if THIS OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, O'REGON FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 10. 192a -IV MF.ETIXO HiOTtCEB 41 "rfhfTfrMfotrr.nt)oii n. it. A. F. A. M 8prUI rom munrcatinn tomearrrrw I Saturday I. 2 SO p. m and 7:80 p. m. Work in F. C ikllM both MSaiona. Vis itor wlrorre. By order of W. M. F. W. K.XKK. Hecrtrr 7 JitaJ statistics marritgcs.Btrtb. Dcatf)X IllRTrlS H IIOHrNZA To Mr." and M"rl. John Srhon fwnt. Cot Otth.rd Or.. Sept 8 da-agM'. HTAHLY Tn Mr and Mn. II. BtaUly. I-- Tualatin. Sepl. . son . , , r JONES To Mr. anal Mm. J. T. Jonea. H Lincoln, Sept. 4. a daughter HM1TH To Mr. nd Mrs. N. t. Smith, 293 42d. fU-pt 2. duhter BRANXEN To Mr ind rv W. A " 61.1 14h. Aug. 2d. son. . .. . NYYHHONElf To Mr tml Mr IMA Minneaol. Sept. 2. a Vn'!u'.h Js4. PAHIHM- To Mr ami Mr.. R. A. Prth. 4H4S M7ih. Sept "" , nit BROWN-lo Mr end Mr. V. J""- U' Varuon rr. H.rrt 1. a 'l"'"", ,,, CROMHIE- To Mr aod Mo. frntbta, 1006 B. I iuthers. Sept. 2 adaughur. DEATHS AN!) FT 5 ERA f.H 7 BAt KB- K'l'fmbr . 1020. in thb critr. Mr. Frieda naVr. e,-.d ". , i1'"?1 of l'ul J S'ier, and Utr of 410 lUrrtnon. Mtther of ill llattle Kicwh of thl City nd Adolph T Ko-rtrh, Ktaalund. CL Funeral errricre will b conducted Hatunlay. HeTtt. 1 1 , at 'J (i. in., 'rom IVnron a undertaking priori, Kue sel t. at I nnn .-.. Friends intitad. Inter ment familyplot. Ko ntyrwmwry. SHEA Th funeral irtlm of th late Jamc .1. Hlira, lelorrd habsrfrl of Cor E. She, will be held from the residence, 9o E. Abler at H .10 4. in . Hauird.-iy, Sept. II, thenoe to Ht. Sir-then church at U a. m . whr raqmrni nitM will b iiOrnt Intrrmvnt Ro rrn1rrj. Amnimienli In ear of Millar Tracv (Uli-H- Srj.lrrnbfr ff Oram ySaal fpm. aa 'I 14 r, molhor of Mr. Jlra (.nm lUn-f n. M IMj.li and ('hurt f. Jro of t'ortluiid. Th funaral umrtxcm will ba hl'l hrnrl.y. HejiL 11 at 2 30 p. m.. at JTinlcr'). Mnnifninfrj at Kltth. Krtfiul iafltad lnirr- innL, Itiffrrlw ramrUry. I 1 1 A M tl r. IIS A t rajtrLnri; fi I fid".I ir . Hapf. II. 'Jrrinirla (.'an rhmbrr. al w yaan. daiihtr o( MfVind Mra Wlllum II Chamber, and itr of John P.. lrtl .1.. Manr. Hl n. Aarif. JtmiM and rtrnard rhaoiljrnv. V'unaial notlca Uiar. MrEnUa A Hilar, dj rrior.. WKKKS- In " ThU ciJHwi6. Vilam k, afl ti yaan. Iniobarxl of Kaia father of lUrgarrt. Mi Id rati. Edna and XVilltam Wprka It Tha ramairu arr at nnlT . Monlaomrrx at Fifth. Ni.tite of funeral here after. llrlimkH In Ihia eltr, f.arl Mar-h Brooka. ateo, 74 xr- r-nneral rtlco will ba haM at I' I.. Irrh funeral parlori. Kaat 1 I Ifi at Hw thoma. Saturday at 0 30 a. m. Krlenda in- TitrJ iAVI.HTn thl rii."Sefi, 't-Annia Il. afJ I "J oirt. wife ..I ' A. Iar The rumalin ar at rlrl 'j M'lnKomrr; at Fifth. Notice of funeral hereafter. Tl,T;if'; :" irrrrTTerrng. 3 1 at and Htanton. Kr-r't 7.' 82 year, tuherruloi. BKfMiKM Karl M. Brook. Paul and Willow. Mepf ft. 14 vearp, senility J A' K.S in--John Jaekapn. Oood Bamarltan ho- intal. Mei't H, !0 yrara, abee of llr. l fiKr:Y Krank t'onkey. Ht. Vincanta huapital. Serr . flo yeara, rerurrent ean-lnoma. Kim I KK WHUam Fowler, Ht. VlnrenU hoa- .itl. St 7, H yeara. nahrttla Kl SM-:r. Nora V. Knnkel, V032 V. Ankny. Sei.t H. 4. yeara. gnnahot wound, riluld' .Urnea V Thorj. Ht. Vlnrcntu ho- ciial. Bert. 7. HO yaara. dlrertlculum uf biat! d.r VMIITK- Irlra While. ;ood Bamarlun hoapital, Sept. (I. ) yearn, diabetes mrrja ANIr:HHON--Jame l Amleraon. 70 Fonltr mad. Heit. 6. 7S yearm. lobar pneumonia. Mil Nl---'arrte Koiiml. 875 E. 11th. Sept. 8. fl'J yean, t-arrlnnfua. STfi.N'K Mary Ntona, Mnltnoroah honplUl, Bept. ' H4 'Mr, tlremifl. V 1' ' K K A , DIRECTORS DUNNING & McENTEE FUNERAL DIRECTORS Now Inratad In their new residential funeral hum, llom-oo at 12th, west -.ida. Pbon Ilroadway 480. Automatic $18-68 THK FUNERAL HOME OF REFINEMENT AND DISTINCTIVE SERVICE Note W hae no branches nor any connection wliur with any othar ndrtakmt firm. EDW. IirMAN & SON Funeral Oiret-rtors TUIHiy AND SALMON STREETS Main J07. A 1811. I ady Asuistant. J. P. HHLEY & S FUNERAL DIRECTORS MAIN 0. MONTC.OMKRT AT FIFTH KAST Sinn PUNEKAI. DinEf TorTa F. S. DUNNING. INC. "The Family Set th Price'' 4 14 E Vd-r Phone Eat 82 A. D. iKenwortlhiy & Co. Bi2 Br4 02D ST S. E . TEXTS Phone Th,r B207 Horn I'hone D-61. CHAMBERS CO , Fun.-rl fH rectors. All 'he Crntenlenres of a Rom. Wood'swn 8100 24 8-2.10 KIIIWigsjwoTlh t. ,;,,"' P. L. Lcrch Wr- i E.".TA!:.n?- E llth tnd Hawthorn K. T. BYRNES ZZSST Williams are. Woodlawn 220. MILLER A TftAOET. Independent fnnerti df. rt torn. Prices as low at 620. $40 $o Washington at Ella Maln2891. A-7S66. M'ENTFE A EILERB: flirHralprlorrrwi;h-all the prisacy of home, lrlth and ErereU t. I'buoas, Broadway 2133. Him A 2196. R W. (JABI.F A CO, Succ?aors lo W. H Hamilton. 107 8 E (ili-.an Phon Tabor 4 916. DOWNINU A M XKMAR. succasaor. to Wllsoi A nous Multn.-mah at East 7th. Irrlnttoa dlstnrt. East 54. BrcczojcVSnfg A.R.IcljerCo. K .V; Sk tVi5 rJNDERTAKINd CO Usln 41 IJ a 2821 Cor Third aad Clay MOX I M KXTH GRAf1,rE Co iay-3ffo yr at rAcxtoei I Portland Marble Works 286 4th st. op City Ball. Wen Broa. FLORIBTB Smuth's Flower Shop "Fortland't Pro trtjtt.lt-. rTortst-"" Flowtrs for All Oceaalona. Mtln 721 B. T. C. LCEK. Mgr., 6th tnd Alder, GEO. BETZ & SON .".'sr FRESH FLOWERS FOR ITT'Xatfe.ALM tnd all ..rcas.nni, 97 Wlllltmt tt. Juat eU M.vdlswn 1112. Jneph Btg, Managr. LUBLINER7et. rST 341 Mcrr, n bet Bdr. tnd Prk Mtrsb, J87. 3-i Morrlr Pr.rtltnd hfl. Marshall 756 MA iff IN A FORBES CO.. florisla. 814" Wash". mgtnn. M,.n 269. A-1269. Flow.rs for $11 ",L',1" "'""Hctlly arrant'd Cl.A rtK fl fit is . floHt rMorri-oo si . bet. th snd 6ih. Phon Main 7700. Fin (lowers and floral designs No branch stony ChapRell'8 iZF?$ irvr LOST AXD FOI'SP 11 LOST Tount ftelgian police dog: arrwera to nam of Cop; reward. 701 TUlamooa af F.tst 1038 l.OHT A mall coin pur-e contauiing diamond ru, and $.7.V bet. Morriscn nd Stark. Ta bor 2702. Reward f.OHT -Boton bitU. fcmtle, marking whitf. to nam. yueen. fcaat HT27. I ost Pair of filter mounted ir-..tt. .i..u. Kinder kind'y phone F.aat 4.118. . V. .l. l''"4'a watch on Milwaukie aL Pbona "ell. nun "'ND Ainrlal. "".,n"r. .- '1 hone Tabor on" ' v "7 LfVT Smll mink neckpiece. Sat. night in . .....r, loenire f.t 14.10 Hl.'r d-m fC. AUm''l'riyr-r-Corrioi setter dog. I.ibe-raljwwrdr.ii Tabor 8000. "'STiitt. 'yew'.'rci' P'oi--rhon. LOST At Seylde. on' Uhor day. sllyer mesh bag. Liberal reward. Call Main 1888 FUNrvPurae Owner can hare tVma""bntalT itig at Journal nffics and Identifying. KU NlkFemal. fox t.Triif. pVn.' Wood" Uwn AUHH. LOSf Bluebird pin. "f iirsciay ;"f i'ridr" cafj854 Alder or Main 7421. Li ST Small pocketbook"; return to journal 'award. ' p i-oX AIC?. 'ovvv " Lfl!T; atrayT" atnlan. 4 in on tha oidfot ter rier pap, whit with blark anota; nin4 Pedro ; rowarl. Tall Bart, pliwia Bdwy. 720. 42S Wejhlnrtor) H. ; LOUT rWtaara VfhiU Kalmon to Culrra. W h. . hamboo haaket and crot heted atrtpcd knitting hac with knlttint; rrwaM for iwtnrn to 1221 Venn ht.lt., or Main 141. Portland COST7 Om fray and white" half -arown aula kittan; alao amall blue kitten, in lUehmond; reward. eWllwontf 851. T I)pT ftlr pup, 5 raontha old, near ( olum bla Jrk; lof b rary timid. Pbon lnfurma- Hon ta f 'oln m bia H 0 ;r ward . L?fT ttunday. amall tiantfhaa and- print. rhn or writ U. A. Tliomioua. tat 7000. 46 E. Taylor t. Ftii'.vTv ldlea' porket bouk In I'nlon autlon Can hare aame. Call at 4 808 70th at. S. K. after Hp. 5S' E blanket rolC fonUinln an to robe and rowrfort. between Troutdal and cltT. on Co himhl highway: return to Journal offlc fJlHT Tneday .. a rhark f mmFjaatenT- bantam lumber company; finder pleaaa no tify Itohtnaon. 800 Norm at. IAWIT By worklnf 'ftrl, blar handhti roti- Ulnlnc bankbook and b!lla, ricinlty K. Union and Broadway. Kit KA4C, I.OST Between flth end l"ine7T6ih and HandyT liht grten tronaera. Bettim fth and l'int. Reward. Bdwy. ;'90. fosT Lady', tvild Waltharo atrh and chain. Initlah M M.," Talued a a keeptake. H ward. Main 2Jtl). HFI.P WAfTTED M AI.F. Salesman Wanted Toiinf man, pre'erabW with newv paper adeartlirfn nr other apevlalty aellini eterirne. Mint be full of "Pp" and rumt well rommnded. At leaat hiiih arhool education abao lutely atceiMrr H'rlbt aalary, moderate to fart but offering a aiilen dtd ehtni-a to learn a food himneaa and get a permanent ronnertinn with on of Hi largeel in1lttition in the rtty No trrling or lMm to-hone einrawln. Tell u til aiwut ymjrae.f In your own hand wrilinn f!lf ".! detailn an at, married or ilneje. eilura- ton. experience and aalary dirdj B aure to ci your telephone num ber. lnipriTird men around 20 year will he rnriaidertd if they maaa ur up otkerwua. II 183, Journal. C.AHA';r. FOREMAN' Man tr take eharj of local earnte Fteel. lnl npnortunitv : rerv bt refereur" required. C.rTel"nd with Bui 7 4 7. glring reference. THE MErEH A TRANK '. reonlr-a th it lew of tpnenred aalenmen 'or ilk and dwa inodt department Apply Employment Bureau, tilth floor, Meier Frank Co. WANTKT) A reliable elderly re-mlr-man thor oughly familiar with enta and hep to lit on a plare near Lowe)!. Or . for a year or more. In rare for almoin f00 head. repir fenee and do auch other work as i polMe (lo' d lirini quartan and eonliment Will pay frtOfl a year. J. H Beat!, rare Coast (,'ulfert A- tliini comiiany. Portland. Or. Till'. r,Pfl. IVORTMAN A KIM; STOP.K r H'llrea the sa'Tkea of inerien"il aroterr or der boya Apply auparinUnilent'a office. 0 1J to 10 80 a. aa. MANh"orohTyTTiTtrienoed In handlint corre spondence of mail order bnaine of rel'sbl and ici eatanliahed firm, i.ood otnMirtnnity. (lira reference and salary epefiefl. Adilress P o. Box 2404. Station B. Battery and Washington st,, San Francisco. Cl WAXTEI A r-liahle man to take rontrnct of unloading sarkint co,l at rur rsrl. find, steady Job for the next six m-inths for the riirlit man. Andree--Conorer Fuel Co.. 37th and Hundy blt.l Tabor 24'17. WAXTFfi 100 men at once to learn to operate anil rvpair autm and gas tractjrt Apnly Hemphills Antomobile A Cat Trsctor School, cor. E. 20th and Hawthorne. Writ or call for fre ratting. WAN'TEI Two all around mechanics; toi waires, good liruig condition. Wire or writr Bandon Gtrtfe. Btndon, Or. If not competent don't apply. A FKiV men wanted lor steady work hr Port land Oas A Coke Co. at plant on Llnuton road. Take (ret bui at 23d acid Sarier at.., t ' 15 1 m HKRK (a your chance to get a home close in. Will exchange on or two acre tracts for work, building and repairing. First com firt sersed. 834 College. W ANTED Firtt clas c.rtwn'er willing to . THE OLDS. W0BTMAX A KIXt STORE re work under open shop conditions. Applf I nuirrs Ui serricea of an experienced comp Master Builders' association. Brsley bldj., 33 1 t,.njiur vrator; also apprentice girls for office ?. ' ""m. T'"'"9'n, .C' I work aj,d girl for information desk in general CUTTER of gentlemen's pirmenta, must he thor- I oflice Apply suprrlntendent'i office, 9:IS to oughly expericpced. of pleasing peraontlity. and tise references. Z-440, Journal. WANTED Mn to worr on ftrm by montli rr for winter Prefer man about 50 yean eld. P. Sterner, Molalla,Or.. ft. l COS'CRETE "worker wanted i htiild wall enn- taining 20 yd and take old auto ' pay; ear In giKid running onler 414 SViilmore st DFLIVFUT hoy wtnled it once Roreliwa 1 Iroc.-ry 4R5 Ko.claon tte. Phon Wood lawn 215. WANTEIi r.iperinc"ii extractor man tt the Consolidated I-auridrr. 1250 Haley Ta- 4brit. 7700 Vantedt Extra salpii.le in all ments for Haturday work only. depa rt -Simon' Store, .'tl and A'der WELL lurnialied room board, resetahlea. fruits, itr.. tn man who will do light work 1 or 2 hours dsilr; also small waget to rislit party. K 1 77. Journal. WANTElwBids- on sci-on wood for arvan ment house, P. (iilbertti n, 2H3 13th at, Phoni Marshall :.1rl,V WANTED A mstii to contract ditu'nr 2000 feet ditch for water pi;ie. Pbon Milwaukie 3.1-J, after 8 p. m. BOY about 16 not griirs to school to help on wood truck. Apply 48 Union are X MEN to distribute circulars. Oregon Distributing Co.. 331 tfr Eat Morri.on H W ANTED Carpenter for Sandy csn rn:er ahop 41st and8andy. BOY wanted for general work around-lior. j Xi'wtlMh Tailor I OH 3d .1 I HIIOE repair man. $H p,r iU . - - .J plait. f irmer names .hi i, Knterrrw. Or FIRHT class auto trimmer wanted. Sidwa A Hmlth. East Sd and Rrotujway FURNACE repair man wntU. J C. Baer. 204 Market tt STTEET METAL worker. J. C. Bayer Funiac Co.. 204 Markat st WANTED 1st clase fumlturt flnither. Wm. i.adaby A Sons. BOV wanted. William Klumpp Co.. 140 10th. HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Extra aalespaopl in all depart ment for SatunAy work only. Simons gUir. 2d tnd Alder. WANTED Expe h.rtced itorter for wet wath. 12SB Hslsey. Tabor 770O Experienced- maYcr winted Hoffiil, Millinery. 307 Morrison st. WANTED C.irl going to KVanklin" hihseho,l to do light housework morniriT nd ereninis.i gtxd noma aiid aorni wagesTabor 343. ONE lady waitress, logging camp. Kastern Ore- gon. $110 nionth, f.r. .dranced 235 Burn - WANTED 2 women at Oonsolldattd Wet Wash" t - ... iij ' i"'i t 00; permanent W ANTED. September 13. kitchen helper. Ap- lly St Helena Mall. KRAZY KAT . JtV- ' Xlaairr.l ' MK1 arVJl . -3'J HF.I.r WA5TEI fKMAt H i $14.09 PER WEEK TELEPHONE OPERATING FOR YOUNG WOMEN HF;'LAR INCRKARFS kai'Id AVAN(;tIsT APrt-T NOW BOOM eJOI. Hl.TTH FI-OOR TKtEPlfONE BlIKnrVC, PAItK AND OAK 8THEET8 TyH-: PATIKIC TKI.BPHOXir; AND TELi5:RAPH COMPANY : TAfOIB YODTJG GIRLS FOR BAG HAMIFACTDRIRG OrR CfKI.8 ATKRACC FtlOil $18 TO ?.. PF.B WEEK OX PIECE WOBK. Sk.WI.NU BACKS. THK WORK 18 PLEASANT ANP EAST TO I.KARM, AXI) WE i( AHAVtEE 13 Ittt WKtlK WHIlK LK A R.M.N (J. GIRI.S Mt'ST NOT BE OVEB 25 OB L.NDtK Hi VEAItS OF AUE. MODF.rcN AND I'P-TO-PATE FAT TO HY. ri ll H SATURDAY AFTtK.NOO.NS OFF. APPLY. AMES-HARR1B NEVILLE CO.. 1STH AXU HOTT 8TS.. TAKE N S OB 16T11 CAR. canm;kv heij wanted, stab fruit PRODUCTS CO.. 821 EAST YAMHILL. 10 30 a. EXPERIENCED saleswomen f r NKCRWEAR, I HINAWABK. Alo eiperiemen rounter ,1, f,,r T'i, Top Inn. Aj.pl roiplojment bu reau before 1o:3. CIPMAN. WOLFE A CO. EXPERIENCED taleswomen for cut gilts department- Apply employment bureau be for 10 30. LIPMAX. WOLFE A CO THE Of.rw. WORTMAN A KLNG 8TORE re quires the service of experienced salewrmen fr ctnly department. Apply tuperlntendcnt't office. 0 16 to 10:30 a. m. THE MEIER A FRANK CO. require the terr i es uf eteriencfd saleswomen for silk end droa i,'oods diartmeat. Appl Employment Biareau. sixth floor. Meiar A Frank Co. WANTED Respectable nd net young lads of I losing dipoition as coroiranioa for children I and do lishl housework. $30 per month and a good hum Gir age and referenc in first letter. H526. Journal. WAN TEDi-Gotid gtrl. 13 yrs or older, wish ing to tttend school to work for room tnd board with refined family. Hood hogae for right party.. Must gire rfrnoa. Addraet Mra. O V. Hill. Beaserton. Or. Box 304. WAXTED Nt tppeiring kdie to demon ttrat . hit b-claae rticl, bouio-to-hou. work In eity, saiary; n cxperiencw necessary. Apply 713 Couch bldg.. afternoon 3 to 4. MIDDLE aged woman to keep bout for m and ray Irfvcki. Or: two boys. John rotter. Cascad Ik, 1 17 8. WANTED A girl or wornai' to assist in honst work and taking ear of babe; msll ftmily. Kooti .race!, Mrs. C. J. Schnabell. 7.1 Park ae. WAXTED Retool girl to aaaist with house- 1 wcrk attd car of chiMrtn for room, board and tes Phone Main 4768. , ONK srsm-trwa for "uto top ahop. Bdwy. Et 4383. E 8d and iTTT'.rS nted Oiwaron Paper Box Factory. 24 8 Vi Mtark St. EXPKRIEJtCRD millinery makera; tlto taieae woman. Call at 128 10th at L jf mm m r -v r -. . - H BLP WAKTEP FEMALE 9 1 WhHAW dia.twarT. L. C S "S 1 woman rook, lotrtirw raaap 10 1 woman rook, locTint camp 129 70 men, no baking, no meat cut tint. 1 woman ateond rook, locrinf camp 0 1 woman cook, amall hotel . . . . es 1 waitre-w for otl, clou tn 60 C. A B. H. fTl.lXART WORKERS' ASS N. 242 Ankny St. Hooaa 16. HELP WASTED MALI AND FEMALE t6 WANTED Cook, both man and-- women, for I m , .nWi ln Vtm mtui ani,l iiif tl t Irewnn i t- rk-ultnral rntlrt. Work atarta fVeptembrr 1 . i Addra eommnnicatioRa to Cooper Lire Manacera' atwociaUoa. CorralUlt. Or. firing eiperirorr and I rvtataneM U'tm from tttfi to 1150 rjt?T moeith. 1 " , .; . ' ; i BUKINl:SH AND TRAPK SCHttOL.H 06 A Poiitioa for Each Graduate. At.lriKT BClLDINii. BUSINE88 COLLKOE firaet in the W'twt. ASSURES EVERY (JRAUUATE A POSITION Enroll ny time of rear. HAY SCHOOL SH.HT SCHOOl, 1'lKinc. call or writ lot fre uccM ratalntj. WANTED Mn and womea to learn the barber trade; rarei re tomi jwy whilt learning; p ton arrurrd; Orejon l rTir man, tl cour la fr to you; rail or write, for lUrtir-ulara nd ratalogiie HOLER BAKBEH COIXEofc. 284 Burnaid at. OLE R K STWr men ) oyer 17. for po-dal mail kerrire, $135 lnmth, eiamination Sflembrr; eiperienc nnnerrary. Kr fre partirulAra writ J. I eonera 'former mil eerTir iamiit:rl, ftO Kq'iliab'e bids.. Wtshlnston. I. '. BUSINESS MEN" If your nrd i trainee), rffinmi offir help, call Hrndwey 4410. Clerical Help Sc-rrk 5-9 Arli-ana ilWck) building. I.KARX TELEGRAPHY Toung men and women wantrd; rll 484 Railway Kxchans bids : splendid nppnrtuniy to learn well paid profession. Railway Ttli graili Institute. CLEfiKS, oeer 1 T7 for ptal mill aarrice. $185 month. Kxaminations September. Ex perience nnneree-ary. F'ir tree particula i-s writ 1 Leonard (former cinl aemca exam- iberj. HOB rmnabi hUl. t a-hliigtnn, I) I . PORTLAND Barber College Uarht th btrbt j Iraue in eigni aeeis; pars witii irsrainK. BOtm sei OI kkiis K i . t n . "tuimn Rttm, iw i. t . . V lion reduced. 8 6 N. Second st. A MEX, WOMEN letrn barber trada; mw hle lenrmtie rvicilion fTTlsranteed lar 'J 1 Sear eiperienc.' Oregon Barber Collet. 2 83 Madlaon. t M!!..HMATTIXI.LY. Prisate School, shorthand I and tj-pewriting; indiridual instruction. 28!i i 1 4 tli st. rear Jefferson ROCKY "MOUNTAIN' Teachers' Agency. Enroll free Frsnk K Welle former tssia ant ta' supt.. Mgr.. X W. bank bids I'hon Main S27b. AYIATHir Vantcd. a few men lo fate up l"iut am! mechtn el course. I'artlcalan, Dudley Altera' Co.. 824 Morean bldg EAST STllE COMMETtCIAL SCHOOT. Miss Retina B-ickel's private school; indiridual matrurtion. 122 sk fJund I't. East 427. SIT T ATI ON S MA I.K 6 l. Y THE JOBBER I'ltstrrine. brick, tile, atone ind tnnt work nmodeling and rrptinng; no Jab too -mtll to re coil re our pervjnsl attention, s,. t your lireplsr. i and rhimncr "led now. 611 Morruoo ft. P lions I Rn.dws- I K4 8 MAN with family and plenty of hep wants ji.b in rancn mining, experience wun muaiot rcacliine and general fanning; good references. fiaatin Oregon. Box 122 YOl'Nli mari, single. 0 year' adTcrj ine ex-. Iriend cn small daiiie. wants to get b;tck into advertuint business with agency, retailer or neatpaper. Box 876 C, rant Past. Or. EXPERIENCED lumberman want good execu tive iioritirn in lumber businoae; bett quall.'i cttiani. 8-31. Jonrntl. BENSON hoy nl work after school tnd flatur day ; om. grocery experience. Call etenings, Ttbnr fi744 PAINflNV;-AND TIN TINti"" REASON ABLE WOODLAWNS328. CARPENTER and contractor: lobbing, anything in the building line. Fast 8636. pJPERIiANOiNft. timing tnd painting. BeU- wood 3GS6. HOMES designed, built ar.d remodeled br ex perienced and reliable bui'der. IVciln. 1341. ROOFS re-hinrled. repaired and painted. CaU Auto. 317-27. ROOFS cleaned, repaired and painted All work guaranteed; reasonable. Tabor 020 YOUNO man wsnis to work In gtrtye where he 1 en learn trade. TebiT 45R0 Bdw. 793. STTU AT'OX TT. M I F. 4 ;A BEMABLE "middl aged lads with 2 una!! children si hes t po-Itjon ts houeheeper I ,u ,, . nr tr-r hum. titan wnnm- l'Uune Wdln. 13.1. 108 Columh a Msd SXDIXy School LACT. SCRIM AND MARQUISETTE CUR- ( TAINS DON K UP LIKE NEW. WIXLHi. IN FULTON, comnl.i furnished CALL East 8518 I house, 2 adulLt. 1603 Virginia- SALESMEN WANTED 81 REPRESENTATIVE for the stite of Oregon or parts of it. On the be-t selling article of it a ! kind. We wsnt a real lis wlre. gee ill T In 9 p. m or 8 to 1 0 a. m W. H. Sahly, Im perial hoiel. room 33.1. tiOOD opportunity for a good -ale msn to learn the tutomobile business; will break yon in; straitht rommt'sinn. Mr. Ar;o, Bdwy. 32$1 DRF.SRMAKIXO 40 DTEINi;. cleaning, pressing, dressmaking, re mod eling, relinlng. altargtinnt, pleating, reasonable pricea Tha Cabinet Cleaners A Dyers, 42 1 M prriton, near lltb. Main 1825. DRESSMAKING School cloth tailored. auiU. coata, drtsvtea, etc. ; alterations reasorAbl. Mra. Kelly. 752 Yaacoaret St.. 316-08. ALTERATIONS, refitting tnd making of Udle--ttrments. reascnahl pric.; work guaranteed J Ueithin Tjdie' Tairor.,40 Bn-h A last Mrlt DTJEHSMATflSTt;. $3.50 per ds ; 9 ft) 1. m to .1 30 p. m. Mr; Brush, U 4172. NURSES 60 Phono Eaat PRACTICAL nurse drum paeition. 7211. EXPERIENCED nurse, best reference. Main 1072. Phone fcrxished rooms HOTEL MEDFORD 120 N. 6th. cor. Gliaan. 3 blocki Unlow depot: hot. cold wetar: (team hut 76e up. 64.60- week. Prirate halh $7 wek gp. HOTEL OHIO. tSARONT, COR, UADISOM HoasekMping and trtnsieflt roomt. rtetm beat, bot and cold water, automati lator; rate. 60 cent, day op; weekly rale ONE nicely furnished sleeping mora for ore or two adults; men preferred. 911 E. Flan den, Eat 3os 1. ONE leeping room srith garage, R 2 48, 181 HusseU $ 1 5. Eaat Fl'K.MSHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 79 BEAUTIFUL room, clots to car. Ladd ddition". how pHeil.ges. Et 004 1. I STEAM heated room, down town district Mr 1137. (Copyritbt, saar c w sa w w war , -asSawtT' rl " se arSs-A. A.A.a46-A, A-A A FLRMSHED MOOMS PB1TATE ' TAMILT It SICEI.T farnrhed room fn pteaxant modern bom. Braakfaet if daalrrd. Eaay walkinc diUnca Brat cir aerrtc. t all It 4 8S J PLEASANT front room, fumiabed eompWl 'for hoUMea. evpintg or aiaeping for orj or twu men I?1 l0lk ytl- S ROOMS, mly lutniahod. caonl or girl m rloyd preferred ; KUlincrwortb diitrict. K 44 0, Journal KEWLT foniitbrd modern Irani room. S A 9k a . it.. . t wi .k. ii i. n.-" - ... v . . . b. i , witt . i' a ini r. mil -nfton. Pbon Broadway 6600. Fl'UXISHED room In modem borne for girl. home prtrllettea; clmt to car: reasonable. Ta bor 20451. ::.j. : L 1 mi r.. pfwant room, on woat aw, pnyata fam ily. -ntJeman preferred. 966 Dari. cor. pth. Bdwy. 48 IT CLEAN' room, wajiinc distanrw, board t i aiiwd. 626 Eterett. Bdwy. l6S. ROOMS A5D BOARD li TTIE MARTHA WASH1XGTON S60 10th t For btKintr mrl and drnftt rea-rrnnHle rate- Marthall 121. UOO.M8 ASD BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 7t VTATEI To room and botrrl grammar oi high chool girl; '1 blocki frrru yriirmir tchool; walking dtatana from Lfncolu high, tail Mar tha II 777. W A X T E D Chi lTrrn to uka rare of by tJT tnonLli; nice hoinr; rrferrncc. I'hon Wdlo. 14R. PLEASANT room In modem home for 2. on ex,t idt, walkint dittanr; maalt if desired, rhoa Eaat 8H56 F A ft WsU)Tr IfVrracrv pleasant room with quia family, fn good aeighborhood . refer fiwea regnirrd. Main S6ia. BOA RT) and nam: r-asnnable. 7h 1st at., 5 minutes of abipyarda. Main 4880 liOOD horn la board firl or boy School 2 block a. March 11 824 RftOM AND HrOAFP. hem prinleges. 812 tx-r rek. 1 K lth at. Phone East 1'502. HBMSHKD AMD UNFURNISHED HOJ'SPrTF.F.PiyrO ROOMS S 7nS PARK a. Ona mom ami kitrhrnrtt, new. clean; 16 hid waU Ui businest M. 427. TWO fnraisried hou"Veeptr room 1 3 monih. 44 Eaat 7th 't. Call a'lrr 5 JD p ro M E -ingfe rot.ni , Il2 t" Jill monthly. t.t water always 6 .1.1 Flanders. HOISKKKF.PINt; ItOOMi FURMsHKt AND IK Kl TtNlSB K P PRIVATE FAMILY ;H 3 THREE modm furnished" H rt rom." inrmmm oarn, ncnta, water. n.at and ess. 43 Haie. Sellwooel 1 000 I'l'tiviclirti k..Aii " -i . . .., iiuuriTr;iTi 'uiin-, eirr-i ric nsni. . gu aad pnone. Small family. CaU after & p. m 802 Thorman. Mar. 8727. HOt'SEKEEPINcVrooms, lKme prinlegesTim"- : ploTd only : west aid. Main 7292 Mar lo-.'. IOCSEKEEPIN4 rooms, 1 block from car line Phone FaH 31T ONK : Tlom ,,,. ,t,m h(' st. Woodlawn 40RB !03 S'jiiiion 2 H K rooms for rent r. l t t Call r.att ojrtx UXKt nXISHETT- ionT "h. usT gas " and goo.1 balh, corner 14:h ind Mill. Mar. IJKft. TWO mmfortcbly furnished H K room : fine T".ood neuhborhood oodla-njnt. Fof n unfurni-hed honskplng room 12 4 1 Detroit ay. Woodlawn 5 T, 0 1 . Ht John car for KE:ii-;ini'M;s n Kf'RN'sHF. I li STOHAI.F. COMMERCIAL AN7 HOUKEHOLD (JOODS. MOVIXfJ. PACE1XU. HIIIPPIXC. fleriuced Itaifbt r. I.. IT... . . , . . csll Rroadway 708, Manning Warehous. A Trar-frr in w-, -iA ., "-- , rUrnltUre mOVinflT a vaa aaaa.ua HWI ""ft Vim Tr,n,e ,nd Storate ltl, ditt"-l hauling. 82lnion te.N. Phon Mst 0414. FOR SAI.i: or rent, by owner 4 room house', with attic; lot IOt.100; 14 btannr fruit trees, lot. of msll fruit. 224 E 86th st 8 Phon Ttbtir .1610. CALL BROADWAY 10 NORTHWESTERN KLU' TRlf COMPANY. 11 isurvi:Tnv , -r ti-vrn a -en t-1 -r- -- ' 1". .? ''- 1 I OK, KL.NT 6-riom hi-ue. garage $.10 per month. 1 1 iu oanay. Apply lni i' 47th N. 3 ROOM houa for reot, Fargo st. clieap. Apply 3 00 : $170 WEST SIDE 7-room house. 20lh; clo-e In; walking di-tapce si: HOLMES FOR RENT Kl IlMTl'RK FOR 4-AIF Hi IKlT'aiF for rent and furniture for a.lc. chick ens and obicken fence. 1 lot in potatoe. ail roes. If you want thi bargain, hurry; terms cs-h. C. E. King-l-y. 1171 nltersute te 5-BOOu house for rent and furniture frr sale cop store, oar mn ni tarjie, n chair. 3 bed-. new Hinter machine, some carpet, some canned fruit Call a' 92 Wood st. Fi nxiTURK of 5-room flat for -ale or will i rent furnished. Call erening. 861 Etl trait. FURNISHED HOUSES 66 I COTTAtJE tt Otwtg lake; good ctr trice" CommunUtiun fare, 10c. Rent 6 1 6. Mar. i 6.101L I 810 1 ROOM upper floor: Tillsmook t . nrtri William ate ; walking di'tar. f. C. W. Nrl cn. 281 H Ru-ell st. .1 ROOM furnished bungalow rlos to Franklin high 'chool; no children, rent $40 per monih. 1 Call Tabor 210. j i r.i.r.'.js. 1 1. a lumi-oeu notice, irtin ; aio cor- tagr. flat. furniih lagr. riais. iurniana, nninmisnra, retonnie. APARTMEXT FOR RKXT 48 -ItoOf tpt. for rent tor housekeeping. 171T Port-mouth ere H.ATS TO RENT. N Y V R.X IS H F. It IS KiiilMS. n;Tr. t.'.l loT t rrmuiit. Tak rulton car to Nebraska. STORES AXD OFFICES 11 FOR RENT ALL OR ANY PART OF 50X 100 8EC0ND FLOOR SPACE IX NEW CONCRETE BCILDLNO, SUITABLE FOR AUTO PAINT SHOP OR AUTO TOP CO OREGON AUTO REPAIR CO , 10TH (tl.lSAX ':d Fort RENT -Two good alor-roomv on a-.e ner Dans st. : fine foT kch to II I lianoe, chamber of Commerce bldg or inquire ,irL?L"-5: DUSK room, with phone. $.1. eooT'ntm. c7rn. W A XTF D TO RENT 7 UNFURNISHED small houa or flat, guarantee best of care. Will lea. Mr. Perbna, Mar. 819. ' W A X'TED To rnt 8 or 6 room heuar, fur niahed, yicuity 60th and HawUiorM; will let; adults. T 560. Journal. COrJPLE want ttnalf-fumUhed hoou ptrrria rtent, St. Johns preferred. Addres Mrs. F Ooisiw.r, 100 W. Burr t., St. Johns. WANTED To rant, by two mlddlniiedTo pie. 3 or 4 room bouse, partly modern, with lot and outbuilding. fsellwood 324. WANTED To rent byriporurihl. emipTea 4 or 5-room house; prefer Sunnytide di,trict or riclnity. Z 439. Journal. A Rf.kOM wanted rith7"priTa family; garag essential; reavinable rent. Broadway 2506. REAL EST A TIT BUSINESS PROPERTY 66 BUSINESS lot ROt100 corner" 1., i.' J C- ! ders lit Phone M 8 29. FACTIfRT ite. cloe in Wet Side, water frr nt. I with trackage Owmr, 1241 N-W. Bank bide I 120. by Internauonai ITaatux Btrric. Inc. . t a 1 y i J? EAL ESTATE FOR KALE HOl'SES 61 WEST KIPK BARGAIN Clc-i In. Just off of Waahlncton at. near 211, fina lart bom. 11 miut. bedroenu: food ramac. fin batement. laundry trays and all other modern conrrnlencrv Hiium u well built, double coart ruction throuchuuL This houa moat be anld tin, week. ery Aay term will be mad to revinaible jonl. No reajtcnable offer will b refused , for other Informauon and aitwdntment caU Tabor J0. Ateui dv not answer HAWTHORNE DIST. y Price $32m 8700 CA811 N'o. son. a room bnua. 8 good hd rooms, paneled dining rorm and buffet, full bamenl, fiirnr. and HOnoo lot, 2 bltrki flora car, and hM far 'rom Franklin high; ri-lit he a goud buy, bttr kx.k it up. Marshall 1265. $230 lnWN 8 Room and Attic. Her is rhn- to buy a comfortable horn with a tery small initial payment; lot ."0il0l; 4 Mk. to school. 2 hlkl Irymatnn car- full I price $250. The honse is now renting for $23 1 Pr month. Von can pay the lltne off at sain rate. men mall it ba, $25 to th land lopl or 125 to apply un a hnr 0f your own! lt l i Show Ton OFO. T VIOnltK CO. . 1O07 TEON rll.DO. VACANT BRAND NEW BI'NCAIXIW 64800, trm; jnat caniilctesi. vlritytly mod rn. doih) eonstnicted 5 room hnnralnw and larg glaaaed alewpint parch, hardwood floors, fireplace. I hitch kilrhen. full basement (or mantrdl, all built in, iiory and enameled fin ish. plumbing, tr , mmplrt. Others are asking $flSfll. 8e thts bKiar f r- m 1 to li Owner on premise or phone Ea-t 618. Take Alberta car to Ml Alberta at PAVINi rN AND AI.I. PAID J ROSE CITY PAlfK S RtolTj Bnngtilow IS00 F!k, her' a btrgsin. Xerrr bfor id Terti.ed Ynu will hare to hurry. Ideally lo cated. Hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, cement ha-ement, K.n famaie; termi Probably nerer again tn opT'ortur tr like thia one. A. Q. Teepe Co. 270 Stark st . near 4th Main 8092. Branch Office, ,10th and Randy ONLY $S0o imiwn Taro hl-Vi RcIIwihvI and Ilro.:kb-n ckrs; a line 6 rocro 2-ston hou r. 3 bedroom and bstli r.n ui'pcr flor. basement, ronier lot caraae. This i a mltoty erod buy for $.14 SO Ju t only $.no dewn. Cut nut tin- ad and think. . . b.r?n to " of"'' nhone and wr'll send a j -si. -.man with auto to show you. W are urn tundi " I'llMTK ft KOHLMAX chamber of Cimtm too Main 0.1-10 ' A FlOM K F( IB for HAWTHORN E RCN'I.ALOW $1000 A charming bom 0 large rm .. eery home like, fiirna-r. firepltre. heanlifu) Dtilrli kitihen with brkfst. nook and all tlie real buill ins. The new appearuice. fine finish and extraordinary feat-nrea will aurely intere! you. tVOxltlO. taraae. Wttrtii your while. ttre it Auto at your sery irc. Main 4H03. '.i Yrsr. In Portland" : r. ;oi DKNBER;,AB1NGTQN' blii;. FOR SAIJi BfTTtNER Brand n -w 4 room bungalow, near Union and lieknm tie.., coxy little home with full plumbing, white enamel kitch-o acd bath. 2 berirocmt, olntets aud hall. fine, large lot; (2G90. on term Ihacouut lor cash. CALL OWNER, MAIN 698. ' 8 BOOM Bf 'NO A LOW WTTIf ATTIC, CO ft NEB -'T IOO1I8.I. fcfl.l BASKMEVT AND CK 1 MEXT WAI.I.H UNDER FULL I F.XOTH OF '""."I m'"kn pi.umbim:. bath axd Ttill FT. WELL WORTH I.OOKINii AT. IMIll t $2,100; w'll take $800 for mv equity 1 sn,l balanr r.n h. paid at rste of $11 per I month, (rlclud ng 7 int., or $100 rah tud I t'i& lef month nd II int Tabor .13.1.1. EAST NINTH ST rf.OH.; f No ,17.1-Prtr 33100-.C.,li tine Hslf No. 5 7 6. Oood 7 room hnn, all new !r tne oter. irory enamel. ftOtlOO lot: If yon are in th market for a cloe in home tnd wih to ate carfare and get t little exerri. luok this up. Mar 12U0; Mar. 39M. 6 nOOH bungalow style 1k,u w if h sletjping porch, fireplace, all built -In-, hardwtxwl flour, loll Limtrt ba.i-ment, full lit with -ie fni.i. Can get immediate poauiiin. Price 9430U. Terms JohnsonDodson Co. - r3 N-W, Bank hlflj. Main 97A7. 6.100. IMIWN HAWTHORNE .1 ro"m bumzaji.w. firettlace liiilt.inB o.wiH r-nemeni, carage. pared i-treet. The price 64200. Bett-r hurry. Remember only $500 ' ca h. See n todav VU.M1K A KOHLMAX Main 6 5 50 201 ChamberScf Commerce blda. l"e Are Oien Sunday $34no FOR a nice .1 room buntilmt on itreet, wer. walks. Hound like old t:m nnces And Iruiy it s. There tr French doors between being and dining room nine buffet Ditch kitchen, full-basement, trav. It mi haTe $1400 to pay down, don't fad to loictnigattj tliis. aeriy nicnmomi ditrci O A. PEARI'E. S' Cham of Com. Main 383H or Hell 1111 930,10 MOVE nir;HT IX Hawthorne j room modem bnnrelcti fire- rutc. nooteae. ouftei. linn clrwet. ah;! Dutch tncnen. tun cement basement. Riuid water h-t er. x-rrrneu otu a porcn, pa cl street, -ewer, peer t-hool Excellent neighborhood: term'. 112 E. Lincoln, near 30th. Owner. Tabor 6681 For Sale :$50(D0 Modern fire mom bungalow. 40x100 lot. garare, 2 nic rherrT trees nd red rast berries; 0 mrrta of wtwl In basement, Milton .1 Edward.. 489 E. 34.t S. Phone Sellwood 358H. uani.nii room roti!', on cor E 2.1th and Cora. eat"of H. P N ft .knt1a 1, . .u rurotihed tn good oak. rood ranee and gas plate; pUre'. .atrrprnor ba ement. tras, fruit room. 8 lmndry trays, rntmelrd pliimbins; street ptrrl; bedr-iom- storage a'llc. It w price New bun for 4 dtjt ::00; $31)0 ttlj I'lim owner, i 6,lw; 3 ' room-. Owner built for him elf; tck ; Eaat 322.1. must sell , g.rsgt . low pric. F.ait 273. Il.rd- HI.AI Tirn W etroorland 9 room hunralow comer lot: hardwrKxl floors f m m,-. 1. place; built-in; gargle. blocks ear; excellent condition; built for home. Owner leering lor California. See iL Terms. Mtr. 1022. BY OWNER. 7 room house i H ".laid basemen " concrete floor, fum.ee. laundry Irays, pane lei dining roi.ra. built-in bookoa-e 4 lepin- rot.ro, whtta enamel kitchen. KOilOO lot fmii tr,' egMi price, $4 200. W'oodlawii 448 L'tllin CASH, bil If, . f,,rtH.t!v nvdrrn in room et side Imus with riew that wuiiM cot $1.1.000 to duplicate. Pnce $8500 1421 Northwestern Bank bldg. COMPLETELY FT'RN I8HED CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW 4 rooms, bath, full basement, swell little home Richmond district, 93250; term Sellwood 5l' C-KOOM house, bedrooms, bath, full bastv ment, gas, electricity, improred street, fine lorttion. 3 hlorV to 2 ctrline; $2900. terms. Call SeAlwood 232. or 013 Tibbets t. 5 ROOM modem bungalow, srith sleeping porch, cement basement, fireplace and Dutch kitchen Price $3200: rtn arrange term to tult. CaU Mr. Either. Main 64 29 4BOOM house, " si acre fruit, berrtfia and ftrden; good ttrret; $1800; $300 eauh. Ca and city water. Tabor 3214 FOR HALF Small modern krmt, price 1oo on Mount Scott rarline 0220 97th t 8. L. Call Aiitomatic2-f 1 1, thenrtll 4 712 LIGHT room hntu, 1 S blocks rtroniway, walking iiilanc, $3000 390 L 1 jt N . near Htncock 6 ROOMS, modern. $100. rle. of incttm- k. ...... e-aoo . -. v, i,. i too . ... . .! In, F .r information phon. Tabor 77 , I . -- , ' . , some term- Row I it di'tnct. f.t HOT - - - - - 5 ROOIf modern hun-ajow wui.mette t.ird ; 2 loU. friit. $."000. term-. Owner. Wdln 4912. m . v a. J - 6TX 6FAa63 64F4. mt. REAL ESTATE FOR RALE Hnl'SER It WOUIJi TOU rONSIDER An room hou, on a loely comer la. I0xll0. in 1'nirer.lty Park, tm rtard atrerts, wtlh abcut 1 H fruit tre and many berry bti he, chicken houe bi tarden, . and other attract! featorea for a payment dewn of $5000? We hart It and w ad '! yon to pall Mr. Mahoney any ercainf (or an appoinunarrt. THEN OX THE OTHER HAND For a rnupl tartlnt on s mstrimonlal oy. aa what could b sworter titan a little intimate- ilar of three mem. until a break -fat nook, snug and roty, a lullman kitchen finished in enimel. a large llring room with firtplace. on bedroom and dress in cham ber, tite bath, concrete tvorclvet a nd flower b,i, lot NOyioo and sufficiently remotrd (rum th beaten i'Sth to in ur the prtfary any newly wed couple i entitled to; loraU-j U llilttraity Park. $9600, $7iU dewu moweVk.r. comma. In St. Johns w here a dandy M room hot) on corner lot, IMiK'O. only 2 blocks fr in rarhnr, which is fine bargain at 8S100 and only $AtlO dwn; built-in kttchan. fruit trct, nice nriihl"rhoti1 ; reedy any lima to sbuw you. IVurtcwa aTrer alwayt. Mil MAIIOXEY (OK A. MrKKNNA A CO 82 Fourth st. -- Main 071 Erninta Columbia tliJt. FOUR CHOICE HOMES NEAR JKFKKKSON HI;H $.18008 ro..m with fine sleeping pnrrh. built-in hMffei, Initch kitchen, foil remnit ha-ment. liyely extarior doora tiiui.v 2 blixka to car, 62000 cash $4100 0 rooms and eleapln porch, built in features in dining room and kitch en Full cement paement, fine furnace. Mreel ireil and paid. Full lot with Iruit and berries. Only $1000 c:h Ui handl. t.NMMI--0 room, on story bungalow, losely built in - feature and fireyilac; full cement basement; good furnace: fine lot with fruit, berries ami new garag. Street pared ir,d laid. 11600 cash You will find that ww hare th eery be t bargains in 1 lie ricinity of Jefi'eron high, aa well as tn other localities. Come In and go pier our It tintr with u and pi' k out your hum, before ih rainy seaseav RALPH HARRIS CO. -Lhjnr.r uf r uinitrit Hid.. EAST BELMONT ST. Prtce $40 CAHlt $1000 No. 38t -A T room aerai modern 2 story hcu-e. full cement hastin.-ni and a larce lot 40x 100, plenly ot ra m fur a ttr.ije Thll is one pi 1 In rlo m piaa on a dlrnt line to the ril Msr hill 3889 SOUTH MT. TABOR I Acre Price $Sm HALF CASH 7 ronm darxtr home tnd tn tert of th best srorti J iruit in town today, al o all kind of gitdi.i truck nd a real clnrkn hour to hou about J ill chickens; w say (his ill uit yni. if you are in the market for an acre. Marshall 8U8H ROSE CITY PARK 8 li..,. m. IJarag $1260 l.octe1 below the hill. Here la tn a' tnetire bungalow. You wi 1 tuprwriate the rel raliie of this splendid home, ilardwood floori, flri'iilace, buffet. Dutch kitchtti. cement baae-mi-nl, furnace. rra. Let 11 how you. A. G. Teepe Co. 270 8 Lark st . near 4th. Main 8092. Brtn-li Office. 50th and Ssndy ALBERTA I RM. COTTAI.E. 2 IAITB. $1 ro .1 room, good collate, in fin.Ntondil.lon inside, gas. elacuricily, 2 lobs Million, rorncr; goml thd for gtrtlr, oa i,lenn ave. near Alberta. Price $1N,10. include city lien; ftioo c.h. 2 per raontb. ;HURSI A BENNETT. 310 321 Board of Trade. Una 7452. ONE HALF At:HK No J4S- Price 1.1600 C$-h 6600 1 rot m modrrn home and one of th. bet a.sortment of tnjit that to. rould think of. Also rery i-ood chicken hou-. Thr it a yery low price on thia and extra sy down laygaent. Mar. 1265. Ulllt HALE Br owner, a 8 room modern btin- eslow. garage, hardwood flo, r. furnace, fire- .! flare, strictly modem and a real home; nerer ' oreupled eceit by owner. Owner leering city i sn,t furnittir for sale. Will gire posaatsslon ',,r'- 1: $4150. and I w..rth .".t)00; $1000 "'H handle thl. lxirttet) tt 114 K Catii N. l.ibor an 12. $10011 ""$lllilll i'AHli 0 room bungalow stile hiue with sleeping porrli, built-in bonk case . buftri. finpltct, full c men' bs ement. Isrce let, fru.t snd b-rrles. Jo!hnsoiniDodison! Co. 033 N-W. Bans bids. Main 3767 $3000 BUYS 1 1 room bunttlow. Hat la ice linng room. firerilc. beautiful d.nint rrw m. hot air heat, laundry tray aod in rery fine ondllion; good terms. Hre Mr ( smphtll with Frank M(: rllii. 324 llmry bldg BATtCAINS l,nme rltoic. Incalion well F:ne , ... ....... 1,. .Lt fiMM ..i.i. f,M. ; man. agent $3210 NofiiiNO fo eouaTT Wt side 5 r typical bungalow, flreiil., huf fet. alg pr . ( hait , en. iilumbing. nic lot garage, 2 bik nr. $150 ra.h. Main 4603. "3 ' Ycsr- in Portland ' C. C. tiOI.DKNBERi;. AB1NOTON Bl.tX:. RUSK CITY PARK A 5 ro' m li'iriisl'iw. brekf-l room, full m.en bsimcrt w-h rs .. all bullt-tnt, f-trntm, fireplsre ha-'lwo-d floor: al. b"ilt-ln fture', in Al con'll -irrts ea- Price .i500 1(1. SI M 1.1,1-1. ft Bl JDIIU, 174 Hlsrk Street. rnn kai -A iirictly modern hou oa a cor. ner loi All bull' in effect. a rooms no firt floor; 2 biro,rn on first floor; 4 larg rooms on e-oril floor, also garage. Posalbly will rent- Mut bare action at once leasing town in three day. . 4 4 1 E. 52d tt. Tabor 7962 BtFOBE laT'ing rity In next lO'dly must ktrfl 4 room Californlt bungalow, furnianed or i.v. i . tiiuin na u.t ainM Me Tabor; al front, oilendtd tw; wr in and ) paid; good plumb na. electric light and $; ' newl'y painted. $1710; $600 cash. Tabor 2834. ! FOHSALE 4 room house. 2 lota. 100100; ttroet grarled. ridewaixa. lectne. liglit. gat ; good basement fl't In houa; 3 blookf tfl oar. i l-nce $1 loo. Mio i .... n i , t . Inien. $J1 per monltt. 6 per cent Interettt, f r-otta. l uho k.. a Tabor 300. WILL tell my eunltt m 4 rnom hen f and 66 xioo Ir-i in 1 nitrr.liy Park. Price $1360. f.o-Hy 8400: will t. 8100; balanr 919 . montli at Br. inclucl'Pg irter.st, Som fiirai tn-e Lou of fruit Com and look 1721 Druid ,ueel. t SNAP ,'.;, . ' J. L . . j " ' t. tl.' V . I comer, fruit and garden, rnteken boas, kf net be told at on. e C. .. Kennedy, 6218 OOtb ' t. 8 E. Ttbor 4811. By Herriman AJO. wr Hlw SmUTf! iGcVAJG To i Cum co 'v REAL ESTATE tOK pAL.2li!Li:.1 li J. A. Wickman Co. "SIiriRTEST WAT HOME'" Tears of study at Uaal rowilitiona, trWrreagb knowladtw of dlslrirta. familiarity with taluea and a ajilvndtd organlaation nKk a ta gis yon tha maximum tarrtc tn bom buriAg. ROSR CITT TARE 14 600 Tm wouldn't think II posalhla to bay an nifty a buniamw In this daairabl I -art of th ity for Mill rnoa; 1 room tad hath, aka biwaHaM roora and floored attic 1 Uctrt futarra, sharlaa, btiff.t, Iutch kttahen, Mrtnc. bdwd floors. full cmat bam,at, waab trays. $8000 Pric rultrred for onlct sale; 8 mom a, tath. gas. elrctrtc llthu; newly painted and deroratod uiroughoat onlr an Mock to AlberU cr near Etut Mails at. 6500 cash will haadU. $3150 Here Is ynnr oisnortnnlty to beat tha high ctwt of rent Lie aptara In 6 rranta llarg), alo kitrheastta. kml rent 4 rooms and ksth dowa (nt f$A monthly Thli is fmitlied In enimel nd taprth napet; btlfft. Injtrh kitchen. S full cement basennt: C Imp In and Paltrl N.sr Hawthorn 011 8NII1 st. Taruis WALNUT PARK INVRSTMF.KT $800l Buys a 0 mom Lome with faraaew, etc . 00 east lot, and dnsiblt flat billi on front; corner; 4 rooms gad kiln In aeti apartment; aaady full cmtmt basement, ran readily l nsetl aa orwr Iwalling if so prtUrrtal. Owner it go ing Last lm) will iliraa In the lumi tuH Will sll atiaratf If both lirnxsea sre old at same ume. This la worth your coaaklerallon. 17500 t lite for 11 I first time adter modrra btsautlful tiedl a strictly home of T room and, breakfast room. . light, airy rooms, hdwd. floors. All Urge fireplart. bookcas. buffet, 1 hitch kiuhen. with all klnda of bins tad drawt room; 4 bedroom. 1 praettrelly t aleepinl sirrh, iltist rhutf, linen 1 hota. linen eloaet, tttle for torge, full cement baesiment. wash irtys, tra fruit nxwn ; fin furnc. finished throughout In taamel An MOiitiO lul, comer. This is the tviutl of iny thing thai yon I'S's torn at $12,300. Intrreat 0 ier cnl. 64200 Now, llin! It will pay yon to tin. Fnrgt the w.alli.t Our utHi will rail fot yu It places vu gidtr tin iihllgat'nii 11 rrwrnis and sleeitlng trch do vi 11, I and attic up-, kullt In dresser liuflet, bookcases. allling .ie.k; full hattment. Still 110 lot. with allay Terms. J. A. Wickman Co. SIIOHTENT WAY HOME" 2fl4 H'ark t Main I0U4 and 866. II 11 II II II II II II II $.1710 P4.RKHOKF HI vi;l.n AND ACRE TRACT fiono down, A room and Isrg. attie, havel wood flotirt In main rooms, fireplace, Veiillt In featitrea, mndirn jilumhlni. a tnrf ajaptrtri r; ground all ilMred This It pnly 2 plorltt to Handy b)tt. and cjrhne. i.t the place to tint taa paint anil double jour money tcriraled j 1. 11 artman company, b Chamber of Com. D 1,1c. Main 208. H H H H M H II H H WILL TAKE U)T in on no.E ITTT PARK BUXfJAIcOW Prartlrally new 1 rrtom bunttlow and tartee. hardwood floor thrtni7hpqt, furntre, poraer lot. all Impr. temrnls In and rsa'd: will taa a w I loo. led lot and torn ra h for owner 1 eaimly which ta $1250. balanr $46l. J I. HA HTM AX COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. Bwlg. g Main 206. ROSE CITT TAI1K T Room Bungalow, ? $4 760 I -oca ted near Rose City school. Hardwood fioort. Planch doort, full cement basement. Una bl st of plumbing. Eiceptiuaal ralua. Kaaf terms s. It tnduy. ' A. G. Teepe Co. 270 Buck si . nesr 4th. Main 8063. Branch Office. 10th snd Hsnily " 10 TO 8200 CA6R and 810 to 620 per month or yearly parmepf. interest 6 per eeat per annum will buy a Int nrwhere and build $ amall bungalow Brlart plans, bni'.d wa lot already owned or partly paid for anywhere ta th city or vuLurba, Puow Main 8160. Brxc uii.1 rNGALOW .DKII8 230 8'srk St.. Portland. Or. ROSE CITT PARK VIEW BI'Nrt AItV 6 rotims and elceptng porch, flnl'lied in !! Irory throiiehont, lierdwood fhior dining roora, built In buffet. Iieiagroom tliplsc snd book isa, fine kltrhen, pas pantry, 3 bedrmim (rid bath first floor. 1 bedroom tnl sleeping tanrrh second floor; larg corner lot, grg aarf )) Int slew of the r.ty and mountain! Mttsntll 8003. Tabor Jt8.11 HAWTHORNE ejf No. 825 Prtca 84100 Utah 81000 ' Vacant, 3 room bungalow, ftlrly largt room, full baemnt, large floored tti. 44x110 lot: paseal atreel. If ynu r ha the market for buns. low at a low price, look this up. Mar. 1269. FURNISHED houa f 6 rooms, no balh; fnr. nitur. i all tood. tnd hlth-trad. Inelades ni'. aewint m ichlfla. expendt. rrfntraar d nlng room furniture, bedrtum furniture, tnd many other fiimhh n;. Pric 11300 with 1 ca h Take Ml. He il ear In Wmdmere at, walk I south to corner 76th t- and 70th as. Mra. I.ytle. owner. $T600LAUPFI.nt'R8T. A 7 mom bans, full .semenl, wash trtya. all built in fetynr, furns-e, fireplace, kwau. tiful hardwood minor: all la- , Uflit rxm! ttF improvement paid : terms RUMMF.f.I.I, A KI'VMKLI., , 'J ' ! 9 rffWM hou w. tr-el linproyem-i. 9 all In na IMld. 62600. $1280 ra.h 7 ro-."l hnaa, lot 6Ol'J00 price $'.1100. room i4hA home. I $8000. 3 rrxm ho-ie. bsth, full reset"s)nt. fruit and b-rrtet, lot 1 00x1 00. rrVr 63700 A 4 rnom hoti . 6690. J. K Ixiwe, 1719 Dai. Auto 82" 1. t BLILIIS WAITING FOBlltOaiEB LIST W ITH ALRKRT L. SWAPP, 618 CHAMBER 0T COMMKRCT HOMES, PBOXV? INCOME PBOPIlTT BROAD WAT 2866 RENTALS For Sa.-$5500 In Gmr.l.nd Park, cbedea dlelrtei, 6 twom modam 3 atary bona, lot 96x60; aaaatOttU hom; wl worth 16000. If. J, UwtitU. 466 r lit a --. j ataa I ' '. "tiu a,, a ttwtiw te.twteitti tutt 1 . at,'" ttst.c trwner, attMssasauy wain a txaser j t room bona. ran cerstni tsawrasasnt, u- tionary tana, mrnace, li repute. 3 tuiltrw; urS wood floori down It Irs Hf jutt flftttb painting. Mala 7 06. Tabor 2666. LOT 601 100 fruit, berries, 7 rooms, S'tati ttorlta, full bftmrnt; lectririty, gta built Int; ttiht, bath and toilet. rrnd porch; 6600 or mrjr. down balanc long tlau. 6 . )wot4 6 1 ; H block car iOO CAIII "for S room bunnlow tsrl iTgg rooms tnd colsniw1ly trraaged; well lo cated at Pirland, Mount Or oil car. Pric 63660. O A. Prc. 618 Chsmhr of Commcrc. Mtln 8688 or Sellwood 111$ BELL WOOD, 8TBICTLY MODERN6"T(HM8 $8000; f tared stret, full cement haawm.fi i, wash train, dmibl eoaurtuted, tlmoat new; 7it) cath. balance (stay. Mar 1033. 82600 6 BOOM modem bungalow. inB Istvwv mBt. 66x114 Km. fruit, chicken bona aad runs, nttr car, church and ttbool. nt)ulr 4709 K 4tt at 82 750, TEBMB 7 nt platrd hmi, not modern, en fina comer lot, clot In; lot Ian It worth the pnr I tak Wiifu l Smith. 060 Williams te Kat 1166 CLOSING oat" th lal of those ' good 'fomtned 4. i and 6 roam bunjalows. East 28th. rloa to 8. P. R B. shop.. prices and terana you ewnnot etjual Phon owner. I;i 832A I5otr"TTY PARK, nnastaally ttfrrtla niw 4 room eoloni! btrngalow. Iry flnl.h throstgtiont: beaarilul 4ot; rati front; ivat 600 feet south tyf Sandy lld., oath st. No sU. DEAL" direct with' ownr. $7.SoO eala at $3 94)0. 7 rooms; setTi at tnc. Rota City rgrk. ti.17 E6Atk tt Tabor 66&4, rose rtTT"Br'N!r,Aiw 7 room modern: built ins. ftirnr. flrepUv-, h.rdwwod floors s4ew rtwnee ui. gar at, tat IKSiMieM lid J'abor 89I. YiCAXT "Oue"1 Ann hows. 8 rooms Jin cncHtlon; new .d hrbor; y Miaaa. 408 Contmerctal st. -. , JiTil BARGAIN - $ room housa. 1646 Ifefly. 6100 ceh. yt rent Dsn". Lowpatyr, flrtgh's Cajltwnr. 'Jjlj ''j4 "f XtBHAll---T room" k litvour, a IlTl E. 9tb M,