THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY-MORNING. SEPTEMBER . '1920. 5 Fi T AUTOMOTIVE FIGHT CAR REGISTRATIONS WHERE MOTOR GAR BODIES ARE: MADE ' - ' .'"' j . '""-''. ' - ' j' .' , ' , ' " J. ' ' v - - : '- ' - ,- - - ' sWMMsMVOWMgpeVieVMpeMs sslssksSaMIseBeliWOStsSSW hJV. BEMN NATIONS OR AUG WILL BE HOT ONE Industrial . America, Producing Autos and Trucks. Due for Keen Competitive Struggle Automobile men in this country are looking forward with great en tic I pat Ion to the struggle for suprem acy in the motor car market between foreign and domestic manufacturer!. following avowed intentions of French and British taiakers to mar ket their cars In this country, and the equally strong determination of builders in this country to market our wares in British and French fields, as wall as other foreign terri tory. Report earning from the East IndU cat that American truck manufacturers are making commercial earners solely for sal. In the foreign field, ebelng con tent to let domestic demand get along as It may. - Local men returning from manufacturing centers say thai this ntov is bains- mad with a view to stabilising the domestic market and de veloping, without sacrificing too much prestige, the foreign sales and. yield ts VKBxsroxsrrx The foreign manufacturer, on his part. Is finding his domestic field unrespons ive to his sales efforts, since In both the French and English markets it is said that American automotive products predominate. Yankee makers are using every wile known to them , to develop while the developing Is good. The French In particular are anxious to obtain a foothold In this country with their trucks, and base their efforts upon their belief In the excellence of their manufacture, the low rates for return loads on trans-Atlantic steamers, and the fact that American consumers may be attracted to their commercial vehicles because of the stamp of what the French fondly term "d&jllc supremacy" in things automotive. The French, further, feel that the present la an excellent time, for them to get into the ring here because of the apparent Indifference shown by our manufacturers toward do mestic demand. WAT FIND BLAN Will our foreign competitors be keen enough to find the flaw in our sales armor. If there is one, and crest a lively market for their ' automotive out put, building up a successful trade by exploiting Yankee shortcomings through slleged superior demonstrations of for eign equipment? Or will automotive users Inthls fcountry be attracted to the article with a foreign brand as people across the water have been attracted to American made automobiles and trucks, simply because of belief In the theory that what Is made far from home is always best? No matter what comes about, no mat ter whether we lose our local market to the French and British, and mayhap the Italians, and develop theirs, the student of export and foreign trade has a real treat. In store for himself. -a 1 t : 'Us "?r W ' u - f f v.. 4 f w 1 1 m v, f,: I -r :,,-:.r .. - " , ' MMdeWsHI Busy scene In the plant of tbe Barnes Auto Works, which recently move d into Its new borne at Twelfth and Everett streets. The bullrilrfg: now eocupied by the company was re modeled and complete machinery for the manufacture of bodies was Installed, as wen as sheet metal equipment. The former location was at Fifteenth and Alder streets. CONCERN TO HAVE NEW SITE Two Story Concrete Structure at Twelfth and Glisan to House Rubber Company. Lease negotiations were concluded In Portland last week for the con struction of a two story concrete building, to be erected immediately on a full quarter block of land at the northwest corner of Twelfth and Glisan streets. When completed, about the first of the year, the structure will be occupied by the Portland branch of the B. F. Goodrich Rubber company, whose execu tive officials have contracted with the owner of the property, J. M. Porter of Corvallls, for an occupancy of the build ing for a period of 10 years. It Is understood that tha total rental under the lase will aggregate approxi mately $80,000. Both parties In the transaction were represented by Chester A. Moo res of the F. E. Taylor company, Inside property dealers. Toe plans were designed by Earl O. Cash, architect, and A. H. Lamm, consulting engineer. For the past 10 years the B. R Good rich company has been located promin ently in lower Broadway, at the inter section of that thoroughfare with Burn side street ; Since 'its location In that district a large number of either auto mobile companies have followed suit, until today Broadway houses more auto mobile establishments than any other street in Portland. Recently the Goodrich company an nounced to the public that Its Portland branch would no longer retail tires and at the same time the news leaked out that the company officials had decided to abandon their present location and establish larger quarters op trackage. Choice of the site st Twelfth and Glisan came as the result of several weeks' Investigation. Carl B. Cadwell is man ager of the Portland Goodrich branch. Bids coveting the construction of the new building were opened last week and it la understood that the total cost will b about $35,000. The structure is to be built , along approved lines and is designed specially for use as a whole sale warehouse for the storage of auto mobile tires. "This move on the part of our com pany shows our optimism and belief In the future of trade," said Cadwell. "We have been contemplating a change for some time, but have been awaiting the right moment It seems to have come at -last and we feel no hesitation in taking en additional responsibiltles even with the trade lacking It cus tomary briskness. Possibilities of the automobile market have not yet been re alised and we are preparing an organi sation commensurate with what we be lieve to be the Importance and volume of future trade." Millions in Autos About 1,700,000, or nearly per cent of. the total population of the United States, make their living from the automobile business. Fight Begun on Open Motorcycle Muffler The Los Angeles Motorcycle club has launched a campaign against what it terms "the smart Alec astride a mo torcycle who dashes down the street with wide-open muffler, violating all traffic rules and endangering his own and other ' lives." In a letter . to the Los Angeles chief of police the club pledges its; cooperation with the au thorities in any plan to curb the nuis ance, declaring that open mufflers are not necessary and pointing out that some manufacturers do not equip their product wish cutouts. Get Milk at I'armer's Gate Creamery and cheese factory owners now collect, milk and cream at the: farm er's gate, saving the farmer this extra trip. Aogust, 1920, Short by 200 of - Last August's Registrations; Less Money Taken In August, 112ft, felL short by SO ef equalling the record tor the same month last year In automotive regis trations, with ! of tha total regis tration of 30S being rereglstratlons. From the motor vehicle registration thia past month the state shows an In come of $14,110, with a total sum of SS7,fT7.CO accruing from the automotive Industry. Thia last figure Includes the registration of dealers, chauffeurs and duplicates, yss shown by the following table: Wra msjrh- Rnsv X t see tts.sto.ob 14 120 e its .se to. 00 l,Tie.oo 1S.UO . No. timUoaa, tnttena, k Ttateie nsntrsUens S04S totanjrlei ... 1S1 Petlen ..... Chtaffeer ... 20 J Tmmftm . AetaaaMlM ..1710 MataemM -M 7 ProlicitsS ABtoEftobU license plates 117 Motocejrcte UeM plates It Dln' HcvfM Mates 13 Cfcaaftearj' bsdea .... B DhUh'. dU. tioeal sets. . 29 Total M7.877.50 The registration for Oregon for the first eight months of this year Is greater than for the whole 12 months of last year, the figure on August 31 reaching 97.11$, with I3.13J for last year. Regis trations receipts amount to tl.998.S82 for this year so fsr, and f92,2S9 for the whole of last year. 167.00 11.00 12 00 00 12S.00 Felt Washers Used To Splendid Purpose Most car owners know that the use df felt washers under the iron washers In certain Instances la a useful Idea. The felt washer gives an elastic hold, allow ing for expansion of contraction, and may keep the threads of an overtlght bolt from stripping. However, most of them do not know that the ordinary corn and bunion plasters make very accepta ble felt washers and are always easily obtained. - Beautiful Lines Une quale d Performance , M eSB4& YL See This New Elgin No motor car in its price class nas equaled the Elgin Six for economy of operation or surpassed its performance. Its low price saves you hundreds of dollars in first cost its high quality saves you hundreds of dollars in mainte nance cost. You will own an Elgin sooner or later see it today, whether you are ready to buy or not. Weller Motor Company 'Distributors 1 Washington at Fifteenth Broadway 2656 - r These TITAN scrttce stations git free service and sell agaarcnUed battery. UNRESTRICTED CIRCULATION - MEANS DISTRICTED POWER The uniform porousness of the specially treated titan wood insulation offers the least possible resistance, to the power-creating action of this splendidly built battery. That is why TITAN bat teries have more power and instantly available, power he lack. " " ' LOCAL SALES AND SERVICE Titan Battery & Electric Co. L. E. KURTXCHANOF, Manager - 411 Davis Street, Portland Western pilllllllllfllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllW Announcement Mbssssssh Ssssssislss tssisssssssssssBsssssssssssssssssssflflatfi MINUTE MAN SIX Now Represented by Oregon Lexington Company 430 Burnside Telephone Broadway 486 Lexington owners and dealers in Oregon will share our pleasure in above announcement of substantial, permanent representation in Port land. ! ' .Our, plans for the future include suitably in creased plant-equipment and organization, to provide for the growing volume of Lexington business in this territory. In the meantime, and with a Keen desire to serve, Messrs. Chas. S. Evans arid L. V. Rawlirigsw a capable organization " arid latestjjtf models, are looking fonvard tovmeeting their friend, which includes , all Lexihgtbii dealers and owners, at 43U burnside. L exington Oi. P. Henderson, Western Sales Manager, . i l3 C iiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiniiiiiiiiii oeoft90ftAte' .1 - r. WHOLESALE ONLY ( - kJ, J yilillltlll!ICIllllllllllllllllll)llltlltlllllllllHHl!illllllilllllilf