' THE OREGOK: SUNDAY - JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 5, 1920. Labor.Day Draws Crowd- To Seaside SEASIDE, Bpt Large crowds ere expected fcr Labor day due to the fine weather, and preparations are being made to accommodate the visitors. E. Ew Armstrong spent the week-end In .Seaside. '. . Mr. and Mrs. R. LBass were recent ' visitors at the beach. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hunter enjoyed several days at the coast. , A. Johnson spent the week at the beach. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorg-e Ottenheitner and Richard and Elisabeth were guests at the Seaside. Mr. and Mrs. I. 8. Albright were vis itors at the Seaside last week. Mrs. Ralph C. Doreas spent several day at the fleeslde. Frank A. Rhodes was a week-end vis itor at the beach. Mr. and Mrs. Frank E, Harding'. R. Krautre and Pant Krause who motored to the beach were guests at the Seaside. Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Mans enjoyed a few days at the coast. '". Mr. and Mrs. M. Farm spent several days at the beach. ' O. C. Clark was a week-end visitor at the Seaside. Dudley Hill and Wesley McPherson motored down to spend the remainder of the summer In Seaside. Bob Burnside arrived recently to spend the summer at the beach. Dr. and Mrs. Maclemaa enjoyed a few . days at the coast. Mrs. B. Paltcey arrived recently for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Judd and Henry Judd are recent arrivals. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Buswell and Mr. and Mrs O. W. Buswell are enjoying a, few days at the Seaside. Mlaa Fannie O. Porter and Kate I. Porter are recent arrivals at the Seaside. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Hall are spending the week at the beach. Mrs. W. E. Gilbert Is a guest at the Seaside. - Mr. and Mrs. A. Van Amsdall are vis itors at the 8eaaide. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wilson are spend ing the summer at the Seaside. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Riddle are recent guests at the beach. E. J. Neuttadter was a recent guest at the Hotel Seaside. Mr. and Mrs. Harry O. Thompson are staying at the 'Seaside for a few days. Mrs. A. F. Hastings is a recent guest at the Seaside. Mr. and Mrs. 3. Robinson, Carrol Rob inson and Josephine Robinson are enjoy ing a few days at the beach. Lot Beetle la a recent guest of Jason MeCune. Mr. and Mra Percy W. Blanchard and Thomas. Blanched are enjoying a few days at the coast Miss Helen Mayo arrived recently to LUiJi WHERE AND HOW f HOTEL SEASIDE, Inc. SEASIDE (Clatsop Beach), OREGON OREGON'S NEW ALL-THE-YEAR-ROUND OCEAN BEACH RESORT HOTEL Special Reduced Rates for Saturday, Sunday and Labor Day ROOMS WITH MEALS INCLUDED SPECIAL RATES FOR CHILDREN AMERICAN .PLAN ROOM and MEALS INCLUDED . For reservation, address CHAS. H. ROWLEY, Manager SEASIDE OREGON The Gateway to the Land of Outdoor Delight The Columbia River Highway 1$ completed. The trip from Portland to Seaside by auto it one of unalloyed delight. If you have not yet made the trip do so at your earliest opportunity and you will be delighted by the ever changing panorama of beauty between Portland and the Sea. If you want to have one of the most enjoysble vacations you ever had, come to Seaside. You will find here a warm welcome, a beautiful and picturesque beach, unsurpassed surf bathing, canoeing or rowing on the Ne canlcum, ,ea fishing and trout fishing, clam digging, tennis, golf, many nearby points of in terest for hiking trips, and a rest ful, carefree, enjoyable vacation. You will find excellent garages with skilled workmen. well Stocked. Stores with high-class goods at reasonable rates, good hotels, tummer cottages and furnished tents. , The following progresslte firms who will give you fair treatment and excellent service deserve your trade as they are working to make a bigger, a better ind a busier Seasidet 1 Hotel Seaside, Seines St Wheat- ley Department Stora, first State Bank of Seaalds, Pacific Power & Light Co Williams Bros. Car as. Sanitary Meat Market, A. R. Watcher Groceries, Oregon Car. ago and Machine Work., B. W. Otto Grocery Co., Thm Hanan Smita Garaga, The Bungalow Dancing Pavilion, . M. 'Murray. General Merchandise, E W. Lap pla. Plumbing) W. J. Montag, Photographer Dad's Good Eat Restaurant, Poors Confectionery, MUloy's Ico Cream Parlor, T. C. ' Galloway; Groceries! Dnnnlags Art and Curio Shop, Frank Kon nedy Cigar1 Store. R. O. Ralston, Real Estate? and Insurance Dr. R. G. Moee. Dentist J. O. Blake Tranafer and Express J Rosa Res taurant pools Bowlmg Alleys. Fix lUattrated roMar tad ether tnTonattioa relartt io Saita write to , rmlaaeA aVaaaoatar Oftts, StaalSa, Or. "1"tm "rir s''y''',' xt V 'aaiaflaaW'aulif V wV'ihil ''iK'y'' W 1 ai - . . - y--i. w '- evv so'j,-.-v.MA-r t 4 A 4 spend the remainder of the summer at the Mayo' cottage. Alexander J. Hlrsh was a visitor at the beach for a few days. Miss Betty Brink is a ' gnest at the Callendar cottage In Hermosa park. Mr. ,and Mra A. H. Brackett were vlnitors laat week. Mrs, W. C. Carroll and children spent several days at the beach.' Mn- and Mra. J. Greenwood were guests at the Seaside. I M. Brlggs spent the week-end at the Seaside. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Caswell were visitors at the Seaside. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Jackson were vis itors at the beach. Mra L. J. Sherman 'and children en joyed several 'days at the beach.. Mra A. R. Thompson and Elma Thomp son arrived last week for a few days' stay. Mrs. Thomas Cornell was a visitor last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Robinson were guests at the NaUtorium. Roscoe Fawcett spent the week in Sea side. Mr. and' Mrs. A. C. Carlson were guests at the Katatorium. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Gosney epent sev eral days in Seaside laat week. Mr. and Mrs. L. Comer were guests at the Natatorium. Miss Peggy Densmore and Miss Opal Blenn arrived recently for. the week-end. Mrs. W. H. Norman and daughter are spending the summer at the beach. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Frey arrived re cently for the summer. Mrs. Stephen IL Moesch and son, D. Moesch, arrived to spend the remainder of the season. Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Cornell and Miss AJJ " 7Vir Grvat Nnrthwnxt- Am rTir-'c Natural JO GO FREE INFORMATION Coaie to tba Kahalaai country. Ton vfll find It aa idaal vaeaUoa district. Tba city of Nahalem la sheltered from tba m bteesa by awrgreae clad hills. It U located on tba beaatifal Nebalcia river. The, ocean is but Uuea BUlea dletanb. It it within hi; valUns distance of Naab-kah-nie Mountain. Make tbla roar tteadquartei when toartns thie section or oemplnf oat. Toe, will find brre an axeellent hotel, a teneral me it hen due afore with lancet, and well selected itocka of sooda, a proareeevaad up to data drnt tore, a eporUns saooaad pool ball, a well tocktd confeotionery fare, a reliable tranafer oottpaay and a samta that will aive yon food eerrfcav W bile bare petronlxe the foltowins reliable and piwereeaira firaa The Nehalem hotel. H. W. Tohl, Prop,; Tba Andereoa General MerehandiM Store;; J. W. Tbompeoa In Co.s The Nehalem y Genre, Bell e Toney. Propa. : D. C 1 Pareaa Bportlnr Goads and Confectioner; f . A. ta Slambvs Coniectionar Store. . Pacific City Beach TILLAMOOK COTJUTT, OEEGOJT A unique combination of ocean, bay and river. The nearest ocean re sort, via McMtnnvtlle by auto to Port land and Willamette Valley points. Trout, salmon, mussels, oysters, clams, crabs, shrimps, flounder and deep sea fish In abundance. Good accommodations. - Write F. K. BEALS, Tillamook, Or. HOTEL ECOLA IOOLA, ORIOOM Spend ymt eaoatloa at beanttfid Aanoa Beach. Oat enta neeta tmhta at a2It? Kxeelleat eeniee aad lute aaieiae. Foe vll trreUon addreea ra HOTEL IOOLA, tsele. Or. nearby aeenlo pointa, Mj stand M at tba aaatend bee IS! and the aaaae B. U Ebemua. hrnZZ. HAPPYGAMP ., .. sjarrartTS. onsoon mm wuiua ,mi ITOOl JODI1I, Hn.( CtabS and eatBe and drift wood aa ideel eersp, LoV latai under aew naesmaint. lTor (aha addraai taws. ST. m. Ot-Dgfl. Wataeta, Or. HIS ; CRESCENT HOTZL aNMATTABj BCACH 0rfookin the ocean, aeae- Lake Letle K..u;-!r -.v. of eaod eat. BJRS. RAOK HUSTON, freav. wmmw . . hi . ' ..... w ... NEHALE VI Cannon Beach ."''fS'T'VftFVe Vr . 4. - t '0 4 t-?-., . I - - "A Above Mussel shoals, Shore Acres, home of L. S. Sin-peon In Coos coun ty. Below What are the wild waves saying? T. Cramby of Portland are spending the summer In Seaside. Dan West. W. E. Welch and J. C. Welch are recent arrivals. Mr. and Mra C A. Reed from Hood River are recent arrival. Mrs. Marie L. Thearle Is enjoying a few days" stay at the coast. Mr. and. Mra Glen E. Jenkins are re cent visitors at the beach. Mr. and Mra. R. L. Charleston motored down for the week. J. M. O'Neill of Beaverton spent a few days at the beach. Gearhart Gearhart. Sept. 4. Mra John Kloster- REGARDING ANY RESORT Oregon's Finest Beach Resort 0 HOTELS y BUNGALOWS . . NATATORIUU HOTEL BATOCEAK. surhtly location, place, good rooms and beds, Kuropean reasonable rates: iuat the place to recuperate; NATATORIUM swimming in structor; dancing, bowling, fishing and other sports. BUNGALOWS and TEXT 8, furnished. Go to Bayocean for Labor day. For circular call Main 6406. Receivers T. B. Potter Realty Co, THE SHELBURNE Shelburne Station, Famous for Its service and comfort. Home cooked meals, clams, crabs and other sea toodai In sight and sound of the ocean. Quiet and restful. Kates only S3.&0 to $4 a day. Special rates to families. Big fireplace driftwood fires. Buy your tickets tot Shelburne Station. Address MBS. T. 3. HOARS, Prep., Seavlew, V ata. Otter Rock Hotel OTTER ROCK, 0RE0.0H Coma to Otter Hock and bars a real eaebHan. reotful ami bomeUke. Hotel pa adce of braff orerlooklnc oeean. Near Peril's Punch BowL Pine fiahtnf oft tba rockA iota of (nnsclea and clam. N better eats ba tba Oreeoe coast Board and -room SIS a weak. Tea will Ska it. Ten miles north of Newport. Write to THOMAS H. HORNING. Otter Reek. Or. ELMORE HOTEL SOCKAWAT, OKEOOX The Best Hotel on Tillamook Beach ea. ine fiace That Pleases. For reservations address 3. 3. X&EBS. Beekaway. Oreges South Beach Hotel It TOO Want to TeM row vaeat!aBstlive reu will hare rood fbbins and ban tins and where beach eoaeitione an tdeal. atop at the Sooth Beach Hotel. Easily reached from Taonina o Newport. Tor foliar infonnation. address D. . OONROO, South Bsech, Orafon. Trout Lake Resort Soend rear Vacs boa at Hotel GnleT. at Tfoet take, rise trout fishins is Trout lake and White Salmon river. Moantaia ettmbins. biva and tea caeea. Aato reed te base of Mt. Adams. 19 aaiMi aistaat Llstea.l TonrUta: We hare pleat of (uolisa Hotel lata, tS a dar. tl a weak, j - J. K. RKYNOLOS, Ves. Aetar. Wash. GARAGES WHITE SALMON, WN. Con up and see the MetareaToe White salmon C0011U7. TbU ML Adataa, the sua eaves aad the tee caeca. Fine fishine sad btmtins. - Stop oaar aicht with as ei will famish yoa oil. sss. serrios, stotase, Inrnasorita sad expert repairs. SORTER'S 0BK. Whrte Satmen. Wat. Hood River Garage FTftM . 1 n . .""T - ""a warase, luavsuoi. r -- . . ai auiisa, repairs I ar expett worfciaen. Aeearate infenaaboa Cn ianea. I HOOD RIVM ARABC. Need ftlear. Or. Tie Dalles Garage Co., Inc. THK DALLES. ORESOIl. ; OUVtautora Btasor Oars aad Track. -- JJodera reproof Genes,' oae block from Hold fJ'- , we are here to serre the aeede of ante toarlsta , It wja be oar pleasnra te fT-ntih ' ssrnLe "bernoe that Benee." , . Paene Mala 471. The DelMa, v man was a recent guest of Mrs. J. H. Kloeterman. Dr. T. E. llolkey spent several days in Gearhart. Mr. and Mrs. Casper and Kirk and Bruce Casper are spending, a tf days at the beach. Mrs. Sarah Reese, Miss Cecilia Gag non and Miss Anna Mernera enjoyed a few days at the coast Mrs. IL L. Powers was a guest of Mra. C. E. GreUe, and J. H. Henry was a week-end visitor. Mrs. M. E. Reed and daughter Jose phine was a truest of Mrs. H. NUcholL Mra. J. IL Klckley and Mra E. N. Ber gen are rueats of Mra Kadderly. Miss Flora McBride entertained sev eral friends at a party given at the home -WHERE ADVERTISED HERE MAY overlooks Tillamook bay and ocean, fire plan, splendid dining service, meals at JZ5 Chamber ol Commerce Building. North Beach, Wn. Everyone Goes to IfazelcDOOcf The best of every thing to eat, pre pared in the way vou like best! The Hazelwood will wel come you in Port land. 388 Washington 127 Broadway HOOD RIVER-WHITE SALMON FERRY We operate a speedy and rats' aarriee betas a Hooa Hirer, tir., ana wait Balmoa. wash. Take the trio an one aide of the Colombia and down toe other, erossinc at Hood BJrer or White Salmon, ferry charts enly II per car, iaclad- tne foar peseeinsrs. Safet. ec VAN ALLEN BteCARTHV, rrepe. KEHALEM'IRIYER TRANSFER CO. NEHALEBL OREOOW .la setae to ltanasnrta Beach er Keeb-kab-ale uSf .1? V ra ocsats to Wbeeier. Uar 22?e Juaeta. meets all traiaa t fate te ehaJeas SO cents. We epreate aa ante eat to T-'"-T7- "re eeitta, stoats fee nat -- asiisum MDIMOfl BROS, of Mr. and Mrs. D. B. McBride. The guests Included Miss Jane Talbot Ellse Fleiachner, Helea Parker, Frances Prud homme and Douglas NieoL, Herbert Cav anaugh, John Piper, Ben Reed, Jack Marshall JaoV . : Dougherty, Ambrose Cronln, Richard Xang and Jack Groas meyer. i Bern Howard was a guest of E. 3. Frohman for the week. Mrs. Ersklne Wood and children are guests of Mrs. David Honeyman. Miss L. A. Florence and Mrs. George Low are spending a few days at the beach. Eleanor Dlttenbefer Is a guest of X. Lang. Miss Janice Parker entertained at a house party - at her cottage near the beach. The guests were Miss Pauline Dick, Miss Helen Carman, Miss Kather ine Wilcox and James Lively, Frans Drinker, Jack BXvenburgh aad. Walter Holman. Louis Rosenblatt and E. E. Frohman returned after spending the summer at the beach. Mr. and Mra J. H. Lemon are guests of Mrs. A. M. Kinney at the Boschoel cottage. Cannon Beach Ecola, Sept 4 Mr. and Mra H. N. Wallace arrived last week for a few days' stay. Mrs. J. W. Countermlre Is spending the summer at Cannon Beach. Mr. and Mrs. George D. Robinson are recent arrivals. Mr. and Mra Emel R. Clancy were week-end 'visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Lee F. Jones of Kelso were recent guests here. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Graf are enjoying a few daya at the beach. Mr.' and Mra Frank B. Riley, William Riley and Peggey Riley are recent ar rivals. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Riley arrived re cently for a few days' visit R. A. Harrison was a week-end viaitor. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Stellnagen are spending the summer at the beach. Mra A. B. Thompson and Miss Elna M. Thompson of Echo enjoyed several days at the beach. Mr. and Mrs. A'. M. Dibble and chil dren are visiting the beach for a few daya Mr. and Mra J. P. Keeps, Jeannette Keepa and Elizabeth U. Keepa are recent arrivals. Miss Grace Hammerstrom, Miss Alice Wilson, Miss Beatrice Barker, Miss Doris Hoefler, Miss Wenona Dyer, Miss Frances Ward, Miss Zoe Allen, Miss Nellie Tenbrook, Miss Florence Grtffen. Miss Bernice Daves and Miss Frances Dunbar are enjoying a house party at the Mansur cottage. Mra T. II. Lewis, Imogens and Donald Lewis arrived last week for a short so journ at the beach. H. L. Piatt was a week-end visitor. Dr. and Mra J. D. Latimer and daughter motored down for a few days' stay. Mra Stephen H. Moesch and child are speding the remainder of the summer at the beach. Mr. and Mrs. A'. J. Thorp arrived at the beach after a long motor trip. L. V. Burkley was a recent visitor at the beach. Mrs. McKnlght and daughter. Miss M. McKnlght accompanied by It. W. Neer, motorea down to the beach for a few days' stay. Freda Christensen and Bess E. Jones TO STAY- BE SECURED FROM THE JOURNAL INFORMATION AND TRAVEL BUREAU COLUMBIA HIGHWAY Chanticleer Inn OX COLUMBIA EIVEE HIGIIrTAT A suoerb view ot the Columbia River Gorge and ML Hood is well worth com ing across the continent to see. Milk. Eggs, Vegetables, Chickens and Flowers, all raised on our own ranch. Phone or write Owner and Manager MRS. MAHIE A. MO EG AS, Corbett, Or. TYRRELL TAVERN BONNEVILLE, OEEOOW Kear Entrance ot Oregon's World Famous FISH HATCHERT 8ALMOX DIN. NEBS OF SPECIALTY Breakfasts and Lunches also. Special service for Dinner Parties. Phone long distance. MRS. N. E. TYRRELL, Prop, uonseniie. oreroa. MIST FALLS LODGE "The House by the 8l"e of the Road" COLUMBIA HIGHWAY. Breakfasts, Leaches aad Afteraoea Teas Chicken Dlssera SS.ee. Meat or Flak Dlssera ll-ie Mnit Be Ordered la Adraaee. We Can Accommodate a Limited Number for Week-End Parties Long Pittance Phoae Mitt Falls Led re The Jack o Lantern HORSETAIL FALLS, COLUMBIA HIGHWAY Dainty, delicious and appetising-, light lunches served. Come once you'll come again, and keep coming. MRS. WILLIAM GEBOTT, Fro. . Bridal Yell P. O- Oregoa. CROWN POINT CHALET 1000 feet above the Columbia river. This eantace point Commands a view of the river for ft miles. From its wide veranda can be tees Table Usnataia, Lone Bock, Cape Horn. Silver Bur and Booster Book. At their feet the broad expanse of the majMtie river spreads its waters. Crowa Point Chalet hsa a kind of hospitality that wins and holds the friendship ot every meet, knd the chicken dinners are nnstupaaaed. Make reservations by eallinc Mrs. HeDdertea, ions oisunce, tnrorjfa jorteit. "The Summit" Oa Colemola Iftiver Highway Smokes, Soda Water, Ice Cream. Candy. . Stop at "PAT'S PLACE to secure a light lunch of gas and oil for your auto. O. K. PATTERSON, Prop. Corbett P. On Orecsa. MAFFET VILLA Opposite Xatoarelie Fails, ea Celaiabla Elver Highway. Here you will find real food and plenty of it, skillfully prepared and well aerved. Wonderful scenery, two and one half miies irons grown oint. iuncnes and Ulnners. MR. AND MBS. H. W. MAFFET Latoarelle. Oregoa. the tmm OW TMB BRIDGE OF THE GODS flAsTArnsv I esflf ABVAAM am muwv, 1 aeyiaswn ey mnmKW, vai cusj LAnullDsTi BlTer Hifbvmy, wbers lb totttiat wiU ttnoy boxM - - t.ji-j 1 weiasusa, us vtrtawea afM a vvaavuaAJmaa. THIUeVl sal ill Tarsngal m tntlt-rta. In mi Mfsa Ai4tnm Im Mrred on! qrulitjr food, jpreparvd rxir th prs9irim.ci of Um Maddem. Tb (ibmi Caand uasm srn ;w 1 ww .ymraa mm u. boua, um it. ,1 I 1 Em a 1 A W fWiey eaUMtSJ 1 11 isi-mixi ir, mmi m. jewwie isooesj Two Big ZxeartloBt Laser Say. dance tealgkt oa Ttoard BLUEBIRD Leave W. Msrrlaoa t P. M. Cotlllloa Han Opeas Sept. t moonlight vaeanOM on sumMtw sussoribsrs WUaa cola amqr to tba wmt or M fmr vaeatfoa, have TU J carnal (olio ?e at the rccalar rat, or tba foUowtns asata UI supply roa at racvlar city ratta: . Rtrriew, Or. W. A. Sippall Jr. Bay City. Or. Wis, T. A. GDa. laitaoa Rmb. Erola. Or. R. L. Barrla, Caison. WmL Carl fi. Baita, alM ship. aard'a Sininca. Garibaldi. Ot. OMrhart, Or. W. t Itoblntoa. " toBCAaeck. Waah. Stranbal S Oa. altahattaa IWh Mra. 6. L Hortoa. Uiaaaaiu Baach KaU O. Kardau. Nnb-aao-Nla. Or. a. O. iadtnoa. Nchalrat, Or. Ntoalea Drat eoauwajr. tarta, Or. Mr. U. T. Ctoev . Newport, Ot LJ S. Hunt , Padfla Oty oTh. Ward, Oraaa Pari, tVaah. ao, R. Kramer. Rockaway Baach, Or. r, P. MiUar. Swiliia, Ot. Jaw MoCbm. Mata Dra PitWw, vraah. Oae. L Pntaaav. TUUaiook, Or. r. I. Ebtvaua Tain Boras, Or. D. 3. Via Scyoe, WUboit Spriaca C W. VtoLaraa. of Salem are enjoying a few days at the coast Mr. and Mrs. O. a Murphy are spend ing the summer here. Dr. Ralph V. Moors Is a recent ar rival. Mr. and Mra. Norman C. Burton mo tored down to Cannon Beach to spead the -week. Mr. and Mrs. Keyes and daughters, Jeannette and Elisabeth, of Bend are' visitors for several days. J. R. Duncan was a week-end guest M.' Pinero and 8. Steuenberg. spent several days at the beach. Dr. A. Z. Crayne, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Claxon, Catherine Clazon and Colin Claxon motored , down and are spending a few days in a cottage near the beach. Mlas Margaret Peterson was a guest of Mlaa Florence Grayson In the Gray Den cottage. Kenneth Macklen, Fred Doane, Clar ence Wilson, Jack Pearson, Fred Stand ring, John Standrlng, Summer Qulnn are apendlng a few daya at Chapman Camp. Mrs. Hattia Fielding of Santa Monica was a recent guest of Mr. and Mra E. C. Lamphere. Mrs. A. H. Shellmlre, who had been visiting Mrs. E. C. Lamphere, returned last week. Carvel Linden and Dick Clancy spent the week (n the Underman cottage. Mlaa Blanche Slade and Mra Sla.de, accompanied by Mlsa Ada Mahan, Mlaa Maude Mahan, Mlas Borighild Edison, Miss Irma Kenny, Miss Cloever Burl lngan. Miss Lou lne Hansen, Miss Mar garet Wilson, Miss Glenora Smith and Miss Jeanette Chlsholm are a group of Camp Fire Girls who are enjoying a few days at the beach. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Fitspatrlck re turned to Portland after spending two montha at the beach. John Blttnerthur, their recent guest returned with them. Mrs. W. H. Ross is entertainlnr at her cottage. Rosaeyrle. several guests. Mrs. IL R. Powell, Miss Lenore Powell, Ms. and Mrs. A. B. Ca vender of Portland spent the week with Mrs. W. H. Ross. Mr. and Mra L. It Look and Marion and Eleanor Look are recent arrivals at the beach. Harold Oberg and Ovedta L. Oberg are spending the summer here. Mrs. Lloyd Buchanan la a guest here. Jack O'Donnell spent the week-end at the beach. Mrs. A. Osburn. John Osburn and Ellse Osburn are enjoying a few days at Cannon Beach. A. N. Rahles and Nancey are recent visitors. Resort. Section. $2.00 0i FINEST If tme aoETHwirr a House of Cheer The Seward It a are, modern aad eXefaettr tt potated hotel, tMsstssins one of the most beanu- lol corner lobbies ta the Northwest. Located at jvta aad Aioa streets, opposite Old. Wenmaa Klnc't bis deparuaent store, in heart ot retail and theatrb district. Batea, II. 10 sad na. Bos meets all trains. "W ear alee rant from Cnioa depot te HOTEL SKWABU Aa eseat leat dininc ieom in eonneetioa. W. a CCLBZBTSOM. Prop. Samson Hotel STEVENSON, WASH. We eordiallv Invite toarisu te pbta their trr te at to star over Bight tb at. Ton will find! arcs, airy, comfortable rooms, and the aaeala will mske yon wsnt to come acsin. We eerie real food, well cooked, weu served aad plenty 01 u. Lttma and see tor yonraeu. t A II SOU MOTSL, terantoe, Wesft. IMPERIAL HOTEL RKWECRs. OKEOON . Tea have eaea the Colombia ktver Webwav. Bow see the picturesque and beaatifal Wilis ntette VaDey. We aive erwdal attennoa to Teartsta and Anto Psrtiea. This betel has leas been It mens aa the home of 'seed eats' aad sood service. Special Bandar dlrmers. Try them. Large, airy rooms, eomionaoie vena, UT MOORS. Praerlstar. MT. HOOD HOTEL MOOD KIVER. ONEON Getaway te the aft. Hoed Cetmtry-wftB Ra moaauia eBmbias.. wild berriee and (ine flshlaa Plaa your trip te stay Sere ever nifbt He (sds or frills, tat ssoaroas portions of strictly fresh feed, well cooked sad wcU served. Latsa, airy O. S. SELL, Praa. THE COPELAKO HOTEL BIwMaT, eSEaoN Lane eomfortahle rnnma. bemetike, sear bneV aem etction. te to 7 Re a day. Sewth Front Sv MRS h SV, OOFEUMB, Pre. B each Season At Newport Is Enjoyable TVfEWPORT. 8ept 4. Mrs. Mary 1 1 Prochnow and daughter. TJldine. ar rived from Albany last Thursday for couple of weeks' outing at the beach. Mrs. Chet Mitchell of Lebanon la spending a vacation at the sea shore this week. - i W. F. Pfetffer of Albany arrived last week and is spending a vacation here. George Senders I and C. H. Murphy, who have been spending a vacation at the beach, returned home to Albany last week. i Miss Elepha Cummins of Corvallla re turned home last week from a brief ouu tnir at the beeoh. i t Miss Ruth Rawlins has returned to Albany after an outing by the sea, Mra Oren Anderson and family ot Albany arrived last week and will re main for their summer vacation by the seashore. j Mrs, George Kolhagen, N. J. Butok. James Warton and Mrs. George F. War ton of Roeeburg arrfVed laat week and will spend some time vlaltlng at this beach, I Mrs. W. E. - Kyier and daughter, Dorothy of Cornallls is spending a couple of weeks at the beach. Mr. and Mra R. F. Korschgen of Port land were among the arrivals laat Week. D. C Burton came over from 'Salem Saturday for an outuff at the beach. Professor Pernot of Portland came over Saturday for a vacation .at the beach. ' W. B. Bolen of Corvallla was a Satur day arrival at the, beach. ' ' ' Helen M. Jones returned to Portland Sunday morning from a vacation spent with friends at this beach. R. e. Caralne and wife of Salem were among those departing Sunday morning. Mrs. W. Broders and daughter of Cor vallla arrived Friday for a brief outing. Warren Daugherty of Curtain, Or., ar rived Saturday evening to visit his ram 11 y here. Mrs. W. Knot ts end son, William, re turned home last week from a vacation spent at Seal Rocks. Mra H. W. Hand and family, Mrs. A. C. Walters and daughter, Margaret Mr. and Mra J. E. Fowles, were a Jolly bunch that arrived from Corvallia last week. , Mr. and Mrs. Layton Rice of Alta. Idaho, newlyweds, arrived last week anjd are spending their honeymoon at the seashore. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan of Ccrvalils are spending a vacation at the beach. I. R. Howell of Wasco, Or., spent a few days In our city the laat week. W. Batman returned from a trip to Portland Thursday last. H- F. Duncan of Umatilla, Or., came over last week and will spend a abort vacation at this beach. Mra A. F. Kennedy of PortlarrfJ ar rived laat week for a vacation at the beach. ti, S. Warner, a Salem it e, was an ar rival at the beach laat week. M. D. Shanks and family, Mrs. West fall. Mra Lulu Everett and daughter of Lebanon motored over last week for a brief outing at the seashore. William. Eagles and wife of Albany The Pacific Indians Club WUl Hold a Registered Tournament at Lake CrescentWash. , SEPT. 8, 9 AND 10 Again, the Tyee aenda the call throughout the land for each and all good Indians aad their friends to make their yearly camp at. Crescent Lake. Qood-fellowetup and kindly cheer Invite you to foregather here, the while contending at the score. Forget the grind of daily cars and to these forest aisles repair, with Squaw, Papoose and fellow men,' September and and 10. It is not necessary to speak of the wonderful bemutles of this location and Its adaptability to fust such an annual gathering. The OJympic mountalna are the last great natural playgrounds ot Uncle Sam's wonderful West, and Lake Crescent is located in the heart of Olympic Forest Reserve. . You can drive from your own home right to the grounds. The tune chosen, right after Labor, day and before the game season opens. Is normally the finest time of the year for driving, fishing and being out of doors. And in tendering us this week Chief and Mrs. Al Singer will be able to give the Indians and their friends the vesy best of service by a trained corps or help. The Indians will give from funds personally contributed by mem bers, and aistnted by the, American Trapahootlnf association, the greatest number of trophies ever offered in such a meet. And In addition mors than a score of additional prizes are Offered by indi vidual members. ( ; You Are Urged to' Be There Per Reeervatloss st LAKE CRESCF.HT TATERIT Addrttt A. J. siIfQER, Proprietor, Pied moat P. o Weak. f The Capital City of, r. " ; 2 . .a A Yonr&catibii let the Charm ot 1 L Character eCrurrsausR irorirnenr DWJ ABt CDOl t m cuts wrvtft mot I aw woerTinr tsmxrumt fnr COMMISSION R VrCT0"fA 61SLAHQ OeXlOHIEHTASgt. aurrrsw eossaveM Cendoetel aloof lines most tavlttaf te atea and women of refined tastes, lead fat Hie meted Booklet. MRS. O, W. A. ItgOKERS aVhMe Smmea. Wssk. . Pltene 7S-YI. a". Open inNcwiP FttA Ml . l..iJ-;l:yi,L-ag:.V.-.V cama over -last Thursday and are mak ing arrangements for the big clam bake on September 4, I and 8. Rer. W. 8. Holt and family of Port V land came over Friday evening for vacation at the beach, j . , C; W. Tweedale and wife have returned home to Albany, Saturday. James CormacV and family returned " home to Portland Saturday morning after 4 pleasant vacation at the beach, Mrs. J. M. French nd eon. Jack, hiavs I returned borne to Albany after a pleas- ant summer's vacation at their seaalds cottage. t Captain William Matthews and wife ! departed for Fort Monroe, Va.. last Wednesday, . where he wIlK undergo a three months' course in gunnery. Mlas Katherine Forbs, who has been spending a pleasant vacation with friends at the beach, has returned honfi to Portland. Bert Butterfleld went out to Wood burn Sunday morning; Mrs. A. J. Carstens returned to Albany Sunday after a vacation at the bench. ' C. M. Allen of Portland returned home . Sunday morning. j B. W. Batea and family have returned to Roeeburg after a pleasant outing at the beach. K. M. Morris of Portland returned home Sunday. C. K. star of Portland, who has been visiting atHhe beach, returned home Sun- m D. E. Hlekox of Vancouver, Wash, ar rived Sunday evening. Mlas Luella Walterann was' a Portland , arrival at the beach Sunday. Mrs. bH. Scott returned home to Port land Sunday after a vacation at the seashore. Mlaa Druallln. Welch, who has been visiting her father, Lieutenant Welch here, departed Monday for Chicago, 111., where she will resume her teaching In the achnola there. Miss Flora Mason and her niece. Miss Caroline Cannon, retarned home to At- ' bany after a vacation at their seaalds cottage. t - Dr. C. V. Littler and family returned horns Monday to Albany. Uncle Sam to Sell Steamer Caught at . Smuggling in Booze1 Washington, Sept 4. 'For sale; one first clans steamship detected in the act of smuggling liquor and confiscated by the United Statea government" This advertisement wilt appear ahortly In Norfolk, Va. Prohibition agents dis covered that cognao ' and other liquors and wlnea were being unloaded from this veaael in Norfolk. They refuse to di vulge th Identity or nationality of the owner, but say they will auction oft the ship. .1 Under the confiscation clause of the Volstead act revenue agents are seising every type of conveyance, from Rolls- , Royce cars to home made oxdarts used . by moonshiners, in the South. Sale of these oonveyances and boats are netting hundred! of thousand of dollars. ' Approximately ICO, 000 galtona of liquor etaed by the revenue agenta la estimated to be worth $2.700,oap. Ed -WHAT) JO SEE - TRANSPORTATION HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE - North Pacific Coast Lin "(efrrt serf ire of Holland AmtHee Lias Snd fteyal Mall Steam Paoket Oe.) between Vancouver, B. C, Puget Sound, Portland, San Francltco and Lot Aafoles Harbor. snd Rotterdam, Antwerp. Lnodoa, Liv erpool, Hamburg, Havre. Trwshl Onlv Setllnts will take elase aa fefleeai SB "EtMDYK" (12.000 tent a,w.) Inert Inf Set., Oct. -KINDUDTE" (12.000 tons A..) Ladlnr Oct, Nev. And recultrly Uitraafter. . 0 Steamen are spertsUr fitted with I area eeek rssmi and eafHysraten for the transportattoa for rreUht Setee and lertKnlsrs Apply te of free trult, ftth, ete. ORECON-PACinC COMPANY EOS Wlleea elldlnf. Pttene Main 4SSV Cf. -CtTt OP TOPEKA Satla P. aC, atapsember 1. for One Bey. Eureka aad Baa alranesm, eeanerttns wttb Meameta te Lea Aaialet and Sen Disto. PASRENCtB AWD FR15ICHT SKRVICTJ TO MEXICO AND CENTRAL. AMEBICAM lORTS. FROM SAN KRANCIHCO. VU a a ENATWK.'' HKl'T. 17. ticket erriie 1st tnino st. FrehiM Offke Munletpsl ect Dai ;, ' Paene aula MSI. Pacific Steamship Company . -1 . - it- - 'i .