
tary of Commerce Alexander as a
result of the announcement of prict
reductions by Henry Ford, the
Franklin Automobile company and
the cotton goods manufacturers. '
Alexander believes that the sharp cut
made in these commodities Is only a
forerunner to a general decline In
price. The people of the United States
have the money and are willing to spend
it but they have reached the place
where they are demanding full value for
the money they spend," the secretary de
clared. t ...
A drop In woolen goods, clothing and
shoe prices is forecast for the Immediate
future. With cuts In two of the larg
IJbat industries-already at hand, other in-'
S.) Babe Ruth foFJlla fifti
eth and fifty-first home runs of
the 1920 season at the Polo
grounds today, Tilttlng for the cir
cuit In the first Inning of each
game of a doable header with
Acosta was the first victim,
with none on baocs. Jim Shaw
was pitching when Rath landed
for the second time.
The fiftieth circuit clout had
been awaited eagerly by hundreds
of fans who had bet on the num
ber of borne runs the famous slug-
ger would get. Willie La-win, for
mer middleweight, will collect
$10,000 on a bet. He wagered
$1000 to $10,000 that Rath would
hit 50 times for the circuit.
In compliance with the order of
the county commissioners, the fol
lowing special stations for the regis
tration of voters or Muitnoman
county will be opened today and Sat
urday, and Monday and Tuesday of
next week, fiom 10 o'clock a. m. to
T o'clock p. m.:
St. Johns dlitrlct 107 North Jeresey
street, building oed by Prank A. Rice.
Llnnton district Building owned by
J. B.. Schaefer at Second and D streets,
opposite the First National bank. -
Lents district The Leirta Pharmacy.
201 Poster road.
Wood lawn district The Woodlawn
Grocery, 427 'Durham street
Montavllla district W. E. Fowlers
Drug store, 2003 East Ollsan avenue.
Sellwood district Berlin IS. JJavis'
store. 170 East Thirteenth street.
Albina district Kllllngsworth Avenue
Drug company's store, 131 Kllllngsworth
avenue.. - . .
Cltlsens may register at the court
house, first floor. Fifth street, side, up
to. October X. when the registration
closes . for the general eleotlon. They
win have but tha four days meationed
Picketing of Movie
Houses Halted by
Cdurt Temporarily
just before court adjournment Thurs
day evening. Presiding Judge Tazwell.
on application of the People's Amuse
ment company, through Attorneys John
F. Logan and Dan Malarkey, signed
temporary restraining" order directed
against the Moving Picture Machine
Operators' Protective union, local No.
19V, ana naer unions conocciea wun
Uie picketing or local tneatrea.
The injunction restrains these persons
and organisations from congregating In
front of the theatres and using insulting
language toward- agents snd officers of
the theatres and the patrons, from tak
ing phategrsphs of the patrons In front
of the theatres ; from distributing hand
bills on the streets or from airplanes, or
from accosting patrons of the theatres
as they enter or emerge from theatres.
A hearing on the matter of making
this a permanent' order is set for 2
o'clock next Wednesday afternoon be
fore Circuit Judge Tucker.
Restaurants Slash
Prices 5 to 10 Cents
Greenville, S. C, Sept 24. (L N. S)
Local restaurant proprietors here have
announced general reduction in food
prices averaging S to 10 cents per Item
They contend this is possible because of
aeclines In wholesale prices.
Baseball Ticket
Scalpers Arrested
Cleveland. Ohio, Sept 24. (U. P.)
Four men, caught scalping on tickets to
the Indians-White Sox baseball games
here, were arrested today by federal
officials. Tickets which ordinarily cost
$1.10 were sold for $10 and $15, officers
d u tries will follow, is the claim made
by the secretary.
Failure of tha federal reserve board to
extend credit for the storing of food
stuffs Is expected to bring down prices
in the sale of the crops from the pres
ent harvest
Prices have begun to hit the toboggan
and gradual recessions will be extended
to , many fields., according to reports
which reached the treasury department
and federal reserve board today.
Reports from reserve bank ' agents
show manufacturing plants In the Urger
producing centers are greatly over
stocked aa a result of cancellations of
oraers and the slowness of merchants to
put In new orders.
umcago, Sept 14. (L N. 8.) Chl-
cagoaaa , are dragging the old-time
(Concluded ea race Tone, Cehuaa row)
Coast Southpaw Is Hero of Game
at .Cleveland- by Holding Sox
Down to 3 Hits; Gets Himself
Out of Tight Place; Score 2-0.
Cleveland. Sept. 24. (I. N. 8.)
There's a new hero in Cleveland this
afternoon. His name la Walter
Malls, southpaw, just fresh from the
Pacific Coast league.
Malls stopped the clocks of the White
Sox sluggers In the second game of
1920' hottest series and shut the men
of Qleason out. It was the rookie's fifth
straight victory since he joined the In
More than that Malls kept Cleveland
In first place in the pennant race and
vastly enhanced the chances of the
Speakerites for winning the pennant
Had the White Sox triumphed today,
they would have been leading the league
by half a rame and the Indians would
have had a fight on their bands to re
gain the leadership.
Malls was master of the Sox in every
Inning and was in danger only once.
In the sixth Inning he struck out Ris-
berg and then walk-id three men. filling
the bases. Manager Speaker was wor
ried and scurried in from center field
to find out what was the matter with
his youthful southpaw. Mails proved
there was nothing the matter by put
ting on steam and striking out Weaver
and Eddie Collins.
Malls limited the Sox. who accumu
lated 15 hits off Cleveland pitchers yes
terday, to three hits.
Cleveland's scoring annals are short
and simple. In the first inning Jamle-
son singled and Wamby sacrificed.
Smith put the run across with a single.
In the second Inning Bewell led off with
a hit and stole second. Steve O Nell
punched the run across with a one-base
After the second inning Red Faber
was good enough to keep the Indiana
away from the plate, although, they
reached him for four hits, but with Mails
mowing down the Sox with' machine gun
regularity, the t two runs scored in the.
(CoachKlad ob Pas TbnM, Oohuaa Five)
In some unexplained manner the
front wheel of an ice truck passed
over 3-year-old William Poindexter,
562 Northrup street, about noon to
day, while the lad was playing in
the street. Internal injuries, which
are considered serious, are reported
from Good Samaritan -hospital.
H. J. Joy. 615 Marshal street driver
for the National Coal and Ice company
was reversing the direction of his truck
when be looked down and saw the prone
body of the youth on the pavement. No
one knows how the child got under the
front wneei. Joy tooK the lad to a
nearby doctor and to the hospital im
mediately. ,
Traffic officials did not arrest Joy,
but are Investigating a report that he
was turning around in the middle of
the block.
Oregon Committee
To Meet for Choice
Of Rhodes Scholars
The Oregon committee for the selection
of Rhode scholars will meet Saturday
at 9 :30 a. m. at the University club. The
candidates are : Orlando Romig of Pa
cifio university; Norman Byrne and
Kirby Miller of University of Oregon
Paul Doner, Willamette university
Lloyd Haberly, Red college ; Allen Mo-
Comb, William Teutsch and Emll Set
bert of Oregon Agricultural college.
The committee consists of President
P. L. Campbell and Professor W. C.
Barnes of the University of Oregon ; A.
C. Newill of the Portland school board ;
Professor A. B. Harrison of the Uni
versity of Washington and Professor C.
H. Gray of Reed college. . ,
Oregon students now at Oxford are
Paul Homan of Willamette university
and Frank Flint and Stephenson Smith
of Reed college.
State Printer Quits
Position Account of
"Strife" in Office
Sacramento. CaL. Sept 24. tU. P."
The resignation of State Printer Robert
Telfer was handed to Governor Stephens
this afternoon. :
In his resignation Telfer . gave "ill
health, brought on by continual strife
in the state printing office as the rea
on for hia resignation. He denied the
charges of sensational happenings In the
"bin room" of tha state capltot
Collar Prices Cut
By the Wholesalers
New York, Sept 14. U: P. Reduc
tions of from 10 to SO per cent on the
wholesale prices of soft collars were
announced by EL H. Belts, president of
Earl Wilson Collar company of Troy.
X. T. The announcement . stated this
reduction would enable retail dealers to
sell high grades of collars of pique or
maoxas z cents.
Clerks Locked
In Vault; $6000
Is Taken From
Salt Lake Bank
Salt Lake, Utah, Sept. 24. (U.
P.) With employes at the institu
tion lined up against the wall and
then marched into the vault three
armgd bandits robbed' the bank of
the Sugar Banking company here
shortly before noon of (6000.
There were no customers in the bank
at the time.
The bandit in the lead, according to
story told by the bank's employes.
pointed a revolver at them and the next
moment commanded them to face the
walL The four employes, two men and
two women, complied. They were then
ordered to inarch into the vault, which
they did.
Washington. Sept. 24. (U. P.)
Papers published for veterans of the
world war were brought Into the
investigation of the senate expendi
tures committee today.
Joseph Heffeman, secretary of the
company which publishes the Stars and
Stripes, charged efforts had been made
to wreck the paper, and Senator Edge,
a member of the committee, was "In
on the plan." He also charged Rich
ard H. Waldo, representing "the Du
Ponts." and leaders of the American
Legion, including Theodore Roosevelt
Jr.. wanted to see the paper fail.
Assistants to Attorney General Pal
mer today asked the senate campaign I
fund Investigating committee to allow
them to explain trips they took to San j
Francisco at government expense at
the time of the Democratic national
convention. Vouchers showing that
their expense were paid were presented
at yesterday's hearing.
R. P. Stewart aasistant attorney gen
eral, said he made a trip to Chicago and
Seattle in June in connection with Se
attle shipyard cases and to consult local
agents of the development In Chicago
concerning the outlaw railroad strike.
He went to San Franc Uce. he said, be
cause some of the department's agents
he wished to consult there could not go
to Seattle.
Stewart named Robert Scott Palmer's
private secretary'; John Laskey, United
States attorney in the District of Co
lumbia ; F. K- Nebker. assistant attor
ney general ; Thomas Spellacy, assistant
attorney general ; J. H. Crelghton, an
employe of the department, aid George
Montrose, another employe, as members
of Palmer's Washirgton staff who at
tended the convention.
Frank Nebker, assistant attorney gen
eral, in charge of public lands, next on
the stand, said oil litigation involving
25 cases and $22,000,000' took htm to
California. He also wanted to go Into
a case involving ownership of an island
off Coronado beach, he said.
"I admit candidly that I delayed my
trip somewhat" said Nebker, "so that
I could attend the Democratic conven
tion." All the time I was in San Francisco
I doubt if there was a day when I was
not engaged In official business," said
Nebeker. "I did attend the convention
and worked for Palmer."
Joseph Heffernan. secretary of "Stars
and Stripes," next took the stand.
Senator Reed inquired whether any
effort had been made to wrest control
of the newspaper from its present own
ers. Heffernan said constant efforts
were made to prevent the success of the
paper. He said Secretary of War Baker
"was used as the Instrument" to pre
vent the use of the name "Stars and
Stripes." Leaders of the American Le
gion and particularly Theodore Roose
velt Jr., tried to get control of the
paper. Heffeman declared.
He said Richard H. Waldo, an em
ploye of The DuPonta," tried to get the
papers owners to sell. Heffernan
didn't know which branch of the DuPont
family Waldo represented, but said he
understood those for whom Waldo spoke
were interested In foreign laiuruace
newspapers in tne united states.
Hefzernan demanded that Senator
Edge, New Jersey, retire from the com
mittee while he testified. "He is , sit
ting here both as judge and prosecutor,"
said Heffernan. "I have information
that Senator Edge la in on the plan to
wreck our paper.
Edge and Senator Kenyon demanded
that Heffernan tell them at once the
source of his confidential information.
Heffeman said Richard 8. Jones, his aa
sistant. told him about the matter and
that Jones had learned of it from some
employe of the American Legion Weekly.
jones was at once subpoenaed.
Edge emphatically denied Heffernan's
statements and said he knew none of
the men Heffernan named.
Gasoline Price War
Begins in.Ft, Worth
When Cost Is Cut
Fort Worth. Texas. Sept. I. (I. N.
S.) A gasoline price war began here
today when two of the big refineries and
filling stations' owners reduced the price
of gasoline two cents a gallon, while two
competitors refused to meet the cut
Some filling stations today are selling
gasoline for SO cents cash and 31 cants
credit, while others have maintained the
price at tl and 12 cents, respectively.
Taxicab Drivers of
Boston on Strike
Boston, Sept. 24. L N. S.) More
than 125 Boston taxicab drivers went on
strike this afternoon. . Scarcely . s taxi
was seen on the Street ? .-
Morning Competition Inaugurated
to Reduce Number of Contest
ants; 15,000 Attend Opener;
Journal Special Is on Hand.
Pendleton, Sept, 24. An extra at
traction waa staged at Round-Up
park Friday morning- In order that
the iarge number of entries might
be reduced. Beginning at 9:30
o'clock, contestants viedfor honors
in steer roping, steer bulldogging
and bueking contests, the best
features of the morning tryouts to
be staged at the afternoon perform
Contesting in eteer roping are R
J. Burke. Walter Sterling, RayBell,
Wilkina Wiliams. Philip Geyer, Ed
McCartv. Joe Hayes. E. V. Graham
and Bill Klngham.
Steer bull-dogging competitors are
Buck Lucas, Benny Oakes. Ray McCar
roll. Sam J. Garrett Bill Kingham. Or
vllle Banks. John Maggert, Jimmle
Grangrow, Frank Cable.
Cowboys In the bucking contests are :
Charles Runyan, an ex-service man. on
Whiatling Annie, famous bronk for buck
ing ; Frank Cable, another of the Bat
tery B. 148 field artillery, on Corbtt ;
Dave Meyers, on 1-B-Dam ; John Mag
gert. on Bill McAdoo, Charles Johnson
on Corkscrew ; Don Brownell, on You-Tell-Km
: Yakima Canutt champion of
last year, with sea-going legs acquired
during the late war. on Lena ; I. W.
Terry, on the famous No Name : J. H.
Strickland, on Speedball ; Norman Cow
an, on Pomery ; Jack Marr. on Lou ;
Happy Burmister. on Rlmrock ; Bill
Kingham, on Casey Jones.
In the wild horse race wild, rearing
and pawing the air cayuses will be pro
vided for I. R. Nelson, Roy Kivett Ray
Bell. Bill Mullens, Wade West 'John
French, Gordon E. Bates, Benny Oakes,
Joseph Wildbill. Clyde Hoyt, John Mag
gert, Dave Myers. Leslie Wing,' Happy
Jack, Erwln Grange. Mitchell Thomp
son. Jack Mayhew, Gilbert Pavano.
In bulldogging are entered Sergeant
(Conclndrd on Pit Two, Column One)
Transportation of pioneer, days In
Eastern Oregon will meet ti.a trans
porta tlon of lo'ay in comi-etitlon
at the Pendleton Round-Up this
While stage coaches and hard riding
mail carriers, depicting the conditions
of a period now long since past re
racing In the arena below, ' there will
fly overhead, engaged in the actual oom-
merce of the present day world, one of
the latest types of airplane.
It will be carrying copies of the early
afternoon editions of The Journal in
the first demonstration of the aerial
delivery pervlce for eastern Oregon
which worked out so , successfully be
tween Portland and the beach resorts
last summer.
In Jess than three hours after the
papers come from the big presses at
Yamhill street and Broadway, copies of
The Journal, bearing all the news of the
day, will be in. the hands of the Round-
Up patrons.
Piloting an Oriole plane. Jack Cle-
mence, one of the veterans of the Ore
gon, Washington & Idaho airplane com
pany s service, will .fly from Lewis and
Clark field about 1 o'clock today in the
initial delivery of a service which is to
be extended to Pendleton Saturday
afternoon aJso.
Clemence will make no stops between
Portland and the Round-Up city and la
expected to make the flight in a little
more than two hours. The estimate of
time is based on the flight between
Portland and Pendleton accomplished by
pilot A rem noth Thursday. With
good wind behind him Roth shoved hia
Oriole over the 230 miles in two hours.
live minutes.
Roth had a passenger and mads
stop of several hours at The Dalles, He
left Lewis and Clark field at 10:10 and
reached . Pendleton Just before o'clock-
Air students at the aviation field were
craning their necks at the sky this morn
ing, hoping for clear weather that the
flight up the Columbia river gorge may
be made with aa little delay aa possible.
The gorge is notorious for its cloud and
fog, and these conditions may make It
necessary for the pilot to detour. Once
past tha Cascades, clear sailing to Uma
tilla county Is exnected.
- A special bundle of Journals for The
Journal's Round-Up special, which
reached Pendleton Friday morning, will
be carried In the plane and ,they. will be
delivered to the passengers aa soon a
possible sfter the plane descends on
Bittner. field.
Pilot Clemence will remain at Pendle
ton until Sunday, giving exhibition
flights and carrying passengers.
Pilot Fred DuPuy will carry The
Journals to Pendleton Saturday.
Mexico May Form
Big National Bank
Mexico City. Sept 24. (L N. 8 A
bill has been prepared for consideration
of tha Mexican congress providing for
the creation of a Mexican national bank
with $100,000,000 capital. . The bank. If
established, will be empowered to issue
correncx.. , No actionahaa yet been taken
.to lift the moratoriuW . -
James D. Crowhurst, 32, Under
Arrest as Suspect, Confesses
He Nailed Door of Basement
'Death Chamber1 Police State.
Los Angeles, Sept. 24. (I. N. S.)
Arrested as a anapect In the sciuut-
tlonal murder of Jacob C Denton,
rich retired mining man, a man
giving the name of James Crowhurst,
32, was reported to have confessed
this afternoon to the police that lie
nailed up the door of tlie nccrct base
ment "death chamber" In Denton's
palatial home in which the body was
Los Angeles, Sept. 24. The arrest
of a man as the murderer of Denton
was planned today by the police.
Two police detectives hurried away
from Central 'station, and it was an
nounced they could arrest this man
as the actual slayer. The suspect,
it was declared, is a plumber and
was said to have been a friend of
Mrs." R. C. Peete, who had acted as
a housekeeper at the Denton honte.
Poison and not external violence.
police today believed, caused the
death of Jacob Charles Denton.
wealthy Los Angeles broker, the dis
covery of whose body Thursday ap
parently revealed a baffling murder
An examination of the body, they said.
failed to reveal either a gunshot wound
or evidence of other violence.
The vital organs of the dead man were
being examined today by Professor Ar
thur Mass, coroners assistant, ror trace
of poison. An Inquest will be held to
morrow, when Professor Mass will make
his report S
in Denver, Mrs. k. v. reeve was w on
interviewed by authorities there, local
police said. .
According to T. T. Miller, who occu
pied Denton's house. In the basement of
which the body waa found hidden, Mrs.
Peete had control of renting thtwhouse
and wai understood to have had busi
ness dealings with Denton.
A pretty Spanish girl, whom the po
lice said they believed they would locate
today, was to be questioned with re
gard to Denton's movements and friend
ships, detectives said. She, according to
the police, was seen in Denton's com
pany shortly before his disappearance.
Two other women will be questioned ir
located, It was stated.
Evidence that Denton had a premoni
tion of Impending trouble, police thought
was given by the disclosure that he had
made a will two weeks prior to June 2.
which,, according to aome reports, waa
the last day he was seen, ponce aiso
are Investigating a statement brought
to them that Denton was here August 29.
Denton was to have left this city
June 2 for, a trip Bast. He had made
business engagements to be In Phoenix,
Ariz.. June 3 and -Kansas City June 6.
Apparently he never left here, since his
(Cooeladed ea Pass Two. Column FIt)
Med ford, Sept. 14. There
three feet of snow at Crater lake
Thursday noon, when the stage left
for Medford with 10 paasengets, and
it was snowing hard. Therefore, it
Is thought; that by Ftlday morning
the depth of snow must be fruiii fit
to 10 feet The management -urged
all the lodge guest to leave, in
forming them that If It continued
snowing there was no knowing when
they could get away.
The stage had to be pulled with
teams from the lodge, 7000- feet eleva
tion; to the government camp, a mile
away, 1000 feet lower, where the snow
was 17 Inches deep
Seven private cars started away but
wer4 unable to move in the snow, and
Crater National park teams bad to
pull them down to where the snow was
leaa deep, several miles away. Because
of the deep snow, the daily stage did
not leave Medford for the lake Friday,
prospective paasengers being urged not
to take the trip.. The snow extends all
the way from the lake to Silver camp.
20 miles this aide, where it is aeveral
mches deep. It is stm raining in Mea
ford, with snow in the high foothills.
City For-Hire-Car
' Ordinance Held to
Be Unf air by Court
Holding Portland's for-hire eay regu
latory ordinance an unreasonable re
striction upon private business, Circuit
Judge Morrow today 1 dismissed the
charge against George Kaaa, f 4 Tenth
Street, which waa before htm on appeal
from tha municipal court . Kaaa waa
charged tinder the ordinance 'of May 1,
191f. with renting an automobile to
Oatlnl Bevseln, -without having posted
the $1000 Indemnity bond required by
the ortinsnea -; ' ' a- , '.:
The dty has, the power to paaai rega
latory ordinances. Morrow pointed out
tn rendering hia - decision, but in this
cms tb detail wen- wholly, wlUioot
reason . . -, ,-"-,
Admits Giving
Capt Barrett
London, Sept 54. (U, P.) Brit
ish officials were undecided today
whether -they would ask extradition
from the United Ptatcs of Captain
William N. Barrett, formerly of the
American army, for whom a : war
rant has been Issued, charging him
with appropriating Jewels belonging
to; lira John D. Sprockets Jr. of
Barrett disappeared before -the war
rant could be served. -Word has been
received here of his temporary detention
in txs Angeles. He waa not arrested.
Mra Spreckels, dsughter-ln-law of
Claus Spreckels. American susar nut
nate, said she cave a diamond and pearl
necklace valued at $125,000 to Barrett to
be cleaned and insured. The warrant
charged Barrett who I the husband
of Alice Gordon Drexel of Philadelphia,
oii me necaiace ana Kept the money
Mrs. Spreckels said she first met Bar
rett about eight years ago. While tour
ing the world with her husband, she met
nim in Europe again a few months ago,
she said. Spreckels was called bock to
the United States by business In March,
she said, but she remained here. She
often accompanied Barrett to the races,
she said.
Following the application f0r a war
rant for Barrett, his creditors insti
tuted bankruptcy proceedings here. Hia
liabilities were reported to be $13.2(3
and his assets nothing. His creditors
include aeveral dealers In antiques.
Mrs. J. D. Spreckles Jr. of Son. Fran
elsco today gave her version 'of the dis
appearance of her Jewels valued at
$130,000 In connection with which a
warrant waa Issued for Captain Wil
liam Barrett, former member of the
Vu a c . r .
. ""l,r
of Mr. and Mra John R. Drexel of New
York and granddaughter of the late
Anthony Drexel of Philadelphia, who
left an estate valued at $30,000,000.
"William Ba Tett" she said. "Is one ef
the greatest crooks ii. the world. He
deliberately took my Jewels valued at
$130,000. He left England. Insisting that
he was Innocent of any intention of theft
I gave him the Jewels, trusting Mm as a
friend and honorable gentleman. He
promised to insure the Jewelry, ye all
tne tune he was making preparations to
leave Europe after disposing of the gems.
i am not tha only person he has mulcted.
Bankruptcy proceedings have already
been started against him."
Mra ' Spreckles related the story this
afternoon as she was going -to the coun
try for a rest She will aall ' for the
United States an J. her home Saturday
on the Kaiserin Augusta Victoria.
Los Angeles, Sept. t4. (U. P.) Cap
tain William Barrett, son-in-law of J.
R. Drexel of Philadelphia, was at lib
erty here today after being kept under
technical arrest" for more than 24
hours while authorities were waiting for
confirmation - of press reports that a
warrant for Barrett's arrest had been
issued in London.
No word had been received here, fed
eral agents and police said.
Washington, Sept. 24. (I. N.
S. Tlfe American Railway Express
today was awarded an increase In
rates of 13.6 per cent by the Inter
state Commerce commission to covet1
Increases In salaries granted express
company employea by the railroad
labor board award.
Large Quantity of
Liquor Seized From
Former Alderman
Billings. Mont, Sept. 14. (I. fi. 8.)
Federal officers today raided the home
of Herman Sc.hwanx. former alderman,
and seized BOO quarts of whiskey, )000
quarts of beer, several barrels of moon
shine and a large quantity of mash, all
valued at $15,000. Schwana, Fred Smith
and Sam Bowers, the latter two on their
way from the Schwana house with sev
eral casea of whiskey, were placed un
der arrest
Bennett Is Facing inquiry
Bank Crash
Salem, Sept 24. Will 1L Bennett,
state superintendent . of bankn, will
be called upon to explain to the
state banking . board the apparent
laxity In tha vigilance of hia depart
ment which' permitted of the alleged
systematic robbery' of the Bank o
Jacksonville by Jte president, Wil
liam Johnson, who- la In the Jackson
County Jail facing numereua counts
of forgryi larceny, pefjury and em
besxlement, following one of the most
complete bank failures In the history
of the state.4 ' i -,-:Vf'
. Tha announcement of the board's in
tention to ask Bennett for a statement
of the banking department's, knowledge
of tha oondit on of the Jacksonville In
stitution, both before and since Its col
lapse, waa made following a conference
between Governor Olcott and Secretary
of State JSosar, members of .the board.
'G. 0. P. Agents Paid From Cor
rupt Fund to Trail Me Across
Country and Falsify My Posi
tion Cox Says at Trinidad.
Dy Hurry Ii lingers
Trinidad. Colo., Sept. 24. (I. N.
S.) Governor James M. Cox, In his
first speech in Colorado here this '
morning, directly charged that Will
H. Hays, Republican national chair
man, la using money to deceive the s
people and corrupt newspapers.
"Traveling eapenses of Mr. Hays two
agents 'sent out Just ahead of me to
urge editors to suppress or publish un
true reports of my campaign speeches .
are being paid from money raised for
corrupt purposes," the governor said.
"It la a deliberate attempt to deceive
people by withholding from them one
side of the case. All we ask Is that
our case be fairly presented to the
"Information backing my charges if
sp reliable that even Will Hays will
not attempt to deny them."
Governor Cox said he received at
Trinidad original copies of questions
which Hays' agents had aent to news
papers of this state with Instructions
that inquiries be printed today.
"All through Oregon. Washington and
California," the governor said, "I have
encountered the same phenomena,'
newspapers' printing a series of ques-
tlons just ss I arrive in their city, ttuei-
tlons all bearing the same earmarks and
all designed to befog the real Issues ef
this campaign."
Klghteen supposedly Democratic news
papers of Arlsona, Governor James
M. Cox charged today, have been purr
chased with the funds of the , Repub
lican national committee and be be
lieves similar operations on even a
larger scale are being carried out la a
number of western and northwestern
states. Nevertheless the governor en
tered Colorada today, eastward -bound.
(Ceschided oa Pat Two, CeluatS fstu) '
London, Sept. ' 2. (U. P,)--A
communique from General Wrangel'i
forces In the. Crimean region todsy
claimed 10,000 prisoners had been
taken In she days of. offensive fight
ing. , '..'. .v -
The. twenty-third soviet division
surrendered, the statement said.
k .Moscow wireless, admitted
Wranget had occupied Alexandrovak.
Paris. Sept. 24. I. N. S.)The soviet
troops on tha Crimean batllefront have
been driven from Alexandrovsk, . HO
miles northeast of Odessa, and have
been flung back across the Dnieper
river to the western bank. It Is ad
mitted In a soviet war office commu
nique wirelessed from Moscow today.
The communique says :
"We have lost Alexandrovsk on the
Crimean front after a violent battle. We
now occupy positions on tha west bank
of the Dnieper river. ,.
"On the Polish frost a battle rages
In the sectors of Volkovysk. Pruehany
and Volotrhlsk. The enemy has been
driven back." . ;. , ,
Two Citations Won T
By Man in Mosier :
Mosler. Or.. Sept. 24. James M. Wil
son haa received a communication from '
his home in Cumberland. Md, advising'
him of the receipt of a citation from the
French government for bravery and an -flinching
courage . In conducting '
French artillery officer to the front tine '
under heavy enemy firs, during, the bat
tle of St Mthlel. This Is the second ci
tation Wilson has received, the first .
from the American government through
General Pershing.- Wilson served With -the
Sixth marines. "
Stihcrs Boar
State Treasurer Hoff, the third member
of the banking oard, la absent from the
cty. , . v - -v. . v- , -.
Member of the board were , not pre
pared to say what kind of a report
would fee expected of the' state banking'
superintendent but - declared that he
would be' expected to make a "very spa'
elfie and detailed report as to the de-':
partment's examination of the bank in
question.'1' Neither . was - tt determined
whether a formal hearing would ba held,
at which Bennett would be given aa op
portunity to explain his department's ao
tlTities in safeguarding the depositors
tn tha defunct institution or whether a.
written report would be requested.
'The people" the state look to the
state banking department to protect ,
them against loose or crooked banking '
methods." , reads a 'sternest given "out
by the banking board. - . : f." . ; . .
-The basking boards. necessarily must'
depend -"-tipon the ' sepertntendent of
oodsda oa Tt Bbt Cetaea, Oas)
, -. - . v'.