.-" THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2. 1920. THE OREGON DAILY ; JOURNALS- PORTLAND. : OREGON 17 ATTOMOBU r.8AP ACCESSORIES 44 1 J j COURTESY ' i ; ATTENTION : And : SQUARE SELLING . ' ' Tells 'th Itory of ear telling success, Tb baying publin know that whu w announce a SALE It means that thr will ba mora than witn to car uy purcuaae. 1919 ELGIN BIX Cord tire and mtlsfae tion; only 11400. i OAIUND SIX A light eix low oper - sling axpens and satisfaction. $750. EOICK ROADSTER la good condition. $900. COUNTRT CLUB On of those cosy Ow- land, f TOO. 1020 CHEVROLET Rim leas than 8500 lull, A 1 condition. 1800. BClctc PlX- unly $000. -1917 model. Tarn, aur pric Is CHANDLER BIX W hmf a ChtndUr tour ing ami a chummy roadster; both Iuat right M1XUEI.I, TOURiNG Ona of thoaa "mora miles to (ha gallon can at $500. CHEVROLET TOCniNC 490 $305. model, only Com early before your car It told. STS AMD WASMINATi CHEVROLET AMI jFORD OWNERS FORD overhauled ........ til 9 f neet sue ovsrnanien ............ j Valee ground, car boo rt moved .-. I f Magneto recharged 9 We Band lap pistons, scraps Bearings, aiav. wbbh tnsuree a perfect running motor. Genuine ford part only ne,l Ail work guaranteed. 1UK REASON The ford engine sisrt, hsrd and the lights are dim it berauM the MAGNETO Is week, liars ItKCHAKGED by EXPERTS. Universal Auto Repair 918 Jefferson aC Main 7844. Used Car Bargains mm OfT : 1 nodes $ 1 Pods 875 1 Baton 02.1 1 Htdehker 8o0 Ford., Fords, fords 8300 to 4 'is Msxwell 250 Peerless 801) K. U, K. bug ISO Long &' Silva 4 S3 Hawthorne Ate. KTUPEBAKEn 4 . This Is a light rar and yoa woald be snr prtsrd to nee it mi ; has B gond tires, up-to-date equipment. Prie $300: $100 deem, bal ance esy Jake's Used Cat Exchange. -8 N. 11th. Bdwy. 8214. Open ereninca. 3KEOON AUTO TOf company tOPS TatiM 14th and Cow a eta. Bdwy 4498. WEAVER TIHt COMPAAT FEDERAL TTJtKS OREGON TT7T.CA!W1!0 CtX. TIBS REPAIRING 'MS-SSn Rrrm1de g't Rmadwey 1017 FOnfTTROADSTER Shock absorbers, alinoet -tmrn Urea; rana eery nor).: This car was iM new in 1018. - Price 87fl: will take $100 down. baUncs eay. Jake's Used Car Exchange. 28 N. 11th. Bdwj. 8214. Open etenings. " E jt CEl'TlOal AI-" BAnfiAIlN tlUDBbS Intent modrl, 7 paasengrr Hudson, run 4200 miles; all ord tires; guaranteed same as new enr methanlrally: costs new $3075. ;Its me $21 iO esh or terms. ManTilte. East 8895. TWOU0OD ONES King roadnter $400 Ueo. ft pasnencrr 8B0 1VE HATIDWICK I'O., Cor. K. Ysmhlll and Water Sts IT REWIYES THE SMITH ROTARY BRU8IT Wash yont car with it Main It 84. WHO wants to assume my contract on 5 pas senger touring, balance dus $285, on sreount lick new tnd he hi ml on payments .ind will lost til if not sold this week. Woodlawn $92 day time. Woodlawn 4292. evening. i"Cm delivery with open body, flap curtains Very best of condition. si tut sen. a par- gain st $475 with terms, nesr Burnside. 80 Grsnd sve. N., FRANKLIN touring, series 9-B. late 1918. ex cellent condition and priced way below the market Owner. 857 E. Burnaida. Phon East 8112. 15)RD TIRES Two Firestone, 2 fiilvertftwn. 82x4; less than wholesale; brand new; guarantee. Automatic 814-01. 1020 MAXWELL, latest modal, A-l oondition. run lesa than 2500 miles; a bargain for aomeone; owner wbo is leaving city. Tabor 680. - HTbsotf stfrER-hK 1946 By buying my new Hudson you save 9600. Inquire 269 1st et. . FORD runabout. 1910. A-l condition. Tires almost new. Real bargain at 9350. Soma terms. 30 Grsnd sre, N.. near Burnaida. FORD delivery. 1916., Best of condition. A real bargain at $473. Terms. 80 Grand s N., nesr Bnrnaide. DON'T WAIT Tnr balance due on my 8 pesasenger automo bile you can have it by calling at 4.1-47 N. 9th. ONE FORD touring car. first claw condition; price $225. Addrea 14th and Morrison Its. rimhe Broadway 08. I6iGfc ton ring, 1918"! Rest of condition. Good tirea. Must sell. A real buy. $850. with term. 80 Grand ave. N., near Burnaida. ONE FORI) truck: worm drive, with flat rack; A-l condition. Add reus 14th and Morrison its. r Phone Broadway 03. CvTcfuJlND tonrlng ; good condition; must eeTC A anap at $375. Terms. 30 Grand see. N.. nesr rtumside. Rill SALE , FORD ROADSTER Private owner. $895. H. Moere. Conradine hotel, 10th and Btirneide ats. FOR SALr" Ford touring an A furniture 8 room house. Including piano, $629 cash. ' 700 tnteiibetn ave,. evening. MAXWELL touring, l$lg" Fin condition.' goad pres. ileal bargain at $775, 80 Grand are. N., near Kurnside. MiiWKr.L. touring. 1919. A-l condition. Used privstely. A snsp st 8U00. Some tersnsi 80 Grand aM J wm R.n.iH. 101 N lrxiK car. driven only 6825 miles, la i onnuition, lor sso. 34s Ysanhlll tt room 808. fl8 OAKLAND. A-l condition, driven i0"3 tiles, $U00. Term or cash. Franklin Gar- ?r-fls. "''''" Hot FTang Tavellt. CHEVROLET tmirihg. 1918. Fins oonditioav gooa 1 ires. ji snap at S495. Terms. Grand ave. N.. neer Burradde. - 19?6 Bl'ICK. ue,l a few hundred miles; good few cord tirea, $1690. Private owner. Main iota, r.rening itonr 07 1914 BU1CK FOR SALE. OWNER. 84! -IrsT. MARSHALL 2675. - 0 BU1CK touring, must have cah;wM acrifica for quick sals. Automatio $14-01. I9I9. BriCK.Tpassenger. new paint, cord tires'; "p J"'LlIra- slain 780. 1016 IKllK ew ton. New tiraa Xlntoe fas good Shsne .IoStDODC.E touring" car, 8-paaa,. good shap Ny. 1572. Mr. Clark. ' " nargain. Woodlawn 4185. w f MOO STODDARD-DATTO! roadster. S.14V. A eWTii , 4 nniOja 9fk aval, ftkff sri Umlars 1 SQ1 Inoiwr Pain Co., lie Pfnt t. , t "' OV, Ji AX WELL. UmritxM e. ljft gtswl M ' ' "iteinia mww. wain. 1919. . saai Urtll) ... .. : i00 FORD sedanTbergaln. $8f eJ,h. 16S4 . iscsiam. ror. jiamiiton. Main 8828 TOtO FORDte-iriog. A-l sharTl5507"""4"89 ; i Buroner. wain., aoi i. , e -j- r-r 1 11 ' il)I9 VELIK, drrven nndar 5000 miles: price Xio BC1CK roadster, excellent BsschaBioal e ditJon. $1800. y East 7878. ISMS KVX, 7 pawengar, new tirea; iuat ater tiauled; seisn; $800. ism lev i'xt'DKRAkLS vuadster in xuud shape p r U. Gcms, 8Bw tluaa avra. -Cast 6L CO AUTOMOBILES AKD ACCESSORIES 41 CHANDLERS 1918 Chandler. 7 paak,. rebuilt through out, newly painted, aood tires, with extra. v (It new ear guaranto on this ear. Pric 1.1400. . ! 1918 Chandler Cknauar. 4 pea, roadster, rebuilt throughout, oversixe coed Una, neatly new; guaranteed, earn as new car. Pric 11400. IBIS Chandler Chummy, 4 paea. roadster, good mechanical condition, wira wheels, vary good tins with extra. Price $1275. Two pae. special built road-ter, on 1917 rebuiH Chandler chassis, wira wheels with eatra and ft cord tiraa ; a powerful and racy car; most ba seen to be appreciated. Price 81450. . 191$ S pass. Chandler Hi, completely over hauled, good tiros, Pnc $700. 1019 Oakland, S rasa., good condition, ex cellent tires. Price $800. 1017 Buoo, Al condition. 700. 1918 Overland. 4-0O crab roadster; good mechanical condition; wire wheels, good Urea; reiiaintcd. Price $780. 1910 Overland. 5 pa,", tint cltat me chanical shape, good tiros with extras. Price $475. OPEN 8 DAYS 608 Washington street 614 Aider street TWIN STATES MOTOR CAB CO. T RAN' BON'S TJ9ED CAR EXCHANGE ' - . 1910 FORD touring, new Urea $38.1 inm Fr.rd touring, like new $425 1017 Ford tonrlng. new tirea $440 1917 Ford tour.. $100 .worth extraa, $43.1 1018 Ford touring, demount. rima..$48A IBM Ford, starter i....$0 1918 Ford sedan, demount, rims. ... 100 1820 Ford aedan 8878 1018 Rriscoe touring 9378 101 .1 Telia trmrtna, starter $32 1910 Chevrolet touring $425 1919 ChaTrolet touring $550 1917 Rulrk light dclirery $550 1917 Maxwell touring $428 1910 I odge touring, new tires. . . . 7SO 1917 Mtndebaker madster tHOO 1918 Ktudebaker Six, 7 passenger. .. $750 1917 Bulck Mght Hit touring $1000 1917 Veil Light Six touring $1100 1917 Uup Big 4 Oedan $1150 Cash, trade or terms. Open Ereninas and Sunday. 150 Union Areuue, cot. Belmont. lOlO VE1.IK. new. $1250. P. ak 0. garage. 380 Union are. East 4461. TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 89 T M I" Model 104 1-ton truck. HJUVJLW less than a year old. sood take body. toD and windshield: a won derful bargain tt ,..-5. $1750 porlprn 1 lli-ton truck. oTer rCUCIitl batUed. repainted. In all raapsetl aa good as- second-band trucks ran be made; special price $1350 Wlrxtx-g 1,4 to, "onderful ealue. . ' 8$ 8 MS body, top, ready to run . . rVenefa 1 H - ion. cab, windshield. M 43 lil alectno lights, starter $1100 $ 050 UlCiUIlU tvtti moA ralUblUty 9 875 lfl MI ( 1 y -too. on pnenmatica; nuff Jy ukI 91750 TVeaffflV 2',on- em t0n "r oM 1 1 UllaW atandard niU 91250 Federal barn ton, a wonderfnl barrain: yon can make money buying this for resale, tt $2750 Remember, we here been here for 18 yeen pectins' away at the same old bustnew. keepint most of our old customers and adding a enb ttsntial number of new odes each year in other words, enjoying a steady growth. Tbs reason 7 Figure It out. Weniworth & Irwin, Inc. 200 SECOND ST., COR. TAYLOR. YOUR CHANCE To get a need truck at swsv under the market price.- Don't fail to see the wonderful bargains we art offering. TWO-TON WHITE Overhauled fn our hru: new Ciael tirea- Iuat thr truck for hauling wood. THREE-QCA RTER-TON G, M. 0. MODEL 16 r, Theea tracks mre beirur overhsnlM li Mir shan Better look them over. The price is right. THREE-QUARTER ANT) ONE-TON ' - REPUBLICS - These trucks have been niut .in At mnditihn meebanically. Mow about buying one to haul your fruit from the ranch to market? DODGE DKI.IVERT Maka Us An Offer, The White Company Park and Conch, Phones Broadway 418S. - Ask About Our Free Trial on Trucks We have one ef the Is re est stocks of used tracks in tbs Ute of Oregon. They are ell overhauled and pat In the finest possible condition. It wlli'pey yoa to investigate cur Una. RPEC1ALR THIS WFFK 8 Reo two-ton tracks. Tour choice for..$ 600 1917 Repablis 4-ton , $ 700 1916 Republic one-ton $ 880 1918 Fnrd panel delivery $ 450 1920 Ford este-ton body and cab $ 675 1V1S Republic two-ton $1850 MANT OTHERS TO SELECT FROM EAST TERMS NO BROKERAGE Granning & Treece 842 Alder St., cor. 17th. Broadway 172$. TRUCKS FORD, l-ton worm drive. . .$650 . 700 . 850 a. m. c. l to STCDEBAKER, salf-etarter BETUBLIC. ton 709 T50 850 600 PANHAED, 1 ton REO. tan a CADILLAC, drlirevy OLDSMOBILE tO. Broadway and Couch Puone Broadway 2270 FORD rosdater. with guarmntew that It has had within the last 2 months thorough overhauling. Bew fenders, new radiator, new pistons, rings, earn - abaft, timing gears, looms ,and ooil leads; new aplaah boards. Tabaf 472$. 1920 Mack on-beet log haul tn tut, ne trailer, big revtnue, winter and earn mar roads, mail payment dewn. btL easy term. Don't answer nnleea mean boslneas. L. A. Smith. Oregon City-Or.- Pbons AH4W. .e 1918 VIM track, body and cab; rnechanicslly ..Perfect; will teke tonrlng Car in trad. .East a .o. . ... - r 1 H-T6NB"l3r'UBL"lO rnck tor sal. by owners! vv ran i ax. Asa lor Mr. Albert. NEW tractor with plow; 'will etchansw tor rood iai. ssain 1S40. 1 Z Hood at. i-TN lWrcs-Arrow delivery in good condition or saw or irsae. rncne E. 8437. Al TOM OH I LEX WANTFIr 1 wnT DOHt TPs iT'TaTntNg 1 aT PAYMJkXT ON GOOD CAR. TABOR A-J1X AFTO REPAIR; WHOIf4 7 91 FORD OWNElSTT FORD orerhauled $20 Rear axis oeerhanled. ............... . Valves ground, carboa reosorad .......... 8 Magnetos recharged ................... 8 We hand-lap pistons, 'scrape bearbxga, etc. which Insures a perfeegnmnuig motor. Genuiae Fatd parte only need. AU work guaranteed. iiUARAKTEE AUTO BEPAIK CO. 280 Front St., Cor. Jeffesaon. THE Reliable Ants Washing at PoUshins Works is Ions axpeneneed at washing and poMsnina, BinMaiaing, slew esrsish tabs; motors washed, lops and cushions dressed, cars oiled and greased. Work gnerenteed. Cera railed for and delivered. yvi.iAHI.B AUTO WASHING ek POU1SU1SO wokJs. 17th sndgftlder "t. Photte Broadway 2298. E. H. CHAMBERS MAXWELL SPECIALIST Senwood S766. 797 liirislon at. AUTO TOPS saade and repaired at wholesale prices ; work suarantehd. Monarch Motor Co., 8-48 vaneoaeer are. AUTOS FOR HIRE ADTOS FOB HIKE. WITH OR WITHOUT DRIVERS. DAT OR NIGHT SERVICE. . COUCHHAN GARAGE. 19TH AND COUCH. REMEVBERS OUR NUMBER. BDWT. 9898. AUTOS RETTED WITHOUT DRIVERS Kew 1021 Model Can Reamnahle Rate FEARING At R0B.NET CITY GARAGE 192 12th st, between Washington and Alder. rSEW AFTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS OVERLANDS UUDSONS LOWN8DALE GARAOE BROADWAY 2408. 15TH ANT) WASH. J. HOUSTON. 8 BROAWAT. Hiabwar auto service. Bdwr. 834. Msrn 224. Pierce-Arrows. Packards. Wiatona. Cars by hour, day or mooth. AUTOS FOR MIRE WITH OR WITHOU DRIVERS U SULLIVAN. ARHION GA- RAGaj. MAR. 282. 10th at TambilL A-1Z30. CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. AKUY GARAGE. 8D AND TAYLOR MACS 1687. ALTHOTF at BENNETT, Props. 7-PASSENGEB TOURING CARS WITH CAREFUL DRIVERS. MAIN 184. 'A MOTORCTCLES. BTCTCLF.S ii INDIAN twin rootorryele. 1919 model, in good running order, Schebler carburetor; Prsto tank and headlight! good tires; $85. Phone Tabor 1770. or call 1111 Dtrlsion street U6EH MOfORCTCl.Ea OF ALL MAKES EAST BIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. 44 Grand are. Excelsior, Henderson end Cleveland Agency. INDIAN motorcycle. 2 speed. 1914 model; runs well; license; almost ney tirea, Schebler car buretor; only $80. . Phone Tabor 1770, or call 1 1 1 1 Division street. BICYCLE, practically r. Has good tirea. 825. 718 E. Ankeny. Mori taenia car. FOR SAU--One cylinder Harley-Davidsoo, $60. KSO IT 9Ath FOR SALE Good motorcycle with aide car, $175. 4212 48th st. B. E. A 1 1919 EXCEI-SIOR. cheap. Call East 5 LAFKCHES A7IT) BOATS 84 FOR BALE Modern- 5 room houseboat, fur -nbhed or unfurnished: winter's wood, hath and sleeping porch; must sell; leaving city. c"" j'wood 344 5! TWO houseboats, 2 row boats; wood enough for 2 yean, $330. Foot of Vermont sL Take Fulton car. MORRIS canoe, in rood oondition. paddle. sailing on t tit, 2 cushions and laxyback, $t0. Broadway Boat House. 4-hOOM houseboat, modern, $500. Inquire Anderson, loot Nevkda st. DANDY-"; ZVft. lannch, auto steering and sest. Chesp. Eait 112. & PIASOS. OROATfS, MT8ICAL IrTSTRUIK"TS . Si USED TALKING MA(7iINES At prices that will move them quickly. AU in" good condition. Columbia, small i $ 25.00 Victor, small i 3.1.00 Victor, small 50.00 I'nola cabinet and 12 records . 60.00 Music lai id cabinet and 16 records:. . . 60.00 1 lomeMtic cabinet and 12 records 75.no Brunswick rsbinet and 15 records.... 100.no Victroia rabinet 100.00 Columbia K2 cabinet and 11 records.. 115.00 Columbia F2 cabinet and 11 records. . 120.00 j to SI" down. 4 to 87 monthly. SCHWAS PIANO CO , 101 Tenth St.. Cor. Stark. Phone Broadway 1678. Spot Cash Paid For PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS. BOUGHT. BOLD. RENTED. EXCHANGED Newman's Record Exchange MAIN 4495 128 FIRST TABOR 6798. PIANO BARGAINS Ton should see our real bargains in need Pianos. Wa will SAVE YOU MONEY. Terms given. REIFERLING-LITCAS MUSIC CO., 128 4th St. BrtXVuh. and Alder Sts. 8 UPRIGHT SUNOS, $125 TO $200 Fischers. Cables. Emerson. Wellington. Cam eron, New England ; others. You can't do bete ter; easy terms. Brokerage Co., 912 Worcester bids. TRADE your piano on a Victroia and reecrd. Get our proposition. Main 85b6. Seiberlitig- I tires Music Co., 125 4tli at. CASH PAID FOR ALL KINDS PHONOGRAPHS AND HfXOHD3 JTEWMAN. MAIN 4415. TiBOH 7S. EXPRRT player piano tunint. repair, reQnlsh. 254 Market st. Main 0012. Work guaran teed. 8175 BUYS $600" beautiful upright piano; plain walnut case. Terms. $12 W'arceater bldg. KENT a player piano, music Included. Harold 8. Gilbert, 884 lamhiil st. FOR SAT E- Steinway piano, flrstr claaa coodi tlon. Phone Bdwy. 4 24 6. WE pay cash for, pianos, phonograph records. "04 Market st. fcxeosnge of instruments. WANTED To hay piano. Must be bargain for cash. Main 8864, belore a p. m. PIANO for sale, good as new; bargain; must go at once. 802 Montgomery. 80 SELECTED 88-note player rolls for $20. V-''K, Journal. FOR 8ALK- -Aldrich piano, practically new. $250. Call Woodlawn 2821. WHAT have you of eqnal value to excliange for piano courrer Main 3018. COLUMBIA gutter for sale. Woodlawn 4779. PIANO wanted; pay cash. Main 8586. . TYPEWRITER 77 FOR HEN T Typewriter. 84 per month, three months 810; special students rates. Reming ton Typewriter company. 88 Broadway. Phone Broadway 621 ALL makea, told, rented and exchanged. Terms if desired. Send tor retell price. noie sale Typewriter-Co., 821 Washington at., N. W. Cor. 6th. . UNDERWOOD No. 8. good at new. Main 7902. HOl'SEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE 65 COAL ang Wood Range. .. .816 0O wo Cook Steve 16 0O n Oaa Stoves 10.00 us) Cas Water Heaters 9.00 n Floes Overteos. yard ...... .78 ng Kitchen Queen 9 n Kitcben Csbtnets 12.00 m Dining Room Ex ten! on Tav bkea f ee we lnm Room Chair ....... 1.60 o Living Boom Rockers ...... 4.04- an Library Tables 9.00 n Simmon Beds ........... 12.00 09 Cotton Felt Ma Urease 8 00 up teei Springs ............ 6.00 a Coil Springs 8 00 on Dressers B 0ft up POKTLASD rURXlTCRS 1XCUA5GB. 208-910 First St LEFT oat sal, very fin 8200 Grafonola by party am ta KaroD. This tndudea 64 se lections of boat Victroia,. Red Seal and Columbia records; for quick sal all can be had for al mott half nrio and pert of it on easy payments. This la nnasoal chance to get something fine. Call or write phonograph department, Oregon Ellen Mosie Hons. SLIGirTLf marred - in transit bat now re- fihished lik new, ta elegant $150 Victroia type genuine mahogany' phonograph to b sold on tc. K. company a account for 370 cash. This ia a regular windfall; no such offer will ever be msd again; guaranteed. Be phonograph neadqaartera, Oregon Ellen lluae House, ud- stairsjrt aMiington rt., between 4th and 5th. PRIVATE sal Lady't Urg writing desk, round center table, princess dresser, 3 -piece aohd ma hogany, black walnut bedroom suite. 1 piece. asaiai vivj. DRESSER, bed. book case, leather chair, buffet. rwaoing is mp, siteneu table, sewing .ii 8x7 screen door, bird. AVdha. 1880. iaon.v lumiture, practically new - room nonse. Bargain ror qmcrsaie. Phon East 12. iURNlf CRK for saJaTT 'rooms cometeT" 1 most new. Cn Msrshsll 4867. m - n. 1 1 Line oi i room nome, tn urst class con- oiaon. zast 8888. - J 1 CITILD'S whit enamel 'bed. I kitchen table. oerr. ills MAHOGANY library tabl. perfect oondition. Mar. 6680. PARLOR heating stove, for sal. 6221 88th era. B. K. Mt Scott ear. f5R BALE One French vmlnuA badraont net neat van uss, gnun ja. HOrSEHOLTI C.OOTH8. FOR Al.R 9i FOR SALS Furniture oi aa ti-room boUMi; iu dealers. East 2568. MACItrSURT WANTED 1 Iathe,.2 to 82-to. swine;. 1 86 in. eqaare shear. 1 aft-in. folder. 1 36-ta. hand rolL F. W. Rose. 430 EL Harrison. East 8457. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 A BEAUTIFUL mahogany latest 9150 modal Victroia and reoorda that siose cost 860, evarything perfect and Ilka new, owner called abroad, will aacrifie $78 for cash or liberty hoods if esn be sold at once. Come tt once or phone. Main 1128. Oregon Eilere Music House. Washington ex., at 4th. A BP LEND lb Una of imported oQ burning cook stoves and heating apiwraliia 'for me chanical and teoteical ue; alcohol store, some extra neavy boilers m galvanised copper and steel, etc. IrOOOS on display in room 417. Worcester bklg. Main 8978. , BEAUTIFUL oak 8180 Grafonola. left on sale; jut use new; canh or Uberty bonds: sixty-six Victor and Colombia records inclnded. Any offer better than bttt value secures this fine musical QUipmenL Fiy cash or $1S a. month. OREGON EILERS MUSIC HOUSE Independent Printers W tre still doing promptly tprtntin fe leas" at 11 No. 8th st. Con moa wealth kldg. Smith, printers. Rroadway 29-86. e. Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works. 413 Hom- ' aide, comer 10th. Broadway 6674. FURNITURE repaired. UDhoUtered.likenew: nuttressas remade, mirrors rein Ire red fnni. tnre bought, sold and eichenced at Webster's Furniture Repair Ship. 1105 Hawthorns. Tabor W V u . 1 SHOTGUN. 1 RIFT.K j ..0. Smith, 12 jrsuce. leather case, A-l '"" vrincnester rule. 391. automatic anoa pe mint. Main 8744. No dcaWrx. 244 Alder it. . evertssting sgt-ra ration by s leaky roorr Why not a permanent and comfort- .me rooir vs reialr. rubber-bond and Ve Juvenste all kinds of leaky roofs. Work guar anteed. Phone Meln BSflfl FUEL problem solved aith the Standard Eero Sena ens senenitn. fn. Mn.a. beaters and furnaces; no wood, coal or aahsa' 5 days free iriaj; guaranteed indefinitely. Phone Ea.t 6560. 7 Grand ave. N -FOR SALE i wo international time recording rlocks, in kuuu cnnararai- guaranteed : barrain price. PENINSULA LUMBER COMPANY. Phone Columbia 804. CIRCLE EXCHANGE We buy. seil and exchange ladies' and chfl arena riotmng. 4 15 FTeivtoer bids-. 10th and ..uuigxaB. nwny. iao. . HOT'WATER" TANKS Sb-g7L7$740IC$". Teted and guaranteed alova. and !ni. n. Cas beater, installed. Expert plumbing repairing tart Side Welding Shop. 203 Adams st. E. 8516. AUTOMOBILES. MOTORCYCLES.-LAUNCHES or boau are sriiarate classifications. A large listing will be found under these different classi fications. ICKBOX $12. one si 20 Opal wood tester 817. 29 volume Encyclopedia Britannic. NFW SYSTEM NEW OFFICE Honest. cnnscicntiou dentistry. DR. FRED MELL1SH 108 H Frmrth. between Wa.hitAqton sod fit aril. LICENSED indeendene electric isn wires 9 rooms for 312. 5 rooms 920. All new ma terial U'ed and guaranteed to piss inspection. Plione Woodlawn 3791. 300 COrtf-S-wodfor sale. $4 per cord.-or psrfy to take contract hauling same at $2 50 Call at camp, I 14 miles from end of Thurman st. pavement, l mile dirt rosd. $16.50 to $25 S'oa8 Guaranteed We Rent and Repair. ' 172 3d st, near TamhiR Main 1845. Dentistry HA Wlthcnt Pain Latest NerveBlocJking Method. P?h BUS IN ESS C A RDS C fl TIR WS rtOSE CITY PKINTETtT You must bring this ad- 120 5th st WE WASH your rugs at Dome with the Ham llton Beach Carpet washer, sstisfsrtlon guar anteed. Woodlawn 1259 and East 4045. WARRANTED UN ADULTER AT IHTinrT!fV K": iicht. mild, strained. Quart, II llUsliC 80c. quantity, Wa Ea-f 1 4 1 i ATTRACTIVE styles In ladies' slightly worn coats, nits, gowns, hats and furs, 104 7 Thurman st- Mam 9567. LADIES. ATTENTION Slightly used wearing apparel at Vogue Shop, 403 Alisky bldg. Main 3132. BARTLETT pears for sale. 82 per box, all picked; bring sack or boxes. 69th and Division fa. Tabor 380. FOR SALE 1 New Home sewing machine, $25; 1 round disc Columbia phonograph, 98 record.1. 130; 850 for two. 208 N. 22d t- FOR RALE Blue Dimiiuon plum. Fred Merchant. Columbia bird, and Tindall at., nesr Columbia Fuel Co. ELECTRIC irons, appetence, door bells, vacuum cleaners, repaired; fixtures rewired; we all and deliver. Woodiswn 1259 or East 4045. BARTLETT pears-for sale on-trees, $1.60 i - box. Aut 816-12. GEM DOUGHNUT cutter, bargain, must be sold at once. 802 Montgomery. SAFrT Fireproof safe-ih good order. Bargain. 11-120. Journal. SECOND band tents and covers for sl. Tent A Awnlnt. 1 N. lsf at. Padi UNCALLED for tailor-made suiu. $12.50 op. T,TloT- the Tailor. 289 Butmid st fOR SaTe Cash rerinter. safe, adding ma chine. show cse. 43 1st St., near Ash. LADIES new Knox sailor, black, cheap. 8469. GUARANTEED RAT DOPE GET. 'EM 181 11th t. Made here. Bdv. 4388. XaCI'LM cleaners for rent, 61 a day: delivered -ew-where Wdln. 8495. formerly Bdwy. 288. lOK MALE White wicker bavinettl Phone Columbia 23. Cell 236 Mohawk st FOR SALE Box wood $5.50 and block wood $6.50 per load. Wdln. 5904. POTATO sacks, all kinds, bargain orices. Port- isra rnm io., toa rront. near alorrtson. AOt'l'M clesnrrs sold, rented, repaired, ex changed, bought. Ray Bent ley. Main 4 907. PEARS. rltms and sweet cider. S. Hem. 60lh snd Klllingswortb, Wdln. 5072. GAS water heaUrs sold and installed ble. Fs t 4R52. BEST BARTI.ET PEARS 3c. Wdln. 3054. 1. j BRINGING UP FATHER JOVE-fvE MI?tEO THE LAST TRAIN- 4a . rt J A A taA 9 n rV- H rrrtT rvrr jm . ah: mc been tMf-WHAT Av UOT OP MOfHEf - aiEEi l S.OCVTY JtK 4X3- b ? S 6S8L . 4 jtM. T ' , FOR SALE Ml BCEM,AH EOtW 19. FOR SALE Sttrrgia go-cart. $6; gentleman's bicyele, $18. Phons Tabor 7468. - t. S. Cr(JV"lAj3ilTIN8PECTED CANNED MEATS ' On sal Friday and ataturdsy, 9 a. nv to B p. m. Everything mast be closed out by 5 p. m. Saturday cat account of out of thai way store room, which is going to be vacated Monday. LOTS OF CAXLHEA. GOOD BOOKS. . -.. 1 ' I '. IS on. cans Beef Stew and Vagatablea, 20c t can; eaaa lots, $2.04 a dos. 1$ en. cans at w sia Pork Chops. 20c a can; ia case Iota. $2.09 a dos. I ex cans Hamburger Steak and Brown Gravy, 12a n can; cess lots, $1.20 a dbs. Quick Serrios Hot Cake Griddles, 15c; in dozen lots, $1.50 a dos. , Boys' Coat Sweaters. $$.00 to $7.00 kind, choice $2.78. i Large boxes black. Un or whits Shoe Polish, Sc a box. 80s balk of- Wrapping Twine, lfc. Sample 96.00 lists for men. 92.73. Small bora' Cas. old Style. 5c; dosen 30c Soldier Comic Poet Cards. 100. for 25c B5e Knife Bharpansra. 10c. 91.00 gold-plated Pocket Knives. 85c $10.00 J span ess vases. Is res six. $3.00. 40s Whisk Brooms. 20c. 50e bard Clothe Bntafaea, JOo. S0e Urge Tablete, 65 pages, 15c. 25c Egg Beaters, 10c; 100 Shasta Typewriter Paper, $1.25 bos. 60c Lota of Other Items. .209 HILL ST.. BET. 1ST AND FRONT Take "8" car. get off at Mill at., walk 2 Diocae CEDAR CHESTS Direct from factory to your horns. Tennessee and Port Orford cedar; solid copper trimmings, latest designs. Write for catalogue. J. W. HIGGINS A SON 1912-16 18 E. GL1SAN. WE have an almost brand new 8295 Edison laboratory model diamond disc phonograph; are unexpectedly called away tnd must sell this Instrument with 112 very fine selected operatic ami instrumental records all by Kdison; want well-to-do borne willing to invent a couple of hundred dollars in cash or Liberty bonds for wrist cost me over $350; will send on trial, money to be sent later if desired. V-808, Jour nal. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? I CALL NEO LITE ROOFING PRO CESS, MAIN 4907. BEW SEW . SEW SEW PHONE SET.LWOOD 1071 NO AGENTS EMPLOTED Sewtng machines cleaned timed, adjreted. repaired, bought, sold, rented, supplies sndyit tschmeDtv Power end msnufsctnring machines, motors, shsfting and tables tiutaUed Everything n oeedlrs. PHONE SELLWOOD 1071 SEWINO MACHINE EMPORIUM Kew and 2d hand, sold tor less; no stents employed. Complete lin of parts for all makes. Machmea repaired and rented Main 9431. bit WIN Q MACHINE EMPORIUM 1 90 Third, near Taylor eC WE AUVK fOU MOSII House wtriag, righting flx rnras, electrical repairing ena rnea. Third Street Klectria Store. 224 H Tbird street, near Silmcn. Utifa 5059. WH Y DON'T YOU RENT A SHOTGUN OR RIFLE WE BUT. BULL. RENT AND TRADK MAIN 4495.12S FIRST. TABOR 6796. SINGER ELECTRIC-SEWING MACHINES Wa take yont machmea m exchange, balanc cash or easy peymenta. Plione for demonstra tion. Machise rented. Expert repairing, any make MORRISON 8T SINGER STORE. 882 Morrison. Menhsll 721. 20 LATE aropheada; all makes like new. 815 to S5. Lerr variety of good machines, $S to $10. AO th latest new Singers. Cssb ar PsymenU Machines rented. $3 a nuffith. Singer Store fMoosw bkig. ) 193 4th at. Main 6833. WE call and get er veal, hogs and poultry. Beat prima paid. Call Main 7362. Eve rt :ng. Tihor SI "1 . FOR SALE rlmr. i set of ' Rookl of Knowl- edge. 1 Kinney shower sprsy, 1 host form (sis 38). Cell Mala 2786 or 494 narrtscm st. POTATO sacks, tH kinds, tt bargain pricav Portland Fruit Ca, 153 Front at . near Mor- reon. FOR SALE: Rtyll.h lady 'a suit, almost ftew.t six B. hips 40; tep veiour, jacket length. Tabor 88821 POTATOFJ? Burba nk. delivered. $2.60. $3 per sack. Or 50 lb. lota. 831 E. Everett, East 6708. ; fEARS. apples, plums for sale cheap. 89th Sterk. Baee Line road. ML Tabor M.T.-88tb earl to end, 4 blocks north, 1 east, SAFEb New and secondhand; some with burglsr chests, st lessonsbl price. Psciflc Seal A Supply Co.. 48 Front st. Bdwy. 1966. BIG toad of box wood. $5.50. lawn 954 Phone Wood- BY OWNER Desk, chain, bookcase, beat grade; sold separately. Main448. ElGHTanda ofItlian he for $60. Inqulr 3 1 3 Stanton St.. apt. 3 . East 458 9 . ONE smsU aafs, perfect condition, et a bargain. D. C. WAXSl 24. 5th at Bdwy. 2789. EXF.CTRIC reading- lamp fog i Wood lawn 4779. BARTLETT rears, t2 per box: bring your box 7059. cor. 71st and Powell Valley rd. INE Bartlett pear, delivered. $1.75 per box. Fine for canning. Phon East 1615. BARTLETT pears fur sale cheap on trees. 161 jr. 47th st. N. Monte villa ear. BARTLStT ami sricur res. W. S. car, oft at 84th, south to 1024 Holgst tt. FOR SALB ADDING MACHINE. 915. BIS Corbett bklg. Gosrsn teed. Msrshsll 957. ELECTRIC vscunm clesnm in yWrnom, 35o a nig. Call East 160 PEARS Tak eontginers. 208 E. 47th K. No sale Saturday. risit REGISTER. FLOOR CASES And other fixtures. 242 Salmon. Main 542. FOR SALE LawUbrsry of th late J. CTTlim"- mo ns. 907 Wilcox bldg. POOlTtabl for sale, cheapo Call Mar. 3421. (Copyright, 1920, by Intent Service, Inc.) I HOPE WE OlOMT WAKE fOOR WIFE UP- HOOE - JUOOC ' rui BE CLAD TO HAVF fOO TT. j MR. JCC- TOUR HUtVkMD WAj KINO iCNOCKH, ' TO MASC MB.HERE- l-AtiT NWHT OOA' IHr7rVv.a YOU HANEtiOr4ErO,HCrrMetT ttRvW,A V J ALL MXMOrHET A. ii 6 -r-'l S-nAr. MsssnamtesintsMamyssswt AO svWTvrumes Bmtatgwfcea. rf. Z FOR . BAIE MISCELLATEOrS 19 Secondhand Lumber ; ' . roe bale . " List of I .amber: 1x4 ceiling. 1x6 ceiling, plain. ' ' 1x6 aheetinn. 1x13 sheeting, "a. 1HX12, 4 la 14 lohg. 2x4, S to 12 long. , , 3x8. 20 lone - Brick, 810. 7 Launber. 316 to $23. Born Wood. Gliaan, Bet. 11th and 12th Sta. W. IL Olson. Buy, Sell AND UUHANUI cash registers, ehowoaeee. fowBUina. art lea. store Usruras. L BOXER, Mar. 2488 118 2d st. FTJKIf ITTjRE VVAT4TF.P 74 HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED W want your used fumltura, rugs, carpets, stores and eU house hold goods and will pay the highest cash prices. TOP MARKET PRICES . Ws also buy tad aril hardware, tools, sporting goods, -tents, bicycles, "typewriters. adding machines and, store and office furniture. When yon hsve anything to buy, sell or trade CARL MAIN 9072 LEVIN HARDWARE A FURNITURE CO. 251-223-225 Front SL Main 4495, Tabor 6798 128 FIRST SPOT CASH FOR USED FURNITURE Main 887B UNITED FURNITURE STORE. 173 FIRST STREET. Owl Furniture Co. MORRISON We wsnt your used fumltnre. stoves, carpets tnd FREEMAN, WOLLF FURNITURE CO- 200 First St.. B. E- cor nyior. Will Pay You MoreTor ALL KINDS OF-trURNTTTTRK. MAIN 4495 TABOR 6798. East Side 2d Hand Store I -ays highest cash price .for ued household good. 271 RuseelL Fbone riswt nam GOOD price paid fot good fnmitura 622-524 Washington nroanway o WE BUY' used furniture For best retulU phon Automette 217-71 or East 2405. LET ns give yon an estimate on your furniture. Reliable Furniture Co.. 203-205 2d Main 7308 SWAP" 98 WILL take good touring car in on 8 -ton BR WI8ECALL MAIN 8951 T. ID 8. E l 1 W Nt i hu I? , ' We Went' Your Casd Fumitur N Vw BE. SwV SB 8 1 1 N V NEW U. lav She PrW BW la KCU sAsr L. o ' , . 1 i .! ?' 1820 Mack truck, working on all year ''"'"","" x NW Bee. 3 SW NE. tt yno. mating irom Smith. Oregon FOR SALE room house chickens and w thia week. 272 1UU at., or 0664 48d ave. 8 K. FOR EXCHANGE An automobile agency, ex elusive territory; will accept real estate o hotel. Address R-178, Journal NICK gss beater, for tent or lswn mower. Grand ave. East 489.6. 41 NEW TRACTOR with plows for good real es tate. Main 1846. 1295 Hood st, . 25 FOOT launch for what bar you; want fur niture, etc, 'East 112. j WAITED MlSCELLANEOrw 6 3120 to S25 For Second-Hand . SUITS OR OVERCOATS . MXTER THE TAILOR Pays more for clothing and shoes. We calf day or evening, anywhere In the city. Call sis r shsll 19 or 258 Madison st. near Tbird st. UP TO $35.00 FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS We Pay Any Pric for Men's Clothe OREGON CLEANERS A TAILORS 117 2d st.. S. W. Cor. Wsaht Main 8944; WANTED People of Portland to know-that I pay th highest cash pric for second hand household good. No amount too lax a or too small Prompt attention. N. AL SKATER, Phon East 2208. 148 Russell t WE MUST have 500 men's need suits, coats and pants, ail sixes. Call as (or ona or more. W pay rash, from $10 up. A phon call will bring us with cash. 1$7 lit t near Morrison. Mam 788. after 7 p. m. call Wdln. 6201 SAyfC Small 'or madinm aiaed. fireproof safe. WiU nay eaah if prised r aonebss.. R-128. UOI'SE AND ROOF PAINTlNvT; WALLS CLEAN ED.' TABOR 5212. WAN TTTD r-Cord wood; trucking; dlatano from Portland. Call Bradley, East 8660. PEBfO? WANT tn tell ticket 4 'N PEBffOlfAL1 ' St New York at old rate. start by th 18th. 11 Mr. Gardner. Auto. 22430. PRIVATE DETECTIVE Results guaranteed; rates reersonablav. Affinity case a specially. D-T54, Journal. ' -' i MTRTIF. CLARK'S maniciinitg and beauty shoti. 733 Morgan bldg. Mar. 2ftR7. PATIENTS to Use otoat bath with eage or hourly nurxtng- Tskwr 8172. By George McManus AL.EE5 PUT VOOH. CLOTHED HEE WT 1 L. al r-xrci tKl THE VfT ROOM AM 4 ,iOfNC r H W II P" Bnr. ceo , oa, , !, It n Vv See 7. Sil city. or. mono ii. 5?7J; 2 . he. 13. NE'A.NE NW. or trade for machine, equity in 8 hH.Sec. 15. NW bit. and nere; good furniture "J . BE NW. ood: extra Urge garden: must self .8.21. NW NE. S NE. tt GLASSES at a senna. i solicit sent natrons the waaat of rapeble eervie Thousands of satisfied Pa trons, Chan W. lioodaxaa. eptometrlet, 909 Morrison at, Main 9124. WANT to go in with party n" round trig) ticket to New York. I to ae return. Old rate . is good on round trips tlH Tues. night. , Need not us nil Bet, is. Bar 835 eacU war. rnoa Gardiner, Auto. 224-80. ' ' FOR adiptkaw airl between 11 and 14 years: fair, dark eyas, well formed and healthy, or phan preferred. Address H. 8, Bos 122 Sher wood, Or. ' I W ATKINS A RAWHI.ET. medicine agent, send me your adurese and learn something of tn- lerest to you. Aaaresa I . c. V onaersne, sau- wausje. or. DRl GEORGE BUIEnsTEIN. the veteran optician, a . aa expert in fitting ersglaieea. tnd charges so eery restonsbls. Hrokea ienaat quickly duplicated. 22 8 Morrisotr u . $1 GETS both feet-fixed nr. st Dr. F.aton'a the CHIUOPODIST and ARCH SPECIALIST wa decen t hart yea. 8 yr lev. Kxsss. tree Globe Theatre bldg . 11th tnd Wash. Bdwy. 2824. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, wsris removed ij 10 needle method-, trial free. J rout FlnU. 614 Bush Lane bid. Main 6868. LAWYER Consultation free. $$1 Railway Ex- cliang bigg., city. HATHA, violet ray. mte lr Ulna Sonnaen. OS rana ma bldg. Mini . WANTED To. adopt, an infant, good and mntbar'a cars. I B-8I2, Journal. home body massage, violet kay 10 . m u W p. m daily 450 Morgan bldg. Main 7579 I en , Ooajuitation-FHKK. All case LeilWyCr n.ln( bid Main 4998 JfOTICEH 21 NOTICE OF EXCHANGE DEPARTMENT OF THE INTKRIOB United Statea Land Office j Roaeburg, Oregon, July 22, 1930. i Notice ia hereby given that The Oooe Bay Lnmber company, Ryndicst Building. Oehlaad.' Alameda county. California, hae filed tat this of fice their application to select, under th pro visions of the Act of Congress, approved May 81, 1918 (40 Stat.. 598), and the regulations thereunder. sipr,ed July 17. 1918 I circular III, the following lands: - NE14 NE it , NE V. NWV.. SH H. H 2?ii1B,l U See 31. N. W gf H . SW ii Hee. 88. T. 80 8.. H. 9 W, W 6r SZ-J-v! 2K Sec, 5, NH NK14. NH SES4. EH SV'H. See. 11. SK HE Sec 13 SWH Sec IS. E V , SU tiW . 2J? . BE k NE k . SE Bee V5. 5- ?A ".W, Itlt NE. EVt SK aV''?, LoU li 2t 4. 4. 7, SB. S i'u" Jr1.,"? '-8 K Hi NH SW It , Zi 7 ore. jo, i su n , tt. 10 W, ,Ks Mi1,'.li,,yi!i'i ?. H NW. hKla NWk. NW naa. NW fcKli NWW, Nit e 1 lVae!1.1'" HE Sec. 1. iVwl' ?H.81?- E See. 8. I LoU ? hec. $. Lot 1, 2, $, 4, 8, 6. 7. 8.' V, 12. ME. Wli SE Sac. 7 SE W N le u afi' NVV SWlt. tt u. Hit Li M i . Z. u.. J' i SB . N W V MIX' u m Ll am i m' 7. 7." BR. lo W., SW vi NK. w' bee. L N-H BW . S wT Sec"' 2r ?K Z SK S S x' ivu' 5A.'NW' NW ! NW. 8 See. j , -. ; Lota 2. 8. Sec. 11. BE NE. E1415'wlL 1SfJ,.5eLT ?' Lntt a- ? i . SB. E SW. Sea. 19. Lot 12 nee 26 Ktu vu l lik i. T'.JrTT S BE. IU U u n ?o wu lik vuiL s. " H 7 P"! . BW SKIa Sac II 9U. a-L-.I . ..7., T fwWwiu.KMll "- . t. it li - .. LIEU OF cl m. sen. T. 20 S P T w . . nd 4. S N. W. , N j W li' . 1 , 8. W. and S B. Bsc 7- i? a 6. 8. 0. 10 J! ii v ix? L '.!?''.' n. w: riVYii?- "Ti "; H B W ii i2'.E a 11 W, w. Sf: e ;,t hwVs Sea. 24: N W C7 kT Zl T; ' i . , lf-y. kit 6 . See. 86V T JO 8 7. 10 W IkeJ,1 28. T. 2 1 S. . It I , vv! hi S' 2; S. W. ' N. IV. N. n l l'VU. r 1 - . W Vi Vi at ii iww. a. w ? w. . Bee 15: aU new. la at E. N B VV. . c. m . B - av. a ai wr a. a "i. nee. ; SU Sea. 6; W. T v " a3 STr rAt'-' f'.'u' tu Bsc so B. vr. i. oee. iz x, ST B.. K. 10 VV W ta. 5T- 14i Pi ji "O 82 . w" 8 lots 8 and 4. Boo.: 24. T. 27 B., R 11 W J SU Sec. 16. W. Bee, 20: K. H. L H U Bee. 10; 8, Vt N. fc. . lot. 2 9 4 .: . o. it , see, it : n. w. 74. K. , Bee.: 2ij lot 1. 5, 0. f. 8 . 12. 1 . 24; M H. N. 4 V E. si' 26. T 29 R. 11 W.; 8. W. 9. W. . Bee ; k. tt.' W. , B. S- E. , Sec 6; N N. E. i N ik K. W. ,S. fc S. E. k VV. . N. E. A K. . A B. E. , bee. 8r ail Hec 16; N. W. . M. VV7. A W. Bee. ! 17; N. H. W. Bee. 20; N. , 8. W.I, Sm. gl; 6. W, M. W. .Bee. 28. T. 81 It. 18 W., Will. Mer - Any and aU persona rieimm adverasly Hh lands described or desiring to object because of the mineral character of tb land, dor any wllstr reason, te th disposal to th D4lcatt should fil their affidavits of pretest tn this of fice without delay, and Mi any event within tli period of poblicauoa. which terminate th 21th 'day Of September. 1920. W. It CAXu.V - ' I Restate. Fir-t day of pmbHcarWm, Aug. 21, 1920 Leet day of publication, Sept 25th, 1926. TilSTRirf-Snvfia" JK0T1CB IS HKUEBI GIV4C3I Thai sesled rfr2po,' "'U b received nntU th 20tb day of Hewber. A. U. 190. st ti.e hour of o'clock tn the stteroooo, for tb purchase of Two Hun dred Thousand. Dollars (9200,000) ; worth of bonds of th UngeU TglUy IrrigtUon ihstrtef of KUraath County, Oregon. Said bond to drsw Interest at th rht of 6 pr cent pee annum. Parable eemi-anwwally up th 1st day ef July and the let day of January af each year nam! tb maturity of said bonds. - ' 1 Saidi proposal will be received by th bond ef dire tors of said Irritation District snd should be directed t the secretary of Ui. LangeR Valley Irrl ration District, care of Ferguson. g'ie:eber A Miffhn. Mo. 10 Loo mis Balding. hUamsth Falls. Oregon. ... -i Tb board of dlrsvtort reserves (b right to r lct but or aU bids altered. - A I.. WISHABD. . Secretary of the Board of Direotore of Langall Valley Irrigation Inatrjct. -. WOTICB OF'PCBLICr UEARlSd " "' - Ang. 26. 1920. Notic U hereby given that th Indus trial . Wei far CommiMwa of the Stat of Oregon will hold a public hearing on Fridsy, Sept. 34, 1920, at 3 p. m., in the offices ef th Cosnmtanon. 046-049 CourtoOiue, on tit rarommendstions which have been mad to tli commission by the conference called to conrider th hours of Woman Ticket Clerk in Railroad BerWe in Oregon. ' ' INDUSTliiAU WEI.FARE COMMISSION , OF OkEGON, . . , Millie U. Truinbtill, ttac'y.j ( 1 AitN'i. 41 8 -aledtrorieels wi.i be tt st office of General Purchasing A rent, A . fn I iiecnng t'ommtssion, 422 Bell htreef '1 errii ii.l, ScatLie. Wah.. not later thsn 1 1 1 'I a in hent-mber JO, lftjO, for fnrriialnns nmk ar. i ncs and l'trw fitting Copies of thia i".r-u. l-r n iv be rt twined uin- snii.i atlen st this cf. I t .-ksn Lncinmig niuuiion, F. 1 1 i ruling, l'ortlsn'i. Or., and Aia-j.rj 1 '. -ill? . ouuni-i''U. B07 'nttoms hou, ci.n I I ' 1'. IkIa. f.ut.ral tbE W Sac t 1 n A u.. e aitvu aiuVj o I va.es. M -ns A 99 a O rT 1 C Bb 1A . e.TSS AKa V W, DKU Mia. ? Seo. IS 8E 8WH Bee. 17, Tot 4. IwL NE. NE NW. 8W. NEU Sir ij. uu. uk-u u.. vi ! 2 I-8JF Sk. neVvw; Set 5i; In A E la. VA.' l. V UL t u im; i, u a 7. I, a... a swu See: ai Zu.-" vsi- 'faa sc-sswiskinn-ygk..wBl'K O W m . V 8. 4, Sat See. 1, N NK . stv u v a- li si?-."- A.K8sVnvK' Yii L.S.'sEViL- lK" "Yj. sy.J 34. T. f 1 S., R, 9 W : w Vk "f T. 22 8u. r. 7 wT?n" K tf it'wa i' t. . H. E. S. W. x. i t i xi 82. T. 22 S.. H. iVj lots 11 12 18 7dT wu ' 8"S4;j2.t.A rndueir. Ba.l6 J 5. J4' lot 5. . J, hen. t T. 22 ... 0 W.J lots 6 and S, Bee, 6; W. u K. U K H f. . Sec, 3l. T 2J; BL 9 w"f U Sec 6: B. E. la. Hm. in. n u. w Tw , 1" t KDT1CB 01" VKETINO OF COUNTT BOARD .1, Olf KgUALLZATlON I Notice Ig herehy given that on Monday, Sen. ' tenirjer 13, 1920. the Board of Equalisation ef Multnomah County will attend at th nffte. of I tli County Assessor, at th Court Bous In Portland, and publicly examine fh ian am rolls tor th year 1920. and correct all errora tn' VSlUSttoO. deHCriptkm Or Otialitisa of landa. inla 1 r othr property, tssessed by th County As Seeaot And It ahall b th duty of person in terested to appear at the thn and plan ap pointed. - If it ahall appear to awh Board of liqualiaatioa that there are any lands or lot r wtner propeny aaseaaaa twice, or Incorrectly as sessed a to description or qusntlty, and in tb nam of a person or persone not the -owner thereof, or assessed under or heyoad th actual , aaah vslu thereof, said board may make proper correct on or tb ssme. If It shall sptwsr t such bosrd that any -land, hits or other property saaeaaable by the assessor are not ameAsed, each I hoard Shall assess th tains st th fall rh taiu thereof. HENRY E. HERD, mf (vmnty Portland. Or.. Ang. . 1820. CIRCULAR WO. 447 Sealed tropoaall ul hf ' received at nine or General Purchasing Agent, Alaskan Engineering Commission. 422 BeQ Ntreet Ternunsl. Heattle. Wash., not later than 11:00 at m., rieptember 9, 1920, for furnishing Rxnlo. aires. Blasting Cans and Fuse, Gsenlin and.Ker. beene and Minora' Carbide. Coniea ef thia dr. cnlar may be obtained upon aiailtcation at this? nfflee, from Alaskan Knrineerini 4 -ommtaalon. 80 1 i Paatoffice Buildin, pnrtland. Or., and Alaekanl. Engineering Commission, 807 Customs house, Senf Francisco, Cal" C. K. Dol. General Purchasing'' Agent. . , i SSIORAL AMD BUSINESS DIRECTORY BABDIR8' tusLirn lE.WIS STENGEH" Barber" Buprfy" Co" " 1 01 h nA klorrison sts. The -ulece to buy barber elislr tnd enptillrs. Stock of furniture always on hand at right price. . T; T ' BLArilC BOOK M8K8R6 ' I mavis a holm an7l CI i o 9" irZTVSXk i book manufacturers. A 81K8. Main 188. . BOOH 6 1 NEW AND USED BOOKS: A I ,L RC Bi ECTS JOHNSON'S BOORT KTiiliK 248 Msin St., Bet 2d snd 8L OAT Its una' unaaivn llORE CITYTETERINART H08PITALT4T i. mi it., ror. t.rint. y.ait 1847. BI963. OARPKT CLE ANIN4 Carpet Cleaning zing and Refittimr s Fluff and .Rap; Rugs WOVEN ALL Hr.KH WRITE OR CAIJ. POHTXjl.S'n ntin n 1672 K. 17th St. Sellwood 8654 mm It 7ir?rrs m. v-"a ir-i,jiril- KUUo From Qld Carpdts Rsg Rugs. sR Slsee Mail Order PromrA . . '''"d ''k)etv 9tl2 Rug,. j7Blr-4. 81.60. . 84 86 Union Ave. N. Esst Jt516. East 7686.' 0CMINT WORK ALL classes cement work. . genersl buildin repair werk. lis tea reaiMin.hle Pboo. gjl.yp CN181OPRA0TOB9 fc"?o.,l KVTTlkMcMAiltYNr Portland: 100 chiropractor; kith year making ad. Imtment enjoyable, beneficial and curative. J.rlfli Prno0a7 '"" ; reasonable. w"v. ei aa:ustmeliu gift; no eamow- aurise your irlrnda 1 Ladles' and men's rooms. Portland nlinnea 1 f' r' tV '" ' " iltosigss rillROPRACTOH Maclc, bldg., 4th ' tnd Washington: sdv attend. nl a.ir,,i7.a w ClifnOPRACTlC. ate.m"Uti.r ,nd maiisiTlinu I. ,,. . ir DK,' "srthsll 8187. Dr. Laurs K. Downing. DR MM"AU6Ni'V7hirMpTtrto,.,Po throngs ironounce trestment best. COAL AND WOOD - BOXWOOD "" WiVtf imm11!'', b7 ""ulio" Wood Cn.. 1261 Macadam. Phone Main 4178. v .0'0I,, INC1I SLAB WOOE 6460 a load, delivered snrwher.j aurtly a bargain. i$n mft j, nSo. Bc""d?IbwoodY aScTboxiood. ""Speeial pric In 2 load, lots Wdln. 4102? BLOCKW(K)irnd elsbwood ,tiJ in"'3-lii7J ' t2'Hiclal jTicea. ICaet 2041. ' Fuel Co.. 967 E. Burnaida. COI.ILI0TIOH8 ' NETHXT'oTTvrcVirte, brdr-lf7uTT796--R; collectlone, no charge. Eatabllshed 1900. OIHTI6T6 LJ'CIlwldt.ry 851 Washington Without Pain. Latest Mart Blocking Method. C0U0ATIONAL o9jomo" THE lisnce Stmliiv, A0 D. kom bidg., Waging. Ion tt 9d; strictly privst tesslotw; half hour TLnfL'.VT""" 7Mr' l"t enecislly Prioed. -IUy 9:80 s. m. to 9 p. m. Miss Ireland MISS DOROTHT-" iUSMU88ENpTlvateT3i; ,.on" I" bll room and atag dgncjni. Studio, 10 Eller building. Wssblngton street, betweaa 4thsnd 6th. Phone Msin 1128. V TTfenKECKriTTiincine Academy. ' pel rat a mC. day. eeenlng: latest steps less shown. 139 4th st Msin 8818. Mrs. Summers. SrMMrfRS' Ianclng"Academy. pHvatassong i.l" 51? Vn,B' ttop to Jaaa shown. 85 8th. Bdwy. 8590. Cks. ba yiT. ibstenrnidi day and evening. Main 1948 "Privet MUSI0J0HOOLS AND) T9ACMIB8 ttRS. J. "M. IXlVEJ0T7"lnsinicWlfpop1Shir' rarttrn and clsaalc -Tabor 861 6. . tlflf-fN, Piano Instruction. Alf stringed insus menu. Kol Ken beck, T0Q Ysmlilll, ETcTb ; rolITDa V 1 teacher of vole and piaa. 148 13th at Broadway 2585. , MAT CL8AN8B8 AND OVCBB ' WATkfwL4dfeeT know ws rau clean your white Milan or crefw bat 528 Division. OPTOMITRI9T8 AND 0PTI0IAN8 - r"EYEeT 8rfNYiFTCiTXxnriSTTD Itn modern Instruments; ilisns Ss" fitted from 83.60 un. A. K. HURW1TZ. Optonwlrtst. 229 1st t PBINTB THE great roof restorer and preserver te the -ceiebtaied WEBFfMrT ROOF PAINT ? Although eery few priced tber I non kwftee. Agents wanted in every town and eSty tn Ore gon, Wsahlngton,. Idaho god Noribern Jahfornss. Portland stents: , K A IL Uoof Palntera, Tihor 7$A ' Nickel A Han km. Tabor 769 . . Mu"d pali A Patot Co. - Atom woodmV Trltg. toofar. ; in litMTrJb' 1 "tWled existomera. 2raT,iKCUI",t V0 Boardof Trade Bid: Main 671. c lies. Mem 6644! AINflNO, TIWTIWO, PA8IM10lrv"o PAIN TLN7T s nd kslsnmrnlngv lisidTorouts'lo . WOTt u koVm rour "tnt. Onntrsct at lnsrns hi rp. Wdht. 5854. J' Ji-lrr0!i p,int,n- PMav17uj7Trn7inB7rT.vi . 17th at. Broadway 4414. Woodlawn 3126 Fi IN TIN' a tut tiadu .' ttMbT' Wdln. t A V, 9TEB1T ATTORNS T - " ' GOLDBERG, (l20V;t,rbid!TJsTn'lT.lX fBltlTIWO; CNOstAVIMa. BIN DIMS Print irifrr- w- baLtes a coTTi. rXlsSl.ing.od otk, Mai 198. 31. 95. tHin"RWl5T5NcOM PiS t " ' " ' 887 Washingtfn. Broedway 434, .A-196. PLUMBIWO AND STEAM 6Utl66 PLUMBING ' Work don quickly snd efflciewBy-at ressrm. able ' prices; new lusta llatione aijaiarty; work, eiaruhip. guaranteed. . fkon East 19J4. lt RuawU st, ' . : ' . ' . VETiKO METAL W0B1C8. . FnTTTf M"rsTrpLiFAf ww.Lr .ui. PRICKS. STARK-DAVlB CO., 188 4ihst. THE-M.irKL!XK CO.T 94:6 67f9 Front sc " .TNAN6FIN AND 6T0BA0E : Oregon Transfer Co. 4 , K0T1CES Kstbllrea I - ( o - i'.. - ' Transfer snd F"nareing Agent . , '. .i STORAGE imJi TKACKAGB - f Office nd Moreee. 474 GUean .... JSth and c;hin. Bresiiwsy 1981. - A-1169. Ilwa v 'iTT'R K-th iTBli Uot'SEu6TJ6 GOO I'd hl'ECULlT toraev pea king shin. ping snd moving; bur end auto vane; siMuiaJ M,2 O. ,IicTBA3IBre- AS STORAGE CO. 2d and Pine Sts. Breadwsy 694 A-1B96. "Storage and Transfer , . Clay--Sw'Morge, '.Inc. N . 12TU AND GLISAN. BROADWAY 3470' T-i'-T i-ltElCRT HATES On household goods anirrd eaet and soul h. Itnnrung Wsre'. iiiee A Iraoafeg Cca. ,8ln ajd livyUA'buu liioedwajr , - , j, . 1 '