.FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1920. THE OREGON tiAILY : JOURNAL, PORTLAND, OREGON 11 TOWN TOPICS Traa)ara to all pnintt of the United States 01 abroad ahpuM 1alo wtnntm of eiparttiKwd In formation and aerates offered thronsh Tha O ra ti 1 Jouml Travel Knmu, In twreooal eharn of Horary H. Mnlth. Railroad tb-keta and ateam hip bookfaga arranged. Foreign nchuia la tuad, lnformaUoa si 'an regarding paasporta. Trans TmHrml. Vancouver. Waab.. September IB-IS. Sons nt Kinnan, grand taiga, Portland, Sep tember 21. Wanhtnttoa SUU (air. Yakima, September 20 to 2S. Pacific Coaat Caa Men contention, Portland. Septemh, 31 to 24. I'endleton Hound -lTf. September ZS to 29. uhlnWn male W. C. T. U.. Vancoer, September US to SO. i ' atate contention. Oro" VV. C T. U, White TeBiMe. Portland, September 29 to October 1. Oregon State fair, aaku, Sop! n tier 2" to lAaao rUte fair. Roiw. rVp ""ber 2T to Octnber 2. Northont lr and Harbor contention, Port land. Ortolber1 4 and a. Multnomah fount fair, Greanam, Octotwr 4 to 0. . I'acifle International Uato;t eatoclatton. Portland. Nnnmbft 13 to 20. Oregon Idaho Farmers' Kduratlanal Union of Arurrka, Tha lalle. Deramber 2 to 4. WKATHKH Fir RECAST Portland and Vieirrlt Saturday raia; south, rrlr wliuLt. Oregon and ' w athiagtnn Rata weet portion, fair eat portion; Hatnrdaj rata weat portion, l-ri.bahly rain eaat portion; mod rata aouthcrlj WKATHKR t'OXDITIOXA Low praam preralta off tha Atlantic and "" coaau. and ortr moat of tin Northweet. tha pnnrlpal depression being apparently central off ancmer Mand. A great high pre.au re area ra. hea from tha aoutharn Pacific alopa to the St. Iawrrnca veaUeT. tn highest reading! being in lUinoia. Preripttatioa haa aceurred In Brlil b I olnmbia. Northwestern Washington, Southern Netada, Louisiana and Uaaeac huaetta. The weather ta much warmer oter a belt rearhln from Northern California eastward to Nebraska and South Dakota, and hi much cooler oter a trip oi country extending from Oklahoma to tha lower lake region. freezing temperature ta repnrtetd from southern AHSerta. Itelatlte humlditt at Portland: N oon Tea terday, 74 per cent; ft p. m. yeaterday, 48 r cent: a a. m. today. W4 per rent. Precipitation elnre January 1: Total. 21.18 Inches; normal, 2".7 Inches; deficiency. .1.41 I m Ilea. . . KDWARIVL. WKLL3. OBSKH V ATIONS Train. g jO IS 11 n n . M R b" S 7 3 O 72 ft4 .01 . 72 4H . 70 82 74 o r.H 0 . m it h Ra 0 oh oh o 9J 71 O M M n . I R4 I . . . O Kit I ,tl O R4 I . . . . SO I A'J 0 80 : nj n 7 I 44 o HH I 4tl II . 72 I ftu (I . HO I 40 0 7 a 1 r.-j o I 70 .s . 74 I 30 0 . 42 . . . . 0 02 s 0 ns o HI Rfl II . S 72 0 7H R'J O HH I HI O . 7M 1 ii.'i n AO 40 0 ! I SO II s' 1 no o . 94 I 2 0 MO 114 7 1 I Rrt O Nil 8J O . 74 I 111 0 . 72 I Ml O 7i I M o . IIJ I 4-' "I . AO . . . . O . 78 r.2 I 0 .72 54 ! ' RO ..... . 112 60 I 1 .78 56 .1 .. 4 .in 04 M .44 I Ml 0 Sl I U'J o . HI I O MM I 44 0 HA 154 0 .1 Ml I 4l I O STATION 8 haker. Or. loie, M ho Roatnn. alaa . Itnffaln, X. y t'algary. Aibcrla , . . . I'liiragu, IH fienrrr, Colo Ia Moinra, Iowa Kureka. Cal 1'rr.no, Cal .alei.ion. Texas Mi lent. Mont Honolulu. T. II Huron. 11. I Jiinaaii, Alaska . . . . Kan.ian I'ity, Mo. . . . I .mb Angela, t'al. . . . MarMifield. Or Medford, Or. Mrmplita, Tnn MU'iula, Mont MoHrnt. t'tali New Orleans, I .a. New York. N. Y. Nome. Alaka North Heart. V'uh. . North 1'leU. Nch Ulmme l it). Okla. Ph'ienlx, ArU I'fttjiburK, I'a Po-allo. Idaho . . . . Portland. Or Prime u:wTt, B. :. lEowhiirc, Or lto-w,.ll. N. M . . . . Mat rmnentii, Cal. . . . Nt. l.oiii, Mo Mt 1'jul. Minn Halt lke Citr. Ctah Kan I Men.., Cal. San Fran Iwn. Cal. shuttle, H Mhrridan. tt.. Mltka. AU'ka ( Hikane. Wa.'h Tirnma. ajh I'ananj., Alanka .... Tatoorh loliuil. Wash. Tonnpali, Net Vahlra. ALka' anotirr. I M'lona. It. C T.IL W alla. W ah . aolnngton. l. C . . wniwton. X. It Wmiicmnrra, Net . . . Yakima. Wall Aflernouu rciort of preceding day. Veterans to Huve Itennlon Vcterana of troop A. OroRon cavalry, that aevernl on the Mexican border, are to have a reunion Saturday evening at 6:30 at lieiiann hotel. Dinner will be served und the battle of Mexirali and Calexlco w III b fouKht over. The committee of arrangement is Wilbur Plendcr, James l' Coakc, Al Stone, and W. C. Kava- V. 1 I ,HAa.vnA 1 l kit. I . . lant general of thai state, who 00m- inandetl the troop during Its activities iii.d Inactivities on the border, has promised to be prrsenl. Wee (suddenly on Train At. H. Jor ilnn. Iff, nmunlo nalrnman of Pocatello, Idaho, died auddenly of heart failure on the train near Portland Thursday aftw- noon. Mr. and Mrs. Jordan were mov ing to a Ipwer altltudo for the benefit hi ft health. They expei'trd to live In Vortland or Corvallls. Or. Jordan's mother lives In CorvalllM. Mrs. Jordan waa with her hunhand when he collapsed on the train. His body was taken to the city morgue. No funeral arrange ments have been made. Trails C'lnb to Hike The Trails club will take the North Bank train at 7 :20 a. m. Sunday for Itocky Pdint. nd from there will hike back Into the, hills. Re turn to Portland from the name potnt will be made by 3:64 p. m. train. This trip will include part of the old Indian Ixigle trail and commands a vi-w of the Tualatin, Willamette and Columbia river valleys. V. P. Wells la tho leader. Vapor Looks Like Ernptlon A few early rlaera on the east side Friday morning saw a peculiar cloud hanging about the peak of Mont Hood, which re nembled a smoke cloud. Some had .thoughts of an eruption. Those ac quainted with tKe mountain say that a apor often rises from the crater and lias the appearance of smoke when seen i rom a diBtance. Hraneh Office Opeited Here The Automatic Klectrlc Brake company of Kosiehurg wfll open a branch office in Portland at East Seventh and Hancock streets. William Hiney. secretary, has notified the Portland Chamber of Com merco. Negotiatlong for purchase "of tools and machinery at this location are now under way. Bolllag Beef, lamb stew, 10 cents lound. Steer beef roast, tender steaks, 15 cents pound. Bacon strips, lb. 20c Ureen Valley Magnolia butter, 63 cents pound. 11.30 roll. Strictly fresh ranch eggs, dozen, 62 cents. Pacific Market, Fourth and Yamhill. Adv. Gordon Speaks at Tech Clsb S. D. Uordon. the well known author who Is speaking at the Helllg each noon, spoke l-rlday morning before the chapel of the Oregon institute of Technology. Gordon us for nine years atate secretary of Ohio for the Y. M. C. A. Swimming Outings to CloseThe series of swimming outings held by Maxamas this summer will terminate Sunday with a visit to Pudding Tlver, SO miles south of Portland, where there Is a famous ............ .B iiuic. in main oartv. Id Tvr 12. F. Peterson, win leave Saturday at 4:35 p. m. from Union station, going to 1 1. aiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasassasaaaasspasspssaaasssssssssaasaaassasssaawassa I -- LIMP IN-LEAP OUT MVi CARft-OW , , pa- REMOVtO WMILt 5fle vou waiT fCoftSL, 887,EAST BKOADWAT AT WILLIAMS AVE. Baricrw, nd thence hiking three miles to the river. The hikers will camp for the night and on Sunday visit the hop yards. In the afternoon, there wlU be fames and swimming contests. Another crowd will leave at ( a. m. Sunday. The entire party will return to Portland Sun day evening, leaving Barlow about 6 o'clock. Stone of New York city heads the junior class at Reed college. Stone, who has been prominent In Reed ath letic and social circles during his resi dence on the collejce campus, was chosen to succeed James Hamilton, who piloted the class through a successful year as sophomore. Both men are members of House 11. Blixabeth Gore of Med ford waa l1 mri vira nroalrlnai fivbil Ltln- dell, secretary-treasurer, and Harold Robinson, sergeant at arms. t-ecu Kelly of Parkdale. Or., was chosen for the men's athletic council, and Madeline Steffen of Portland will repreaent the women's athletic interests. A "prom" committee, composed of Elisabeth Gore, Alvin Pearson and Maurice Howard, will begin activities in anticipation of a successful Junior week-end. Railroad President Ttalts City J. A. Kdson of Kansas City, president of the Kansas City Southern railroad, arrived here Thursday and spent the day eight seeing as guest of K. O. Hunt of the Portland Railway. Light and Power company. He was accompanied by Mrs. Kdson and C. C. Connors of J"18 Texas. The party Is touring the Pa cific coast In a special car and Iet u night for Seattle and British Columbia polota. Fire at Creamery Fire broke out on the second floor of the Corvallra cream ery at 43' Front street, at 6:30 o'clock Friday morning, causing damage esti mated by the fire marshals office at about' $76. The blaze was extinguished by engine 21. It originated from a belt which had been burned by friction and which set fire to the floor. The belt was part of the equipment of the ice ma chine. ss for Disabled Yets Friday evening at 8 o'clock the disabled veterans of Portland will be furnished with a treat In room 575, Courthouse. There will be music, boxing and luncheon. This is Just a start, as the club is making plans for all sorts of entertainment this fall and winter. Anyone in training under the federal board Is welcome. Temple to nave Services Sabbath services will be held at Temple Beth i ur.i VHriav nlrht at 8 o'clock and Saturday at 10:30 a. m. Free religious school Sunday at 10 a. ni. Atonement day STvices Tuesday night at 8 and Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock. ltek Hand's Leg Injared T. N. Brown, 18. a deck hand on the steamer HasKalo. suffered Injuries to his right lee while working Thursday afternoon, lie was" taken to St. lncents hospital. His injuries are not serious, according to the hospital report. Ilood ItlTer stage leaves St. Charles hotel dally at 8:15 a. m . 10:30 a. m. and 4 p. m. Leaves Hood River for Portland at 8:30 a. m.. 11 a. m. and 2:45 p. m. For further Information phone Shepard's Auto Bus Lines, Inc.. Marshall 4381. Adv. "alem.MIII City Rtags Line Connects O. K. train No. 5 Salem, arrive Mill City 1 r m. Also connjets O. li train No. 9 Palem. arrive Mill City 7 p. m. Joseph Hamman, proprietor. Salem. Phone 41. Adv. Salem-MIll City Stage Line Connects 0. K. train No. 5 Salem, arrive Mill City 1 p. m. Also connects O. E. train No. 9 Salem, arrive Mill City p. m. Joseph Hamman, proprietor, Salem. Phone 44. Adv. Bankrnptey Petition Filed Petition in l'unkruptcy was filed Thursday In fed i tRl court by A. R. Cumins of Boards man. a garage operator. His assets are given as S52.50 and liabilities $2117.50. Portland-ewberg Banes leave Fourth and Alder daily. 8:30, 9:30, 11 a. m.. and 1. 2:30. 415, ! :30, :30 p. m. : Saturday and Sunday, 11 p. rjn. Phone Main 3311. Adv. Portiaerl'Tfewberg Besses leave Fourth and Alder dally. .30. 9:30, 11 a. m., and 1. 2 :30. 4 :15. 6 :30. :30 p. m. : Saturday anr Sunday, 11 p. m. Phone M airy, 1314 Adv Pon't Be Satlaflod with Just "false) teeth." Get artlfrcfal dentures of the better kind made by the specialist. Dr Itossman, 307 Journal building. Adv. Steamer I raids for St. Helens snd Rainier, dally at 2 :30 p. m.. foot of Alder street. " Sundays. St. Helena only. 1:39 p. m. Adv. Nteamer IraWla for St Helens and Rainier, dally at 2 :30 p. m.. foot of Alder street. Sundays. St. Helens only, 1 .10 p. m. Adv. SlrCargar, Bate A Llrely Fire, life casualty and automobile Insurance, Yeon building. Telephone Main 168. Adv. The Moore Sanitarium A few w. eks work wonders. Office, Selling bldg. Ad. L. M. Ilavis. dentist, Mohawk bldg ; good work ; no catchy, false promises. Adv. Pr. R. M. Hood, Kyeslgbt Specialist, Morgan building. Adv. Thief Opens Barber Shop Safe; $41 Gfcne D. BUtch of the Corbett building bar ber shop reported to the police that Wednesday night his safe was opened and $41.85 removed. Inspector Powell reported that entry had" been gained by opening the front door. The police say that the safe was opened by someone familiar with the combination. Card of Thanks To the kind friends and neighbors and Friendship-chapter. O. E. S., who so thoughfully expressed their eympathy at the loss of our dear wife and mother, we wieh to express our deepest prati tude. J. x. Kunkel and family. SHEET MUSIC SALE SATURDAY Come with the crowds to "Oar SI a steal ioor.H the Jth, and buy 4 LATE POPULAR SONGS FOR $i.00 in "Maai tin I- MaritOkV flavor bay imported Pompeian , Olive Oil Revision of Fire Ordinance Approved By Special Board The soeciai bulldinr orw4 miiu. mttlee of the Chamber of Commerce has approved the revisions provided in the ordinance by Fire Marshal Grenfell and Building Inspector H. E. Plummer for Inclosing of all stairways, elevators and light shafts in hotels and rooming houses of the city. The provisions are designed to give protection from d lusters like) the Elton Court fire, when four lives were lost and a number were injured. Announcement of the committee's action was made in a letter received bT Mavnr t...- day afternoon and read to the council. i he letter said the committee, composed of builders, architects, bualneaa men and bankers, considered the maaanr nni. cal, and that it would not Impose great narasnip, aiuiougn at the same time giv ing the added protection for life so ur gently needed. The chamber committee wan composed of George C. Mason, build er : H. A. Whitney, architect; Roy T. Bishop, manufacturer; John F. Daly. banker, and Jesse A. Curry, structural engineer. Acting, Fire Chief Gets High Mark In Examination Acting Chief John E. Young of the Portland fire department passed high est in the civil service examination re cently held for fire chief, according to an announcement made by the civil Service board Thursday afternoon. Young secured 84.44 per cent; Batta lion Chief Lee G. Uolden, 80.55 per cent, and Battalion Chief Edward Grenfell, Doable Creen and Red Trading Stamps Saturday and Monday MARKELL'S COME SEE THE New Fall Coats FOR WOMEN, MISSES AND GIRLS We are showing them in the newest Fall models, made of the favorite materials for the coming Fall season. Very moderately priced. Now is a good time, to save. Our Saturday and Monday sales are always of the worth-while kind. Silk FORTY-INCH SATIN CHARMEUSE, a very rich, heavy quality, in black, brown and navy. Regular $5.50 quality, special $4.00 a yard. TAFFETAS AND SATINS, 36 inches wide, in the popular shades for Fall wear. $3.00 val. for $1.95. PONGEE WaAISTS Women's Silk Pongee Waists, made in two styles. Sell regularly at $6, sp'l $4.95. YARNS SPECIALLY PRICED Four-fold German town Zephyr, tfcat very popular yarn for sweaters, scarfs, caps and slippers, in almost every shade made. Special 41c a ball. WOMEN'S HOSE SPECIAL 95c A splendid qual ity of Women's Silk and Fiber Hose, in black and 'white, sizes 82 to 10. $1.25 quality for 95c BEACON SHOES Beacon Shoes are honest shoes in every way; the soles are the best and will stand the test, the uppers are of gunmetal calf and of fine vici kid made on every last, union made. $8.00 to $13.50. MEN'S WORI PANTS Sweet-Orr pants; come in cotton to pure wool, made very strong, cut full, but-, tons on to stay; they will not rip; union made. $4.50 to $9.00. "Broadway Service" The popularity of "Broadway Serv ice" is evidenced by the steady, rapid growth in deposits. A record never equaled by any other bank in this city. Daaaaru. Nawsmbar 17 Deposits, Deeesstor SI . . . Deposits, Febrwarr 28. Deposit May 4 . . . Deposits, June 30 . . $720,346.06 Deposits, Sept. 8 . . $829,233.95 Optm All Dar Sarardav ratll S T. M. . i BANK I nwf 1 Commercial and Savings ; v!r1 hA Broadway at Stark ' M&ll f ' 11 ,sai ft wSlc: ii.,iii..,C- ... Tj.il 7S.SC per cent. Only , four men in the department were eligible to the exami nation, the above named three, and Bat talion Chief Mike Laudenkloa, The lat ter did not cart to take the examina tion. . - ' i Commissioner Blgelow has the power to appoint tbe new chief of the depart-! ment from the list of three and ia not necessarily limited to appoint the man passing highest. References and expe rience formed the- examination . bases. Appointment la expected Friday. Young is said to be a strong contender for the place, Sleight-of-Hand Performer Tops Bill at the 'Hip' A bagful of sleight-of-hand tricks and optical illusion presented with breath taking rapidity marks the headllner on the new week-end bill at LoeWs Hippo drome. The act Is billed as "Great Her mann & Co." Christopher and Walton in "A Close Shave" present the trials and tribula tions of a barber who is being put out of business through the competition of a "lady barber" next door. The last fea tures some clever character acung ana original humor. Sam K. Nainoa says he is a "full blooded, 100 per cent Hawaiian and therefore 100 per cent American." Any how, he is a wizard on the ukulele and gets real music out of an Instrument that la generally considered a pest. The audience liked him so well that it in sisted on his playing an encore. McMahon and Adalalde have a unique bag punching and dancing act. The Dewey Trio three active, noisy darkles do some clever dancing and singing. Edith Roberts in "The Adorable Sav age" is the Tim feature. New Fall Butterick Fashions Special SJT4.STS.S1 Itl,8t $517,254.07 $668,288.16 1 Pay Minimum Salary United Brethren Will Of $1200 toy Pastors The . minimum salary any United Brethren pastor In Oregon ta to be paid the coming year is $1200 -and parsonage, according to a decision reached Thurs LCKAWANNA TWINS is not merely good under j wear. It is the standardized underwear for children. It is dependable not only for fit or for wear or for com fort but is absolutely and uniformly superior always in " all the detaMs of better underwear. Behind every Lackawanna Twins Undergarment is the fixed and unswerving policy of a great manufacturing institution which produces no garment not fully quali fied in all respects to be shown as a "sample" garment. "Are Those Snow Flakes?' "I thought so they look so crisp and dainty!" Snow Flakes with their fresh from the oven flavor their dash of salt always delicious! Order them by name from your grocer. Don't ask for crackers -say SNOW FLAKES day at the annuaf conference of the de nomlnatfon at the First United Brethren church. Eat Fifteenth and Kaat Mor rison streets. The report of Superintendent 0. E. Mc Donald showed the conference finances in good shape. A fund of nearly $7000 has been trullt up for church extension and $1100 as a preacher's fund. Dr. Mc Donald was reelected district superin tendent and E. O, Shepherd recording avnd statistical secretary. Bishop W. D. Nviv the Laciaivanna Twins jumwiff, WOOLEY, WILL WAKE, anJ FITS-Ui LOTTA COMFORT has htcn found, OLD MAN SATISFACTION tot. LACKAWANNA TWINS TftAM MAJtK MtC. llJL PAT. Ot Underwear fir Btys end Grit from BIRTH TO SIXTEEN Most shops carry Lackawanna Twins Underwear in various styles and in qualities to suit every requirement of service and price. Waahlnger la presiding. He will preach 8unday morning. Friday night an evan gelistic address will be given by the Rev. O. K. Harunan and Saturday night by the Rev. J. D. Nise wonder. . v L. C Miller, general church treasurer of Dayton. Ohio : the Rev. K. B. Ward, returned missionary from China, - and Miss Leila Luckey. returned missionary from Mexico, are addressing various ses sions each day. The conference closes next Monday. -' . i SOUBWOU r.C.fcITODUCTS GiacerWafcra Braach Saba Plakaa Tiffin Biscast Zwcibadv - Chocolsf Eclairs , -Cocoaout Waitrs -ChMse Saochrica Animals , a Mrahaariow Saadwi-. Butur Ibis r UNION DENTISTS I5C. PLATES $10 WE GUABA5TEE OUB tVORK Fercslaln frowst Porcslala Hilars M-K Gold Crowns K-K Gold Urldjrt xtractiiv You cin )iave an examination of your teeth free of any charge or obtl jatlon by calling at our office. 231 K Morriaon. Corner Saeei Entire Cornar. W LOOK FOR THE BIG' UNION SIGN Don't Be Misled , The firm now occupying our 14 , location Is In no way connect with us. Don't Be Confused We Hav Moved Acro$$ the Street i lq the storeroom formerly occupied by the Sosthsra Paciritf Ky. Co. TICKET orricK ' ' Between Washington and Alder Sts., on Fourth o. infji Vl USED CARS! Advertised by .thia com pany at special prices Sun day we will continue to of fer until all cars are sold. See them as soon as pos sible. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY WashlBrton St. at tUU Msla 8114.' Ha Sa1 aaaa. Ijl aT WS a! aa A JO lllirh ararla Woolsn 8tork of hlanksts. direct from Taclfio Coast mill rets I led at mm pricea fli WASHIKQTOIT BT. TBE BLANKET SHOP. SUMMER RUSOtlTS Everyone Goes to - TzgIcdoocI - V VcoOTtcnoNDDf ttssvmx? The. best of every- thing to eat, pre-? pared in the way vou like best. The Hazel wood will wel come you in Port land. 388 Washington 127 Broadway v The Dalles Garage Co;, Inc TUB BALLKaV ORISM., .' DlttrlaHrtera Moter Cm and TNttl. - ,4 Madam nraonof Oarae. n black frosa Ratal DaUas. Wl ara karavto am taa taaa f asla taoriata It will ba.our ptosaara to faralak raal aarftoe "Strrloe that Strraa" , i raaaaa atsM 471. Ta aMas. esaeaa.V. CROWN POINT CHALET y 100 fesf . jbnra (he ' CotnaaWa rlfat. Thtt TaaUsa point aMNaaaanda a tWw of ha Haf lot S antlaa. - tYoai lu -arlda veranda ess ba aaaa Table Moantaiaj Ins fi,ok, Cap Horn. Bilrar tar aaa Moaaut Boek. at thair fstt the broad aapanaa) f thai Om)aat9 rlKT arMMtfi Its aratvta. ' Crewa Point Chalat baa a ktaat of basptTantr thai wis s4 boMa tha lnrodrtup f ara riiaat. sad tha ehiekaa alnncrt am Bniirpaaa4. , Make Masradona bjr eaUisa Mra. iitartiana. , loai ejaUitea. Hiwai'trtt. ' cnanticieer inn - ) OH COtUMBIA HIVES HIOHWAT t A superb view of the Columbia River Oorre "d wt Uaool Is well wonb witt ing across tha continent to we, , Milk, Jrra, veceuoies, vnicsena ana Flowars. all ralsaxt on aar own ranch. Prions or write Owner ana Manager MRS. MAUX A. 0aA, terbett. Qu $5.H il.OO 15.00 I Vaaalawtacl aliama; DM anoat laattiM w af aaaa and arasBsa f raflnad Usiaa taad I lor IUnatnattad Booklet I fl una. , w. , Htoaifie 1 g SVaas eiinaw Waan. - rawi TaVYl. :