THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. . SUNDAY MORNING; AUGUST 9, 1520. HARDING CALLS league m OF UTTER Iff OTE!!CY . - i Republican Nominee WouI,d Sup- : plant League Covenant. With Hague Tribunal With "Teeth." . ! r ; ! By Raymond Clapper ilrlon, Ohio, , Aug". 2S. (U. P.) Characterizing- tfifl .League of Na tion g as "utterly impotent. In the matter of preventing- war. Senator ,W G. Harding', Republican presl dentlal nomine today urged as a pubertate Thjf, Hague tribunal with "teeth in It." I ; , . Hat-ding said J he was Irrevocably op . pM$ to the leafue plan, while Governor Cox. -be contended, was' an advocate of the plan' en the basils announced ' by Tregtdent Wilson.' This division of opinion, he said, was the whole differ .? ence between the governor and. himself. , VThat is the whole difference between uaj -but la a vital'; one because it in volve the disparity between a world court of Justice, .supplemented by a . world association (or conference, on the on hand, and the council of the league on' the other. '. ' TThe one la a Judicial tribunal; to be jrovemed by fixed and definite ( Prin ciples of law administered without pas sion or prejudice. 3 , SUftSHNES9 PEASED , TTh other Is an association f dip- - lomat and politicians whose determina tion!! ;ar sure to be influenced by eon- :. eideration of expediency i and national selfishness ; -z "This country Is - already a i member :f etieh a society. The Hague- tribunal. which;, unlike the league, of Versailles, is stpi functioning and within a few week? will . resume Its commissions un- v der the Chairmanship i of an ; American ; representative. "In : that frame-lnstru- body, ! we have the work s of a real and : effect Ive, xnenta.1" or enaurmg peace. fit is not Dfioonimn for tie advocates of the league of Versailles to i contrast unfavorably The Hague tribunal on the ground that- tt tacks the teeth. "Very well, then, let's put teeth In it. "If In the Versailles-league there can be found machinery which could be ap propriated by all means let it be appro priated. yrpvtit cojfnrsE them i '"I would take them and combine all that is good and excise all that is bad from both organizations. : , The decision of such a court or. the reeomjnendatiane of such a conference could be accepted without sacrificing on out part -or asking any other power to sacrifice one lota of nationality. ; Le us suppose the senate had ray fled the peace treaty! containing the league covenant as submitted to it by the president." Senator Hardlius said. "What would be the situation confront ing the country today? i , . '"Before this w would have been called upon to fulfill the obligations we had assumed under' article 10 of the eavenant, to preserve "the territorial in tegrity of Poland . as against ;i internal agrreiision, - H AS tBOTJSTBLESS STMPATHT , ' shall not now attempt to measure the boundless' sympathy, for the Just aspirations and restored Independence of Poland. Our present concern Is the In- . ternatlonal situation which Poland ba brought to our attention. j i The council of the Learue of Ka tions 3 would have i reasoned that tha United. States could furnish th muni tions and, if necessary. : the money to withstand the hordes advanchig from Russia far mpro easily than col Id have the exhausted nations of Europe. The conclusion that our country mi fht now be confronted by such a situation, if the senate had ratified the league covenant requires no stretch of imagination. None can deny, that It is possible." , Splinter All That Remains of Launcli; Hit by Destroyer Ban Francisco, Aug. 21. U.; P.) A shell of wooden wreckage that once was the bow of the Crowley launch No. 10, was tied to pier Zt tonight, the only thing left to tell the story of, a collision between th launch which was one of tha ! largest on the bay and? XT. S. destroyer Kennedy. v ' The collision cost two lives. J. C. V. Porter, captain of the launr and David Newman, deckhand, were cut to bits by the whirling propeller of the destroyer and not a trace of their bodies was left. After ft rescue r&rY had looked over the scene it waa aeclded useless to search for the remains of the two men, The launch, with the exception of the bow, was cut into kindling wood. The engines sank to the bottom of the bay. The collision occurred off the Union Iron works where the destroyed, which had just passed inspection, v. as backing fro ma slip enrouU to Mare Island navy yard to be placed in commission,' - A skeleton crew, of If men was in Charge ! Witnesses said h crashed into - the launch almoefewithout warning and in a twinkling the high sned screws of the destroyed had reduced tha. wooden boat V wreckage and wiped out two Uvea - MMMeaMll.MaBiMa ' - '-"I '' -r ...,ojs'JWsiiwwwfaisswiMi vua luisewepw,---.. -:,.r.- Three Young Women Bandits Are Caught ti Lee Angeles, Aug. f 8. V. P.) Three young women. . alleged members of . a bandit gang charged with committing more than 30 holdups her during th last few weeks, ware in custody tcjay. together with, , three raalo companion The women are ; Liana Hammond, 21; Juanita Beat, St. and Mrs. J. W. Qoyk. ?CL Mh Hammond was' said by offi cer to hav mad a a complete confes sion. , i ; , ' Russell Brake Trial To Come Up Shortly , 1 i ' j 1 r J ' ii ...... j- f Oregon City, Aug. 28, The trial of Russell Brake on the : charge of com plicity r i the murder- of Harry iDu binsky last Juno wiU come tip in the circuit court soon aftsr the first of the month, according to "Dintr!. A ttnrnov Hedges, who will handle the prosecu-J tion. ueorga Moore pseaoea guilty to the crime and waa sentenced to life imprisonment last month.- Brake claims to have an , alibi showing h waa In Portland at th time of tho crlma, Fork Takes Hyer; Milwaukee Is Goal h : :it.rj.r-. i 1 - Lincoln, Neb, Au. 88, (U. P.) Pork has gono up - and la iravelins swiftly. Governor McKelvle of Ne braska at -3S dispatched a Compound prlsewlni)lng'8hoat to; Governor Ptkilipp of Wisconsin by airplane. - Tha piano is piloted by "Turk"- - Gardner, ex-mail service and war flyer., Jt is expected to. arrive t in Milwaukee at 4 ; o'clock this afternoon , to participate In tha Wisconsin state fair, a: a. CD CD 4 ixTzL r Hi r r J Uur Upthalmomettr i one of the most 'scientific evofesf inv instrument in thm world. With it we can detsct error ot vision instantly. irn 3 That ia th sad story of the man who would not heed the story of eyestrain until he wa completely dependent upon glasses to see with, , and then broke the only pair he could be induced to buy. ; Practical Preparedness : q Conserve your natural vision by wearing glasses as toon as they are Indicated by the condition of your eves.' When vnn Im proved vision buy good glasses and have an i i 1 extra pair in case of emergency. There is li . . -v-vv,. u..MiH1Cm iw jfuur money than tor eye comfort and good vision. We can give you both at a reasonable cost ' 1 ii: mill C3l H ! 1' ii I t :C3 1 i-fii t SAVE YOUR EYES Thbmp Ml J Complete lens-grinding factory on prerrjsssJ son4 Optical Inctituia Eyesight Specialists ' Portland's Urf t. Most Modern. Best Equlpp'ed. Exclustve Optict! Establishment 200-10-11 Corbett Bldg.t Fifth and Morrison , Since t90 ii ; Kindelastic Mattresses t These Never Stretch (patented construction) Elastic Mattresses ,tr made of all-cotton, built tip in layers the TUFTS WIU, NOT -COME OUT and every Kindelastic is absolutely guaranteed. See them while you're over town this week. . i : ! i . - - ' ; - - I REGARDLESS OF WHAT YOU SELECT OR WHEN YOU SELECT EASY TERMS, NO INTER EST, ARE FOR YOU They'll be arranfd to fit your individual requirement, tool WTrr 1-. . ' i"- 1 I; ' -i 1; jFor Veranda, Sun-room, Living-room Bedroom Edwards Chaise Lounges Fern Stands -Wicker -Wicker Wicker Settees and Davenports Wicker Wicker Wicker , Wicker Wicker Wicker Day Beds Arm Rockers ArmChairs Table and Chair Sets ' ' !' If1 Floor Lamps Tabourettes, etc. Old Ivory-Flnishet Table rond top, 28 inches tn diameter, J&- tffOO 7C Inch underneath shelf at J Dainty Serving' Table, with oblong shaped glass top. also fin- OQQ fffi Ished In old ivory, at (la5?OU Baronial Brown Fern Stand, with re- vTiufa .rr.v... $19.50 Sstteea in old fvorr and baronial brown finishes, upbolstered . with fr;emon": S49.50 to $79.50 Baronial Brown Arm Chair, with loose cushion seat and back o 7S upholstered with tapeatry v , Baronial Brown Arm pooker, loose cushion and backy upboist sSOO Cfl ered with cretonse....... rfvJvl Artistic Jug-Shaped Papec Basket mr Plant Jardiniere. baronial On fin finish, at only , tBU.UU Very attractive Arm Chair, uphoIsU "erad with I cretonne,,; both OQ CSfl seat and baekj at only... wi33U Elegant Day! Bed i In baronial brown, with -tapestry covered locee J7Q tZfl cushion on spring baaa, at w f tfivu Baronial Brown I Arm '' Jtoektr with cretonne cushion soat. plain C "I IS Qf woven .back, for vl9!7U An unusual i value, Baronial Brown Chaise Lounge,, with real jro Crt tapestry upholstering ... , Cretonne Upholstered I v o f y fin ished Arm Chair, with book Mo srg pocket on the iside. at.r.., Vwi I Davenport, with three1 loose cushions and upholstered baek CQ7 CA 0ld Ivory finish), .! T 90 eOU Baroniaf Brown-1 Arm Keeker with woven seat and. back 4no r 7C cushion). A good one for wla7M- ATTRACTIVE SUBSTANTIAL AND MORE, TOO: They're Unusually Well Constructed f i - ' ' ' i"i ' t' an Finished , , . ).;:- ,: 45-Inch Quartered-6ak, Plank-Top Table With Six Securely-Fitted, Solid-Oak Chairs .(.75 - - - '" """ 1 1 1,1 ,"""""l!'llllWiiniil"UliiMiiiin iiihiwhhihii i H . Irxtt, Jfi. CM jlFete? Interest No All pieces are in hand-rubbed golden was. Notice the big leg en the table -they're solid oak, too. THE CHAIKS -besides having; cross-braoes. the seats are supported with heavy metal "L." squares against , the - back posts. I J You could pay ISB for ia table and chairs. but you would not be mere pleased than with thlane at ITS.T3. Displayed In the JTiftn- street window today. A' .' .V; .V. 9::12 Axminster Rugs $C.50 I $A7.50 $7O.50 LIKE A MIGHTY ARMY, THS EIG SWINGING ARMS MOVE BACK AND FORTH SHOWING THE Newest in Rugs ill kinds and colors, from art squares to fine Wiltons. ; A visit to the second floor is the only way you'll be able fully to grasp ' ltv home turnrshers. i ! i Extra Good Values-Only One Each 9xt2 Worsted WUton Velvet ,J $93.50 9x1 a Shuttleworth Body Brussels.-, $63.75 -9x1 Seamless W?ol Velvet) $68.75 - 8.3x10.6 Tan and! Brown Axminster ...i. $49.50 8.3xt0.6,Shuttiewrth Body Brussels ,.$51.75 LUXURIOUS "MADE-IN-OREGQN" Overstuffed Furniture That Bespeaks Tone and Refinement vVi,:v : Edwards! 1' YES Tone and Refinement, plus EleganSce and Distinct 2 iveness fitly characterize the . charmingly beautiful xapcstry-vvcrsxuneu ana wanogany-win-t-ane suites, upholstered with velour.. Never before has Edwards displayed so wqnderful a Hne as now. Yes, the entire first floor has been given over to this showing of over stuffed and mahogany. ' . Pay Your Family and Friends the compliment of intelligent and -artistic planning n4 satisfy your own craving for that which is lovely in jform and color .brinf beauty and charm to your home. On or two of these . luxurious pieces with Intrinsic worth and incomparable beauty will bring delight,' notsonly for present,, but foi years to com. ,- Easy Terms No interest Arrange to Fit Each auiv luuai (vequireiBen V acuiim Cleaners With the rolling by of vacation days your thoughts naturally turn toward home and fireside. A Torrlngton Electric cleans draperies and overstuffed furniture as well as carpets and rugs. I 1 Here's That 4VESTA" Double-Service : ' Combination You've Been Waiting For. See It Tomorrow Vf "tent Yes I The Vesta Is Two Separate and Distinct Ranges Built Together j Upon One Base, Including Hot Water Coils and Gas Connec tions, installed In your kitchen on the conven ient terms of. $25 Cash $3 Week No Interest " Your Old Stove taken as part, too. Vital Facte Yu Must Not Overlook Tkey're Pleasing, Toe t - Four-hole Foil shed Wood and Coal Top. Four-burner and Sunnier Qaa ' Top, lSxlS-ineh Weed and Coal Baiting Oven. , Uil-inch uas Baking Oven. Gas Fire Lighter no more kindl(af). Use Both Ovens and Both Tops at the Same Time If You v Like No Restrictions When You Have the Vesta All nickel trimmings are plain (no grease catching scrolls), white enamel " splashers on back and oven door, broiler underneath the gas oven. Kame burner beats both) gas oven and broiler. If you Jkre going! to install a furnace, get a good one. ' -1 Before you buy any other Edwards would ' like to tell you about this Homer Pipeless Ventilator Furnace?! ' To have healthful heat there must be st all times circulation. That's why Edwards ($ recommending the HOMER rttUXSS VENTILATOR JFURNACE, which has the never-failing : Thermo-Seal Inner Lining Hoe "the arrows in, the oiustratlen showing now the cold air U "Uktn lnM and "comes out' warmed and sterilised" after passing between the tirepot and the Thrmo-yeai I4nng. I .Homer ii Furnaces have been Installed tn nearly every section of the city-- per hapa there"! one in your neighborhood, fbooe Main ml. " Installed on Easy Terms " II, No Interest - CeaLliU iieea . j- A : 1 J2 -ttl Hear Your Eavorite Record on Through the New Oval Horn ! S I i lllll'ii C i , " .1 -'-'" Myl Oh, my I You didn't know thers was such a thing. Then, there's the Ultona, too. Just you ' see. and hear them. Do it this welk. " " - "Ohi Isn't it prettyl" That's what nearly everyone fays. But looks, were not so ' much consid ered when Brunswick built it.. .r i Th aM-wood oval horn, taper ing Into a perfectly round throat, - was added that fuller and better "ROUND TONE" would be pro duced. The , Ultona is an' over-sized Reproducer that plays any disk record made. Both Ultona and Oval Horn are patented, making them exclusive Brunswick features. Morer Offerings From Edwards' -'" I f '. m !:-?: .' . .1 : ! i Jttug section -9xt2 Worsted .Wilton Velvet -yxia anaaorn urass Kugs i., -3x10 Japanese Grass Rugs ..4.. ......- -9xtS Japanese Matting Rugs ...,.,..,,., , ' -5x 9 Japanese Matting Rugs Z, -xtl Congoleum Gold Seal Art Rues..,.,..,,,. ' - x 9. Genuine Linoleum Rugs -Armstrong B Grade Inlaid Linoleum, per square yard! -Armstrong C Grade Inlaid Linoleum, per square yardj -Genuine Burlap Back Print Linoleum, per squire yardJ $93.50 18.75 10.50 9.75 4.85 .$19.8$ $12.75 $ $ -" 2.25 ' $1.45 ng is - i i a r weew e v - I 1 I Almost qts Fine as Fabric Beautu fully Finished . X Baby if physical needs of babies and mothers; combined with mod ern requirements for 'beauty and stability of structure are here- All finishes are! pene trated into the wickers, mak ing them practically everlast- ? . ! - I ' You . can see i them on the balcony right above the Fifth street windows loday. t ' J T - t s !; int