THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL 10 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1201 PORTLAND, OREGON. Coming BISHOP LOCKE TO VISIT PORTLAND Bishop and Mm. Charles' Edward VocVe will arrive In Portland early Bunday morning and will proceed to Wilbur Methodist church, where the blahop will preach the morning sermon. While In the city they will be the guests of Dr. and Mra. "Wil liam Wallace Youngson. Bishop and Mrs. Locke are en route to Van couver. B. C, to. sail next Thursday for Manila, where he will have Epis copal supervision of the work of the denomination for the next four years. Bishop Locke as pastor of the First Methodist church of Portland (the old Taylor street church) from 1892 to 1897 was extremely popular. Since leaving Portland he has held Important pastor ates In San Francisco, Buffalo, Brook lyn and for the past 12 years In Los Anaelea. Under his administration the Von Angeles church has grown to af membership of 2800, and the Centenary quota of $250,000 wss rained to $360,000. The throngs crowded the church out of the old building, which has been sold for 1530,000. A new site has been pur chased for $340,000, on which it Is FIRST A MCTunniCT A r rui iDru wn w rc. was a 12th St. at Taylor EAST WALKING DIS TANCE FROM HOTELS JOSHUA STANSFIELD, D. D. MINISTER MOK.MSO SERVICE 10il SUBJECT "Practical Preaching" VKNIRO SERVICI O'OLOCK Bishop Chat. Edward Locke Kor miny year. Or. Ixx-.s w the pastor ot Pint cnnrrh, tnd we welrnme hlra snd Inrtu the public to hear him Bun da j fvniDg, S o'olork. Otisrui Choir, Director I. T. JOHIs Hear Two Bishop SUNDAY, SIFT. IS, 10:80 A. M. WILBUR METHODIST CHURCH Slultnemah Natal Auditorium. (I. 0. HICKMAN, Putor) BISHOP CHARLES E, LOCKE Or MANILA. Former PmHor OM Taylor Straat Church) BISHOP WILLIAM 0. SHEPARD OP PORTLAND. WONDIRFUL MUSIO Y WILDIR'S FAMOUS QUARTET WILBUR CHURCH Is Wis Haart of tha Ruilnese Aeotlen. ASY TO FIND SASV TO LINK HARD TO POROKT. Business Offlea S14 Artisan's Inlldtna - Phone Proa Sway 24SO "IVKRVBODV'S PRISNDLV SEItMOUS ISilO Why Does God Allow Sin? We Know ' Only When We Know Character SPECIAL MUSIC IltlS BIBLE SCHOOL IIUS MEN'S ORGANIZATION lilS YOUKO PEOPLE'S MEETING DR. E. H. PENCE, PASTOR CE NTR AL CAST 1STH AND WIS) I (Your Church and Mrns) "Barren Trees and Barren Lives" Will is the Topic at 11 o'clock. S:4B SIBLa SOHOOU. 7:4 IRWON r Dr. Ezra A. Van Nuys ,"MEN IN ACTION" Coms Choir at Both fcervfees. Led by Mr. Beleher: aba Bong service at Evening Hoar WALTtR HENRY NUOtNT, D. D Minister, vou ark ooroiallV i5Tfai. AFTER MANY YEARS Saint David's Church EAST TWELFTH AND BELMONT Service 7:30, 9:30, 11 and 7:30 lltN SERMON "THE CHALLENGE OF, A GREAT CAUSE" fill 8IBM0N "WHY 1 AM A' CHRISTIAN" REV. THOMAS JENKINS, Rector (NOTE THE HOTJES) Baron Eug ' ; OF, MOSCOW, RUSSIA t v The dUtinfulshed scientist snd BMtaphysical teacher, a nephew f h late Cpunt Leo Tolstoi, vill deUTer Yitally Important lecture on ' THE HEMMg 'oFTHZ FUTURE" at S P. M. "Wednesday, September aad, in the Grand ballroom at rh Hotel Multnomah. v,f : . , " t ' ADMISSION FREE,; eek promises .to JJastor of Cherished jflemory to J5e fficre Bishop Charles E. Locke planned to erect a million dollar edifice. While a resident of Portland, Dr. Locks was active In all lines of religious work. He was chaplain of the National Guard j'unt before the men were called into the Spanish-American engagements. Bishop Locke will preach .Sunday morning' at Wilbur church In the Mult nomah hotel and Sunday' night at the First Methodist church. Bishop W. O. Bhepard, resident bishop, will Introduce Bishop Locke to both congregations. Sunday night three bishops wiU be In the city, as Biahop Laurens J. Blmey will arrive on the 7 o'clock train and be in the evening service at First church. PREACHING FOR THE TIMES DR. W. B. HINSON 11:00 'A Grain of Wheat 7:4S 'Christ the Magnet' FIHST CENTURY TRUTH PON TWKNTIITH CENTURY Men, BAPTISM AT MORNINQ SERVICE. EAST SIDE BAPTIST CHURCH AST SOTH AND SALMON STREETS Tsks Hawthorns, Sunnyilde ar Mt Taker Car to East 20th. CHURCH of OUR FATHER (UNITARIAN) BROADWAY AT YAMHILL WILLIAM G.ELIOT JR., MINISTER AT 11 A. M., PUBLIO WORSHIP AND 8ERMON. "CHRISTIAN DISCIPLESHEP AND STEWARDSHIP" The Church of Our Father desires to be of (price to the community and neighborhood. It is open daily after 1 p. m. at Reading Room Entrance. 848 Yamhill. Here is a quiet place to rest, read or write. I WESTMINSTER (Eait Morrises Street Cars) ene Fersen COLLECTION " 1 Y ' aM Jj5ew5 of Smpbrtance The Portland Federation of Churchee announces that 8. D. Cordon of New York will continue bis "Quiet Talka" during the coming week at the Helllg theatre each day from litis to 1 o clock sharp. Interest in the meetings is in creasing dally. Over 500 people are attending. Gordon is a layman and "talks" to his audience. Business men and women are invited to come when they can and slip out when necessary. The subjects for next week follow: Monday, "Does Prayer Ever Change Anything?": Tuesday, "Temptation: An English Waterloo or a French?" ; Wed nesday, "Woman's Winsome Resistless Power"; Thursday, "The Master's Rule of Brokerage and Exchange"; Friday, "Does God Heal Disease and Sickness Today?"; Saturday, "What Is the Sane, Poised Teaching About Jesus' Return?" BAPTIST The Baptist! Bible School Workers' union will begin a new year's work with a rally, election of officers and supper at the Second German Baptist church on Tuesday night. Plans to improve the work will be discussed. The pulpit of tee First Baptist church will be occupied Sunday by thm W. Karl Bmltn. B. T. P work on that Pscifl ceoast. Bally day will be observed in the Babie school at :45 a m. Tba secret of efficient Christian Ufa will te disrased Bandar moraine at Third Baptist enure by tha Bier. K. E. Close. During tba evening aerrics bs will discus the history, cans and prevsntwa of tha bubonic plsgue, and com pare it to "a which imperils tha spiritual hie o( men. CHRISTIAN The financial budget for the church year beginning October 1 will be pre sented to , the members of the First Christian church Sunday morning by the Rev. H. H. Griffls. pastor. During the coming week 62 teams will visit the members to secure subscriptions- The budget calls for 9299 expenditure for benevolence and operating expensea Sunday ' night. Chaplain William I. Fisher of Vancouver will preach. CHRISTIAN SCIEKCE A free public lecture on Christian Science will be held in The Auditorium Friday evening at S o'clock. William W. Porter, C. S. B., of New York city, member of the board of lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, will speak. A cordial invitation Is extended to alL CONGREGATIONAL Alva Patten will deliver a lecture to the First- Congregational Bible school. DIRECTORY Sixteenth Sunday After Trinity Uniform Sand ay School Lessons "Evils of Intemperance" (Temperance), Prov. 28:17-21; 29 85 (tolden Text "For ' the drunkard and tbe glutton shall come to poverty : and drowsiness shall clothe a man with race " Young People's Topics Baptist Union "Oood Work: Wooing It: Doing It." KrcL S:10; CoL 3:22-2S. Christian Endeavor "Good Work: Finding It; Uoing If Eccl. :10; Col. 8:22-25. Epworth Ieagaa "Making the Leegne's Working Calendar." Lose 10:1-11; Acts 1:8; Luke 4 :18 21. Bsptlat . First White Temple, 12th and Taylor. Preaching by Rev. W. Earl Smith. 11. "A Warning, a Challenge and a Promise"; T:4S. "America Looking TJp." East Bide E. 20th and Balm on. Rev. W. B. Hlnson. ltev. T. H. Caah. 11. "A Orain of Wheat"; 7:4.1. "Christ the Magnet" Third Vaneonver and Knott Rt. R. E. Close. 11. "Obedience to the Heavealy Vis ion"; 8, "The Plague of the Soul." Arleta Rev. Owen T. Day. 11, 8, Sunday achool rally; 8. Calvary X. ih and Orant. Rev. J. E. Thomas. 11. "When I Shall Be 8ataisfied"; 8. "Tha Light Against tba Liquor Enl." Glencoe E. 45th and Main. Bev. W. B Rtewart. ' Preaching by Rev. G. De Boy Hall of McMinnvUle. 111. 7:4. Sellwood Bethany Res. W. N. Ferris. 11. 7:45. Grace E. 78th and Ash. Bar. W. H. Tol Bver. 11. 8. Swedish ISth and Hoyt Rev. T. G. SJolsn- der. 11. 7:80. St Johns Chicago and Ionard 11. 7:80. Highland E. 8th and Alberta. Rev. Walter L. Riley. 11. 8. Peninsula Drew and Fiske. 10:80, 7:S0. Mt. Olivet I colored) Broadway and Everett. Rev. J. W. Anderson. 11, 8. Eilm Swediih Millory and Bkidmora. Rev. A. G. Sandhlom. 2:80, 8:80. i Lents 88th at. and 80th ave. -Rev. K. A. Smith. 11, 8. Second (German) Rodney and Morris. Rev. F. Hoffman. 11, 7:80. Cathode Pro-Cathedral 15th tnd Dgris. 6, 7:13, 8:80. 0:45. 11. St. Peters Lents Rev. P. Beutgen. 8. 10:80, 7:30. St. Lawrence 8d and Sherman. Rev. J. C. Rughes. 8. 8:80. 10:80. 7:80. St. Francis E. 12th and Pine. Rev. L E. McNamee. 6, 8, 9:15, 11,. 7:45. Immaculate Heart of Mary Williams and Stanton. Rev. V. A. Daly. 6. 8. S. 11. 7:30. Holy Rotary -F.. 3d and Clackamaa. Kev. S. S. Olson. , 7. 8. 9. 11, 7:30. St Hose E. 63d tnd Alameda. Rev. J. OTarrelL 8. 10 30. 4. St. Andrews E. 9th and Alberta. Rev. J. Kieman. 8, 10:30, 7:80. Tbe Madeleiner E. 24th and Siskiyou. Bev. George F. Tbompeon. 7:80. 9. 11. Ascension K. 7Ath and Yamhill. Franciscan Fathers. 8. 10:30, 7:30. Blessed Sacrament Maryland and Blandena. Rev. K. W. Black. 8. 10:30. 7:30. Holy Cross 774 Bowdoin. Rev. C. Ray mond. 8, 10:80, 7:80. St Ignatius 8220 48d it. 8. E. Jesuit Fathers. 8:30. 6. 10:30, 7. St. Stephens E. 4 2d and Taylor. Rev. Warren A. Waitl 6, 8:80, 10:30. 7:30. Holy Redeemer Portland bird, and Van couver ave. Kev. William J. IHvine. 6. 8. 10:80. 7:30. 8t Philip Nert (Pauliit Fathen) E. 18th and Hickory. Rev. M. L. Ferry. 7:30. . 10;80. 7:80. St. Oementa S. Smith ave. and Newton. Sarvita Father. 6, 8. 10:30. 7:30. Sacred Heart E. 11th and Center. Bev. O. Rob. 8. 1030. 7:30. St. Agatha H. 15th and Miller. Bev. J. Commisky. 8, 10:80. 7:30. St Stanialans (Poliah) Maryland and Fail ing. Rev. F. Matthew. 8. 10:80. 7:S0. St. Jose no German i loth and Conch. Bar. B. Rnrrer. 8. 10.30, 7:30.' St. Michael (Italian) 4th and MUL Rev. If. Balestra. 8:80. 10:80. 7:30. Bt. Claires Capitol Bill. Father Aloytiuj. 0. F. M. 7:30. 9:20. St. ( harlea E. 3 3d and Alberta. Bee. J. P. OTlynn. 8. 10:80. All Saints K. 89 th and Gllsaa. Bar. Father WiUlam Crania. 8, 10:80. St. Patricks 19th and Savier. KsvJ Charles M. Smith. Maasea 8:30. S. 9:15. 10:80. 7:48. Christian First Park and Cohsmbla. '' Bev. Harold H. Griff av 11. "The IrreUgiona Dead Beat"; 7:46, "A Royal Rale of Life." by Chaplain Wllliaa L. nshef. Kaat Ride K. 1 ? th and TrWrr S It H. Sawyer. 11, ft. noaney Avenue ruxmey 804 ajiott Kev. 8. Esri ChUder.. 11. S. Moots villa E. , T8th and GUsaa. Rev. Car. roll C Roberta, i 11, 7:80. Woodlawn K. 7th nH f Thmrtm Km Joseph D. Boyd. 11, 8. a era park Bee. F. H. Gnormley. 11. "The uteia v vunai jtorj ; i :a, r sjlng the Tattsmarle IT 9gfa, mwtA aik o m TBbe Jkaxey. it. 70. St. Johns Central and Oswego. 11. ChrtaUaa tckenoa Tssoar aobieet: "Matter." Ftrsa 19th arid Everett It. 8. Sfoona K. th aad Holladay. 11. S. Thrrt R 12th aad Salmon. 11. 8. ' Fourth Vaaeoaeer and Emersoa. 11, 8. Fifth 2l and 424 ave. 8. E.-11. , Sixth Mason ie temple. 888 Tarn hill. 11, 8. Beveata SmiUs ave. aad New York. ti. "WHAT IS MAN, THAT THOU ART MINDFUL OF HIM?" V By lOTrelriukj.: afaeOREGos , Teakleaa Ball. 881 Ceatral Batldlaa:. r- ree Leadlag; Llbrarr f Oecalt Btraaa OPKJI l to 4 .18 BaXLT. " ighly !3mong Portland Sunday morning, on "The Pilgrims' First Thanksgiving." The survey canvassers will meet at 12 :0 p. m. with Dr. W. T. McElveen and Dr. H. D. Has kins. Dr. McElveen will preach morning and eve ning, the chorus choir assisting in the later service. Miss Dorothy Rice will lead the Christian Endeavor. Men of A Huston Memorial Comrefition&l eh arch era to meat Sunday nomine at tha dot of tha service to qwwtor tha organiaatkm of a men's club. Sunday will alio be registration day in the Bible school. Tba woman's asso ciation will eerre a lnncbaon Wadneaday from 1 1 :SO a. b. to 1 p. m. ia the din ice room f tha church. Sunday Bight tba Christian Endeavor, of Hlxb land Copcraeational church will basin ita fall work. Tba Ht. O. W. Nalaon wiU occupy tha pulpit momins arid sTeninc. St Johns Consrefattonal church recently ie- eorad a naw paator. the Bev. John W. Threlfall of Boaton, who holds decrcaa from- Etowdoin collef e. the law achool of Uarrard nnirenity, and Bangor Tbaological seminary. Ht hat alto takaa special work at Harvard and Cliff eoUece, nsianL The Re. Mr. Threlfall left a lucra tive . position in buiineaa, tha management of tha Threlfall Brother 8Uk mills, to prepare for tha ministry. Ha feela that tba church today Mads pastors wbo hare had training other than theological In tha few weeks tha Rer. Mr. ThreUall bag been in the city tha Bt John chnreh has taken on new Ufa. The- eongrega tiona have doubled. By a quaar ccteeidcnca tha Tie. Mr. Thrall all's first appearance was io Portland. LUine. EPISCOPAL September 26, Bishop W. T. Sumner will formally open a new church school in the Powell valley district. The build ing will serve as a center for church work in a growing district. Dean R. T. T. Hicks wUl preach both morn ing and evening at Bt Stephen's Fro-Cathedral. Mitt Edith Bark will preside over and Mia Doris Wildnian will be tha principal speaker, at the young paopie a meeting at v:ou p. m. in the parish house. St Michael, and AU Anieli Episcopal church haa made a change in tha hour of several serricea. Tbe chnreh school will meat at 0:45 a. m., holy communion aerries at 7:45 a m.. Pleaching at 11 a. m. and young people's service at e0 p. m. The Sunday night service hour et 8t David's Episcopal church will be changed to 7:30 p. m. this week. The rector, the Her. Thomas Jen kins, will be tha preacher at the morning and evening service. ' EVANGELICAL The Rev. F. B. Culver of Lenta Evan gelical church expects to leave Portland next week for Cleveland, Ohio-, to par ticipate in a conference in connection with the Forward movement of the church. During his absence the pulpit will be supplied by the Rev.'s Peter Conklin and F. M. Fisher. Sunday morn ing the Lord'B supper will be observed and 'new members welcomed. A service for tbe aged people in "The AHea heim" will be held at 3 p. m.. Sunday, by the Rev. Jacob Btocker of Clay Street Evan gelical church. OF CHURCH Cengreeatlonal First ParV and Madison. Dr. W. T. McEl veen. 11, "The Virture of Sett-Respect"; 7:45, "How to Be Happy Tho' Human." Sunnyside E. 32d and Taylor. Rev. J. 3. Staub. 11, "The Full-Orbed Life of the True Christian"; 7:45, "Life Storie Written in Hu man Kaoea." Atkinson Memorial E. 2rn and Everett Rev. E. E. Flint. 11. "The Christ Motives, lor Chrirtlaa Living"; 7.45, "A Chameleaa Slav ery." Highland E. th and Prescott. Rev. Edward Constant. Preaching by Rev. G. W. Nelson. 11. 7:30. Waverlv Height E. 82d and Woodward. Rev. Oliver P. Avery. 11, 8. Lanrelwood 4 5th ave. and 85th at. S. K. lira. Alice M. Handiaker. 11. 7:30. Pilgrim Missouri and Shaver. 11, 7:30. University Park Haven and Lombard. Rev. C H. Johnston. 10. 30. 7:30. Finniah Mason and Albine. Rev. A A. Harlo. 8 aad 8 p. m. St. Johns a. I van hoe end Richmond. Rev. John W. Threlfall. 11, 7:80. Daniih-Norwegiao E. 23d and Stunner Rev. Ole Torgesaen. 11, 7:30. First German E. 7th and Stanton Rev. George SScher. 11, 7:30. Second German E. 8th and Skidmora Rev. Henry Hagelcana. 11. 7:30. Zwn German E. 9tb and Fremont Rev. J. H. Hoop. 11, 7:30. Dunkarvl Chareb of the Brethren Borthwick and Brai ns rd Rev. George C CarL 11, 8. Epleoopal Pro-Cathedra of Rt- Stephen 18th and Clay. Kt, Rev. Walter Taylor Sumner, biahow; Very Rev. R. T. T. Hicks, dean. 7:45. communion : 11. "Is the World Getting Better!" followed by communion; 7:45, "Tbe Coincidence of Life." Trinitr 19ti and Everett. Bev. A. A. Mor rison rector. 8. 11. 8. St. DarxJ's- E. 12th and Belmont. Rev. Thome Jenkins, rector. 7:80, 9:30, 11. 8. St. Mark's 21st and Marshall. Rev. J. G. Hatlon, rector. Preaching by Kev. F. K. How ard. Daily, 7:30 a. m. ; Sunday, 7:30, 11, "Liberty and Authority"; 7:45. , St. Philip's 242 Russell, 10. 11. Arch deacon Chsmbers in charge. 8t Andrew's Hereford, it, Portsmouth, 10, 11. Archdeacon in charge. Grace Memorial East 17th and Weldler. Rev. John Dawson. 11, 8. St Michael and AH Angela' E. 43d and Broadway. Rev. F. T. Bowen, vicar. 7:45, 9:45. 11. 8:80. Church ot Oar Savior 00th are. and 41st t S. E. Kev. E. H. Clark, riear. 7:30 and 11 a. m. Bishop Morris Memorial Good Samaritan borpitaL Rev. F. K Howard. 7 and 9:30 a. m. St. Pinl'a, Woodmere Ker. Oiwald W. Tay lor 4. All Saints' 25th and Savier. Rev. Frederic K Howard. 10 and 11. St John 'i Memorial 7. 15th and Harney. Bev. E. H. Clark in charge. 11. 8t Matthews Corbett and Bancroft Rev. W. A. M. Breck. vicar. 10 and 11. EvaaoellceJ , First 7. 8th and Market. Rev. Kara Maurer. 11, 7:30. Clay Street 10th and Clay. Rev. Jacob Stacker. 10:45. "Jeans the Best Friend of Children"; 8, "Christian Education"; 3 p. m., service at the Altenheim. 8wedish Tabernacle N. 17th and Glisen. Rev. J. C. Ledin. 11. T :30. Lents F. B. Culver. 11, communion and reception of new member; 8. Free Methodist First E. 9th and Mill. Rev. W. J. Johnston. 11. 7:45. Central E. 55th and Flaadsn. Bev. S. L 11. 7:80. Alberta E. 80tb and Wygant Be v. 8. Ia Burn. 11, 7:45. St Johns E. Richmond and Hodaon Bev. E. D. Blackman. 11. 7:80. Lenta Rev. S. H. Upton, acting paator. 2:30, 3:30. First E. 35(h and Mala. Rev. Homer L. Cox. 11. 7:45. Second E. 9 2d gad 8 lit ave. Rev. Lorana Terrell. 11. 7:80. W'est Piedmont Borthwick and Jersey. Bev. Carey Jeaaopp. 11, 8. Jewish Congregation Beth Israel 12th and Main. Rabbi Jonah B. Wise. Reform Synagogue. Service Friday 8 p. m.. Saturday 10:80 a m. CoogregatioB Ahavai Shalom Park and Clay sta. Rabbi R. Abraham son. Friday, S p. m.; Saturday 8:30 a. m. Congregatioa Novah Zedek Talmud Torah 8th and Hall Rev. Abraham L RoseDcrmatx. Friday, 8 4k bu; Saturday 9 a. m.; Sunday 10 a m. Eeiigioui achooL Latter Day SalnU Chnreh of Jesaa Christ of Latter Day Saints E. 25 th aad Madison. Heber C Iversoa. mission president 10. 6:30. Reorganised Cbvrcb E. 76th aad Irving. Elder C E. Jonas. 11. 7:45. Lutheran St James W. Park and Jefferson Rev. William K. Brink asan. 11. 7:84. St. Paula K. 12th and Clinton. Bar. A. Kranae. 10:80 (German). ."The Werd of Ood the Only Fundamental Trath for Our Soul 'a Salvation"; 7:30 (English), "A Little Walk ia God's Garden." Trinity (Missouri Byaod) Bodney aad Ivy Kev. t. a. Kim bach. 1U Ua (German) , oom nnioni 7:30 tEagbah). .Church for Deaf Rodney gad Ivy Her. I. A. C Beyer. 2:80. Onr aavtesv K. 19th aad Grant. Rev. M. A. Chrsestraien. 11 (English), "Christ at Mela," followed by coromf nion and baptism. 'tl'iehvm Norwaaiaa 14tb aad Davk) Bee. Wilhelm PeUersea. 11; a. Jsetael Kvanseoeal orwegiaa (Free) Wy- a-. w owsvr an. A. A. BorrevUt. 11 Oraee (English) E. - 24th and Broadway Bethany Daniah EvaagsBnal TJnloei aad Jaeav rk Rev.-U P. BUeUse, - ll.-IJO. St Johns Ptalmola and acnptir ' y. Lad wig. l;48 tf. Hfmportant (Churches and foung LTJTHEBA5 Trinity Lutheran church will worship at ita new home Sunday. The confes sional address will be at 9 :40 a. m. and at 10:15 the pastor will administer the sacrament. The evening service hour has been changed to 7 .30 p. m. Holy commnnmo and tha baptismal ceremony will be observed Sunday morning tt Our Sa vior's Lutheran church by tha Rev. M. A. Chriatesiaea. aThe congrecaUon haa arranged for a lecture on "The Norway of Today" by tha Her. Odd Gomitzka of Seattle, to be given in the church, Thursday at 7:80 p. m. Tha Rev. Mr. Gomitska recently returned from an ex tended visit to Norway. METHODIST "Wilbur Methodist church, under the leadership of Dr. E. a Hickman. Is launching an extensive social service firogTam. The purpose of this church s to perform a distinctive ministry to downtown Portland. Two new lines of ministry are being introduced. Mias Mildred Bartholomew will lead the church in a program of cooperation with the Public Welfare bureau, and Miss Marguerite Hewton will work in co operation with the juvenile court. Miss Bartholomew, a Portland girl, ia a graduata of Willamette university with poet graduate work in the social and religious educa tion department of teacher college, Columbia university, of New York. She baa had four years' experience as director of playground and community bouse work in Portland under the Park bureau, fibs hu been retained as director of social sad educational work to succeed tha Kev. r'. st. jasper. Miss Hewioa is a graduate of the Seattle Training school. For fire yean aha has been doing special work in the Chicago Juvenile court. She will arrive in Portland next week to devote her time to work among tba boys and girls who pass through the Juvenile court This program is being carried out under tha direction of Judee Jacob Kanzler. Mr. and Mra Samuel ConneH, 710 East Ankeny street, will entertain tha members and friends of Wilbur church, Tuesday evening. This will be an informal reception for the paator, his staff anfe new members who have recently united with the chnreh. A Tinting clergyman, tha Rev. A Bleipneaa from Ketchikan, Alaska, will preach Bunday evening at the First Norwegian Paniah VI. E. church. In the morning the Kev. EUaa Gjerding will hold the last meeting of this confer. vce year. The Epworth league of Sunnycids Heth4ist church will hold a skating party at The Ossaa, Friday night, for the leaguera of Portland. A musical program will be given Sunday Bight at Centenary Methodist chnreh by s chorus ehoii and orchestra composed of 7.0 persona. Mrs. Robert I mollis Barron will be the eoloiat. Dr. A L. Howerth, who just re tamed from the Olympia M. E. conference, will preach Sunday morning at Epworth M. K. church. The Kev. I. A. Moore, former pastor of tha First African M. E. Zioo church at Ihi Qnoin I1L, was appointed pastor of the Portland charge (named similarly) by Biahop L. W. Kyless of St. Louis, at the conference held re cently in Walla Walla, Wash. The Rev. Mr. Moore hopes to be able to clear the church of indebtedness and build a personage. Ua SERVICES IN Swedish Augustana Stanton and Rodney Rev. V. O. Oeren. 10:45. 7:45. Immannel 18th aad Irving Kev. A. V. An derson. 11, 8. Portsmouth Lovely and Fortune Rev. S. .C B. KnctMn. 11, 7:30. Zion Evangelical (Miasouri Synod) Chap man and Salmon Rev. H. H. Koppeimana 11. 8. Immannel (Mimonri Synod) E. 15 th and Leo Rev H. C. Ebeliic. 9 80. 10:30. German. Evangelical Church of the Redeemer 15tb and Wytsnt 10. 11. Finnish 179 Fargo. Bev. A. Sahniaen. 10; Sunday school, 7. St. Marks (Wisconsin Synod) Mallory and Skidmors Rev. P. Hinderer. 10:80. Methodist Epleoopal Heights Bev. G. S. Brown. Carson 11. 7. 10. Centenary E. B-th and Pine Bee. Frank L. Wemett 11, 7:30. aacred concert. Central Vancouver and- Fargo Rev. A. R. Maclean. 11, 8. Clinton-Kelly E. 40th and Powell. Bee. E. S. Mare. 11, "A Basket of Snmmer Fruit"; 7. Epworth 26th and Savier Rev. J. Stanford Moore. 11, preaching by Dr. A. L. Howarth; 8, "The Ray o Light" First 12th and Taylor. Rev. Joshua Stana field. 10:30. "Practical Preaebina-"; 8. preach ing by Biahop K. E. Locks and Bishop L. J. Byney. 'First Norwegian Danish 18th and Hoyt Rev. Ehas Gjerdine. 11. eloaine sermon; 8. address by Rev. '-A. Hleiimea of Ketchikan. Alaska. Laurelwoot) E. 88d and Foster. Bev. a. C Brakenbnry. 11. 7:30. Lenta 86th and 58th ave. Bev. F. B. Sibley. 11. 7:4 5. Lincoln E. 5 2d and Lincoln. Ginn. 11. 7:30. . T Mon ta villa E. 80th and Pine. Gould. 11. 7:30. Mt Tabor1 E. 61st and Stark. Decker. 11, 8 ratten Alberta and Michigan. Rev. F. A Bev. Hiram Rev.' E. G. Rev. GeoTf H. Bennett 11. 7:80. Roee City Park E. BSth and Sandy, Rev. D. Lester Fields. 10:30, 7:80. Sellwood E. 15th and Taeoma. Rev. W. S. Gordan. 11. 7:30. 8unnyside-E. 85th and Yamhill. Rev. W. F. Ineaon. 11 ,8. St Johna W. Leayirt gad Syractua Rer. W. E. Kloster. 11. 7:30. Swedish Beech and Borthwick. Re. Abel Eklnnd. 11, 8. Univertity Park Flake and Lombard. Rer H. T. Atkinson. 11. 7:30. Vancouver Ave. Norwegian-Danish Skidraore and Vancouver. 11. Wesleyan E. 5 3d and Gliaan. Rev. D. B. Hampe. 11. 7:4 5. Westmoreland MTlwaukie and Midway. Rev. E. S. Mace. 8. Wilbur Multnomah boteL Rev. . C. Hick man. 10:80. preaching by Biahop Charles Ed ward Locke. Woodstock 44th and Woodstock B. E, Bev. L C. Poor. 11, 7:45. Woodlawn E. 10th. and Highland. Rev. J. H. Irvine. 11. baptism and communion; 7:30, "The Story of Dr. Deah and Dr. True." African Zion 417 Williams ave. Bee. L A. Moore. 11. 7:30. District superintendent Rev. William Wallace Toungson, D. 1)., 691 E. 6.'d at N. Tabor 2790. M. K. Seoth First Union, and Multnomah Bev. J, f. Byrd. 11. Naaarene First E. 10th and Weldler. Rev. A. M- Bowera. 11. 7:45. Sellwood E. 9th and Spokane. Rev. J, Brinzsdahl. 11. 7:80. Brentwood 65th ave. and 67th Rer. C. V. Fowler. 11, 7:80. Highland Park E. 14 th and J arret. Bee. W. P. Keebaugh. 11. 8. , Scandinavia n 948 Garfield. Bev. Daniel Hallnrtia. 11. 7 .10. Presbyterian First 12th and AMrr. Dr. Harold Leonard. Bowman. 10:30. "Tbe House of Viaioo"; 7:4 5. "True Glory and False." UWniiutr Kaat 17th and acbatlrr. Rev. Edward E. Pence. 10:30, "Why Does God Allow SiuT" 7:45, "We Know Oabf When Wa Enow Character." Central E. 13th and Pine. Rev. Walter Henry Nugent 11, 7:45. - Calvary 11th and Clay. .Bev. L. Bowling ftniek 11. "A Peculiar Treasure": 7:45. mis sionary address bv Rev. F. Chrtstopherson of China. Mt Tabor E. 55th and Belmont Rer. Ward Mar Henry. 11, "Life, the Beat Literature"; 7:45. "What Ia a Man Worth!" Vernon. 19th and Wygant 11. 8. Piedmont Cleveland and JarreU. Bee. J. u it .art Foarth First and Gibba. Rev. Monroe G. Everett 10:30. 7:30. Kenilwerth E. 34th and Gladtona Bee. L. K. Grimes . 11. "Jeans' Call to Tired Folks"; 8. "Manhood or Money." Hope 78th and Everett Rer. H. E. Giles. Boae City Bar. Daoald W. M. MacClnef. 11 B Forbes Graham and Gantenbein. Bee. Ward WUUg Long. 11, "The Conqueat of Faith 7 30 "Tonth and Leads rshiC" THnllv Vinrinia and Nebraska. Rer. dors P. Smith. Preaching by Bee. A. B. Carr. 11. 7:80. Anabel Rev. F. H. MixseH. 11. "Way. aadl Means for tha Kingdom"; 7 JO. "WrittinH Warnine " Millard Avenue 6 5th ave. and 70th at. Pvaarhine by Ray. John H. Gardner. 11. 8 Marshall Street 17th and' Marshall, Bee. A. J. Hanna. 11. Mianan E. 19th gad Division. Bee. IX Thomoson. 11. preaching by Bee. XL A. Taa Nuys; 7:45, "Tbe M'ew Covenant." llBitv K 71st and Sandy. Raw. 8. man. 11, "Tba ladiridugl la God'a Seooonj"; 7 J0, "My God." , , Arbor Lodaw Bryant aad Oartia. Bee. Alea anrW R Evans. 11. 8. Holt Chinese 1S3 tt First. Bev. Gee Sing Hoy. 7 p. m - school ; 8. 9. young people. Mgenrwa Kvanaefai First 12th and Clay. Rev. 0. Bafagg. 10:45. a. Wst sealed Pi,ia,i,na, . First Minneeota aad 4 ins war's Raw V. D. Araaea. 11. TJ6. in Portland Jfclethodist Circles . peoples Societies succeeds the Kc. A. C. Teanrood, whe fu transferred to the California conference. rBESBTTEBIAX The Portland Preabyterlal society will hold its first fall meeting Tuesday at the First Presbyterian church, beginning with a prayer service at 11:30 a. m. Pot luck luncheon and a social time will be held during the noon hour. Tbe afternoon program beginning at 1 :30 p. m. will include a report from Mra, W. W. Long on the Albany conference: a memorial talk by Mrs. Fabian Byerly ; solo by Mrs. Fletcher Linn ; devotional service 'Jed by Mrs. Holt, and address bv Mra. John W. (Iflss. Draident. Dr. Harold U. Bowraan win occupy the pulpit of the First Preshyteriaa church Sunday morn ing for tha first time as regular neat or. having been formally installed Thursday night. En rollment day will be observed in tbe 8unday school at 12:10 p. m. Clssssi will be formed and winter plana announced. two unnsnaa Endeavor societies have also been organised, one for Intermediaries and the other for seniors. At Westminster Presbyterian church, Sunday morning. Dr. E. H. Pence will discuss the much debated subiect. "Why Does God Allow Bin?" He will also preach at night. Special saosie will bo given by the quartet. Following tha momihg sermon the men will perfect their or ganisation, which waa started last Sunday. C. B. Cochran waa elected president. Tha ting women's meeting of tbe fall will be Monday at 13:80 p. m. Dr. Kara A- Van Nuyw. national director of men 'a work in the Presbyterian church, will p raach Sunday night st Central Presbyterian church. Dr. W. H. Nugent will occupy his xmroit ia the moraine. A church sodal for all members will be held in tbe church parlors Friday night. Bunday School Ball day will be observed September 2S. Plans are betes aaade at III Tabor Prssby- teriaa church for the organisation of a men 'a club. Wednesday afternoon tba women I society will hold a rally service st the Manse. 148 J Belmont street. Tbe pulpit of Mispah Presbyterian church will bs occupied Sunday morning by the Bev. Ezra A. Tan Nuys, national , director of men's work for the denomination. Ha ia a classmate of the Rev. D. A Thompson, paator. At 4 p. m, the Rev. Mr. Vsa Nuys will tpeak at tha Men's resort. Tbe Rarr. F. Cbriatopbersou, who will apeak Run day evening at Calvary Presbyterian church, haa for 28 years been a missionary fo China. He and the local paator. tbe Bev. L. B. Quick, were for years in the same mission . field. Anabel Presbyterian chnreh service hoars have been changed to 11 a m. and 7:30 p. m.. with Chnstiaa Endeavor at t 8(1 p. m. The evening aarvics wiU be evangelistic Bishop Birney to Speak to Preachers At the Methodist preachers' meeting at 10 o'clock Monday Bishop Birney will speak, to be followed by a luncheon In the name of the Methodist Social PORTLAND ' aaverrUt Day A-Venthts Note Regular serricea of thia denomination are held on Saturday. Central E. 11th and Everett L. K. Dick son, pastor. 10, 11:18. Tabernacle 6 th and Montgomery. G. W. Trtit minuter. 10. 11. Montavill E. 80th and Everett J. A. Ger hert io. 11. Lenta 94th at and 58th are. W. D. Huntington. 10, 11. f St Johns Central ave aad Charleston. A. R. Folkenberg. 10, n Albina Skidmora and Mallory. Elder M. H. WentUnd. 10, 11. Scandinavian 62d at and S9th ave. Elder O. S. Lee. 10. 11. SMvatrsn Army Corps No. 1 248 Ash at AdjuUnt Henry R. Cosews. 11. 8:18, 8. Corps No. 4128 tt let, Ensign J easts Millar tnd Envoy Mra. t'pton. 11, 1:80. 8. S. 8. OwoOwnbm waaii New Oh-rtaMan gel Central banding. 11, The Triumph of Woman Soft rage: A II He ltons In Humanity 'a Progress." Unitarian Chareb. of Onr rather Rrrailame mA MIL Thomas L. ElioL D. D.. Baa Lor amerifni Rev. William G. Eliot Jr.. paator. 11 "A Twentieth Century Greed: Jeans and IHsci Die ship. " Unltaa Brethren Confareaa auaejifaHiA. G. E. Sfe- Donald. First E. llth and Morrison. Rev. Byron J. Clark, 11, preaching by Biahop W. 0. Waea- Inger; 8. Second E. 27th and Rnmn.. T? i Hawley. 11. 8. Third 67th st and 3 2d ave. 8. E. Ray K O. Shepherd. 11, g. lir8rU Tnmout- a p' Rlanchard. Cloverdale 446 Jeaann. Hmw ts7.k.. -d no Ida, 10. 6:80, 7:80. UnKed Keanealleal jFlnt . lUi tnd FopUr. Ret. J. a. Goode. Uckiev Green wffliiuM .iw and Gay Bev. H. II. Fern ham, 11, 8. ot j sons Kev. a. P. Layton. UnMafl ri ail 11. 7:80. First E. 87th and Hawthorne Tt.r H. F. Given. 11. 7:45. Church of tbe Strangers Grand and Wasea.' Rev. S. Earl On Rata. 1 o In i i-i. 'itneea"; 8. "A Drink That Satisfies." Kton 120 W. Lombard. Bev. George N. ww lOOesvf wka leSKJ Christian and MaMionsry Alliance E. 9th and Clay. Kev. John E. Fee. 10, 11 and 7 80 Realisation League 14S 18th. Rev. Edward Milla. 11. "Habit, or. Automatic Success and Failure." Chrtitadtlphlan 821 E. Washington. 10'80 Church of God 262 Failing. Harry Meat, Gospel hall E. 29th aad Stark. 11, 7 :l5. Men'g Resort 4 th and Burraude. Bey. Levi Johnson, superintendent Divine Scatnee Portland hotel. T. It. Minard. 11. Pa-ntecotttal First and Washington Be. Will C Trotter. 11. 8, 7 -30; rtsily. 7:80 Glad Tidings (Pentecostal Mission) 246 H First 2, 8, 7:30. Pentecostal 147 V4 First George B. Far row. 8. 8. Pentecostal 310 H TambiU. daily. 7:30. 2:30, 7:30 Christian Assembly E. 20th snd Paator. A. W. Smith. 11. 2:48. 7 :4 Volunteers of America 224 Bnmaide. Xve nion except Monday tt 8; Bunday, 8, 8. Portland Eocleaia ( Christadelphiaa ) 1597 Belmont George H. Tilling, secretary. II. Prniel Mission 109 Vi Second. 8: daily, 8. Church of Christ E. 79th and Glisen. 11. First Spiritual Science 129 4th at Bee. Max Hoffman. Circles 6 p. m.; lecture at 8 p. m. Intematfenal Bible Student W. 0. W. tem ple, llth end 'Alder. 8. 8. Church of Christ E. 82d and 60th ave. 10, 11, 7:30. T. M. C. A. Blxth and Taylor. 8. Chnreh of Divine Truth 412 Central build ing. Nettie Taylor KJoh. 11. 8. Charch of Madera Spiritualism 409 Alder. 9. 7:4. Tbeoaophieal Society 801 Central bide. 8. "What la Man That Thou Art Mindful of Him," ba Louis Frank MacUregor. Christian Workers Bible Instftuta Central library. 2:80. . First Spiritualist E. 7th and Haaeakx. 8, 8. Gospel Miarioo 9tt Union are. 8., 8:15 p. m., 7:45 p. m. Spiritualist Church of Eternal Light 1840 Division. Bev. May A. Price. 8 p. m. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 18TN AMD ALDER STfUaTS tmc P8Toa HAROLD LEONARD BOWMAN. D. will preach 40:8 A. M. TTia Houa of VuJoo" . 7 taa p. m. Trua Glory and Falsa" T:9 as. as. OftSAM HCCHTaL KDOAR K. OOUR8tN ' - s ,A Motei Cndeavorer 3)n Charge of tSInion ft (w::.w)i'r'iwe?w.iii''aiii(i1srt W; Roland C. Davis Union 4n honor of Blshopa Shepard and Birney. In the afternoon Biahop Birney, his wife and daughter will be shown the Columbia River highway. In tha Methodist church Monday night at 7:45 o'clock Bishop Birney will addreas a ctty-wlde gathering- of Portland Meth odism, especially the Epworthlans. The publlo will be welcome at all the church services. Intended for-hotel kitchens ia a novel English device, operated by a crank, for cleaning; and sharpening; a number of knives at the aame time. THE TRIUMPH OF WOMAN SUF FRAGE A MlLE-STONE OF HU MANITY'S PROGRESS. WHAT IS BEHIND THIS MOV I ME NTT ITS PROMI8I FOR THE FUTURE AT New Christian Church S01 CENTRAL BLDQ., 11 A. M. WW. f. REECE. Minister-. VULOANIZIN RKTRiaOlNO FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH PARK AND M ADIBOIT 8TRF.ET8 Broadway aad li ears to Block of Cnarrh DR. W. T. McELYEEN PREACHES 11 A. M. 'The Virtue of Self Respect" 7:45 P.M. "How to Be Happy Tho' Human" Hlg-h Grade Qaartet aad Cnorni bt U Volees. JOSFPH A. mtET. Coaaaetor. THURHDAT, 7l4 P. M. BR, McELTEEH'R CUBEE5T ETE5T8 TALK. SEPT. 20.25 Every N oon Quiet Talks BT Mr.S.D. Gordon HEILIG THEATRE BEOADWAT AT TATLOH ST. TOPICS Mender. COh "Does Prwrer Kver etianaw ArrjnaingT' Tveedar, flat "TemptaUen: As Eirgllih WaUrtoo, er a S2d rrafK?" len'a Wlaeaena Realatleaa inMsTpsrwa, ti The Master'i Relg as s 8 a. age and gseaange." rrtaar, 14ia Ooes eel Hsal Disease ant lokaeat TodavT" aaturdav. gath -Vea Is Uvs SeM, Maetf Teacnlng Ahowl rfsSMS' RsaurnT" COME IN WHEN VOU CAN SUP OUT WHEN VOU MUST. FEBKrATION w CHURCHES. .':i SV t MUM 'if At.'.-A ,.iv'.i' - V Ojgsi aaiiinii in.ii.iiie" i i. in si i ii -i nr-1 -i i - Free Lecture S ON Christian Science To Be Delivered by Mr. Wflliam W. Porter, C. S. B. Of New York City Member of The Board of lectureship of The Mother Church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, .in Boston, Massachusetts. ' In The Municipal Auditorium Friday, Sept. 24th Doors Open at P. M. Lecture ? at 8 P. M. The Public Is Cordially Invited NORWEGIAN DANISH K E CONFERENCE TQ BE HELD HERE Twenty-sixth Anrrual Session of Western Organization Opens September 21 for One Week. The t wenty-fiixt h annual sesalon of the Western Norwegian-Danish M. E. conference will rrfeet In th a local First Norwegian-Danish M. E church. Eighteenth and Hoyt streets, from September 21 to 27. Tuesday night there will be a reception for visiting ministers and delegates. Mrs. Hilda Llndborg will have charge of the musle. All the morning sessions win be de voted to business, except from to 10 a; m., when Bishop W. O. Bhepard will give his address and conduct devotton- als. Wednesday nlfht the board of home missions and church extension has Its anniversary service, Thursday at 3 p. m. the conference claimants have their anniversary and Friday afternoon tho Centenary com mittee and board of foreign missions will celebrate. The Sunday school meeting Friday nia;ht will be addressed by the Sunday school mlnsionary, C. Au gust Petersen, and Dr. M. J. Trenery. Sunday, September there will ba an all day meeting beclnnlng with a love feast at 10 a. m . under the direc tion of the Rev. N. I. Hansen ef Ta coma. The bishop will preach at 11 a. m. At t p. m. there will be a young people's rally and at 7 :30 p. m. tba closing service will be conducted by the Rev. F. L. Trelgtad of Ballard. Wash., and tha Rev. A. Verslde of Seattle. ST. STEPHEN'S (Pro-Cathedral) ISTH AND CLV Rt. Rev. Walter T. Sumner, D. t., Itnoo, Vary Re. R. T. T. Hlcki, Dean. HOLY OOMMUNION T:4B a. M. HOLY OOMMUNION 11:00 A. MU SERMON "IS THE WORLD RETTING BTTBRT" KVENINQ Mri8 and IIRMON-TB THI OOINOIOCNOKS OF LIB Y0UN0 PEOPLE 8 SOCIETY 4:80. Take SunoraMe-Hall at. Oar Or 1-4. CALVARY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1ITH AND CLAT 8TS. Kev. I.. Bo wring Qalek, Mlalatar 11 A, M-"A PaellarTrtar8,"pr. reded by a a-anlaate talk to boya aad girl a, -Tbe Bird Actor." 7t4a P. MEiperWaees Is China," Rev. F. CbrlstopaereoB. Bible 8rhool 10 A. M. The Menacing Attitude of the Future THB PORTETTT OF HOME PTJZ. ZLIJfU PREMKlvT-DAI PBOBLKMH HEAB LOUIS K. DICKSON ETAHOEinZ Tbe Oaealag Rermon of III Pall aad M later tiaaday Might Heiiea la WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT HALL Cor. 18th aad Taylor (West Bide) SUNDAY NIGHT AT file O'CLOCK MUSICAL PROGRAM rOWGHEOATlOJAL A0!TO RERTe ICE MALK gl'ARTKT IXktTRTJe MKKTAL aK LECTlOl B BPB CIAL RiXGEUM. Tka Psblle la Cordially laTlted -lb 4 I I