e SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER U,' '1920. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. OREGON PI AH OH, OROANS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS I e is At Columbia. I Victor, in I V fetor. so jftsieUnd I lavmeetie i "ESED TALKIXd MACHINES At prtoa that will am livens quickly. AU In cood cpcditlon. OnlamMa. email 28.00 Victor, tmiU 18 00 victor, small bii.oo ienia MM om j firorot . tflsieUnd cibintt and IB records. . . . 60.00 laVmewUe cabinet and 13 records Tl.00 Brunswick cabinet and If records.... 100 00 Vletrala cabinet 100.00 Columbia E2 cabins and It rtrndi.. 111.00 Columbia ra cabinet and 11 raeordi. . 120.00 $3 UrtJO down. M tn 87 monthly. SCHWA PIANO CO.. 101 ,Tnlh St., Cor. Btark. Phona Broadway 1S78. ltKCNtWIk phonograph, lik. nww; mahogany eaaa, Bold jtrtmminns, at a bargain. Terms given. Setberlint Lucia Mueto Co . 125 Fourth at. bat Washington and Alder sta. THADB your piano on a VtctmU end rscorde. Uat oar nroooaltioa Main 8586. Bclbcrllng- Ineaa Music Co., 125 4lh at TYPEWRITER. 77 ALL mskes. aoM, rented and exchanged. Ta tf desired. Band for retsll prices, whole seU Typewriter Co.. 121 Waahlngtou st. N. W. Cot, 6th. t0R KENT Typewriters, 14 pr moaUi, three montht 110; epeeisl sludentt rales. Kerning tnn Typewriter company. s Broadway. Fam II madway 621 . A7itK8"o( typewriters rented, repaired and aold on monthly payment plan. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 04 BD " Main 866a, TArNCHEH AND BOATS 64 FtBR'fNO outIt; houseboat 1S; fUh boat with 4 b. p. Regal, drift right not rar. corks, toad, molds, smalt nets, anchor and lota of a raj. 1800 cash. K. M. Moore. Carroll. Wash. hSAP Ilnueahost for sal. or rent (good loca tion) and 80 H P. automobile engine fully equipped for marta purpoMt. Inqulra, South Portland Shingle nail. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOB SALE 43 FOR SALE 1 buffet, H oak, mission atyla. Una barel mirror, 870; 1 eoneb, aannina -leather, mahogany wood. 12s: caah or trada 1602 CUckamaa at, nast to JC. BOth at. UKI'IEU atuiipmDt from aovarnn int and hip yard, inrliidlna ilnka, cbaira, flllns cabinet, Ublaa, adding macUinra and typa-rritrn. l'rlcai )-. 1n tha Ht T. C. Wai. Offloa K.iulp- mant ITionM, 81 N. Bth. RrnaaiTway 2T80. BfRrTr, range. (omt boater, IB; f baatar. 81.80; cook ttofr. 88; baby crib. 84; infla bad, aprinE and mattraaa. 84 ; combination mattrr.ua, $8.50; oak table, 80; few chrap roc, aaanllna camp atora. 884 K. Waablnaton at. 1 BEf and prtnf, 2 mattrraaaa. 1 draawr. 1 wood baatrr. piiw and hoard; 1 ranar, 1 laathar conch, 1 china raMnrt, 1 waah tub, 0 itnarta homa eannad fruit. Learlni city. COS K. 1 Uh l FOR BALK Lalna city, almort na Eden elartrtral waahar,. 8100: dining room m Union art; alao icebox, nearly new Iwdapringa and other furniture, including bookraaa and dreaaer. Tabor ion2. f rI'OIt BALK I,arf r ranae, 6 barnera, 8 orana, leaa man one yaar mn; con aiio, iru-a T. A loo Weatlngtoune electric range, 1 rug. fuiiwnod anas. i JJilMK aaa ranee. t burners, 3 orana. laaa than 1 year old: ot $ITS: price $75. Alao Weiittnlioiie electric range, 2 mgi gnrt othr rarnata, draparlaii, imrtleraa. Bellwood 2688. Vufl HAl.K-iaeni.Mrt. rocker, atand, com bination range, bed. rprinaa, kitchen chaira. kitz-hen table, kitchen cabinat, arm chair, deak rhalr. atore Tahor 4010. vOII) and coal range combined. In good con rtil.lon. price fZO c-h 48S (Joldmitii it Automatic 318 H5 aaJfKfiTJrM alia wood heater, complete with pipe, " vatc, good condition and cheap. Call Wood lawn 1 4B 7 1221 Mtawnrl are. r'Oll BAl.K -iKning room snlte, dreaaer. gaa range, eta. ; also antWue black walnut table. all Monday 58 F.. 87th at. i (II'USKR nil atare, lit itaaa condition, 2S. 3810 A8th ft. S K TiAN'UK. table, other pieces cheap, or exchange nuitrr-e. 81.00. Miin 4 4 50. . flF'.l.lAfU.K gaa range, tide oran. perfect con dition. 825. 318 E. 88th, eeeninga. MAHOGANY furniture for aale Apt for rent Main 6124. leering city, FOR SAI.K MISCELLANEOUS It SPECIAL LIST OF FARM IMPLEMENTS AN Ii MAHINKHV NEW AND KF.fO.ND HAND t New 14 In. OHrer aulky plow. .8108 00 1 Acme harrow. 12 blade, 2d hand 85.00 1 lacrosse tractor gang, 4 bottom 14 Inch S00.00 1 P. A 0. tractor tang, 4 bot tom. 14 Inch 800.00 t Hull tractor 400.00 1 10 II. r. gaa engine, mounted on truck 800.00 -T 12 inch Hock lsUnd prairie ' breaker . . ." 25.00 l lron Age potato planter 100.00 1 as in. 1 home wagon gear 35.00 1 Chattanooga 14 In. plow .... 17.50 1 Tongue truck 7 00 1 Lubricating oil barrel pump.. 10.00 1 No. 2 pitcher pump 2 no 2 Hand grin mills, each 6.00 1 New S4t4 auto tire coyer ... 2.00 1 It steel track for hay carrier. per ft .25 1 1'aed hay carrier, good .... 7 50 1 80i8 In. front tire for Ford, new 10 00 Lot of miscellaneous good at herealn price. P. E. ESBENSHADE 860-868 K. Morrison it. WHY DON'T YOU RENT A SHOTGUN OR EIELE WE RCT. SELL. RENT AND TRADE MAIN 44B.V 128 FIRST. TAHOR 6798, SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM New and 2d hand, aold for less; no agents employed. Complete line nf parts for aM makes. Machine! repaired and rented. Main 9481. BEW1NO MACHINE EMPORIUM 190 Third, naar Taylor st "SflBLOCO" Pipeles-Furnace $135 Will give results: same guarantee as given by high priced furnaces. 1. T Woodruff, 1291 Mal lnry ave. WALL oasai. triplicate mlrroT single mirror. library table, cbaira, rutting table, drafting table, Hlnger aewlng machine, settee, armchair, electric Iron, portlerea, akirt marker. 10. yard valance, manufacturing forms, display forma, deak . umbrella holde t. T -5 6 4 . J mi ma I; Independent Printers We are still doing promptly "printing for less" at 1 1 No. Oth at. Commonwealth bldg. Kmlth. printers. Broadway 28. Electric Motors Bonght, aold, rented and repaired. Walksr Electric Works, 413 Rurn side. corner 10th. Rroadwsy 6674. VHY an everlasting aggravation by a leaky roof! Why not a permanent and comfort able roof! We repair, rubber-bond snd ra Jnvenate all kinds ot leaky roofs. Work guar anteed. Phone Main 5660. FOR SALE Gasoline woodsaw, in complete running order; now earning $20 per day, for aale at a bargain if taken soon. Call after 6 p m. or any time Sunday, or addreee 248 E. 4 I t , J'ort la nd. 3URT rrcirrd from Kansas City, shipment of Isdies' dr-s and aprons. r!ay and aaa ; always something different Room 221 Piatt bldg.. Waah and Park. Portland Dress-Apron etnre. 65fK rolled top bed and cabinet and swivel chaira, extra filing cabinet, new doors and windows snd heating stoves, 1 gasoline concrete mixer, shovel, wheelbarrow and tamps, 80x3 H r P" tires. Tabor 7882. 441 & 62d St 1 SHOTGUN. rTFf.ft" T. C Smith. 12 gauge, leather earn. A-l condition. yincbeeter rlfje, S51. automatic: good bargains. No dealers. 244 H Alder at M)R 16 1 -year-old blank Minorca Uvlrut hens. 81.60 each. 2166 E. Morrison. PRUNES. 4o lb. Bring boxen. 229 Alberta voin. vi i APPLES. 2c; bring baskets. 8603 Powell Val Isy mad. Tabor 7304. LADIES' brown checked velnur rait, sporta mod el. i as; sacrifice. Tabor 2826. FOR RALE Lady's winter coat, new; cheap. 'i tan i'JtiTl''8LF 8-"" 14 and IB, lJ.lS2 I" t tilUan. Tabor 2825. TKTi .r : v. asAMAn pninea 4c on treea, Re picked. 1 ST kLcrt..E. .! - " Firt-Glir --iii, near i.. aym at. Tuesday sd vV.V"e?.r.."J st. tTo"."' f-jKgy SV,'rnevPl5l,;d,r." 11X1 L, table for aale caeaj -P. Call MarahaU 3421. 14 00 Mood at. 02K24gAE'Js7tatt1 s'Vho pLXRJ- IR-iLY neater, rirat-claaa eoodition. Wood rf,r lawn 442. Ult eountrv slehwnnd rJiM. xr.i' iArfi . faUNJCS lor lala 4 CfnrBTB7Va744T: FOB SALEMISCELLANEOUS M Buy. Sell AMD KXCaAXOB aaah reglstera. ahoweaeee, fountains, eeatoe. Btore fixturee. I. BOXER. Mar. 1488. US 2d St. CEDAR CHESTS Ptnrt from factor to roar tie a. TaMeoaae and Port Orford cedar; eobd eoyvsa tiim-iinga, Utaat 4ttc Writ for catalogue. i. W. HIOOUIS 4k SOTf iat.ia.ia r. oliram. tirm aoa. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? CALL NEO- LITE ROOFING PRO CESS, MAIN 4907. Hooaa wlrtnt. Mahtlna fl .roraa, alortrtnal rapalrinf, rav pllaa. Third Btraat Elactrte Btora. 214 H Third atraat. naar BalBon. Main Mii. imtt kLtcttic .iwsa-TiAcinm Wa Uka year machioaa tn atebanfa. balane eaah mt aaay payaaanU. Phona for da monat ra tion. Maobiaaa rantad. Kxpart rapaixlna. any MORRISON IT. intCRR BTORB. 83 Morriaoa. MarabaU 781. 20 LATK drophmda; mUi: Bk naw, SIB to 185. Larta ariat of ood maeblnaa. 8 to 810. AU tba Utaat saw itinaara. Caab or Paymanta. wi .n,4 aa mAtitn Hlnaar Btora (Mooaa bld ), ll 41B It. mm aaao. rttOflftjfct repaired, npholatared. Uka n: maitraaaaa ramaaa, nu - r tnra bought, aold and exchanged at Wabatar a rurnitua Bapaii Bnop. iius tuwuwraa. -aiw ! 1 SH0T6W. 1 klFLB T. a Smith. 12 aaaia. katbtr eaaa, 11 eowdiaon. Wlaehaaarr nfla. 81, aatoouUe; Smxi bargain- No dealers. 844 4k Abler at. tain 8744. i ' NEW 8T8TEM SEW OFFICE Honeet, eonar lantimui dentiltry. DH. FRED MELLIHH. 108 tt Fonrth, between Waahlngton 'and Btark. CflA t! 4 61B SEWING MACfilNES C 11 U.tV a.W MtJ L'SED rROPHKAD Guaranteed We Rent and. Repair 1 72 8d t , near Tamhill. Main 18 43. ORDER your prune treea. walnuts, Oregon Champion gooaberry plante and Cuthbert red raapberrlea now. Woodstock Nursery, 6803 Woodwork are.. Portland. Phone Bellwood 283a. LICENSED Independent electrician wirea 8 rooms for $12, 5 room, for $20. All new material naed and guaranteed to paaa Inspection. Phone Woodlawn 8791; RIVERSIDE TIBE, 30x3 H, Defer naed. 812; 50 feet steam boae. $5: H. P. electric iron. 82; wicker nursery obalr, $1.50. Phone T 9205. 1258 E. TambiU at. HOUSE for rent and furniture for sale, cbick ana and chicken fence. 1 lot in potatoes, all goea. If you want thi bargain, bumr: terms cash. C, E. Kingaley, 1171 Interstate are. liOT WATKIt TANKS tO-iaL, $7 : 0-j.l.. IS. Tested and guaranteed atora and furnace ooila. Gaa heaters installed. Expert plumbing repairing. East Side Welding Shop, 208 A da me at. K. 85 1 6. AUTOMOBILES, MOTORCYCLES, LAUNCHES or boats are separate rlaaaiflcatlona. A large Hating will be found under these different classi fications. COlirl.ETK rulcaaislng equipment $300, in cluding buffer, compressor, air tank, tools, tire racks, work bench, mandrels, piping, wiring, etc. ; u. a. plant; bargain lor cafi. fcaet 14 15. BAFK8 New and second-hand: soma with burg lar chests, at reasonable priree. Parifio Scale A Bupply Co.. 48 Front at. Bdwy. 1 966. IJ'Cll&.aai.ry J5 m Waahlngton at. Without Pain. Latest Nerre Blocking Method. 500 BUSINESS CARDS fill -TlR ROSE CITY PRINTERT P You must bring thia ad. 120 6th at WE WASH your, rugs st home with the Ham ilton Beach Carpet waaber, satisfaction guar anteed. Wcodlawn 1269 and Eaat 4045. Horse-, warranted unadulterat- aaUIae-y HM mnJ rtrllH Quart, Me; quantity , leaa. Bart 141S. CUT It. C. L. Pears and apples. 31. 00 box corn, prunes, eargn. be mile south of Troutdale. f)K LAVAL Kpantor. 2 horM cuitiTator, dUe. milky plow, tB.m nd harn.m. cheap. Craw ford. Html) 825. rublk? Marks-t. FOR HALF. lUlian pninea, blackberries and Rartlett pears at 65th and Stark. 1402 E. Oak. CaU Tabor 6435. SCHOOL BOOKS "and sll kinds of booka" bought. scld snd exchanged. Kemaiey Book Store, 24B Main st. CORDWOOD CO cords 2d growth; soma 16- inch 1st growth. J. E. Walcb, Kaat Clacka mas ntstinn. ' rf ALIANprune 5c per lb., pick them yourself 6130 UOth at S. K.. oomer 6 2d are. Mt. Scott car toStewart jtation. FOR SALE 81" large wagon loada Rocky Butt. stone. 8 Urge carloads Maine granite. Can be seen at 117 N. 58th St.. Mt Tabor. MEN'S tailored snIU. siae 4.: youth's rnit. dark snlt aize 37; ahirta size 16; no dealers. Tabor 2826. WEST BIDE home offers fall styles In slightly worn suits, dresses, coats, furs, shoes and smart hats. Mar. 8215. FOR SALE Player piano: mahogany. Kohler A Cheve. and 40 mnxle rolls; cost $S58; ued year and half. Price $4 50 Call Ts bor 3477. LADIES UP-TO-DATE USED APPA"BEL" Seve in coaU. suits, drrasea, evening gown a. fur, hat'. IJoee. Tabor 2825. BARTLETT pears : plenty to choose from: at low aa 31 per apple box. Bring box. Coeb ran Cider Plant. 1108 Hawthorne near 87th. LADIES, ATTENTION Slightly uaed wearing apparel at Vogue Shop, 403 Alisky bldg. Main 3132 POTATfj sacks, sll kinds, st bsrgsin prices. Portland Fruit Co.. 153 Front rt, near Mor rieo. P.EAtTTIFUL wool bath robe. $15; Universal percolator, $7: new Universal traveling iron, 86.50. Phone Broadway .in.,.-. FOR SALE lblsck silk net drew, Urge sire, 810: mixed un sport coat aize 36, 85, 1044 E. Main at BAN DSOM E, coat, plum valour fur trimmed silk lined.. Hiaa 86. labor 225 i FOR SALE Good combination wood-coal beater. 478 K. 81th at North. AT A BARGAIN 80x3 H Miller tire with tuba and tire cover. Tabor 3211. EYES tested free; -pectadea guarmnterd. Dr. BeMing, 245 H Alder at Main 1Z. FOR SALE IUriland china dinner aet for $173, worth 8350. Tabor 1961. LADIES large siae tailored suite, sites 4 2 and 4 4 ; bargains. Tabor 2825. NICKEL plated beating stove for aale. price 822. in good condition. 918 complete. 212-30. LARGE Wicker baby buggy, also bassinette. fuT ly draped. Phone Tabor 257. CUB BEAR FOR SALE Wood lawn 2005. 163 W. Emerson. LADIES' brown automobile coat, donhle fur collar, deep cuffs. 327.50. Tabor 2823. GUARANTEED' RAT DOPE GETS 'EM 131 11th st Msds bare. Bdwy. 4888 bTftLeW" peara and Italian prunes, bet, 'een 73d and 74th and Stark st Look for sign. POTATO sacks, an kind, bsrgsin pricaa. Port- isrq tuii VACUUM al lard Fruit Co., 153 Front, near Morrison. at sneana ners for rent 91 a day: delivered anywhere. Wdln. 3495. formerly Bdwy . S58. CASH REGISTER. FLOOR CASES And other fixtures, 242 Salmon. Main 841. PSECIAL SALE Choice Rartlett pears and apples for sale at 112 East 66th at. FURNITURE wa gon. 2H ton. to 40th ave. Tabor 5Hf3. un 6l(i wad of tok wood. $5.50. Pbona Wood- lswn 64. 6NE simplex electric sweeper, almost new. Call Tabor 902. CEMENT laundry trays. Factory 814 E. Wash ington at We ship, rail or water HAY baler for sale.. Call Eaat 124. Ask for Objon. ' t AIR tight heating atore, like new, 820. Eaat T77. s FOR SALE Italian pruna tahor 1696. 232 E. 66th at, N. PIANO track, solid mahogany dining table. Apes electric waabint machine. Wdln. 2528. FOB BALE ADDING MACHINE. 315? rBii Corbett bldg. Guaranteed. Marshall 657. DALIAN PRUNES 1280 Simpson St.. or cor. 8impaon and 42d at N. Wholesale and retail. FOR SALE Good coal or wood beater 900 E. Btb at N. TENT, 10x12; oil store and 2 bear traps. Call Tabor 334. or M-988. Journal. A-GOOD heating atora, $15. Tabor 1933. MECHANICAL drawing act. $3 50. Tabor 0033. FPRyilTJRE 'WANTED BE WI8E -CALL MAIN 893T Wo Wank Your Uaed Farnlture Wa Pa the Prina 74 rsHi.v, woll: F FURN1TTTRE CO.. iu nrat at, 8. E. ear. Taylor. Will Pay You More For ALL KINDS OF FTJRNrTT B. MAIN 4498 TABOR 6798. East Side 2d Hand Store Paya highest cash prica for trwd household evoda, 271 RoaseU. pbona Eaat $$$7. Tw-Aw-r 74 A. & S. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE I Furniture Wanted i i Before yon ec!l your fareirare, be acre and call MerehaU 687. Tovr eaU will brine oar buyer at oaca. We pay the top prka for naed furniture, car pa t, raft, ate ; arerythJnf la botuebold gooda. Wa alao buy office furniture. Ail ea attaaaad to the tarn day. Call 'Marshall 587 A. & . QEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE 205-207 First St., Bet. Tay lcr and Salmon HOUSEHOLD GOODS I WAXTED Wa want your uwd farnitara, ruca. earpete. atorea and all boue bold aoodav and arUi pay the highest caah prlce TOP- MARKET PRICES We else buy and sell hardware, too la. a porting gooda. tenta. bicyelea, typewrturi, adding machine, and atora and Office furniture. When you bare anything to buy, aall or trade CALL MAIN 9072 t LEIN HARDWARE) 4k KUR.NITUK-E CO. 221-228-225 Front St, I Main 4495, Tabor 6798 128 FIRST Owl Furniture Co. MORRISON We want 'your uaed furniture, itoraa, carpets and pianos; wie pay tne nigneat caan px , 166 and 18 First it Call Main 4BZ SPOT CAffI FOR USED FURNITURE Main 8878 CN'ITEO FURNITURE STORE. 113 FIRST STREET. IF YOU, wish to aeil household gooda at good ralue. call Tabor 1481. WANTED MWCELLAICEOrS $12.50 to $25 For I Second-Hand SUITS OR OVERCOATS METER THE TAILOR Pays more for clothing and shoes. We call day or evening, anywhere in the city. Call Mar abaU 1129 or 258 Madison at, near Third at UP TO $35.' FOR MENB SUITS AND OVERCOATS We Pay Any Price for Men's Clothes OREGON CLEANERS A TAILORS 117 2d st. -V. W. Cor. Waah. Main 9844. WANTED People of Portland to know that I . pay the higheat cash price for second hand household to-x-s. No amount too large or too small Prompt attention. N. M. S EATER, Phone Eat 2103. 141 Russell it WE MUST have 600 men'a need auita. coats and pants, aal alzee. Call us for one or mora. We pay cash, from 810 up. A phona call will bring us with rash. 167 let at, near Morriaoa Main 788. after 7 p. m. call Wdln. 6201. WANTED Small building to wrack for my own um, or will wreck on thsres. Cau East 124 after 8, evenihg, or leave your address dur ing day. Call ifor Olson. A 1 7 FOOT Morris canoe, roust be in good con dition and cheap for tah. II. W. Loigren. Taylor atreet deck. Main 8065. WANTED Bida on season's wood for apart ment house. j. n. p. GHberUon. 283 13th at Phone Marshall 2365. WANTED Doable coll gaa water heater. Call Tabor 6032. HEATING STOVE WANTED BELLWOOD 8542. WEST SIDE home ran sell ladies' snd children's used spparel for betUr prln Mi.r. 8215. LEATHER utomatic gun case. State price. Address 871 Castle ave. Phone Auto. 32763. htYAPS FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE For ton Ford truck, 3 -room furnished houseboat; terms. Main 1683. or call 206 3d On Sunday at foot of Seymortr. Ask for Iockwood. FOR HALE OR EXCHANGE For ton Ford truck. 3-raom furnished houseboat: f,rm. Main 1688 or call 260 8d st. On Sunday at foot of 8ycamere st. Ask for Lock wood. WILL trade !2 Winchester rifle worth $25for good bicycla. Sell 1081. RUNABOUT Half truck for sale cheap, or 414 Bkidmore st. trade for concrete work. TRADE Lot for Ford csr. Call Col.. 987. AUTO for concrete work" aTT SkTdmore sL PERSONAL 'GLASSES st a saving. I solicit your patronage on the basis of capable service. Thousands of aatisfisd pa trons. Chas. W. Goodman. optometrist 209 Morrison at Main 212 4. TR. CEORGK RUBEN STEIN, the veteran optician, ia an expert in fitting eyeglasses, and charges aa very reasonable. Broken lenses quickly duplicated. 220 Morrison st. $1 Gets both; feet fixed up at In-. Eaton'a the CHIROPODI8T and ARCH SPECIALIST who doean't hurt you, 8 yra. here. Eitm. free. Globe Theatre bldg.,;. 11th and Waah. Bdwy. 2024. SUPERFLUOUS hair, motsa, warU luwial by 10 needle method; trial free. Joaie Flnley, 514 Bush A Lane bldg. MalnJ)388 PRIVATE DETECT rvK ResulU ana ran teed; rates- raaaoaable. Affinity eaace a specialty. D-764, JonmaL e DO YOUR feet hurt? See Dr! fftbel A. Sacry, pedicuring and manicuring. 605 Raleigh bldg. Mar. 8378. ; ' WILL Mrs. t Mnran. who answered ad. S 312. phone Main 6644? PATIENTS t take cabinet bsthn with sace or hourly nursing. Tabor 8172. HA 'I HS, violet ray. maaeage. Dr Elan Borenaen. 608 Panama bldg. Main 6086. VIT-O-NFT magnetic treatment, body massage o MorgaJS Plalg. Main 7579 WOULD like to know the addreee or Mrs. Charlee Childa. Notify O. A. Nese. 822 MusjiaarppL I f5;VAS f -alUtion FREE. AH case. LoWyCr 612 Belling bldg. Main 4993. NOTICES 2$ NOTICE OF MEETING OF COUNT. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION Notice la bwreby given that on Monday, Sep tember 18, 1920. the Board of Equalisation of Multnomah County will attend at th. office of the County Assessor, at tha Court Bouse in Portland, and publicly aiamlna th aateaiinenl rolls for tba rear 1920. and correct all errors in valuation, dmeription or qualities of lands, lota or other property, assessed by the County As sessor. And it shall be the duty ot persons tn tereatad to appear, at tba time and place an pointed. If rt shall appear to such Board of Equalisation iat there are any lands or lots or other property aaseeaed twice, or inoorrectly as sessed as to description or quantity, and in th. name of a person or persons not the owner thereof, or assessed nnder or beyond tba actual cash value thereof, said board may make proper correction of rtbe same. If it shall appear to each board that any Und. lota or other property asseesable by tha assessor are not assasasd. such board ahall assess tb rame at tba full rash value thereof. , HENRY K. REED. ! County Asaseeos. Portland. Ok.. Ant. 3a. 1920. DISTRICT BONDS "' NOTICE IB HEREBY GIVeZM that eealed ropoeala will tba received until tba 20th day of September. A.i D. 1920, at the hoar of 3 o'clock na theaftemonn. for th. purchase of Two Hun dred Thousand DoUara ( 1 200.000) worth of bonds of th. IBeell Yalle- Irrintims of Klamath County. Oregon. Said bonds to draw interest at the' rata of 8 per cent per annum, payable eemi-anaually up tba let day' of July w in. Mm as 7 oi January en earn yaar ua tba maturity af said bond. Said proposes will be reeefTed by the board of directors of said Irrigatiow Dtstriet aad should be directed to. the secretary of tha Langell Talis; Irrigation District, care, of Ferwrason. Fletcher A Mifflin. No. M '-if Buildiug. BJaaaatk falls. Oi sou., Tba board ft dlrartort reae as tha right ta re ject any or an otoa ofiareo. A. T WT8HAR1) BsListary of the Board of Directors of Lsnsgnki vauay irn ganoo m stner. afT WIFE, EstrJle Clark, having left by bed ard board. f.XI not be responsible tor any bills csnuncua oy iner. Jason cure. FrBNtTCBE "ANTED 2 KOTI-E OF" FT nH'AI , DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Unltad Btataa Laad Offlea Boaeb-ra. Oracoa. JeJy S3. 190. Notice la hereby gi'eo that The Cboa Bay Ldaber eorapany, Brndtrata BaUdinf. OakUnd. Abtaaeda eon nty. Cabiornia. baa tiled bt thia of flea their applieati to eelwet. aad the pra JMtooa af tba Act of CosgnMa. approved May SI 1818 (40 Stat.. IS), and the reulatiooa he -ader. aro-ed July 17. 181 tctrco 111. the foJoartng teodas Sfu1-, all Saa. 1. 1IH, Sf . JWI4 c, IS. T 10 L, K. 4 W, W w TS-. WEH Bee. 6, N H iK4. Sf&ILfik 8VM- 8K, Sea. 1J WH BE H Bee. 15. EH. BE BW ?L oWH SEH. BE. IVT hi IK. 28. " HE. SEH sxia Bee. 2B. I!." 6WH, BH BW4 Bee V Nit. K SE See See. Si u H . S K , , BE 14 . H SW . ::s a a a. j. u a . k. 10 W. KK SB"V?t-.."w BE H . 8ee. 11. N NS14, KV H sVl- .. roE .; gf ? ? w8 il!4 7.1 L." 5. l f'wlfS 8 8E Sea. 1. Lota J; J SK. BE i 8K4 (tee. 8. BE "4 5 -P.8?-1- 6W Sec 17. Lota 4. 5iJ;, t NEH. NE L NWH. US ".SI4 E, !iwH Bee. iia. SuaST 2.8- "XL1- hk. NE BW. 2 S ' ?W. SW 14. li BW 14 . 8. 85. T. 51 10.-W- 8W '. WH Sec i. N NW. 8E14 NW14 Bee. 3 BW 14 , H NWlt NWH BB14, N S 14 8v See? 7. all E 14 SE 14. SH SH Sec. li. NW14 BE 2. 55 1. SH NE14. BKlt NW1. v8i4 S0--2l- Nw, NEW. 8S. NE14. S J? J4 .".. 3S- NW NE"f KW, 8W, 25- SK NWi. NE 14 I.W14. 8 H 8W14 8e-. 27, I E 14 NE H . 8 SEH. NWH. WH 8E14. SE H SW H 29. NE 14 . N H NW. w NWH KH Set W., LoU 2. 8. Sec 11. BE H NE H , Lota 16 17. 1R 19 geo. 18. Lota 12 3 ff 7 W,t SE' E Sei i'liyj 8r- 25' 8K vw- NWH 8EH. S-liS5- LH 8W Sec 29. NH N5 wL Sec- 83, N H NKH. SKH. NKH S"a' .Tt 2- ,;. wLob 1, 2. Sec" li' NEH NE H , SW H " Nw5 Sk Bee. 13, WH NE H NWH pu mwu 2W,ii- S 'i6- I 31 8 . H. 13 W Lou' 1 2 ? i0'oA,,8E.- 8W 8 1. Lou 1 7. 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 16 SEV svu avri S&J'&J- .1WV NWH-. NE5 8fJ. WwiSri IN LIED O- a- H see. 6, T. 20 8.. R T 'V IV u si , . " ? r u n L4;.U Seo- 1S: N. E. 14 N. E. H, Sec 20; a W. H fUc 2 4 T -jii H 8. W. H . 8. E. H 8 W - un"'.: W H N. E. H. E. H N. W. u s vd iT" Sec 24 V W H N W. H. a K u w' W. H. S. W H N E. H. S. W. Vt. w 8. E. H. Sec 26: N W. H S. W. K .rJl wo, oec on, i. o S.. R 10 W i 6 incjusive, 11 atod 12, Sec 2; N, u Bee 28. T 21 S.. R. 7 W. ; E. a W H 2: B. W. H N. E. H "N. H S BL H lota" Sec 6; N. E. H, 8 Vv. H. 8ee12- W ' TSg.H.!N,EWiWN Na t N. IL H. N. E. H S. W. H . S. E. H Seo 82. T 22 8 R. 8 W lot. II. 12. 13 Tnd it Sec 2; loU 1. 3, 4 and 6 (8. W. H N W la 1 l 1' tJ-h' 1 ,0 8 include. 10. NEH, Sec 20; SE H , Bee 24: NWH NW H 8. W. H, loU 4. 6. eTl. Bee. 28 T 22 S R. 9 W.; lou 1. 6. 6. 8. Sec. 7, T 23 S R 8 W loU 6 and 6. Sec ; W. H . ' H W. Sec 32. T. 23 8.. It. 9 W 5 Sec ; B E. 14, sec 10: s. H N E. H N S lE'w8 SE4, NW14 Mv'i, 8. W. 14 8. W. 14 , Sec 15; all See 16 N K. H N. E. H - S. W. H N. W i S eV h W H, N. H 8. E. H, Sec 27; S K ST 4,a I4 ? B. 9 W. ; E. H Sec 6;: W. H. 8ec. 8; N. H 8. E. H, S. E. H 8. E H. Sec 20; W. H. Sec 22; N. E. u S 28. T. 2 8.. R. 10 W.; N. H 8 WHS W' 8 wi Sec 6; Sec. 0;' W.' H Sec 18. T. 27 S.. R. 7 W.; sU Sec 24 T 27 8., U 8 W.j N. E. H 8 W. H . 8 H 8 W H, 8EH Sec 9; NEH, Seo. 10: all Sec 20; n. a.. 14, see. 80; 8. V N. W. H.N H 8 W. H. Sec 32. T. 27 8.. loV; w Bee 14; lots 13 and 14, 6k. 22; N. w H lou 3 and 4, ttec 24. T. 27 8., K. 11 W ' aU Bee, It, W. H. 8cc 20; E. H N. E. H. Bee 30; 8. E. H. Sec 36. T. 29 8.. R, 10 W.; S. W. H N. W. H. W. 1 8. W. H 8. E. H 8. W. A , Sac. 2:8. VV. H . Sec 8 aU See. 10; 8. W. H N. fc. H. loU 2. 8. 4 8 H N. W. H. 8. W. H. Sec 11. T. 29 8.! H. 11 W.: E. H N. E. H. N. H N. W H 8 W. H N. W H. 8. E. H, Sec 14; N W H N. E. H', Sec. 23; lou 1. 6. 6. 7. 8. 9 12. 16 Sec. 24; N H , N. H 8 E. H Sec. 26. T. 29 8 . R. 11 W.; 8. W. H S W H : ,8- 8. W H, 8 H 8. E. H.Sec 6: N H N E. H, N 14 N. W. H , S. E. H N. W. H. 8. H S. R H. Sec 7; k. W. H. 8. E. H 8 W H.N. E. H S. E. H . 8. H 8. K. H. Sec 8; all (Sec. 16; N. W H . 8. W H 8. W. H Bee 17; N. H N. W. H Sec 20: N. H, 8. W. H. Sec 22; S.W. H N. Vv'. H .Sec. 23. T. 31 S.. K. 12 W.. WiU. Met Any and all persons claiming adversely the Unds described or deairina to obiet t -n . nt the mineral character af th. land, or for any other reason, te the disposal to the applicants should file their affidavits of protest in thia of fice witrcnt delay, and in any event within the period of publication, which Urminates the 27th day of September. 1920. W 11 CANON. Register. First dsy rf rnhlirstlon. Ang 21 1920 Last day of publication. 8pt 25th. 1920. SEALED bid will be received by the S.. P. A S. Railway company, up to and including September 20, 1920, at room 5. North Bank sUtion, 11th and Hoyt sU.. for the following Dodge automobiles: Car No. BO4032. motor No 557012. Car No. 605063, motor No. 657227 Car No. 605082. motor No. 557802. Amount bid on each car to be shown separate ly. Cars can be rnanected at th n par Railway company's salvage room, 11th and Hoyt sis. nigni reserved to reiect any or all bids. W. F. TURNER. Comptroller. OTICE if - Bee. 7. WW BW Bee. BRINGING UP FATHER ' 'e ' s : 4 Aw J !A WELL VHO'-HURT? ave 1 V J I ? ---n k& I . af - . t'l N ' ' Bt s I i isaa s sv ! "-.. it ' r. f sr i I .-A .. I r Ff.lar' l tesJ i'QHSljL- 7 Sa UtO arr tarry Paaru Baawan. fcnt j 1 1 ( ' f 2 NOTICE of sale of gorernment timber. aral Land Offlea. Waahinrton. Dl C. Ana t 28. 1920. Notie kt hereby gtrea that, aub ixrt to tb. caiKlltiona and Hesitations of the acta of Jane 9, 1916 (89 etat, 218. and June 4. 1929. publia 241), and tba tniUn ctiota ot the secretary of - the interior dated September 15, 1917. and Jan. 22. 1920. Use tber on the following la mis arUi be aold October 18, 1920, at 10 o'clock a. , at public a action at the United Sataa land office at B-eeborg. Ore gtsa. to the higheat Wddar. at not laaa thaa the appraiaed value aa ahowa by UiB notice, aale to be subject to tha appr al of tha secretary of tne Interior. The pure ha, pree, with aa additional nm of one-fifth of 1 per cent thereof, being . oomis iona allowed, must he drpoaited at time of salt, maoey to be returned if sal. ia not approved, othersriae patent will iwnie for the timber, which moat be, removed within ten feara. Bida will be received front citixeni of tba United fltataa, aaaociationa of such eitiaens and eorporatsona orgaolaad under the laws of the United Btatea or any atate, Ur rrtory or district thereof only. Lpoa applica tion of a Qualified purchaser, tba Umber on aay legal aabdivialan will be offered separately before being included in any offer of n larger unit. T. 21 8., R. 1 W.. sec. 33. SE C 8EH. fir 112$ M. ; cedar, 23 1L, none of which shall be acid for leaa than fl.0 per M. T. 18 S.. R. W. sec. 8. NE H NKH. fir 480 M; NWH NEH, fir 476 M., Bona of which aha 11 be aold for leu than 12 par U. (Signed: CLAT TAI.LMAN, Commiaaioner General Land Office. ACCOUNTANTS JULIUS It. BLACK, public accountant. Auditor. income tat service. Concord bide, 2d and BUrk. Pbons Mtlfl 7441. ' LEWIS STENGKH Barber Hupply Co., 10th and Morrison its- Tba place to buy barber cbaira and auppliaa. Stock of furniture always on head at right pvicee. BLANK BOOK MA-KIM DAVIS A HOLMAN. INC. 109 Zd at bleak book manufaeturara. A-8188. Vlatn 188 CT ANO POO HOSPITAL h0SE CITY VETERINA'RY DOSPITAL. 41$ E. 7th St., cor. Grant. Eaat 1847. B-1962. CARPENTERS AND BUILOEWB DESIGNING, building, remodeling; our method eaves you 5 to 15. 909 Cbam. of Com. Hd" Main 34 85. CARPKT CLEANINO Carpet Cleaning Sizing and Refitting Fluff Rugs MADE FROM OLD CARPETS . RAG RUGS A SPECIALTY WE CALL AND DELIVER PORTLAND BUG CO 1672 E. 17th st Bellwood 8622. FLUFF RUQS From Old Carpets Rag Rues, all Sixes Mail Orders Prompt Sand for Booklet 9x13 Ruga. Bteam or Dry Cleaned. $1.60. FLUFF BUG CO. 64-68 Union Are. N. East 651S. Eaat 7656 CCMENT WORK ALL classee cement work, general building and repair work, if i tee reatonabla Phone 821-29. CHIROPRACTORS DR. McMAHON, 100 chiropractic system, Pcrtland, 1910 to 1920. Best known. Throngs pronounce it superior treatment No camouflages, joee house stunU or profiteering adjuncU. Adjustments made easy, enjoyable, beneficUl and curative. Ten is: Initial treat ment reasonable, and all esve carefully ad justed. PatienU requiring extended time. 31 adjuatmenta 815. Phone, call, write. oo. non KNOW DR McMAHON Portland. 100 chiropractor; 11th year making ad justmenU enjoyable, beneficial and curative. Throngs pronounce treatment beat; reasonable. Extended time, 31 adjuatmenu $15; ne esmou flscea. Advise your friend Ladies' and men's rest rooms. Portland phones. JOHN WfcrrLEl PECK rTTTROPHACTOR Mar lea y bid., 4ln aad Washington: lady attendants Auto 819-4 8 CHIROPRACTIC, steam baths and maaaaga, 10th floor Broadway bldg. MarabaU $137. Dr. Laura E. Downing. OOAL ANO WOOD BOXWOOD Dell eered Immediately by Fulton Wend Co.. 12C1 Macadam. Phone Main 417$. GOOD 16 INCH SLAB WOOD. 84.50 s losd, delivered enywhare; snraly e bargain. Call me. Bali. 1769. BLOCK and slabwood, also boxwood, price in 2 load lota Wdln. 4102. Special BLOCKWOOD and aUbwood mixed In 2-load lots; special p'icea. Eaat 2041. COLLECTIONS NETH A CO., Worcester bldg. Main 1796. collections, no charge. Established 1900. DENTISTS Dentistry fft j Without Palo. latest Nerve Blocking Method. EDUCATIONAL CANONS THE REOPENING of the Manchester Dance hall. 85 14 6th st . between tark and Oak. on Thursday. Sept. 9. Orehestra. 8 30 p. m. t;ood floor and good music Everybody welcome. Broadway 3590. THE Dance Studio. 509 lieknm bidg.. Washing ton at 3d; strictly priests Ussions; half hour or hour lessons ; course lessons specially priced. Dsify 9:30 a. m. to 9 p. m. Mum Ireland MISS 'DOROTHY HA8MUSKEN Private lea sons in ball room and Ptage dancing. Stndio, 610 Kilers building, Washington street, betwaea 4th snd 5th. rhoneMsin 1128. BERKELEY Dancing Academy, private leseona, day, evening; latest steps jszs shown. 129 4th -L Main 3318. Mrs. Summers. BERKELEY Dancing Academy, private leaeona, day, evening: Utest steps jasx shown. 129 4th st Main 33 18. Mrs. Summara. SUMMERS' "Dancing Academy. Private lessons day and evening. Latest atepe in laaa shown. 85 ! 5th. Bdwy. 8590. MRS. RATH. 808 Deknm bldg. Private lessons day and evening. Main 1346. KOTICES PROFESSIONAL AND, BUSINESS .DIRECTORY j. (Copyright, 1920, by Iateraatloul Feature Berriee, Inc.) U- 'M A.FT? AID TO 0 tN -M Ut ACMNT IT- . .. .-e-a . rnjTlei "U WE Ul SEND OVER AN AMBUUAiNCE. NOCxoDV XET UT WAIT HERE UNTIL I CO IN THE HOObE! bT' ' AP n K$: TvltiW) ATTRACTIVE FARM AND ACREAGE OFFERINGS AND EXCHANGES ACBEAOE IT $10 DOWN, 310 MONTHLY Splendid H acre tracts, about H of a mile frcm alectria ttatioa, 2$ min. ride from bust aaa aenter. Price $4 IB each. We only have seven or eight of these, ao yoa will have to bury. TI2 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. 2H ACRES FOR 3890 A place of rural beauty, covered with grove of native trees, close to Powell Valley road, gas and electricity available, near good school. 9 miles from courthouse $136 down, easy terms on balance. R. H. OONFRET, BITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-8-6-7 Board of Tmdebldg- 20 ACHES-4LM0ST CLEARED" $3$ PES ACRE With good terms. Land practically all level light brush : vary euy cleared. Fin. soil. Other tracta as low aa $20 per acre. Only 8 tsecU left la this subdivision. A W. Estes OA K rtiaaMla P fan-nMu 1. 8 14 FOR SALE By owner, 2 acres st Aloha. Or ; 1 acre In cultivation, about H acre ready to plow; 4 room bouse. 2 henhouses: good well on back porn; near school, 8 blocks from 8. P. station. 1 H btecka from Pmcifio highway. SI TOO; 700 eean, tertBS om balane. L. P. Hayea, Aloha, Or. WANT to rent tcreage. 2 to 6 acres, small noose, chicken nouae. etc.; good soil, berries, fruit; near ear, cloae in; will pay good rent; lake neat care. Tabor 6866, Profegwiona I and Bpslnoeg Directory MUSI0 30H00LS AND TEACHERS PROFESSOR T. E. LAW' SON brent rears' experience, piano laseona at your hoosat, 4 1. I Hon. Tabor 7 6a MISS MATTINGLT S Priv.u SchooL Short- baad and Typewriting; individual InstrueUoa. 269 14th. near Jefferson. Main 8893. MRS J. M. LOVEJOY, Instructor of popuUr ragtime and classic Tabor 8815. L. CARROLL DAY, teacher of voice and pUne. 148 11th st Brosdwsy 286S. VIOLIN, piano, mandolin, guitar, banjo instruct! tiona. Kol Ken beet 409 Yamhill at I FURNITURE RCPAIRINa WHY NOT have your old furniture look newt We repair and reflniab at reasonable pricea inone uawy. ao&. HAT C LEAN1BB ANO OVCW WANTED Ladies, know we can clean your white Milan or crepe bat 825 Division. saaaatug BODY MASSAGE. 415 BUCHANAN A 1 BLDG MAIN S36S. OPTOMBTSttSTB AND OPTIOIANB T EYES SCIENflFlCAl LY TESTED r4th trrf4sipi lt.t-initigi s1u "Slit BUVkih IUBII la Ida v$ U Lai a I 1 81 4sfW fitted from $2.50 un. A. K. HTJRW1TZ. Optometrist. 225 1st st PATENT ATT0RNIV8 GOLDBERG. 620 Worcester bldg klsin 2325. J. H. CLIFTON, painting, papering, tinting. 164 N. 17th at Broadway 4414. Woodlawn 2126. DEPENDABLE house painting, tinting, paper- nanging. H v. giant. rnane labor 5217. DEPENDABLE bouse painting, timing, paper- banging. Tabor 6217. PAINTING 3326. tinting reasonable. Wdla TAINTS THE great roof celebrated reetorar and preserver is the WEBFOOT ROOF PAINT " Although vary low priced there U none better. Agents wanted in every town and city in Ore gon, Washington, Idaho and Northern California. PortUnd aganU: R. A H. huof Painters, Tsbor 7514. Nickel A Hsnken. Tsbor T63. PortUnd Roof Repair A Paint Co. Main 6320. Aeqnlth, Mathews A T rites. rceVara. Sen wood 8744. Refervnce Rnndreda of satisfied cnatonfbra. ROOF SECURITY CO., Board of Tride Bldg. Main ,671. Reg. Main 664 4. PLUaatilNO AND STEAM SUPPLIES PLUMBINQ Work done quickly and efficiently at reaaon. able prices; new InataUationa specialty; work manship guaranteed. Pbona East 1864. 1U1 Russell st MERKO METAL, WORKS. P L U If B I N G SUPPLIES AT WHOLES ALB PRICES. STARK DAVI3 CO., 18r 4th st THE M. L. KLINE CO.. 84 80-87-79 Front it! PUBLIC STINOJ RAPHES) PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER 301 U. S. Nat'L Bank bldg. Bdwy. 2013. PRIBTIW., ENGRAVINB. BINDINtT Dirts-tin-- W. BALTES A CO. 1st a a sssa.aaaand Oak. Main 163. 511-63 THE IRWIN-HODSON COMFaST" $87 Washington. Broadway 434. A-125. roopHepaibino WE PAINT and repair new and old roofs 8. A 8. roof paintera. Main 6470. 202 14th st Will paint any color. TWAN8PE R AND STOBAflfr Oregon Transfer Co. Eatabltshed 1870 Transfer snd Forwarding AgenU 8 TO RAGE FREE TRACKAGE Office and Storsce. 474 Glisan 18th and Oliaan. Broadway 1261. A-116 . ALWAYS PICK T"H1 BEST HOU8EH&I.D GOODS SPECIALIST Storage, packing ahir pint and moving; horse and auto vans; epecixl rataa to sll pointa. C. O. PICK TRANSFER A STORAGE CO. 2d and Pine Sta, Broadway 696. A-1998 Storage and Transfer Clay S. Morse, Inc. 12TH AND GLISAN. BROADWAY 8470. COT FREIGHT-RATES On household goods shipped east and south. Manning Warehouse A Transfer Co., 9tb and Hoyt Phone Broadway 708. By George McManus IT Y----.-.-.-,r,r .. DRUG STORlr CSEH il KKHT NEVER MIND -THE WlF i ' asleep: F-5 i-J II 5 WtaaJ ' . v -s--; -zt - " - " !: - . r "''" -. " I - a ' - - - - - J te. ! Vi3 v " 4S-" I -- tn $7 BEAUTIFUL place on the bank of tha ' mrkamas river, for country borne; 600 fret from 82d at., pared high way; 18 H acres, 14 acree bottom land, in high state of cultivation; 3 acree producing asparagus. Thts is very rich fruit and vegetable land Bad so eloae to Portland, city eonvenieooea at door. . Be. crop on land now ; 4 H arrM in bMutiful bulldln apota, with native traaa and clear at mm at adga of grove; convenient to Oracoa Oily ear Una, near Gladstone. Price $10,500; will subdivide. EIGHT choice term In Canby tardea district, all in crop exoeni rlewr bank, that has fine timber and aprtnea of ice cold water; par kill a groanda. Tha soil la aU that one could wish. Hera yon gat a good 6 room bouse with cellar, good barn with plenty of feed for horse and oow, chickens, fine crop of potatoea, corn, tardea, fruit and berriee. It ia eloee to town; it's a place I know you would like to own. Pi4be $5000; half caah, balance par cent Otraer 111 and ha to much land; ne trada. S ACRES of splendid soil. $ under plow. Is ia potatoea, corn, kale, garden, fine orchard and berriee, bal ance In pasture and wood lot; every foot splendid toll; 4 room bouse, poultry bousee, barn, plenty of feed. Here yon gat tha crap, and it te good; 400 chickens and a dandy good cow. Located on good road and cloae to chooL Price $2600. 10 ACRES, all under cultivation and the beet, very beat soil you ever saw; comfortable 8 room bouse with hot and cold water, bath, woodehed, barn with plenty of feed for bit Dur ham cow, chickens and aorta; splen did well and fas engine: water piped to bam; fine crop of com aoon to harvest. Thia ia a splendid plac. and well located and rich land producing fine orope. Owner is. Ill and cannot handle the place. Price $4500; part cash. 5 ACRES, all tillable, fruit or bar land ; 2 under plow, garden, fine clover pasture and wood. There you Set a 4 room bouse and furniture, arn with bay. woodshed full of wood, all for $28 50. What more could you want? 1H miles to town and high school, near paved highway. O E. FREITAG. Gladstone, Or. Oregon City Car Line. Pbona Oregua City 269-J. SUBURBAN ACRKAOK 7$ MUST aell in 10 daya, 5 acre., on oar line. county road. 2 H ' miles city limits: fruit treea; well fenced, all cleared, $600 will handle: terms on balance. Phona owner, East 3859, or write W. T. Bailey. 453 E. Oak at, Portland. SUBURBAN HOMES 7$ 1SM BUYS A RKAL HOME At Clackamas, 26 minutes from PortUnd, good 5-room liouae. all kinda of fruit well water, garage, chicken runs, etc; small payment down; koine bsrgsin. BelL 661. BEAUTIFUL suburban borne of George Fa trow, on Capitol highway, 7 milea of PortUnd; 3 room, 1 acre of ground garage, $8600; terms to suit George Fetrow. Hillsdale, Route 3. MULTNOMAH-STATKiN By owner. 5-room bungalow, wltb 2 lota, close to station and highway; ell city convenMbcea. Bargain for $3200. Main 7616. FOR 8ALF. 20 or 80 aeraa. half mile north from 39th st. Vancouver; good buildings; 18 acres in prunes. E. Habich, Rt 6, Vancouver, Wssb. Phone 27 F-14. FOR SA LE FARMS 17 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY LANDS YOUR LAST OPPORTUNITY In Central Alberta and Saskatchewan are rich park lands, open prairie ready for the plow, interajieraed with treea. which afford excellent shelter for stock. Here grain growing, dairying and livestock rais ing are being carried on snoceaafully. The coun try is Weal for mixed farming. The CanadUn Pacific railway la offering 4 lirtt area of tbtta fertile lands In I.loydrninster and Battleford dis tricts. This fertile land will become the home of thousand- of prosperous farmers. On tlmiUr Und Sesger Wheeler grows, tha woruld's price wheat Near Lloydtine tar the world's prise oaU have been grown, and butter of the highest quality is made. A man can soon become independent on a farm In thia district Thaae Unds can be bought now at prioaa averaging-about $18 per acre. You pay down 10 per cent. If Und t purchased under settle ment conditions, no further payment of princi pal until the end of the fourth year; then 16 annual payments. Interwtt U 6 per cant Also thousands of acres of Irrigated lands In South ern Alberta at $50 per acre, on which the oonv pany will loan $2000 for improvemenu to ap proved purchasers, with 20 years to pay for land and loan. Harvesting U la full swing. Now Is the time to make a trip fo sea the production of the country. Personally conducted landseek ers' excursion lea res Portland for Calgary, Al berta, on Saturday, September 18. Beduoed railway rates. For further porllculars see Co nadian Pacific Ry. Co., 208 Railwa Exchange bldg., K P. Thornton, district representative. 50 ACRES , s In the best terming district m Oregnn. All good soil; lies level; 4 5 acres In cultivation; timber for family use; At acres strawberries, family or chard. 6 room bouse, good barn, on food road; 8 horaea. 2 cowa. 2 calvee, .brood eow, 6 pica, 6 alioets, 200 bu. oaU. 60 bu. wheat, 20 tone hay, good machinery, cream separator. Price 813, 000; 35000 caah, balance 6 per cant Interest S. .U. nilXMAN, 214 7th St., nearlS. P. Dwiiot Oretoa Oty, Or. 200-ACRB FARM V4 mDea from Oregon City an mah road, 85 acres under plow. 50 aeraa mora easily pat in shape for plow. Good buildings and water system. Price $180 per acre. WIU coruidsr bouse or small improved acreage in or naar Salem or Albany up to $5000. C. A. KEOPPLE. and MaJn ate., Oregon City, 0rs 2$ under cultivation, balance ' pastnre and timber. Good 8-Toom house, bam 40x50, 2 chicken houses, orchard, well at house. Creek on place, train and hay, 1 good team, wagon and harmaa. cow, 800 chickens, farm too la, 60 cords of wood cut, 4 -miles from town and atation. l'botoa at office. Price $7500. E. E. TEF.PLE. 205 7th at. Oregon City, Or. T9 AC 5 In cultivation, new houae, barn ofFgond road; waterud hy sprint and creek; R. F. D. and cream routes; 8 H miles to alectria eerline, 1 mile to school Price 82500; $1000 caab. balance 6 per cent interest, J. 8. JONES, with S. 0. DILLMAN, 214 Tfh St.. near S. P. Depot Oregon City. Or. 100 AClfES Beat of soil. 90 in cultivation and much more can be; 40 in alfalfa, the rest best of pasture land; line spring, family orchard. 7 room hosts., barn, hog boas, and other out buildings ; farm machinery; 60 teste hay. 84 head cattle. IS milk cows, 1 regis tared Short horn bull, 4 horses, 20 hog-s and 3 doaea chick ens; in Stevens county, Waah., 3 milea from Daisy and 18 from Aday, near Cotmnbie river; price 1 17. OOP. M. A. Bnrven, Daisy, Waah. .3 ...V AH level, good land. 7 acres la eultivation; family orchard. 6 room houae, bans V6s40, 8 cowa. heifer. SO bens, farm tooU; mile ta store and good school; $4000, $2500 caah, balarrne t-rt O. A. KRUSE. with S. O. DILLMAN. ? 1 4 7th tit, near B. P. Dwpot. Oregon City. Or. FOR BALK 20 acre Una 2 mUea went from Boring, Or., oa traveled road; man, cream and milk route: IS acres nnder plows all can be plowed; small buildings; 1 horse, t oow, SO chickens, harness, wagon, cnitivator. harrow, mall took. All train, hay. potatoea and corn. For $4400 about $1000 caah. Boa Foth. B- f B. 55. Borlrtt, Or. 47 H ACRES. 33 cleared, rest paature , 2 xnit onannat rjrnBM. ind esi ii- bmh , Pl. other fruit; cowa. team. aU HrrpIaa-eBto to work fatan. 150 ehickaag; water piped ia bouse, barn, all other buildings; for sale on eaay terms; prunes pay for place. Addreas C. H. BlaUy, Gaston, Or. 1 mile from highway. FOR SALE J$" acres oa Colombia highway (lower) , 18 milee from Portland eonrtboaaa, about 8 acree in enltJvation. anm. skims aiul some upland; bveabla aouaei food barn, well and creek: $6000, $$600 down. Thia to la Mult nomah eon nty. John H. F-her, fccappooea. Or.. mo mwa. sya na. Closelin Dairy For Sale 18 1st etoaa cowa, Ayrshire, b; milk route; everything ; eery reasonable. 6 2D ST. AT 66TH ATE. S E. ( Woodstock Car.) GOOD dairy farm, 105 aeraa, all tillable, SO aeraa elove r, good tmUdinga; 2 milea town, rood road. 100 anltaa sonth Per-and: S11.5SO. 96O00 cash. Owner, 1047 X3.V. land ava, Port- land. W. ' 240-ACKE fa near tow a. modara bniidings, gravity water ayatexa; 60 eulUvated, 100 aaaily eta. red; $6000, terms. Bgnipan eni esieap- Was. Brubeker, rrte-d. Weeco Co,, Or. 220 A., SO A. in ctiluratipn, sear Tha Dalles: rent 1350; stock, crop end aaoiplaaat. 14000. Wilbur V. wotun, Uaaxy . Bida. . . , ACREAGE FOR SALE FARMS " IT LARGE valley iarBaa, worth tha snooey. , for sate nw owners: : 820 acres. 66 to TO' acres under1 Plow. bsl anee timber and cut aver: place Ilea prlnclnally roiling witn some creek hot torn una ; aevarai w feet aaw timber; good travel road e good mar ket; Imnrovamentt, fair house and larta barn; ilaee as fenced and creasy-lenced ; good well ana ivine strew m yewr round: fruit enough for fam ily us. ; about 1 saiiee from Oorvalha. on good gravel road; milea to R R. station. We will accept property, up to $r000 worth of city or acreage - properly, rnra fio.uuu; eaay terma; poasaaeien Oct. 1. 1930 280 aeraa. 96 acre, nnder nlow. b balance pas- rare and timber. This place Is on a fine mad about U mile north of (Vreallia.. beet town in the atate. borne of tha Oregon Agricultural college: land lies level and rolling: Improvement", good T room house, larta barn equipped for ,() dairy cows ; alec trio lights, gaa engine and eleo- ' trie punt: electric pump water aystem. new oai house and other outbuildings; good fruit for family nee; plane it fenced ind cross fenrad; ur ing creek end several good anringa. Tills is aa. ideal combination stock and dairy ranch. There te nearly enough fire wood on the place to pay for It at tba prevtl)!n prica of wood. With this place goes soma tools and 45 tons of good oats and vetch hay in tha barn. Price $16,000; terms eaay. Possession at once. We will take trade up to $10,000. 181 acree, 140 acres under plow, balance oak timber end paetnra ; Und lUa level and rolling I Just 2 miles from Corvallla, an the aved high way ; improvemsnu, gx1 7 room house, piss-, tered: 8 large barns, other outbuildings; place all fenced and craae-fenced. This fsrm could be really subdivided and sold to good advantage for trull and poultry tracts. W will Uka prop erty In exchange up to $15,000 on thia one; poeaeeaion Oct 1. 1920. CHICKENS. Here's your opportunity to own a POULTRY farm that will handle 60,000 to 76.000 chick ens; 212 acree, 125 acre, under cultivation, balance place timber and open pasture land, nearly all gently rolling; Improvement, Ursa 7. room Bouse, fireplace, email baaement; large barn equipped for 16 dairy oow a: alio, mllk houae, hoghouae. good granary with aheds on two aides: small 4 room bouse, new 140x18 ft modem chicken house wltb 20x20 ft granary la renter; 20x13 chicken house and other out buildings; fine gravity water system, -rith waur Piped to houae, barn. hog. milk and poultry house and yards; mountain creek running through pasture and field, giving an unlimited supply of wsttr; several hundred bushels rrsin. some 40 tons hay. 10 acres floe cornfield, all tools and equipment ana at a, consisting ui -head Jersey milch cowa, 2 heifer calree. 8 horses, some 450 1-year-old While Leghorn hena. some $60 W. L. pullets, number rooster. Thia place la located 5 milea from CorvalUa: fine county roads, tdesl location to be developed Into a large poultry farm : 1 Vt milea from paved highway, high and grade 'schools and railroad atation. Price for everything $23,000; good terms. For further Information arrange for sppolnl--lent with ma. Addreaa or call care 11. K. Walter, ImperUl Hotel. PortUnd, Oregun. After Sunday address me Oorvallia, Or -20 Acres. $1100 Cash Balance monthly payments and only $20 per acre; all fins soil, but some too rough to plow; nice creek of fine water and several springs; some creek bottom Und: . fine for onions and celery; enough fir snd cedar timber to pay for land; located 7 miles from Gaston. This U a real susp. If you wsnt a home, see us today. A. W. Estes 90S Chamber of Commerce. Auto. 614-68. 20 ACRES In cultivation, 17 miles Portl'snd.' i old houses, dark anil, onion land, running water, 2 acres orchard, mostly prunes, I mile atation, fenced, gravel road; apecUl, $8760; terms. Lawson, 410 Henrv hid CHEAP for 82500. house aiul acre, young IDiit treea, bearing, on Oregon elactrte, near Mult nomah atation. Must sell at once. Caah of terms. Call Msln 1408. . FOR RENT FARMS 14 TO ACRE ranch 8 milea from North pfains" 20 acres In cultivation, wall stocked, far ma ehtnery etc. : half mil. from ecliool, telephone in houae; caah rent Phone 4F5, North Plains. D K. lUtcboock, owner, litnki, Iluuta I, Uoi H. FARM j)N T 5JRE NJTjO R JB ITT 88 WANTED To rent smsll ranch with atork sni lmnlamenta on shares. Frank Johnson, 167 K. 6th at Phone Kaat 6091. WASTED to rwt. 8 small place with build fngs 8 or mora acres. Write Box 128, Mil waukee. Telephone 61-Y, Mllwaukle. TIMBER 2$ NOTICE C-P SAf.E OF GOVERNMENT TTn BB.H. GENERAL LAND OFK1CX Waahington. D. C. July lo, 1920. Notice ta hereby given thst. subject to tha conditions and limitations of the act of June . 1916 (39 But, 818), and tha Instructions of ths secretary of the Interior of September 1$, 1911. the timber on the following. lands will bo aold September 10, 1929, at 3 p. m.. at public auction at the United Stales Und office at Lke view, Oregnn, to the highest bidder at not less then the spprslsed value as shown by this nottra, aale to be subject to the approval ot the secre tary nf the interior. The purchase price, with an additional sum of one fifth of 1 per cent thereof, being eommiasione allowed, mast be de posited at time of sale, money to be returned if aaU U not approved, otherwise pateat wtl taene for the timber, which moat be removed within 10 years. Bids will be received from nUxcns of the United States, associations of such cttlsens snd corporations organised under tbe tows of tbe unites Btatea or any state, territory or omnri thereof only. Upon application of a qualified purchaser the timber on any legal tubdivtaton will be offered separately before being Included la say offer of a larger anlt; T. 41 S.. R. S F... Bee I.N E. H 8. B. H. pine 880 M.. fir ISO M. i N. W. 8. E. H. pine 400 M., flf 60 M. : S. E. H S. E H, Pine 4SU at., fir 21 at.; . w. a. n. ia. pine $75 M., fir ISO M.; N. E. H S. W. H, pina 800 M.. fir 100 M,; N. W. H S. W. H. Pla 206 M.. fir 140 M. ; S. E. H B W H. pine 840 M , fir 190 M.; S. W. H 8. W. H. pine 380 M.. fir 120 M. none of the pine ta ba sold for leas than $4 per M., end none of tha tir to be aold for leaa than $1 per M. (Signed.) ClJtY TAI.LMAN, Commissioner, General I -snd Offlea. vSa. SALE OR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 83 WEST SIDE FLATS 4 flata. 5 rooms eaoh, sleeping porch and servant rooms, all atrictly modern, fine district, for aaU or will conaider pert trade in acreage for good city tirnperty; price $18,000. J. G. GU8TAFF, 420 Henry bldg. PmwnrJ l)R sal. or exchange: 40 acres, nnimproved-on-Incumbered, in White Salmon valley, for Port land property or eloae In acreage, unincumbered. Inquire 1466 Msdrrma at., Woodlawn. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 FORD ear wanted "in exchange for my equity in 6 room bouse, lust painted outaide and In; good location, with fruit treea; balance due $620, payable $10 per month aad t later-wit- Columbia 1289. FOR F.Xr'tlAMiE. by owner. 10 acree, la coltitalion. fenced; etcellent for lotanharrtat or prnma; 2 H milea to good valley town, 46 mile, from Portland. Will exchange for goad antrrroobile. F-17S, Journal. - 10 ACRES of cleared: newbouae, hern, chicken hotes.. 1 H acree potatoes go with placet-- rH paetxtre; 1 anile of atation ; highway; eaay term a; for aala or trada for good modern bouag Is city. Apply O. R. Blaotry. Gaston. Or. ' fNCOMK property ia New berg, close In: good locaunn. Ben en eaay terras or trade lor wu located Tillamook or Lincoln county land aad caah. AX-670. Itrarnal. FOR SALE-Or would trade for stock of gm aerlea or ptaea suitable for chicken ranch ; earxi.. taoca, farm Implements and crop, value 82000. W. W. White. Bruati Prairie. Waah. HAVE 1 "fine lot on Take Waablnitoa n5i lota la North F.nd, Taaoma. What Is of. fared in Portland property on a trade f P-836. JoarvMl. , , td I EXCHANGE WU1 sell or trade my eqaltf ta c)oa-in west side heuae and lot or vacant lot Need light truck or auto In beat mechani cal eoodition AX6AAk Journal. 100x12 6"ON ' ttb sndMultnomsh atik. tn ei ehange for anything I can use. Phone Automatic 210-08. It ACRES, worth 4750, and cash, to trade 4 or 6 room bonae. E. J. Deedoa. 748 E. Taylor at. WANTED REAL ESTATE $1 I HATE aoorea f calls for bousea Uan ran be bandied on smaB cah payments. Can get yoa good monthly payments. Phone me what yoaj bare. 0. A. Pearce ' - 81 6 Chamber of Commerce. Main 8688. WANT bei 6 or more room bouse for rssmon- abM price; must bare 2 bednr-ms en ftp floor, bath, basement, on sidewalks. Sell wood. Alberta, Rirhssond preferred; can pay 81000 nr aware down. Dercribe- and ive r-rUcnUre to) firsk lttJoha OahleTj S-v83 B6th at ft, K. , WANYEDThe beat 6 ar 7 "room tnodeen" bim- galow that $4500 Will buy: $1500 caah, $41 an th; immediate rosaeaaion. Full particular ia fine) iste:S2,J at r ' WANTED 4 or -room bowse. Woodstock or V : Alberta dUtrieta preferreal; wot more thaa. 12500. Mala S42S. - . . . WANTED Tn 'bay Inn namer, 6 rw-m home " in aood neJabhoetiaod i mot be priced right. Will pey cneli. Phone Mer-hsH 1239. .,-J WANTED B room bungalow on Sell wood cap. -- It, on easy tercet, tuia na. Ast arn psaoe for aash. Garland. 401 3d. t , ' '' K