f 'V; - t F THE ' OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 5, 1920. 4 i GAS ECONOMIZERS II. G JAYS EASTERN ADVERTISING CLUB Motorist Warned Against Many Fake Products, Said to Save Gasoline. Colored Moth Balls, jatotorlsts are warned acalast fr ee lied "fM economizers" in a report Jttit Issued by the national vlfllanc committee of the Associated Adver tlalnr Clubs of the World, New York city, which declares such .'.'economiz ers" hare no effect upon jrasoUneef flcieucy, but are, in reality, nothing- wore than colored moth .-balls. ,The report quotes the fjnlted States bureau of standards,' atJ Washington, with the statement that these moth ball eeonoraisers have no appreciable effect la airing: gasoline more "pep" and ez Malna that testimonial letters used by rale manufacturers of such tablets result 'from the fact that along with the tab lets the maker sends instructions con cerning the adjustment of the gasoline supply for the motor. It Is a wen known , fact, says the report, that, most mo torists use a richer mixture of gasoline than Is really necessary for the proper Operation of the engine, using each a mixture because the car will start with greater ease with a carburetor adjust ed for a rich mixture. WAB1TIHO 18 OIYEJr The report of the committee is ad dressed to the publishers of newspapers and other periodicals with the purpose of warning them agajnsf the accept ance of advertisements of all such prep arations, and thus becoming parties to a fraud upon their reader. It mentions several preparations by name, but adds that there are a great many others. The report proceeds . sThe reason we do not know who and hew many are now selling these miracu lous marvels is because the advertisers net only sell the, stuff but will part with the formula to anyone who cares to ge Into the business himself, provided they get their price for It You pay $15 ot whateves the price may be to find ovt how easily people may be gulled, and then you coin a high sounding name. Invest In a quart or two of moth balls and enter the industry. The profits are figured by the advertisers aa being- ICE COMPANY EMPLOYS DELIVERY FLEET j a - r-r : : ' 1 ! " . I i -' - 1,rii-..i..is..gsWSTiiamiiiaasisMi . I....t-t- !,;,.,,, i iTtrr-mi; Mutr. ,n'zfm ' Sjlslayg iruf ' " tr v'Tr'Tt' m ., , - - . :, - k.-. N 1- - ':.;.:;..,: ... , ' .v .j'fiyi., .: '' "v - . -.' . .- "' ' ' t , 5.'- ;-. :....; ' t v y't - a .itf - a : -tm - 5 1 t - M -- .a.' 4 . . - - .. .-. .. '..-.' , , t ' , v Kf , ' ' 1 '''-XH A track fleet,' leVevth' NaUpoaI Ice company, Insures fleet delivery. ' This picture shows the- carrier aerrice of the company lined up to receive the" day's load. Federal, Gary, Denby, Republic and Stand ard tracks are numbered aa members of the fleet. MARSHFtELI; Sept" 4-The old Coos Bay wagon road from Roaebura; to Marshfleld, which is the only available route from Roseburg now on account of the rebuilding on the Myrtle Point road, la not In good condition. Cars have been traveling over It. but there are a number of bad places in the highway which make the trip difficult. Tourists who travel It complain ot the difficul ties. The heHt wav to reach Coos Rav now is to come in by way of Drain and Blkton to Allegrany and scow the car down the river to Marshfleld. Thla road ia being used a good deal now and Is the easiest way to reach the coast un til the Roseburg-Myrtle Point road ia completed. - The coast route from Bandon through Curry county ia reported to be in very fair condition. Many machines are trav eling over it this summer, more prob ably than, ever before. The road has been repaired in many places and Curry county.- contemplates still more work which will be possibls by a bond issue to be voted on this fall. The Seven Devils road from Marsh fleld to Baadon, though not in good con dition as it should be. Is quite passable and is used, every day and connects Coos Bay with the coast route to the south. An extra force of men is being em ployed on the state highway work be tween Marshfleld and Coquille In the hopea of getting all the concrete laid before rainy weather. There is yet about four miles to be completed. soon as this is done there will be a pavement from Marshfleld to the county seat, but if the work is not completed before the rains, the road will be closed for the winter and It will be necessary to detour around through Sumner. routs which cannot be traveled In winter. There was a heavy rain during the past week which made the roads slip pery for a few days, but the warm weather following has done away with moat of the mud. from 700 Jo WO per cent, which la fairly attractive. RATE DIVERS FORMS Theee products." the report states, "are sold in liquid, powder .or tablet form, usually ths latter. A small pack age of 100 tablets retails at $1. It la advertised as a substance which: "Eliminates carbon. "Banishes ignition trouble. "Prevents backfiring. "Gives quick pickup. "Eliminates skipping and missing. "Prevents overheating of the motor. "Increases gasoline efficiency any where from 15 to 100 per cent These claims vary somewhat accord ing to the brasenness of the advertiser, but the foregoing are typical." The United States bureau of stand ards Is quoted aa follows with refer ence to products such as those men tioned in the report: "The natural conclusion from the tests so far performed Is that nearly, if not all, the seeming improvement in en gine operation when these "el tiers,' etc., are added to the gasoline la due to the reduction In the proportion of gasoline used, caused by readjustment In the carburetor, which la nearly al ways recommended to be made when the new fuel' dope is added. Zt ia of course, a well known fact that many engines, particularly automobile engines, are ha bitually operated on too rich a mix ture, mainly for the sake of ease of starting and satisfactory operation when first started, and that the reduction in the proportion of gasoline to air often produces all the desirable results claimed for these tonics,' eto without the addi tion of any foreign material whatever." OREGON COLLECTS ending; July II. IS SO, total 3St, m.J4. with August lilt, the lar;eet month from a tax standpoint. June, 120, second in strength, and July. 1930. third. July, litO. was the larg est month from the standpoint of gasoline sales, the returns for the other months .showing a greater state profit -being due to the great sale of distillate. August, llil, wlth- the sale of ll.CS.S gallons-ef dis tillate, was the biggest month tor that commodity. The sale of dis tillate 1 great during the months of spring ' plowing and fall harvesting and seeding. The open winter en Joyed locally last year ia shown by the comparative - disparity ' between winter and summer gasoline sales. . -.. The stated collects a tax of 1 cent a gall on. for gasoline and half a cent for distillate, the revenue thus derived to be expended on road work la the state. A oompreheaslve table is appenaea : Portland Storage -Battery Company Changes Its Name 1 eBasaBBBBBssaMessaasea The Portland Storage Battery ' oom- distributers of -Wlllard batteries, has rvinoorDoraiaa uaatr t rva name Harper-Burg. Inc. but with no other Mast - rWbrauy, 11 March April May 4.. ...... f Vtbs) eve eve iitet July fteJpteJsstbl October Neveabef JimtUT, rtersary Much .. April ... Mar ... Jane . Jsly 120 eeeeeee a e e e ea e e e ; GsOoa , !saolia; loi.aie . i.tta,i t - , S.A'I.IS4 ,ait.T0.f S.T01.14S s.sea.4is 4.B4.M.S s.m.m.t a.m.sts, s.m.m s.iet.ssa x.oes.u S,6M,T2.TS eta.46s.a a.sii.oos.1 4.ie.4sa.TS .se.84a. . .4(S.S4 dallana -Dtotlllata. U.14S ST1.T1IS MI.III.I 4M4 40T.4I4.S eST.STt.B 1 aoi.eta.a 401.711.1 . iiT.es.3i 4I.SIT llT.ttS.I lee.taT.s 41ft.281 llt.lift.S lei.iis.i, 27,se ase.oTe.s lze.seo asteeat el lat PaM. I 1.0T1.S3 te.sseJa io.i.si S3.6T4.I4 sa.ots.Tf 41.S21.Si 4T.4TT.TS SS.Itl.S4 S0.ST3.IT tB.4IO.IT ti.Tit-ja . S1.TT4.SS sT.ies.ee I2,8.es 14.411.01 41.800 IS . 4S.01S.BS 4s,oie.e4 Tsui MS4.m.S .t88.S90.2t tS89,04.t4 BIG GASOLINE TAX July, 1920, Banner Month in the Aggregate of Gasoline Sales; June Largest Tax Month. State taxes collected from the sale of gasoline and distillate during the period since February 26, 1920, and THE NEIV LZV COHSIDIOED BY MANY MOTORISTS THE BEST FAB QIC TIRE ON THE AHECSCAN AiARKCT A PRODUCT OF THE H01BE OF SP The mighty House of Sprockets, famous jn all the world, and until resource as limit, less as the waters of the Great Salt Sea, is behind The Spreckels "Savage" Tire Company in its purpose of manufacturing for you. O Motorists, dependable aoodb of merit. Great is the name of Spreckels, and . only those .rood that arc, worthy of baring that name are allowed to leave our doors. Our task is a pleasant one, foe -we are building up to a standard of perfection, not doum to a price. In our "D" Type tire we have found expression for the high ideals of a great HOUSE; we have .riven you the best that is in us. We have Built to Excel In the greet effort to make oar "D" Type worthy of the name we bear, and to fully reflect the purpose behind the making of it, we have put into it all the wisdom given us by the Great Spirit, and all of our many years of experience. Our method is the best u know; our search for flaws is never-ending; our raw materials the finest in all the world. J On the rocky trails of the mountains; on the smooth pavements of the cities; on the heated roads of the sandy desrt; over the mud and stones of the land of forests; over the broad highways of the plains; has our "D" Type been tried and not found wanting. And the word has gone forth in all the land that it is the best fabric tire on the American market. 5ALUTE YOU, O MOTORISTS' IITTlij HEAP HAS SPOKDt Distinctive Car for Discriminative People the New Scripps-Booth Luxurious Six PW$WVJiWM I 522 Alder Street Phone Broadway 3169 change la the personnel or poller of the company. .' Charles & Harper is' president of the company, with Charles T. Burg vice president. Harper will continue in hie capacity of saner al manager. The oon pany has been organised tor about It months and haa shown considerable growth since its orranisatlon mad its first bow to automobile row. The Idea back of the change in name ia to gtve the company a monaker with a more personal touch, aooordlng to C T. Burg. JOURNAL'S AUTO DIRECTORY L Jordan Sixes -Mitchell. Lewis & Staver Co, Broadway and Everett Phone Broadway 4765 KfS'S F T Meosh Motor Car Coi " eWsF . ILbbJ li J DISTRIBUTORS Motor Cars and Trucks DISTRIBUTORS lid aad Watklavtoe Sta. rooms (14-11 V SPEEDOMETERS and "BIG TEN NECESSITIES' They're More Than Accetioriet Official Service Genuino Parti Product Service Station, 94 North Broadway UO9 RUBIN MOTOR CAR CO. eTaV fisAJLAsa Vew Oregon, Waablngton, Idaho Distributors , tl . bi n l m . nroaaway ana rtoji. none orosaway av Flrat Car ia the U. 8. Sold Complete, including iicoaae and 52 weeks of free eerrice. mm? ssssr er ssv SIXES BROADWAY AT EVERETT Mitchell. Lewis & Staver Co. STATE DISTRIBUTORS EQUIPMENT AND REPAIRING No, 91Job No. 658S-flO Bnee x 2 cols. Ne Sop Endantnce in a tnotorcar meens theta month or a year from the day of p chekhoidjiUstnmmndo-eieW pint, if siejmyg willing ahoT arrays ready. For that reason the Auburn Beauty4DC, meirui&iip to the test, is, admittedly, an outstanding buy ia the moderate price class. Endurance, inbuilt into every pert of at, ie spots ored by twenty years' expenmce. w-i k in i iii . . tm f an Tisfiasr . ten Fiiai rasiaaeai Cease . . 377S frtttJ-.jT-' AUBUaUf ATJTOMOSILE OOMPANT TJBOaX DCSUJU AUTO SALES CO. PISTSTBTTOM Hlsth aid Coach ForUaae, Orsgaa f1 1 . OUE BEST ASSET IS TH E SATISFI Pn r i cr-rs-i la cn THtS SPRECtCCi-a "SAVAGE TtKlL Cl J:? i CUSTOMERS a CO. i SAM ' WMULESALg tXSTRISUTOlO : : . : : TT'"sBassasssaaaBaaaaaahaiZ-V ali t- - - , . ' v TOES ANS TUBES j - " ' .,v- ' 1 ..- PORTLAND TIRE CO. Sixth and Burnside. Portland ' Phone Broadway 2275 o t VziGnz i 1 m i'X'-1 & sVjp l$ J0)atteries .JD)iit From the Handle Down We reconstruct your bittery and thus save you money. Bring in your old box. UNITED BATTERY SERVICE, Inc. "Old oaeg made new aeif ones made,' too." GUSAN STREET NEAR BROADWAY STATION NO. 2 FIFTH AND TAYLOR STS. BATTERY EXPERTS AUTOMOBILE ELECTRICIANS WmsSSSi StoiugeRotert batteries crerrjo (TWpSetPCCT Jfhots Broxheaf 846 s - Service Station On Park Street . HlM.NISBET.rlfa- Wiggins Company., Inc. ' Formerly Archer & Wiggins DISTRIBUTOR tr AUTOMOTIVE EQUIPMENT Park and Couch Sts. AH make, of batteries re charged aad repaired. Storage B.tteriei ELECTRIC SERVICE AUTO CO. s-rae frwn Rulnwn SatshsttM anS Itt.Sl Oak St, 2Tar Watt Park far eiMaM BtemiM. X- D. lekasoa, kfar. Broadway 1TS4 BORG AND BECK WeUer Motor Co. ; - Successors to United Motors Co. CLUTCH PARTS wZZASh SALES AND SERVICE phoo Brodwy 2656 - automobile' gears David Hodes Co. - Ill North Broadway St PARTS AND ACCESSORIES AT REDUCED PRICES ENGINES A SPECIALTY EDISON STORAGE BATTERIES Gibson Storage Battery Co. Dlstrlbstere 12th and Alder Sts. rboae Broadway 11.7 Reliable Auto Washing AND POLISHING WORKS 17TH AND ALDER STS. PHONE BROADWAY 2296. WeshiLc. Pollshlac end " Meters Wasted, Cars OUed. and Greased. ' ' . Tope aad Caskioas Dreeeed.- ZTXXTWHERX AGEITTS BTEBIWHEBf ( - v. . . .r." : w 1 I. i 4"