- .'I . THE OREGON . DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. OREGON SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1820. fiahon. oroaic, mubicai 1381 HI Jitf IB 4 AC prices that will mow than auicklr. All 4m miJ anndttlo.L. ColtjmblA tmtU ............ ......8 IJ-52 Victor,-smalt . . , 15.00 trior. email .................. Unol cabinet and 13 record 80.00 60.00 00.00 Muttrland cabin and 10 rwwdt. . .. Domestia cabinet and 13 raeordt Brunswick mMm! utl 15 record. . .. 75.00 100.00 yictroia ctnui 100.00 Columbia K3 cabin and 11 waotd.. JIJ-OO Columbia cabinet ud 11 records, .aav.ve 0 to tin down, 84 to 87 awnthly. HCHWAN FUNO CO.. 101 Ttntb Bt., Cor. Stark, Phone Broadway 1678. " www a ii inllTWfl See our aasd pianos. THEY ARE BAROAIIrS. Shop around, the you will b convinced. Term (Ivan. ..- FISHER, slain caM ' KINGSBUBT, ak ease 838 KIMBALL maka, oak can...... fig SMITH 4 BARNES, plam oak.. 836 FISHER. l)k new. walnut J70 KIKKJ8BtTBT.walnnt.anaP-;-,-- "5 BOIXKBMA. 4 BON. , WEI8EB, walnut, fin eondiUo". 280 And atsnv others. 6EIBERLINO-LUCAS MU8I0 CO. toa Fourth ML Bat WsshiDgtgnjnd Alder Bta. Spot Cash Paid For WIONOORAPH8 AND RECORDS BOCOHT WU?. KENTED EXCHANGED Newman's Record Exchange MAI! 4495 128 PIBBT --TABOR 6798. CABH PAlD FOB 111 BINDS PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS NEWMAN, MAIN 4405. TABOK 6788. FOR SALE by owner, Carliala piano, bp first rlax condition ; solid golden oak case. Cash or term, rhon Woodlawn 100. TRADE roar piano oa a Victrola and records. 3st oar proposition. Main S586. Beiberllne lucaa Music Co., 125 4th at. wB PAT etMi (or plan, phonoirnpba, raoordl 254 Market at. mmlc ator. FINE violin, perfect condition, at lea than half it taiga. Prloo $180. H-B88. Joqmai. WANTEI Piano with food tona; pay caah. Main S804, daytima. MUSICAL IWBTRTJMEICTS WAHTBII 4 fOffliXl! or trade, dandi 8 paaianicr Utt modal 0 cylinder ear, lika nw; will Uka nod piano at part payment; no player. Main 7020. , WANTED- A aood piano: will trada 1920 5 paaaenaxr ;ntfrom in nne-ciaea anape. 7030. Mr. Onslow. TYPEWRITERS 77 ALL makaa. aold, rntd and azehanevd. Tarma If deaired. Band (or retail price. Whola- aala TynawrlUr Co.. 121 Waabiacton at, N. W Cot. Bin. FOR KENT TyoewrtU-r. $4 per month. thre mnnth. IlB- ancflal tturttnti raiea. Brrvlni oa Typewrlt conapaay. a)8 Broadway. Pbana AO. XAKES of ' Iroawfltara rented, repalivd and aold on MoUhllf pa'"int plan. Or$on Typewriter Cof 04' nth at. . Main 8B68. MARTII5ERT . 81 TTftV. IS-lnrn T.V A tan nand aaW. 6na 14 irT Part. vnAd iiimin lathe. One 5 h. P. A. C motor. Write M. A. Baldini. 245 H Alder t, city. HOUSEHOLD OQOP8 FOR SALE lTRGE im ranga goi8J7 bnrnari, 3 0Tnii Ini than 1 tm( old. eost $175. price $75: aim. WUton rile, library table and aantlemail'a wardrobe. Bellwood 36SB. TTfiBSlCIl oil itoa, lawipg inAchlna, bandnj lamp, 8-day clock, pair man'g hlth-tnp ahoaa. nize a : rlr arutctiea. lua ruorDurn are. Tabor 0083. l'lin.MTUftE ot B room horiM (or aaJe, til nod aa new: will aU all or by the piece. 157 E. Morgan. I'bonee Woodlaw 735 and Automatic B1V-4T. KKiJABLK caa ranca, S bumera. with enamel doom: Rand water beater No. SO. lleaion- rbla. Kajit 1$V VbtL SALE Wood and coal ranee, almnat new eoet $60. win take $ao: aim wood heater. Woodlawn 4T8, T13 L4brty at. 1 RANOE, ttnaJI KM eto: b1 nprin and mattreaa. . .708 HaJcht ae. Call not later that 8 d. m. i rit.NlTl BE of 4 room hotue for aalr. bariain for oaah. Call attr S p. m. or (tuflday. oaia th are. S. E. No dealer. GENIINE mahoa-any table, orantufred chain and new rablnet popnotrarm, enrap on to- eounr or aeiunt nomw r. aiain at FOR 8AU6 Furnitura and piano; must raaata In thr daya. ,1182 Glyn aw. N. PtmSITLB lor aala at baxaain. $38 H E. 0th atreet 1 WO0f beaUr. food condition. 70a" Vaa- tourer eve. Wdln 195S. WILf ON ragrhitf like new: tixo one book rack Call 508 Eaat 80th at N FOB BALK Davenport, ateel raoaa,bed anrinsa and mattreaa; alao electria heater. 400 Roaa. ruRNlftflTR for atle, houe to rent; modern. 910 Thurman at FOR BALE MUtCELLANEOPS 1$ ' SEW, BEW. BfiW, SEW. Phon. Hellwnnd 1071. NO AGENTS EMPLOYED. Hewing ntehlntt cleaned, timed. tdlnitH. re paired, beoabt. eold. rented, auppliee and attach miaia, power aad mf marlnee; motor, ehafting and tablet installed; everything in needlea. Phona Bellwood 1071. " PEAR PRUNEa AND APPLES. Brine your boxee and pir-k them youreelf. 9e per lb. On liver road to Oregon City and Port land highway, between Concord and Vineyard atatlona. WOOD 4 ft oord and elah; 18 in. block and alab. nroaaway a i HEATINO rtove with oil burnff; A!v 60 gal oil alorage tank. 1223 E. 10th at. tt. Woodlawn 6892. j TliSkCKTB BUlbua. Mont, to Centxal Iowa point via Dnvr-Omh, gnod until Or.tcbef 31, at big dlMount. rnona Marshall 1708. MTSRES' white nniforma, almoat new; aixe 42 Woodlawn 2315. TETE8K? milking month, ; for aala aheap. Call Bellwood 1883. rOH BAIJO One good broadcloth drena tnit Ttbor 824 B. W A NTED A atrong trunk; give deeeription and price. X-1 04 , J on ma). ITALIAN PRUNES, fin a pound. 5009 52d it H K Phone Aut 331-88 Hrt, eaah recteter, eompurinc acale. ateel (O- ing raae, ai a nargain. suu uii n. COflDWOOD, id grade old growth, i-ft Doty, Woodlawn 2132. SET OF0 voluinea of" the new Student's Refer- enre Work, woonitwn 1140 BaVB railroad ' taaket from Portland to Chiaaco at the old rata., rnone main jeeo. ilCCtU oittntn (0T rent, It dtf : delivered eaywhereWdl43,JojreTly Bdwy. 25B, CEMENT-laundry tntya. Factory 814K. WaahX ington at We ahip, rati or water. POOL table (or ttlt cheap. Call MtrihtU 8421. 1400 Hood tt. WOOD and ooal range with eoll $25. 3120 E. MorrtooB. Mt Ttbor ear to 8th . 8-MOLB ti ranae,. $20; 4 burner Vulcan aaa ran, $1Q. 608 E. Maraet. FOR SALE Caah register, tafe, tdding i rhino, .how raae. 48 let tt.. Bar Aah. BABT bed on wheels, like new, tVBO; wiokar nureery chair t BO. 4e swimont. BAHTLETT petra: bring boxee or eecka. Beet Line road, 78 74th at near Stark at ITALIAN prunea for aale, 5c a pound; bring boxee. 69th and Division its. Tabor BSSU roRXACE coal, any amount, October delivery 1 et our Dricaa. Call Woadlawn $3a. A $20 BASSINET for llo, alto FrtBctl mt fo-catt for $10. CaU Tabor 8082. WHITE wicker ao-oart. with wicker top, 688 E. Schuyler at., near 19th. F0H BALE Coal heater: price 126. Ttbot aiv. bubo ooto ave. a. k. And other fixtures. 243 Salmon. Main 842. PlECiALTALEClioic. Bartlett paara aad apples for sale at 112 Eaat 66th at. 'F? SALE King applet and petit pliuuba. SALli Cheerful combinaUon" heater, . No. 24, $30. Tabor 8578. BIG load of box wood. $5.50. ' Phone Weed- KbKKAfks, apples, pnuaea; cheap. Tabor ' .7.1.' "n nedlum weight oat, aiae ". nv; coat au. Ttbot 8322 EXPERT furnace and store repoJring; water coils TOJ?tBG?,nk'. delivered. " $2:75" Pr i avereu It. mutt 8703, 1NVAi,ID vSrf S,U.r' "'" tiraa, good order; cheap. 1701 E. Stark tt Tabor 8487. CEMENT laundry trayiw Factory 914 E. WC " v. rau or watee ,TAJiA?e"fFrT?AI'8. S Pound. it mi u.uti. n , qa at. B), Ttbor 5. FOR SALE Large fancy Italian 'prunee. A ttl 44th at 8. K. Sell. 1335. RAO rufa and carpet nude to ardor tt 468 a.aaa acanoro- rnone woodlawn el 99. A GOOD lathe for sale at 11.6 W. Buaaeti."' 18 UALLAlD call duels. Sail wood 1857" FOR WALE MISCELLANEOUS 10 WEW LINE " NATIONAL CASH BKOISTBBB 6e sad Fanny Keys OAK AND MAHOGANY FINISH , Price 75.00 $110.00 $150 00 Full Una of eeeond hand and rebuilt National registers f oily ruexanteed by too , National Cub RefUur Co. Call and tt them. I. R. MI'IOU, BALES AGENT. Bdwy. 1810. S0 Stark at. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? CALL NEO LITE ROOFING PRO CESS, MAIN 4W7. nwata machine emporium Nw and 3d Beod, cold for lean; BO aeattta annlnvHl Cnmnlete Una of part for all makoa. Machines rejwlred sad ranted. Main 0431. niwmo MACHINE EMP0RICM a ww sura. Boar xayior m- CEDAR CHESTS nd Port Orford eadar; aolid aoppar trimminaa. - vmwifun. wnia tor rata lorn. W. HIUQLNI a BON 101M0-H R OLIOAN. TABOB 0 WHY DON'T YOU RENT . W BTTT SELL, KENT AND TRADE MAIN 4408'. 1J8 riBST. TABOR 0708. WE BATE 100 MONET Rooee aHHac, liahrJna flr rarea, alaetrtoal rapairinc, ano pllea. Third Btraat Elect ric Btort, 324 Third ttfMt, near Balmon. Mala 6U0. BAftTLBTT PEARS 7o par box A orchard Brbia bona laak flna alder ana Tinacar. eaa on DLasei Dowa rirer to BorUnctoa. eroea fi-rry. ' s Praaurif ua Atutm. 00a Box: 2 or mora Boxea; about 7 qta. for box. Aaareaa van . iinntn. ur. 8INOEH ELECTRIC SKWIXO MACHIN E8 Wa Uka four marMnee in exrhanra. balanoe eaah or eaty paymenta. Phone foe damonatra tion. Macblnaa ranted. Expert repair! n(. any mute. MORRISON ST. SINGER STOBE. 883 Morriaoa. MarabaU 7Z1 76 DROP-HEAD aad cabinet aewing au erdnei. ettrr kind: lU iuirnted: tl to IIS; all the la teat new Singer : ctah or tarma. Machlxtea rented t$ a month. Btnger Store, Mooae btd.. 19 Fourth at. Main 0833. Independent Printers Wa ara atilt doing promptly "printing for leas" tt II No. 6th it. OmmoDwealtb oiar 8mitn. printer,. Broadway 2988. Electric Motors Bought, eold, ranted tnd repaired. waiter ttlectiic worka. 41S Burn aide, corner 10th. Broadway C674 WHT tn ereriajtlng aggravation by t leaky roof? Why not a rjrmanftt and eomfnrtahle roofT We repair, rubber-bond and rejuvenate all kinda of leaky roofa. Work guaranteed. Phone Main BoflO, FURNITURE repaired, upholatered. like new; mauraeue rernaoa, aurrora reeurerea, rural tare bought, told tad exchanged tt Wtbeter't ftirniturt ftepair Shop. 1108 Utwtbora. Ttbor 8326. 1 UBOTOtrS. l RIOT.E U a Smith, 12 gauge, leather caaa, A-l eondltion. WlacbttUr rlflt, 861, tutomtoo; food bergaina. No deaJera, 244 Va Alder at. Main 8744. EDISON CTI.INDER. PHONOOBAPII Kdlton Opera Phonognph, fine wooden horn and 100 indeatrnotibla recerda. only $85; $10 down. $5 monthly. Coat $128. Hyatt Talk ing Machine Co., 8ft0 Aider. $16.50 'to $25 EPtXSg Gnarantaed We Bent and Repair. 172 3d tt, near TtmhlU. Main 1845. HoTwItKR TUNES 36-cal..tTT40-ral.. to! Teataa1 and auarantaed atora and furnace coila. Cea tiexera Inatalled. Expert plumbing repairing. Eart Bide Welding Shop, 208 Adimait R 8118. WlfyL aaerifica oood taaollne woodaaw and home: mint eel at rvnra, as 7 have Ao have the money. Call at 808 E. 10th at NT Phone woodlawn 4050. OFT J CIS equipment from (overnmeat and ahip yarda. Roll and flat top drake, typewrite, adding machinee and comptometer, filing equip nienta Wax, 81 N. 6th. Bdwy. 2739. BUTTEn KtST popcorn and peanut machine. io a Macnua Hoot Beer barrel, almoat new. man: $wao4 laauira 104 W. $d at.. Van. coBver, Wean. AUTdM6BrlE87M0WBCTXES, LAUNCHES or poata are aenaraM rlaaaUlcatlnna. A large llttina will be found under tbeae different daaav fTationa. 5BA3 8A"W8 Bee me before ou bur a DRAG HAW T tare you money. Large stock, new tnd oaed ma- cninei. rnone KaM 8014. 128 E. Water it wTioD- No. 1 haarr 3d erowth fir. AMiivmrmA a a an to 110 per cord, tt J. Hewitt, CUckamti. Or. KtlJ POR hlMiard and Donl tables uTri 5 ST.i 308 Hawthorne ave.; alto aboe caaea, deoki and ctsb rrglxter tnd wall cane. Phone Eat J a) el 6ne wood heating stove, with pipe and stove Doaru, eiv; i arop-ieti kitchen ttbi and mto- oeuaneous articiea; 14 1 -year-old White Leg home. 2038 Hawthorne. Automatic 219-14. 500 BUSINESS CARDS ffifl e? ROSE CITT PRINTF.RT dUeawd Ton must brina this d loo mi. m WE WASH your ruga at home with the Dsm-Utc-o Beach Carpet wwher. tatlifactlon guar- anireu. rroocuawn liav and Eaat 4045. Horsev WARRANTED DNADCCTEBAT- ar ET; light, mild, itrained. Quirt. fc; unannry. leas. ILaat 1418 PKTITES. Italian and res plums. Rc pound. Apples l oc box. tlnng boxes. Tabor 8282 245 K. 31t N. ML V. Denot ear. Ff5ll RfN't-Cahlnet Crsfonola" with late raaaac. Empire Transfer. 2S4 Rnnl, Rmadwty 138. LUMBER, second hand, eiice door and wind ow eaains;. sash, weiahtn. 2 doom, ehinsle. Ta- tor lilt. 2 WOOb'Tif AttRA,' i large, 1 " small; 1 raa water heater, eimost new. ebaan for mo r.. wise aa. it . A NEW combination range tt t Mcrificc. TT5 Montana are. Call from 7 to in th. nlna. , FOB SALE -Sotirkraut cutter, hand machine tnd cabinet phonotrtch. 4417 60th it a K dty. LADIES' smart sty Ira tn aliihUy used sonars!. Marshall 8215, 870 14tb at, near Mont gomery. Too-LB. flour sacks, all waahed and ironed. 91.80 Per doaen. ia 100 lots. 818.60. M.tl order promptly filled. Mode Broa., 290 Union STANDARD dictionary, meroees; like new, $15. Mo; like new, call bound. Encyclooedia BrttannJca. 836. X-108, Journal. i'OTAtd Mcki, tU kind, tl bargain price: Portland FruK Co., 158 Froat st. near Mot- rninw. ffjB SALE 120; certificate for tuition tt the Behnke-Walker Business Colieae, at a dla- 80-80 wTN13fiiftEB carbini. 'ol" f 'ermdittnn" Room 82, 872 H Hawthorn tv . 4 to 0 FOB SALE Well marked registered 4-moutha- oio Beacon terner pup. aaas 71tb it 8. E. Ttoor. 251. CUT H. O. L. Pear4 and apples, $1.00 box; com, prune, cgg, nen. uougla (arm, H mil aonth of Troutdalp. ' LADIES UP-TO-DATE USED APPABEL'-rZ . tS M SnStl Mlittt J- - AWanlna ..- j --w . - w.vm.usI fU.lH, I urt, ntta, aBoea. 'labor Z5Z5. DUCK HUNTERS Chanea for 2 concenlal aportamen to join na in the beat reserve on Peunea inland. tss, journal. CIDER FOR BALE tn any quantity, and eider cid anolea wanted at Hame autd tcheo, St. Job I Cot 1062. 314 Faaaenden. Dentistry ,D8ST Without Pain. Latest Nerve Blocking Methe. Blockinc Method LADIES, ATTENTION Btiabtl weed w sarins aooarel at Vnm Un ivs slier oioa. ssam FOR SALE A Pool table la fair condition, with ' enea. paua ana race, tau uat iouo Sunday, IV to a a m. bb. i jicinar ! ume i I o 1888 Denver are. ; take St Jobna car. Phone w eon lawn iiva BAFES New and aecond-oand; soma with burg ltr cbtttt, tt rtatoBablt ptlcet. Pacific Bet, Bnppry Co as Tont et. ztawy.. ls. FOB SALE Tor half of actual coat, black satia dinner dreaa, never been worn; au 42 bat call MaiB 95B7. : GUARANTEED BAT OOPIli GETS KM 181 11th at Mad her. Bdwy. 4S8. i PASSENGER Ford for aala ctnsp, in aood condition. Tel. Eaat 8824. NET"WlnchHtr, aiodei 85, 30 etL .08 for- emment rifle far aale. S46 14tb at FUEL problem solved: Std. kerosene gaa maker rmngee. he tera, fartmc. 7 Grand N. E. 6560. fOTATO aaeka. all fcimb. bargain prices. Port Is rFviaJtCoJL16 t Front, near Mntrism CHOICE hand picked IUlian pmnOl etnU lb. 71 E. 16th., bet SUrk and Oak. FOR BALE MIBCELLArKOTJB 10 SPECUL BAR0AW PRICES ON KEVT AND BEFOND HAND FARM .MA,CHINBT 1 get 10004b. M. T. bokttf apriaa . ........$ 15.00 1 New 14-ln. OUrrr aolky plow. . 106.0O 1 New 14-in. 4 -bottom tractor plow 800.00 1 New 14-in, 4 -bottom P. at O. plow .............. . 800.00 1 12-20 bull tractor, good?... 400.00 110 b. p. gaa engine, mounted. . 800.00 1 Acme harrow. 13 bladee. .... SS.OO 1 lS-ln. Rook lalaad V. B. plow. 38.0O 1 Iron Ace potato planter. . . 100.00 13 -in. Stadobaber gtar 1 14-in. chilled plow 1 Lobrlcatisa banal pump...., 1 Tongue) track for disc. ....... 1 Pitcher pump. No. 2 2 Hand griet! milla, each , 184x4 tire sorer, new . 1 Lot tteel hay trick, ptr ft. . . , 1 Hay carrier for ateej track. . . 1 SOxS front tiro for Ford. . . , 1 Bet atnsia ibuggy barneaa .... 1 Set tingle spreea Harnmt. . . 88.00 17.50 10.00 f 7.00 2.00 . e.oo 2.00 .25 7.60 SOI) 15.00 15 do We wil bay and aeO your need imple- meBca. v P. E. ESBENSHADE 800-8SO E. MOBBJSON ST. Buy, Sell AND EXCHANGE eaah raaiatera. ahowcaaea. fountaina. ecalaa, atora fixture. I. BOXER. Mar. 2488. 118 2d Bt FOR BALE ADDING MACHINE. $15. 518 Corbott bide Guaranteed. Marahau out. FCRSIITURE WAWTKD A. & S. QEVURTZ . FURNITURE STORE Furniture Wanted Befora you aell yonr furaitara. be tare and call Marahall 687. Tour call will bring our buyer tt onoe. We pay the top price for need furniture, car- pete, rugs, etc. ; ererythint in houaenold gooda. We alao buy office furniture. Ail caUa attended to the aama day. Call Marshal. 587 A. & S., OEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE 205-207 First St., Bet Taylor and Salmon HOUSEHOLD GOODS . WANTED Vf wtnt your aaed furniture, rata, carpets, stove tnd til house hold coodls and will pay the hianeet cttsb price. TOP MARKET PRICES We alao buy and cell hardware. tools, apartins cooda, tents, bicycles, typewriters, adding machines and tore tnd office furniture. When yo hare anything to bay, ttU or trade CALL MAIN 9073 LEVTN HARDWARE at rOBNITURB CO. 221-223-225 Front Bt BE WISE CALX MAIN 8951. We Buy Everything in Furniture WE PAT THE PRICE. F 200-202 204 FIRST, B. E. COB. TATLOR. Qmis Waited Main 4495, Tabor 6798 128 FIRST BlTAFS U FOR BALE or ezcharur. 1919 Ford, aood oon ditioa, with extras and 100x150, near E. 82d tnd Market for good bout on Improved street Woodlawn 1771. WANTED Tb trada a 10 room house on the West Side for an auto track. Apply Broad- wty 1815. TRADE half Penuao kitten for young chicken. 1804 Division at. fSTEXCnANGE tpright pltno for fight ear; willing to pay small difference. 4842 62d at. WATTTED MISCELLAKEOrS WANTED People of Pctland to know that 1 pay the hitbeat eaah price for eecoad head household coofa. No amount too larae r too malL Prompt attention. N. M. BEATER. Phone East 3308. 148 RnaaeTi St. WE MUST hare 600 aaen'a ased auita. coats and Hants, all sir. Call ua for on or mora. W. an. cash.: from $10 tin A nhona call will bring ua with eaah. 147 1st rt. . near Morrison. Main 738. fter i p. tn. can wain. azoi. WOODBAW wanted. Ttbor 1116. BRINGING UP FATHER A. Roy or Oa-A FOR JJ A HfCoFncE.iT !. US 00 HNO OUT .IF u TTT 1 1 2 MJ "TT j I ; 1 MR PATK I - ( - ) . . T" fr I - HE'feXLL DAOJCHTER- U S ,N; cH HCCOTTMErn- i r & J HJi DOCTOR tr-J lr : B(f ' . Xr3 nN -Fawiaa aaamwBt. tw f ' ' i .-,- ,v .. v.- WASTED M ISCE ttAITEOri S!2.S0toS2S . For Second-Mand SUITS OR OVERCOATS METER THE TAILOR Payi mora for clothing tad ahoee. We atO day or ?enint. anywhere la the city. Call Mar abaB li29 or 253 Madiaoa at. aaar Third at UP TO $35.00 FOR MEN'S 8TJTTB AND OTERCOATS We Pay Any Price for Men 'a Oothea OREGON CLEAN EES ft TAILORS 117 2d at. N. W. Cor. Wash. Mala 9844. cisr of oiaao tor atones: no children and 'best of care guaranteed. Phone 528-85. PERSONAL 8f GLASSES tt a saving. to licit your patranaxe on the basts of capable aervica. Thouaanda of aatisficd as- trona. Chaa, W. Goodman. metriat. SOB Morriaon tt Main 8124. GEORGE BUBENSTEIN. b reteraa antirlan. is an expert in fittina eyealaaeea. and charges ao very reaaonable. Broken lenses Quickly duplicated. 228 Morriaon at. $1 Gets both feet fixed up at Dr. Eaton's the CHIROPODIST and ARCH SPECIALIST who doesn't hurt you, 8 yra. here. Exam. free. Globe Theatre bldx.. litn ana waan. gqwy. a axe. PRIVATE DETECTIVE Results guaranteed; rataa rtaaonablt. Affinity caaea a specialty. D-764. Journal. $1 POTS vacuum cleaner la your home for 24 hours. Delivered anywhere. Call East 7Z ereninga after 6. WANTED Board and room in private home for 7 -Tear-old boy. cloae to echooi. w. Mead, aao Bsc too ara. SUPERFLUOUS hair, manicuring, face and eoelp treatmenta. Marshall liyi. Apt 816 Atoyu Annex bldg. - BCPERFLTJOCS hair, molae, warta remored by 10 needle method; trial free. Joaae FiaJey. S14 Bush A Lane bldg. Main 6888. TIT'-O-NET magnetio , treatmenta. Violet Ray" soay aiaaeage. au Morgan mag. Main T07. BATHS, violet ray, maw if. Dr. Ulna Soreaacn. 508 Panama bldg. Mala 60S I niiruasi Consultation FREE. Ail caaea! auawyer en snini bids, utta 491s. NOTICES 3 NOTICE ot aale of aorernment Umber. Gen- ertl Land Office. Wathington. D. C. Aucuit 28, 1820. Notice la hereby given that, sub ject to the conditJoaa and limitation of the act of June 0. 1916 (89 ttat.,218. tnd June 4. 1920. public 241), and the" instructions of the eecretary of the interior dated September 13. 1917, and June 22, 1920, the Umber on th followinf Itnrli wil bt told October 18, 1920. at 10 o'clock a. m.. at public auction at the United States land office at RoHburt, Ore ton, to the highest bidder, at not lesa than the appraised value a shown by Uua noUce, sale to be subject to the approval of the secretary of the interior. The purchase price. With an additional sum of one-fifth ot 1 par cent thereof, being cooimiuiona allowed, mutt be deposited ai time of aala, money to be returned it sale not approved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber, which roust be removed within ten yean. Bid will be received from citizen of the united State, associations of such citaene and corporations orxaniaed under tue laws ui we uuiiea oiatas or any stale, ter ritory or district thereof only. Upon applica tion of a qualified purchaser, the timber on any icial eunaivuiaa wiu be ottered separately before bring included in any ofler of a larger unit T 21 S.. K. 1 W.. aw. S3. BE 14 SEW. fir 1135 at.; cedar. z sl. none ot wMcn snail be sold for lesa Uisn 81.60 per M. T. 18 8., R. 8 W , tec. 8, NE NE54. fir 460 M: NWlt NEK, fir 475 M., none of which thai! be sold tor less than $2 per M. (Slsned) : CLAT TALLKAN, Commissioner General Land Office. NOTICE Of MEETTNO OF COUNT! BOARD OF EQUALIZATION Notice ia hereby (iven that on Meaaday, Sep tember 18. 1920, the Board of Equalisation of Multnomah County will attend at the office of the County Assessor, at the Court House in Portland, aad publicly examine the easeesment rolls for the year 1920. aad correct all errors ia valuation, description or qnalitiea of lands, lota or other property, annealed by the County Aa- And it shall be tb duty of persons ia tereeted to appear at the time and place an minted. If it ah all appear to such Board of Equalization that there are any landa br lota ov atber property assessed twice, or incorrectly as sessed a to description or quantity, aad ia tb bin of a pcrton or persona not the ownet thereof, or aaseaaed nnjor or beyond the actual caab varae thereof, said board may make proper correct on or tne earn. u it an an appear to such board that any land, lots or ot her property aaseeaabie by the essataor are not awaewssd. each board ahall aaa sea tb fam. at the full caah value thereot tUtHBLJ K. BEEP, ConBty Portland. Or.. Atrg. 30. 1920. DISTRICT BONDS NOTICB IS HEREBY GIVHBN that sealed aropoaala will be raeaivad until the 20th day of September. A D. 1920. at the hour of o'clock tn the afternoon, for the pnrehafe of Two Hun dred Thousand Dollar ($200,000) worth of bonds of the Langell Valley Irrigation District of Klamath County, Oretoa. Said bond to draw intercut at tba rate of 6 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually up the let day of July and tb 1st day of January of each year no til tb natality at said bond. Said proposal wiH be received by the board et directors of said lrrication District aad should be directed to the eeeretary of the Lena .11 Valley Irrigation District, care of Ferguson, Fletcher A Mifflin, No. 16 Loomia Building. Klamath falls. Oreeon. , . The board of directors raservao the rlafat to iect any or aU bid offered. A L. W1SHARD. Secretary of the Board of Dtraetora of LaacaU Valley lrrication District SEALED bid will h received by U 8., P. k S Railway company, up to and including September 20,. 1920, at room 5, North Bank station, 11th and Hoyt sta., for the followinf Dodge automobile : Car No. 504932. motor No. 557012. Cat No. 606088, motor No. 567227. Car No. 606082. motor No. 557802. Amount bid on each ear to be shown Mptrtte 1 r.ni en be ineoected at the S.. P. A 8. Railway eompaay'a salrace room, 11th and Hoyt sta. Klgbt reaerved to re tec t any or au dw, W. F. TURNER, Comptroller. lTICE is hereby eiven that my wife, Mra. Rene .aanues, naa Mit my eea ana noara and that I will not be responsible for any bill the may contract. (Signed) Out Gamtre. I j pHAU. not be raeponsihl for aay billa charred to acormnt by Mr. Winnie M. Tinea. I W. J. Thien. Wtluga, Or. db (Copyright. 1920. by International Feature Berriee, Inc.) to NOTICE OF BaCCHANGmT DEPARTMENT OF THE INTER10S . United State Lead Office . Koeeewra. Oraaon. July XX.l""- Notice ia hereby pna Out The Oeae Bay Lumber company, Syndicate Bulldinc, Oakkvi Alaaaed eouuty, Cauforsla, Baa tiled m that I man, ua fioa their appiieatloa. to eeleet, amdar tho ara- vtatoaa of the Ao of Coacreae. approved aaar 81. 1818 (40 Btat, 883). and the reg-ulatioae thereunder, approved July 17. 1111 1 circular 611). the folfcwtng Mndnt NBfi Klti, HSU NWH, B K. Bee. rf, aU See. 39. all Sac 31. NH. WH 8EU. 8WH , 83, T. 80 8., R. W, WV4 SWH Bee. . SVtlt NBM See? a. NH KB 14-, NB1& NWH Sen. 9, NBVt NSH.NEH W. SI, EH SrVH. Ben. 11, NE SB H sUk It awu avu. m-1 u w u. iru awu Se. 21, 8 W H SC1H, BE Vi BWH Bea. 38. Z 7 Kl BE Ua wee. . sh nwh, Kb4 swh. bh swh S1, -lt Xw, NEH. 8H NEH. EH SEH Bee. 2. Lots 1 8. 8. 4? 6, 7. BBH. BH MKU ttaaaa t 1 aTCU a 1 tsVaV Li aft U. - - MWH NH. BH NH.SDH.NH SWH, 2S!t d 36. T. St ., tt 10 w na.lt 8IU a rs a a unu inu bl 11. If H KV U oL uvi as&7 awu sua i 27, NWH BWA Baa. 9B. itU Son. 81. Z-JKh'.-JL.wa -NEH KBTH.H NS IE H , Bee. 11, N H H NEH. NWH Baa. 18. ftW a NEH. Tt "a SWH. Sea. 85. T. to B. 12-W.. WW H NEH. BEH NEH. SBH 5u. 1. BH NH. BEH See. V BH NEH. E4s NWu I a 1 .n a a. SEt NWfi. BEH NWH.'NH KH. H.BWH Bea 17. T. 1. K WM BEH ?W'J!8EH. 8H SEH See. 1. Lota ; " ve on, , as tt Ban. a. Bfi it "..Lou 1 2, 8. 4. 6, O. . , 1. if J aW1,MA Sa 'i "EH HBH, BE H BEH See. 9. SEH NEH WH SEH. BH B W V RL 1 Atu AW 1 " fcl 14 I ... A .7, 8. 9 Sec'l9, NWH NEH. NKH NWH. lWAi'IVa,i,i S H SB H . 31. H NEH. SB H NEH, NEH NWH Bee. 38. !W NE'H. BBS. NE SWH m, " oeo. a i, B Vk na.it, Bee. z, juota tJh 8i.?1- "WH. SWH tfWH. " vv' B BvvH ea 88. ai H Naria UU. KVU ID u au iuiu u s t i 8. B. 10 VV SWH NEH. wVk Bee. 1. N H - " 7. . o ria ate. ow Aaiia. t NWH. NWH SEH. NEH 8W H Bee. 7, ail 5 11 H NH Sea. 18. NEH. NEH NWH NEK 8EH. BH BH Bee. 15. NWH SEH .7f ST40 8? NEH. SEH NWH BH BH Sao, 21. NWH NEH, SH NBH W14. BH See. 28. NWH NEH. NWH NWH BWtt Bea. SB HEU NWli MV U SWH. SH SWH Bee. 27. ME H NEH. la tT V..lf. H B H DCS, ii- Si SA-W NWH.8H Bee. 88. NEH NBH. WH BW H Bee. 85. T. SI S neu tvur u uf u ov 1 ann a t aa Lota 16. 17. 18. 19 I9.: L?" 8e8- 2,.8EH NWH, NW H SEH. f.J?.,''1t "v w Bee. z, it H NEH NEH NWH Sec 8$, NH NEH. SEH. NEH WVk AWU. BU Hi U M U. illtu .vu - - 5- J. "i wh, own. NEH t ! OTl BaVJ-Jlj . N'WU BWU iri swJ ?5r.. , . W H .NE H , NW H? ' BE H . NE H " H bwh. Bee. 38. SWH llv a u. wro. i . os n . rt. ia w.. Lorn 1 3. 10, NWH 8li. 8W L '1 ii' .".A". lr. 15. 16. SEH. NEH BWH ec. a. sss Hasa. nw u Huru iw i on. SWH BE H Bee 11. KH. NKH NWH BH ww VKL iw w ,- IN UETJ OF B. B. H sec 8. T '2(1 a b w tw . . A- H N. W.H. N. h' BT w "vi . H B. W. H and S. E. H. See. 2; lots 8 4 8, 8, 9, 10, N. H N. W. H76 13 N W W. H, B W. H N. E. H. ST W. H. W H 8. E. H. Bee. 28; N. W. H B. W H sod W 6. Sec 36. T. 20 8., B, 10 W.j lota 1 6 inclutiv. 11 ,Dd 12. Bee. 2; N. R. , 28. T. 21 B. R. 7 W.; E. H 8. W. H Bee: 3: B. W. H N. K. hn. k 87 bT H W a Bae. ; N. E. H. . Vr. H Bee. 12; W H K. H, E. H W. H. Bee 14: S, E, H gaa. 84, T. 21 8.. R. W.: w H Se- e t. 22 8.. K. f'V7.B 4 N. a?"H, 8. H 82. T 2 8 it fw rTti ft ft., .nd M. ! Sec 2; loU 1. 8, 4 tnd 5 (S. W. H N. W, H I 8. W. H. See. 4; leu 1 ts incluSve. Sec 1 0 1 NEH. Bee 20; SEH. Bee. 34; NW hT NW k,t 7' 28. TT 22 8., R. 8 W.; lott 1. 5, 6, 8, 8ec 7, T. 23 S.. B. 8 W.- loft 6 and 6. Sec 8; W. H E. H E H W. H. Sec 82. T. 23 8.. S. 9 W.l iu Bee 6; 8. B. H. Bee 10; 8. H N. i. H. N WH BEH, BEH BEH. NWH NWH. S. W. H B. W. H . Sec 15: all Bsc 18 N. BV H N. K. H. 8. w. H N. W. HVS. . H S W H, N. H S. B. H. Sec 27; 8. S. H. Set) 34. f 24 8.. R. 9 W. ; E. H Baa. 6j W. H. See. 8 ; N. H S. E. H . 8. K. H 8. BV. H. Sec 20; W. H, Sec 23; N. K. H . Bee. 28. t. 26 eL a. id w.: n. h s. w. Urs. W. H S. W. H. Sec 5; all Set j v. H Bee 18, T. 27 8.. B. 7 W. ; aU Sec 24. T. 27 S.. K. 8 W.; N. B. H S. W. H. SH 8. W. H. SEH Sec ts NEH, Bee. 10: all Sac 30: N. E. H. Sec. 30j S. H N. W. H.N. H 8. r. , sec aa, t. I B.. K. 10 w.; W. H. Sec 14; lot 18 and 14. Bee 23; N. W. . lota 3 aad 4, Bee 24, T. 27 B., B 11 W.; aU See. 16, W. H, Sec 20; E. H N. el H, Sec 80; a E. H. Sec 36. T. 39 8., B. id W.: a W. H N. W. H, W. H 8. W. H. B. E. H S. W. H. Sec, 2; 8. W. H, Sec 8 all Sec 10; 8. W. H N. fe. H. lot 3. 8. 4. 8. H N. W. H, S. W. H, Sec 11, T. 89 8.1 R. 11 W.; E. H N. E. H.N. H N. W. H. a W. H N. W H. a E. H. Sec 14; N. W. H N. K. H. Sec 23; krta 1, 6. 8, 1. a, 9, 12. 16, Se 24; N. H. N. H S. iL H Bee 28. T. 2 S., R, 11 W.; 8. W. H S. W. H. sac 6: a h aw. h, a h as. h. Sec 8; N. H N. E. H.N. H N. W. H, S. E. H N. W. H. 8. H a E. H. 8c 7: N. W. H. S.E. HB.W. H,N. E.HS.E. H. S. H a E. H, Sec 8: all Sec 16: N. W H . a W. H a W. H Sac 17; N. H N. W. H Bee 80; N. H. B W. H. Bee, 22; 8. W. H ' N, W H.8ec.2a, T. 31 S.. R. 12 W., Will. Mer. Any and all persona claiming adveraely the landa described Or dssii ing to object becauae of the mineral character of tba laud, or for aay vumi , . mmv u . w l'. w,wm ,v .uw wynm ...t. should file their affidariu of protest ia this of fice without delay, and in any event within tb, period of publication, which terminates the 37th day of September. 1920. W. if, CANON. . Register. First day of publication, Au. 21. 1920. Last day of publication. Sept 25th. 1920. CIRCULAR NO. 431 Sealed "propoaale will be received at office of General Parchaarnar Aaent. Alaskan Engineering Corn mission, 422 Bell Street Terminal. Seattle. Waan.. not later than 11 a. m. September 27, 1920, for furnish roc Heating and Plumbing Supplies. Copses of this circular may be obtained upon application at this office from Alatkan Engineering Commim-ron, 50 1 Font' a-ineerma Commission. 907 Custom House. Baa Francisco, Cat C. E. Dole, General Purchasing i Ac8t By George McManus NOTICES ATTRACTIVE FARM AND OFFERINGS AND EXCHANGES ACREAGE t7 FOR SALE 10 aer tract, aood rooea aatasa awwly pa Pew a and aaintaa; ban aaa cmos.a boueee. welt and spring, aU year, creak, food ftah lng. plenty of wood. H mile from town, H mil to school; t sens yoaas praa orchard, 4 eerea bay. 2H aorea ia raapberriee, karuberrtea. pota- toet and garaen, auo-trricaiea, aawmua mua new cannery la town, population 1000; price 12 600. some tarma. uwner. jsos aaue City, Or. FRUIT FECIT FBTJIT Acres, half acres, city water to each tract. Opening Btokea fin farm 43d and Blmpaon. 8 block du eaat Eecnedy echooi; plant ts acre to frail aad add to yon Income, aeep cow aaa .hiriM. K ibUiwML HnM.1 offer 83 Dar- menta. Bee aaa on tract rTiaay, tjataroay aaa Sunday tftenoont. K. W. CAKX. 1218 N. W. Bank BMc. Msln 1648. ACRES An in cultivation and level, city water,. 3 um A .nd T mam aond- barn, fruit im proved atreet, city Haute of Oragos City; eaah or terma. A. J. BOCKHOLD. With A. C Rowland Rth and Main ats. Oretfoo City. Or. 2H ACRES 20 minutes from 4th an Wash ington at., on Ken can; tu clear, i uocx from station; running water; daily far 9e; $700 per acre. $50 down. $10 per month. J-888, Journal. 0 ACRES. 45 aerea cleared; bouse. 2 barn, farm tm nlementa. runnina water, an 2 good Bitcad- mitad road. 4 mil (rati city limit. Lent Real Eatate Co.. Lenta. Or. . 10 ACRES beat walnut Mad, atrong all-year ipring; finest location, a few miles out; lew hundred down, reet easy tarma: tnythmf frown la Oregon grows on land. M. Willi. Oregon City. Bout 8, Box 68-A. 20 ACRES aood land; Uka bosxhouae. lot or aa to aa part payment. 909 Chamber of Coat- treco bldg. Main 8485. 40 TO 400 acre Irrigated landt. YVaahinf- ton. in craas. t7 5. Terms, Bhnfelt. 821 4th. SUBURB Alf ACREAGE 74 pkcitTtrtjit. frctt i Act, half aorea, city water to each tract Opening Stokes' fine farm. 4 2d tnd Stapaon, 8 block du eaat Kennedy school. Plant an acre to fruit and add ta your income : keep cow. ehlekena. be moepenoant. apeciai otier, ax paymenta. Be m on tract Sunday. R. W Ctrj, 1218 N. VV. Btck bids, alaln 1041. wnn wivTs'i real BargainT Must aell at once, 6 aoraa on oouaty road and car Una; all In cultivation; good water, fruit tree and fenced; $500 or $600 will handle if taken now. balance to ault. write owner, tt. A. Bailey, 456 E. Oak St., or phone E. 8869. 2 ACRES and good 4 room bouw, good well tnd fin orchard; Buckley ave. and foeier roaa. tSOOU: tlOOO down, balance $20 monthly 7 per cent. Tabor 7888. TWO Unproved acre, cloae to; a house, fruit tree and berries. Will trade for city prop erty. 100 Francia arc Bellwood 3678. SUBURBAN HOMES 71 "ideal buburbAn"h6me Two acres, new 6-room bungalow, all bulit- Irn. fin-place, eat, til kind of fruit, gang, wondhoTxae. 2 chicken honaee. 60 chickens: naved roada to Portland. H mile Hnber station $3800, term. Addreaa Box 168, Beaver-ton, Or , or phone Broadway 8052. K-RnOaf doobl eon.tl-nated house with . full oe- ment bannent; 11-8 acres of black loam with rhirk,n luinoi tn si-commodata 800 to 400 lay en; food well, fti, on rock rotd, 8 block from electric etaBon and paved highway; 32600 on terma. Pant tramey. A ion, ur. FOR RENT 6-roora house and one acre ot t round. Phon Ttbor 1881. FOB SALE FARMS 17 80 ACRES Stocked tnd equipped. ood buildings, fin water aood auto road. H oil from echooi. ex tra fine clay loam aoil. laya nearly level, no rock or gravel.- 60 tcret in nigu suu oi em H Tlnn fins family orchard ineludin walauta. B cows, teem, wagon, narnees ana eu iarm tools. 812.000. Term can be arranged. Thia t an extra fine home tnd will tppetl to you. Uall at once Ats-inson at r-orter, iu w. eu St., Vancourer, Wash. - 80 acre in cultivation. 5H aer prune. soon cords wood H mile from B. It station X room house with bath and lights. 2 Food bams: in fine farming locality. Price $125 ptr sere, half eaah. J. o. ju.tu, wiin o. r. in-i-si Tth at. OrrgoTi City, Or., near S. P. Depot FOB SALE We make a aneoiaity of selling personal prop- t and asaalaa farma. Wa have eustomera waiting for ua to find what they want and assure quick action. U you have place to lease. et ut tt one. F. L. EDDT RITTER, I XI WE A CO. 201-8-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 7 in cultivation, balance Umber; til food land prooucUT. sou. gooa tor larummsi, i Louse, barn, chicken, house. 3 wells. 4 oow liocx, 1 Jinrac, 150 chickens, farm Implement. I' nee fsouu, hair oan balance time. O. A. KKUBE, With B. U. DILLMAN 7th t., Oregon City, Or., near a P. Depot FOR SALE BY OWNER 41 aerea, $0 ta cultivation, balance pasture wire fences, on rock road, 6-room house, barn and outhouse, 4, cows, all fresh; 2 heifer calvta, 75 chicken, brood tow, B pig. 2 boras, tl machinery. 1 acre potatoea. hay, kale and roots for oowa; H mile from carline and aood school. Price 16500; half cash, balance time Near Willamette, Oregon. VX-9S7. Journal BUSINESS WSECTORY AOOOUNTANT8 JULIUS R. BLACK, public aceooxtUnt Auditor, Income tax emice Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. Pbon Mala 7448. A Mt' BUFFetaa LEWIS STENGER Btrbw Supply Co.,' loth and Morriaon ttt, Th plana to buy birber ebatrt tad nppliee Stock of furaitnre always oa hand at right prieee . BLAWK BOOK MAKERS DAVIS A HOLMAlf. LNd. C. 10 -2d st. blajak A-S168. Mala 188. book manufacturera. CAT AND DOB HOSPITAL ROSE CT rrr VKTrrcwntAitT nnnwr-raf ITi E. Tth atl, cor. Grant Baft 1847. AV198a. OABPaTT OtBABJINB Carpet Cleaning Sizing and Refitting Fluff Rugs MADE FROM OLD CARPETS BAO KUOt A SPECIALTY WE CALL AND DELIVER PORTLAND BUO CO. . E. 17th t BeBwcod 8633. 1672 FLUFF RUGS From Old Carpets Bag Bug, til Bfxet "Mill Order Prompt, Send for Booklet 9.13 xtnaa. -fa g Cl-ad. 3L6, 54-58 Union Ave N. Last 6518. Seat 783$. CtMEHT avoattl ALL etaaase eameat work, general building and repair work. Rate reeaonehle Phon 831-39, CHmOPBACTOWS DR. McMABOX 100?; chlrop'ractio .yet,' Pt-rtUnd. 1918 te . 1920. Best known. TTarong proaVwina H ettperlor trie Intent Ne camouflages. )oaa bouse stunt or profiteering BdiBBctt AdjtuuxwBU mad eaty. evikryable benefkaaj and ctrrative Teame: Inkial traet aneata reaaonable. aad aU eases aarefuOy ad yoated." Patient requiring extended time- 31 adjustments $16. Phone, call, write 80O.000 KNOW DB, McMAHON. PortlaoX 1044 ciiropfictor; 11th year maklot ad fwtmcnt tnjcrytbl. beneficial aod tmratjTe Throngs proeoonoe fTeetmoDt Vest; reasonable. Extended tisse, 81 adtnatmtaiW 8161 ae aaaaow- flat-ee Adrxre year frlende Ladaar a4 bmb'I raw room. Portia ad phone. c CHiaOPftACTiC, Iteam tatbe and taaasag. iOttf flwBroadway bldg. MarthaB 8181. Da. Lerm m. lkrwrjipg. Opea) evenlnga. -DR. B. LOUISE COX. chiropodist, haa re turned from her vacs ti my 488 Moraaa Mrtg. COAL ARB) VVtrOO ' BOXWOOD- nTred Immediately try Fultoa Waod OA 1381 Maeadaaa. Fbone Main 4178. BLOCXW0OD tad aUbwood mixed is 2-ke) wtti tpaciai BTKtt, utt suti. IT LINN OOTJNTT STOCK . BAN OH , No. 148. 400 acres, hill farm. 46 aerea ia aood atat enlUvaUon. 300 enea paatura. balanoe good aaw Umber, food black loam eon. 8 tet food build The, water piped to buildings, 1 H mlMt to eebeol, 9 miles to Lebaaeat full set farm ma chinery, 8 horses, aaddl pony, 8 caw. 3 heifer. 100 wes, 1 back, 80 goat. 4 ahoata, T3 chick ens, 85 ton bay and growtn crop, fuel cut tot M rwre. auw iwa W3 m nwwiijnwwii . -v. to do with and being offered at oaly 640 pet etrrt, indudlnf crop, (lock tad qutpnMnt $10,000 cask, balanc f year. Thai t t nick up. call at onoe. Thia plane wU ewited for 2 ataauiee. A ItULUCH FA KM AT BAMS rB4l.Br Ne 102. 188 aera dalrv and atoek farm. BA In ealtiva- tian, more good pasture, soma timber, fair build ings, spring water piped, Mlo, family orchard, lo cated 13 mil Lebanon, 1 mil from road to Sweet Hani, pavement projected. Wife la hos pital, must sell at once, reduced to 840 aa acre Be my agtnt, GIBSON, TUB LAND man. XriAA) UHAOIt ISSH Ne 43. 218 acre grata tnd hay farm, 800 la high ilaU of cultivation, bo rock or trtval, ill tractor land; modern house with bath aad toilet i fine large Darn and alio; oeauutiu oaa grove aur rouridlng building; 1 milt to station and echooi. Price $28,000. 66000 caah will handle, pay bal anc out of place rUU BARGAINS CALll UN JOS. C. GIBSON . . "THE LAND MAN" OFFICE, LEBANON HOTEL, LEBANON. OR. Two Real Snaps by Owner 40 tor 88 mllM acwtht from PorUtnd, MmbM' will nay for land, eloa to 3 Mwmilla, 1 acnploying 35 men; oa county read, aloe to Dared road, school aad milk route : all practi cally level ; running water; win make fine home wnea eteerea; can get won at gooa wages ia ttwmui; prtr 1500; H cash. Twenty Acres 1 S ml 1m from tfek. eourthotiH.. UOO werth of wood if you out it ud yourself: H mil frontal tlectrie tUtion tnd Ptved road; R. F. D. tnd tcnool; will Mil tt t bargain, with 20 per cent of! tor H caab. $5250 for 25 Acres 30 aerea creek botton cleared and ia high tat of cultivation ; taring water to house and barn: lVi tali from hlfhwir; fair Una boom tnd barn; 3 registered Jerri: horse, wagon and all farm implements: 8 doaen chickens: hay and reed in barn; ail go; owner too eld to eoottane farming. FRANK T. BERRY. 727 Chamber of Commerce Phone Marshall 1867 18 in cultiratinn 2 acren timber. B splendid bearing orchard, otioioe varieUee, good ntw 6 room plattered houta, food barn, on gnod n-ad 2 H milee from Oregon City court bouse H mile to aood school: very sightly place. Price 47500, term. 8. O. DnjJIAN Tth at, Oregon City, Or., near B. P. Depot 30 ACMES 8 In cultivation. 1 acre bearing orchard, bal ana timbtr and brush, enme tuily cleared. watered by ipring aad crank; 7 room house, htm ana root Howe; on good road. Price aszau, part eaan. 8. O. CILLMAN Tth t, Orrron City, Or., netr 8. P. iVpat FARM T6 aerae. IB In enltlTation. balanoe peeture fenced, oroea-fenced ; running water, wells; all food Itttl ltnd, bo rock; liet batwtan Ores htm and Sandy;' $4000: house, big good bam, cellar, root house; on aood road; $8000; half cash. Geo. Been, Bendy, Or. 60 ACRES. 45 acre under cultivation; 4 miles from Oregon City: aood buudlost aad f.n bottom land. 103 acre. 40 tcre under cultivation' 4 miles iram waaneugai. wasn.; buna lng, and orchard win curiae; easy terms or trade': prune land. w, K. UKIFFITH, 757 S. Taylor, East 8168. tMPMtED ftrm of 166 term on Rogue riv7 ew acres eiearea, uaianoe umoer ana neature good outside range adjoining. Stock and farm ing implements so with the plane. Fine rithlng and bunting. For further information add ram waiter narnea, Maruu. or., onrry Co. CHICKEN KANCA" With stock, wanted to rent or run for owner. Party "raised chicka for yean euocaaafully. and a Luu.ni er Avaaenean i-omtry aoDOoi. Ad nrma ti. n. journal. ONE acre. 4-root furnished "house, bog housaa, chicken house, 'barn, gangs, 53 fruit trees, pemea; jau, terma. rotter road tnd Ruck ley ave Automatic 261-11, ask for Price S20 A.. 60 A in cultl ration, near Th. D.IU. rent 8350; stock, crop and equipment, 64000, t. iipor r . jouno. nenry BJdg. FOR RRltT FARMS MT 8 year lea-e for aale on one of the bar farma ia Tualatin valley; 8oT aerea, clock and Implement ; must be all art. Writ tt onoe io n. av. nanqptrg, Bharwood, Or, 160 ACBE8 near Salem for rent, atoek and equipment for ttle Marahall 4370, aft 6 p. m. FARMS WANfFP RENT OR BUT 81 HAVE IUlian gardener wanting to leas 10 acre or mer garden land, between Portltnd and Troatdaat: Immediate action. F. L. EDDY, R1TTER. LOWE A CO., HAVE 2 ciieau waatiac to lease small place clo to Portltnd. Bee ut at onoe . L. EDDT. RITTER, LOWE aV'OO.j 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade Aide. MAN ANDrVIFE want plao tt eareuken, or Tin rent on satna, J-notM Tabor 8166, rrofetwlonal and DnalncM Dlpmory COAL B)D WOOO BLOCK tad ilatrwood, alas borwood. price tn 8 load lota. Wdla. 4103. IPMlal OOI-HCTlOITVi NETH A CO.. Wrcetttr bldg. M.i. it4' eoUecttona, ne charge EsUbllshed 1800. Til OBNTtaTB nnterwr DR. X W. K EEriis" a-' e a a a-a a. a r 881 H Washington at wttboat Pale Latest nerve Bloc Blocking Method. IDU0aT.0r.AL bltiMAf BAiSiNS-P61t cHILbftEN UK. LUCIUS L. CAaE, 808 Columbia bldg. Tel. Mar. 3788. OAMOiej. WAlSXR'b DANCING BCH60L Balloom and tttft dtaelnfi prlttU and elttt Uatotii; dtaaaa tot children ia tinging and dancing. So- elel danee erery aatnraay axena. earner Bd end Morrtaoa sta. THE Dtoc 8 tod io, 808 Drknia bldg.. Washlna toa at 3d: strictly prlval laasioaa ; half hoar or boar stoat; eewrae isaaona apaciaiiy riuee Daily 8:80 a. ae to 9 p. m. Mite Ireland. MlSS 1k5b6tHTSMC88N 1, sons ia ball room and stage da net fig. Stadia. 610 Filers building. Wsahlngton atreet. betweee 4U tna sta. rboet Mtta iiz$. fitRaUtCET barieU Academy, prirau kaasraT day, evening ; lateat atepa laaa'ahowa. 139 tth at. Mala 8818. Mra. Bummen. 8CMMEB8' Danciaf Ac4my. Private larnoai day and evening. Iteet atapt ia jaas ebovre 85 H 5th. Bdwy. 8690. MU6I0 SCHOOLS BR0) TB ACM BRA A? FIRST CLAR teachee tl' paaoo aad taiee. newcomer, with excsUeot eradenUala, wfll tak a few pttrlia at rtduced rata lot lotradactios. q. 947.-Journal. . - ' MRS. ANNA 'MOORE, experienced piaae teacher j tmnea av xkostoo ana itrott ori)iervtUiriei; tpecial training given begin oert: leuona In stu dio or pupil's home. Marahall 8108. 891 Mill. PROFESSOR 1!. at" LAWidN twenty yasr1 xrrieixa, plane) lesson at yomr home, $L I iuiii. istot love. MISS MATTlNGLY'S Prvat School. BWorV hand nd Typrwrftin: ladiridual lntnvetioa 369 14th, -neer Jefferaon. Main 3898. MRS. i, L LdVkJdt, laatractog W peamW. nroat ana ciesswi. 1 soor B81B, L CARROLL'bAf . toacber of v'aaai ptoaZ ... ..... m ' ' 1 1 " 148 13th a. Broadway tfttt. VIOLIN, piano, mandolin, tiuitar, bani inetrutv ' Oone Eol kenbeck, -409 YmhiU t - --- - FtlRWrTURB WEPAfltleiaj - . . .. : . WHT ifOT Bt jeor o!4 furniture look ttwt W Repair and refiaieh at rtaaoaable prieea. l"hon Bdwy. 4698. , ..' NAT CLBAMtfta ARB OVERS VANTED Ladiea, know" w raa cleaa yoor whit Mllaa or crepe bit 625 DiTiatnn. T MOUSE CIBARIH61 Portland House Cleaning . : Service: Wrodow waahing. fkaor waxing and att kiad of lenlnf. Quick acrrice Tabor 5151, .-.". ' waatTiiaB! " - Ti B6Dt" UA&8Af,E: 4ii " ACCiLaNaN - BIOsU, , MAUI 8SBW , FOB SALE FARMS ACREAGE - H0ME8TEAPS fT CAN LOCATE yea on a aood homestead: either farming ar timber tracts, oa ot Bear aood toadt. Timber cloa la -and can be ha mi led at Htm re B :80 to 5 and etenlnga 7 :80 W tt. ANDERSON. 68) lUllwayjfecb. bid. TIMBER t VbiiiA -of saIe oroT.T'ERNMkNT' tim: - BER. GENERAL LAND OFFICE " ' " WanhinatoB, a C. July 16. l20. Nod It hereby give that utect ta th ' eendiUon end limiuttoaa of the eet of June M, 1916 89 BUt.. 318). and th tnstrarttoa of th secretary of tb iatertor of Btpiraber 15. 1117, th tire bet on the followinf tend wilt bt old September 10, 1930, at 2 p. m.. at nublie auction at the United Btatae land ofUoe atXake. vi.w, Oragoa to the highest bidder et Dot Jesat thta th iti lira lead ttlue tt abonn by thia notice. ' aale to be aubjert to the pproval of th aecre tery of th Interior. The pareaase price, wlta an additional ran of one filth of 1 per cent thereof, being communion allowed, mutt o a- . posited at time of sale, moaty t be returned if aale ia act a op roved, otherwue patent wtU tssna " for th umbar. which mutt b removed wiuua 0 yean. Bid will be receited from eltMena of the Catted tits tea, aaadeiaUana el aurh cltlaena . and corporation, organised under the law of the , . united Btt r any tut, territory ar aitinei -throf only. Upon triplication at 6 qualified puTcnaaer trie timoer on any legal rawiTwi will be offered separately bales (are being laasuded la any otter of a larger unit sv a a a in . t at at u a R at A. T u. , ... v r... vru. , , ju. T. a, i. fl pfn 380 M.. fir 130 M.;N. W. a E. H. P o at., rir no at.: b. - E. h b. a,. H, pui 480 U.. fir 210 M.; a W. H B. M. H. Pn 373 M.. fir 190 M.i N. K. H B. W. H, pin $00 M., fir 100 M, ; N. W. H B. W. H . pma 395 M fir 140 M.; 8. R. H S W. H. pin 840 M , fir 190 M.i 8, W. H 8. W. H. Plna 880 M.. fir 120 M. ; none of the plna to be sold for lees Uuin 64 per M.. and none Of the nr to a eoM lor tea than 91 par m. taifntaj ciai tallmaiv. Oamimtoner, Oarttral ljind Office FOR SALE OR KXCJf ANOB REAL EBTATR 88 tOU SALE or trade for Improved rity property. 40 anna. 8 mile ton t has t Of Lent Id Happy vUy; half in cultivation, good brinf orchard ef about 1 00 trees, small house, .large barn aad othkr outtmlMtng: good rnso, wiu sell on easy terma. , U Itohr. rout 8. tantA. SlCl or tradnbA . . U under iruHvVtion aom fruit and berries: bring water, old build ing; 4 ml. from Nvwberg. Price $6000; r wlU trada for small place near Portland, Box 403, newtierg. or. ' HXCHANOKnKAL ESTATE- tt 8 C B C 8 BAN ACREAGE'liOME A nlrndld 20 acre tract, very alotitir. a vary well kept orchard of 250 treat; en 8 room plastered bouae with fireplace. Dutch kitchen, bath, toilet end stationary wash Jraya. barn it 86x40: an- other bacn. 24XZ4-. aplenata appw notasa; a modern chicken house with glass f rente; a new - n a . MnA lni ..u.1. I..M t MW dnttilla -V.l 1 Wit Mil., . ' " mu,, . v.n, uw.v and tingle Write t 3 buggie. 1 wagon, tptay - and pump, barrew, eulUTatnrt, Bay raca, . a plowt. email tools, 8 tona of hay and all ef the crop; located 3 mile tast or Oregon city; IB mllaa from Portland: nrica 80300: will tak a 6 or 7 room house ia Portland UiP to $5000 and give plenty time on the balance or wui-taaa 2 good DOUaet up to lull Value Be Mb Stephen i 783 Chamber of Commerce. BlJG.E8fBA RftliNlN "Oil WTaiT" 115 a. of the finest soil in aula. 88 e under oulclTaUon: among the Larg bop farmss 4 2 milee from Independence. Land Ilea on Wil- UmettA llu 1 r, bunftlo. nearly news Ittf outbuildings. Fordson trantnr, one-ton truck, all farming impletu-mta, 16 bead of hoar. 200 pvl- lete, one oow and nut, nay, grain ana prelaws-. Will take house In ally or acrmuie ud tn S5IIU0 t ptrt trade Part oath, hsitno tarmt. Prio 620.000. See Rook at 403 Couch bldg. Alar. 3383. 400 ACRES wheat and stock ranch, near B irk - elton. Wash., for trade: 200 aerea cultivated, 40 acre rich bottom; good water supply, tmat orchard, eld house Will trtd for modern city residence property. Write J. U. Forester, Caa cade lxx-kn. Phone Tabor 6Q5. owner, Hundayt. llAVKloceUon netr uwnQreiy Mtrritlo-roai miitahl iaf gsaolina ataUon. for rent or tale 6 ACRES, good buildings, good water, orchard;. 1 mile from town: will lake light cat aa part payment. Bog 163, Toledo. Or. . 60x10(1 Lot'o Mt. Tabor carllna, trad for' tmtU car or delivery or team, wagon and farm . tools. Qwoer, Main 4 IV 2, Mr Use-, PATTnG gracary. '-eeilileiws and lot to trad lot going ranch. W-68, Journal. . .. , . rrrsrsaga-a-i-.1,1 a'B,B3a W ANTED RBAL KBTATK 8 V I WANTfrom owner a 8 to 6 room house, in Woodlawn or on Bt. John ear line! tmall rath payment, but good monthly paymenta. Phona veninaa after 7 o'clock. Sail. 1113, or addreaa 981 Brooklyn at. W Afc f Er Fmir bungalows from $ 400d to IBRUll. lUvt ctah buyer; tito thrmt bar gtlnw from 12800 to 18500, (bout $500 t tlOOO cash. Mr. Campbell, 334 Henry bldg. Broadway 779. W ANTES To buy from owner four or Jlv room house, close to ear. in Richmond. ITsw.t Hi tnorne or Bunnyaiee district preferred. Htrei $275 eeah payment dowa and $30 peg mobUx, I'hont Ttbor 8761, ;. 1.20 BfuTiESABkft 'Bieau.i" 8. Ilk'" new ; I $2500 first mortgage due September, 1931. balanc ch for ttrlctly modem 6 -nr T-roont houae well located, not to tcd 500. bio' aaente Mala 09. ..... .. WILL Um4eap7y"nCWroWt touring, aaw pJoX new tlrea, In fin auape, for gnod bnildlntr lot. Pstilneula dUtrtct preferred. - Cell after B P. m., li. K. Bpoelstr. 86 East Church at, WATEDTor 6 ro-mhmia, mlaJefnTbTlEl toilet pantry, baaemant, atUo, tit lot, luea- , tion. cash er terms. V-9S8. Joomsi, , WANTED By elderly couple, a 4 nr 6 ronng home tn food tnogtioo; not higher than 88000. We have $760 eaah to pay. H-ltl. Journal. PpofciislonBl and BnstnfTfw bltvrtnry OPTOWtfHtf6APOPTIOIAWa ETE3 B C 1 K N T IFI C ALL Y T EiTEi aRKx . "uern rarruxuaataj giaaaaa evjv fitted from 43.80 ne A- E. HCRWITZ. Optometrist, 328 1st at PATfrlT BTTORRIVB OQtVfffHOfooVeeeter hldg Mai'n 26C eTClWfT.palnfinf, wrirtTn"tW HI N. 1 7U st. Broadway 4414. WaHee. 1 1 a ai LEPENfiABLE boiua p.l.l-g UaUnBTlaanin hanging. Tabor 6217, ,. I'AlNfi.VCt nd hntinf" reaaonabiT" 8320. . uie. PAIRTS ' U", J-T"i roo '' "an4 Preserver ia "tba ..... WEBFOOT nOOF FAINT ? ' AI hough tar, fe, priced thtrt It Botif bt fieri Atu,ti, !B,,d ".tr tnd city -1 TOra. laxSnt. - Z .S; ,Auot rtltiter, Tibor 18X4. t Nkkel 4 Htnaa. Ttbor 783. . atao' liti Ce Mai,, wJtrflii "" Tri 00 BT1' . ' Baa, Mala AatT PlUMBtWa BJ8T8.A MJIU PPLW?" FL.UMBINO -5IkJ loM Wtoiar and tfricitctly tt riv. t ble pricee; new inttsUstion epeclaltyf tra msnahip gasMaso. Phose Sllli! iai RuawU at MEBKO METAL wOBEB. C ' r ppi.i e -Ta tvi fWlTr- KE-DAV18 CO., 186 4lh t. 1 TinraiS8TW8T86.s' rent t wUatl4Lla!l trTtBIAAtlBBiutiBa WnLW " 8T'6GATIiERqiol fj. ' , KatT Bank bldg. Bdwy. 2018. ' . WintlntF'. W.BALTEB. CO., 1st " - ". nd Oak. Main 166. 611-65. 317 Wtahlngton. Broadway 434, A-138. ROOF RBPAIRINR WsfTAlNtTnd repair" new and olcHSSfa 8. at B, roof painter. Mala 6470. 802 14th tt Will paint ny color. . - ' TKAMB-BS) AtJO OTOrlARB Oregon Transfer Co. Eetebllsneel 1870 rwfer and Forwarding A rente ' ' - ' STORAGE Fll EE TIUCKAGl - Ofdre end Storage, 474 tl.iaaa . 18 end tsltsan. Btoedw.y 1281. A-118B. ' ; aWaTiPlKTftB-BESlUOUriEllOTli . GOODS SrFIAiiaT ttorag. packing ship ping aad moving; boti pd tuio vsus; aiacwl "tt O. PfCTBmrEB" BTORAGE CO. 96 and Pin Bta. Broadway , tut. . A-H.98. Storage and ..Transfer, Clay S.Morce, -Inc. '. tITH AND t-.LISAN. BBOADWAY 8470. CUT FREIGHT BATES Oa " tumsebold gooda .shipped test and aoaeh. IUanWarr5if A Tmnafet Ce. lb aaej Uuri, fboa Broad- 708, J.,