; WEDNESDAY, ; SEPTEMBER. 1.1920. A - THE' OREGON DAILY, JOURNAL. PORTLAND, OREGON 10 . I J: HE AT, ESTATE .-' A A"-' ;'- -r ' 1 b & n ." T T T T ' ' ii it u. . -A Af now now BOSK CITI FABK ' mil Mil oa straight contract, no rnoTtgege 4s imih. Oa trmunl ol financial difficulties. we have had tamed over to aa aew karnesa which. will be reedy ta mpT In a Very fW days one. an attractive bungalow et. 14130; eiwtjso adjoining at 66150; one ie-oa the arm tad bat aa attic; both places ba breakfast anoka and cement baeeusenta. : Beraem : er these terms almoet lika rent. If J1 went to aaa them, please do net phone, but com Inta the off tea u salesmen will take yoa out. I'rtfla includes elect rie flxtar aresT aad window J, U. HARTMAN CO.. Chamber at Commerce bids, Mala 201. B A A R B B T T T T M VI M M . 1 ! ! KENTON ' $3200 On Minnesota ave. in the Kenton district, double constructed modern bungalow cf 5 fmme on lot 60il 1 1, elose to ear and grade erhoot, walking distance to Jefferson blah school, which la only If blacks away, cement basement, millt-in nutlet, Dutch katrhen, bait of plumbing. This la aa ex ceedingly food boy. Vary eaay tanas. Blhr-Carey Company CABET-SAYHioK COMPANT. . . MALN 7487. 1 ; f itVWlfoN' lo66 InnvS HKAUTirUL BIJNOAIXIW Thai bungalow la haauUfnlly new and clean. It was built leas than 3 years ago. The lirliif and! dining moms are finite large for thii type of Ihotae. There are haniwood floors In main rooms, fireplace, built-in btifr.t, 1 bedroom. 1 glaaaed-ln alaeping porch. Dutcli kitchrn. break faat nook, fall basrraant. furnace heat, wash trays, fine (arege; all rooms are beauUfully fin tsbed In irory. Twi ll be surprised to Warn the price 4 70. Thla is your opportunity. J I you are wise you'll see this today. . v Comte & Kohlman V. H880. gOW Chamber Commerce Bldg. ' llOBJC CITY II Kf.OW THE luXEJ . ttdftO $406 CASH r., doable eonstd.,. brand new, firepl, bd. wd. firs., cement beat, SOilOO, pared ata., I bike. ear. Owner inrolved; must aelL Main "o. c. qoldenberq Ablnfti.n bldg. "SS Trs. In l'nrtland." FOR HAI.E LOTH' It II A A nun T T T T M M M A A .N ; niVKST NOW EXPENSE CPTTER $0 DOWN. BALANCE EAST TEKM3 , 1700 PER ACRE FARKU08E NEW TBACT ' i V Plant berrlei on thla fine silt land; nearly t acres, and most all ready to be plowed; cor ner tract on Richardson road: thia land is located in the new diking and drainage dis trict, wonderful soil and only abort distance to city; just outside city limits, wbara tba taxes are low. . PARK ROSE BRANCH OITICE. At Eod of -Parkroee Carliae. V J. L.' nARTMAN CO. 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. Main 208. H A A B R R T T T T M M M A A N ' H . A A R It R T T T T M M M A A " " . N 2 ACRES $1271 -.. FARKROSE $68 down. $18 month. Interest Included at A i faring on a fine stream; high level ground; a beautiful grove of trees on creek bank ash, oak. enttoawood; rich ailt land which ahould more than make your yaymenta In garden truck and berries; low taxes; no street improvements to pay; plenty of fire wood. Build a little borne bare no restrictions. 1 J. It. HABTMAN CO. S Chamber' of Commerce bldg.; 4 to and Stark ata Branch Office: End of Parkroee Carline. v Mala 308. AHA , . tt B B . . i T T T T II U 11' A A .... ,14 , ATTENTION, BUILDERS ' t have 49 Wrw lots ta one body within 2 H atiles 1mm Ccnnbeuaav Moderate priced houses , en thia property esn be sold aa fast aa com pleted or it coo Id be cut into two or three beautiful homeattea. Owner can't finance and must sell. Bee owner, poena Woodlesra 2975. n. 81180 SSD AND TAMTTTl.t, ! Ovrty $30 down and $12.50' monthly; easy walking distance to West Side; all improvements ia and paid; lay fine, 2 blka. rar aad only A aua. nae to west Okie, owner, Mala ai. LOT. tOalAO. on 17th. near Alnsworth. "aV kerta district, faeine Mil VUI sail ess aaure terras. For further toformatiea call Mr. Gaetaff at Hdwy. 8849. J- LOTS $300 to MOO; located between 43d an 43th on Division at. ; easy - terms. , , Owner. r. n. ascsianon, nil 3SU1 are. B. E city. FINIO bldg. lot, Clinton Bear 4 3d. 8800: Lib erty awnds or terms. -J. U. Mahaa. 2006 fy. vl. . 1 SOOT D3BI, CORNER lot 1 blockT77.u car,. $400.. eda Tsii irii ierpy. ACRE AGR $7 . South of Hillsboro SS aerea, gnnq anil, all raa be eultlvated; 10 aerea under eultivaUoa; aaaall ereeh and spring: mile to eebooi. W mil dirt road; 200 bear ing fruit trees : 8 room beuaa. ham, ehickea house. Price $2800 $800 rash. - Jersey cow and 60 chk-kens included; might eonsider small .roruana . nouse. " John Ferguson ' GerUnger Bldg. . - 1 $to down. $ioM6!cTrrtT Splendid H acre tracts, about ol a sane I from electrie station, 2.1 min. ride from busi. i neaa ceatar. Price $410 each. We only have seven' or tight of these, go yoa wUl have ts ' nurry. 12 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. TWO ACBES lOWKTle VaXLET BOAD tor aioo -- .. ' Covered with Beautiful grove of fir trees, dose te good school, gaa and electricity available, $1Z5 down, easy terms on balance. v R. IL CON FRET . , .: : RTTTEIt. UiWB m CO. ' I . i 501-$-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. ' ' Mi ACRE. GOOD 8 B. SHACK Ord 81800 for a beautiful, full acre with comfortable 8 f. dwelling, just outside city ho its; baa goad chicken house and broader: also crest variety fruit and berries; loU of garden stuff,' Take 6500 as tint par mere R. r. FF.EMSTER, 411 Ahmgemt bldg. l'Sc''OtTTow lUT'vxnxTlB.GSb L- . ... FOB $T00 lias level covered with beautiful grave , fir trees; $200 cash, balance easy Urmia. , , ;. - . B. H. CON FRET 1 ; BITTER. LOWE A CO. ' : S01-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg... REAL- ESTATE ACREAGE -11! H . (J1 A A B B B T T' T T M M M A A . Jf VKW PABKBOSE TBACT JUST OPENED . ONLY !20 DOWN ALMOST 8 ACRES $700 par eere: about H cleared, balance baaatifulty timbcrad with ash, oak and cotton wood traaa wbicb border aa the drainage renal: nch silt soil, and among the traaa jut lika a littkt park; this would alaa injure one fuel wood for some Una to coma. - PABKROSK BRANCH OFFICE. At End of 1'arkroee Car line. J. L. HARTMAN CO. Chamber of Commerce bide-. Mala 208. H A A . B B B T T T T MUM A A N i ACHES JfST OVV rOWEI.L VAIXET KD. Three alias rait of city limits, moat of it ,.r- aa. nhmve and elccUictty STaillDle $1400. fSOO caab, tarns oa balance, tba place to start that cbfc-ken raacb. 1L H. CONF-HET RITTEll. LOWE A CO. 301-S-B-7 Board of Trade Bldl Just 8FBCRBA5 HOMES It ONBJ ACRE SCBCRBAN HOME Strictly modern 7 room house, large rooms, flrrptace, living room, dining room paneled. Iutrh kitchen, built-Ins. finished in white enamel, bath and toilet, hot and cold water, gas. electricity. pl-one. large basement, with furnace; house about 4 yean old and in Al condition, garage, cniraen houie, fruit tfvea aod garden, on macadamised mad. does to school and hard aurfaee road. A splendid place for a professional or business man; 10800, 13500 cash. K. 1U CON FRET BITTER, LOWE A CO. 201-8-6-7 Hoard of Trade bldg. Strictly Modern Bungalow fleer H acres of land with modern & room bongalow, room for '2 rooms In attic, fireplace, furnace, good plumbing and light futures, fall basement, wash trays, good garage, fine fruit. near school and electric ttauon. 30 minutes ride oat sandy road or Columbia highway. Uood reason for offering at $3500. H. P. OSBI RN, nio McKay Bldg. Near Beaverton, Oregon 5 acres, good land, all can be eultiTated. 3 acres under cultlration; woren wire fencing, or chard, 4 -room bungalow, ready for lath and plas ter, flood- barn, chicken house and other build ings, lie commutation -fare, 30 mioutea out. 2 earllnes: price $2850, $930 cash. , Personally inspected; photo at office. John Ferguson Gerllnger bldg. NEAR SANDY ROAD 10 acres .all in cultivation but email grove, very beet of land and very sightly, fine liern, fair bouse, nnly 10 minutes' drive from city limits. $0000. easy terms. 6 aerea west of Fairriew, mat electric sta tion, fine land, partly In cultivation, balance nice grove. $2000 B. P. OSRfRN, 610 McKay bldg riTK acres en rising ground, splendid view of city and mountains; land gently sloping. Well, fruit and fine grove of trees. Price $4500. Write owner, Milwaukie. Or., It. 1. Box 105. 2 ACRES 5 ROOM MODERN HOUSE AT GARDEN HOME Hot and cold water, gas snd electricity, bath and toilet, email bam and chicken house, fruit trees, perries and grapes; for quick aale $4250. R. H. CON PREY BITTER. IvOWE It CO. 201-8-8-7 Board of Trade bldg BY OWNER. 1 1-3 acres of rich garden land. 5 room double constructed house snd base ment and chicken houses to accommodate 4 (to layers. Also small barn and some fruit. tin rock road, 3 blocks from Rraverton highway and Ahe station, on 8. P. Electric. Paul Dudley. 2 ACRES, all in cultivation, good bldga.. close fn; good roads, crops and loo chickens 31800, $500 cash, balance to suit. Wilbur F. Jouno, Henry bldg. A SACRIFICE for quick sale, 2 acres fins land modern house: 0 blocks south of lluber. Set owner an place. J. A. Darts, Huber. Or. FOR SALE FARMS 17 s STOCK AND TOOLS All level, good anil, 30 acres In cult., mora not hard to clear: 7 room house, bam and ont houses; some fruit, good water, team. 4 rows. hoga, chickens, all farm tools, all grain, 7 aerea spuds. Thla ia 0 milea of Canby, Or. : 2 milea of carline, on main road; cream route, daily malL Pries for all ia $8000; $3000 down, bal. long time at 0 nar cent. This ia fine anud and clover land. Price is right the way land ia aauiog au around it. E. P. ELLIOTT ft RON 7th and Main sts., Oregon City. Or. DAIRT RANCH. EQtTIPFKD ON PACIFIC HIGHWAY H mile from Woodland, Waah. ; 70 acres, all fenced; 50 acres level bottom land; 80 acres in cultivation; 6 room house, bath and toilet; water piped t' house; bam 70 x90 feet; outbuildings, orchard, crop, atock and equipment Price $10,500. with cash $4500; balance 10. years at 6 per rent. Aa exceptional bay.) Might consider Fort land property to- $4000. A. W. Estes 05 Chamber of Commerce, Auto. 514-63. STOCK sAND TOOLS All ia cnlt. but 2 acres that is in nice tim ber; fine living water piped to house and barn and outnousee; au Kinds oi l run; barn, house 6 rooms, all outhouses; place fully stocked and ernpned: 1 mile of boat landing and carline: 1 mile of Wllaooville, on Oregon Electric line; a real farm, price $18,000 ; $10,000 down, bal. kmc time. K. P. ELLIOTT BON 7th and Main its., Oregon City. Or. , ONLT $15 PEB ACRB 40 ACBES CLEABED 80 acres cut-over, but tillable "when cleared; land Ilea well; room house, fair bam. well, 2 spring". . bearing orchard, baataee of laard cut over, goad pasture, sU deep rich soil; mile from good gravel road: 14 miles east of Castle rock and' 6 . miles east of SUrer Lake, Wash., $900 Y A. W. Estes 08 Chamber of Commerce. Auto (14-63. i . ' . Small Dairy Ranch an 0 aVraaa VaaaaaAaaaai 4 am gTlas 9 aaaaam awuaasa4-sa Oavmargaaa fine black aoil; 60 acres can be cultivated, 10 svsrea under, cuHlvatioB. 1 acre of fine orchard: sw Baruas, wild plumbing; spring water piped to STitTi Sarn, chirksa boaae. hoc house. Price 840O0. with 4. good eows, chicks na. bone, cream aeparator, good line ol machinery and aosae tur- ?"; 100 cash, Thia la only 2 blocks '7 ..""r0" etatiori; line creek through the aTe-e. erarwav a-a lamt M FT . ' . John Ferguson. J v CernngeT Bldg. . -.so Arms t,ofnvpKt . ...'. $80 PEB ACRK ' 4-wiUee from Woodland, Waah.: 28 aerea la cultivation, family err hard. 8 room bouse bam, $0x50 1 Vs mile loi school; welU spring, aaower. Take, plows, harrow, rroi tlvasor, separator aad many other farm . tnnU, .including , aome houaehold : goods. $2600 cash, . . .v" A.'W. Estes'':"- I0S Chamber at Comansrca. Auto, 614-63. 83 ACRES COLUMBIA liiGHWAT 88 aerea located xteear Cot higharar. 28 a. ander plow, fin road,. 4 room house, ban SOs 40. 3 hnrsea, 1 cowa. 2 Pira. 10 a, oats, 1 a. arasda. hay, farming equipment; everything only lu.uuo, aaaou eaati. - , , .,- - F. U EDDT, ' , .. v.-.,.-- BTTTEB. LOWB at CO.. 20 1-8-6-7 Board of Trade bl.lg. 40 xtRfA. GkESHAM ' JL. ' 40 aerea. srlth XT a. under plow, fam:' arc hard. 9 room bouse, plastered, hot and coki water, large earn, garage, milk house, chicken house; this ia only 4 mile to depot, on travel roeu. .i-nce giz.vou.- P. L. EDDY. BrfTEB. liOWK s CO..' v 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade blilg. ONE of the best ISO-ecse farms iu Washingtoa county lor aaja or aeaae. U-3T4, Journal. 4" BE ATi ESTATE OB SALE- IT ARM 8 17 BEAVERf ON REALTY :OFFERIIgS So acres at Terr reasonable ptW t nfa ttnm Bearanoa and Hillseoro, close to rocked roada; one of the beat farma In Waahingtoa county. It rem are from Miaiouxi. I wtU show yon. 20 aerea In town, eouippedv wKb atock and lmulamcnu Sufficient to aaooeaofaUy nm the farm. tan be aw recia ted by soeong it acOy. Cnew and aeel NO. 12 . 11-10 or IS acres In town, eoeoe cash, roaaon abla terms; let me UU yoa ail about it lO1 2 mUee ' from Hillsboro; good house, ail clear; a great bargain. ... -NO. 14 20 aerea, 2H miles from Beaeertoa. H mile from school and rocked road, all clear bat S aerea which ki In pasture. This is a real anap; no lima to lose; 11 intereated ask for partieaiars now. NO. 15 , 17 aerea, K mile from BeaTorton, oa tho pared road to Portland, all clear and in euiu Tsxion. Home cash, balance easy terms. ' It will rot yon only 2c to find out all vm want to know about this rare chance. v NO. 16 10 acres. 1 mile from Bearerton, 2 urn cleared, balance slashing and timber; easy terms on contract. NO. 17 4 room bonse. In good condition; lot 86x125. on pared atreet. $1230. Va cash. beL terms to make sure. Call at once, i E. E. SWENS0N The Realtor. of Beayerton DAIRY FABM. FTLLT STOCKED AND Eg LIPPED 50 acres of tlif; beat loam soil, 40 aerea in high state of cultivation, all fenced and croaa fenced; excellent water; 8 acres of Dearerdam land; 200 bearing Italian prunes, large family orchard of assorted fruit in full bearing ; good V room house; good dairy bam, fully equipped with modern eroreiueaees, chicken house and park, hog house and lot, including 8 good work hones, 6 fine dairy cows. 2 heifers, brood sow. mower. rake, tedder, disc, drill, 2 plows, harrow, spring tooth, disc, 2 cultivators, potato digger, aeparator, 30 tons of hay in barn, 150 bushels of oats, 60 bushels of retch, 8 sense, of potatoas, 1 H acres corn; only 5 milea from Vaneoarer. on good auto road; short distance from pavement; close to school, and railroad station, 2 milea from electric carline. In a thickly settled and highly Improved community with all rural advantagea. on etage by the door. Price $14,000. half cash. THOMPSON. SWAN IJ!E. Ad and Main. Vancouver, Wash. 160 ACBES, not away back in woods or in desert east of mountains: only 2 hours from Portland and close to good town, with 13 daily .'passenger trains and Pacific highway-; good soil. at least practically level; about 14 in culti vation; 40 more ready to plow. Could easily have 60 acres In cultivation Ty next spring. Rig trout stresm. unlimited water power; estimated 1.O00.OO0 feet big fir. all oa one 40; surround ed by improved places on 8 sides andbacka up against mountains on fourth aide; affords unlim ited free outrange forever; family orchard: no buildinga, all burned down; plenty logs just right siae for buildings. Can lease 200 aerea open pasture land adjoining. Price, including good house In town near th land, A rooms, city water, electric lights, trait, lot 40x100, team, harness, new wagon, hay. soma farm machinery, all for $40 per acre; $1400 cash, halsnce 10 years Good title, warranty dead and abstract. Box 07, Castlrrock. Wash. 64 ACMES MOLALLA All level, fine bottom land, 37 in cult., more not hard to clear; place joins fine trout stream; fine spring water; sandy and black bottom land, will raise fine corn, clover, wheat, oats, potatoes, in fact anything you plant; good 7 room house, rood barn, hog house, chicken bouse, wood bouse, corn crib, machine shed, fruit, good well at House. I'lace ia . mues ot town of Molalla; good high school, bank, store, carline in fact, a real town, on good road. No nicer places to live than Molalla. This is a fine little home. Only $7800. H cash. A real farm. E. P. ELLIOTT A SlrN 7 th and Main sts., Oregon City, Or. 40 ACRES NEAR WOODLAND 14 aerea bottom land in cultivation, bal ance rolling, but fine land; fair house, good barn, cement basement, family orchard, fins spring, water can be piped to house; team, wagon and harness; 1 milea to Woodland. $4 500; $1500 cash, balance 9 yean at 6 per cenL A. W. Estes 905 Chamber of Commerce. Auto 614-63. THREE greenhouses, 6 acres, all in high state oi cultivation. v Ocoi residence. 7 rooma. bath and toilet. city water, bam anl chicken bouses, .cow, flock of chickens. Greenhouses snd lsnd all in croc,. This Is a splendid proposition for one or two men who nnderBtanO. the business. This Is ia edge of Bearerton As I do not occupy thia place my self and do not care to rent it. I will sell for 1 2.000 ; liberal terms and- immedaata aion. W. E. PEGG, Owner, Beaverton, Or. 14 HECTIOV. $300 CASH 5 H milea northeast Washougal, small house 8 or 10 seres, partially cleared, more than half tillable, fine soil, wster on each 40 acres, fine trout stream. Considerable tim ber. Good road and near neighbors, $15 per acre. A. W. Estes 905 Chamber of Commerce, Auto. 514-63. A REAL HIGH CLASS 20 ACBES Here are 20 acres of fine aaady loam anil. located on the Columbia river near the high way; beautiful view of river, good mad, hoaaa, large bam : about 1 a. fruit and running spring water at house and barn. If you see this place you will want it and if put out to berries would make you independent. Price $12,000. with Va cath. F. L. EDDT. RITTEB, LOWE A CO.. 2t 3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. LA CENTER, WASHINGTON 67 acres, 4 mile from town, 28 acres in cultivation, family orchard; good S room bouse, 2 barns, creek with eome fine land, near Pacific hlahway; 28 miles from Fort land; $7000, $5800 cash. A. W. Estes . 90S. Chamber of Commerce Auto. 614-63. FOB SALE by owner, 80 aerea near Portland; best of aoil: new and modern buUdinea. EX 431. Journal. $20 A.. 50 A. in cultivation, near The Dalles rent 3360 ; atock. crop and equipment, $4000. W Bbur F.' Jouno, Henry Bldg. INDOOR SPORTS f I-J . - -'-'. wianroi.-'. .-, -x (o, rsivj n . 7 .'..'.'...- -as." .m las-sl I aj na w - - ac . -r . -"imfc. aS- , rrae- vs. . . ..iaa. -- . - - - . .. . . v. e- EEL ESTATE UR HALE FARMS 17 For Sale- $ 1000 Cash of rot a'nta naid for. 480 aero atock and graia ranch, tilUbU. 100 aerea ta crop tbia Tear; 2 seta of bnilrlinga. 2 wells; S miles from . Cateway, Jcfferaoa county: oer 81009 worth of fencing. Price only $i0 per aera. or 54800: team, ha races ana (With plaoa. OATrTWAT. OREOOlf. FOR REST FARMS 14 138 ACBES to rent, personal property for ssle. Tbkt place Is right af Scholia, about SO miles eat oa good road. Personal consist! of 10 good cows. 1 yearling. 8 hones, 9 hogs, 150 chickens, gasoline drag -jaw. Ford truck new, Sharpleaa separator, all Implements, tools, crops, etc. for only $2700. STEWAHT A BUCK,' 815 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 40 ACRES. 17 acre in cultWetlon : close-in; rent $300; good bldgs, some persons! property to buy. WUbur jr. Jouno, Henry piqg. 12S0 ACRES. 400 acres summer fallow, 1100 acres good wheat land; equipment rnrrusneu; lit $4000. Wilbur F. Jouno. Henry bklg. trtf ACKE8. 55 acres in cultivation, near New- berg; crop, stock and eqaipment, $3550. Wil bur V. Jouno, Henry bldg. HOMESTEADS 47 CAN LOCATE you on a good homestead, cither farming or timber tncu, on or near gooa roads; also hare some good relinquishments clone in; hours 8:30 to 6 and eTeuinge 7:30 to Anderson, 581 Railway Exchange bldg. ; TIMBER f3 NOTICE OF SALE OP GOVERNMENT Tlil- BEH, GENERAL. LA.NH Oil ICE Notice is hereby given that, subject to the conditions and limitations of the act of June 8, 1818 (30 But.. 218). and the instructions of the secretary of the interior of September 15, 117, the timber -on the following lands will be sold September 10. 1920, at 2 p. m.. at public auction at toe United states lead office at Lake view, Oregon, to the highest bidder at not less thsn the appraised value as shown by this notice, ale to be subject to the approval of the secre tary of the interior. The purchase price, with an additional sum of one fifth of 1 per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be de posited at time of sale, money to be returned if aale la not approved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber, which must be removed within 10 years. Bids will be received from citixens of the United states, associations of inch citiseni and corporations organised under the laws of the United States or any state, territory or district thereof only. Unon arjoDcation of a qualified purchaser the timber oa any legal subdivision will be offered aenantely before being included i'ln any offer of a larger nnit: T. 41 .. K. K., Bee. 1. .'" E. B. IS, . pine 360 M.. fir ISO M. : N. W. S. E. . pine 400 M., fir 50 M.; 8. E. S. E. . pine 480 M.. fir 210 M. ; S. W. 8. E. hi, pine '375 M.. ftr 100 M.; N. E. 8. W. H. pine 300 M.. fir 100 M. ; N. W. i 8. W. 4 . pine 205 M., fir 140 M. ; S. E. S. W. hi. pine S40 M.. fir 190 M ; 8. W. 14 8. W. hi. pine 380 M fir 120 M. ; none of the pine to be old for less thsn $4 per M., and none of the fir to be sold for leas thsn $1 per M. (Signed.) CLAY TALLMAN. Commissioner. General Land Office. FOR SALE 0B EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE Hi FOR 8 ALE or trade, 480 sere stock ranch. 10 miles from R. It. under state Tumalo irri gation project; 200 acres fenced, 80 acres cleared and in crop, balance timber; fair house and barn, chicken house, root cellar; never failing well, pump and gaa engine. Price 820 per acre. Terms. Owner. K.' W. Harper. Box 304, Red mond. Oregon. FOR SALE or trade, 60 acre ranch in Joseph ine county, 30 acres of creek bottom in culti vation, plenty of fruit, berries and water for Irrigation; good buildings. Trade for city prop erty or good automobile for first payment. G. E. Strong, loss water at. SALE or trade for a amall home, store and fix tures, 6 living rooms, confectionery, ice cream, light groceries, notions and dry goods. Owner. 1900 E. Glisan at; Montsvilia car. KALE OB TRADE 14-r. apU., furavhM. pert rash and property accepted; two view rota Can Main 1790. FXCHANGE REAL ESTATE .4 EXCHANGE EXCHANGE Apartment nouse, aaouu. wr , . aerea; will assume. Player piano, 3550, for amall moras. Alberta, will assume 143 acre farm $S5 per acre. for close in uburban home. Stock ranch. 160 acres, 3000 for city property to $2000. 21 acre fruit farm. $8500, for Portland property to $5000.; These are ut.t a few of the hundreds of exchangea on our list, bee xr. num. 78'2 Cham, of Com. HAVE several choice lota in Piedmont district, will sell or trade for Belllngham, Waah.. property. W. Gray. 991 E. Grant at. WASTED REAL ESTATE 81 SACRIFICIB Choice acreage, fine timber, at Tualatin, for lot or house; pay rash difference, between Al berta. Portland bird., Union and Mississippi. Owner. 113 E. Bimpeon at. CHOICE acreage. White Salmon district. Will exchange for residence. Geo. Howard, owner. 629 Lumbermens bklg. Bdwy. 3364. $500 CASH and 3 fine building lots, Windsor Heights, to trade in on amau uouae. is-.ou, Journal. CHOICE SOxlOO lot (free) to trade as part pay- ment on 4 or 5 room bungalow. East i us. FrVE lam7autoBnd "etesr lot Will apply on residence. Bdwy. 3364. . WANT to buy S room modem bungalow for $2000 cash. Q-373. Journal. WANTED To buy from owner, 6 room mod era bungalow for cash; cheap. Tsbor 7654. ROOMING; HOUSES. APARTMENTS AND HOTELS FOR SALE it MUST sell in 10 days, leaving for Spokane, good furniture of 47 room apartment house. Total income $490 hesodea own apt. Small overhead expense. Price $5250. Absolutely befct buy in Portland. Owner, East 6008 A SNAP APT. HOUSE FOB SALE 1 1 8 rooms snd modem cottage in the rear, all famished and full all the time. Phone Eart 7981. Call evenings- Full basement. No one teed answer unless they mean business. FOR SALE 0B EXCHANGE 28 room hotel, oply one in good town, cloae to Portland ; furnished and equipped; doing fine business; will take ranch. Box 44. 8ck. Or. $1000. 11 rooms fine famiture, a real snap. Hurry. Mam 7931. WEST SIDE, clearing 850 per month; rent 335. $850, $650 cash, bal, monthly. G. A. Lane. 229 Henry bldg. (Copyright, 1920, by International Feature Berries. Ins.) 681 B A vj gixtaav-m m ar a - - . m . tar A i mm 1 w K BOOMfJTO HOrHES, afabttmexts AND HOTELS FOR HALE - U BUT -a .boose and as to aa lnoasaa. 4 apartl meats pa rUjr funnelled; Just bnPt; .meoera; harrlwoad floors, separate beta aad . sleeping porehea; double garages; income 10 per cent oa 813.000. Price (14.0OO. Will . aeeeM $4000. cleared uroperty: $5000 cash, balance 35000 martgage. Leaving cJty reason lor aelK mg. N-281, Journal. $$000. SO rooma. rjood condition. West Side, eall tor tr-formacten. Main T31. Bl'SI?ESS OFPORTCTilTlES 2$ FOR 8AI E One of the best located country stores in the state. Oa railroad and at erase big af ' two good highways, New buildings aad stock. ' Good business 111 health of owner reason for seHiBg. . Address lock, box No, A. nieahlre. Or. TRANSFER business for aale. new Chevrolet truck. 1 tons capacity, equipped with furni ture body, top and tide curtains; good location, sow rent: will sell out business. $1250: $700 down and balaaea to suit- Merchants Transfer Co.. 351 E. Oak, East S77. CAFE, ice cream parlor and confectionery lor sale: only restaurant la a good town; best location; reason for eelling; last year'a business $14,000: rent $40 per month. Price $3000; terras. Would take car in trade. Jona Oeis- bush. Council. Weah. W EUL-EQUIPPED tire and battery shop; all standard equipment, stock, tools and materials; uricotl tight: owner not able to handle It? mau- ii. r wants to quit; you can't beat thia. In vestigate. Pasco Retread Works. Pisco, We h. FOIt SALE Wholesale and retail candy store ta Astoria. Or.; beat location in town; good bargain for the right party. Bee proprietor, Aaareas Oia com- mere la 1 St.. Astoria, ur. CllOt;EKy store combined with bol nil n boose will be' sold at a sacrifice on account of oM ace. Good bujineaa. Apply 2077-7S Van lioutea at. HERE is a money maker: Garage, fully equipped nd full of stones : eheas resit: in good lo cation. Am leaving city and will give goad deal. East 2806. 2 CllAII barber shop,- $75 if sold in next fsw days. Address A. E. 8.. 1007 Maui at, Vancouver. Wash. ESTABLISHED beauty parlor for aale; good lo- cality. aplendid business; must crifkre be- cause of health. Please investigate. Main 407 WEST SIDE GABAGE Beat location. 3 to 5 yean' lease; will In voice stock and fixtures, (i-044, Journal FOB SALE Store with living rooms; corner location, on carline; East -Hide; lot Ssxla. Gsrsge. Phone Tsbor 8M6. Printing for Less Ryder Pag. Co Main "". 192 Sd V TO EXCHANGE Painting, tinting' and paper hanging for cash register, office furniture nr furniture of any kind. East 538. Sellweod 1598. ICE CREAM, confectionery and llgUt gTocery; expenaea 81 per day. East 1251. FOR 8 ALE Small restaurant, good location. lesving city. B-593. Journal. FOR SXLE Auto repair shop, fireproof build 4ng. low rent. Phone East 8219. CONFECTIONERY. paying vrell, making change. 14.1 N. 6th t- See Swank. BUSIJfESS OPPORTUNITIES , WASTED OS 1 WANT rooming house, 11. K. preferred; about 20 rooms, close in, modern. Will deal with owner only. K-432, Journal. WANTED Location for auto paint shop; most be fireproof building 50x100 or more: top floor if possible: will take lease. C-518. Journal MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 7 CITT LOANS NO COMMISSION On improved property, or for Improvement mimoaea. The beat ana easiest method ot paying a loaa is our monthly psyment plan, $82.24 per month for 86 months, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, ot 816.17 per month for 96 months pays a loan of $1000 and interest. Loans of other amounts in same proportion. Repayment Privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASS'B. 242 Stark St. Portland, Or. LIBERAL LOANS r We loan our owa mcney on real aetata, 1st and 2d mortgsges, contracts, livestock, notes, automobiles, etc F. E. Bowman A Co., 210 Chamber ofCommerce. Main 8026. NO DELAY" NO DELAI1 ' $1000 $1500 $2000 $30OU AND UP We Loan Ctr Money on Real Estate. F. H. DESF.ONeiS CHAM. OF COM. MONET TO LOAN 3300. 8500. $700. $1000, $1500. $2000, on city improved property, at 7 per cent J. L. Wells Co., 60S Uaseo bldg. BUILDING leans on city and suburban property, money advanced a work progresses. VV. O. Beck. 213 and 216 Failing bldg. Msia 8407. 1300. 8400? $300. $750. $1000 aad up at lowest rates; quick action, Fred W. Ger man Co., 782 Chamber of Commerce bldg. MONET TO LOAN In amounts of $100 to $5000 on city property. A. H. BELL. Rooms 10 snd 11. alolkey bids. FARM Irajna without red tape, delay or public ity; amounts to suit Willamette Valley Mr.rtgage l.nan company. Aurora. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS up to $6000, 6 aad 11 Fred S. Williams. 606 JPanama bldg. SEE OREGON INT. A MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Chamber of Commerce, 4th at Btark. M05EY TO LOA 5 CHATTELS, SALARIES $7 SALARY LOANS CHATTELS WE LOAN MONET ea short entice to salaried or working men on their own notes. Weekly, semi-monthly or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly confidential. NO MOBTOAHK NO IN DOR 8 KB ABSOLUTELT NO SECURITY We elso loan on house hold furniture, pianos, etc., without 'removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO.. (LICENSED) 218 FAILING BLDG. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASS'N. Phone Broadway 910, 894 Stark St.. near 10th Leans oa diamonds, watebes, Vietrotaa, ptsnoa, kodaks, shotguns, furniture, rnaicai instruments and anything of value. ESTABLISHED BT Tmt PEOFLB OT PORTLAND TO PROTECT THE iKIKHOWKK CABBIE MTERS-HERMAN. Manager, LIVESTOCK LOANS Our own money loaned oa cattle, a beep, hogs, etc F. E. Bowman Co., 210 Chamber of Commerce. Mala 8026. $58We-Xw essmmr. - wSlSa , M 05ET VTO 1.0 A!C-lcHATTEisV 3 ' - ' SALARIES DO YOU NEED MONEY? ; ' LOANS MADI OJ4 " - AUTOMOBILES v FTJBNTTCB B, PIANOS, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, REAL EATATE, BONDS OH ANXTHINO Ur1 VALUE. SECUBITt CSLAIXI . LKTS IN TUL'B POSSKSSKIN- - . sALSO SALARY LOaNS TO SALABIED' PEOPIJI ON TUT IK HUTKS WITHOUT BECVBITX. IT TOUIt rAI MENT8 TO OTHKK LOAN COMPANIES OB ON- sn-KNrrcn.lt oa. AUTOMOBILE UON- TBACTS ABE TOO' I.ABGE, WB W ILL PAI THEM UP. ADVANCE TOO MOKB MU.iEl IF NECESSARY, AND lOU CAN REPAY US IN SMALL MONTHLY PATMRNTB TU BUtr TOUK CONVEUtClt. . , LEGAL RATES. NO DELAT. BU8INEHB STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL, PORTLaAND LOAN CO. (LICENSED 806-80T DEKTTM BLDG.. 8D AND WASH. LOANS WANTED 80 WANTED $4000 on first class auburbaa home In fine location. Halpa liarria company, hi a rnamber of fVisnmerce. Main 6024. wanted i a of 85000 on sood securita. Call at 1117 S. Jiarcet, - FINANCIAL - 51 WE BUT tint and second mortgages and sellers' contracts. F. E BOWMAN A CO. 210 Chamber of Cuaimsrta bldg. WE BUT first and seeond mortgagea and sellen' eontneta. F. E. Bowman At Ua.. 210 Cham ber of Commerce. WAN TED To secure bonds of Port Is ad Realty Assoc Is tea. particularly series 1. C B. Mar tla. Loeb bldg. CASH paid for mortgages aod sellers' contracts oo real estate in asolnexon or oraaoo. ta. E. Noble. 810 Lumbezmene bldg. QUICK money to salaried people oa note without indorsers or security; investigation oosiiaenuai. 810 Chamber of Commerce bldg. HOBSES. VEHICLES. ETC. 19 HORSEaB HORSES 20 head of heavy draft horses and mares, weieht 1 SOA n 1M0O lhs. II to 7 vean old' heavy boned and bmcky build, soma are well matched traau. All horses guaranteed as rep resented or money refunded. U. 8. Stables, a I riinn are.. R. K. comer Stephens i St. C 1J Williamson and Glaus. Jl'ST received a carload of Eastern Oregon mares and geldings; match teams from 5 to 7 years, weight from 1800 to 1700 lbs. each : some blorky built mares and geldings, aged 4 to o yean and weighing 2800 a span. . u yoa are in the market it would pay to look over the stork. All guaranteed at rrpreaentcd. J. S. Williamson. 340 E 8th at FOR SALE 20 head of bonea, just canae In off a grade, mod work horse, but a little thia. Will sen from $30 to $90 a head. They ire homes that have Just come oat of year's Lard work. .Wagons, ham ass and grading tools of all kmds. Phil - Suetter, J83 Front at-. Crown stable. ONE TOCXG team 2300 lbs., sound and tmt (wiu let you try them) , $178; one wettu pony, gentle, for boy or girl, no reasonable offer reiuseo. Ales 2 I Phone AO-J. Mil w anile. Henry Smith. One block south S. P. depot. Milwaukie. MUST SELL BT TUESDAT Single horse, weieht 1300: sso reasonable of fer refused. 4908 68th et 8. K. ML Scott car to Myrtle Park, blocks south. Phone Tabor 2710. SMALL pair of farm-or del. mules;; 2800 lb pair of black mares; several other horsxa: all wagons buggies, and harness. 802 Front st SADDLE horses for rent. 1 team of fine work bonea for sals or nnt. 802 Front at. SPAN of chunks, 2200 Iba.. and light act of narneaa. 3( water St.. west side. ALL KINDS of wagons and buggies, ter at., west side. 887 Ws LIVESTOCK ti 18 GOOD DAIBT COWS Mostly Halxteins, same fresh, some coming fresh; must sell on secount of ill health. JOHN BOTH. B. 1. BOX 391. MILWAUKIE. OB. GOING . AWAT Sale 2 cows, one large 7-gaJlon. young Hcl stein. Hot Use and route. 619 E. John at St. Jcbna. TWO fresh cows, I Jersey-Hoist ein. 5t years old; 1 Jersey-Guernsey, 5 years old. Will sell cheap or trade for beef cowa. 1445 Milwaukie are. 1200 13. MARE, harness and wagon and light farm wagon, $76 takes it $87 Water at. West Side. j A TOUNG 8wiss-Holstein cow. giving 26lbs7of rich milk. $90. Tabor 1979. GENTLE cowl for sale cheap. Inquire 6608 68th ave.. end of Woodstock line. A LI. KINDS of wagona and bnreiea for sale. cheap. -887 Water at.. West Side. GOOD' TEAM, work anywhere: harness and Al wagon ; cheap for quick aale. Tabor 406. HORSES for rent, double and single. Front 646 2200 LB SPAN mares. 'heme 546 Front st and farm EXTRA good type 8 months old heifei bred, bargain. Marshall 4 SO. Etening FOB SALE, young cow and heifer calf, atlrml of 8. Sixth st Msin 6033. DEAD horses tsken quickly, eows Phone Tsbor 4203. Cash for ONE brown Swim cow for aale. liol stein. Call CoL 969. One 6-gaX NEWLT fresh cowa for aale, 1703 McKenna ave. C H. Wills. FOR SALE One good family cow and 8 tons of hay and 3 buildinga cheap. Tabor 1237. ONE good family cow and hay, cheap. Tabor 1237. WANTEDBeel. veal end hogs. Tabor 7832. WANTED Beef. veal. hoga. Tabor 7080. POULTRY A5D RABBITS 87 FOB SALE Chlckent. 85 1 year old selected English vrvrte T-erhm-na. eiceptional heavy la vera. $1.60 each. 5631 39th ave, 8. E. Automatic 214-89. FEED, wheat $4 CPPH Scratch $4.50 Egg Mash. Etr rCC LP MW.jswn 4144 100 LATINO year-old White Ieghorn hens. O. A. C strain, gl.za eacn ijui awv FOR ' SALE 4 N. X. does. Pred atock. 1 for $10, 8 a 35 each. Call East aoos. 4 DOES and 28 large young rabbita; price $20. 6740 68th ave.. 8. E. SECOND PRIZE young pen of White Wyan dottea at Portland show, 1919. Tabor 231. LARGE chicken house for aale. $15. lawn 6904. 1133 Montana ave. Wood- By Tad 'JtJJS.-??i-:i ",.--r' --'O 7, i - wagon. OFwell br.lv. W - tl " POtTLTRT AJTl RABBITS ft 200 WHITE lGli0lrt ' yearling' Una," nigh grade hoeanWd stork, now lavina. 11.25 each: 50 Barred Bock and t ft n. I. Bed pullets. $1.35 to $1.T$ each; Marred Mock and B. L Bad swarllna nana. 82 each Thla alack ta ex. pertly eekscted beaa, $2 each. - This atock la ez- ruaaas.. i. u. Alagwtre. 787 Oregon aC, Port bad. i . i7CHICKENS for aale. 18 old ones, if young , www m esinoecma bps a Black Minorca rooster. Taka 8t Johna car, close to Peninsula school. 888 W. Taagert St, aaa. u i . , , . . FOB 8ALE White Pekin spring ducks: Ta- DQT !", or cau Z92 E, 5Bth at. W. INDIAN runner ducks for aale. Cut-989. POOS, BIRDS, rF.TS, FTC. 48 WTU. PAT $10 AND GIVE COOD HOME TO BIG AIREllALM OH BUIU. IsTMl uriT tK A M ICEIJKJHTEH AND MEAN IU9 POSITION. F7- WATCH )OG IN INMIL HAIJ WBITrVsfj. r. K AH THOSE. FALIA st4Lrje,, nsan. .1,1, w ... . ..1. I - !OB HALE A Fox Terrier pine. 2 pointers a months old. 1 Airedale 18 nsnnths M t n.i Fox Terriers trained for bear llunting. 1 30-3(1 Winchester rifle. I 12 -gauge J Rammer leas ahot gun. Phone Wood la am 059. 12D4 E. 8th N. FOR SALE FANCT PIGHONS ANDPUPS" ' JaAB. 4277. ROIJ.ER eanauriea and females from Imiwrted reglstrreq atoca; reasonarile. East 4 529. CANAKT birds for aalaT1 Princsa hotel, 84lTK Bameide et. Phone East 171. AUTOMOBILES AXD ACCESSORIES 4 WE HAVE MOVED CONLET-S USED CAR CENTER 66 10th at 86 10th al.' Between Oak and Stark sts Half block north of Plttock block. A large .assortment of just new can, all over hauled and ready to run: a written guarantee with eierycar. We believe la having satisfied owners. 1920 Cfievrolrt touring. Just like nrw. .. 700 1P19 Clierrolrt tour., 9fi per cent t.,, .650 ism oany grand Chevrolet, lust new tires Hu ,si7 "S-JS.v.X lla4 . v wuj grmsiti. lounng ............a o" 1919 Essex madster, 5 cord tires. $14511 1C17 Hupmnbile tour., 65 per cent new.. $1100 1917 Ford touring, just new tires. ..... t 350 1918 Ford touring, Ju-t rebuilt $ 4M Ford roadster, '1M motor $ 3.10 11 1 Ford touring, Kelsey body $ 575 1918 Ford sedsn. runs perfect '. . .$ fl.0 Ford bug. new body sod tap, 2 spotlight'. . $ U50 Overland DO. 5 pass., overhauled, guMl , - tires $ 650 1919 Rritcoe, 5 pass., rum and-lwAs like nrw $ 650 1917 Rao, 5 pass., overhauled, m wly painted $ C50 MANT MORE GOOD Bt'V'8 Give us a visit. Wa can save yuu money. -DW NEW LOCATION CONLEY8 UHED CAB CENTER 80 10th at:., between Stark and Oak. Half blc-k north" of Plttock blk. Phone Broadway 1424. CONLEY A ABBUCKLR. Pro. FOR SALE 1920 Maxwell. $830: run 5000 miles, in good condition, saya an sd In a daUy paper. Can you imagine the nerve. A new Maxwell Is not worth much mors thsn thst amount Used cars can be bought for a song and the owner will aing the aong for you. My misuieaa la to protect the buyers of used cars. A salesmen gets all he can out of you, while I force him to cut prices or keep the car and they can't keep them. When buying a used oar be sure and boy through ma. You will be surprised the money I'll art you. C. 8, Woodruff. 4 14 lUlmgh bldg. Main CStlX. M. B. FISCH Radiates, fenders, bodte, hoods, tanks re pa Led ind rrmtdeled. Auto sheet Twctal work a spe rislty. 108-107 N 1 nth st Phone Bread way 2299. 4 90 CHEVROLET Trls.csr haa been overhauled completely; haa very good tires, and she mire will go up the Ii ilia. Low price of $8.10; 312.3 down, balance eaay. Sou had better hurry to get thia one. JAKE'S UKKD CAR EXCHANGE, 28 N. 11th Ht. nroadway 8214. Open Sundayi and Evenings. TWO BU7CK ROADSTERS They are the class of the row and we have the low price on both. If you want a Buirk roadster call and see these bar gains; long easy terms on both. 503 Alder at Bed Front Used Car Co. PRIVATE OWNER IS FORCED TO SELL CHEVROLET. $430. COME SEE IT CLASSY OVERLAND RUG. $200 193 16TH ST. SERIES 0 B Franklin touring car, first claw inecuauioai coauiuou, sxseu, casa or terms, BRALET AUTO COMPANY 601 Washington. afsin 4880. 1917 VEI.IE. 5 overalls cord tlrea, new paint, top and Upholstering fine; price $930; terms Main 780. 1918 FORD touring, good condition, good tires. repainted; lota of extras; $475; aome terms East 8158. APPERSON 4. A 1 condition, just overhauled. Must sacrifice $200. Call East 7848.. AparV tent 4. FOUD ROADKTKK 1 .' '" 1917 or early '18 model, almost new tirsa, Haaaler ahork absorbers; low price of $390. Will tske 8100 down on this -car, balance easy. JAKE'S USED CAB EXCHANGE. 28 N. 11th Ht. Broadway 8214. Open Sundays and Evenings. ' ' 1917 MAXWELL $450 ' , Thla ear runs perfectly, upholstering shows very Httle wesr; tires are new end a snare; would be hard to brat for light car; cash or terms. Tabor 7817. 1917 model; baa the original paint; equipped -lui wire wueeis. one sure IS a dandy. 1 im sue sawucy, so win use x-uia and give very eaay aaaes t sea tar r.xciianga, ZB . llth. "wy. tin, -open evenings. THE FENDER MAN J. E. DURHAM, who takes the kinks eat while you wait; also repairs radiators and bodies. Broadway 8214, SO M. Ill at., near Bnrostde. . HAVE aome good used oars that have been taken in oa delinquent payments. These cam are very gooa puyt ana have lust been overhauled. We wlU sell at a price that will be attractive te anyone wishing a car. Call Main wa oauy or siarsnau a 141 evenings. 191T MAXWELL touring car, perfect condition. . aroo urea, equippea; Miller CtlS ""tor, Barnard heater, G. P. cut -out. a- , " " ,""oiwr, apoingai, , moiormetev phiea. signal and extra lock. 9sr asis by owner. 8SOO cash. Marshal 8982. I llAVX: A T.S.TT" I'sis UITUI-Vl Good running order and she looks good. Low price $425; will take $125 down, halsnce very easy. Jske's Used Car Exchange, 28 N. llth. swswy. t; trpen evenings. 191T 8TLDEBAKER 4. fine condition; $ good tires; must be sold at once. Bee this ear and make offer; aome terms. 881 Msdisoa. phone eser. Jell. BUICK boadsTeB!" never baa been run, pur- cnaaea Aug. 2. will aisrount lor quick sale. T.rma.1 Phone Bdwy. 1681. E. M. Crouch, tfaioa SuUunl Restaurant FOBD touring. 1 8 lT heiFof condi tlorTOooI tires. Real . bargain at $490. 80 Grand ave. n.. wear BurruUde. BRAND NEWlB20"l)odge. never been d'rtreal W. H WalOngford Co., 15th aad Waahlngtoa. Bdwy. 2626. 191$ MAXWELL, owner a asernanie and kept ear in A-l condition: 8 good tlrea; a real Bargain at 7 "" cau l soot STg. PA KJK touring. Beet of fcondltkon. A swap at sou. . isinn ao seraasa ave. near gura PAIGE SIX. 1917. touring. Wire wheels, one extra. Real bergaia at $1000. 80 Grand ave. N.i near BurnsMe FOR BALE, by owner. 1920 Oakland ear. apUa did ooaditioo; baa been raa 4000 milea. Price 31060. pnone Wondiawa soea.a CLASH T baa-cheap with 4 new Firestone tirea ubea; big bargain. Msia 667. 1919 VELIE, 95 4 $1260,, P. AO. Best 4461. garage. 880 Union ave. 1918 SAXON Six ; a good Tight ear. in good con dition ; anap; $650; terms - Mean 760. FORD roedetei, electric starter aa45gUU, good tirea, 6426. Mara 780. CHALMEB3 roadaUr. 1917. Will aril at 6600. Terms. 80 Grand eve. near Bnrnetde. 1 J B OVjUUsAKD 90, new paint, flat condition; I $760. MAia 7 90, LATK model 7 paseetiger Mitcball, aew paint, cord Ureal $950.' Msia 780., v . . - A tTOM OB 1 1, FS Aft P ACCESSORIES 44 THERE IS A .DIFFERENCE 1 ,'. - ' , a , Tea will not the difference as anon a yoa step kite our usel car aalearnnm; ta fact, yoa may wonder If yoa have nut g.n tea inta the aew car department, so trim and Beat are aur uaed rar. our iller is to go thrauah every used ear that we take In trade aad draxa It up. nircharuVally and otherwise, and when wa get through the ear Ja wartlt saaeh mors than before, rat the added eost It litUe. Wa offer here a few for your approval; 1915 Buir C2 $450 1010 Maxwell. 8-psv. 4-cyl 4itil Overland, model HO. n ran.. 4-cyl.. MI Overland, mntrl 83, S-iism., 4-cyl.. 880 1918 Mitel tell. 7 -peas.. 0 ryl ftllo 1917 Jlupmohile, 5-pass . 4 -s-yl . . . . lo0 191-T Mitchell. A-ias. 1 ltioo mm 1918 Mitehell, a-iaasK., o ri 1 1 Ml 191 T Mitchell. 7-iwaa., fl ,yl (iiai 191 8. Mitchell, 7 -cyl . . . , , . lion 1 HliTWItchelL 8-paas., 0-t- 1 1800 1918 Mitchell Chnmmy lloo WIlh-s-Knlght, A-nasa.. Irjl Jonian Hport Marine, 4 -pas., 8-rjl. Jnrilan Playboy, 2-tntss,, O c)L Jordan Silhouette, 5-iaua., 0-cl. We have many others, both large and mall. " Reasonable terms. No brokerage charges. We handle our own paer. Mitchell, Lewb & Staver Company Broadway il Evared 8L Phone Bdwy. 4871 , '( CHEVROLET AND FORD OWNERS FORD overhantxt , 839 Rear axle overhauled 9 0 ve.fee ground, carbon rem treed $ 8 : Magneto recharged .!!.".! I ' .. . . h,na tap Phrtona, ee'rape bsarlasra, eta which Insures a perfect running motor, lien ul as i Ford parts only u-ed. An wort guaranteed. . THE BEASON f The Ford tntine start hard and the BghU art dim It beean-e the MAGNETO is weak. Uare II BU-liaSUtU or EAl-EltTB. Universal Auto Repair S10 Jtftcnoa at. Mala 7644. Used Car Bargains 1 Dodge 1 Dndce v 1 fteaon ......... I Rrudehaker . . . . . Fords, Fords, Fords Maxwell Peerless E. 11. F. bug $900 675 ASA 900 $300 to 425 250 - $00 150 Long & Silia 4 32 Hawthorne Ave. f LIGHT 4 ' Thia rar haa all good tires, 1 electrie IleMa. self -starter, many other extras; price $300. Will take t125. balance easy JAKE'S ITKED CAB EXCHANGE. 28 N. 11th St. Broadway 8214 Otien Sundays and Evenings. CHEVItOLKT ROADSTER $150 DOWN. halsnce long easy monthly payments, ana thla one Is most new. Come and ride In rt 605 Alder at Red Front Uaed Car Co. DEI.IVERT OF 1 20 MAXWELL Can give you delivery of thla lata model touring this week for 11105, -rash ur terms. Call me up. Tabor 7 HI 7. 490 CHEVROLET This car looks good snd sure will demonstrate. Doesn't need sny repairs. Price $3 50; win tske $100 down, balance esy Jake'a feed Cer Exchange, 2ft N. llth. Bdwy. 3214. Open evenings. ' FRANKI.ING touring car, thoroughly overhauled1 and repainted, $ 1 MHH cash or terms. BRAI.KT AUTO COMTANT 001 Washington. - Main 4K'f. 5VERI.AND HO. excellent condition' recently overhauled, gcod rubber, looks Ilka new. $525; terms $176 down, balance In 0 payments. Call evenings. 359 K Morris st. Ovt'N'ER haa brand new Ford touring car, wit" ritraa: would prefer trading rr uaed roni tourius car aa part pareaeeit. 5n20 92d st. AUtnmatw isntl mil. x SEaBLT NEWI9'.!0 CliandlerTT.umiirw''"ir. Extra tire and other accessories. Owner left , town. Ouiik tale, cheap. Call 748 Mprtea blelg.. or Main 1112 . '.j CHEVROI.PT touring. lOlT tiood aserSnisl condition. Good tlrea. Must sell. A asp at $473. Soma t a rasa. 80 Grand are. N., near Riirnalde. LATE model Bnlck madster; 6 Urea, Heovei tire carrier, bumper, spotlight, spec Is I top, it cover: clock. $1160; terms. 'Columbia Aula Bales, 845 Union ave. N. East 56. - 1 Vr-TON Ford truck. 1920, hss been run 4 days, self starter, absolutely first rlaa shape, curtains on aMe and back. $950; cost II Oil 3 new. Hawthorne Garage. 443 Hawthorne NOTICE TO FORD OWNERS Have your Ford tested free of charge al Hemphill's Trade School, corns r hast 20a and Hawthorne. 1018 MAXWELL TOURING' CATt New overslae tlrea, good paint, best of con dition all round, $625. Owner, Hl$ Union ste.N ... MT new l20(Svarland ; demonstrator, $036i lust nicely limbered up: equippen wan ma new tripled spring, spot light and mntormeter. $O0 cash, naiaace in u monina. isoor "eu, A SNAP FOR CASH " For sale. 1919 light six Stttdebsker; 5 wirs wheels, $1250. Leaving slate. Owner, Tshos 6768. 1920 MAXWEli.. latest model, A-l cnnditlnn. run less than 2600 milea; a bargain lot someone; owner wno is leaving city. laoos 0530. By buying my new Hudson you save $600, Inquire 260 let et. 191- MAXWELL, A-l- condition, repainted. only $660, by private owner. Broedwaf 6 0 15 FORD runs bout, 1916. A-l condition. Tirat almost new. Heal bargain at $860, Boms terms. 60 Grand ave. N.. near Burnalde. F6RD delivery. Ftl' Beat of condition - i real bargaia at $475. Terms. 80 Grand ave. N.. near Burnalde. 19T9 BUICk roadster, A-l rpc-henicaTanaiiej 6 cord tires Columbls Auto Ssles Co., 341 , Prdon ave. N. East 51. i DON'T WAIT For balance due on mi 0 iaaaetiger an birr, o bile you can have It by calling at45-4TiNiWta, iNl1iMomaDi.T9l8. "Hast "of mdjtjon, Oooi tires. Must sell A resl buy. $810. wltH terms. 80 Grand aveN . ne s r Burnalde TfUV touring A-l ewndltaon; l be sold to. day Columbia Auto Bales, 845 Union ave. N. East 59. . OVERI.ANli touring; good condition; must sell A snap at $375. Terms. 80 Grand are. N, nesr Bornslde. FORJ TRUCK, gesr dries, with open and elose badles. Tirea almost new. A snap at $700. SO Grand ave. N near Bnrnaide. 1919 Brick touring car, $400 less Ulsa price. Columbia Auto Sales, 345 Union eve N. East 3o. . . POBD "l-tna trock.- 191. Truck adhjvtmnt, gear drive. Tlrea almost new. Real bargaia at $750. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. sVidti tiw eoral nneiimatie tlrea. cheap. Co lumbla Auto Bale, $4 5 Unlam ave. N. Eaat 5. ; ..mi OAKLAND touring 101 n Almost oaw. i sacrifice at aw ursns . - ytnenaid. 10T0 PlTTI-.riA.ON chnmmy. Thla car ia hardly be toM from new; must.eall. Clnnibl4 Aut0 Sales, 845 Union ave, N. ' Kast6. iiuVebAseia. Will make a goodbugf A real snap at $223. borne terms. 80 Grand are . N., nesr Burnside . FClRllT BET) A.N , 1020, line condition,' demount, able rims, aellurtrr, extras. . Must ae 1, $675 cask takes tt 742 E. 3 2d st. Sell. 11 5 8. WIU. repair ot ever ha nl your ear In your priests- garage; guaranteed work and references prices reaaowsble. Antomstle 322-44. MAiTW ELl. Untrina. 19 ft, C co'ndltiiHi, g-W Upss, Real bargain at $460. I 80 , Gran4 ave. N., near Borne le. . h A .,A nr.wa ateeoeevtaa aad repel rti AtltO 1 OPS et iwaaaaable pvtoea, aaimwa St.. bsfease 6th end roevway. CASH paid for oltf can. coeiajiism we objeeti parts for all makes af cars, trvgoa Auu tebanee. 448 Flaadera, ar lltb Hflwr. leoanee, 444 Flaadera. ar. llth Kdwy. 3o AMERICAN AUTfj TOP ci L ' ' VIA ""ll Aato toaa, curtains aad reps V i W-1 tne East 844, tetea et Pis repasl Paa FOIL SaF.F l17BTiVk Light tlx tearing. TO aarrifiea far aakrk sale. Brooklyn Gar age. 666 Mllwaaeto at , FORD touring, 1916, text and aew uimolslerioal $276. Bali, 832i -J, -!. .... ,. WANTED A hrat-eiaas track and ear u ehanie. J. A. Itletiaraapa. HanOon, or. fS"l Bt'lcBfToadater.'eaeetleni msctiatjkal coa dirion, $1800. ' East 7676. I , 1918 BKO. 1 waaengr, new Ureal just naaiea; snap; oo. . siam t, OaeitiaMaal aa yellowlna Paaai, S. K-' :-M'-,