THURSDAY; , SEPTEMBER 23. 1020. W-L THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND? TOZGON. AUTOMOBILES AMD ACCEbSOEIEB 44 CO. BLEASDALE A Clean-Up Sate AUTOS il tu tlHMa tu BitveUtlLAGK FORD ROADSTER MAXWKU TOURING. ....... S 275 $ 37S CAbS TOUBUMJ ............. ITUDtBAECA L1UUT 4 . MAK WELL BOAAWTEB i ' 450 BTUDKBAKEB 7-PAS3. .... MAXWELL, 1919 .... $ 475 5 575 5 650 $ 675 $ 675 $ 950 MAXWELL BOADSTEB roso coon .: DODGM TOUB1NU .... OVERLAND BOADSTEB CHANDLER CHUMMT.. OAKLAND SIX $1050 $1100 many other cars to choose from OPEN EVENING AND SUN DAT C. Q. BLEASDALE 110 Alder at Bcoadwsy 18JX. USED CAR BARGAINS Ii hould thee mi to appreciate thtlr 1919 MAXWELL, food tin im wnir,. ox 1 tire 1919 MAXWELL. 8-p.. mi paint 1920 DORT. -paa.. Uk m 1IT OAKLAND Mdia, an paint . 900 700 1000 SO 1000 sjAirtLl.AJ a, A-l shape ltlt EIJIN. 6-pem.. Ilk new too 11 CHEVROLET, stn equipment FORD ROADSTER BABT GRAND CHETROfJET MITCHEU., rrl, B cord lint .... 11 OVERLAND 90. new tin . liao CHEVROLET. Mtn equipment DUBT TS0 87ft TT 000 800 60 Am mm slightly weed OMnmMk ear that ww r prepared to gle apleadld bergaina on. 0LDSM0B1LE CO. Bmadaay at Couch. Phona Broadway 2270. Saxon Six Touring Thi la late model and rcfinlahad and ntw tire end new eeet cover- and looks lis. n.w ear. This po. nana fiaa and low price, and we will tak 1 50 dawn, balanoa easy. Coma and try It Opa Sundays. Tik rr in trad. ' 60 Ald at. Rd Front Vd Car Co. PRIVATE OWNER IS FORCED TO SELL CHETBOLET, COME BEE IT CLASH I OVERLAND BUU. 8200 105 16TH BT. '18 Buick Touring Thta fine, -reliable ear la reflniahed aud looka na rana aa mi na eord tiree ana one extra, and wa will Ihow yon anything you want dona with the ear. Low price anil liberal terms; 8400 down, balance monthly. Tab ear in trad. 60S Aider it Bad front CMd Car Co. JUST what n bafa been look In! for. a apor Model 8-Daaa. roadster, in ftrwt class ahape, little on the but order, but Miber trade, with permanent Calif, toe. Star duty, t cyl angina. w Bimmher carburetor, all up to date aeeae sorlaa, Tbt bargain far uulek aala; don't bother if you don't mean business. Address W. Journal off!, Vanconrer. Wash. ' 1419 MAXWeTX ' This ear la in rood meclisnical ahapa. original paint and top, B tirea. I need the honey and will sacrifice for 1475. 81 B0 down, balane 10 montha: Jake's Used Tar Exchange. 28 N. 11th. opposite Weinhard brewery, Open .wninp, linwy. tint, THE FENDER MAN J, E. DURHAM, who takea the kinkt out while yuu wait; also repair ndlatora and bodiaa Broadway 8214. 80 N. 11th at-, near BumaMe. . FORD BCO Here I th chance of your life, boy. Thl ear baa a IS valve motor, a real classy body with top and windshield, special wheels. . Price .only 8476. Will giM easy terms. Jake'a I'aed Car Earhange. 28 N. 11th. Bdwy. 8214. Op pneite Welnliaftl brewery. Open evenings. B01CK LIGHT touring, 1917. good shape, new top. Must sell immediately. wo; wui take lignt ear In trad. 4376. LOOK AT THIS S real bargain for sal or trade: will con sider good trucklate Studebakgr ftB0, 1917 Ford touring car 4325., 1918 Ford roaditer 8825; uraaa, 6820 92d at. si. E. Aut. Larua 2011., CANADIAN FARM LANDS See our advartiaement under Land. For Sale. Uaaadlain Rallwaya' OorpaiaUon Agency, 104 Fifth street. Farm Bond rort- bnd. SfHrffT.NH sedan, ran ToSo mil; would ac cept an open car a part payment; term on balane. HAMILTON AT? TO CO., II K. Stb St.. Oor. Kvcrott. Bdwy. 8 80S. 4-90 CHEVROLET ' W overhauled this car front item to item. Prte 8860. 8125 down, balanc easy. Jake'a 1' 4 Car Ifanae. 28 N. 11th. Bdwy. S214. Open evenings. Opposite Weinhard brewery. FORD R0A1MTKH We bare practically rebuilt this ear. Pi-toe 3850. $100 down, halano 10 montha, Jake'a llatd Car Eiehang. 28 N. lltb. Bdwy. 3214. ti-pe-a evening. Opplte Weinhard brewery. FOR BALE Old National: wnnld mak dandy high clam bug; can b had 4100 down, 415 per month; car stored at Portland Garage, 5th and Tylor. H. K. Johnson, Eaat S763. FifGE"srx7T9if ' tpurtn: wire wheels, one extra; real, bargain at 81000. 80 Grand ave. N.. near Bui-natda. BTETHlTSs 4 peas, coupe, just new, at areat discount. HAMILTON AUTO CO., SI N. 0th St.. Cot. Kverett. Bdwy. 880S. FORD datleary wltn open body, flap curtain: very beat of condiUon: muat Ball; a bargain at 8476. with tarns. SO Grand are. N".. near Bui-mud. 1917 CADILLAC 8 0 new eord tiree, new top. new paint, sarins tn beet er eondiUoa, gS200. Hawthorn us rage. B. Hworna. Baat 4592. EaSB touring. 1 9)1 : beat nf eondition; good Urea, m apagg; used privately, 41475; term. Consider Ford U traiU. SO Grand ar. N.. near Bnrneide. 1 10 MAXWELL.. Price 450. Will take 9160 down, balance 10 months. Jake'a Um4 Car Kielianga. 28 N. nth. Bdwy. 8214. Orn . n In. fiiviwts W.lnhanf bvewef-v WE PUT .U-ei taath la your old flywbeei; erana i Halt turn in g. it. n. niaca, mao n shop, 434 A Ider et Bdwy. 2581. I f ASH. auto, god -Urea that are worth the price askad. 9125. Call Sell. 2614. or 746 F. 11th m. FORD bug. mud shield and top, fine condition. pert cash, terms on beL - Mr. Howard. Bdwy. 186; . ' RAI.K 4 cylinder 7 paaaenger Htephena Ihtryea; good tirea: will tak anealler car, J250. Mr. Onslow. 63 N. 26rd. Main 7026. ilXWELI. touring, 1918; fin eondition. good" Ureal real bargain at 3(75. 80 Grand ay. N., near Bnmaida-. . a!AXWstl, touring. 1919: fin condition ; meed prlvavily; a snap at 4N76; some term. 30 grand t. N., pear Burnaiil. 1920 FORD, worm drive expiree; double over si ae eord tires, curtain all around; aaay term. Main 750. -. '- lB18'MAXWrKL touring car tor sale; extra tire, susfheht eonA e.uli Prima BkAO. for quick sal. 088 MlMiaaippt art. F6RD runabout. Al condition: tire aim net new; real bargain at 8350; aoaaa terms. SO yLee. N near Bumside. F5TRD touring. ISlfTbeat ol condition: good w -- - as livu. 80 Geaad are. --. n r ssmuss ,Fo"lTwi:90'CHKVRoLEf runabouL In . "0"dJtwn: 4800 wiU tak It. Knquir . ?' J?L cor. K. 7th and Ankeny. FOB SALE Ford roadster '1 MtJt.i Mrlllk OVKBLAND" touring; good condition: masrHelf: , a -P t 4376; term, to Grnd a. N.. sear ButntM. cEV5Lirf liis "et. BuV. . al k. e " . .i mv wnoq ava. f... near Burasid. ' - v - .. FORD bxtring, 191rsood'tlrar nnieonditloV: a gnap at 8879. SO Grand are. N.. near Barnsids. .- . VUE 4, exosllent -coaxll tloo, newly painted. XT, m gwm wb nqwy, .BOB) 2917 DODGE, f 650 -Fir.t-ciaa aUapa." "last 4BI. 11 CHEVBOLET. ud cwfsdiUess. S500. j Bos- BTg. . C19 TELLE, perfect condition. Mala 7$L" AUTOMOBILES A!f P ACCEgSOItTEg 44 ALB Or GOOD USE CABS ' f "j lftlt OakUnd Toarlng. gdni paint equipped witn many eztraa, a new tiree aad in perfect aaeehanieal em dition .....,...12S0 1H OakUnd Tourlnc: bra aaJnt,' food Ureej line buy...... 880 11T Oakland Tonrinf $ tbe beat ear In tna awnae tor. taw awaei 70 1 16 Oakland Tonrlrn: ob of thow rliBl Ufht ; anod tubbar; food 'awhoaatary aad eaod aaoc....... . 000 Hl Oakland Baadator; a (and buy...' 000 The above are omr aDerlal bar. Wa hare o there to abas) yon Including: CadUlM 7 peaaenger $1800 National "O." BportA 1000 Brlaeoe, 1818 ... 780 CbeTTolet Boadatac 450 WILLAMETTE OAKLAND CO. BROADWAY AT FLANDERS. Broadway 4114. Vranson's Used Car Exchange Prices Cut on Used Cars to Compete with Henry OLD XKW PRICE. PMCE. 1BI ynrd towrlnc $0. 8205 !! Kord tonrinf S5 205 1017 rord touring 440 400 Ford meit4r. wire wheel.. 575 450 118 Ford toortnc 4S0 SOS Ford trortrur. .tarter 7 SO O0 1814 rord Hedan 575 00 1020 Ford Coupe 850 800 JB20 Kord Truck 75 60O Overland Toaiini 450 SSO 1917 Hcrippe RnadsUr 600 525 1917 Bnick Itoadater 750 TOO 117 Rutrk Teurtn ..1000 875 1111 fttudenaker 7 paaaencer. 800 72ft 1818 Hup Sedan 1400 1200 A OPES EVENINGS PHONE EAST 487(1. TJNION AVE. AND BELMONT ST. BARGAINS IIow much for '20 Doda, fully equipped? Coat 81590. Wanted, food aman c on 1820 Olda; no juna conuoerea. , 1018 Chandler, iplendid mechanical condi tion, 81250. A few 32x4 cord tire at a aaerifice; ataadard make. WRAT MOTOR CAR. S4 N. lltb. Broadway 8247. Hays Cuts the Heart Out Used Car Prices - Dodce Tourinc ,,.8575 Orerland Tourin- . 1 . . 8525 8taU Roadster $550 1S20 Ford, aelfatarter. demountable lima t 8600 ' ChaJmer Taurine 8275 T. R. HAYS 189 Eaat 6th. oor. Eaat Taylor St. aat 4092. 15,000 carried tn atock. Our springs sold with a written guanatee. We give you terrica. 84 North Fifteenth a. AUTHORIZED SERVICE STATION ... GATES ;2SS TIRES cost half as much VULCANIZING , THERM0ID TIRES MUXES Hairen Tire Ser-rica 24TH AND THURMAN MAIN 65SB '18 Maxwell Touring Thta la the finest' Maxwell touring- at the low price of 8525 in this city today. Haa good tire and look and run the way you want one to. Take 3176 down, balance easy. Coma and try H. 605 Alder at. Red Front Used Car Co. Two 5-ton Cole Trailers ' FOR SALE CHEAP ThM frailer ar fitted with nnmben, hanltn rollers, aly log bunk. These trailer tued 30 days. 1VI1I sacrifice for Quick sale. Coast Kngine Machine Works, Foot K. Taylor st Phone Kaat SS45. 1917 FORD TOURING Look good, runs good, new paint, ' very good tiree. Price 94 50. 8130 down, balance 10 montha. Jk't Used Car Kxchang. 28 N. 11th. Bdwy. 8214. Open evenings. Oppcaite Wein hard brewery. WEAVER TIRE COM PANT FEDERAL TIRES OROeV' TTJIXIANIZINO OCX. TIRE REPAIRING. 389-333 Bamaid at Broadway. TRAILERS. TWO AND FOUR WHEEL On to ten-ton capacity for vry hauling pur- 124 N. Broadway, mp. New Post office. Bdwy. 3774. FOR SALE BT OWNER cit..i. mnh. excellent condition : driven 5100 mile; wire wheels: very good Urea; extra eowtpment. MarhallOBO. FORD delivery wlth'-open body, flop curtmns. Very beet of condition. Must sell, a bargain st 8475 with terms. SO Grand ar. n. near Hurnaide. , DODGE roadster, equipped with V. S. Royal ,i tires- newly painted. 8750 raah. Union Depot Garage. Broadway , nd Hoyt. 0R SALE Ford roadster with truck body. bought rn August: will knot off 4144 from nurchase nrice: terma.' Pbon Eaat Sill. 783 Is Couch. IfAXWELL touring, 1917; Al condition: good . . . . m a nm a i. ... . urea; real pargain aa a.. su utsou are. N.. near Bumside. fORD touring car, good running order good tirea; must eetl at once. Price 3250. See owner, evenings, 998 Williams eve 1920 CHEVROLET. 11 good tire. Utest ihock absorbrn. Car run nry littla, $750.- 68 W 2 8rd. Main 7025, Mr. Onslow. LATE 1917 Velle. new top and petnt, condi tion A-l: full leather upbolstehng, 3950, asviy term. Main 780. 1920 COLE S, gone 4500 mile. 1st -class con dition. Double windshield, i new spare tire. Mr. Rurteen. U. 5584 or M. 1131. TBPCKS AND TRACTORS "BTRqTI N SALE 89 DON-T FAIL TO LOOK THESE BARGAINS OVER 1 -TON DEN BY 31000 I -TON NASH 1600 8H-TON UNO 2500 1H-TON DENBY 00 GUARANTEED FOR 80 DATS. WILL CONSIDER TRADES OR EXCHANGES FOB 1AS81 CAR OK AAlltLUlU OF VALUE. DENBY MOTOR TRUCK CO. OF N. W.. PHONE BROADWAY 3848. 10TH. AT DAVIS ST. . ,PAS8.S'Gttl BUS On White chassis; in aplendid mechanical eosuUtion: new tiree: owner leaving city. In structing u t aacriiice for . ziau. THE WHITE COMPANY. Park and Coach Sta. fWdTON W-H1TE trverhaoled in our shop; new Giant tire; for quick aal will aacrifics) ' 41500. THE WHITE COMPANY, Park and Conch Sts. ' "' TOSTtEPUBI-tC Almost new. Let tw dexoonstrat thl Job to you, 880fJ TERMS. TTE WHITE COMPANY. Park and Couch Sta. STEW 8 H too Acme truck; will di count a great deal for cavh or will trad for Hsht touring car. Call at 990 Powell valley read. FORD truck, gear Uri,. with open and closed bodiaa. Tirea alms- new. A snap at 9476. SO Grand ave. N., near Bwrnsidn. WsThAVE rvral'goodUk bodlea for 2 aad In ton track. Palace Garag 12th aad tarn. rHna jsroadway isl. t-TON Federal truck, 9190 down wiU baadle. Bdwy. 8404. TBL'CKS AKV TttACTOKS t C.,,1 Worm 4Wna, ton ttwck, A-l -rOrU ahM) ...1 I7S White light deliTttr , ISO Moreiand j. Bmm aaajdltion. 875 White Federal ltt-toa. a-toai apttes.. 18S0 X7AfAell IH tOB, U (OOd U 1 vuvlHl new ltse WHCOX drtrrr.....! .50 qmc .:::. 1450 iTtTMI r 4-ton. top. body. Bfhta. ortr- VAiVAW bauied. painted , . 1250 Wentworth 5; Irwin, Inc. 200 SECOND BT.. COB. TAYLOtt. WE ARE GOTNO TO SACBIFICE OCB USED TRUCKS Almost new, 1H ton Diamond T. with S800 covered body. 82000. practically new. 2 ton red- eral, with uka body 82000, 1 M too O.M.C., in vod eondition. 8 1 800 1820, 7 pea. Patterson louring car. 51500. OREGON DIAMOND T TBDCK CO. 55 K. 14th it. Pbon Broadway 4557. TRUCKS FORD, 1-toq, worm drjr , , , . fiMC. l-too .l50 . 700 . eon . TOO STt-DEFtAKKR. aelfatarter . .;, -un )Aeja PANHAKD, l-too ... REO, 1k ton CADILLAC, delivery . , 750 . 550 . 500 0LDSM0B1LE CO. Broadway and Cowrh. Pbon Broadway 2270. THRKK QITARTEB TON OMC MODEL. 10 Thl truck la beuig overhauled In our ah op; better look it or. Tri pric i risht. TUB WHITE COMPANY. Park and Coach 8U. TBArLERSTTWO AND FOUB WHEELS One to 10 -ton capacity for aranr hauling pur pose. HIGHWAY TRAILER CO. 124 N. Broadway, opp. New 1'w.toffke. ' Broadway 3776. FORD 1 ton truck, IBIS; truck adjustment. arar drive; tire almost new. Real bargain at 1750. 30 Grand at. N., near Burrnjde. REMODELED Cleveland tractor, aplendid con- diucn, 57 50. 425 S. Mormon. actomobilp:s waited 78 Cash fob tour cab Condition no obiect. North Bank Garage. 101 N. 11th at. Bdwy. 458. WE want car. Drir in and J kout with the cash. Columbia Auto Sale Co., 345 Dntoo are.north. Eaat 56. v WANTED-Cadillac "14 roadster; give condition and price. T-677, Journal. WANT Ford, any condition; fire price. Journal. X 102. AUTOS FOR HIRE it AUTOS RENTED WITHOUT DRIVERS New 1020 Model Can Beonbl Rte FEARING ft BOBNETT CITY UARAGB 182 12th at. bet. Waab. and Alder. Bwdy. 840. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS OVKHLANDS HUDSON'S IXiWNSbALE OARAGE PROAPWAT 2408. 1 STH AND WASH. AUTOS FOB HIRE WITH OB WITHOUNT DRIVERS. I.. SDLl.IVAN. FASHION OA RAGE. MAR. 232. 10th at Tamh.lL A-1258. AUTO BEPAiB SHOPS 81 81000 EQUITY in. 10 act farm land, close to alley town tor liebx automobile. F-174. Journal K H. CHAMBERS. MAXWELL SPECIALIST. SeTJwood 3735. 757 Division rt. BPECIAL rate on overhauling auto; work guar anteed. Phone East 7698. MOTOBrTCLES. BICTCXES 63 USED MOTORCYCLES OF ALL MAKES EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE -CO 44 Grand Ave. ExceMoT. Henderson and Cleveland Agency. WILL pay ca.h for good second hand Columbia bicycle. 22 Inch frame. BrtL 184 7. 191-0 HENDERSON with 1918 sidecar for sale. Phone Wdln. 60SrT, ereninga. NEW bicyel., hAch grade. 360 class: need a few day; will sell for 840. 8-828, JournaL INDIANS, Harleya. Excehton with aide cars, cheap, terms to salt. Bdwy. 3606. LAI'lvCHED AND BOATS 64 FOR SALE Cabin cruiser hull Adna, 38-foot by 9 beam, fnll plumbina. ahsft and pro pejler. Price 8700. Est. Woodward ave. HOUSEnOATTUunch, 2 flogu, 2 rowbnats, 1 woodhouse, 4800. Call after 5:30. Sell. 501. PI AN OH, ORGANS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 14 used Talking machines At prices that will awn them quick ty. AU In good condition. Colombia, amall 9 25 00 Victor. ao.ou 0.00 00 00 00.00 75.00 100.00 100.00 Victor, small Cnola cabinet and 13 letuid , Musicland cabinet and 10 record.. , Domestic cabinet and 12 record. ... Brunswick cabinet and 15 records. . Vk-trola cabinet Columbia E2 cabinet and 11 record Columbia F2 cabinet and ll sacords 115.00 120.00 35 to 810 down, 34 tn 67 monthly. 8CHWAN PIANO CO.. 101 Tenth St.. Cor. Stark. Phone Broedway 1078. Good Values in Pianos MONARCH (mahogany).. . . .8295 KIMBALL 295 KIMRALL. large six DECKER RROS J. A O. FISHER A. B. CHASE t mahogany) Steinway . 385 . 425 . 525 . 675 . 775 . 693 KUBTZMANN PLA TEJI These Ar Excellent Values. 0. F. Johnson PIANO CO. 19 0TH. PIANO BARGAINS All we ask I for you to see them. Real R A RCA INK nsranteed. Term given. FISCHER, plain case 8175 WFSKK. walnut case 285 KINCKRITHT nak. like new S25 ROLLERMAN. big anao 260 I1FN7.R nl.U oTk harnln 275 KIN'ftKBURT. walnut, almost new 825 FISCHER, mahoesny. like new S75 AND OTHERS REIRERLINO-LCCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 Fourth St, Bet. Washington and Alder sts. CASH PAID FOB ALL KINDS PHONOGRAPHS AND BECOKDS NEWMAN. MAIN 4405. TABOB 6798 WE PAY cash for pianos, phonographs, records. 254 Market at. mmne cnr. PIANO wanted deal for snap. frn prirate parties. Call Marshall 1682. Cash PIANO wanted. Spot cash. Main 8580. TYPEWRITERS 77 ALL saikv aolrV rwotd iiid ex(aingr!d. T1 If tWirsnl Hond for ret-Jl Drt-4s-. Whcrlsj- J m1 Typevriur iXt 821 V4WiAi-4fton w. 1 At.W VUI. f VIA. FOR RENT Typewriters, 84 per month, three month 310; special (tudents rate. Reming ton Typewriter company, 8S Broadway. Pban Broadway 621 FOR SALE One Remington invisible kvpewrlu r. 810. "Pbon Automatic 226-25," or call Wednesday at 47 H r.. 28tn at. B. ALL MAKES of typewril iters rend. repaired and aold on asnathlr narmant Bian. Orasoo Typewriter Co., 94 5th at Main 9668. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE 35 FURNITURE worth 3900 for quick aala, will sacrifice for 9750 cash; if you want to mak your rent and have; nice mpartment for self this e worm investigating, no lonca, apartment a. VERY nice 4aartered-oak5reaar. shsped p'.ate glaaa anlrrsr, .: serperatine front. 67. 1565 1 iTisxm. , FOR SALE Sanitary touch with pad. No. t cook stove with water ooila, 810 each. Pon Z2--88 before 7 p. m. or any time Friday, FOR SALE House furnishing of all kind; muat vg od thi weak. 900 E. Oak between av-m. 'and 8 p. m. - . COMBINATION range forwl. only need a short wnue, uu at Baa A u at. w from 10 to o in tne evenmg. SMAIJ. range and gaa stove. Call evening. 7S9 Height ave. FOR BALE 2 eoal haatacs. 1 with hot water cot is. isaat Z14. 440 BUYS moat nan wood and goal ranga, 4034 44 th A 5.11 HOtSEHOLD OOOPS FOS 8 A LB at phivateaL1 12 MARSHALL ST. HonaehoU famiahinax. .inerodui dbrinc room eet. Mack walnut bed roe aa eet, mirrora. chime eiock. china, ate. Call or pnonw Ma rah a a ISA petween lu a. m. and a p. aa. r'Ott SALE Lain a 11-leather hair, oak and leather chair, couch, fata table. 1407 E. Stark at Phone Tabor 8981. . 8 IMPLEX electric aweeper, abnoat new. price) Call Tabor B02. ' i'OB BALE 5 coal beaten; I wltb hot waUr enlia. Kaat 8214. CEMENT laandry bay.' Factory S14 E. Waab- inaten at. w mud, ran or water MACHINERY 81 FOR SALE Wood-voritof iiidiloerj tr4 iboy. FOR BALK 'MI8CELLANEOTJ8 It DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? CALL NEO LITE ROOFINO PRO CESS, MAIN 4907. - WE SAVE TOC MONET Bm wtrinc. Bchtin- fix. tare, lertrieel reraurlBf , can. TMiea. Ttum ltreet ivleetne Store. 224 Third (treat, near salmon. Mala 0V05. GER ELECTRIC SKWTNO MACHINES Wa take mar aeaeblnoa in eaehanaa. bala rash at easy payment. Phone for da monat ra tion. Machine rented. Expert repaimic. any MORBISON ST. STNOKB STORM, 82 Morrlaon. MarabaO 721. '75 DROP-HEAD and cabinet arwiDaTnT c hi nee. every kind: all cuaranteed; 81 B to 885; all the la teat new Siaaera; caah tor term. Machine- rented 8S aTnomn. Binser Store. Moo bid.. 15S i'ourth at. Main 888S. Electric Motors BonehL. aokL.. rented and renaired. Welkar Electric Work, 418 Bu ra tio . corner lotn. Broadway 67 4 WHT aa everlaatlng aggravatioo by a leaky roof f Wbv ana A n.m.n.itt . nH ri m f . Ki . mnff We repair, rubber-bond aad reiavenata all kinda f leaky roof. Work guaranteed. .Pbon Mam aoov. FURNfTCRB reoalMd. UDtaolatared. like mattreaaee remade, mirror reel Ire red. furni ture bought, aold and exchanged at Webster' furniture Repair Shop. 1105 Hawthorn. Tabor KDISON CYI.INDER PHONOGRAPH Ediann Opera Phonofraph. fin wooden born and 100 IndeMruetihle record, only 885; 810 "own. montblr. Coat 812 ft. Hyatt Talk. inr Miromc i.i., Sao Aiaer. $16.50 to $25 Guaranteed We Rent and Repair. 172 8d at., neer TamhiU. Main 1845. HOT WATEBSlaS SO-gaX.VTdOlalTTS Teeter and guarantied etava aa furnace coil Gaa beaters inetallad. Expert Cjuxaming repairing. Eaat Bide Welding Shop, 202 Ada AdamJtjL, E 8516. "Ai nere. II your piano needs paning. pel rine. resulatina; or eleaninc. call U. C. Thorapaon. Phona Aut, 618-18; res. 501 Har rison at. All work guaranteed. SOFT drink fixture for Bale, bar and back mirrora, elegant fixtures, a tobacco case, candy caa and cigar case; moat be aold At once. Pali Club, 285 1st at., corner Main. WARDROBE trunk, bought last week; also lady' ring set with 2 diamond and 3 rubies, both for $110; need money. Boom 241. New Scott hoteL PRUNES PRUNES Pick them yourself. 2 He lb. 726 Fremont WdlS. 1084. A8HLAM PEACHES, wrapped, good sises; sin gle onxas, .n; s or more, 52.20 per box. delivered. Call Wood 15289. ONE SAFE, one cash register, adding machine, desk", chair, table, filing cabinets and rug. C. Wax, 81 N. 6th. Bdwy. 2789. HEATING atove with oil burner. Also 60 r1.4 oil alorire tank. 1228 E. 19U it N. Woodlawo 6692. Dentistry ITl. Witbont Pain. lAteat Nerve Blocking Method. I'RTTVVS minlne hrut ' nicked Italian. 4 a a pound. East 858. 78 K. 16th bet. Stark and Oak. FOR RENT Cabinet ' Grafonola, with lata music. Empire Transfer. 254 Broadway. Broadway 155. FUEL problem solved: Std. kerosene ass makrr range, heaters, fqmicft. 7 Grsrwf brku 6560. ITALIA PRUNES. 6e a pound! 3909 62d St. 8 E. Phone Aat 226-89. EYEB tested free; epeotaclee ruarsrrteed. IK Balding. 245 V, Alder st. Main 1692. FOB. SALE Ringer sewing machine, la good conaiaon. xaoor 77B. EXCEX.I.ENT heating atove. almost pipe. etc., 320. Phona East 7779. FOR SALE Larft mirror. Call mala 8318 or Broadway 8590 FRT'NES and pluma. Se; pears and sweet eider. outn and KUlingswortn. Wdln. 5072. SAFE Fireproof afe in good order. Bargain. K-1Z9. jonnuL BIG od of box wood. 8 5. 64V Phone Wood- lawn 954. STY HOLE range. 823. 9002. 247 Davis st Tabor VACUUM cleaner for rent, 41 a day: dattrered anywhere. Wdln. 3495. formerly Bdwy. 258. POOL table for sals cnaap. Call Marshall 42i; 1400 Hood st FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding cnine. enow case, as let at., near Asn. CASH REGISTER. FLOOR CASES And other fixture. 242 Salmon. Main 842. P8EOIAL SALE Choice Bartlett pears and apples for sale at 112 Kest 66th St. 1TALUN prunes, picked 3 He lb.; bring bag- kets. Tabor 9322. NEW shipmente Utah Grand eoal, special price tfti wees only. wain. eioz. Oregon an FneL rwlah- CEMENT laandry trays. Factory 814 E. ington st- We shi, rail or water. ONE ABC generator for sale. Call at 824 E. 54tb st., alter o p. an. rric is NEW 6 hole steel rang 360. bed. eta. 427 10th at. . FISHING outfit, new salmon red a reeL bi S18. ket. boot; evening, wooaiawn PRUNES for aala. 1202 . Frsnklin at., near 39th. - VIOLIN nod oaao. A bargain. Woodlawn 3077. Bin BRINGING UP FATHER MR MlTH r-T WtrC TQL.O ME TO TEH. -YCO -H WlLlOT C1V UP HER. WINCIM- -E-bVOrsfb t" I pWvTAXE,nYv ADVICE Apt- OOPTT CsO UP THFJRlv -TOO ME istvccj, CEr4. Mf v4Ffe One t-tKE ' -CV. ' V , HER '! V , A t I ' Af 1 FOB BAtg UriBCELtAWFOCg 19 NEW TJJTB'- KATIONAL CASH REGISTERS - - 0 and Penny Key. OAK AND AfAHOGANZ FINISH PRICES: $78 1110 $150 Fun hue of eieana band and rebuilt National ragtatera. fnTly ewaraateed by To NATIONAL. CASH REUI9THB IPUk Liberal Allow am for Old Bngtater. J. B, Ml MMA, BALES AGJtNT Bnadwa 181S. S4 Stark 8t ', Buy, Sell AND EXCHA5Q1 fountain. bxtaraa. L BOXER, Mar. 2488. 118 2d Bt. CEDAR CHESTS- Direct frorn factorf a ynor bom a. Tnna M rort orfora cedar; aond copper anmminii lataat deaigi:. Write for atJocse. i. W. 4k bVK' H12-10-1I t. CUBAN. TABOB .. EWTN43 MAfTRnffB KMPOBrOM New and 2d band, cold for leaa; bo agents employed. Oosaplet Una of part lot all makea. ' Machinae repaired and rented. Main neat. SEWING MACHLNBT EMPORIUM 10 Third, near Tayjor t. SEW. SEW, SEW. SEW. Pbon 8.11 wood 1071. NO AGENTS EMPLOYED. Sewing maebinea rteen.4. timed, adjuated. re- peired. bouabt. utld v.faad nadiM aad attach- menu, power and aafg. machine; nsotora, anal ting ana uoie wrraued; rvvrything m nwaie. none Beuwnoa lilt. WHY DONT YOU RENT WE BUT, BELL, BENT AND TRADE MAIN 449S. 128 FIRST. TABOB 79. Independent Printers W are etltl doing- promptly 'Sprinting for leaa" at 11 No. th at. OminaBwealtb beds. Smith, printer. Broadway 28, r 8 A FES Fir and burglar proof (afe, new and aecond Band, at right nrte, pougBt. aold and eTcnangeq. r..y crma u oeearew. N ORRIS SAFE LOCK CO.: 105 Seoond L Main 2045. LICENSED independent elecviolan wires 8 roosns for 812. ft rooms 820. All new ma terial need and guaranteed to Paa lnapection. Woodhrwn 8791. ' AUTOMOBILES. MOTOBCTCLES," LAUNCHES or boat are separate classifications. A terse Bating will be found under the different elaasl- fkntion. s laDies,' AtttSPrtox-" Slightly nsed wearing apparel at Vogue Shop, 403 Aliaky bide- Main 8188. EMfii business Sards en js irUtW ROSE CITY PRLNTKRT P 11 Yon must bring thl ad. 120 6th at WE WA8H your rag at bom wiU th Ham ilton Beach Carpet washer, eatiafaction guar anteed. Woodlawn 1259 and Eaat 4045. LADIES' amsrt styles la alighUy used appareL Marshall 8215. 870 14th st. near Mont gomery. - POTATO sack. B kinds, at bargain price, Portland Fruit Co.. 163 Front rt, near Mor rison. ' "LA DIES UP-TO-DATE USED APPAREL" Save on eoata, suits, dreesea, evaning gowns, furs, hats, shoes. Tsbor 2825. f FOR SALE Fishing outfit, boat, neta right and amall fldat Terms, George Oiddetu, Carroll. Wash. FOB SALE t acre of cornfodder (standintl. 5 miles from Portland. II Pnril.iul Hill KA . marie 61-22. STATIONARY ga engine, 8 -horsepower, al most new; 1 V na. us; 4100, terms. Wood. lswn 8856. 1 FIELD disc. 1Z discs, 18 inches, 6665; al most new, Bom Park Dairy. Col bird. Wood lyswn 8350. . ' SALMON for canning. Chinook trash from river, 12 He lb. : d reused. 1 Se; delivered, rhon Eut 8477. Woodlawn 4397. FOB SALE One Acorn 3 cavity vulcanixer complete. See same at Union Depot garage. corner Broadway ana rtoyt MOVABLE bookcase. 8 ft long. 4 ft 6 In. high. wltn glass floors: oaneain. Beuwooa 4 01 464 SHlwood blvd. ITALIAN prune, 8n lb. ; bring your bote. 2850 58th t S. E.. 6 block couth of Di vision st FOB SALE ADDING MACHINE. flT 818 Corbett bldg. Guaranteed. Mamhall 657. SNAPS in uncalled for fine tailored suits. MODERN TAILORS, 89 tt. Sixth st ONE 9-coJumn practically new Burroughs adding machine) for sale cheep. Call Marshall 8011. GUARANTEED RAT TXJPB GETS 'EM 131 11th at Mid her. Bdwy. 4888. SNAPS in uncalled for flni tailored suits, errf Tailors. 8B N. Sixth a. Mod- V A CCUM cleaner rented. 81 per day delivered. Broadway 2872 days. Tabor 5785 gygnlnga. FURNITURE WAJCTED 74 BE WISE CALL MAIN 8961. . We Buy Everything in Furniture WE PAT THE PRICE. Freeman, ollf Fara Co, 200-202-204 FIRST, 8. Et COR. TATLOR. Stoves and ionsehoM- xdain 4495. Tabor 6798 128 FIRST East Side 2d Hand Store Pay Mgnget ctxh pric for need houaahold good. 271 Russell. Pbon Eaat 5387. . r (Copyright 1920, by Interna ti on al Featasr Serrice, Inc.) eSCEMT OF THE APiTMTt4ii IM WHICH TOO LIVE il iNvr- I eILLPHONC TO HER - LL. ALLOW NCv . 11 aE-'Ml3. WITH LIVEa MERE CSOT HE OOEtiNT CET Tp I (sexier rME tmavt - rr-t COirC HOME "TMi. APOLOeyr rRcJN HER 74 A. 4&rS. QEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE Furniture Wanted Before ynn aaO your fnyaJrarcj "-,. awr and gall MarahaQ 587. - Xfor call will bring our buyer at one. W pay . Urn to price tor weed furniture, ear- .1 pete, -rag, ata-t aeerytbina to bonaefcoa-. fooda. We also buy at floe furniture, f All caSi attandtd to to saaa aAr. CairMarshall 587 A. & S. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE 205-207 First. St,,. Bet Taylor and Salmon HOOSEHOtn GOODS WANTED Wa want your need fnrnltnr. IMS' goodaTai tovea and . au none. aad will pay lb tug heat tak pneea. TOP MARKET PRICKS W also buy and ell hard ware, tooU, sporting good, tenta, bi eye lea. typewntera, adding maehinea and ator and office furniture. When yon hare anything to buy, eU or trad CALL MAIN 0072 UtVW HARDWARE FCRNITUKB CO, 231-223-225 Front St. SWAPS UIU. TRADB toe livastork or farm tool. 1819 ol. 18 iiuon. Maxwell delivery, in first ciaxe eonoii will aril it cheap. 900 Powell Valley road. FISHING outfit boat nets, drift right .houa boat to trade for wtomAl K. M. Moore. CarroUs. Wash. M WILL TRADE some good work hore and aotne fresh eo a for a light atttotnoDUa. cau at i90 Powell Valley read. 1 VOCAL, riohn or piano leaaohs from baat teach er in city, for on day's housework. 8-331, Journal. TRADE for poUtoan, 1 aad die horse, genU for cnildroa. It A. tionman, raiaune WAWTEP MISCELLANEOrS $12.50 to $25 For Second-Hand SUITS OR OVERCOATS METER THE TAILOR Pay more tor clothing and sboea. We eaB day or evening, anywber la th city. Call Mar shall 1129 or 268 Madiaon at. near Third it UP TO $35. FOB MEN'S BUTTS AND OVERCOATS W Pay Any PrVre for Men's Clothe OREGON CLEANERS A TAILORS 117dgt, N.-W Cor. Wash. Main 9344 WANtElv -People of Pctland to know that I x)ay trie hicbaat cash price for aecond hand bcSseboid food. No amouot taw large or too gmaU. Prompt attention. N. M. BEATER. Pbon Bast 220S. 14S Ruseetl et WE MUST hare 600 men's need suits, coat and cent, all sixes. Call u for on or aaora. Wa pay cash, from 910 up. A phone call will pnng us wltn eaan. x a, 1st st., near aaornaoa. Main 738. alter 7 p. an. call Wdln. 0201. WANTED Hrary cany, 10 na. or os., to cover two spaces of 96 Inchex212 in each. Muat be In good condition and cheap. Tabor 821. SAFE Small or medium I'xed flrepreii safe. Will is, cash iff nrinMi r.uxnhl. B-128 Journal SEWER ootinection aad cos pool. R. Million A Son. Tabor 6652. 25 K. 79th st 8. Call . t ween 0 and 8 a. m. or and S p. m. WANTTTD Itifle, ihotgum, cameras, ltnsea. Hochfield. 85 8d. Phone Main 3SH1 WaNT counter scales. 50 r 100 pounds. ' food grinder. wooaiawn soya. i PERSONAL. 29 JQLASSES at a sarins, aoiictt your pgTronagg oo the basis of eapsbte aervice. l nousanos ol aatleriad pa trona. Chaa. W. Goodman optometrist, 209 Morrison it Maia 2124. ADJU8TMSNT8 Do you rrslise thil Br! Hamacher can cure yon the chiropractic way? Come and see. Elimination free. Bio Bub ft Lane bldg. 81 Gets both feet fixed up st Dr. Ketna'e the CHIROPODIST end ARCH SPECIALIST who dneu't hurt you, 8 yr. hern. Kxamv free. Glob Tbeatra bldg., lltB and Waab. Bdwy. 2824. PRIVATE DETECTIVE Results guaranteed: raiea reasonapia. auiiauty case a specialty. l-74, journal. 31 'PUTS vacuum cleaner in your home for 24 hours. Delivered anywhere. Call East 7924 evening after S. SUPERFLUOUS bir. manicuring, face and scalp tiatnses. Marshall 1191. Ape 81ft Royal nne Drag. SUPERFLUOUS hair, mole. warU removed by 10 needle metnod: trial free. Jnue Finks y. 614 Bush at Lane bldg. Main 6868. BATHS, violet ray, moxeage Dr. Fir Sorenseo, on paaamg bhlg. Main 506. . VIT-0-NEt: magnetio treatment Violet ray! Body managa. 450 Morgan bldg. Maia 7570 I a,.nrA Consults tkm FREE. AH -WJ 612 Selling bldg. Main 4998. WILL Mr. Eat " Delacey pleas call AutomaUo S2B-7r Mrs. tnanibera. By George McManus J VA-Vfi TMeVT ? -HE Rt-FlJ, VELL : HE'S HOME. EARuf, EVUX -OtVSC-0 Tvwa, 4"a f Or? MltA. FT"R NITfRT? WANTED db ,v 4nlL I iwivi j ' l SME O "irVT ' - n - , FEBSOKAt. ? W bB. " CEOBGE EtBENSTErf.; thg ?UrB optician, a, aa expert In fitting eyeglaaeee, and charge aa very reaaonabla. Broken ena fuickly dupneated. tU Uorrieoa . - NOTICES 94 NOTICE OF EXCHANOB DEPARTMENT OF THE- INTEEI01 ' Cnited Btatea Land Office - ' Boeebnra. Oreson. Jniy . 110. Notice la hwreby given that The Owe Be Laaaber company, Syndicat BuiMint, 0'Ib4, Aiamvua county, cauiorrua, na filed m inig w fie their application to a Wet. nder the -Twuon of the Act of Oouareaa. approved May 81. 1918 (4(etaL, 598), and th reguUUoa thereunder. afproad July IT. 1918 tearoulae r evAsw lueaywinaT amnami i raar NEK XtH. ku NWH. IH H. BH ft 19, all 6c I. all Sge. II, NH, WH S,' 5 . T. 80 SV, b! 8 W. W Z W Vi S. SVtli NKH Sec 6. tt NW Bwo. . NK KKIiil KW, --S 1 "W , Bee. 11. Mk .. Bee. 18. 4- SS Sec 15, EH, SB i SW See. 2L 8WH SEI4. BBVt SVt A Sea. IS. Mta M, Btk KKU. BEV. SBVk See. 26. f0-..?.' tart 4, See, 7, NWH.SW-A See. U" CS.'.,8 KErfBBH SWi See. T.,NW SW Sac, 28. rfH.BS See. 81, U NWA Sea 18. .8WH NKH. NWi SEI4. NH 8W4. Bee, 28T. 80 i, R. It W NWH Sm. BE KKH. BE Bee. S. Lot 1. BVi. NU. Hstu. ne. V. M u. SkA..1 il8 bilk. Sec CK" KWk, Lot 1 See. t. all iu? iWW NW4VNVk U nee. v, SEH. !w?7 SE. Ei4 SB4 Sea. S. SB E-.' rr. J i f. B, B, 7, B. V, 13, fi.w,.8JC4 t f"- 8. 8IJj4 Ht -WH bK4, k l.We,4.8!1 " 8W Sat lT,0ta 4. n-7'.5l'J1,l NW B.NKi NWA. Sfc SWki NEVi 6EK, SV BKH Be. 81. fi B NE W, a!e 14 rfw Bee. 38. 2 h ,8W .8' 8 KltH'Seo, 89, Lots NV HVfli, an SW Sen. is. aik M(S 2" i8,.. 8WH, H IWk.Ho. 8. X. 81 HWU ftru KUIU u J isili -leu vZ v,tto8' ,l- NW, NK (i , SVt UK. 8W4. B SW See. 27. TK NEH. ? S5). NJ 'W'. SW HU bcl r.m NBH. WH 8WH Sec 84,T.81S Lou a, s. See. ll, 8E14 NEU. l-"ta 11 if, 18, IS Bee. IS. Lots 1 a ... BWs SK. 1 I . Kecr'S. SE NeXnWu'S- S "w. SW14 BK4 See. 11, I NK A NW a it KWU. NIC u suru a"f. . SH W. WilL Mar. " W tt, 11 . - .. 'N LIEU OF d. a, "a aae. n T a a s . . . . H N. W.M. N. K W sT .nvsMla!.; a i. W .T J " twe. ewSFr x. D. Al. FT.: IU1 Mfi. I R 1 IJ t W. NR. U HI SX V J aA' " .a . j .,r rr ti th fa. v. f.T- . Ifc . W. A , H HI U w VA 1A Mm XBS a. - as W , h 69. VT. W XI. BL a . H lev B Vl m P li. nm. a.t a.-" .7 - . 1J a ay. . nswr, D T ra . V an war 11 . " "0- f .9B., B, 10 W.I lote 1 to o. -; U 11, II, 13 SB. ?.V 8-J Iota 1 to 8 Inclusive. Sea. 16 i "wu W it. NW. J ?-.w- ton 8. 0, 7. Sec 28. I ll a R. 9 W.; loU 1. 6. 8. 8, sic. 7. I jj g V 8 W.J lou 6 and 4, See. ? t' H W.s. Sac Si. 123 sT. it W iu 8 w l l'w "J i W KWH J J- 15t all Sea. 1. S u z'ori"-, sj. . k. 28. T. 26 S.. R. 10 W.: N. 8. W. U W. hi 8. W. ... Ban. fi! all aT a. vf 3 ?T- " 8-.-B. T W".; .U sSl 24. K. BJ i J. W. . SMB. W f li v-.' all Sec 20 . as. w, sec iv a a . w. k k W. 14. See. 32 I. It B.. R. 10 V W. H 1: lots IS aad 14. Sm. 22 N. W. tt lota 8 and 4. Han 2 T 'IT u t. . . ..7 .it a , . .- , ' 1. v . u ow, o, -. w, pea. ggj H N. S. P "1 . 00. SB. T. 20 ft. tt. II SkVi w. "ALA, I- w 1 1 i au 6 10: 8. W, B. k t o"t, V S. H K. W. W. 4. 41 11 I til B. W. H K. W A. S. K V . B-I V,i,1f H, Sc 23; lota i, t, . 1, 8. 4 12. 16. Sec 24; N. M. N. i. & baa. 26. 1 29 8., R. 11 W.j 8. W. . W. 14 . Sac 6: 8. 8. W. 14. 8. I. 1 1 S. K. A, hen. 8:1a Sec. 16; N. W. 2l 6V v7. 8. W. Sac 17, N. Vt N. W. 4 Se, 20; N. S. W. Bee. 22 8. W. 14 B. W. 14 .See. it, T. SIS., tt IS W Wia Me. Any and all persons, clsjnaing th land described or desiring to objaet bacaugg of th mineral character of th land, or (or any ether reason, an the a tne a applicemte should file their affidavua eg oroteet m tnia of. fir without delsv. snd In aa. snns withtM ft.. period of pubUeatioo, whkb Urminate th 27U day of Sapteeaberi 1920. . W. U. bJltUsS First dy of rmhllcatjon. Ana. 21. 1920. Last day of publication. Sept 25th. 1920. NOTICE OF MEETING OF' om'NTT BOARD OF fcVlUAUZATlON Kotlea is herahlr aiVMi that as Mrf. a. tember IS. 1920, the Board eg auaitulioaof muiusoman vxiuniy wiu attesM at the) of f io of ta -vounty amaior, at th Court Hous hi Portland, and publicly atamin tlx amassment roUa for the year 1920. and correct all error in valuation, description or qualities of Unda, lot or other property, aaaessed by th County As sessor. And it shall be the duty of persona in teraated to appear at tb time and plaos ap pointed. If it shall appear to such Board of Kajualixatloo that there ere n land or lot or etner property aaeseoO twice, -or incorrectly aa awaaed as to description or quantity, and in the nam of a person or person not th owner thereof, or assessed unjer or beyond tb actual cash value thereof, aatd board may make proper correction of tb aame. If It shall appear ta such board that any land, lota or other property asaeaaabls by the assessor are not essested. sue board shall assess the .tame at the full cash value UunuL Li KM BY B. REKD. Pcrtland! Or., Aug. 20. 192oU' " DISTRICT BONDS NOTICE IS HEREBI OIVsKN that sealed sropoeels will be received until tb. 20th day eg September. A. U. 120, et the boar of 3 o'clock tn tb afternoon, fur tb purchase of Twe Hun dred Tnoaaaod Doiiim (9200,000) worth of bonds of th Lenll Valley Irrigation District or Klamath County. Oregon. Said Bonde to draw Interest at the rate of 6 per cent per snnnm, ' payable seuii-enpually np th 1st day of July and tb 1st day of January of each yegg tvntij the maturity of said hoods. Said proposal will b received by the board of director of said Irrigation District and ihonld be directed tn the secretary of the Langell Valley Irrieauoa Dietrict. car of Ferguson, Futaber A Mifflin, No. 19 Loomi BiBid-ag. aUaaaatb Falla, Oregon. i . Tb board of direct nra reserve tha right ts ra ted any.or ail bids offered. A. U W18RARD. ' Secretary of tb Board of Directors of Ltg4 VgQey Irrigation IHstrlct CIRCULAR No. 455 IWUd prDp.Lt will be received at offiro at general pnreharing aawnt Alaskan Engineenng tmrnmiaeinsi 422 Bell Street Terminal, Seattle, Wih., not later ttian 11 a. m., 8ptemoe SO. 1920, for furnishing tumber. window v nd floor frames, window and door, aallt, b4tiding and rooting vapar and deadening felt ash eord and weights, transpm catenae, etc.. wall board, vault dr and enrmcated holloa tile. Copies of thi circular may bt) obtained anon ap plication at this offio. from Alavikin tlncinaer. tng rommiasion, S01 Postoffiee, i Portland. . Or., and Alaskan Engineering eommweioev707 Cns- tntnnouse, Bn rancaaoo, ajai. t. Am teas, gen era f purcnaing arrm. - - - . . 1-. SEALFD bids wtlTbe received iy the S ' V." S. Railway company. np to and snclading September 20, 1920, at room 8, North Bank station, 1 1th and Hoyt ta for thg foOowvag -Car No. 604982, awtof No. 857018. ' Caf Na 805063. motor No. 657227. Car No.' 505082. motor No. 557X02 - ' Amount bid ow eaeb ear ta be ebowBj eeparate. tJ- on aw snspsciaei at tn o.. . a st Railway eompatiy'g aalrtgi toom, lltb aod Hoyt sia auaw saaervaa to rerr any or ail Did. W. r. TURNER. Oomptrotlee. " HOTlCK OF PC"BIJffllKAftlN Aog. 29. 19-.0. Natic bj hereby xi n -fhat th Industrial Welfare Commission of tb Stat m4 ftwmmm mriU k.Ji 1 J - Sept 24, 1920.. at 8 p. rn.. tn th offio at the OmmiiaBoti, 446-648 Court houss, on thg recommend t tons which hav . been . xaade to tb txnamiesion by tlx eonferenea called ta eoneider the hoara of Woman Ticket QersA la JWlnsid Service tn tiregon. , - AKDUSTULAA. XVKTjr Attte COMMISSION or (iHBuoit, . .- .. . ' " ' - XiUto R. Trumbull. See'y. ' f:.,. - DW 1 Bee. an. X. 81 S.. R. 19 W Lola 1 2 8. 4. SK Se. 1, Nk neu" gwit SecTll. NEH SbV: SW' NWU BE 14 4 14 SEI4. NWH BWA. SBtf SW Sec. 13, WH NE14 NWVt SEW VmS 7 A in 4 1 . LVkV s!4 wN- hh. L,?-Jr S: 1 14. iVofceMtloTinl atnfl Bnufneiia pfrrx'tory AocourrrBirrt JtXITS B. BLACK, pubn aeeeeiaUaV , A wBtew. income us eervice, - uononra balg.. M anw Stark. Pbon Mala 7448. - lMr SUPPLUS LEWIS BlENGKREefV Supply OoT, loth an. Morrbon iU. Th place to bay barber eaalr and aupniiae. Stock ol tumitura alway aa baag at eight prtcea. . BLANK BOOK StAKlBS bJiMi A fioljliON"c7To".-5d m.bA .. boo aaannfeturr. A-SlSS. Main 188 CT ABO D00 MOSITC fcOSK Clrit6lNAJtTrvUTAr.. ill , K. fth St. eor, Crant Eaat 1647. B-19 VCAKP8T CLfANIBfJ Carpet Cleaninjr . Sizing and Refitting Fluff Rum OLD CAR1 IIAr FROM OLD CARPVTS" BAG RUGS A SPFCIALTT WE CAfO. AND DEt.tVER PORTLAND BUO CO. 1872 E. 17th at Sellwood 882. FLUFF RUGS' From Old Carpets Bag Rag, an Bt Mall Order Promwt. . Send for Booklet 9t 11 Rug, steam or Dry Claaxt, 41.89w rT.l'rg' Btiri rm . 84-88 TJnlow Ave. N. Eaat 661. S9aat T66S. " Of MINT aVORgt ALL. elaaae eeenVworkJ aanaral bulldlne aad repair work. Retea raaaonsbla. Phone S2I-SB. CHIROPODIST DR. SOPIH Z I'M BOCK, ehlropodut, mantrurlne. munrnoini, raomi taaaaaca. 40B bldg. Phone Main 62947 OHIRONATOn bBo.MrSIAUOA- iOTwTriuprscda ayM.nC PertUnd, 19f0 U, 1920. Beat kaowi. Throng pronounc It rep riot treatment N , eamoufUgaa. ios bsuaa a runt er protiUwrlnar r ' . "J tn enis mane aaay, enioyabla. bnfloil and curatlr. Tnr: Initial tret ?fi rJWlh'. " all rase esrefully d- rosted. Patient requiring extended time. 81 gift phone, oall. wrHa. 800 000 KNOW DR. UckAllON. PorthieX 100 chiropnetori lltb ysar aukiag aV eminyabla. beMftoial aad aura ti vs. Throng prunoano treatment best! re Mian ban Eiteaded Uma. SI diuatraent 31 6 1 Bo an flag. Adria your friend Ladles' and men's rest room. Portland phone. f-, . ANGEY-L, 198 2Ut at". 1 bUi." Wai of Waah. MarahaU 2316. Chlropractlg. lac tno. showar and mineral bathe, tfaaasga. Lady attendant. V . " CHIROrKACflfl, .team With and meas.r, 16lfc floor Broadway hldg. MarghaO 8187. Da, . Laura R Downing. Open evening. DIt R L6usiXnU k. turned from her Taecei. 488 Mama blrla. and syoeo J30XW00D RLOCgf and alabwood, also gviwnad Bpaeial prtf fn 2 load kita. Wdln. 4102. T OOLtatrricms. KkTM A CO.. Worcester bHg. Mala 79 ," Hi collections, no charge. Established 1900. Of BJTfSTB Dentistry ?lr Without Pain. Infest Narva Blocking MetnwSw f DU0AT10RAL DRAMATIO TRAININGTfoR MRS. LUCILK L. CASH. 806 Colombia " bldg. ' Tel. Mar 2789. Dawrjiwo TOE DANCE SfUhlO, 809 Deknra Ml., Washington at Third. Private boar or half hour lessons, dsy, evening, 0 :80 a. m. to 9 n. as. Course lesson specially priced. Claaa Moav, Fri., 7:80 p. at Mia Irlwd. WALkETl'S DAffClNG' 8CH("6t-Bawroo; and stage dancing; private and claaa laaaona . clams for children in tinging and dancing. So cial dancg every Saturday night Alugy bldA. corner 8d and Morrison at. MISS ladBOtnf BASifUSSBN Prlvau W sons tn ball room and (tag dancing. Stadia. 810 Eller btuMlng. Washington street betweeav' 4th and 6th. Pbon Main 1128. BEllKECETTnclng Aoademy. prirate' Iar,naj day, evening : 1st est step lata shown. 129 4th st Main 3318. Mr. Summers. SUMMERS' Dsnring Xra3emy. Private kmt ay and gvening. luteal (lip la Jaaa-ghowsV ; 85 H 8th. Bdwy. 8690. . WUBIO SCMOOtS BHD TSAQMHtg - A FIRST CLASS-teacher of piano and row. neweotner, with xeellenf credrntista, arid tak a few put'tle at radnwag) rat tot InurodncUon. O. 94 7. JonrnaX - ' ; MRS. ANNA MOORE, i peri need plana teacher) trained at Boston and Detroit' aonaarratnrtaat spanial training given beginners; lissuaia In stu dio or pupil s noma. Marshall SI0S. 891 MUt proTessc AWSON-e-Twantr tmtxf a-nerienoa. Diana) Issaneai at sotur stoma g Li Phona Tsnor TOB6 . . , . SlSS " UATTINGLT'S" PftraU School, R3 band aad TypewrltlBg; itvlividnal inetTMtic, 269 14 lb. near Jefferson. Main 8B9S. MRS. 1. M. LOVKJO I. Instructor sf pofnilai 86m. aVf awvtl m VI ragttm and elaasie. Tabor 8918. L" CAlROLX, DAT, teacher of voioa aad tsstaaa. 148 IStb et Broadway S 868. TToLjN, piano, mandolia, guitar, banjo iamXraf tiona. Kat Eenbeck, 409 TamhUl at U Ht rJOTBaerfS look torn f Wa repair and rafiniah at rnagonabto Pr-snV Phon. Bdwy. 4696. i - WANTED Ladies, know we caa ales a yowg white Milan r crepe hat 68ft DirtaMwa. BATS elenrrhaaed: shoe dyed. Work fuarantiwd. Sam Sadu, 180 H 3d rt Maiaiuai TT B6bT WASSAf BOCXLt HAJI BLDG. MAIN 6866. OfTOMITBISTS AND OrTtOI"8 ilTr iCIENtlFlfilLLT " tEAfCS , wiin annarrn lnsi rums nas j siaaaa s-Ti fitted from 62.60 up. A HCRW1TZ, Optometrti.t 828 1t . ' PATfBJT ATTOBrUVS GOLbBERGTaliO Worcester bhtg. slain 2iiC J. U. CLIFTON, painting, twvertng.' tinting. 184 N. ITtb st. 'Broadway 4414. W sod law a 9194U DEPENDABLE house PaUii hanging. Tsbor 6217.' pTl.vtlNO 3324. aad tinting bl . Wdlan PA IBTB 7 reet swof iwstterag and maaansa it tie ' aaiabaated . WEBF00T ROOF FATJfT "' Althongb very low xsrieaal thra - -- Ag.nta wanted In ever eowa A t - gon, Washington, Idako aad Noethsra Catornj ' Portland agent: . . i B. A it hoof Paialera, Tabor 7514. Nickel A Hankgn. Tabor 768 rwtiana iio ue n. 6820. As-ilth, Mathews A, Tritaa. yoatar. www a - ... , . vm m, vinat sin 671. Rm Mam seal" PtUMBIWO ASJO 8T8SSI SWPftlEB tPLUMBiKa Work dons anaeklr and afr4ie A big pricaa; new ItigUllatlong gpacikltyi orn -uairti,p guaranteed. Pbon Eawt. 1964. , T MERKO METAL WORKS .' i - ..p.miis w.. is eta at HK ai. U KLIN fcCOTTi 4i 4 TH 9 fWiT FUBLI0 STCNOdRAPMf A .. : PWIBTIWa, fWOWAViaia, 8IHQISJ, Printfno'-. ALfKTco., "M rI SIB-Knd Oik. Msia 46. 611-66. I ITriRwfNlioTiS 987 Was ngtow. ' Broadway 484, A-l IS. ft OOF NCPAIKIN9) ' " ' WefTPAiNt'gnd Waif n. nd rtoTrawfiTri BL roof palnteK Mais 470. 20S 14th at WIU paint- any color. , ( : I TBABaCf BHD 8T0BABE Oregon Transfer Co , , EWbBsb.4 1870 , " i ' Trsnefer and Forwarding Agent . : , STORAGE -FREB T BACK AGS) " OlUf mi4 tStoraga. 474 OUaaa . 18th and (ilisan. Broadway 1231. A-tlSB. AXw' TS PICK- H lfB tsY DOt'KEHOTB GOUUS SPECIAL lt -rltoresa. parkins ship ping svnd atoringl bore aad Mto, tsaai paukal rate o all point. -c-pick tkAxsffb storaob on. td and Pine Sta. Breadway , A-lteV i Storage and Transfer, Clay S.Morse. Intv esFTt i.h eium . asn . nar l V . CUT FIlElGTlT-RATES , O howaehold good , shutped east nd' awtrfhi Mwmtsvi Warehouse A Iranafgg 4v Vim aatt ., Uart. Phone llrolwy 70S. FOKTLAN'D Hewhta abla. Main 6210 aiananv . Bataa - - , ( . -