o THE OREGON ' SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 5, 1920. r. HEAL ESTATE FOB, MA LE FARMS 17 ,all under value SO men, very beat of soil, ell level. -S aH well fenced and cross fenced; about f 14 aere la cultivation, balanc food , i - putliM and preetieally cleared r good, , , Urea assorted orchard and all kind of j , berries; vary food 7 room how. good 9 Urge bars, hogboiwa. chiekea bona. 2 h welb and othr outbuildings. Personal : , J property roaabte of 2 (in oowa, 1 ' . 2-yr-old beif, teem, wagon and har- ,j aaa. bara full of by, and all kind of tools and Implement; located only all - nVWa fma ViMtnnt la tory fin -4 otiromunJty, Thta to aa exceptional ' barsaia t $4500. flood term. . . . EQUIPPED 10 ACRES .4 24 mm la high tat of cultivation. M belaar rood pasture; ail leeel. all fanrod and eroaa-leoeed. toed family ' l orchard. berri, ete.J food boa, a-ood bara 40,64. aMckeu, Doghouse, ale.! - 2 ood walla. 1 Personal property torn- , :,';sbts of fiaa cows. 2 belters, fond . i taam. hemes and wsgoa, 4 bog. SO - j (ehsrkene, hack, mower, rak. disk, rresm separator, plows and all ktnda of otbar tool and implement; 80 ton of bay, 4 acre of potato, 4 area i com for ensilage; located ia a very flno district on main road, mar mfl town and only 10 mtlee friths Vancouver. ' , Thta t axcapttoaally fin aoil. and tb place ta worth much mora tbaa tb prtoa sated; 17000. Good Unrav - ACRES , ' An deep, rich. eoiL all level; 14) ere tn hlb at of eulttvstsea. balance paatara and eeeily ebared; ail ' wall fenced and cma-fned; food or rhrd of assorted fruit,, good room, , house, good bara 40x4 A, concrete (ilo, . hnghouaa, chicken bouaa, te.; located '' . near fin town, on paved toad, In Tory fin district. 15 all from Vancouver. b Pile $6500. Very good term. EQUIPPED 80 ACRE". All tin , 20 acre la cultivation. 7, balance ded to pasture, except 4. . acre of good tlmbar ; f enoe and eroea- fenred; good family orchard: very good (I room boo, with basement; good barn, garage, chicken house, boghousea, pumphoflM and summer henM, 2 wall , . and stream; 0 extra good eowa, 1 ball. 1 heifer, J calf, good ' 100 e,da' j posts, 1 bugiry. stump pillar, dUk, plow. mower, harrow, Incubator, cream separator, harnesses, 100 chickens, all kind of email tool,: located 4 H niilr from good Pacific bigliway town, and '' 1 map at SA400. (lend tvrma. K0UI1TKU 0 ACHES AU dfp. rirh, elay km land, all 1tI, all fencad and eroaa-f ncd ; 40 aoraa In aultiration, balanc In paatura. v and ean b put In cultiratlon at a ry . amatl (rMina; food, larg tsaorttd or . oliard, barrio, t. : good 7 room hnuM. fin, larga barn, aiki, boghouM. -,. rhlrkan honaa, all kindu of outbulld u lna, wU and atram. Paraonal prop ' J arty oonaiaU of 3 good eowa, 2 hi(n, taam, wagon, 8 hoi,, 1 H doaaa ehlrk ao,, mnttir, plow , harrow, back, eraara arparator, lead cuttar. root cuttar and ' ' ail kind of amall toola. Thla plaea la . Imtad only a abort diatanc from good lire town on pared highway. 20 mllea from Portland. A good farmer can make thia plaoa worth 12.000 In a vary abort time. Price 87800. Good term. Owner a non-rmidnt. 220 ACRES EQUIPPED - . All very fin land, about 00 arra la eoJtlratmiL . balanc fin paatura: , well fenced and oroaa-fenead, well watered with aprlngs and ereek; larg bearing, aaaortad orchard and berriae; Try good 7 room bouaa, good bara 78x80, woodhou, implement bona, ehirkan boaaa, boghona. etc.; water " pipl to building, from aprtng. I'er aonal property oonaiata of 11 extra . ' good dairy cow. S heifers, a linnet 2 . yar old, 0 bcifar ralrea, good team of ' ' mulm, harnea and wagon, 1 boraa. '" hack, harrow. 2 plowa. 2 eultiratora. .cream eerierator. 6 boga, lot of chick en and all kind of tool. Thi plac i wall located on a good road, with til rural connince. near arhool, etc. Prlr only tlS.OOu ISOOO caah. Or will accept a amaller farm In ax rhanaa. Owner la old and n nab la to handle a laree place. 120 ACRES EQtnPPED AD extra fine, deep clay loam land, all leTcl. fenced and eroaa-fenred ; be tween 80 and 100 acrea In cultivation; good larg bearing orchard, good 8 room bouaa, food bars 00x80, bog house, chicken house, implement honaa and all other necessary outbuildings; good well and running atream. Per sonal property consists of 10 good cows, 1 heifer, 1 bull, 2 calre, 4 good horsca, binder, mower, plow, cul tivator, harrows, cream separator, all cmn in barn and on ground, and all kinds of amall toola: located on pared highway: adjoina good towa, 10 roilca from Vsncourer. Thia ia a teal anap ' at 120,000. Uood term. Ol will ao rept aome Mohanim. TUB R. S. THOMPSON COMPANT. 410 Washington BtJaooouw, VVaah, BEAVERTON REALTY OFFERINGS . KO. 1 . . . 80 ami at eery reaaonabl prioa, 7 mile from Beararton and Hills bo ro, clone to rocked roads; on of th best farms In Washington county. It you ir from Mlaaourl, 1 will sbow you. S o, 2 20 acra m town, equipped with stock and Implements sufficient to successfully run the farm. Can be appreciated by seeing it nly. Com tnd ere 1 NO. 12 - 6-10 or 18 acre tn towa, some faun, reajoa bl tana;, let m tail you all about iU i 10. 1 ' 10 aereav X H mile from HUbboro; goad hoaa. all clear; great bargain. 20 acre. 3 H aiOea from Baarvrtow, H atO freaa achool and rocked road, all elear bat 8 eras which I la paatura. Thi ia a real snap; ao time ta la; if interested ask lot particulars BOW. .1 I.O. 18 L 17 w. enrae, mil from Baavartoa, ea th paved road to Portland, ail dear and la eulti vatioa. Bom caah, baUnoa easy terms. It will east yoa only 2a to find oat all yoa want to know (boat thi rat ehaaoa, HO. 14 10 aoraa. 1 mil from Baavartoa. 1 aoraa 1 eared, balaao slashing and timbwrj easy term no. 17 . 4 room boo, ta food rxntdltkm; lot 88x128, oa pared atreet, 81250. wi eaah. baL term to asak aurw. Call at one a. E. E. SWENSON The Realtor of Beaverton MOM LLN.f COUTfTT j BABOAINS No. 103 ' 188 acre dairy and atock farm, 80 ta eolti atlon, mora good pasture, some Umber, fair bnlldlngs, spring water piped; alio; famUy or alis rd; located 13 mile Lxbaaoa, 1 (nil from road to Mwt Horn; pavement projected. - Wife ia hospital, mast sell at onoaj reduced to 840 sr scr. my ageat. GIBSON, "XHK LAUD ,UAM." ; ... I i ' m GRAIN FARM 4 ' No. 42 b'Clt acre grain and bay farm, 200 ta high atata of cultivation, no rook or gravel, all tractor mods modern hoos with bath and toilet; flag 0 barn and iiio; beautiful oak inv gar rounding bnfldings; 1 mil to station and school. ' PHaa SSs.VOO, 86000 cash will handle, pay balaae out af pUc. - I also bat fin river bottom ftrma. 80 to 820 ac-iea, at 8150 to 8850, producing $250, la po tt toea, up to 8800 ia strawberries. Don't wast -tiaao writing, gat in your car or aa th traia and xm to aa for yoonelt. But If yon eaa't coma, writ lot my list. Do It bow, sat for par- JrtS. C. OD3SOW J . "TUB IANT MAN- OmCB, LKBANUN HOTEL LEBANON, OS. :,. 40 ACRFS, STOCK AND KQTTPifENT ' Near Wlnlock, Wash., oa R, T. D. aad milk root, all lie fine; good buildings; " B oowa,- 2 hellers, good work team, all faoa tools, 2n tona hay la bara. Kry f. thing for 87SOO. 1?' s-lTEDDBlfANN COMPANT, ' 918 Chamber of Uommerca, .'X iiAVK to sell my home farm. 823 acra. Una cultivation balanc meadow and pasture; all ale red. wU fenced; food 1 room bona and outbuildings: food water; frtv road; about OS mile from Portland. 873 par acre; food term to rxM man: no trad nor aganta conaiitered. Apply to Mr. Oatamyer, Dekam bldg.. Portland. 4" 60ACRES BOTTOM LAND ! 80 acre with 62 acres under plow; famUy orchards, A-l srfl; food i room nous, bara, afloi tranary, milk ho-ie, etc.; a fin plao -ptlcsxl ngUtr-only 87300, 82500 cash. t. . V. L. EI.DT. -'T " - BITTER. LOWE a. CO, v 20l-8--t Board of Trad Bldf. I0 Y00 want a good 80 'acrea of logged oft land oa a good road, doa to th highway t ' Good land, ao rock, all tillable, food water, lots . of wood aad lnuber, eloa to sawmilL For Quick ml. '820 pf - acra, Oao-fifth eaah. 40 ACRES mile from Hillaborcy all good land, with graveled read on two vidua. Ha ',; 1B00 cords or gnor wood, mostly first growth. ; Thia it a real bsntttn at 12200, ball caah. -S!8 Northweatero Bank BM. ntll for sale, rent or exchana lor prouertr in or hear Port land, 160 seres. 60 nhdef cul- .ivstioa, rrloa $40 psr acra. t tnUa Tb I tallest aet eoti paaniy wsur. 1 inquire 4ona Oahlar, 952 60U a. 6V K, ForUaad. Ok.. REAL I STATE FOB SALE FARMS 17 S2(MM UNDER VALUE MUST BE SOLD 80 aoraa. ail tillable, beet of loaea oil, 85 acres la alga state of twtitiva. tton, 8 acra ia eoinaserciaj orchard; ail fenced aad cross fenced; fiaa spring, aa be piped to building; good -room bona, elevated building ate; xtra good dairy ban. well boaaa, woodshed, chicken house and park; large dVrabl wall a liar; timber for do mestic twa; all ,1a erop buildings all painted; la canter of oa of beet (arm ing taction, la Clark county, ad joining highly improved farm; doa to achool: oa mara county road, with ad rural adwuita-e; only avilea from Pactto highway town. Prioa 88000, 81000 cash, baiaooa term. Very boatey plaea. photo at our office. UN r ST At, FARM BARGAIN 80 acres of bant farm loam soil, ao rock or xravsl; 12 acra la high atata of cultivation, balance la open seeded ' pasture; timber for domeatie as: fiao spring and amall creek near balkiinga; fenced and croaa feaced; S0O bearing Italian proa tree; large- family orchard of assorted fruits la full bear ing; small fruit and be trie of all kinds; good fan bona f 0 room; large barn aad necessary outbuildings; gaatly eloping to th Booth, affaediag aa asoeUent drainage ; ia a thiokry settled oommnnity, oiose to achool. with all rural advantage: oxtty 8 mile from good town on Pacifio highway. Price 80000, ona-haU caah. MODERN HOVE. FCTXT STOCKED. 03 sores, moat all tillable. 40 acra in cultivation; beat loam aoil; fin aprtng atream through plaoa; 9 acre 4 of aasmtsil orchard; good 7-room mod era house, full set of white porcelain plumbing, concrete basement; good dairy barn, 82x70, eoacTetasbaatawat: chicken bona with concrete taaimi lit; hog house, wagon shed; water piped ta all bnlldlngs; Including 8 dairy oowa, 8 heifere, good team, wagon and har Ba, buggy, 2 plows, disc, 2 harrows, cultivator, hand garden toola, feed chopper, cream scram tor; brood sow, chicken and all aaiaU toola; fin lot of hay tn th barn; on main county road, with all rural advantage; only 8 mile from email town. Improve ments on this farm are worth three fourth of th prlc asked. Prio 88000. 83000 cash, alight consider house and lot. IDEAL SCBCRBAN HIGHLY IM PROVED STOCK FARM Consisting of 88 acrea, 40 of which I under high atata of cultivation, bal ance in fine paiture. dotted with whit aad live oak timber for shade; all rich sandy loam aoil. bast of alfalfa land; place fenced and croaa fenced; f routs on main county road H mile from good country towa that ha 10 trains daily besides river transportation and auto service via Pacific highway; large dairy barn, patent stanchions, box stalls, ooacreta alio, maohtno shed, garaga, new 6-room hotM, water piped to all buildings; concrete watering trough ia barn lota; 23 bead registered Jersey cattle, 24 head of good grids Jerseys, 8 head of larg work horse, 03 or 75 tons of bay la barn, enough corn to fill alio: 8 gaa engines, eailag cutter and blower. Empire milking machine. Simplex cream separator, kale planter. 2 mowers, raks, steel roller, plows, harrows, sulky plow, disc barrow, 8 wagons and all small tools and other crops, prlc only 820,000. tt caah. This Is a bargain and most b seen to be fully appreciated. THOMPSON. SWAN A I. EE, 8d and Main ata., Vancouver. Wash, C. U BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. USED CARS 1917 Maxwell; good snap and re painted 8425 1918 Maxwella; overhauled and re painted 8623 to 8883 1919 Maxwell; overhauled aad re painted $759 1910 Chalmers Hot Spot; first-daa shape; haa been overhauled and re painted; caa hardly be told from a new car ,.81400 1919 Chalmers roadster ; perfect con dition and new paint 91200 1919 Eeeex touring; haa bean through oar bop and repainted; will give earn a replacement of part and aer lc at a new car 11425 1917 Hudson speedster; thoroughly overhauled and reflniahed; will giv , you tb same service and replace ment of parts as a new car ,11423 1918 Hudson speedster: left with us for sale; car in perfect ooadiUoa; good rubber and extras. Great buy at 81700 1918 Hudson 7 Psa.; same aervtce and replacement a on a new car, 81759 C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. Phon Mar. 887. 813 Wash. St, 25 ACRES STOCKED AND EQUIPPED AO under cultivation except "8 acre ta pas ture. Small stream through corner of place. 8 room bouaa, barn and other outbuildings. Black smith shop with tools. 2 V acres bearing pears, apple, prunes aad berria, 1 good young team. 2 cows, 1 calf, 75 chick ana, new cream aparatorv wagon, buggy, 1 sow, 8 pigs, plow, barrows, disc, 2 cultivstor and wiB includ sll of crop on plac at tins sal a) mad. 19 mflea southeast of Portland, 8 miles from Oregon City. Prlc 85000. About 82800 eaah, or take bona or equity in Portland to 81 500 and 81100 cash. Albert Harala, 793 Mississippi av. Phon Wdln. 1201. $100 PER ACRE Buy a- fin 100 acre ranch near CorvaTHs, right at R. R. ata.. tor aad P. O., oa fino rook road; 80 afrt in colt, 10 A. fid oak timber, 10 A. Daatnr. fin springe, good toil, gratly slop ing: well, bona, bara and outbuildings, orchard; tin aufeB oowa, fooa team, tag ana eniccens; cream separator, machinery and toola; ami household good; 48 ton bay ta Vara; varything for 110,000. Owaer would consider ruburbaa bom, with 2 to 8 acres, la part. J. R. WOLFF. 419 HENRT BLDQ. 40 ACRR BARGAIN ONLY 91830 About 8 acre rich creek bottom, balanc good rolling land Good 4 room boo, ban, wire fane, ate. Bight at station, store, ooanty road; close to school. Excellent proposition for beea. possltry and fruit; good markets; , employ ment Beany. Ixicatea only 41 mile Inn Port land. Pared highway most of way. Caah and quick action talks. Sea A. K. Hill. 420 Lnra- Oermen's bids;. Upew. today liam.tolp.an. FARM for tale, 'aear Salmon river, Lincoln coT urcgocu vna xou irons t tcnonis, grangs, cheese factory and postofflc. 184 acre; oa sailuoa fact timber: mail deli rend daily at front gate: tw houses, bara tor six oow and wacoa AM .If. Kul 1. , . rt --. niuu7 Bouaa, aog pen, 2 acre ta pasture and cultivation, food garden, small V3iiIrh,I!i f berries. Prlc 8200 for livestock, hsv ia bora aad aO farm SST??,"? household furniture. . Josathaa '" stonoe. or. 80 ACBKS. Sf(prAls6 fedciPPED aorea leva. 20 acra under olaw - - ' 9000 corda of wood, lit TT. JrTfl""? I acre orchard: 8 arnng and eraok; 3 room .Tack. fjv ? ou ! U farming toota: 10 bead cattl.: fin team, about 78Wk: 8 acre ekmr, acres spuds, hay. ata. Pri aly 87900. eaah. ' " i. v . fi V2Pt. nil sen, Ljnm at orj., - 01---7 Board of Trad Bldg. 40 ACRES $1500" 88 mile from Portland, an tffiabl, frontreg n wuuir rau. -j anu rrom mrg sawmill em ploying 88 men. H mil from small sawmill ; nouf h of timber oa plaoa to pay for it. Half cwn, vaiane eaay terms. FRANK T. BERRT. 728 Chamlr of Commerce. FOR BAL--21 aM T.kim. n; rnmeot Irrigated bad, 1 milas AUbtoa. ante boa ta schools. 8 eropa alfalfa year. Good buildinaa. - Crop, imptaateata. atock.' tncloded. Bargain. 89800, Owoer,- Bail. Boate 1, Maa- Mm, WW 9AU, ONE of the beat 80 acre ranch ia cVrU I ss w aaa fwa tl 1 1 smsji WW AU WgmK UV V worth of prunes this season; good hows and , mmrtm wpivuiauta , tu sinns oc trull. Oa pared road, mllea- aorth of Vancouver. Prio 2,000; Urma, Tba Horn Realty Co., 104 W fed at.. V,m.h. nr. .K . ri 1 m , " - - -. , .. m. w KltBAQB 140 aorea in Lincoln oountyi ia , bow oommunuy; aooat aw acres Bast bottom land, part btvr asm; unlimited onuide fa 1 1 sw : UnB Wll lew n tunnfu BaV awtllam Vrh asmt1ah easy terms, Writ 8. . A. Hoeaaaaa. Booth BEAT, ESTATE FOB SALE FARM 8 160 ACRES, located aaat of Oregon City, S sail front railroad towa. SB acrea la An crop of wheat, oats, bay aad potato; 4 acre of bearing , archard, lota of primes; 2 trout stream on th piaea. 2 aprnsgs: nice B room boa, larg bara, fang aad other boildiBgs; food seal; telephone, rural rmrte; ever 100 acres caa be cultivated, balaao ta heavy timber; 7 head Of cattl, food taam, 8 brood sows, chicken; barn; cream sepa rator, binder aad vry kind of nva- ; ehinery foand oa a farm. Prlc 99 600, 84500 eaah: or 80 acrea tor 88000 with equipment and batlding. Will eotaadar Portland boa lor part ON THE PACIFIC HIGHWAY Sooth of Salem. 1 V -mile from seas U toara; over 89 acre of good land, all aaa7 be cultivated. 20 acre under ealtlvatioB. balaao fas tim ber; a ice hi aah, well and ' pump; 3-room called and papered hoaa. bara, chiekea boas, woodbd. gran- err ; goad bearing orchard of larg variety f fruit With the place foe team, 2 good. cows. 2 heifer eaJvea. 1 sow, 6 pigs. 4 3 ebJckeaa, 2 wagons, hack, plow, cultivator, cream sepa rator, tools; 8 sere wheat, 0 acre oats, 8 acres potatoes, 8 cords wood and fruit Price 85000. 98300 cash, or will ostattdor 4 or 7-room buus near achool for part 40 acrea, located 28 mflee from Portland; on food rocked road; U. sails from sleetrio station ; 82 acres caa ba cultivated; 20 acra under cul tivation ; food family orchard; food 8 roon hous with water piped la; fran ary, bam, smoke bouse; 1 horse. 2 eowa, 2 wagons, plows, harrows, mow ' r, rake, cultivator, garden tool; 2000 feet lumbar; 10 ton bay; 1 acre pota toe aad good garden. Price 38000, 82000 eaah. Inaycfd by Brooks. 120 acres, west of MclflnnvilU; 88 acre of crop; 73 acre can be cul tivated; good aoil; creek and spring; ounty road; 4-roora house, barn,, chiekea house; complete lin of ma chinery ; all th bay; 12 milch cows, 1 bull, S head of young atock: bar- Bob and everything for S6500, 84000 cash. A food atock and dairy ranch; 1 miles to school. SMALL DAIRT FARM 80 acres, located in Clatsop county. Or. Fin black soil; 50 scree caa b cultivated; 10 acre under cultivation, 1 acra of fin orchard; food bona V with plumbing, spring wstec piped to house; barn, chiekea bouaa. bog hoaa. Prio 84000, with 4 food cows,' chickens, bora, cream separator, food Une of machinery and aom furniture. 81500 caah. Thla to only 2 blocks from Wsnstrom station. Fine creak through th place; lots of pasture. Nearly 50 acres, located at eleetrl station. 8 miles from Oregon City; 48 sere under cultivation, balance pas ' tare: finest kind of soil; 2 teres of bearing prune orchard; food 8-roora house, larg a barn, prun dryer, otbar building. Th crop are fine aad go . with tba place, also all of th stock and complete lin of machinery. Pries 810,600, oa terms. FARMS WITH OR WITHOUT EQUIPMENT Ws specialise in farms, slot to Portland, in th Willamette valley, and a atock and alfalfa ranch. Alw acre age clot to Portland, W have had years of experience, are familiar with values In every district and are th largest dealer la this class of prop erty in the Pacific Northwest Over 2000 farm for sal. 88 acrea. 86 acrea under cultiva tion; all can be cultivated; 1 mil to achool; good fences; 2 aprlngs; good bottom land; 8 -room house, bara; mixed orchard: granary, chicken boos. Price 94 760, with 4 oows. 0 hogs. 100 chickens, lb tons hay, cream separator, xoachinery and garden. $8000 caah. Will consider Portland hous elear up to $2500. Owner in towa far a few days. Near Lebanon. Or. SOOTH OF HILLSBORO 25 acrea, good soil, ail caa be cul tivated; 10 acres under cultivation; small errek snd spring: 4 mile to achool: hi mile of dirt road; 200 bearing fruit treea; 6-room house, barn, chicken house. Prlc $2600. $600 cash. Jersey cow and 50 chick ens. alight consider amall Fort land boos. 25 acre, S mllea from Oregon City; food graveled road; all can be cultivated: fin aoil; mil to school; good plastered bungalow, nearly new; 400 cords of wood on place; fumlure, tools and 4 acre of crops IncladSl at 33500; 82500 cash. A real bargain. Inspected by Harsters, ' 84 acre, located 2 miles from Clatakania; food graveled road; 20 acres aaa b cultivated, 8 acre under cultivation; food spring; some hay: 8 oowa. 1 team, 86 chickens. S sheets and complete lin of machinery; 8 rooas bona, barn, chicken houee: mil to school. Prlc 62800. $500 - cash, balanc years at 6 per cent. Personally inspected. NEAR SHERWOOD ' 20 acres, located 8 mile from Sherwood. 1 H mile from Oregon Electric depot; on fin macadamised road: all caa be cultivated; 10 acres under - cultivation; aaaortad bearing orchard; woven wire fencing; 1 mil to school; good attractive 6 room house, in rood condition : bara, chiekea house. With thi plac go 2 Vi acre potatoes, $150 hay, cow, chicken, hogs. Prio $5000, $2800 cash. In spected by bfaratea. 850 BEARING PRUNE TREES 42 acre, located 1 H mile east of Woodland. Wash. All On soil: SB ere caa be cultivated; 4 acre of standing timber; 9 acres In crop, balaao slashed; 20 acres of pasture; wire fencing; 8-roora bouse, shed bara, amall prun dryer. Prioa $2950, $1950 cash, balanc a mortgago oa the property at 6 per cent, due Da oembei. 1922. Inspected by btarstcrs. BE8T OF PRUNE LAND 120 acrea at Dundee, th best prune district in the West; 100 acres under cultivation ; 20 acres standing timber; all caa be cultivated ; best of aoil; 6 room hous. bara; electric light can be had. This proparty overlooks th WUlamett river, being half a mile from river. Price $168 per acre. $6000 eaah, balanc la 10 squal annual payments, pr cent - IRRIGATED LANDS 40 acres, located 4 miles northeast f Bend, Or. ; paid up perpetual water right (or 2$ acrea; S3 acre caa b Irrigated and cultivated; good county road by the plaoa; mile to aebooL A ass level 40. well located; null house 1 on plaea, Frio $1150. $600 no trad as. Personally Inspected. 40 acres. T miles east of Orego City; food county road; clay loam aoil; SO aorea caa b ul Li rated. 10 'under eultivatiou; mil from school; 2 aorea orchard; -room bouse, sawarsl artbttUdings; aom timber: telephone; gome equipment Price $8676 oath, balance 6 ysars at 6 per cent, NORTHEAST OF TTKWBERG 18 acres, oa county road; best of foil: ail caa b cultivated: 8 acre under .cultivation; spring water caa be piped to bouse, ptp oa tb plac; mall 4-rooea hoose, bara, chick ew houee;' few fruit tre. Prio $1600, 300 eaah; suite to school. 42 acrea, located between Sbadd snd BinwiavvOm, 3 Sottas from railroad town; dark loam soil; all wade culti vation! ereek oa Ha; rocked road tt mile to school. Price 42500, $1009 . JOHN FERGUSON, GEBXCfGEB BLDO, 40 ACkAi ONLf $$650 40 aars; eloae ta. 11 acre and taow ta s, wreoaaamrsea road, a piekup $ only 8630. 61400 cat! Thia ....rlIrSB WW CO.. 201-6-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ' : - - i 40 ACRES" $8200 . 40 screg with 16 acre uader stew, balaae brash and aom Umbw. mil tH seWil wells, a food berrain. only $8299; terms! v..,:.-. ; i P. Lev EDDY. - ' . iK , : PJTTER. LOWE CO., 101-8-5-7 Board of Trad Bldf. FOB SALE 200 seres dairy ranch; weU lm proved kae to towa aad echoot osy market road.- Price $80 . per sere; tares. C Morse. Habfey, Or. B. F. D. FOB BESTFARMS 14 wii'wa'tlios,1 7 0 equipment REAL ESTATE FOB RE KT FARMS 14 80 Acres for Rent 80 seres, about 20 acres under ep-1-Mvatioo. balaao good pasture with lot of out range; rent $200 per year; to be worked out 15 head of cs-Lfie; team of hortea, 1 eoU. mower, rake, plow, harrow, sll small tools, hay, crops. Prlc $1750; firing S years' 80 ACRES FOB RENT 1 80 acres, all under cultivation, Una andy loam eoil and under the dak. This b all good alfalfa land. Modern 0 room house with, concrete basement larg dairy bara, milk bouse, ma chine shed, garage. Will fire 8-year leaae at $8$ per month. Persneia property for sale: 19 head of fine Hot stein eowa, 1 bull, 2 bora, milking machine. gaa enrlne. 2 wagon, mower, rake disc, plows, harrows, cul tivators, all small tools separator, about 60 to 63 tons of hay. thi place is located 8 miles from good enratry town with 10 daily trains, high school, bank, cheese factory and sU kinds of store. Pric 83000. Can arrange " rm. 200 ACRKA FOR RENT 200 seers in th famous Woodland dairv divtriet. all level snd prac tically all under cul'lvatinn. large dairy bam. fair house. . Will give lease for 8125 per month. Following personal property for sale: 89 cows, 5 brad of 2-year-eld heifere. to be fresh this winter, 8 bead of bogs, 2 Urge brood sows, 10 head of small pig. 60 to 60 tons of hay new Empire milking ma chine, gasoline engine, mower, rake, plows, harrow,, cultivator, wagons and sll small tools; cream separator and all dairy equipments; 2 horses, 2 edits, hsmees. Will fir possession Sept, 1, 1920. 120 ACRES FOR RENT I 150 seres. 4 years' lease, income $1200 per month, about 50 acre tin der cultivation, balance good paatura with running water, large dairy barn, patent eanehiona. new silo, modem dairy with concrete floors, good: 8 room house. Personal property for sale: $1 fine' Hoktein cows, 1 reg istered boll. 7 bead of heifers., 2 horses, harness, mower, rake. 2 rae en gines, pnitm and Jsck, silo, ensilag cutter, cultivators, plows, harrow, disc, about 85 tons of hsy, 20 ton, of straw, 13 acres of corn, 8 seres snn flowers; steam boilers, steam Terhin bottle wawher. practically new Ofld mobile delivery track, eight new eord tires. This mtlk b delivered in the city, only 4 miles from Vancouver. Wash., paved road most of the way and b bringing in over 1200 per month. Price $11,000, $6000 cash, balance csi he arranged. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME 1 40 acres, . located right at the rail road station, ' and food country town, with high school, bank, tnd cheeae factory. 10 daiiy trains to Portland. Thla plac ia all under cnltivatjiori. fine sandy loam soil; the very best of alfalfa land: fine orchard of u eorted fruit. Will give five years' lease at $1800 per rear. Personal property for Sale; 89 head of th finest Onermey cows In the state. ; one registered Guernsey bnU, 11 head of Guernsey heifers, 2 lane work hones. 2 wagons, harrows, about 3 HO tona of hay. kale, mower. Empire milk ing machine, gaa engine, 10 acrea of fine kale. 2 rake, hay tedder, ciac, grain driQ, diso harrow and all small tools. This b an ideal home aa well as s monev maker. It cannot be d spli ce ted in the Northwest Price loal tid ing all personal property and lease, $12,000. $7000 caah, balance $200 per month. SEE Un. BfJtTR. With THOMPSON. JHVAN & LEE, 3d and Main Sta. Vancouver, Waahingtoa. FOR RENT GENERAL FARMS 20 ACRES 1 7 acres under plow and crop, 1 H acres orchard: farming implement. 2 cows, tesm, hogs, chickens, crop and lease. Pric $1200; 8900 caah. 40 ACRES 20 acre under plow, 10 acre bottom land; rent $300 per yttr. 83 ACRES 45 to 60 nndes plow, gardea oil; bass 4 years, (400 per year. 112 ACRES 62 acrea under plow, balance pasture: 1 sera orchard; new buhxalow; farming imple ment,, 8 horses, 5 cows, calf, hogs, : chickens, crop. Pric only 32200. 120 ACRES With 40 rra under plow. 6 seres heaver dam, on paved road, 12 miles from Portland; full farming equipment, furniture, 8 eows, 4 calves, 4 horses, 11 hots. 114 sheep, chickens, crop. Price abont (5000; y, cash. 150 ACRES With 70 acres under plow, family orchard, furniture, full farming equipment, 12 cows, 3 heifers, 3 horses, 18 hogs, chickens, crop and everything, only $400. 170 ACRES With 100 acres under plow: 7 room houe. 8 bams, all farm tool,: 17 eows, 8 mules. 50 sheep, 88 goats, 15 hogs, chickens, feed in barn. Pric about $3000; will invgiqs. 185 ACRES With 40 seres under plow, 10 H mile from Portland : farming toola. 8 cows, S heifers. 12 bogs, S horses chickens, docks and crop. Pric only $2400; half cash. 250 ACRES With 120 acrea under plow. 1 ct orchard, fall farming equipment 133 high grade IT amp shire ewes, 2 bucks, 60 lambe. team, cow, hens, 21 hesd goats, 20 tons of hay in bara. Price $3700. 680 ACRES 850 sere under plow, balance pasture; 30 acre spuds, 240 acres corn, balanae rye; a stock feeding proposition, only 20 miles to Portland. Price right FOR RENT DAIRT FARMS 42 ACRES 60 eows, dairy deliverinx to retail: trad tn Portland: income about $2800 par month; 1H ton truck, touring car, full dairy equipment; too full farming equipment 60 A 1 cows. team, etc Price $20,000; half cash. 60 ACRES 16 milch eows. income about 3600 par month; everything to do with, including a 2 unit milk ing machine. Price only $5000. 62 ACRES 42 acres under plow, right iu small town; 11 oows and bull, milking machine, Ford car, 4 horses, 42 acre crop, all for $6500. 217 ACRES With 150 acre under plow; $7 eowa, 8 horses: 2 bouse, modern: 260 ton silo, milking machine, tractor and all farming and dairy equipment crop; ell goes st $15,000u 230 ACRES With 100 seres tinder plow, large outrange; 18 cows, bull, fsrming equipment. Price, stock and implements, $2$10; crop at fair pric if wanted. 885 ACRES With 100 acre under plow, some entrance; 20 cow and team, farm tools, only $3113; bay at market pric. FOR BENT STOCK BAN1 'CUES 140 ACRES With SO acre under plow, large outrange, food team and all crops, only $1380; $800 eaah. . 60 ACRES With 50 under plow; 2 houses. 2 barns, sll farm tools, 2 teams, 2 aaddl horses, 8 colts, 29 hsad cattte, 4 milch cows, 14 hor, chickens; 10 acres appte orchard, IS acres bean. 8 acres eora, 4 acres spnds. Price only 84000. p. L. F.nnr. RrtTER. LOWE CO., 201-8-6-7 Board of Trade Bldf. FARM FOR RENT Equipment For Sale 435 acres fine river bottom lend, about 100 acres tn cultivation, bal ance bay bad and pasture. Good 8 room house, concrete basement, etc. Fine new, large modem barn i with room for 100 cow and 200 tons of hay. Dairy hous. silos and outbuild ings, Sprinf water piped to all build ings. Kent $100 per month. Per sonal property oonaiete of 68 lextza food dairy oows, 16 beffers, 2 bulb. 1 registered. 2 food teams, 3 bstfer calves, 2 bofi. 100 chicken, a sets harness, 2 wagons, mower, rake, plows, barrow, cultivator, binder, en silag cutter and blower, 3 gasoline an tin; 1 Sharpies 8 -unit milking machine, complete; 60 10-faUoni eaaa and all kind of dairy equipment sessil tools, etc- All crop ia bara and ta around. Located only 7 miles from Vancouver. Thia b a big money maker and a bargain at ,811,500. Good terns. Owner sick and must sell. THI R. 8. THOMPSON COMPANT. 410 Washington St, Vancouver, Wash. 1 - i 1800 A-: 1100 a. tn cultivation, 400 a. sum mer tajlow; food buildings." equipment fur "Ished; rest 14000. Wilbur F. Joupo. Henry VR1B, " l O A.; lV in cultivation; close ia; rent 8300; some xwreonal property to be sold. Wilbur r. J on no. Henry bklg. . ' FOK RENT-- section, $0 acres in alfalfa, . wn; won bones and tome dairy eows furnished. R-Ka i 1 ' -" , 00. jtwirnii. i . ttjs?lJLJ!Li'?2?Uami CU; rent r. Vu"; ribl WflbUT 30 A.; 00 a. fa euiti...! a.i . t, REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FARMS 40 ACRES, ta Waahingtoa county, mite from electri station. Id acres culti vated, balanc timber aad pasture: good buildings. Rent $850 first year aad $800 additional Tears. Will ; 2 eows. 1 hog and aom hay to buy. 80 acre, located at Stattea. all under cultivation. 4- hous. Rent 8223 per year. Team plements to buy. ' and farming im- 20 aerea, 4 mile southeast of Sher wood. All ta cultivation ; 4 room house, lsrge barn, good ere bard. Lease far 8 yean at $150 first year and $300 each foUowiBf year. K equipment te buy. Other amall places to rant ios to Port land. John Ferguson Gcru-iger Bids., Portland. Oregoa. FOR CENT 6-room modern houee and few acres, good for chickens, ducks or fnt; 2 4 mile south of I.inneman Junction. 582 Mill st. Her-t.sn 1407. FARMS WA5TFD RF.XT OR HTT 8$ FARM OR ACREAGE WANTED Have two clients wanting amall farm or acreage, partially improved, with or with out equipment: eloa to Portia ad preferred; must be oa graveled, rock or paved road, or near good road; (mail psvmeat bow. will aake larg payment within year, or will rent with privilege of buying. JOHN FERGUSON, Garlinger bUdg. Largest farm dealer, in th FaciDo North west WE are turning CASH buyer for farms and acreage away from our office every dy be etus w cannot supply their wants. WHT not let US sil YOUR farm and acreage for you J WE are the oldest snd one of the most re liable flnna in Portland. Bee SAM HEWKT at J. L. HARTMAN CO.. No. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Ground Flrt WE hav many clients wanting to rent farm of about 100 acrea near Portland, and will buy personal property np to 34000. 8e us at once. F. L. EDDY, BITTER. LCWE A CO.. 201-3-6 7 Board of Trade Bldf. WE HATE the buyers for small acreage from 10 acre up. Price must be right LL-t with us snd we will do the rest. MORRIS A Bl'NDT 618 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WANT to rent farm, even-thing furnished, on shares, or will trade my Portland property for stock snd equipment on ranted plac. D. Dun can. McMinnrUl. Or . R. 1. FARM. 40 to 80 acres, part in cultivation near good roads; willing to pay S4000 to gauuu. rnon Slain i07. Adam stu Columbia tt. HAVE cheat who wants to rent a general farm; might consider dairy ; caah rent, and will buy personal property if pric b right Wilbur '. Jotino, Henry bldg. ly you have a farm to lease, and personal prop erty to sell, send description to Wilbur F. Jouno. Henry bldg. TIMBER 24 NOTICE OP SALE OF GOVERNMENT TIM BKR. GENERAL LAND OFFICE Notice b hereby given that subject to the conditions and limitation of the act of Jane 9, 1916 (39 Stat. 218). and the ina tractions of the secretary of tba interior of September 15, 1917, the timber on the following bnds will be sold September 10, 1920, st 2 p. tn., st public suction st the United States bnd office st Lake view. Oregon, to the bighest bidder at not less thin the appraised valne ss shown by this notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the secre tary of the interior. The purchase once, with sn sdditionsl sum of one fifth of 1 per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be de posited st time of ssle, money to be returned if tale is not approved, otherwise patent will uu tor tn umner. wmcn most D removed within 10 yesrs. Bid will be received from citizens of the United States, sesoeiations of such citizens and corporations organized under the bwa of the United Ststes or sny tt. territory or district thereof only. Upon application of a qualified purchaser the timber on any legal aubdirision will be offered sepsrstely before being included in sny offer of a larger unit: T. 41 8.. R. 0 E.. See. l.Jf E. S. E. 4, pfn 80 M.. fir ISO M.; N. W. 8. B. . pin 400 M.. fir 50 M.: S. E. It 8. E. H. pint 410 M.. fir 210 C; S. W. S. B. U. pin 373 M.. fir 100 M. ; N. E. 14 S. W. H , pin 300 M , fir 100 M. ; N. W. H 8. W. . pin 295 M.. fir 140 M.; 8. E. 14 8. W. 14. pin 840 M.. fir 190 M. ; S. W. 14 S. W. 14, pin 380 M., fir 120 M. ; none of the pine to b raid for leas than $4 per M., and none of th fir to be sold tor less than 81 per M. (Signed.) CLAT TALLMAN, Commlrsfnner. General Land Office. 8 MILLION good fir timber in valley. $4200; land north more. 8. IX. Tenard, 929 Cham ber of Commerce. HOMESTEADS 47 CAN LOCATE you on a good homestead, either farming or timber tracts, on or near good rrada; also hav some good relinquishments close in , hours 8 30 to 5 and evenings 7 :30 to 9. Anderson, 531 Railway Exchange bldg. CRAIfBERRT LANDS M 2H TON furniture tract Tabor 5875. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 100 ACRES of good timber. Si mile of county road. 1 mile of R. R. and. largest sawmill on mast; trout stream running through. Price $3500. 1 S -room beach hotel in eame locality, all fur nished and equipped; good business winter and summer; now rented: at Sahair station; both ia Tillamook county. Exchange either or both for ranch or hon-ea. George Mone, osmer, Jen nings Lodge, Or. DEAL WITH OWNER Oswago lake, 6 seres, sll cultivsted; A .room house, electric lighti, bsth, water, barn and outbuildings; cherries, apples, pears, blackberries, strawberries ; with the plac go 2 oowa, horse, chickens and equipment all for 85500; 82600 down, or will exchange for 40 to 50 acrea im proved, pay $2300 cash if stocked; not over SO miles from Portland. E. A. PORTER. Phone 881. Oswego. FOR SALE or trade. 480 acre stock ranch. 10 miles from R. R-. under state Tumalo Irri gation pSDject; 200 acre fenced. 80 sere cleared and in crop, balance timber: fair hous snd barn, chicken bouse, root cellar; never felling well, pump) and gas engine. Price 320 per acre. Terms. Owner, B, W. Harper, Box 804, Red mond. Oregon. MODERN new bungalow of 6 rooms, bath, sleep ing porch and basement; good barn and chick en bouse: berriee. fruit treea. etc; on rock road, near pavement ; 8 M e car fare ; near school, store snd P. O. Will trade for farm equipped or suitable for chicken ranch. P. 0. Box 6, Maplewood, Or. FOR SALE OR TRADE Two story business building in vsiley town on Pacific highway. Fin opportunity for con fectionery, bakery and rooma in connection with com mission business now established; consider residence, or term and pay difference. CX-506, Journal. ROOM modern bouse, clow In; furniture for 4 rooms; rented, clearing $13 month, be side own rent Exchange for farm. East 3815. SALE or exchange, brick store building; also brg dwelling, 8 lots; or exchange tor mer chandise or equipped farm. Owner, J. A. Campbell. Forest Grove. Or. 8ALK OR TRADE 14-r. apt., furnishsd. part caah and property accepted; two view lota. Can Main 1790. I WANT to sell my sere or trade it in on farm. By owner. 8705 70th ave. 8. E., Portland. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE f BEAUTIFUL 10 acre tract, all under cultivs tion; good 7 room nous; fruit berriae; good well at door; bara, chicken hous snd run; 1 mil from electric station, 14 miles from Port land r-ast 18b. FOR SALB or trade. 40 acres of food Und 7 anilee eaat of Greahsm; 16 aerea voder plow, sn fenced, only $150 per acre. Will tak cottage or auto as first payment S. F. Pitts, G res htm, R. K. D. EXCHANGE new 1920 National Septet 1 pesvi grey color, rua carefully 2500 miles, for Portland residence or acreage nearby. Full d taila in first letter. Addree 1470 Washing to tt, Hilbboro, Or. AUTOMOBILE ia good ahape, will trad), for good old house oa east aid to be .moved away, or a bouse oa west aids to be torn down for lumber, or anything of food Tain. 114 2 0lh st N.. corner Qutmby. TRADE 40 scree in Clarke eountr. Wsi.h-.- lS acres cleared; unfinished house. For fanua in- northeast part of city, around $2500. Eaat 6791. Sunday afternoon and evening. - 8 ROOM modern bungalow, la Spokane; built in. 2JaU. some fruit; assessments paid; Bear school and ear. Pric $2260. Will exchange tor Portland property. Phone Sellwood 2803. WILL trad 60x100 lot oa Mt Tabor carlin for ear or part pennant oa boas and lot Owaer. Main' 4192. B ACRES, ia cultivation, in exchange for 5 room bonse tn city of Portland. Phon owner, Woodlawn 8178. GOOD1 building lot will consider a pis no or Victrol as ttart pay. Inquire at 1564 E. Flanders. Phone Tabor B83 $500 CASH nd S fin building lots, .Windsor Heights, to TXaQa in on gmtu aoui. iw44. Journal. FINE 12-BOOM bom, all furnished. 100x100 ground, tn fruit for good going tares ta valley. 32 Chamber of Commerce. WILL raCHAN01!"ehoic lot for food tatoor horn at Seaside. OWXER, F-175, Journal fib ACRES, near KalispeU, Mont, for acreage city. r. A. rues. BOO . 4 1st st tt. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE HEAL ESTATE I? Pacific aqencinc. 814-20 8WETLAND BLDG. MaBBHaliL $989 OU MARSHALL 1288 EXCHANGES Suburban Home - 1-36 ' V acre and S rooja bovase. kneeled at Maple wood atation on tb Onsgoa Electric;' fang and chiekea bouse: city water. Pric $1000. Will exchange for amall chiekea rancb-, Washington County -Timber - 1-45 1 60 acres, located 1 ail from Buxton. Wash ington county, 2.000.000 fort of yellow fir. w, of the place oaa be cultivated when cleared. 2 story 8 room house, practically new; fair barn, cb'ekea bouaa aad other outbuildings. 17 acre iu cultivation. About 100 fruit tree. 1 cow, tram of horse. 27 sheer), $4 goats and fsrming ciuipment Frio 89000. Ianumbranoe 81000. Will excLaag for bouse ia town up to $4500. Burned-Over Land -1-47 1 $0 aerea, roosted 8 mile from Canby; 4 acres under cultivation ; 40 acra of thta b bottom bnd covered with baaU brush, ean be eaaily cleared. Fin sprinf of water oa th place, Pric $4800, Will tak Grants Pass Acreage -1-49 614 acre, lust outside the etty limits of Grant Pass, all set to fruit trees; about 870 pear trees, about 100 peachea aad apple. No im provement. Price $4000; 8900 Incumbrance. Will take in exobsnge reaidrnc in Portland and mibht aaaume, Canada Land 1-51 480 aerea, 110 acres In cultivation, balance na ture, located aear Hana, Canada; 8 room bouse, barn 82x82. Will exchange for general er dairy farm nut xoor than 60 miles from Portland. Timber Land - 1-73 60 sere, located 7 mile from Estecada; 50 acrea tillable, 4 0.000 ft piling timber and some eedsr; no Improvement. Price 81500. Will el Chang for something la th city. Clark County Land -1-74 81 aerea. located 4 mllea east of Vancouver, Wn., brush and timber. Price 64650. Will ex chance for house and lot or Income property in city of Portland. Lease and Chattels 180 40 acre. 80 acrea cultivated: 2 story 7 mom bouse, barn and other outbuildings; rental 8250 per. year. Will take $1600 for personal prop erty: 2 horse. 8 oow. 6 calves. 2 dosen chick ens, all tools and equipment and household goods. Would consider exchanging for good automobile. Ashland Property - 184 11 seres adjoining the city of Aahbnd. all in cultivation, H acre alfalfa. 8 acrea of orchard in A-l condition, 2 acres of other fruit; 2 story B room home. xsxl barn and other outbuildings Prioa $5000.f$1500 federal loan. Will Uk iu exchange city property. , Eastern Oregon Farm - 1-97 280 acrea, located near Crane, Or., all under cultivation: 9 room bona, barn and other out btUdings windmill and well; bof-tight fence around 160 acres. Will take ta exchange city property, acreage or amaller farm. Price 80 o. Incumbrance $1500. Orchard Tract 11 CO 20 seres of orchard land, treated about 1 mile from railroad station and Benton county; 10 acrea of high grade commercial apple orchard in perfect condition. The bnd b almost level with just enough alope for drainage. Soil b rich sandy loam and water tan b found tt a depth of less than 16 ft This property b valued at $6500. Will exchange for-bungalow, or in- corn Portland property on baab of $4000, and might assume a amall mortgage. , Good Hotel Building -1-102 i 45 room hotel, located In Tacolt Wash., eom pbtely furnUhed; receipts $1500 to $1700 per month. Tbb b a food bouafide proposition and the owner must dirpos of property as soon aa pcasible. Will sell for cash or tak in exchange acreage, farm or residence- Willamette Valley Farm - 1-108 . 80 acres, located Bear Junction. City, 'Or., 12 acres ia cultivation, balance timber. House and barn, good spring. Price $4000. Will exchange for houee In Portland or acreage near Portland. South Dakota Farm -1-111 160 acre, located In Perk ina oounty. South Dakota, 6 mile from town, 4 mil from school; 40 sera cultivated. aU tilbble. Land b slightly rolling and black sandy loam sotl. Pric b 85600; iaeumhrane 8500. Will exchange for good ear, city property Improved or vacant Harney County Land -1-112 $20 acre. Ion ted 7 hi mil from Berkley. Or., 60 acre cultivated and all tilbble. Pbce b partly fenced and good aoil. 2 room house ana a small bara. Price $8200- mortgage $700. What have you to offer in exchanger Central Point Acreage -1-114 1 hi acres, located at Central Point with aom fruit tree and 8 room (hack. Would like to exchange on 5 or 6 room hous up to $8000 snd pay $300 or $400 cash down. Pric on thb plac b $800. Donald Acreage - 1-116 8U acre, located at Donald. Or.; about 1 H aerea in prunes; 9 room boos built la 1910; water system and bath. Price 85000; 82400 Incumbrance. Gaston Dairy Farm -1-118 79.14 acres, located 2 mile from Gaston. 60 aerea under cultivation. SO acre paatura and timber: food 7 room house, barn, chiekea bouse and other outbuildings. Pric $12,000. hi cash, balaao on or before $ years at 6 per cent iutareet Washington Timber Land - 1-1 449 sore. located miles from Pott Angelea. Prio $11,000. Will exchange for food mer cbandia propositiou, McMinnville Acreage -1-125 6 aerea. located 1-8 mite front city Unite of McMiBBrrille. Or., on good road. Haa a store 4 ma small bara, chicken h rinse and ewer eutouiiuinga. i acre rn irmt and berrMs, 4 acres in train. Pric $8800; Incumbrance $70s). Win exchange for suburban pise and aaaume torn on a food 4 room hous. Suburban Home - 1-126 hi sere t Maplewood station, f room bouse, basement lights, city water and gaa, aom fruit and berries. Prio $3600, lnenmbraae $1180. Yamhill Orchard Tract -. 1-131 ' ' S.l teres, located 1 mile from TamMIl. Or . 370 apple tree. 25 English walimta, about II yean old; ao building. Price 6500. Will exebaag for city lacuna property. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC. 814-20 fl WETLAND BLDO. - MsRflHAU. $989 Oft MARSH ill, 1268 EXCHA,?fOE-F.EAt FSTVTK tt Exchange for City Property or Auto. , aerea, all level, all ia eulttutfbas Verge orchard; very gaod 4 room Plas tered house, newly tinted; good bara, chiekea bouse. Located 4 saile treea Vancouver near ear lin. oa 2 food road,, joins arhool. Thb b an Ideal berry and ehiekea ranch. Will ae eett fond auto or bouse aad loU . Prlr 8SO0O. THE K. B. THOMPSON COMPANT. , 410 Washington fit, Vsnoouver, Wash. EXCHANGE 20 acres, big 6 room modern boaaa; acrea fruit. 4 acre stump and pas tar, equipped, inooo. Want bungalow ia Portland to 800. cleat for clean 2 hi mile ont c. A. KE0PPLK, 9th and Main ts. Oregon City. Or. Phone Oregon City 268 W.' EXCKfGE . 60 acres, fin soil: 62 In cultivation: 6 room house, 2 barns, $ walls, sons, timber: threshed 40 buaheb wheat and 54 bushels oats per acre thb year. Price $11,000. Will tak up to $6000 la Fortland residence. B, O. MLLMAN. 214 Tth Bt. Oregoa City, Or.. Wear B. P. Depot 6 1-8 ACRES, fully equipped chicken ranch", 86500, with 460 hana, cow, crop, corn, pota toes, kale, eats, fin barn full hay; $4000 worth of buildings, fruit and berries ; en county toad. hi mile north Tobias station on Red KlectrV and state highway. Sell or exchange for I'ort bnd home to $4000; some cash. JOHN B. FETKRSON. IIEATERTON, t, BOl'TE 4. RESIDENT t Takota owns $40,000 wheat and orchard ranch near -Ooldendalo, Wash. ; will exchang for Dakota wheat bad aad sou eaaa. Newell-Van Alstlne Co. 88 1-32 Chamber of Commerce bldf. WANTS SMALL FARM Client has attractive modem hous tn Port land, well located; price 84 500. clear. Want small farm near Portland snd will nay of avmms some difference. W also bar eaah catcroers for small improved place. .LI'KDDKMANM COMPANT 918 Chamber of Commerce. TO EXCHANGE A full lot In restricted district. IH Mocks from Peninaula Park, 4 blocks north of Pied mont' car barns, for a late model Ford; must b in Al condition, or may consider Urg'r oar or light Ford delivery. See ma ft 1071 K. 4th st N., from 2:80 to 6:80 p. m. 8 ACRF.S. chicken ranch, on Bed Kleetrte st Tobias; 160 White Ighorn hens, Jersey cow, barn full hay. crop potato, good plastered house, fruit berries; sell or exchange PorUaud heme. Value $3500. P. ft BOX 2064 CITT. TRADE For house' snd lot or vacant lot, 10 acres 2 under cultivation, rest easily cleared; bearing fruit treea: 8 room ahsek. vroodhouse. root cellar and chicken house. Good well. Very beat of soil. Near Halaj tetion. B-1S0, Journal WANT brg farm. $20,000 to $15,000; will put in as fim payment. 20 aerea. sll In culti vation: good buildlnfs. n rock road, about 8 miles from Portlsnd. Price 80000. uAVDti a. nnanr 618 Chamber of Commerce Bldg H1SG Garnet surrounded by amsll diamonds, in exchange for coal rang ia first class con dition. PhHie" Main 6168. WAKTF.D HKAL ESTATE $1 Another Record Broken 137 Homes Sold in August, by FRaANK L. McQUIRE 14 home sold tb first two-days of Sep tember; 808 heme sold to data sine Jtnu. ry 1. thb yar. W apend thousands of dollar I7vrtbinF. sod CAN 8EIJ. YOUR HOMKI . . klal-sie . 1 .eel ess a WJrirV Otl 1 OfmrVfOllB, SUHDIUUUB) ssa.atjsniaaas ay - "V Z if. sal. Wi Inspect. APPRAISE AND PHO TOGRAPH same within 24 hour ftr listed. Seo FRANK L. McQUIRE To Hell Tour Home LARGEST HOME 8KI.LKRS ON TH rACIFIO COAST. Arlington Bldg. Main 1068. RKS.DEN'CE WANTED nr. l... with viAt tmmh to bur a residence ia any food dbtrlct up to $4600. t.i...i... ,,. ..wi wa will tnsnect at one a. Let a liv bunch handl your property. GEO. T. MOORB CO. 1007 Toon bldf. WE'LL guarantee to aell your Uom within-10 J 1 u.M.kl. n rimA Tf ilSOBOt d so we'll frankly tell you. W do not ask for sn exclusive listing Call us up today. . . & siaVvw r si i ar W al A COM 1 B at avnuiai', as. ev. 208 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Ol'T-OK-TOWSf owners ci Portland home: w'ii -.ii .nn, Iimu within 10 dava if ree onably prised. Write ws today UW1S fcUllliaisn, ss. 208 Chamber Com mere bldg. 8MALL RESIDENCES Ws have several client with eaah waiting to buy a home from $1000 to $2600; let us GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Teon bldf t . m-irliAiv i-rru vnfuivn LACK- ISO IN COM rOHT ; MATS Br.K.W I IW TV a-rtnnu APARTMENTS WILL APPRE CIATE HOME. OWNERS ONLT. T-646. JOURNAL. WANTED HOUSES S or 6-room modem bun galow with garage oa pared street, in good location; state both eaah and 'pric oa payment. Vnmtninrm lin 77 he best h6i;e of 6h 1 rooms in WALNUT PAH., AEAH wnwis $4000 TO $6000.- MAR, 1684. MRS. BEKKT. intivkriv w , l:Tcn Two or 1 seres, with 6 or 6 room modern , i , v. i W . I ... atiHfirhan ear: owners only. Phon Be 11 wood 838, or writ 1688 K. iota t nontn. WANT to buy front owner, strictly modern bun gelow; 88000 to 88500 cash. Improvement In and paid; any good dbtrlct: must be bargain. IMnsa and full deecxipUuo first letter. X-460. journal. WANTED, for cash. 6 or 7 room bouse, bif lot: must be modern snd in food eonauion; furnbhed preferred; in 20 blocks of S. P. ear snops. By nov. t. "Tin n. r.. p., .v.. "Tiunoalow. b6se citTTiTwth6b.ve Must b modern, about $5000; pay $750 cash, $80 per mouth; giv looaUoa; owner only. av-9, owrass. WANTED Th best uburbn tract of S to 6 acres with buildings, near Portland, that $1000 ta $5000 will bur from ownar. 1011 E. 18th t N.. Portino, ur. HAVE Ute model 6-paasaner truring ear, standard make, to trade for a good bungalow; will axuime or. pay eb difference J oh neon. with Interstate Land Co., 248 BUtt tt ONE 12 V. E reread r storage battery lor 191$, '19 and '20 Maxwell. Price 926, Call at Eleetrio Bwrvie Auto Co. Taesday and as tor GiU. WANT small 4 or I room modern bouse. Hsre 1918 Elgin chummy as first payment stfi Oak st Tuesday or bter. Ask for GUI. WILL buy fro owner a 6 or more room house wit larg. lot if prtof to right T-648, Jour nal. CAN get you caah or a good trade for your house qntty. Be Johnson, wun inicrsvsia Land Co.. 24$ Btarfc at WANTED 6 room bungalow; hate 82000 cash; snort be barfaia; give description. Journal. "WANTED At one, modern. gbrban borne, 1 to 5 acres; cash customer, waiting, ae A. K. Hill. 620 Lambermen bldt uiTr.n l- Mmmm CHt lurelhurat or A .Tl r.L LlOt IB Xtea) - -- Hewthornei Ba ba a bargala for caao. 149, Journal. - . . IltOM owner $ or 6 room house, not over 98800; oaa pay $2000 cash. Tabor 4109 fter 6. I WANT roominf boos, 10 or i oa im sai wiu oe 14, journal. I WANT a W reals, re a Irseueosl sst, sss ss Wtthoat BowaTeuth of Mortgoas-ry tra, between 6th and 20th sta H-7.awTat r-rVT FT V One or two acres with modem boils near acWon w. da; atate price. B-150. Journal. - , , WlSll to buy or rent two IZZJZfc aom building snd water; aaat std; fsasvaabb terraa. jaboT 6521. WANTED House and 1 or mere lot, doa in; W pay cash, or buy your equity ; mast be a bargain, near ear. w " " - 1920 PAIGE sport model a part myawnt oa - - , . ,f i ., Vmm I 1 food noma new w,.- wo,. WANT cheap lot ia Burfet or Boatoa addi Ucn. 909 Cham. Com- EOOMI'O H0rE8. AFARTMEJTS A51) HOTELH FOR HALE 11 f UAVE a buyr asaitiag wttb the eaah tor a real bio 20-room apartment .Fboa as about your boas. . I 4. fctGr.ai nruB,o, tux w. f ssa 8850 BL'TH 9 room flat, all furnbhed. Rent (20 a saoath. - rurnao. beet: feu of rooee a. Taking la $80. aaooth. Broadway 1049. nooMnro BorF(,. apartmb5T AXP HOTELS FOR BALK t $ SS SnOlt HAMM a, . " 'vv , noir4i I Beautiful corner brick bufldlng. , M Wiodera. good down-town loratVa, fine lobby, best of furnishings: leas. On ; tit tT! U7', , ln '"and. Cn and . Ir i1",n" partlcubra. ' ON OF PORTLANDS BEST , rooBa, elegant lobby. Thta hotel b strictly Up to dst. fur nUhed complete with everything of th very beat of high class furniture and earnate; 10 year lease; reaaonabl rent It require, $40,000 to do busl- 40 ROOMS 40 Fin do w-town location, hot and cold water, svrsl ornate baths, good oak furniture, all rarpete. ao ruga: sent $226 par month on base. This taks 8000 APARTMENT HOrs Beautiful brick building, strictly wiodera, all I room apartments; leas; cheap rent for thb class of liousa, clearing $760 per month and ran be handled for $7000. 60 ROOMS 50 -- Tbb b located 1u the Industrial district, nicely furnished end nets about $876 par month; long lesse Prio $8500; torn term it neces sary. R RIERDON, RTTTKn, LOWE CO., 201-8-6-7 Board of Trad Bldf. WHERE DOLLARS MULTIPLY Oil k..l. . .I . ... . . -". " m inMiin:iii naiui- LG POWER. Inveetifsi these. A comrlete list msy be secured by eom tng to the office. Furniture vry good. Long lessee. NOB Hn.L BARGAIN 24 apts , rent $300; income $1000; lease. 1 11, 800. . ' ti-brts, rent $828: Wee; Income $800; 15000 caah. baL 680 per ma 18 apt, rant 8860: long lease: lav eom 8800. 810,000 DOWNTOWN HOTELS: LA RGB NET INCOMES 48 rooms modern; leaae; fend fur niture; $5600. 40 rooms, brick, central; cbssi lease; $14,000. 40 rooms, popular brick hotel: aset fin nnn ' Wesre headnusrteea fn, th. . l er of bargains. Ws detest lnflsUont as much ss you do, and have th cour age to tell It O. H. BhfOTnEIM COMPANT. . 112-138 Railway Kich. bldf. Mala 6199 and 5711. DO THESE SOFT? NEAR LINCOLN HIGH SCHOOL 9 rooms and kitchenette, exceptionally vratl furnished: clean aa your own noma. Rent $52.60 Income 8S0. Price $1400. Terma. A DANDT 12 BOOM HOUSE Suitable for business, right close in; ex tremely good furniture; less; fin income. $2000. Terms. Better see this. 10 HOOJf FLAT Extra well furnbhed, velvet ruga, sewing ma chine, phonograph and records go with it Nesr library. Rent $85. Clear 860. Price $1000. WORbLlNGMAN'B HOTEL 62 rooms, lease, low rent; stove beat: brick bldf. $4000. Terms. NORTHWESTERN HEATED Thb 28 rcoina, part H. K.. ha I. sleeping, week, snd regular by-month. $4600. Terms. 300 net SEE THESE AT TOUR EARLIEST CONVENIENCE. THKT AllB REAL MONETMAKERS MALV 2690 J. EUGENE HEDGES, 201 W. PAnK $1850 WILL HANDLE THIS MONETMAKER 1$ rooma, aU apts.; lease; rent $60; elee., furnace, aleo stove r vary good, elean furniture; clean 862 besldee your own pt Prio 92100; part terma v- 10 rooma H. K. ; rent $$5; welt and com pletety furnished; food bom and $(0 elear. $1100; terms. 21 rooms, nearly all H. rt.; good leaae; rent $40; eleo., furnace, water in neatly all; a little attention and this plao .will clear about 1200. Frio $1800; $1000 down. 22 room; sll H. K. ; hot water heat; rent 860; clears $220; fin location. Price $$000; balf cash. , a $1 rooms; 3 yre. lea; rent $80; tlesrs $800; lortion ths best; N. W. heat. 12 rooma, mostly It. K. ; rent $60; water In til rroma; very beat location; clear better than $100 and 2 rm. apt for own use. $1400 vuh required. 15 rooma, 1-2-8 rm. 'apt.; rent 660; fur nace; else., water In most of the rooms; clears fllA snd ermd rrt fne nww it s,.., l.,.fi,.n 81800; part terma MKS. TMOMHDW, KB y I1KNBT B LI HI, 29 iuioM; half' U. li.; .water iu sll; sTeoTTuT: naos; good location; clears $$00. Price $4750. 11 mom and sleeping porch; tba beet loca tion; extra well furnbhed; good bom and In come. 62000. 11 rooma, all H. K. : rent 866; food location; loo., furnae; food bom and $$0 atear. Prk $1175; food term. 9 room (sleeping); rent $49; furnace, elee.;: central location; food bom with income. $850; terma THOMSON. 820-21 HENRT BLDO. HERE IT IS If yon are looking for a real snap In II. K. apartment, st old price, call ai Sunday after 10 at Mata 7611. No aganta. HOLSWIUNfUriS, NOTICrJ We bare aeversl amall places of T to 1 0 rooms, lnoome will psy sll expenses and more. All in good condition snd moderate rent Prines 4700 to $1100. Mrs. Albaugh. With John Fenrusnn, Gerllnger bldg. 12 ROOMS, clean, bast located in cll7 fou don't hare to advertise to keep tills filled. Good income and pleasant home; 1 year leaae. Mrs. Albaugh, with John Ferguson, Uerllnger 9 Put Ming. WASHINGTON STREET HOTEL 60 mosa hotel. , private baths, running water in looms. Some J -room suites snd aom housekeeping suite. Tbb place nete $64)0. Becnbl rent with fried lease. Mrs. Albaugh, wmi John rerguaon, Osr'nfT bullrtlnf. M18T sell in 10 days, leaving tor Spokane, food furniture of 47-, room apartment hous. Total In com $490 besides wa apt. 8 mail overhead expense. Prlc $5260. Absolutely beat boy in Portland, owner, Eaat B008. 60-ROOM APARTMENT 2, S and 4 room suite, low rent fool location. Net $276 per month, with S-room apartment for owner. Not thoroughly modern, but bt income on investment of any In city. Mrs Al baugh, with John Ferguson, Gerllnger building OWNER ifCST BKlX Called twty. Beat paring apartment bona In Portland. Good furniture; 44 room. Hmsll overhead expense) total ineome 'about 8300. Apply 189 hi Bussell St.. Apt C. 1 2 ROOM bouse, basement, fumsca, fireplace. 2 toilets, bsth. electricity, gaa, it I run trees, 80 2-8x110; $8000, V cash; Bear alilpyard and factories. Owner. 717 Princeton at. A GOOD-pajdng hotel or roomingbous in a liv town In the valley, or farm, any alu, or arlU 1. E. BUwsrt, 21S Oak L, BUvr too. Or. 7" WASTED. CITT..FROFKHTT 97 WILL buy good top for I paantr FordTfabof 890. I10O0 LIGHT grocery, dining room in enew nertion; low rent and well looated. Morris, with Interstate lAnd tt, 14$ Stern st BUSINESS OIRTIJNITY For aale, bt"py" In country paper tn Marion oounty. Has other business. Aodreao Box 19. Turner, Or. A SMALL restaurant iu good valley town, elear-' lot $200 mo. $500. Mr. Bread. 420 Henry bldg. ; FOR SALEPooI ball, 'onfeetlonery and soft drinks; 4 pool tsblss; very bif business; prlr fTauu. nzy AiDina ava. WOULD buy a confectionery and lo eraaia parlor, Urg sto k snd new fixtures, a flna oration m sown ot inuu. I none Kaei zto. WILL accept a food farm, real estate ar botell for automobile business: have fend agency and eTcrualve territory. B-199, Jon rnaL SMALL grocery for ease; just right for xaaa and wife: 4 liv lag room; rest $16. U-817, Jcumtl. STORE building snd lot 601 4 7. lUvbtei st. 6160O. Owaer,. $12 W. 18U at. Veav 1 eouver, Waab. Printing for Less Ryder Peg Co Mn 1 49 M t $600 C10AK store in heart of city; Jong lease; one' of tlie beat bargain on the market Doa I overlook thb. Owner. 180 H Third st WANT relbtle sua with practical mining x perience to tak charge of pronertle for oor poestioa. 8ms U Investment ' gtellwocxl 851, kL'BT SELL General store" aboutni 4 Sod"; food location aad business; futures wttb ttor room. R-84, Journal. . AD V E K TIB E ia 6 6 0 6 weekly newstpers It per Une per paper f all c any part Cop Agency, St Louis, Mo. - tO EXVniyCEPsf'ntlnf, tinting and paper hanging for cash register, office farnltare nr fnmirure ofny kmd. Eaat 689. aVIIwnod 1I9, tOK SALE Swre7tooir7idTot 675oady J'- .: ;; FOR lALt Auto repair shop, fireproof; builds Inf. low rent Phon East 8219. BEPAIR 6H"9irTf5R ALKHKAP: COoD LOCATION. LOW BENT. 424 BELMONI.