V '4 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL 16 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1920. j yxvAVJ w J. -1 iui t w w xx x . PORTLAND. OREGON, j ordon Will (give (uiet SEalks at HeiiigtOaieatrelinder Church federation gfaspice; TALKS DESIGNED FOR BENEFIT OF GENERAL PUBLIC Each noon at 12:15, except Sun day, from September 14 to 25, a series of "Quiet Talks" will be given at the Heills theatre by 8. D. Gor don, well known Eastern author and orator. The services will be under the direc tion of the Portland Church Federation. The meetings are announced as "simple, with the brief Intensely practical, quiet talk as the chief feature." They have been planned for the convenience of buiiness men and women and will te open to the public. The printed Invita tion reads, "Come In when you can ; slip out when you mut." . Oordon Is bent known as the author of the 14-volume series of "Quiet Talks." A million iniLa quarter of his books are In circulation. Translations have been made Into 28 foreign languages. He has also spoken in many parts of the world during a four year tour. Since returning to America Gordon has been giving this series of talks in theatres In the business districts of large Eastern cities. He conducted a nine weeks' series In New York, seven weeks In Philadelphia, six weeks In Washing ton, five weeks In Baltimore and for two summers has given a nine weeks' course at Atlantic City. The topics for the first week follow: Tuesday. "Tight Corners, Blind Alleys snd How td Oet Out" ; Wednesday, "Why a Shrewd Old Jew Quit Money Making" : Thursday, "A Revolutionary Movement In a Staid Old Town" ; Friday, "There's Someone at Your Side You Can't See" ; Saturday, "The Biography of the Devil." Pentecostal Folk Back in Their Hall The Pentecostal assembly, 112 First street, haii closed Its eighth annual camp meeting, which has been held for the past two months at East Ninetieth and Taylor streets, and will resume regular services Sunday In Its hall. Services Sunday are at 11 a. m. and 2:30 and 8 p. m. Meeting are held each night at 8 o'clock except Saturday. Old-time friends are Invited to the home coming services Sunday. W. C. Trotter is pastor. Iniat Tent Sorvlcf Kvanrellt Louis K. Dickson will Bpeak III the tent pavilion. Thirteenth and Mor rison streets, Sunday at 7:45 p. m. This will be the closing sermon In the tent where Mr. Dickson has carried on a series of meetings which has resulted In a -large number of additions to the church. The evangelist will continue to hold meetings for the public each Sun day night In Women of Woodcraft hall. "The Greatest Man of Tomorrow?' WILL TMK TOPIO AT 11:00 AT CENTRAL I AST UTH AND PINI your Ohurei and Mine BY WALTER HENRY NUGENT, D. D. Minister :4B ILLUSTRATED LECTURE "How We Got Our Bible" 7:48 SERMON: Religion in Businf$s" Central is h on) alike, and you will be made feel sreloome. To'l will enjoy the cood mode by the Chorum and will carry away something food' from Hi pastor's message. COME FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH PARK AND MADISON STREETS Broadway and IJ can to Block f Chares DR. W.T.McELYEEN PREACHES 11 A. M. "Doing Near-to Undramatic Tasks" 7:45 P. M. "Thrills" Unexcelled Quartet and Chorus of Twenty-five Voices THURSDAY, 7:4S P. M. BR. MeEI.VEEN'H CURRENT EVENTS TALK io:3o-Zlpngram WESTMINSTER for Big Living 7:45 Hoarding, Spending, Saving 1t:10 MEN'S CLUB 1t:10 BIBLE SCHOOL i,a rouse paosn.E'a meeting EXOKLLENT MUSIO OR. E. H. PENCE, PASTOR Saint David's Church EAST TWELFTH AND BELMONT Service 7:30, . HiM SERMOX "What is Meaiit by a Parish?? ' llW 8EBM09T ' , ' i iThe Iist Words of St. Peter" 1 ' ... . JJoted speaker to Conduct Meetings y, , Sr It " , . ' '- ? -' i .4'' - t l - f i W f m is tj S. D. Gordon Installation of New Pastor to Take Place Formal Installation of the Rev. Donald W. M. MacCluer, B. D., as pastor of the Rose City Park Presbyterian church will take place in the church Wednesday at 8 p. m. The Rev. D. A. Thompson, moderator of the Portland presbytery, will preside. Dr. William Moll Cas. pas tor of Central Presbyterian church of Eugene, and moderator of the synod of Oregon, will preach the Installation ser mon. The stated clerk of the Portland presbytery, the Rev. C. W. Hays, will read the scripture ; prayer will be of fered by the Rev. Floyd Dorris ; the charge will be delivered to the pastor by the Rev. Ralph C. McAfee, and the charge delivered to the people by the Rev. Boudlnot Seeley. Special music will be furnished. Twentieth Century Creed to Be Topic "A Twentieth Century Creed" will be the subject of a sermon by Rev. William O. Eliot Jr. Sunday morning at 11 at the Church of Our Father (Unitarian), corner of Broadway and Yamhill. The church school will resume at 9 :45 a. m. Some new plans will be put Into effect. A letter from the former superintendent. Frank C. Flint, now at Balliol college, Oxford, will be read. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 12TH AND ALDER sTRBBTi TNI PASTOR HAROLD LEONARD BOWMAN, D. D. trill preach SUBJECTS 10:30 A. M. "THE FAILURE OF THE PHYSICAL" 7:4B P. M. "THE TRANSFIGURATION OF TOIL" LOOK! READ! FOR 12 YEARS IN THIS CITY DR. W. B. HINS0N ha been standing four miliar for the in spiration and authority of tha Bible. Hear Him Sunday 11:00 "Chrises Best Sermon" 7:45 "The Bible of God" A RIMfiiNQ CHALLENGE TO CURRENT DENIALS EAST SIDE BAPTIST CHURCH EAST X0TH AND SALMON STREETS unnyslde, Mt. Tabor, Hawthorne Can to East Twentieth treat. (Ea.t Morrises Street Cars) 9:30, 11 and 8 3fmportant ew The first meeting of the Portland Ministerial association since the summer Vacation season will be Monday atj 9:30 a. m. in the Y. M'. C. x A. auditorium. Dr. Byron J. Clark, president, announces that the address of the morning' will be de livered by S. D. Gordon of New Tork city, Author of the well known series, "Quiet Talks," which have been translated into 28 languages. All clergymen are invited. A carload of clothing from Portland for sufferer in the Near East will be collected and shipped by the young peo ple's societies about OctoVer 1, accord ing to an announcement made by State Director J. J. Handsaker. Collection of the clothing will be under the direction of A. D. Bosserman, president of the Willamette ; association of the Baptist Toung People's unTon; Mrs. Harry J. Miller, president of the Portland district of the Epworth League, and Roland C. Davis, president of the Multnomah County Christian Endeavor union. In formation reaching: Portland Is that thousands will perish in the cold 'this winter unless warm clothing is provided. The committees propose to bale the cloth ing here so; that it can be shipped direct to Armenia, in order to save the ex pense of repacking in New Tork city. The women of the First Christian church will serve a dinner in the church at 6 o'clock next Thursday for delegates to the Near East state conference land rep resentatives of the young people's socie ties. This 'will be the opening rally of the clothing campaijfn. BAPTIST Dr. A. N. Hall of Muskogee. Okla., who filled $ie pulpit of the White Tem ple last Sunday, will preach again this Sunday. The quartet under the direction of J. S; Vann will be heard at both serv ices. Strangers are Invited. Humlaj wilt b a treat dajr at the Eaat 8 id Baptiat church, when both the putor and a large number irf the people who have been away will return. Ir. W. B. Blnaon win preach at both aerricea, sirinc an addreaa in the eTening on tha Bible aa the iaapircd and authoritaUTe word of God. The Rer. Orrn T. Pay haa returned from hii vacation ready for a large work at the Arleta Baptiat chorea. A new addition . of temporary conatraction is being added to the church to proride room lor the Junior department, a the Sunday School haa more than outgrown the ca pacity of the church. In spite erf the vacation season the school attendance was high. The pas tor will prtach twice Sunday. The iter. W. B. Stewart of McMinnrille, who' accepted the pastorate of Glencoe Baptist church Friday, will orjeupy his pulpit twice Sunday. . CHRISTIAN Sunday evening Mrs. Catherine Lin ton, a returned Christian missionary DIRECTORY Fifteenth Sunday After Trinity rnlform Sunday School Lessons "The Clorr of Solomon's Belcn." I Kins 10J 18. 23 25. tlolden Text "Blessed is everyone that fear eth the Lord, that walketh in his ways." r&alms 1281. Young People's Topics Baptist Union "A Great Miracle and Its Lessons." Mark 2:1-12. Christian Endeavor "A Great Miracle and Ita Iom." Mark 2:1-12. Epworth League "InaUtata Echoes." las. 62:7. Baptist First tyhlta Tempi. 12th and Taylor. Preeehim by Dr. A. S. HalL 11. "Christ's Wsmina Against the Teaching of Materialists;" 7:45, "The itifht Answer to Man's Greatest Question. Rast Side K. ?0th and Salmon. Bev. W. B. Hinson. Bev. T H. Cash. "Christ's Best Ser mon"; 7:45, "The Bible of God." Third Vancouver and Knott. Rer. K. E. Close. 11, "Minute Men of God"; 8. "The Shipwreck. Arleta Rev; Owen T. Day. 11, "Prepara tion for Berries" : 8, "Christ Ovet All. Calvary E. ' 8th and Grant. Kev. J. E. Thomas. Glencoe E. 45th and Main. Rev. W. B. Stewart 11. 7:45. Seilwood Bethany Bev. W. N. Ferris. 11, 7:45. Grace E. 76th and Ash. Rev. F. W. JBtar mf 11, 8. 8wedish 1 5th and Hoyt. Rev. T. G. Sjolsn der. Preaching by Rev. J. Paul Krickson, Swedish Baptist missionary for Washington, at 11 and 7 .30. 8t Johns Chicago and Leonard 11, 7:30. Highland E. 6th and Alberta. Rev. Walter L. Riley. 11. 8. Peninrala Drew and Fiske. 10:30. 7:S0. ML Olivet (colored) Brnsdway and Everett Rev. J. W. Anderson. 11, 8. Eiim Swedish MaUory and Skidmors. Rev. A. G. Sandhlnea. 2:30, 3:30. I-ents 88th it and 60th ave. Rev. E. A. Smith. 11. 8.- Second (German) Rodney and Morris. Rev. F. Hoffman. 11, 7 :SO. Catholic Pro-Cathedral 15th and Da via. , 7:15, 8:30. 9:4S. U. St. Peters -Lents Rev. P. Bentsen. S. 10 30. 7:30. St. LWTenr 3d and Sherman. Bev. J. C. Hughes. 6, 8:30. "10:30. 7:30. St. Francis E. 12th and Pine. Rev. 1. E. McNamee. 6. 8. 9.15. 11, 7:45. Immaculate Heart of Mary Williams and Stanton. Kev. W. A. Paly. 6. 8. 9, 11, 7:80. Holy Rosary E. ftd and Clackamas. Bar. E. 8. Olson. . 7. 8. 9, 11, 7:30. Rt. Rose . 53d and Alameda. Rev. J. O'Farrell. 8. 10:30. 4. St. Andrews E. 9th and Alberta. Ber. 1 Klernan. 8. 10:30. 7:80. The Madeleine E. 24th and Siskiyou. Rev. George F. Thompson. 7:30. 9, H. Ascension E. 78 th and YamhilL Franciscan Fathers. 8. 14V.S0. 7:30. Blessed 8arrsment Msryland and Blandena. Bev. V. W. Black.. 8, 10:30, 7:30. Holy Croat 774 Bowdoin. Rav. a Ray mond. 8. 10:30, 7:80. St. Ignatius 8 220 4 3d st 8. K. Jesuit Fsthers. 0 80; . 10 SO. 7. St Stephen E. 4 2d and Taylor. Re. Warren. A. Waitt. 6. 8:80, 10:30, 7 SO Holy Redeem sr Portland blvd. and Van couver ave. Itev. William t. Ihrine. 6. 8 10:30, 7:80. St PhUip Nri (Pauliat Fathers) E. 16th and Hickory. (Rev. M. L. Ferry. 7:80. 9 10:30, 7:80. j . ' ' St. Clements' 8. Smith ave. and Newton. ServMe Fathers... 8, 8. 10:30, 7:30. Sscred Heart E. 11th and Center. Bev G. Bob. 8. 10 30. 7:80. fit. AcithaE. 15th and Miller. Bar. J, Commisky. 8. 10:80, 7:80. 8t Stanislaus (Polish) Msryland and Fail ing. Bev. F. Matthew. 8. 10:80, 7:30. 8t Joseph i (German) 15th 'and Conch. Rav.. B. Rurrer. 8. 10:80. 7:30. St Michael I Italian) 4 th and Mill. Rev. M. Balestra. 8:30. 10:30, 7:80.- St Claires Capital HilL Father Aloysins. O. F. M. 7:30. 9:20. All Saints "R mi... v Father William jCronla, 8. 10:80. M a frlMth "d Savior. Rev. Charles at- Smith. Maasaa 30 S a-1S in so v.aa . ; Christian Firsts PavSr wt CI. u. . - .. , , ttz act. nsnn as. s. i,iudrvr . 8t Johna.-A.tral' aad Orwaso. n. TJ0. iCheiatlae to!., taaaea anhjeet: "Snbstanee.- Sr"h and Evwett It. . EX B. th am Hollada,.' U .9. SImH 888 TamhilL 11, 8. ' viscasaaay. a p. -as. eae -!?niS5?!k"d Mde. Dr. W. T." McEl- nui near xe Lndramatic Tasks." M- of Portlands Churckes and ?oung from South America, will speak at. the First Christian church. Mrs. Linton is a sister of D. A. Grout, superintendent of city schools. Mr. Grtffis will occupy the pulpit in the morning. COK&&EGATIOKAL The Sunday program at the First Con gregational church includes an illus trated lecture at the church school by Major E. J. Berry on 'The Embarkation of the PilgTims.' At 11 s. m. Dr. W. T McElveen will preach, communion will be observed and new members welcomed. A musical service led by a chorus of 25 voices will precede the evening sermon. Caroline McEwen will speak on "Mira cles" to the Christian Endeavor. The Ber. J. W. ThreUaU is the new pastor at St. Johns Congregational church, eucceeding the Bee. W. U Upahaw. The Bee. Ma. Threl fall recently arrived here from Boston. "Welcome Back Sunday" will be observed Sunday at Atkinson Memorial Congregational church. The Bev. E. E. Flint announces that he will preach a morning .and evening sermon dealing with present day conditions The choir this year anil be led by Mist Eta Richmond. EPISCOPAL Dr. A. A. Morrison will commence a series of evening talks Sunday night at Trinity Episcopal, marking the reopening of the evening services for the fall ana winter months. Dr. Morrison will preach in the morning as usual. Sunday school opens this Sunday with A. C. Newill as superintendent and Mrs. W. D. Wheel wright, assistant superintendent. Buhop W. T. 8umner will leave this week end for a visitation of tha missions at Bandoo, Coquille, Port Ortord. Empire and other Coos Bay points. The southwestern convocation meeta Wednesday at Bandon. Mias Myla Chambers, president of tha St Stephen Pro-Cathedral Toons People's society, will lead the service 8unday night. ' Dean R. T. T. Hicks will give a talk on "The Origin and Transmission of tha Holy Scriptures." The deaa will also occupy tha pulpit Sunday morn ins and evening. A meetins of the Cathedral chapter wiU be held at 8 p. nv Monday, in the dean office. EVANGELICAL The Evangelical church at Lents is planning a special series of meetings to commence October 10, according to an announcement made by the Rev. L. B. Culver, pastor. L. M. Bain of Tacoma Is to have charge of the music. Next Thursday evening the Rev. Jacob Stock er of the Clay street Evangelical church ts to preach, the occasion being the sec ond quarterly meeting. ItTHERAN Our Savior's Lutheran church has re sumed its regular work after vacation. Including the graded system of instruc tion in the Sunday school. Sunday morning the sermon will be in Nor wegian, followed by holy communion. On September 23, the Rev. Odd Gornitzka of Seattle, will deliver his lecture on Norway. METHODIST The eighteenth amendment and law enforcement will be discussed Sunday night at the First Methodist church when Dr. T. Leigh Colvln, candidate for vice president of the United States OF CHURCH lowed by communion and reception of new mem bers; 7:4 5. musical aerrice. Sunnyiide E. 3 2d and Taylor. Rev. J. J. 8laub. "Christianity's Unique Ineredient of Jry"; 7:45. "Cnexpected Surprises in the Christian Religion. " Atkinson Memorial E. 29th and Everett Rev. E. E. Flint. 11, "What to Live For"; 7:45, "The Root of Evil, the Dollar Sign." Highland K. 6th and Preseott. Rev. Edward Constant, 11, "Sunday Help for Monday Serv ice"; 7:80, "A Good Investment" Waverly Heights E. S2d and Woodward. Rev. Oliver P. Avery. 11. "Taking Tour Di mensions"; 8, foepel message. Laorelwood 45th ave. and 65th st 8. E. Mrs. Alice M. Handsaker. 11. 7:80 Pilgrim Missouri and Sharer Preaching by Bev. K. K. Clark of Kansas at 11 and 7 .30. University Park Haven and Lombard. Bev. C II. Johnston. 10:30. 7:30. Finnish Mason snd Alhina. Rev. A- A. lUrju. B aad 8 p. m. St Johns 8. Ivanhoe and Richmond. Bev. John W. ThreUall. 11, 7:80. Danish-Norwegiasi E. 23d snd Sumner Bev. Ola Torgassen. 11, 7:30. First German E. 7th and Stanton Rav. George Zocher. 11, 7:80. secona uerman e. stn ana Btnaon Kev. Henry Hagelganz. 11, 7:30. Zion German F-. 9th add Fremont Rev. J. H. Hoop. 11, 7:30. Dunkard Church of the Brethren Borthwiek and B rai ns rd Btv. George C. Cart 11. 8. Episcopal Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephen 13th aDd Clay. Kt Rer. Walter Taylor Sumner, bishov; Very Rev. R. T. T. Hicks, dean. 7:4 5, communion; 11, morning prayer and sermon; 7:45, evening prayer. Trinity 19Ui and Everett Kev. A A. Mor rison, rector. 8, 11, 8, The Psychology of Religion." . St Osvid 's E. 12th snd Belmont Rev. Thomas Jenkins, rector. 7:30, 9:30, 11, S. St. Mirk ! 2 1st and Marshall. Kev. J. G. Ilatton. rector. Preaching by Rev. V. K. How ard. Daily, 7:30 s. m. ; Sunday, 7:30, 11, Catholic and Protestant"; 7:45. St Philip's 242 KntseU. 10, 11. Arch deacon Chambers in chsrgew St Andrew's Hereford st. Portsmouth, 10, 11. Archdeacon in charge. Grace Memorial East 17th and Weidler. Rev. John Dawson. 11, 8. St Michael and All Angels' E. 43d and Brosdwsy. Rev. F. T. Bowen. vicar. 8, 10, 11. Church of Our Savior SOth ave. and 41st st S. E. Bev. E. H. Clark, vicar. 7 .30 and 11 a. m. Bishop Moms Memorial Good Samaritan bocpitaL Rev. F. K. Howard. 7 and 9:30 a- m. St Paul s. Woodmera Kev. Uswald W. Tay lor 4. All BainJj' 25th and S&vier. Bar. Frederic K Howard. 10 and 11. St John's Memorial 7. 15th and Harney. Rev. E. H. Clark in charge. 11. St Matthews corbett and Bancroft Bev. W. A. M. Brack, vicar. 10 and 11. Evangelical First 7. flth and Market Rev. Ears Maurer. 11. 7:80. Clay Street loth and Clay. Rev. Jacob Blocker. 10:45, 8. Swedish Tabernacles N. 17th and Glisaa. Bev. J. C Ledin. 11, 7:30. Lenta F. B. Culver. 11. "Some Things That Can Ba AeompUshed Through Prayer and Fasting"; B, "What Does It Mean to Ba a Chriatiaa?" Free Methodist First E. th and Mill. Rev. W. J. Johnston. 11. 7:45. Central E. 65th and Flanders. Rer. E. L 11. 7:30. Alberta E. 80th. and Wygant Rev. 8. L. Bonn. ll. 7:45. St J etuis E. .Richmond and Hudson Rav. E. D. Blackmaa. 11, 7:80. Lenta Rev. 8. H. Lpton, acting pastor. z:io. s JO. First E. SBth sod Main. Bar. Homer L. Cox. 11. 7.45. Second E. 9 2d and 61st sve. Bev. Luraaa TerreU. 11, 7:80. Wast Piedmont Borthwiek and Jersey. Rav. Carey Jassupp. 11, 8. efsvvistl Congregation Bath Israel 12th and slain. Rabttk Jonah B. Wise. Reform Synagogue. Service Friday 8 p. m-, Saturday 10:80 a. m. Congregatioa Ahavai Shalom Park aad Clay its. Rabbi R. AbrahamsoD. " Friday, 8 p. m. ; Saturday 8:80 a. tn. Congress iloa Novah Eedek Talmud Tovab 8th sad Hall Bev. Abraham 1. Ko sane rants. Friday, 8 p. ra.; Saturday a. m.; Sunday 10 a. m. Keligiou achooL Latter Day aalnta Chvreb of Jeans Christ of Latter. Day Ssiata E. 25th and Msdiaon. Heber C Ivwrsoa, missioa preaident. 10, 6 :89. Keorganrsed Chnrcb E. 70th sad Irving. Bev. U E. Jooee. 11. S. " St Jamas W. Park aad Jefferson Bar. William E. Brtnkasan. 11. 7:30. St Pauls B. 12th sad Chntoa. Raw. A. Krssjss. 1S .S0. 'What as the Dots' aad Oblige, tssn of All th Belie Ting CoasmunicaJitsr ' 8, -The Teat of Two Soola." Trinity (Missouri Synod) Rodney and Ivy Rev. t. A. Bimbach, 10:15 (Gereaaa), 7 JO lEntluh). Cburcb foe Deaf Rodney sad Ivy Rev. J. A. C. Beyer. S SO. -Our Saviosir E. 10th sad Oraat, Raw. ML A. Chris tenswm. 11, ( M arwegiaji ) , sarmoa followed by eomnrasdoa. Betbsekvsss NearansUsi 14 th sad Davis Stew. Wilhelns Pettetaea. 11. S. Bethel Evangelical Norwegiat (rree) Wy gant aad Rodney lee. A. A. Borrvvik. 1 1 on the prohibition .ticket, will speak. Dr.; Colvln is a Methodist laymen. In the morning at 10:30 o'clock there will be a sacramental communion service. The founc people of Clinton Kelly Memorial M. E. ekmrch will reorganise their Epworth league Sunday sight at 7 p. m. In the morn ing the Bev. E. g. Mace will preach. Bandar night the BV J. Stanford Moore of Er worth Methodist church aad tha Bev. t H. Sibley of Ixmta Methodist church will exchange pulpita. Each will occupy his own pulpit ia tha Doming. Sunday will be home eomina day at Sell wood Methodise church. The thfwe superintend ents of the Sunday school are I). S. Manny. It. Georia Simon and Mrs. H. at Huff. The Junior league will meat at 2:30 p. m. and the Epworth lea ua at 6:30 p. m. Regular morn ing snd evening sermons wUI be preached by tha Bev. W. S. Gordon. Sunday morning Mrs. Catherine Linton, a missionary to Argentina, will speak in the Mount Tabor Methodist church. Mr. and Mrs. Untoo have been conducting aa independent missionary work in South America and are well known at Mount Tabor. The peUr will preach at ni-ht. AZAKE5E D. Leigh Colvin. prohibition candidate for vice president of the United States, will preach Sunday at 11 a. m. at the First Naaarene church. He also speaks tonight at Library halL FRESBYTEBIAir The First Presbyterian church will have in its pulpit Sunday its regular pastor. Dr. H. L. Bowman, who has re turned from his vacation. He will preach morning and evening. At 7 :30 p. m. E. E. Coursen will give an organ prelude. The Sunday school of the First Presbyterian church will conclude its program of talks illus trated with lantern slides Sunday. In tha pri mary room the subject will be "The Appear ance After the Resurrection." In the senior room some pictures will be shown illustrating the history of the Apostolic church st the be ginning. Westminster Presbyterian church started fall work last Sunday with a good attendance. Dr. E. H. Pence will preach twice Sunday. At 13:10 p. m., following the morning sermon, tha men of the congregation will organize a mrn's club. The men also plan to have a strong representation at the banquet and rally in Mount Tabor church on Tuesday evenina. At 0:45 a. m. Sunday an illustrated lecture will be given to tb Bible school of Central Presbyterian church by Mrs. W. II. Nugent This talk will be concluded during the Thursday evening prayer service. Beginning September 26 picture lectures on "Better America" will b- given in connection with the evening service. Teachers and officers of the Sunday school met with Superintendent R. F. Barnes on Wednes day to plan for rally day exercises on September 26. Dr. W. II. Nugent will preach Sunday morning. The Rev. D. A. Thompson has returned from his vacation at Neah Kah N'ie mountain with his family, and -will occupy his pulpit at Mix pah Presbyterian church Sunday morning and eve ning. Services at Anabel Community Presbyterian church have been resumed with the pastor'a re turn from his vacation. This inciudea the Christian Endeavor service at 6:80 p. m. and evening sermon st 7:30 p. m. At a. teacher' meeting of Kenilworth Pres byterian church Sunday school workers held Tuesday eveening. plans were msde for a special rally day program and graduation exerciae on September 26. Together with this the session plana to hold the quarterly communion service for October and to receive new members. The SERVICES IN 7:45. Grace (English) E. 24th and Broadway Tlev. C. II. Bernhard. 11. "The Widow Mite"; 7.30, "The Wonderful Helper in life's Needs." Bethany Danish Evangelical Colon and Mor ris Kev. I.. P. Kjoller II. 7:SO. St Johns Peninsula and Kilpa trick Rev. L, Ludwig. 10:45. 7:30. Swedish Augustana Stanton and Rodney Rev. V. G. Ogren. 10:45, 7:45 ImmsDuel 19th and Irving Rev. A. T. An derson. 11, 8. Perunaowth Lovely and Fertame Bev. S. -C B. Knutsen. 11, IJ 30. Zion Evingelicil ( Klssoari Synod ) Chap man and Salmon Rev. IL H. Koppcimana 11. 8. , Immannel ( Missouri Synod) E. 15th and Leo Her. H. C. Ebeling. 9 :30, 10:30, German. Evangelical Church of tha Redeemer 15th and Wygant 10. 11. Finnish 179 Fargo. Rev. A. Balminea. 10; Sunday school, 7. St Marti (Wisconsin Synod) MaUory aad Skidmore Kev. P. Ilinderer. 10:30. Methodist Episcopal Carson Heights Rev. G. S. Brows, 10, 11, 7. Centenary E. 9th and Pine Rev. Frank L. Wemett 11. 7:30. Central Vancouver and Fargo Rev. A. R. Maclean. 11, 8. Clinton Kelly E. 4 0th and Powell. Rev. E. S. Mace. 11. "The Price"; 7, Epworth League. Epworth 26th and Savicr Rev. J. Stanford Moore. 11, 8. "China From the Personal Ex periences of a Religious Teacher," by Kev. F. R. Sibley. First 12th and Taylor. Rev. Joshua Stana field. T0:8O. communkm service; 8. "The Eighteenth Amendment" by T. Leigb Colvin. First Norwegian Danish 18th and Hoyt Rev. Elias Gjerding. 11. 8. Laurelwood- E. 63d and Foster. Itev. A. C Brakenbnry. 11,7 :80. Uoti 86th snd 58th tn. Rev. F. R. Sibley. 11, 7:4 5, "When Strifs Shall Cease." b Rev. J. Stanford Moore. Lincoln E. 6 2d and Lincoln. Rev. T. A Ginn. 11. 7:80. M on ta villa E. 80th and Pine. Rev. Hiram Gould. 11, 7:30. Mt TsbOr E. 61st snd Btark. Rev. E. G. Decker. 11. missionarv address bv Mrs. Cather ine Ijnton; 8, "Symbolisms in Church and State," by the pastor. Patton Alberta and Michigan. Rev. George H. Bennett 11. 7:30. Rose City Park E. 58th and Sandy. Rev. D. I-ester Fields. 10:30, 7:30. Seilwood E. 15th and Tacoma. Rev. W. 8. Gordon- 11. "Gathering Up the Fragments"; 7 :30, "Tbe Expulsive Power of a New Affec tion. Sannyside E 35th and TamhilL Rev. W F. Ineson. 11, 8, 8t Johns W. Leavitt and Syracuse. Rev. W. E. Kloster. 11. 7:30. Swedish Beech and Borthwiek. Rev. Abel Eklund. 11. 8. University Park Fiske and Lombard. Rev H. T Atkinson. 11, 7:80. Vancouver Ave. N orwegian-Danish Sktdntore and Vancouver. 1 1 . Wesktyan E. 53d and GUsan. Rav. D. B. Hampe. 11. 7:45. Westmoreland Milwaukle, and Midway. Rev. E. S. Mace. 8. Wilbur Multnomah hotel. Bar. E. C Hick man. 10:30, "Who Is a Methodist?" Woodstock 44 th snd Woodstock 8. E. Bev. L. C. Poor. 11, 7:45. Woodlawn E. 10th and Highland. Rev. J. H. Irvine. 11. "Tha Kingship of the Servant of All": 7:30, "What a Galaxy of Girls Saw at the League Institute of 1920. District superintendent, Rev. William Wallace Toungson, V. V.. 691 E. CJd at. N. Tabor 2790. M. K. South First Cnion and Multnomah Rev. J. W. Byrd. 11. preaching by Kev. W. T. Goolder. Nazarane First E. 10 th and Weidler. Kev. A. If. Brwera. 11, addreaa by T. Ligh Colvin. vice president candidate for Prohibition party; 7:4 3. Seilwood E. 9th and Spokane. . Bev. 1. G. Bringedahl. 11. 7:80. Brentwood 65th ave. and 67th st. Raw. C. II. Fowler. 11. 7:80. Highland Park E. 14th and Jsrrett Bav. W. P. Keebaugh. 11, 8. Scandinavian 948 Garfield. Rav. Daniel Hallsttxm. 11. 7:80. . e) PreasytsrfsJi First 12th and Alder. Dr. Harold Leonard Bowman. 10 SO, "The Failure of tha physical": 7:45, "The Transfiguration of Toil." Westminster East 17th and Schuyler. Bav. F.dward B. Pence. 10:80. "A Big Program foe Rig Living-7:45. "Uaai4ins. Spending. Bav ins." Central E. 18th snd Pine. Bee. Walter TTmry Nugent 11. "Tbe Greatest Maa of To morrow"; 7:45. "Religion ia Business. Calvaro 1 1 th and Clay. Bev. I. Bowrlng Quick. 11. "A City en Trial": 7:46. "The Great Image." Mt Tabor E. (5th and Belmont Bee. Ward Mac Henry. 11. Vemoa 19th aad Wygant. 11. 8. PMnS- (TVevriand ind Jsrrett Bev. J. Fas oris Morgan. 1,1, "In Caaap and Ob the March"; 7:81, Over Jordaa" . r north First and Gibba. Raw. Monroe G, E remit- 10:30. "Plain Words on a Great Theme": 7:80. "Tbe Pattern of Service." Kenilworth E. 84th aad Gladstone. Raw. L K. Grimes. 11. "Jesus' Inaugural Address"; i. preaching by Dr. W. S. Holt Hope 78th and Everett. Bew. H. E. Giles. Ree City Rev.- Donald W. If. MacChMf. 1 Vorbcs -Graham and Gantrnbein Rer. Ward Willis liong. 11. sermon by Dr. W. 8. Holt of t-Mladetphaa: 7:80, sermon by pastor en "What f Whence! Whither?" Trinity Virginia snd Bebraaka, Bet. Theo dore p. Smith. 11. 8. Anabel Bev. F. H. afixseB. ll. "Retrospect people's Societies Rev. L. K. Crimes, pastor, will preach Sunday moraine' sod tveninj. , . Dr. W. S. Holt of Philadelphia, a Member of tfea Issnl of sainiaterlal relief aad austenta- taon of tbe Presbyterian, chorch. wiU preach Sunday moraine at Forbes Presbyterian church Dr. Holt is past 70 year of age. In the eve ning Ua Kev. w. W. Ixmg. pastor, wui preacn a senium of eiwi, lal luliiwl tn ausdania. The Rev. Monroe O. JCvarstt. castor of Fourth PresbyteTiaB church, announces that the BUMe Bcbool hour will be chanced Bunday iron 10 a. m. to the noon hour and that the morn ini preaching boor will be advanced 10:10 a. n. SWEDES BORGIAN The Portland society of the New Christian services will resume services Sunday morning at 301 Central building, in the headquarters of the Theoaophlcal society. Following the adoption of a Dlan Dresented by the pastor last spring. the services will follow a much simpler order. Another Improvement In the work is a business office for the pastor in the Oregon building. This will serve also as a reading room and a publica tion office for the pastor's weekly let ter, rne New cnrisuan Anister. U5ITED BRETHREN The First United Brethren church Bible school and Christian Endeavor will observe rally day Sunday with a full program. The chorus cbolr under the direction of Professor W. H. Moore will appear in a full ritualistic service in the morning, when Dr. O. E. McDon ald, district superintendent, will preach, Sunday nitrht the pastor. Dr. Byron J, Clark, will preach. Souvenirs will be given to all who attend the Sunday school at 10 a. m. Closing- services for the conference year will be held Sunday morning and evening at Second, Third aad Fourth United Brethren churchea. with each pastor in his or her pulpit. The Bev. C. P. Blanchard of Fourth) church haa sulliclenuy recovered from ber illness to occupy bar pulpit. For 20 years the deaf people of Port Isnd and vicinity have been attending the United Presbyterian Church of the Strangers. Until quite recently it has been the only place In the city where the deaf had an opportunity of hearing the gospel. Every Sunday morning an interpreter has been present to give in sign language the same sermon that the pastor. Dr. S. Earl DuBols, preaches to the Rearing people. For a number of years Mrs. FT C. Metcalf has been act ing as the interpreter. Not only is Bhe an expert In the sign language, but she takes a deep interest in the deaf people. Frequent social gatherings are held, to which the deaf are always wel come. Next Sunday morning is home coming day in this church and the deaf people' are most cordially Invited to be present. , Missionaries to Speak The Rev. and Mrs. F. A. Christopher son, for 26 years missionaries in China for the Christian and Missionary Alli ance movement, will speak Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. at the Goepel Tabernacle, East Ninth and Clay streets. They will also give an address at Aloha, Or., at 3 p. m. PORTLAND sr.d Proapect"; 7:80. "Tha Hem of His Gar ment." Millard Avenue 65th v. and 70th iL r reaching by Rev. U F. Powell. 11. 8. Marshall Street 17th and Marshall. Bev. A. J. Hanna. 11. Mir pal. E. 19th and Division. Rev. D. A. Thompson. 11, "Men and tha Church"; 7:45, "Saved to Serve." t'nity E. 7 1st and Sandy. Rev. S. W. See man. 11, "Lor a! Thou Met"; 7:30, "What I Religion?" Arbor Ixsdaw Bryant and Curtis. Bev. Alex ander R. Evans. 11, 8. liolt Chinese US H First Ber. Gas Bins Hoy. 7 p. m. srhool; 8. 9. roans people. Rsfeevned Cvanostlcal Fint 12th and Clay. Rev. G. Hafnar. 10:45. 8. Star armed Presbytsrian First Minnesota and Ainsworth. Rev: F. D. rrexer. 11. 7.30. Seventh Day AdvavrtlaU Note Regular services of this denomination are held on Saturday. Central-rE. llfu and Everett L. K. Dick son, pastor. 10, 11:15. Tabernacle 6th and Montgomery. G. W. Petit minister. 10, 11. Montavilla E. 80th and Everett J. A. Ger. hsrt 10. 11. Lents 94th st and 58th Sve. XV. D. Hunangtoti. 10, 11. St Johns Central ava. and Charleston. A. It. Folkenberg. 10. 11. Albina Skidmors snd Mallory. Elder M. H. Wentland. 10. 11. Scandinavian 6 2d st and 39th ave. Elder O. S. Lee. 10. 11. Salvation Arm Corps No. 1 248 Ash st Adjutant Henry R. Cosens. 11, 8:15. 8. Corps No 4 128 tt 1st Ensign Jessie Miller in Envoy Mrs. I'ptnn. 11. 1:30, 8, 6, 8. asradsnsMsrassn New Christian 801 Central building. 11, "Present World Conditions The Result of Spir itual World Judgment" Unitarian Church of Our Father Broadway snd Tam hilL Thomas L. Eliot. D. D , pastor emeritus, Kev. William G. Elk Jr., pastor. 11. "A Twen tieth Century Creed." United Brethren Conference superintendent Rev. G. E. Mc Donald. First E. 18th and Morrison. Rev. Byron J. Ciark. 11. preaching by Ir. -G. E McDonald ; 8, "The Sword snd the Trowel." Second E 27th and Sumner. Rev. Ira ltawley. 11. "The Injured Still Grows"; 8. "If Tou Sin God'a Judgment Pronounces Death." Third 67th at and S2d ae. S. E. Kev. E. O. Shepherd. 11, "Increase or Decrease"; 8. "Preening Questions." Fourth Tremont Rev. C P. Blanchard. 11. "The Value of Spiritual Dreajnltig." fol lowed by communion; 8, "Retrospective." e Cloverdale 4 46 Jassup. Rev. Walter Rey nolds. 10. 6:80. 7:30. United Evaneellcal First E. 16th and Poplar. Bev. J. A. Goods. 11. 8. Ockley Green Wtllsmrtte blvd. and Gay uev. u. ii. r smnam. 11, is. St Johns Rev. A. P Larton. 11, 7:80. United Pr-esb rtertsn First E. 87 th sod Hawthorne. Rev. IL F. Given. 11. yes? Church of the Strangers Grand and Wasee. Rev. S. Earl Du Boia 10 30. ' Home Coming Day ; 8. "Tn. Good Dwturher. Kenton 120 W. Lombard. Rev. George N Taylor. 11. H. Mlseallansous Christian snd Missionary Alhane4-E. 9th aad Clay. Rev. John E. v 10. 11 and f 111. Addresses by Rev and Mm. F. A. Christan'heraoo. Chinese misaionanea. Realisation Leagwe 146 13th. Kev. Edward Mill'. 11. "Taking leant (hit of Hardship." Chrirtadelphian 831 K. Washlngtoa. 10 80. Church of God 361 Felting. llarrv KaaX 11. "Salvation" : 7:4 a, BtMe Hwdy ra) Matihww. . . y k 11 r SSfk a. .MA Men Resort 4th and Bumsela. Bee. Levi Johnson, suoenntendent Divine Science Portland hotel. T. M. MinanL 11. Pentecostal First and Washlnrtoe Rev. Will C. Trotter. 11, 8. 7 80; dsny. 7:30. Glad Tidings (Pentecostal Mission) 248 Tint 2, 3, 7:30. Pentecostal 147 H First Geergc B. Far tow. 8. 8. Paatscoetal 210 Vs TamhilL 2:30. 7:80 daily. 7:80 Csristiaa Assembly E. 20th and Aakeuy Paetoe. A. W. Smith. 11. t . til Volunteers of America -524 rnxrnasde. Bvs aings except Monday at S; Sunday. 3, 8. Portland Eerlesia (ChristadalphlaS) 1597 Belmont (renrge H. Tilling, secretary. 11. Peniei Mleahm 109 H Second. 8; dally. 8. Church of Christ E. 79th aad Glisaa. 11. First Bpiritaal Scieare 129 4th st Bee. Max Hoffmaa. Clrciea 6 p. as.: seetare at 8 p m by Mrs. Smith of Cleveland. Ohio. IntarnatlDnal Bible Stwdesta W. O. W. tem ple, 1 1th end Alder. 8. 8. i Church of Corset E. 62d aad 60th sea. 10. 11, 7:30. T. M. a A. Sixth snd Taylor. I. Church ef Divine Truth 412 Central bnHd- hg Nettie Taylor sUoh. 11. Church ef Modem Spiritsmbsm 40 Aider. I. 7:48. Theoaophical Society 801 Central bldg. 8. "Meeaace of Theoaophy." by F. Homer Cartis, B 8. M. D. Christisn Workers Bible Institute Central library, 2 :30. First Bpiritoalist E. 7th aad Haass lo. 8, 8. Bin ri tarn bat, Central library. 8:30 addresses by Kev. May A. Price. Ksw. C J. Oalssoa aad others. Gospel Mission H Cnioe ave. 8 . 8:18 P. bl, 7:48 p. m. lVeacaicg y Evanjeliat Genrse Jbaes of Seattlav - tcw pastor to JJc installed in 2SIeek -I Jr. W. n. Nugent Dr. Bowman Will Be Installed Thursday Thursday evening Dr. Harold Leonard Bowman will be formally Installed as pastor of First Presbyterian church. The moderator of the Portland presbytery, the Rev. D. A. Thompson, will preside. Dr. E. 1L Pence of Westminster Pres byterian church will preach the sermon, the Kev. Levi Johnson will give the Installation prayer, the Rev. Monroe O, Everett of Fourth Presbyterian church will give the charge to the pastor and the Rev. Boudinot Seeley, superintendent of Presbyterian missions in Oregon, will give the charge to the people. Airplane mall, freight and, eventually. passenger, service between the principal cities of Brazil is proposed by promot ers, who have been granted a govern ment concession. . CALVARY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH I1TH AND CLAY ST8. Rev. L. Bowrlng- Quirk, Minister IT A. M. "A, City on Trial." 7:45 P. M."The Great Image." Bible School 10 A. M. CHURCH of OUR FATHER (UNITSRiaiv) BEOADWAT AT YAMIIILL WILLIAM 6, ELIOT JfL MINISTER i Those who desire tbe worship and fellow ship of a Christian Church without, creed tests snd working for lin-elfish ends will probably find whst they seek, tn the Chnreh pf Oiir Father. We aim in our Church School to teach children nothing they will have to unlearn when they grow older. The Church School for all ages meets at t 19 a. m. Itegular morning service at 11 :00. "A TWENTIETH CENTURY ORE ED.- SEPT. 14-25 Every Noon lSllt SHARP EXCfcPT NT5 DAY Quiet Talks BY Mr.S.D. Gordon HEILIG THEATRE BROADWAY A5D TAYLOK ST. Topics First AVeek Tues. 14 "Tight Corners, Blind Alleys, and Hew to Oat Out." ( sjved. 1B "WKv a hewd OiS' lew QuH Maney-Maklnt." Yhur. 1 "A Revolutionary ktovament m s laM 0c) Tewe." frl. 17 "There's eWrneooe et Yeur tide Tsti Cant lee."' aas. it -Te Bleajrapny et the Devn." COUK ITT YVHEJT YOU AX SLIP OCT WHEX YOU MUST FederaUoa of Cbarrbes . - Arv t; ' ' v I t' - THE END OF THE WORLD or MILLIONS NOW LIVING WILL NEVER DIE HEAR THIS INTERESTING SPEAKER AND LECTURER OF NATIONAL REPUTATION G. S. KENDALL of Brooklyn, Now York ' UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE INTERNATIONAL BIBLE STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION ... SUNDAY, SEPT. 12, 8 P. M. A convincing, hope-injplrinf; message, eivinjcicrlpUral proofcthit the earth's reconstruction will soon nQfress Into a state of perfection and life everlasting; to U who conform themselves to the proper conditions as they develop. ' v r W. O. W. TEMPLE 1 1 th StrosH, Betwsxia Waskiactsxs mad AlcW EVERYONE VVXLCOME UNITED BRETHREN TO HOLD.HAL Thursday tbe sixty-seventh Oregon annual conference of the Church of the United Brethren In Christ will begin at the First United Brethren church, Eaat Fifteenth and Morri son streets. The sessions will last through Monday. Bishop WlHlam II. Washingrer will preside and give tho opening address at 9 a. ni. Thurs day. He will aviso preach Sunday, morning, September 19. The annual session of the denomina tion's Christian Endeavor union will be held Tuesday ana w (jneisaay nn Mrs, E. O. Shepherd, president, presiding;. SESSION THURSDAY Ident. presiding;. .1 1U be held each onventlons, -with -fi I uesdy, tha Rev.' I Bvangellstlc services win evening during both con peakeri as follow: Tuesda D. J. Ferguson ; Wednesday, the Itev. Ira Hawley ; Thursday, tlie Rev. George s Chapman; Friday, the Rev. ;. K. Hart man; Saturday, ' the Rev. J D. Nlse wonder, and Sunday, tho lie v. G. I Bender. Dr. Byron J. Clark, pastor of the local First church, will be the host ot the conference. Ministers and lay delegates tom Oregon and "Western Washington will attend. The Rev. K. B. Ward, a re turned missionary from China, with a recod of 22 years in the foreign field, ' will also be present to add Inspiration to the sessions. Dr. fl. E. McDonald, sunerir intendent I orts two fl rear. The ft mal 2B.- I ' ilnatlonal t ot the Oregon conference, reports financial achievement for the year. drive in Oregan for an addition" OOft pndnwment for the . denomln college at Philomath, 6r., went 81000 beyond the mark, and the United .nllst ment Movement In the state for I30,71 totaled over 131,000 when the final count was made. TONIGHT! God'sLastMessage for the World ! HEAR EVANGELIST A. R. OGDEN OF IOWA Well-Knows Blhle I-ectsrer and Urrlvallit SUNDAY NIGHT EVANGELIST LOUIS K.DICKSON WILL SPEAK 07T "PENNING HUMAN -DESTINY" A Most Start linn and Rolenih Prophetic Announcement. BFLENDID MUSICAL PROGRAM EACH EVEJilJIG Big Tent Pavilion COR. UTH ASD MORRISOJf Srat Eres. Pa bile invited. FIRST NAZARENE CHURCH E. ItTH AND WEIDLER STS. g-S D. LEIGH COLDEN PROHIBITION NOMINEE I ' FOB VICE-PRESIDENT SPEAKS AT 11 A. M. A. M. Bowes, Pastor SPEAKS AT 7tia P. M. "Message of Theosophy" Br f. homer curtiss, b. s. m. d. Sunday, e'Olee. Theoaophloal Mall, 801 Oentral Building. Societies. Publle Activities and Olassssi aaosi. a SI Secret Doctrine Class. TOES. TMUH rsii. FRI. MT. g p. as. order ef Star in we sarv. p. as. Inquirers' stud CI us. 3 a. M. selnners' Olaaa. a P. as. OhHstlan Mrtsielsm Olaas. 8 p. sa. RseonKruetlofl OvrPIDt Events Discussions. 3 p. as. Lotus Class far Juniors. S P. all. Lecture.' SUN. (UN. VOU ARC WELCOME "Present World Conditions The Result of Judgment in the Spiritual World" , SOME STARTLIM LIOMT ON WORLD PROSLtsSS AT NEW CHRISTIAN CHURCH 801 CENTRAL BLDO., 11 A. M. WM. R. RCEOC, Minister. I ,4 t t it-