I M THE -OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY . MORNING, SEPTEMBER 12, 1920. r . -- ---v ' ' - , REAL ESTATH 10 R HALE VARMi" C.A N AntajiWaTMWtrTI Sfr iar 1 V inn. s, TOCB LAST OPPORTUNITY In Central Alberta and aaskatcbewan ir rlrB park lands, April prairie; reedy for tb plow, tnsriprd with tree,. wbWh a (ford excellent iMtn for stock. Here grain fmwini, dairying and livestock rate Inf are being carried cm tnoeeerfullv The coun try It ideal lor mixed farming. The Canadian reelfia rsllwsy la offering larg are of the fertile lands la Llordrniniter ml Battieford dis tricts. Tula fartila land will baeom. the bom f Ihirotanda ot prosperous f srmers. On similar land . Stager Wbeeler grow th woruld's prix wheat Nar Lkrydmlnstar tlx world s prig oata hart been grown. and batter nf tha highest anility ts made. A man can Kwn beeoois independent on a farm in this district Thea landa can ba bought Bow at prtnaa n" Mini about 118 par ar. Yon pay down 10 per cent If land I purchased under settle ment eondtttons, no farther payment of prlnrl pal until tha and of tha fourth year; than -14 annual paymenta. Interest U A per cant Alio thousands of una of irrigated land In South ern Alberta at SO par acre on which tha com pany will loan 1201X1 for improvementa to ap proved purchasers, with 20 year to pay fur land and loan. Harvesting la fn full twin. Now U the time to make a trip to e the production nf tha country. personally conducted landseak ers' ' excursion lesvss Portland for Cslgsry, Al berta, on Saturday, September 18 Reduced railway rets. Koe further particular, aea Co nadian Pacific Ry. Co., 208 Hallway Exchange bldg , I P. Thorntin, district reprewntatlro. 32 ACRES STOCK AND TOOLS A real home, tha finest of anil, all In cult but 2 acres that in In fina (rove of timber for wood, food 7-room hotiaa with (trap lace, 2 good barna, hog hotm, hen hons. granary, wood house, t acre fruit all kinds, 1 acre straw berries, 8 seres spuds, aona corn, acr cab bage, 2 fina rprlngi water; place on 2 food graretrd road; good clover, potato or grain land; 2 good com, 8 big hog. 60 hen,, all new tools aurh as mower, binder, rake, drill, disc roller, riding and walking plowa. cult., 3 hsr- rows, fanning mill, good wiirfn, hay baler, hay, rata, wbeat for feed and aeed; phon to doom; dally mail, cream route; cloaa to good school. , Tula ia 2 mllea of Oregon City on fina road all graveled ; a dandy view from tha place. Yon cannot beat thia for a home; everything all ready to movs right In to and all atuff aa good aa new. Thia is a real home; no better toil any place. Price 810.000: H cash, hal. at 6?.. K. P. ' ELLIOTT BON, 7th and Main ata., Oregon City, Or. 20 Acres Partially Improved Only $4d) Per Acre 3 room cheap house. 8 acrea cleared; apriac right at tie door; every foot lies well Had fina soil; only cnata a few dollars per acre to clear; 7 miles frmm (Jaiiton. I2A0 cash, good terra, on balance. A A. W. Estes 80S Chamber of Commerce. Auto. 514-68. STOCKED AND KQCIPPED 90 arrm, 1 3 ncrm in otUtlvatiovl, 80 ' acres easily cleared, balance good caw Um ber; sawmill mile. This U til good land; orchard, bernea. potatoea. carrot, beets, enuajth, pantnlpa, ato: 6 room house, barn; o tone of hay In barn; plenty of water; 'i hiirnrs, 2 cows, 2 brood sows, 2 d'nen chickens. 2 goe.u, wagon, hack, plows, mower, rake, harrow, etc., small tool. Hi tinted In the Corvalll, and Philo math district. Price for all 13000; 8-00 canli. helance mortsagrj at 0 per cent. You oanno beat thie for real value. K. M. 0ATEW00D, lSH 4th St, 120 ACRES 88000 TE111IS 80 acrrs under ctiltivaUon, balance open paa tnre and timber. Thrro Is enough timber on the place to pay for the clearing of the land. Good 6 room house, largo barn aud all necaeaary iitbulldiiir. Plenty of water. Good fencea, famUy orchard. Located 1 mil from Monroe. Or . on good gnavelod voad. 4 mile from tha 1'ioifie hiabwajr. Thia is the beat buy ia Uie neig hhorhood. It us show you. WIMiAJfETTB V ALLEY LAND CO.. 203 Vint National Bank Bldg., Albany. Or. 50 ACRES In the best farming district In Oregon. AH good toil; lies level; 46 acres in cultivation; timber fur family use; 2 acr trawbertlet. familjr or chard, a room boaea, good barn, on good road: 8 horsea. 2 cows. 2 calvea. brood Bow. ft pig. 6 aboaU. 200 btl. oats. 50 bu. wheat. 20 tons hay. good nischlnery, cream separator. Price 813, 000; 85000 cash, balance per cent interest H. O. nil.LMAN. 214 7th St., nesfc 8. P. Depot. Oregon City, Or. 200 ACRE FARM 2 '4 miles from Oregon City on main road. 85 acres under plow, 50 acrea mora emilv put In shape for plow. (iood buildings and water nytem. Trine $130 per acre. Will consider house or email Improved acreage In or near Balem or Albany up to l.'OOO. A. KEOITLE, 9th and Main Oregon City, Or. 18 ACRES Well Improved. 2 mile from Orecos Ottv. Prat $3500. 67 ACRES Well Improved; stock, Implements and crop; 4 H miles from Oregon City. Price 89300, W. SCHOOLET. 812 Main Btree-t. Oregon City. Or. 20 ACRES. 2-8 In cultivation, fina run ning stream. Soma fir timber, good wail, family orchard, good 5 room house, bara and chicken hoiue; electna ligh, gaa, city water at the gate: only 10 minute from electrio station, 13 milea from Port land, 8000O. IleegarnV C0E A UcKKNVA A CO.. 82 fourth St. JtJlT OCT OF A LB AN? ' rfO acrea all under cultivation, S acrea of locanberriea, prunes, apples, pear, god plums. Improved with nioa 5 room house, good barn and all neoeeeary outbuildings. Wall at the none and barn. Thia place Is fully storked and quipped. Pries for everything 8S800. You hould sew thia to appreciate it WILIjAMKTTK VALLEY LAND CO . 208 Firat National Hank Bldg. ' ALBANY. OR. 20 ACRES, $100 CASH Nlrw creek and spring; some bottom land; very little wast; fine soil; some very easy cleared; Quite a bit of fir and cedur tim ber; 7 miles from Gaston. Price $20 per acre;' terms. A. W. Estes 905 Chamber of Commerce. Auto. 614-83. 36 Acres$ 1H mllet from ewbsrt; fins 6 room bungalow, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, hot nd cold watsr,' hath; good barn; 27 acres in cultivation: 4 acres in prunes, crop worth 81000 on the trees now; some farm tools; eloe to electric line: road paved from Portland; $7000 cash, long time on balance. M0KRW A BUNDY. fll S Chamber of Commerce bldg. 4i ACRES. EQUIPPED; $60015 40 aches, with about 22 under plow, 10 aeres slashed snd easy to clear, abmit 000 cords nf woo.1. rood R-room house, with running spring water, barn, chicken house, etc All farm tools, ioboT-$5oooWc Mton- crw etc- 1ric V. Ij. kddt. KiTTT.-R. LOWR A CO.. 201-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. K A Rj( 2f0 ,ct, joj ie) )aBd. s miWt of Pandy, with H milt frontaite to Mt. Hood loop; 0 acrrs m cnltlvation. 100 acres, pastor. 4 0 acre, small timber: all fenced and eroea-fenced ; goral btg bam. fair hmi. granary, pighouse. good young orchard, running watsr; sickness is Hie ciuae of selling at this prtoa. 172. SO per acre: 4 cash. (George Beers. Sandy. Or. Fiut BAI. i . k , iry. truea, irutt and herry ranch in vmiam t . . . i and atocked; crop tad tools; morsln; nothing to SI1!-; Ta,r roaml: Tr hot or cold; inn 1 an"tto..T,J, ,U holler; bully fishing and hunting. Might eoneider trade for amall ,u"" Pl. near high school. ADDRESS OWNER, CHAS. P EMBER, ' ADA. OIC 60 ACRES r?f; t,n nLw".h "nil from Oregoi City. $10,000: $5000 .h. balance 67 Tth Bt near 8 P. r,t. Qr. Citj. Orerca, 80 .r AP'4LFA " RANCH ew cIXJSm? cr,?i new bungalow, wtber outbuudinga. all crora. good team, oowa water right paid. Price $7500. Terms. BOBBINS CO 801 Hallway Eachange, Main 79gl AM GOING BACK TO OLD COrWTRT i i "'I "Z.J1"9, farm nr Portland. Wei. rich wl, with all stock, implenTenrX tractor, everything just as sUndv 8115 per arrT addn. J. H. K. room 4t, faArA eT VradT 5TACR EiS - n-1L?? f?IUJlHon: J mod town: fan. Or orchard, house, barn. 4 horsea, 1 eow l beifer. all chickens all wagons and farm mm abinary. Ownsr, 732 Fatten road, stain 8380 nr. At, ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS 17 LINT COUNTY SfTEKP OB STOCK FAKal NO. IT 1BT seres ef good land. 10 under olow. 60 slashed and sseded, baL light timber and paste ra; spring" water piped to good 6 rooea hoaaw; fair barn, granary, nog house. Located 4 miles to town, gravsi road, R. t. D., cream, goilk and phone rout. 820 under talus at $55 par sera, half cash. Stock and equipment at market. Thai is a snap. KQUIPafENT AND STOCK No. 15 40 acre farm 6 Vi miles from town, good rraval road; school at oorner; good loam -soli and rood farm buUdiags; 2 horses. 1 eow. ft ah oats. 125 ehickana, eracuo, buggy, mower, raks, plow, dw, cream separator. Incubator, gas sngins, wood taw, una -aoaat wiia pui leys, complete sat Biaakamitll tnnla. telephone, bay to run. Van hm t only 33000, ball cash. This la a great bay. I hare number of good 40 and 80 sera bar gains. Corns and aes for yourself. JO". O. r.iBSON. "THE LAND MAN" OFTICK AT nOTEL LEBANON, LEBANON .OR. LINCOLN COUNTY STOCK FARM 404 aorea. with 43 acrea la cultivation. 25 acre of rich bottom land, about 2,000.000 ft. of fir timber, creek, springs and good welL tvOOd 8 room house, barn 9itl, Xmrrnm iMihin. cry shed, sheep and goat shed,.' and all other outouiiuings. in first class condition. Family orchard and ohicksna, 3 homes, 4 milch oowa, 73 ewes. 25 goats, 1 brood sow. calf. All farm machinery, nearly new. Everything complete, ready to wort. Pries 120,200, $12,000 cash. Just mils to town and railroad. Good road. rlALTO P8 782 Ch&mbr of Commfiti, 20 Acres, $100 Cash Balance monthly paymsnM and only 120 per acre; all fins soil, but torn too rough to plow: nice creek of fine water and several springs; some creek bottom land; finr for onions and celery; enough fir and cedar timber to pay for land; located 7 milea from Gaston. This is a real snap. 11 you want a home, see us todsy. A. W. Estes 90S Chamber of Commerce. Auto. 814-83. 20 ACRES Chickens 5 seres in cultivation, some fir and cedar timber; creek; 80 bearing fruit trees; 1 acrea of bernea; 0 room house, barn 26x36, milk house, 2 large chicken houses. 800 chickens cow, beifer. 7 pigs. 3 tons hay, tools; 1 acre of potatoes and kale, garden. A barcain at $3500 half cash. A. C. nOWLAND. Eighth and Main St. Oregon City, Or. 29 ACRES WASHINGTON COUNTY This tract H all under high state of culti vation, good black loam toll, just 14 miles out on GermantowD road, which ia graveled- on milk and mail route 4 room house, good large bam, chicken house, family orchard. Personal: 1 team, 4 oowa, 2 calves, chickens, mower, rake, harrow, dlvs, plow, cultivators, ste. 14 toni of hay, som oata and wheat. Price $6500, $3300 cash, bai. 0 per oent. Albert HaraXa, 71)3 Mississippi are. Woodlavm 1201. i5 ACRES, 10 acrea cultivated. 2 acres slashed. 6 acrea easily cleared, balance timber; 3 room houae, barn and other buildings; water piped to barn. Variety of fruit, phone and K F. D. at door. Also 2 good brood and work mares, 2 sate harness, wagon, buggy, hack, mower, rake, feed cotter, 3 good cows, cream separator, plow, harrow and cultivator. 1100 worth of rich wood, bay in barn and other crops. A fine plaon; good out range; market road building. Price, placs only 81600. or all for 12200. Terms, or exchange for small place suitable for poultry farm. J. A. Pioppar. Yamhill, Or., It. No. 1, Box 99. 53 ACMES 21 in cultivation, family orchard, small housa and barn, team, 2 eow, 1 heifer, bugey, new drill, plow, harrow, 1 brood sow, 3 ahoabi, hamena, 2 wagons. 2 cultivators, disc, 200 bu. wheat, 10 tons of hay, 1 Vi sera potatoes, 11 2 3 cords of 13 Inch stove wood. 15500. A. J. BOCKIIOLD with A. C. UOWLAND. Bth and Main at-. Oregon City. Oregon. 88 ACRES 211 under cultivation, balance past ore and timber. Good 8 -room house, bara 40x50, 2 chicken house, orchard, well at house, creek on place, grain and hay, 1 good team, wagon and harness, eow, 800 chickens, farm tools; 60 cords of wood cut, 4 miles from town and station. Photos st office. Price $7 500. E. E. TEEPLE. 205 7th at.. Oregon City, Or. KINK RIVER DAIRY KAN I'll One of the moot attractive big dairy ranches on Washington side ot Columbia river, within 15 miles of Portland. 280 acrea ail bottom land and In cultivation; fine big modern build ings of every kind, with all modern conveniences; ail fine cows, fine bull. 5 horiea, all necessary machinery. This pLaoe ts equipped fur and will carry large number of cows, and is a big dairy proposition. A great bargain at $43,000. IPEDIlEMANN COMPANY. vis inamner of Itoxumerce. SMALL BEARING PRUNE RANCH 1 6 acres. 1 H milea from Bed Klectne ata Wfn and Capital highway, 20 miles from cen ter of Portland. Good graveled road. 4 acres fin prunes, other fruit, 4 room houae. barn, chicken house, 1 horse, 60 chickens, complete line of machinery. Price $5000, inotndea th pruns crop and all other empa and equipment r $4400 without the prune crop. $2000 pash. Nice neat place. Inspected by Nelson, with John Ferguson. Oerlinger bldg 34 1-2 ACRES 83 acrea in high state of cultivation, fine large bungalow; 2 acrea of fruit, bearing: on maaadam road, cine to school, church, H mile from aleo tnc line; stock. Implements and crop. One of th nicest homes In C tank a mas county, BH milea from Oregon City. Price $10,000. Term. . W. F. SCHOOLEY, 812 Main Street. Onwoo OUT. Or. T9 ACRES B In cultivation, new house, bara. . good road; watered by spring and creek; R. F D and cream routes; 3 S miles to electric rarlln 1 mile to school. Pries 32500; $1000 cash' balanr 8 per cent interest J S. JONES, with H. O. DILLMAN 214 7th St.. near 8 ' P.Depot. Oregon City. Or 80 ACRES. EQUIPPED, $3000 1 80 acres, with 75 acres level, 15 acres under plow, berries, fruit, 4 -room house, barn 40i4 2 chioken house, wagon, diac, plows, harrow, culti vator, cream aaperator, 1 team and harness 3 woo $h2fo6ob'ch,u11 h"' ,or pri ot V L. ETDY, TtTTTTT lAiur a. rc 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 67 Acres, $6500 19 miles from Portland, 1 H miles from electrio station, v, mi, front ichool and churrh lair buildings, fine creek, never dry; 4000 cords of wood. 400 cedar poles for piling fme rock road from Portland. $1500 cash, balance to suit MORRIS AY BUNDY. 61 H Chamber of Commerce bldg. 15? 1-2 ACRES 20 in cultivation; 8000 cords of wood- 7 room nous, plastered: water piped to house from spring; barn 82x50. two garages; 1 miu from town and good road. 811.000. A. J. BOCKJIOLD with A. C. HOVVLAND 8th and Main 8ts.. Oregon Citv. Ore Five Dollars Per Acre 800 acres of locged off Und. well located on good rock road, 2 mile from town and bast landing; 200 acres nearly beaver dam, all but 80 acrea good tillable laud; adjoining land held at $25. We sre offering for a few days at $3 per acr. 8. P. OSBURN, 610 McKay Bid STOCK RANCH Sheep. got or cattle ranch, sawmill propo sition, several million feet saw, tie and riling timber, fin soil, best of berry and prune land near two canneries, good location for aev-' era! families, abont f00 arrea. Pnc $25 per acre. Term. Will take Portland property or email piac for part. Will subdivide. G-952 Journal FOR SALE 20 aere farm 2 V mile west from Boring, Or., on graveled road; mall, cream and milk rout; 16 acres nnder plow; all can be plowed; small buildings; 1 horse, 1 eow, go chickens, harness, wagon, cultivator, harrow small tools. AU grain, hay, potatoea and corn! For $4400, about $1000 cash. Ben Foth, R. R. 8. B. 85. Boring, Or. 135 ACRB DAIRY FARM Fins improvements, rich soil, 16 mflea to eonrthouss in Portland, no food rock road. 1 mil to electrio cars. Splendid gravity eprtna vratar system. Address S. it- Winch. 424 Abinsv ton bldg. Sunday., oaU Marshall 1633. 20 ACRES In cultivation. 17 miles Portland, 1 aid houses, dark soil, onion land, running water. 2 acres orchard, mostly prunes, 1 mil etatlon. fenced, gravel road; special. $8750; ' fcMwmi. ii, nenry oKlg GOOD dairy farm. 105 acrea, all tillable. 80 acrea clover; .good buildings; 2 miles town, good road. 100 miles south' Portland; 813 500 iand0OrCl,1," WMr 1047 C''Uni av.. Port FOR SALK or trade. 80 acr farm. 34 miles -ti'? wiV"1, 7 ow olsax, mors easily "'rVfi,1 bnildings, spring and feneea. Bmall orchard. Enough rardwood on pUrw to pay for am Trios $1800. Address 840 Clinton at. HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE FAHM 17 LARGE valley farsaa, worth , In aaoney, for sal by owner,:; ! 320 acres, 83 to 70 sere under pVwr, bal ance timber and gut over; plae ilea principally rolling with soas eraek bottom land: several It laws saw tiasbar : good cravel roa4 to aood mar ket; improve mants, fair bona and large barn: rrtac is fenced and cross-fenced ; good wall and bring stream year1 round; fruit enough for fam ily use; about 10 mil from OorvaHlia, on good travel road; 6 milea to R K. station. W will secant property up to 36000 worth of city or raa-e property. s t-nc) siu.uuu possession Uct. l. 280 acres, 90 acres under plow, balanca pas tars and timber, t This placs is on a fins road, about 3 "4 miles north of Corvallia, beat town tn the state, borne 'of th Oregon Agricufosral college; land lie iavrl and rolling; improvement,, good 7 room house, large bara equipped for 30 dairy cows ; letrtc lights, sas angina and elec tric plant: electric pemp water syatem, new dairy house and other; outbuildings; good fruit tot fsmily us: placs la fenced and eraea-fenradi; liv ing creek and several good spring. Thia is en ideal combination stock and dairy ranch. There is nearly enough fir wood on the place to pay for It t th prevailing pries of wood. With this piece goet enros tpols snd 45 tons of good osts snd vetch hay ia the barn. Price 818,000; terms easy. Pnuai saion at one. Ws'wiU take trade up to $10,(Ki0. 181 acrea. 141 acres nnder plow, balanc oak timber and pasture: land lie level and rolling: lust 2 mile from Corvallia, on tht paved high way; Improvements, good 7 room nous, plas tered: 8 large barns, other outbuildings; place all fenced and oroes-fenced. This farm could ba easily subdivided snd sold to good sdvsntags for fruit and poultry tracts. We will take prop arty in exchange; up to $15,000 on this on; possession Oct. 1, 1920. "CHICKENS. Here's your optwrtunity to own a POULTRY farm that will handle 80.000 to 73,000 chick ens; 212 acres. 125 acrea under cultivation, balance piac timber and open pasture land. Dearly all gently rolling; improvements, large 7 room house, fireplace, small basement; large barn equipped far 15 dairy cows:: silo, milk house, hoghous,! good granary with aheds on two aides; small 4 room hpuse, new 140x18 It modern chicken house with. -'0x20 ft granary in center; 20x18 thicken nous and other out buildings; fin gaavity water system, with wster piped to house, barn, hog, milk . and poultry houses and yards; mountain creek running through pasture and field, giving an unlimited supply of water;; several hundred buahela grain, some 40 tons hay, 10 acres fin cornfield, all tool and equipment and stock, consisting ot 6 head Jersey milch cows, 2 beifer calves. 8 horsea, some 4 to 1-year-old Whit Ieghorn hens, some 850 W. L. pullets, number roosters. Thia piac la located 5 milea from Corvallia; fine county roade. ideal location to be developed into a large poultry farm; 1 H miles from paved highway, nigh and grade schools and railroad station. Price for everytlung 323.000; good terms For further information arranc for appoint ment with me. Address or call car 11. E. Walter, Imperial! Hotel, Portland, Oregon. After Sunday sddrest me Corvallis, Or. 45 ACRES ' SO acres in cultivation, watered by well and creek. With living water; 2 sets of buildings, each 6 room house; good bams, stock, machinery and crop; 2 horses, 2 cows, some criickens, i brood sow, hay in barn and grain in bin: 2 miles from Ore gon City, on; highway. All for $12,000. 59 ACRE: 85 in cultivation, some good timber, 8 room house,; good barn; 1 acre of good orchard ; running water : 1 mil to school ; 2 horses, 2 cows, chickens, all farm im plements anil crop; 1 mils to Beaver creek, 5 miles to Oreson City, on hard road. All for S500; V cash. ".. A. KEOPPLE and F. L. M'KTBBEN, 9th and Main Sis. Oregon City, Oregon. Puona Oregon City 208-W. ion BEXT FABM9 14 FOR RUNT GENERAL FARMS 20 ACRES 17 a. under plow and crop, 1 vi a. orchard, farming Implements, 2 cows, team, boga, chick ens, crop and lease. Price $1200. $900 cash. 85 ACRES 4 5 to 30 under plow, garden soil, lease, 4 yesrs, $400 per yr. 112 ACRES 62 a, under plow, balance pasture, 1 a. orchard, new ibungalow, farming implements. 3 horses. 5 cows, calf, hogs, chickens, crop. Price only $2200. 120 ACRES With 40 a. nnder plow, 6 a. bearerdam. on paved road 12 milea from Portland, full farm ing equipment. : furniture, 8 cows 4 calves, 4 horses. 11 bogs, 114 sheep, chickens, crop. Price about $3000; cash. ; 150 AL'RKS With 70 under plow, feimfly orchard, furniture, full farming equipment, H oowa, 5 heifers, 3 horses, 18 boga, ehickana. crop and everything; only $4500. 170 ACRES With 100 a. under plow, 7-room hon, 8 bams, all fins tonls, 17 cows, 6 mule. 60 sheep. 88 gouts. 15 hogs, ehickana, feed in barn: price about $3000. will invoice. 185 ACRES With 40 a. under plow. 10 mflea from Portland, farming tools, 8 cows, 3 heifers, 12 hogs, S honses, chickens, ducks, and crop; price only $2400, 4 rash. ISO ACRES With 1 SO at under plow, 1 a orchard, full farming equipment, 133 high grade Hampshire ewes. 2 bucks., AO lambs, team. cow. hens. 21 bead goat. 20 tons of hay in barn,; pric $3700. C30 ACRES 850 a. under plow. baL pasture. 80 a. spnds. 240 a. corn, to si. rye; a atock feeding proposi tion; only 20 mlea to Portland; priced right FOR StENT DAIRY FARMS 42 ACRES 60 cows, dairy delivering to retail trad in Portland, income abont $2800 a mo., 1 -ton truck, touring, car, full dairy equipment, also full farming eQuipment, HO A-l cows, team, etc; price 32Q.0O0, H cash. 62 ACHES 4 2 a. nnder plow, right in small town. 11 cows and bull, milking machine. Ford car, 4 horses, 42 a. crop: all for $.r400. 217 ACRES With 150 a. under plow, 37 cows, 5 horses, 2 houses (modern), 200-ton silo, milking ma chine, tractor ;and all farming and dairy Quip ment, crop; aU goes at $15,000. 385 ACRES With 100 j a. under plow, aome outrange. 20 cows and : team, farm tools; only $3115; hay at market price. FOR KENT STOCK RANCHES 140 ACRES With 30 a., winder plow, large outrange, good team and all crops; only $1350, $300 cash. 590 ACRES With 50 under plow. 2 houses, 2 barns, all farm tools, 2 teams. 2 saddle horses. 8 colts. 20 head cattleV 4 milk cows. 14 hogs, chickens, 10 a. apple orchard. 15 a. beans. 8 a. com, 4 a. spuds; price only $4000. F. L. EDDY, RTTTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-8 -7 Boardof Trade bldg. WASCO C"bCNTY 1300 a., 1100 a. In culUvation, 400 a. h summer fallow. Machinery furnished. Rent $4000. ADAMS COUNTY, WASHINGTON 1007 a. 950 a. cultivation 70 a. in alfalfa, bal. good wheat Und. $4 000 cash to handle. Will lease for 5 years. WASCO COUNTY 820 a., 50 a. in cultivation, machinery, furniture, rent $350. Stock and feed. $4000, WALLOWA COUNTY 160 a., all' in cultivation, good bldg. Bent $300, lease ftr 5 year-. WASHINGTON COCNTT 40 a.. 17 a. in cultivation, food bldn. Bent $300; crop, eenlpment and stock. $400. WILBt'R F. JOUNO. Henry bldg. 40 ACRF.9 tn Wgshington county, 14 mile from elect rl station, 18 acres cultivated, balance timber and pasture. Good buildings. Rent $350 first year and $300 additional years. Will lease, cows, 1 bog and tome hay to buy. 30 acre, located at Metager station, all nnder cultivation; 4t room house; rent $225 per year. Team and farming equipment to bur. 20 acres. 4 miles southeast .of Sherwood. All in cultivation; 9 room house, larce barn, good orchard. las for 3 years at $350 first year and $300 eaub following year. No equipment to buy. OUier small places to rent close to Portland. JOHN FERGUSON, Gertinger bldg.. Portland. Or. 75 ACRES FOR RENT PERSONAL PROPERTY FOR SALE Good 6 room bouse, barn 60x120, feed, big tflo, outbuildings; ell in first class condition; all in rultivation. but -13 acres in pasture, 8 acre corn. 8 In eabbag. 7 in potato: crop all good; TiO ton of hay in barn; 4 horsea, harness; 3 wagon.- ail other farm tool and machinery to run the farm.j with 12 extra good cows, all big. heavy Horste-in and Durham: rent Is $550 per year. All personal property and crops for $5600, some terms. : This ia on the paved road, 19 mile from Portland, on good milk route. STEWART A BUCK 815 "Northwestern Bank bldg. Phone Woodlawn 1081. FOR RENT or sale. 850 acre near Sheridan, Or. Half crops, balance pa turn. More easily cleared. Foil i sat improvements. Extra cottage. Prune orchard, mountain atiwam, equipment for sale. Possession Sept. 20. 820 acres south of A inland. Or. 1 milrto station, 100 scree plowed. baL pastor. Flo soil. Poaeeeeicm st once. THOMA$SEN. Portisnd T. M. C. A. 45 ACRE8. 6 acres claard. good furnished room nonee. cnicaen nous, etc ; l u muu from Bearer ereek. Willamette Taller Southern near 3 sawmills. Will rent very cheap to bare place well cared tor. Scandinavian preferred. Phone Woodlawn 6128. FOR RENT -286 acre good rolling land. 130 acres under! cultivation : 4 miles son th west of VWilsonTllie, near Mr. Wilhelm's: two sets of buildings. writ Fred Roberts, Sherwood. Or., or phon Sell Wood 2087. 1 HEAL ESTATE FOB BEST FARMS 14 105 Acres for Lease 105 acre for lasse. 830 per month, including 8 bead oi good milk cows, following personal piutmij (or sale: 80 to 88 ton of food oat hay. It ta Z0 ton of straw, 228 bushela ot eats, 8 calves, som son, carrots and fnait. This ia located on mils from a good aountry town with railroad station, hich school. nt off th Pacific high way. Prlo. Including personal prop erty and lease, $1230; mlcht franc soas term. For Lease TO acres, 40 acres in cultivation: good Columbia river bottom land, fair boose and bam, 16 cows, 10 heifers, yearlings to 16 months; 1 registered bull, 1 bora. 4 hog. 80 tons hay. mower, rake, cream separator, all new; plowf cultivator, 3 wagons, heme, milk can and all necessary small tools. Will sir 8 to 6-year leas at 830 per month. Prlo (2750. 168 acres, 128 nnder cultivation; will give 5-year lease, 32000 per year, monthly in advance; 29 cows, 1 regis tered bull, heifer, 2 horses, 80 to 85 "tons of bar- 8 acrea kale, 6 acres potatoea, 4 acres eow beets, 2 acre turnips, 2 acres green oata. mower, rak. plowa, cultivators, 2 wagon, cream separator, manure spreader, 10 hots (200 lbs.), 2 large brood sows, 17 pica. Prlo $6500. SEE MR. BLAIR THOMPSON, SWAN LEE Third and Main Bta., Vancouver, Wash, 70 ACRE ranch 8 miles from North Plains, 20 acres in cultivation, well stocked, firm mt' ehinery. etc : half mile from school, telephone in house; cash rent Phon 4F5, North Plaina. D. E. Hitchcock, owner. Banks, Route 8. Bos 133. FARMS WASTED RENT OB BTJT88 FARM OR ACREAGE WANTED Have two clients wanting small farm or acreage, partially improved, with or with out equipment; close to Portland preferred; must be on graveled, rock or pared road, pr near good road; amall payment now. will make large payment within year, or will rent with privilege of buying. JOHN FERGUSON Gerhnger bfldg. Largest farm dealers In th Pacific North west. FARMS WANTED WE are turning CASH buyers for farms snd scresge swsy from oar office every dsy because w cannot supply their wants. WHY not let r3 sell YOCR farms and acreag for you. WE art the oldest and one ot th most reliable firms in Portland. Sea SAM HEWEY at J. L. HARTVAN CO. 8 Chamber of Cost, bldg., ground floor. WANTS SMALL FARM W have several clients with attractive houses, 84000 and $4500. to trad for amall farms near Portland; will assums tome if necessary. Also have soma cash buyers. I.CEDDEMANN COMPANY 913 Chamber of Commerce. 13 TOCB FARM FOR RENT? We can tell your personal property and leas your farm. W have clients waiting. F. L. EDDY. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-3-7 Boaard of Trade bldg. WANTED for practical farmer, good dairy farm or will consider general farm. Will pay cash for atock. feed and equipment if pric ia right Wilbur P. J on no. Henry bldg. WANTED 5 to 10 acre places with soms im provements, not to run over $2000 in pries. LI EDDEMANN COMPANY 913 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED To rent small ranch with stock and implements on shares. Frank Johnson, 167 E. 6th at Phone East 6091. WANTED to rent, a amall place with bulldr ins 3 or mora acres. Write Box 123, Mil waukee. Telephone 51-Y, Milwaukee. 4 HOMESTEADS 47 120 A. Relinquishment About 40 miles from Portland; some cleared; mall bouse and barn, creek and springs; pric $325. MORRIS ft BUNDY, 61 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg. TIMBER NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT T1M BER. GENERAL LAND OFFICK Washington, D. C , July 16, 1920. Notice it hereby given that, subject to the conditions snd limitation, of tha set of Jons 9, 1916 (39 Slat, 218), and the instruction of the secretary of th interior of September 15. 1917, th timber on the following binds will be sold September 10. 1920, at 2 p. m., at pubuo auction at the United Ststaa land of lie at Lake tiw, Oregon, to the highest bidder st not leas than tha son raised value aa shown hv thia notice. rvale to be subject to the approval of the secre tary or tna interior. xna pnrcnase price, wiui an additional nm of on fifth of 1 per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be de posited aO time of sale, money to be returned if sale is not spprtrved. otaerwls patent will issne tor the timber, which must b removed within 10 years. Bids will b received from citizens of the Unit!) States, associations of such eitixens and corporations organised under the laws of the United States or any state, territory or district thereof only. Upon application of a qualified purchaser the timber on ssy legal subdivision will b offered aeparstely before being included in any offer of a larger unit: T. 41 8., R. 6 E , See. 1, N E. M 8, . H . pin 360 M.. fir 130 M. ; N. W. S. E. . pin 40n M., fir 50 M.; S. E. 8. E . pin 40 M., fir 210 M. ; S. W. H S. E. "4, pin 375 M.. fir 190 M.; N. E. 14 8. W. H. P'ne 300 M . fir 100 M. ; N. W. 4 8. W. 14. pin 295 M., fir 140 M. ; 8. E. W B. W. 14, pin 340 M fir 190 M. ; S. W. 14 S. W. 14, pin 380 M.. fir 120 M. ; none of th pin to b sold for less then $4 per M and none of th fir to be sold for leu then $1 per M. Signed ) CLAY TALLMAN, Commissioner. Gen. st Lsnd Offle. FOB SALE OB EXCHANGE BEAL ESTATE 85 u'raT ,mv rt k -ra 4 fists, p rooms each, sleeping porch snd servant rooms, all strictly modern. One district, for sale or will consider part trade in acreage for good city property; price $18,000. J. G. GUSTAFF 420 Henry bldg. Broadway 6549. FOR SALE OR TRADE 2 -story burin ess building in valley town on Pacific highway; fine opportunity for confec tionery, bakery and rooms in connection with commission business now established; consider residence, or farm, and pay difference. CX-506. Journal. . FOR sale or exchange; 40 seres, unimproved, un incumbered, in White Salmon valley, for Port land property or close in acreage, unincumbered. Inquire 1466 Madrons st, Woodlawn. EXCHANGE BEAL ESTATE 14 I HAVE a large 6 room houae on 28th and K. Oak sts., near E. Ankeny car barns; atreet and sidewalks paved and paid: 4ots of fruit trees. I want a hous snd ons or two lots in Sr. Jehns. Pric $3600; mortgage $1500. do in 8 yra. 617 N. Jersey St.. St. Johns, owner. FORD car wanted in exchange for my equity in 6 room house, just painter outside and In; (nod location, with fruit trees; balance due $620, payable $10 per month and 6 inter- est- Columbia 1239. FOR EXCHANGE, by owner. 10 acrea, in cultivation, fenced; excellent for loneberrtet or prunes; 2H miles to good Teller town, 50 miles' from Portlsnd. Will exchang for good automobile. F-176, Journal. 10 ACRES of cleared; new bouse, barn, chicken house. 1 H acre potatoes go with place : rest pasture; 1 mile of station; highway; easy terms; for tale or trad for good modern bouse in city. Apply C. H. Blantry. Gaston, Or. INCOME property In Newberg, close in; good location. Sell on asy term or trade for well located Tillamook or Lincoln county land and cah. AT-670. Journal FOR SALE Or would trad for atock of gro ceries or place suitable for chicken ranch; cattle, hogs, farm implements snd crop, value S2000. W. W. White. Brash Prai rie. Wash. HAVE 1 fine lot on Lake Washington and 2 lots in North End, Tacoma. What is of fered in Portland property on a trade! P-836, Journal. TO EXCHANGE Will sell or trade my equity io close-in west side house and lot or vacant lot. Need light truck or auto in best mechani cal condition- AX-668. Journal. HIGHLY IMPROVED ' 100 acr valley farm to exchange for city or suburban property. A. W. Smith, owner. 872 Victoria st Phone East 2142. EQUITY In Eastmoreland lot, 100x100, for 6 or 8 room modern bungalow: desirabl loca tjon; some cash. E-434. Journal. EXCHANGE Housekeeping rooms, 8 doable and 3 singl. $2000, for real estate of xraal value. Call Main 1Q75. CLEAR lot and 6 patstnger auto for exchange. What ha you ? Owner, 628 Lumbermen bMc Broadway 8364. 100x120 ON 63d and Multnomah ta, to ex change for anything I can us. Phon AnsDmati 210-05 IS ACRES, worth $750. and cash, to trade efor 6 or 6 room bouse. , J. Dewdon, 748 E. 8.""" r vt v i ru i, uao ckj priawnj I or amau ranch near Portland. Hav wood modern bouse with one lot Tabor 8464. WANTED Property in Lo Angeles for well lo oated auras her. I ilili 297 Graham av. foe particular. $100 EQUITY in attractive bungalow In Port land for Spokane uupity. Tabor 686. PORTLAND property and soen cash for Sea Sid property. J. Melich, Seaside, Or. BEAL ESTATE EXCHANGE REAL F.8TATF. 71 EXCHANGE FOR jCITY PROPERTY READ THIS 80 acres, all the very best of deep elay loam soil, all level and all in high (lata of cultivation. AU wall fenced and eroHa-fencedf mostly with woven wir. Good large, bearing as sorted orchard and all kinds of berries. There is a beautiful, almost new. -room modern house, full basement, etc A fine, large modern Low den barn with room for 60 cows and 200 tons hay; 2 larg alloa. a good large barn for straw and young stock, larg granary, garage, shop, 3 hog- houses, -2 modern chicken houses, a prwrar wster system With water piped to all buikiinas. A Daloo electric light sys tem and tight in all buHdinga. There U a lot of hay, straw, some stock and machinery with place. Located only 9 H milea from Van couver, cloaa to small town and on main road. This is a real farm and a bargain at 825.000. Clear of en cumbrance. Will exchange for good city property. THE II S. THOMPSON COMPANY 410 Washington St. Vancouver, Wash. SUBURBAN ACREAGE HOME A splendid 20 acre tract, very sightly, a very well kept orchard of 250 trees; sn 8 room plastered house with fireplace, Dutch kitchen, bath, toilet and stationary waab trays, bara, ts 80140: an other bam. 24x24; splendid npple bouse; 2 modern chicken houses with class, fronts; a new water tower and tank, good team, 1 eow, double and single harness ; 2 buccie. 1 wagon, spray and pump, harrow, cultivators hay reck, 3 plows, smsQ tools, 8 tons of nay and all of th crop; located 2 milea east of Oregon City ; 15 miles from Portland: price $9500; will take a 6 or 7 room hon in Portland up to $5000 and give plenty time on the balance, or will take 2 good hoifces up to full value. See Mr. Stephens Re ALTQSg 732 Chamber of Commerce. WE hav for sale or exchang for real estate a sawmill near White Salmon. Wash., that will stand invaiflgation and la clearing about $100 a dsy st present; 5 1, million feet Mr Ornlur contracted at $125. with 15 .million feet mar available. This mill ia owned by a doctor who sons hav been running mill for him. Now leaving for college and hia p recti oe doesn't al low htm the necessary time and attention to run th mill. Pric $25,000; som trade. Sub mit your proposition to J. A, Wicktman Co. 264 Stark St FOR SALE OR TRADE A good little home in good country town: 1 sere of fin land, one half fine, rich garden ground, good family orchard, good 5 room house, cement basement, hot and cold water, electric ligbta, toilet, beautiful lawn and flowers, good small- barn, woodhouse, 3 blocks from main part of town, tocether with a food real estate and insurance business, that is good for $2580 per year; also a aid business that give s steady in come of $75 per month ; Urge oak roll tup desk. Underwood typewriter, kl osier safe, chairs, maps, etc, all (or $3300; part cash or trad, balance time. AX-671, Journal. WHEAT FARMS 320 acrea in Southern Canada, fine wheat district good new buildings. 2 good wells ; ail machinery necessary for operating and 4 good horsea Pric $30. Will trad for piac bear Portland. 960 acre in Eastern Washington, 900 acres tillable, 880. acrea summer fallow ready for fall seeding; imall but dims; good well. Pric $25 per acre: trade for valley farm. ' LCEDDEMANN COMPANY 913 Chamber of Commerce. Ranch at Eugene 40 acres good, level land, all in cult; 5 room house, barn, outbuildings, tome orchard. well and windmill: good roadt 14 milea to P. 0. store, etc.: clear. Trade for Portland residence or suburban. J. R. WOLFF, 419 Henry bldg. EXCHANGE 128 acres lsnd. 7 miles south of M osier. 25 acres in cultivation and fenced, gavjd 4 room house, bara. aheds and all Imple ments, small orchard, good soil, on good ruad, in view of 5 mow-capped mountAins; price $35 per acre: will tak city property. Tabor 8332. 511 E. 60th st. N. WANTED To exchange equity in new, up-to-, date 3-room bungalow, bath, cement base ment and walks; property located in fins res idence district of Portland, 1 block from car line; lot 60x100; fruit trees bearing; will ex change for suburban property, 1 acre or more of land. Address 1569 E. 8th N., owner. 460 ACRES, highly improved. Southern Ore gon, 200 acre under irrigation. 300 acre in cultivation. Place now leased. Last year cleared $11,000. Will sell or exchange for apartment or other good business in Portland. For cn plet particulars e J. Eugene Hedges, 201 Weai Park GOOD BUNGALOW Near 24th and Prescott Full basement concrete garaie, lately painted, full lot Want to exchange for a small farm. Tiirard district preferred. Will assume about $1000 above. J. C. CORBIN CO.. 805-6-7 Lewi Bldg. PARTLY FURNISHED" 4-roren house witE dandy lot covered with fruit and flowers. Only 1 V blocks from good etation on theOre gon Else, near Multnomah. For sale at $1000, $350 cash snd balanc $20 s month. For par ticulars call st 404 Piatt bldg.. 1 27 Park st FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 320-aera wheat ranch well unproved, will exchange for city home or small country home near city In West ern Oregon. Write Mr. H. A, Doane, P. O. Box IS. Trident, Mont 100 ACRES. Cowlitx Co.. Wash.: plenty of timber. water. road. 'dear, perfect title. valued $'.'500; terms. Would consider trade for Cat, Oakland, Berkeley or Alameda preferred. J. R. WOLFF, 419 Henry bldg. EVERY ACRE PRODUCING Choice 48 acres, Whit Salmon district; 16 acres in apple. 16 in alfalfa: buildings, Take Portland house aa payment Geo. Howard, owner, 529 Lumbermen bldg. Broadway 8364. Wanted 5 to 10 acres. Improved suburban home; will trade for 6 room modern house, cash value $2000. 4S4S 6 24 St 8. K. LOT 100x100. $900 cash, or will build to suit This lot is 3 blocks from rsr, handy to any part of town. Might trade for house equity. Phone 319-97. or call 997 E. 2 1st N. 20x24 ft. concrete store building with 3 living rooms. Lents district $1500. Will trade. What have you? J. N. Rioharda. 338 Main st WANTED RE AL ESTATE 11 WANT ft-ROOM STRICTLY MODERN BUN GALOW ; HAVE $150 CASH. ADDRESS, PRICE AND OWNER MUST ACCOMPANY LETTER. WILL SELECT BEST BUY NOT LATER THAN THURSDAY. V-933. JOUR NAL. WANT best 6 or more room house for reason able price; must have 2 bedrooms on first floor, bath, basement on sidewalks, Bellwood. Alberta. Richmond preferred; can pay $1000 or more down. Describe and give particular in first letter. John Gahler. 6582 66th st.B E. HAVE elient" wanting 6 or 6-room bungalow, See us at one. JohnsonDodson Co. eSS N. W. Bank Bldf. Mala 878T, wivT r AT vac amv EAST UNION. SOUTH PRESCOTT, WEST HP, ffUnin BKUADWAX; xtUIER WAIT ING $800 CASH. J. C. CORBIN CO.. 805-6-T Lewis Bldg. WANTED 3 room bungalow, furnished, full lot, 60X100. up to $5000. JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787, HOME ITR SOME OLD FOLKS. $200 TO $300 CASH MUST BE A CHEERY PLACE AND GOOD VALUE. Y-B34, JOUR NALS SEATTLE LOT8 TO TRADE Have 2 dear Seattle lota. Price $3000, to trade for good equity in Portland house. Lned- demann Co.. 913 Chamber of Commerce. Wl.VTEI) The best 6 or 7 room modern bun- gakrw-that $4500 win buy: SlKnO cash. $50 a month; immediate masesakm. Foil particular In first letter. 0-182. Journal. WANTED 4 or 6-room bouse. Woodstock or Alberta districts "preferred; not more $2500. Main 5429. WANTEDTo" buy from owner. 6 room noes tn food neighborhood; must be priced right Will pay cash. Phone Marshall 1239. . WANTED TO RUT 6 or 7 room modern boos. WEST SIDE. 1206 Spalding bids. Mar- thall 3377. - 1 WANT a bargain in a fractional lot, with ot without house, sooth of Montgomery street. between 6th end 20th sts H-78. Journal. ONE to fire acres, with or without improve ments, conveniently awar city and near ear tin. Can m at Tabor 1476. WANTED A modern 6 room bungalow, about csooo. from owner: can pay cash. Call b fore 2 p. m. or after Sunday. Phone 222-63. WANTED 6 or 6-room modern hosts In Ir-vtagton or Rose City Park, Geo. M.. JLeed, 1206 Spalding building. WANTED Rett lot for cash in Rose City. Pled mont or Peninsula Park. Address 116 East Simpson. WANTED Lot 60x100. Lot must b reason able. Call Sell. . 5 or 6 ROOK modem boma, not to exceed 65000; must be bargain. Call Tabor t23. WANTED Small bouse. 14, Mast be bargain. Will aarams mdrbtedneas. East 9753. REAL ESTATE WANTED REAL ESTATE II A NATIONAL RECORD " BROKEN BY FRANK L. McOUIBB LARGEST HOME SELLER ON TBI PAC1KI0 COAST 1ST boms sold la AUGUST I THINK 1 840 oM to data tha rr. WB CAN SELL, YOURS! We spend thnnaand f dollars ad vertising Within 4 hoar after bating, well INSPECT. APPRAISE AND PHOTOGRAPH YOUR HOUSE. A-l ambitious, axyrtewcd talesmen to, work on Its sale. THE SYSTEM. THAT BRINGS RE8ULT8. Re FRANK L. McQUIRB TO 8 ELL YOCR HOME Abtnctoa bidf. Main 1069. For Sale or Trade Auto mobile In fin, condition; first payment on modern 6 roots bungalow or river front property, im proved or vacant. East 6067 or 106T. '35 YRS. IN PORTLAND We sell hundreds of homes: have elfenta waiting. W need yours now. We can e41 it Q. C. GOLDENBERQ AbtngVm Bldg. Main 4803. WANT 5 TO io ACRES Wild land, must hare view, near Portland; want creek. Buyer waiting; all cash. If you want to sell your clme-tn small farm or acreace. let us know. Personal inspection and individual attention. J. C. CORB1N CO., 805-6-7 Lewi Bldg. IHAVE scores of calls for house tbsa can be handled on amall cash payment. Can get you good monthly payments. Phone ma what yor bAT. , 0. A. Pearce 81S Chamber of Commerce. Main 8638. WILL pay oaah for good horn in any good auonct. Bee Jolhnson-Dodson Co. 63 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. CAN make amall cash payment on 6 rooaa mod am bungalow. X-99, Journal. BOOMING HOUSES. APARTMEXTS AND HOTELS FOR SALE 43 $ieeo-T rooms-siooo Nicely furnished home-Uk place; fina ruga. dressers, brass beds, sewing machine, phono- raoe and records. This ts a nice little horn and Incom $85; rant 335. Step right Near Library. DO YOU WANT A GOOD HOMET And income of 8100 monthly : 8 mora, pretty fine; rent $43; splendid locality. $050 takes It RIGHT DOWN TOWN 12 rooms, good furniture, less: can be used for buaineaa; ideal location for privat boarding boose. (1800; term. $1923 down. LONG LEASE. BRICK BUILDING 85 rooms, si eemns: water in all rooms, hot snd cold; steam heat 65000. on terms. Clears big sum. CLASSY 13 BOOMS CLASSY Exceptionally well famished and arranged in th very beet residenc locality; half rooms hav hardwood noon. Thit 1 a real tiom ana income $175 per montli; rent $60; three sleep ing porches. Be this at your earliest cnanc. $2000. I jet m tell about this. J. EUGENE HEDGES. 201 W. PARK COMPLETELY FURNISHED 8 3-room and 4 2 -room apartments com pletely furnished. Building It stucco, tile brick snd cement const nidi on, in good repair. 1 block to ear line, 2 minute service. Owner non-resident of Portland and wishes to diyoae of property at once. Should pay 25 oo pnoe aaked, tog full parueuian aadxeet HICH A FRriArMAiJ CO.. Boise, Idaho. Best Commercial Hotel in Good Oregon Town 88 rooms, 6 with privsts bath, leas has two years to run, low rent Price includes some good furniture, choio ef Dodge or Studebaker auto and som cows. Property ia in good condition and ia doing a bnsinea nf around 8 1 00 daily. Thia is a real money maker fur a good liv hotel man Price is only (25.0O0. Com in snd let us give you more details. Metzger-Parker Co. 269 Oak at Broadway 6855. TWO DOWN TOWN HOTELS. Prn transient hotel, oorner brick, clean and attractive; hot and cold water in all rooms; moderate rent with two year lease: net income over $500; $7600 cash will handle. Another, also In good location, near busy corner; rent only 8165, with 1 year lea; net incom over 8300. Mr. Albaugb, with John Ferguson, Oerlinger bldg. HOUSE HUNTER I If yom can't rent what you want, why not buy a small rooming hous that will pay the rent, lights, fuel snd all expenses snd anme morel We'll show yon several good buys. Come in to see us. Mrs. Aibsugb. with John Ferguson. Get linger bldg. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS. 20 rooms, doe. In. on good oorner, rwa onabl rent; a good money maker with large, comfortable apartment for owner; nets more than $175. Pric $2800, Mm Albangb, with John Ferguson, Gar linger bid. 20 ROOMS, all newly painted and cleaned up; food incom, reasonable rent; a bar gain at 81900. 26 rooms, all oa on floor; gaa, electricity, stove heat; nets near ly 8200; price 31750. 12 room, moUy aleeping; best location In city; pleasant home, rock bottom price. Mrs. Albaugb, with John Ferguson, Usrlingar bids. WORKING MEN'S HOTEL Nearly 60 rooms, in good transient dis trict; stove heat; clean and neat; good fur niture and beds; nt $550; $3000 cash will handle, balaae assy. Mrs. Atbaugh, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bids. HOTEL FOR SALE 80-rorwa hotel, 80 regular boarders at $13 per week; fond transient trade; payroll town on Colambtt river; $11(0 cash, balanca of $400 to ba paid st 825 par month. Wife must leave on account of health my only reason far aeliing, Addrent Dock hotel, Bkamoktwa, Wash. ROOMS with email lawns and lot ef rose; furniture new and good; arranged for boarders, but brings fair . income just for room; electricity, gaa, furnace, targe basement Mrs. Albanxh. with John Fr- fuson, Garonger bldg. $2200 14 rooms, rent tiOO; fu be. A real snap, do tn; soma terms, 8e Scott v nnnsrva A CO f- 801 Railway Kxcbamr. Main 7931. $2300 a ' a 68 rooms, good and clean; S-ysa leaae. A real nap. Sea Mr. Soott g 801 Railway Eichang. Main 7931. FOR RENT Dining room In a 100 room hotel in an Idaho town ot 4 b On ; hotel 4oin capao I.. buaineaa: all furnished bat linen; beat hotel in rltr wjtnHotel Washington, Werner, Idaho. FOR" KENT Furnished 8 6 rooaa awtea. In manufacturing district: good buatness, raaa onsbl rent; furniture for eate. ajfaaatv i Own called East 720 Bar ling-ton .-? tr ATTTtACTTVE rooms. building. venlent arrsngemens, vwm nimiwrt,' central Wist aid; clean em $160 ksonth; $2 $00 will handle. Owner direct. N-292. Jeurnal. BARGAIN Six family flats, 8 , and 4 mom each; eloo tn; $7260; 1-8 eaah; aO. rented. Main 9797. ' WEST SIDE, clearing $90 per aoeauh. . Rent 886. 81600. 61600 cash. snaaunis. O. A. Las. 229 Henry bldf. WESTSIDE, t rooms; rest $24; $460. 6800 cash, neline - ki- a. Lanav aa Henry bldf. r $1250 CASH buy rooming hous. clears $100 per month ; and 9 rosea apt. near taw rreer, war Steel and Broadway bridge. East 6011. WEST SIDE, etearinf $90 pet month; rent 836. $1900r term. G. AV Lea. 29 Bcn- ry Udg. $800 BUY 8 12 rone news full of rooaters, good furniture. Will eneaader terms. 647 Vs Joh on. bet. 16th and 17th. SEE ma for real food bur. List with so for honest effort, J. En-eM Hcdfat, 201 w. mm. f ROOM fiat foe rent and ntfs4ionry lor As,, raw aaonr . .... BOOXTNO HOTTSES. APABTME5TS AND HOTELS FOR SALE It A FIRST CLASS HOTEL On of th best lnretiona la Port land, dotng over $6000 bustr pr month. All fursdahinga are at th vary beat and strictly modern in every ra ajMct, Long lea, at lair rent WU1 requira about $4 5,000 to take thia, 7 6-ROOM HOTEL On what it considered on nf tha beat business it mats rn tha city; fine eomer brick building, modern, well furnished and doing first class busi ness: good leas, This oaa b handled with $15,000. 40 ROOMS (0 . Thia Is' snip st $7&00. Good loo Lion, modern brick building, aev. ral private baths, good furniture snd eavrpeta. Lea at $5 per room. 22 ROOMS 23 Strictly modern, corner brick build ing, beautifully furnished; on of tha beat transient house in Portland, $4600. , APARTMENT HOUSE I have a nice little brick apartment house ill completely furnished, walk ing distance, west side. This will net yon $700 and can ba handled with $7000. Now is vonr rhanc. F. RIERDON, RTTTER, LOWE CO., 201-8-3-7 Board of Trad Bldg. WELL PAYING 82 ROOVf HfiTr.i. MOST CENTRAL LOCATION IN PORTLAND urtck building, best of furniture, phone m every room, hot and cold water In all except In 7 rooms: clears ever and above all sinenses be tween 4600 and $700 per moath. Pric only uawo; terms $ooo caah, balanc terms, will accept a farm in trade If priced on lowest eaah baaia. otherwise not considered. Worth yon. wuiie to laveatigata. . E. A. LINDGREN. Saron Und Co.. 933 N. W. Bank bldf. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 26 room ' hotel. furnished, doing a fina business: only on In food town, elos to Portland. Will take ranch or good terms. Box 44. 8c to. Or. BrSI5EgS OFPOBTFHITIES 19 GOOD spaying 'sods fountain, con fee- , tlonery and cigar store, in Vancou ver. Owner ha bought a Jarger place and must aell by September 20. Fix- turea and stork all brand new and of the best Will invoice around 82500. Business average better than 640 a day and requira no help. Fin chance for man and wif who understand basinets. Som termt to acceptable parties. Reasonable rant A aaoney maker. ELWELL & WATTS 8th and Washington Sts. Vancouver JPhone 236 A GOOD INVESTMENT If yon can invest $10,000 in a wholesale dis tributing agancy covering 3 ststes, it will pay you to investigste this proposition; well estab lished business lfaeadiaartera Portland) ; larg profits last year. Will rtv full particulars if you can furnish satisfactory reference. In an- iwerini tjv phon number, U possible. 0-291, Journal. LABUE msnurscturing corporation wants capable men to mien branch of floe snd manag ssleemen: $800 to 82000 eweeeaery; nanai your own money. Exclusive rights patented article, money making possibilLti un limited. Will pay expenses to Baltimore If you quality. Address Mr. Clevnmer, aalea mi ager. 608 N. Krrtsw st,' Baltimore, Md. NEED 82600 to eontlnn snd improve garag doing nice btuineai, 5 ytsr lesse, fins locstion, luoxiiu, Httrrooi rjiflg.. east OUST, or writs G 963. Journal. MACHINE SHOP Fnlly ecraipped: really a factory: must b ae riflced account owner' health. Terms to right party, sir. (ileason, 0. II. 8K0THEIM COMPANY 832-383 Railway Exchange Bidf. "Everything tn Business Chances" ORGANIZE your business as a declaration ot trust and guarantee Its legality; furnish tea ezpert salesmen free who Mil stock on eommla aion. Bava Uln, fees, panaJtte, lepuil to bloe sky commission. Advice and llteraXor free. National OrganiiaUoa Co., 133 W. Madison, t nioago. 1 CAN sell yon a S H -ton second-hand track, in good ahap, and giv yem threw month' work fravai naming, rnc 81850. Half rash, bsl snc monthly payments. Be King, Broadway 1572, Monday. 0- Marshall 6567 between 6 and B p. m. FOR SALK at a bargain, fullv aouiunvd tins shoo in Portland; aU new machlnary: bought three month ago; food location, larg living room in rear of shop. Th qaipment is the latest that I could buy. Prn $1000. half cash. Wltti v. nas nav yon r v-v a ,t J ounw. UNEQUALLED business opportunity for party with from $10,000 to $20,000 cash to in vest la a legitimate business enterprise : party to handle own money, which la fully secured. Call East 6067 for appointasants, or write N- 2 8 5 Journal. GROCERY, confectionery store doing an aVeraaa bu,l naaa of $60 par day. in on of beat lorav tions on East Bide. Fixture valued at $500; stock to go at Invoice. Long term lea, 840 montn. a. w. LAmjbcrt Hon. 12U Grand are. East 640. CANADIAN PATENT FOR SALE ON A RPE CIAL LUMMER TRUCK FOR SAWMILIA. NOT AN EXPERIMENT. THESE TRUCKS ARE NOW IN USE IN THE UNITED STATES. G-476. Journal. WELL equipped shingl mill, 40.000 capacity"; 10 million cedar contracted for: locilna en gine, or would tak a liv wire aa partner; 8 H miles rrorn Columbia river. Call at 1968 & Pin st, Portland Or. Tak Worttavilla oar. POOL ROOM For sal by owner and aav aonrmlarlon; ven tral east aids location. Get la now for th win ter months and get th cream of the burin 1. Address for appointment, Q-482. Journal. PATENT FOR SALE. $600. ELECTRIC TOOL MAKER. HERE IS A FORTUNE FOR THE MAN WHO CAN PLACE THIS ARTICLE ON THE MARKET THROUGHOUT THE UNITED BTATE8. 0-477. Journal. CAPITAL 1 specialise In finanoina mritort busl nrs otarpriae by sallin atock aw tint mortgac bonds. Strictly eommiasion bams. Mail fnll particulars In first letter. John Trier, 1829 Eddy st, Chicago. BARBER SHOP with 8 anfurniahed living rooms, except stove oonnected for hot water. $20 per month: light and water included ; ehair, mir ror snd pole for sale. At Multnomah station poolroom. WANT 4 men to buy $ -ton truck, dump MOMS, lor gravel work; a months work this year; good Job and good pay. Hee King, Bdwy. 1572. or Marshall 6667 between. 6 and 8 p. m. FOR SALE " 1 Wholesale and retail candy (tor tn Astoria. Or.; beat location in town; good bargain for the right party. See proprietor. Address 636 Com mercial St.. Astoria. Or. FIRE gavs on of my client a bad aeorebing. but left him with timber and mats) part of mill and ilT logging equipment, including two donkey engine. Want partngf with about $2600 cash. Hourk. 110 10th , FOR RENT or sale, auto repair shop, fitted op with lath, drill presses, welding on tilt end TI other - equipment Attention after p. m. Phong 976-J or call ft 100 W. 15th ft,, Tsa oonvec. Wash. IF TOTJ want a good baslneas snd are aaeehaani ' rally inclined, sea me; I have a pa tact rigbt 1 wan to sell cheap; everything goat with th right; a perfect working machine, patterns, etc Phone Automatic 218-18. A SAFE Investment for a few hundred and tona draw out a few thousand; only on chance left for something eocat : see thia at 1006 M issiaasiiiil ave. wooaisvn oiov. USEFUL novelty to retail 28 or 89 eeaU Will sell United State and Caaadiaa twtoat right for 81000. Might take property. What bav you to offer? AX-761. Journal. GROCERY store located in food district, doing gooa ousinasa. will invoice abont 84100. Will cans Kiev turn, trad. Woodlawn 8024, Pfintinir for Less Ryder Pig. Co. Main 8586. 18 Sd at FOR SALE Pool haU, oonfectior-ary'aad soft annas; poos tsaies ooiuf pif tmi nasi: price 82500. 1129 Albina avT , piw SOMETHING new which will pay for itself la short tins. Agent wanted and territory mew iTpew. voungs tJOL. SZS 7 US St. GARAGE for sJ by owner. 60s 100. nsodarn. fireproof Mrtkiing. doing food b seines, beat locauon. u-,,,, on mat FOR SALE PaalhalC-with soft drtaka, fooea eo and dears; doing food bBasaass. aQili, Boraiau x jane, ajauaa, vt. TWO brarlniss fats on Union av.t gaortgaa about w at lovwosaaea will 7tM a MINM, for the espenses nf th deal. Tabor 8212. ADVERTISING man ran get hal, "interest la" svaonaoea Doatnaaa. eiaae. a aaan. ao assail P-782, JoomaL . ' I OR BALE Best country mdst ia Marioi eonnty; plenty bnsiness: reaoaatl pries. A4- snsv so e miisi, w. - - - ICE CREAM, confectionery and light frooenT stock and flrtarati iijiosm only 61 a day. Phone East 1261. SMALL store, th vary hast 9600 can bay; short nones and no Sunday oneainf. G-480, JoamaL MANrFACTrftLNO PROPOSITION IN CAN ADA, 81000. E-435, Jo mat U SHARES of real paring tteck. $10 par share. I-1 00, Journal. j A WELL eqnlpped cabinet sans, good oonditioaL I , y-178. Journal. BtranTEss orroBTtryiTiEti PACIFIC AGENCY, Inc. 814 26 I WETLAND BLDQ. Corner cm and Washington. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Barber Shop. East Side Bent $10. Prlo $S0O. WdU- located, 3-chair shop; doing fine business. Cafeteria a In heart of city; $350 rent, 3-year leaa large and roomy, good basement Beatlnf capacity 80 to 100; doing over $113 daily. Price 887.600. Thia 1, an eld established piac and hat always been a money maker. Will I land tha closest laveiUfaUon. Card Room. Cigars and Tobacco W hav a Washington St lnrstioa tor good II v wire. Com in and talk it over with aa. Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco Best corner and best fixture layout on east aid. A perfect piac; doing fin buaineaa, tad sny kind of business can make good in thia location; eomplet bakery outfit not In us. Th price of this place includes all equipment, -Pric for stock snd fixtures 68500. This pric would not bu th future st present price. Largs stock of cigar, ana tobacco, confectionery end groceries. This it on of tne aes test piaoea ana seat corner loeauean la Portland. Corner Grocery and Confectionery Rent 840: pric 82600; reeeipte 876 and up. Good fixture and nice elaaa stock, tion can't be beat Corner Confectionery & Grocery. Cigars and v , Tobacco c R.nt $22. Prtn $2800. Old established business and en of th neatest layouts to be had. This is a UtU dandy. Receipt from 88$ to 876 daily. Confectionery Priet $1830. $80. Roeaipta $43 and . Stat Confectionery, Grocery and Delicatessen Fin Inrattoa I rent Beoeipte 67 6 and up. 640. Price $8766. Cigar Stand Rent 190; 3 yair lets. Priet 1700. Tot will have to get busy on thia owe. Confectionery and Fruit Stand. Cigars & Tobacco . Onrnnr, ocrjov. west aid; rant 8160, Prlo ,J $5000. Tula at 6 real plan and a asoaey tt-r. Grocery & Confectionery 1 $8000 romp or Invoice. Ran 628. 8110 pr day easb; soms dillvery. Grocery Rant 822.60. Pric $1800. RarelpU 880 and un. Grocery, Cigars. Confec tionery Store Wathingtoa St location. This Is what we term a big little store for a amall -prio. 68600. Doinf ovr $80 par day cash and carry. Rant 686. This I a rami plae and fuaraatead proposition. Grocery, Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco la heart of eity and in the best anartaaent houae district in Portland; 6s I a aa .aver- business of 8125 daily. Guaranteed proposi tion. 4-room apartment well f uraishad. - Ran, $40 for alt Price $5800. This cannot be duplicated in th city and will stand th vary elueeet investigation Grocery Rent 660. 8-year lea: living rooea and', gars re. Pric $5600; would rather tovwtc. Doing $100 tad better rash. Oat Ford - delivery. Would (ted uct 8460 from pric If, not wasted. This is a bona fid prnpoaiUoa snd ens ran teed. Absolutely on of -tha . baat . proposition to Portland today. ,, Investigate at , n,is a. Grocery Apartment hone diatrlct; eaah and aarry. ' Stock and fixture $4000. Will Invoice. Hf calpte f 80 and an. Ctos In wast ssda. One rr"' f tha beat kwattont and barrtlDt tn lag dir.' . Two sio bring rooms. Grocery , - . r.'.y'rtnej ; ' '.e : Close tn on wt tide; eaah and carry. Dairy alea 1229. Straight lavoioe: bona fid propoaitio; stock and fixture will run ahoaf 7j tuvw s nuvu. wiu red we tb taaat to twit Pwrehaeer. Tale ia a real businaa for a real Uv wire, Ownsr ba Uvtr rriil9ai. v' oaus for sal. red - - Garage W have a ml ft rag for sals, lOOiIOl, ,' two-story concrete buiidiag; JO-esr aterag; ",. L folly aqnippad shoo; kraw stee kaf aanessnvtee ad tires; new. Mrvte car. prte $600. , Rent 9369; 9-year kaaas. This will atesd th flosest lavtatinUoa, a it U tha finest nrsg , en the east sad, aotng fin bnm . State Agency ' Tor 6 real pttvaAtitm it tra far a ml ttve ' wire, chaaea to atak all the asnney they waat Oewes la and talk if ever, g tote dateila. WIR ftaad iBvawUfattoa. ; ; :. - Pool Hall "Rant 880; .arte $1600. 00. Fawr paol asbtes. ' Extra eocij vahsa at 1 front and back - bar. tha price. Baslsess ra thit line Just begianlrif. This plena wall worth $2800. , PACIFIC AGENCY, Inc. '614-S0 SWETLAKD BLDO. Cornsr 9tk aad Wsshlngtoa. lad sf 2 " "' f 1 '